Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20160203 : comparem

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20160203

are not so clear. we have rain moving in. one particular pocket has been culprit of the wet roads we are seeing in the cameras meisha will be showing in a second here but it is a steady pocket of rain. quickly quite franklin sips through lancaster, chester and delco but now moving into montgomery and eventually bucks counties and philadelphia counties a as well and here at our own station we're definitely finding wet roads, already. how much rain are we talking about? it is not just this one pocket. there is more to come the rest of the the day but depending which model you believe it is half inch to a inch or more so generally we are calling for a half, up to an inch worth of precipitation, strictly rainfall, throughout the rest of the day to day as the storm makes its passage through our area but look at these temperatures, even at mount pocono we are at 36 degrees. we are not dealing with black ice issues as we had yesterday, that was a mess, so many accidents out there because of it the but today it is not the same situation. it is very wet out there as the the day progresses, worst commute is p.m. drive but you'll find some showers at minimum here around the region especially southeastern pennsylvania this morning and then whole system crosses through. everybody gets in on that rain today and as we mentioned a moment ago at noon time specifically that flood watch takes effect. >> yeah, good news is at least we're in the dealing with black ice. so that is, that is the blessing in all of this rain that we will get in and it is 64 degrees. the cant complain about that. this is an area we are starting to see it get wet, blue route north bound before route one a as we are seeing headlights drawing toward the camera we are seeing that rain kick up on the windshield behind you. you will to have drive slow around that area we are seeing brake lights off the the blue route. so just know that it is going to be, you will be traveling less than posted speedy would guess as we enter our 7:00 o'clock hour. most areas driving at posted sped but we will slow down, as we move forward. ben franklin bridge westbound from new jersey looking good. we have a sea of headlights. we are seeing that heat up at 6:00 o'clock as well. burlington bristol bridge scheduled to open up at 5:50. it is hard to see. just so dark. the just know it was scheduled to open up at 5:50. it was running late. accident huntington valley, involving injuries at county loan road and beachwood road. dart route 17 is detoured until friday, because of that construction, so check out your schedules on line, erika, back to you. a pivotal day in the sex assault case against bill cosby. a montgomery county judge will decide if charges should be thrown out. "eyewitness news" reporter justin finch joins news front of the county courthouse in norristown. everyone is watching to see what this judge has to say, justin good morning. >> reporter: erika, good morning. today is anything like yesterday there will be lots of media and onlookers outside this court room today. for day two of bill cosby's criminal sex hearing. the question all centers on that verbal agreement made more than a decade ago, we will see today, if that deal will hold. seventy-eight year-old entertainer bill cosby's entrance and exit at montgomery county court, game the spec particular california of a red carpet walk, a mix of media may him and many onlookers. >> it makes sense. it is a a lot of strong opinions about this case so i think they expected that this would happen and it was really kind of expected by most people living in norristown. >> reporter: but inside former montgomery county district attorney bruce castor was the the main attraction, recounting his role in the so-called verbal deal, with cosby's former detense team in 2005. castor say mr. cosby was not getting prosecuted at all, ever as far as i was concerned. the castor said in exchange for cosby's deposition testimony, in a civil claim brought by accuser andrea constand castor would not press criminal charges, legal strategy castor reason to stop cosby from invoking the fifth amendment or refuse to give damaging testimony without penalty. last summer a federal judge unsealed portions on have that deposition in which cosby detailed giving drugs to women before sexual encounters. the encounter resignled the montco d.a. office probe into the constand case and led to criminal charges filed against cosby. constand, a former temple staff era alleged cosby drug and sexually assaulted her at his cheltenham home in 2004. and a live look at the courthouse this morning, where doors are set to open in a few hours, and hearing set to resume at 9:30. we expect for bruce castor to retake the stand and finish up the last questioning that began yesterday. we do know mr. cosby will likely return today as well. he is facing up to ten years in prison for charges of aggravated inn decent assault, that also carries a fine of ten years and $25,000. erika, backup to you. now cosby has one fewer civil suit this morning. model chloe goins dropped her federal lawsuit accusing the comedian of sexually abusing her at the playboy mansion in 2008. attorneys for oz bye and goins have not return e-mail messages. last month prosecutors decided not to file charges over her claims noting that details could not be verified. cosby however faces a handful of other civil lawsuits. well this video is just hard to watch but police say it is important to it helps them track down a heartless hit and run driver in south philadelphia. the the victim, a mother and her two young children. now we will only show you a portion of the frightening surveillance video because it just gets too graphic. thirty year-old mother was crossing dickinson street at broad street yesterday afternoon when older model red honda accord plowed right into them. one of the eyewitness hose ran to help victims hopes the the driver turns herself into police. >> how can you live? your conscious will gotter you have day. you almost killed three people. you almost took three lives. >> mother is being treated forehead injuries, both children are being treated at st. christopher's hospital for children. police say that the honda should have damage, a side mirror was left at the scene so watch out for. that "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabao will be live in 30 minutes with more on this investigation. in west philadelphia, police opened fire on a man who pointed a gun at officers. the it happened yesterday, near 55th and arch streets. police were initially called to that scene for reports of the a person with the gun. investigators say that officers chase that had suspect, and even fired shots, missing the man. the suspect was apprehended a short time later. health officials confirmed the transmission of the zik a a virus in the u.s. we have reports that the virus is spread not just by mosquito but also through sexual contact. >> the case of microcephaly and our neurological complications constitute an extraordinary event. >> reporter: world health organization director general margaret chen declaring a public health emergency this week in the evolving threat of the zika virus, new present in 24 countries and sweeps through central and south america northward to the u.s. virus is spread by mosquitoes one species in particular. >> this guy is a nasty mosquito. this is one. >> reporter: the the moth keith owe shown here primary carrier of zika is men only to exist in certain parts of the u.s. but mosquitoes aren't the only concern. >> health and human services has received confirmation of the zika case associated with a acquiring local willly. >> reporter: cdc confirming tuesday that the first case of zika acquired inside the you had was transmitted sexually. >> we have seen confirmation it is spread otherwise through sexual activity. >> reporter: zika has been linked to a birth deadvertise in new borns that results with babe business ab normally small head causing severe developmental issues and sometimes death. those mothers sometimes left to discover they have the virus only after the damage to their unborn children is already done. 6:08. still to come on "eyewitness news", damaging tornadoes in the south and blizzard conditions across the north. see destruction left in the wake of the powerful storm system as it makes its way across the the nation. also, presidential candidates are focusing their efforts on new hampshire with the first in the the nation primary, here, less than a week away, i'm's weijia jiang on the campaign trail with the latest coming up. ♪ >> where are you going. >> what do you mean. you you are playing in the super bowl. >> a cold play front man chris martin hitches a ride to the super bowl with james corden and does car pool karaoke, see more of this hilarious ride together coming up. told you have cancer? start with a specialist. start where you'll find advanced technology, precision treatment options and truly compassionate care. start here with a team of experts who treat only cancer. every stage. every day. its not one thing we do. it's the only thing we do. start at cancer treatment centers of america in plalphia. the evolution of cancncer care is here. learn more at appointments available now. back now with storms in the south. is what believed to be a large tornado sweeps through western alabama ac bs news correspondent don champion shows damage left behind. well in the overnight hours people in the parts of the south cleared and assessed the damage after a line of severe weather plowed through. amateur video shows one of at least nine tornadoes reported in mississippi anal bam a. >> it is bad. >> reporter: in aliceville alabama, this man was in the storm in the closet a credits his town a tornado tore apart mobile homes and knock out power. not far away in lauderdale county, mississippi, another reported tornado threw debris around. mike dearing and his neighbors are thankful it wasn't anything worse. >> the fact is we only lost material things. the it makes you feel blessed there is nothing here that can be not be replaced. >> reporter: we have heavy downpours that caused extensive flooding and at least eight people caught off guard had to be rescued. >> it was the best part of it. seeing them was like, seeing daylight. >> reporter: to the north and stretching into the rockies the same storm system dumped a foot of snow in wisconsin, nebraska, and colorado. the snowfall was so