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It comes to the thermometer readings regional wide. Speaking of the region heres how it plays out we will start off with sunshine every where but cloud filled with time. Rain will move in from south to north just the way this storm will rotate in and as a result we will end up with showers as early as late this have afternoon but especially into tonight, poconos will be the last spots, to actually see that rain. But as we look forward, heres sort of the good break down of how things shake out period of rain coming in tonight, right through tomorrow, and scattered showers, staying unsettled right through saturday at least here. It is a row long event, coming up we will talk about just how much rain we will get out of this, meisha. Yikes. All right katie im bracing myself for tomorrow morning and were not even through this morning. We never want to do that. We never want to move too quickly. Good morning, happy wednesday. What were looking at is looking okay. Were heating up on the boulevard, headlights moving in the southbound direction near the schuylkill. This is were looking at heading out right now, it is not looking that bad. Like i was saying at the desk today we have try roadways. Yesterday we didnt. Tomorrow we will not either. So, enjoy today, but would i still recommend getting out there earlier. This is schuylkill headlights moving in the westbound direction at the curve, both moving this is west and eastbound side of the schuylkill we are starting to heat up and it is looking busier then what we were seeing, ten minutes ago. 422 headlights moving in the eastbound direction past oaks, kind of steady stream of vehicles and starting to hit roadway earlier then when buses get out there but once buses get out there everyone heads to work after kids are outside the door we know it will get business i. Lincoln drive at green street intersection closing at 8 00 a. M. Use germantown avenue at wissohickon avenue that will be your best bet, jim, over to you. Another high profile name comes to philadelphia today to campaign for Hillary Clinton. First Lady Michelle obama will be at Lasalle University this afternoon. Eyewitness News Reporter justin finch is live on campus with more on her visit, and what the candidates are up to today, justin, good morning. Reporter brooke, jim, good morning, nominees are on a campaign swing, trump to iowa, illinois, wisconsin and clinton and Bernie Sanders are off to New Hampshire and first lady goes to bat here for clinton here in pennsylvania. Lets take you to video, first ladys keystone state tour begins at the Lasalle Universitys tom gola arena and then west to the university of pittsburgh, where she is expected to make a very strong case for clinton as she did on july for the Democratic Convention here in philadelphia. Now just like vp joe bidens pro clinton rally at drexel yesterday, todays event aims to drive up voter registration. In 2016 pennsylvania will be a key swing state so both parties are working to ramp up voter rolls ahead of october 11th, that is cut off date for deadline to register. Trump and clinton are basking in post debate headlines their president ial debate on monies now call the most watched ever, and North Carolina tuesday clinton doubled down on her debate calling for trump to release his taxes and yesterday trumps eyes on the next months town hall style debate and he promises to hit clinton even harder. He actually bragged about gaming the system to get out of paying his fair share of taxes, but he really hasnt paid a penny to support our troops or our vets or our schools or our health care system. She was talking about what shes going to do to get rid of ice is, what she was going to do on child care, what she was going to do on all these Different Things and i kept saying, for 26 years you have been doing nothing, nothing. And the race so far a dead heat, a new cnn orc poll of likely pennsylvania voters shows a slim margin for top two nominees breaking down to 45 percent for clinton, 44 percent for trump, 6 percent for gary johnson and 3 percent for green partys doctor jill stein. Doors will open up at 9 00 a. M. At tom gola arena, the event will start at noon. Brooke and jim, back inside to you. Thanks, justin. Clintons and president obama are among dignitaries expect to attend funeral of shimon peres. Former israeli leader will be laid to rest on friday in israel. He died yesterday. He was 93 years old. Peres won noble peace prize in 1994 for reaching a peace deal with the palestinians and later received the Liberty Medal here in philadelphia. New this Morning Police are searching for gunman and motive in a deadly shooting in tacony. Police say a three twoyear old man was shot several times on his own front porch on the 6,000 block of van dike street just before midnight. He died at Temple University hospital. Police say that they are interviewing neighbors ape checking nearby security cameras in their search for the killer. Philadelphia police say they are also investigating a fatal crash on the roosevelt boulevard. Officers tell Eyewitness News that the one car accident