Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20151130 : comparem

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20151130

horizon here, at least officially. but live look overlooking center city and the ben franklin bryn, all clear, you're fine this morning, as you travel out and about. no visibility problems, whatsoever. storm scan, clear as a bell at this point. >> three hour loop, notice, you have few speckles evergreen start to pop up here on the tail end that far loop. most of it, not even verifying as precipitation at the ground level yet. >> make no mistake, un generally clear sky through most of the overnight, chance to drop off readily here down at freezing or below from trenton, westbound toward reading, to up allentown, mount pocono, in the 20's this hour. thirty-seven chilly degrees, to start it off at the airport, too. thankfully don't need the umbrella here better part of the day, granted clouds will be thickening with time here, and eventually, the showers move in, but we've got good solid window of dry weather window opportunity, looks like the showers probably don't get started until after the sun goes down. >> good news, both commutes should be okay. tomorrow morning different story with the storm rolling on in. temperatures today right where they should be upper 40's to near 50 degrees. heads up penndot out cleaning up hey bales. >> meantime, hey bales to the side, hopefully traffic will move through us, no problems, in the next ten, 15 minutes or so. forty-two freeway headed northbound, a lot of volume now, heading in toward the city but speeds still running okay. and then, 95 cottman, beginning to stack up little bit travel time, eastbound, 476 to the vine looks good, 14 minute trip at the moment. on the blue route, from 76 to 95 southbound, no problems, 422 eastbound, to oaks to 202 also good shape. again, still the jersey turnpike northbound just past exit eight. do have the left lane blocked on the outer drive, heads up if you are headed north into northern new jersey this morning. that's a look at your ride, nicole, we send it back to you. >> justin, thank up. we are following developing story this morning, police are at the scene of shooting in a quiet montgomery county neighborhood. let's get the latest now from "eyewitness news" reporter justin finch live near the scene in hatfield. justin, good morning. >> here in hatfield township just moments ago there is street has been closed for hours, hatfield police continue their investigation, what we know so far, reports of shooting came in, close to 2:00 this morning, here, on the 100 block of diamond street. this is residential block. at this time, at least one death reported, one body we just saw, a while ago, being carried from the scene here. now, there are report here, on the gown there is may be a multiple shooting, no word if any victims here on the ground here being hospitalized or treated here on the scene. >> we spoke to neighbor who lives up the street from the scene. he does not know the residence but calls the timing unfortunate. >> this is a time of the year, where, you know, people get maybe get despondent. but for whatever their reasons are, but i can't say for sure. >> now, neighbors are waking up with only pieces of information, this morning, to the scene outside their doors seeing coroner's advance and police on the ground, again, waiting for update from the month co-d.a.'s office at this time. this is an ac stiff scene, remains under investigation this morning. we are live in hatfield township, justin finch, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". >> justin, thank you for the update. meanwhile five firefighters recovering this morning after authorities say their firetrucks crashed on their way to call. shows the moment of impact at the corner of 55th and baltimore where the truck lost control. and hit two park cars. one eyewitness was working nearby at the time, when he heard the loud crash. >> he was crazy. i tell you, man, real craze. >> i how loud was it? >> like a bomb, yes, like a bomb. >> fortunately, officials say, no one else was injured, and all five firefighters are expected to fully recover. it is still unclear at this time what caused the firetruck to lose control. >> authorities investigating what caused a tractor-trailer lose control, crash into a dealership in south philadelphia. >> this happened around 9:00 last night the 6800 block every essington avenue. peco was on scene, after the truck knocked down live wires. crews restored power to about 100 customers, and there are no reports of injuries. happening today, the accused gunman in the colorado planned parenthood attack is expected to appear in court. police say after he was arrested, robert deer said no more baby parts. the attack left three people dead and nine injured. >> well, new video, shows the police shooting that killed a 12 year old cleveland boy, a year ago. >> the grand jury continues going over evidence whether to invite the officer involved in the case. don champion has the latest from new york. >> this released by prosecutors offer the weekends, frame by frame, breaks down the final moments of 12 year old tamire rice's life, including the instant he was shot by rookie cleveland officer, timothy low man, 22nd after he got out of his patrol car. >> we see tamire's arm and shoulder, sort of lifting upward. it is unclear whether that's in reaction to one of the shots that missed him. or to the shot that hit him in the stomach. in the next frame tamire is doubled over and clearly last been shot. >> the shooting happened last novas low man and his partner responding to 911 call about armed man. the gun in question, looked like a real firearm, but was a pellet gun, today, grand jurors who have been hearing testimony for five weeks will hear from tamire's mother. >> gives me strength to know that i have all of you guys up lift me. >> experts for the prosecution maintain the use of force was justified, because the officers had no way of knowing the gun might have been fake. rice's family want their own experts to testify, and dispute those claims. the two officers involved are expected to testify in the coming weeks. don champion, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". and now that "black friday" is over, it is time for cyber monday, americans expected to spends $3 billion on line shopping today, up 12% from last year, stores are rolling out discount on the hole he is tech gifts and toys. "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabeo more on cyber monday from local amazon center, coming up at 6:30. amazon has created new faster way to make deliveries. the retail giant has unveiled a new drone designed to deliver packages right to your door in less than an hour. the company showed off its new prototype in a video on line starring former tomorrow gear host, jeremy clarkson. amazon says that prime members will be able to get packages air dropped, in as little as a half hour. the company is still waiting for final approval from the government before launching. wow. that is incredible. all right, happening right now, president obama and other world leaders are in paris to discuss what to do about climate change. we'll get an update on that. and show you more of this new video, after drone, checking out glaciers in the arctic sea. find out just how fast they're melting. and coming up a little later, clears to the scuba driver who just found rare bottle of beer in waters off of nova scotia. we'll tell you what makes this such an incredible discovery. >> ♪ back to life ♪ >> your a wacking up after a long holiday weekend, maybe couple of days off, back to life. back it reality, but it is not so bad out there. hopefully you're baking up with us, and we'll take a short break and be right back. >> ♪ love or like? naughty or nice? calm or bright? but at bedtime... why settle for this? enter sleep number. don't miss the ultimate sleep number week going on now! sleepiq technology tells you how you slept and what adjustments you can make. she likes the bed soft. he's more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good, to great, to wow! give the gift of amazing sleep, only at a sleep number store. this week only, save 50% on the ultimate limited edition bed. hurry, sale ends monday. know better sleep with sleep number. millions of people will go back to work today after returning home on one of the busiest travel days of the year. "eyewitness news" at philadelphia international airport yesterday, where many people scrambled to catch last minute flights to make it back home after the holiday. we caught up with some families who had bittersweet good-byes. because he's my only child. and he's going to colorado right now, and i'll miss him. >> we're planning our wedding right now, just little rough. things are always a little emotional when we leave each other. but, you know, it is happy tears. >> oh, concellations at philadelphia international airport were minimal, though, and security lines moved at steady pace, despite last week's travel advisory from the state department warning of travel risks, due to increased terrorist threats. all right, let's get a check on the forecast, we know there is some rain in our future, right, katy? >> certainly s nothing out there at the moment, nicole, but starting to see some of the moisture creep little further north here, across virginia, southern portions of delmarva peninsula, as well, eventually those clouds overtake the region and then they'll be followed up by wet weather for our area, so, you will see some sun initially in most locations, don't bank on it being a sunny day however because of the warmfront starting to lift n the bigger picture here is the storm system bringing in dangerous conditions, frankly, with the heavy snow falling across portions of not even just south minute society, a southeastern minnesota but also into wisconsin, quite a bit of ice with the colder air wrapping in on the back side of the storm. but we're strictly looking at rainout of this. and it is really just the front that crossed through, the actual center of low pressure will bypass us to the north. here is how it shakes out. 8:00 a.m., start out with little sunshine, again the clouds build, in even by later on today, specially through the first state of delaware, might ends up with a shower here, for the evening rush, but primarily, any rain that comes with this warmfront, waits until long after the sun's gone down. then it is casino of just with us tomorrow, showers, probably even pocket of heavy rain as indicated on future weather here, at some point tomorrow, when we will likely catch at least bit of a break before the cold front starts to nudge in, so wednesday, too, also features some rainfall. that said, for now, off to dry start. watch for shower late in the day. billing in from south to north. high of 