Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20170113 : comparem

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20170113

not superstitious. because today is friday, january 13th. good morning, everyone, i'm jan carabeo. jim donovan is off today. katie and meisha are keeping an eye on things. i haven't seen a cat -- black cat or ladder, but i'm still superstitious. >> are you guys superstitious? >> i consider myself that way. >> but i'm cautious. >> exactly. >> i actually have a black cat at home, so i'm kind of -- >> i would take him home, too, if i saw him on the street. i would want him to comb home, yes. >> that's what makes me not superstitious. good morning, happy friday to you. starting off really good note in terms of travel. no accident. not one this morning. >> knock on wood. >> i know, i hope. i've been saying it for the past hour, i got to tell you after a week we've had with the wet roadways, so nice for commuters. >> nice change of pace for us out there. it looks like the wet letter stay dry at least for now. that's good. you had mentioned dollars snow on the way for tomorrow. so a lot more detail on, that and the timing, how much, all of that good stuff here as the show progresses, but nor now i get you out the door at this point. i had a couple of stray straws rolling through the radar the last few hours, long gone, just left with some clouds, those, too, moving through pretty swiftly, skies are clearing readily. and it is because of cold front passage. that happens through the overnight. so the breeze is also scheduled to pick up. we have already hit our early morning daytime high. many of us were in the upper 50's, in the last two hours, even low six off's, that's something that will continue to change with time. as we ends up in the mid 40's at best through the second half of the day. in addition to that, also going to have to factor in a breeze. so what you see may not be what you get on the thermometer. one of those you have to factor in for windchill. it may feel as much as five if not locally 10 degrees colder, and any time the winds is blowing. so yes, by 7:00, bottom out to 38 degrees, and it towns to bottom out into the overnight into the 20's, cold air set the stage for the next storm system. granted by the time it reaches us, pretty weak looking system, but regardless, there is another round of snow on the way, and again, i'll have more of the details on whether it get here, how much, just a little later on. >> i'm so lappy we will see the sun today. right? specially on a friday, everyone wants to see the sun on a friday, and even saturday. good morning, everybody. well, every day. good mornings everyone, tgif. new jersey, 42 freeway, northbound, creek road, heating up. overall what it looks like cracking into the 6:00 hour specially friday morning. schuylkill headlights moving in the eastbound direction near king of prussia. starting to heat up here as well. but, overall, i still got to say cracking into the 6:00 we can expect that. we will see how levels tends to pan out. usually ends up kind of finding their fried in the 7:00 hour and main hour on the rush on a friday. see what happens here. starting to build levels there little bit. then still dealing with some construction route nine closed at tilt on road until right around now. that should be clearing. alternate, until then, garden state parkway, shore road, going to be your best bet. another place of construction this morning, pa turnpike evening between valley hill and norristown two, left lanes blocked there. then we have downed wires today hatboro, montgomery avenue right now is blocked, because of it, and between york road and penn street. looking at this alternate, monument avenue, a lot of alternates that you will have to take today. but use them. otherwise you'll find yourself in a pin itch. >> new this morning, police now on the scene of overnight shooting in south philadelphia. they tell us the victim was struck in his stomach at 25th and ritner streets around 2:30 this morning. that man is now in stable condition. >> and that shooting was just one of several reported in the city overnight. "eyewitness news" reporter anita o live at police headquarters now with more on what has been an extremely violent night. anita? >> reporter: that's right. jan, police say an up tick in the temperatures are leading to up tick in violence, we do know that there were multiple shooting scenes overnight, two people are dead, and at least seven are injured. you're looking at video from one of the faith al shooting scenes on the 4500 block of melrose street in frankford. it happened just after 8:30 last night. police say the 40 year old victim was standing outside after bar, talking to a female friend, when the shooter saw them from the window. that's when witnesses say the man walk outside, and started firing execution style. >> we found seven spent shell casings, all within feet, some within inches, of his body. so, we know the shooter fired at least seven shots from point blank range. >> but that was just one of the violent encounters on this unseasonably warm night. nineteen year old man is dead, after someone shot him at least ten times in the 2400 block of 76th avenue off ogontz avenue. it happened just after 8:00 last night when the victim was with his girlfriend. she describes the man in all dark clothing running from the scene. >> philadelphia police still have a lot more investigating to do with at least four other shooting scenes to work through, as well. we also know that a 71 year old man is recovering at the hospital, after he was shot, mr. is say, he was an innocent bystander. reporting at police headquarters, anita o cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> anita, thank you. meanwhile montgomery county man accused of sexually assaulting young girl over the course of four years is held on $500,000 bail. police arrested brian monica of limerick township yesterday. the 29 year old is facing charges related to raping and sexually assaulting a child from when show was just nine years old until she was 13. police say the victim told a school counselor who then alerted police. monica's preliminary hearing is set for february the third. with just one week to go before inauguration day, president-elect donald trump is facing questions about his ties to russia, so are his cabinet nominees. also another investigation overhill hill's emails. correspondent hena daniels has the details. >> president-elect donald trump's pick to lead the pentagon became the latest to break with him. taking a harder line on rash. at his confirmation hearing yesterday, retired marine general james mattis calls russia's america's number one threat. >> the most important thing is that we recognize the reality of what we deal with, with mr. putin, and we recognize that he's trying to break the north atlantic alliance. >> mr. trump's choice, republican mike, bash the conclusion of the intelligence community that russia hacked the dnc. >> this was aggressive action taken by the senior leadership inside of russia. and america has an obligation and the cia has a part that far obligation to protect that information. >> just this week, mr. trump accused the intelligence community of leaking unverified reports that russia has come pro rising information about him. us government sources, fbi director james comey personally briefed the president-elect about the unsubstantiated allegation last friday. director comey is now facing internal investigation into possible leaks at his own agency. the inspector general of the justice department announced it is looking into the fbi's investigation of hillary clinton's private e-mail server. will examine allegation that is policies and procedures were not followed. last summer, comey cleared clinton of any wrong-doing in the case. then, reopened the investigation, just 12 days before the election. hena daniels, for cbs-3, "eyewitness news". and president-elect donald trump will take the oath of office a week from today. so, stay right here with cbs-3 "eyewitness news" and for continuing coverage of the presidential inauguration. well, today the house of representatives will take up the budget bill passed early yesterday by the senate, and is to speed up the repeal of obamacare. took senators seven hours every debate to pass the bill nearly a long party lines. the republican led congress wants to get rid of president obama affordable care act, but many house numb members reluctant to get rid of obamacare without replace until the place. >> former congressman chaka fattah request to stay out every prison as he moves forwards with his appeal has been denied. fattah convicted on corruption charges ganger in june, will begin serving january 25th. meantime fattah supporters sent letter to president obama asking him to pardon the former politician in the letter they site his contribution toss society, and raise questions about the initial charges against him. still ahead: overcome with emotion. a surprise moment at the white house bridges the have i president to tears. and the worse of winter severe weather slams several part of the country. where officials are calling the national guard ahead of an upcoming ice storm. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> nothing severe for our wet they are friday the 13th, katie back to tell us about winter weather for the weekend. we'll be back in just a moment. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ try therafluexpressmax,you back now in new caplets. it's the only cold & flu caplet that has a maximum strength formula with a unique warming sensation you instantly feel. theraflu. for a powerful comeback. new expressmax caplets. >> women come back, the midwest will be hit with a crippling ice storm, in the past few days, it has rock the western us, floods, heavy snow, causing thousands to evacuate their homes. read bin john tells us more about the storm and how people are preparing. >> so the bottom line, we see this coming. >> governor of missouri declaring state of emergency, for an ice storm set to hit the mid section. >> quick reaction force, so that we have our national guard members who are available to take on the mission as they will be assigned. >> the ice storm is expected to hit oklahoma, kansas, missouri and and illinois where icy conditions froze up the morning commute for train passengers thursday. >> couldn't make it up to here to the bridge. we finally did after four times back and forth, to get some momentum. on the bridge we lost power. >> some riders stuck for upward five hours due to ice on the tracks and overhead wiring. the west coast also reeling from severe wet they are week. frigid temperatures in oregon proving deadly for the homeless in portland, with the bodies of several hypothermia victims found this month. california, also taking a winter weather hit, heavy snow. >> we have plows and drivers out right now as we speak. and we've had them out since p in the morning. >> other part of the state hit with flooding this week a mid heavy rainfall. >> just few days ago, you are looking at vinyards, and now pretty much a lake. >> cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> this weekend looking at little bit of snow katie. thankfully nothing quite like that. >> it is just so extreme. you see the images coming out of california, oregon, just unbelievable. we're not in a drought situation whether it comes to the snowfall, but those of that you are snow lovers, are casino every wondering, well, when do we get ours? and the next round that does come along, actually, likes like it might even dip in some spots. we will get to that in a second. right now what sets the stage, cold front, that's dropping through here, already crossed through. clearing out behind it. so the transition is now currently underway, where you will start to see the temperatures dropping off with every passing hour essentially. here is s icing that begins to build across southern missouri, and eventually into kansas, already, into oklahoma this is actually the same system. it will move in tomorrow. for us, it is a much weaker storm. it is really going to be the bull's eye across central plane state, like those that i just mentioned. let's jump you all the way to tomorrow afternoon. that is when things get underway. and it isn't all that impressive whether it comes to precipitation. but, it is enough, we have to talk about it, and we will see temperatures mid to up 30th's at best by the time this is moving in, it will continue to link near the early evening. notice very spotty. best chance to see anything that's at all just persistent, would be across southern delaware, or really any part of delaware, southern new jersey. you go advice the the lehigh valley, may not see one flake, heck, may not see one in burlington county or portions of camden county so spotty snow on the northern fringe of this. so the general timing between two and 10:00 p.m. hazards are as such, the whoa mixed bag, sleet, freezing rain, rain. further south go may end up being slippery. talking snow that would be accumulating generally coating to up to an inch absolute max, and generally less than a couple of hundreds of an inch every ice. that will will leave just enough of fine glaze you have to worry about slick travel. we won't be shoveling any of this away. more after nuisance, still be careful again p.m. hours most specially. come sunday, we're in the clear. clouds are decreasing, back to some sunshine as the home show continues for yet another day then we rebound, 50's, by tuesday already. meisha? >> okay, thank you so much, katie. good morning, happy friday to you. we will be seeing the sunshine today. that's good news. maybe not going to be as hot as it was yesterday. but, what we are looking at right now, our roadways, and they're nice and dry. because of that, we've had no problems this morning. just been talking about construction, looking both southbound, northbound direction, you can see, slow, typical on a friday morning in the 6:00 hour. uncle still leave your homes when you normally would, no problems to report there. and none on the vine, vine looking good. closed overnight for construction both moving in the westbound and eastbound direction. overall what we can expect on a friday. we do have police activity, pull your attention to this, those of that you take the roosevelt boulevard southbound at somerdale avenue inner lanes right now are blocked. you will have police activity, a lot of light out there. guess what else you will? gaper delays because of t if i were you, i would avoid the area if you k if you can't, give yourselves some extra time. a lot more it talk b first, we'll take a quick break. stay right where you are. cbs-3 "eyewitness news" will be right back. >> roosevelt boulevard, police searching for a man who escaped from the back after police car, while handcuffed. it is happening on the southbound inner lanes at somerdale. that's in the lawncrest section of philadelphia. we're told a suspect was in custody after crashing his car into an off-duty pennsylvania state trooper. there is no word on injuries at this time. authorities describe the suspect as a black man, in silky green athletic top, stay with us this morning for more details on this breaking news story. now, for a look at the newspaper headlines, from across our region. the front page of the times herald reports on several montgomery county mothers, who are now working to keep the memory of 14 year old grace packer alive. after details of her horrific assault and murderer released last weekend. the women have started a facebook group in packer's memory have, helped raise money for her memorial service this monday in glennside. >> the bucks county courier times reports, photo i.d.'s will be required for spectators at all sporting event at harriet truman high school. comes a mid recent issues, it goes into effect january 17th. >> and on the cover of the town talk in southern delco, little avery gram was speechless, when a caravan of police cars and firetrucks stopped in front of his house recently. standing outside was his hero, officer steve, holding police uniform made specially for the five year old. it was officer's way of thanking avery for selling wrist bands in the community to raise money for officer's cancer treatment costs. >> and that's a look at the newspaper headlines, from across our region. >> and still ahead right here on cbs-3 "eyewitness news", the emotional moment that brought vice president joe biden to tears at the white house. and then in our next half hour, the insiders, michael yo. >> how about now? nervous? >> no. >> how about now? >> that's more calming. i'm about to go to sleep. >> he's used to interviewing celebrities, but michael yo can also tell jokes. or you can see his stand up act in philly, that's straight ahead. >> welcome back, looking ahead to much colder weekend in the delaware valley. as the coal air is currently moving in, sets the stage, actually end up with very modest snow tomorrow. not like what we saw last weekends, but coating to inch, certainly possible, in the p.m. hours, maybe little icing, as well, especially in our southern counties. jan? >> katie, thank you. well we all know president obama and vice president joe biden have a lot of admiration for each other, of bromance, if you will, well, that admiration was on full display yesterday when the president surprised the vice president with the highest civilian honor. correspondent kenneth craig takes us therefore the emotional surprise ceremony. >> emotional vice president joe biden wiped away tears and accepted the nation's highest civilian honor from his good friend. president obama. >> for your fate in your fellow americans, for your love of country, and for your lifetime of service that will endure through the generation. >> medal of freedom came as a surprise. the event was set up without the vice president's knowledge. it quickly became -- >> also gives the internet one last chance to talk about our bromance. >> president obama called the vice president the best possible choice for the job. >> behind the scenes, joe is candid, honest council, has made me a better president, and a better commander in chief. >> the vice president was humbled. >> i don't deserve this. but i know it came from the president's heart. >> vice president biden returned the compliment to his boss. >> i can say i was part of, part of the journey of a remarkable man who did remarkable things for this country. >> the two men shared and embrace, one week before they become private citizens. kennel craig for cbs-3, "eyewitness news". and still ahead right here on cbs-3 "eyewitness news". we are live at the pennsylvania convention center this morning. for a look at what's new at this year's home show. and a frightening moment for a state trooper who ambushed at an accident scene, how good samaritan came to his rescue. first here's meisha. >> and we are looking outside right now. overall i will say things actually look pretty good this morning. but over the past few minutes, things are starting to change right now. i'm going to tell you all that's going on when we come back. first we will take a quick break. stay right where you are. cbs-3 "eyewitness news" will be right that's why i use excedrin.n hold because of a headache. it has two pain fighters plus a booster and for some, headache relief starts in just 15 minutes. now moments lost to headaches are moments gained with excedrin. [heartbeat] of being there for my son's winning shot. that was it for me. that's why i'm quitting with nicorette. only nicorette mini has a patented fast dissolving formula. it starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. every great why needs a great how. more or breaking news from the city lawncrest section. chopper three is live over somerdale and the boulevard where authorities are searching for a suspect who escaped a police cruiser his hands handcuffed behind his back. the suspect described as a black male with silky green athletic top because in custody after crashing his vehicle into an off-duty state trooper's car. stay with us for more details on this breaking news story. good morning, everyone, i'm jan carabeo. jim donovan is off today. it is now 6:31, here is what you you you need to know today in your morning minute. >> police want to know what happened in the moment before a man was shot in the stomach in extremely violent night indeed. we know that two people are dead. and seven more injured, in multiple shooting scenes over night. >> fbi director james comey says he's grateful for an investigation into the justice department, and the fbi. the justice department is looking into how both handled the probe into hillary clinton's private e-mail server. today the house expects to take up the budget bill passed by the senate early yesterday. that will speed up the end of the affordable care act. oh, just waking up from a quick nap here at the philly home show. getting ready for all of the festivities. >> claude giroux. on his birthday. >> he scores. the flyers win the hockey game. >> birthday boy claude giroux with the game winner. the flyers win it in a shoot-out five to four. so a very happy birthday for him. katie, i have a feeling that a lot of snow lovers in our area might be happy this weekend, too? >> yes, now, not looking at the same kind of scenario we saw last weekends where we ended up with the very, very stark snow gradient across the region, but little more of the white stuff on the way for us here. looking ahead to tomorrow, man what a difference a day makes, talking statistics, how high do you think we went yesterday? sixty-seven. can you believe this? typical for mid to late april, in fact, and we were 27 solid degrees above average. just unbelievable winter warmth. not like we've never seen it, but we are really on a serious roller coaster. that's where we peak. now, we're in the mid and