happened around 10 30 last night at wakeling street. Police have confirmed that the person died, when the car hit a tree. Another person was rushed to a nearby hospital. No word yet on their condition. Well, outrageous growing this morning over another Police Involved shooting, this time in southern california. Eyewitness News Reporter jan carabao is live from the the cbs3 news center with the latest on this developing story, jan. Reporter remember, this comes weeks after Deadly Police shootings in tulsa oklahoma and charlotte North Carolina, this time were talking about suburban san diego, up investigators say black man killed there was acting erratically and was shot by police after pulling an object from his pocket and then pointing it at officers. The lets take a look, Police Released this photo of the incident, it is actually a still frame from cell phone video given to police by an eyewitness and investigators say it shows the moment that man pointed an object at police and assumed what they called a shooting stance. This all started around 2 00 p. M. At a strip mall there. Police say the sister of the man called police for help. She said her brother wasnt acting like himself, he was walking in traffic. When officers arrived the man refused multiple order to take his hand from his pocket. Police say he was shot the when he took those hand out with that object. One of the officers tried to subdue the man with the stun gun but failed, the other officers fired several times. News of this deadly shooting then spark angry but you peaceful protests in the area, dozens gathered throughout the night at shooting scene and outside at Police Headquarters there. Now some demonstrators claimed the man was shot with his hand up but police say still frame and cell phone video dispute that. Still protesters want to see the whole video released. I want to see a reason why you should confiscate the tape and hold it. They are not being held accountable and it is just a systematic genocide. They shot him five times. He is down. You shoot somebody five times, you are not the trying to stop him or help him. You are trying to kill him. Now the chief of police there says there already a thorough investigation. He will in the say what the object was that the man was holding but he did acknowledge it was in the a weapon. The officers to not wear body cameras. We are live from the news center, jan carabao for cbs3 Eyewitness News. Thanks very much for that report. Calls for change, philadelphias faith leaders gathered for Racial Justice rally outside of fraternal order of police head quarters. Unconstitutional stop and frisk, 40 percent of the time you are arresting people who have done nothing wrong. Eyewitness news in northeast philadelphia last night where members of the group power, protested deadly Police Involved shootings in charlotte and tulsa. The group also called for an end to the stop and frisk policy. Policing in this city, the continuation of stop and frisk. Continued brutality in communities of color. Not only here in philadelphia but you across the country have got to stop. We have talk to several of the leaders who wanted to come out and voice their displeasure at certain position that is they feel are owe rest i have and that they are unhappy with. Fraternal order of police have endorsed republican president ial nominee donald trump, trump wants police to implement stop and frisk nationwide. Executive director of Philadelphia Parking Authority is expect to lose his job at tomorrows Board Meeting after a second Sexual Harassment claim comes to life. Only, cbs3 was there as Vince Fenerty refused to answer questions from our joe holden about allegations that he sexually harassed a female employee last year. The board originally decided to allow fenerty to keep his job before a decades old claim surfaced yesterday. Ppa chairman joe ashdale told Eyewitness News he will recommend fenerty be fire. Still ahead on Eyewitness News, a wild fire out west doubles in size, in just two days, forcing people out of their homes and posing a challenge to fire fighters, find out what is so different about this fire compared to most others. Plus, if your husband or wife is miserable it could mean bad news for you and your health, we will explain how your spouse could be making you sick in the healthwatch. Stay with iid look her right in that fat ugly face of hers. Age. Shes a slob. She ate like a pig. A person whos flat chested is very hard to be a 10. Does she have a good body . No. Does she have a fat [expletive] . Absolutely. Do you treat women with respect . I cant say that either. vo when it comes to your favorite Pennsylvania Lottery pick games, its smart to add the new wild ball to your game. Sally plays 1 2 3, just like she does every day. But today she adds wild ball. Because sally chose to get extra chances to win by playing wild ball, sally yah vo she can now replace the number 4 with tonights wild ball, number 3. Making her a winner sally thanks, wild ball vo dont change the way you play, change the way you win learn more at palottery. Com. Officials in california say a fire burning in the Santa