Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20140905 : comparem

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20140905

gracious and generous. >> one of the true great ones, she will be terribly missed. >> after learning the 81 year old had died, new jersey comedian, joe piscapo, re watched one of his favorite acts with rivers. >> i am remember when joan came on saturday night live. and it was the first time i put address on. man, and we did dueling jones. >> rivers was a trailblazer making her mark in the mid 60s with appearances on the tonight show with johnny carson, even becoming a guest host in the 80s. thursday night, another comedic great, david letterman, paid tribute to rivers during the late show. >> talk about guts. she would come out here, sit in this chair, and say some things that were unbelievable. >> yes. >> just where would you have to swallow pretty hard, and twice, but it was hilarious. >> and fans couldn't get enough. showing up at river's star on the walk of fame in hollywood to reflect. rivers re-invented herself time and again, as a talk show host, a best selling author, and most recently, as reality tv star. she died here at mount sinai hospital in new york city, after going into cardiac arrest about a week earlier during a routine outpatient procedure at a clinic. family, friend, though, say rivers wouldn't want her fans to be sad long. >> do you have stay positive. >> meanwhile, the new york state department of health is investigating that clinic where rivers went into cardiac arrest. we should mention, however, no allegations of wrong-doing, river's funeral set for sunday. reporting live in the sat center, jan carabeo, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". >> jan, thanks. joan rivers wasn't afraid to speak her mind. you can easily say that. that's what made her one of the best. >> i had a chance to talk to her back in 2009. she was as sharp as attack. >> how many times do you go into a neighborhood, you see one of the big houses and go who are these people? how did they get so rich? well i stop cars, which i have been doing today, big limo pulls back, go who is that, how did they get so rich. so i ask them. >> she had a book how to get so rich. that's what she was talking about, her fans flocked to social media to express their grief, trending topic on twitter and even on cbs facebook page, filled with posts about the beloved comedian. >> she was something else. and then she spoke her mind, just put on my facebook page, whenever i talked hershey was real, she was fun, whenever we got together she was always real fun. as simple as that. >> that's what translated. people relate to that kind of honesty. started with the self deprivation, then the runway with the red carpets, so quick. >> we'll continue our coverage every joan rivers, the passing of joan rivers, stay with "eyewitness news" and the worlds says good-bye to joan rivers. 6:03, here is your traffic and weather together. kate? >> good morning, ukee, erika. you can kind of see behind me here on the skydeck, the fog is in over center city philadelphia. a foggy start to the entire area really, we're seeing low visibilities outside. and you john want to play it safe if you are out and about on the roads this morning, how things are shaping up outside for you, we take you out to storm scan3, again, not mole whole lot of problems out there as far as wet weather is concerned. seeing few clouds start to move in as cold front approaches from the west. but that front doesn't really come through for us until tomorrow afternoon. actually time it out for you, you can see this afternoon, we will have couple of really pop up thunderstorms, that may drift south and east across the region, any of these could produce locally heavy rainfall, so again you want to be safe. could snarl the afternoon commute. they'll come through about 5:00 in the city. then tomorrow afternoon, we have stronger cold front to watch for. you can see by 4:00 getting into central pennsylvania, hoping they get the penn state game in with no problems, that starts at noon. then bye-bye 5:00, 6:00. few showers and storms move into the philadelphia areament some could get strong, will knock down the temperatures for part two of the weekends, the at this seven day forecast coming up. now we check in were victoria. >> good morning, everyone, still very quiet commute on the majors, 95, the schuylkill, vine st. expressway, but construction zones, also very serious accident to talk about in the overbrook section. if you are traveling, 59th street and upland way, a single vehicle crash occurred, just shortly after 5:00 a.m. this morning. it was roll-over vehicle crash. there are no reported injuries. but still very, very active scene. so, traveling in this area of overbrook, do you want to keep that in mine, there are still police and emergency personnel on scene. as we continue, let's talk about 95, the construction zone, 95 southbound, this is as you approach the area of bartrum, delayed around the platt bridge and stretch approaching the philadelphia international airport. as result of this construction, compromising the left-hand lane, really the only slow-down that we're seeing so far. even the ben franklin bridge looks pretty good with the construction zone on the westbound side blocking the right lane. few more vehicles are on the roadway, still speed censors look pretty good. fifty-five on 95, 50 on the schuylkill, 55, 476, even better, no delays for mass transit. erika? >> tour, thank you. just into "eyewitness news". we've learned ten year old boy who was hit by a car in northeast philly died overnight. police say he was riding his bike, here in the oxford circle neighborhood at loretto and longshore avenues. the driver did stop and wait for police. no word on if any charges will be filed. also, this morning, a funeral for one of three bucks county high school student who was killed in a crash last weekend. ryan lesher will be laid to rest at church in ivy lands. police say he and five others were in a car that rolled over in pawpack township wayne county. seamus digney, collin keffer were also kill. private services were hell for colin last night. digney's funeral scheduled for tomorrow. >> camden county school district cutting one of one of its school bus routes, leaving parents concerned about their children's safety. lindenwald school district canceled the e-four bus route forcing 40 elementary students to walk to class. officials say it is legal since they all live within 2 miles. but with the added dangers of traffic, parents say, it is an accident wait to go happen. >> still young. they are not like in middle school. it is a difference. i think it is a necessity for them to have transportation. >> now, through the rest of the month, the district has assigned resource officer to walk with the children from a spot about a mile away from the school. meanwhile, officials in bucks county are also dealing with a school bus controversy all their own. >> this year, the brit toll township school district decided to cut bus service for after school activities. so, any students staying late for things like sports, bands practice, will have to find their own way home. it is already leaving parents with some tough decisions toss make. >> my daughter in the band f she needed a ride with the buses to get back and forth, so upset, she wouldn't be able to be in the bands. >> you are putting children at danger. you are having children be possibly hit by cars. having children possibly abducted. you are possibly putting all of these children at risk. >> the school district did release a statement saying quote we had to take a hard look at what could be cut without compromising student learning. eliminating these under utilized late run activities buses was clearly more responsible option than cutting educational services or teachers? jack markell's offers apologizes for accidentally tweeting out provocative picture. this photo of an education event is what the governor's staffers intend today tweet. but, this is what was sent instead. picture after model named darja wearing leather choker and flash ago peace sign. governor markell's office apologized saying auto generated link for the picture was inadvertently altered while the tweet was being edited. now, the model who describes herself as underground visual artist, says, in a statement, quote, dow not personally know anyone from the governor's staff, of course, i apologize if anyone is offer ended because the image was taken out of context. there is nothing deceptive or secretive that transpired, but i feel people may be digging for deeper story. end quote. >> here's a look at today's headlines on "eyewitness news", us housing and urban development secretary, joel even castro, joins philadelphia mayor, michael nutter there is morning, for a tour of the mantua neighborhood. mantua was selected for the promise zone, revitalization initiative in january. that is job fair today at del tech community college's wilmington campus, runs from 10:00 to 2:00 features 70 employers looking for good workers, please bring your resume of course dress to impress. >> and president obama and british prime minister david cameron want nato to confront militants from the islamic state. the president is expected to address the group today is the final day of nato summit in whales. your time now 6:09. developing rightful, an amber alert issued in florida that has ties to our area. that's coming up. >> also, do you remember this horrific scene? mother driving her van into the ocean with her children inside. now, her lawyers releasing new information on what led to her irradic behavior. >> and do you have eagles fever? we're talking to merrill reese about what the birds need to do this year to beat jacksonville in sunday's season opener. we're talking football when we come back. >> hey springsteen fans, lick end up. we know you can rock the stage, now ready to rock the small screen. details on bruce's next project that's coming up. >> ♪ ring ring! progresso! it's ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. it's our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. apology accepted. i'm watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself. and now try new progresso chili. slow-simmered, homemade taste. >> alert for missing four year old boy, after four bodies found near his home in tampa, florida. ismail is autistic, may be with adam matos who moved to florida in july from lehigh county. relationship not clear. officials bleach that matos is still in florida. do you remember the mother who allegedly drove her three children into the atlantic ocean? her lawyer says they have a new explanation. he says that observe and i was suffering from hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar at the time. public defender jim purdy believes it may have led wilkerson to behave irradically. wilkerson was seven months pregnant when she drove her van into the ocean off the coast of florida. 