Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20160507 : comparem

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20160507

>> yes. >> some parts also seeing rain. it will get better. we will get this rainout of here, we talk about it, and second half of the weekend for sure, that best time to be outdoors. like i said, possible to see little sunshine, today specially later this afternoon, if you are lucky, really depend where you are. check it out, what we are talking about. there go. blue skies, live look from cape may township high school, enjoying brief break in the overcast skies. right now, still threat, for some showers. you can check out the storm system over us right now producing some light rain, drizzle, across philadelphia, some steadier showers, parts of salem county new jersey, camden, gloucester, even toward wilmington, delaware, part of southern new castle county delaware. so still, through the morning, few scattered showers, some light drizzle possible, it is chilly, 40's to about 50 degrees, what we will be dealing with for the next few hours, but if you can break out to little sun, temperatures will boost up into the 60s, so weekends activities, today south street spring fest, again dodging some showers early in the day, temperatures this afternoon up to 65. and then tomorrow, the race for the cure event kicks offer at 8:00. clearing skies, it will be breezy, temperatures in the up ear's, but overall mother day, looking whole lot better. as skies will go mostly sunny, we get temperature up to around 70 degrees. for today have the umbrella around in case, especially this morning, mid 60s, philadelphia, near 06 at the shore. and mid 50's in the poconos. then we will be talking about warming trend, temperatures returning above average. check out the seven day in just a few minutes, rahel, back to you. >> sounds nice, justin, thank up. investigators are trying to pinpoint what caused a deadly house fire in south philadelphia. firefighters returned to the 1700 block of moore street just before 11:30 last night. once the flames were out, they found two bodies inside. philadelphia fire commissioner, derrick sawyer, said there were no working smoke alarms, he adds that if you cannot afford a smoke detector, call 311, and the fire department will install it for you. a two alarm house fire in norristown sends eight people to the hospital. "eyewitness news" reporter anita oh, live at the scene to bring us to up date. what can you tell us? >> reporter: good morning, rahel, we actually just saw the coroner arrive here on the scene of this home in norristown at de cab street. no confirmed fat as till tis it but we are told eight people were taken to the hospital after the fire tore through this, i spoke to neighbor who lives across the street here, he said his friends lives inside this home and has two young daughters were badly hurt in this fire. >> i heard screaming, yelling, and i heard my friend, he was on the phone, i guess calling the 11, and when i got there, i saw the building on fire, smoke coming out of the windows, and everything. and i asked him what was happening. he is like the build something on fire. >> reporter: philadelphia police believe shoot-out led to stray bullet struck a man. the man was watching tv at a friends' home on the 2400 block of north 23rd street last night. around 9:00 a stray bullet went through a second floor window and grazed the man's head. police say the shoot-out was half block away. three of the 14 shots that were fired went through the window, where the victim was, and we found 14 spent shell casings, and the 23 hubble blob of haggard street. they were in two separate groups. so we believe there was some sort of shoot-out. and, police say, the 59 year old man is in stable condition. authorities say some of the bullets hit a wall, a tv, and a park car. >> a camden family desperate for answers after a loved one is killed outside a viewing for his grandmother. i spoke to the grief stricken family as they paid their respect toss one family member, and mourns the loss of another. in a city all too familiar with death, thursday evening, in camden, somehow things sang even lower. >> like horrible. horrible. i don't know what casino every animal would do that, savage. >> twenty-two year old jonathan vazquez outside viewing for his grandmother. rose, when someone opened fire shooting him several times. sending the funeral home into shear panic? it was havoc, like chaos. everybody's trying to run to the side door, you know, but everybody was like bunched up to the door because we thought who ever is shooting will come inside and start shooting. we didn't know what to think. >> police did not say friday whether they believe the shooting was randomment the victim's family says they can't imagine who would want to kill vast questions. >> we don't know who would do this or why, why did they do this. making him now the sit's second homicide victim this month, and the 14th this year. family members question what will it take to bring peace to camden. >> enough is enough. enough is enough. >> and camden county prosecutors say the investigation, going, meantime, family members say they're now turning their attention to planning his funeral. family, friends, are gathering in morning, for the funeral of former philadelphia police commissioner, willie williams. a viewing was held last night at baker funeral home. another viewing will start at 8:00 this morning at zion baptist church. the funeral is at 11:00. williams became the first african-american to lead philadelphia's police force, and died april 27 at age 72. in an effort to continue the fight crime, the city of camden is getting ready to spend almost a half million dollars on police body cameras. the technology is meant to hold citizens as police officers more accountable. as "eyewitness news" reporter david spunt tells us, both sides seem to be okay with the idea. >> it is a city making headlines for its transition from crime infested to a national example of how a police department should run. president barack obama called camden a symbol of promise for the nation, when he came last may. now, the camden county police department will spend $425,000 to purchase 400 body cameras. >> this is the first area i've patrolled since i became a police officer in the city of camden. >> ty says being a police officer is in his blood. this man, loves what he does. >> i grew up watching my father who was a police officer for many, many years. and he was my real life modern hero, hey, i want to help people. i want to be a police officer. >> currently wear a body camera for pilot program. soon the entire force will wear them. says it will only help officers and the public they serve. >> if they know that the cameras rolling at all times, they'll be less hesitant to come speak to us, or they won't be afraid that an officer could possibly harm them in anyway. >> we joined officer for one every his foot patrols around town and met residents who seem to like the idea of cameras. >> i believe that it is better for them and better for us, too. i think it is a great thing. >> that right there i think it is good. >> his department is working with professors from the law school at new york university to set specific guidelines for camera use. camden county captain gabriel camacho helps oversee the body camera program. >> about enhancing our officers, as well, you know, overall making us better. >> atlantic city already uses the tiny cameras. philadelphia is still looking at them. philly police officials want all 6500 officers to have them by 2019. >> twenty years from now we will have the cameras still on us, hopefully driving hovering vehicles. >> okay, we might not see hovering cars in the next 20 years, but you can bet most police officers around the country will have body cameras. the body camera program here in camden is expected to be up and running by the end of summer. reporting at camden headquarters, david spunt, cbs-3 "eyewitness news". philadelphia police officers are honored for their outstanding efforts on the job. "eyewitness news" at the sugarhouse casino for awards banquet put on by the 25th police district. this is their 25th annual banquet, that's that recognizes the officers. and still ahead on "eyewitness news". >> looking back, it is almost incredible how she handled the whole thing with such grace, and such courage. >> turning their lost into their mission. their loved ones taken too soon. common form of cans their claimed her life and the way her family is work to go make sure the same thing doesn't happen to you. >> a very rainy day, just got whole lot sunnier for one local first grader, her reaction wasn't exactly what you would expect, but it was very adorable. as an educator, it's all about connections. you're not just in the classroom; you're part of the community. you meet these tiny kids every year, and you help them learn and grow. but you also get to know their families, and over the years they become a part of your life, and you become a part of theirs. when you build those connections, you can accomplish some pretty amazing things. i'm jackie kruzik and i'm proud to be a new jersey educator. >> the south jersey dealing with a few or a lot of dreary rainy days, much to the dismay of most of us, can't wait to see the sun again. but, "eyewitness news" reporter greg argos found some people who think this wet weather is a very good thing. >> looks like we're in the passive, north west. >> getting sick every being colds. >> pretty frustrating, supposed to be nice spring day, and it has been rain. >> i even he is sick of the rain. >> most everyone here in philly is praying for the sun. weight to go get rid of the umbrellas, wishing for dry feet. besides mother nature there are some people who were pleased with the precipitationer. >> time it rains i feel good. >> valerie keller lives in pens port. knows the city has a problem with flooding due to storm. she signed up to be part of the store management program. >> name of the program is rain check. >> collecting rain water in these barrels. >> we have installed over 4,000 is it -- >> and also in these planter. >> gathering water from the roof. it is taking water from my roof and my neighbor's roof. it comes down the down spout. it goes into the planter, fills it up. >> if we keep some of the rain water out, then just that sewage water will be treated. won't have this overflow problem. >> another way to end the overflow problem, find the sun. >> able to find two brothers who are enjoying this weather despite the rain. now if you would like to know more information about the philadelphia water department's program, we posted information on how you can do that on our website. reporting here in south philly, greg argos, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". >> good to see some people enjoying the rainfall, allergy sufferers enjoying it, as women, the rain helps clean out the atmosphere. pollen counts have been on the low side past few days. that will will change, though, because we start to bring bamm some dry weather. that will starts to happen later on today. but still of course waking up with more showers, you guested it over part of the region and temperatures