Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20151207 : comparem

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20151207

weekend, not so nice to wake up monday morning, watching the replay of -- just showing you, looks awesome, you guys roads look good, one accident to talk about in delaware, i'll touch base on that in a moment. justin, how are you feeling out there? >> little chilly out here just like yesterday, cold temperatures, 20 in spots in the city generally in the mid and upper 30's, but we'll see a loft sunshine around, if you like the weekends you'll love the forecast coming up this week. so check it out. the numbers 35 at the airport, yesterday we did get down to freezing but surrounding suburbs, below freezing this hour. reading 28 degrees, 30 up in allentown, so scraping frost this morning. areas of fog, temperatures well below freezing in locations so you can get freezing fog. so this fog will stick around, it is locally dense, some spots. some of the bridges and overpasses could be slick, slow it down, add few extra minutes to your driver time. fog should dissipate later this morning between eight to 10:00 a.m. there is the current visibility down little more now to 2 miles per hour, berks county, allentown, those locations yesterday were the problems. but right now looks like interior south jersey, seeing the dense fog, less than half mile visibility in mill have i at this hour. you guys are below freezing, all right, so there you go. storm scan3 quiet maybe just few mid to high level clouds around this morning, they'll give way to generally mostly sunny afternoon, so again, we will deal with some clouds around there is morning, into the afternoon, temperatures back into the mid 50's, 54 for the high for philadelphia, mid 50's at the shore, upper 40's in the poconos. then talking 60s by next weekend. we will get to the forecast coming up in just a few more minutes. but we head back into the studio with meisha for latest check of the roads. good morning. >> good morning, happy monday to you, happy monday to all of you at home, just waking up with us. good morning to you. i hopeou're grabbing your cup of coffee with us this morning, roadways looking real nice. justin just talk about slick spots, because of the cold overnight. we certainly want to, you know, just make note of that. so far this morning we haven't seen any visibility issues, the fog hasn't seem to play too much after factor on the roadways that we have been taking a look at. here is a look at the boulevard, headlights moving in the southbound direction at ninth street. you can see, it is starting to get little busy at the boulevard, especially head toward broad street. ninety-five south, tail light moving in the southbound direction, academy looking good here we push even more southbound, starting to see around cottman, levels are starting to build there. we can usually expect that around this hour. now this is where we have an accident delaware. route seven, at telegraph road. possible entrapment in wilmington, just make note of. that will i'll let you know of road closures that we hear of. also, some construction on route 202 that i'll touch base on in about 15 minutes. erika, back over to you. >> meisha, thank you. new this morning, man is recovering in the hospital and suspect is in custody after a shooting in south philadelphia. shot rang out just before 11 near the intersection of porter, 41 year old man shot once in the chest. necessary stable condition. police have not released the identity of the victim or the suspect. meanwhile, firefighter suffers minor injuries, fighting a house fire in philadelphia's point breeze neighborhood. it broke out around 1:00 in the 2300 block of moore street. firefighters quickly place that fire under control. authorities tell us no one was home at the time. the firefighter is being treated for smoke inhalation. we are told he should be okay. the cause of the fire is un investigation. >> president obama makes a rare oval office address to reassure the american people after the deadly massacre in san bernardino. the president declared the mass shooting an act of terrorism, while also calling on congress to enact new gun laws. mark albert has the details from washington dc. >> in just his third oval office address, president obama warned the nation that isis or isil threatens us all. >> the threat from terrorism is real. we will overcome t we will destroy isil and any other organization that tries to harm us. >> the 13 and a half minute speech came four days after the mass shooting in san bernardino california. killed 14 people. >> as father, two young daughters, who are the most precious part of my life, i know that we see ourselves with friend and co-workers at holiday party like the one in san bernardino. i know we see our kids in the faces of the young people killed in paris. >> the president called on congress to ban people on the no fly list from buying guns. >> strict sales of assault rivals, and enact stronger screening for those entering the us without a visa. >> obama wants congress to give him explicit organization to use force against isis. president route not to get into another decade long war aerophone r soil, say the battle is not with any religion. we cannot turn against one another by letting this fight be defined as a war between america and islam. that, too, is what groups like isil wants. it is not forget the freedom is more powerful than fear. >> the president said there is no evidence that san bernardino attackers were directed by a terror group overseas. mark albert, cbs news, washington. >> 6:06 right now. and oh, it is a good monday to wake up and be an eagles fan. how about them birds? win against the new englandg patriots. pat gallen joining me more. i would like to meet the person who saw this coming? >> must and rich man. i certainly didn't see that coming. >> paths at home. >> the last time the eagles beat the patriots in foxboro, 1987. >> wow. >> coming off a lost which the broncos handed new england last week, tom brady was 40 and eight in his career, so everything lined up just right for a blow out, instead, it never happened. as the eagles held on for 35-28 win. how did it happen? here are a few reasons. sam bradford wasn't great by any means, he was efficient, he didn't take unnecessary sacks, unlike mark sanchez the last few weeks did he not turn the ball over. bradford completed 14 of 24 passes, with two scores, and no picks. certainly aided by the defense and special teams, which will get to in a moment. but we'll take it. it has been slow build, but bradford has gotten better although it is still impossible to say whether he's done enough in chip kelly's eyes to be the long-term solution. now, to the defense, which was outstanding on sunday, that much maligned group, made life hell for tom brady. pick him off twice, certainly made it easier was the fact that the patriots didn't have ron or roy, but exactly the turn around that bill davis' crew needed. allowed 09 points in the last two weeks. but well done by them. and forget about coffee this morning. sorry, meisha. if you really want to wake up on cold monday morning, then turn your tv way up, here is the call of the malcolm jenkins 99-yard touchdown return, from ricky ricardo on the eagles spanish broadcast. >> malcolm jenkins did t jenkins. jenkins malcolm jenkins. (speaking spanish. >> yes, eagles. touchdown eagles. malcolm jenkins (speaking spanish). >> awake now? everyone up? >> that was the real turning point of the game. byron maxwell also intercepted bradiment talk about the jenkins pick after the game. he said that was the turning point for the team. >> it was huge. sunday we needed a big play. specially last two weeks, needed something in the red zone to get us going. >> my turning point of the game, patriots up 14-nothing, they go for the jug ooh lar on this odd play. nate, a former rugby star. he drop kicks the football on the kick off, trying to catch the eagles off guard. the birds use that as a slight, 35 unanswered points, patriots, just got cute. they shot themselves in the foot, which rarely happens. now it is time for this whole thing right here. been a whilement collecting dust in the news room for quite a while. >> little dirt. >> i our game ball. it will go to the smallest guy on the field, darren sproles. >> well de is herred. >> it is well deserved. chip kill kelly finally used him the way he should have. had the return for touchdown. so big stuff from him. sole he will get the football. >> big ball for little guy. >> i like. that will over the touch screen we go. i am should i drop kick the football? >> careful with that. >> here we go. over to the touch screen. go over some tweet. i just asked very easy question, will the philadelphia eagles make the playoff, so i get. >> this playoffs? playoffs? one of the great postgame moments from a coach in nfl history, but martin roach said: playoffs, i don't know. martin says no, it was a fun win but the offense still not good enough to be consistent and make the playoffs. i still think it will be washington, washington plays dallas tonight, so, there is a big game on the horizon, they still could be tide for first place. so sofa bunch of no's, here's another one from brian. they can't play every game and had three non-offensive touchdown it carry them. that's great point. they need the offense to step up and score some point. we'll see if they can do that and finally mike hendricksson says given that they have the next three at home and final game is a bus ride away they control their destin if i they don't win the east shame on them. so, that seems casino of like maybe for mike. but, overall, i think, people are in a wait and see attitude, erika, we shall see. >> wait and see, but this morning they are happy campers. pat, thank you. hey, eagles fans, a lot to be happy about this morning after that win. fans at chickie's and pete's' here in south philly said that victory over the paths gives little balance to the rocky season so far. one fan could hardly keep his >> five and seven, someone's going to win this division at six and ten. wow. e-a-g-l-e-s, eagles! >> see, get him on the cheerleading squad. i love. that will pretty happy guyment many fans we spoke with