Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20161029 : comparem

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20161029

october 29th, i'm jan carabao. get outside to enjoy weather on tap, here's meteorologist justin drabick with eyewitness weather. justin 70 degrees, late october does that go too much. >> lower 60's where we should be. the last weekend we were talking about 80's but 70's making a come back. >> and we will enjoy it. >> yes, certainly tomorrow, we will talk about mid 70's for afternoon temperatures. tomorrow, warmest day out of the next several and we will bring back rain chances but most of the weekend does stay on the dry side. this morning, it is clear, calm but little bit chilly outside with temperatures below freezing in spots looking at center city with clear skies. right now airport is 40 degrees. yesterday was pretty windy, now wind have been calmed. they will increase later this morning. no harsh wind chills this morning but look at temperature change, compared to this time yesterday, we were out friday morning at 6:00 o'clock, it was ten to 15 . big difference this morning. but by the afternoon you can ditch that, 32 in allentown. thirty-eight wilmington, freezing, millville, suburbs below treeing up in quakertown, pottstown, willow grove checking in at 33. nice and quiet, we do have some showers to the north of us over upstate new york, warm front that is pushing on through, and allowing that warmer air to move from the south and west. increase in the southeasterly win gets us close to 70 degrees this afternoon around philadelphia, upper 60's at the shore in the sunshine and poconos break out in the lower 60's and then tomorrow, it is even warmer, with a few rain chances, we will talk about that and we will look at that halloween forecast in a few more minutes, back over to you. new this morning, two cars collide in philadelphia's nicetown neighborhood sending one person to the hospital, this happened around 1:15 at west hunting park avenue and north 19th street. police say one of the cars caught fire and two park cars were damaged as well. one man is in stable condition, the cause of that accident is under investigation. the fbi is reopening its investigation into hillary clinton's use of the private e-mail server, while she was secretary of state. meantime democratic nominee wants fed to release all of those e-mails. >> we are calling on the fbi to release all of the information that it has. even director comey noted that this new information hey not be significant, so let's get it out. >> in rare agreement with clinton both g.o.p. nominee donald trump and his running mate mike pence want those fbi to release those e-mails. "eyewitness news" reporter anita oh is live from the cbs-3 sat center with more. >> reporter: good morning, jan just a week and a half before the presidential election bomb shell news created shock waves on the campaign trail yesterday, investigators say they discovered new e-mails in a separate sexting investigation related to former congressman anthony weiner but now there are more questions then answers including exactly what information those e-mails contain and whether this will affect the outcome of the presidential race. >> director himself has said that he doesn't know whether the e-mails referenced in his letter are significant or not. >> but on friday a bomb shell announcement by fbo director james comey still created shock waves and this letter to several congressional and senate leaders comey wrote newly discover e-mails fund through an unrelated investigation quota period to be pertinent to the previous probe into hillary clinton's private server use, while she was secretary of the state. >> i'm confident that whatever they are will not change the conclusion reached in july. >> reporter: when comey said although investigators found extreme carelessness there was no evidence the to indicate any criminal raining doing or that the clinton camp neglectly miss handled class fight information. republican presidential nominee donald trump a lauded fbi's findings during a rally in new hampshire. >> we hope all justice will finally will be served. >> reporter: his running mate mike pence also echoed that he is thoughts while speak nothing bensalem. >> we call on the fbi to immediately release all of the e-mails pertinent to their reopened investigation. >> reporter: so does this kind of new information, sway decided voters this close to election day. >> there is so much things that are just bad stories that come out recently. i'm more of what issues i agree with. >> i think politics has gone with the dirt, i want to hear issues, what you will do about the issues. >> those two young women are adamant donald trump supporters while man you just saw and his trend support hillary clinton. so far everyone we spoke with said to this close to the election their behind are already hade up. live from the sat center, anita oh for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". we are just ten days away from election day so keep it right here on "eyewitness news" for very latest on campaign 2016. that the transportation safety board is investigating an incident involving an american airlines jet, which hurdled down runway for take off this chicago recently. plane caught fire after a tire burst and passengers had to he evacuate by way of emergency slide. kenneth craig has more on the scramble for safety. >> reporter: passengers inside american airlines flight 383, pushed and screamed, as they tried to escape a burning plane sitting on the chicago runway. video posted to facebook captured the chaos. from the outside at o'hare international airport, another passenger recorded the burning jet and thick black smoke, terrified passengers used the lane's slides to evacuate as emergency crews rushed to put out the flames. >> the big ball of red flames, blew up from that window. that is all i can tell you. >> reporter: boeing 767 was leaving chicago, headed for miami when pilots reported the lane blew a tire and aborted take off. 161 passengers and nine crew members were on board. >> halfway through, getting out, the smoke started to get heavy, so we did a deep breath and took in smoke and that was scary part of the whole thing. >> reporter: more than a dozen people suffered minor yours during the evacuation. >> absolutely devastating if it happened later, if it happened further. i mean there is a thousand variables. >> reporter: american airlines is putting passengers on other flights to miami. kenneth craig for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". we're learning more details about why mike pence's plane skidded off runway at new york's laguardia airport. neither the republican vice-presidential nominee or anybody else on board was injured thursday night. investigators are looking at part of the plane that appeared to be malfunctioning, it is called auto speed brake actuator. >> when they touched down, these spoilers will come up, automatically. if they don't come up automatically and they would not because this auto actuator was not operating, the pilots for manually pull the speed break handle which they did about four seconds after touchdown. >> ntsb will not say if for owe four seconds was adequate enough to deploy spoilers. federal officials are investigating a head on train collision in delaware count that i injured four crew members. the two csx trains crashed near conquered road in chester township, two drew members from each train went to the hospital with minor injuries. tomorrow tuesday, septa bus, subway and trolley riders may need to find an alternate method to get around philadelphia but that is only if a labor dispute is not to settled between septa and transport workers union local 234. last night members prepared picket signs and in northern liberties ahead of the possible strike, sticking points include pension, health care, septa has posted a strike contingency plan on its the web site, the regional rail lines would not ab affect. well, latest scam in our region involving a black mail letter that threatening to tell secrets about your marriage that aren't even true. the writer claims to have evidence of an affair and is asking for $2,000 to make it all disappear. scam artists are demanding payment in bitcoin a type of the hard to trace on line currency. victims have been target add cross our area from northeast philadelphia, chester and montgomery county. >> the way it was phrased and officially written, and person who wrote the the letter made a direct threat we will make information public about you. so you you never know, in this days and age with identity theft, hacking of e-mails and what not, ding tall fingerprints, people can say and do anything, create anything. >> reporter: authorities are working to track down the source of those letters. and scam artists are always finding new creative ways to rip people off, in this three on your side consumer report, jim donovan has add rise to keep you from being targeted, with playing with plastic. >> reporter: from shopping and dining to groceries and gas, paying with plastic is a part of every take life. but sometimes, the simple task of filling up your tank can end up, emptying your bank account. nicole mccormack says she has had her information skimmed several times adding up to about $10,000, stolen from her accounts. even though insurance is covering those losses, it is still a major hassle. >> i immediately shut it off. there i am without my debit card for five to seven days. worst parties i have that tied to so many things these days, whether it is an automatic bill pay, or renewal of a gym membership or whatever it is. so now i have to go in every single time and redo all of that. >> this is least intrusive, most quick way to take somebody's money from this. >> reporter: experts say skimming can happen pretty much anywhere but most popular spots are atm's and gas stations. >> thinks the home manufactured skimming device you would find inside a gas station pump. this would plug into where the terminal would normally use it and plug it in the other end at pay to point system and then right there you're done, that is it. >> reporter: economic crimes investigators matt the le force says often thieves access machines with stolen keys, and many of moved on to using blue tooth to transmit information from the pump to a lap top or tablet, hidden in a nearby vehicle. his advice to take a second before swiping to see if anything looks out of place or damaged. as for nicole. >> i'm trying to be careful but who knows where else maybe it will start to happen next. >> reporter: fraud experts also suggest filling up at pump closest to the cashier as criminals are less likely to try to plant a skimmer in front of the attendant. reporting for three on your side, i'm jim donovan. always good advice. well, are you going sneaker shopping anytime soon? still ahead they can run from 20 bucks to $300 or more but which ones are the best for your feet. we have advice. we also have this. >> immigrate full. inside dracula's castle i'm terry okita, in transylvania romania where two guests will spend holiday night inside the vampire's layer, join i've always taken on the status quo. in harrisburg, they didn't like it when i stopped their perks and pushed for reform. as head of pennsylvania's third-largest county, i cut out wall street middlemen to protect pensions. now, as chairman of the pennsylvania commission on crime, i'm leading the fight to stop the epidemic of heroin and opioid abuse. as attorney general, i'll prosecute anyone who scams our seniors. and i'll hold the oil and gas companies accountable to keep our drinking water safe. i'm josh shapiro. i'll be an attorney general who always fights for you. hillary clinton: far too many families today don't earn what they need and don't have the opportunities they deserve. i believe families deserve quality education for their kids, childcare they can trust and afford, equal pay for women, and jobs they can really live on. people ask me what will be different if i'm president? well kids and families have been the passion of my life and they will be the heart of my presidency. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. republican party bosses looked to find brian fitzpatrick. nearly three thousand miles - that's how far away they "hand-picked" him to run for his brother's seat. but all mike and brian fitzpatrick share is a name. brian fitzpatrick supports a radical republican agenda, including defunding planned parenthood, just like donald trump. a hundred and sixty miles down the road in dc, brian fitzpatrick will put his party first, not pennsylvania families. house majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. it looks like edgar allen poe will be returning to his old philadelphia home just in time for halloween. park ranger will be dressed up as poe at edgar allen poe site. special nighttime tours are part of the edgar allen festival. it includes talk and live action performances. and, two fearless souls become face to fang with the the legend of dracula. winner of a contest will spend a halloween night inside vampire's famed transylvania castle. terry okita went there to find out what tricks and treats are in store for them. >> reporter: this mountain tan man or perched high above transylvania was reserved for royalty, until right now. for first time in its 640 year history, grand castle will open its wooden doors to two overnight guests from the public. the spooky fort is backdrop for 1897 classic, dracula. it holds a candle lit corridors and secret passageways for guests to experience. >> you will arrive in transylvania by horse train carriage and at night, we will go to sleep with only sound of the wolves how long outside the castle. >> reporter: air b and b received more than 80,000 entries for its contest for people long to go spend halloween night in a vampire's layer to regain his strength the story goes dracula need resin side his coffin which is where winners will sleep, if they can. despite his reign of terror the blood thirsty dracula remains the most popular perfect or figure of all time. his great grand nephew says he knows why. >> story revolves around superstitions, methodology and it the has always been in peoples consciousness what happens after you die. >> reporter: guests are warn not to bring garlic, crosses or silver which could scare off the vampire. they will find out soon enough if count dracula lives on. this transylvania, terry okita for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> all right. good saturday morning. nothing scary about this forecast, we are looking at a lot of sunshine today, temperatures 60es, close to 07 . if you like it warm we will like tomorrow's forecast. we will break out in the mid 70's in a few locations. this morning it the is cold. we're waking up much colder then what yesterday morning was at this time, lot of location bees low freezing at this hour. we will go into new jersey right now where we're actually going to start off in northeast fail where john checks in at 36 degrees here in the city. under clear skies. he is looking forward to the warm up. i'm with you, man. we're talk about those temperatures ten to 15 degrees above average coming in for second half of the weekend into new jersey, here you can see we are below freezing right now in allen's house. thirty-one with clear skies. in delran, new jersey at this hour. we will go to delaware, kind of the same deal at freezing in newark at delores lee's house we have 32 degrees under clear skies. officially freezing. lots of frost on the the cars, big difference. we have clear skies. see big dipper. you will do some scraping if you left your car outside. we will go out to palmyra cove, where it is chilly 36. light breeze. 2 miles an hour out of the south east looking across delaware, nice visibility, see sky line this morning. no issues of fog to deal with. the wind has diminish, breezy day, so this morning, better, but overall up and down temperatures, that time of the year, typical, yesterday we made it to 57. that was below average. sixty-two is where we should be this time of the year. today close to 70 for warm spots around the city. the suburbs staying in the upper 60's. then tomorrow low to mid 70's potentially and then we are back to near average on halloween day with a high of 60 degrees and mid 50's return for tuesday and then warms up even more with another run of 70's for middle of next week. quiet on storm scan three. high pressure just to the south is blocking any storms there developing. warm front pushing through the great lakes, upstate, no, bringing a few showers there but south of that front we will get in the warmer air mass. near 07 in st. louis. that warm does track east, over next 12 to 24 hours. the wind are calm this afternoon though, they will switch out of the south. that push necessary warmer air to the deep south. breezy. ten to 15 miles an hour. stays on the breezy side tonight. you will need jacket this evening for dinner. still mild though. low tonight, basically staying in the 60's, maybe upper 50's in the cool spots. tomorrow, wind dies down a little bit more out of the west. cold front that comes through and north wind overtake us for monday and that brings back typical fall-like conditions. today close to 70 in the sunshine, enjoy it, get outside, enjoys nice dry conditions. tomorrow will be a front pushing through late in the day. most areas stay dry for most of the of the afternoon. mid 07's for afternoon temperatures. then for halloween itself, lots of sunshine around. sixty's for high temperatures. big difference there. monday evening looks good for trick or treat events. it will be cool but dry. clear skies. 6:00 o'clock. 55 degrees. 8:00 in the lower 50's. with you nothing terribly cold. nice quiet this this afternoon. sunshine. fair weather cloud from time to time. tonight no problem. tomorrow looks good. even in the afternoon, dry. you will notice more included pushing in. part thely sunny tomorrow but still warm. here we go five or 6:00, showers start to break out and heaviest rainfall moves in during evening hours at 10:00 o'clock sunday night. pockets of steady rain. overall trend, little boost to the jet stream here to the north allows to us stay warm today and tomorrow and we will see another drop in the jet on monday, that is why we see that cooler day with a high near 60. another ridge in the jet stream brings back the warmth for start of the november. that is when we make another run of 70. today near 70, in the the sunshine, tonight mild 59, for the low partly cloudy skies, get that extended forecast pretty quiet. fifty-seven for the high tomorrow. sixty on monday. lower 70's return next wednesday and thursday. jan, back to you. many moms and dads know hottest sneaker trend can be expensive. recent report even says that the global footwear market will reach $115 billion by 2022 but our expensive sneakers better than cheaper ones. correspondent anna warner takes a look. >> three, two, one, go. >> reporter: we are at portland oregon headquarters of sportswear make'sdidas where footwear developers are using motion capture technology to design their latest shoes. mechanical engineers alyss hall explains how it all works. >> the blue kind represent areas that are not stretching as much. >> reporter: it is aira mus sake technology nasa used to analyze the stress on the outer hulls of space shuttles. they will look at the how materials stretch on the foot the while in motion. >> we're using to it map the body and from head to toe. >> reporter: manufacturers, tout their latest innovations with price toes match, some shoes, sell for upward of $300, but are they worth it. >> the way a shoe performs is probably in the related to the price of the shoe. >> reporter: university of nevada biomechanics professor john mercer studies athletic shoes. >> if i spend $150 that shoe hey be no better than 50-dollar shoe. >> it depend, problem with the shoe industry is everyone needs a little different shoe. >> reporter: at mercer's lab in vegas he has analyzed dozens of show brand and styles. >> so if somebody says to you john what kind of shoe should i buy. >> well, don't be brand loyal and don't be model loyal. that means you have to be opened to trying different types of shoes and figure out what will work for you. >> reporter: erect mend taking shoes for a test run and if you are a serious at the let's maybe even have an expert analyze your running style. anna warner, cbs news, new york. >> mercer says if you are among 90 percent of people who strikes pavement with your heel first erect mend a shoe with more cushion and support in the heel. if you tend to run on the front of your feet the he said look for a flat soul. learn something new every take. latest in the da vinchi code franchise is new in theaters this weekend. tom hanks and director ron howard team up for a third time to bring a dan brown best seller to the big screen. we will introduce you to someone new to the franchise and why this actress had concerns about joining the cast, when we come right "in washington, if you don't have some independence, some backbone, you might as well not even be there." backbone?! pat toomey voted 7 times to defund planned parenthood. and when he didnít get his way, toomey threatened to shut down the federal government. now, toomey refuses to tell us whether he's voting for donald trump. but when he's in other parts of the state, toomey's said he wants to support him. pennsylvania just cant trust pat toomey. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. trek or and star of the da vinchi code and angels and demons are back with another mystery action thriller. it is only movie opening this wide release this weekend. david daniel has a look at inferno. >> professor lanning conn, we need your help. >> reporter: tom hanks is back as puzzle solving man robert langdon in inferno. this time in less than the fate of the world is at stake. >> daunte's inferno isn't fix object it is a prophecy. >> someone created a plaque. >> reporter: thinks tom hanks third adventure based on a dan brown novel ape fifth movie directed byron howard a partnership stretching over 30 years. >> he is a great collaborate or an award winning producer, great writer, director in his own right and he is nothing but help. however, i have to prod him in that way because he is so respectful of our friendship. it the is just the way his mo on the set is to let director direct. but i try to drag him into the the creative process as much as i can. i always benefit from it. >> there are lives at stake. >> reporter: new to the franchise is rowing one star felicia jones whose concerns about joining the team were quickly dispelled. >> really stressful and everyone would know each other and have it all down, you know, and that wasn't the case, it was very collaborative, easy, and relaxed and talking about fashionable. so i witness historical cinema display. >> nice to have you back professor. >> in hollywood i'm david daniel. still ahead on "eyewitness news" in our next half an hour. >> i didn't think i was shot this will i saw the blood, man. >> the hero of rittenhouse square, he was shot five times trying to break up a robbery. now he tells us exclusively why he went after the gun man with his bear hand. it is season for politics and pumpkin patch neat the person carved out creative like me, she has pennsylvania working class roots, biden: this is what i know about katie mcginty - and she's never abandoned them. hard work. family. playing it straight. that's katie. and the ads attacking her? they're a bunch of malarkey. katie's career is about looking out for families like yours. creating jobs, keeping our environment safe. she's a wife, a mom, a basketball fan, a homework supervisor. she's like you and she'll fight for you in the united states senate. i'm katie mcginty and i approve this message. good