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Just not used to it, kind of slap in the face, temperatures in the 40s he will feeling like the 30ths, at least the sunshine is on our side today. Good finish to the weekend. If you didnt go a chance to get outside yesterday, today will be pretty nice, still dealing with winds but not like yesterday. To the r i now the temperatures on l cooler side. Clear skies, looking live at center city, unlike yesterday, looking at dry conditions, no problems out on the roads. Current temp 47 degrees at the airport, west breeze, sustained 15 Miles Per Hour, bridges the windchill value down to 416789 i mean, nothing terribly cold, weve seen colder, across the region this season, generally mid and upper 40s right now. Fortyfive in quakertown pottstown, but the winds what we are dealing with right now, windchill up in allentown at 39 degrees, it feels like 39 in atlantic city. Quiet on storm scan3, clear skies, no threat of rain today, really for the next several days, great weather to be outside. Good weather for the eagles game today. Kick off at 1 00 with the vehicle things town, around 60 degrees, in the sunshine, little breezy, west winds, ten, possibly to up around 20 Miles Per Hour, so around the region we go. Temperatures actually climbing back to where they should be for this time of year. Sixtyfour for the high for philadelphia, mid 60s at the shore, till breezy conditions everywhere across the region, nice day in the poconos, sunshine, highs low 50s, overall pattern stays on the cool side. Talk about cold nights for the upcoming week, break it down coming back in a few minutes. Cant wait. Thank you. See you soon. New this morning, fire rips through a Port Richmond home sending three people to the hospital. Flames broke out about an hour ago, in the 3100 block of memphis street. Authorities tell us one woman suffered burns over more than 50 of her body, she now in severe trauma unit. Other two victims are in stable condition. Cause of the fire is under investigation. Also, new this morning, one person is in the hospital after fire rips through a West Philadelphia home. The fire broke out here, just before 3 00 this morning, and vacant threestory home on the 5,000 block of race street. Fire reached one alarm before firefighters got continued chrome. No details on the victims condition. The fire is also under investigation. With just two and a half weeks to go until the election, both candidates stomping through the critical state this weekend, Hillary Clinton campaigned in philadelphia last night. Eyewitness News Reporter anita oh, live in the cbs3 news center with more on the jam pack rally. Good morning, and eat at. Good morning, are, definitely the right word for it, secret service says more than 7,000 people have attended the event last night, many wait dollars in the colds for hours to hear secretary clinton and her runningmate tim kaine speak, but the crowd had mixed reaction to her speech. Hello, penn. Hello philadelphia. Democratic president ial nominee, Hillary Clinton, addressed a large crowd at the university of pennsylvania on saturday night. We have to defend marriage equality. We have to defend the lgbt community. We have to tackle systemic racism and make criminal Justice Reform a reality. Clinton continued saying as president , she would push for qual pay for women, job creation, college affordability, and this. We have to take on the gun lobby and have common sense gun safety measures. But she also pivotted to blast her opponent, donald trump, calling him unfit to be president. He wont release his tax returns. He never intended to. And stop and ask yourself wow, there must be something really, really bad in his tax return. That didnt sit well with everyone this is the including grig richmond. Pretty much just trash trump, trash trump, trash trump. But lets talk about policies. Richmond former Bernie Sander supporter said he wanted to be convinced to clinton by hearing her specific plan. I dont know if i can do it. I wanted more policy. And it is disappointing. But philadelphia based doctor felt differently. I think she has a clear policies. I feel like inclusive of all people and really thinks about the people who are struggling, the people who arent necessarily in our daytoday lives. And rahel the campaign trail continues to heat up with election day right around the corner. Today doctor joe biden along with ann houlton, tim kaines wife, will make two stops in our area, that first event kicks off at noon at the Community College of philadelphia. Live in the news center this morning, anita o cbs3 Eyewitness News. Anita, thank you. Donald trump was also on the campaign trail battling for pennsylvania this weekend, visited the Civil War Battlefields in gettysburg, there laid out his goals for first 100 days ifee elected president. Trump outlined more than two dozen pro polls as. He called for term limit for congress, hiring freeze for most of the federal government, tax cuts for businesses and the middle class, legislation to funds a wall on the southern border. With the full understanding that the country of mexico will be reimbursing the United States for the full cost of such a wall, okay . And trump also visited cleveland yesterday, he says after the election he plans to sue the women who have come forward accusing him every unwanted sexual advances. And 11th accuser, adult film performer Jessica Drake came forward yesterday she said trump kissed her without consent and later propositioned her. Eyewitness news with a get out the vote block party. Several community groups, outside philadelphia hall, Philadelphia City hall. This he reminded those who came out that your voice is your vote. And the Republican Party of pennsylvania has filed a lawsuit challenge ago provision in the election code. They say the