Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20180119 : comparem

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20180119

>> alleluhia. >> looking outside right now, just lots of construction, overall though looks like real nice calm morning. >> yes. really quiet weather. i mean, one of those weekends that you anticipate. you don't just look forward to you really anticipate eagerly a weekends like this. not just because the birds but because of the wet their will cooperate so nicely. we take you out, right now storm scan empty, looking good , you know, i think you'll see nothing more than couple of patchy clouds throughout the day. with the sunshine awe laying things to warm up more, we should actually achieve seasonable conditions by just couple every degrees. so it lends up being not per say warm day, but really quiet , really tranquil, really nice day. so while that doesn't give me a lot to view necessarily, back in the weather center with the forecast, because it is so quiet, still girls awe really good excuse to be outside. and no major weather-related issues to trip you up out there today. now with that said, there is always a however. it is still cold. it is not necessarily going to be as harsh as recent days have been, but still starting off, your actual air temperatures, single digit in the lehigh valley and 20's currently from wilmington up to philly. so even though the win has eased up nicely, still cold outside. and you still need your winter coat. but eventually we rebounds to few degrees at least above what's average, 44 in the city in the sunshine, breeze from yesterday, that has eased up mid three's in the poconos. in the beginning, meisha, what promises to be pretty phenominal weekends which we will get to a little later. >> awesome. sounds great. thanks so much, katie. outside right now, in the world of travel, as well, things actually looking really nice this morning, so we do have some construction out there, so you can see these cones, pulled off to the far right, very dark, and your new home at the welcome center that right lane is still compromised, i'll let you know as soon as that moves out of the way. over night construction still lingering out there at the schuylkill, as well, so schuylkill eastbound right now still closed between 30th and south streets. and plus one westbound lane is also compromised so just heads up on that, as well. construction out there, norristown, 202, near schuylkill avenue, alternate lanes open there. and the new jersey, as well, they're still out there, route 55 southbound past route 42, one lane blocked there. now, for the sunday eagles game, broad street line, discounted passes to and from the eagles game on sale starting today for only $4. by the way, just reminder, starting monday, sales are ends willing, like i always just want to ends by saying make sure to check your schedules on line this morning , talking little bit more about the 2018 women's martha is happening saturday, the ben franklin parkway, because of that we are seeing some road closures, jim, rahel , back to you. >> well, lots of you diehard eagles fans have your eyes glued to our countdown to kick off clock. >> yes, eagles fever continues we are just two days, two hours, and about 13 minutes away, from the nfc championship chip game at the linc. trang do live from the borgata in atlantic city, game day anticipate payings reached down to the shore. good morning, trang. >> good morning, rahel, jim. yes, so much excitement from here, the shore, all the way to philly and beyond. i mean, you guys, we're all just thrilled about this. here we are, at the borgata, where wip's sport radio will be broadcasting at 6:00 a.m. so they're getting setted up here. i was able to catch one angelo cataldi before his show, just to talk about his predictions for the eagles this sunday. take a listen. >> this is as nervous as i think i've ever been about a philadelphia eagles sports event. i'm just, after what happened last week, in this insane great week that we've, i want to keep it going longer. doesn't everybody? i think they're going to win because i think the fans are going to get them there. >> reporter: those fans more than a thousand of them showed up to the wip eagles pep rally at chickie's and pete's' in south philly last night, scoop of course got the crowd all amped up in anticipation of the game sunday. real treat for fans, special appearances, by brandon graham and vinny curry. members of the eagles monster defense. now the players also signed autographs for fans, and gram told us he definitely feels the love. >> calling us the underdogs, and we're going to bite them. >> never seen chickie's and pete's' like. >> this i feel the energy. i'm excited for this sunday. >> so coming up at 6:00 we will be here with wip sports radio team. they will there will be some fans here, hoping to catch up with them, really carry on all of this excitement. for now live from the borgata, trang do, cbs-3, "eyewitness news." 