low 50's, and i will tell you here on the skydeck i was out just an hour ago, it feels markedly colder at this point. see the blue contours starting to take over on our temperature map. the winds is beginning to pick up. that's going to help it feel that much colder. at the moment, storm scan pretty quiet. empty out, clearing out overhead, we see the colder air invade, cold front itself actually depart out to sea. winds really have pick up. we went on the air 4:30, right around five to at worse 10 miles per hour. definitely increased from that. so, we're going to continue to have to deal with the winds throughout the rest of the day. you will notice it. but also notice actually bright, sunny out there, too. that's at least the trade off we ends up with here, what we will find, temperatures that sort of hover into the 50's, the next hour or two, then continues to slowly decline, and we're sure stuck at level off into the 40's, as we hit the afternoon time frame. but coming up this is cold air. that set the stage. and as we mention, there is little bit of snow on the way it, gets here tomorrow. so meisha, coming up a bit later, when does it get here, how much are we talking, who gets most impacted? i'll answer all of those questions a little later on. >> thank you, as they say, all good things must come to an end, actually what we're seeing in the worlds of travel as well. great, tgif to all of you, now things starting to change. little bit. live chopper three over some police activity, roosevelt boulevard southbound at somerdale avenue. the inner lane, inner lanes are blocked, jan was actually just talking about this little bit ago. take a look at all of the activity down there. so, if you are headed naught that direction be prepared a to slow down, and also, caught up in what i would say a lot of gaper activity will be going on here, a lot of people will be tapping on the brakes, taking a peak what's going on, when you have this many police vehicles out there, all of them with their lights on, and the reports that it is supporting one man fleeing the scene, cops chasing that individual, i can tell you right now just really going to slow you down. so avoid the area altogether. even though it is just saying that the inner drives, inner drive is what's block off right now. i would say avoid the area at all costs. you can see, take look at all of the vehicles around there. they're not going anywhere. doesn't matter where you are trying to go, everyone at a stand still right now until they figure out what's going on until this gets cleared out of your way. again roosevelt boulevard, stay out of this area. and also, moving on, 95, we had accident there, that's now since been cleared. so i go right to this accident right here. blue route southbound, off ramp p to lima springfield there is accident still out there. just heads up on that for those of you in and around that area. then we have another accident as well. route 322 at market street, this is one with injuries, that just popped up for us. so it is beginning to take a little built after turn. we were doing so well and now starting to turn little bit. a lot more vehicles starting to get out on the roads this morning as we push toward our main hour of the rush. overall rolled waits nice and dry, still lingering construction, we will be talking about that coming up in the next ten minutes, jan, back over to you. >> meisha, thank you. philadelphia police say warm wet choir have played role in night at several shootings throughout the city. here on the 2400 block of 76 avenue, a 19 year old man was shot ten times and killed last night, other shootings took place in frankford, where man was shot execution style, outside after bar. four other overnight shootings happened city-wide, in all, two were killed, and seven were injured. >> meantime, arizona state trooper recovering this morning, after he was ambushed and shot twice on the side after road outside of phoenix. that trooper, might not be alive this morning, if not for the heroic actions of two good samaritans, here's hena daniels. >> hello, officer down, outside, come in, please. >> panic motorist, used arizona trooper edward anderson's two way radio to alert police that the 27 year veteran had been shot in the middle of interstate ten. >> he's in real bad shape. police, helicopter police. >> drama unfolded early in the morning when anderson responded to 911 call that someone was shooting on the dark freeway. >> when he arrived, he saw the roll over car accident. the officer was setting up warning flares, investigators say the suspect opened fire. >> and in the middle of know where. it is pitch black. cars wizzing by 80 to eight a miles per hour. and someone come out of the darkness and medically shoot you? >> a passing motorist head today california with his wife saw trooper anderson wrestling with the suspect and new he was in trouble. the driver pulled over, and got out every his car. >> the trooper says please help me. that person retreats back to his vehicle. removes his own weapon, from the vehicle, confronts the suspect, the un involved party fires, striking and killing the suspect. >> anderson was returned to local hospital where he remains in serious but stable condition this morning. hena daniels, for cbs-3, "eyewitness news". back here at home, members of one of northeast philadelphia's oldest synogogues are taking a stand against recent act of vandalism. stained glass windows at temple menorrah in talcony smashed by rocks on friday. at a town watch meeting last night. synogogue members discussed how to address these potentially hateful ac, it was the second time in under two months, that iraq was thrown -- that a rock was thrown at their window. >> this type of activity is not welcome in our community. >> i know several of us are concerned that the political situation and things that are going on in our country right now make us concerned that we may have been targeted. because this religious institution, in particular. >> now, anonymous donor from florida is offering $10,000 for the capture and conviction of the person who broke those windows. it is a popular place to sit and hang out. if you are in rittenhouse square today, sitting it some places might get you into some trouble. this week, philadelphia's park and recreation department put up new signs around rittenhouse square. they tell the park visitors not to sit on the always. if you have been there, you know the walls make for some popular seats. >> a list actors headed to the city of brotherly love to fill a.m. new movie. who you might see around town just ahead. plus this. >> we had to get michael yo here, baby. common now. >> he has the inside scoop on all of the celebrities, but he's also a stand up comedian. did you know that? and this weekend the insider's michael yo is bringing his act to philadelphia. and we will talk to him live on our set in just a few minutes. but first, here's pat gallen live at the philly home show. hey, pat? >> reporter: hey, jan, we are here at the home show. than is a head board. but it is not just any head board. it is beautiful. but it can also help a great cause here in the philadelphia area, using these wood pallets. we will tell you about that coming up. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> can't wait, actually, pat to see those things down at the home show, and get some helpful hints for your next home improvement project. that's when "eyewitness news" continues. stay with us. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ ♪ ♪ >> ♪ it kept coming back in different places. cancer treatment centers of america gave me treatment options i didn't know about before. i want to be around just to be a grandma. learn more at i need to promote my new busi can make that business cards? business cards, brochures, banners... pens? pens, magnets, luggage tags, bumper stickers. how about foam fingers? like these? now, get 15% off making your company stand out. staples. make more happen. >> terrifying moment caught on camera, fed ex truck slips and slides down snowy mountain highway. apparently something went wrong with the truck, causing the brakes to lock up. incredibly the truck and the driver made it down that mountain. that region has been dealing with the snow and ice. >> oh, thank goodness. that's the most terrifying thing to me. >> it is, you have literally no control over that situation. >> like you said, we are not dealing with that kind of icing. but we are very likely to see some sleet tomorrow. not today. that's helpful. >> good news. >> we get you outside, a look at what's going on out there on storm scan right now, i want to show you the wide zoom. talking about this possibility of some ice, some snow, moving into our region, come tomorrow. so that gets here into the p.m. hours. we will go over that in a second. also, going to get quick check with the eyewitness weather watches ers, as well, right now finding warm air. don't get used to it, folks, take a look, temperatures generally in the 50's, show you the list format, sometimes easier to process, starting, though, to now find some temperatures into the 40's, across some of our area. and that's most notable into southeastern pennsylvania, so at 58 currently in egg harbor township from browns mills, mary ann checking in at two. handful of 48, 49 plus degree temperature readings we are finding around the region. go on back then to the graph innings, jump it forward for you here. take a look what we can expect tomorrow. generally comes again into the p.m. hours, light snow, wintery mix. talking coating to inch, max. so we're not shoveling any of this away. but could certainly lead to some slow or slick travel. it will start south of the city. and then maybe even evening period of sleet out there. but, again, accumulation looks pretty minor out of. >> this tan does common saturday which is helpful, if you have errands to run, could you get slowed down by it, certainly going to the home show no less. moving forward, all over the place lately it seems. we rebounds again, mid 50's, tuesday, wednesday, and thursday. so a light, say, at the ends of the proverbial tunnel if you are not a fan of the chill, luckily won't hang around all that long. >> good. good. see you later. that's what i say, katie. see you later. hey our morning commuters, do not get mad at me. i jinxed t said no accidents this morning. all the sudden in the past 20 minutes things starting to change. hang with me here. live chopper three over police activity on the roosevelt boulevard somerdale avenue. inner lane block. inner lane okay. take a look. you want to mess with this? look at all of the squad cars, all of the lights going on, you will have massive gaper delay here. even though the outer drive is open, do not go anywhere near this area. i'll put that out there right now. now going back outside, jen will talk a little bit more about this, we go out to live shot here. ninety-five south before girard, take a look