are cool, but check in with weather watchers, a lot of 40's still showing out in chesterfield, as 47 degrees, lawrenceville, peter, 50 degrees, at 49 at lynn's house in cherry hill. delran, allen, also 49 degrees, upper four's in philadelphia, eileen up in gilbertsville up at 47 degrees. a lot of rainfall over the past 24 hours, a lot of locations, over an inch check out past 24 hours for lynn's house, 1.19 inches every rainfall. so far today, four hundreds of an inch in delran, so at least doing better as far as the heavy rain. that does come to end. also, cherry hill, jenny jensen picking up over inch and a quarter over the past 24 hours, inch and a half up in gilbertsville, but eileen says over 3 inches of rain for the total event so far since this rain has started. search for nice sunrise, and i think we got one, we take you down to the shore right now, not the best one but the best we've seen the past few days, camera lens, little bit fog think with recent rain, but you can see some brightening skies, as we are looking east from margate, from the beach patrol headquarters. so, depend where you are this morning, could you see few breaks in the clouds, still a lot of locations, dealing with some showers through the spin in the satellite imagery, upper low of the storm system right on top of us, so as long as it is over us, we will have cloudy skies, showers around, eventually the cold front across the great lakes kicks the storm out later today. we have clearing going on. out across western pennsylvania, so it is possible we see some sunshine. a lot of rainfall through some regions over the past 24 hours, check it out, areas in green, over an inch, but you see yellow showing up specially northern delaware, cecil county maryland over 2 inches of rain, that extends into salem county to get around middletown delaware. chesapeake city delaware city into the elkton area of maryland. a lot of rainfall over the past day. but today, much better t the form of light showers. east wind continues, so higher tides, the normal, running, tonight, once again, for the jersey shore, delaware beaches, and then up parts of the delaware bay. watch out for the potential for minor tidal flooding. check out the overall atmosphere, basically the energy, the colored area, where the spin in the at moss which produce the storms, we have a lot of energy right on top of us now, storms kinds of stuck here. but finally gets kick out tomorrow. so we're seeing better conditions, and the overall flow, the jet stream kind of flattens out. that's what you want for a normal weather pattern, but nice flow from west to east, so it helps to move the storms out of here. yet still clouds, potential for some showers in the next seven days, nothing like we dealt w so for today through the afternoon, spotty shower or two, drizzle in some locations hopefully we can clear out clouds later tonight, keep it dry. mother day maybe early morning shower through about 8:00. as cold front moves through. and we are back to mostly sunny skies. it will be nice afternoon tomorrow with temperatures back up around 70 degrees. today, still cool, morning rain, 50 for the low in the sit, had's in the sub, then tomorrow noticeably warmer everybody gets in on warmer air, mid 60s up toward the lehigh valley to near seven across much of the region. soap, for today, still some scattered shower chances specially early six a for the high tonight partly cloudy, cool, low 50. mothers day forecast, for the race for the cure, again, maybe shower, very early at the start of the event. then we go mostly sunny, little breezy, but temperatures upper 50's, not bad. nice looking seven day compared to how it has been. seventy tomorrow. seventy-two monday with some sun. few showers around tuesday and wednesday. temperatures nice, mid and upper 70s, something to look forward to if you like warmer weather. back to you. >> justin, about time. thank if you. >> south jersey father returns from serving overseas. but, this wasn't your typical military homecoming. "eyewitness news" reporter alexandra hoff tells us the service man received a big surprise when he visited his daughter at the school. >> deep inside a sea of screaming first graders little girl dealing with sun serious state of shock. >> no, ma'am ago normal day at florence b evans elementary school in marlton. >> well known by both the staff and the student that violet's father is a hero. >> violet's dad, master sergeant james avery, had a p been deploy for the past seven months, while it is probably pretty clear by now what's about to happen, violet had no idea that her dad had returned home, and is about to interrupt her lunch. >> keep in mind, seven months to a six year old, is a long time. >> who is it? >> who is it? >> daddy. >> daddy? >> yes. >> what? >> daddy? >> yes. >> my daddy? >> when i showed up, she was a little stunned. she didn't recognize me right away. she got some my eyeglass. >> the first graders been writing james' letters, and for that, he thanked them. >> this can be a lot for first grade tears take in, so james was nice enough to do some questions and answers but what's the first thing violet want to do with her daddy now that he is home? see a movie watch movie? jungle book of course. >> but did i have one more question. >> violet, what's the best thing about your dad? what's the best thing? >> he protect me. >> that e speaks for all of us. reporting in marlton, alexandria hoff. "eyewitness news". >> she was shock. well, it is going to be a sea of pink on the parkway tomorrow for the annual susan g. komen race for the cure. and our special coverage starts at 6:00 a.m. sends us your messages of support. just use the #cbs3 rstc. we'll show them on tv tomorrow morning. you can join the fight right now, text 10-dollar donation to susan g. komen for the cure, take the word pink to 80077. >> on the cbs-3 health watch, raising awareness about mel no, ma'am a most common form of skin cancer in young adult, between the ages of 25 and 29. health reporter stephanie stahl tells us about one family's mission, to save other. >> there was 29 year old tara miller four month before melanoma took her life. >> excepting what i can control ... >> before she died in 2014, tara created a melanoma foundation, and spoke at the first make the best of it bash. >> incredible ever recall how she handled the whole thing with such grace, such courage. >> her twin sister lauren said through year every grueling treatments, all the had sense of humor wearing t-shirts with funny since, like, this ain't my first rodeo, or more issues than vogue. >> such an impact, that, you know, a loft people don't get that for 29 years, so at least i got that time. >> they spends a lot of time at the beach, lauren says they always used sunscreen, tara's melanoma showed up with a bump behind her ear. >> really, i think, captures tara's spirit. >> pen oncologist lynn has a pillow from tara that says: life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. it's about learning to dance in the rain. >> remarkable woman, incredibly courageous, such a love for life. >> doctor says, when detected early melanoma is curable, but not for tar a even though she received all of the advanced treatments available, there are limits, which is why there is such an emphasis on research. >> we have a lot of new therapy. but for the most part, once melanoma traveled to the bloodstream, it is not curable. >> we will make the best of it. >> best way to prevent melanoma to pro tech your skin from the sun and get funny looking moles or bumps that change checked out. we have more information including a link to tara's foundation, click on health. i'm stephanie stahl. cbs-3 "eyewitness news". and, still to come on "eyewitness news". >> the they're so cute, they're so funny, they go like -- >> sense every excitement over unique curriculum. northeast philadelphia school giving kids a fieldtrip every day. our pat gallen shows us what goes on outside these walls. >> new program in one philadelphia school that's bringing the classroom outdoors. it is a chance for the young students to get hands-on with plants and animals, "eyewitness news" reporter pat gallen headed to the northeast for a close up look at the unique curriculum. >> having fun while learning, will be the new normal, at a school in northeast philadelphia. at fox chase elementary school, they are taking hands-on learning to the next level. the school is actually changing its curriculum to involve the hands on learning here at fox chase farm. >> we use the agriculture lab that weaver outside of our building, as an extension of our program, then the fox chase farm is larger extension of the program where the kids can use the entire property as their classroom, and the whole idea is the high student engagement. >> with this link between school and farm, a new path toward science is formed at a much earlier stage. >> part of our curriculum is learning about the needs of living things, animals, plants. we walked around the farm, toured around, and the kids when they came back they needed to with their observations notes that they'd taken, they needed to draw a picture of the animals that we saw, and then they had to write a story about what their life would be like in the day of one of those animals. >> it is a spin on learning that is unique to fox chase among kids at this age. >> this is not replicated anywhere that we know in the country, so we are ground breaking. >> the student absolutely love being able to interact with the animals. you can instantly see that engagement. >> see, he likes you so much. >> my five are the are the chickens and the checks. >> yes, why is that? >> because they're so cute. and they're so funny. they go like -- here is the cow getting milk right here the truck, getting the milk and bringing it to the grocery store. from fox chase, pat gallen, "eyewitness news". and we are following new details on a fire now fatal in norristown montgomery county this morning. our anita oh, live on very active scene to bring you the latest coming up next. stay with us. a fire tore through this norristown building. not too long ago, this morning, we just spoke to the fire chief who confirms there were fatalities. i'm anita oh, in norristown, and coming up we'll tell you home people were killed, and how many people remain at the hospital. >> also, ahead this morning, a shooting nightmare is over in the washington dc suburbs, what we're learning about the federal security officers, now under arrest, for killing three people, and wounding three more. >> president obama weighing in on the race to take over his job. i'm weijia jiang at the white house, with what he is saying about donald trump coming up. good morning, i'm rahel solomon. well, if you are a fan of the sun, good news, meteorologist justin drabick out on the cbs-3 skydeck. just ten, already saw the sun a little bit come out. >> yes, blue skies in parts of the region, not here in philadelphia, still need to keep the umbrella around, little dreary this morning, some low clouds, little light rain and drizzle to deal with for the next few hours, but we do see slow improvement coming up in the in the forecast through the day, second half of the weekend looking much betterment