Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20171120 : comparem

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20171120

night's biggest moments and performances throughout the show. >> well, today is monday, november 20th, i'm wearing the suit. you know what that means. good morning, everyone, i'm jim donovan. >> good monday. i'm rahel solomon. katie and meisha keeping an eye on things this eagles monday. >> yes, i think rahel you said it best. you said a beat-down. and we are happy about it. lot of construction, we had accident, those are clearing out of our way, overall looking good. >> and i see pat gallen just walk in the studio rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. >> yes, when i rolled over, i always go to twitter with i roll out of bed. i saw this guys tweeting three hours ago, he's still up? craziness. but you got to watch it. so let's get you outside. things looking very, very good you can see few lake enhanced snow flurries, so let us know if you're seeing any of that, if we have any weather watchers up and adam, tweet me at katie fehlinger. but, for the most part, you are just going to see a clear sky, this morning, and all day long, so looking good here on storm scan3, no storms really to track at the moment. but the winds is still an issue. now, these are your sustained wind speeds. higher gusts into the 20's, at worse here throughout the day. but whether you still have chill in the air, that's enough to obviously make it feel that much colder. now, predominantly more of west philly winds flow, nos at harsh as or coming straight up out of the north-northwest, regardless win is a win when dealing with temperatures like this. here's what it feels like at the moment. most of are you at least into the 30's, but feeling more like the 20's, across the north and west most suburbs, more like below freezing up and down i-95. you get the idea. so bundle up yourself and the kids hitting the road today. still expecting the breeze to be noticeable right through the rest of the day, but hey, at least big ball of sunshine, high in the sky, for the rest of the day, too. so we will get to 48 degrees, still cool for what's average. but, we do have a rebound in the forecast, we'll let you know when it hit coming up here, meisha. >> sounds good to me, a rebounds. thank you so much. and very good morning to all of you. happy monday, happy monday indeed it is, ben franklin bridge looking good. for my friends in jersey traveling on westbound, over the bridge, and into center city things still looking really good. look how beautiful that shot is. just absolutely beautiful. and our commute this morning, so far, even though cracking into the 5:00 hour on busy monday morning, we are looking really nice. schuylkill at the blue route, tail light westbound direction , overall, anywhere on the schuylkill, blue route, keeping our eyes on it, looking real nice. want to pull your attention to this guy. make sure check your schedules on line. repairs going on, emergency maintenance, in the trolley tunnels, 11, 13, 34, 36, trolleys being diverted to 40th and market, and also repairs routes and trollies, so shuttle bussing between 33rd and market street and malvern avenue. like i said, just make sure to check the schedules on line, jim, rahel, back to you. >> meisha, well, the eagles have landed the birds return to the airport in about 20 minute ago. the late night flight made all the sweeter by big win in dallas. it came against their arch enemies the cowboys. >> that was the biggest lost by the cowboys in the history of their stadium. so historic night in fact and pat here to break it all down. pat, are you okay? >> do i look sleepy? you can be hon west me. >> you look fabulous. >> if you watched last night's game at least for the first 30 minute you likely wondered if the eagles were still on their bye week, after opening drive touchdown the first half was worrisome for birds fans, then they blew the doors off the cowboys, eagles scoring on that first possession, ten john barn is her in from 4 yards out. after that the eagles had five punts and missed field goal and dallas leads nine-seven at the half. second half, everything shifts corey clement scores early in the third, from 11 yards out. birds up 13 to nine. now they were forced to go for two, for the rest of the game after jake elliot suffered a head injury. it works here, with clemente taking it 16 to nine. the fireworks continue. carson wentz, hits torrey smith right here and then it is alshon jeffrey for another, and the blow out is on. eagles defense even got in on the scoring birrage. derrick barnett strips zach prescott, nigel thereto scoop the fumble and rumble. 