law requiring pole watch tears serve only in the counties where they reside is the is a violation of constitution, pennsylvania voters plaintiff in the lawsuit. Democrats responded by calling the lawsuit a publicity stunt. And again, just over two weeks, until election day. So of course stay with cbs3 Eyewitness News for complete Campaign Coverage on air, on line, at cbsphilly. Com. Former Pennsylvania Attorney general, kathleen kane, those avoid jail time when a judge sentencing her tomorrow, in august. Convicted kane of leaking grand jury documents, then flying it under oath. Prosecutors are asking for jail time. Kane faces 12 to 24 years in prison. Kanes team is seeking probation so she can raise her children. One man is dead and teenager hurt after shooting inside a philadelphia restaurant. Happened yesterday afternoon, at burger lane on the 2800 block of north 22 street. Police say a 23 year old man was shot and killed. Sixteen year old boy was also shot. He is in stable condition. Police say they have no leads on a shooter. Police are also investigating another deadly shooting inside a bar in philadelphias paul ton neighborhood. Happened around 1 30 yesterday neighborhood, jollys west bar, Authorities Say officers patrolling the area heard gunshots and found a 19 year old man outside who had been shot once in the chest. He was returned to Presbyterian Hospital where he later died. Investigators say the shooting stemmed from argument inside the bar. And police are still searching for one suspect who got away during a policeinvolved shooting in West Philadelphia, police tell us, 19th District Police officers were patrolling on the 500 block of north 56 street early yesterday morning, when they saw and heard gunshots coming from a car. They say the officers approach the car with three men inside, one man took off running. The driver exits the vehicle, around his waistband area, the officer telling him to remove his hands, show his hands, refuses to obey the command. He makes a step toward the officer. The officer discharged his wept job that bullet struck the suspect in the left arm. He is expected to be okay. The officer who shot him is on administrative leave while authorities investigate. A 17 year old has turned himself in to police in connection with a shooting in rittenhouse square. Flint was shot five times tuesday night. Police say the 39 year old hero intervened when 17 year old and another manna tell topped rob a young couple at gun point. Teenage suspect did know the couple he was robbing. Switching gears, today the eagles will try to snap their losing streak. They are of course hosting sam bradford and the un de fight dollars vikings at the linc. Penalties have doomed the birds against detroit, and washington. Game time this afternoon at 1 00. Much more on the match up ahead in our second half hour. Still toy could this morning, details on massive merger shaking up the media landscape. Also ahead Truck Development on the hack attack that shutdown major website across the world. And do you take a lot of selfies . I wont answer that. But some pictures can make themselves conscious about one part of the face specifically. Now procedure to fix a selfie chip. Good sunday morning, we go back to average today, temperatures warming up little bit. Overall the pattern staying cool. We have some cold night ahead. Ill show when you it all but pat toomey actually owned a bank. Most people owe the bank. And when he went to washington, he voted to change the laws. To benefit wall street and banks like his. Voting to gut Consumer Protections that crack down. On predatory lending and fraud. To take money from you and. Line the pockets of wall street millionaires like. Himself. Pat toomey out for himself, all in for wall street. Dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. Back now on Eyewitness News with the philadelphia zoo kicking off their boo at the zoo halloween extravaganza. Children in costumes visited their favorite annulose trick or trick. In addition to sweets, children enjoyed the knot so scary graveyards. The hail bail maze, and other halloween maze crafter and games. It takes place next weekend, as well. Walkers light up the night. Hundreds take part in leukemia , limb note a Society Light the night walk last night. They carried lanterns of different colors. Walk was all about building awareness of blood cancers as well as raising money for research and sport for patient and their families. Huge Wiffle Ball Tournament hems raise money for little boy battling leukemia line drives for luke is a benefit for 12 year old luke, he received bone Marrow Transplant from his little brother niko in august. The Community Came together saturday. Fiftysix teams in all at Black Rock Park in ridley for luke and his family. This is Great Community to live in and work in, and raise your kids in. And the support from everybody, family, especially, friends, close friends, and the support of the whole ridley community, has just been hazing, huge help to us and our family. He has been great friends. Hes always funny. Gets everybody in a good mood. Just hes great. Well District Attorney jack wheel lard, marry hopper, ridley township commissioners all took part in the fundraiser. The popularity of selfies has a growing number of people focusing on their double childrens chins. Health reporter Stephanie Stahl explains. Just a little fat pocket. But for michelle, it is a big problem. I cant stick a dumbbell under there and do exercise z she cant stop seeing it thanks to social media. Pretty much in every photo i in the it. If im not strategically holding my chin out. The 35 year old mom dropped her pregnancy weight, but the area under her chin stuck. She thought she would have to deal with if forever until she heard about this. Why not . Any can melt it away . And it