but check out storm scan3, still lingering showers, nothing like yesterday, not dealing with that steady rain, and breezy dreary conditions, still, just left over light rain showers, right around the city and surrounding suburbs. again, it will continue to break up as we progress through the morning into the afternoon. perhaps, these clouds break up, as well. may see little bit of sunshine even here in the city before sunset. fifty-one at the airport, 50 up in allentown, 43 mount pocono, so just like every other day temperatures pretty much uniform with the overcast skies, the light rain, and we still had that east wind, ocean water chilly, so that cold air coming right off the atlantic, eventually the winds do switch direction tomorrow. that will bridges big change in our forecast. so this morning, some showers and drizzle, temperatures holding in the 40's, 50's, this afternoon, little bit better, mostly cloudy, maybe few breaks of sunshine. still a chance for scattered shower, then we're in the 50's, potentially some mid 60s, for highs later on today. so, overall, improving this weekend, tomorrow, mothers day, looking whole lot weather, slight chance for morning shower, then sunshine for the afternoon, high temperature of around 7 degrees, i'll let you know if the sunshine lasts and will be dealing with above average temperatures in the seven day, back to you. >> justin, thank youment breaking news now on the two alarm fire in norristown, the fire chief now confirming it is a fatal fire. "eyewitness news" reporter anita oh, near the scene with new information, anita, good morning. good morning, rahel, heart breaking updates from the fire chief. not too long ago, who confirmed that three people died in this fire on dekalb street this morning. that includes a young child who died at einstein medical center. we can show you the scene right now as you can see crews remain here and it is still a very active scene. the coroner also still on the scene. we're told also that six other people were taken to local hospitals. we know that five of them are adults, one of them is a child, he remains in critical condition this morning. the fire chief also tells us that the flames started on the side of the first floor of this apartment building, although, we're still not sure what caused it. there was also heavy smoke and damage when crews arrived around 4:00 this morning. the fire chief tells us, it is not clear how many unit are inside this building but we do know that this is three-story building, with multiple units. here's what fire chief tom o'donnell told us not too long ago. >> so far we have three fatalities, two adults, at scene, one child deceased at einstein, montgomery hospital we have six 6ers six injuries. one child is transport in the critical condition to children's hospital of philadelphia. two adults are transported to temple hospital in philadelphia. and three additional adult are transported locally to einstein montgomery hospital. >> now again, there is still no word yet on what caused this fire. but pennsylvania state police and montgomery county detective are working this investigation. we're told that is procedure in fatal fires like. >> this we also don't know yet if there were working smoke alarms at the time of the fire. fire chief did tell us crews did not hear working smoke alarms when arrived here on the scene. for now live in norristown, anita oh, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". okay, anita, thank you. police say charges are pending against the driver involved in a deadly hit-and-run in depford. annabella crashed her car into trees in depford, friday morning, the she survived the crash but struck and killed by another vehicle that didn't stop. after the accident, the alleged driver contacted police. he wasn't vowed by authorities, and then released, while the investigation continues. >> the pennsylvania state police is asking for your help tracking down vandals who tossed bricks and rocks over the turnpike overpass into traffic. it happened thursday night, on the eastbound turnpike near bristol oxford valley road in bristol township. in all, three tractor-trailers were damaged. one driver even had to be treated at the hospital for cuts to his face. investigators say, it is fortunate, no one was killed. >> the first truck was able to pull over safely. the second one, it went through the win shield, and then the operator actually had to be taken to the hospital for care. >> and authority believe juveniles were responsible for the bad behavior. they urged local parents to talk to their children, and provide any information they might learn. >> more charges are pending against the federal security officer accused in three fatal shootings in suburban washington, d.c. "eyewitness news" reporter natasha brown tells us, authorities wanted to make sure the public was safe when he was arrested. >> one person after another, gunned down, by a killer roaming the street of montgomery county maryland. police had been following alleged shooter eulalio tordil for an hour as he strolled around the strip mall, even stopping to have lunch before officers finally swooped in to capture him. >> certainly did not want to have any other bloodshed here, and so the plane clothes officers waited until it was safe to take him into custody. that's what they did. >> bloodshed began around noon friday when police say 62 year old tordil approached a woman outside after mall in bethesda. they exchange dollars words, he shot her in the shoulder, and then police say he shot two other men who came to her aid. >> just had a shooting at montgomery mall. >> one man died. the other remains critical. about a half hour later another woman was shot and killed, inside her car, outside after grocery store, about 8 miles away. the get-away car from friday shooting was quickly linked with yesterday's shooting at a high school about 15 miles away, this is where tordil is said to have killed his estranged wife and shot another person. tordil worked for the federal protective services police up until march of this year when he was placed on administrative leave. his service gun and badge were confiscated. also now, court documents reveal, that same month he was ordered to stay away from his wife. she alleges he was abusing their children. natasha brown, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". >> donald trump is holding a fundraiser to help new jersey governor chris christie. the funds raise letter help christie pay off his own presidential campaign's debt, scheduled for may 19th in lawrenceville. e-mail invitation lists the price as $200 per person. trump reportedly will also appear at separate event at the same venue, to raise money for new jersey's republican party. christie confidant says tickets for that event will cost $25,000. >> president obama is weighing in on the candidates who hope to take over his job. he is urging reporters to be tough on donald trump. as weijia jiang reports, the president hasn't endorsed either candidate p in his own party. >> this is not entertainment. this is not a reality show. >> president obama made remarks about donald trump for the first time since trump became the presumptive republican nominee. >> i think it is important for us to take seriously the statements he's made in the past. >> the president avoided questions about the drama unfolding within the gop. several republican leaders are refuse to go support drum's candidacy, including house speaker paul ryan, and us senator, lindsey graham. >> i just can't go where donald trump would take us, i don't think he can be commander in chief. >> talking about deep divide. >> just relax, be gracious, and i'll talk to paul, and we'll try to work on this. >> ryan has invited trump to meet with him and house republican leaders, next week. president obama declined to declare hillary clinton the democratic nominee even though she has won 92% of the delegates needed to lock up the nomination. >> just let the process play itself out. >> bernie sanders is threatening a floor fight at the dnc convention, saying, he'll challenge rules if he believes the process is unfair. weijia jiang, for cbs 3, "eyewitness news". >> and stay with "eyewitness news" for continuing coverage of campaign 2016. and when we're not on tv, go on line, >> well, today might be a good time to invest in a powerball ticket. the jackpot for tonight's drawing is now $450 million -- $415 million. that's the largest since the records $1.6 billion pay out in january, who could forget three people split that jackpot. the odds of picking the wing ticket, one in roughly 292 million. but you know what they say, you got to play to win. still to come on "eyewitness news", running with a purpose. >> there is strength in numbers, and it just makes me feel like i'm not alone. >> the two special reasons that woman is running in the race for the cure. and the important message she has foremen. >> and it was a miserable friday. but better weather is ahead this weekend. justin is timing out when we will see the most sun and talking about temperatures in the 70s next week. we'll be right back. we know designer when we see it. like the designer smile. it's bolder, brighter and our blogs are buzzing about it. it's the new must-have look. the designer smile by colgate. new optic white high impact white toothpaste. with a professionally recommended whitening ingredient... ...for four shades visibly whiter teeth. and...a buzz-worthy smile! get your designer smile from new colgate optic white high impact white. eighty six million adults have a serious medical condition called prediabetes, but ninety percent don't know it. you may be one of them, and your risk of developing type 2 diabetes is higher. the good news is that you can prevent or delay diabetes. talk to your doctor about a simple blood test for prediabetes. sponsored by nacdd with support from the centers for disease control and prevention. visit >> love make up but hate the prices that go along with it? "3 on your side" consumer report jim donovan takes a look at growing internet trends, which could help you save big on your favorite brands. but some say it is risky business. >> from deep red lipstick to glittery eye shadow, when it comes to make up no shortage of vair at this, although your budget may fall short. >> it is expense disbelief very expensive. >> very. >> well thanks to the internet, you can find deeply list counted make up. but there is a catch. it is often used. >> that's a little alarming and strange, but of course i want to try it. >> kendel ray talking about her first experience with glad bot, a website that buys and sells used cosmetics. >> it was really cool to be able to buy something like this that i normally wouldn't be able to. >> glambot sells make up 20% below retail. they purchase it from sellers with products they don't like, or use, or want any more. the website accepts specific brands that are at least half filled, and not expired. karen, gladbot's founder says all containers are carefully cleaned. >> we also remove the top layer of the product. >> there are plenty of positive product reviews, but not everyone has had a good experience. >> oh, my god, i get an eye shadow -- >> also buy discounted used