Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20171110 : comparem

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20171110

the roads this morning. >> one more time? >> brr. >> always better when we get to see your face. well, yes, it has been actually real busy in the worlds of travel this morning, so talking about the hit-and-run in maple shade, new jersey, also talking about three other accident out there , some construction, so yes, lots going on. >> definately not weather-related. i wouldn't make, anyway, still pretty tame outside right now, and even in terms of thermometer reading, you said it, we're hitting our daytime high, and the sun's not even up. so that cold air really will be playing catch-up to us, and already reflected on the thermometer readings. taking a look, storm scan, certainly not much to track here locally. front pretty much done its job , crossed through, with little fanfare precipitation- wise, but heck of a store when it comes to the temperature readings. now, here what it currently feels like. this is incredibly telling. it is still feels like not only the 40's, but even the low 50's, in spots. you go couple every counties north, feels more like the teens in mount pocono where the wind has gun to pick up little bit. northwest wind, everywhere, it is just that cold hasn't completely caught up. but it is about to. so these temperatures, again, are declining through the day. again, these are your actual air temperatures, mid 40's, upper 40's, the northwest winds is present, most pronounced in the mountains, and you're currently at 29. hence, it feels 14 degrees colder. however, we take a look at the rest of the day, these are your afternoon expectations, so more like below freezing in the mountains, with that winds , and even despite full sunshine, don't expect us to rebounds at all here. meisha, it will be really chilly afternoon. >> yes, it sure looks that way , so bring those jackets, thanks so much, katie. and we are looking out side right now in the world of travel, like i mentioned at the desk, looking casino every busy out there. so looking at an accident in bucks county, 59 north, route 413, it is pulled all the way off to the shore. be minds full of it, as we start to build levels in the 5:00 hour, if this is still out there, well, might start to actually affect our commute , not so much right now , though we just don't have the volume. then, also looking at some construction on the schuylkill eastbound closed between the vine and south street, that's now all clear. so you get the big thumbs-up there. overnight construction now gone. ben franklin bridge looking real nice for all of my friends in jersey, traveling westbound, over the bridge, and into center city looking great. looking just as it should on this friday morning. and then, also, looking at accident on the pa turnpike, westbound, at ft. washington, now the good news this accident has moved over to the shoulder. and that hit-and-run accident that our trang do will have more on in maple shade, route 73 near 38, one lane open each direction. and jim, rahel, back over to you. >> thank you, meisha. updating our breaking news this morning, one man is dead after an overnight hit-and-run >> as meisha just said, " eyewitness news" reporter trang do live in maple shade, new jersey, where police are now saying they have a suspect in custody. good morning, bring us to up date. >> reporter: well, good morning, rahel, jim, yes, we learned that information a suspect is in custody within the last hour. right now we're still trying to find out just where police located that driver, but take a look here, this is route 73 , just south of the 38/41 interchange. right now looking at the southbound lanes where one lane of traffic is getting by, though over on the northbound lanes, crews have just opened that back up to traffic. so traffic is slowing little bit better here. but police got this call around 12:30 a.m. this morning , arrived to find a man unconscious in the center median of 73. now, he was pronounced dead on the scene. maple shade police and fire then block off southbound and northbound 73 overnight, and still again just one lane getting by on the southbound lanes, northbound lanes just about ready to open up here. as investigators just wrap up their investigation, but to recap once again, a man is dead after he was struck on route 73, here in maple shade. police do have a suspect in custody, so apparently drove away from the scene. but meantime, again, if you are headed out in this area, just traffic is still lit bit tied up. traffic getting by, northbound lanes owning back up. for now liver in maple shade. trang do, cbs-3 "eyewitness news," jim, rahel, back to you >> trang, thank you. in other news, still no word on what led to overnight house fire in south philadelphia. firefighters quickly put out the blaze in the girard park neighborhood. the fire was reported just after midnight, 1900 block of hamburger street. officials say no one was hurt. >> a manhunt continues after a quadruple shooting involving three teenagers in philadelphia's point breeze section. chopper three over that scene there on the 1800 block of south ringgold street. it happened around 10:30 p.m. last night. two, 14 year old boys, 15 year old boy, and 28 year old man, all shot. the 15 and 28 year old are in critical condition. the other teens are stable. >> and an investigation is underway this morning, after a two year old boy is shot and killed