's that lady would say! thanks, trang. >> didn't you love that? >> good stuff. >> again, countdown six, meaning countdown clock is two days, 34 minute, eagles coverage starts sunday morning cbs-3 with chevy sunday kickoff, sports direct or don bell, lesley van arsdall, pat gallen will preview the game sunday morning at 11:30 a.m. >> sunday night "eyewitness news" expands its eagles coverage here on cbs-3, starts with a special championship edition at 10:00 p.m., followed by "eyewitness news" at 11:00 then sports zone, the minute the game ends, it is all eagles, all the time. we will bring you live postgame comments, from coach doug pederson and the players, and we will also see how fans are reacting at locations cents throughout philadelphia. the eagles and "eyewitness news" sunday night here on cbs-3. >> well, in other news this morning, residents of montgomery county highrise are back in their homes after a three alarm fire forced them into the cold last night. this shot courtesy of louis sullivan shows the flames that firefighters battled last night at regency park towers on easton road in willow grove two people were taken to the hospital. buses provided residents a place to stay warm until they were given the all-clear. >> well, a car chase comes to a crashing halt in south philly after police say the driver of a stolen vehicle hits several police cars. police started the chase in chester township last night. they ended up at oregon and columbus boulevard. we're told that a white 2005 hummer crashed and got stuck in the center train tracks, the driver then ran into a nearby peer one store. police took him into custody as well as female passenger, " eyewitness news" spoke with the stolen hummer on the phone she reported it missing earlier this month. >> i'm astonished. i'm astonished. i'm disabled. i'm alone in my house. and now to find this out because, ya, i find this to be astonishing. >> well, state troop here was involved in the crash was taken to the hospital. but he's expected to be okay. no one else was hurt. >> funeral plans underway for a us marshall while serving an arrest warrant in pittsburgh. christopher hill, the 45 year old shot and killed while serving a warrant yesterday morning, the gunman has been identified as 31 year old kevin sturgis of philadelphia. he was killed during a shoot-out with other officers. >> deputy hill served the american people and the citizens of this community with courage. he will be missed. and words cannot say how much. i ask that you keep his wife and two children in your thoughts and prayers. >> two other officers were injured but are expected to be okay. now, to a shutdown battle on capitol hill, senators will resume debate this morning on house measure to temporarily funds the government. as hena doba report, the midnight deadline appears uncertain. >> motion add documented without objection, laid on the table. >> as soon as the house passed short-term spending america tour avoid a government shutdown, it was on to the senate. >> blame game quickly ensued. >> republicans were pointing fingers at democratic demands on daca, pro protection for imigrants brought here illegally as children. >> democratic colleagues demands on illegal immigration at the behest of their far left base have crowded out all other important business. crowded it all out. >> democrats say the problem lies in a big way with the president's flip flopping on key issues. yesterday earlier senate majority leader mitch mcconnell said woe not take up a immigration bill, because it was still unclear what mr. trump wanted. >> the lead is her looking to deflect blame, but it just won't work. we all know what the problem is. complete dis a rayon the republican side. >> the senate john last night, will reconvene this morning, we have until midnight hammer out a deal to avoid a shutdown unlike in the house, though, republicans in the senate will need democrats to pass the measure. >> they need 60 votes in the united states senate. they don't have 60 vote. that means you have got to negotiate. they have not negotiated. >> also on the table, senate democratic leader chuck schumer has cents propose add shorter stopgap measure. it will provide funding for just four, five days, and serve as is a hard final deadline. hena doba for cbs-3, " eyewitness news." well, president trump is sent to address the 45th march for live in washington dc today. it is the nation's largest annual pro-life event. thousands of anti-abortion advocates are expected to attends the rally. mr. trump is the first sitting president to speak at the demonstration. he is expected to deliver a speech via satellite from the rose garden. previous presidents have delivered remarks by pre taped video messages or phonecalls. you see the video you will not believe anyone walked away from, tanker truck on an interstate. >> a call for help when you can't call 911. how a family reached the fire department when the phone lines went out. >> and new warnings about california's deadly mudslides. why officials are urging homeowners to be careful when they go home. that's when "eyewitness news" continues. cbs presented by target.... there's nothing more rewarding than achieving a hard earned goal. that's why target supports students run philly style. we work with kids to teach them the skills they need to achieve and set goals through marathon training. giving back has been part of our dna, so, the more we stay involved, the more we're being true to ourselves as a corporate partner. cbs eye on the community is sponsored by target. >> back on "eyewitness news," massive flames on ain't state in utah, fire salt lake city, carriers caring 9,000 gallons of gas lean, a thousand gallons every diesel exploded, the fire stopped traffic in all directions, the driver somehow escaped this unharmed. officials are now trying to figure out what sparked this blaze. and no one else was hurt. >> and imagine not being able to call 911 to report a fire. that's what happened to a family in rhode island. so the family had to drive to the fire station for help. the blaze knocked out the power lines, also couldn't get a signal on their cell phones, firefighters