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32 wilmington, 31 degrees in trenton, and areas to the north of that, still in the 30s, with the exception of the poconos, at 24 degrees. But, you head south of philadelphia, and all of those temperatures are in the 20s so cold, winds not much of a player, but any kind of wind speed with these temperatures will knock down the feel of the temperatures, so it feels like the 20s, in all locations, today, 34 degrees by noon, by 3 00 p. M. , not much higher, 38 degrees, thats the highest well get these temperatures, computer model, sun, clouds, but will be dry weekend. Zone if you have things to do outside you dont have a problem. Well check on what could be a problem getting away for christmas, thats coming up. Nicole . Carol, thank you. New this morning, police are investigating a shooting in philadelphias hunting park neighborhood. A man was shot in the 1600 block of cioga street around 3 00 a. M. He was taken to the hospital. There is no word on his condition or a suspect at this time. Happening today, 5k run for Shane Montgomery. Shane vanished thanksgiving morning after bringing drinking at bar in manayunk. The money raised will go toward his reward fund. Steve patterson live in manayunk with all of the details, steve, good morning. Good morning, nicole. Actually learning about few events this weekend with the name Shane Montgomery attached to them. The first one starts at 8 00 near wissahickon, 5k run for shane, and then another 5k that start right here page street, sponsors by the family, all of the proceeds go to them. Part of this, though, keeping the name Shane Montgomery in the public eye. I want to show you a picture every shane now, it has been now nearly a month since Shane Montgomery went missing, the 21 year old out with friends, thanksgiving morning schenn sean dollars leaving kill dares irish pub, then vanishes. Since then the fbi and police have identified video showing montgomery, walking toward the manayunk canal, thats where the search has since centered. The family, no where near giving up on this, shanes parents have not been back to work, they say new detective are on the case, they say, sonar has recently been deployed in the schuylkill, and the manayunk canal, and there are plans for an additional search. We spoke to family members after the latest development. Heres what they said. We want to tell you the 5k starts at 9 00 right here on main street. See the post ers, theyre all over main street, well tell you much more about that, also, the 65,000 reward, that remains in place for any information that leads to the discovery, whereabouts, of Shane Montgomery. For now live in manayunk, Steve Patterson, cbs3, Eyewitness News. Keeping the Montgomery Family in our authorities and prayers, steve, thank you. It is 6 03, and a man is now facing criminal charges accused of falsely reporting siting of the Montgomery County spree killer bradley stone. Luke told them man who looks like stone tried to carjack them near the amounts in doylestown, it was during the height of an urgent manhunt for stone. Now, investigators say, sanderlin made up that story. Alerts were put out for 5mile radius, bucks down hospital, central bucks west were shutdown, and put on lockdown, very substantial amount of Public Resources were deployed. Stone wanted for killing six people in montgomery couldnt, his exwife, five of her relatives. Police eventually found his body in the woods, near his pennsburg home. Days before christmas, more personal information at risk, Staples Stores. Nine stores eyesore region affected in the latest data breach. David spunt has the details. News that almost 1. 2 million credit and debit cards were hacked at Staples Stores across the country, doesnt sit well with shoppers. Felt scar. I maureen just loaded up on Office Supplies at this staples on roosevelt in northeast philadelphia. This store is one everyone hundred 15 stores nationwide, hit by criminal, at different times between july and september. Made the announcement late friday afternoon, many custom hers no idea until we toll them. Really big problem, they put the trust in the companies, you know, not only staples, but everywhere else. And staples isnt the only store with Security Breach issues, the chain joins a growing list, and a growing number of holiday shoppers, say, id theft is top of mind. It makes me very nervous to go to the store to go shopping. She is not alone, but what can be done to stop the Security Breaches . Unfortunately, i think a problem here to stay. Doctor robert de video professor and cyber crime expert at drexel university. We should be gradually moving over to chip and pin system, unfortunately, not quick enough. The video says to get on line as much as possible to check every transition, finds a problem, contact your bank, right away. I work hard for my money. I dont want anyone else getting my monday. I to find out if youve been affected we have a list posted on our website cbsphilly. Com. There you can see the exact stores that are affected by this recent breach. Reporting from south philadelphia, david spunt, cbs3, Eyewitness News. Meanwhile warning from Cherry Hill Police about pick