6:13, check with kate with our traffic and weather together. good morning. >> good morning to you, erika, finally seeing the sky beginning to lighten up out there. as we start off our friday. let's take a look down the shore, here is atlantic city, see few clouds, seeing breaks of blue sky already inbetween, as we await that sunrise, and we take another look at another shore spot on live neighborhood network camera. from the beach patrol headquarters in margate. we have the lifeguard boats out on the san, waves rolling in, it will be beautiful beach day out there, if you were able to extends your shore vacation to include this week, things looking pretty nice out there for today and tomorrow. not looking quite so nice next week when i pull down the shore, will have to try to pull some strings with mother nature and fix that forecast next week. 74 degrees, seven open in wilmington, 74 atlantic city, 73 down in wildwoodment quick look at visibility, because we've been dealing with a lot of fog this morning, these numbers are coming up. we had few decimals, .7 before and across the area, now seeing visibilities over a mile, mount pocono still socked n fog comes up on you quickly so be safe, give yourself plenty of time out there this morning. for today, mostly sunny, warm, humid, 89 degrees, will be scattered afternoon showers, storms, could slow down the evening commute if the storms get into the sit right around 5:00 o'clock. then on saturday, steamy, again, with more late evening thunderstorms, and much cooler sunday, beautiful sunday, few more clouds next week with better chance for showers. good morning, victoria. >> good morning, everyone, actually getting some tweets about the fog, one tweet in particular said this fog crazy this morning. yes, it is pretty bad out there. specifically, traveling within your western suburbs, kate mentioned, so 422, 202, use extra caution, another area you're definitely going to want to use extra caution, would be, in in this part of west philadelphia, this is overbrook, an accident, 59 and upland way, single vehicle crash. rolling over into the woods, again, it is single vehicle, but it could have affected some parked cars in the area. this is a very, very active scene, so try to avoid it, traveling 95, 59 approaching bartrum avenue. construction block the left lands lane. little slow around this way specifically around the platt bridge and the philadelphia international airport. not awful, but it is slow. construction westbound side of the ben franklin bridge forks major holdup just yet. also still looking pretty good for mass transit. hopefully stays that way, ukee? >> a look at today's headlines, funeral services are scheduled for monday in new york with joan rivers. rivers passed yesterday, a week after she went into cardiac arrest during routine procedure at a doctors office. joan rivers was 81. police investigating accidentally accident at oxford circle. ten year old boy was killed while riding a bike about 8:30 last night. >> funeral services vet tonight for victims of the car crash. ryan lesher will be laid to rest today. leash ocean two other council rock student killed saturday in wayne county. we'll be right back. >> eagles jacksonville this sunday in south philly. let's get you ready right now with the voice of the eagles in 94wip mr. merle reels. merle, good morning, my friends. >> morning, ukee. exciting times. >> it is, that it is, merle, you've been doing this a long time, still doing it very well. does your level of excitement and anticipation go up couple of notches like the rest of us. >> absolutely, i even get excited about the pre-season games, eagles football again, but when you have the opener, and you have a team going into the season, with high homes, added excitement. >> looking at shots at chip kelly, what can fans expect watch can the league expect? talk about chip right now as second year coach. >> even as first year coach, ukee, he displayed a lot of intelligence, so smart, he is so quick, he is so creative. and the part brought into everything that chip has put out there. he is in a excellent coach. and i think he's going to prove to be one of the best coaches this scene has ever had. >> the league's leading rusher, shady mccoy back but without key piece of the front line for four games. after watching the pre-season, are you concerned at all? >> i am not. >> before long, lane johnson back, not worried. i was little worried about depth at running back, but chris polk back at prank tis this week, so with shady mccoy, darren express, and i can't wait to see how chip kelly uses darren express, i think they're going to be fine. >> nick foles of course was brilliant last season. can he do it again? you mentioned express. he doesn't have desean jackson, but still has lot of weapons? >> he does have weapons. can he do it again? yes. he can be out standing quarterback, i think he can even be better than he was last year. statistically, that's a different story. i doubt they will ever throw 27 touchdown passes to only two interceptions or maybe even have quarterback rating close to 120, but as quarterback, in a lot of different areas, i think he'll grow and be even better. >> merle, what about the defense in year two of the system, i'm hoping for much improved results. ukee? >> you said it right there. it is year two of the system. so the guys are playing bill davis' defense against more comfortable, they can react more instinctively without thinking every single step they have to take. so, i think they'll be better. plus, the addition every malcolm jenkins will help this team. >> real quick before go. what do you think about sunday, jacksonville coming into town? >> jacksonville is a team, coming off of four and 12 record, last year, they played seven teams that went to the playoffs, never got closer than 16 points to any of them. but they're better. there are a lot of offense opening week of the season. eagles have to play the jaguires as if they were seattle. that's how they have to play them. that mindset that they are playing a good team, go out, beat them from the get go. >> game on. let's do it, merle, call good game. give mike quick our best. thanks for joining us. we'll get you ready foresees on opener sunday on cbs-3 sports director beasley reese, leslie van arsdale will be live at lincoln financial field for toyota sunday kickoff. sunday morning nfl today at noon followed by action of eagles football. eagles, jacksonville, sunday at 1:00 right here on cbs-3. we'll be back. sothe monthly maintenance fee. he's so good to me. mom! this is amazing! i know. no fee. no. brian at citizens bank. he gave you a special deal? he's into you. sounds like it's time to get back out there. honey, anyone can get one deposit checking. besides, he's younger than your brother. eww. you got that right. one deposit checking. only from citizens bank. one deposit of any amount each statement period waives the monthly maintenance fee. >> steamy outside, humid, then we have changes to talk becomes we take you outside real quick, one of the things we've been dealing with this morning, the fogment take a look at the ben franklin bridge, just shrouded in dense fog. watch out on the roadways, could slow you down. victoria will tell but in just a minute. peaking at temperatures, 73 at the airport, nice and warm, steamy as well, 74 atlantic city. visibilities, less than mile in some spots. and again, that dense fog comes up on you fast. so be safe out there this morning. the fog will mix out eventually, and highs get to the upper 80s, with chance for afternoon thunderstorms. victoria? >> thank you, kate. bridge is shrouded. i love how she said that. shrouded. right? i'm learning a new word every day here. you do want to watch out for the fog, absolutely, 422, 202, seeing those problems, specifically in the western you can. talk about an accident quickly, if you are traveling in the overbrook section 59th and upland, truck into the woods. very active scene. they are closing this down. so lancaster avenue would be your best bet. if you are traveling 95, northbound delay right around cargo city as a result of earlier construction. watch out for delays creeping up on the schuylkill and 95 headed into the city. ukee? the big question in the word this morning, art or ridiculous invasion of provey? >> remember the nude celebrity photos leak over the week? they'll soon be on display in a art exhibit. the cory allen con tell pear over art gallery are peak laurence and upton. artist says it is part of his fear google campaign. it fit yours feet owes of stars caught in compromising position by either hackers or the paparazzi. the show titled no delete opens october 30th, in saint st. petersberg floured. >> the word is mother hide for scarlet johansson. actress gave birth to little girl in new york city and named her roast. she chose dorothy as the middle name after her grandmother. it is her first child with her fiancee a french journalist. >> congratulations. and having conquerred the music world, today is new challenge apparently, boss taken on acting, brings springsteen will make appearance on net series, stars in that show, the 64 year old rocker, he is 64? >> and doing well. >> you would never know t he is going to reportedly play mortuary owner in the third season. the first time he's ever played a character other than himself. >> how about 64 the new 34. >> i'm sure he'll rock it. >> yes, he will. time 6:27. un a pop jet i can, said what others were thinking. coming up in our next half hour every "eyewitness news", a look how hollywood is remembering joan rivers. >> plus nearly 10,000 americans will die from melanoma this year. but now, that is new drug, it is just approved, by the fda. that is giving patients hope. >> and the iphone six isn't expected to come out for weeks. but people are already camping out for it. up next, a look at the features it is secretary today have. >> who has this amount of time? >> i know, tell me about it. also, victoria and kate, they have your traffic and weather together on the 3'sment back in just two minutes, happy friday to you out there. we'll be right oh wow. you look incredible! right?! is this the bacon and cheese diet? this is the creamy chicken corn chowder. i mean, look at it. so indulgent. what's different? oh, it's my chicken and cheese enchilada diet. well keep it up, honey. it's working. oh, gracias! did i tell you i'm on the... (in unison) chicken pot pie diet! (in unison) me too! lisa, did i tell you i'm on the.. soups so indulgent, you'll never believe they're light. 