will be gone within couple of weeks. It kills fat satisfy permanently, pretty cool. Doctor linda flynn said it is also safe and because of social media, she is treating more patients, including herself. The to before i do it on my patient, i do it on me, but also nice when i look at my profile, i look it a lot better. The injections take less than five minutes, michelle said it got a little bit uncomfortable. Like the first three, oh, this is nothing, then all the sudden once we destroy your fat cells, where we put the medicine, you dont have to redo it again. Once done, were done. These before and after pictures show other patients, will take eight weeks before michelle sees how she looks and those selfconscious selfies become a thing of the past. Hopefully like this. Doctors say it doesnt work for people who have a lot of hanging loose skin. The injections cost anywhere from 500 to 5,000. Im Stephanie Stahl, cbs3, Eyewitness News. And justin, not just a fantastic one meteor gist, also master selfie taker. Ya, right. Not happening. Nothing is wrong with that is correct i just dont take selfies. The right ankle snell. I see you in the commercial breaks, like this is the lighting and all of that. Yes . Lets talk about weather. Much better day today, if you like little milder, well get it sunshine, still breezy, late october day. Little chilly when you factor in the winds. Have the heavier coat. Need the lighter jacket this afternoon. All is quiet this morning. No rain to deal with out on the roads, traveling will be good, all across the region. Pretty much throughout the midatlantic and northeast, moving back into that dry pattern. Just little bit chilly. Temperatures in the 40s, but feels like the 30s, at times, when you get those stronger wind gusts. But the overall trends this week, going to be for cooler temperatures. Now back to the consistent late october weather. Today temperatures right where they should be, 64 degrees the high temperature, same deal tomorrow. We take little built after hit tuesday, wednesday, and thursday, so dropping back below average. That puts our highs back into the 50s. And by the end of the week we get close to 60 degrees, again, so if you like fall weather youll like this forecast coming up. Colds nights aheadment looks like widespread 30s coming up specially on tuesday night, and wednesday morning. Temperatures not much change. No matter where you are, just because we have the breeze, mixing up the air little bit. We dont get the normally colder spots, the cold air settles at the surface, so generally everybody waking up to low to mid 40s at this hour, 47 at Philadelphia International airport. Mid fours up in allentown, quakertown, these spot normally colder. But kind of hanging out in the middle fours at this hour. Thirtyseven up in mount pocono. The storm that brought the rain yesterday, and the winds, is moving off across Northern New England right now. Still a strong storm. It continues to strengthen little bit. So has the winds energy over us, but not quite as windy as today or yesterday. We will see a lot of sunshine around. That will help warm things up little bit. Sustained winds right now out of the west, around 15 Miles Per Hour, still breezy outside. Not going to be dealing with the gusts near 40 like we had yesterday. But as we move through time, winds try to back down little bit. Still breezy, maybe up to 20 Miles Per Hour for the afternoon, tonight, wind actually switches more out of the southwest, we will not be dealing with temperatures as cold tonight as were dealing with right now, lowes tonight around 50 degrees, them the breezy conditions continue into monday, as well. But overall temperatures staying near average. Up in the poconos, cooler, good conditions to check out some of the fall color approaching peak conditions. Up in the mountains, 53 for the high today in the sunshine. Tomorrow, few more clouds, high near 50. Then it get colder on tuesday, look at that, temperatures struggle to the mid 40s in the afternoon up in the mountains. Overall pattern dry. Storm system slowly moving to the north, High Pressure to the south. Really dominate our weather. Little weak cold front thats going it come through late tonight, early monday morning, maybe a shower or two in the mountains, thats about it, it will be gone by the time you wake up, back to sunny skies, what it does, just reinforce some of the winds, and then some of the colder air gets back in here on tuesday, and sticks around for the next few days being but for today, nice rebounds after this morning, into the 40s, look at the mid sixs for afternoon highs, even 06 agree temperatures up into the Lehigh Valley so great wait to finish offer the weekends. Tonight not as cool. Check it out. Tomorrow morning waking up 50s, maybe some upper 40s in the cooler suburbs, then like today, once again, low to mid 60s for afternoon temperatures, on monday. That will will change, though, tuesday. So today, breezy, milder, sunshine, up to 64 degrees. Tonight, partly cloudy skies, low around 50 for the city, the text end forecast, enjoy average temperatures today, tomorrow, look at that dive down to the mid 50s on wednesday, next chance is thursday. Wednesday morning, rahel, upper 30s for the city. So if youre complaining about today, yes, you will complain about wednesday morning. Already got the north face, and parka ready. You need it, keep it around. Thank you, see you soon. Tell he come giant at t strikes block buster deal for time warner for 858. 