intense, blizzard conditions stranded some drivers, and shut down major interstates. don champion for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". well, just incredible, katie. we're not going to see anything like that thanks to the warm weather. >> absolutely. we are going to be dealing with some flooding but nothing like what some folks have have been dealing with with this storm. it is a huge, expansive storm. huge storm system but it is will clearly got a lot of energy witt. we are seeing squall line progress across alabama here and further up to the north and just heavy rain for us. but also some ice, snow, way too far removed to the north with the cold air that would be required for that. so here locally what we're finding basically is just some rain pushing through right now. it is a quick pocket. we heard from adam on twitter. he said it is almost like florida where we will get a deluge and then tapers a off to a fine drizzle. it is a very moisture rich pocket sipping through. we are only looking at a three hour loop and look at how quickly it crosses through. right around bucks county and i-95 section of the trenton area we are finding heavy rain. this is just the beginning. we will show you the bigger line. that has to cross through before this system is all said and done. we will have scattered showers and scattered pockets of heavier rain. we will give thaw yield, that caution light for morning commute. afternoon and toward early evening that rain does become heavy. would say your typical p.m. rush late afternoon early evening will be dicey where we can see flooding get exacerbated because we have the rain and the snow melting on. the it is that combination that makes it more of a problem. in the meantime we will expect low to mid 60's. very mild day. no snow, no ice. then we are back to a closer dose of reality. we are back in the 50's and more so on friday, it doesn't look more seasonal as the sun returns and we will keep high pressure around right through weekend. we will walk you through your weekend forecast. we will start off with today's outlook, rainy, warm day, dropping off in the thermometer through friday and rebounding slightly throughout the course of the weekend. super bowl sunday in the looking bad at all in our region, meisha. >> fifty's, gorgeous for the super bowl, thanks, katie, yes. we are dealing with rain already this morning. quarter after 6:00. right now places i'm looking at right now are showing rain coming down, you are kicking it up oath windshield behind you. it will get messy because of this. as you can see i-95 south taillights moving in the southbound direction. at academy we are seeing brake lights go off, already and i can tell you volume levels are starting to pick upright now, but predominantly because it is starting to rain in these areas. we will see it sweep through and hit us. blue route north bound before route one another area that you can see kicking up behind those tires, letting you know it is wet on the roadways and whenever it is wet in the 6:00 y imagine what the 7:00 o'clock hour other main rush hour will look like. just make note. boulevard headlights in the southbound direction another area, a lot of rain, on the the roadways looking very wet there as well and we have an accident, huntington valley involving injuries. the county line road at beach rhode island. we will have more updates coming up in terms of the the mass transit the but first we will take a quick break so stay where you are, cbs-3 "eyewitness news" will be right back. only abreva can heal it in as few as two and a half days when used at the first sign. it penetrates deep and starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells.. don't tough it out, knock it out, fast. abreva. presidential candidates are crisscrossing new hampshire ahead of the nation's first primary next tuesday. it is a a three way battle for republican ted cruz, donald trump a and marco rubio. democrats hillary clinton and bernie sanders they have a continue hall meeting later tonight. weijia jiang is on the campaign trail with the details. >> reporter: donald trump took to the campaign trail in milford, new hampshire tuesday brushing off his second place standing in iowa and down playing marco rubio's third place finish. >> he comes in third, i come in second. trump no good. rubio, unbelievable night. unbelievable victory. unbelievable. >> rubio out performed expectations in the hawkeye state finishing one percentage point behind trump the the new hampshire favorite. >> we have to go out and convince more people that conservism is the right approach for america. i have done that and will do that. >> reporter: flat senator is now positioning himself as the alternative to trump and first place iowa finisher ted cruz. after beating bernie sanders in iowa by a razor thin margin, hillary clinton has come to the granite state as the under dog trailing sanders by 18 points. >> i hope that you will choose with both your heart and your mind. >> we're going to go to state after state after state after state. >> reporter: both candidates took to each other in the possible debate here, tomorrow. weijia jiang for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". happening today, president obama is about to make his first trip to an american mosque. he will hold a round table discussion at islamic society of baltimore. a senior administration official says that the president plans to promote racial tolerance. the president has visited muslim houses of worship in other countries but never here in the u.s. still ahead, thousands of pieces of undelivered mail in philadelphia including parking violations and bills, what to do if you think you have been a affect. also a mother's message to all drivers, the simple tool that she wants everyone to keep in their car. it cost less than $10 and she says it takes her and her son's life. it sound like a pretty wet wednesday, kate what i do you think. >> we are finding pockets of heavy rain across southeastern, pa we will take you on a tour on storm scan three and also track what is yet to come so you can plan your day around the wet we remarkwe're making changes,ning at your local acme. and we're getting 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(husband) i heard that. switching to better internet is now easier than ever. only fios has the fastest internet available, with uploads up to 5x faster than cable. get 100 meg upload and download speeds, plus tv and phone for just $69.99 a month online with no annual contract. switch to better. switch to fios. there's the endless runny noses. the sneezes that just won't quit and of course, the biting cold of snow day play. that's why puffs is soft. puffs plus lotion tissues... ...are gentle on skin. they help soothe irritation by locking in moisture better. so you can get out and enjoy winter a nose in need deserves puffs indeed. for softness that fits anywhere, try puffs softpack. if you are missing important mail from the city, chances are it is waiting to be delivered. the surprise inspection of the cities mail distribution center found boxes, of unmailed notices and bills. roughly 10,000 pieces of vital documents are just sitting in those bins. many of the undelivered bills comes with penalties and fines if paid late. court notices, fines, tax bills, water bills, parking violations, and other city-related correspondence to philadelphians and those doing business with the city. the city's new revenue commissioner is now taking steps to correct several issues in the distribution center, including using improper postage resulting in thousands of dollars in excess postage costs. the the controller is asking anyone who believes they might have been affected to contact the fraud hot line at (215)686-3804. a mother, credits a 7-dollar tool with saving her and her son's life after a crash. she says that she was rear ended while driving on a freeway in southern california. following that crash, she found herself, crashed in her suv in the middle of traffic. >> my seat belt locked up, smoke filled up in my car and my son was in the back seat. the one tool i have i can finally use it. >> she is talking about that seat belt cutter she keeps in her side compartment. she used to it free herself and son out of his car seat. the she's sharing her story hoping everyone will get one for their car, just seven bucks. coming up next on "eyewitness news", this video is tough to watch here as a car slams into a mother and her children in the crosswalk and then just drives away. we're live with the search for that hit and run driver. also this. >> in this weeks story of brotherly love five years ago we have introduced you to a philadelphia 11 year-old who wrote a children's book about her struggle with cancer. now she's in high school and she's raising fund to find a key. find out how you can help with a simple down load when we come right back. you will to have give yourself a couple extra minutes, this morning. we are seeing rain on the roadways, i-95 before cottman and an accident out there with details coming up but first we will take a quick break stay where you are, cbs-3 "eyewitness news" wi good morning, some wet road out there as you get ready to head outside the door and it will get worse as the day goes on, flood watch has been issued as heavy rain moves through later today. looking at storm scan there, is there a huge system. >> it is, looking at local level and we already have got a couple of pockets of heavy rain moving through but that is just a precursor. sort of like the teaser if you will of what will happen. >> yes. >> exactly. >> so eventually a larger, a more solid line of rain will be coming through. that is when heavy stuff comes through. we will look at that localized zoom on storm scan. heavier stuff for the the most parties starting to fizzle will somewhat. you can see how those brighter colors, red, orange, in other word, heavier rainfall starts to dwindle with time but we have gotten soaked in these communities and that is just the beginning. at the moment we have got steady rain falling in mercer county around trenton, i-95, lehigh valley. here's that wider zoom with the snow well off to the north. strictly a rain producing storm but man, this storm has been affecting millions of people from severe weather to blizzard conditions. for us it will be a flood concern. so, at noon time today flood watch takes effect in all these counties in green. it is most of the region say for southeastern, new jersey, delaware and off across northampton county and pocono region but