Cruz Mountains is only about 10 percent contained, that is right. That is right. Take a look Authorities Say the fire broke out monday and has since, burned 2,250 acres. Hundreds of people in the area have been forced to leave. Fire fighters say they are trying their hard toes put on the flames but weather conditions are making it extremely tough. Typically we will see some wind, this influencing fire behavior, but so far last couple of days we have seen 2,200 acres almost with the complete absence of wind so it is a little bit surprising. Fire Officials Say more than 500 people are on the ground helping with more to arrive in the coming days. They expect to have the fire contained early next week. Double in size in two daises a lot. Yes, terrible. Absolutely. Part of the problem is they really could use the rain and, you know, when we look the at the nationwide Drought Monitor just checking on the the status, your eyes get drawn to what is going on across Central California where we are here at exceptional drought not just extreme but you dry in that area still continuing. It will take a lot to chip away at that deficit. For us not as much because we are facing an abnormally dry pattern over philadelphia but in northern portions of Philadelphia County and central, new jersey, that drought is elevated from just ab normally dry, so bit more of the red flag to moderate. So again we need rain at this point. There is no surprise there but, it does come with a prolonged, system that will set up shop for multiple taste where we will end up with this. At the moment off to the south pockets of steady rain and thunderstorms. It is that next storm off the midwest that we will see rain building in there. That comes in as early as late this afternoon for southern counties but especially into tonight. As we go through future rain amounts here notice time stamp. I wanted to show you we will get you through better part of the day here without a single drop of rain but at the point we will hit 7 00 oclock we will see first rain drops falling, from south and then up to the northern territory, right through thursday, rain will continue to tall, and, and, rain over an this much that has fallen. To 64 with period of rain, steady at times, and that is anytime tomorrow. Still showers remaining friday, and possibly into the weekend too. Meisha. All right, katie, thank you so much. Good morning everyone. Were looking at an accident there in Plymouth Meeting west ridge pike at regal drive you can see back off in the distance these flashing lights it is blocking the right lane. Notice slow moving, just a heads up. Ninetyfive south at cot hand, push pushing in the southbound direction we are really starting to slow down as we come around that s curve. Make note. Ben franklin bridge you are starting to slow down there as well as we push in the westbound direction there new jersey into center city. We are heating up basically any where and we have this lingering accident off, that happened earlier this morning, route zero white horse pike is block, both directions at jimmy lead road, down pole there too we will use an alternate tilt on road and jimmy leads road is your best bet. Water main break that happened last night at 7 00 p. M. , clean up will be starting to happen intersection is closing at 8 00 a. M. Lincoln drive at green street so use an alternate around there at that time as well. We will have more this a bit but first we will take a quick break so stay where you are, cbs3 Eyewitness News will does pat toomey speak for you . I also want to thank the nra for its, uh, strong support for my campaign. Pat toomey he opposes an assault weapons ban and got an a rating from the nra. I have had a perfect record with the nra. And on Womens Health . I would support legislation in pennsylvania that would ban abortion, and i would suggest that we have penalties for doctors who perform them. Pat toomey does he really speak for you . Senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. Katie mcginty franny, johnny, me, and colleen. Een, all 10 of us raised on a policemans salary and a mom working as a restaurant hostess. Imagine trying to do that today, with washington looking out for the favored few. Ill bring a different point of view to the u. S. Senate working class roots and the mother of three, ill put middle class families ahead of wall street. Im Katie Mcginty and i approve this message because its your turn to get ahead. Now for newspaper head lanes from across our region. On the front page of the mercury former East Greenville man is heading to prison after admit to go physically abusing a four yearold autistic boy including injuring the childs mouth and teeth while the child was in his care. Twentyeight yearold nicholas, was sentenced in Montgomery County court, to two to ten years in state prison, in connection with the assault. From the trentonian photography teacher at Delran High School did more than instruct students how to shoot, he showed them porn. James cunningham was sentenced to one year of probation and ordered to surrender his teaching license after projecting image of the naked woman on a