4 billion. The deal would give at t programming control of household names like hbo, cnn, cartoon network, and the Warner Brothers movie studio. At t already one of the countrys largest providers of Wireless Phone and internet service, also recently acquired direct tv. Federal antitrust regulators now must approve the deal. Federal investigators trying to track down who ever unleashed wave of Cyber Attacks temporarily shutdown some of the largest websites in the u. S. Correspondent tony decopewomen pick up the story. A at thisshow received from millions of us on line, on friday, how much, twitter, netflix, dozens of other companies, nearly drowned in the traffic. It wasnt coming from people. But from millions of hijack machines. They flooded the web with fake requests. Now the fbi and the department of homeland secure at this investigating. The shadow group calls new world hackers has claimed responsibility. Fran, a National Security analyst for cbs news. The notion of launching massive attack, not against targeted entity, but to disrupt the internet, could have massive Economic Impacts in the united state. It stand for distributed denial of service. And attacks choke the website with fake requests. This particular attack didnt hit any brand name websites directly. Instead, it focused on a back end company that inch visibly but crutially route customer requests to the website we all know by name. Dan ackerman covers, cbs company, he says this type of attack is old, but with truck new twists including the take over of millions of internet connected machines, from baby monitors, to thermostats, to dvrs, all without the owners knowledge. This is a large scale version of it that affect a lot of people, no doubt, we will see a lot more of this going forward. All while striking the bedrock of the modern world, as well. Cbs news, new york. Still ahead it is not your average pet store, victoria idle helping abused animal. New pet boutique debuting in richboro. Say the boutique owner not your typical store owner. His motto, it is not about the toes we step on, it is about the paws we protect. You dont want it and also in the next half hour, real life marathon man, how without taking a single step, this cancer survivor is taking on phillys 25mile challenge. We will well be like me, she has pennsylvania working class roots, biden this is what i know about Katie Mcginty and shes never abandoned them. Hard work. Family. Playing it straight. Thats katie. And the ads attacking her . Theyre a bunch of malarkey. Katies career is about looking out for families like yours. Creating jobs, keeping our environment safe. Shes a wife, a mom, a basketball fan, a homework supervisor. Shes like you and shell fight for you in the United States senate. Im Katie Mcginty and i approve this message. If youre using this toothpaste, youre probably expecting to get visibly whiter teeth, but it only removes surface stains, and clinical tests show that it only provides about a halfshade of whitening. Colgate optic white high impact white is different. It contains hydrogen peroxide, a professionally recommended whitening ingredient. It goes beyond surface stains to deeply whiten. It whitens four shades, and that is a visible difference in whitening. Colgate optic white high impact white toothpaste. Vittoria woodill takes us through her hall. New, called justice for all in richboro. Store is packed with pet food, pet accessories, even duty is toys for all of your flurry friends. Something you dont see next to the goods on their shelves. The good theyre doing foray buys dollars animals when you make a purchase. 100 of the net proceeds go to helping abused animals. Owner Russell Harper knows a lot about animal abuse, because he is an animal cruelty officer he heads a team of individuals, who provide rescue handson Emergency Service to animals in need, 24 7. Directly dealing with abusers and even offering a safe haven for animals who have no homes. Quickly learned in order for us to be highly effective, we needed to go through the academy and through the schooling to become humane cruelty officers . Not your typical boutique owner . No, no, thats true. You know, weve had some customers come in, see the look on their face. After we talk about what were doing, and how it is affecting abused animals, i got to ask, why wouldnt you buy from somewhere like this . With 100 of the stores net proceeds, helping rescue, adopt, rehabilitate animals, there is no question why patrons like patricia and bella shop here. Thats yes support them. Just not enough organizations like this. Pet store with a purpose. To funds the protection of abused animals, so these helpless faces may see the light. Were the only organization that does what we do. So for anybody thats looking for the rescue store thats we do or more information, they can check out oust on check us out on the rescue page, justice rescue, all of the limits to the store, to the rescues, or where you can actually report abuse, as well, look for them, the dogs that you are looking for your family, we do adoption through there, as well. I love that. Well, what is your favorite halloween cansy . As you can imagine, not all created equal. See if your go to treat matches up with where you live, ahead in our next half hour. Also it is confirmed, piece of Royal Real Estate in philadelphia is staying in the royal family. We are getting rare look inside the popes private apartment. Rooms that were once off limits, now, open for visitors to roam. Straight ahead, well take you on personal tour. After cold whipping winds saturday, justin back to tell us what we can expect on sunday. Were back in a moment. Another antiwrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. Neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair works. In one week. With the. Fastest retinol formula available. Its clinically proven to work on fine lines and. Even deep wrinkles. One week . That definitely works rapid wrinkle repair. And for dark spots, rapid tone repair. Neutrogena®. See whats possible. Live in philadelphia, this is cbs3, Eyewitness News, this morning. And good morning, im rahel solomon, lets get out to