morning, everyone i'm jan carabao, a warm up is in store this weekend. meteorologist justin drabick is outside on the sky deck with eyewitness weather. i have to say justin, i was shivering walking in this morning. it was chilly. >> it is tough to believe we're talking about temperatures back near 70 this weekend but it is cold, below treeing. so much colder then this time yesterday morning. we had clear skies. the good news is the wind are calm. we are not battling any how much wind chills but winds will increase this afternoon. check outnumbers across the delaware val a the 40 at the airport. freezing in allentown. thirty-eight, wilmington delaware, parts of the interior south jersey down around 32 for millville, below freezing in quakertown, 32 degrees in mount holly, new jersey. we're 34 at doylestown. wind are 5 miles an hour or less out of the northwest right now but they will switch around out of the southwest, later this morning in the afternoon. increase to go about 15 miles an hour. that brings in the warmth. we have a few cloud around to the north, north and lehigh valley, poconos not producing any precipitation. we will keep things nice and dry today and get few fair weather cloud, mostly sunny skies. clear, cold this morning temperatures in the 30's this afternoon. the plenty of sun. nice warm up. sixty's to 70 degrees in some spots and then tomorrow well in the 70's. on our way up to 07 for philadelphia cooler at the shore. mid to upper 60's in the sunshine, poconos crack the lower 60's this afternoon under partly sunny skies. mid 70's on the way tomorrow, tracking a few showers around we will time that out and then a bit of the cool down we will talk about in a few minutes, jan, back to you. new this morning an investigation is underway in the fire in philadelphia's northern liberties neighborhood. fire fighters got the call just after 4:45 this morning for a fire on the 1,000 block of germantown avenue. in one was hurt, no word on the extent of the damage either but fire investigators do say that the sprinkler system there helped contain the flames. the fbi is reviewing new e-mails related to hillary clinton's personal server. while investigators don't know significance of those e-mails both clinton and republican ticket are now calling for release of the information, before the election. eye witt the necessary news reporter anita oh is live from the cbs-3 sat center. anita. >> reporter: that is right these newly discover e-mails were found through a separate sexting investigation related to former congressman anthony weiner, married to long time clinton aid huma aberdeen but they have been since separated. fbi director james comey says it is no the yet clear those e-mails are significant the investigation could very well go beyond election day. >> director himself has said that he doesn't know whether the e-mails referenced in his letter are significant or not. >> reporter: on friday a bomb shell by fbi director james comey still created shock waves and in this letter to several congressional and senate leaders, comey wrote newly discovered e-mails found through an unrelated investigation appear to be pertinent to the the previous probe into hillary clinton's private server use while she was secretary of state. >> i'm confident that whatever they are will not change the conclusion reached in july. >> reporter: when comey says although investigators found extreme carelessness there was no evidence to indicate the any criminal raining doing or that the clinton camp they goly mishandled classified information. republican presidential nominee donald trum april broaded the fbi's fine goes during a rally in new hampshire. >> and we hope all, all, justice will finally be served. >> reporter: his running mate mike pence echoed those thoughts, speak nothing bensalem. >> we call on the fbi to immediately release all o e-mails, pertinent to their reopened investigation. >> reporter: so does this kind of of new information, sway decided voters this close to election day? >> there is so many things that are just bad store that is come out recently. i'm more issues i agree with. >> i think politics has gone way too far with the dirt. i want to hear issues and what you will do about the issues. >> reporter: those two women are adamant donald trump supporters while last man there is a clinton supporters. everyone we spoke with say they will not change their vote this close to the election. of course, pennsylvania is a must win swing state for both candidates. clinton will return to philadelphia for a get out the vote event next sat the day. trump has no further campaign events scheduled here before election day. live from the sat center, anita oh for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". we will be watching. well, he tried to foil a robbery in the philadelphia's rittenhouse square section and ended upshot the because of it. now in an "eyewitness news" exclusive this good samaritan opens up about that night. he spoke with our jessica dean about what urged him to put his life on the line. >> i had to do it, you understand what i'm saying. >> reporter: flynn says there was in other option tuesday october 18th. he was wrapping up a night of work, selling drinks and thanks in rittenhouse square, when he noticed young men in the parka roaching different people and asking for money. he says one of them had a gun, so flint, decided to tackle him. flint was shot five times. >> i didn't think i was shot until i saw the blood, man. i really didn't feel anything other than i knew that something was hitting me. i'm watching him do this. it was like, um, um, and i said this can't be serious this can't be real. when one kid tried to steel my bike i get up, i chase him. i got bullets in me chasing someone. i give him to give my mind up, i sit on my bike and look down and see i'm bleeding. this is real. okay, time to go to heaven. >> reporter: flynn's friend found police who rushed him to the hospital where he underwent surgery. >> you are just doing your work and you get the shot five times. >> yes good in the middle of the center city philadelphia is that not surprising to you. >> i'm used to things like this happening. i'm sorry, but i'm black. when you are black, things happen. getting shot, does not hurt. getting shot, does not hurt. healing does. so if anything ever impedes you from doing what you have to do you let it not be a gunshot. do what you have to do. save your mother, save your wife, save your kid. >> does this change your opinion of philly at all. >> absolutely not, this is just what i expect. i am only vice that had they were stupid enough to do it. >> there is talk about the fact that this happened in rittenhouse square and if it happened in another part of the philadelphia, it wood than the have gotten nearly as much attention. >> sure, right, right. >> you think. >> definitely you are hailed a hero. >> i don't know why. that is why i'm saying. >> you don't feel like a hero. >> no, i do not. i could not imagine what would i do to make my feel like a hero. nope, nope, all that stuff is normal. if you have a chance to do what you have to do, it is normal. >> that was our jessica dean reporting. flynn continues to heel. he is back to riding his bike and working. a 17 year-old suspect has been arrested and charged with attempted murder. the 76ers have changed course and are now apologizing for canceling the national anthem performance of the singer wearing a we matters jersey. seven streeter was told she could not perform anthem minutes before wednesday night's season opener at the wells fargo center. a dance team member sang instead. streeter has been invited back to sing and will be allowed to wear that jersey if she chooses. the sixers released this statement reading in part we are sorry that this happened. after receiving feedback from our players, basketball operations staff and ownership group we believe the wrong decision was made and seven should have been welcomed to sing. we apologize to her. a mother returns home from afghanistan for a heart warming reunion with her daughter. morning announcement at samuel powell elementary school were extra special as tears of joy, filled eyes across the school yard. "eyewitness news" reporter natasha brown was there. >> reporter: powell elementary school student grace thurmon was watching a video message from her mother sewing in afghanistan for the past year when all of a sudden, this happened. >> come say hi to your mom. >> reporter: it was a surprise of her young life her hotter up close and personal after being told that she wouldn't see her until thanksgiving. >> don't cry, baby. don't cry. >> reporter: tears replaced word, hugs and a heart warming bond for the entire school to see. the excitement took place during a morning announcement at powell elementary, gilligan brace i a master sergeant in the air force says keeping this secret was harder than any military mission. >> i wanted to surprise her with modern technology we were doing tango. she was saying mommy, you change. you used to sleep in the bunk bed and now in a big room. >> i was going to pass out because i love my mommy. >> i love you too. >> reporter: students sent letters and care packages to sergeant, throughout her deployment. >> when you are feeling home sick, like, oh, you know, i miss home, i want to go home, it is time to leave, you know, you would get a box and would it make it okay. >> reporter: nothing could replace the sheer joy of this amazing moment. >> i'm not a huge cryer so all of my emotions came at the same time to see her running toward me, my nephew, my sister. so it was a most amazing dealing you could ever have. >> natasha brown for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". so touching. happening today the world's largest conference of female engineers continues in philadelphia. this society of women engineers annual conference is and way at the pennsylvania convention center. the conference is bringing in more than 9,000 women to philadelphia, and it will have an estimated economic impact of at least ten million-dollar. the conference, end today. still ahead one of the largest rowing competitions in the world returns to the the schuylkill river this weekend. plus this... >> why some families are painting their halloween pumpkins tiehl and why health advocates want one of these on every block in america. i'm kenneth craig in heartsville new york with that story coming up. also coming up how facebook is getting into the spooky spirit this halloween. chilly start to the day but warm up is ahead, plus when you might see more rain this i've always taken on the status quo. in harrisburg, they didn't like it when i stopped their perks and pushed for reform. as head of pennsylvania's third-largest county, i cut out wall street middlemen to protect pensions. now, as chairman of the pennsylvania commission on crime, i'm leading the fight to stop the epidemic of heroin and opioid abuse. as attorney general, i'll prosecute anyone who scams our seniors. and i'll hold the oil and gas companies accountable to keep our drinking water safe. i'm josh shapiro. i'll be an attorney general who always fights for you. we owhat made their mystskin more radiant?nt. what?! wait! only dove has 1/4 moisturizing cream. smooth dewy skin. dove, your daily beauty treatment for radiant skin. it's so delicious. i can't believe it has 40% fewer calories than butter. i can't believe it's made with real, simple ingredients. i can't believe we're on a whale. i can't believe my role isn't bigger. oh, it's real. real ingredients. unbelievable taste. go ahead, enjoy. cbs-3, cb philly and komen fill are teaming up against the fight against breast cancer turning our region pink. the pottstown memorial medical center in montgomery county is lit up in pink. october is national breast cancer awareness month, and, the pink lights are a reminder to schedule a mammogram, and to stay vigilant in the fight against breast cancer. blast