products on other internet site, like muabs. com. you can even get it on craigslist. but you won't find her buying it there? >> no, i would not, nope, i would not do that. that's crazy. ya, no, that is like buying used unaware. >> that's particularly horrible. so to buy from craigslist is astonishing. >> dermatologist karen handwriting away, saving money is never good reason to buy used make up. >> absolutely not. >> why not? >> it is simply not smart. >> she says using unsterile products could cause a host of problems. >> we absolutely see pink eye. we see abscesses, then you have strains. >> she said if you want to save switch to more affordable brands like you might finds at your local drug store. >> oftentimes they're just as good. sometimes they're not. sometimes the pigments aren't as good. but i feel certain that you can find a make up that is new and appropriate and safe that you don't have to spend your time on products that are going to potentially harm you. >> reporting for three on your side, i'm jim donovan. >> and there is a lot coming up on cbs this morning, saturday, anthony mason and vanita meyer join us live from new york with a preview. good morning. >> good morning, rahel. coming up: the days headlines, plus his secret collection of model cars, was one of the largest in the world. but it is who he left it to after his death, that will change lives forever. >> also, it is a true story about a mitome tis whose genius came to him in his sleep. we talked with actors jeremy irons, about their new movie the man who knew infinity. >> and cindy lawn serra queen of pop music. but her new albumn is true country. we will talk to her about her childhood inspired the detour, and she'll perform in our saturday session. >> all of that plus your eye opener and the dish ahead on cbs this morning. saturday. >> all right, thank you both. look forward to watching. and it is going to be a sea of pink on the parkway tomorrow for the annual susan g. komen race for the cure. ukee washington recently speaks to a woman who has the gene which can lead to cancer. she will be there sunday, while helping to spear head the fight for two very special reasons. >> i look forward to race for the cure. >> janice real estate agent in center city. >> my sister passed away two weeks before my first race for the cure. >> now she has joined family, friend, total strangers in the fight against breast cancer for 14 straight years. her sister was diagnosed at age 29. she passed at 35. >> and it was awful. and i miss her terribly. and i started running this race for her. and my children never got to meet her. so they run it for her too. >> for janet, race for the cure is a family affair that has an even deeper meaning. breast cancer took her father four years ago. on so many levels she said it was painful to watch. >> i just saw that when people said what casino every cancer do you have, or what's wrong with you, and said breast cancer, the first reaction was that you're a man. >> the picture is becoming a lot clearer now. recent data shows each year more than 2,000 men in the united state develop breast cancer, and janice has made it her mission to be an ad vaux cat for creating change, and saving lives. >> i don't think that there is as much scientific study on treating them with breast cancer, because physiologically they're different. >> raising awareness has a lot to do with it, with raising funding for it, and for just making it more acceptable. >> her father, it was not except job he didn't have the support that my sister had in addition to having the fight for his life. he also had to deal with the shock and the embarrassment of being a man with a breast cancer. >> the disease treated them the same t took both of their lives away. but his journey wasn't the same as hers. and i have two sons. and we have the back a gene in our family and i worry about them. >> foremen concerned specially those with a family history? >> it is genetic blood test, that's all it is. >> early detection, education g, awareness, key factors in winning the race for the cure. and providing the love and support needed for men and women alike. each stride, each step, has us getting closer. and we will cross that finish line together. >> i lost my father and my sister, but i'm not alone. i'm not alone. and it is not being alone always makes everything a little bit easier to take. >> i'm ukee washington, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". and because of the bracca gene, she chose total reconstruction surgery and feels great. she is in it to win. proud to support susan g. komen in the fight against breast cancer, we will be broadcasting live starting 6:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. >> and send us your messages of support, love, and hope, for those fighting breast cancer. the survivors and the love ones we've lost. just use the #cbs3, rftc. we'll show them on tv tomorrow morning. just text 10-dollar donation to susan g. komen for the cure, text the word pink to 80077. >> and tomorrow, we are so happy to welcome back cbs-3 alum and cancer survivor, carol ericson. carol will join us during the broadcast down at eakin's oval. she will also participate in the survivors parade, so if you see us, please stop by and say hello if you are down there. and justin, of course, very special cause, so many people are going to be out there, and, unfortunately, seems like the weather might -- it seems like the weather might cooperate? >> still can't rule out shower very early tomorrow morning, but when the event kicks off at 8:00 i think we'll be good and see a loft sunshine, good moms day shaping up across the delaware valley. >> this morning, still dreary. don't put the umbrellas away just yet, especially if you are about to head out around the city and surrounding suburbs, dealing with light rain, drizzle, reported by a loft weather watchers. nobody seeing the sun yet. few breaks in the clouds down toward the shore points. but, check out these rainfall amount. over the past 24 hours or so, over 2 inches, in newark being delaware, 1.77, up in eagleville, philadelphia, almost an inch and a half over the past 24 hours. out in cherry hill, the same deal, inch and a quarter, just over an inch in perkasie, so far today, and in cherry hill link, a .1 of an inch, .4 in delran, and checking in with .4 out in riverside, new jersey, temperature wise, kinds. same deal like it has been, overcast conditions, east winds, upper 40's, and eagleville, 48 degrees, 50 down in newark, delaware, and pretty much the same all across the region, ooh in lawrenceville, so that is about the warmest we can do this morning. does get better later this afternoon. yesterday, down right miserable, unless you like the rain. check out this time lapse, we go to west philadelphia yesterday morning, global leadership academy, can't see the city skyline earl knit morning, rain let up for little bit. increased through the afternoon with low clouds, poor visibility, just win driven rain. now still overcast, 47 degrees. in west philadelphia. the reason, still dealing with that upper level portion of the storm receipt on top of us, eastern pennsylvania, northern chesapeake bay, still un the influence for the few showers, some clouds this morning eventually the storm gets kicked out by the cold front, that comes through tomorrow. so we will get some clearing skies over all the may has been glooming. so far, since may 1st, philadelphia, 2.39 inches every rain coming into today. month of april only inch and three quarters so how about that? in a lot of location haves seen over 3 inches every rain, over the past two days. the last time we had full sunshine, mostly sunny skies, you have to go back to april 20th. it has been a while. east winds continue. that's been the problem over the past few days, new moon phase bringing higher than normal tide. potential for minor tidal flooding tonight along the delaware beaches, jersey shore, the delaware bay. weather pattern finally starting to change. really the last day where the trough is just stuck over the region, owe mega block, under the wrong part of the owe mega block. with the cool conditions, right on top of us, and the rain, event lip, that jet starts to move to the north. bridges back warmer air, by the middle of next week. temperatures returning, above average. so something to look forward to there. so the storm slowly exits our region today, few lingering showers around, few peaks of sun possible. tomorrow, cold front, comes in through in the morning. maybe stray shower. but by the afternoon, i would say, by mid to late morning, back to full sun. and that sunshine will continue into monday before our next storm system will bring more showers through the middle of the week. so we zoom in closer here. now through about 12:00 again spotty showers around philadelphia, surrounding suburbs, don't expect whole lot of sun but in the afternoon, clouds do try to break up little bit. so depend where you are. it could get nice sunset, and then tomorrow morning, this is 7:00, scattered shower, this isn't widespread, this isn't heavy either. it is brief. it is out of here, nice, mothers day afternoon, shaping up. temperatures today, still cool, 50's through low and mid 60s, tonight, drop to around 50 degrees, and then tomorrow morning, nice rebound, getting close to 70 degrees in a lot of locations with that sunshine. the forecast high today, 65 degrees. still the threat for few scattered showers, especially this morning. and then tonight, we keep it dry. cool, partly cloudy, ooh for the city, four's in the suburbs, your mothers day forecast, clearing out nicely. by mid-morning, 70 for the high temperature, little breezy but we will take that breeze, that kicks that storm out of here. nice stretch of some 70s for next week, with more shower chances on tuesday and wednesday, then highs really warm up on thursday. in the upper 70s. stay with us, more news when we come back. happening today, one of philadelphia's top outdoor attractions is ready to open. now, rain delayed yesterday's scheduled opening for spruce streets harbor park, so it is set to open at 11:00 this morning, food, games, brand new hammocks, so check out the park at penn's landing. it is open every day, through september 25th. fortunately, justin, is here with some good news, you haven't had good news in a while? >> no, been a long time, but yes, something to look forward to. finally the sun, yes, the s word talking about, and maybe we see little bit today there is afternoon, possible, but still dodging few showers this morning. 65 degrees, tomorrow, mothers day, looking a whole lot better, there could be lingering shower in the morning, a lot of sunshine for the afternoon up to around 70. that will feel good. >> and that's cbs-3 "eyewitness news" for now. we may be signing off on tv, but always on line, >> cbs this morning saturday is next. have a great weekend. . good morning it's may 7th. welcome to cbs this morning saturday. more moss evacuations after fears an historic wildfire may double in size. a federal security officer is arrested in a deadly murder spree. can the life of the party united. inside donald trump's plan to defracture the republicans. history is made in england as luondon