pockets. Police there have released surveillance photos, four incidents, victims credit cards were run up to the tune of 14,000. People were victimized at wegmans, bahama breeze, panera and the Christmas Tree shops. First incident happened november 5th, the most recent happened on tuesday. Authority want you to be extra cautious to avoid being a victim. Women should hold their purse close to their body, opening toward them. Avoid using recovering doors, apparently a favorite of thieves with good timing. You want to console date smaller purchases into one bigger bag so better keep track of everything, of course, never leave your purchases unattended. And if you are shopping at night, ask a Security Officer to walk you to your car. Supporter line streets in mayfair, Eyewitness News reporter Natasha Brown has that story. The blair sound of car horns help to fuel spirited rally in northeast philadelphia. At least 250 people gathering to show support for Philadelphia Police officers, Donald Garvey organized the event. Having people just regular, you know, i dont want to say know, but regular people come out, tell the positive stories, despite race, creed, anything like that. What we got from the police, un believable. One by one, residents gave testimonials about how Police Office verse impacted their lives. Some, letting their signs dot talking, a showing that brought this retired Philadelphia Police officer to tears. I was going to make a speech, but i was afraid id get too emotional. They kiss their families good beach i dont know if theyre coming home again. You know, you have lot of good ones, a lot of bad ones. Good once the once you have to pull out of the crowd. Coming on the heals of rallies around the country, protesting grand jury decisions not to indict Police Officers, in cases in ferguson, missouri and new york, also, coming, just hours after disturbing graffiti was discovered in West Philadelphia reading cop lives dont matter. Other messages found comdemn the killing of brandon tate brown, who was shot and killed by police on monday, in mayfair after police say he was reaching for a gun. I want to thank all of the police throughout. In gathering there is one port richmond, also supporting officers, like others, came under the cloak of protection provided by police. Throughout the year at any point in time, anybody has the right to express themselves, and their First Amendment right of being out here. So we will, you know, no different. Police say this was a peaceful rally, no incidents to report, just a gathering of folks who wanted to show appreciation for the men and women in blue, who protect and serve their community. In mayfair, Natasha Brown, cbs3, Eyewitness News. In new york demonstrators took to the streets in support of the new york police department. But met with rival demonstration, by critics of police policies. Propolice rally was held as Counter Point to the recent protests against police brutality. Well, new reaction to this image polls dollars on the instagram by a philadelphia paramedic. It shows two black men, pointing handguns at a white man, posing as a Police Officer. Under the picture, the paramedic wrote in part our real enemy. Mayor nutter spoke about that photo on friday. It is offensive. And, you know,. Free speech, but lemons to free speech in those kinds of actions, in any time, that kind of posting, would certainly be inapropriate, as it relates to any of our Police Officers. The image is from a mikes video, made in protest of the death of Michael Brown and eric garner. The paramedic since apologized for post that image on line. Still ahead on Eyewitness News, president obama is weighing in on the cyber attack against sony. What he thinks of the scandal that led to a movie being pulled from release in theatres. Plus this why avoid a popular holiday treat. Im Lauren Lister in new york. That story coming up. Mameancookies special. Ecial, so make them as moist and chewy as they can be. With country crock. Its soft and easy to mix, which makes holiday baking easy. And country crocks fresh buttery taste and smooth, creamy texture means your cookies will turn out just the way you like em. Extra soft. And extra special. Welcome to crock country. President obama believes sony made a mistake, not releasing the film the interview. The fill p. M. Plot to assassinate north koreas leader. The fbi says the north korean government was behind an attack on sony embarrased the company even threatened violence if the film were released. Executives at Sony Pictures defend their actions, david begnow has a look at the film. Yes, i think they made a mistake. President obama has added his voice to those faulty Sony Pictures for its decision not to release the interview as planned next week. Seth rogan comedy about assassination plot against the leader of north korea was the subject of a terrorist threat after a cyber attack. The fbi now says the north korean government is responsible for the hack. I wish they had spoke tone me first. I would have told them do not get into a pattern in which youre intimidated by these kind of criminal attacks. But appearing on cnn, Sony Pictures michael len ton said zone had i been in