at this, what we are starting to heat up on this friday morning as well. but with that being said, i want to pull your attention to that beautiful sky. as katie point the out we will be seeing some sunshine today. big thumbs-up. accident with jet. 322 at market street, avoid that area if you can. dealing with our friends construction, pa turnpike between valley hill, two right lanes block there. in the world of mass transit, heads up, city buses and trolleys running modified schedule monday martin luther king day. heads up on. that will check the schedules on line. you will need to do that. also look at this, travel times, looking good. jan, back over to you. >> thank you. from a room remodel to picking up furniture, whether you are a pro at do it yourself project or looking to sheen up your skills a bit, philly home show has plenty of expert advice. "eyewitness news" reporter pat gallen is liver at the convention center this morning, with the preview. morning, pat. >> reporter: good morning, jan. it is important to sharpen your skills when it comes to the home. which is something that i'm not very good at. my wife kind of hate me for that. but, this is the perfect place to learn. she doesn't hate me. just kidding. this is allison here from the home show. what we are looking at here, wood pallets. now, this is all part of a great cause. so allison, tell us about that. >> sure, this is our fifth annual up cycle challenge. here at the philly home show. one of my favorite features here at the show. we have local participants, really creative people who take one, we have theme every year there is year the pallet. so they took some pallets, they created some amazing pieces. and everything will be on facebook for voting. the person who wins the contest gets a great prize. but most importantly, all of the pieces go back to the habitat for human at this restore in philly on washington avenue. after the show you can go in and bid on all of the pieces, all of the proceeds from those sales go to habitat for humanity. >> everything we are looking at here from the store? we have beautiful furniture. >> yes, everything at the restore is fantastic. you can get furniture, building supplies, tiles, it is so much more than just furniture. >> sure. >> you know, if you're doing anything in your house, i totally recommend shopping there. >> yes. >> because you could get some great deals. and if you have a little bit of creativity or no someone with a little creativity. >> not me. >> well, not me either. but i know people. and i have them refinish pieces for me all the time. and it is great. because then you have really unique pieces in your home. >> some hoe show details if people want to come out this weekend and next? >> sure. we open today at 11:00 we will be open today, tomorrow, sunday, monday, formatter inch luther king day. then we reopen next friday. >> great. >> for the weekends respect as women. so we have seven days for people to come and be inspired and get great ideas for their home. >> i'm inspired already. this is also part of it. so amanda, tell us about this piece in particular that you worked on? >> all right. so this is a coffee table i made. and it is an interpretation of the recycling symbol. we actually, able i'm actually lucky my husband is a mechanic, he got compressor delivered. for things that heavy they'll use higher quality wood. snow is actually an oak table. >> very cool. >> it-had to be stronger pallet. >> love it. thank you so much for showing thus piece. habitat for humanity, that's where it goes to. so you're helping out great cause, jen, you got to love it. >> thank you so much. it is now 6:50, a lot coming up on cbs this morning, nora owe o'donnell joins us from new york with a preview. morning, nora. >> reporter: good morning to you, jan, ahead president obama's final network interview before leaving the white house. on cbs and steve croft 60 minutes is here with part of their conversation. >> plus for the first time since spectacular explosion space x ready to try launching again. we're at the launch pad in california with it progress for traveling to mars. also, doctor john with the news sweeping report on the health effect of marijuana. and homeland, the big premiere sunday, love that show. see you guys right at 7:00. >> we do, too, nor, a see you then. philadelphia will be the backdrop for upcoming hollywood movie. filming for the un touch recalls set to begin in next next month. stars nicole kidman, ryan kranston, and philly's own funny man kevin hart. the film based open french comedy that looks at the relationship between wealthy paraplegic and unemployed man with a criminal record who is hired to help. and from hollywood headlines to celebrity interviews, he keeps us informed all the time on the latest happenings in the world of entertainment. >> yo. >> we had to get michael yo here, baby. come on, now. got to make it happen. >> that man i am talking about is michael yo. >> always does the best interviews, michael yo gets up close and personal with all of the stars in hollywood on the insider on cbs-3, but this weekend guess what michael performing here in philadelphia, and he joins us live this morning, in studio, round of applause, please, the man is in the house. hello, hello. we all know you have correspondent on the insider, but some people may not know you're a comedian you. >> better know now. >> how did you get started in that? >> chelsey lately. chelsey had me on the show. i was a comedian, then everywhere i flew, where are you performing tonight? okay. i'm comedian now. so i started performing tan just blew up. thanks to her, this all started. so, i say any comedian that was on chelsey handler, like the american idol of comedy. if were you on her show would you blow up. i love her to death. love you, kelly. >> keeping you busy with the comedy, the insider, you interview all of these celebrities. so i got to put you on the spot. who is your favorite interview then? >> i have two. will smith and kevin hart. >> hopefully -- >> look, do you have. >> oh, come on, now. >> common. >> our viewers will love you for saying that, but why? >> because will smith is just a genuine guy. and what's crazy, i interview reality stars like housewives and stuff like that, attitude, will smith, no attitude at all. and he is a major a list celebrity. down to earth. and kevin hart, always encouraged me about comedy, like you got to go to philly. you got to go to philly. so i'm here, philly, let's do this. >> before we get information about your shows coming up, we got to ask, what's a favorite event you might be looking forward to? we know the globes happened last week. >> oh, oscars, you know the oscars, i mean, i'm so excited for the oscars, i love seeing all of the celebrities walk down the red carpet and interviewing them. so it is so much fun to be around that. you kind of pinch yourself is this real? am i really hanging out with danzel washington. >> speaking you have do you have any predictions then? >> i want danzel to win an oscar. i want him to get nominated, those come out january 24th. so let's do this. >> fantastic. >> it was. >> it was so good, so good. >> acting top notch. so of course we have to talk about your show coming up in fill. >> i let's do it. >> we will be -- it will be funny. it talks about my life t talks about like i have a lot of celebrity stories. so really funny. you get to see my life up close and personal. and i got a special thing, if you go to my website michael yo. com/hook up, i'm hook people up for free randomly. >> i hear, too, the first stop in filly? >> this is my first time ever in philly. so i need to know where to get the real cheese steaks, i don't want to get caught in the tourist traffic. feel free to reach out. tweet me at michael yo. >> michael will be performing this friday saturday, of course always you can catch the insider 7:30 p.m. right here on cbs-3. thank you so much. you are so fun. >> no, you are so awesome. >> you are so fun. >> i oh, my gosh. >> oh, my gosh. >> hey, check him out. you won't be disappointed. we will be right it's perfect. it's beautiful. there's nothing we would change about it. it's beautiful. the things that i consume a lot of it is very acidic. the enamel on my teeth was actually weakening. the whiteness wasn't there as much. my teeth didn't look as healthy as others. my dentist said that pronamel would help fight against that erosion that foods and drinks were causing. so it was really important to start using the pronamel. it'll be one less thing you have to worry about. pronamel is now giving me the confidence to know that i'm doing the right thing. so it's nice to know that it's as simple as that. ♪ ♪ >> welcome back, here is three to go. manhunt is now underway, after a suspect escaped police cruiser after being arrested, and it happened at somerdale avenue and roosevelt boulevard, in lawncrest, that man was handcuffed, and is still on the loose this morning. >> seven people are recovering this morning, after a specially violent night in the city of philadelphia. police responded to six shooting scenes between yesterday and this morning. those shootings have left two people dead. and, house of representatives taking up senate bill today. the bill designed to speed up the repeal of obamacare. and that's your three to go. well, we have celebrate add lot of important days here on cbs-3 "eyewitness news", but none like this one. you guys, check this out. this is rubber ducky day. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> oh, how cute is that? rubber ducky day being comes from sesame street, where ernie celebrated his pal's birthday on january 13th. the rubber duck, big rubber duck, has livened up bath tike for generations of youngsters before and after ernie. the rubber ducky was inducted into the toy hall hall of fame n 2013. >> so cute. >> that bridges a smile to your face. i love it. >> christmas theme rubber duckies are sable, we have two of them. amazing. nice clear skies, the win will continue to pick up. by tomorrow, meisha, light coating to inch of snow or sleet. >> all right, well we will take that, i guess we have no choice. center lane just squeezing by here overall the commute starting to slow down now. next on cbs this morning, preview of 60 minutes and president obama's final interview before leaving the white house. remember, you can always join us each weekday at 4:30, captioning funded by cbs good morning. it is friday, january 13th, 2017. welcome to "cbs this morning." the justice department investigates fbi director james comey's handling of the hillary clinton e-mail probe, and sources say comey himself told president-elect trump that russia may have embarrassing information about him. president obama tells "60 minutes" not to underestimate mr. trump. steve kroft with the last tv interview. and we're on the launchpad tomorrow after a disastrous explosion. but we begin this morning with today's "eye opener," your world in 90 seconds.