last night still think the eagles have a chance to make it into the post-season. just have to wait and see. >> all right, now it is 6:11. still ahead, jimmy carter makes big announcement about his fight against cancer. also entire air force base in new mexico, it is sent into lockdown. bubble wrap is to blame. we'll explain. >> and in our health watch, little later on, how your dad's diet can impact his children even before they're born. details on the study coming up. we'll be right back. >> justin, digging the forecast. could we hit 60s this weekend? >> yes, middle of december, talking temperatures ten to maybe 15 degrees above average. now, we're in this mild trend all week long, 48 is our average high for this time of year. over the weekends it was pleasant, lower 50's, and that's the trends this week. now, tomorrow we cool it down just little bit. high of around 50 degrees, but hey we'll take that for this time of year if you like milder air. 35 degrees, capitol city of delaware right now, in dover, into new jersey, below frozing in some spots. millville, 29 degrees. also, you guys, seeing locally dense fog, few areas of freezing fog possible this morning. palmyra, voorhees, new jersey, coming in at 32 degrees, then it gets even colder north and west, pottstown 26. cold 25 degrees up in quakertown, here's storm scan3, for the most part quiet. few clouds rolling through the region right now. and exiting the coastline little later this morning. little disturbance coming through southern ohio right now. those rain showers stay to the south and west today. high pressure for the most part, still dominates our forecast for the next several days, that's why we will be dry, with mild temperatures, every now and then, batch of clouds will roll on through but overall looking pretty sunny throughout the day today. temperatures respond nicely, to the sun, mid 50's, for afternoon temperatures, it does get cool again tonight with few clouds around, we drop them to the mid 30's around the the city colder in the suburbs, then tomorrow again little hit in the temperatures, but this time of year really not bad. here is the trend, jet stream still over us, so we have hits of cooler air, nothing cold, but then watch what happens by the end of the week. the jet really moves north, so we get good surge of milder air. that's why we are talking near 06. today 54 degrees, tonight, chilly, few clouds, 36 degrees. here is that extended forecast, no big storm systems, coolest days tuesday, at 50, look at that, low 60s, next saturday, and sunday. >> hard to believe. >> this 50's and 60s, you know, getting ready for the holiday. >> makes us so happy. >> i know some people love the snow, i don't want that. even though i love the snow know beil, still? >> and the poconos checks make it up there. >> yes, just go there. >> poconos, here i come. happy monday to you, kicking off brand new week together. i can let you know the roadways looking good. we do have one accident out there. i'll get to in a in just one moment. here is a look first at the schuylkill, you move in the eastbound direction at city avenue. looking busy both actually in the eastbound and westbound side. movement ago looking at the cameras 95 south directly at cottman, looked very, very slone i wondered why. this is exactly y because we have an accident here, 95 southbound, this is just past cottman, you can see block that right lane. and it is causing some significant slow downs for you, make note that far just beyond that, at cottman, looking very, very slow. route 202, this is in chesterbrook, headlights moving in the southbound direction, at route 252. looking pretty good there. although we are starting to see volume levels build in the 6:00 hour, construction 202 bolt directions between route 30 and route 401, reduced to one lane, erika, over to you. >> meisha, a thank you. americans will join local veterans to remember the attack on pearl harbor. seventy-four years ago, today, the japanese attacked the naval base in honolulu killing some 2400 americans. the attack pulled the united states into world war ii. this morning, at 10:00 the battleship new jersey will host a wreath layering ceremony. right now, we want to give you live look at independence mall, whereas you can see, giant menorrah is part of the celebration of hanukkah. the eight day festival of lights started at sundown last night. one candle will be lit each day. hanukkah commemorates ancient miracles and the triumph over oppression. we'll be right back. you got your big games... ...and regular games. get it all at a great price... ...and the holiday season is won. everything in one place. my giant. everything in one place. you can't breathed. through your nose. suddenly, you're a mouthbreather. well, just put on a breathe right strip which instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than cold medicine alone. shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. breathe right you got your big games... ...and regular games. get it all at a great price... ...and the holiday season is won. everything in one place. my giant. >> farook's father told it italian media he supported ideology, fixated on israel. >> appears everyone on high alert, air force base in new mexico, goes into complete lockdown mode after reports of gunshots. only it turns out it was someone popping bubble wrap. take a look at the operation, though, here, the base covered with humvees and tactical crews all in search of a gunman. lockdown was lifted short time later once security personnel found no threat. officials say, that reporting the loud bang was the right thing to do, better safe than sorry. >> still ahead this morning, nicole brewer checks out the hottest toys of the holiday season, you and your kids want to see this. also, stephen colbert hoses the kennedy center honors, always star studded event. but this year, bun everybody of storm troopers on stage. we'll take a look at all of of the recipient. we bet you can guess why they were there. also, justin delivering just fantastic forecast, authorities believe this is december, justin? >> little deceiving today. waking up to 20's, three's, but talking highs in the mid 50's, and then six 60s coming up in our forecast, lock into mild pattern, details coming up in a few minutes. is giving you more.america's best-selling brand the ford holiday sales event... with 0% financing for 60 months on 2015 f-150 and focus and 2016 fusion and escape. plus 1,000 dollars holiday bonus cash on 2015 focus and 2016 fusion and escape. it's the best gift ever. now during the ford holiday sales event get 0% financing for 60 months plus 1,000 dollars holiday bonus cash on select vehicles. see your local ford dealer. some of these experimentse're notmay not but a few might shape the future. like turning algae into biofuel... technology for capturing co2 emissions... ...and cars twice as efficient as the average car today. ideas exxonmobil scientists are working on to make energy go further... matter how many tries it takes. energy lives here. can your father's diet affect you before you're even born? new data from scandanavian study indicates a father's lifestyle including weight loss can change the genetic information he car thinks his sperm. scientists say that could have impact on the health of his future children. >> and, some good news now about the health of former president jimmy carter. the 91 year old says he's now cancer free. carter made the revelation yesterday in front of sunday school class he teaches at his church in planes, georgia. carter has been undergoing treatment for melanoma spots on his brain and liver. he was receiving a recently approved autoimmune drug that greatly improved his prognosis. carter was diagnosed in august. five entertainment icons are recognize at the kennedy center honors for contributions to the arts, for the second time host of the late show stephen colbert was the gala's mc. >> owner evergreen and white helicopter license plate marine1, you left your lights on. and also you park it on the roof. not mistaken that's a tow zone. >> earlier at the white house, reception honored actress sessilities on, conductor, ac vest singer rita, director george lucas, and singer songwriter carol king. now, some of the star wars characters they were on stage, too, to honor george lucas for creating the franchise, he received the nation's highest award foray chiefment in the arts. kennedy center airs december 29th here on cbs-3. >> coming up in the next half hour of "eyewitness news", video surface that is shows security guards punching and tackling student who rushed the field after houston's win temple saturday. justin? >> erika, it is good monday morning, the eagles beat the paths, and beat them in foxboro, now eagles fans say that a team that once was in trouble is now looking all right. we have more on their reaction live coming up. well, weaver an accident, on 95 southbound, past cottman, causing some delays this morning, i'll have all of the updates coming up of the first we take a quick break, stay right where you are. cbs-3 "eyewitness news" will be right snap o[ barking ]sails! the whipped cream sea be extra whippy! [ laughing ] together: ahhhhhhhhhhh! yarrrr, it be the twizzler. run! crew member: what does he want? happy holidays! free shipping all season long. and free returns too! good monday morning, to you, little chilly right now, but oh, it will be a mild monday, a little later on, and the whole week, just looking pretty darn good. i know a loft folks go out on brunch breaks, do holiday shopping, once they warm up little bit, looking beautiful. >> take advantage of the weather. really the next week or so, talking tell tuesday at or above average. talking 60s potentially by the end of the week. little cold now though. >> different storiment fog to deal with? >> areas of freezing fog, as well, it happens when you get temperatures below freezing, fock itself still liquid form. if it reaches the surface or hit the surface below freezing, could ice up little bit. watch out for bridges and overpass, live look at center city, ben franklin bridge, not whole lot of fog right now around philadelphia. but some of the sub suburbs, especially tyne err year south jersey that's where you get some locally