with that said you will be dealing with pretty mild air, you are already at the 50 in wildwood after all, 43 at the a airport and we will go up from here. not expect to go see a heck of a lot of unshine but warm air will have have its way and we expect to hit 64 degrees. that will easily mean a new record for the books, breaking record, last set in 2006 but with the warmth and rain, you end up with snow melt that gets exacerbated by lots of heavier rain and therein lies the problem. flooding looks like an issue here, thankfully not major flooding but enough to be a big headache. >> sound that way. we certainly are starting to see rain coming down on our roadways this morning. good morning. happy hump day, happy wednesday to you. plenty of activity out there. let talk about the the accident, 309 southbound past welsh road. that right shoulder is blocked but it doesn't matter that it is not even blocking a lane. than though it is pulled off to the shoulder you can see significant slow downs, in this area, brake lights. not only are you not going posted speed but they were hardly moving at all. so as more and more vehicles hit the roadways on 309 until that gets out of the way flashing lights, plus we are dealing with the rain on the roadways this will cause slow downs. give yourself a couple extra minutes there. ninety-five south before cottman another area looking slow moving in the southbound direction we will can expect that. the rain on there and it catapults the problem. schuylkill westbound at city avenue looking very slow. give yourself a couple extra minutes. you are dropping less than posted speed in these areas. accident in huntington veil, county line road at beachwood road that has not cleared. make note of that in this area. that has in the cleared yet. but let's switch gears a little bit 76ers play against hawks at 7:00 p.m. that is fun for you attending the game. mass transit patco running a special scheduled through friday and dart route 17 is detoured until friday because of construction so check your schedules on line, erika, back over to you. a mother and her children are run down while crossing street in south philadelphia. surveillance captures the chilling moment when the driver hits them, and then just keeps going. eye witt the necessary news reporter jan carabao picks up the story live at that scene of the crime as police continue to search for this car and driver, jan, good morning. >> reporter: erika, good morning. this mother and her two young children are in the hospital recovering today, meantime as you mentioned police are still searching for this hit and run driver, this area of point breeze is a mix between residential and commercial property. so, there is a lot of surveillance cameras and a lot of video in this area now investigators are releasing that video hoping it helps track this driver down. philadelphia police searching for this car today after investigators say the female driver hit a mother and her two young children. surveillance video from the point breeze neighborhood shows the heart breaking moment before impact. the family is seen crossing dickinson at broad tuesday afternoon, when the the kara peers to run a red light striking all three. >> i heard a boom. when i heard boom i seen woman get down but the little girl was on the hood. >> i actually heard young girl screaming, crying. >> reporter: the carries described as a red honda accord, 1998 through 2,000 model. surveillance video shows vehicle will from a number of different angles. the passenger side mirror was left at the scene all image as hard for eyewitness toes shake. >> i seen this lady laying on the ground and little girl over there and people around her. >> reporter: reverend paul earthquake moore was one of many who ran to help in the crash. moore was inside a sanitation truck when he saw driver take off. 309 year-old mother he says was unconscious and her six month-old still strapped on to her in the carrier, and her six year-old hit the hood of the car and then landed feet away with the broken leg. >> i said mother is still distraught, you know, being hit like worrying about her kids. >> reporter: moore calmed the family and held that baby in his arms until police arrived. he is praying that the driver does what is right and turns herself in to police. >> how can you live. you almost kill three people. you almost took three lives. >> reporter: this mother is in hospital this morning, again in critical but stable condition, she and both of her children are expect to survive. if you know anything about this driver, or this car, give police a call. we are reporting live from point breeze, jan carabao for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". back inside to you. meanwhile search, rescue teams have found some remains of u.s. marines killed in the helicopter crash off hawaii. marine core say they found dna traces following crash on january 14th. among the the 12 marines killed captain brian kennedy of malvern, chester county. the cause of that crash is under investigation. chaka fattah junior, son of the congressman chaka fattah is waking up behind bars this morning. he was taken into custody immediately after sentencing yesterday to five years in prison. fattah junior was convicted of 22 of the 23 counts during his bank and tax fraud trial in november. the judge also ordered fattah junior to pay 1.1 million-dollar in restitution. preliminary hearing for david ramos, he is accused of killing and robbing ryan kelly last thanksgiving. the 21 year-old was found shot in the chest along 3500 block offal monday street in port richmond. police say ramos has confessed to that crime. coming up this morning a major airline brings back a passenger perk. about time, right? this will make it easier for parents to travel. we will tell you what it is. a dog caught on camera sneaking out of her room at the pet hotel but reason why will make you smile, see where this went coming up. blank. a sweet deal for some small san francisco businesses, i'm jamie yukiss with how super bowl 50 is paying off. >> here we go, super bowl, coming up, rock, rock, rock, rock we're blowing it up. >> before cold play's chris martin takes the stage at the half time show for super bowl having a little fun doing a little car pool karaoke with james corden and talking about who influenced his music, more of the the car pool karaoke when we come back. of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine, i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for 12 months free at welcome back. our count down continues into the big game on sunday, super bowl 50, just four days and a few hours away. before kick off the super bowl is already having a big win for many small businesses. some small shops are getting work through a business connect program, i love the sound of this. jamie yukiss is live to explain how it change the life of one woman in the bay area love this story, jamie, good morning. >> reporter: oh, she's adorable isn't she, erika. i have to tell you super bowl week is such a production. you need so many events that need lunches, balloons, event materials, the list goes on and on. the nfl is turning to local business toss make sure its needs are fulfilled. for ten years, yvonne heinz has opened up her southern sweet bakery to the san francisco public. >> don't act a up when company is around. we're talking to my brownies. >> reporter: last week she learn that the nfl will give her the biggest order of her life. >> i cannot fumble. i cannot fumble this. i cannot. >> reporter: 2400 bake goods through the the business connect program for on sign meetings. super bowl contracts are worth a lot of dough, more than three million-dollar went to hundreds of san francisco area businesses. and just because super bowl week has started, doesn't mean more order could not come in. >> there are business that is this week are still submitting invoice is still getting contracts, last minute i'm getting requests even now. we will tally that up after the super bowl is over. >> reporter: the economic impact from super bowl s is often debated but jason tribune with the host committee says when local businesses are hired it is easy to tally how much they earned. are you rooting for panthers or broncos. >> i'm rooting for san francisco. >> reporter: i like that. because the added business isn't just a win for yvonne but for her community. and now, i'm rooting for yvonne, i don't know about you. to be eligible for this program you have to be a woman owned, lgbt owned, minority owned or a veteran owned business and i think the cool thing about this program is they are involving technology giant google in the bay area. all of the business owners can go to them and take a class, further their technology. and, hopefully, it doesn't crumble under the pressure, jamie. >> reporter: they were so thick, gooey, there is substance there. i could eat them but she talks to them. >> they look delicious. was a great program. we will see you toll, jamie. we have a new update with the super bowl will be lady gaga singing the the national anthem for the game. it is just part of the 2016. marley matlynn will sign at the same time. lady gaga has a pack schedule. the she's honoring david bowie, nominated for an oscar and just one a golden globe. not to mention the upcoming wednesday to go lancaster county native taylor kenney. congratulations. another artist playing the super bowl chris martin, how could we for get. his band cold play is performing at half time but he may be a little late getting there. >> i'm trying to get to the super bowl. >> where are you going. >> what do you mean you are playing in the super bowl. >> i know, i'm supposed been there. >> can i get a ride from you. >> to san francisco. >> please, i'm desperate. can i just get in and we will figure it out. >> yes. >> so kind. >> working his charm. >> martin hitched a ride from late, late show host james corden and the journey was a musical one. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> some parts, chris martin had that portable keyboard. you never know when he needs it. martin also, i didn't realize but he goodies at impressions too. >> he be like, one thing, it is live here. and people will go yah. >> you do a good mick jagger. >> i love going to see rolling stones. my favorite band to go see is the the stones. i love it. i love going to see them anywhere. >> what a character. not as good though, corden singing the wrong lyrics to a cold play song. >> ♪ >> wait a minute. >> what is it. >> a few cherished, is it not. >> no. >> what is it. >> a few cherished. >> little bells ringing. >> yes. >> what is the lyrics. >> yeah, that is what i sing. >> that is what you sing. >> you can sing whatever you like. >> what a good sport there. >> as you can see right there, on this tandem bike because james corden was taking him to the hotel and they had to finish the the trip. once they got to the hotel there was spooning, snuggling and chris martin was big spoon. a little different. >> what a great sense of humor for both those guys. captain wait to see chris on sunday. >> this is a riot. >> i made a personal plea here, today, would i really like to be a backup, back seat driver. >> i think that would be great >> yes. >> i can totally hook you up. >> yes. >> like the where is waldo. >> yes. >> yes. >> i love it. >> i do too. >> all right. right now 6:47. of course we want to talk about our forecast. the roads are wet. >> roads are wet, certainly. this is only going to height even that. >> a as we said earlier an appetizer. i like to call it an appetizer, something yet to come. what we will end up with is more than just damp road you see he outside our own station headquarters here in the spring garden section of the city. we had a pocket of heavy rain frankly that rolled on through earlier on and now that is actually moving in across northwestern portions of new jersey but it has left behind some damp roads for us and at this point that pocket a as we come back here to storm scan three is actually lifting out of the region but this is just the beginning for us here and will take you a little will bit of the wider zoom to show you this system. we have got to get this cold front through and that will take sometime. it is in advance of the cold front and because it is so warm in advance any hint of ice or snow is way off to the north and not worried about any kind of ice or snow this time but rather flood potential because of the rain in tandem with the fact that we have got warmth on the way and the snow that will melt very easily, it could potentially end up with some flooded out riverbeds and streams. we will have to watch on that. future rain from a half inch to up to an inch but some of this outfit is suggesting more depending on if a heavier cell sets up at any given location. difficult want to check with our weather watchers very quickly here. we will go out to the western suburbs where we generally found the wet weather thus far. ed heaton reporting light rain at theglenn. flood watch, here, in effect, and that starts at noon. he took words right out of my mouth on that one. the lets go to another one just outside the city in delco. bill is reporting in cardington and light rain falling. you will find out if you need windshield wiper. maybe you had ice from that car that you spent the wipers overtop. you will find out if that suffered damage today. we will go to one more, bit further north, phil send nothing light rain as well. he is in north wales this morning. as we go back to the eyewitness weather, seven day forecast, warm day, don't get me warm. feeling like springtime but you have to worry about the flooding. we will drop off a on the thermometer closer to seasonal territories especially friday, meisha. >> we are seeing that rain affect our morning commuters right now. this is where we had an accident 309 south past welsh road pulled off to the shoulder cause something problems. that has been moved out of way which is good news. ben franklin bridge really looking wet the but very slow right now. i-95 cottman very slow around that s curve. we have an accident here in conshohocken. train hit a disable vehicle, washington street at cherry street and manayunk norristown line because of this accident is suspended. so check your schedules on line, erika. meisha, thank you. 6:50. time to see is what coming up on cbs this morning. nora o'donnell joins us from new york with that preview. you are reading scripts. the busy lady out there. busy morning. >> i am reading the the paper as well, so many good interesting stories in the news today we will bring them to you this morning. we will talk to bernie sanders about that close finish in iowa and whether he can pull out a victory in new hampshire. we have a cbs news investigation into why congress is asking six veterans cannot get a life saving drug that they need. this is something we have started and now congress is looking in to it. we will take to the water in the air to take a closer look at security in place for super bowl 50. the woman behind the movie joy is going to be right here in the studio 57, how the single mom of three became a business pioneer and worth millions of dollars. the news is back in the morning. we will see new ten minutes. >> so many great inventions, thanks very much. five and a half years ago cbs-3 introduced you to an 11 year-old girl who wrote a children's book about her fight with cancer. now that young author is a high school junior who is thinking about college. as "eyewitness news" anchor ukee washington shows us she's selling that book to raise money for children just like her. >> reporter: thousands have heard her story thanks to two teachers who helped her dream come true. >> i like what you have done. >> reporter: we met diana vega a finishing art work for her book about her struggle with cancer. >> i don't know if she realizes how many people it will touch. >> reporter: when she was nine she was diagnosed with leukemia, after a year of treatment, she went into remission. diana and two teachers, judy and melony, wrote a children's book about deanno being followed by the sun. >> the sun, when i'm sick is getting sadder and when i get better, the the sun gets a bigger smile. >> those doctors are really something. the obviously, you know, here. >> reporter: now diana is 17 and still in remission. she sold more than a thousand copies of the week how my sun got its smile. >> we have six or seven months of a lot of great sales and book signings and fun stuff going on. >> reporter: now judy a and diana are donating most of the proceeds to the the leukemia and lymphoma society. diana is compete ago monk nine other students to raise the the most money. >> each dollar counts as a vote. so the person with the mote votes is named student of the year. >> mom decided i needed to go to the hospital. >> reporter: new kindle version of the book is on for $5. judy is encouraging people to down load it thursday february r day, she called it diana day. >> so would i love to say a hundred thousand people to buy this book. i would like to dream. >> she want to be no cancer ward at all even better. >> i hepp they can find a cure, really. >> reporter: from now until february 27th, 80 percent of book sales proceed will get to the leukemia and lymphoma society. you can buy the book at cbs i'll see you tonight. i'm ukee washington for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". we have some good news for families traveling with young children. united airline is back to an old policy allowing travelers with kid age two or young tore board early. company spokesperson says they are trying to simplify boarding process. this will take place in two weeks on february 15th. a dog spending a few nights in the pet motel comes home with a family of her own. great video here. handlers at barker's pet motel in canada says that maggie, the the australian shepherd, came through a hole for a water bowl and went straight through two new strays, also shepherds. happened letters say the the three bonded immediately, but then it was time for maggie to go home. >> we have something to tell but your dog. what did this dog do. maggie was with puppies which made her happy, made us happy and made puppies happy. >> look at them playing. maggie's family quickly adopted those two stray puppies and one bigger happy family. we will be right back. i do everything on the internet but, it's kind of slow. my friends say i should get fios because it's the fastest. i just downloaded 600 photos in 60 seconds. that's seriously better. (husband) we're out of 2%! i wonder what else could be better around here. (husband) i heard that. switching to better internet is now easier than ever. only fios has the fastest internet available, with uploads up to 5x faster than cable. get 100 meg upload and download speeds, plus tv and phone for just $69.99 a month online with no annual contract. switch to better. switch to fios. there's the endless runny noses. the sneezes that just won't quit and of course, the biting cold of snow day play. that's why puffs is soft. puffs plus lotion tissues... ...are gentle on skin. they help soothe irritation by locking in moisture better. so you can get out and enjoy winter a nose in need deserves puffs indeed. for softness that fits anywhere, try puffs softpack. in just a couple hours bill cosby returns to court to learn if the judge will throw out sexual assault charges against him. justin finch is in norristown with the very latest. justin. >> reporter: good morning. former montgomery co d.a. bruce castor is expect to retake the stand this morning. he will talk about a deal he made with cosby's legal team in 2005, one in which he said cosby exchanged deposition testimony in exchange for not being prosecuted. he says that deal was binding, however, current d.a. kevin steele says that deal has no bearing on their investigation which led to those criminal sex assault charges now being lodged against cosby. he is facing ten years in prison and a $25,000 fine. this all of course links to andrea constand a former temple employee who lodged allegations against cosby back in 2005. erika, back over to you. >> justin, thank you. you probably know our sports reporter pat gallen from "eyewitness news" but how well can he keep up at the sport of rowing. he is not just talking about it the but doing a work out with a local woman rowing in the olympics. >> is that where i'm supposed to be at right now. >> i will be dead by then, there is no way. >> keep it, see if pat can keep up tomorrow morning on "eyewitness news". >> lets give this man a spray tan. >> katie, come on. >> us fair people need love too. >> yes. >> all right. >> we are looking at, steady rain coming through midday and toward evening. but in the meantime we have got some showers out there, and wetting the road. >> cbs this morning is coming up next, take care. captioning funded by cbs good morning. it is wednesday, february 3rd, 2016. welcome to "cbs this morning." tornadoes rip across the south and blizzards bury the midwest. a mid-air explosion blows a hole in this jet. a passenger got sucked out of the plane! was it a bomb? >> donald trump says he may have made a mistake skipping that last gop pledebate. stavert we begin this morning with a look at today's "eye opener." your world in 90 seconds. tornadoes on the ground. tornadoes on the ground. >> house is gone. >> tornadoes tear across the so