furnaces at sands casino resorts in bethlehem are also pink. this is the 15th year for lights for the cure campaign, you can find out more information at cbs well, trick or treating is anna you'll tradition that many children look forward to but two kid in every classroom have food allergies leaving millions of children unable to eat candy when they pick them up on halloween. kenneth craig tells us about a growing campaign trying to change that and raise awareness. >> reporter: lucas is a happy, healthy six year-old who loves sweets. >> mom, i love them. >> reporter: and snacking. so naturally, trick or treating would seem like a perfect fit but until recently, lucas severe allergy to peanuts, tree nuts, turn halloween into a drag. >> because your friend can have all these great tats1(ión and you are, you have an allergy so you cannot eat all that stuff. >> reporter: but this year lucas just could not wait to put on his costume and show us this tiehl pumpkin on the front step. for trick or treaters with food allergies it is a signal that a home is handing out non-food treats as part of the an inclusion and awareness campaign by the group food allergy research and education call the tiehl pumpkin project, now in the third year. >> one in 13 kids, having food allergies in the u.s., chances are that one of these kid lives right down your block. >> reporter: number of homes participating in the tiehl pumpkin project is growing, group behind us says that their ultimate goal, it is to have one of these tiehl pumpkins on every block in america. >> i said it would be incredible, it can happen report report lucas mother says their home is first on the street to embrace the tiehl pumpkin but she and leak as are hopeful it won't just stop there. >> it makes me happy that people do it; so i can see it probably. >> kenneth craig for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". anthony mason and dana jacobson join us live from new york with the preview, good morning. >> good morning. coming up today, today's headlines plus reinventing the movie theater, in this age of the distractions. we will introduce you to the man whose passion project is on its way to becoming a blockbuster chain. >> we will talk to david hack any about a new collection of his work and after a half century he is starting to move away from the brush. >> all that plus your eye opener, the dish, and music from regina spector in our saturday session, just ahead on cbs this morning, saturday. >> good stuff, can't wait. happening today exciting weekend on the schuylkill river, so forty-sixth schuylkill regatta gets underway. organizers say more than 8,000 competitors are taking part not to mention a crowd of up to 40,000 people to cheer them on. forty-sixth schuylkill regatta runs from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. today and sunday. good morning, everyone. good weather for a regatta a this weekend. little bit breezy in the afternoon today but overall nice and dry with a lot of sunshine. cool morning. waking up with temperatures well below treeing in spots, upper 20's showing up from weather watchers but good rebound. we will talk about rebound in the 30 or 35 degrees later this afternoon. let's break it down in some of the neighborhoods. start off in philadelphia where phil chapline is at 34. that is here in the city. in chesterfield ed connor is sitting a the 32. twenty-nine in tabernacle, new jersey at john's house. mid 30's lawrence villain in cherry hill and below freezing, in blue bell, jerry aubrey's house. 29 degrees, john jenkins in perkasie and in chester county fran in nottingham a chilly 34. we have clear skies, calm wind, frost to tiehl with this morning. we will be scraping your car if you had it outside but a lot of sun later this afternoon warming us back up to 70 degrees in a lot of spots. getting ready for decent sunrise at the shore. still 45 minutes away. we are seeing skies brighten up. see orange there with high clouds, around. live look at ocean city, even a cool start along the coast with temperatures in the 30's, and then highs along the shore should get up to the mid 60's this afternoon. the breeze picks up, ocean water running in the upper 50's. so that breeze off of the water will make it feel cooler along the coast but overall a warmer weekend, setting up, the whole reason is a jet stream the past few days kind of sitting flat. that is a zone flow from west to east. temperatures stay where they should be. now jet moves slightly north, late her this afternoon into tomorrow, and then that warmth over the south east and move north in the delaware valley. potentially highs tomorrow afternoon, ten to maybe even 15 degrees above average putting us in the mid 70's in some locations. warm front pushing threw up state new york, producing a few showers around. even a few wet snow flakes in the mountains of northern new england. for us, sunshine mixing with some clouds later this morning. other than that it is warm over the ohio valley they are 70 right now they are st. louis. that warm air will push east over the next 12 to 24 hours. very close to peak conditions for the fall color around philadelphia and surrounding suburbs. it is already past peak up in the poconos and into southern new york state but we are peeking around lehigh valley. suburbs very close from philadelphia and points to the south, probably hitting that over next few days. perfect conditions. warm afternoon, and some cool nights, that is what you want for that good color. nothing happening today. very quiet. high pressure in control. it is just a little bit breezy this afternoon. we will watch this cold front approaching us tomorrow. most of the day stays dry. in the meantime just son creasing cloud. late afternoon and evening, that is when we will see a batch of showers rolling through. this is at 8:00, a best bet to start seeing those showers until about midnight or so and then front passes us, halloween day, sets up to see a thighs day, typical fall day, temperatures near average around 60 degrees in the the sunshine. not a whole rot a quarter inch in some locations from the city on south, where we are less farther north and west from that cold front but today nice rebound mid to upper 60's. close to 70 in the warm spots even around the city. and then tonight it stays mild, thinks 9:00 o'clock. we're still in the 60's over most locations, dropping to the upper 50's by early sunday morning. another thighs rebound, to the north, it is cooler, tomorrow, because of the clouds. and then south of the city, low to mid 70's for afternoon highs. so, nice finish to the weekend. today noticeably warmer up around 70 degrees. tonight 59, partly cloudy skies, stays mild. next weekend we will set clocks back one hour. it is not tonight the but next at day night as daylight savings time comes to an end. sunday november 6th, sunset will be at 4:52 this is evening. the here's the extended forecast, 75 for the high tomorrow. more cloud. halloween looks good. 50 degrees. we are warming up again, next week, we will look at those highs wednesday and thursday back in the the lower 70's. jan, back to you. thanks, justin. last year around this time the trumpkin made headlines this time he is back with two new friend. artist behind this this presidential "in washington, if you don't have some independence, some backbone, you might as well not even be there." backbone?! pat toomey voted 7 times to defund planned parenthood. and when he didnít get his way, toomey threatened to shut down the federal government. now, toomey refuses to tell us whether he's voting for donald trump. but when he's in other parts of the state, toomey's said he wants to support him. pennsylvania just cant trust pat toomey. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. i served under president bush and obama. i fought the taliban. i was asked to form a global coalition to counter isil. when someone makes the comment that they know more about the islamic state or isil than do the generals, it implies a complete ignorance of the reality. but i believe secretary clinton really understands the threat that the islamic state poses to the united states and to the american people. and i believe she understands how to wield american power to ultimately defeat this threat and to keep us safe. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. facebook is testing out a feature for its app that looks like snap chat. camera that lets users take selfies and videos with filters and mask to post on their news feed and for halloween. social network is letting you try on different masks like a skull, witch when you share live video. you can react to posts with spooky emojis like a crying franken stein and a cackling witch. and at ohio woman reveals a line up of presidential pumpkins in time for fall and election. jeanie moos reports on the political pumpkin patch. >> the front porch just like any other until you notice who is sitting on it, donald trumpkin, hillary clintonkin. who said third one. >> wild card, though was putinkin. i call him putinkin. >> vladamire is the biggest, 341-pound but it is donald and hillary that get most of the attention. here in dublin, ohio and a now worldwide janet parises famous, so she is not really an artist. >> i started pumpkinnicing giant celebrity pumpkins 1988. >> she has done everyone from my lie cyrus to jim junk soon, and kanye west, was a hit with his glasses. since she does whoever is big in the news, the donald and hillary were no brainers. she has got a 374-pound trumpkin last year. most tricky feature right, what else, the hair. >> it is hade up of six, very large wigs, carved trumpkins are popping up all over social media right down to the minimal list wig and hull. when it comes to halloween the donald is winning. his mask overwhelmingly out selling hillary nationwide, usually candidate who sells best tends to win the election, but the trump has being has an advantage. >> the left like to buy it and right likes to buy it because he is their can tait. >> reporter: over 95 percent have have people who buy these has accounts are men. as for the donald's pumpkin, uncarved it will last until new years so what happens when it is time to get rid of trumpkin, and putinkin, and clintonkin before dumping them in the trash, janet says that she chops them up like in a psycho shower scene. jeanie moos, new york. >> my goodness. one last check of the weather just in time. >> it will be a warm weekend close to 07 today. mid 07's tomorrow. watch out for showers, mainly after 5:00 o'clock on sunday, halloween looks dry, cooler, typical fall day 63 degrees with conditions in the 50's. not bad at all monday night. >> like it. thanks justin. >> that is "eyewitness news" for now we may be signing off on tv but we are always on line cbs cbs this morning saturday is next. have a great weekend. republican party bosses looked to find brian fitzpatrick. nearly three thousand miles - that's how far away they "hand-picked" him to run for his brother's seat. but all mike and brian fitzpatrick share is a name. brian fitzpatrick supports a radical republican agenda, including defunding planned parenthood, just like donald trump. a hundred and sixty miles down the road in dc, brian fitzpatrick will put his party first, not pennsylvania families. house majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. captioning funded by cbs good morning. it is saturday, october 29, 2016. welcome to "cbs this morning: saturday." another october surprise. this time, for hillary clinton. the fbi announces they are reopening the case against her. plus, frightening moments on the tarmac. passengers run for their lives as their plane catches fire. >> the battle over bathrooms intensifies. details on the transgender case heading to supreme court. history is made at wrigley field. the cubs hosting their first world series game in over 70 years. we begin this morning with a look at today's "eye one