100-calorie progresso light soups. good morning, joan rivers had a knack for saying exactly what was on her minds. she was such a talent, even those she teased consider themselves to be lucky just to be mentioned at all. >> jan carabeo joins us with news of the funeral plans, good morning. that's right, funeral for joan rivers is scheduled for sunday. her fans and her fellow comedians are paying tribute including late show host, david letterman. he actually paid tribute to her last night calling her un apologetic and her biting width. what made her hilarious, yesterday it didn't take long for fans to turn out in huge numbers out west to pay their respects smoke up at her star on the walk of fame in hollywood. they laid a wreath there thursday afternoon. the 81 year old comedian and tv star is being remembered as a grounds breaker and hope and a hilarious ladiment she got her start on the tonight show with johnny carson, even becoming carson's regular guest host in the early zero's, re-invented herself time and again, pioneering red carpet coverage and poking fun at celebrities. later in her life she became a reality tv star, with her daughter, but everything she did, she did with a goal of making people laugh. >> talk about guts. she would come out here, sit in this chair, and say some things that were unbelievable. >> yes. >> just where would you have to swallow pretty hard, and twice, but it was hilarious. >> and river's daughter melissa even issued a statement yesterday saying that, yes, her mother's death is sad, but rivers would have wanted everyone to start laughing again, and very soon. meanwhile, the new york state health department is investigating that clinic, where rivers was undergoing an outpatient routine surgery when she went into cardiac arrest, we should note, however, there are no allegations of wrong-doing there, again, her funeral is scheduled for sunday. reporting live in the sat center, jan carabeo, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". thank you, jan. joan rivers even made a name for herself in the fashion world. she was everywhere. in addition to her red carpet commentary for more than 20 years, she appeared on qvc in west chester to sell her own line of clothing and jewelry. one of her on-air partners qvc tracey spoke with us about the softer side of joan. >> kindest person you would ever meet. worried were you hungry, tired, she was kinds to everybody in this building and she had such compassion. she would know if there was maybe something a little off in your day. and i think some people are surprised. because she was so funny, hilarious, but there was this soft nurturing mothering side to joan rivers, and she showed it to everybody. >> tracey says joan also kept her laughing, even during the commercial breaks. and if she was sassy on air, you can just imagine what she was saying when the camera wasn't rolling. >> oh, yea. >> we invite to you connect with us, share your thoughts on the life a and career of joan rivers, visit the cbsf ill facebook page at cbs philly. just past 6:33, we want our traffic and weather togetherment kick things off with kate. good morning. >> good morning, everyone, hammy friday. we made it to the ends of the first week of september for a lot of kids, it was back to school week, and maybe back to work, after the long labor day weaken, for some reason, the shore weeks always feel longer than the regular size weeks, don't they? take a look at temperatures outside. seventy-three at the airport, warm, steamy, 74 in atlantic city, sitting at 69 in allentown, 67 up in mount pocono. visibility across the region low all morning, less than 2 miles in many locations, you can see where the fog is, all across the area, so please be safe on area roadways, this morning. the fog will mix out later this morning, then by afternoon see 11:00 lots of sunshine, nice start to the day, but watch what happens this afternoon between three p.m. and 6:00 p.m. showers and storms mainly north and west serbs, then drifting into the city just in time for your evening rush. >> again risk for locally showers and storms, 88 in the city. eighty-four down the shore, 28 in the poconos. good morning, victorial. >> good morning, kate. good morning, everyone, let me say, starting to see the sprinkling of that rush common in. even before the sun is up. let's get you outside. start first with a accident. we need to touch upon the fact since very serious active scene. >> this would be overbrook section, if recalling traveling 59 and upland way. best alternate lancaster, as result of emergency teams on scene. single vehicle truck crash >> westbound construction compromising right-hand lane, starting to see little volume build here, build on 95, in the northbound 95 around 420 from earlier construction, let's head over to erika. >> de hard apple lovers starting camping out yesterday in manhattan to ensure they get the newest iphone before anyone else. see them line up? brought their food. brought their smacks. brought their chairs. device won't be unveil until tuesday, likely not unveiling their store shelves until a week or two after. that will assume i dads tells us what we might see next week. >> reporter: and and it is payings for the apple event grows, so too does speculation, by the apple fairly predictable cycle, new iphone six pretty sure bet. >> there could be two iphone six areas, probably going to be 4.7-inch screen. also could be a 5.5-inch fablet. >> equal parts phone and tablet would place apple. >> may also offer fear, paves the way foremen payments, but could raise flags, in the wake of the recent i cloud hack. >> won't use your phone if you don't think your data is is secure. >> at the flint center in coopertino where apple has been busy builds ago jays end structure. >> venue holds sentimental value, where steve jobs interviewed original mack in 1984. >> will needs names like apple, motorola. san francisco, sumidaz, cbs news. on the hell watch this morning, celebrities will be filling the stage at at any time's stand up to cancer event. that can be seen right here on cbs-3. to help raise money for cancer research. "3 on your side" health reporter stephanie stahl speaks with one family, who hopes local research funded by tonight's event can potentially save their young boy's life. >> supposed to be a fun distraction for andrew sean, but the six year old is battling neuroblastoma, cancer of the nervous system. >> traditional treatments including chemotherapy haven't pork. then made the once happy little boy very sick. >> you do there is and it will make you better, and you can't say that. and that's hard. >> doctor john maris at the children's hospital of philadelphia says treatments for neuroblastoma are better, but still, very limited, and difficult. he's about to start a new trial, on immuno therapy, that's been successful for treating leukemia. where t cells are engineered to attack cancer. now, they're going to see if t cells can also be targeted to destroy neuroblastoma. >> there is no doubt that immuno they arely play very important role in curing fire owe blast roam, a and the hope is that as we get better at the immuno therapy we can pull back on very toxic chemotherapy and radiation therapy. >> the new reserve that much might be able to help andrew is funded in part bystand up to cancer. >> i couldn't be more greatful at this opportunity came, because it came at i think real critical junction. >> just greatful that there are options. >> hoping the stand to up research can save his life or at least help other children with neuroblastoma. >> you look at these kids, and they deserve better. they deserve us to fight for them. >> chop part of the only pediatric dream team funded bystand up to cancer in the united states, and if doctors across the country working together to advance the research, as fast as possible. i'm stephanie stahl, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". >> stands up cancer beginning at 10:00 o'clock. fundraising special brought to you from the dole bye theatre in los angeles, watch it tonight at 8:00 right here on cbs-3. >> also, on the hell watch this morning, a new drug is giving hope to thousands of people suffering from melanoma . >> majority of patients responded to the treatment during the fessing phase, some even saw their tumors sling by more than 30%. now that pushed the fda to fast track the drug's approval. it will be sold un the brands name keytruda. >> police in tampa have arrested adam matos, canceled amber alert. police say the four year old boy, matos accused of and ducking is safe and with police. again the amber alert has been canceled. stay with us for more details on the story all morning long. >> super size discovery unveiled right here in philadelphia. find out where the skeleton of the largest creature to ever walk the setter found. >> pumped up for sunday eagle game against jacksonville, eagles cheerleaders and the pep band and the drum line. >> hey. >> in the house. eagles! >> you know what that spells. we'll be right back, morning, family. ring ring! progresso! it's ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. it's our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. apology accepted. i'm watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself. and now try new progresso chili. slow-simmered, homemade taste. the time is 6:43. looking at storm scan3, cold front voicing through portions of the great lakes, northern