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New York , United States , Canada , Conshohocken , Pennsylvania , Alabama , Australia , New Hampshire , Norristown , Lancaster County , Philadelphia , Florida , Delaware , Port Richmond , California , Malvern , Washington , District Of Columbia , Mississippi , San Francisco , North Wales , Montgomery County , New Jersey , Nebraska , Iowa , Colorado , Trenton , Mercer County , Hawaii , Australian , America , American , Mike Dearing , Marco Rubio , Lancaster Chester , Yvonne Heinz , Diana Vega , Ryan Kelly , Justin Finch , Margaret Chen , Chris Martin , Kevin Steele , Pat Gallen , David Bowie , Taylor Kenney , Chaka Fattah , Mick Jagger , Chloe Goins , Brian Kennedy , Andrea Constand , Hillary Clinton , Ted Cruz , Bernie Sanders , David Ramos ,

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Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20160203 :

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20160203

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are not so clear. we have rain moving in. one particular pocket has been culprit of the wet roads we are seeing in the cameras meisha will be showing in a second here but it is a steady pocket of rain. quickly quite franklin sips through lancaster, chester and delco but now moving into montgomery and eventually bucks counties and philadelphia counties a as well and here at our own station we're definitely finding wet roads, already. how much rain are we talking about? it is not just this one pocket. there is more to come the rest of the the day but depending which model you believe it is half inch to a inch or more so generally we are calling for a half, up to an inch worth of precipitation, strictly rainfall, throughout the rest of the day to day as the storm makes its passage through our area but look at these temperatures, even at mount pocono we are at 36 degrees. we are not dealing with black ice issues as we had yesterday, that was a mess, so many accidents out there because of it the but today it is not the same situation. it is very wet out there as the the day progresses, worst commute is p.m. drive but you'll find some showers at minimum here around the region especially southeastern pennsylvania this morning and then whole system crosses through. everybody gets in on that rain today and as we mentioned a moment ago at noon time specifically that flood watch takes effect. >> yeah, good news is at least we're in the dealing with black ice. so that is, that is the blessing in all of this rain that we will get in and it is 64 degrees. the cant complain about that. this is an area we are starting to see it get wet, blue route north bound before route one a as we are seeing headlights drawing toward the camera we are seeing that rain kick up on the windshield behind you. you will to have drive slow around that area we are seeing brake lights off the the blue route. so just know that it is going to be, you will be traveling less than posted speedy would guess as we enter our 7:00 o'clock hour. most areas driving at posted sped but we will slow down, as we move forward. ben franklin bridge westbound from new jersey looking good. we have a sea of headlights. we are seeing that heat up at 6:00 o'clock as well. burlington bristol bridge scheduled to open up at 5:50. it is hard to see. just so dark. the just know it was scheduled to open up at 5:50. it was running late. accident huntington valley, involving injuries at county loan road and beachwood road. dart route 17 is detoured until friday, because of that construction, so check out your schedules on line, erika, back to you. a pivotal day in the sex assault case against bill cosby. a montgomery county judge will decide if charges should be thrown out. "eyewitness news" reporter justin finch joins news front of the county courthouse in norristown. everyone is watching to see what this judge has to say, justin good morning. >> reporter: erika, good morning. today is anything like yesterday there will be lots of media and onlookers outside this court room today. for day two of bill cosby's criminal sex hearing. the question all centers on that verbal agreement made more than a decade ago, we will see today, if that deal will hold. seventy-eight year-old entertainer bill cosby's entrance and exit at montgomery county court, game the spec particular california of a red carpet walk, a mix of media may him and many onlookers. >> it makes sense. it is a a lot of strong opinions about this case so i think they expected that this would happen and it was really kind of expected by most people living in norristown. >> reporter: but inside former montgomery county district attorney bruce castor was the the main attraction, recounting his role in the so-called verbal deal, with cosby's former detense team in 2005. castor say mr. cosby was not getting prosecuted at all, ever as far as i was concerned. the castor said in exchange for cosby's deposition testimony, in a civil claim brought by accuser andrea constand castor would not press criminal charges, legal strategy castor reason to stop cosby from invoking the fifth amendment or refuse to give damaging testimony without penalty. last summer a federal judge unsealed portions on have that deposition in which cosby detailed giving drugs to women before sexual encounters. the encounter resignled the montco d.a. office probe into the constand case and led to criminal charges filed against cosby. constand, a former temple staff era alleged cosby drug and sexually assaulted her at his cheltenham home in 2004. and a live look at the courthouse this morning, where doors are set to open in a few hours, and hearing set to resume at 9:30. we expect for bruce castor to retake the stand and finish up the last questioning that began yesterday. we do know mr. cosby will likely return today as well. he is facing up to ten years in prison for charges of aggravated inn decent assault, that also carries a fine of ten years and $25,000. erika, backup to you. now cosby has one fewer civil suit this morning. model chloe goins dropped her federal lawsuit accusing the comedian of sexually abusing her at the playboy mansion in 2008. attorneys for oz bye and goins have not return e-mail messages. last month prosecutors decided not to file charges over her claims noting that details could not be verified. cosby however faces a handful of other civil lawsuits. well this video is just hard to watch but police say it is important to it helps them track down a heartless hit and run driver in south philadelphia. the the victim, a mother and her two young children. now we will only show you a portion of the frightening surveillance video because it just gets too graphic. thirty year-old mother was crossing dickinson street at broad street yesterday afternoon when older model red honda accord plowed right into them. one of the eyewitness hose ran to help victims hopes the the driver turns herself into police. >> how can you live? your conscious will gotter you have day. you almost killed three people. you almost took three lives. >> mother is being treated forehead injuries, both children are being treated at st. christopher's hospital for children. police say that the honda should have damage, a side mirror was left at the scene so watch out for. that "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabao will be live in 30 minutes with more on this investigation. in west philadelphia, police opened fire on a man who pointed a gun at officers. the it happened yesterday, near 55th and arch streets. police were initially called to that scene for reports of the a person with the gun. investigators say that officers chase that had suspect, and even fired shots, missing the man. the suspect was apprehended a short time later. health officials confirmed the transmission of the zik a a virus in the u.s. we have reports that the virus is spread not just by mosquito but also through sexual contact. >> the case of microcephaly and our neurological complications constitute an extraordinary event. >> reporter: world health organization director general margaret chen declaring a public health emergency this week in the evolving threat of the zika virus, new present in 24 countries and sweeps through central and south america northward to the u.s. virus is spread by mosquitoes one species in particular. >> this guy is a nasty mosquito. this is one. >> reporter: the the moth keith owe shown here primary carrier of zika is men only to exist in certain parts of the u.s. but mosquitoes aren't the only concern. >> health and human services has received confirmation of the zika case associated with a acquiring local willly. >> reporter: cdc confirming tuesday that the first case of zika acquired inside the you had was transmitted sexually. >> we have seen confirmation it is spread otherwise through sexual activity. >> reporter: zika has been linked to a birth deadvertise in new borns that results with babe business ab normally small head causing severe developmental issues and sometimes death. those mothers sometimes left to discover they have the virus only after the damage to their unborn children is already done. 6:08. still to come on "eyewitness news", damaging tornadoes in the south and blizzard conditions across the north. see destruction left in the wake of the powerful storm system as it makes its way across the the nation. also, presidential candidates are focusing their efforts on new hampshire with the first in the the nation primary, here, less than a week away, i'm's weijia jiang on the campaign trail with the latest coming up. ♪ >> where are you going. >> what do you mean. you you are playing in the super bowl. >> a cold play front man chris martin hitches a ride to the super bowl with james corden and does car pool karaoke, see more of this hilarious ride together coming up. told you have cancer? start with a specialist. start where you'll find advanced technology, precision treatment options and truly compassionate care. start here with a team of experts who treat only cancer. every stage. every day. its not one thing we do. it's the only thing we do. start at cancer treatment centers of america in plalphia. the evolution of cancncer care is here. learn more at appointments available now. back