dense fog. temperature wise at the airport, 35 degrees. but then upper 20's in allentown, and reading, this hour, millville, 30 degrees, below freezing, at the atlantic city airport, there in the suburbs pretty chilly, mt. holly 29 degrees, mid 20's pottstown, quakertown, so here's what to expect this morning, patchy dense fog, in some of that could be freezing surfaces slow it down on the roads, fog should dissipate between 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. this morning. visibility, 3 miles in philadelphia, not bad. now down to .3 in reading. so fog is thickening up there in berks county getting bet nerve millville. we had below half mile visibility there. now up to two and a half miles, depend where you are. >> so what to expect in kind of split day, cold, foggy, morning, with temperatures in the 20's, three's, afternoon turns out real nice, lot of sunshine, mild, with high of 54 for philadelphia. mid 50's at the shore, even up in the poconos, up who are's in the sunshine, talk about the 60s coming if a in a in a few minutes, what's the latest? >> all of that sunshine, justin, coming off the weekend, things looking good on the roadways now what you are looking at, one of the live pictures of 95 southbound. just past cottman, causing significant delays for you, you can see, how busy it is still. both even moving in the east or rather southbound, northbound directions but southbound particularly where we have the accident that just cleared, let me show you i want to show you a back up camera to this. ninety-five, southbound, at academy, still back up some of the residual effect from the accident. just cleared out of the way, right lane block for quite some time. ninety-five southbound, hitting the interstate, it is going to be little slow. boulevard looking slow moving in the southbound direction towards the schuylkill, especially once on the schuylkill moving in the westbound direction, looking slow, there as well. schuylkill, westbound at city avenue, but also, eastbound at the schuylkill right around the same area of city avenue looking, so once you get off the boulevard, also, mass transit, patco started new schedule last week. that runs through the 20th. track work taking place on friday, and on the weekend for those of you using mass transit. and also, girard point bridge inspection, the northbound left lane is closed. erika, back over to you. >> meisha, thank you. this is the game every eagles fan is talking about. today. the birds pulled off a huge win against the new england patriots in mats mass, last night. led the charge when he ran back a blocked punt for touchdown. >> eagles clicking on all cylinder, both offense, defense, ball, oh, fans talking today, and nobody does it better, no one talks to the eagles better than our fans over at wip sport radio, live right there right now, no shortage of opinions and what a change on cbs-3, here talking about the eagles, love the positive stuff. good morning. >> watch no win november, longleat cause for eagles nation to do what they do best. >> thirty-five to 28, knocking off new england patriots on their home tour in foxboro. >> tom brady was great, he did his job, all of his receivers dropped the ball. >> meantime the birds were making plays jenkins picking offer the ball for 99-yard touchdown run, and the sprinting darren sproles with 83-yard punt return, to some at chickie's and pete's', the eagles and head coach chip kelly seemed to be flying high again. >> superbowl 50, i knew could you do it. bashing you, i love you chip, i love you eagles. unfortunately, well, actually, fortunately, our divisions not that grade not that great. but we still have good chance. i'm glad the rest of the division isn't that great. >> will this splash of good fortune fly or fail? this long time fan is cautiously optimistic. >> i'm worried about the arizona game. i don't think that much after chance for that. but who looks? it looks like seven and nine will win this division. >> erika right now the eagles are teched in the ntc east, and in six days they play the bills here at home. now, some actually have the bills as winning that game. after all, this is now a different and more energized team with more energized fan base. i'm so excited i forgot to turn my mike fully on. the hype here as well at wip. >> justin, all pumped. totally understand, thank you. right now, 36:00. seconder security cans tackling fans after the loss to houston, saturday people stormed on to the field, after the cougars top the owls for the aac title. cell phone video captured one security guard punching a fan, others tackled after leaving the stands. >> delaware county man, graffiti had the words cop killing season spelled out under a bridge in chester. when saw the hateful message, he decided to paint right over it, instead leave behind a holiday message n his video he posted on facebook, he's already gotten 75,000 views. i love i don't get in trouble for this. we were in and out in a few minutes. >> i figure clean up that, sooner than later, if a kid thinks that's the case they should be hearing. >> the mayor commended his actions saying he is glad pat took the time to remove that message. >> archdioces of philadelphia is closing two roman catholic churches, announcement made over the weekend. the churches are the immaculate conception bvm church in levittown bucks county, the other, saint gertrude church in west conshohocken, montgomery county. they'll close january 1st, due to financial reasons. parishes merge with larger churches last year. >> after accusations of police brutality, police department faces if he federal investigation. this week, the justice department reported led plans to announce probe similar to those in ferguson, missouri and baltimore. kitchen hutchinson picking up the story. >> we will be protected. >> a mid protests over police brutality, the justice department is set to launch a pattern and practice investigation of chicago's police department, probe to be conducted by the civil right division will look for patterns of unconstitutional practices like excessive force or bias policing. >> investigators from the fbi will hear from the community tan takes years, especially considered the size of the police department. >> same type of inquiry conduct in the ferguson, and baltimore. >> cup miniation is a public report, so we will all hear about the findings of the justice department, the justice department claims or they call them recommendations, but they are not. because if if they're not taken up by police department, then the justice department files a lawsuit. >> chicago is in an uproar over police video showing the shooting of la quan mcdonald, video contradict police statements about the incident, the officer involved, faces murder charges. police chief stepped down. demonstrations persist like the one organized sunday by jesse jackson. >> you need a sense of fairness, and justice applies to all. >> rob emanuel's office released statement late sunday saying they welcome the doj investigation. cbs-3, "eyewitness news". >> still ahead this morning, a little girl with a big heart. >> i like doing this because it helps people. >> she is only seven years old, already, ceo of non-profit because she wants to help the homeless. her heart-warming story, is next. >> also from tech toys that roam around the room to cars that are ready to race, we're taking a look at some of the hottest holiday toys this season. you don't want to miss it. >> happy hanukkah to those who celebrate, the first candle lit as you look live at independence mall. we'll be right back. >> ♪ and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night,blind. and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24. learn more by calling 844-824-2424. or visit >> you can break the holidays happier nor those in need. all do you have do, buy new unwrapped today, head to fest to find list of toy drop off locations, toys will be given to those in the salvation army, ss, boys and girls club. flyers fans can donate a toy, as well, going to tomorrow's game at the wells fargo center bring the new toy with you, you can drop it off right as you walk in the door. right now, we want to check on the forecast, maybe go out, do little toy shopping during your lunch break, good weather for it. >> take advantage of the noise weather all week long, if you don't get your shot today. it is cold this morning, we check in with backyard neighborhoods, down to the low and mid 20's in many spots just like yesterday. scraping a lot of frost, as well. coal else spot, eileen murray dropped another agree this past hour down to 22 at buena vista township, margo at 27 degrees, 29 in blue bell, this hour. at jerry's house, woodbine, new jersey, same deal in chesterfield, north wales, 31 degrees, 31 now in newark, delaware, checking in lee's house, cool pictures morning, if you didn't get a shot to see the moon and venus close together. we got you covered. maybe the fog casino of speared the visibility. peter's picture of the moon in venus close together. there is venus right there, the crested moon out of williamstown, good clear conditions out there this morning. get your shots right before sunrise, hopefully able to check it out. hard to believe we're in the cold season, seven days until we average 45 degrees for the high. not happening, 16 days until winter officially arrives, 19 until christmas, 25 days until new years. not much happening, little clouds over us, two systems one will pass by to our south and east, another one to the south and west. back to sunny skies into tonight, few clouds, tomorrow, looks pretty good. now the jet stream, the overall pattern still, keeps the jet to our north, that locks the cold air, up in canada, so dealing with pacific air masses that's why our conditions are mild, for the next week or so, through mid december. then after that, may be couple of hits of colder air returning, today though 54 degrees in the sunshine tonight. it is chilly, 36 degrees, here's the extended forecast, 50's all week long, then by the end of the week look at that 59 friday then lou 60s for the weekend shall meisha, what's the latest? >> love it, justin, thankou for. that will always nice to hear about that. on monday morning, we know this is a