planes, upper midwest, with showers, storms there is will eventually get here, but the actual front doesn't come you there for us, until later tomorrow afternoon. in the meantime, high pressure moving eastward, we've got this warm, moist, southwest flow, keeping things very steamy even this morning, at 73, at the airport right now, seven happen atlantic city, 71 degrees, in trenton, new jersey. quick look at your pollen report here, predominant pollens in the atmosphere, ragweed, grasses, chenopods. see the highest numbers today. then we see the numbers start to drop little bit. still medium range head through the weekends into the start of next week. so, weather wise, we go from summer to fall over the next few days. temperatures near 09 again today. come we hit 90, once the cold front sweeps through, clearing, cooler, sunday, much nicer weather to look forward tonight quick look at the forecast, for today. mostly sunny, scattered afternoon showers and storms, tomorrow 90, cooler sunday, few more clouds early next week, chance for some showers. now here's victoria. >> good morning, still dealing with very, very active scene in the overbrook section of philadelphia. it is 59 street at upland way. lancaster avenue would be your best bet, single vehicle crash, a truck, that had roped over, then went into the woods. so, not a good situation, try to avoid it this morning, again, using alternate would be your best bet. you can't even tell what this next shot is, because of so much fog. fog is a big, big deal, westbound construction taking out the left-hand lane causing delay. rush hour building, 422, trooper, that eastbound delay, getting very, very busy trying to get down toward 202. and expect usual on 76, and 95, but things are about to get very, very exciting right now. let me tots it -- toss it over to ukee and erika. >> we are ready. eagles-jacksonville there is sunday in south philly. season opener, season and we have good friends behind us right now to talk eagles football. >> check in first with the cheerleaders, lovely ladies, rookie, ladies, i hand you the mike. go down, your name and how long you've been with the swad. >> sage, thirds year on the squad. >> high name is rene, rookie. >> my name is malea, second year on the squad. >> glibbery ella, second year, as well. >> very good. ladies, so you have been doing this before. what's the best part of the first game specially at home? >> definitely seeing the fans and how excited they are. we have some of the best fans as everybody knows, and it is really great to see them all. >> fantastic, also the rookie over here. you made the squad. that's so huge. now also here. what have you gone through, get to go knows these girls to get ready for the first big day. >> excited for the home opener. a lot of bonding since we made the team, just did our calendar shoot in mexico, and launched last night. that was the time that we really got to bonds the most while away together. >> my hats off to you girls for strutting down the runway in your bikinis, one thing to be in mexico in a bathing suit, but weaver video playing right now from last night, what was it like to be down in mexico doing the shoot? how exciting? >> so amazing, shoot was beautiful, hanging out with the girls such a great time. >> very good. well okay, little confession time here. i was high school cheerleader, i dusted off my old pompom's, here we go, ladies, teach me quick cheer before i toss over to ukee? >> oh, my. >> don't pull a muscle, erika. (cheer). >> yeah, yeah, pretty good. all right. >> that was pretty good. we have the pep band. we have the drum line. we're talking eagles football. my man bobby with us, bobby, what's up, man, here we go again. >> this sex siting. you agree people universally believe in chip kelly like the wizards every x's and o's, all in so exciting. >> introduce the bands for everybody again? >> we got brian, best saxophone player in philadelphia, skull, and he's the best banjo player and guitar player, and the upright base. >> you guys stand by, i go over here, holler up my manment you guys give me little soft beat real quick. do little soft beat. >> come on, pennsylvania, i like that. take it down little bit more. take it down little more. i have to read some instructing real quickment we'll get you ready for the sunday season opener. our man, beasley reese, leslie advance arsdale will be live for sunday kickoff at 11:30, then at noon the nfl today with james brown, the eagles take on jacksonville at 1:00 p.m., right here, on cbs-3, there is no better way to get into the spirit, now, with live performance, by the eagles pep bands. here we go. >> ♪ (music playing) ♪ fly eagles fly ♪ and breaking news tops today's headlines here on cbs-3. illiberal letter just cancelled for four year old ismail, in florida. he's safe and sound in tampa. and adam matos is in police custody. the amber alert was issued late yesterday. also, police are investigating a deadly accident, in oxford circle. ten year old boy was killed when he was hit by a car around 8:30 last night. it happened near loretto and longshore avenues. funeral services service sur joan rivers, river passed yesterday at the age of 81, a week after suffering cardiac arrest during routine medical procedure. >> other district already, back in session, and we've been asking you all week to see your back to school pictures, just fantasticment check it out. we have joselyn and jack connor from washington township. joselyn isn't going into the third glade, jack is in the second great. at hurfville elementary school. love the chalk board idea, so create disbelief wonderful. >> big smiles for these two, they get ready for first day, good luck, kids. by the way i'm digging the outfits, too. though planned those in advance, mom maybe planned this is for them. >> thanks, mom, dad, for sending them in. snap and share your pictures using hashtag cbs-3 mornings, you might see them right here on "eyewitness news". we love our props. >> yes, we do. >> 6:53, we want your traffic and weather togetherment kate? >> good morning, guys, good morning, everyone, we take quick look at your forecast for today. it is friday. and actually going to be nice warm fridayment peak outside right now. still dealing with some fog issues out over the city of philadelphia and really all around the region. for today mostly sunny once the fog mixes out, scattered afternoon and evening showers, and thunderstorms, some of those could produce some brief heavy downpours, so watch out. right around the time of the evening commute. overnight, partly cloudy, mild, and muggy, at 72 degrees. and your eyewitness weather seven day forecast and "shorecast", again, hot tomorrow. 90 degrees. sunshine, hot, humid. watch for thunderstorm late. sunday beautiful. we keep it on the cooling side next week with chance for showers specially tuesday and wednesday. now, we check in with torrey. >> thank you, kate. good morning, everyone, if you are traveling right now, starting to see the sprinkling every rush hour pop on up on 95 southbound where you see speeds dropping down to 2,033 on the schuylkill, very slow go from eastbound approaching blue route all the way down through to about gladwynn, starting to see little of the volume build around the vine st. expressway, as well. also still dealing with a accident, very serious, overturned truck accident. lancaster avenue, your best bet. also there is accident, here, in chester, we are dealing with this at 21st street and edge ponds avenue. another place to avoid if you k no major delays, however, for mass transit. we head back toutiesting. >> group of louisianna men have become u tune sensation after video of close encounter with a shark went viral. check it out here, what you are seeing is balcony view, beach in florida, as hammer head comes toward the swimmers. oh, gosh, you can see it lurking there. the group told the swim tears get out of the water, and they say the swimmers didn't react. they hope this video teaches a lesson if somebody is screaming get out of the water, no matter what is happening, but look how close they are to that shark. >> yes, yes. >> i'm not dig that at all. >> well, the drexel dragons might as well call themselves the drexel dinosaurs. >> that's because the team of scientists from the university have inserted new species of dinosaur. at 85 feet long, weighing about 65 tons, dread -- one of the largest animals to ever walk the earth. bones unearth in the argentina nod to the fearless nature of the dine saw. >> the largest creatures to ever walk the lands. >> how about it? the fine of 145 bones represents the most complete skeleton ever of this kind. >> nickname it dino and everything will be cool. >> much easier. >> yabadabado. coming up in just a couple minutes, more local traffic weather and sports on sister station the cw fill. >> i also, more on breaking news amber alert, little boy abducted, cancelled, latest on the arrest of the man accused of taking two boys in florida. >> please keep in mind you can find the "cw philly" on comcast xfinity,. >> we will talk much more about the eagles as well as they open up the season with the jacksonville jaguires in south fill. >> i and were you saying the last time they had a one game home opener what happened? >> kate gave us the temperature. >> 79 degrees. >> that's right. >> that much i glow also the mcs championship, couldn't they win something? >> last time they had a home -- oh, they had a great year. >> they had a great year. that's dowlower... that's more like it! petsmart's prices on your favorite food brands just got lower! shop a wide assortment of food and save up to $8 on your favorite dog & cat food brands. at petsmart®. good morning. it is friday, september 5th, 2014. welcome to "cbs this morning." celebrating joan rivers. new tributes, the biggest laughs, and her own revealing thoughts about death. a u.s. air strike targets top leader of the terror group isis. plus, drama in the sky. the fbi order that led a united pilot to tell his passengers a lie. but we begin this morning with today's "eye opener," your world in 90 seconds. she would say some things that were unbelievable. >> we lost a comedy legend. >> few people that you could say were groundbreaking talents. joan rivers was one of them. >> remembering a comedy pioneer. >> joan rivers died a week after going into cardiac