direct contact with the white house. And the company did everything it could. We have not caved. We have not given in. We have persevered. We have not backed down. We have always had every desire to have the American Public see this move. I michael len ton statement appears to contradict what sony spokesman said on wednesday, that the studio has no plans to release the film. Whatever happens with the movie, president obama says, there will be real life consequences for north korea. Well respond in a place and time and manner that we choose. North korea has denied any connection to the hack attack. In culver city, california, david beg know, cbs3, Eyewitness News. Our weather watchers are up early this morning, and theyre at work hard at work. We love. That will we want to check in on couple of their temperatures. We have 31 degrees temperature. This is what dean and karen, arent they lovely, and theyve got a 31 degrees temperature in philadelphia, and funny comment, as well, the windchill is 26, brr, were not in summer any more, auntyem. How right you are. Few other temperatures out here this morning, that we can check. And all pretty similar. Tim mitchell our friend, also up this morning and weighing in, 30 degrees, thats in tuckerton, cloudy skies with a light but cold northwesterly wind. And the winds is not all that much of a player in our weather today. But, it is enough. At 30 degrees, you dont need a lot going on. Steve johnson says the clouds seem parked. Wits a great way to put t and also, some very calm air out there. Not windy today. Probably wont be windy. Let me walk over as i head over to the weather wall, finds temperatures cold out here this morning. We have readings until the 20s, some locations, and the 30s in other, 34 degrees, in philadelphia, 31 in trenton, 32 degrees, in wilmington, at this point. But it is 24 in the poconos, not much mild nerve wildwood. Temperature every 28 degrees there, this morning. Storm scan3, you can see the clouds to the north, and you can see another little batch that would like to come in here. But you dont notice any green. Thats because were not looking at rain, not expecting rain, at all this weekend, what we should be getting at best, probably, would be partly sunny conditions with temperature of, say, 38 degrees this afternoon. So it is running cold. Several degrees warmer tomorrow. Wont be warm day with temperatures in the lower 40s. High pressure is still here for now. Then we get to monday, we start to seymour clouds in, by the time of the afternoon. Temperatures remain in the 40s, low pressure off the coast. Another biggio pressure system that will be coming up from the Mississippi Valley through the great lakes, that start to come over, warmfront cold front, the whole bit. And thats going to be changing our weather pretty dramatically. But not to snow, to rain. So lets time this out. And, as ive been saying all morning there is computer mod sell not starting right at all. We do have clouds over us, that said we didnt, so you just have to look at the rest of this and go okay it, could be off. But i think generally the trend and the thing to notice no rain this weekend, some of the other models say even on tuesday we could find a couple of these rain showers, courtesy of pretty active pattern moving in the united state. This low pressure system off the coast kind of goes away, justice paths, but his one is strong it, bridges front through, and we will be finding some heavy rain, as well, expect to find the rain on Christmas Eve, winds will be blowing, as well. So . As close as they are, it indicates pretty gusty win, finding them here not Just Christmas eve but christmas day, as womenment and soaking rain Christmas Eve, snow, much farther to the inland, and then a blustery christmas day, is expected, but it should be a dry one. Now, Christmas Eve again, heavy rain polls, winds gust to go 30 miles an hour, christmas day, blustery, colder, with winds still possibly gust to go 35 miles an hour. And youve got dry weekend, and right through monday, to do anything you want to get on your traveling, on tuesday, showers around, but it is really that day on wednesday that will be the most troublesome day of trying to get through the area. Today, no problems. 38 degrees, philadelphia, shore, poconos, 32 degrees, we have very light winds, theyll be out of the northwest about 5 miles an hour. Tonight, 28 degrees, mostly cloudy, it will be cold out there, so bundle up, and be sure to keep your pets as warm as you are. Tomorrow, 42 degrees, we get some sun, some clouds, monday, 46, maybe shower late in the day, a little better chance tuesday, great chance of it on wednesday, 56. Thursday, dry, 45 degrees, for christmas. Nicole . Carol, thank you. On cbs3 health watch this morning, with the holiday season, sweet tweets of course everywhere, but one kinds that might actually be dangerous to your health. Lauren lister reports on the warning about carmel apples. Federal Health Officials warning consumers to avoid this holiday treat. Ment pre packaged carmel apples have been linked to an outbreak of the bacterial illness listeria a the centers for Disease Control says 28 people have been infected so