49, pretty seasonable all things considered. but we tart to see the wet weather overtaking and over spread the delaware valley as we heed into tonight as we mention, 43 degrees, the expected low, so little bit of balancing act there since it warmer air moving in, won't be as cold through the overnight. we towelly flirt with 60 on wednesday. but again, there is cold front, sweeping on in here, so it will knock us right back to reality by thursday. >> little rain, too. >> and flirting with 60 as we kick off december. common. >> we've had a good run, haven't we? >> we were just talking about that last year, the day before thanksgiving, snow. >> yes. >> pretty good snow. >> don't remind us. >> no. >> come on. >> got to keep it real. >> no signs every cold air coming up in the next few weeks, but on the roads really for monday morning, dealing with volume this morning, a the low of people headed back to school and work today. lucky extending your vacation one more day, 95 approaching columbus, 59 northbound, we had some hey bales on the road. looks like they got that cleaned up. penndot finishing up that right now. so there you go, a shot there, things looking okay. but, 95, south, cottman, look at that, stack up pretty good. so it is a crawl headed toward the vine street expressway. you can set your watch by. that will we take to you delaware couldn't, northbound 95, 452, moving okay, volume starting to pick up little bit. but again, things jam up, typically right around the commodore barry bridge. up to the doylestown, plum stealth township still durham road closed at this point, near stump road. due to dump truck, downed polls, and some wires. here are the area speeds, vine street expressway down to 37 miles per hour, still, looking okay, through northeast philadelphia. but you hit the brakes, right around cottman, right now, the blue route, also looking good northbound and southbound, running at the speed limit, the turnpike, into new jersey, heads up, just past exit eight. so far north central new jersey we do have truck fire, taking out one lane on the outer roadway. that's a look at your ride. nicole, over to you. >> justin, thank up. 6:15, up next, latest on the un climate talks in par ills. and basketball legend kobe bryant is retiring. we'll hear from the lower merion native phil! (under his breath) hey man! hey peter. (unenthusiastic) oh... ha ha ha! joanne? is that you? it's me... you don't look a day over 70. am i right? jingle jingle. if you're peter pan, you stay young forever. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. ♪ you make me feel so young... it's what you do. ♪ you make me feel ♪ so spring has sprung. this is violet. she's been waiting for this moment for awhile. a moment other kids wouldn't think twice about. her first bowl of cheerios. because now that cheerios are gluten free, violet, and many others are enjoying their first bowl today. sobering view from a drone, glare nerves nor way, green lands, have retreated faster in the past ten years, and over the decades since sky tis cents starting measuring their size and movement. the united nations environment program says global warming almost certainly responsible for the decrease in extent and thickness of arctic sea ice. well, concerns over global warming, bringing together world leaders in paris. president obama arrived at the climate conference earlier this morning. leaders from about 100 nations are at the summit to present plans for a greener world. many of them have pledged to cut gwen house gases, blamed for rising temperatures. >> president obama paid a visit to the bataclan theater, leida single white rose for those killed in the terror attacks earlier this month. the president phrased france's decision not to call off that conference. what a powerful rebuke to the terrorists it will be when the world stands as one and shows that we will not be deterred from building a better future for our children. >> on the eve of the summit, paris police clashed with protesters, defying ban on demonstrations, nearly 200 people were arrested. virtual free being projected on to the tower, the coordinates with users cameras to crow ate a sort of heartbeat. it is called one heart, one tree. organizers say, they'll plant real tree for every person who logs into that app. pretty cool. >> well, one of the biggest stars in the nba is calling it a career. philly native and likely first balance odd hall of famer kobe bryant says he'll retire at the end of this season. his first stop after the announcement, is tomorrow night, against the sixers in philadelphia. where it all began. >> so much of my game was developed from philadelphia, lower merion high school, playing in the sunny hill league, so many of the great coaches, playing at the playgrounds, ardmore playground, all of these things, just so many, so many great memories there. and then so many very, very special moments. >> yes, kobe went from montgomery county's lower merion high school right to the nba. he's third on the nba career scoring list, with more than 32,000 points. he's won 5nba championships and two olympic gold met as, named to the nba all-star team 17 times. kobe has been slowed by injuries of course this year, he's played only 41 games. so, what will you remember most about kobe bryant's time in the nba? go ahead, connect with us on facebook and twitter, use the #cbs3. all right, 6:21 right now. word is adele is breaking records with her new albumn. and creed was massive box office success, how did it fair nationwide? the numbers are n katie tracking showers, right? >> indeed i am. they're not here yet, nicole. but warmfront lifting ever closer in from the south. so eventually we'll have to talk about wet weather. i'll tell when you you want to have the umbrella at the ready. full details are judge ♪ >> adele has sold record breaking number of copies, of her knee albumn, 25. and in its first week she sold 3.38 million copies. that beat the previous single sales week record by nearly a million. twenty-five has also become the best selling albumn of the year, ahead of the 1.8 million copies sold, of taylor swift's 1989. and actress ann hathaway is reportedly pregnant. this is so great. e news is report that hathaway and her husband, adam shulman, are expecting their first child. the couple married in september of 2012. the intern star told vogue in 2013 that she looked forward to finding or starting i should say, her family. >> well deserved treat for the cast and crew of the creed. more than 150 locals involved in the film attended special screening at the movie tavern in exton. the dine-in theater partnered with the film's organizers to celebrate the hard work that many put for the for the latest rocky installment. >> tonight is a celebration of all of the people who helped make this movie happen. a lot of the backgrounds players in the film who, therefore, a lot of the shooting of the big finale fight scene, it is a long hard day for these folks. and this is a great thank you for all of them for what they did. >> industry analysts say creed is a massive box office success here in philadelphia. helping the fill tomorrow debut in the number three shot at the box office nationally. here is a look at the top five movies, hunger games remains number one, the good dinosaur, is second, and creed is coming in third place, earning more than $30 million. specter was fourth, followed by the peanuts movie. >> all right, 6:26 right now. coming up in the next half hour every "eyewitness news", it is cyber monday, folks. and jan is live at a place that will see a lot of activity today. right, jan? >> it is chit change here at the amazon center in robinsville, new jersey, but the robots never stop working after all this is the biggest day for in the entire year. we will take you behind the scenes, straight ahead. >> good monday morning, everyone, back it reality, little rough, 95, just past cottman, southbound, we do have an accident, that's jamming things up. we've got your full traffic report coming up when "eyewitness news" you got your big games... ...cheese plates, turkey, appetizers. and regular games. get it all at a great price... ...and the holiday season is won. that's my boy! fill your cart with everything you need this season, all at one place. my giant. all at one place. it's the holidays. which means a house full of people -- who all want to get online. so it's the perfect time for verizon fios. it has the fastest internet and wifi available. with speeds from 50 to 500 megs. and right now, you'll get 50 meg fios internet, tv and phone for 79.99 a month online for your first year. and with a 2 year agreement, we'll give you all the premium movie channels for a year. plus, 400 dollars back. so go online or call now. get out of the past. get fios. my k-cup® filter is back. now you can make anything, even a piece of home. the single se-arve-make-your-favorites exactly-how-you-like-it machine. keurig hot. your favorites. your way. and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night,blind. and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24. learn more by calling 844-824-2424. or visit >> the good news this morning, it will be dry, most of the day today, the bad news, we are tracking some showers, and pretty big storm system. right, katy? >> it is a very large storm system. you can actually see, i mean, pretty taking up the eastern two thirds of the us here, snow with it, ice with it, unfortunately, been deadly storm system, too. >> yes, so it, could be much different scenario, walk you through it, a sense of what's happening. outside we go to storm scan, yes, wide zoom, taking it full screen. this is a big storm system. by the time it does sort of move on in, it comes basically in as duo of fronts. we start off here, with the warmfront, currently pent up over north carolina, virginia, that's going to be lifting north. and then the trailing colds front comes along, by wednesday. so, will be basically essentially two and a half day event here. for now, we're standing into pretty chilly air here, 37 degrees, with northeast breeze, not real strong winds but enough that you notice it, it makes it feel chillier. twenty-five the current out at mount pocono, but you know, this is really about where we should be as we wrap up the final days here, of november. and we're about ready to kick off can you believe it meteorological winter already? we are seeing these temperatures again, will hold pretty much where they should be. so seasonable as we wrap up november. watching for shower to strike the area, as early as i would say sundown. specially south of philadelphia, but generally, later on tonight, that we start to see the showers picking up. meantime, your area headlines, cool start to the week. your cyber monday features that seasonable air, but the mid week storm system is going to come and run rampid with some