little rough to get going on monday morning, but the good news is the weather element are looking good a look at 95 at cottman, just little south of this we did have accident since cleared, still having little residual, but the volume levels are picking up anyway because pushing toward that 7:00 hour. take a look, looking very, very busy, westbound, particularly coming off the boulevard, take a look at this, boulevard southbound, toward that schuylkill, also, looking very busy this morning, so, give yourself couple of extra minute getting busy out there. accident involving three vehicles, the boulevard southbound at bustleton avenue. two right lanes, are blocked in this area. route seven at telegraph road, two accident to make note that far are still going on, also, water main break in roxborough, ridge avenue, at domino lane any updates i'll bring to you in the next 15 minute, erika, over to you. >> no word on what kim cards ash yan, and kanye west are calling their new baby boy. buzz on social media sites this morning says that the reality star might name her son after her late father, robert kardashian. while kim's twitter follow remembers more fond of the name's tune, so it would be north and easton west. kim and kanye took almost a week to name their first child north. >> meanwhile, simon cowell's mansion was burglarized while he and his family were sleeping. the alarm reportedly woke up security guard, who saw the burglar fleeing the scene. another security guard chased a burglar down and recovered the stolen monday and gullery the guards who was supposed to be on duty at the time of the break-in had reportedly been fired. no one was hurt in the break-in. >> the hunger games mocking jay part two tops the box office for the third straight week. the jennifer laurence led film pulled in over $18 million. the anti-santa claus thriller, om universal, brought in 16 million. creed the good dinosaur and inspector round out your top five. >> well, this is so special, a seven year old girl from michigan, she's really setting example even a lot of adults could follow. meet mikea robinson. she is the ceo of her own non-profit that helps homeless and needy people. since she was five years old, the second greater has organized blanket drivers and food drives. mikea's mom said it all started when she first met homeless person. >> it was coming winter i was wondering how does he keep warm, how does he sleep, things like that. >> then when the wintertime came she was inquiring about that man, because if he's homeless, where is he sleeping? after she collect the blankets take takes them to local shelter or sometimes walks the street with her family manning out blank totes homeless people she meets. what a good example, 6:48. time to see what's coming up on cbs this morning, with gale king. good morning. >> the president addressed the nation, plus rare insight into the san bernardino shooters, and the security at follow ballgame go too far do you think? this video shows fans getting tackled and punched when they were trying to rush the feel. some say we do that all the timement only on cbs this morning, alicia keys will be here, live, and in color, why, she will row veal the grammy nominees and several major categories. news back in the morning. see in you about ten minutes. first time we ever revealed the grammy nominees in this way. very excited about that. >> thank you, see in you ten minutes. >> are your kids making their list and checking them twice? a lot of cool ties to choose from this time of year. some of the hottest toys of the holiday season. >> plenty of cool news toys that will entertain kids this holiday season. so, which are some of the ones topping kids wish lists? alley, senior editor with toy insider. comment she joins us now in studio, this morning, good morning to you. >> so many people shopping this holiday season wondered what to keep in mind. >> first thing to keep in mind when go to the store to remember what your kids interests are. so i have a whole bunch of hot toys here today, so you should cater to your kids interests first. >> keep in mind what they like, flight that's the starting appointment talk about some of the hot seller. >> sure, charge remembers always big hit, and frozen, we have ultimate olaf here, he is an r c olaf. >> meaning remote control? >> remote control. snowflake remote control he'll follow kids around the room but also sing, dance and say fun things. >> i like warm hugs. >> i like warm hugs. >> oh, he is so sweet. love that. probably good age range? >> yes, the clean creator, make you able to make window clean? >> arts and crafts are so popular, kids get to make their own thing, by combining the solution with the colors. you mix it up in this tub in the middle here. pour it into mold. in 15, 20 minute, you get this set window thing. >> kind of messy? >> little messy but won't stick to your windows afterwards, won't leave residue behind. >> good to know. maybe let the kids get little creative with that one. i know tablets are huge with kids of all ages there is one with leap frog, usually learning toy? >> pack with educational content, kids save internet, parental control, so par kent feel safe with kids having it. this one little older, all the way to up age nine. looks little more like real tablet, tan also has customized screen, so kids can drag, drop characters into the world. and they'll move around, they're active, and it also turns from day to night. >> good to know. >> my 15 year old can actually unlock my iphone. not a good sign. that's where we're headed. talk about the construction based toys, leggos, things that far nature. >> right of the the hopkins, these little collectable characters, based on grocery store items. toilet trees, beauty products, shoes, clothes. this is the biggest set in the line, 400 pieces so kids can build up their own play set. >> and for older kids. >> yep, six and up. >> okay. this i've got my eye on. >> yes. >> because i know my little one would love it. in fact, he has one every degrees for younger kids, this is remote control. it is the go-go smart wheels, ultimate rc speedway. >> use the remote to go forward and backward. >> oops. >> it will teach kids numbers, colors, other fun things like that. >> come on, little guy. see if it goes backward. there you go. >> whatever, whatever it takes. cool one. i like. that will we also have another little guy here. >> my friend, i love to show him to you, he will need little more room. >> let's talk a a walk, take our trex with you. >> robotic dinosaur, use the track ball, connected via blue tooth, if you give it a shake, he'll stand. >> oh, got some moves. he has some moves. >> shake it. >> also follow it like a leash, or kids can train him. >> common. he's too busy dancing. >> he's getting down. >> so he is really fun for kids. >> very cool. i know you also have whoever board here. these are pretty hot. >> they are very hot. kids, even adult, getting into these it seems like, but do you have wear your helmet. >> safety first always. >> this goes to up 12 miles per hour. >> good luck getting on that. >> and you can ride it for up to 12 miles on one charge. >> how many miles? >> 12 miles, gets me around pretty much new york city. do you use this thing? >> so cute along. >> great gift ideas there is one little pricier. all right, thanks so much. take another. >> nicole did take the boots off, and flats, easier. everyone talking about those devices certainly popular this season, but there are concerns, there have been two cases in particular, in which we reported on those unexpectedly catching fire, there are number of different brands in the market but so far no recalls have been issued, nicole, looking great. and of course, just like nicole's modeling, always, wear your helmet on your hoffer board. the producers they got to come out live here, having a lot of fun with this little guy, oleff, showed up in the news room last week, been huge hit. when nicole showed thus one for 50 bucks, just terrific, get full list of all of the toys by going to right now we want to see olaf do his thing. >> high everyone, i'm olaf and i like warm hugs. >> sing us to break. >> ♪ whenclots in my lung,with blood it was serious. fortunately, my doctor had a game plan. treatment with xarelto®. hey guys! hey, finally, somebody i can look up to... ...besides arnie. xarelto® is proven to treat and help reduce the risk of dvt and pe blood clots. xarelto® is also proven to reduce the risk of stroke in people with 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abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto®, tell your doctor about any kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. you know xarelto® is the #1 prescribed blood thinner in its class. that's a big win. it is for me. with xarelto® there is no regular blood monitoring and no known dietary restrictions. treatment with xarelto®... ...was the right move for us. ask your doctor about xarelto®. >> chill think morning, little areas of fog, a lot of sun this afternoon, 54 degrees, we keep it in the 50's all week, low 60s by the weekend. >> and, looking at our roadways this morning, the schuylkill, looking very busy, this is at city avenue moving in both the eastbound and westbound directions, and also 59 at girard also looking busy, so give yourself couple of extra minutes. >> coming up next on cbs this morning, alicia keys announcing grammy nominees for some of the biggest cat gore it right now we leave you with a live picture of the men owe an on independence mall. we lit the first canable last night. happy channukah. have a great day. captioning funded by cbs good morning. it is monday, december 7th, 2015. welcome to "cbs this morning." president obama tries to reassure americans in a rare oval office address about terrorism. republicans challenge his plan. a new look inside the lives of the san bernardino terrorists. the former coworker and college classmate offers rare insight. only on "cbs this morning," news of superstar, alicia keys is here to unveil this year's grammy nominees. we begin this morning with a look at today's "eye opener." your world in 90 seconds. this was an act of terrorism designed to kill innocent people. >> the president reaffirms his strategy to defeat isis.