classroom board realing what using School District board. In norristown to honor fallen soldiers. The 17 new banners, paid tribute to men who served in the army, navy, marines, coastguard, and one with the navy seals. That is a look at some of the newspapers headlines from around the delaware valley. On the healthwatch today, the first baby in the world has been born using a controversial new technique. This this child has dna from three people, his mother, father, and an egg donor. The mother did not want her child to inherit lee syndrome a neurological disorder that already took the lives of her first two children. So doctors put some of her healthy dna into the donors egg and fertilized it. By doing this the doctors say parents can prevent passing disease on to their children. This disease is a very devastating situation for the baby and for the family. Critics of the technique say children born from this process should be tracked to ensure their health. Britain is first country in the world to allow it to use, to create human embryos, and this procedure is not yet approved here in the united states. You have all learned this saying happy wife, happy life, well, there may be more truth to that then you think. A new study published in Health Psychology find having a happy spouse may boost your physical health. As people with unhappy spouses had more physical ailments. Researchers say for years they have men that being around happy people can make one happy but apparently it also makes you healthier. Well, coming up, a warning before you go on facebook today, one story you should not, not, click on, or you could be hack, yes. Greatest scape that was caught on camera. Find out where this dog went after he escape the shelter, that is coming when pat toomey went to wasworking for wall street. Toomeys plan would risk Social Security on the stock market, lining bankers pockets with fees from our benefits that. Could total billions, even if the market crashes, and seniors lose everything. Katie mcginty is working for us. A mother of three, and ninth of ten kids, mcginty knows what matters. Shell fight for equal pay, affordable college, and. Shell always protect Social Security. Dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. Welcome back, everyone. We want to give you a sense of what the weekend is looking like here, we have enjoyed gorgeous weekend as ovulate, this one, it the is not necessarily ideal, the reason for that we have got a system moving in, already tonight, and it is with us, into the weekend. A very sluggish system to retreat, as a result, temperatures maryland rate up through the course of the weekend and should brighten up as well but we are likely to dodge showers saturday regional wide, possibly as late as sunday further off to the north. We will have have much more on the storm system that is moving this but for now back inside to you. Workers in a california Animal Shelter say they have never seen anything like it. A very smart German Shepherd escape shelter because he just wanted to go home. Ginger the ger hand shepherd was dropped off because her handlers say the owner could not care for her. The shelter employee say ginger figured out how to get out of the shelter through three doors and ginger made a break for it. Everybody believes she was trying to make her way back to the old homer because she was found close to where her home was. We want to honor owners wishers. It was difficult to make that decision but our job is to find her a home that is permanent and loving. It shouldnt be too hard to find that great home for ginger, shelter employees say they have had more than 40 applications, to adopt her. Good luck to ginger. I had a German Shepherd when i was a kid. Beautiful. Cleo. All right. Coming up next on Eyewitness News does your morning commute look like this. If so we will tell you about a plan to ease that bumper to bumper traffic on the schuylkill. Sending man to mars, it could happen sooner then expect we are live with the details of the grand plan to see hugh hans, to the red planet. Hi meisha. Good morning you guys. We have a accident in new jersey and water main break, we will have details coming up but you first we will take a quick break but dont go anywhere cbs3 eyewitness a beautiful start to the morning, but, then, were getting ready. Lots and lots and lots of rain. Well, we need it. It is a good thing. It will last for a while. Katie will let us know when we will dry out. Good morning im jim donovan. Im brooke thomas. Heres what you need to know today in your morning minute. Campaigns are now cranking up trump is set to canvas midwest as clinton and Bernie Sanders are off to New Hampshire and Michelle Obama comes to philadelphia to canvas for Hillary Clinton. Funeral for shimon peres will be held in israel on friday, peres tied last night after suffering a major stroke two weeks ago. One person dead following a fatal crash on the roosevelt boulevard, the one car accident, happened around 10 30 last night at wakeling street. They shot him five times and he is mentally challenge. Another police involve shooting sparking outrage. This time in