far, and four have died. It cannot only cause an intestinal illness, but it can get into the bloodstream and actually get to the Central Nervous system and cause meningitis, in a pregnant woman can it actually lead to still birth, im afraid. Case haves been reported in ten state, all the way from california to north carolina. The warning applies to all commercially produced carmel apples, both plane and with toppings. There is no reason to stop eating apples, or other carmel products. The cdc says pregnant women, newborn babies, and the he will eerily, particularly vulnerable to listeria, as well as anyone with a weakened immune system. Critical to get treatment as soon as possible. Listeria is usually curable with antibiotics. It its symptoms can cloud fever, stiff neck, vomiting. Safety experts are investigating the source of the contamination, in the meantime, they advise anyone who has already bought carmel apples to seal them in a plastic bag, and throw them away. Lauren lister for cbs3, Eyewitness News. 62 00; the ends after. Of an area for Craig Ferguson. Youre watching the very late craig craig show with Craig Ferguson. Now grandma can finally get some sleep. Coming up next more on the funny mans final farewell from the late late show. And ben stiller is back in another installment of the night at the museum. The film is also one of the last to feature the late Robin Williams. Well have a preview of the new movie when we come back. Craig ferguson says farewell to the late late show. Im not retiring. Im stopping doing. That will im not stopping doing it. Ill still do it to you. I might do it a little bit earlier. I might do it in a different bliss place. After nine years, the wacky scottish comedian is moving on, but has to set whats next. Ferguson spent his last show chatting it up with another retired talk show host, jay leno. Just two guys with nothing to do. They may take on talk shows. They will never take our freedom. The show ended when Ferguson Andrew carry reprise g their roles from the car i show. Ferguson woke up in bed next to kerry telling him i am just dreamtment i was a late night show host, were you a skinny game show host. Will replace farring son march 23rd, in the interim, guest hoses will be filling in you. Heard of people magazines sexiest manna life, right . Of course you have. Now you are looking at peoples sexiest woman. Are we surprised any of us . Not really. Twentytwo year old Sports Illustrated model kate upton was crowned with the title thursday night. It all took place at the first ever people magazines awards, in beverly hill. She is a gorgeous woman, thats for sure. Well, new comedy in theatres is one of the last films to start late Robin Williams. Night at the museum, secret of the tomb, starring ben stellar. Manaquine, Suzanne Marquez has sneak peak from los angeles. Ben stellar leads allstar cast, once again, in the thirds philadelphia many in the night at the museum series. Secret of the tomb has stillers night watch men off to track down the secret of the tablet that bridges the museum axe exhibits to life. But he has to get past his boss played by ricky gervais. I just told you im being fired, the first thing you ask if i allow to you take some priceless artifacts with your holiday. No. Owen wilson returns as cowboy, new cast members include rebel wilson who plays British Museum guard and caveman named law played by ben stellar. Make sure nobody comes in or out. The film one of the last to star Robin Williams who once again bridges to life president theodur roosevelt. I couldnt sit idly by. Our very survival is at steak. They quickly became a friends. Always funny, lovely, and amazing guy. Yes, i feel very fortunate to have a have had a chance to work with him, because always huge fan, i never stopped being one. And this might not be the end of the series. The film makers have not closed the door on a fourth installment. Suzanne marquez, cbs news. All right, well, there is much more still ahead on Eyewitness News, including the latest for the search on the missing College Student and what his family is doing today in hopes of getting more information about his disappearance. Also ahead, they say their son is not a monster. Coming up next first public comments. And starting offer chill think weekend, plus carol is tracking potential trouble for christmas week and thousand could impact your holiday plans. Well be back. Get ready foat the volkswagen engineered holidsignthendrive event. Right now, for practically just your signature, you could drive home for the holidays in a new volkswagen. Like the sporty, advanced new jetta and the precisely engineered passat tdi. Ah, the gift of clean diesel. For the new volkswagen on your list this year, just about all you need, is a pen. Festive, isnt it . Get zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first months payment on select new volkswagen models. Today is saturday, december 20th, good morning to you, thanks so much for joining us, im nicole brewer, it is 6 31 right now, lets get a check on the forecast with carol. Good morning, carol. Well it, hasnt warmed up any, nicole. And it is not going to be and winter is here, so it is not going to. Thats