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Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20161029

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october 29th, i'm jan carabao. get outside to enjoy weather on tap, here's meteorologist justin drabick with eyewitness weather. justin 70 degrees, late october does that go too much. >> lower 60's where we should be. the last weekend we were talking about 80's but 70's making a come back. >> and we will enjoy it. >> yes, certainly tomorrow, we will talk about mid 70's for afternoon temperatures. tomorrow, warmest day out of the next several and we will bring back rain chances but most of the weekend does stay on the dry side. this morning, it is clear, calm but little bit chilly outside with temperatures below freezing in spots looking at center city with clear skies. right now airport is 40 degrees. yesterday was pretty windy, now wind have been calmed. they will increase later this morning. no harsh wind chills this morning but look at temperature change, compared to this time yesterday, we were out friday morning at 6:00 o'clock, it was ten to 15 . big difference this morning. but by the afternoon you can ditch that, 32 in allentown. thirty-eight wilmington, freezing, millville, suburbs below treeing up in quakertown, pottstown, willow grove checking in at 33. nice and quiet, we do have some showers to the north of us over upstate new york, warm front that is pushing on through, and allowing that warmer air to move from the south and west. increase in the southeasterly win gets us close to 70 degrees this afternoon around philadelphia, upper 60's at the shore in the sunshine and poconos break out in the lower 60's and then tomorrow, it is even warmer, with a few rain chances, we will talk about that and we will look at that halloween forecast in a few more minutes, back over to you. new this morning, two cars collide in philadelphia's nicetown neighborhood sending one person to the hospital, this happened around 1:15 at west hunting park avenue and north 19th street. police say one of the cars caught fire and two park cars were damaged as well. one man is in stable condition, the cause of that accident is under investigation. the fbi is reopening its investigation into hillary clinton's use of the private e-mail server, while she was secretary of state. meantime democratic nominee wants fed to release all of those e-mails. >> we are calling on the fbi to release all of the information that it has. even director comey noted that this new information hey not be significant, so let's get it out. >> in rare agreement with clinton both g.o.p. nominee donald trump and his running mate mike pence want those fbi to release those e-mails. "eyewitness news" reporter anita oh is live from the cbs-3 sat center with more. >> reporter: good morning, jan just a week and a half before the presidential election bomb shell news created shock waves on the campaign trail yesterday, investigators say they discovered new e-mails in a separate sexting investigation related to former congressman anthony weiner but now there are more questions then answers including exactly what information those e-mails contain and whether this will affect the outcome of the presidential race. >> director himself has said that he doesn't know whether the e-mails referenced in his letter are significant or not. >> but on friday a bomb shell announcement by fbo director james comey still created shock waves and this letter to several congressional and senate leaders comey wrote newly discover e-mails fund through an unrelated investigation quota period to be pertinent to the previous probe into hillary clinton's private server use, while she was secretary of the state. >> i'm confident that whatever they are will not change the conclusion reached in july. >> reporter: when comey said although investigators found extreme carelessness there was no evidence the to indicate any criminal raining doing or that the clinton camp neglectly miss handled class fight information. republican presidential nominee donald trump a lauded fbi's findings during a rally in new hampshire. >> we hope all justice will finally will be served. >> reporter: his running mate mike pence also echoed that he is thoughts while speak nothing bensalem. >> we call on the fbi to immediately release all of the e-mails pertinent to their reopened investigation. >> reporter: so does this kind of new information, sway decided voters this close to election day. >> there is so much things that are just bad stories that come out recently. i'm more of what issues i agree with. >> i think politics has gone with the dirt, i want to hear issues, what you will do about the issues. >> those two young women are adamant donald trump supporters while man you just saw and his trend support hillary clinton. so far everyone we spoke with said to this close to the election their behind are already hade up. live from the sat center, anita oh for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". we are just ten days away from election day so keep it right here on "eyewitness news" for very latest on campaign 2016. that the transportation safety board is investigating an incident involving an american airlines jet, which hurdled down runway for take off this chicago recently. plane caught fire after a tire burst and passengers had to he evacuate by way of emergency slide. kenneth craig has more on the scramble for safety. >> reporter: passengers inside american airlines flight 383, pushed and screamed, as they tried to escape a burning plane sitting on the chicago runway. video posted to facebook captured the chaos. from the outside at o'hare international airport, another passenger recorded the burning jet and thick black smoke, terrified passengers used the lane's slides to evacuate as emergency crews rushed to put out the flames. >> the big ball of red flames, blew up from that window. that is all i can tell you. >> reporter: boeing 767 was leaving chicago, headed for miami when pilots reported the lane blew a tire and aborted take off. 161 passengers and nine crew members were on board. >> halfway through, getting out, the smoke started to get heavy, so we did a deep breath and took in smoke and that was scary part of the whole thing. >> reporter: more than a dozen people suffered minor yours during the evacuation. >> absolutely devastating if it happened later, if it happened further. i mean there is a thousand variables. >> reporter: american airlines is putting passengers on other flights to miami. kenneth craig for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". we're learning more details about why mike pence's plane skidded off runway at new york's laguardia airport. neither the republican vice-presidential nominee or anybody else on board was injured thursday night. investigators are looking at part of the plane that appeared to be malfunctioning, it is called auto speed brake actuator. >> when they touched down, these spoilers will come up, automatically. if they don't come up automatically and they would not because this auto actuator was not operating, the pilots for manually pull the speed break handle which they did about four seconds after touchdown. >> ntsb will not say if for owe four seconds was adequate enough to deploy spoilers. federal officials are investigating a head on train collision in delaware count that i injured four crew members. the two csx trains crashed near conquered road in chester township, two drew members from each train went to the hospital with minor injuries. tomorrow tuesday, septa bus, subway and trolley riders may need to find an alternate method to get around philadelphia but that is only if a labor dispute is not to settled between septa and transport workers union local 234. last night members prepared picket signs and in northern liberties ahead of the possible strike, sticking points include pension, health care, septa has posted a strike contingency plan on its the web site, the regional rail lines would not ab affect. well, latest scam in our region involving a black mail letter that threatening to tell secrets about your marriage that aren't even true. the writer claims to have evidence of an affair and is asking for $2,000 to make it all disappear. scam artists are demanding payment in bitcoin a type of the hard to trace on line currency. victims have been target add cross our area from northeast philadelphia, chester and montgomery county. >> the way it was phrased and officially written, and person who wrote the the letter made a direct threat we will make information public about you. so you you never know, in this days and age with identity theft, hacking of e-mails and what not, ding tall fingerprints, people can say and do anything, create anything. >> reporter: authorities are working to track down the source of those letters. and scam artists are always finding new creative ways to rip people off, in this three on your side consumer report, jim donovan has add rise to keep you from being targeted, with playing with plastic. >> reporter: from shopping and dining to groceries and gas, paying with plastic is a part of every take life. but sometimes, the simple task of filling up your tank can end up, emptying your bank account. nicole mccormack says she has had her information skimmed several times adding up to about $10,000, stolen from her accounts. even though insurance is covering those losses, it is still a major hassle. >> i immediately shut it off. there i am without my debit card for five to seven days. worst parties i have that tied to so many things these days, whether it is an automatic bill pay, or renewal of a gym membership or whatever it is. so now i have to go in every single time and redo all of that. >> this is least intrusive, most quick way to take somebody's money from this. >> reporter: experts say skimming can happen pretty much anywhere but most popular spots are atm's and gas stations. >> thinks the home manufactured skimming device you would find inside a gas station pump. this would plug into where the terminal would normally use it and plug it in the other end at pay to point system and then right there you're done, that is it. >> reporter: economic crimes investigators matt the le force says often thieves access machines with stolen keys, and many of moved on to using blue tooth to transmit information from the pump to a lap top or tablet, hidden in a nearby vehicle. his advice to take a second before swiping to see if anything looks out of place or damaged. as for nicole. >> i'm trying to be careful but who knows where else maybe it will start to happen next. >> reporter: fraud experts also suggest filling up at pump closest to the cashier as criminals are less likely to try to plant a skimmer in front of the attendant. reporting for three on your side, i'm jim donovan. always good advice. well, are you going sneaker shopping anytime soon? still ahead they can run from 20 bucks to $300 or more but which ones are the best for your feet. we have advice. we also have this. >> immigrate full. inside dracula's castle i'm terry okita, in transylvania romania where two guests will spend holiday night inside the vampire's layer, join i've always taken on the status quo. in harrisburg, they didn't like it when i stopped their perks and pushed for reform. as head of pennsylvania's third-largest county, i cut out wall street middlemen to protect pensions. now, as chairman of the pennsylvania commission on crime, i'm leading the fight to stop the epidemic of heroin and opioid abuse. as attorney general, i'll prosecute anyone who scams our seniors. and i'll hold the oil and gas companies accountable to keep our drinking water safe. i'm josh shapiro. i'll be an attorney general who always fights for you. hillary clinton: far too many families today don't earn what they need and don't have the opportunities they deserve. i believe families deserve quality education for their kids, childcare they can trust and afford, equal pay for women, and jobs they can really live on. people ask me what will be different if i'm president? well kids and families have been the passion of my life and they will be the heart of my presidency. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. republican party bosses looked to find brian fitzpatrick. nearly three thousand miles - that's how far away they "hand-picked" him to run for his brother's seat. but all mike and brian fitzpatrick share is a name. brian fitzpatrick supports a radical republican agenda, including defunding planned parenthood, just like donald trump. a hundred and sixty miles down the road in dc, brian fitzpatrick will put his party first, not pennsylvania families. house majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. it looks like edgar allen poe will be returning to his old philadelphia home just in time for halloween. park ranger will be dressed up as poe at edgar allen poe site. special nighttime tours are part of the edgar allen festival. it includes talk and live action performances. and, two fearless souls become face to fang with the the legend of dracula. winner of a contest will spend a halloween night inside vampire's famed transylvania castle. terry okita went there to find out what tricks and treats are in store for them. >> reporter: this mountain tan man or perched high above transylvania was reserved for royalty, until right now. for first time in its 640 year history, grand castle will open its wooden doors to two overnight guests from the public. the spooky fort is backdrop for 1897 classic, dracula. it holds a candle lit corridors and secret passageways for guests to experience. >> you will arrive in transylvania by horse train carriage and at night, we will go to sleep with only sound of the wolves how long outside the castle. >> reporter: air b and b received more than 80,000 entries for its contest for people long to go spend halloween night in a vampire's layer to regain his strength the story goes dracula need resin side his coffin which is where winners will sleep, if they can. despite his reign of terror the blood thirsty dracula remains the most popular perfect or figure of all time. his great grand nephew says he knows why. >> story revolves around superstitions, methodology and it the has always been in peoples consciousness what happens after you die. >> reporter: guests are warn not to bring garlic, crosses or silver which could scare off the vampire. they will find out soon enough if count dracula lives on. this transylvania, terry okita for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> all right. good saturday morning. nothing scary about this forecast, we are looking at a lot of sunshine today, temperatures 60es, close to 07 . if you like it warm we will like tomorrow's forecast. we will break out in the mid 70's in a few locations. this morning it the is cold. we're waking up much colder then what yesterday morning was at this time, lot of location bees low freezing at this hour. we will go into new jersey right now where we're actually going to start off in northeast fail where john checks in at 36 degrees here in the city. under clear skies. he is looking forward to the warm up. i'm with you, man. we're talk about those temperatures ten to 15 degrees above average coming in for second half of the weekend into new jersey, here you can see we are below freezing right now in allen's house. thirty-one with clear skies. in delran, new jersey at this hour. we will go to delaware, kind of the same deal at freezing in newark at delores lee's house we have 32 degrees under clear skies. officially freezing. lots of frost on the the cars, big difference. we have clear skies. see big dipper. you will do some scraping if you left your car outside. we will go out to palmyra cove, where it is chilly 36. light breeze. 2 miles an hour out of the south east looking across delaware, nice visibility, see sky line this morning. no issues of fog to deal with. the wind has diminish, breezy day, so this morning, better, but overall up and down temperatures, that time of the year, typical, yesterday we made it to 57. that was below average. sixty-two is where we should be this time of the year. today close to 70 for warm spots around the city. the suburbs staying in the upper 60's. then tomorrow low to mid 70's potentially and then we are back to near average on halloween day with a high of 60 degrees and mid 50's return for tuesday and then warms up even more with another run of 70's for middle of next week. quiet on storm scan three. high pressure just to the south is blocking any storms there developing. warm front pushing through the great lakes, upstate, no, bringing a few showers there but south of that front we will get in the warmer air mass. near 07 in st. louis. that warm does track east, over next 12 to 24 hours. the wind are calm this afternoon though, they will switch out of the south. that push necessary warmer air to the deep south. breezy. ten to 15 miles an hour. stays on the breezy side tonight. you will need jacket this evening for dinner. still mild though. low tonight, basically staying in the 60's, maybe upper 50's in the cool spots. tomorrow, wind dies down a little bit more out of the west. cold front that comes through and north wind overtake us for monday and that brings back typical fall-like conditions. today close to 70 in the sunshine, enjoy it, get outside, enjoys nice dry conditions. tomorrow will be a front pushing through late in the day. most areas stay dry for most of the of the afternoon. mid 07's for afternoon temperatures. then for halloween itself, lots of sunshine around. sixty's for high temperatures. big difference there. monday evening looks good for trick or treat events. it will be cool but dry. clear skies. 6:00 o'clock. 55 degrees. 8:00 in the lower 50's. with you nothing terribly cold. nice quiet this this afternoon. sunshine. fair weather cloud from time to time. tonight no problem. tomorrow looks good. even in the afternoon, dry. you will notice more included pushing in. part thely sunny tomorrow but still warm. here we go five or 6:00, showers start to break out and heaviest rainfall moves in during evening hours at 10:00 o'clock sunday night. pockets of steady rain. overall trend, little boost to the jet stream here to the north allows to us stay warm today and tomorrow and we will see another drop in the jet on monday, that is why we see that cooler day with a high near 60. another ridge in the jet stream brings back the warmth for start of the november. that is when we make another run of 70. today near 70, in the the sunshine, tonight mild 59, for the low partly cloudy skies, get that extended forecast pretty quiet. fifty-seven for the high tomorrow. sixty on monday. lower 70's return next wednesday and thursday. jan, back to you. many moms and dads know hottest sneaker trend can be expensive. recent report even says that the global footwear market will reach $115 billion by 2022 but our expensive sneakers better than cheaper ones. correspondent anna warner takes a look. >> three, two, one, go. >> reporter: we are at portland oregon headquarters of sportswear make'sdidas where footwear developers are using motion capture technology to design their latest shoes. mechanical engineers alyss hall explains how it all works. >> the blue kind represent areas that are not stretching as much. >> reporter: it is aira mus sake technology nasa used to analyze the stress on the outer hulls of space shuttles. they will look at the how materials stretch on the foot the while in motion. >> we're using to it map the body and from head to toe. >> reporter: manufacturers, tout their latest innovations with price toes match, some shoes, sell for upward of $300, but are they worth it. >> the way a shoe performs is probably in the related to the price of the shoe. >> reporter: university of nevada biomechanics professor john mercer studies athletic shoes. >> if i spend $150 that shoe hey be no better than 50-dollar shoe. >> it depend, problem with the shoe industry is everyone needs a little different shoe. >> reporter: at mercer's lab in vegas he has analyzed dozens of show brand and styles. >> so if somebody says to you john what kind of shoe should i buy. >> well, don't be brand loyal and don't be model loyal. that means you have to be opened to trying different types of shoes and figure out what will work for you. >> reporter: erect mend taking shoes for a test run and if you are a serious at the let's maybe even have an expert analyze your running style. anna warner, cbs news, new york. >> mercer says if you are among 90 percent of people who strikes pavement with your heel first erect mend a shoe with more cushion and support in the heel. if you tend to run on the front of your feet the he said look for a flat soul. learn something new every take. latest in the da vinchi code franchise is new in theaters this weekend. tom hanks and director ron howard team up for a third time to bring a dan brown best seller to the big screen. we will introduce you to someone new to the franchise and why this actress had concerns about joining the cast, when we come right "in washington, if you don't have some independence, some backbone, you might as well not even be there." backbone?! pat toomey voted 7 times to defund planned parenthood. and when he didnít get his way, toomey threatened to shut down the federal government. now, toomey refuses to tell us whether he's voting for donald trump. but when he's in other parts of the state, toomey's said he wants to support him. pennsylvania just cant trust pat toomey. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. trek or and star of the da vinchi code and angels and demons are back with another mystery action thriller. it is only movie opening this wide release this weekend. david daniel has a look at inferno. >> professor lanning conn, we need your help. >> reporter: tom hanks is back as puzzle solving man robert langdon in inferno. this time in less than the fate of the world is at stake. >> daunte's inferno isn't fix object it is a prophecy. >> someone created a plaque. >> reporter: thinks tom hanks third adventure based on a dan brown novel ape fifth movie directed byron howard a partnership stretching over 30 years. >> he is a great collaborate or an award winning producer, great writer, director in his own right and he is nothing but help. however, i have to prod him in that way because he is so respectful of our friendship. it the is just the way his mo on the set is to let director direct. but i try to drag him into the the creative process as much as i can. i always benefit from it. >> there are lives at stake. >> reporter: new to the franchise is rowing one star felicia jones whose concerns about joining the team were quickly dispelled. >> really stressful and everyone would know each other and have it all down, you know, and that wasn't the case, it was very collaborative, easy, and relaxed and talking about fashionable. so i witness historical cinema display. >> nice to have you back professor. >> in hollywood i'm david daniel. still ahead on "eyewitness news" in our next half an hour. >> i didn't think i was shot this will i saw the blood, man. >> the hero of rittenhouse square, he was shot five times trying to break up a robbery. now he tells us exclusively why he went after the gun man with his bear hand. it is season for politics and pumpkin patch neat the person carved out creative like me, she has pennsylvania working class roots, biden: this is what i know about katie mcginty - and she's never abandoned them. hard work. family. playing it straight. that's katie. and the ads attacking her? they're a bunch of malarkey. katie's career is about looking out for families like yours. creating jobs, keeping our environment safe. she's a wife, a mom, a basketball fan, a homework supervisor. she's like you and she'll fight for you in the united states senate. i'm katie mcginty and i approve this message. good morning, everyone