now with storms in the south. is what believed to be a large tornado sweeps through western alabama ac bs news correspondent don champion shows damage left behind. well in the overnight hours people in the parts of the south cleared and assessed the damage after a line of severe weather plowed through. amateur video shows one of at least nine tornadoes reported in mississippi anal bam a. >> it is bad. >> reporter: in aliceville alabama, this man was in the storm in the closet a credits his town a tornado tore apart mobile homes and knock out power. not far away in lauderdale county, mississippi, another reported tornado threw debris around. mike dearing and his neighbors are thankful it wasn't anything worse. >> the fact is we only lost material things. the it makes you feel blessed there is nothing here that can be not be replaced. >> reporter: we have heavy downpours that caused extensive flooding and at least eight people caught off guard had to be rescued. >> it was the best part of it. seeing them was like, seeing daylight. >> reporter: to the north and stretching into the rockies the same storm system dumped a foot of snow in wisconsin, nebraska, and colorado. the snowfall was so intense, blizzard conditions stranded some drivers, and shut down major interstates. don champion for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". well, just incredible, katie. we're not going to see anything like that thanks to the warm weather. >> absolutely. we are going to be dealing with some flooding but nothing like what some folks have have been dealing with with this storm. it is a huge, expansive storm. huge storm system but it is will clearly got a lot of energy witt. we are seeing squall line progress across alabama here and further up to the north and just heavy rain for us. but also some ice, snow, way too far removed to the north with the cold air that would be required for that. so here locally what we're finding basically is just some rain pushing through right now. it is a quick pocket. we heard from adam on twitter. he said it is almost like florida where we will get a deluge and then tapers a off to a fine drizzle. it is a very moisture rich pocket sipping through. we are only looking at a three hour loop and look at how quickly it crosses through. right around bucks county and i-95 section of the trenton area we are finding heavy rain. this is just the beginning. we will show you the bigger line. that has to cross through before this system is all said and done. we will have scattered showers and scattered pockets of heavier rain. we will give thaw yield, that caution light for morning commute. afternoon and toward early evening that rain does become heavy. would say your typical p.m. rush late afternoon early evening will be dicey where we can see flooding get exacerbated because we have the rain and the snow melting on. the it is that combination that makes it more of a problem. in the meantime we will expect low to mid 60's. very mild day. no snow, no ice. then we are back to a closer dose of reality. we are back in the 50's and more so on friday, it doesn't look more seasonal as the sun returns and we will keep high pressure around right through weekend. we will walk you through your weekend forecast. we will start off with today's outlook, rainy, warm day, dropping off in the thermometer through friday and rebounding slightly throughout the course of the weekend. super bowl sunday in the looking bad at all in our region, meisha. >> fifty's, gorgeous for the super bowl, thanks, katie, yes. we are dealing with rain already this morning. quarter after 6:00. right now places i'm looking at right now are showing rain coming down, you are kicking it up oath windshield behind you. it will get messy because of this. as you can see i-95 south taillights moving in the southbound direction. at academy we are seeing brake lights go off, already and i can tell you volume levels are starting to pick upright now, but predominantly because it is starting to rain in these areas. we will see it sweep through and hit us. blue route north bound before route one another area that you can see kicking up behind those tires, letting you know it is wet on the roadways and whenever it is wet in the 6:00 y imagine what the 7:00 o'clock hour other main rush hour will look like. just make note. boulevard headlights in the southbound direction another area, a lot of rain, on the the roadways looking very wet there as well and we have an accident, huntington valley involving injuries. the county line road at beach rhode island. we will have more updates coming up in terms of the the mass transit the but first we will take a quick break so stay where you are, cbs-3 "eyewitness news" will be right back. only abreva can heal it in as few as two and a half days when used at the first sign. it penetrates deep and starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells.. don't tough it out, knock it out, fast. abreva. presidential candidates are crisscrossing new hampshire ahead of the nation's first primary next tuesday. it is a a three way battle for republican ted cruz, donald trump a and marco rubio. democrats hillary clinton and bernie sanders they have a continue hall meeting later tonight. weijia jiang is on the campaign trail with the details. >> reporter: donald trump took to the campaign trail in milford, new hampshire tuesday brushing off his second place standing in iowa and down playing marco rubio's third place finish. >> he comes in third, i come in second. trump no good. rubio, unbelievable night. unbelievable victory. unbelievable. >> rubio out performed expectations in the hawkeye state finishing one percentage point behind trump the the new hampshire favorite. >> we have to go out and convince more people that conservism is the right approach for america. i have done that and will do that. >> reporter: flat senator is now positioning himself as the alternative to trump and first place iowa finisher ted cruz. after beating bernie sanders in iowa by a razor thin margin, hillary clinton has come to the granite state as the under dog trailing sanders by 18 points. >> i hope that you will choose with both your heart and your mind. >> we're going to go to state after state after state after state. >> reporter: both candidates took to each other in the possible debate here, tomorrow. weijia jiang for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". happening today, president obama is about to make his first trip to an american mosque. he will hold a round table discussion at islamic society of baltimore. a senior administration official says that the president plans to promote racial tolerance. the president has visited muslim houses of worship in other countries but never here in the u.s. still ahead, thousands of pieces of undelivered mail in philadelphia including parking violations and bills, what to do if you think you have been a affect. also a mother's message to all drivers, the simple tool that she wants everyone to keep in their car. it cost less than $10 and she says it takes her and her son's life. it sound like a pretty wet wednesday, kate what i do you think. >> we are finding pockets of heavy rain across southeastern, pa we will take you on a tour on storm scan three and also track what is yet to come so you can plan your day around the wet we remarkwe're making changes,ning at your local acme. and we're getting better every day. cleaner. friendlier. fresher. like fresher meat and seafood. and fresher produce and hundreds of organics. to top it off! we offer lower prices every day. get in on the big entenmann's full line sale and get 50% off all entenmann's cakes and other treats. plus buy 1 genuine pork baby back ribs and get 2 free! low prices, great quality, and friendlier service. acme. i do everything on the internet but, it's kind of slow. my friends say i should get fios because it's the fastest. i just downloaded 600 photos in 60 seconds. that's seriously better. (husband) we're out of 2%! i wonder what else could be better around here. (husband) i heard that. switching to better internet is now easier than ever. only fios has the fastest internet available, with uploads up to 5x faster than cable. get 100 meg upload and download speeds, plus tv and phone for just $69.99 a month online with no annual contract. switch to better. switch to fios. there's the endless runny noses. the sneezes that just won't quit and of course, the biting cold of snow day play. that's why puffs is soft. puffs plus lotion tissues... ...are gentle on skin. they help soothe irritation by locking in moisture better. so you can get out and enjoy winter a nose in need deserves puffs indeed. for softness that fits anywhere, try puffs softpack. if you are missing important mail from the city, chances are it is waiting to be delivered. the surprise inspection of the cities mail distribution center found boxes, of unmailed notices and bills. roughly 10,000 pieces of vital documents are just sitting in those bins. many of the undelivered bills comes with penalties and fines if paid late. court notices, fines, tax bills, water bills, parking violations, and other city-related correspondence to philadelphians and those doing business with the city. the city's new revenue commissioner is now taking steps to correct several issues in the distribution center, including using improper postage resulting in thousands of dollars in excess postage costs. the the controller is asking anyone who believes they might have been affected to contact the fraud hot line at (215)686-3804. a mother, credits a 7-dollar tool with saving her and her son's life after a crash. she says that she was rear ended while driving on a freeway in southern california. following that crash, she found herself, crashed in her suv in the middle of traffic. >> my seat belt locked up, smoke filled up in my car and my son was in the back seat. the one tool i have i can finally use it. >> she is talking about that seat belt cutter she keeps in her side compartment. she used to it free herself and son out of his car seat. the she's sharing her story hoping everyone will get one for their car, just seven bucks. coming up next on "eyewitness news", this video is tough to watch here as a car slams into a mother and her children in the crosswalk and then just drives away. we're live with the search for that hit and run driver. also this. >> in this weeks story of brotherly love five years ago we have introduced you to a philadelphia 11 year-old who wrote a children's book about her struggle with cancer. now she's in high