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Summer gear. We will be locked in a very julylike pattern, over the next several days. We look outside this morning, you can see, starting to brighten up already out there. Beautiful clear start to the day. Blue skies, and looking great here, as we take live look on skycam 3, out toward center city, from our studios, and ill tell you, just on the skydeck scene, the view is beautiful, moon is gorgeous, sunrise looks like it will be phenominal, as well. So hopefully youll youre up early and enjoying this, storm scan3 at the moment looking clear. We have High Pressure in control. So any clouds relegated to the great lakes, up into portions every new england, skies will clear, will stay that way, nothing to show you, almost looks like the compute is her lock up there. Clear sky through the day today. Temperatures right now back to 50, after dropping into the 40s briefly mount pocono, hitting probably our morning low of 66 here in philadelphia, at the moment. Sixtyone in wilmington, and 55 degrees right now, in millville. Planning your day, weve got sunny start, low 70s again by 9 00 a. M. Eightytwo by noon, then up into the upper 80s, gorgeous summer afternoon, at 88 degrees, but, after yesterdays seasonable high of eight a, today back to the upper 80s, notice the heat keeps climb willing, 90s start tomorrow, and continue into next week, coming up with the seven day, ill tell you how long the nines will last. Kate, thank you. New this morning, a woman is in the hospital after she was hit by a car while riding her bike last night. It happened around 12 30, at the intersection of 22nd street and the ben franklin parkway. Trapped for several minute, underneath the car. She has been taken to the hospital with fractured bones, were toll alcohol was involved, but it is not clear if the driver of the car or the biker had been drinking. And, fire crews responded to Apartment Fire overnight in bustleton, broke out just before 3 30 this morning in the 9800 block of haldeman avenue. The fire started in a basement, one resident says, the alarm woke up he and his wife and thats when they evacuated. She looked in the hallway, saw smoke, so we just got out. We got alarm system. That will went off. And it is a terrible feeling. Another resident has been taken to the hospital. No word on that persons condition. And, in the olney section of the city this morning, crews are battling a fire as well. It happened around 4 00 in the 5400 block of north mascher street. Now, luckily, no one was injured in this. There is no word yet on what caused the fire. Well, a mother is outraged after she says her three year old somehow got out after day care center, and walk home. It happened at kinder world on hamilton avenue in hamilton, Mercer County thursday. Little darryl ortiz crossed the road and walked two blocks home. His mother was shock when the teen daughter called to say the three year old was at the side door crying. She went right back to the day care to get an explanation. I couldnt believe that my son had made it back over here without anybody noticing at the school he was gone. I didnt come home. I went straight to the school to talk to the director, asked for explanation, how come nobody noticed he was gone, she had nothing to say other than give me apology and said it wouldnt happen again. Ortiz said she has filed complaint with the Police Department and the department of children and family. Well, Tropical Storm erika left a trail of destruction, in part of the caribbean, and could hit florida by monday. Erika caused massive flooding on the island of dominica. Mudslides there wiped out homes and roads and so far that storm has killed at least 20 people and left another 31 missing. Meantime, people in florida lining up for things like gas, food, and water, as the system barrels their way. Cbs news correspondent david begno has more on the preparation. Erika is moving through the caribbean. These storm caused massive flooding when it hit the island of dom inch co, mud slide wiped out homes, roads, more than dozen people dead, more are missing. Cbs news producer Deidra Robinson is in the capitol. People have lost their homes, and property, and lives, to the landslides. Much of the island does not have power at all. Erika hit puerto rico friday. And slashed the Dominican Republic with heavy rain, 50mile per hour winds. People in florida are lining up for gasoline, food, and water, as erika barrels toward the us. You never know. Thats the truth. Only the big guy up there. The storm expected to reach floridas gulf coast by monday. The main thing, this is not going to be much after wind event, as it will be a rain event, and a wet storm. The governor warning resident who may be feeling complacent, this is a storm they need to take seriously. Youve got your parent, your siblings, your kids, your grand kids, how do i get them ready . Do i have enough water . Do i have enough food . Is there medicine i might snead. Florida governor already declared a state of emergency. David begno, cbs news, surf side florida. Well, exactly ten years ago, Hurricane Katrina battered the gulf coast, flooding 80 of new orleans, when the levies faithed, and killing more than 1800 people. Today is the citywide day of service to mark that anniversary. Cbs news core upon dent joining us live from new orleans with more, good morning. Reporter good morning, nicole, and to everybody. The mayor has talk about resilience all week, leading up to today. And there are signs of progress, everywhere. Tourism is booming. The new levy system is remarkable in the