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Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20170113 :

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20170113

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not superstitious. because today is friday, january 13th. good morning, everyone, i'm jan carabeo. jim donovan is off today. katie and meisha are keeping an eye on things. i haven't seen a cat -- black cat or ladder, but i'm still superstitious. >> are you guys superstitious? >> i consider myself that way. >> but i'm cautious. >> exactly. >> i actually have a black cat at home, so i'm kind of -- >> i would take him home, too, if i saw him on the street. i would want him to comb home, yes. >> that's what makes me not superstitious. good morning, happy friday to you. starting off really good note in terms of travel. no accident. not one this morning. >> knock on wood. >> i know, i hope. i've been saying it for the past hour, i got to tell you after a week we've had with the wet roadways, so nice for commuters. >> nice change of pace for us out there. it looks like the wet letter stay dry at least for now. that's good. you had mentioned dollars snow on the way for tomorrow. so a lot more detail on, that and the timing, how much, all of that good stuff here as the show progresses, but nor now i get you out the door at this point. i had a couple of stray straws rolling through the radar the last few hours, long gone, just left with some clouds, those, too, moving through pretty swiftly, skies are clearing readily. and it is because of cold front passage. that happens through the overnight. so the breeze is also scheduled to pick up. we have already hit our early morning daytime high. many of us were in the upper 50's, in the last two hours, even low six off's, that's something that will continue to change with time. as we ends up in the mid 40's at best through the second half of the day. in addition to that, also going to have to factor in a breeze. so what you see may not be what you get on the thermometer. one of those you have to factor in for windchill. it may feel as much as five if not locally 10 degrees colder, and any time the winds is blowing. so yes, by 7:00, bottom out to 38 degrees, and it towns to bottom out into the overnight into the 20's, cold air set the stage for the next storm system. granted by the time it reaches us, pretty weak looking system, but regardless, there is another round of snow on the way, and again, i'll have more of the details on whether it get here, how much, just a little later on. >> i'm so lappy we will see the sun today. right? specially on a friday, everyone wants to see the sun on a friday, and even saturday. good morning, everybody. well, every day. good mornings everyone, tgif. new jersey, 42 freeway, northbound, creek road, heating up. overall what it looks like cracking into the 6:00 hour specially friday morning. schuylkill headlights moving in the eastbound direction near king of prussia. starting to heat up here as well. but, overall, i still got to say cracking into the 6:00 we can expect that. we will see how levels tends to pan out. usually ends up kind of finding their fried in the 7:00 hour and main hour on the rush on a friday. see what happens here. starting to build levels there little bit. then still dealing with some construction route nine closed at tilt on road until right around now. that should be clearing. alternate, until then, garden state parkway, shore road, going to be your best bet. another place of construction this morning, pa turnpike evening between valley hill and norristown two, left lanes blocked there. then we have downed wires today hatboro, montgomery avenue right now is blocked, because of it, and between york road and penn street. looking at this alternate, monument avenue, a lot of alternates that you will have to take today. but use them. otherwise you'll find yourself in a pin itch. >> new this morning, police now on the scene of overnight shooting in south philadelphia. they tell us the victim was struck in his stomach at 25th and ritner streets around 2:30 this morning. that man is now in stable condition. >> and that shooting was just one of several reported in the city overnight. "eyewitness news" reporter anita o live at police headquarters now with more on what has been an extremely violent night. anita? >> reporter: that's right. jan, police say an up tick in the temperatures are leading to up tick in violence, we do know that there were multiple shooting scenes overnight, two people are dead, and at least seven are injured. you're looking at video from one of the faith al shooting scenes on the 4500 block of melrose street in frankford. it happened just after 8:30 last night. police say the 40 year old victim was standing outside after bar, talking to a female friend, when the shooter saw them from the window. that's when witnesses say the man walk outside, and started firing execution style. >> we found seven spent shell casings, all within feet, some within inches, of his body. so, we know the shooter fired at least seven shots from point blank range. >> but that was just one of the violent encounters on this unseasonably warm night. nineteen year old man is dead, after someone shot him at least ten times in the 2400 block of 76th avenue off ogontz avenue. it happened just after 8:00 last night when the victim was with his girlfriend. she describes the man in all dark clothing running from the scene. >> philadelphia police still have a lot more investigating to do with at least four other shooting scenes to work through, as well. we also know that a 71 year old man is recovering at the hospital, after he was shot, mr. is say, he was an innocent bystander. reporting at police headquarters, anita o cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> anita, thank you. meanwhile montgomery county man accused of sexually assaulting young girl over the course of four years is held on $500,000 bail. police arrested brian monica of limerick township yesterday. the 29 year old is facing charges related to raping and sexually assaulting a child from when show was just nine years old until she was 13. police say the victim told a school counselor who then alerted police. monica's preliminary hearing is set for february the third. with just one week to go before inauguration day, president-elect donald trump is facing questions about his ties to russia, so are his cabinet nominees. also another investigation overhill hill's emails. correspondent hena daniels has the details. >> president-elect donald trump's pick to lead the pentagon became the latest to break with him. taking a harder line on rash. at his confirmation hearing yesterday, retired marine general james mattis calls russia's america's number one threat. >> the most important thing is that we recognize the reality of what we deal with, with mr. putin, and we recognize that he's trying to break the north atlantic alliance. >> mr. trump's choice, republican mike, bash the conclusion of the intelligence community that russia hacked the dnc. >> this was aggressive action taken by the senior leadership inside of russia. and america has an obligation and the cia has a part that far obligation to protect that information. >> just this week, mr. trump accused the intelligence community of leaking unverified reports that russia has come pro rising information about him. us government sources, fbi director james comey personally briefed the president-elect about the unsubstantiated allegation last friday. director comey is now facing internal investigation into possible leaks at his own agency. the inspector general of the justice department announced it is looking into the fbi's investigation of hillary clinton's private e-mail server. will examine allegation that is policies and procedures were not followed. last summer, comey cleared clinton of any wrong-doing in the case. then, reopened the investigation, just 12 days before the election. hena daniels, for cbs-3, "eyewitness news". and president-elect donald trump will take the oath of office a week from today. so, stay right here with cbs-3 "eyewitness news" and for continuing coverage of the presidential inauguration. well, today the house of representatives will take up the budget bill passed early yesterday by the senate, and is to speed up the repeal of obamacare. took senators seven hours every debate to pass the bill nearly a long party lines. the republican led congress wants to get rid of president obama affordable care act, but many house numb members reluctant to get rid of obamacare without replace until the place. >> former congressman chaka fattah request to stay out every prison as he moves forwards with his appeal has been denied. fattah convicted on corruption charges ganger in june, will begin serving january 25th. meantime fattah supporters sent letter to president obama asking him to pardon the former politician in the letter they site his contribution toss society, and raise questions about the initial charges against him. still ahead: overcome with emotion. a surprise moment at the white house bridges the have i president to tears. and the worse of winter severe weather slams several part of the country. where officials are calling the national guard ahead of an upcoming ice storm. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> nothing severe for our wet they are friday the 13th, katie back to tell us about winter weather for the weekend. we'll be back in just a moment. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ try therafluexpressmax,you back now in new caplets. it's the only cold & flu caplet that has a maximum strength formula with a unique warming sensation you instantly feel. theraflu. for a powerful comeback. new expressmax caplets. >> women come back, the midwest will be hit with a crippling ice storm, in the past few days, it has rock the western us, floods, heavy snow, causing thousands to evacuate their homes. read bin john tells us more about the storm and how people are preparing. >> so the bottom line, we see this coming. >> governor of missouri declaring state of emergency, for an ice storm set to hit the mid section. >> quick reaction force, so that we have our national guard members who are available to take on the mission as they will be assigned. >> the ice storm is expected to hit oklahoma, kansas, missouri and and illinois where icy conditions froze up the morning commute for train passengers thursday. >> couldn't make it up to here to the bridge. we finally did after four times back and forth, to get some momentum. on the bridge we lost power. >> some riders stuck for upward five hours due to ice on the tracks and overhead wiring. the west coast also reeling from severe wet they are week. frigid temperatures in oregon proving deadly for the homeless in portland, with the bodies of several hypothermia victims found this month. california, also taking a winter weather hit, heavy snow. >> we have plows and drivers out right now as we speak. and we've had them out since p in the morning. >> other part of the state hit with flooding this week a mid heavy rainfall. >> just few days ago, you are looking at vinyards, and now pretty much a lake. >> cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> this weekend looking at little bit of snow katie. thankfully nothing quite like that. >> it is just so extreme. you see the images coming out of california, oregon, just unbelievable. we're not in a drought situation whether it comes to the snowfall, but those of that you are snow lovers, are casino every wondering, well, when do we get ours? and the next round that does come along, actually, likes like it might even dip in some spots. we will get to that in a second. right now what sets the stage, cold front, that's dropping through here, already crossed through. clearing out behind it. so the transition is now currently underway, where you will start to see the temperatures dropping off with every passing hour essentially. here is s icing that begins to build across southern missouri, and eventually into kansas, already, into oklahoma this is actually the same system. it will move in tomorrow. for us, it is a much weaker storm. it is really going to be the bull's eye across central plane state, like those that i just mentioned. let's jump you all the way to tomorrow afternoon. that is when things get underway. and it isn't all that impressive whether it comes to precipitation. but, it is enough, we have to talk about it, and we will see temperatures mid to up 30th's at best by the time this is moving in, it will continue to link near the early evening. notice very spotty. best chance to see anything that's at all just persistent, would be across southern delaware, or really any part of delaware, southern new jersey. you go advice the the lehigh valley, may not see one flake, heck, may not see one in burlington county or portions of camden county so spotty snow on the northern fringe of this. so the general timing between two and 10:00 p.m. hazards are as such, the whoa mixed bag, sleet, freezing rain, rain. further south go may end up being slippery. talking snow that would be accumulating generally coating to up to an inch absolute max, and generally less than a couple of hundreds of an inch every ice. that will will leave just enough of fine glaze you have to worry about slick travel. we won't be shoveling any of this away. more after nuisance, still be careful again p.m. hours most specially. come sunday, we're in the clear. clouds are decreasing, back to some sunshine as the home show continues for yet another day then we rebound, 50's, by tuesday already. meisha? >> okay, thank you so much, katie. good morning, happy friday to you. we will be seeing the sunshine today. that's good news. maybe not going to be as hot as it was yesterday. but, what we are looking at right now, our roadways, and they're nice and dry. because of that, we've had no problems this morning. just been talking about construction, looking both southbound, northbound direction, you can see, slow, typical on a friday morning in the 6:00 hour. uncle still leave your homes when you normally would, no problems to report there. and none on the vine, vine looking good. closed overnight for construction both moving in the westbound and eastbound direction. overall what we can expect on a friday. we do have police activity, pull your attention to this, those of that you take the roosevelt boulevard southbound at somerdale avenue inner lanes right now are blocked. you will have police activity, a lot of light out there. guess what else you will? gaper delays because of t if i were you, i would avoid the area if you k if you can't, give yourselves some extra time. a lot more it talk b first, we'll take a quick break. stay right where you are. cbs-3 "eyewitness news" will be right back. >> roosevelt boulevard, police searching for a man who escaped from the back after police car, while handcuffed. it is happening on the southbound inner lanes at somerdale. that's in the lawncrest section of philadelphia. we're told a suspect was in custody after crashing his car into an off-duty pennsylvania state trooper. there is no word on injuries at this time. authorities describe the suspect as a black man, in silky green athletic top, stay with us this morning for more details on this breaking news story. now, for a look at the newspaper headlines, from across our region. the front page of the times herald reports on several montgomery county mothers, who are now working to keep the memory of 14 year old grace packer alive. after details of her horrific assault and murderer released last weekend. the women have started a facebook group in packer's memory have, helped raise money for her memorial service this monday in glennside. >> the bucks county courier times reports, photo i.d.'s will be required for spectators at all sporting event at harriet truman high school. comes a mid recent issues, it goes into effect january 17th. >> and on the cover of the town talk in southern delco, little avery gram was speechless, when a caravan of police cars and firetrucks stopped in front of his house recently. standing outside was his hero, officer steve, holding police uniform made specially for the five year old. it was officer's way of thanking avery for selling wrist bands in the community to raise money for officer's cancer treatment costs. >> and that's a look at the newspaper headlines, from across our region. >> and still ahead right here on cbs-3 "eyewitness news", the emotional moment that brought vice president joe biden to tears at the white house. and then in our next half hour, the insiders, michael yo. >> how about now? nervous? >> no. >> how about now? >> that's more calming. i'm about to go to sleep. >> he's used to interviewing celebrities, but michael yo can also tell jokes. or you can see his stand up act in philly, that's straight ahead. >> welcome back, looking ahead to much colder weekend in the delaware valley. as the coal air is currently moving in, sets the stage, actually end up with very modest snow tomorrow. not like what we saw last weekends, but coating to inch, certainly possible, in the p.m. hours, maybe little icing, as well, especially in our southern counties. jan? >> katie, thank you. well we all know president obama and vice president joe biden have a lot of admiration for each other, of bromance, if you will, well, that admiration was on full display yesterday when the president surprised the vice president with the highest civilian honor. correspondent kenneth craig takes us therefore the emotional surprise ceremony. >> emotional vice president joe biden wiped away tears and accepted the nation's highest civilian honor from his good friend. president obama. >> for your fate in your fellow americans, for your love of country, and for your lifetime of service that will endure through the generation. >> medal of freedom came as a surprise. the event was set up without the vice president's knowledge. it quickly became -- >> also gives the internet one last chance to talk about our bromance. >> president obama called the vice president the best possible choice for the job. >> behind the scenes, joe is candid, honest council, has made me a better president, and a better commander in chief. >> the vice president was humbled. >> i don't deserve this. but i know it came from the president's heart. >> vice president biden returned the compliment to his boss. >> i can say i was part of, part of the journey of a remarkable man who did remarkable things for this country. >> the two men shared and embrace, one week before they become private citizens. kennel craig for cbs-3, "eyewitness news". and still ahead right here on cbs-3 "eyewitness news". we are live at the pennsylvania convention center this morning. for a look at what's new at this year's home show. and a frightening moment for a state trooper who ambushed at an accident scene, how good samaritan came to his rescue. first here's meisha. >> and we are looking outside right now. overall i will say things actually look pretty good this morning. but over the past few minutes, things are starting to change right now. i'm going to tell you all that's going on when we come back. first we will take a quick break. stay right where you are. cbs-3 "eyewitness news" will be right that's why i use excedrin.n hold because of a headache. it has two pain fighters plus a booster and for some, headache relief starts in just 15 minutes. now moments lost to headaches are moments gained with excedrin. [heartbeat] of being there for my son's winning shot. that was it for me. that's why i'm quitting with nicorette. only nicorette mini has a patented fast dissolving formula. it starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. every great why needs a great how. more or breaking news from the city lawncrest section. chopper three is live over somerdale and the boulevard where authorities are searching for a suspect who escaped a police cruiser his hands handcuffed behind his back. the suspect described as a black male with silky green athletic top because in custody after crashing his vehicle into an off-duty state trooper's car. stay with us for more details on this breaking news story. good morning, everyone, i'm jan carabeo. jim donovan is off today. it is now 6:31, here is what you you you need to know today in your morning minute. >> police want to know what happened in the moment before a man was shot in the stomach in extremely violent night indeed. we know that two people are dead. and seven more injured, in multiple shooting scenes over night. >> fbi director james comey says he's grateful for an investigation into the justice department, and the fbi. the justice department is looking into how both handled the probe into hillary clinton's private e-mail server. today the house expects to take up the budget bill passed by the senate early yesterday. that will speed up the end of the affordable care act. oh, just waking up from a quick nap here at the philly home show. getting ready for all of the festivities. >> claude giroux. on his birthday. >> he scores. the flyers win the hockey game. >> birthday boy claude giroux with the game winner. the flyers win it in a shoot-out five to four. so a very happy birthday for him. katie, i have a feeling that a lot of snow lovers in our area might be happy this weekend, too? >> yes, now, not looking at the same kind of scenario we saw last weekends where we ended up with the very, very stark snow gradient across the region, but little more of the white stuff on the way for us here. looking ahead to tomorrow, man what a difference a day makes, talking statistics, how high do you think we went yesterday? sixty-seven. can you believe this? typical for mid to late april, in fact, and we were 27 solid degrees above average. just unbelievable winter warmth. not like we've never seen it, but we are really on a serious roller coaster. that's where we