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>> yes. >> some parts also seeing rain. it will get better. we will get this rainout of here, we talk about it, and second half of the weekend for sure, that best time to be outdoors. like i said, possible to see little sunshine, today specially later this afternoon, if you are lucky, really depend where you are. check it out, what we are talking about. there go. blue skies, live look from cape may township high school, enjoying brief break in the overcast skies. right now, still threat, for some showers. you can check out the storm system over us right now producing some light rain, drizzle, across philadelphia, some steadier showers, parts of salem county new jersey, camden, gloucester, even toward wilmington, delaware, part of southern new castle county delaware. so still, through the morning, few scattered showers, some light drizzle possible, it is chilly, 40's to about 50 degrees, what we will be dealing with for the next few hours, but if you can break out to little sun, temperatures will boost up into the 60s, so weekends activities, today south street spring fest, again dodging some showers early in the day, temperatures this afternoon up to 65. and then tomorrow, the race for the cure event kicks offer at 8:00. clearing skies, it will be breezy, temperatures in the up ear's, but overall mother day, looking whole lot better. as skies will go mostly sunny, we get temperature up to around 70 degrees. for today have the umbrella around in case, especially this morning, mid 60s, philadelphia, near 06 at the shore. and mid 50's in the poconos. then we will be talking about warming trend, temperatures returning above average. check out the seven day in just a few minutes, rahel, back to you. >> sounds nice, justin, thank up. investigators are trying to pinpoint what caused a deadly house fire in south philadelphia. firefighters returned to the 1700 block of moore street just before 11:30 last night. once the flames were out, they found two bodies inside. philadelphia fire commissioner, derrick sawyer, said there were no working smoke alarms, he adds that if you cannot afford a smoke detector, call 311, and the fire department will install it for you. a two alarm house fire in norristown sends eight people to the hospital. "eyewitness news" reporter anita oh, live at the scene to bring us to up date. what can you tell us? >> reporter: good morning, rahel, we actually just saw the coroner arrive here on the scene of this home in norristown at de cab street. no confirmed fat as till tis it but we are told eight people were taken to the hospital after the fire tore through this, i spoke to neighbor who lives across the street here, he said his friends lives inside this home and has two young daughters were badly hurt in this fire. >> i heard screaming, yelling, and i heard my friend, he was on the phone, i guess calling the 11, and when i got there, i saw the building on fire, smoke coming out of the windows, and everything. and i asked him what was happening. he is like the build something on fire. >> reporter: philadelphia police believe shoot-out led to stray bullet struck a man. the man was watching tv at a friends' home on the 2400 block of north 23rd street last night. around 9:00 a stray bullet went through a second floor window and grazed the man's head. police say the shoot-out was half block away. three of the 14 shots that were fired went through the window, where the victim was, and we found 14 spent shell casings, and the 23 hubble blob of haggard street. they were in two separate groups. so we believe there was some sort of shoot-out. and, police say, the 59 year old man is in stable condition. authorities say some of the bullets hit a wall, a tv, and a park car. >> a camden family desperate for answers after a loved one is killed outside a viewing for his grandmother. i spoke to the grief stricken family as they paid their respect toss one family member, and mourns the loss of another. in a city all too familiar with death, thursday evening, in camden, somehow things sang even lower. >> like horrible. horrible. i don't know what casino every animal would do that, savage. >> twenty-two year old jonathan vazquez outside viewing for his grandmother. rose, when someone opened fire shooting him several times. sending the funeral home into shear panic? it was havoc, like chaos. everybody's trying to run to the side door, you know, but everybody was like bunched up to the door because we thought who ever is shooting will come inside and start shooting. we didn't know what to think. >> police did not say friday whether they believe the shooting was randomment the victim's family says they can't imagine who would want to kill vast questions. >> we don't know who would do this or why, why did they do this. making him now the sit's second homicide victim this month, and the 14th this year. family members question what will it take to bring peace to camden. >> enough is enough. enough is enough. >> and camden county prosecutors say the investigation, going, meantime, family members say they're now turning their attention to planning his funeral. family, friends, are gathering in morning, for the funeral of former philadelphia police commissioner, willie williams. a viewing was held last night at baker funeral home. another viewing will start at 8:00 this morning at zion baptist church. the funeral is at 11:00. williams became the first african-american to lead philadelphia's police force, and died april 27 at age 72. in an effort to continue the fight crime, the city of camden is getting ready to spend almost a half million dollars on police body cameras. the technology is meant to hold citizens as police officers more accountable. as "eyewitness news" reporter david spunt tells us, both sides seem to be okay with the idea. >> it is a city making headlines for its transition from crime infested to a national example of how a police department should run. president barack obama called camden a symbol of promise for the nation, when he came last may. now, the camden county police department will spend $425,000 to purchase 400 body cameras. >> this is the first area i've patrolled since i became a police officer in the city of camden. >> ty says being a police officer is in his blood. this man, loves what he does. >> i grew up watching my father who was a police officer for many, many years. and he was my real life modern hero, hey, i want to help people. i want to be a police officer. >> currently wear a body camera for pilot program. soon the entire force will wear them. says it will only help officers and the public they serve. >> if they know that the cameras rolling at all times, they'll be less hesitant to come speak to us, or they won't be afraid that an officer could possibly harm them in anyway. >> we joined officer for one every his foot patrols around town and met residents who seem to like the idea of cameras. >> i believe that it is better for them and better for us, too. i think it is a great thing. >> that right there i think it is good. >> his department is working with professors from the law school at new york university to set specific guidelines for camera use. camden county captain gabriel camacho helps oversee the body camera program. >> about enhancing our officers, as well, you know, overall making us better. >> atlantic city already uses the tiny cameras. philadelphia is still looking at them. philly police officials want all 6500 officers to have them by 2019. >> twenty years from now we will have the cameras still on us, hopefully driving hovering vehicles. >> okay, we might not see hovering cars in the next 20 years, but you can bet most police officers around the country will have body cameras. the body camera program here in camden is expected to be up and running by the end of summer. reporting at camden headquarters, david spunt, cbs-3 "eyewitness news". philadelphia police officers are honored for their outstanding efforts on the job. "eyewitness news" at the sugarhouse casino for awards banquet put on by the 25th police district. this is their 25th annual banquet, that's that recognizes the officers. and still ahead on "eyewitness news". >> looking back, it is almost incredible how she handled the whole thing with such grace, and such courage. >> turning their lost into their mission. their loved ones taken too soon. common form of cans their claimed her life and the way her family is work to go make sure the same thing doesn't happen to you. >> a very rainy day, just got whole lot sunnier for one local first grader, her reaction wasn't exactly what you would expect, but it was very adorable. as an educator, it's all about connections. you're not just in the classroom; you're part of the community. you meet these tiny kids every year, and you help them learn and grow. but you also get to know their families, and over the years they become a part of your life, and you become a part of theirs. when you build those connections, you can accomplish some pretty amazing things. i'm jackie kruzik and i'm proud to be a new jersey educator. >> the south jersey dealing with a few or a lot of dreary rainy days, much to the dismay of most of us, can't wait to see the sun again. but, "eyewitness news" reporter greg argos found some people who think this wet weather is a very good thing. >> looks like we're in the passive, north west. >> getting sick every being colds. >> pretty frustrating, supposed to be nice spring day, and it has been rain. >> i even he is sick of the rain. >> most everyone here in philly is praying for the sun. weight to go get rid of the umbrellas, wishing for dry feet. besides mother nature there are some people who were pleased with the precipitationer. >> time it rains i feel good. >> valerie keller lives in pens port. knows the city has a problem with flooding due to storm. she signed up to be part of the store management program. >> name of the program is rain check. >> collecting rain water in these barrels. >> we have installed over 4,000 is it -- >> and also in these planter. >> gathering water from the roof. it is taking water from my roof and my neighbor's roof. it comes down the down spout. it goes into the planter, fills it up. >> if we keep some of the rain water out, then just that sewage water will be treated. won't have this overflow problem. >> another way to end the overflow problem, find the sun. >> able to find two brothers who are enjoying this weather despite the rain. now if you would like to know more information about the philadelphia water department's program, we posted information on how you can do that on our website. reporting here in south philly, greg argos, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". >> good to see some people enjoying the rainfall, allergy sufferers enjoying it, as women, the rain helps clean out the atmosphere. pollen counts have been on the low side past few days. that will will change, though, because we start to bring bamm some dry weather. that will starts to happen later on today. but still of course waking up with more showers, you guested it over part of the region and temperatures are cool, but check in with weather watchers, a lot of 40's still