rain, some of it heavy at times, and we will track all of that rain, and give you sense justin when you really want to keep the umbrella on hand as the show goes on, over to you. >> good heads up there. all right, here we, are headed back to work, school today, kind of easing you into the grind here with dry conditions, but still that's really not helping things much. still have to talk about few accidents going on, take you up to bucks count right now, looks like serious accident, this is route one southbound, headed toward lincoln highway. looks like two lanes are closed so it is the shoulder that's getting by. so this is going to jack things up little bit on 95. >> accident just passion cottman, looks like crews are out here trying to get this cleanings up quickly still the damage done, back up pretty far look heading toward cottman, pretty much at a crawl. northbound okay, volume also starting to increase as well. better news up in plum stealth township, durham road now reopened from earlier accident. >> no problems heading north of doylestown. travel time slowing down 95 south woodhaven to the vine, 25 minute trip due to the accident on the pennsylvania turnpike eastbound, valley forge, ben franklin salem, looking okay, 23 minutes, and eastbound on 422 oaks to 202, little bit slow, with the increased volume. >> # a, through northeast philadelphia, only 14 miles per hour the vine down to 23, blue route, still good shape northbound and southbound running at posted speeds. that's a look at your ride. >> holiday shopping frenzy continues, today, with cyber monday. another good excuse to shop, right? shoppers are predicted to break records spending $3 billion on line today. many shoppers will head to, which is expecting its busiest holiday ever, "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabeo live at one of the company's fulfillment centers in robinsville, in urge new jersey, jan, what's it like over there? busy day? >> cyber monday is the bus yes day of they're expected to sell between 33 and $37 billion. so a lot of holiday wishes are being granted today. we just had shift change at the facility here. let me tell you these guys behind me the ones never stop working talking about robots. talking little more about that scott, the amazon spokesperson, with us this morning, so what are we taking a look at? these guys work through shift change. >> working 24/7. brand new facility here in robinsville. we have thousands of robots to make sure those products get out the door as quickly as possible, bringing shelving units to our associates so they can pick them off the shelves and get them out the door. >> seamless. >> we have super busy day today. and in order to make sure all of the packages get out we have to be pretty seamless with our work. >> talking about busy day today the fourth quarter, 37 billion, what are some of the hot holiday toys and deals you got going on today? lots of great deals, of course the holidays, toys are big thing, we have 50% off of hasbro toys, today, star wars toys are super pop lay this time of year with upcoming movie. all movie tie in's very popular. so if you have daughters like i do, frozen, a good choice, we have got lots of frozen tie in's, other things like consumer electronic, amazing deals on kindle paper wire, e reader, amazing deals on kin del tablets. so we're ex seated about today, fun time of year to make the holiday dreams come true. >> very interesting space. you have miles of conveyor belts inside a 28 football field space, right? about p.m. square feet becomes 28 football fields, we have 14 miles of conveyor belt here. so, you know, when people are going to monday and they click order, you know, that makes its way through this building takes little path to get out of here but we try to get out in a matter every minutes to satisfy the customer. >> i was joking i said the only down side little loud. so i think i need to order myself some earmuffs. >> i'm sure we have them on our shelves, probably lots of choices for you, too. >> talk about the impact, you have hired thousands of people to work at this facility. >> that's right. here in this community we have 4,000 full time employees, we have added actually couple of thousand extra for this holiday season, and in the state of new jersey we have about 5,000 employees. so, it creates big impact, people if they want to work adam son can go to the installment carreers. com. come to work for us, we would love to have them. >> thank you so much. have a great day. very busy in here today, maybe surf on line, nicole, if you have any orders, maybe i can take it off the conveyor belt for you. >> i know, amazing how quick it can be delivered, jan, thanks for the update, we appreciate t of course cyber monday, may have kept more people from headed to the mall, sales on both thanksgiving and "black friday", fell in stores this year. because more people are going on line. on line sales up 14% on black fry from 2014 breaking in about 2.72, billion dollars. >> well, philadelphia police hope surveillance video can help them find two fake cops, investigators say, a pair of impersonators dressed as officers robbed two people sunday morning. first at fourth and jackson, second on the 1600 block every east passyunk. the victims told police, a man and woman identified themselves as officers and showed a badge. one fled the suspect, other victim had small amount of cash stolen after suspect demands today serve his wallet >> criminal trial tore baltimore police officer charged in the death of freddie gray begins this morning. gray's death while in police custody earlier this year, spark outrage and led to violence protests vandalism and looting. the remain five officers criminally charged in connection with gray's death will stand trial at a future date. >> chicago police officer due in court today in connection with the shooting death after teenager. officer jason vandike, was formally charged last week, with the murder of 17 year old will kwon mcdonald. dash cam video shows vandike shooting mcdonald at least 16 times. the incident occurred in october of last year. and has spark outrage monday community leaders who want to know why charges took so long. well, the 6ers will honor late great moses malone tomorrow night. and coming up next, basketball legend world be free will join us live to talk about his friend. >> also ahead, kensington palace releases new photos of princess charlotte. she is such a doll. isn't she? we'll have tell for you after the break. who ever cracks open this beer needs to give a pretty good toast, why find out why the battle is so rare and where it was discovered, that's next. >> ♪ 12 days of christmas ♪ >> oh, there it is. find out what it would cost this year, if you were to buy all of the item, bizarre list there, but hey, whatever works for you, whatever makes you happy, 12 days of chrisas. we'll break it down for you coming up next. you may not even think about that lights up your world. but we do. we're exxonmobil. and the cleaner-burning natural gas we produce generates more of our electricity than ever before... ...helping dramatically reduce america's emissions. because turning on the lights, isn't as simple as just flipping a switch. energy lives here. >> was one of the most dominant basketball players to wear a sixers uniform, sadly he's gone far too soon. tomorrow night your philadelphia 76ers will honor the late great moses malone, known as the chairman of the board, not only great on the court, he was also a real gentleman off the court. and joining us now is his friend, former sixer and the team's ambassador of that is death wall world be free. good morning to you. >> good morning to you. >> yes, so, we know tomorrow night, pretty special night watch do you guys have planned? >> very special. we will have us a lot of retired players come back, doctor jay ailment of guys back into the building, we will have a loft fun families, moses' son's basically going to be there. so it will be a good time, so, basically, if you are coming out for the celebration, come out, enjoy that half time. basically will be at half time. >> okay, we always talk about players like wilt chamberlin, but where does moses rang among the greats? in your opinion? i know you're a little biased. >> most toss me one of the best, this guy, he worked hard, professional career, he's one of those casino of guys that was not a lot of words, but he had a lot of action behind it. you know, to be with moses sometimes when i first met him was like to watch grass grow, because he just sits there. interesting analogy. >> there it is. yes, but he is one great, great individual. he will be surely missed. >> i'm sure you saw him in action, now you see today's players, how do you think he would rate among current centers? >> he would be the best, moses among the best,. >> you know, to be with the players, player against players now, he is fantastic, this guy was work hard man, and he loved the sixers, when we talk, he always talk about the sixers. up in houston, call me, what's going on? >> everything will be all right. >> sure. >> get it together, get it together. >> i like that, like the sixers, like the philly, like that he is a philly guy of course and speaking every big men, okafor, not sure if you heard the news overnight, getting in little trouble. "tmz" video action, but of course he got into the league young, age 19, right? i know moses malone same thing. so, i mean, seeing something like that play out in the media, any advice you have for these young players? who are in the spotlight so soon? a lot of the young players right now, but anything happens nowadays, kids coming into a loft money, coming into a the love people around them, around their circles, more than usual. but the thing is, once they get some veteran press wednesday them, can really control some of that, do this, don't do that, you know, and sometimes they need that, sometimes you need a father figure. he was not a basketball coach, somebody to be outside, but, you know, somebody positive with him. >> surround yourself with good people, flight. >> yes, without a doubt. that will would work. the kid has a lot of talent. >> all right, thanks for being here. >> thank you. >> appreciate it, and see you tomorrow night. >> thank you, nicole. i appreciate that. let's go sixers. let's get that win. get that win. >> we need that win under our belts. >> yes. >> we send it over to you, katie. good morning. >> thanks, nicole. yes, actually got some pretty chilly air in place, live look for you here, at sky canning three, a loft clouds currently skewing the center city skyline, but not local clouds, that's good news at least we have generally speaking some decent visibility. things change for us moving forwards in the forecast, so wet weather begins to move in eventually, as we take you out to the live neighborhood network, a