right. This is our last full fall day today. Because winter does start tomorrow. Or little after 6 00 tomorrow night. So, it is even less daylight than we have become accustomed to. Are you ready for some cold air . Weve seen it so much already. Weve got temperature of 31 degrees. And this is out at the palmyra cove nature park in new jersey overlooking the city of philadelphia. There are some clouds out there this morning. Temperatures are cold, though, in a loft locations, but it is dry. So, if were looking for silver linings, i think thats what we have to look for. Storm scan3, showing, few clouds, they are moving over toward washington, d. C. , hagerstown, maryland, and we already have few clouds over us, right now. Our temperatures are cold. They are in the 20s, south of philadelphia, and just about the freezing mark, even through philadelphia, and just to the north. So, 34 out at the airport in philadelphia, 32 wilmington, 31 in trenton, but it is in the 20s, south of that, and 31 up in allentown, 30 in quakertown, 31 in pottstown this morning, 29 in doylestown, and mt. Holly, 31. Our temperatures this afternoon, getting into the upper 30s, thats probably where they stop. We have clouds now. We might be finding some sun breaks later on today. Just cold day. But not a windy day. So, thats going to make it when it is 38 degrees it, will feel fully like 38 degrees. Our future weather, look for sun, clouds, that sort of thing, but dry, were happy to say. It doesnt stay dry though, im afraid the day before christmas, we get a lot of rain. We will talk about that coming up. Nick snow. Carol, thank you. The family of missing College Student sent hosting a 5k run to raise money for his reward fund. Shane montgomery vanished thanksgiving morning, after drinking at a bar in manayunk. Eyewitness News Reporter Steve Patterson live in manayunk with the details, steve, good morning. Good morning, nicole. You know, weve been in Constant Contact with the family of shane month gem i i speak to his uncle maybe once, twice a week at least. One of the things theyre afraid of, of course the story becoming old news, people forgetting about Shane Montgomery, and so one of the things that today will do, that 5k, this morning, raise awareness on top of raising money, for the family and the continued investigation. Want to take you to some video, show you picture of the College Student, Shane Montgomery, now missing for nearly a month now. The 21 year old out with friend, we all know the story, thanksgiving morning, here on main street, manayunk, spotted leaving kill dares irish pub, and then evanishes, since then the fbi, police, have been working the case, theyve identified some Surveillance Video of montgomery walking toward the manayunk canal. Thats of course where the search has primarily been centered. The family not giving up on this, shanes parent, say new detectives are in place on the case, theyve deployed sonar in the manayunk canal, and the schuylkill schuylkill river, and plans for additional search, more dogs out on the river. But we spoke to the family after the most recent development, heres what theyre saying about the case. Somewhere somehow it doesnt look good but, you know, we still pray, we still hope. We got to find this kid. We have to find and give the family peace. Above all, it is just, you know, one of them things where it is a mystery. And it has been going on too long. And back live here on main street, you see the post ers, theyre all over the street. They litter the street. Theyre in philadelphia, theyre really everywhere. So hopefully more attention on todays event, the 5k starts right here on main street, 9 00 this morning, we will be here to cover that, and bring you the latest, also, want to reminds you, that 65,000 reward remains in place from the family, for any identification, any notification of the whereabouts of Shane Montgomery. For now, live in manayunk, Steve Patterson, cbs3, Eyewitness News. So sad, steve, thank you. Philadelphia Police Investigating homicide in kensington, man was shot multiple times in the 3100 block of heartfelt street. Happened before 10 00 last night. The man was rushed to the hospital where he died from his injuries. There is no word on a suspect at this time. The search continues today for two mask men targeting hispanic Convenience Stores in the north philadelphia neighborhood. Police released Surveillance Video from six of the robberies. Nine shops have been hit since november 15th. The hooded suspect have gotten away with cash and cigarette. In one of the robberies, store owner was pistol whipped. If you can identify the suspects, youre asked to call police. Former penn state assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky is denied his pension. Sandusky lost battle to restore his 4,900dollar a month pension, cancel two years ago, avenue was sentenced to prison for child molestation. The state employee right system issued decision in 122 page opinion. An attorney for sandusky plans to challenge that ruling. The parents of the accused Aurora Movie Theater killer holmes, says his son is not a monster, just mentally ill. They wrote a letter to victims and families before the