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Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20151207 :

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20151207

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weekend, not so nice to wake up monday morning, watching the replay of -- just showing you, looks awesome, you guys roads look good, one accident to talk about in delaware, i'll touch base on that in a moment. justin, how are you feeling out there? >> little chilly out here just like yesterday, cold temperatures, 20 in spots in the city generally in the mid and upper 30's, but we'll see a loft sunshine around, if you like the weekends you'll love the forecast coming up this week. so check it out. the numbers 35 at the airport, yesterday we did get down to freezing but surrounding suburbs, below freezing this hour. reading 28 degrees, 30 up in allentown, so scraping frost this morning. areas of fog, temperatures well below freezing in locations so you can get freezing fog. so this fog will stick around, it is locally dense, some spots. some of the bridges and overpasses could be slick, slow it down, add few extra minutes to your driver time. fog should dissipate later this morning between eight to 10:00 a.m. there is the current visibility down little more now to 2 miles per hour, berks county, allentown, those locations yesterday were the problems. but right now looks like interior south jersey, seeing the dense fog, less than half mile visibility in mill have i at this hour. you guys are below freezing, all right, so there you go. storm scan3 quiet maybe just few mid to high level clouds around this morning, they'll give way to generally mostly sunny afternoon, so again, we will deal with some clouds around there is morning, into the afternoon, temperatures back into the mid 50's, 54 for the high for philadelphia, mid 50's at the shore, upper 40's in the poconos. then talking 60s by next weekend. we will get to the forecast coming up in just a few more minutes. but we head back into the studio with meisha for latest check of the roads. good morning. >> good morning, happy monday to you, happy monday to all of you at home, just waking up with us. good morning to you. i hopeou're grabbing your cup of coffee with us this morning, roadways looking real nice. justin just talk about slick spots, because of the cold overnight. we certainly want to, you know, just make note of that. so far this morning we haven't seen any visibility issues, the fog hasn't seem to play too much after factor on the roadways that we have been taking a look at. here is a look at the boulevard, headlights moving in the southbound direction at ninth street. you can see, it is starting to get little busy at the boulevard, especially head toward broad street. ninety-five south, tail light moving in the southbound direction, academy looking good here we push even more southbound, starting to see around cottman, levels are starting to build there. we can usually expect that around this hour. now this is where we have an accident delaware. route seven, at telegraph road. possible entrapment in wilmington, just make note of. that will i'll let you know of road closures that we hear of. also, some construction on route 202 that i'll touch base on in about 15 minutes. erika, back over to you. >> meisha, thank you. new this morning, man is recovering in the hospital and suspect is in custody after a shooting in south philadelphia. shot rang out just before 11 near the intersection of porter, 41 year old man shot once in the chest. necessary stable condition. police have not released the identity of the victim or the suspect. meanwhile, firefighter suffers minor injuries, fighting a house fire in philadelphia's point breeze neighborhood. it broke out around 1:00 in the 2300 block of moore street. firefighters quickly place that fire under control. authorities tell us no one was home at the time. the firefighter is being treated for smoke inhalation. we are told he should be okay. the cause of the fire is un investigation. >> president obama makes a rare oval office address to reassure the american people after the deadly massacre in san bernardino. the president declared the mass shooting an act of terrorism, while also calling on congress to enact new gun laws. mark albert has the details from washington dc. >> in just his third oval office address, president obama warned the nation that isis or isil threatens us all. >> the threat from terrorism is real. we will overcome t we will destroy isil and any other organization that tries to harm us. >> the 13 and a half minute speech came four days after the mass shooting in san bernardino california. killed 14 people. >> as father, two young daughters, who are the most precious part of my life, i know that we see ourselves with friend and co-workers at holiday party like the one in san bernardino. i know we see our kids in the faces of the young people killed in paris. >> the president called on congress to ban people on the no fly list from buying guns. >> strict sales of assault rivals, and enact stronger screening for those entering the us without a visa. >> obama wants congress to give him explicit organization to use force against isis. president route not to get into another decade long war aerophone r soil, say the battle is not with any religion. we cannot turn against one another by letting this fight be defined as a war between america and islam. that, too, is what groups like isil wants. it is not forget the freedom is more powerful than fear. >> the president said there is no evidence that san bernardino attackers were directed by a terror group overseas. mark albert, cbs news, washington. >> 6:06 right now. and oh, it is a good monday to wake up and be an eagles fan. how about them birds? win against the new englandg patriots. pat gallen joining me more. i would like to meet the person who saw this coming? >> must and rich man. i certainly didn't see that coming. >> paths at home. >> the last time the eagles beat the patriots in foxboro, 1987. >> wow. >> coming off a lost which the broncos handed new england last week, tom brady was 40 and eight in his career, so everything lined up just right for a blow out, instead, it never happened. as the eagles held on for 35-28 win. how did it happen? here are a few reasons. sam bradford wasn't great by any means, he was efficient, he didn't take unnecessary sacks, unlike mark sanchez the last few weeks did he not turn the ball over. bradford completed 14 of 24 passes, with two scores, and no picks. certainly aided by the defense and special teams, which will get to in a moment. but we'll take it. it has been slow build, but bradford has gotten better although it is still impossible to say whether he's done enough in chip kelly's eyes to be the long-term solution. now, to the defense, which was outstanding on sunday, that much maligned group, made life hell for tom brady. pick him off twice, certainly made it easier was the fact that the patriots didn't have ron or roy, but exactly the turn around that bill davis' crew needed. allowed 09 points in the last two weeks. but well done by them. and forget about coffee this morning. sorry, meisha. if you really want to wake up on cold monday morning, then turn your tv way up, here is the call of the malcolm jenkins 99-yard touchdown return, from ricky ricardo on the eagles spanish broadcast. >> malcolm jenkins did t jenkins. jenkins malcolm jenkins. (speaking spanish. >> yes, eagles. touchdown eagles. malcolm jenkins (speaking spanish). >> awake now? everyone up? >> that was the real turning point of the game. byron maxwell also intercepted bradiment talk about the jenkins pick after the game. he said that was the turning point for the team. >> it was huge. sunday we needed a big play. specially last two weeks, needed something in the red zone to get us going. >> my turning point of the game, patriots up 14-nothing, they go for the jug ooh lar on this odd play. nate, a former rugby star. he drop kicks the football on the kick off, trying to catch the eagles off guard. the birds use that as a slight, 35 unanswered points, patriots, just got cute. they shot themselves in the foot, which rarely happens. now it is time for this whole thing right here. been a whilement collecting dust in the news room for quite a while. >> little dirt. >> i our game ball. it will go to the smallest guy on the field, darren sproles. >> well de is herred. >> it is well deserved. chip kill kelly finally used him the way he should have. had the return for touchdown. so big stuff from him. sole he will get the football. >> big ball for little guy. >> i like. that will over the touch screen we go. i am should i drop kick the football? >> careful with that. >> here we go. over to the touch screen. go over some tweet. i just asked very easy question, will the philadelphia eagles make the playoff, so i get. >> this playoffs? playoffs? one of the great postgame moments from a coach in nfl history, but martin roach said: playoffs, i don't know. martin says no, it was a fun win but the offense still not good enough to be consistent and make the playoffs. i still think it will be washington, washington plays dallas tonight, so, there is a big game on the horizon, they still could be tide for first place. so sofa bunch of no's, here's another one from brian. they can't play every game and had three non-offensive touchdown it carry them. that's great point. they need the offense to step up and score some point. we'll see if they can do that and finally mike hendricksson says given that they have the next three at home and final game is a bus ride away they control their destin if i they don't win the east shame on them. so, that seems casino of like maybe for mike. but, overall, i think, people are in a wait and see attitude, erika, we shall see. >> wait and see, but this morning they are happy campers. pat, thank you. hey, eagles fans, a lot to be happy about this morning after that win. fans at chickie's and pete's' here in south philly said that victory over the paths gives little balance to the rocky season so far. one fan could hardly keep his >> five and seven, someone's going to win this division at six and ten. wow. e-a-g-l-e-s, eagles! >> see, get him on the cheerleading squad. i