managed to keep the fire contained to the garage. saving the rest of the home. and no one was injured here. well, the mud and debris left over from the devastating mudslides that killed 20 people last week in santa barbara, california are now causing health concerns for some resident. the public health department says that some of the mud macon tape chemicals and sewage, it is urging folks returning to impacted areas to take certain steps to protect their health. they could be as simple as wearing the proper footwear. >> cold, wealth, for many hours, can develop this exposure foot condition. it is called trench foot. in world war i, where the skin can get breakdown, have blisters. >> this is horrible. trench foot? health officials also telling people to be aware of exposed scrapes or scratches and to keep an eye out for rashes. workers are testing the soil and sending it off for analysis. >> meanwhile, in galveston, texas, homeowners and officials scrambling after the city lost 40% of its water reserve thanks to first water -- burst water pipes. more than 5,000 households reported the problem in 48 hours. officials say water use is being restricted but they don't think watt letter runoff out before things get back to normal. >> meantime around our part here at 5:15, katie joining us now, should be pretty nice this weekend. >> yes, very much so. getting nice deserved break from the really bitter cold, certainly some snow, but it doesn't mean that if you have plans to be out in the snow that you would necessarily have to cancel them. i'm explain. start things off, looking at the nice wide zoom on the nationwide, not seeing too much happening here. couple of clouds. things are very quiet. courtesy of high pressure, as they tends to be, but sort of the theme across the eastern two thirds of the united state not a lot going on. that means that we all in this whole heart of the country going to have the opportunity to enjoy some quiet weather for a change, also cents for most of us, a warming trend that get underway. because with this area of high pressure, northern hemisphere, clockwise re takes, we end up more on the western side of this, it will sends that warmth our way. and the temperatures have chance to just spike with the jet stream far north and again high pressure placed nicely for that to take place. but with time, eventually, the cool-down does take place, as well, now, we take a look out at the pocono camera network, up at blue mountain, lights are on, dogs not appear as they are making their own snow but there are grooming machines out here, getting slopes ready. i'll not be shocked to see these slopes just packed this weekend, even though there is a warm up taking place, we don't have any weather-related problems that are going to hinder you from taking the drive up that northeast extension, and wind still very calm right now, it is cold outside, but it isn't expected to be as harsh of a day because you don't have the wind to contends, with you don't have the windchills in the single digits or teens this morning, and we are going to look ahead to real quiet wet near the upcoming weekends , too. so tomorrow my personal favorite. you have sunshine, you have the low 50's, light wind, i mean, that's a trifecta right you there. come sunday certainly no weather-related issues but you will see more clouds covering up some of the sunlight. and the daytime high hit 49. hill that during the tailgate. kick off temperatures mid or lower 40's, by monday and tuesday though still in the 50's, but there is a new storm approaching by then, tuesday at the moment, meisha, looking the most wet with rain moving in. >> yes, so we know that that's going to be very busy morning commute. thanks, katie. looking outside. things are actually looking pretty good. they look real quittal morning long, how much there is actually looks to me, looks a little worse than what it is, justice able vehicle, but it is blocking the one right lane 202 southbound horsham road, lots of flashing lights here, hopefully that disable gets moved out of the way sometime quickly. fifty-nine academy, taillights moving in the southbound direction, starting to build levels ever so slightly now still overall things looking good. everyone still traveling around at posted speeds. we do still have some construction in place. just heads up here. construction 59 south, near new hope, pa welcome center, right lane compromised, kens still on the roadway, still very dark. construction schuylkill eastbound, closed between 30th t overnight. that construction project now lifted. that's moved out out of the way. moving around this area real nicely. construction norristown, 202, it was there. crews have just now moved out of the way. but construction crews are still out there in jersey, 55 southbound past 42, one lane still block there. rahel, jim, back over to you. >> meisha, thank you. for a look at newspaper headlines from across our region. >> from the intelligencers, rich lands woman sent in to serve to up 24 years in prison for a dui crash that killed an allentown man on his way home from work. twenty-seven year old noel theresa chew was driving the wrong way on route 309 in hill town last january. when she killed 24 year old damian taalmostbo, she ignored drivers after drinking with friends in sellersville. >> delaware leaders environmentalists are worried about what an oil spill could mean for wildlife and coastal tourism. newly proposed off shore drilling lease plan aims to open 90% of off shore waters to oil and gas exploration. >> from the press of atlantic city