justin on this cbs3 skydeck, justin, you know, people can trust what you say, but do not do what you do. You are not wearing a coat and it is freezing out. Cold, dont get me wrong. Not enough time to put the coat on, im out here like one minute, i can handle it. Youre right, chilly, wind, chills down into the 30s, some spots, so the heaviest coat needed still dealing with the breeze, not quite as windy as yesterday, but good news dry today. We get the sunshine out here, it will help warm us back up to average temperatures, but really the next 48 hours, check it out. Temperatures not that cold, mid and upper 40s over most locations, no real cold spot because of the winds mixing up the air. But does feel like the 30s, in some locations, to low fours, when you factor in these stronger wind gusts from time to time. There you go. Nice and quiet on storm scan3, unlike yesterday, dealing with some steady light rain, now clear skies, you can see the moon, and that sunshine will take over the region, breast i, chilly this morning with temperatures holding in the 40s, 50s, then this afternoon, topping off into the mid 60s, in the warm spots, so thats average for this time of year. Some good football weather, still little breezy headed to the game but tailgating no problem, and the vehicle things town, kick off at 1 00 today should have game Time Temperature of around 60 degrees, by the ends of the game, in the mid 60s, so on our way up to 64 degrees for philadelphia, in the sunshine, breezy at the shore, with high of 65. And low 50s up in the mountains, if you like today, you will like tomorrow, then it does get cold once again, talking about some cold overnight lows, break it down for you coming up in the seven day in just few more minutes, rahel, we send it back to you. Justin, see you soon, thank you. Just a little over two weeks away from the election and both president ial candidate try to drum up support in pennsylvania this weekend. Hillary clinton spoke last night, at penn park and University City eyewitness News Reporter anita o live in the news center more on apparently what was a jammed packed rally. Good morning, anita. Good morning, rahel. Thats right. More than 7700 people waited in the colds for hours, to hear clinton and her runningmate senator tim kaine speak, and it is no surprise that they were here, pennsylvania of course a mustwin swing state in this election. Now much of her speech centered around what she hopes to accomplish, as president. Clinton mentioned pushing for clean energy, college affordable, common sense gun safety measures, pivot today blast her opponent calling him unfit to be president. Take a listen. I wont release his tax returns, he never intended to, and stop and ask yourself wow, there must be something really, really bad in his tax return. Those in attendance had mixed reaction to her speech. I know how she feels about donald trump. She doesnt like donald. Doesnt ailed doesnt like her. Neither one likes each other. But at least give us something, bernie supporters like us really wanted. And we didnt get it tonight. There is so much. Every time she speaks it gives me hope. I am happy i was here. Will continue to stomp in our region ahead of the november 8 election, today doctor jill bolden answer ann holt end will be here at the Community College of philadelphia. They will head to phoenixville after. That will live in the news center, anita oh, cbs3 Eyewitness News. Thank you. Donald trump was also on the campaign trail pat link for pennsylvania this weekend. The republican nominee visited the Civil War Battlefield in gettysburg, there laid out his goals for his first 100 days as president ifee elected. Outlined more than two dozen pro polls as, calling for term limit, hiring freeze for most of the federal government, and tax cuts for businesses and the middle class. After that rally, he then head today rally cleveland, ohio where there he addressed the controversial issue of voter fraud. They are 1. 8 million depth people registered right now to vote. And folks, folks, some of them vote. I wonder why. I wonder how that happened. They woke up from the dead and they went and voted. Maybe theyll vote for trump. I dont know. Maybe i shouldnt be saying this. Trump also says after the election, he plans to sue the women who have come forward, accusing him of unwanted sexual advances. Now, 11th accuser adult film performer Jessica Drake came forward saying trump kissed her without consent, later propositioned her. All right, overseas now there is week, we had a rare look inside some of the most private rooms in the papal residence. Visitors are now able to see the bedroom of pope francis and other private spaces. Correspondent seth dont takes us a tour inside italy. The air little bit cooler up here in the mountains, and just take a look at this view. You can see why the pope has been coming here to escape for centuries. But, pope francis is the peoples pope. So, opening his own private apartment, for the people to see, falls right in line with that reputation. Francis opened to tourists in 2014, but the public has never been allowed to see these rooms. Take a look in here, the most private of rooms. This is the popes bedroom. Remarkably simple for a pope. Here is his bed, what one pope does is not binding to the next. So it is possible that this room under a future pope would be off limit, again. And this just off the popes bedroom is his private chapel. The popes predecessors benedict and Pope John Paul ii, but pope has never spent the night here. This pope has done away with formality, no longer using the red custommade shoes, turning in his mercedes pope mobile, and often using a kia instead. So turning over his summer residence to tourists seems like the logical next step. For cbs news, im seth dont. The philadelphia home where grace kelly