love. that will pretty happy guyment many fans we spoke with last night still think the eagles have a chance to make it into the post-season. just have to wait and see. >> all right, now it is 6:11. still ahead, jimmy carter makes big announcement about his fight against cancer. also entire air force base in new mexico, it is sent into lockdown. bubble wrap is to blame. we'll explain. >> and in our health watch, little later on, how your dad's diet can impact his children even before they're born. details on the study coming up. we'll be right back. >> justin, digging the forecast. could we hit 60s this weekend? >> yes, middle of december, talking temperatures ten to maybe 15 degrees above average. now, we're in this mild trend all week long, 48 is our average high for this time of year. over the weekends it was pleasant, lower 50's, and that's the trends this week. now, tomorrow we cool it down just little bit. high of around 50 degrees, but hey we'll take that for this time of year if you like milder air. 35 degrees, capitol city of delaware right now, in dover, into new jersey, below frozing in some spots. millville, 29 degrees. also, you guys, seeing locally dense fog, few areas of freezing fog possible this morning. palmyra, voorhees, new jersey, coming in at 32 degrees, then it gets even colder north and west, pottstown 26. cold 25 degrees up in quakertown, here's storm scan3, for the most part quiet. few clouds rolling through the region right now. and exiting the coastline little later this morning. little disturbance coming through southern ohio right now. those rain showers stay to the south and west today. high pressure for the most part, still dominates our forecast for the next several days, that's why we will be dry, with mild temperatures, every now and then, batch of clouds will roll on through but overall looking pretty sunny throughout the day today. temperatures respond nicely, to the sun, mid 50's, for afternoon temperatures, it does get cool again tonight with few clouds around, we drop them to the mid 30's around the the city colder in the suburbs, then tomorrow again little hit in the temperatures, but this time of year really not bad. here is the trend, jet stream still over us, so we have hits of cooler air, nothing cold, but then watch what happens by the end of the week. the jet really moves north, so we get good surge of milder air. that's why we are talking near 06. today 54 degrees, tonight, chilly, few clouds, 36 degrees. here is that extended forecast, no big storm systems, coolest days tuesday, at 50, look at that, low 60s, next saturday, and sunday. >> hard to believe. >> this 50's and 60s, you know, getting ready for the holiday. >> makes us so happy. >> i know some people love the snow, i don't want that. even though i love the snow know beil, still? >> and the poconos checks make it up there. >> yes, just go there. >> poconos, here i come. happy monday to you, kicking off brand new week together. i can let you know the roadways looking good. we do have one accident out there. i'll get to in a in just one moment. here is a look first at the schuylkill, you move in the eastbound direction at city avenue. looking busy both actually in the eastbound and westbound side. movement ago looking at the cameras 95 south directly at cottman, looked very, very slone i wondered why. this is exactly y because we have an accident here, 95 southbound, this is just past cottman, you can see block that right lane. and it is causing some significant slow downs for you, make note that far just beyond that, at cottman, looking very, very slow. route 202, this is in chesterbrook, headlights moving in the southbound direction, at route 252. looking pretty good there. although we are starting to see volume levels build in the 6:00 hour, construction 202 bolt directions between route 30 and route 401, reduced to one lane, erika, over to you. >> meisha, a thank you. americans will join local veterans to remember the attack on pearl harbor. seventy-four years ago, today, the japanese attacked the naval base in honolulu killing some 2400 americans. the attack pulled the united states into world war ii. this morning, at 10:00 the battleship new jersey will host a wreath layering ceremony. right now, we want to give you live look at independence mall, whereas you can see, giant menorrah is part of the celebration of hanukkah. the eight day festival of lights started at sundown last night. one candle will be lit each day. hanukkah commemorates ancient miracles and the triumph over oppression. we'll be right back. you got your big games... ...and regular games. get it all at a great price... ...and the holiday season is won. everything in one place. my giant. everything in one place. you can't breathed. through your nose. suddenly, you're a mouthbreather. well, just put on a breathe right strip which instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than cold medicine alone. shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. breathe right you got your big games... ...and regular games. get it all at a great price... ...and the holiday season is won. everything in one place. my giant. >> farook's father told it italian media he supported ideology, fixated on israel. >> appears everyone on high alert, air force base in new mexico, goes into complete lockdown mode after reports of gunshots. only it turns out it was someone popping bubble wrap. take a look at the operation, though, here, the base covered with humvees and tactical crews all in search of a gunman. lockdown was lifted short time later once security personnel found no threat. officials say, that reporting the loud bang was the right thing to do, better safe than sorry. >> still ahead this morning, nicole brewer checks out the hottest toys of the holiday season, you and your kids want to see this. also, stephen colbert hoses the kennedy center honors, always star studded event. but this year, bun everybody of storm troopers on stage. we'll take a look at all of of the recipient. we bet you can guess why they were there. also, justin delivering just fantastic forecast, authorities believe this is december, justin? >> little deceiving today. waking up to 20's, three's, but talking highs in the mid 50's, and then six 60s coming up in our forecast, lock into mild pattern, details coming up in a few minutes. is giving you more.america's best-selling brand the ford holiday sales event... with 0% financing for 60 months on 2015 f-150 and focus and 2016 fusion and escape. plus 1,000 dollars holiday bonus cash on 2015 focus and 2016 fusion and escape. it's the best gift ever. now during the ford holiday sales event get 0% financing for 60 months plus 1,000 dollars holiday bonus cash on select vehicles. see your local ford dealer. some of these experimentse're notmay not but a few might shape the future. like turning algae into biofuel... technology for capturing co2 emissions... ...and cars twice as efficient as the average car today. ideas exxonmobil scientists are working on to make energy go further... matter how many tries it takes. energy lives here. can your father's diet affect you before you're even born? new data from scandanavian study indicates a father's lifestyle including weight loss can change the genetic information he car thinks his sperm. scientists say that could have impact on the health of his future children. >> and, some good news now about the health of former president jimmy carter. the 91 year old says he's now cancer free. carter made the revelation yesterday in front of sunday school class he teaches at his church in planes, georgia. carter has been undergoing treatment for melanoma spots on his brain and liver. he was receiving a recently approved autoimmune drug that greatly improved his prognosis. carter was diagnosed in august. five entertainment icons are recognize at the kennedy center honors for contributions to the arts, for the second time host of the late show stephen colbert was the gala's mc. >> owner evergreen and white helicopter license plate marine1, you left your lights on. and also you park it on the roof. not mistaken that's a tow zone. >> earlier at the white house, reception honored actress sessilities on, conductor, ac vest singer rita, director george lucas, and singer songwriter carol king. now, some of the star wars characters they were on stage, too, to honor george lucas for creating the franchise, he received the nation's highest award foray chiefment in the arts. kennedy center airs december 29th here on cbs-3. >> coming up in the next half hour of "eyewitness news", video surface that is shows security guards punching and tackling student who rushed the field after houston's win temple saturday. justin? >> erika, it is good monday morning, the eagles beat the paths, and beat them in foxboro, now eagles fans say that a team that once was in trouble is now looking all right. we have more on their reaction live coming up. well, weaver an accident, on 95 southbound, past cottman, causing some delays this morning, i'll have all of the updates coming up of the first we take a quick break, stay right where you are. cbs-3 "eyewitness news" will be right snap o[ barking ]sails! the whipped cream sea be extra whippy! [ laughing ] together: ahhhhhhhhhhh! yarrrr, it be the twizzler. run! crew member: what does he want? happy holidays! free shipping all season long. and free returns too! good monday morning, to you, little chilly right now, but oh, it will be a mild monday, a little later on, and the whole week, just looking pretty darn good. i know a loft folks go out on brunch breaks, do holiday shopping, once they warm up little bit, looking beautiful. >> take advantage of the weather. really the next week or so, talking tell tuesday at or above average. talking 60s potentially by the end of the week. little cold now though. >> different storiment fog to deal with? >> areas of freezing fog, as well, it happens when you get temperatures below freezing, fock itself still liquid form. if it reaches the surface or hit the surface below freezing, could ice up little bit. watch out for bridges and overpass, live look at center city, ben franklin bridge, not whole lot of fog right now around philadelphia. but some of the sub suburbs, especially tyne err year south jersey that's where