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gracious and generous. >> one of the true great ones, she will be terribly missed. >> after learning the 81 year old had died, new jersey comedian, joe piscapo, re watched one of his favorite acts with rivers. >> i am remember when joan came on saturday night live. and it was the first time i put address on. man, and we did dueling jones. >> rivers was a trailblazer making her mark in the mid 60s with appearances on the tonight show with johnny carson, even becoming a guest host in the 80s. thursday night, another comedic great, david letterman, paid tribute to rivers during the late show. >> talk about guts. she would come out here, sit in this chair, and say some things that were unbelievable. >> yes. >> just where would you have to swallow pretty hard, and twice, but it was hilarious. >> and fans couldn't get enough. showing up at river's star on the walk of fame in hollywood to reflect. rivers re-invented herself time and again, as a talk show host, a best selling author, and most recently, as reality tv star. she died here at mount sinai hospital in new york city, after going into cardiac arrest about a week earlier during a routine outpatient procedure at a clinic. family, friend, though, say rivers wouldn't want her fans to be sad long. >> do you have stay positive. >> meanwhile, the new york state department of health is investigating that clinic where rivers went into cardiac arrest. we should mention, however, no allegations of wrong-doing, river's funeral set for sunday. reporting live in the sat center, jan carabeo, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". >> jan, thanks. joan rivers wasn't afraid to speak her mind. you can easily say that. that's what made her one of the best. >> i had a chance to talk to her back in 2009. she was as sharp as attack. >> how many times do you go into a neighborhood, you see one of the big houses and go who are these people? how did they get so rich? well i stop cars, which i have been doing today, big limo pulls back, go who is that, how did they get so rich. so i ask them. >> she had a book how to get so rich. that's what she was talking about, her fans flocked to social media to express their grief, trending topic on twitter and even on cbs facebook page, filled with posts about the beloved comedian. >> she was something else. and then she spoke her mind, just put on my facebook page, whenever i talked hershey was real, she was fun, whenever we got together she was always real fun. as simple as that. >> that's what translated. people relate to that kind of honesty. started with the self deprivation, then the runway with the red carpets, so quick. >> we'll continue our coverage every joan rivers, the passing of joan rivers, stay with "eyewitness news" and the worlds says good-bye to joan rivers. 6:03, here is your traffic and weather together. kate? >> good morning, ukee, erika. you can kind of see behind me here on the skydeck, the fog is in over center city philadelphia. a foggy start to the entire area really, we're seeing low visibilities outside. and you john want to play it safe if you are out and about on the roads this morning, how things are shaping up outside for you, we take you out to storm scan3, again, not mole whole lot of problems out there as far as wet weather is concerned. seeing few clouds start to move in as cold front approaches from the west. but that front doesn't really come through for us until tomorrow afternoon. actually time it out for you, you can see this afternoon, we will have couple of really pop up thunderstorms, that may drift south and east across the region, any of these could produce locally heavy rainfall, so again you want to be safe. could snarl the afternoon commute. they'll come through about 5:00 in the city. then tomorrow afternoon, we have stronger cold front to watch for. you can see by 4:00 getting into central pennsylvania, hoping they get the penn state game in with no problems, that starts at noon. then bye-bye 5:00, 6:00. few showers and storms move into the philadelphia areament some could get strong, will knock down the temperatures for part two of the weekends, the at this seven day forecast coming up. now we check in were victoria. >> good morning, everyone, still very quiet commute on the majors, 95, the schuylkill, vine st. expressway, but construction zones, also very serious accident to talk about in the overbrook section. if you are traveling, 59th street and upland way, a single vehicle crash occurred, just shortly after 5:00 a.m. this morning. it was roll-over vehicle crash. there are no reported injuries. but still very, very active scene. so, traveling in this area of overbrook, do you want to keep that in mine, there are still police and emergency personnel on scene. as we continue, let's talk about 95, the construction zone, 95 southbound, this is as you approach the area of bartrum, delayed around the platt bridge and stretch approaching the philadelphia international airport. as result of this construction, compromising the left-hand lane, really the only slow-down that we're seeing so far. even the ben franklin bridge looks pretty good with the construction zone on the westbound side blocking the right lane. few more vehicles are on the roadway, still speed censors look pretty good. fifty-five on 95, 50 on the schuylkill, 55, 476, even better, no delays for mass transit. erika? >> tour, thank you. just into "eyewitness news". we've learned ten year old boy who was hit by a car in northeast philly died overnight. police say he was riding his bike, here in the oxford circle neighborhood at loretto and longshore avenues. the driver did stop and wait for police. no word on if any charges will be filed. also, this morning, a funeral for one of three bucks county high school student who was killed in a crash last weekend. ryan lesher will be laid to rest at church in ivy lands. police say he and five others were in a car that rolled over in pawpack township wayne county. seamus digney, collin keffer were also kill. private services were hell for colin last night. digney's funeral scheduled for tomorrow. >> camden county school district cutting one of one of its school bus routes, leaving parents concerned about their children's safety. lindenwald school district canceled the e-four bus route forcing 40 elementary students to walk to class. officials say it is legal since they all live within 2 miles. but with the added dangers of traffic, parents say, it is an accident wait to go happen. >> still young. they are not like in middle school. it is a difference. i think it is a necessity for them to have transportation. >> now, through the rest of the month, the district has assigned resource officer to walk with the children from a spot about a mile away from the school. meanwhile, officials in bucks county are also dealing with a school bus controversy all their own. >> this year, the brit toll township school district decided to cut bus service for after school activities. so, any students staying late for things like sports, bands practice, will have to find their own way home. it is already leaving parents with some tough decisions toss make. >> my daughter in the band f she needed a ride with the buses to get back and forth, so upset, she wouldn't be able to be in the bands. >> you are putting children at danger. you are having children be possibly hit by cars. having children possibly abducted. you are possibly putting all of these children at risk. >> the school district did release a statement saying quote we had to take a hard look at what could be cut without compromising student learning. eliminating these under utilized late run activities buses was clearly more responsible option than cutting educational services or teachers? jack markell's offers apologizes for accidentally tweeting out provocative picture. this photo of an education event is what the governor's staffers intend today tweet. but, this is what was sent instead. picture after model named darja wearing leather choker and flash ago peace sign. governor markell's office apologized saying auto generated link for the picture was inadvertently altered while the tweet was being edited. now, the model who describes herself as underground visual artist, says, in a statement, quote, dow not personally know anyone from the governor's staff, of course, i apologize if anyone is offer ended because the image was taken out of context. there is nothing deceptive or secretive that transpired, but i feel people may be digging for deeper story. end quote. >> here's a look at today's headlines on "eyewitness news", us housing and urban development secretary, joel even castro, joins philadelphia mayor, michael nutter there is morning, for a tour of the mantua neighborhood. mantua was selected for the promise zone, revitalization initiative in january. that is job fair today at del tech community college's wilmington campus, runs from 10:00 to 2:00 features 70 employers looking for good workers, please bring your resume of course dress to impress. >> and president obama and british prime minister david cameron want nato to confront militants from the islamic state. the president is expected to address the group today is the final day of nato summit in whales. your time now 6:09. developing rightful, an amber alert issued in florida that has ties to our area. that's coming up. >> also, do you remember this horrific scene? mother driving her van into the ocean with her children inside. now, her lawyers releasing new information on what led to her irradic behavior. >> and do you have eagles fever? we're talking to merrill reese about what the birds need to do this year to beat jacksonville in sunday's season opener. we're talking football when we come back. >> hey springsteen fans, lick end up. we know you can rock the stage, now ready to rock the small screen. details on bruce's next project that's coming up. >> ♪ ring ring! progresso! it's ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. it's our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. apology accepted. i'm watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself. and now try new progresso chili. slow-simmered, homemade taste. >> alert for missing four year old boy, after four bodies found near his home in tampa, florida. ismail is autistic, may be with adam matos who moved to florida in july from lehigh county. relationship not clear. officials bleach that matos is still in florida. do you remember the mother who allegedly drove her three children into the atlantic ocean? her lawyer says they have a new explanation. he says that observe and i was suffering from hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar at the time. public defender jim purdy believes it may have led wilkerson to behave irradically. wilkerson was seven months pregnant when she drove her van into the ocean off the coast of florida. 