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Rapidly, very little warning with these storms and now they are weakening as they move through. This is a three hour loop. Three hours ago we had nothing on the radar. Now we are seeing the end of it the but you you can still see frequent lightening with these storms over portions of central new jersey. You can see line of storms worst of it moving over eastern, insuring state. Southern parts of the region not eag much of anything at all but there are still a few showers popping up in the wake of this line but i wouldnt be surprised to see another shower or thunderstorm popping up this evening for south jersey and delaware. We have some rain in south philadelphia. We have rain over portions of burlington, ocean counties, still lightening although these storms are weakening. For rest of this evening a few scattered Thunder Showers now, not that steady line but brief heavy rain, lightening, thunder and still risk for possible small hail like we saw in havertown and reports in hatfield as well earlier today. We have got quiet weather to start your thursday but we have another round of this tomorrow, i will time that out and tell but big changes for weekend, coming up, ukee. In the news tonight, students at a north Philadelphia High School are mourning loss of one of their classmates who died from bacterial meningitis. The 15 yearold is being remembered as a great athlete and friend. Eyewitness News Reporter greg argos is at George Washington Carver High School of engineering, greg. Reporter ukee, good evening. The right now parents and students are meeting with School District officials as well as officials from the Public Health department here in philadelphia. Those officials are answering questions about meningitis, the virus that took life of a very popular, freshman basketball player. More than 100 students from every grade gathered here at the school, remembering a 15 yearold freshman who died tuesday, due to complications from bacterial meningitis. He was great at all of the sports, basketball and football. Reporter Junior Varsity coach Christian Jones echos that description. Surprised me, always put the ball in the hoop. Great rebounder. Kid wanted to play guard. Reporter jones says sudden death has devastated the team and they are honoring his memory by retiring his number. Definitely retiring number 44, that is never going to be worn again. Reporter even hosting a special tournament in his memory. We will make sure to honor him, to get a banner for him put up in the gym and the goal, to organize a jv tournament, that is also the district for five or six years and never came to fruition. I think now is the time to highlight the need of these jv players. Reporter back here live, you can see flagpole right there, flag is at half staff according to the principal for memory of this 15 yearold student who died so suddenly. Meanwhile district and School Officials say that this virus spreads through close physical contact and no other students are at risk. We are live from north philadelphia, i am wills greg argos for cbs3 Eyewitness News. Greg, thank you. A a political showdown is brewing in washington over president Obamas Supreme Court nominee. An emotional Merrick Garland joined the president for the announcement in the white house rose garden this morning. The six threeyear oldies a federal Appeals Court judge and regarded as a moderate. Bipartisan support is key to securing his confirmation but Republican Leaders say the appointment should wait until after a new president takes office. What is senates job regarding the scalia vacancy . Democrats and liberal allies say do your job . They really mean do as we say now, not as we did then. Garland is scheduled to meet with senators on capitol hill tomorrow before they break for a two week recess. Local lawmakers from both sides of the aisle are weighing in on judge gar lands nomination. Delaware senator chris coons released a statement assaying i look forward to diving deeply into judge garlands qualifications and background and, of course, meeting with him in person. A courtesy i urge every senator to extend. Pennsylvania senator pat toomey stand with fellow republicans saying in part quote with the president ial election fewer than eight months away, it is wise to give the American People a more direct voice in the selection and confirmation of the next justice. There will be of course, much more on the president s nomination of Merrick Garland coming up tonight on the cbs evening news with scott pelley, that happens at 6 30 right after we sign off. Fresh off his win in his home state of ohio, governor kasich campaigned in our area governor fielded questions from the Villanova University campus. He cast himself as a practical choice for the g. O. P. Nomination and continues with an optimistic tone. The strength of our country rests in us, and it