citys culture thriving. Still, many families, even a decade later, are still struggling. If time heals all wounds. I just got on my knees, prayed to god, be safe. Lydia needs more of it. She was trapped on hospital roof for five days during Hurricane Katrina. Then, she couldnt find her family, for two month. It was hard. I couldnt see my mom. Eventually reunited they took refuge in nearby cities, including atlanta. But longed to go home to the lower ninth ward. It took seven years. It is oh, so good. Volunteers helped to build a new house for lydias mom, bernice, but the 79 years old says shes never felt so lonely. Usually sit on your porch, see people passing by, talking to you, and everything. But you dont see it no more. Thousands of people have not returned to neighborhoods, like the lower ninth ward. Many houses had been passed down for generations, and paid off, without mortgages, owners were not required to have flood insurance. I lost my way of life. Ronald, not only found his way back, he found a way to remember those who did not. Lewis opened a small museum in his backyard. Treasures found in post storm wreckage fill a metal warehouse. To think they want to be part of something that is i made my contribution. He wishes she could make a difference kind of cons buying. If i was a millionaire, i would build those homes back for them. I would help them. Even if they dont have neighbors, at least they have each other. The city up to about 80 of it pre katrina population. Recently the mayor went to houston and atlanta, and told people who are still displaced he promises to help them come home. Nicole . Were hearing about new levy system. Is the city better protected now because of that . Reporter well thats pretty undeniably. The city built 14. 5 million new levy system and the work horse of it is a surge barrier thats about 2 miles long, and you can see it from the sky. It is protecting the city basically acting like a door, as for major waterway, and close that door when a storm is threatening new orleans. There is also 200 new floodgate in the flood wall more than twice as high as it used to be. But it is an ongoing process to make sure theyre not vulnerable. Certainly compared to before the storm the city is much more protected. Yes, a lot of progress for sure. Also, were curious about other areas of the gulf coast. How are they recovering . Whats been plot in place there . Yes, you know, here in new orleans, it was a manmade catastrophy that flooded the city. But in other areas, that really took the brunt of katrinas powerful winds, and storm surge. We visited mississippi, and alabama, and when you think about those images, we saw ten years ago, now it is really incredible how much theyve been table rebuild. They have new infrastructure, new construction, but the same stories there as were seeing here in new orleans, some people just havent found the money to rebuild. Even if they have, storing insurance prices now, are keeping a lot of people out. Soap, it is a long process. A lot of people say they might never get back to where they were, but at least they are trying every single day. Thats the good news. Liver for just new orleans, thanks. All right, 10 00 right now. Neighborhood on edge this morning, as Police Search for a preditor, a mother comes home just in time as a man leans into her daughters bedroom window. This all happened at the washington way ants in Washington Township gloucester county. Diana rocco with the latest on the search for the suspect who took off running. It is nerve wracking. Neighbors in this Washington Township apartment complex, are uneasy, and determined, to help police find this man. If i see him, ill try to keep him at bay, talk to him until authorities come. Police say he was caught with his head inside first floor apartment window, talking to six Year Old Girl while her parents thought she was sleeping. When the mother came home from work, around 10 00 she heard voices in her daughters room. She heard her daughter talking to somebody by the window. And when she opened up the bedroom doors, the gentlemans head was inside the window and she screamed for her husband, by the time she got out, there the gentleman took off. Man allegedly told the little girl his name was joe, and he was a doctor who lived in the complex. The little girl told her mom the man took a picture of her before running off. Police say the mother saw him lurking around their building a day earlier, claiming to be looking for a cell phone signal. It is scary. It is scary news. I have to make sure everything is locked. Neighbors have been sharing the mans sketch and keeping a close eye on their children. I have a two and a half year old grandson who plays back and forth with these kids. And the doors always open. They are always in and out. But now, im not sure i want it leave it unlocked. The man is described as in his late 20s, or early 30s, he has dark hair, dark eyes, with a full facial beard. Police are asking anyone with information to give them a call. In Washington Township, diana rocco, cbs3, Eyewitness News. Very scary storm think. Philadelphia Police Searching this morning, foreman they say robbed and sexually assaulted two women and a man in fishtown. This is a composite sketch of that suspect here on your screen. Police seo robbed the victims at gunpoint near cumberland street and the Delaware River sunday evening. The victims were assaulted then bound with their own clothing. Anyone with information should call police. New hampshire jury found elite prep School Graduate not guilty of raping a 15 year old student. But the panel did