grew up is now in the hands of monacos royal family. Her son, Prince Albert of monaco, confirms to People Magazine that he bought the sixbedroom colonial home in the east falls section for 754,000. Thats the home where the oscar winner also accepted a Marriage Proposal from prince ranier the thirds. Also told the magazine he plans to visit philadelphia on tuesday, as he considers his plans for the home. Cbs3, the cw philly and komen philadelphia teaming up wednesday again in the fight against president cancer turning the philly skyline the region pink. Cancer centers of america was glowing pink. October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month. And the pink lights are reminder to schedule a mammogram, stay vigilant in the fight against breast cancer. And take a look, the independent Seaport Museum on penns landing was also glowing beautifully in pink. The 15th year for the lie for the cure campaign, find more information at cbsphilly. Com. Well, a big turn out at the annual walk now for autism speaks. Eyewitness news at Citizens Bank park, dozens walked to help raise money to support Vital Research and top quality programs that are changing the future for those who struggle with autism. Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf was among the many officials on hand, to thank parents. The most important thing, it is very important, that you get into their persons wormed, like whatever their quirk is, whatever it is that they like, they just want to be accepted. Just like everybody else. So even if it is something that you might not do on normal basis, it is very important that you get into their world, get into their like, and like it, too. And take a look. Our jim donovan and Meisha Johnson were also part of the event. Cbs3 is the proud media partner for the autism walk. City planners are gearing up for the philadelphia marathon next month, marathon benefits number every cancer organizations, and on the cbs3 health watch now, the man in charge of the marathon this year is former cancer patient himself. Health reporter Stephanie Stahl has more on the special connection. We dont want anybody scrambling on weekend of the event. The planning is endless for jim marino, race director of the philadelphia marathon. He knows all about challenges, having just survived pancreatic cancer. He didnt think he would when he was first diagnosed. My first reaction was i get death notice. Got lucky after surgery last year. He was cancerfree. His dad wasnt so lucky. He died from colon cancer at the age of 69. To make sure were staffed, ready to go. So for jim, being involved with the marathon that raises money for variety of cancer charities, it is personal. Thats what i told the doctor. Look, i cant gave you a million dollars, but i can help raise a million dollars. Hoping to make the marathon better than ever there is year the full and half marathons will be split up. The half going on saturday, november 19th. So now we can spread it out and give them running room, and give it more opportunity to grow both event, and thats one, the biggest change. The route has changed streamline the parkway, so the marathon wont be so disruptive, while still providing the runners with an iconic course. Running down arch street. Jim who washings for the parks and Recreation Department has been part of the marathon for 22 years. This is his first year in charge, and in case youre wondered if. No, im not a runner, never was a runner, but i run the run. When i see all of the happy faces at the end of the day, people reaching their goals, i feel lime ive reached mine, too, for that day. The win hear time had two hours 17 minute, full marathon takes place sunday november 20th, the deadline to register; november 1st. Just two weeks away. Also, that weekend, there is the rothman 8k and a kids fun run. We have all of the information for you at cbsphilly. Com. Click on health. Aim he Stephanie Stahl. Cbs3 Eyewitness News. And still to come this morning, halloween decorations can be spooky and fun. But they can also be dangerous. Well tell but more things to consider to keep trickortreaters safer at your home. And are you a fan of Girl Scout Cookies, and do you enjoy nice cold bowl of cereal . Good news, some of your favorite things are coming together. Details whether we come its a lending practice sou out, outrageous most states. Banned it. But at the bank owned by pat toomey it was business as usual. Forcing 21 Small Business owners out of their homes. Now, toomeys using his power in the senate to help himself. Voting to gut rules that protect us and crackdown on big banks. Pat toomey, out for himself, not us. Dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. Pat toomey he was a founder of this Pennsylvania Bank and owned stock worth as much as a million dollars. Under toomeys leadership, the bank used a controversial foreclosure practice called confession of judgement to take away homes from people across pennsylvania. The practice is banned in 35 states because its considered predatory, but pat toomey didnt care. Pat toomey the banker hes really not for you. Senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. Separating some of the best in our have you. I was proud to cohost the annual Award Ceremony on Independence Hall fall, several members were there, as women. Weep just saw charlene horn, Samuel Gardner there, samuel steve mackenzie, and cherri gregg of course we always see on sunday mornings was there. This event honors area journalists and Community Leaders for their out standing contributions not region, much of the proceeds of the event actually fund college scholarships. Justin, real fun event there. But so many scholarship recipient, with really inspiring powerful stories. Good to hear, good stuff there. Waking up this morning to chilly temperatures. Little