6:13, check with kate with our traffic and weather together. good morning. >> good morning to you, erika, finally seeing the sky beginning to lighten up out there. as we start off our friday. let's take a look down the shore, here is atlantic city, see few clouds, seeing breaks of blue sky already inbetween, as we await that sunrise, and we take another look at another shore spot on live neighborhood network camera. from the beach patrol headquarters in margate. we have the lifeguard boats out on the san, waves rolling in, it will be beautiful beach day out there, if you were able to extends your shore vacation to include this week, things looking pretty nice out there for today and tomorrow. not looking quite so nice next week when i pull down the shore, will have to try to pull some strings with mother nature and fix that forecast next week. 74 degrees, seven open in wilmington, 74 atlantic city, 73 down in wildwoodment quick look at visibility, because we've been dealing with a lot of fog this morning, these numbers are coming up. we had few decimals, .7 before and across the area, now seeing visibilities over a mile, mount pocono still socked n fog comes up on you quickly so be safe, give yourself plenty of time out there this morning. for today, mostly sunny, warm, humid, 89 degrees, will be scattered afternoon showers, storms, could slow down the evening commute if the storms get into the sit right around 5:00 o'clock. then on saturday, steamy, again, with more late evening thunderstorms, and much cooler sunday, beautiful sunday, few more clouds next week with better chance for showers. good morning, victoria. >> good morning, everyone, actually getting some tweets about the fog, one tweet in particular said this fog crazy this morning. yes, it is pretty bad out there. specifically, traveling within your western suburbs, kate mentioned, so 422, 202, use extra caution, another area you're definitely going to want to use extra caution, would be, in in this part of west philadelphia, this is overbrook, an accident, 59 and upland way, single vehicle crash. rolling over into the woods, again, it is single vehicle, but it could have affected some parked cars in the area. this is a very, very active scene, so try to avoid it, traveling 95, 59 approaching bartrum avenue. construction block the left lands lane. little slow around this way specifically around the platt bridge and the philadelphia international airport. not awful, but it is slow. construction westbound side of the ben franklin bridge forks major holdup just yet. also still looking pretty good for mass transit. hopefully stays that way, ukee? >> a look at today's headlines, funeral services are scheduled for monday in new york with joan rivers. rivers passed yesterday, a week after she went into cardiac arrest during routine procedure at a doctors office. joan rivers was 81. police investigating accidentally accident at oxford circle. ten year old boy was killed while riding a bike about 8:30 last night. >> funeral services vet tonight for victims of the car crash. ryan lesher will be laid to rest today. leash ocean two other council rock student killed saturday in wayne county. we'll be right back. >> eagles jacksonville this sunday in south philly. let's get you ready right now with the voice of the eagles in 94wip mr. merle reels. merle, good morning, my friends. >> morning, ukee. exciting times. >> it is, that it is, merle, you've been doing this a long time, still doing it very well. does your level of excitement and anticipation go up couple of notches like the rest of us. >> absolutely, i even get excited about the pre-season games, eagles football again, but when you have the opener, and you have a team going into the season, with high homes, added excitement. >> looking at shots at chip kelly, what can fans expect watch can the league expect? talk about chip right now as second year coach. >> even as first year coach, ukee, he displayed a lot of intelligence, so smart, he is so quick, he is so creative. and the part brought into everything that chip has put out there. he is in a excellent coach. and i think he's going to prove to be one of the best coaches this scene has ever had. >> the league's leading rusher, shady mccoy back but without key piece of the front line for four games. after watching the pre-season, are you concerned at all? >> i am not. >> before long, lane johnson back, not worried. i was little worried about depth at running back, but chris polk back at prank tis this week, so with shady mccoy, darren express, and i can't wait to see how chip kelly uses darren express, i think they're going to be fine. >> nick foles of course was brilliant last season. can he do it again? you mentioned express. he doesn't have desean jackson, but still has lot of weapons? >> he does have weapons. can he do it again? yes. he can be out standing quarterback, i think he can even be better than he was last year. statistically, that's a different story. i doubt they will ever throw 27 touchdown passes to only two interceptions or maybe even have quarterback rating close to 120, but as quarterback, in a lot of different areas, i think he'll grow and be even better. >> merle, what about the defense in year two of the system, i'm hoping for much improved results. ukee? >> you said it right there. it is year two of the system. so the guys are playing bill davis' defense against more comfortable, they can react more instinctively without thinking every single step they have to take. so, i think they'll be better. plus, the addition every malcolm jenkins will help this team. >> real quick before go. what do you think about sunday, jacksonville coming into town? >> jacksonville is a team, coming off of four and 12 record, last year, they played seven teams that went to the playoffs, never got closer than 16 points to any of them. but they're better. there are a lot of offense opening week of the season. eagles have to play the jaguires as if they were seattle. that's how they have to play them. that mindset that they are playing a good team, go out, beat them from the get go. >> game on. let's do it, merle, call good game. give mike quick our best. thanks for joining us. we'll get you ready foresees on opener sunday on cbs-3 sports director beasley reese, leslie van arsdale will be live at lincoln financial field for toyota sunday kickoff. sunday morning nfl today at noon followed by action of eagles football. eagles, jacksonville, sunday at 1:00 right here on cbs-3. we'll be back. sothe monthly maintenance fee. he's so good to me. mom! this is amazing! i know. no fee. no. brian at citizens bank. he gave you a special deal? he's into you. sounds like it's time to get back out there. honey, anyone can get one deposit checking. besides, he's younger than your brother. eww. you got that right. one deposit checking. only from citizens bank. one deposit of any amount each statement period waives the monthly maintenance fee. >> steamy outside, humid, then we have changes to talk becomes we take you outside real quick, one of the things we've been dealing with this morning, the fogment take a look at the ben franklin bridge, just shrouded in dense fog. watch out on the roadways, could slow you down. victoria will tell but in just a minute. peaking at temperatures, 73 at the airport, nice and warm, steamy as well, 74 atlantic city. visibilities, less than mile in some spots. and again, that dense fog comes up on you fast. so be safe out there this morning. the fog will mix out eventually, and highs get to the upper 80s, with chance for afternoon thunderstorms. victoria? >> thank you, kate. bridge is shrouded. i love how she said that. shrouded. right? i'm learning a new word every day here. you do want to watch out for the fog, absolutely, 422, 202, seeing those problems, specifically in the western you can. talk about an accident quickly, if you are traveling in the overbrook section 59th and upland, truck into the woods. very active scene. they are closing this down. so lancaster avenue would be your best bet. if you are traveling 95, northbound delay right around cargo city as a result of earlier construction. watch out for delays creeping up on the schuylkill and 95 headed into the city. ukee? the big question in the word this morning, art or ridiculous invasion of provey? >> remember the nude celebrity photos leak over the week? they'll soon be on display in a art exhibit. the cory allen con tell pear over art gallery are peak laurence and upton. artist says it is part of his fear google campaign. it fit yours feet owes of stars caught in compromising position by either hackers or the paparazzi. the show titled no delete opens october 30th, in saint st. petersberg floured. >> the word is mother hide for scarlet johansson. actress gave birth to little girl in new york city and named her roast. she chose dorothy as the middle name after her grandmother. it is her first child with her fiancee a french journalist. >> congratulations. and having conquerred the music world, today is new challenge apparently, boss taken on acting, brings springsteen will make appearance on net series, stars in that show, the 64 year old rocker, he is 64? >> and doing well. >> you would never know t he is going to reportedly play mortuary owner in the third season. the first time he's ever played a character other than himself. >> how about 64 the new 34. >> i'm sure he'll rock it. >> yes, he will. time 6:27. un a pop jet i can, said what others were thinking. coming up in our next half hour every "eyewitness news", a look how hollywood is remembering joan rivers. >> plus nearly 10,000 americans will die from melanoma this year. but now, that is new drug, it is just approved, by the fda. that is giving patients hope. >> and the iphone six isn't expected to come out for weeks. but people are already camping out for it. up next, a look at the features it is secretary today have. >> who has this amount of time? >> i know, tell me about it. also, victoria and kate, they have your traffic and weather together on the 3'sment back in just two minutes, happy friday to you out there. we'll be right oh wow. you look incredible! right?! is this the bacon and cheese diet? this is the creamy chicken corn chowder. i mean, look at it. so indulgent. what's different? oh, it's my chicken and cheese enchilada diet. well keep it up, honey. it's working. oh, gracias! did i tell you i'm on the... (in unison) chicken pot pie diet! (in unison) me too! lisa, did i tell you i'm on the.. soups so indulgent, you'll never believe they're light. 