showing out in chesterfield, as 47 degrees, lawrenceville, peter, 50 degrees, at 49 at lynn's house in cherry hill. delran, allen, also 49 degrees, upper four's in philadelphia, eileen up in gilbertsville up at 47 degrees. a lot of rainfall over the past 24 hours, a lot of locations, over an inch check out past 24 hours for lynn's house, 1.19 inches every rainfall. so far today, four hundreds of an inch in delran, so at least doing better as far as the heavy rain. that does come to end. also, cherry hill, jenny jensen picking up over inch and a quarter over the past 24 hours, inch and a half up in gilbertsville, but eileen says over 3 inches of rain for the total event so far since this rain has started. search for nice sunrise, and i think we got one, we take you down to the shore right now, not the best one but the best we've seen the past few days, camera lens, little bit fog think with recent rain, but you can see some brightening skies, as we are looking east from margate, from the beach patrol headquarters. so, depend where you are this morning, could you see few breaks in the clouds, still a lot of locations, dealing with some showers through the spin in the satellite imagery, upper low of the storm system right on top of us, so as long as it is over us, we will have cloudy skies, showers around, eventually the cold front across the great lakes kicks the storm out later today. we have clearing going on. out across western pennsylvania, so it is possible we see some sunshine. a lot of rainfall through some regions over the past 24 hours, check it out, areas in green, over an inch, but you see yellow showing up specially northern delaware, cecil county maryland over 2 inches of rain, that extends into salem county to get around middletown delaware. chesapeake city delaware city into the elkton area of maryland. a lot of rainfall over the past day. but today, much better t the form of light showers. east wind continues, so higher tides, the normal, running, tonight, once again, for the jersey shore, delaware beaches, and then up parts of the delaware bay. watch out for the potential for minor tidal flooding. check out the overall atmosphere, basically the energy, the colored area, where the spin in the at moss which produce the storms, we have a lot of energy right on top of us now, storms kinds of stuck here. but finally gets kick out tomorrow. so we're seeing better conditions, and the overall flow, the jet stream kind of flattens out. that's what you want for a normal weather pattern, but nice flow from west to east, so it helps to move the storms out of here. yet still clouds, potential for some showers in the next seven days, nothing like we dealt w so for today through the afternoon, spotty shower or two, drizzle in some locations hopefully we can clear out clouds later tonight, keep it dry. mother day maybe early morning shower through about 8:00. as cold front moves through. and we are back to mostly sunny skies. it will be nice afternoon tomorrow with temperatures back up around 70 degrees. today, still cool, morning rain, 50 for the low in the sit, had's in the sub, then tomorrow noticeably warmer everybody gets in on warmer air, mid 60s up toward the lehigh valley to near seven across much of the region. soap, for today, still some scattered shower chances specially early six a for the high tonight partly cloudy, cool, low 50. mothers day forecast, for the race for the cure, again, maybe shower, very early at the start of the event. then we go mostly sunny, little breezy, but temperatures upper 50's, not bad. nice looking seven day compared to how it has been. seventy tomorrow. seventy-two monday with some sun. few showers around tuesday and wednesday. temperatures nice, mid and upper 70s, something to look forward to if you like warmer weather. back to you. >> justin, about time. thank if you. >> south jersey father returns from serving overseas. but, this wasn't your typical military homecoming. "eyewitness news" reporter alexandra hoff tells us the service man received a big surprise when he visited his daughter at the school. >> deep inside a sea of screaming first graders little girl dealing with sun serious state of shock. >> no, ma'am ago normal day at florence b evans elementary school in marlton. >> well known by both the staff and the student that violet's father is a hero. >> violet's dad, master sergeant james avery, had a p been deploy for the past seven months, while it is probably pretty clear by now what's about to happen, violet had no idea that her dad had returned home, and is about to interrupt her lunch. >> keep in mind, seven months to a six year old, is a long time. >> who is it? >> who is it? >> daddy. >> daddy? >> yes. >> what? >> daddy? >> yes. >> my daddy? >> when i showed up, she was a little stunned. she didn't recognize me right away. she got some my eyeglass. >> the first graders been writing james' letters, and for that, he thanked them. >> this can be a lot for first grade tears take in, so james was nice enough to do some questions and answers but what's the first thing violet want to do with her daddy now that he is home? see a movie watch movie? jungle book of course. >> but did i have one more question. >> violet, what's the best thing about your dad? what's the best thing? >> he protect me. >> that e speaks for all of us. reporting in marlton, alexandria hoff. "eyewitness news". >> she was shock. well, it is going to be a sea of pink on the parkway tomorrow for the annual susan g. komen race for the cure. and our special coverage starts at 6:00 a.m. sends us your messages of support. just use the #cbs3 rstc. we'll show them on tv tomorrow morning. you can join the fight right now, text 10-dollar donation to susan g. komen for the cure, take the word pink to 80077. >> on the cbs-3 health watch, raising awareness about mel no, ma'am a most common form of skin cancer in young adult, between the ages of 25 and 29. health reporter stephanie stahl tells us about one family's mission, to save other. >> there was 29 year old tara miller four month before melanoma took her life. >> excepting what i can control ... >> before she died in 2014, tara created a melanoma foundation, and spoke at the first make the best of it bash. >> incredible ever recall how she handled the whole thing with such grace, such courage. >> her twin sister lauren said through year every grueling treatments, all the had sense of humor wearing t-shirts with funny since, like, this ain't my first rodeo, or more issues than vogue. >> such an impact, that, you know, a loft people don't get that for 29 years, so at least i got that time. >> they spends a lot of time at the beach, lauren says they always used sunscreen, tara's melanoma showed up with a bump behind her ear. >> really, i think, captures tara's spirit. >> pen oncologist lynn has a pillow from tara that says: life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. it's about learning to dance in the rain. >> remarkable woman, incredibly courageous, such a love for life. >> doctor says, when detected early melanoma is curable, but not for tar a even though she received all of the advanced treatments available, there are limits, which is why there is such an emphasis on research. >> we have a lot of new therapy. but for the most part, once melanoma traveled to the bloodstream, it is not curable. >> we will make the best of it. >> best way to prevent melanoma to pro tech your skin from the sun and get funny looking moles or bumps that change checked out. we have more information including a link to tara's foundation, click on health. i'm stephanie stahl. cbs-3 "eyewitness news". and, still to come on "eyewitness news". >> the they're so cute, they're so funny, they go like -- >> sense every excitement over unique curriculum. northeast philadelphia school giving kids a fieldtrip every day. our pat gallen shows us what goes on outside these walls. >> new program in one philadelphia school that's bringing the classroom outdoors. it is a chance for the young students to get hands-on with plants and animals, "eyewitness news" reporter pat gallen headed to the northeast for a close up look at the unique curriculum. >> having fun while learning, will be the new normal, at a school in northeast philadelphia. at fox chase elementary school, they are taking hands-on learning to the next level. the school is actually changing its curriculum to involve the hands on learning here at fox chase farm. >> we use the agriculture lab that weaver outside of our building, as an extension of our program, then the fox chase farm is larger extension of the program where the kids can use the entire property as their classroom, and the whole idea is the high student engagement. >> with this link between school and farm, a new path toward science is formed at a much earlier stage. >> part of our curriculum is learning about the needs of living things, animals, plants. we walked around the farm, toured around, and the kids when they came back they needed to with their observations notes that they'd taken, they needed to draw a picture of the animals that we saw, and then they had to write a story about what their life would be like in the day of one of those animals. >> it is a spin on learning that is unique to fox chase among kids at this age. >> this is not replicated anywhere that we know in the country, so we are ground breaking. >> the student absolutely love being able to interact with the animals. you can instantly see that engagement. >> see, he likes you so much. >> my five are the are the chickens and the checks. >> yes, why is that? >> because they're so cute. and they're so funny. they go like -- here is the cow getting milk right here the truck, getting the milk and bringing it to the grocery store. from fox chase, pat gallen, "eyewitness news". and we are following new details on a fire now fatal in norristown montgomery county this morning. our anita oh, live on very active scene to bring you the latest coming up next. stay with us. a fire tore through this norristown building. not too long ago, this morning, we just spoke to the fire chief who confirms there were fatalities. i'm anita oh, in norristown, and coming up we'll tell you home people were killed, and how many people remain at the hospital. >> also, ahead this morning, a shooting nightmare is over in the washington dc suburbs, what we're learning about the federal security officers, now under arrest, for killing three people, and wounding three more. >> president obama weighing in on the race to take over his job. i'm weijia jiang at the white house, with what he is saying about donald trump coming up. good morning, i'm rahel solomon. well, if you are a fan of the sun, good news, meteorologist justin drabick out on the cbs-3 skydeck. just ten, already saw the sun a little bit come out. >> yes, blue skies in parts of the region, not here in philadelphia, still need to keep the umbrella around, little dreary this morning, some low clouds, little light rain and drizzle to deal with for the next few hours, but we do see slow improvement coming up in the in the forecast through the day, second half of the weekend looking much betterment but check out storm scan3, still lingering showers, nothing like