rests in our ability to believe that we, we, you and me, can change the world for the better. Looking at the delegates math, kasich, only way to the nomination is by way of a contested convention. Philadelphias mayor jim kenney is finding support for his proposed soda tax. Philadelphians for a fair future represents leaders in the cities, business, civic, labor and faith communities. They joined mayor kenney in urging city council to pass 3 cents per ounce tax on sugar drinks. That money would go toward expanding universal prek and reducing the cities pension obligations. This is a painless tax because these are companies that not only enjoy billions but because of the intensive marketing campaigns, their profits will only increase annually as philadelphians grow up here. Controversial taxis projected to generate the 400 milliondollar, in new funding over five years. A special welcome home ceremony in Camden County cherry hill. Eye witt the necessary news new jersey reporter cleve bryan was there as the men in uniform reunited with their june forms. Reporter Welcome Committee rolled in the National Guard armory in cherry hill wednesday to greet more than 120 soldiers. Wow, wow. Reporter 328 Police Company completed a year long mote says to gone tan mow bay, cuba as the 328, a sem told receive honors for providing security at one of the worlds most notorious prisons, families anxiously a awaited for that sweet last order, dismissed. The frenzy of powerful hugs and long awaited kisses, made the long journey, worth it. It feels great. One of the hardest things to leave the kids. Very home sick but it was okay, we did what we had to do. Now he is home. Reporter some soldiers are getting to know children born during their deployment. Surreal so glad to be home to get back in this group. Right budd. Reporter while members are overjoyed to be back home in the u. S. Many dont have a break, they get back in our communities making the rest of us safe. Many of the military Police Officers return to fulltime law enforcement, including these six Camden County officers, patrolman jeff on plaza hopes he takes what he learned in Guantanamo Bay and make him a better policeman. You see a bunch of things on the the news or you see it on tv, when you actually get there, it is a whole different world basically. Reporter youre looking forward to getting back on the streets of camden. I cant wait. Reporter for these citizens soldiers deployment end, Service Never stops. In cherry hill, cleve bryan, cbs3 Eyewitness News. We solute them all, indeed. Madness is underway with the hawks, on a plane. Eyewitness news is with the st. Joes hawks as they made their way across the kent troy spokane, washington. They are set for a match up, with cincinnati, their first test is their journey for a National Championship again and st. Joes, and three local teams getting ready to hit the hardwood with championship hopes, don. Today were talking about football and basketball. Eagles add a deep threat we will introduce you to new Wide Receivers on the staff. Will this be the year that nova makes a run . We will talk to jay wright at wildcats take off for brooklyn, those stories coming up in sports. Also tonight on Eyewitness News stuck between a wall and duct tape, a south jersey principal with her back begins the wall but all for a wonderful cause. Stephanie stahl shows us how her students came together and it was all to honor two of their teachers. Dozens of College Students break out the their green thumbs, reason they were planting new trees, in the Delaware County park. On the healthwatch tonight, the fight begins Heart Disease turns into a special event for student in one south jersey elementary school. It is, Health Reporter Stephanie Stahl was in deptford for an assembly that included a whole lot of duct tape. Reporter duct tape i tell you, duct tape. This started out as an ordinary fundraiser and tribute to two teachers who suddenly lost their fat tours Heart Disease. Wait until you see what ended up happening today at shady lane elementary school. Lets get ready to duct tape. Yeah. Reporter this was in ordinary assembly, yes, he said duct tape. That is the principal in the cap. She is going to get taped to the wall. But first, let me tell you why. Because your hearties most important muscle in your body and it keeps us going every single day. Reporter school project, shady lane put together heart healthy activities and raised money for the Heart Association in honor of two teachers who both lost their fathers suddenly to Heart Disease. It was quite a nice surprise for both of us. Reporter goal, was to raise 5,000. We wanted to help raise money to help save hearts. Reporter isaac, tell me how much money you raised. 