100-calorie progresso light soups. good morning, joan rivers had a knack for saying exactly what was on her minds. she was such a talent, even those she teased consider themselves to be lucky just to be mentioned at all. >> jan carabeo joins us with news of the funeral plans, good morning. that's right, funeral for joan rivers is scheduled for sunday. her fans and her fellow comedians are paying tribute including late show host, david letterman. he actually paid tribute to her last night calling her un apologetic and her biting width. what made her hilarious, yesterday it didn't take long for fans to turn out in huge numbers out west to pay their respects smoke up at her star on the walk of fame in hollywood. they laid a wreath there thursday afternoon. the 81 year old comedian and tv star is being remembered as a grounds breaker and hope and a hilarious ladiment she got her start on the tonight show with johnny carson, even becoming carson's regular guest host in the early zero's, re-invented herself time and again, pioneering red carpet coverage and poking fun at celebrities. later in her life she became a reality tv star, with her daughter, but everything she did, she did with a goal of making people laugh. >> talk about guts. she would come out here, sit in this chair, and say some things that were unbelievable. >> yes. >> just where would you have to swallow pretty hard, and twice, but it was hilarious. >> and river's daughter melissa even issued a statement yesterday saying that, yes, her mother's death is sad, but rivers would have wanted everyone to start laughing again, and very soon. meanwhile, the new york state health department is investigating that clinic, where rivers was undergoing an outpatient routine surgery when she went into cardiac arrest, we should note, however, there are no allegations of wrong-doing there, again, her funeral is scheduled for sunday. reporting live in the sat center, jan carabeo, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". thank you, jan. joan rivers even made a name for herself in the fashion world. she was everywhere. in addition to her red carpet commentary for more than 20 years, she appeared on qvc in west chester to sell her own line of clothing and jewelry. one of her on-air partners qvc tracey spoke with us about the softer side of joan. >> kindest person you would ever meet. worried were you hungry, tired, she was kinds to everybody in this building and she had such compassion. she would know if there was maybe something a little off in your day. and i think some people are surprised. because she was so funny, hilarious, but there was this soft nurturing mothering side to joan rivers, and she showed it to everybody. >> tracey says joan also kept her laughing, even during the commercial breaks. and if she was sassy on air, you can just imagine what she was saying when the camera wasn't rolling. >> oh, yea. >> we invite to you connect with us, share your thoughts on the life a and career of joan rivers, visit the cbsf ill facebook page at cbs philly. just past 6:33, we want our traffic and weather togetherment kick things off with kate. good morning. >> good morning, everyone, hammy friday. we made it to the ends of the first week of september for a lot of kids, it was back to school week, and maybe back to work, after the long labor day weaken, for some reason, the shore weeks always feel longer than the regular size weeks, don't they? take a look at temperatures outside. seventy-three at the airport, warm, steamy, 74 in atlantic city, sitting at 69 in allentown, 67 up in mount pocono. visibility across the region low all morning, less than 2 miles in many locations, you can see where the fog is, all across the area, so please be safe on area roadways, this morning. the fog will mix out later this morning, then by afternoon see 11:00 lots of sunshine, nice start to the day, but watch what happens this afternoon between three p.m. and 6:00 p.m. showers and storms mainly north and west serbs, then drifting into the city just in time for your evening rush. >> again risk for locally showers and storms, 88 in the city. eighty-four down the shore, 28 in the poconos. good morning, victorial. >> good morning, kate. good morning, everyone, let me say, starting to see the sprinkling of that rush common in. even before the sun is up. let's get you outside. start first with a accident. we need to touch upon the fact since very serious active scene. >> this would be overbrook section, if recalling traveling 59 and upland way. best alternate lancaster, as result of emergency teams on scene. single vehicle truck crash >> westbound construction compromising right-hand lane, starting to see little volume build here, build on 95, in the northbound 95 around 420 from earlier construction, let's head over to erika. >> de hard apple lovers starting camping out yesterday in manhattan to ensure they get the newest iphone before anyone else. see them line up? brought their food. brought their smacks. brought their chairs. device won't be unveil until tuesday, likely not unveiling their store shelves until a week or two after. that will assume i dads tells us what we might see next week. >> reporter: and and it is payings for the apple event grows, so too does speculation, by the apple fairly predictable cycle, new iphone six pretty sure bet. >> there could be two iphone six areas, probably going to be 4.7-inch screen. also could be a 5.5-inch fablet. >> equal parts phone and tablet would place apple. >> may also offer fear, paves the way foremen payments, but could raise flags, in the wake of the recent i cloud hack. >> won't use your phone if you don't think your data is is secure. >> at the flint center in coopertino where apple has been busy builds ago jays end structure. >> venue holds sentimental value, where steve jobs interviewed original mack in 1984. >> will needs names like apple, motorola. san francisco, sumidaz, cbs news. on the hell watch this morning, celebrities will be filling the stage at at any time's stand up to cancer event. that can be seen right here on cbs-3. to help raise money for cancer research. "3 on your side" health reporter stephanie stahl speaks with one family, who hopes local research funded by tonight's event can potentially save their young boy's life. >> supposed to be a fun distraction for andrew sean, but the six year old is battling neuroblastoma, cancer of the nervous system. >> traditional treatments including chemotherapy haven't pork. then made the once happy little boy very sick. >> you do there is and it will make you better, and you can't say that. and that's hard. >> doctor john maris at the children's hospital of philadelphia says treatments for neuroblastoma are better, but still, very limited, and difficult. he's about to start a new trial, on immuno therapy, that's been successful for treating leukemia. where t cells are engineered to attack cancer. now, they're going to see if t cells can also be targeted to destroy neuroblastoma. >> there is no doubt that immuno they arely play very important role in curing fire owe blast roam, a and the hope is that as we get better at the immuno therapy we can pull back on very toxic chemotherapy and radiation therapy. >> the new reserve that much might be able to help andrew is funded in part bystand up to cancer. >> i couldn't be more greatful at this opportunity came, because it came at i think real critical junction. >> just greatful that there are options. >> hoping the stand to up research can save his life or at least help other children with neuroblastoma. >> you look at these kids, and they deserve better. they deserve us to fight for them. >> chop part of the only pediatric dream team funded bystand up to cancer in the united states, and if doctors across the country working together to advance the research, as fast as possible. i'm stephanie stahl, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". >> stands up cancer beginning at 10:00 o'clock. fundraising special brought to you from the dole bye theatre in los angeles, watch it tonight at 8:00 right here on cbs-3. >> also, on the hell watch this morning, a new drug is giving hope to thousands of people suffering from melanoma . >> majority of patients responded to the treatment during the fessing phase, some even saw their tumors sling by more than 30%. now that pushed the fda to fast track the drug's approval. it will be sold un the brands name keytruda. >> police in tampa have arrested adam matos, canceled amber alert. police say the four year old boy, matos accused of and ducking is safe and with police. again the amber alert has been canceled. stay with us for more details on the story all morning long. >> super size discovery unveiled right here in philadelphia. find out where the skeleton of the largest creature to ever walk the setter found. >> pumped up for sunday eagle game against jacksonville, eagles cheerleaders and the pep band and the drum line. >> hey. >> in the house. eagles! >> you know what that spells. we'll be right back, morning, family. ring ring! progresso! it's ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. it's our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. apology accepted. i'm watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself. and now try new progresso chili. slow-simmered, homemade taste. the time is 6:43. looking at storm scan3, cold front voicing through portions of the great lakes, northern planes, upper midwest, with showers, storms there is will eventually