37 yards, to make it a laugh nerve big d. birds out scored dallas 30 to nothing in the second half. they went 37 to nine. philly, wake up, the birds have eight straight wins, they have the best record in the nf l at nine and one. >> it is the strength that the team has right now. it is a tribute to the leadership of the football team. the veteran players on the team, not letting things get, you know, too out of proportion with this group. you know, we talk about the injuries, the resiliency and the next man up, and the coaches, i tell you, the coaches do great job during the week preparing these players. and the players right now just have that confident mindset. >> we're having a blast, tell you that, we're having a blast i love winning in this league and i lover these boys. >> are you kidding me? nine and one, 37 to nine? >> pat, let me ask you, of course here in philly we're always a little cashes because of our past, our history, but there anybody at this point who doesn't believe that they might go all the way? >> you've got to believe. >> everything seems to be falling into place for the team this year. >> yes. >> they're playing at a high level. amaze to go watch. >> so excite to go watch, yes. >> it is, it is the suit, just wear it every day. >> i'm telling you, like i'm leprochan. >> thank you, pat. >> and, much like pat, eagles fans, they're tired but feeling good this morning. >> well, "eyewitness news" reporter henry rosoff live at the melrose diner in philadelphia, where fans are sipping coffee and basking in the glow of another eagles win good morning, henry. >> reporter: good morning, jim , rahel. actually, these folks have just left behind me shouted go eagles before they left the diner. but i'll be honest, it is pretty sleepy here, it is easy to understanded y people stayed up into the early hours of the morning, 12:30 a.m., 12:00 a.m., celebrating then crash pretty hard. but fans, you know eagles fans , they're really smart, and they recognize what happened at half time of this game. and they say there is pivotal coaching decisions made all the difference, take a listen what some fans had to say right after the game. >> all-in-all, the coaching staff is very underrated, in the fact they come out in the second half, they mick the adjustments, they blow teams out. >> adjustments were great, but after that, looked like the number one team in the nfl again. >> we're going to hang out here at the diner for a little bit longer. normally it picks up here just on regular basis around after 5:00, people really start pouring in. so we will talk to some fans, try to get you some more fan reaction coming up in another live report at around of the for now live at the melrose diner, henry rosoff, " eyewitness news." >> thank you, henry. and the daily news says the eagles are on cloud nine and one after the big win. big d. they prime time blow out feeling good. maybe not in dallas but for us here in philly it felt just fine. >> following some breaking news overnight, convicted mass murder err charles manson has died of natural causes in a hospital in bakersfield, california. he spent nearly half century in prison for the 1969 murders of actress sharon tate and other. he led cult of followers to commit the charges, what she denied to the grave. charles manson was 83. >> flames break out inside south philadelphia apartment. firefighters rush to the home 1400 block every south seventh 0 a.m. quickly got the flame under control in less than 30 minute , now trying to figure out what sparked the flames, no one was hurt. well, philadelphia's roxborough neighborhood is mourning a beloved teacher after a deadly fire. >> now neighbors are pitching in to help her family. "eyewitness news" reporter trang do live at the school where grief counselors will be available for student and staff. good morning, trang. >> reporter: good morning, rahel, jim. shawmont principal tells us he spent sunday calling the families of students in taylor hawkins class, but he says, nothing could prepare him for what he will see later today, a class full of eight year old , who have lost their teacher. >> neighbors comforted one another outside of sheila taylor hawkins roxborough home sunday. hours after the beloved teacher lost her life in a devastating fire. >> she is just wonderful person, loving and caring. >> taylor hawkins was thirds grade teacher at shawmont school where she work for a decade and left lasting impressions on student like michael carney. >> she just helped me with my grades, whenever i was doing bad, she would help me back, help me get my grades back up. >> she was just one of my favorite teachers. >> the fire started just before 8:00 sunday morning at the home on the 600 block of ben franklin street. neighbors saw the flames, rush over with the ladder, and rescued two people from the burning home. firefighters arrived and got two others out. but taylor hawkins died at the hospital. >> she is just well known teacher, everyone is devestated at school. she was a really beloved. >> now, turning their attention to her daughter and grandchildren who survived. >> mine, gift cards, clothes, people went shopping, trash bags, anything, donated everything. >> it is a small community. once you hear somebody in roxborough is in need of something, we all pull together. >> now, there is no word on the cause of the fire. but fire officials say it is to does not appear to be suspicious. for now, live in roxborough, i'm trang do, cbs-3, " eyewitness news," jim, rahel, back to you. >> trang, thank you. >> to the latest on deadly shooting inside new jersey apple bee's we told but last week, yesterday police arrested 27 year owe noel powell, the third. and charged him with the murder of 23 year old kevin smith. they say powell fatally shot powell in the head on route one lawrenceville tuesday. they say the vick pill was sitting at the bar when powell opened fire. powell is being held at the mercer county correctional center. >> authority in berks county are investigate a murder in cut town, officers rushed to the 500 block east main street around 2:30 p.m. yesterday afternoon. police i domestic dispute turned into deadly shooting. now one victim dead at the scene. meanwhile, another person involved in the shooting underwent surgery. no word on their condition. welcoming