peak. now, we're in the mid and low 50's, and i will tell you here on the skydeck i was out just an hour ago, it feels markedly colder at this point. see the blue contours starting to take over on our temperature map. the winds is beginning to pick up. that's going to help it feel that much colder. at the moment, storm scan pretty quiet. empty out, clearing out overhead, we see the colder air invade, cold front itself actually depart out to sea. winds really have pick up. we went on the air 4:30, right around five to at worse 10 miles per hour. definitely increased from that. so, we're going to continue to have to deal with the winds throughout the rest of the day. you will notice it. but also notice actually bright, sunny out there, too. that's at least the trade off we ends up with here, what we will find, temperatures that sort of hover into the 50's, the next hour or two, then continues to slowly decline, and we're sure stuck at level off into the 40's, as we hit the afternoon time frame. but coming up this is cold air. that set the stage. and as we mention, there is little bit of snow on the way it, gets here tomorrow. so meisha, coming up a bit later, when does it get here, how much are we talking, who gets most impacted? i'll answer all of those questions a little later on. >> thank you, as they say, all good things must come to an end, actually what we're seeing in the worlds of travel as well. great, tgif to all of you, now things starting to change. little bit. live chopper three over some police activity, roosevelt boulevard southbound at somerdale avenue. the inner lane, inner lanes are blocked, jan was actually just talking about this little bit ago. take a look at all of the activity down there. so, if you are headed naught that direction be prepared a to slow down, and also, caught up in what i would say a lot of gaper activity will be going on here, a lot of people will be tapping on the brakes, taking a peak what's going on, when you have this many police vehicles out there, all of them with their lights on, and the reports that it is supporting one man fleeing the scene, cops chasing that individual, i can tell you right now just really going to slow you down. so avoid the area altogether. even though it is just saying that the inner drives, inner drive is what's block off right now. i would say avoid the area at all costs. you can see, take look at all of the vehicles around there. they're not going anywhere. doesn't matter where you are trying to go, everyone at a stand still right now until they figure out what's going on until this gets cleared out of your way. again roosevelt boulevard, stay out of this area. and also, moving on, 95, we had accident there, that's now since been cleared. so i go right to this accident right here. blue route southbound, off ramp p to lima springfield there is accident still out there. just heads up on that for those of you in and around that area. then we have another accident as well. route 322 at market street, this is one with injuries, that just popped up for us. so it is beginning to take a little built after turn. we were doing so well and now starting to turn little bit. a lot more vehicles starting to get out on the roads this morning as we push toward our main hour of the rush. overall rolled waits nice and dry, still lingering construction, we will be talking about that coming up in the next ten minutes, jan, back over to you. >> meisha, thank you. philadelphia police say warm wet choir have played role in night at several shootings throughout the city. here on the 2400 block of 76 avenue, a 19 year old man was shot ten times and killed last night, other shootings took place in frankford, where man was shot execution style, outside after bar. four other overnight shootings happened city-wide, in all, two were killed, and seven were injured. >> meantime, arizona state trooper recovering this morning, after he was ambushed and shot twice on the side after road outside of phoenix. that trooper, might not be alive this morning, if not for the heroic actions of two good samaritans, here's hena daniels. >> hello, officer down, outside, come in, please. >> panic motorist, used arizona trooper edward anderson's two way radio to alert police that the 27 year veteran had been shot in the middle of interstate ten. >> he's in real bad shape. police, helicopter police. >> drama unfolded early in the morning when anderson responded to 911 call that someone was shooting on the dark freeway. >> when he arrived, he saw the roll over car accident. the officer was setting up warning flares, investigators say the suspect opened fire. >> and in the middle of know where. it is pitch black. cars wizzing by 80 to eight a miles per hour. and someone come out of the darkness and medically shoot you? >> a passing motorist head today california with his wife saw trooper anderson wrestling with the suspect and new he was in trouble. the driver pulled over, and got out every his car. >> the trooper says please help me. that person retreats back to his vehicle. removes his own weapon, from the vehicle, confronts the suspect, the un involved party fires, striking and killing the suspect. >> anderson was returned to local hospital where he remains in serious but stable condition this morning. hena daniels, for cbs-3, "eyewitness news". back here at home, members of one of northeast philadelphia's oldest synogogues are taking a stand against recent act of vandalism. stained glass windows at temple menorrah in talcony smashed by rocks on friday. at a town watch meeting last night. synogogue members discussed how to address these potentially hateful ac, it was the second time in under two months, that iraq was thrown -- that a rock was thrown at their window. >> this type of activity is not welcome in our community. >> i know several of us are concerned that the political situation and things that are going on in our country right now make us concerned that we may have been targeted. because this religious institution, in particular. >> now, anonymous donor from florida is offering $10,000 for the capture and conviction of the person who broke those windows. it is a popular place to sit and hang out. if you are in rittenhouse square today, sitting it some places might get you into some trouble. this week, philadelphia's park and recreation department put up new signs around rittenhouse square. they tell the park visitors not to sit on the always. if you have been there, you know the walls make for some popular seats. >> a list actors headed to the city of brotherly love to fill a.m. new movie. who you might see around town just ahead. plus this. >> we had to get michael yo here, baby. common now. >> he has the inside scoop on all of the celebrities, but he's also a stand up comedian. did you know that? and this weekend the insider's michael yo is bringing his act to philadelphia. and we will talk to him live on our set in just a few minutes. but first, here's pat gallen live at the philly home show. hey, pat? >> reporter: hey, jan, we are here at the home show. than is a head board. but it is not just any head board. it is beautiful. but it can also help a great cause here in the philadelphia area, using these wood pallets. we will tell you about that coming up. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> can't wait, actually, pat to see those things down at the home show, and get some helpful hints for your next home improvement project. that's when "eyewitness news" continues. stay with us. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ ♪ ♪ >> ♪ it kept coming back in different places. cancer treatment centers of america gave me treatment options i didn't know about before. i want to be around just to be a grandma. learn more at i need to promote my new busi can make that business cards? business cards, brochures, banners... pens? pens, magnets, luggage tags, bumper stickers. how about foam fingers? like these? now, get 15% off making your company stand out. staples. make more happen. >> terrifying moment caught on camera, fed ex truck slips and slides down snowy mountain highway. apparently something went wrong with the truck, causing the brakes to lock up. incredibly the truck and the driver made it down that mountain. that region has been dealing with the snow and ice. >> oh, thank goodness. that's the most terrifying thing to me. >> it is, you have literally no control over that situation. >> like you said, we are not dealing with that kind of icing. but we are very likely to see some sleet tomorrow. not today. that's helpful. >> good news. >> we get you outside, a look at what's going on out there on storm scan right now, i want to show you the wide zoom. talking about this possibility of some ice, some snow, moving into our region, come tomorrow. so that gets here into the p.m. hours. we will go over that in a second. also, going to get quick check with the eyewitness weather watches ers, as well, right now finding warm air. don't get used to it, folks, take a look, temperatures generally in the 50's, show you the list format, sometimes easier to process, starting, though, to now find some temperatures into the 40's, across some of our area. and that's most notable into southeastern pennsylvania, so at 58 currently in egg harbor township from browns mills, mary ann checking in at two. handful of 48, 49 plus degree temperature readings we are finding around the region. go on back then to the graph innings, jump it forward for you here. take a look what we can expect tomorrow. generally comes again into the p.m. hours, light snow, wintery mix. talking coating to inch, max. so we're not shoveling any of this away. but could certainly lead to some slow or slick travel. it will start south of the city. and then maybe even evening period of sleet out there. but, again, accumulation looks pretty minor out of. >> this tan does common saturday which is helpful, if you have errands to run, could you get slowed down by it, certainly going to the home show no less. moving forward, all over the place lately it seems. we rebounds again, mid 50's, tuesday, wednesday, and thursday. so a light, say, at the ends of the proverbial tunnel if you are not a fan of the chill, luckily won't hang around all that long. >> good. good. see you later. that's what i say, katie. see you later. hey our morning commuters, do not get mad at me. i jinxed t said no accidents this morning. all the sudden in the past 20 minutes things starting to change. hang with me here. live chopper three over police activity on the roosevelt boulevard somerdale avenue. inner lane block. inner lane okay. take a look. you want to mess with this? look at all of the squad cars, all of the lights going on, you will have massive gaper delay here. even though the outer drive is open, do not go anywhere near this area. i'll put that out there right now. now going back outside, jen will talk a little bit more about this, we go out to live shot here. ninety-five south before girard, take a look at this, what