suburban san diego investigators say black man who was killed was acting erratically. It is a story. Yankees fan popping question dropped Engagement Ring while proposing. Other fans helped him find the ring and as you just saw she said yesterday. Fortunately. Katie, what is going on. Are we glued tour forecast. There is a jacket that has appeared. It is a lit built on the cool side. I would put extra layer on. Cooler then it was yesterday at this same time and we will see that in the forecast. Lets take you back over course of the month or can you believe it, getting close to wrapping up this month of september but looking at month in review thus far, september has been a very warm month, and, temperatures spike to 95 degrees at that peak through the course of the month. We are trending almost 5 degrees above average. That may in the sound like a lot but it is huge. Meanwhile precipitation is well below average. This is just for the month, 1. 5 inches shy where we should be but our deaf it since the beginning of the year is running just shy of 5 inches. Again we do need rain and it is on the way not just yet we will see activity off to the southwest there. I dont want to you worry, we will end up with dry weather through better part of the day, it is later today and tonight that we will begin to see rain building in from this next storm system. The temperature difference is if from seven to eight or nine or 15 degrees cooler then this same time yesterday. That translate to the 50s across the board, those outlining suburbs, poconos and lehigh valleys are in the 40s and there are a few spots where it is milder but generally it takes the mean of all that and we are talking about temperatures cool enough to warrant extra layer for kids as you send them out the today. We will start with sunshine over the horizon but cloud build with time, a sign of things to come here, rain moving in tonight. We will track more of that later in the the show. All right. We will enjoy this sun while we see it. Thanks very much. We have an accident out there good morning happy wednesday in Plymouth Meeting. West ridge pike at regal drive is what we are looking at and it looks like one drivable lane is opened right thousand, you can see flashing lights, it does get slow around there. Just a heads up on that. Then we switch gears looking at the schuylkill you can see taillights are moving in the westbound direction at belmont where we are seeing predominantly the bulk of the slow downs on the schuylkill right now. Headlights moving in the eastbound direction we are looking okay, westbound side we are keeping an eye on, clearly in longer traveling in the 50s right now. Delaware county i95 north at 452 looking good as far as your commute, you have that haze in the air you will have visibility issues in that part. I95 south before girard, yikes, give yourself extra time we are heating up on i95 pushing in the southbound direction. Then we have an Accident Route 30 white horse pike is still block at jimmy lead road, alternate tilt on road or jimmy lead road is your best bet. Back over to you. There are just 40 days until election day and both candidates are back on the campaign trail following monday nights debate. Today the first lady comes to town to campaign for Hillary Clinton. The mrs. Obama has an event plan at Lasalle University set the for noon at tom gola arena, then mrs. Obama will campaign at university of pittsburgh. Meantime Hillary Clinton is with Bernie Sanders in New Hampshire. Donald trump is rallying support in illinois, iowa and wisconsin. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is responding to damaging testimony in the bridge gate trial. Former Port Authority official David Wildstein testified he and defendant bill baroni bragged about the traffic tie ups in fort lee in 2013 but still christie is denying any knowledge of the scheme. Stood by those claims on his ask the governor radio show last night. I knew nothing about the lane realignments before they happened, i knew nothing about the lane realignment as they were happening, i had nothing to to with the planning of it, i had no, nothing to do with authorizing it. There is no word on whether christie will take the stand as a witness in this trial. It sound like scifi but some say humans could really go to mars in just six years. That is the gola cord to go space x foundere lon must being who came up with a plan to colonized the red planet. Hena daniels has more on his ambitious, mission to mars, hena. Reporter ambitious, indeed, good morning, guys. Founder of space x revealed his plans for taking colonies to mars. He said very little will about how to keep them alive once they get there. He told conference in mexico that humans must expand in space to survive. He also spoke about why we need to make mars travel more Cost Effective and efficient. So that humans can be quote a multi planet, species. It is really very dangerous, the risk of fatality will be high, there is no way around it. I would not have any children. Are you prepared to die. That is okay. Then you are a candidate for going. Now, i dont know if that is okay, personally