glimmer, little sliver of some sunlight starting to pop outside cut town area middle school. chilly start to the day for us no less, at least again dry start, but that glimmer of sun lied is about all you'll see. we do want to check in as well with the eyewitness weather watchet, all up and about, finding some chill in the air, this morning. and one of the spots that we tends to find some of the coolest observations comes from eileen, out in bill bert ville, one of the more remote suburbs, 25 degrees, her report from over the last hour, winter coat weather, you said it, girlfriend, feeling like the holidays. i'm if the going to lie, i broke out my christmas movies the past couple of days, shamelessly so, into the holiday season, right? check if from del or's, clouds beginning to build, she feels like it is so cold she had to add couple of extra o's to her report here. yes, chilly start to the day. little breezy no less. we are eventually going to be tracking some wet weather at the moment. just dry. even off to the south you can see, the combination of some of the moisture creeping in. but, most that far not even verifying at the ground just yet. that will change with time. eventually that moisture source is going to just sort of take over, the air gets saturated enough and we end up with some showers. primarily, it happens after the sun goes down. but, through portions of delaware, through portions of even south most new jersey maybe see shower before that, and then, with that warmfront, we actually warm things up. wednesday when the cold front crosses but we shoot for 58 degrees before it does so. there is a trade off. >> at least no signs of any true cold air yet if you are not a fan of the winter weather but he can it out. do have accident, route one southbound bucks county past route 13, taking out one lane, getting by, but slowing things up little built. looked like serious accident, police activity. better news on 95 south, had the accident just past cottman, now cleared, so moving again, looks like decent sunrise, this morning, coming up in about ten minute or so. let's take to you delaware county, good morning, guys, headed out of delaware northbound on 95, pretty much hit the brakes 452, then it is a crawl, from that point all the way up through the blue route to just have some patience this morning, typical slow spots thereon 95, delaware county. also, bad news here, girard point bridge, southbound, starting 9:00. we are taking outright lane due to bridge inspection. that will back things up little bit. from 9:00 to 3:00 this afternoon today, tomorrow, wednesday, then from 8:00 to 4:00 this saturday, construction also on route 422 eastbound, and westbound side 23 to trooper road, that will be taking out one lane, today, from 9:00 to 3:00 this afternoon, day and tomorrow. that's a look at your ride, nicole, we send it back to you. >> , that, 6:49. a lot coming up on cbs this morning, charlie roads, joins us live from new york with that preview, good morning, charlie. >> good morning, nicole. in colorado springs learning more about the planned parenthood shooting and here from some survivors plus cbs news investigation, piece corpse workers say they were blame and even forced out after reporting sexual assaults. and this, closer look, at cyber monday sales, and what deals are worth your time and we talk with the scientist behind controversial pros toast edit genetic material and cure disease. the news is back in the morning, see in you about ten minutes. >> charlie i have to ask, do you do any cyber monday on line shopping? be honest. >> maybe. >> maybe, all right. >> i'm traveling so much on this monday, i've got to go to washington and back, so i'm not sure how much time i'll have for shopping, but very open to the idea of something point out something that i need to ask or what to have or have to have. >> if i see any deals, i'll sends them your way. >> let me know. >> all right, meanwhile, pope francis is calling for peace among christians and muslims as he visits the central african republic, the pope seen here saying mass this morning, made his position very clear over the weekend, on sunday he asked local african factions to late down their weapons and arm themselves with peace and forgiveness, the violence racked nation is the last stop on the pontiff's african tour. the mural the pope sign here will be formally dedicated later today. see the peace titled fate and family in the 21st century. right there, as piece of it was presented to the pope on the parkway. it is permanent home will now be on the outside wall of the saint malkey school at 11th and thompson streets here in philadelphia. well, new never before seen pictures every britain's newest princess, have been released. isn't she a cutie? the duke and duchess of cambridge released pictures every princess charlotte, actually take never early november. the princess has been a big hit as you can imagine, since she was born in may. she is just a little doll there. the duke and duchess say they're still receiving messages about her from all around the world. popular little girl. canadian diver, little bub bridge un the bubble. last week, a scuba diver found bottle burried in the floor -- sea floor with the cork and the beer still inside. experts were able to determine that the beer was produced by e alexander keith brewery, base in the halifax. marking on the glass indicate it was bottled between 1872 and 1890. makes it more than 100 years old. >> this thing somehow managed no not strike a rock under the water and smash. that alone it has been around for years, still fully intact with not even a chip taken out of it. >> get this, the booth philadelphia canadian water is actually older than canada itself. >> one craft beer retailer has offered to analyze the beer to see what i had yrigoyen were used to make it more than century ago. >> taste test it? may not be so good. we'll be right back with a cost of the 12 days every enter sleep number... she likes the bed soft. he's more hardcore. you can both adjust the bed for the best sleep of your life. only at a sleep number store, save 50% on the ultimate limited edition bed. hurry, sale ends monday. know better sleep with sleep number. and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night,blind. and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24. learn more by calling 844-824-2424. or visit >> more now on developing story, at least one person dead after overnight shooting in hatfield montgomery county. "eyewitness news" reporter justin finch is live near the scene with the latest, justin? >> nicole, good morning, now, in front that far house, is at the center of this investigation, this morning, here in hatfield township. we toll that this is the home where those calls came from. with the christmas lights on there here in the 100 block of diamond street, here, in hatfield township, there are no reports of anyone else being hospitalized or treated here at the scene this morning. this morning, so far, we do know of at least one dead and perhaps more victims. we are standing by for the montgo da's offers now investigating with hatfield township police, the street here, has now reopened the investigation, now, entering another phase, and there is no work yet of a suspect involved in this case, so far, we are live here from hatfield township, justin finch, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". >> justin, thanks for that update. right now we want check on our weather and traffic before we go. justin? katy? >> good morning. >> eventually the wet letter have impact on what happens outside, as far as commuters are concerned. for now, just tracking little bit of wet weather off to the south, but that all starts to nudge north, with time, so, by the time we hit the p.m. hours, especially by the time the sun goes down, that rain is going to start to nudge in, quick, check on the seven day for you, just one more look at it, we go on rolle coaster ride with the temperatures flirting with 60 by wednesday, but that's also when this cold front comes along. watch for wet weather later today specially tonight, tomorrow, and wednesday, before that cold front clears out, and as it does so temperatures take nice solid 10 degrees hit. justin? >> all right, well, also, day after the holiday weekend, hoping maybe people staying home, no, not happening. check it out. ben franklin bridge, back up pretty good, headed into the city, yep, so looks like typical rush hour this monday. there are your area speeds slow on 95, had the earlier accident at cottman, still running at 22 miles per hour, blue route, slowing down little bit, south of route one there. and schuylkill expressway inbound and out bound around city avenue. slow 11 piles per hour so have the patience throughout. >> and the evening commute will be bring will be little worse. >> same dole. >> hey, guys, if you bought everything, in the song the 12 days of christmas, it wouldn't cost you that much more from last year. actually, wealth management in case wondering says most prices actually stayed the same. but, the partridge, going to cost you a extra five bucks. so, if you really want that partridge, you know, $5 will do it. pear tree will cost you another two bucks, two turtle doves are $30 more than last year, and the ten lords of leaping, take 3% leap, charging more to go a little further. but put together, don't come cheap it, will cost you $34,131, that's .6 a % more than last year. but i just can't believe that the cost after lord of leaping is under 34 grand. i thought that would cost much, move more. >> i agree. little shocked it doesn't cost more than that. >> yes. >> interesting. >> leave it at that. coming up next, the scientist who helped discover way to edit dna. how that break through could help treat diseases. and today is cyber monday, like i had to remind either of these folks. i saw you busy out there trying to score your deals. we'll leave you with a shot now of amazon's fullmentment center in robinsville, new jersey, good luck to you, getting all of those bargains on line, have a great day. have a safe one. stay dry out there. if you can manage. we'll see you tomorrow. captioning funded by cbs good morning, it is monday, november 30th, 2015. welcome to "cbs this morning." paris is on high alert as world leaders gather for the largest climate change summit ever. the accused gunman in the deadly siege of a planned parenthood clinic is expected in court. we are hearing from survivors for the first time. kobe bryant rhymes his way to retirement. the nba legend says this will be his last season. we begin this morning with a look at today's "eye opener." your world in 90 seconds. what he did is domestic terrorism. >> how many more americans need to die? >> presidential candidates weigh in on the planned parenthood shoo