shock to the system. Limb rough with the rain and wind around, at least today we have the sunshine going for us, typical fall conditions, i think youll love today, and next 48 hours, if you like it even colder just wait few more days. But look at the temperature change compared to the past 24 hours, so about anywhere from three to 7 degrees cooler, so not a huge drop off from this time yesterday morning, but, the winds is still whipping up little bit, sustained around 15 Miles Per Hour. So actual air temperatures upper 30s in the mountains, near 50 at the shore, everybody pretty much the same,. Not whole lot of cold air, ohio valley, as the core of the cold air starting to lift back out, north and east. So well have slight warm up for the next couple of days, st. Louis at 56 degrees. Milder air starts to press eastward, over the next day or so, a lot of sunshine today will help warm things up. Storm system, look at that, firing off some snow, up across Northern New England, brought some rain yesterday. Strong storm across southern canada. Still wind energy over us, not quite as windy as it was yesterday. Still breeze think afternoon you can see were dry. Just some clouds out across western pennsylvania, but for overall just see mostly sunny day today. Wind gusts are coming counselorment look at. That will only few locations gusting over 30 Miles Per Hour, wildwood at 31, 36 up in mount pocono at the time top of the hour. Close to peak fall foliage, across the poconos, southern tear of new york state, seeing peak, already passed peak up across new england, probably next weekends, very close to peak around philadelphia and surrounding suburbs. Which one warm afternoon, cool nights, we have that coming at us in the forecast, so here is the set up. Low pressure that brought the rain continues to slowly move northward, High Pressure sits to the south. That locks us into a drier pattern, little weak cold front that comes through tonight. Not a loft moisture overnight tonight, the shower, gone, early monday morning, so we will be back with sunny skies. Just reinforces the winds little bit. So get breeze out of the northwest, transmits more cold air arrives monday night into tuesday bok back into dry pattern, temperatures today, nice rebounds, though. Mid 60s this afternoon, which is average, even up in the poconos, enjoying the low 50s today, near six off for easton, allentown, kutztown low six 60s, bucks county around philadelphia, few degrees warmer probably topping off about 64 degrees for the high for philadelphia, chester county, low 60s into south jersey we go, we had the off shore winds today, so no effect from cooler atlantic ocean, temperatures able to warm up even along the coastline, probably degree or so warmer than here in philadelphia. But watch what happens middle of the week. Go through time, wednesday morning, 8 00 a. M. , blue line here indicates temperatures 32 degrees or below, so were going to hit close to freezing shall, in the city definitely northwest suburbs wednesday morning and again on thursday morning. So far this season moving in for the middle of the week. Sixtyfour for the high, today, tonight, not as cool, here is the extended forecast, a lot of sun, mid 60s again tomorrow, then back to the 50s next chance of rain thursday. Rahel, back to you. Just continue, thank you, time 6 47. To ann evans at the cbs3. See how the roads are looking. Disable car to start things off. 202 northbound between swedesford road west and route 29. Center lane block, you can barely see it, but see the flashing lights and no delays because volume too light. Again, we will get the delays, center lane block, you can see now, track going around it. We will move the traffic cam here, there you go, the i95, this is i95 at broad street, the roadway would you take, if you are doing some Early Morning tailgating for todays evening else game. No delays or problems on this portion of i95. Volume there. It is moving along fine. And, on to the ben franklin bridge, the ben franklin bridge as well as walt whitman bridge in good shape. Thats the latest from the cbs3 traffic center. Now, rahel, back to you. Ann, thank you. Are you ready for halloween . Whether you are putting up few decorations or going all out, big display in your yard, make sure people get a good scare, but dont take a trip to the er. Jim donovan tells us about some things to consider when it comes to halloween safety. Ryan is serious about halloween. Electric chair, this is a rather elaborate halloween haunt. His home transforms into a graveyard with hanging spiders nests, skeletons, no detail left out. Along with the man hours of setting up the display. These wires will be taped down by the time halloween comes. Bern a puts just as much thought into the safety of his cast of characters. You have to imagine. Join patrick says, if youre wear after hazard on your property, that might not be obvious to everyone else, and they get hurt. You could be like. The fun is also in the safety, just takes too moments. Precaution beforehand. Be mindful of slip and falls. Keep close eye on your dog, use light instead of open flames. Safety number one thing for any home haunt err. You have your house ready, but what about the candy . The survey is out on the most popular treats state by state. Wait until you hear what sweet treat tops the list here on the keystone state. Eagles set to face the vikings. Leslie takes a look how they plan to cut down on the turnovers, next in sports. Pat toomey and donald trump theyre just wrong for the women of pennsylvania. New fallout for donald trump. Should a woman be punished for having an abortion . There has to be some form of punishment. For the woman . Yeah, there has to be some form. I would support legislation in pennsylvania that would ban abortion, and i would suggest we have penalties