you get some locally dense fog. temperature wise at the airport, 35 degrees. but then upper 20's in allentown, and reading, this hour, millville, 30 degrees, below freezing, at the atlantic city airport, there in the suburbs pretty chilly, mt. holly 29 degrees, mid 20's pottstown, quakertown, so here's what to expect this morning, patchy dense fog, in some of that could be freezing surfaces slow it down on the roads, fog should dissipate between 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. this morning. visibility, 3 miles in philadelphia, not bad. now down to .3 in reading. so fog is thickening up there in berks county getting bet nerve millville. we had below half mile visibility there. now up to two and a half miles, depend where you are. >> so what to expect in kind of split day, cold, foggy, morning, with temperatures in the 20's, three's, afternoon turns out real nice, lot of sunshine, mild, with high of 54 for philadelphia. mid 50's at the shore, even up in the poconos, up who are's in the sunshine, talk about the 60s coming if a in a in a few minutes, what's the latest? >> all of that sunshine, justin, coming off the weekend, things looking good on the roadways now what you are looking at, one of the live pictures of 95 southbound. just past cottman, causing significant delays for you, you can see, how busy it is still. both even moving in the east or rather southbound, northbound directions but southbound particularly where we have the accident that just cleared, let me show you i want to show you a back up camera to this. ninety-five, southbound, at academy, still back up some of the residual effect from the accident. just cleared out of the way, right lane block for quite some time. ninety-five southbound, hitting the interstate, it is going to be little slow. boulevard looking slow moving in the southbound direction towards the schuylkill, especially once on the schuylkill moving in the westbound direction, looking slow, there as well. schuylkill, westbound at city avenue, but also, eastbound at the schuylkill right around the same area of city avenue looking, so once you get off the boulevard, also, mass transit, patco started new schedule last week. that runs through the 20th. track work taking place on friday, and on the weekend for those of you using mass transit. and also, girard point bridge inspection, the northbound left lane is closed. erika, back over to you. >> meisha, thank you. this is the game every eagles fan is talking about. today. the birds pulled off a huge win against the new england patriots in mats mass, last night. led the charge when he ran back a blocked punt for touchdown. >> eagles clicking on all cylinder, both offense, defense, ball, oh, fans talking today, and nobody does it better, no one talks to the eagles better than our fans over at wip sport radio, live right there right now, no shortage of opinions and what a change on cbs-3, here talking about the eagles, love the positive stuff. good morning. >> watch no win november, longleat cause for eagles nation to do what they do best. >> thirty-five to 28, knocking off new england patriots on their home tour in foxboro. >> tom brady was great, he did his job, all of his receivers dropped the ball. >> meantime the birds were making plays jenkins picking offer the ball for 99-yard touchdown run, and the sprinting darren sproles with 83-yard punt return, to some at chickie's and pete's', the eagles and head coach chip kelly seemed to be flying high again. >> superbowl 50, i knew could you do it. bashing you, i love you chip, i love you eagles. unfortunately, well, actually, fortunately, our divisions not that grade not that great. but we still have good chance. i'm glad the rest of the division isn't that great. >> will this splash of good fortune fly or fail? this long time fan is cautiously optimistic. >> i'm worried about the arizona game. i don't think that much after chance for that. but who looks? it looks like seven and nine will win this division. >> erika right now the eagles are teched in the ntc east, and in six days they play the bills here at home. now, some actually have the bills as winning that game. after all, this is now a different and more energized team with more energized fan base. i'm so excited i forgot to turn my mike fully on. the hype here as well at wip. >> justin, all pumped. totally understand, thank you. right now, 36:00. seconder security cans tackling fans after the loss to houston, saturday people stormed on to the field, after the cougars top the owls for the aac title. cell phone video captured one security guard punching a fan, others tackled after leaving the stands. >> delaware county man, graffiti had the words cop killing season spelled out under a bridge in chester. when saw the hateful message, he decided to paint right over it, instead leave behind a holiday message n his video he posted on facebook, he's already gotten 75,000 views. i love i don't get in trouble for this. we were in and out in a few minutes. >> i figure clean up that, sooner than later, if a kid thinks that's the case they should be hearing. >> the mayor commended his actions saying he is glad pat took the time to remove that message. >> archdioces of philadelphia is closing two roman catholic churches, announcement made over the weekend. the churches are the immaculate conception bvm church in levittown bucks county, the other, saint gertrude church in west conshohocken, montgomery county. they'll close january 1st, due to financial reasons. parishes merge with larger churches last year. >> after accusations of police brutality, police department faces if he federal investigation. this week, the justice department reported led plans to announce probe similar to those in ferguson, missouri and baltimore. kitchen hutchinson picking up the story. >> we will be protected. >> a mid protests over police brutality, the justice department is set to launch a pattern and practice investigation of chicago's police department, probe to be conducted by the civil right division will look for patterns of unconstitutional practices like excessive force or bias policing. >> investigators from the fbi will hear from the community tan takes years, especially considered the size of the police department. >> same type of inquiry conduct in the ferguson, and baltimore. >> cup miniation is a public report, so we will all hear about the findings of the justice department, the justice department claims or they call them recommendations, but they are not. because if if they're not taken up by police department, then the justice department files a lawsuit. >> chicago is in an uproar over police video showing the shooting of la quan mcdonald, video contradict police statements about the incident, the officer involved, faces murder charges. police chief stepped down. demonstrations persist like the one organized sunday by jesse jackson. >> you need a sense of fairness, and justice applies to all. >> rob emanuel's office released statement late sunday saying they welcome the doj investigation. cbs-3, "eyewitness news". >> still ahead this morning, a little girl with a big heart. >> i like doing this because it helps people. >> she is only seven years old, already, ceo of non-profit because she wants to help the homeless. her heart-warming story, is next. >> also from tech toys that roam around the room to cars that are ready to race, we're taking a look at some of the hottest holiday toys this season. you don't want to miss it. >> happy hanukkah to those who celebrate, the first candle lit as you look live at independence mall. we'll be right back. >> ♪ and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night,blind. and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24. learn more by calling 844-824-2424. or visit >> you can break the holidays happier nor those in need. all do you have do, buy new unwrapped today, head to fest to find list of toy drop off locations, toys will be given to those in the salvation army, ss, boys and girls club. flyers fans can donate a toy, as well, going to tomorrow's game at the wells fargo center bring the new toy with you, you can drop it off right as you walk in the door. right now, we want to check on the forecast, maybe go out, do little toy shopping during your lunch break, good weather for it. >> take advantage of the noise weather all week long, if you don't get your shot today. it is cold this morning, we check in with backyard neighborhoods, down to the low and mid 20's in many spots just like yesterday. scraping a lot of frost, as well. coal else spot, eileen murray dropped another agree this past hour down to 22 at buena vista township, margo at 27 degrees, 29 in blue bell, this hour. at jerry's house, woodbine, new jersey, same deal in chesterfield, north wales, 31 degrees, 31 now in newark, delaware, checking in lee's house, cool pictures morning, if you didn't get a shot to see the moon and venus close together. we got you covered. maybe the fog casino of speared the visibility. peter's picture of the moon in venus close together. there is venus right there, the crested moon out of williamstown, good clear conditions out there this morning. get your shots right before sunrise, hopefully able to check it out. hard to believe we're in the cold season, seven days until we average 45 degrees for the high. not happening, 16 days until winter officially arrives, 19 until christmas, 25 days until new years. not much happening, little clouds over us, two systems one will pass by to our south and east, another one to the south and west. back to sunny skies into tonight, few clouds, tomorrow, looks pretty good. now the jet stream, the overall pattern still, keeps the jet to our north, that locks the cold air, up in canada, so dealing with pacific air masses that's why our conditions are mild, for the next week or so, through mid december. then after that, may be couple of hits of colder air returning, today though 54 degrees in the sunshine tonight. it is chilly, 36 degrees, here's the extended forecast, 50's all week long, then by the end of the week look at that 59 friday then lou 60s for the weekend shall meisha, what's the latest? >> love it, justin, thankou for. that will always nice to hear about that. on monday morning, we know this is a little rough to get