inside his home in philadelphia's olney section. police rush to the 200 block every west godfrey avenue yesterday afternoon. detective say the toddler was inside the home's basement when he was shot in the head. boy's father returned him to the hospital where he was pronounced dead. one neighbor says the gun shouldn't have been near the child. >> put them guns away. they need to just take guns, throw them away, just get rid of them. it is every week it is something going on, every week >> investigators believe this was a tragic accident. but did not recover a weapon from the scene. police say several adults were inside the home at the time of the shooting. they're now trying to figure out who was responsible. >> in other news this morning, president trump is weighing in on the roy moore sex scandal, the president says if the allegations are true, he's confident that the alabama republican senate candidate will do the right thing and step aside. moore is denying allegations of inapropriate sexual contact with minors dating back decades. instead, he calls the report a desperate political attack and is asking supporters to help fight the forces of evil with a donation to his campaign. >> comedian louie ck is also facing allegations of sexual har asment, new york premiere every his new film i love you daddy was canceled last night in light of the claims. his appearance on the late show with steven cobair was also canceled, the comedian is promise to go issue a statement soon. >> well, president trump is in viet nam this morning, his fourth stop on his 12 day trip to asia. >> the president is attending the asia pacific economic forum. but the big question is will he be meeting with russian president, vladmeere putin, who is also there? cbs news correspondent steven port now with the president in viet nam. >> one lingering question was answered as president trump touchdown in viet nam nam, the fourth stop on his asian to up white house press secretary sarah sanders on board air force one, says the president is snot scheduled to meet with his russian counterpart shad mean putin. says the two leader were meet on the side lines one way or another. >> there is no formal meeting for anything schedule for them , no, they'll be in the same place, so they'll say hello, certainly, and in terms after schedule formal meeting, there is not one on the calendar. >> the president attending the asia pass i have i can cooperation or a peck summit, urged to help push back against north korea nuclear ambition. >> the future of this region, and it beautiful people, must not be held hostage to a dictator ace twisted fantacies of violent conquest and nuclear blackmail. >> the president also spoke trade, and again, as he did earlier in the week in china, blamed his prepped -- predecessors, not other nations. >> from this day forward, we will compete on a fair and equal basis. we are not going to let the united states be taken advantage of any more. >> the president went ton say countries that abide by the rules of the trade organization may partner with the us. those that don't will no longer be tolerated. cbs news, traveling with the president, in viet nam. >> closer to home, the transition every power is underway in new jersey. outgoing governor chris christie melt with govenor-elect phil murphy yesterday. christie tweeted: i met today with govenor-elect murphy to ensure the transfer of responsible will be organized, cooperative, and and effective >> monday prosecutors state college will announce their finding into a race security camera footage from the night a penn state fraternity pledge died. nineteen year old timothy piazza fell down basement steps at the beta theta pi frat house last february after a zero alcohol fueled hazing ritual. authorities launched an investigation after they discovered the video from the basement camera was erased. fourteen members of the fraternity face charges in piazza's death. >> well, sunday will be one week since the deadly mass shooting inside after texas church. coming up we will tell you what may happen to that church building once the investigation is over. >> also, we have an update on the death of former phillies pitcher roy halladay. we'll tell but plans for a memorial service. >> imagine this, homeowners surprise today finds bears, yes, i said bears, inside his home. we'll tell you what neighbors are saying about this unexpected encounter. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> okay, taylor swift new albumn came out overnight. and wait until you hear what it made itunes do, we'll explain later, and got to tell you. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> back on "eyewitness news" this morning, almost one week after the deadliest mass shoot the shooting in texas history the church's pastor says the church building will be torn down. pastor frank pomeroy's daughter was one of the six people killed in the attack last sunday, he says it would be too painful to continue using those first baptist church as a place of worship. pomeroy hopes to turn the site into a memorial for the victims, and rebuild on nearby lands that is owned by the church. the family of roy halladay has now funeral plans for the former phillies pitcher. the public service will take place next tuesday, november 14, at spectrum field in clearwater florida halladay was killed tuesday when his plane crashed into the gulf of mexico near tampa. video from "tmz" sports shows roy flying moments before the