for doctors who perform them. Pat toomey and donald trump theyre not for you. Priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. Today the undefeated vikings come to the link, minnesota has number one scoring defense in the league it, could be long day forecaster on wentz. The birds come into the game struggling, theyve lot two in a row, and the biggest factor in the lost is penalties. Twentyseven against the lions in washington. And the players know they have to eliminate the mistakes to beat minnesota. If you were to ask me at the beginning of the year, you know, if i would have been here in minute society, a we would have been going back, you know, playing the eagles, you know, i would have thought i would have been on the other side of t but. I keep in touch with at love those guys, with us going back there, it will be a great chance to go see some of those guys talk to them. This week, been a long week already, and im sure we will talk before the game. It will be cool to go out there, see them again. And we will get you ready for the return of sam bradford on sunday kick off today at 11 30, you can join sports director don bell, merrill reese, pat gallen and me live from the link. Thats 11 30 right here on cbs3. The flyers in action last night at the center against carolina, the orange and black off to another slow start to beginning a season. They have lost three in a row, Second Period the flyers down a goal, rookie shot from the. 3 directed at drake voracek, first goal of the season, game tide. Later in the period or and ankle black, shot redirected by matt read. His fifth of the seasonment the flyers take the lead. The flight strike again, shot, the flyers with two goal lead, flyers snapped that threegame losing streak, sixthree the final. Thats all for sportment im Leslie Van Lesley van arsda. Nice day. Go birds. The drought finally over for the chicago cubs have, advanced to the world series by beating the loss ankle len dodgers five to nothing to win the National League championship. This will be the cuzs first appearance on the fall classic since 1945. Theyll play cleveland in the world series starting tuesday, by the way the cubs have not won the title since 1908. Indian last world series 1948. Dramatic come back for penn state. The Nittany Lions trail 21 to 17 with under five minute left. Marcus allen block 45yard field goal by ohio state. Pick up the ball, ran 60 yards for the score. Penn state pulls off the upset 24 to 21, coach franklins first win over a ranked team. Congrats to the Nittany Lions. What would halloween be without candy right . Newer surround vale top treats in each state, as Nicole Brewer reports, some may be surprise today find out that in pennsylvania chocolate not the sweetest toys. Halloween would be it to satisfy your sweet tooth. What do you hope lands in your bag or gets left over . New survey byproduct review site found some common ground, after surveying 40,000 users, the site compiled list of our state by state halloween favorites. In pennsylvania, swedish fish lands at the top. Oh,. Does it really . It is a big seller. In new jersey, soar patch kids beat out traditional sweets. And in delaware three muskateers took no prisoners. Who did this survey . The same folks who found appeals most to arizona, the californians, crave life saver. Lifesavers . Really . Fruit i casino or like the mint kinds . Adding to confusion, the most number of states, popular yet polarizing candy corn. The best thing about candy and corn combined. Nicole brewer. Cbs3, Eyewitness News. I love swedish fish. But i also love it. Xiq and kitkat. Do you love Girl Scout Cookies soon, you can just have them every day. The website the impulsive buy. Com says the popular thin mints and carmel crunch are the first cookie flavors to be made into cereal. New girl scout cereals are expected to hit store shelves around the same time the young scouts will appear outside your supermarket selling cookies and january or february. Have them every day. Thats it for Eyewitness News at 6 00. Heres what we have for you at 7 00. Merger promises to shake up the media land scale as we know it and so does the price tag. Micro chipping your pet . Animal advocate carol erickson, why it could be a smart move, especially this time of year. And there is a milder start to the week. But also the first 30s of the season, justin drabick, eyewitness forecast coming up this sunday morni i spent many years as a Nuclear Missile launch officer. If the president gave the order we had to launch the missiles, that would be it. I prayed that call would never come. [ radio chatter ] self control may be all that keeps these missiles from firing. [ sirens blearing ] i would bomb the [ beep] out of them. I want to be unpredictable. I love war. The thought of donald trump with Nuclear Weapons scares me to death. It should scare everyone. Im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. This is cbs3 Eyewitness News this morning. New this morning, philadelphia firefighters rush to a burning rowhouse in Port Richmond, as three people are returned to a hospital,. Gettysburg to unveil for first 100 days ifee elected. And after the rain moves out, the sun breaks through. Take note, eagles fans, on what is at the linc later. Today is sunday, october 23rd, good morning, im rahel solomon, over to justin dray brick, justin, late october, im sure there are a lot of people who are pretty excited about the cooler weather returning. Certainly feeling like october. Yep, not breaking any records, 80s are done, see that happens for the rest of the year. Maybe we get 70 degrees day. Never know, last year on christmas. That wasnt 80, well in the 70s, but heres hoping. Next several days, nice and quiet. Forecast prett room, try to learn what they

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