310. The teachers then had to be good people, had to be giving people. Reporter the principal jackie, got choked up when she thinks about her teachers and students. A a lot of kids here dont have a whole lot and they give, give, and give all they can. Reporter the students learned at the assembly they double their goal and ended up raising 10,000. And the students raised the most money got to duct tape the principal to the wall. Yes, it was fun for a good cause and also, educational. What did you learn about your heart. I learned that we have to make sure that we keep it healthy every day. Kid are young, you know, learning that important lesson now is to help them have a a really Healthy Lifestyle when they grow up. Reporter how about that. The Heart Association will be getting a a 10,000 check from shady lane where students now know all about being heart healthy. They raised, that money, from friends, from neighbors, a dollar, 5 at a time. How about that story. Wonderful. Duct taping someone to the wall. Yes. It sounds like fun. Yes. That is great. Thanks, steph. Students in one local university make big steps today to improve the environment. Eyewitness news at Washington Park in chester, where students and faculty from Widener University planted nearly two dozen trees. They were replacing trees damaged in the thunderstorm back in june 2015. It is all part of the schools sustain ability showcase. Nicely done. We had a hail storm there for a while in the area. We had pop up showers intensified into thunderstorms and got so sunny, temperature rose, that those storms had enough heat to work with and they rapidly intensified. This is time of the year we have cold air in the up are atmosphere. It is not uncommon to see hail. Hail draws down that cold air, up drafts in the thunderstorm and that is why you will see hail in the earlier season, Severe Weather and storms, not Severe Weather today but we had nasty then are storms rolling through. Those are moving out. We are left with scattered showers but still lightening and thunder cannot be ruled out through the remainder of the evening. The lets look at is what happening right now. Roof cam looking better then dit about a half an hour or so ago. The darkest cloud have started to move out and we may see a few breaks of sun, once again, before the sun goes down. We are put ago this extra hour to good use again much like yesterday. Time lapse video of the past six hours from leader ship academy in philadelphia shows we have high clouds coming through around noon time and then cleared out nicely. Watch how quickly we will get bright blue skies in the a afternoon, warms up, and then clouds start to roll role in and you will get a nasty shower or thunderstorm, moving on through. We will look ominous in the final frame on the live Neighborhood Network but things are getting better, on storm scan three. These storms rapidly intensified and now they are weakening moving east. We see more energy off to the north moving quickly towards new york city. That will really slow down evening commute into the new york metro pol ton area from ramapo to northern new jersey. Southern new jersey will start to get your fair share of this we are seeing a few showers form just south and east of philadelphia and these could be moving in the south jersey towards shore points before they start to weaken. Doesnt look as strong as what we saw earlier but a few showers at least and threat for a little bit of rainfall as well. The we are seeing heavy rain over new jersey turnpike and some lightening and thunder here in the township at the moment. This will continue through next couple of hours, scattered Thunder Showers. Temperature wise we are seeing temperatures rebound to the north and west as sun breaks out in the wake of the showers. Sixtyfour in reading. Sixtyfive in philadelphia a cooler in millville at 69. Fiftyfive in Atlantic City airport. Still that have chilly 49 degrees ocean water off the coast. What to expect moving forward . Lets start off at 8 00 tomorrow morning we will see sunshine. Tomorrow afternoon much like this afternoon a line of scattered showers and storms coming through that could hang around in the evening. Out and about, people will be out in the city, we have march madness, st. Patricks day, big day for people walking around. Make sure you get inside if the dark cloud roll in. Another chance for scattered showers, this is friday afternoon after sun early, we will get more showers, a as that cold air tries to settle in, and then on saturday, we are watching is this a system will be developing towards the carolinas. It will move off the coast late sunday into monday and will tap into cold air moving in as well f this were a month ago we could talk about a major snowstorm. It looks like cold rain with wet snow mix nothing especially later on sunday night but your jet stream pattern right through next week keeps that cold in place. We will start spring on sunday but in the seven day forecast it will feel much more like winter. Overnight isolated shower with patchy clouds. The