start of jury selection in their sons trial. The letter has since sparked an angry response. Dave young explains. Robert and Arlene Holmes have sat through numerous hearings almost expression less, watching their son and in court. Now, in a open letter james holmes parents reach out to the families, quote, we are always praying for everyone in aurora. We wish july 20th, 2012 never happened. We havent forgotten it one day, and so for them to put out a letter two and a half years later right before the trial starts, thats not i dont think it is by their design that that letter came out. So were a little angry. Still bleeding. Marcus weaver err shot that day, his girlfriends rebecca murdered, in the letter holmes parents say james is a human being, griped by severe mental illness, who should be spared the Death Penalty. From the victims i talked to, survivors, why would they do, that the timing, right before christmas, during the holidays, when it is so painful. I think theyve felt this way all along, originally my guess is that they didnt want to interfere in the process, they very much hoped that the prosecution would see that their son was mentally ill. Holmes parents say they believe the Death Penalty is morally wrong, especially when the condemned is mentally ill. Prosecution has refuse add plea deal. But to get a letter from the shooters family, that wasnt really addressed to the survivors or the victims, it was really addressed to the public. Holmes parents say we love our son, we have always loved him, and we do not want him to be executed. Truly see mr. Holmes is 100 completely guilty, and no other penalty besides the Death Penalty. And i hate saying that. And that was david young reporting. Now, in the letter, holmes parents ask their son be sentenced to life in prison ornament al institution for treatment where he will never harm anyone. It is 6 38 right now, chrysler has bought to government demands to expand recall over defective airbags. The airbags are made by japans t a k a to corporation, can explode with too much force, shrapnel at passengers. Faulty airbags blamed for five deaths. The recall now includes 3. 3 million ram, dodge, and chrysler models. For more information just head to our website cbsphilly. Com. Well, the eagles are getting ready for this afternoons match up with washington. Chip kelly and the team left by train from 30th street station yesterday. Todays game against Desean Jackson and his mates is one the birds really need at this point. At three and 11, washington look to go play spoiler. Depending on what happens with the cowboys, lost for the eagles do keep them out of the playoffs and certainly do not want that. Well, you can see the eagles game right here on cbs3, first sports team, gets you red which our toyota kick off special, then the nfl Network Pregame show, finally, eagles and washington, at 4 30, thats of course followed by san diego and San Francisco right here on cbs3. Still ahead on Eyewitness News, want to save money on your heating bill . Finds out how replacing your garage door could do the trick. Plus this no ordinary day at a high school in old city. Why emotions were running high. Plus. This. Nothing gets you into the spirit of the season like holiday lights. Im kara tsuboi, cnet. Com. Coming up next in the tech minute, ill tell but an app to locate lights in your neighborhood, cool strands every light to put up in your house, stay tuned. And believe it or not, it is the last full day of fall. What we can expect for the first day every winter, plus tracking potential trouble for christmas week, and how it could impact your holiday plans. Carol has the forecast next. A Philadelphia Service member makes an emotional return home for the holidays. Take a look. Airman first class surprised her sister. The reunion happened during a academic Award Ceremony for cheyenne her fellow student. Really wanted to surprise her. And i didnt think it would turn out to be this big. I really thought i would just walk into her class, and just like surprise her, and just take her out of school. Im really happy. I really am. And i just cant wait to go home and with be with any sister. Just love the tears, the hugs, airman gordon has been in training since march, now serving Defense Language Institute in california. Well the delaware waterfront will once again be buzz withing activity to ring in 2015. Three, two, one. Thats Eyewitness News anchor jessica dean, at city hall, along with jon hitchcock. All to unveil the new years details for philadelphia and camden, by the way, includes two fireworks displays, one at 6 00 on new years over, one at the stroke every midnight. Watch the midnight show in its entirety live here on cbs3. Two out standing fireworks shows at six p. M. And midnight have become a new years eve tradition, for many families, across this wonderful region. Fun continues on news year day, on hands to celebrate. We are here at cbs3 and the cw philly owe you big thank you. Once again you came through for children in need. Thousands every toys were collected for 26 annual joy of sharing toy campaign right here at cbs3, volunteers are sort the toys this weekend, and of course, you can see there, Eyewitness