crash. >> meanwhile sports radio host in boston now apologizing for making controversial comments about halladay's death, in a 12 minute rant on wednesday. michael f. elger called him a more on who quote got what he deserved. he says he cannot defend his comments which he calls inapropriate and insensitive to say the least there. >> rescuers in north caroline have their hands full trying to save a cow stuck in a swimming pool. >> well there is was the scene just outside of charlotte wednesday. animal control officers said the cow has spent two hours in the pool before they pulled her out. they were afraid the 700 pounds animal would get hypothermia. they say the rescue went, pretty smoothly. >> all things considered. >> oh, boy. >> oh, boy is right. how is this for a surprise? the family every brown bears invade ago home outside of la. the man taking the video remarkably calm there cents cents an as is one bear snacked on cat food. apparently through crack door, while two other bears waited just outside. how about this, though, the man record that video survived being shot in the las vegas mass shooting, apparently home recovering. >> aren't the bears supposed to come inside and check out your beds and stuff and more and? >> i think -- >> the mama bear, daddy bear, baby bears? >> i think goldilocks was check that all out. >> they're trying to stay to the script. >> oh, ya, goldilocks is the one that got caught by the bears. >> oh,. >> in a twist of events. >> oh, that's the case. see, jim and i haven't red in a while. >> oh, it's been a while. >> keeping us honest, katie. >> don't you worry, when it comes to this, i've got you. >> all right. >> let's switch gears though, talking about very, very cold air. even not so much just yet, how much, that cold front has actually already crossed through. the only place where it is really becoming felt out there at this point is the farthest north and west most suburbs. so go up to carbon, monroe county, pleasant valley middle and high school, live neighborhood network, not har, picking up but out of the northwest 34 degrees, probably feels no better than the teens up here. and even though the sun's not up just yet, these temperatures actually drop throughout the rest of the day that will goes for all of us, so starting off in a okay note here. meanwhile you have lake enhancement here down wind every lake ontario, light snowfall, especially up toward new york, none that far will reach us. just showing you via the radar the direction of the winds flow. and that northwest wind of course will feel awfully chilly. so watch the arrows, as well as the numbers here, going to tell the story too. throughout the day we're easily into the teens, with the sustained winds speeds, easily higher gusts upward of 25, 30 miles per hour early on it, makes it feel a heck after lot cold. we go through the entire day like there is even as high as the 20's with the wind values here. down toward the shore points, later on this evening, 7:00 p.m., when the freeze warning however goes into effect, and also start to see the winds just easing up. so into saturday morning, all calm, but really really cold. and even despite more sun saturday, you won't rebounds all that east limit talk about how cold it will actually feel granted again the winds is easing, but on saturday morning, it is only going to feel like it is in single digit, even in philly. that is why the city taking these cold preparations to make sure people are indoors, and safe through this, take care of yourselves, as well, okay, it will be really brutal couple every days, just because we're not used to it, more than anything, looking forwards or back to the low to mid 50's, starting monday, may be shower around sunday or man day for that matter, meisha? >> katie, thank you so much. very good morning to all of you. happy friday. tgif. we are looking at birdseye view shot here of the vine and 95. you can see how everything is moving around, everything looking pretty good. we've got the ben franklin bridge, right hine me, looking good therefore those every in you jersey, traveling westbound over the bridge. so overall, this shot right now, showing us maybe that levels are building ever so slightly, overall things still looking very nice. blue route, mid-county, same story, looking just as it should, typical in the world of travel. we do have accident in bucks county 95 north, route 43 pulled off to the shoulder kind of hard to see here, but movement traveling on past there is actually moving, still traveling around at posted speeds, but that will start to affect us little bit if it doesn't get moved out of the way, hopefully it does soon. then, also talking about this hit-and-run accident in maple shade new jersey. so route 73, near route 38, one lane open in each direction, traveling less than supposed speeds at about 30 miles per hour, and our trang do will have more coming up in a little bit. rahel, jim, back over to you. >> reporter: meisha, thank you for a look at newspaper headlines from across our region. >> from the delaware county times a company that runs the george w hill correctional facility in delaware county has agreed pay $7 million to the family of upper darby woman who committed suicide in 2015. thirty-five year old janine wallace took her life after being place in the solitary confinement for 52 days at the facility. attorneys argued she had been mistreated by guards and denied proper medical attention. >> and the trentonian, trenton