but a key to his plan would be sending fuel into space, ahead of the huge rocket carrying passengers. He plans a test launch to the red planet the by 2018. I wouldnt want to be the travel agent booking this trip. Has he said how much this will cost in round about numbers. Reporter well, the colony plan using fully reusable Transportation System that would take 100 people and take eight days to get to mars. President ially as little as 30 days. The cost, he says will eventually, be around 100,000 to 140,000 per person, so guys, it is not cheap. It is expensive and risky but they are making it appealing for people, hena. Excessive and risky and he says it will be fun. The compartment the is set up where you can to zero gravity games, float around, there will be movies, cabins and even a restaurant, also if you want to come back to earth, that trip will be free. So there is another incentives. Well, i dont want to spend 80 days with anybody on a plane or a rocket or whatever is involved. The not even 30. Ill stay in the studio. I bet meisha would go out of everyone i bet meisha would go. She will direct the planet. Thanks, appreciate it. A nightmare infuriating just a couple of word, drivers we spoke with used to describe the daily traffic jams speaking of meisha on the schuylkill expressway. There is good news, pen to the and september air partnering to help ease congestion between philadelphia and king of prussia they have a few plans in mind they you credit turning shoulder in to another lane during peak times but that requires widening and wont start for five years. This will help new vehicles movie physicianly and especially when there are incidents that occur on the expressway. There are also plans to upgrade electronic signs and set up Traffic Signals on road that run parallel to the interstate. Partnership with septa will include rail line improvements, bigger trains and new parking options. Well, still ahead local university that just cut tuition by more than 10,000, but, there is a catch. Plus you have heard of red bottom shoes what about blue sold shoes, coming up meet philadelphia man behind the successful business that is new gaining worldwide attention, pat. Brooke, shh, there is a class going on. Solid core will make you sweat, they are doing it right now in center city. Look at this crazy work out. We will show you how ape why it works when we come i feel like this is what you work out to . Excuse me. And, if i did. Have you been watching me . Well, were getting you pumped up with a hot new exercise trend. It is so hot even first Lady Michelle obama has tried it. Eyewitness News Reporter pat gallen is live at solid core in center city to try it. You looked good out there, earlier. Yeah, guys, i got ridiculous sweat, i was doing it for 20 minutes earlier this morning and oh, what a feeling, i feel it, im glistening this morning. We are at solid core seventh and chestnut. We have a great work out going on right now. Tell us more about how crazy this is, this is april i we have talk to, shes back. Hi, how are you you. Where does solid core come from. It solid core that started three years ago, and we have one d. C. In, were up to 12 studios now and looking to get to 20 by end of the year. This is in philadelphia. We have another one. We started in philadelphia three weeks ago. Bryn mawr will be opening up in the beginning of the november. What makes this so unique not only is there a crazy contraption but it is working everything. Solid core machine, crazy contraption. Fifty minutes work out. You get that low impact High Intensity Work out and really short amount of time. Alex, come on over, we have talk to alex too. Shes one of the butt kickers here at solid core. I will be honest. I did this on saturday. I feel like a different kind of person after this, why is that. So, it is, going to definitely headache you a different kind of person. We have a full, 50 minute full body burn high intensity, low impact, full body work out. Planks, lunges, squats, you are getting everything. The it is transforming, pat. It is for everyone. It is. It is for everyone. You definitely want to be able to hold, you should be able to hold a planning for 90 seconds before you come here in class. Take us through what they are doing. Just back and forth. Right now they are in the upper body, last ten minutes of the the class. They are doing inclines and they are just getting into upper body, after they did obliques, lower body and so now they will get on the machine, they will get into a position here. Just it is all about those slow, slow movements here. Trying to go as slow as you can. Is what your favorite part. My favorite parties it is a full body burn. I get everything in my full 50 minutes and im still feeling the burn about an hour after and im still sore about two days later whiz im sure you can attest to. Doing it saturday morning. I woke up. This morning i was still sore. It is a good sore. Not the kind where i dont want to get out of bed. I did it this morning. Guys, i feel alive. Let me yum in with them. Ill send it back to you. I cannot be here and in the do it. I feel good. A feel a