News, the salvation army, shirley campus, toys collected at numerous drop off locations around the region, are also being sorted, and of course, will lan under the tree, just in time for christmas. And this is what helps make it possible. Take a look at this, this is time lapse video, of our toy drop off right here at cbs. You can see the truck starts out empty, fills up as the day goes on, just amazing work, and of course thanks to you, our partners, our sponsors, again, viewers like you, could not have done it without you. So thanks. And there is a lot coming up on cbs this Morning Saturday. We want to get right to anthony mason, van eat a meyer, join us with a preview. Good morning to you guys. Reporter good morning, nicole. Coming up it was invent today make customers loyal and happy. Now, it is having the opposite effect. The details on the massive changes to your frequentflier miles starting in just 11 days. And they give weddings that wow factor, but it is not safe, and it is not always legal. Well take a look at the growing trends of using exotic animals in wedding ceremonies in sometimes called willie wang a, so surely he should have a chocolate factory. Well take you inside the sprawling house of sweetness. And it is all in all that wasnt enough, you still have the eye opener, the dish, special holiday concert, all just ahead, cbs this Morning Saturday. Oh, the chocolate story was more than enough. Thanks, guys. 6 46. You probably hardly ever think about your garage door, right . Who dogs. Unless it suddenly breaks on you. And in this weeks angie list reports, jim donovan takes a look at some of the things you should know repairing or replacing them. Springs the work horse of your garage door. It is not uncommon for one to break, but replacing a spring can be dangerous work. So dont do it yourself. If a spring is broken, or cable is broken, thats something that they shouldnt mess with. Because both of them is under tension, you could get hurt. Springs have designated life cycle rating, such as 10,000, 25,000, or 50,000. If a company tries to sell awe lifetime spring, did what that means. When it comes to lifetime guarantees on garage door parts, you need to know what you are paying for. Finds out exactly what the Lifetime Warranty covers. For example, a warantee on a spring might only be the lifetime after garage, not the spring itself. Most experts say, you should pason the lifetime warantee up sell. If you need a new garage door, and a company tries selling awe insulated door, give it some careful thought. Insulated garage doors cost about 400 more than an un insulated garage door, whether you should make that investment really dependent on your garage and your usage of it. If you spent a lot of time working in your garage, it might be a real good investment. For more advice on angie on repairing and replacing garage doors go, to cbsphilly. Com angies list, im jim donovan. All right, 6 47 right now. This flu is gaining some steam. This time last year, there was widespread flu activity in only four state. But the cdc says 29 states have widespread activity there is year. The number of states actually doubled if the past week, most of them are in the south and the midwest, the cdd says most cases are the h2nd strain, not protected by this years vaccine. Because it is dominating, weve probably will seymour disease. Health officials still recommend getting the flu vaccine, they say it, protect against other strains, and can help minimize symptoms if you do, in fact, get the h3n2 strain. And it may feel like winter has been around for about, i dont know, a month or so already. But it hasnt even started yet. Not officially anyway. The official start is tomorrow. It is the shortest, most dark day of the year. And if you want to mark it in grand style, could you head to stone henning in england. Tens of thousands of people gathered thereto mark the winter solsus. And i know one person who is not looking forward to it is carol. I dont even like that video that i just saw of all of that snow. Many love snow. And i think youre either born loving snow or youre born not loving snow. Eileen, murray i wonder what you think about snow . We have her opinion this morning. She is out in gilbertsville at 30 degrees this morning, and i eileen says a crisp start to a busy weekend. Happy last full day of fall. And that is where we are. We are definitely looking at a change in the sees sons here, another temperature here, lets check to see what we have at 33 degrees, than is what kerry at 33 degrees says, in mt. Laurel. Very chilly out there, perfect weather, for christmas shopping, it is the last weekends before christmas, the malls of course, and hopefully many of the main Street Stores will be packed with a lot of people, we have 31 degrees temperature, and this is ed connor, cross wicks, new jersey, and what does very to say for himself . Fairly calm out headed out for a run which hides the fact that winter starts on 21d. December. Im assuming. Lets see what we have, weve got nice looking start to the day though atlantic city. You can see, it is very slow will you, temperatures in the 20s along the shore, 28 in atlantic city, 29 in wildwood, 