get here, but the actual front doesn't come you there for us, until later tomorrow afternoon. in the meantime, high pressure moving eastward, we've got this warm, moist, southwest flow, keeping things very steamy even this morning, at 73, at the airport right now, seven happen atlantic city, 71 degrees, in trenton, new jersey. quick look at your pollen report here, predominant pollens in the atmosphere, ragweed, grasses, chenopods. see the highest numbers today. then we see the numbers start to drop little bit. still medium range head through the weekends into the start of next week. so, weather wise, we go from summer to fall over the next few days. temperatures near 09 again today. come we hit 90, once the cold front sweeps through, clearing, cooler, sunday, much nicer weather to look forward tonight quick look at the forecast, for today. mostly sunny, scattered afternoon showers and storms, tomorrow 90, cooler sunday, few more clouds early next week, chance for some showers. now here's victoria. >> good morning, still dealing with very, very active scene in the overbrook section of philadelphia. it is 59 street at upland way. lancaster avenue would be your best bet, single vehicle crash, a truck, that had roped over, then went into the woods. so, not a good situation, try to avoid it this morning, again, using alternate would be your best bet. you can't even tell what this next shot is, because of so much fog. fog is a big, big deal, westbound construction taking out the left-hand lane causing delay. rush hour building, 422, trooper, that eastbound delay, getting very, very busy trying to get down toward 202. and expect usual on 76, and 95, but things are about to get very, very exciting right now. let me tots it -- toss it over to ukee and erika. >> we are ready. eagles-jacksonville there is sunday in south philly. season opener, season and we have good friends behind us right now to talk eagles football. >> check in first with the cheerleaders, lovely ladies, rookie, ladies, i hand you the mike. go down, your name and how long you've been with the swad. >> sage, thirds year on the squad. >> high name is rene, rookie. >> my name is malea, second year on the squad. >> glibbery ella, second year, as well. >> very good. ladies, so you have been doing this before. what's the best part of the first game specially at home? >> definitely seeing the fans and how excited they are. we have some of the best fans as everybody knows, and it is really great to see them all. >> fantastic, also the rookie over here. you made the squad. that's so huge. now also here. what have you gone through, get to go knows these girls to get ready for the first big day. >> excited for the home opener. a lot of bonding since we made the team, just did our calendar shoot in mexico, and launched last night. that was the time that we really got to bonds the most while away together. >> my hats off to you girls for strutting down the runway in your bikinis, one thing to be in mexico in a bathing suit, but weaver video playing right now from last night, what was it like to be down in mexico doing the shoot? how exciting? >> so amazing, shoot was beautiful, hanging out with the girls such a great time. >> very good. well okay, little confession time here. i was high school cheerleader, i dusted off my old pompom's, here we go, ladies, teach me quick cheer before i toss over to ukee? >> oh, my. >> don't pull a muscle, erika. (cheer). >> yeah, yeah, pretty good. all right. >> that was pretty good. we have the pep band. we have the drum line. we're talking eagles football. my man bobby with us, bobby, what's up, man, here we go again. >> this sex siting. you agree people universally believe in chip kelly like the wizards every x's and o's, all in so exciting. >> introduce the bands for everybody again? >> we got brian, best saxophone player in philadelphia, skull, and he's the best banjo player and guitar player, and the upright base. >> you guys stand by, i go over here, holler up my manment you guys give me little soft beat real quick. do little soft beat. >> come on, pennsylvania, i like that. take it down little bit more. take it down little more. i have to read some instructing real quickment we'll get you ready for the sunday season opener. our man, beasley reese, leslie advance arsdale will be live for sunday kickoff at 11:30, then at noon the nfl today with james brown, the eagles take on jacksonville at 1:00 p.m., right here, on cbs-3, there is no better way to get into the spirit, now, with live performance, by the eagles pep bands. here we go. >> ♪ (music playing) ♪ fly eagles fly ♪ and breaking news tops today's headlines here on cbs-3. illiberal letter just cancelled for four year old ismail, in florida. he's safe and sound in tampa. and adam matos is in police custody. the amber alert was issued late yesterday. also, police are investigating a deadly accident, in oxford circle. ten year old boy was killed when he was hit by a car around 8:30 last night. it happened near loretto and longshore avenues. funeral services service sur joan rivers, river passed yesterday at the age of 81, a week after suffering cardiac arrest during routine medical procedure. >> other district already, back in session, and we've been asking you all week to see your back to school pictures, just fantasticment check it out. we have joselyn and jack connor from washington township. joselyn isn't going into the third glade, jack is in the second great. at hurfville elementary school. love the chalk board idea, so create disbelief wonderful. >> big smiles for these two, they get ready for first day, good luck, kids. by the way i'm digging the outfits, too. though planned those in advance, mom maybe planned this is for them. >> thanks, mom, dad, for sending them in. snap and share your pictures using hashtag cbs-3 mornings, you might see them right here on "eyewitness news". we love our props. >> yes, we do. >> 6:53, we want your traffic and weather togetherment kate? >> good morning, guys, good morning, everyone, we take quick look at your forecast for today. it is friday. and actually going to be nice warm fridayment peak outside right now. still dealing with some fog issues out over the city of philadelphia and really all around the region. for today mostly sunny once the fog mixes out, scattered afternoon and evening showers, and thunderstorms, some of those could produce some brief heavy downpours, so watch out. right around the time of the evening commute. overnight, partly cloudy, mild, and muggy, at 72 degrees. and your eyewitness weather seven day forecast and "shorecast", again, hot tomorrow. 90 degrees. sunshine, hot, humid. watch for thunderstorm late. sunday beautiful. we keep it on the cooling side next week with chance for showers specially tuesday and wednesday. now, we check in with torrey. >> thank you, kate. good morning, everyone, if you are traveling right now, starting to see the sprinkling every rush hour pop on up on 95 southbound where you see speeds dropping down to 2,033 on the schuylkill, very slow go from eastbound approaching blue route all the way down through to about gladwynn, starting to see little of the volume build around the vine st. expressway, as well. also still dealing with a accident, very serious, overturned truck accident. lancaster avenue, your best bet. also there is accident, here, in chester, we are dealing with this at 21st street and edge ponds avenue. another place to avoid if you k no major delays, however, for mass transit. we head back toutiesting. >> group of louisianna men have become u tune sensation after video of close encounter with a shark went viral. check it out here, what you are seeing is balcony view, beach in florida, as hammer head comes toward the swimmers. oh, gosh, you can see it lurking there. the group told the swim tears get out of the water, and they say the swimmers didn't react. they hope this video teaches a lesson if somebody is screaming get out of the water, no matter what is happening, but look how close they are to that shark. >> yes, yes. >> i'm not dig that at all. >> well, the drexel dragons might as well call themselves the drexel dinosaurs. >> that's because the team of scientists from the university have inserted new species of dinosaur. at 85 feet long, weighing about 65 tons, dread -- one of the largest animals to ever walk the earth. bones unearth in the argentina nod to the fearless nature of the dine saw. >> the largest creatures to ever walk the lands. >> how about it? the fine of 145 bones represents the most complete skeleton ever of this kind. >> nickname it dino and everything will be cool. >> much easier. >> yabadabado. coming up in just a couple minutes, more local traffic weather and sports on sister station the cw fill. >> i also, more on breaking news amber alert, little boy abducted, cancelled, latest on the arrest of the man accused of taking two boys in florida. >> please keep in mind you can find the "cw philly" on comcast xfinity,. >> we will talk much more about the eagles as well as they open up the season with the jacksonville jaguires in south fill. >> i and were you saying the last time they had a one game home opener what happened? >> kate gave us the temperature. >> 79 degrees. >> that's right. >> that much i glow also the mcs championship, couldn't they win something? >> last time they had a home -- oh, they had a great year. >> they had a great year. that's dowlower... that's more like it! petsmart's prices on your favorite food brands just got lower! shop a wide assortment of food and save up to $8 on your favorite dog & cat food brands. at petsmart®. good morning. it is friday, september 5th, 2014. welcome to "cbs this morning." celebrating joan rivers. new tributes, the biggest laughs, and her own revealing thoughts about death. a u.s. air strike targets top leader of the terror group isis. plus, drama in the sky. the fbi order that led a united pilot to tell his passengers a lie. but we begin this morning with today's "eye opener," your world in 90 seconds. she would say some things that were unbelievable. >> we lost a comedy legend. >> few people that you could say were groundbreaking talents. joan rivers was one of them. >> remembering a comedy pioneer. >> joan rivers died a week after going into cardiac

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