city officials have given green light to new parking meters in the city. new parking system could generate $2 million annually and may be modelled similar to philadelphia's parking where parking has meter fees used rather than stands alone meet er. >> reading eagle, state employed scientist may have stumbled on a way to irradicate or control the evasive lantern have slides, weapon, certain species of wasps, it was brought to pennsylvania from airasia in 1908 to control the state's population of jip did i moths. >> that's a look at newspaper headlines from around the delaware valley. >> up next: pat's here with sports. good morning, pat. >> good morning, guys, the sixers go down to the wire with the kings in sacramento last night. joel embiid had two chances for a win, plus fire hit bill milestone, and eagle feeling good on his (voand exceptional customerity pre-ownservice,les... head t to your neiborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... flip your thinking about buying your next one. hey, l'eggo my eggo. i don't see your name on it. really? ba bam! know the rules. keep your eggo. l'eggo my eggo. okay. >> guys, out west, the sixers looking to extend their five game winning streak, against this team with just two wins on the season. but it was a fight to the finish last night. with the sacramento kings, the sixers up one in the final minute, chance to take control and willie, reject joel embiid game safer for the kings. they would score eight unanswered down the stretch, including the fox's set-back. kings up one right here. final second, embiid's last chance to fade away. no. streak over. sixers lose 109-108. brett brown is upset about that finish. >> and so we talk. we had a play designed. we've been doing well closing out games. and we went rogue, we didn't show the discipline. that thing that you're talking about is the ends result of chaos. and, you know, that's part of young guys learning how to play smarter, how to execute better, when it matters most, and we didn't. >> flyers and blackhawks last night, a moment of silence for roy halladay, killed this week in a plane crash in the gulf of mexico. classy move by the flyers there. first period, flyers looking spry after long lay-off, cloud giroux with the one timer it, makes it one-nothing. >> same period, shane, with a assist, on jake voracek, his 100 career point in 155 games. milestone coming in a big win over chicago, three-one, the flyers and minnesota wild play tomorrow night in south philly >> eight and one eagles are off this week, but are being helped by a potentially huge injury. richard sherman went down with a ruptured achilles corks throw wrench into the playoff picture in the nfc. even without sherman, russell wilson beat up on the cardinals in the dessert. wilson, with this ridiculous, spin move here, little spin move, there then hits doug baldwin, goes 54 yards inside the 5-yard line. that's just sill. russell wilson can do it all. wilson next play, would hit jimmy gram for his second touchdown of the night. and the seahawks beat the cardinals 22 to 16. they currently occupy the top wild-card spot in the nfc. >> if you're philadelphia eagle, sign $48 million contract? that's what defensive take he will tim journigan did yesterday. the birds have signed the big man in the middle to four year extension, 26 of the 48 million is reportedly guaranteed. he has 11 tackles, one and a half sacks. but he's been major run stuffer, eagles allow league- low 66 yards per game. the eagles acquired journigan in april from baltimore, costing them only a swap of third round picks in that last draft. >> when the eagles resume their schedule they'll take on the cowboys, and they won't be facing elliot. the on again-off again suspension is back on, and elliot will not be on the field for sunday night football two weekends from now he will miss the next six games, for domestic abuse allegation, he has court date december 1st, so it is still possible that he returns after four games. the big news here obviously is that two weekends from now, he will not be playing against the philadelphia eagles, that's a huge loss for them, especially with the playoff picture in the ffc. >> winning streak continues, even when we're not home. >> absolutely. >> thanks, patrick. >> coming un in the next half hour of "eyewitness news," from donut, pizza, to flu shots, some of the free perks our servicemen and women can get this veteran rans day. >> also ahead, what doctors discovered inside the brain of aaron hernandez after his death. plus this. >> i'm kevin frazier, coming up, will ferrell, mark wahlberg, made peace in daddy 's home, now they have to deal with their own dad in the >> today is friday, november 10th. >> brace yourself for bitter blast. >> it will feel more like the 20's. winds kicks in. temperatures are also dropping that's a pretty brutal combination. >> a pedestrian found dead in maple shade. >> that suspect is in custody. these office verse been on the scene for hours now, investigating this hit-and-run >> i'm just heart broken. >> two year old boy is shot and killed inside his philadelphia home. >> early part of the investigation, indicate that this toddler may have shot himself in the head. >> president trump talks trade in viet nam. >> we are not going to let the united state be taken advantage of any more. >> do a little bit, just a little bit, you know. i'll get you. don't play with me.

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