yesterday, not dealing with that steady rain, and breezy dreary conditions, still, just left over light rain showers, right around the city and surrounding suburbs. again, it will continue to break up as we progress through the morning into the afternoon. perhaps, these clouds break up, as well. may see little bit of sunshine even here in the city before sunset. fifty-one at the airport, 50 up in allentown, 43 mount pocono, so just like every other day temperatures pretty much uniform with the overcast skies, the light rain, and we still had that east wind, ocean water chilly, so that cold air coming right off the atlantic, eventually the winds do switch direction tomorrow. that will bridges big change in our forecast. so this morning, some showers and drizzle, temperatures holding in the 40's, 50's, this afternoon, little bit better, mostly cloudy, maybe few breaks of sunshine. still a chance for scattered shower, then we're in the 50's, potentially some mid 60s, for highs later on today. so, overall, improving this weekend, tomorrow, mothers day, looking whole lot weather, slight chance for morning shower, then sunshine for the afternoon, high temperature of around 7 degrees, i'll let you know if the sunshine lasts and will be dealing with above average temperatures in the seven day, back to you. >> justin, thank youment breaking news now on the two alarm fire in norristown, the fire chief now confirming it is a fatal fire. "eyewitness news" reporter anita oh, near the scene with new information, anita, good morning. good morning, rahel, heart breaking updates from the fire chief. not too long ago, who confirmed that three people died in this fire on dekalb street this morning. that includes a young child who died at einstein medical center. we can show you the scene right now as you can see crews remain here and it is still a very active scene. the coroner also still on the scene. we're told also that six other people were taken to local hospitals. we know that five of them are adults, one of them is a child, he remains in critical condition this morning. the fire chief also tells us that the flames started on the side of the first floor of this apartment building, although, we're still not sure what caused it. there was also heavy smoke and damage when crews arrived around 4:00 this morning. the fire chief tells us, it is not clear how many unit are inside this building but we do know that this is three-story building, with multiple units. here's what fire chief tom o'donnell told us not too long ago. >> so far we have three fatalities, two adults, at scene, one child deceased at einstein, montgomery hospital we have six 6ers six injuries. one child is transport in the critical condition to children's hospital of philadelphia. two adults are transported to temple hospital in philadelphia. and three additional adult are transported locally to einstein montgomery hospital. >> now again, there is still no word yet on what caused this fire. but pennsylvania state police and montgomery county detective are working this investigation. we're told that is procedure in fatal fires like. >> this we also don't know yet if there were working smoke alarms at the time of the fire. fire chief did tell us crews did not hear working smoke alarms when arrived here on the scene. for now live in norristown, anita oh, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". okay, anita, thank you. police say charges are pending against the driver involved in a deadly hit-and-run in depford. annabella crashed her car into trees in depford, friday morning, the she survived the crash but struck and killed by another vehicle that didn't stop. after the accident, the alleged driver contacted police. he wasn't vowed by authorities, and then released, while the investigation continues. >> the pennsylvania state police is asking for your help tracking down vandals who tossed bricks and rocks over the turnpike overpass into traffic. it happened thursday night, on the eastbound turnpike near bristol oxford valley road in bristol township. in all, three tractor-trailers were damaged. one driver even had to be treated at the hospital for cuts to his face. investigators say, it is fortunate, no one was killed. >> the first truck was able to pull over safely. the second one, it went through the win shield, and then the operator actually had to be taken to the hospital for care. >> and authority believe juveniles were responsible for the bad behavior. they urged local parents to talk to their children, and provide any information they might learn. >> more charges are pending against the federal security officer accused in three fatal shootings in suburban washington, d.c. "eyewitness news" reporter natasha brown tells us, authorities wanted to make sure the public was safe when he was arrested. >> one person after another, gunned down, by a killer roaming the street of montgomery county maryland. police had been following alleged shooter eulalio tordil for an hour as he strolled around the strip mall, even stopping to have lunch before officers finally swooped in to capture him. >> certainly did not want to have any other bloodshed here, and so the plane clothes officers waited until it was safe to take him into custody. that's what they did. >> bloodshed began around noon friday when police say 62 year old tordil approached a woman outside after mall in bethesda. they exchange dollars words, he shot her in the shoulder, and then police say he shot two other men who came to her aid. >> just had a shooting at montgomery mall. >> one man died. the other remains critical. about a half hour later another woman was shot and killed, inside her car, outside after grocery store, about 8 miles away. the get-away car from friday shooting was quickly linked with yesterday's shooting at a high school about 15 miles away, this is where tordil is said to have killed his estranged wife and shot another person. tordil worked for the federal protective services police up until march of this year when he was placed on administrative leave. his service gun and badge were confiscated. also now, court documents reveal, that same month he was ordered to stay away from his wife. she alleges he was abusing their children. natasha brown, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". >> donald trump is holding a fundraiser to help new jersey governor chris christie. the funds raise letter help christie pay off his own presidential campaign's debt, scheduled for may 19th in lawrenceville. e-mail invitation lists the price as $200 per person. trump reportedly will also appear at separate event at the same venue, to raise money for new jersey's republican party. christie confidant says tickets for that event will cost $25,000. >> president obama is weighing in on the candidates who hope to take over his job. he is urging reporters to be tough on donald trump. as weijia jiang reports, the president hasn't endorsed either candidate p in his own party. >> this is not entertainment. this is not a reality show. >> president obama made remarks about donald trump for the first time since trump became the presumptive republican nominee. >> i think it is important for us to take seriously the statements he's made in the past. >> the president avoided questions about the drama unfolding within the gop. several republican leaders are refuse to go support drum's candidacy, including house speaker paul ryan, and us senator, lindsey graham. >> i just can't go where donald trump would take us, i don't think he can be commander in chief. >> talking about deep divide. >> just relax, be gracious, and i'll talk to paul, and we'll try to work on this. >> ryan has invited trump to meet with him and house republican leaders, next week. president obama declined to declare hillary clinton the democratic nominee even though she has won 92% of the delegates needed to lock up the nomination. >> just let the process play itself out. >> bernie sanders is threatening a floor fight at the dnc convention, saying, he'll challenge rules if he believes the process is unfair. weijia jiang, for cbs 3, "eyewitness news". >> and stay with "eyewitness news" for continuing coverage of campaign 2016. and when we're not on tv, go on line, >> well, today might be a good time to invest in a powerball ticket. the jackpot for tonight's drawing is now $450 million -- $415 million. that's the largest since the records $1.6 billion pay out in january, who could forget three people split that jackpot. the odds of picking the wing ticket, one in roughly 292 million. but you know what they say, you got to play to win. still to come on "eyewitness news", running with a purpose. >> there is strength in numbers, and it just makes me feel like i'm not alone. >> the two special reasons that woman is running in the race for the cure. and the important message she has foremen. >> and it was a miserable friday. but better weather is ahead this weekend. justin is timing out when we will see the most sun and talking about temperatures in the 70s next week. we'll be right back. we know designer when we see it. like the designer smile. it's bolder, brighter and our blogs are buzzing about it. it's the new must-have look. the designer smile by colgate. new optic white high impact white toothpaste. with a professionally recommended whitening ingredient... ...for four shades visibly whiter teeth. and...a buzz-worthy smile! get your designer smile from new colgate optic white high impact white. eighty six million adults have a serious medical condition called prediabetes, but ninety percent don't know it. you may be one of them, and your risk of developing type 2 diabetes is higher. the good news is that you can prevent or delay diabetes. talk to your doctor about a simple blood test for prediabetes. sponsored by nacdd with support from the centers for disease control and prevention. visit >> love make up but hate the prices that go along with it? "3 on your side" consumer report jim donovan takes a look at growing internet trends, which could help you save big on your favorite brands. but some say it is risky business. >> from deep red lipstick to glittery eye shadow, when it comes to make up no shortage of vair at this, although your budget may fall short. >> it is expense disbelief very expensive. >> very. >> well thanks to the internet, you can find deeply list counted make up. but there is a catch. it is often used. >> that's a little alarming and strange, but of course i want to try it. >> kendel ray talking about her first experience with glad bot, a website that buys and sells used cosmetics. >> it was really cool to be able to buy something like this that i normally wouldn't be able to. >> glambot sells make up 20% below retail. they purchase it from sellers with products they don't like, or use, or want any more. the website accepts specific brands that are at least half filled, and not expired. karen, gladbot's founder says all containers are carefully cleaned. >> we also remove the top layer of the product. >> there are plenty of positive product reviews, but not everyone has had a good experience. >> oh, my god, i get an eye shadow -- >> also buy discounted used products on other internet site, like muabs. com. you can even get