hard rock looking to hire four more taj mahal casino resort employees for new atlantic city property. the company looking for former taj employees who were employed at least 30 days before that property closed. >> and that's a look at some of the newspaper headlines from around the delaware valley. and it is a big night for two philadelphia athletes. >> pat gallen is here with more on that. patrick? >> remember when rihanna shot down joel embiid saying she wouldn't date him until he was an all-star? now he's an all-star. see if he's reaching back out to the pop superstar and the flyers through eric lindrose and 20,000 fans a party last night. they celebrated number 88. see that and more ahead in in tski mountains more than any other, family fun reaches a new peak. so whether you're a speed demon or more of a snow angel, your winter chariot awaits. pick the best peak for your family getaway at new york state. it's all here. it's only here. i'm a small business, but i have... big dreams... and big plans. so how do i make the efforts of 8 employees... feel like 50? how can i share new plans virtually? how can i download an 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season, but still improve by seven games over last year. it is proof that peterson's words carry weight in the lockerroom. >> i think it all starts with coach peterson. don't make it bigger than it is, do simple better. i love the motto. ever since he said it, as long as do you simple better, the game isn't really complicated. the only complicated thing is if you make it. >> although he played in just over 500 career games with the flyers, and despite the rocky divorce, between he and the team, the big e was welcomed with open arms last night, new number was immortalized at the wells fargo center, eric lindrose alongside family and former teammates like the legion of doom, saw his pat ended number 88 retired, and conducted into the hockey hall of fame in 2016. and now he joins the life of bobby clarke and bernie parante in the raptors. flyers down, a break away shorthanded that's wayne simmons, he ties it at two with his 16th of the season. only the second shorthanded goal this year. big night for michael, he had 29 saves. he failed the flyers out at the jams. they would make it to over time. and it didn't take long for sean to pick up the game winner. 182nd in, he scores number 26 on the year. the flyers win three-two, in o t. they'll play the devils tomorrow night. >> back in 2014, joel embiid lobbied for date with pop superstar rihanna. it has never been confirmed but apparently told embiid quote not until you're an all-star. last night after jo-jo was named an all-star for the first time, embiid has moved on from his crush. embiid would not be denied by anyone last night as he beat up on the celtics who were without irving, he dropped step back jumper here. then in the third he was bullied, marcus morris, the philly native, with the drop step. and so good that we would have to show you twice. the sixers led by as many as 21-point in this game. embiid, 26, 16 rebound, six assists, sixers win. jo-jo, what about that date? >> is there anything would you like to say to anybody on tnt right now? >> i mean, you should deny me back then, so why go again? so i have to pass and move on to the next one. >> oh. okay. >> i love his candor, though. hey, it is like i'm not going to wait around for you. couple of years ago you said no. >> she should have seen the potential. >> re re is dating a billionaire. >> oh, would you stick up for her. >> so i think re re is good. thank you, pat. >> thank you, patrick. coming up in the next half hour of "eyewitness news," are you planning some eagles parties? well, time is running out. >> also, the flu, not just an inconvenience, it is dangerous why health officials say the worse is yet to come. and whether you still have time to get a flu shot. >> i'm kevin frazier. chris hemsworth and his real life wife co-star in 12 s trusted battery for your do you need the most son's favorite toy? maybe not. maybe, you could trust he wouldn't leave the upstairs water running. (woman screams) or, you could just trust duracell. ♪ kelly! we're out of body wash! what are you doing?? i thought you had a cold?? i don't need all this. mucinex fast-max is powerful enough to handle pretty much every symptom. name one. how 'bout 9? sore throat, cough, even... yea--i can read, you know. we're done here. ahhh! boogers to betsy! mucinex fast-max. 9 symptoms. 1 dose. max strength. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. and for kid's multi-symptom relief, try #1 recommended children's mucinex. >> from the cbs broadcast center in philadelphia. this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news ". >> good morning, i'm rahel solomon. >> i'm jim donovan. katie and meisha will be along in just a moment. first here's what you need to start your day in the morning minute. today is friday, january the 19th. >> i seen cop cars flying down columbus boulevard. >> a police chase starts in chester, and ends in south philadelphia. >> the car was reported stolen >> shutdown, showdown. >> our friend on the other side say solve the right now. >> your side, leader, that didn't want to go along. >> you have until midnight to prevent a government shutdown. >> a tow truck driver is almost killed. >> didn't apologize, no remorse, nothing. >> philadelphia is one step closer to bringing amazon's second headquarters ers. >> philadelphia is now headed to the post-season. for amazon, that is.

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