live. Katie says take your time. I would be afraid one of those band would come up. He has good form, right. How do you know, you dont even exercise. List even. I exercise all the time, like hand from the bag of cheat owes. Doing a good job there, pat. We will send the emts over, thanks. Okay. Take a look at this, yes, the scaffolding toppling from a high Rise Construction site in taiwan as typhoon maggie sweeps through the region. Can you believe this. Onlookers can be heard creeping as scaffolding comes crashing down to the street. At least one person was hurt. Have i is fourth typhoon to hit taiwan this year. I mean that is terrifying. When there is strong wind even if we have a basic wind storm and rainy always am watching because im looking for signs that will blow off. It doesnt take a lot because Tropical Storm force is 35 miles an hour. You try to factor that in and think of the intensity that not only a storm can bring but one of the the massive, size and extensive and types that have been hitting taiwan lately. Has been dangerous and flooding rain moving through there too. That is a part have the world being dealt a difficult hand in the the weather tenth. We have been very lucky lately. As we move forward in the next couple of days, and forecast does go downhill, it is sort of the pay back for beautiful days we have enjoyed as ovulate, temperatures are typical for standard. We will go outside to the Eyewitness Weather Watcher Network and we have temperatures in the 50s. I want to show you Early Morning lows that have come in, jerry reported 48 at this hour this morning. John reports 53. Generally in either the upper 40s like in newark from delores at 49, to the low or mid 50s across most of the game. John in mullica with the low there at 53 degrees this morning. Again, were off to a relatively typical start in that regard and now we have got our next storm system on the move. Innocent enough start to the day dont worry about these storm cells across d. C. Area they are not necessarily messing with us. This storm takes a curved path ape gets in here later on as early as this afternoon but especially tonight and brings in plenty of moisture to get the rain going. I would say your most wet time frame is tonight through the day anytime tomorrow, and then tapers at least a little bit. That will be the window i say umbrella or rain gear, it is pretty much a requirement. Tonight all of tomorrow. Even fit is not raining we will be dealing with cloud, dreary conditions, breezy by friday that storm is still stuck, it is cut off from the main flow of energy aint cant go anywhere nothing to kick it out to sea. Is there still scattered showers on friday, likely even saturday and i cant not rule out a spare shower either on sunday. It is more quiet. To the point just in time to go back to work and school, meisha, sunshine on monday. You know what at least it is if for kids on recess. We will take it. Heads up on that especially for morning commute tomorrow, we know it is rain did to us yesterday so just heads up, enjoy dry roadways we have got today 422 eastbound at oaks is looking busy, take a look at that, yikes, a lot of people heading out to work now. Schuylkill westbound at city avenue same story here 95 south, moving in the southbound direction you bet it is lag just as slow there as well. We have a water main break at lincoln drive at green street. The clean up you will to have use alternate germantown avenue wissohickon avenue is your best bet. Also, this is also some repairs from a former water main break lincoln drive between green street and wayne avenue one lane opened through try,tive rent break but same story same area. Jim and brooke back over to you. Time is 6 50. There is a lot coming up this morning. Gayle king joins us live from new york with the preview, good morning, gayle. Hey, brooke and jim, always good to see you too. We will talk to john hyleman how campaigns have change since the president ial debate. How wells fargo quota scandal may be part of the larger problem across the industry. Doctor david eakins on the controversial technique that led to the maybe as one or two or three genetic parent. Morgan freeman is coming back to the studio. He will join us at the table. News is back in the morning. We will see new ten minutes and counting, brooke and jim, back over to you. We will be watching your show, thanks. Plenty of time for you always, gayle. Lasalle university is reducing cost of tuesday wigs. Starting next year it will cost less than 29,000 collars to go, that is a 29 percent drop from the current rate which is just a little more than 40 grand. New rate will be the same amount students paid back in 2008. Student were happy to hear the news. I think it is real important and it send a message to the people of philadelphia and people who are looking at all of the schools and in the surrounding area which we have a huge amount of schools. It is showing that were different and we care. However, while the cost of tuition is going down the amount of Financial Aid offers, also will go down and room and board may go up. Amounts students save will be 1,000 to 