convict owen on misdemeanor sex assault charges. Now the case also exposed ugly campus tradition, brian web, has that story now from new york. Nineteen year old owen was overcome with emotion while the verdict was red. A jury of nine men, three women, convicted him on several misdemeanor charges, in connection with the Sexual Assault of 15 Year Old Girl at saint post school in New Hampshire last year. We hope that this will send a message to future cases, and victims. That will allow them the strength and courage to come forward. But, he was acquitted of felony rape. One teenager was found guilty of having concentual sex with another teenager. Prosecutors say the Sexual Assault was part of a practice known as senior salute. Where seniors try to have sex with under classmen. He testified that the two had concentual sexual contact, but stopped short of intercourse. I thought to myself, you know, maybe we shouldnt do this. It wouldnt have been a good move to have sex with the girl. The victim cried on the stands saying she repeatedly told labrie no. I was raped. I was violated by you. He was also convicted of using computer and social media to entice the victim. Her family released a statement saying a measure of justice was served. They also blame the school for fostering a toxic culture. Brian web, for cbs news. 6 13 right now, weve been talking about the popes visit to philadelphia for months now. Well, also, in new york, a similar thing happening. Larger than life welcome for the holy father there. Well have more on this special mural coming up next. Plus this want to bring some music to your next picnic . Coming up. Three good intentions. Is paved with mr. President , we know you tried to make a good deal with iran. Whose leaders stone women, hang homosexuals, sponsor mass terrorism, scream for the destruction of israel and death to america. So, what if youre wrong . And they cant be trusted . Senator casey, dont trust iran. Vote this down. I run with heart event kicks offer 8 04 this morning in front of the art museum. The philadelphia native decided to come home to help with the free event. Registration is full right now. If there are no shows, walk ins may be able to race. So you may have a chan. Several rose will be closed in the area, for full list of closures, visit our website at cbsphilly. Com. All right, talking the papal visit now, 28 days and counting n less than a month, pope francis will make historic visit to the east coast, and philadelphia is just one of his stops. So is new york. In fact, the big apple is giving philadelphia some papal and mural competition. Check this out. It is a giant portrait in progress taking shape on eighth avenue in manhattan. Right by Madison Square garden, the location of the planned papal mass. So hes going to be making the rounds. Were all pretty excited, kate. We excited and hopefully the weather when the pope gets here will be just as nice as this week. What a perfect week weve had. We are up, so are a few of them. Lets take a look at what temperatures they are reporting for us. We start off with ed connor, in chesterfield, new jersey, reporting clear sky, 56 degrees, right now, nice cool morning for our first walk, time for second cup. , kate, you must be tired. Im okay, second cup still to come. Fiftyeight greets we check in with matthew, in conshohocken, at 58 degrees, with mainly clear sky. Matthew says, a beautiful morning, it certainly is, gorgeous outside this morning, and nice and cool and comfortable. 61 degrees as we check in, just north of the city here, actually, still in the city Chestnut Hill with phil and phil as always obliges us with these lovely photos, take look at this moon shot he got this morning, just gorgeous, the august full moon, looks like a stock image could you get on the internet. Perfect picture from phil. It was beautiful this morning, if you got a chance to get out and peak at the moon. I think we have one other weather watcher. Yes, way up here, we always like our weather watchers from little more of the outlying suburbs, we can see whats going up near bat. Charles, in bath, pennsylvania, clear skies, start of great weekend, enjoy. You enjoy it as well, charles. Hopefully you fight guys can get outside. Looking right now our Weather Window on the live neighborhood network, we look at a second. First down to ocean sit and ill tell you what, it has been just a stunning week down the shore for people that maybe had their beach house vacation this past week, waking up to what could be your last morning, maybe stretch it out to full weekend, and it is fantastic. Look at all of these folks out waking on the beach getting sunrise shot, got the cameras, im sure, beautiful start to the morning. Taking you to live neighborhood network, six after degrees, cape may, see the pastel colors in the sky, great start to the day, looking good in margate. We take a tour of the beach towns, no problems out there right now, someone walking their dog, you can see the surf rolling n ill headed down to the shore right after this mornings shift, and looking forward to a beautiful weekend, if you are down there, maybe i see you down there, enjoy what will be fantastic, well look at the beach forecast in just a moment. Skies are clear. This fronts not going to impact us it, will lift off to the north and weaken, so temperatures right now, responding to the clear sky, lots of sunshine, at 66 degrees, in philadelphia. Fiftyeight in trenton. And 54 degrees in allentown, feeling fantastic, on this beautiful start to a beautiful morning. We are going to be heating up though. You can see, we head into