school and she's raising fund to find a key. find out how you can help with a simple down load when we come right back. you will to have give yourself a couple extra minutes, this morning. we are seeing rain on the roadways, i-95 before cottman and an accident out there with details coming up but first we will take a quick break stay where you are, cbs-3 "eyewitness news" wi good morning, some wet road out there as you get ready to head outside the door and it will get worse as the day goes on, flood watch has been issued as heavy rain moves through later today. looking at storm scan there, is there a huge system. >> it is, looking at local level and we already have got a couple of pockets of heavy rain moving through but that is just a precursor. sort of like the teaser if you will of what will happen. >> yes. >> exactly. >> so eventually a larger, a more solid line of rain will be coming through. that is when heavy stuff comes through. we will look at that localized zoom on storm scan. heavier stuff for the the most parties starting to fizzle will somewhat. you can see how those brighter colors, red, orange, in other word, heavier rainfall starts to dwindle with time but we have gotten soaked in these communities and that is just the beginning. at the moment we have got steady rain falling in mercer county around trenton, i-95, lehigh valley. here's that wider zoom with the snow well off to the north. strictly a rain producing storm but man, this storm has been affecting millions of people from severe weather to blizzard conditions. for us it will be a flood concern. so, at noon time today flood watch takes effect in all these counties in green. it is most of the region say for southeastern, new jersey, delaware and off across northampton county and pocono region but with that said you will be dealing with pretty mild air, you are already at the 50 in wildwood after all, 43 at the a airport and we will go up from here. not expect to go see a heck of a lot of unshine but warm air will have have its way and we expect to hit 64 degrees. that will easily mean a new record for the books, breaking record, last set in 2006 but with the warmth and rain, you end up with snow melt that gets exacerbated by lots of heavier rain and therein lies the problem. flooding looks like an issue here, thankfully not major flooding but enough to be a big headache. >> sound that way. we certainly are starting to see rain coming down on our roadways this morning. good morning. happy hump day, happy wednesday to you. plenty of activity out there. let talk about the the accident, 309 southbound past welsh road. that right shoulder is blocked but it doesn't matter that it is not even blocking a lane. than though it is pulled off to the shoulder you can see significant slow downs, in this area, brake lights. not only are you not going posted speed but they were hardly moving at all. so as more and more vehicles hit the roadways on 309 until that gets out of the way flashing lights, plus we are dealing with the rain on the roadways this will cause slow downs. give yourself a couple extra minutes there. ninety-five south before cottman another area looking slow moving in the southbound direction we will can expect that. the rain on there and it catapults the problem. schuylkill westbound at city avenue looking very slow. give yourself a couple extra minutes. you are dropping less than posted speed in these areas. accident in huntington veil, county line road at beachwood road that has not cleared. make note of that in this area. that has in the cleared yet. but let's switch gears a little bit 76ers play against hawks at 7:00 p.m. that is fun for you attending the game. mass transit patco running a special scheduled through friday and dart route 17 is detoured until friday because of construction so check your schedules on line, erika, back over to you. a mother and her children are run down while crossing street in south philadelphia. surveillance captures the chilling moment when the driver hits them, and then just keeps going. eye witt the necessary news reporter jan carabao picks up the story live at that scene of the crime as police continue to search for this car and driver, jan, good morning. >> reporter: erika, good morning. this mother and her two young children are in the hospital recovering today, meantime as you mentioned police are still searching for this hit and run driver, this area of point breeze is a mix between residential and commercial property. so, there is a lot of surveillance cameras and a lot of video in this area now investigators are releasing that video hoping it helps track this driver down. philadelphia police searching for this car today after investigators say the female driver hit a mother and her two young children. surveillance video from the point breeze neighborhood shows the heart breaking moment before impact. the family is seen crossing dickinson at broad tuesday afternoon, when the the kara peers to run a red light striking all three. >> i heard a boom. when i heard boom i seen woman get down but the little girl was on the hood. >> i actually heard young girl screaming, crying. >> reporter: the carries described as a red honda accord, 1998 through 2,000 model. surveillance video shows vehicle will from a number of different angles. the passenger side mirror was left at the scene all image as hard for eyewitness toes shake. >> i seen this lady laying on the ground and little girl over there and people around her. >> reporter: reverend paul earthquake moore was one of many who ran to help in the crash. moore was inside a sanitation truck when he saw driver take off. 309 year-old mother he says was unconscious and her six month-old still strapped on to her in the carrier, and her six year-old hit the hood of the car and then landed feet away with the broken leg. >> i said mother is still distraught, you know, being hit like worrying about her kids. >> reporter: moore calmed the family and held that baby in his arms until police arrived. he is praying that the driver does what is right and turns herself in to police. >> how can you live. you almost kill three people. you almost took three lives. >> reporter: this mother is in hospital this morning, again in critical but stable condition, she and both of her children are expect to survive. if you know anything about this driver, or this car, give police a call. we are reporting live from point breeze, jan carabao for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". back inside to you. meanwhile search, rescue teams have found some remains of u.s. marines killed in the helicopter crash off hawaii. marine core say they found dna traces following crash on january 14th. among the the 12 marines killed captain brian kennedy of malvern, chester county. the cause of that crash is under investigation. chaka fattah junior, son of the congressman chaka fattah is waking up behind bars this morning. he was taken into custody immediately after sentencing yesterday to five years in prison. fattah junior was convicted of 22 of the 23 counts during his bank and tax fraud trial in november. the judge also ordered fattah junior to pay 1.1 million-dollar in restitution. preliminary hearing for david ramos, he is accused of killing and robbing ryan kelly last thanksgiving. the 21 year-old was found shot in the chest along 3500 block offal monday street in port richmond. police say ramos has confessed to that crime. coming up this morning a major airline brings back a passenger perk. about time, right? this will make it easier for parents to travel. we will tell you what it is. a dog caught on camera sneaking out of her room at the pet hotel but reason why will make you smile, see where this went coming up. blank. a sweet deal for some small san francisco businesses, i'm jamie yukiss with how super bowl 50 is paying off. >> here we go, super bowl, coming up, rock, rock, rock, rock we're blowing it up. >> before cold play's chris martin takes the stage at the half time show for super bowl having a little fun doing a little car pool karaoke with james corden and talking about who influenced his music, more of the the car pool karaoke when we come back. of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine, i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for 12 months free at welcome back. our count down continues into the big game on sunday, super bowl 50, just four days and a few hours away. before kick off the super bowl is already having a big win for many small businesses. some small shops are getting work through a business connect program, i love the sound of this. jamie yukiss is live to explain how it change the life of one woman in the bay area love this story, jamie, good morning. >> reporter: oh, she's adorable isn't she, erika. i have to tell you super bowl week is such a production. you need so many events that need lunches, balloons, event materials, the list goes on and on. the nfl is turning to local business toss make sure its needs are fulfilled. for ten years, yvonne heinz has opened up her southern sweet bakery to the san francisco public. >> don't act a up when company is around. we're talking to my brownies. >> reporter: last week she learn that the nfl will give her the biggest order of her life. >> i cannot fumble. i cannot fumble this. i cannot. >> reporter: 2400 bake goods through the the business connect program for on sign meetings. super bowl contracts are worth a lot of dough, more than three million-dollar went to hundreds of san francisco area businesses. and just because super bowl week has started, doesn't mean more order could not come in. >> there are business that is this week are still submitting invoice is still getting contracts, last minute i'm getting requests even now. we will tally that up after the super bowl is over. >> reporter: the economic impact from super bowl s is often debated but jason tribune with the host committee says when local businesses are hired it is easy to tally how much they earned. are you rooting for panthers or broncos. >> i'm rooting for san francisco. >> reporter: i like that. because the added business isn't just a win for yvonne but for her community. and now, i'm rooting for yvonne, i don't know about you. to be eligible for this program you have to be a woman owned, lgbt owned, minority owned or a veteran owned business and i think the cool thing about this program is they are involving technology giant google in the bay area. all of the business owners can go to them and take a class, further their technology. and, hopefully, it doesn't crumble under the pressure, jamie. >> reporter: they were so thick, gooey, there is substance there. i could eat them but she talks to them. >> they look delicious. was a great program. we will see you toll, jamie. we have a new update with the super bowl will be lady gaga singing the the national anthem for the game. it is just part of the 2016. marley matlynn will sign at the same time. lady gaga has a pack schedule. the she's honoring david bowie, nominated for an oscar and just one a golden globe. not to mention the upcoming wednesday to go lancaster county native taylor kenney. congratulations. another artist playing the super bowl chris martin, how could we for get. his band cold play is performing at half time but he may be a little late getting there. >> i'm trying to get to the super bowl. >> where are you going. >> what do you mean you are playing in the super bowl. >> i know, i'm supposed been there. >> can i get a ride from you. >> to san francisco. >> please, i'm desperate. can i just get in and we will figure it out. >> yes. >> so kind. >> working his charm. >> martin hitched a ride from late, late show host james corden and the journey was a musical one. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> some parts, chris martin had that portable keyboard. you never know when he needs it. martin also, i didn't realize but he goodies at impressions too. >> he be like, one thing, it is live here. and people will go yah. >> you do a good mick jagger. >> i love going to see rolling stones. my favorite band to go see is the the stones. i love it. i love going to see them anywhere. >> what a character. not as good though, corden singing the wrong lyrics to a cold play song. >> ♪ >> wait a minute. >> what is it. >> a few cherished, is it not. >> no. >> what is it. >> a few cherished. >> little bells ringing. >> yes. >> what is the lyrics. >> yeah, that is what i sing. >> that is what you sing. >> you can sing whatever you like. >> what a good sport there. >> as you can see right there, on this tandem bike because james corden was taking him to the hotel and they had to finish the the trip. once they got to the hotel there was spooning, snuggling and chris martin was big spoon. a little different. >> what a great sense of humor for both those guys. captain wait to see chris on sunday. >> this is a riot. >> i made a personal plea here, today, would i really like to be a backup, back seat driver. >> i think that would be great >> yes. >> i can totally hook you up. >> yes. >> like the where is waldo. >> yes. >> yes. >> i love it. >> i do too. >> all right. right now 6:47. of course we want to talk about our forecast. the roads are wet. >> roads are wet, certainly. this is only going to height even that. >> a as we said earlier an appetizer. i like to call it an appetizer, something yet to come. what we will end up with is more than just damp road you see he outside our own station headquarters here in the spring garden section of the city. we had a pocket of heavy rain frankly that rolled on through earlier on and now that is actually moving in across northwestern portions of new jersey but it has left behind some damp roads for us and at this point that pocket a as we come back here to storm scan three is actually lifting out of the region but this is just the beginning for us here and will take you a little will bit of the wider zoom to show you this system. we have got to get this cold front through and that will take sometime. it is in advance of the cold front and because it is so warm in advance any hint of ice or snow is way off to the north and not worried about any kind of ice or snow this time but rather flood potential because of the rain in tandem with the fact that we have got warmth on the way and the snow that will melt very easily, it could potentially end up with some flooded out riverbeds and streams. we will have to watch on that. future rain from a half inch to up to an inch but some of this outfit is suggesting more depending on if a heavier cell sets up at any given location. difficult want to check with our weather watchers very quickly here. we will go out to the western suburbs where we generally found the wet weather thus far. ed heaton reporting light rain at theglenn. flood watch, here, in effect, and that starts at noon. he took words right out of my mouth on that one. the lets go to another one just outside the city in delco. bill is reporting in cardington and light rain falling. you will find out if you need windshield wiper. maybe you had ice from that car that you spent the wipers overtop. you will find out if that suffered damage today. we will go to one more, bit further north, phil send nothing light rain as well. he is in north wales this morning. as we go back to the eyewitness weather, seven day forecast, warm day, don't get me warm. feeling like springtime but you have to worry about the flooding. we will drop off a on the thermometer closer to seasonal territories especially friday, meisha. >> we are seeing that rain affect our morning commuters right now. this is where we had an accident 309 south past welsh road pulled off to the shoulder cause something problems. that has been moved out of way which is good news. ben franklin bridge really looking wet the but very slow right now. i-95 cottman very slow around that s curve. we have an accident here in conshohocken. train hit a disable vehicle, washington street at cherry street and manayunk norristown line because of this accident is suspended. so check your schedules on line, erika. meisha, thank you. 6:50. time to see is what coming up on cbs this morning. nora o'donnell joins us from new york with that preview. you are reading scripts. the busy lady out there. busy morning. >> i am reading the the paper as well, so many good interesting stories in the news today we will bring them to you this morning. we will talk to bernie sanders about that close finish in iowa and whether he can pull out a victory in new hampshire. we have a cbs news investigation into why congress is asking six veterans cannot get a life saving drug that they need. this is something we have started and now congress is looking in to it. we will take to the water in the air to take a closer look at security in place for super bowl 50. the woman behind the movie joy is going to be right here in the studio 57, how the single mom of three became a business pioneer and worth millions of dollars. the news is back in the morning. we will see new ten minutes. >> so many great inventions, thanks very much. five and a half years ago cbs-3 introduced you to an 11 year-old girl who wrote a children's book about her fight with cancer. now that young author is a high school junior who is thinking about college. as "eyewitness news" anchor ukee washington shows us she's selling that book to raise money for children just like her. >> reporter: thousands have heard her story thanks to two teachers who helped her dream come true. >> i like what you have done. >> reporter: we met diana vega a finishing art work for her book about her struggle with cancer. >> i don't know if she realizes how many people it will touch. >> reporter: when she was nine she was diagnosed with leukemia, after a year of treatment, she went into remission. diana and two teachers, judy and melony, wrote a children's book about deanno being followed by the sun. >> the sun, when i'm sick is getting sadder and when i get better, the the sun gets a bigger smile. >> those doctors are really something. the obviously, you know, here. >> reporter: now diana is 17 and still in remission. she sold more than a thousand copies of the week how my sun got its smile. >> we have six or seven months of a lot of great sales and book signings and fun stuff going on. >> reporter: now judy a and diana are donating most of the proceeds to the the leukemia and lymphoma society. diana is compete ago monk nine other students to raise the the most money. >> each dollar counts as a vote. so the person with the mote votes is named student of the year. >> mom decided i needed to go to the hospital. >> reporter: new kindle version of the book is on for $5. judy is encouraging people to down load it thursday february r day, she called it diana day. >> so would i love to say a hundred thousand people to buy this book. i would like to dream. >> she want to be no cancer ward at all even better. >> i hepp they can find a cure, really. >> reporter: from now until february 27th, 80 percent of book sales proceed will get to the leukemia and lymphoma society. you can buy the book at cbs i'll see you tonight. i'm ukee washington for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". we have some good news for families traveling with young children. united airline is back to an old policy allowing travelers with kid age two or young tore board early. company spokesperson says they are trying to simplify boarding process. this will take place in two weeks on february 15th. a dog spending a few nights in the pet motel comes home with a family of her own. great video here. handlers at barker's pet motel in canada says that maggie, the the australian shepherd, came through a hole for a water bowl and went straight through two new strays, also shepherds. happened letters say the the three bonded immediately, but then it was time for maggie to go home. >> we have something to tell but your dog. what did this dog do. maggie was with puppies which made her happy, made us happy and made puppies happy. >> look at them playing. maggie's family quickly adopted those two stray puppies and one bigger happy family. we will be right back. i do everything on the internet but, it's kind of slow. my friends say i should get fios because it's the fastest. i just 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New York , United States , Canada , Conshohocken , Pennsylvania , Alabama , Australia , New Hampshire , Norristown , Lancaster County , Philadelphia , Florida , Delaware , Port Richmond , California , Malvern , Washington , District Of Columbia , Mississippi , San Francisco , North Wales , Montgomery County , New Jersey , Nebraska , Iowa , Colorado , Trenton , Mercer County , Hawaii , Australian , America , American , Mike Dearing , Marco Rubio , Lancaster Chester , Yvonne Heinz , Diana Vega , Ryan Kelly , Justin Finch , Margaret Chen , Chris Martin , Kevin Steele , Pat Gallen , David Bowie , Taylor Kenney , Chaka Fattah , Mick Jagger , Chloe Goins , Brian Kennedy , Andrea Constand , Hillary Clinton , Ted Cruz , Bernie Sanders , David Ramos ,

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