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Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20151130

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horizon here, at least officially. but live look overlooking center city and the ben franklin bryn, all clear, you're fine this morning, as you travel out and about. no visibility problems, whatsoever. storm scan, clear as a bell at this point. >> three hour loop, notice, you have few speckles evergreen start to pop up here on the tail end that far loop. most of it, not even verifying as precipitation at the ground level yet. >> make no mistake, un generally clear sky through most of the overnight, chance to drop off readily here down at freezing or below from trenton, westbound toward reading, to up allentown, mount pocono, in the 20's this hour. thirty-seven chilly degrees, to start it off at the airport, too. thankfully don't need the umbrella here better part of the day, granted clouds will be thickening with time here, and eventually, the showers move in, but we've got good solid window of dry weather window opportunity, looks like the showers probably don't get started until after the sun goes down. >> good news, both commutes should be okay. tomorrow morning different story with the storm rolling on in. temperatures today right where they should be upper 40's to near 50 degrees. heads up penndot out cleaning up hey bales. >> meantime, hey bales to the side, hopefully traffic will move through us, no problems, in the next ten, 15 minutes or so. forty-two freeway headed northbound, a lot of volume now, heading in toward the city but speeds still running okay. and then, 95 cottman, beginning to stack up little bit travel time, eastbound, 476 to the vine looks good, 14 minute trip at the moment. on the blue route, from 76 to 95 southbound, no problems, 422 eastbound, to oaks to 202 also good shape. again, still the jersey turnpike northbound just past exit eight. do have the left lane blocked on the outer drive, heads up if you are headed north into northern new jersey this morning. that's a look at your ride, nicole, we send it back to you. >> justin, thank up. we are following developing story this morning, police are at the scene of shooting in a quiet montgomery county neighborhood. let's get the latest now from "eyewitness news" reporter justin finch live near the scene in hatfield. justin, good morning. >> here in hatfield township just moments ago there is street has been closed for hours, hatfield police continue their investigation, what we know so far, reports of shooting came in, close to 2:00 this morning, here, on the 100 block of diamond street. this is residential block. at this time, at least one death reported, one body we just saw, a while ago, being carried from the scene here. now, there are report here, on the gown there is may be a multiple shooting, no word if any victims here on the ground here being hospitalized or treated here on the scene. >> we spoke to neighbor who lives up the street from the scene. he does not know the residence but calls the timing unfortunate. >> this is a time of the year, where, you know, people get maybe get despondent. but for whatever their reasons are, but i can't say for sure. >> now, neighbors are waking up with only pieces of information, this morning, to the scene outside their doors seeing coroner's advance and police on the ground, again, waiting for update from the month co-d.a.'s office at this time. this is an ac stiff scene, remains under investigation this morning. we are live in hatfield township, justin finch, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". >> justin, thank you for the update. meanwhile five firefighters recovering this morning after authorities say their firetrucks crashed on their way to call. shows the moment of impact at the corner of 55th and baltimore where the truck lost control. and hit two park cars. one eyewitness was working nearby at the time, when he heard the loud crash. >> he was crazy. i tell you, man, real craze. >> i how loud was it? >> like a bomb, yes, like a bomb. >> fortunately, officials say, no one else was injured, and all five firefighters are expected to fully recover. it is still unclear at this time what caused the firetruck to lose control. >> authorities investigating what caused a tractor-trailer lose control, crash into a dealership in south philadelphia. >> this happened around 9:00 last night the 6800 block every essington avenue. peco was on scene, after the truck knocked down live wires. crews restored power to about 100 customers, and there are no reports of injuries. happening today, the accused gunman in the colorado planned parenthood attack is expected to appear in court. police say after he was arrested, robert deer said no more baby parts. the attack left three people dead and nine injured. >> well, new video, shows the police shooting that killed a 12 year old cleveland boy, a year ago. >> the grand jury continues going over evidence whether to invite the officer involved in the case. don champion has the latest from new york. >> this released by prosecutors offer the weekends, frame by frame, breaks down the final moments of 12 year old tamire rice's life, including the instant he was shot by rookie cleveland officer, timothy low man, 22nd after he got out of his patrol car. >> we see tamire's arm and shoulder, sort of lifting upward. it is unclear whether that's in reaction to one of the shots that missed him. or to the shot that hit him in the stomach. in the next frame tamire is doubled over and clearly last been shot. >> the shooting happened last novas low man and his partner responding to 911 call about armed man. the gun in question, looked like a real firearm, but was a pellet gun, today, grand jurors who have been hearing testimony for five weeks will hear from tamire's mother. >> gives me strength to know that i have all of you guys up lift me. >> experts for the prosecution maintain the use of force was justified, because the officers had no way of knowing the gun might have been fake. rice's family want their own experts to testify, and dispute those claims. the two officers involved are expected to testify in the coming weeks. don champion, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". and now that "black friday" is over, it is time for cyber monday, americans expected to spends $3 billion on line shopping today, up 12% from last year, stores are rolling out discount on the hole he is tech gifts and toys. "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabeo more on cyber monday from local amazon center, coming up at 6:30. amazon has created new faster way to make deliveries. the retail giant has unveiled a new drone designed to deliver packages right to your door in less than an hour. the company showed off its new prototype in a video on line starring former tomorrow gear host, jeremy clarkson. amazon says that prime members will be able to get packages air dropped, in as little as a half hour. the company is still waiting for final approval from the government before launching. wow. that is incredible. all right, happening right now, president obama and other world leaders are in paris to discuss what to do about climate change. we'll get an update on that. and show you more of this new video, after drone, checking out glaciers in the arctic sea. find out just how fast they're melting. and coming up a little later, clears to the scuba driver who just found rare bottle of beer in waters off of nova scotia. we'll tell you what makes this such an incredible discovery. >> ♪ back to life ♪ >> your a wacking up after a long holiday weekend, maybe couple of days off, back to life. back it reality, but it is not so bad out there. hopefully you're baking up with us, and we'll take a short break and be right back. >> ♪ love or like? naughty or nice? calm or bright? but at bedtime... why settle for this? enter sleep number. don't miss the ultimate sleep number week going on now! sleepiq technology tells you how you slept and what adjustments you can make. she likes the bed soft. he's more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good, to great, to wow! give the gift of amazing sleep, only at a sleep number store. this week only, save 50% on the ultimate limited edition bed. hurry, sale ends monday. know better sleep with sleep number. millions of people will go back to work today after returning home on one of the busiest travel days of the year. "eyewitness news" at philadelphia international airport yesterday, where many people scrambled to catch last minute flights to make it back home after the holiday. we caught up with some families who had bittersweet good-byes. because he's my only child. and he's going to colorado right now, and i'll miss him. >> we're planning our wedding right now, just little rough. things are always a little emotional when we leave each other. but, you know, it is happy tears. >> oh, concellations at philadelphia international airport were minimal, though, and security lines moved at steady pace, despite last week's travel advisory from the state department warning of travel risks, due to increased terrorist threats. all right, let's get a check on the forecast, we know there is some rain in our future, right, katy? >> certainly s nothing out there at the moment, nicole, but starting to see some of the moisture creep little further north here, across virginia, southern portions of delmarva peninsula, as well, eventually those clouds overtake the region and then they'll be followed up by wet weather for our area, so, you will see some sun initially in most locations, don't bank on it being a sunny day however because of the warmfront starting to lift n the bigger picture here is the storm system bringing in dangerous conditions, frankly, with the heavy snow falling across portions of not even just south minute society, a southeastern minnesota but also into wisconsin, quite a bit of ice with the colder air wrapping in on the back side of the storm. but we're strictly looking at rainout of this. and it is really just the front that crossed through, the actual center of low pressure will bypass us to the north. here is how it shakes out. 8:00 a.m., start out with little sunshine, again the clouds build, in even by later on today, specially through the first state of delaware, might ends up with a shower here, for the evening rush, but primarily, any rain that comes with this warmfront, waits until long after the sun's gone down. then it is casino of just with us tomorrow, showers, probably even pocket of heavy rain as indicated on future weather here, at some point tomorrow, when we will likely catch at least bit of a break before the cold front starts to nudge in, so wednesday, too, also features some rainfall. that said, for now, off to dry start. watch for shower late in the day. billing in from south to north. high of 49, pretty