the start of next week, jet stream lift well to the north. Red shading, tuesday when the heat really peaks, but in the, wednesday into thursday, we keep the jet stream well off to the north. We keep the contours up. And it will stay hot, right through the ends of next week. How is it going to feel out there . Thats the main question. Specially this time of the year, you have to factor in humidity. Still pleasant outside today, relatively low humidity. Sunday back up to the humid range, even more humid monday and tuesday. So, enjoy today while we have it. Heres the latest on Tropical Storm erika. Erika is not looking all that great. Ninetynine problems going on as it moves toward cuba. Lets look at the latest models. And theyre all over the place, a loft models want to bring it in the middle of the gulf and kill it there. Vast majority want to bring it into the florida panned haled l. The track has shifted as of 5 00 this morning, National Weather Service Reports weekend stormed, winds 40 Miles Per Hour now, expect it to weaken into tropical depression as it moves over cuba. Then perhaps re strengthen briefly into Tropical Storm before impacting portions of the florida panhandle. That would be wednesday into thursday. So, heavy rain early next week, especially for the west coast of florida. Today, 88 degrees, mostly sunny, nice and warmment tonight down to 69. We talked about the shore, lets mention the poconos. Tell you what, the next few days looking pretty nice. As we warm up into the 70s, and 80s, your weekend shorecast, looks great. 83 degrees saturday, 84 sunday, and the seven day forecast, heats us up. Back to the 90s, starting tomorrow, and looks like we will be there through at least wednesday, it is a hot, humid, but generally rainfree patternment nicole, back over to you. Kate, thank you. Wet whether youre sitting around a camp fire, chilling at the beach or maybe planning labor day picnic, good portable speak kerr live end up the party, right . Cnet. Com sharon has few suggestions so you can better hear your tunes with your friends. The 834 speaker ideal picnic companion, thanks to its size and sturdy design. 135dollar speak is her water resistant, letting you worry less with flashes, and battery life up to eight hours. Plus usb port let you charge your phone while you jam out. It is a compact and durable wireless blue tooth speaker plays pretty loud for it sides. It is also water and stain resistant, offering up to 15 hours of battery life, well suit today outdoor use. It is a little pricier at around 200. Worth while for those looking for the bigger battery. Finally, bos most compact and colorful of the bunch of the the 130 speaker comes in a variety of colors, and has eight hour battery life. It is not flashover significance and the, careful about where you place it. In san francisco, cnet. Com for cbs well, zach effron get his groove on, newcoming of age movie we are your friends. Effron plazas firing dj trying to make it into hollywood. Suzanne marquette has the details. Djs job to get the crowds out of their heads and into their bodies. I latest big screen character trying to find his way out of the San Fernando Valley through music. You guys want to make real money. You want to live and die in the val. I he plays coal carter, aspiring dj, chasing the next big beat, and stretching the bonds of friendship. Ultimately, he has to sort of stop listening, and really delve deep within himself to truly become a dj. Also got performer tips. He showed me the ins and outs, by the end, i was pretty good on the decks. Followed his mentors younger girlfriend sophie, played by emily. She is trying to find her own way in the world. I like that sophie doesnt necessarily have her ahhah moment but putter herself on the right track to do what she needs to do to become the full person thats just her. Director and cowriter max joseph, says, he saw an opportunity, to make an updated coming of age story set to a current sound track of electronic music. Suzanne marquez, cbs news, los angeles. All right, coming up in the next half hour of Eyewitness News, Philadelphia Police identify a suspect wanted in the deadly hitandrun after two year old boy. Were live with the latest on that investigation. Also, ahead, how the phillies made a local war vets wish come true. Were back in a moment. Stay with us. Since 1961, Pearle Vision has proviwith expert eye care. That was dr. Stanley pearles vision and we still proudly carry on his legacy. Today, doctors like Lisa Hamilton perform eye exams that can help detect diabetes. Because we care for you. And your eyes. This is genuine eye care, in your neighborhood. This is Pearle Vision. Many wbut hope. Ms come with high hopes, doesnt work on wrinkles. Clinically proven neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair with the fastest retinol formula available, it works on fine lines and even deep wrinkles. Youll see younger looking skin in just one week. Stop hoping for results, and start seeing them. Rapid wrinkle repair. And for dark spots rapid tone repair. From neutrogena®. From the cbs Broadcast Center in philadelphia. This is cbs3 Eyewitness News. Today is saturday, august 29th, good morning, thanks for joining us, im nicole brewer, 6 30 on the dot. We send it over to kate for more on the forecast, i know you are hoping for good werth, you are going to the beach . I am going to the beach today. In just a couple of minutes . The clock is ticking, im so excited. I said kinds of the perks of the job, i can arrange abut full forecast for a weekend down the shore. But it is beautiful. Out quickly to the shore cam