up the manhunt continues in western pennsylvania where accused cop killer is on the loose, we'll have an update. >> days after the massive five alarm fire in west chester, a community comes together to donate to the victims. we'll hear from a volunteer. >> also hours away from the implosion of the georgia dome. find out what makes this stadium so his tore wick we come back. >> ♪ >> ♪ cloud nine ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> well, i'm doing fine, because the marathon is finally behind me. also, the eagles, they're definitely doing fine, and definitely on cloud nine after last night's big win in dallas the birds are now nine and one we have reaction from the lockerroom coming up in our next half hour. we will be right back. >> ♪ cloud nine ♪ so i'm calling to see if you can help me save on my energy bill. we can do that. great. i live in a post-war, pre-war, mid-century home and the heating system is a turbine, hvac, reverse hydrogen, boiler pipe unit. well sir, peco can visit your home and show you how to save up to 20% a year. ♪ hmmmm. you don't have to be an expert. because now peco will visit your home and help you save. peco. the future is on. >> the latest on the fire that devestated a senior living facility in west chest they are last week. >> barclay living community went up in flames on thursday, you saw it here, more than those who called home. hundreds of donation poured in yesterday for food and clothing. >> we can somehow translate that to the resident. so they know how much people care. >> still trying to figure out if everyone made it out okay. and also, what caused the fire time now 5:15. katie joining us now. katie, talking about a brief warm up. seems like it is always so brief these days. >> it is, now that we're getting later and late near november. i think that we start to not expect it maybe as much, and that's probably smart move. yes, little on the chilly side here. even today. yesterday i think the wind absolutely the most harsh that we will find. now starting to ease up at least a little bit. still notice it. the gusts probably likely to peak as high as 20, 25 miles per hour throughout the rest of the day, the other thing also working for us, the wind direction is beginning to shift t had been pretty much straight up out of the northwest or north yesterday. now, it is starting to turn more westerly. we take live look here, in our neighborhood network here. there is someone walking down the boardwalk, i wonder what he's up to. awfully early and dark, but hey, whatever floats your boat , very chilly here in rohoboth, as well, but it is all quiet out at the boards walk plaza, he has no idea big brother was watching him. next over though, to storm scan3, where the lake effect snow is still kicking in, now, not all that impressive. this is real just to show you and i will straight the wind direction coming in. if you saw a snowflake maybe up near i80 in the poconos, wouldn't be shock by that, but this isn't anything of note or significance other than, again , the wind direction, and the wind flow, it is still strong, and primarily expect to go see sunshine throughout the day today. now, here's the thing. we do have another front that eventually crosses our area, at this point, there is only moisture working its way into the inner mountains west, another area of low pressure will eventually del in the deep south. but, you would need those to come together to bring us much more than couple of showers, that's not going to happen. tuesday night, into wednesday, we will, in fact, see those mentioned showers, but that's it, and rest of the week all-in-all for the holiday looking pretty darn good. now, here are your current actual air temperatures. you have since dropped since the top of the hour 39 the current value at philadelphia international airport. and the interior suburbs, like willow grove, pottstown, doylestown, you're only at 34 degrees, and all three every those spot. so it is chilly when you walk out the door, and do you have to factor in the wind. again, those gusty will be peaking as high as 25 miles per hour, daytime high, that's also cooler than average, nothing we can't handle. actually already seen this throughout the month, 48 at best for the high, where we should be up to 54. so we are shy that far obviously, down to 37 through the overnight, good news here the wind eases up, and tomorrow, all-in-all, looking like pretty fantastic day. we say pm shower, talking about tomorrow night, so the day looks great for any of your outdoor plans, then by wednesday, again, probably a shower here and there, specially through jersey in the morning. the skies should start to clear both thanksgiving and " black friday," looking basically stellar. just cool right now. >> yes, looking at that, it looks nice with the big sunshine, that's great, even though in the 40's, look at that sun. good morning shall everybody, happy monday. so your commute, so far this morning, i have to say, actually looking really nice. we had couple of earlier accident, those have moved out of our way, but overall it is looking nice, boulevard push in the southbound direction towards the schuylkill, looking nice there, starting to heat levels ever so slyly, but looking at we should, vine at eighth street, same story here, looking in the world of travel, always a good thing, 59 south, before girard, kind of keeping our eye on this area, it will be one of the areas that does heat up quicker. but really i mean pushing toward 