29 degrees in millville, 29 in dover. Thirtyfour, thats the warmest spot out there, and thats out at the airport, and then we head to the north, 31 allentown, poconos, 24 degrees. It is not all that wind think morning, so, temperatures pretty much where they are. Cold enough in the 20s, though, storm scan3, some clouds are over us, there are other clouds that would like to join in. We will probably finds a couple every sunday breaks today, which would be great. Now, as weve been talking about, winter, starts tomorrow at 6 00 03 00 p. M. , and it is the shortest daylight, just nine hours, 19 minutes, and 57 seconds. If youre out at 6 30, 7 00 at night, i know i was thinking of this last night, like boy in the summertime, we would have like another hour and half of light. It is dark so early. The average hi, for this time of the year, 43 degrees, weve got dark couple of days, but after this, every day, we get little bit more light. So, fortunately, were starting to turn the corner. We have 38 degrees expected for our High Temperature today with High Pressure here. Tomorrow were into the lower 40s, then monday looks like not a bad day. We start to change things up. More clouds come into the picture, courtesy of a couple of low pressure systems, future weather, basically keeping us dry this weekend, dont spec precipitation, im sure you dont want any. And we wont be getting any. Tuesday, we start really clouding up in ernest, and then by the time we get to later tuesday and wednesday, weve got these two low pressure systems, they start to move in our direction, the winds pick up, the rain picks up, especially on Christmas Eve. And we will be looking at a lot of rainment and then, this is according to the european model a soaking rain for Christmas Eve with snow, much farther inland, and a blustery christmas day, but a dry christmas day. Travel this weekend right through monday, fine. Clouds, sun, cool, dry, tuesday, showers, could be around, they could start as early as late monday, and then on wednesday, this heavy rain, and wind, but it is easier to get around, in rain, than it would be in snow. But we did the same thing right before thanksgiving. We had all of that rain. We have temperatures in the 30s, today, poconos, 32 degrees, the winds are fairly light, theyre just about 5 miles an hour out of the northwest today. Tonight, will be a cold one, weve got 25 to 28 degrees, keep yourselves warm, as you will, and keep your pets as warm as you are. Tomorrow, 42 degrees, sun, clouds, monday, 46, maybe a late shower, tuesday, couple of showers possibly around much milder, though, 53 degrees, and almost we could be almost 60 degrees on wednesday, with that heavy rain, and wind, dry by christmas, 45 degrees, and 48 next friday. Nicole . All right, carol, thank you. Nothing brightens up a dark december night than some fest i have holiday light, right, in this tech minute, cnet. Com care a due by an app for the best decorations in your neighborhood, high Tech Lighting options to create your own holiday spectacular. Instead of driving aimlessly through neighborhoods in search of beautiful holiday lights and decorations, consult the Holiday Cheer map. It is a free app download dollars brought to you by nextdoor, the social network for specific neighborhoods. Users can add new brief description on the map for others to see. Besides pinpointing lights, displays, also call out place toss give back, holiday related activities and event, tree lots, even santa spotting. Consider this cheer map your go to guide forgetting into the holiday spirit. If you are look to go add some festive lights to your own home, but tired of the ever present ice call lights or basic while, check out lumen play light available through retailers like amazon or boston hill. Sing with android app, to display 16 million different colors. Choreograph the blinking and fade to go music, and youre sure to wow the neighbors n San Francisco, kara tsuboi, cnet. Com. The temperatures are chilly on it last full day of fall. Tomorrow winter start. Today, 38 degrees, tomorrow, first day every winter, in the afternoon and evening, 42 degrees. Then, monday, 46. Tuesday, starts to look for some showers, then it looks to be a very rainy, windy, troublesome weather day, on wednesday, but mild, this is rain thats coming. And our temperatures will be getting close to 06 degrees, should be dry for christmas. Okay, carol, thank you. Thats cbs3 Eyewitness News for now. We may be signing off on television, always on line at cbsphilly. Com. Cbs this Morning Saturday is next. Make a great day. Bye bye. Good morning. Its december 20th, 2014. Welcome to cbs this Morning Saturday. The president confirms north korea was behind the sony hacking. His plan for retaliation and what north korea is threatening now. Plus, staples announces it was hacked back in the summer. Details on what was taken. Also, after almost a decade of hosting the late late show here on cbs, Craig Ferguson says goodbye. And Holiday Cheer by the pound. Inside mr. Chocolates brandnew chocolate factory. But we begin this morning with a look at todays eye opener, your world in 90 seconds

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