shot. Because it is looking amazing, the sun has just come up. Look at that shot. It is purple, pink, beautiful, the sun just peak it head above the horizon in ocean city seeing a lot of people out on the beach walking and taking pictures of the sunrise. Just great start to whats going to be Beautiful Day down the shore. The beach patrol headquarters camera in margate, on live neighborhood network, also looking nice, as the waves roll in. Not seeing the sun in that shot. We will soon enough. So the sun is up now. Kick starting whats going to be sunny and pleasant saturday. There could be some fog around the area early this morning, still out there, right now it, will burn off pretty quickly, or lift out, mix out, pretty quickly. Storm scan3 not showing any problems at all, none even any cloud cover. The next couple of days will turn little more partly sunny than today. Today will be mostly sin, few more clouds out there tomorrow and monday. Temperatures, right now, 66 at the airport, it is comfortable 54 in allentown, 57 in reading, and 57 degrees in atlantic city. So, starting off your morning by 7 00 a. M. , back up to 69 degrees, into the 70s by 9 00. By 11 00 we jump to the low eight s across portions of the area as the heat begins to creep back to the forecast. Yesterday we got to 85, pretty seasonable this time of the year, nothing seasonable about the heat headed our way. Temperatures will be feeling more like midjuly than late august early september. Ill have more on that with the seven day forecast in just a few minute. Nick snow. Philadelphia police, arrest warrant out for this man, spoke to the victims family, syma, good morning. Reporter good morning, nicole. Police have identified the suspect in this fatal hitandrun. I spoke with family, who say they are happy they are getting one step closer to justice. You can run but you cant hide. Daisy sanchez is relieved police may know who was responsible for killing her cousins two year old son david alicia. David and his mother, 19 year old josephine riviera, were crossing the street on the 2700 block of mascher street, in kensington, back in april. Thats when police say, 22 year old miguel cologne hit them while he was driving a white 2006 infinity. Riviera was seriously injured, and david was taken to st. Christophers hospital where he died, three days later. The family held a vigil earlier this month to remember david described as fun, sweet little boy. Vigil was also meant as a reminder, the driver was still out there. With all of that support and effort, family. Hoping this nightmare will soon be over. We can can never get him back but justice can be letter of the. If you could Say Something to the man what would you say . Turn yourself in. Right now police are looking for cologne. They are offering 20,000 reward for any information leading to his arrest. Live in brewerytown, syma chowdhry, cbs3, Eyewitness News. Syma, thanks for that update. We now noah teacher is one of two People Killed in an accident on route 206 in southampton burlington county. Allison macinnis, middle School Teacher in pemberton township being remembered as warm and caring, jogging on route 206 thursday afternoon, when she was hit by a truck. The pass inning nerve that vehicle, david eldridge, was also killed. An investigation into the crash is ongoing. A south jersey mother says she thought her child was safe at day care until she realized her son walked out and made a treacherous journey home. This all began at the kinder wormed Education Center in hamilton Mercer County. Eyewitness News Reporter cleve bryan spoke with the childs mother, and has more from the day care. I thought my baby would be safe. I thought he was safe. Obviously he wasnt. Reporter she said her sense of security was shattered thursday morning less than hour after dropping off her three year old son at kinder world day care, her teen daughter called to say little darryl was at their side door crying. I thought she was playing a joke on me. I couldnt believe my son had made it back over here without anybody noticing at the school he was gone. Furious it, meant her son crossed busy hamilton avenue all alone, ortiz went right it the school to get a springs from the director. She had nothing to say other than just give me apology, said it wouldnt happen again. I toll her he wont be coming back. At the front door and the the phone we couldnt get any response from kinder world. Can i not imagine. Some people picking up kids couldnt imagine their little ones crossing busy street like this all alone. Nerve wracking. Oh, no, thats migrate neice and nephew day care, but never had a problem before. Filed report with police as well as the department of children and families. I am mad. I just want this to come out. I want them to investigate what happened so it doesnt happen to anybody else. Department of children and families say they dont comment on investigations and werent able to provide to us history of about previous complaints at kinder worm. Hamilton township, clever bryant, cbs3 Eyewitness News. Meanwhile, sheriffs dispute any texas has died after he was shot while filling up his patrol karat suburban houston gas station. The Harris County sheriffs offers says Deputy Darren was pumping gas last night, when a manna poached him from behind, and fired multiple gunshots. Police say they have a description of the suspect, and are searching for him. Well, in you information about the shooting death of the tv news crew in virginia. Weve now learned that suspect Vester Flanagan used the same gun to take his own life that he used to kill reporter Alison Parker