seasonable all things considered. but we tart to see the wet weather overtaking and over spread the delaware valley as we heed into tonight as we mention, 43 degrees, the expected low, so little bit of balancing act there since it warmer air moving in, won't be as cold through the overnight. we towelly flirt with 60 on wednesday. but again, there is cold front, sweeping on in here, so it will knock us right back to reality by thursday. >> little rain, too. >> and flirting with 60 as we kick off december. common. >> we've had a good run, haven't we? >> we were just talking about that last year, the day before thanksgiving, snow. >> yes. >> pretty good snow. >> don't remind us. >> no. >> come on. >> got to keep it real. >> no signs every cold air coming up in the next few weeks, but on the roads really for monday morning, dealing with volume this morning, a the low of people headed back to school and work today. lucky extending your vacation one more day, 95 approaching columbus, 59 northbound, we had some hey bales on the road. looks like they got that cleaned up. penndot finishing up that right now. so there you go, a shot there, things looking okay. but, 95, south, cottman, look at that, stack up pretty good. so it is a crawl headed toward the vine street expressway. you can set your watch by. that will we take to you delaware couldn't, northbound 95, 452, moving okay, volume starting to pick up little bit. but again, things jam up, typically right around the commodore barry bridge. up to the doylestown, plum stealth township still durham road closed at this point, near stump road. due to dump truck, downed polls, and some wires. here are the area speeds, vine street expressway down to 37 miles per hour, still, looking okay, through northeast philadelphia. but you hit the brakes, right around cottman, right now, the blue route, also looking good northbound and southbound, running at the speed limit, the turnpike, into new jersey, heads up, just past exit eight. so far north central new jersey we do have truck fire, taking out one lane on the outer roadway. that's a look at your ride. nicole, over to you. >> justin, thank up. 6:15, up next, latest on the un climate talks in par ills. and basketball legend kobe bryant is retiring. we'll hear from the lower merion native phil! (under his breath) hey man! hey peter. (unenthusiastic) oh... ha ha ha! joanne? is that you? it's me... you don't look a day over 70. am i right? jingle jingle. if you're peter pan, you stay young forever. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. ♪ you make me feel so young... it's what you do. ♪ you make me feel ♪ so spring has sprung. this is violet. she's been waiting for this moment for awhile. a moment other kids wouldn't think twice about. her first bowl of cheerios. because now that cheerios are gluten free, violet, and many others are enjoying their first bowl today. sobering view from a drone, glare nerves nor way, green lands, have retreated faster in the past ten years, and over the decades since sky tis cents starting measuring their size and movement. the united nations environment program says global warming almost certainly responsible for the decrease in extent and thickness of arctic sea ice. well, concerns over global warming, bringing together world leaders in paris. president obama arrived at the climate conference earlier this morning. leaders from about 100 nations are at the summit to present plans for a greener world. many of them have pledged to cut gwen house gases, blamed for rising temperatures. >> president obama paid a visit to the bataclan theater, leida single white rose for those killed in the terror attacks earlier this month. the president phrased france's decision not to call off that conference. what a powerful rebuke to the terrorists it will be when the world stands as one and shows that we will not be deterred from building a better future for our children. >> on the eve of the summit, paris police clashed with protesters, defying ban on demonstrations, nearly 200 people were arrested. virtual free being projected on to the tower, the coordinates with users cameras to crow ate a sort of heartbeat. it is called one heart, one tree. organizers say, they'll plant real tree for every person who logs into that app. pretty cool. >> well, one of the biggest stars in the nba is calling it a career. philly native and likely first balance odd hall of famer kobe bryant says he'll retire at the end of this season. his first stop after the announcement, is tomorrow night, against the sixers in philadelphia. where it all began. >> so much of my game was developed from philadelphia, lower merion high school, playing in the sunny hill league, so many of the great coaches, playing at the playgrounds, ardmore playground, all of these things, just so many, so many great memories there. and then so many very, very special moments. >> yes, kobe went from montgomery county's lower merion high school right to the nba. he's third on the nba career scoring list, with more than 32,000 points. he's won 5nba championships and two olympic gold met as, named to the nba all-star team 17 times. kobe has been slowed by injuries of course this year, he's played only 41 games. so, what will you remember most about kobe bryant's time in the nba? go ahead, connect with us on facebook and twitter, use the #cbs3. all right, 6:21 right now. word is adele is breaking records with her new albumn. and creed was massive box office success, how did it fair nationwide? the numbers are n katie tracking showers, right? >> indeed i am. they're not here yet, nicole. but warmfront lifting ever closer in from the south. so eventually we'll have to talk about wet weather. i'll tell when you you want to have the umbrella at the ready. full details are judge ♪ >> adele has sold record breaking number of copies, of her knee albumn, 25. and in its first week she sold 3.38 million copies. that beat the previous single sales week record by nearly a million. twenty-five has also become the best selling albumn of the year, ahead of the 1.8 million copies sold, of taylor swift's 1989. and actress ann hathaway is reportedly pregnant. this is so great. e news is report that hathaway and her husband, adam shulman, are expecting their first child. the couple married in september of 2012. the intern star told vogue in 2013 that she looked forward to finding or starting i should say, her family. >> well deserved treat for the cast and crew of the creed. more than 150 locals involved in the film attended special screening at the movie tavern in exton. the dine-in theater partnered with the film's organizers to celebrate the hard work that many put for the for the latest rocky installment. >> tonight is a celebration of all of the people who helped make this movie happen. a lot of the backgrounds players in the film who, therefore, a lot of the shooting of the big finale fight scene, it is a long hard day for these folks. and this is a great thank you for all of them for what they did. >> industry analysts say creed is a massive box office success here in philadelphia. helping the fill tomorrow debut in the number three shot at the box office nationally. here is a look at the top five movies, hunger games remains number one, the good dinosaur, is second, and creed is coming in third place, earning more than $30 million. specter was fourth, followed by the peanuts movie. >> all right, 6:26 right now. coming up in the next half hour every "eyewitness news", it is cyber monday, folks. and jan is live at a place that will see a lot of activity today. right, jan? >> it is chit change here at the amazon center in robinsville, new jersey, but the robots never stop working after all this is the biggest day for in the entire year. we will take you behind the scenes, straight ahead. >> good monday morning, everyone, back it reality, little rough, 95, just past cottman, southbound, we do have an accident, that's jamming things up. we've got your full traffic report coming up when "eyewitness news" you got your big games... ...cheese plates, turkey, appetizers. and regular games. get it all at a great price... ...and the holiday season is won. that's my boy! fill your cart with everything you need this season, all at one place. my giant. all at one place. it's the holidays. which means a house full of people -- who all want to get online. so it's the perfect time for verizon fios. it has the fastest internet and wifi available. with speeds from 50 to 500 megs. and right now, you'll get 50 meg fios internet, tv and phone for 79.99 a month online for your first year. and with a 2 year agreement, we'll give you all the premium movie channels for a year. plus, 400 dollars back. so go online or call now. get out of the past. get fios. my k-cup® filter is back. now you can make anything, even a piece of home. the single se-arve-make-your-favorites exactly-how-you-like-it machine. keurig hot. your favorites. your way. and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night,blind. and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24. learn more by calling 844-824-2424. or visit >> the good news this morning, it will be dry, most of the day today, the bad news, we are tracking some showers, and pretty big storm system. right, katy? >> it is a very large storm system. you can actually see, i mean, pretty taking up the eastern two thirds of the us here, snow with it, ice with it, unfortunately, been deadly storm system, too. >> yes, so it, could be much different scenario, walk you through it, a sense of what's happening. outside we go to storm scan, yes, wide zoom, taking it full screen. this is a big storm system. by the time it does sort of move on in, it comes basically in as duo of fronts. we start off here, with the warmfront, currently pent up over north carolina, virginia, that's going to be lifting north. and then the trailing colds front comes along, by wednesday. so, will be basically essentially two and a half day event here. for now, we're standing into pretty chilly air here, 37 degrees, with northeast breeze, not real strong winds but enough that you notice it, it makes it feel chillier. twenty-five the current out at mount pocono, but you know, this is really about where we should be as we wrap up the final days here, of november. and we're about ready to kick off can you believe it meteorological winter already? we are seeing these temperatures again, will hold pretty much where they should be. so seasonable as we wrap up november. watching for shower to strike the area, as early as i would say sundown. specially south of philadelphia, but generally, later on tonight, that we start to see the showers picking up. meantime, your area headlines, cool start to the week. your cyber monday features that seasonable air, but the mid week storm system is going to come and run rampid with some rain, some of