i'm jan carabao, a warm up is in store this weekend. meteorologist justin drabick is outside on the sky deck with eyewitness weather. i have to say justin, i was shivering walking in this morning. it was chilly. >> it is tough to believe we're talking about temperatures back near 70 this weekend but it is cold, below treeing. so much colder then this time yesterday morning. we had clear skies. the good news is the wind are calm. we are not battling any how much wind chills but winds will increase this afternoon. check outnumbers across the delaware val a the 40 at the airport. freezing in allentown. thirty-eight, wilmington delaware, parts of the interior south jersey down around 32 for millville, below freezing in quakertown, 32 degrees in mount holly, new jersey. we're 34 at doylestown. wind are 5 miles an hour or less out of the northwest right now but they will switch around out of the southwest, later this morning in the afternoon. increase to go about 15 miles an hour. that brings in the warmth. we have a few cloud around to the north, north and lehigh valley, poconos not producing any precipitation. we will keep things nice and dry today and get few fair weather cloud, mostly sunny skies. clear, cold this morning temperatures in the 30's this afternoon. the plenty of sun. nice warm up. sixty's to 70 degrees in some spots and then tomorrow well in the 70's. on our way up to 07 for philadelphia cooler at the shore. mid to upper 60's in the sunshine, poconos crack the lower 60's this afternoon under partly sunny skies. mid 70's on the way tomorrow, tracking a few showers around we will time that out and then a bit of the cool down we will talk about in a few minutes, jan, back to you. new this morning an investigation is underway in the fire in philadelphia's northern liberties neighborhood. fire fighters got the call just after 4:45 this morning for a fire on the 1,000 block of germantown avenue. in one was hurt, no word on the extent of the damage either but fire investigators do say that the sprinkler system there helped contain the flames. the fbi is reviewing new e-mails related to hillary clinton's personal server. while investigators don't know significance of those e-mails both clinton and republican ticket are now calling for release of the information, before the election. eye witt the necessary news reporter anita oh is live from the cbs-3 sat center. anita. >> reporter: that is right these newly discover e-mails were found through a separate sexting investigation related to former congressman anthony weiner, married to long time clinton aid huma aberdeen but they have been since separated. fbi director james comey says it is no the yet clear those e-mails are significant the investigation could very well go beyond election day. >> director himself has said that he doesn't know whether the e-mails referenced in his letter are significant or not. >> reporter: on friday a bomb shell by fbi director james comey still created shock waves and in this letter to several congressional and senate leaders, comey wrote newly discovered e-mails found through an unrelated investigation appear to be pertinent to the the previous probe into hillary clinton's private server use while she was secretary of state. >> i'm confident that whatever they are will not change the conclusion reached in july. >> reporter: when comey says although investigators found extreme carelessness there was no evidence to indicate the any criminal raining doing or that the clinton camp they goly mishandled classified information. republican presidential nominee donald trum april broaded the fbi's fine goes during a rally in new hampshire. >> and we hope all, all, justice will finally be served. >> reporter: his running mate mike pence echoed those thoughts, speak nothing bensalem. >> we call on the fbi to immediately release all o e-mails, pertinent to their reopened investigation. >> reporter: so does this kind of of new information, sway decided voters this close to election day? >> there is so many things that are just bad store that is come out recently. i'm more issues i agree with. >> i think politics has gone way too far with the dirt. i want to hear issues and what you will do about the issues. >> reporter: those two women are adamant donald trump supporters while last man there is a clinton supporters. everyone we spoke with say they will not change their vote this close to the election. of course, pennsylvania is a must win swing state for both candidates. clinton will return to philadelphia for a get out the vote event next sat the day. trump has no further campaign events scheduled here before election day. live from the sat center, anita oh for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". we will be watching. well, he tried to foil a robbery in the philadelphia's rittenhouse square section and ended upshot the because of it. now in an "eyewitness news" exclusive this good samaritan opens up about that night. he spoke with our jessica dean about what urged him to put his life on the line. >> i had to do it, you understand what i'm saying. >> reporter: flynn says there was in other option tuesday october 18th. he was wrapping up a night of work, selling drinks and thanks in rittenhouse square, when he noticed young men in the parka roaching different people and asking for money. he says one of them had a gun, so flint, decided to tackle him. flint was shot five times. >> i didn't think i was shot until i saw the blood, man. i really didn't feel anything other than i knew that something was hitting me. i'm watching him do this. it was like, um, um, and i said this can't be serious this can't be real. when one kid tried to steel my bike i get up, i chase him. i got bullets in me chasing someone. i give him to give my mind up, i sit on my bike and look down and see i'm bleeding. this is real. okay, time to go to heaven. >> reporter: flynn's friend found police who rushed him to the hospital where he underwent surgery. >> you are just doing your work and you get the shot five times. >> yes good in the middle of the center city philadelphia is that not surprising to you. >> i'm used to things like this happening. i'm sorry, but i'm black. when you are black, things happen. getting shot, does not hurt. getting shot, does not hurt. healing does. so if anything ever impedes you from doing what you have to do you let it not be a gunshot. do what you have to do. save your mother, save your wife, save your kid. >> does this change your opinion of philly at all. >> absolutely not, this is just what i expect. i am only vice that had they were stupid enough to do it. >> there is talk about the fact that this happened in rittenhouse square and if it happened in another part of the philadelphia, it wood than the have gotten nearly as much attention. >> sure, right, right. >> you think. >> definitely you are hailed a hero. >> i don't know why. that is why i'm saying. >> you don't feel like a hero. >> no, i do not. i could not imagine what would i do to make my feel like a hero. nope, nope, all that stuff is normal. if you have a chance to do what you have to do, it is normal. >> that was our jessica dean reporting. flynn continues to heel. he is back to riding his bike and working. a 17 year-old suspect has been arrested and charged with attempted murder. the 76ers have changed course and are now apologizing for canceling the national anthem performance of the singer wearing a we matters jersey. seven streeter was told she could not perform anthem minutes before wednesday night's season opener at the wells fargo center. a dance team member sang instead. streeter has been invited back to sing and will be allowed to wear that jersey if she chooses. the sixers released this statement reading in part we are sorry that this happened. after receiving feedback from our players, basketball operations staff and ownership group we believe the wrong decision was made and seven should have been welcomed to sing. we apologize to her. a mother returns home from afghanistan for a heart warming reunion with her daughter. morning announcement at samuel powell elementary school were extra special as tears of joy, filled eyes across the school yard. "eyewitness news" reporter natasha brown was there. >> reporter: powell elementary school student grace thurmon was watching a video message from her mother sewing in afghanistan for the past year when all of a sudden, this happened. >> come say hi to your mom. >> reporter: it was a surprise of her young life her hotter up close and personal after being told that she wouldn't see her until thanksgiving. >> don't cry, baby. don't cry. >> reporter: tears replaced word, hugs and a heart warming bond for the entire school to see. the excitement took place during a morning announcement at powell elementary, gilligan brace i a master sergeant in the air force says keeping this secret was harder than any military mission. >> i wanted to surprise her with modern technology we were doing tango. she was saying mommy, you change. you used to sleep in the bunk bed and now in a big room. >> i was going to pass out because i love my mommy. >> i love you too. >> reporter: students sent letters and care packages to sergeant, throughout her deployment. >> when you are feeling home sick, like, oh, you know, i miss home, i want to go home, it is time to leave, you know, you would get a box and would it make it okay. >> reporter: nothing could replace the sheer joy of this amazing moment. >> i'm not a huge cryer so all of my emotions came at the same time to see her running toward me, my nephew, my sister. so it was a most amazing dealing you could ever have. >> natasha brown for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". so touching. happening today the world's largest conference of female engineers continues in philadelphia. this society of women engineers annual conference is and way at the pennsylvania convention center. the conference is bringing in more than 9,000 women to philadelphia, and it will have an estimated economic impact of at least ten million-dollar. the conference, end today. still ahead one of the largest rowing competitions in the world returns to the the schuylkill river this weekend. plus this... >> why some families are painting their halloween pumpkins tiehl and why health advocates want one of these on every block in america. i'm kenneth craig in heartsville new york with that story coming up. also coming up how facebook is getting into the spooky spirit this halloween. chilly start to the day but warm up is ahead, plus when you might see more rain this i've always taken on the status quo. in harrisburg, they didn't like it when i stopped their perks and pushed for reform. as head of pennsylvania's third-largest county, i cut out wall street middlemen to protect pensions. now, as chairman of the pennsylvania commission on crime, i'm leading the fight to stop the epidemic of heroin and opioid abuse. as attorney general, i'll prosecute anyone who scams our seniors. and i'll hold the oil and gas companies accountable to keep our drinking water safe. i'm josh shapiro. i'll be an attorney general who always fights for you. we owhat made their mystskin more radiant?nt. what?! wait! only dove has 1/4 moisturizing cream. smooth dewy skin. dove, your daily beauty treatment for radiant skin. it's so delicious. i can't believe it has 40% fewer calories than butter. i can't believe it's made with real, simple ingredients. i can't believe we're on a whale. i can't believe my role isn't bigger. oh, it's real. real ingredients. unbelievable taste. go ahead, enjoy. cbs-3, cb philly and komen fill are teaming up against the fight against breast cancer turning our region pink. the pottstown memorial medical center in montgomery county is lit up in pink. october is national breast cancer awareness month, and, the pink lights are a reminder to schedule a mammogram, and to stay vigilant in the fight against breast cancer. blast furnaces at