and photographer adam ward. Were now hearing from the wdbj video editor who first saw the suspect on tape aiding in his quick capture. He saw what viewers did not. The camera didnt shut off. And coy see the video that was transmitting through adams camera. I knew adam was gone because i saw it and i had to look at it over and over again, because it was my job to give a copy to police and give a cop toy us and give a copy to our legal team. I watched my friend die eight, nine times in a row. So heart breaking. The Shopping Plaza where parker and ward were gunned down by the way is also back open. Well, there is new push to increase fan safety at Major League Baseball stadiums after woman was injured by a foul ball at Citizens Bank park. Now, the phillies fan hit in the head along the first baseline. Show was sitting five rose back, feet beyond where protective netting end. Fortunately, she is okay, but many are calling for changes to the ballpark. This incident happened on the same night the baseball commissioner was at the stadium. We are looking at the designs every all 30 stadiums. Were looking at things like i think people think you just put more netting up. You have to worry about things like camera wells, the design of the stadium, unimpeded views. The owners will discuss the issue in november, and changes could come next year. Meantime, the phillies took time out to pay tribute to a war hero, and make his dream come true. Veterans celebrated milestone birthday last night with thousands of new friends at the ballpark. Eyewitness News Reporter david spunt was there. Ninetyfour years young. Friday night was the big one. Not because it was davids 96th birthday. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. But because he made it back it see his phillies play in person for the first time in years. David was born august 28th, 1919. About month before shoe less joe jackson made history during the famous world series scandal. He started his on session with baseball 80 years ago. He went ton is her in world war ii, never losing his love for the team. He was at pearl harbor when the japanese attacked in december of 1941. He is just one after few pearl harbor and world war ii veterans still alive. Impart of the war. When the game started airing on television, he tuned in. But there is just something about being at the stadium in person. He joined two other resident from neshaminy main or in warrington where he currently lives. Whats going on . Im not sure. Got two men on. Thats his son, david, who joined his dad for the big game. He would always say to me, are the phillies on, dave . And i would kid him and say i dont know, you know . And i would say, yes, theyre on. So we would have to put the phillies on. He says woe like to come back more. How could he not want it . After this appearance on the big screen in front of thousands. I plan, i hope i make it. David and his two friends came thanks to twilight wish. Local nonprofit aimed at fulfilling senior citizens, specific dreams. Reporting at Citizens Bank park, david spunt, cbs3, Eyewitness News. Love to see. That will 6 39 right now. The bizarre story after beverage battle. Thats coming up next. Why a local hospital is trying to get its hands on huge collection of confiscated wine. All right, well see. Also, get ready to go awe. A dog helping some pennsylvania kids get the school safety. Temperatures will soar, so are we looking at the next heatwave . Kate by low is here will the city of philadelphia welcomes new graduating class of police recruit. Just like other big cities across the count ricks the department seem barking on new effort to make sure their officers reflect the communities they serve. Eyewitness News Reporter Steve Patterson has that story. Reporter pomp, prestige, pride n1 moment, men and women, both handed immense party, charged with the weight of incredible responsibility. Thats the reason we are all here today. We took the oath. We took this job. We know we can make a difference. Brand new officers brian strong is exactly what the department is looking for. Young, africanamerican, dedicated to community policing, in an era when his new bosses say those traits are hard to find. Were having trouble recruiting in general. But specifically with minorities and women. Police commissioner Charles Ramsey overseeing the graduation of class 372. Out of total of 75 graduates, 49 were white, 26 minority, and only 13 women. The percentages here reflect whats happening overall. In the latest estimates, the department is about 57 white, 33 black, 8 hispanic, and 78 male. Compare that with the city, which as of 2013, was about 36 white, and minority groups making up about 64 . We just want to have divorce work force. The best we can. So it takes a differs effort to try to really attract people. That effort spear headed by ten men and women making up newly retooled Philadelphia Police recruiting unit. We always think more women and definitely more minorities from the Police Department. Sergeant robert ryan is heading up the unit he says is now getting more aggressive by canvassing specific neighborhoods, reach out to diversity groups like the naacp also advertising more competitive incentives, like college gregg attack celebration, all in the effort to find mentor and empower as many Brian Strongs as possible. Is this about who is applying. And i think, i think the change. There is a huge change. Maybe not, but definately a change. From the campus of temple university, Steve Patterson, cbs3, Eyewitness News. 6 44 right now. Chester county hospital is trying to get it hands on 1400 bottle of