we are starting to heat up on this friday morning as well. but with that being said, i want to pull your attention to that beautiful sky. as katie point the out we will be seeing some sunshine today. big thumbs-up. accident with jet. 322 at market street, avoid that area if you can. dealing with our friends construction, pa turnpike between valley hill, two right lanes block there. in the world of mass transit, heads up, city buses and trolleys running modified schedule monday martin luther king day. heads up on. that will check the schedules on line. you will need to do that. also look at this, travel times, looking good. jan, back over to you. >> thank you. from a room remodel to picking up furniture, whether you are a pro at do it yourself project or looking to sheen up your skills a bit, philly home show has plenty of expert advice. "eyewitness news" reporter pat gallen is liver at the convention center this morning, with the preview. morning, pat. >> reporter: good morning, jan. it is important to sharpen your skills when it comes to the home. which is something that i'm not very good at. my wife kind of hate me for that. but, this is the perfect place to learn. she doesn't hate me. just kidding. this is allison here from the home show. what we are looking at here, wood pallets. now, this is all part of a great cause. so allison, tell us about that. >> sure, this is our fifth annual up cycle challenge. here at the philly home show. one of my favorite features here at the show. we have local participants, really creative people who take one, we have theme every year there is year the pallet. so they took some pallets, they created some amazing pieces. and everything will be on facebook for voting. the person who wins the contest gets a great prize. but most importantly, all of the pieces go back to the habitat for human at this restore in philly on washington avenue. after the show you can go in and bid on all of the pieces, all of the proceeds from those sales go to habitat for humanity. >> everything we are looking at here from the store? we have beautiful furniture. >> yes, everything at the restore is fantastic. you can get furniture, building supplies, tiles, it is so much more than just furniture. >> sure. >> you know, if you're doing anything in your house, i totally recommend shopping there. >> yes. >> because you could get some great deals. and if you have a little bit of creativity or no someone with a little creativity. >> not me. >> well, not me either. but i know people. and i have them refinish pieces for me all the time. and it is great. because then you have really unique pieces in your home. >> some hoe show details if people want to come out this weekend and next? >> sure. we open today at 11:00 we will be open today, tomorrow, sunday, monday, formatter inch luther king day. then we reopen next friday. >> great. >> for the weekends respect as women. so we have seven days for people to come and be inspired and get great ideas for their home. >> i'm inspired already. this is also part of it. so amanda, tell us about this piece in particular that you worked on? >> all right. so this is a coffee table i made. and it is an interpretation of the recycling symbol. we actually, able i'm actually lucky my husband is a mechanic, he got compressor delivered. for things that heavy they'll use higher quality wood. snow is actually an oak table. >> very cool. >> it-had to be stronger pallet. >> love it. thank you so much for showing thus piece. habitat for humanity, that's where it goes to. so you're helping out great cause, jen, you got to love it. >> thank you so much. it is now 6:50, a lot coming up on cbs this morning, nora owe o'donnell joins us from new york with a preview. morning, nora. >> reporter: good morning to you, jan, ahead president obama's final network interview before leaving the white house. on cbs and steve croft 60 minutes is here with part of their conversation. >> plus for the first time since spectacular explosion space x ready to try launching again. we're at the launch pad in california with it progress for traveling to mars. also, doctor john with the news sweeping report on the health effect of marijuana. and homeland, the big premiere sunday, love that show. see you guys right at 7:00. >> we do, too, nor, a see you then. philadelphia will be the backdrop for upcoming hollywood movie. filming for the un touch recalls set to begin in next next month. stars nicole kidman, ryan kranston, and philly's own funny man kevin hart. the film based open french comedy that looks at the relationship between wealthy paraplegic and unemployed man with a criminal record who is hired to help. and from hollywood headlines to celebrity interviews, he keeps us informed all the time on the latest happenings in the world of entertainment. >> yo. >> we had to get michael yo here, baby. come on, now. got to make it happen. >> that man i am talking about is michael yo. >> always does the best interviews, michael yo gets up close and personal with all of the stars in hollywood on the insider on cbs-3, but this weekend guess what michael performing here in philadelphia, and he joins us live this morning, in studio, round of applause, please, the man is in the house. hello, hello. we all know you have correspondent on the insider, but some people may not know you're a comedian you. >> better know now. >> how did you get started in that? >> chelsey lately. chelsey had me on the show. i was a comedian, then everywhere i flew, where are you performing tonight? okay. i'm comedian now. so i started performing tan just blew up. thanks to her, this all started. so, i say any comedian that was on chelsey handler, like the american idol of comedy. if were you on her show would you blow up. i love her to death. love you, kelly. >> keeping you busy with the comedy, the insider, you interview all of these celebrities. so i got to put you on the spot. who is your favorite interview then? >> i have two. will smith and kevin hart. >> hopefully -- >> look, do you have. >> oh, come on, now. >> common. >> our viewers will love you for saying that, but why? >> because will smith is just a genuine guy. and what's crazy, i interview reality stars like housewives and stuff like that, attitude, will smith, no attitude at all. and he is a major a list celebrity. down to earth. and kevin hart, always encouraged me about comedy, like you got to go to philly. you got to go to philly. so i'm here, philly, let's do this. >> before we get information about your shows coming up, we got to ask, what's a favorite event you might be looking forward to? we know the globes happened last week. >> oh, oscars, you know the oscars, i mean, i'm so excited for the oscars, i love seeing all of the celebrities walk down the red carpet and interviewing them. so it is so much fun to be around that. you kind of pinch yourself is this real? am i really hanging out with danzel washington. >> speaking you have do you have any predictions then? >> i want danzel to win an oscar. i want him to get nominated, those come out january 24th. so let's do this. >> fantastic. >> it was. >> it was so good, so good. >> acting top notch. so of course we have to talk about your show coming up in fill. >> i let's do it. >> we will be -- it will be funny. it talks about my life t talks about like i have a lot of celebrity stories. so really funny. you get to see my life up close and personal. and i got a special thing, if you go to my website michael yo. com/hook up, i'm hook people up for free randomly. >> i hear, too, the first stop in filly? >> this is my first time ever in philly. so i need to know where to get the real cheese steaks, i don't want to get caught in the tourist traffic. feel free to reach out. tweet me at michael yo. >> michael will be performing this friday saturday, of course always you can catch the insider 7:30 p.m. right here on cbs-3. thank you so much. you are so fun. >> no, you are so awesome. >> you are so fun. >> i oh, my gosh. >> oh, my gosh. >> hey, check him out. you won't be disappointed. we will be right it's perfect. it's beautiful. there's nothing we would change about it. it's beautiful. the things that i consume a lot of it is very acidic. the enamel on my teeth was actually weakening. the whiteness wasn't there as much. my teeth didn't look as healthy as others. my dentist said that pronamel would help fight against that erosion that foods and drinks were causing. so it was really important to start using the pronamel. it'll be one less thing you have to worry about. pronamel is now giving me the confidence to know that i'm doing the right thing. so it's nice to know that it's as simple as that. ♪ ♪ >> welcome back, here is three to go. manhunt is now underway, after a suspect escaped police cruiser after being arrested, and it happened at somerdale avenue and roosevelt boulevard, in lawncrest, that man was handcuffed, and is still on the loose this morning. >> seven people are recovering this morning, after a specially violent night in the city of philadelphia. police responded to six shooting scenes between yesterday and this morning. those shootings have left two people dead. and, house of representatives taking up senate bill today. the bill designed to speed up the repeal of obamacare. and that's your three to go. well, we have celebrate add lot of important days here on cbs-3 "eyewitness news", but none like this one. you guys, check this out. this is rubber ducky day. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> oh, how cute is that? rubber ducky day being comes from sesame street, where ernie celebrated his pal's birthday on january 13th. the rubber duck, big rubber duck, has livened up bath tike for generations of youngsters before and after ernie. the rubber ducky was inducted into the toy hall hall of fame n 2013. >> so cute. >> that bridges a smile to your face. i love it. >> christmas theme rubber duckies are sable, we have two of them. amazing. nice clear skies, the win will continue to pick up. by tomorrow, meisha, light coating to inch of snow or sleet. >> all right, well we will take that, i guess we have no choice. center lane just squeezing by here overall the commute starting to slow down now. next on cbs this morning, preview of 60 minutes and president obama's final interview before leaving the white house. remember, you can always join us each weekday at 4:30, captioning funded by cbs good morning. it is friday, january 13th, 2017. welcome to "cbs this morning." the justice department investigates fbi director james comey's handling of the hillary clinton e-mail probe, and sources say comey himself told president-elect trump that russia may have embarrassing information about him. president obama tells "60 minutes" not to underestimate mr. trump. steve kroft with the last tv interview. and we're on the launchpad tomorrow after a disastrous explosion. but we begin this morning with today's "eye opener," your world in 90 seconds.

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