it heavy at times, and we will track all of that rain, and give you sense justin when you really want to keep the umbrella on hand as the show goes on, over to you. >> good heads up there. all right, here we, are headed back to work, school today, kind of easing you into the grind here with dry conditions, but still that's really not helping things much. still have to talk about few accidents going on, take you up to bucks count right now, looks like serious accident, this is route one southbound, headed toward lincoln highway. looks like two lanes are closed so it is the shoulder that's getting by. so this is going to jack things up little bit on 95. >> accident just passion cottman, looks like crews are out here trying to get this cleanings up quickly still the damage done, back up pretty far look heading toward cottman, pretty much at a crawl. northbound okay, volume also starting to increase as well. better news up in plum stealth township, durham road now reopened from earlier accident. >> no problems heading north of doylestown. travel time slowing down 95 south woodhaven to the vine, 25 minute trip due to the accident on the pennsylvania turnpike eastbound, valley forge, ben franklin salem, looking okay, 23 minutes, and eastbound on 422 oaks to 202, little bit slow, with the increased volume. >> # a, through northeast philadelphia, only 14 miles per hour the vine down to 23, blue route, still good shape northbound and southbound running at posted speeds. that's a look at your ride. >> holiday shopping frenzy continues, today, with cyber monday. another good excuse to shop, right? shoppers are predicted to break records spending $3 billion on line today. many shoppers will head to, which is expecting its busiest holiday ever, "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabeo live at one of the company's fulfillment centers in robinsville, in urge new jersey, jan, what's it like over there? busy day? >> cyber monday is the bus yes day of they're expected to sell between 33 and $37 billion. so a lot of holiday wishes are being granted today. we just had shift change at the facility here. let me tell you these guys behind me the ones never stop working talking about robots. talking little more about that scott, the amazon spokesperson, with us this morning, so what are we taking a look at? these guys work through shift change. >> working 24/7. brand new facility here in robinsville. we have thousands of robots to make sure those products get out the door as quickly as possible, bringing shelving units to our associates so they can pick them off the shelves and get them out the door. >> seamless. >> we have super busy day today. and in order to make sure all of the packages get out we have to be pretty seamless with our work. >> talking about busy day today the fourth quarter, 37 billion, what are some of the hot holiday toys and deals you got going on today? lots of great deals, of course the holidays, toys are big thing, we have 50% off of hasbro toys, today, star wars toys are super pop lay this time of year with upcoming movie. all movie tie in's very popular. so if you have daughters like i do, frozen, a good choice, we have got lots of frozen tie in's, other things like consumer electronic, amazing deals on kindle paper wire, e reader, amazing deals on kin del tablets. so we're ex seated about today, fun time of year to make the holiday dreams come true. >> very interesting space. you have miles of conveyor belts inside a 28 football field space, right? about p.m. square feet becomes 28 football fields, we have 14 miles of conveyor belt here. so, you know, when people are going to monday and they click order, you know, that makes its way through this building takes little path to get out of here but we try to get out in a matter every minutes to satisfy the customer. >> i was joking i said the only down side little loud. so i think i need to order myself some earmuffs. >> i'm sure we have them on our shelves, probably lots of choices for you, too. >> talk about the impact, you have hired thousands of people to work at this facility. >> that's right. here in this community we have 4,000 full time employees, we have added actually couple of thousand extra for this holiday season, and in the state of new jersey we have about 5,000 employees. so, it creates big impact, people if they want to work adam son can go to the installment carreers. com. come to work for us, we would love to have them. >> thank you so much. have a great day. very busy in here today, maybe surf on line, nicole, if you have any orders, maybe i can take it off the conveyor belt for you. >> i know, amazing how quick it can be delivered, jan, thanks for the update, we appreciate t of course cyber monday, may have kept more people from headed to the mall, sales on both thanksgiving and "black friday", fell in stores this year. because more people are going on line. on line sales up 14% on black fry from 2014 breaking in about 2.72, billion dollars. >> well, philadelphia police hope surveillance video can help them find two fake cops, investigators say, a pair of impersonators dressed as officers robbed two people sunday morning. first at fourth and jackson, second on the 1600 block every east passyunk. the victims told police, a man and woman identified themselves as officers and showed a badge. one fled the suspect, other victim had small amount of cash stolen after suspect demands today serve his wallet >> criminal trial tore baltimore police officer charged in the death of freddie gray begins this morning. gray's death while in police custody earlier this year, spark outrage and led to violence protests vandalism and looting. the remain five officers criminally charged in connection with gray's death will stand trial at a future date. >> chicago police officer due in court today in connection with the shooting death after teenager. officer jason vandike, was formally charged last week, with the murder of 17 year old will kwon mcdonald. dash cam video shows vandike shooting mcdonald at least 16 times. the incident occurred in october of last year. and has spark outrage monday community leaders who want to know why charges took so long. well, the 6ers will honor late great moses malone tomorrow night. and coming up next, basketball legend world be free will join us live to talk about his friend. >> also ahead, kensington palace releases new photos of princess charlotte. she is such a doll. isn't she? we'll have tell for you after the break. who ever cracks open this beer needs to give a pretty good toast, why find out why the battle is so rare and where it was discovered, that's next. >> ♪ 12 days of christmas ♪ >> oh, there it is. find out what it would cost this year, if you were to buy all of the item, bizarre list there, but hey, whatever works for you, whatever makes you happy, 12 days of chrisas. we'll break it down for you coming up next. you may not even think about that lights up your world. but we do. we're exxonmobil. and the cleaner-burning natural gas we produce generates more of our electricity than ever before... ...helping dramatically reduce america's emissions. because turning on the lights, isn't as simple as just flipping a switch. energy lives here. >> was one of the most dominant basketball players to wear a sixers uniform, sadly he's gone far too soon. tomorrow night your philadelphia 76ers will honor the late great moses malone, known as the chairman of the board, not only great on the court, he was also a real gentleman off the court. and joining us now is his friend, former sixer and the team's ambassador of that is death wall world be free. good morning to you. >> good morning to you. >> yes, so, we know tomorrow night, pretty special night watch do you guys have planned? >> very special. we will have us a lot of retired players come back, doctor jay ailment of guys back into the building, we will have a loft fun families, moses' son's basically going to be there. so it will be a good time, so, basically, if you are coming out for the celebration, come out, enjoy that half time. basically will be at half time. >> okay, we always talk about players like wilt chamberlin, but where does moses rang among the greats? in your opinion? i know you're a little biased. >> most toss me one of the best, this guy, he worked hard, professional career, he's one of those casino of guys that was not a lot of words, but he had a lot of action behind it. you know, to be with moses sometimes when i first met him was like to watch grass grow, because he just sits there. interesting analogy. >> there it is. yes, but he is one great, great individual. he will be surely missed. >> i'm sure you saw him in action, now you see today's players, how do you think he would rate among current centers? >> he would be the best, moses among the best,. >> you know, to be with the players, player against players now, he is fantastic, this guy was work hard man, and he loved the sixers, when we talk, he always talk about the sixers. up in houston, call me, what's going on? >> everything will be all right. >> sure. >> get it together, get it together. >> i like that, like the sixers, like the philly, like that he is a philly guy of course and speaking every big men, okafor, not sure if you heard the news overnight, getting in little trouble. "tmz" video action, but of course he got into the league young, age 19, right? i know moses malone same thing. so, i mean, seeing something like that play out in the media, any advice you have for these young players? who are in the spotlight so soon? a lot of the young players right now, but anything happens nowadays, kids coming into a loft money, coming into a the love people around them, around their circles, more than usual. but the thing is, once they get some veteran press wednesday them, can really control some of that, do this, don't do that, you know, and sometimes they need that, sometimes you need a father figure. he was not a basketball coach, somebody to be outside, but, you know, somebody positive with him. >> surround yourself with good people, flight. >> yes, without a doubt. that will would work. the kid has a lot of talent. >> all right, thanks for being here. >> thank you. >> appreciate it, and see you tomorrow night. >> thank you, nicole. i appreciate that. let's go sixers. let's get that win. get that win. >> we need that win under our belts. >> yes. >> we send it over to you, katie. good morning. >> thanks, nicole. yes, actually got some pretty chilly air in place, live look for you here, at sky canning three, a loft clouds currently skewing the center city skyline, but not local clouds, that's good news at least we have generally speaking some decent visibility. things change for us moving forwards in the forecast, so wet weather begins to move in eventually, as we take you out to the live neighborhood network, a glimmer, little