wine. Sounds a little odd. But last year, attorney Arthur Goldman and his wife had to hand over a wine collection to authorities, estimated to be worth more than 100,000. Now, authority say, he and his wife illegally transported the wine from new new jersey and contribute philadelphia a fact they dispute. Couple then settled with the state, was able to keep about half that check. But, 1400 bottles are now left in a Police Evidence room. So the hospital says it, wants to sell the wine to raise money, instead of seeing it destroyed. Judge apparently will decide next week if the wine can be auctioned or possibly even used in another way. But i say what better place than to raise a glass to good health . Well see how that works out. Right now, 6 45, there is a lot coming up on cbs this morning saturday. Anthony mason, vanita meyer join us live from new york, good morning. Good morning. Coming up un heralded heroes during Hurricane Katrina. Ten years later well catch up with the members of the cajun navy. Average citizens who use their personal boats to save thousands of lives. Also, it was one of his final performances at the peak of his career. Inside a new film about legendary jimi hendrix concert. And looking to take one more vacation this year. Well, you can save a lot of money by buying your next trip next week. Our travel editor, clues us in, to some labor day secret. All of that plus your eye opener, the dish and music from our saturday session just ahead on saturday this morning saturday. Anthony, vanita, thanks, we will be watching. 6 46. Happening today Adventure Aquarium hosting it first ever hip an Awareness Week toned give guesses a chance to learn more about these animals. The event takes place today and tomorrow, guests will get up close and personal with resident hippos, button and jenny, and also learn more about them. The event is to help raise money for the hippo trust in zimbabwe. They are amazing creatures, ive actually heard they dont swim. They actually bounce on the ocean floor. I did not know that. There you go. And very excited i have my new band name, hippo Awareness Weekend, works out well. I think casino every nice ring to it, what a great story there. Love to see the hippos at the zoo and of course at the aquarium. Great week toned get outside, whether you are seeing hippos or not, things looking aokay outside this morning, it is very comfortable out there. Still in the 50s, in clementon, new jersey, at david dutchs house, 59 degrees, with some sun. Loving the weather watch he is getting up with us, ed connor, chesterfield, new jersey, set us photos, he is at 55 degrees, sent us beautiful photos. Warm this morning. Lets check in. Sun coming one fog. Look at. That will this one another beautiful shot of fog on the farm this morning, thank you to ed, for those lovely pictures, lets head to up 56 degrees, we check in with jerry, in blue bell, lot of sunshine there. He says, chill think morning, hot tamally. I know, love bad jokes and puns, chilly today, hot tamally. Love it. We already checked in with david. Now losing my place, guys, 55 in delaware, dolores, in newark, lots of sun this morning for her. Very cool, clear skies, just before sunrise, who have i not hit yet . 57 degrees, lets check in now with fran, frans in nottingham, 57, fran says little low level fog in the fields this morning. Certainly is. That should mix out pretty quickly. All the way up here, ooh degrees, we check in with john jenkins in perkasie. He has plenty of sunshine right now. We move over into philadelphia, john hagman in philadelphia at 64. Whats john have to say . Cool, humid, after deep yellow moon last night. It will be warmer, today, harbinger of things to come. 61 degrees checking in with phil in Chestnut Hill. He sent us this lovely photo, although popping up for me now, phil, dont know y beautiful photo sent by phil earlier about the lifeguard stands last weekends down the shore, we try to get that on twitter for you a little later. Lets look outside. Take a peak at how this morning is shaping up. You can see some hazy sun right now. Our Spring Garden cam, we look east toward new jersey. It is beautiful out there this morning. Clear sky, in the city, and down the shore, as well, we take you down the shore where the sun is now fully up in ocean sit, see it glimps off the water, looks like picture postcard. If it doesnt want you to pack up the car get in the car and head down the shore i dont know l beautiful shot there. Down in the delaware beaches looking well, 56, cool, comfortable morning in rehoboth beach. People already up, walking the boardwalk, getting morning he can err size in before full day, hopefully of just sitting in the sands. Storm scan3, no problems, 58 degrees in trenton, 54 allentown, cool 50 mount pocono, and we got pair of six areas in philadelphia. So, High Pressure moving off the eastern seaboard, we talk a will the in the summertime about bermuda high. Big hi, sits off the coast, and it is casino after heat pump all of the warm moist air comes in around the western side of the high. Similar pat attorney what will be in starting tomorrow and into next week, with the high just off the coast, southwest flow, just continues to bring heat and humidity, through the area, it will be a hot and generally dry pattern, next chance for even weak cold front, not until maybe thursday. So, we are stuck in this pattern for the next new days. While today feels pretty comfortable, humidity wise, humidity does start to lift up tomorrow, into monday, tuesday, and heres the latest on Tropical Storm erika. Again not looking like it is do too well. Storm struggling moving off the coast of hispaniola, will move through cuba t did weaken overnight, sustained winds just 4 Miles Per Hour moving into warm water, we expect it downgraded over cuba may impact western florida in neck week for us, mostly sunny, nice and warm, 88 degrees tonight few clouds, warm pleasant 69 if you are headed to the poconos things look great, 79 degrees, and then heating up, that should actually be saturday, sunday, monday here. 79 degrees today. 