going on monday morning, but the good news is the weather element are looking good a look at 95 at cottman, just little south of this we did have accident since cleared, still having little residual, but the volume levels are picking up anyway because pushing toward that 7:00 hour. take a look, looking very, very busy, westbound, particularly coming off the boulevard, take a look at this, boulevard southbound, toward that schuylkill, also, looking very busy this morning, so, give yourself couple of extra minute getting busy out there. accident involving three vehicles, the boulevard southbound at bustleton avenue. two right lanes, are blocked in this area. route seven at telegraph road, two accident to make note that far are still going on, also, water main break in roxborough, ridge avenue, at domino lane any updates i'll bring to you in the next 15 minute, erika, over to you. >> no word on what kim cards ash yan, and kanye west are calling their new baby boy. buzz on social media sites this morning says that the reality star might name her son after her late father, robert kardashian. while kim's twitter follow remembers more fond of the name's tune, so it would be north and easton west. kim and kanye took almost a week to name their first child north. >> meanwhile, simon cowell's mansion was burglarized while he and his family were sleeping. the alarm reportedly woke up security guard, who saw the burglar fleeing the scene. another security guard chased a burglar down and recovered the stolen monday and gullery the guards who was supposed to be on duty at the time of the break-in had reportedly been fired. no one was hurt in the break-in. >> the hunger games mocking jay part two tops the box office for the third straight week. the jennifer laurence led film pulled in over $18 million. the anti-santa claus thriller, om universal, brought in 16 million. creed the good dinosaur and inspector round out your top five. >> well, this is so special, a seven year old girl from michigan, she's really setting example even a lot of adults could follow. meet mikea robinson. she is the ceo of her own non-profit that helps homeless and needy people. since she was five years old, the second greater has organized blanket drivers and food drives. mikea's mom said it all started when she first met homeless person. >> it was coming winter i was wondering how does he keep warm, how does he sleep, things like that. >> then when the wintertime came she was inquiring about that man, because if he's homeless, where is he sleeping? after she collect the blankets take takes them to local shelter or sometimes walks the street with her family manning out blank totes homeless people she meets. what a good example, 6:48. time to see what's coming up on cbs this morning, with gale king. good morning. >> the president addressed the nation, plus rare insight into the san bernardino shooters, and the security at follow ballgame go too far do you think? this video shows fans getting tackled and punched when they were trying to rush the feel. some say we do that all the timement only on cbs this morning, alicia keys will be here, live, and in color, why, she will row veal the grammy nominees and several major categories. news back in the morning. see in you about ten minutes. first time we ever revealed the grammy nominees in this way. very excited about that. >> thank you, see in you ten minutes. >> are your kids making their list and checking them twice? a lot of cool ties to choose from this time of year. some of the hottest toys of the holiday season. >> plenty of cool news toys that will entertain kids this holiday season. so, which are some of the ones topping kids wish lists? alley, senior editor with toy insider. comment she joins us now in studio, this morning, good morning to you. >> so many people shopping this holiday season wondered what to keep in mind. >> first thing to keep in mind when go to the store to remember what your kids interests are. so i have a whole bunch of hot toys here today, so you should cater to your kids interests first. >> keep in mind what they like, flight that's the starting appointment talk about some of the hot seller. >> sure, charge remembers always big hit, and frozen, we have ultimate olaf here, he is an r c olaf. >> meaning remote control? >> remote control. snowflake remote control he'll follow kids around the room but also sing, dance and say fun things. >> i like warm hugs. >> i like warm hugs. >> oh, he is so sweet. love that. probably good age range? >> yes, the clean creator, make you able to make window clean? >> arts and crafts are so popular, kids get to make their own thing, by combining the solution with the colors. you mix it up in this tub in the middle here. pour it into mold. in 15, 20 minute, you get this set window thing. >> kind of messy? >> little messy but won't stick to your windows afterwards, won't leave residue behind. >> good to know. maybe let the kids get little creative with that one. i know tablets are huge with kids of all ages there is one with leap frog, usually learning toy? >> pack with educational content, kids save internet, parental control, so par kent feel safe with kids having it. this one little older, all the way to up age nine. looks little more like real tablet, tan also has customized screen, so kids can drag, drop characters into the world. and they'll move around, they're active, and it also turns from day to night. >> good to know. >> my 15 year old can actually unlock my iphone. not a good sign. that's where we're headed. talk about the construction based toys, leggos, things that far nature. >> right of the the hopkins, these little collectable characters, based on grocery store items. toilet trees, beauty products, shoes, clothes. this is the biggest set in the line, 400 pieces so kids can build up their own play set. >> and for older kids. >> yep, six and up. >> okay. this i've got my eye on. >> yes. >> because i know my little one would love it. in fact, he has one every degrees for younger kids, this is remote control. it is the go-go smart wheels, ultimate rc speedway. >> use the remote to go forward and backward. >> oops. >> it will teach kids numbers, colors, other fun things like that. >> come on, little guy. see if it goes backward. there you go. >> whatever, whatever it takes. cool one. i like. that will we also have another little guy here. >> my friend, i love to show him to you, he will need little more room. >> let's talk a a walk, take our trex with you. >> robotic dinosaur, use the track ball, connected via blue tooth, if you give it a shake, he'll stand. >> oh, got some moves. he has some moves. >> shake it. >> also follow it like a leash, or kids can train him. >> common. he's too busy dancing. >> he's getting down. >> so he is really fun for kids. >> very cool. i know you also have whoever board here. these are pretty hot. >> they are very hot. kids, even adult, getting into these it seems like, but do you have wear your helmet. >> safety first always. >> this goes to up 12 miles per hour. >> good luck getting on that. >> and you can ride it for up to 12 miles on one charge. >> how many miles? >> 12 miles, gets me around pretty much new york city. do you use this thing? >> so cute along. >> great gift ideas there is one little pricier. all right, thanks so much. take another. >> nicole did take the boots off, and flats, easier. everyone talking about those devices certainly popular this season, but there are concerns, there have been two cases in particular, in which we reported on those unexpectedly catching fire, there are number of different brands in the market but so far no recalls have been issued, nicole, looking great. and of course, just like nicole's modeling, always, wear your helmet on your hoffer board. the producers they got to come out live here, having a lot of fun with this little guy, oleff, showed up in the news room last week, been huge hit. when nicole showed thus one for 50 bucks, just terrific, get full list of all of the toys by going to right now we want to see olaf do his thing. >> high everyone, i'm olaf and i like warm hugs. >> sing us to break. >> ♪ whenclots in my lung,with blood it was serious. fortunately, my doctor had a game plan. treatment with xarelto®. hey guys! hey, finally, somebody i can look up to... ...besides arnie. xarelto® is proven to treat and help reduce the risk of dvt and pe blood clots. xarelto® is also proven to reduce the risk of stroke in people with 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abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto®, tell your doctor about any kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. you know xarelto® is the #1 prescribed blood thinner in its class. that's a big win. it is for me. with xarelto® there is no regular blood monitoring and no known dietary restrictions. treatment with xarelto®... ...was the right move for us. ask your doctor about xarelto®. >> chill think morning, little areas of fog, a lot of sun this afternoon, 54 degrees, we keep it in the 50's all week, low 60s by the weekend. >> and, looking at our roadways this morning, the schuylkill, looking very busy, this is at city avenue moving in both the eastbound and westbound directions, and also 59 at girard also looking busy, so give yourself couple of extra minutes. >> coming up next on cbs this morning, alicia keys announcing grammy nominees for some of the biggest cat gore it right now we leave you with a live picture of the men owe an on independence mall. we lit the first canable last night. happy channukah. have a great day. captioning funded by cbs good morning. it is monday, december 7th, 2015. welcome to "cbs this morning." president obama tries to reassure americans in a rare oval office address about terrorism. republicans challenge his plan. a new look inside the lives of the san bernardino terrorists. the former coworker and college classmate offers rare insight. only on "cbs this morning," news of superstar, alicia keys is here to unveil this year's grammy nominees. we begin this morning with a look at today's "eye opener." your world in 90 seconds. this was an act of terrorism designed to kill innocent people. >> the president reaffirms his strategy to defeat isis.

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