sands casino resorts in bethlehem are also pink. this is the 15th year for lights for the cure campaign, you can find out more information at cbs well, trick or treating is anna you'll tradition that many children look forward to but two kid in every classroom have food allergies leaving millions of children unable to eat candy when they pick them up on halloween. kenneth craig tells us about a growing campaign trying to change that and raise awareness. >> reporter: lucas is a happy, healthy six year-old who loves sweets. >> mom, i love them. >> reporter: and snacking. so naturally, trick or treating would seem like a perfect fit but until recently, lucas severe allergy to peanuts, tree nuts, turn halloween into a drag. >> because your friend can have all these great tats1(ión and you are, you have an allergy so you cannot eat all that stuff. >> reporter: but this year lucas just could not wait to put on his costume and show us this tiehl pumpkin on the front step. for trick or treaters with food allergies it is a signal that a home is handing out non-food treats as part of the an inclusion and awareness campaign by the group food allergy research and education call the tiehl pumpkin project, now in the third year. >> one in 13 kids, having food allergies in the u.s., chances are that one of these kid lives right down your block. >> reporter: number of homes participating in the tiehl pumpkin project is growing, group behind us says that their ultimate goal, it is to have one of these tiehl pumpkins on every block in america. >> i said it would be incredible, it can happen report report lucas mother says their home is first on the street to embrace the tiehl pumpkin but she and leak as are hopeful it won't just stop there. >> it makes me happy that people do it; so i can see it probably. >> kenneth craig for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". anthony mason and dana jacobson join us live from new york with the preview, good morning. >> good morning. coming up today, today's headlines plus reinventing the movie theater, in this age of the distractions. we will introduce you to the man whose passion project is on its way to becoming a blockbuster chain. >> we will talk to david hack any about a new collection of his work and after a half century he is starting to move away from the brush. >> all that plus your eye opener, the dish, and music from regina spector in our saturday session, just ahead on cbs this morning, saturday. >> good stuff, can't wait. happening today exciting weekend on the schuylkill river, so forty-sixth schuylkill regatta gets underway. organizers say more than 8,000 competitors are taking part not to mention a crowd of up to 40,000 people to cheer them on. forty-sixth schuylkill regatta runs from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. today and sunday. good morning, everyone. good weather for a regatta a this weekend. little bit breezy in the afternoon today but overall nice and dry with a lot of sunshine. cool morning. waking up with temperatures well below treeing in spots, upper 20's showing up from weather watchers but good rebound. we will talk about rebound in the 30 or 35 degrees later this afternoon. let's break it down in some of the neighborhoods. start off in philadelphia where phil chapline is at 34. that is here in the city. in chesterfield ed connor is sitting a the 32. twenty-nine in tabernacle, new jersey at john's house. mid 30's lawrence villain in cherry hill and below freezing, in blue bell, jerry aubrey's house. 29 degrees, john jenkins in perkasie and in chester county fran in nottingham a chilly 34. we have clear skies, calm wind, frost to tiehl with this morning. we will be scraping your car if you had it outside but a lot of sun later this afternoon warming us back up to 70 degrees in a lot of spots. getting ready for decent sunrise at the shore. still 45 minutes away. we are seeing skies brighten up. see orange there with high clouds, around. live look at ocean city, even a cool start along the coast with temperatures in the 30's, and then highs along the shore should get up to the mid 60's this afternoon. the breeze picks up, ocean water running in the upper 50's. so that breeze off of the water will make it feel cooler along the coast but overall a warmer weekend, setting up, the whole reason is a jet stream the past few days kind of sitting flat. that is a zone flow from west to east. temperatures stay where they should be. now jet moves slightly north, late her this afternoon into tomorrow, and then that warmth over the south east and move north in the delaware valley. potentially highs tomorrow afternoon, ten to maybe even 15 degrees above average putting us in the mid 70's in some locations. warm front pushing threw up state new york, producing a few showers around. even a few wet snow flakes in the mountains of northern new england. for us, sunshine mixing with some clouds later this morning. other than that it is warm over the ohio valley they are 70 right now they are st. louis. that warm air will push east over the next 12 to 24 hours. very close to peak conditions for the fall color around philadelphia and surrounding suburbs. it is already past peak up in the poconos and into southern new york state but we are peeking around lehigh valley. suburbs very close from philadelphia and points to the south, probably hitting that over next few days. perfect conditions. warm afternoon, and some cool nights, that is what you want for that good color. nothing happening today. very quiet. high pressure in control. it is just a little bit breezy this afternoon. we will watch this cold front approaching us tomorrow. most of the day stays dry. in the meantime just son creasing cloud. late afternoon and evening, that is when we will see a batch of showers rolling through. this is at 8:00, a best bet to start seeing those showers until about midnight or so and then front passes us, halloween day, sets up to see a thighs day, typical fall day, temperatures near average around 60 degrees in the the sunshine. not a whole rot a quarter inch in some locations from the city on south, where we are less farther north and west from that cold front but today nice rebound mid to upper 60's. close to 70 in the warm spots even around the city. and then tonight it stays mild, thinks 9:00 o'clock. we're still in the 60's over most locations, dropping to the upper 50's by early sunday morning. another thighs rebound, to the north, it is cooler, tomorrow, because of the clouds. and then south of the city, low to mid 70's for afternoon highs. so, nice finish to the weekend. today noticeably warmer up around 70 degrees. tonight 59, partly cloudy skies, stays mild. next weekend we will set clocks back one hour. it is not tonight the but next at day night as daylight savings time comes to an end. sunday november 6th, sunset will be at 4:52 this is evening. the here's the extended forecast, 75 for the high tomorrow. more cloud. halloween looks good. 50 degrees. we are warming up again, next week, we will look at those highs wednesday and thursday back in the the lower 70's. jan, back to you. thanks, justin. last year around this time the trumpkin made headlines this time he is back with two new friend. artist behind this this presidential "in washington, if you don't have some independence, some backbone, you might as well not even be there." backbone?! pat toomey voted 7 times to defund planned parenthood. and when he didnít get his way, toomey threatened to shut down the federal government. now, toomey refuses to tell us whether he's voting for donald trump. but when he's in other parts of the state, toomey's said he wants to support him. pennsylvania just cant trust pat toomey. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. i served under president bush and obama. i fought the taliban. i was asked to form a global coalition to counter isil. when someone makes the comment that they know more about the islamic state or isil than do the generals, it implies a complete ignorance of the reality. but i believe secretary clinton really understands the threat that the islamic state poses to the united states and to the american people. and i believe she understands how to wield american power to ultimately defeat this threat and to keep us safe. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. facebook is testing out a feature for its app that looks like snap chat. camera that lets users take selfies and videos with filters and mask to post on their news feed and for halloween. social network is letting you try on different masks like a skull, witch when you share live video. you can react to posts with spooky emojis like a crying franken stein and a cackling witch. and at ohio woman reveals a line up of presidential pumpkins in time for fall and election. jeanie moos reports on the political pumpkin patch. >> the front porch just like any other until you notice who is sitting on it, donald trumpkin, hillary clintonkin. who said third one. >> wild card, though was putinkin. i call him putinkin. >> vladamire is the biggest, 341-pound but it is donald and hillary that get most of the attention. here in dublin, ohio and a now worldwide janet parises famous, so she is not really an artist. >> i started pumpkinnicing giant celebrity pumpkins 1988. >> she has done everyone from my lie cyrus to jim junk soon, and kanye west, was a hit with his glasses. since she does whoever is big in the news, the donald and hillary were no brainers. she has got a 374-pound trumpkin last year. most tricky feature right, what else, the hair. >> it is hade up of six, very large wigs, carved trumpkins are popping up all over social media right down to the minimal list wig and hull. when it comes to halloween the donald is winning. his mask overwhelmingly out selling hillary nationwide, usually candidate who sells best tends to win the election, but the trump has being has an advantage. >> the left like to buy it and right likes to buy it because he is their can tait. >> reporter: over 95 percent have have people who buy these has accounts are men. as for the donald's pumpkin, uncarved it will last until new years so what happens when it is time to get rid of trumpkin, and putinkin, and clintonkin before dumping them in the trash, janet says that she chops them up like in a psycho shower scene. jeanie moos, new york. >> my goodness. one last check of the weather just in time. >> it will be a warm weekend close to 07 today. mid 07's tomorrow. watch out for showers, mainly after 5:00 o'clock on sunday, halloween looks dry, cooler, typical fall day 63 degrees with conditions in the 50's. not bad at all monday night. >> like it. thanks justin. >> that is "eyewitness news" for now we may be signing off on tv but we are always on line cbs cbs this morning saturday is next. have a great weekend. republican party bosses looked to find brian fitzpatrick. nearly three thousand miles - that's how far away they "hand-picked" him to run for his brother's seat. but all mike and brian fitzpatrick share is a name. brian fitzpatrick supports a radical republican agenda, including defunding planned parenthood, just like donald trump. a hundred and sixty miles down the road in dc, brian fitzpatrick will put his party first, not pennsylvania families. house majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. captioning funded by cbs good morning. it is saturday, october 29, 2016. welcome to "cbs this morning: saturday." another october surprise. this time, for hillary clinton. the fbi announces they are reopening the case against her. plus, frightening moments on the tarmac. passengers run for their lives as their plane catches fire. >> the battle over bathrooms intensifies. details on the transgender case heading to supreme court. history is made at wrigley field. the cubs hosting their first world series game in over 70 years. we begin this morning with a look at today's "eye one

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