80s sunday and monday. Your weekend shorecast, again, looking fantastic, 80s with sunshine, both today and tomorrow. Eyewitness weather seven day forecast looks pretty good if you dont mind the heat and humidity. Looking for glimpse of fall in the forecast, we dont have that for you. Low 90s, sunday through wednesday, and still warm next thursday and friday. You saw eyewitness weather wampishes, you too can be a weather watcher, go to cbsphilly. Com watch tears sign up. We would love to have you. Nicole . I say the fall forecast is coming so im happy to go with summer for now. It is a boy, national zoo in washington, did. C with big announcement, about the surviving panda cub born just days ago. Officials also reveal the babys father, soots male panda. Mother panda gave birth to the twin cubs about a week ago, unfortunately her smaller cub also a male died four days later. Now the most likely cause of death was pneumonia, but final results are pending. The surviving cub, though, doing well, and growing. Very sweet. Well, a crossing guard in Lycoming County pennsylvania takes his four legged friends along with him to work every single day. The pup, as you can imagine, gets quite a bit of attention, as he tags along with his owner helping kids cross safely to school. Christina with more on patches the crossing guard dog. Traffic passes by until brad curtis holds up a stop sign. It is the first week back to school for student in Jersey Shore Area School district, that means, curtis is back at his post, here along allegheny street in jersey shore. Everybody settling into their routine i think. For the past two years, retired contractor spent his mornings helping kids cross the busy intersection. And the kids make you feel young, and happy, and make you smile. But, it is the crossing guards four legged friends who really has people smiling. Well, it is a cute dog. But the little stop sign on it, and it looks really, really cute. And it also looks like a poodle. He looks like a mascot, germs i shore, other than the bulldog of course. Meet patches. Lovable five year old malti poo followed curtis where ever he gets. He waits right on the curb until i take the stepoff. And then he goes. Ive never seen any problems. Very well trained. Courtesies required to wear a safety vest on the job. He tells us it was only appropriate that his pup wore one too. One of the kids suggested that he should also have a vest, and a stop sign, so his grand ma patricia whooped that up for him. He didnt wear it at first, then all the sudden i was like look, that is what kills everybody it, gets everybody, yes, definitely into it more. Rosey has a great view of the crossing guard duo from the window of her hair salon. They love him. Stop, pet him, ya. Patches is loved. Oh, stop it with the little stop sign. Thats so, so sweet. By the way that was Christine Pappa reporting. Curtis saidel bring patches along with him to work until Winter Weather hit. So he has little while at least. So cute. Hey, the as the kids go back to school why snot snap a photo with us . Snap a picture to your facebook, twitter pages, instagram, then look for back it School Photos here on channel three. Well be right back. Good intentions. Is paved with mr. President , we know you tried to make a good deal with iran. Whose leaders stone women, hang homosexuals, sponsor mass terrorism, scream for the destruction of israel and death to america. So, what if youre wrong . And they cant be trusted . Senator casey, dont trust iran. Vote this down. Lets talk one more time about this weather weaver go on for days. We do. So nice out there. Beautiful start to the morning. Feels nice, cool, crisp. Lets look at the seven day forecast one last time. Cool, crisp is not real a adjective that describes the rest of the forecast, 90 degrees tomorrow, then 90s monday, tuesday, wednesday, there is a chance we hit it thursday, friday, as well. If we get it three days in a row that means it is the fifth heatwave of the summer season. Oh, wow, maybe it is a little hot for some people. But i am soaking up the summer while i can. Enjoy it now it, wont be here forever. Fall is coming. I know you are headed to the beach. Enjoy t thats cbs3 Eyewitness News for now, signing off on Television Always on line at cbsphilly. Com. Cbs saturday morning is next, make it a great weekend. Maybe see kate at the beach. Sounds like fun. Wish i was going. I cant wait. So my kids will be i nready for school. This list theyll be 110 ready. Folders, rulers, crayons . 15¢, 35, 50¢. Good, no detail ever gets past me. Wait, where are my kids . Those arent mine. Make low prices happen. Make 110 ready happen. Staples. Make more happen. Good morning. Its august, 29, 2015. Welcome to cbs this morning saturday. Erika takes more lives as it takes aim at florida. Plus news overnight, a sheriffs deputy is killed skeegs style at a houston gas station. He won the triple crown and with it thousands of fans. Well show you incredible excitement over american pharoah. And he was at the peak of his popularity but in days it would all end. Inside a

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