sliver of some sunlight starting to pop outside cut town area middle school. chilly start to the day for us no less, at least again dry start, but that glimmer of sun lied is about all you'll see. we do want to check in as well with the eyewitness weather watchet, all up and about, finding some chill in the air, this morning. and one of the spots that we tends to find some of the coolest observations comes from eileen, out in bill bert ville, one of the more remote suburbs, 25 degrees, her report from over the last hour, winter coat weather, you said it, girlfriend, feeling like the holidays. i'm if the going to lie, i broke out my christmas movies the past couple of days, shamelessly so, into the holiday season, right? check if from del or's, clouds beginning to build, she feels like it is so cold she had to add couple of extra o's to her report here. yes, chilly start to the day. little breezy no less. we are eventually going to be tracking some wet weather at the moment. just dry. even off to the south you can see, the combination of some of the moisture creeping in. but, most that far not even verifying at the ground just yet. that will change with time. eventually that moisture source is going to just sort of take over, the air gets saturated enough and we end up with some showers. primarily, it happens after the sun goes down. but, through portions of delaware, through portions of even south most new jersey maybe see shower before that, and then, with that warmfront, we actually warm things up. wednesday when the cold front crosses but we shoot for 58 degrees before it does so. there is a trade off. >> at least no signs of any true cold air yet if you are not a fan of the winter weather but he can it out. do have accident, route one southbound bucks county past route 13, taking out one lane, getting by, but slowing things up little built. looked like serious accident, police activity. better news on 95 south, had the accident just past cottman, now cleared, so moving again, looks like decent sunrise, this morning, coming up in about ten minute or so. let's take to you delaware county, good morning, guys, headed out of delaware northbound on 95, pretty much hit the brakes 452, then it is a crawl, from that point all the way up through the blue route to just have some patience this morning, typical slow spots thereon 95, delaware county. also, bad news here, girard point bridge, southbound, starting 9:00. we are taking outright lane due to bridge inspection. that will back things up little bit. from 9:00 to 3:00 this afternoon today, tomorrow, wednesday, then from 8:00 to 4:00 this saturday, construction also on route 422 eastbound, and westbound side 23 to trooper road, that will be taking out one lane, today, from 9:00 to 3:00 this afternoon, day and tomorrow. that's a look at your ride, nicole, we send it back to you. >> , that, 6:49. a lot coming up on cbs this morning, charlie roads, joins us live from new york with that preview, good morning, charlie. >> good morning, nicole. in colorado springs learning more about the planned parenthood shooting and here from some survivors plus cbs news investigation, piece corpse workers say they were blame and even forced out after reporting sexual assaults. and this, closer look, at cyber monday sales, and what deals are worth your time and we talk with the scientist behind controversial pros toast edit genetic material and cure disease. the news is back in the morning, see in you about ten minutes. >> charlie i have to ask, do you do any cyber monday on line shopping? be honest. >> maybe. >> maybe, all right. >> i'm traveling so much on this monday, i've got to go to washington and back, so i'm not sure how much time i'll have for shopping, but very open to the idea of something point out something that i need to ask or what to have or have to have. >> if i see any deals, i'll sends them your way. >> let me know. >> all right, meanwhile, pope francis is calling for peace among christians and muslims as he visits the central african republic, the pope seen here saying mass this morning, made his position very clear over the weekend, on sunday he asked local african factions to late down their weapons and arm themselves with peace and forgiveness, the violence racked nation is the last stop on the pontiff's african tour. the mural the pope sign here will be formally dedicated later today. see the peace titled fate and family in the 21st century. right there, as piece of it was presented to the pope on the parkway. it is permanent home will now be on the outside wall of the saint malkey school at 11th and thompson streets here in philadelphia. well, new never before seen pictures every britain's newest princess, have been released. isn't she a cutie? the duke and duchess of cambridge released pictures every princess charlotte, actually take never early november. the princess has been a big hit as you can imagine, since she was born in may. she is just a little doll there. the duke and duchess say they're still receiving messages about her from all around the world. popular little girl. canadian diver, little bub bridge un the bubble. last week, a scuba diver found bottle burried in the floor -- sea floor with the cork and the beer still inside. experts were able to determine that the beer was produced by e alexander keith brewery, base in the halifax. marking on the glass indicate it was bottled between 1872 and 1890. makes it more than 100 years old. >> this thing somehow managed no not strike a rock under the water and smash. that alone it has been around for years, still fully intact with not even a chip taken out of it. >> get this, the booth philadelphia canadian water is actually older than canada itself. >> one craft beer retailer has offered to analyze the beer to see what i had yrigoyen were used to make it more than century ago. >> taste test it? may not be so good. we'll be right back with a cost of the 12 days every enter sleep number... she likes the bed soft. he's more hardcore. you can both adjust the bed for the best sleep of your life. only at a sleep number store, save 50% on the ultimate limited edition bed. hurry, sale ends monday. know better sleep with sleep number. and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night,blind. and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24. learn more by calling 844-824-2424. or visit >> more now on developing story, at least one person dead after overnight shooting in hatfield montgomery county. "eyewitness news" reporter justin finch is live near the scene with the latest, justin? >> nicole, good morning, now, in front that far house, is at the center of this investigation, this morning, here in hatfield township. we toll that this is the home where those calls came from. with the christmas lights on there here in the 100 block of diamond street, here, in hatfield township, there are no reports of anyone else being hospitalized or treated here at the scene this morning. this morning, so far, we do know of at least one dead and perhaps more victims. we are standing by for the montgo da's offers now investigating with hatfield township police, the street here, has now reopened the investigation, now, entering another phase, and there is no work yet of a suspect involved in this case, so far, we are live here from hatfield township, justin finch, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". >> justin, thanks for that update. right now we want check on our weather and traffic before we go. justin? katy? >> good morning. >> eventually the wet letter have impact on what happens outside, as far as commuters are concerned. for now, just tracking little bit of wet weather off to the south, but that all starts to nudge north, with time, so, by the time we hit the p.m. hours, especially by the time the sun goes down, that rain is going to start to nudge in, quick, check on the seven day for you, just one more look at it, we go on rolle coaster ride with the temperatures flirting with 60 by wednesday, but that's also when this cold front comes along. watch for wet weather later today specially tonight, tomorrow, and wednesday, before that cold front clears out, and as it does so temperatures take nice solid 10 degrees hit. justin? >> all right, well, also, day after the holiday weekend, hoping maybe people staying home, no, not happening. check it out. ben franklin bridge, back up pretty good, headed into the city, yep, so looks like typical rush hour this monday. there are your area speeds slow on 95, had the earlier accident at cottman, still running at 22 miles per hour, blue route, slowing down little bit, south of route one there. and schuylkill expressway inbound and out bound around city avenue. slow 11 piles per hour so have the patience throughout. >> and the evening commute will be bring will be little worse. >> same dole. >> hey, guys, if you bought everything, in the song the 12 days of christmas, it wouldn't cost you that much more from last year. actually, wealth management in case wondering says most prices actually stayed the same. but, the partridge, going to cost you a extra five bucks. so, if you really want that partridge, you know, $5 will do it. pear tree will cost you another two bucks, two turtle doves are $30 more than last year, and the ten lords of leaping, take 3% leap, charging more to go a little further. but put together, don't come cheap it, will cost you $34,131, that's .6 a % more than last year. but i just can't believe that the cost after lord of leaping is under 34 grand. i thought that would cost much, move more. >> i agree. little shocked it doesn't cost more than that. >> yes. >> interesting. >> leave it at that. coming up next, the scientist who helped discover way to edit dna. how that break through could help treat diseases. and today is cyber monday, like i had to remind either of these folks. i saw you busy out there trying to score your deals. we'll leave you with a shot now of amazon's fullmentment center in robinsville, new jersey, good luck to you, getting all of those bargains on line, have a great day. have a safe one. stay dry out there. if you can manage. we'll see you tomorrow. captioning funded by cbs good morning, it is monday, november 30th, 2015. welcome to "cbs this morning." paris is on high alert as world leaders gather for the largest climate change summit ever. the accused gunman in the deadly siege of a planned parenthood clinic is expected in court. we are hearing from survivors for the first time. kobe bryant rhymes his way to retirement. the nba legend says this will be his last season. we begin this morning with a look at today's "eye opener." your world in 90 seconds. what he did is domestic terrorism. >> how many more americans need to die? >> presidential candidates weigh in on the planned parenthood shoo

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