5:30 right now on monday morning, this is usually whether we start to see things change. and looking great. and i think that we all know why, everyone stayed up late watching that game including our floor director nick standing right before me, he was one of them. looking outside at construction, actually road work from earlier accident. we have crews out there. heads up. a.c. expressway westbound near frank s farley service ma plaza, the left lane compromised, it will be one of the areas that starts to slow down. i would say maybe toward the 6:00 hour, i will keep reminding you of this, more construction talking about coming up in the next 15-20 minutes or so. crews still out here on the a.c. expressway, as well. rahel, jim, back over to you. >> meisha, thank you. now for a look at newspaper headlines from across our region. >> from the morning call, residents evacuated at gross towers in allentown after fire broke out in a hallway filling the building with thick smoke. fire happened around 10:00 yesterday morning, one woman was taken to a hospital, three other people were being evaluated for injuries, the fire marshall is investigating >> commissioners have vote today, will jump from 3% to 6% tax, will be effective january . contract signed prior to january 1st will be at the previous 3%. >> from the burlington county times, what does mickey bear, light fer have in coumarone each got one write in vote for election day in burlington county, total of zero nine voters wrote in candidates, kanye west and john stewart were also got little write in votes there. >> wow. >> mayor it, i don't know how that sounds. a look at the headlines from around the del war val. >> i tonight at 11:00 secret place south of philadelphia where there was one a dinner part more than 300 feet underground. >> place that supplied the fuel to win world war ii. and today still going strong, it is another one of those unique local places you probably pass all the time. well, discover the hidden history and go deep underground with "eyewitness news" reporter greg argos, that's tonight on "eyewitness news" at 11:00. >> up next: blustery weather topples scaffolding in new york sit. >> i we will show you the aftermath, also this. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> well, pink's climbing the walls. on the side after building. what an incredible performance , we'll have more from last night's american music awards later in got to tell you. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> well happening today atlanta landmark goes out with a boom. >> georgia dome the home of the al atlanta falcons for 25 years, also the only facility in the world to host the olympics, the superbowl and the ncaa final four. the implosion will reduce into rubble in 122nd. it will take three months to clear what's left. >> and a dangerous scene in new york where fire officials say strong winds sent construction scaffolding crashing down. an eyewitness close to the video of social media joined bystanders rush to go help with rescue efforts there is happened in soho. so busy, glad no one was seriously hurt there. massive manhunt continues in western pennsylvania for gunman who killed a police offerser. >> authorities have issued arrest warrant for 29 year old ramal hope. police say he shot and killed officer brian shaw friday night in new kensington, small town just northeast of pittsburgh. the shooting happened following a traffic stop, and foot chase. >> i didn't even know how many different police officers in different places that we've had here in the city new kensington henge us, in allowing our police department and our officers to properly grieve and be able to handle in the way they need to handle this. >> $40,000 reward being offered for information leading to the arrest. >> and cbs news correspondent don is in kensington, with live report on the search for the suspect coming up on cbs this morning, of course at 7:00 right after cbs-3 " eyewitness news" this morning >> coming up in the next half hour of "eyewitness news," where you will soon have to make an appointment to visit santa claus. >> also ahead, alabama three major newspapers share similar message. they want voters to shy away from judge roy moore. we'll tell you what they're saying. >> plus, we'll have a look at the gross use of dogs to keep people safe. it is k9's on the front line. >> and it will be a sunny start to the week this monday morning, as we look live now at center city from our cbs-3 studios. katie will be here to give us a peak at the thanksgiving forecast, when "eyewitness news" continues at 5:30. >> good morning, i ' rahel sole plan. >> i'm jim donovan. >> first, here's what you need to know to start your day in our morning minute, today is monday, november 20th. >> went, comes right back to clemente. he's into the end zone. >> really good. >> the birds are soaring, they take down the cowboys, in dallas, for their eighth win in a row. >> heart break break-in roxborough. >> wonderful person.

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Jersey , Georgia , United States , Burlington , Pennsylvania , Alabama , Lawrenceville , Center City , Texas , Philadelphia , California , West Chester , Allentown , Dallas , New Kensington , Pottstown , Hawkins Roxborough , Pat Gallen , Kanye West , Al Atlanta , Jim Donovan , Henry Rosoff , Derrick Barnett , Taylor Hawkins , Brian Shaw , Jake Elliot , Sharon Tate , Charles Manson , Carson Wentz ,

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