1,500. Well, if you happen to be on facebook and see a post that brad pitt is dead, do not click on it. You could get hack. Brad pitt is very much alive, post is part of the pfishing scam, clicking on the link takes you to a prompt for Facebook User name and pass word and entering that information gives hackers control of your account. Umhmm. This is a cool story, his business has taken him from the streets of the north philadelphia to Chestnut Street in center city. His word are known around the country and world. Eyewitness News Reporter jan carabao is here to talk about a local entrepreneurs journey and how he is inspiring next generation. Reporter great person to look to up, you guys f you see someone with blue soul shoes chances are they came from this guy, Steve Jamison a north philadelphia native has a long list of celebrity customers. What is his secret to a success . Not only hard work, dedication but by offering items found no where else in the world. With roughly 100 different styles of shoes. Elegant, it is simple. Reporter and 25 brand, mostly imports, blue soul shoes in center city has become the go to for mens shopping high end footwear. Steve jamison is the owner. Im amazed sometimes, i come to tears thinking about how far i have come along. Reporter yam son grew up poor in the nicetown section of philadelphia he remembers watching gang fights as a kid and coming home to very little. Just having nothing in there but cool aid and government cheese. Reporter as a child he also remembers inspiring for more. I remember walking by a Clothing Store specifically on walnut street and seeing this Beautiful Navy blue suit and remembering and just being so, in awe of that. Reporter jamison first work in the Sneaker Store as a teenager and after going to college, he jump back to his passion. I love blue soul shoes. Reporter he saved enough money to open up at 18th ape chestnut and knew success was only option. If this fails we lose our home because i took out a line of credit to start the business. Reporter it has grown into this, it turns out tourist were a big help including one famous tourist, steve harvey. I remember first time he came in here he just went shopping and went around entire room and said i want this, i want this. Reporter jamison has outfitted sports legend doctor j, julius irving, gary sarge nationals and dusty baker are also customers. All in search of something unique. Shoes with the blue souls are customized specially for jamison, you wont fine them anywhere else in the world, proving a dream is never too big to realize. When you think it does not look like you wont go anywhere or achieve anything and you believe that is in the true at all. As we mentioned jamison is now known internationally. He recently won a prestige as you ward he was name the best International Buyer by the mycome trade show and italian trade commission, only two people get that award every year, one has to come from it thely, the other comes from the rest of the world, so it was a big honor. I saw a man in center city with the blue souls and i could not, i was too far to ask him where they are from now i know. You know what he was probably one of the other guys with that because he only buys style one in and one in each style you will never see someone with the same shoes. You need a dog, you need a pair of blue souls shoes. We will be right back with three to but when we brought our daughter home, that was it. Now i have nicoderm cq. The nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release Technology Helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. Its the best thing that ever happened to me. Every great why needs a great how. Heres three to go. First Lady Michelle obama is making a stop at Lasalle University today. She will be campaigning for Hillary Clinton. Donald trump is stopping in illinois, iowa and wisconsin. Philadelphias Parking Authority executive director Vince Fenerty is suspend this morning, Board Chairman will recommend fenertys firing tomorrow after a second womans accusations of Sexual Harassment has surfaced. Today is last wednesday you can park for free in center city because parking is ending, because of high demand, free parking. That is three to go. Lets get the a last check of your forecast. Right now things are very innocent looking. Looking at Kutztown Area Middle School you might the see fog out there but quiet start with sunshine, that end, with showers developing, later tonight. Okay, next up on cbs this morning film, tv legend morgan freeman. Have a great the day. Captioning funded by cbs good morning. It is wednesday, september 28th, 2016. Welcome to cbs this morning. World leaders pay tribute to a founding father of israeli who became a warrior for peace. Former president , Prime Minister and Nobel Peace Prize winner shimon peres died overnight at age 93. Hillary clinton talks about Donald Trumps past comments. See the tense moment between trump and Alicia Machado during an interview. Are other banks resorting to the same tactics as wells fargo . We begin this morning with a look at todays e o

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