it on craigslist. but you won't find her buying it there? >> no, i would not, nope, i would not do that. that's crazy. ya, no, that is like buying used unaware. >> that's particularly horrible. so to buy from craigslist is astonishing. >> dermatologist karen handwriting away, saving money is never good reason to buy used make up. >> absolutely not. >> why not? >> it is simply not smart. >> she says using unsterile products could cause a host of problems. >> we absolutely see pink eye. we see abscesses, then you have strains. >> she said if you want to save switch to more affordable brands like you might finds at your local drug store. >> oftentimes they're just as good. sometimes they're not. sometimes the pigments aren't as good. but i feel certain that you can find a make up that is new and appropriate and safe that you don't have to spend your time on products that are going to potentially harm you. >> reporting for three on your side, i'm jim donovan. >> and there is a lot coming up on cbs this morning, saturday, anthony mason and vanita meyer join us live from new york with a preview. good morning. >> good morning, rahel. coming up: the days headlines, plus his secret collection of model cars, was one of the largest in the world. but it is who he left it to after his death, that will change lives forever. >> also, it is a true story about a mitome tis whose genius came to him in his sleep. we talked with actors jeremy irons, about their new movie the man who knew infinity. >> and cindy lawn serra queen of pop music. but her new albumn is true country. we will talk to her about her childhood inspired the detour, and she'll perform in our saturday session. >> all of that plus your eye opener and the dish ahead on cbs this morning. saturday. >> all right, thank you both. look forward to watching. and it is going to be a sea of pink on the parkway tomorrow for the annual susan g. komen race for the cure. ukee washington recently speaks to a woman who has the gene which can lead to cancer. she will be there sunday, while helping to spear head the fight for two very special reasons. >> i look forward to race for the cure. >> janice real estate agent in center city. >> my sister passed away two weeks before my first race for the cure. >> now she has joined family, friend, total strangers in the fight against breast cancer for 14 straight years. her sister was diagnosed at age 29. she passed at 35. >> and it was awful. and i miss her terribly. and i started running this race for her. and my children never got to meet her. so they run it for her too. >> for janet, race for the cure is a family affair that has an even deeper meaning. breast cancer took her father four years ago. on so many levels she said it was painful to watch. >> i just saw that when people said what casino every cancer do you have, or what's wrong with you, and said breast cancer, the first reaction was that you're a man. >> the picture is becoming a lot clearer now. recent data shows each year more than 2,000 men in the united state develop breast cancer, and janice has made it her mission to be an ad vaux cat for creating change, and saving lives. >> i don't think that there is as much scientific study on treating them with breast cancer, because physiologically they're different. >> raising awareness has a lot to do with it, with raising funding for it, and for just making it more acceptable. >> her father, it was not except job he didn't have the support that my sister had in addition to having the fight for his life. he also had to deal with the shock and the embarrassment of being a man with a breast cancer. >> the disease treated them the same t took both of their lives away. but his journey wasn't the same as hers. and i have two sons. and we have the back a gene in our family and i worry about them. >> foremen concerned specially those with a family history? >> it is genetic blood test, that's all it is. >> early detection, education g, awareness, key factors in winning the race for the cure. and providing the love and support needed for men and women alike. each stride, each step, has us getting closer. and we will cross that finish line together. >> i lost my father and my sister, but i'm not alone. i'm not alone. and it is not being alone always makes everything a little bit easier to take. >> i'm ukee washington, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". and because of the bracca gene, she chose total reconstruction surgery and feels great. she is in it to win. proud to support susan g. komen in the fight against breast cancer, we will be broadcasting live starting 6:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. >> and send us your messages of support, love, and hope, for those fighting breast cancer. the survivors and the love ones we've lost. just use the #cbs3, rftc. we'll show them on tv tomorrow morning. just text 10-dollar donation to susan g. komen for the cure, text the word pink to 80077. >> and tomorrow, we are so happy to welcome back cbs-3 alum and cancer survivor, carol ericson. carol will join us during the broadcast down at eakin's oval. she will also participate in the survivors parade, so if you see us, please stop by and say hello if you are down there. and justin, of course, very special cause, so many people are going to be out there, and, unfortunately, seems like the weather might -- it seems like the weather might cooperate? >> still can't rule out shower very early tomorrow morning, but when the event kicks off at 8:00 i think we'll be good and see a loft sunshine, good moms day shaping up across the delaware valley. >> this morning, still dreary. don't put the umbrellas away just yet, especially if you are about to head out around the city and surrounding suburbs, dealing with light rain, drizzle, reported by a loft weather watchers. nobody seeing the sun yet. few breaks in the clouds down toward the shore points. but, check out these rainfall amount. over the past 24 hours or so, over 2 inches, in newark being delaware, 1.77, up in eagleville, philadelphia, almost an inch and a half over the past 24 hours. out in cherry hill, the same deal, inch and a quarter, just over an inch in perkasie, so far today, and in cherry hill link, a .1 of an inch, .4 in delran, and checking in with .4 out in riverside, new jersey, temperature wise, kinds. same deal like it has been, overcast conditions, east winds, upper 40's, and eagleville, 48 degrees, 50 down in newark, delaware, and pretty much the same all across the region, ooh in lawrenceville, so that is about the warmest we can do this morning. does get better later this afternoon. yesterday, down right miserable, unless you like the rain. check out this time lapse, we go to west philadelphia yesterday morning, global leadership academy, can't see the city skyline earl knit morning, rain let up for little bit. increased through the afternoon with low clouds, poor visibility, just win driven rain. now still overcast, 47 degrees. in west philadelphia. the reason, still dealing with that upper level portion of the storm receipt on top of us, eastern pennsylvania, northern chesapeake bay, still un the influence for the few showers, some clouds this morning eventually the storm gets kicked out by the cold front, that comes through tomorrow. so we will get some clearing skies over all the may has been glooming. so far, since may 1st, philadelphia, 2.39 inches every rain coming into today. month of april only inch and three quarters so how about that? in a lot of location haves seen over 3 inches every rain, over the past two days. the last time we had full sunshine, mostly sunny skies, you have to go back to april 20th. it has been a while. east winds continue. that's been the problem over the past few days, new moon phase bringing higher than normal tide. potential for minor tidal flooding tonight along the delaware beaches, jersey shore, the delaware bay. weather pattern finally starting to change. really the last day where the trough is just stuck over the region, owe mega block, under the wrong part of the owe mega block. with the cool conditions, right on top of us, and the rain, event lip, that jet starts to move to the north. bridges back warmer air, by the middle of next week. temperatures returning, above average. so something to look forward to there. so the storm slowly exits our region today, few lingering showers around, few peaks of sun possible. tomorrow, cold front, comes in through in the morning. maybe stray shower. but by the afternoon, i would say, by mid to late morning, back to full sun. and that sunshine will continue into monday before our next storm system will bring more showers through the middle of the week. so we zoom in closer here. now through about 12:00 again spotty showers around philadelphia, surrounding suburbs, don't expect whole lot of sun but in the afternoon, clouds do try to break up little bit. so depend where you are. it could get nice sunset, and then tomorrow morning, this is 7:00, scattered shower, this isn't widespread, this isn't heavy either. it is brief. it is out of here, nice, mothers day afternoon, shaping up. temperatures today, still cool, 50's through low and mid 60s, tonight, drop to around 50 degrees, and then tomorrow morning, nice rebound, getting close to 70 degrees in a lot of locations with that sunshine. the forecast high today, 65 degrees. still the threat for few scattered showers, especially this morning. and then tonight, we keep it dry. cool, partly cloudy, ooh for the city, four's in the suburbs, your mothers day forecast, clearing out nicely. by mid-morning, 70 for the high temperature, little breezy but we will take that breeze, that kicks that storm out of here. nice stretch of some 70s for next week, with more shower chances on tuesday and wednesday, then highs really warm up on thursday. in the upper 70s. stay with us, more news when we come back. happening today, one of philadelphia's top outdoor attractions is ready to open. now, rain delayed yesterday's scheduled opening for spruce streets harbor park, so it is set to open at 11:00 this morning, food, games, brand new hammocks, so check out the park at penn's landing. it is open every day, through september 25th. fortunately, justin, is here with some good news, you haven't had good news in a while? >> no, been a long time, but yes, something to look forward to. finally the sun, yes, the s word talking about, and maybe we see little bit today there is afternoon, possible, but still dodging few showers this morning. 65 degrees, tomorrow, mothers day, looking a whole lot better, there could be lingering shower in the morning, a lot of sunshine for the afternoon up to around 70. that will feel good. >> and that's cbs-3 "eyewitness news" for now. we may be signing off on tv, but always on line, >> cbs this morning saturday is next. have a great weekend. . good morning it's may 7th. welcome to cbs this morning saturday. more moss evacuations after fears an historic wildfire may double in size. a federal security officer is arrested in a deadly murder spree. can the life of the party united. inside donald trump's plan to defracture the republicans. history is made in england as luondon

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