thursday your st. Patricks day forecast, that dancing leprechaun, 66 degrees, some sun work solve a noon showers. Youre witness weather seven day forecast shows that return to winter just in time for spring. Fortyeight saturday. Fortyfour on sunday. Rain, possibly mixing with some snow sunday night, mondays cold, tuesday is chilly and rebound back to 60 by middle will of next week. Okay good hopefully you didnt put those jackets too far. I know exactly where it is. Yes. Thanks, kate, appreciate it. Cbs evening news is just a few minutes away. Scott pelley joins with us a look a ahead. The president makes his pick. We will have a an in depth look the at Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland plus political battal head. Campaign 2016, analysis on last nights big wins for Hillary Clinton and donald trump and where the campaigns go from here. We will have those stories tonight on the cbs evening news. All right, don one step closer today, kind of a travel day of sorts. It was a travel day, those guys are ready to get after it im sure after talking bit for so long. Eagles and phillies didnt do it, the sixers wont do it, and the flyers have a chance to do it. Playoffs, access hard to come by in these parts. We have noticed. Event are march madness we have three local teams in the big dance, villanova leaving for brooklyn earlier today, a run for philly teams would be nice. We know philly is desperate. I hope we can do it for them this year. If not us, i hope temple and st. Joes. I know philly basketball. I know everybody is good enough to do it but tournament is the tournament. It is all about match ups. Jay rocking shade. A10 tournament champs with the long journey to spokane, washington. We were on the flight with saint guess this afternoon. Hawks will battle cincinnati on friday night. Even they they are 3,000 miles away, they expect the love fest with the fans to continue. It has been great. The expert has been amazing throughout the whole year. As you you can tell, each time we have been out here they have been with us all year. All these people behind us, they give us boost in confidence for the tournament coming up. About two hours ago the temple Basketball Team boarding their buses for brooklyn. A late departure. They will love that traffic, we were talking about that at 6 30 now, in the city, good luck with that. The owls are playing iowa on friday, hopefully they get plenty of rest. Eagles need a deep threat they hope they got one in free agent wide out chris givens, he signed a four year veteran to the one year deal. He spent his rookie season with sam bradford in 2012 in st. Louis. It seemed like a great place to be and grow from the sense that they wanted me here bad and then i get here and the vibe is just amazing, all the people are great and when you feel something that is right, it is just right. Most likely, yes. Yeah. What he said. Tonight were playing teammate trivia on our, ncaa tournament preview show, march to houston presented by toy yet, those are st. Joes hawks at 7 30 here on cbs3. I like pat gallen as a james show host there. Yes, coach phil smiling too. Yes. Who is it. We will find out. Well, a lot of brackets filling out right now, everybody waiting until play in games, other people good tomorrow morning. Yes. Good question. Is there a best way to fill out bracket . It is tonights good question sent in from paul from phoenixville. Nicole brewer will have the answer tonight at 11 00 oclock. Don, did you do yours yet. I did im in the sure if it stays on the web site. You have to save it. That is right, you have to put that little bucket up there. I got it. You have filled out yours. Yes. Winner. Winning. Unc. North carolina. I dont know, guys that is all i got there. We will be right back. Apparently, people think im too perky. So now im not being perky, telling you that drivers that switch to progressive save an average of 548 whoo i mean, whoo. Thanks for watching Eyewitness News at 6 00 we are back at ten on our sister station cw philly and back here on cbs3 at 11 00. Up next, cbs evening news from new york, here now is scott pelley, take care family, we will see you tonight. This is the greatest honor of my life. Pelley a choice and now a challenge to the senate. I have fulfilled my constitutional duty. Now its time for the nat to do theirs. Pelley also tonight. Hillary, hillary, hillary pelley the frontrunners are tasting victory, but trump has a warning about a challenge to him at the convention. I think youd have riots. Pelley an alleged drug addict working in a hospital may have put 3,000 patients at risk of hepatitis and h. I. V. And norma at 90 having the time of her life. Captioning sponsored by cbs this is the cbs evening news with scott pelley. Pelley today president obama said his Supreme Court nominee would head to capitol hill for meetings tom

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