Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20170801 : comparem

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20170801

car crash leaves several people hurt. >> well, today is tuesday, august 1st, it is august already, good morning, everyone, he'll jim donovan. >> i'm rahel solomon. katie and meisha are keeping their eye on things this morning. good morning, ladies. >> in the bling after eye. >> we are looking outside right now, everything dry, looking good, lots of construction, yes, the accident investigation on 42, we will be talking about that coming up in a little bit. >> staying dry for the most part, even though i do think you could see the showers, thunder storm, will hold off until later this afternoon, and we'll be seeing some sunshine. not bad out there. quick peak at storm scan, all free, my friends, your sale is smooth at least weather wise. of course meisha has the updates there when it comes to your commute, things all-in-all are not, the weather anyway, won't have any direct impact on you throughout the course of the day say for sun glare, at least you don't have to deal with any wet weather initially here. taking a look at the areas, 70s at philadelphia international airport, but a lot cooler at least in most spots anyway by comparison, and wilmington, millville, held back to 65, as you are in reading and in allentown, and 60 degrees is the current temp in mount pocono. as the day progresses, it is a hot day. and again, i do have to throw a thunderstorm icon on there, but we are talking isolated, stray, hit or miss, this is classic summer weather here, and it will be a hot one though, thankfully what i can tell you is that that humidity stays somewhat low. dew point at worse, probably, only topping off low 60s, in short, it is not terribly steamy, for yet another day,. >> very good morning to all of you, happy tuesday. so we're looking outside. some construction 422 between first avenue and trooper. now an accident, the boulevard northbound, seventh street, the outer lanes you can see it pulled off to the far right. still heads up, still dark, early, not a lot of travel around here that will slow you down little bit. you might see brake lights go on if you travel on by. overall i would say drive carefully, do have people walking around, whenever it is this dark out i always say just use your best discretion around the area. vine, closed overnight for the construction between the schuylkill and broad. westbound-eastbound you're now all clear. so you can see a thumb up, looking good there. >> this is the accident investigation in turnersville, new jersey, three vehicle accident, happened around 2:00 e transported to the hospital. so route 42 northbound closed between college drive and route 534. your alternate that you will want to take around the area right now, route 168 or route 55, going to be your best bet around there, right now, we are still seeing a lot of green, the new jersey area, we will be watching this all morning long, jim, rahel, back over to you. >> thank you shall meisha. president trump has hit the restart button in the west wing. >> hours after new chief of staff john kelly comes in, communications director anthony scaramucci goes out. that's report chance for the president to give kel a clean slate. >> great day at the white house. that's how president trump describes via twitter monday evening what was certainly an active day at the white house. one that began with a hiring, and ended with a firing. it started with the swearing in of new chief of staff general john kelly, he want more structure, less game of thrones. >> i predict that general kelly go down in terms of the position of chief of staff, one of the great ever. >> one every kelly's first act as chief of staff, pushing out white house communications direct or anthony scaramucci. on the job, for less than two weeks, scaramucci had trouble shaking a profanity-laced interview he gave to new yorker magazine, going after kelly's predecessor ryan priebus. >> the president certainly felt that anthony's comments were inapropriate for a person in that position. >> scaramucci is just the latest in a long line of high profile names that have come and gone from the trump white house. the president insists this is not adding to up chaos, lawmakers praising the discipline kelly seemed to already be bringing to the administration. >> hopefully it set orders to the place, and i think it was a good choice. >> when he was general kelly, in command, he took all of these different agencies, making them work well for our country's objectives. that's a good thing. >> the white house says unlike before kelly, when several aids had direct access to the president, now, all access will run through the chief of staff. cbs-3, "eyewitness news." >> and there will be much more on anthony scaramucci's firing coming up on cbs this morning. major garrett report from the white house. that's coming you ought 7:00 right after "eyewitness news." back here at home, police arrest philadelphia mother after her seven month old son was found alone in a bucks county motel room. authority charge 34 year older kaylo pez with endangering the welfare after child yesterday. the made at the nights inin motel near bensalem found the her son wet under the bed, police say he was left therefore about 24 hours. >> why someone would leave a seven month old in that condition is beyond me, but 31 years doing this job, i stop trying to figure people out a long time ago. >> officials stay isn't the first time lopez has been in trouble with law enforcement. they say she led police on a chase just last september that almost ended in a car crash, her baby is now being checked out at the hospital. >> well, a $5,000 reward is being offered in the search for a suspect want in the connection to a deadly shoot ing in haverford township twenty-nine year old john lee was gunned down saturday night in what appears to be a random shooting. the suspect in that shooting, who is still at large, was caught on surveillance camera, leaving the scene in a red hoodie. one resident heard the gunshots and says the suspect may have walked by her home after the shooting. >> i heard somebody walking by my window, who was sort of muttering. and i think it was probably this guy. and i was a little upset i didn't get to up see. but you don't think that's happening here. >> now, police are also linking this suspect to another shooting in philadelphia's overbrook section. that shooting happened about 45 minutes prior to the one in havertown, township. no one was injured in that shooting. >> new jersey's bail reform faced a test in federal court. duane chapman, better known as dog the bounty hunter, is backing a wrongful death lawsuit filed by the family after millville man. the family of christian rogers claims that a gunman who allegedly shot him to death was released under the new bail guidelines after police arrested the suspect for weapons offenses. >> my baby was not a person to fall through someone's cracks. this should not have happened to him. all he was doing was walking home from a convenience store. >> the new rule start in the january. reporters say they helped keep defendant from being stuck in jail, because they can't afford bail. >> there will be parties and rallies and communities across the country tonight for the annual national night out. neighborhoods around philadelphia got a jump on the observe and cents last night, every august 1st, community members and police get together to build positive partners nerve ships. last night at marconi plaza in south philly there was music, refreshments, and fun for the whole family. >> check out this video, a man climbs to the top of city hall and no one stops him, or apparently even notices. >> well the death defying stunt now raising safety concerns. "eyewitness news" reporter trang do, live in center sit which more on what officials have said about the city hall climber. good morning, trang. >> well, good morning, jim, rahel. both the climber and the city say they do not want to see any kind of copycats. this daredevil photographer took advantage of renovation work that happened just once every ten years. he climbed scaffold to go get a view, some 550 feet above the grounds. it is a video that no doubt shows incredible insider views of philadelphia's iconic city hall. from inside the tower, right to up william penn himself. youtuber who uses posted evidence of his heart stopping and i will legal feat on his account sunday. the video is take friend his perspective shows him traversing ladders, staircases , and scaffolding, ultimate birds' eye view of the sit. >> i inside of billy penn. >> taking you there before, cbs-3's joe holden highlighting the once in a decade painstaking cleaning work just completed on pennsylvania's 37-foot bronze founder. but king managed to take his video completely undetected sometime in the past two month he says he does it to document history, and take care of damage or vandalize anything, also managed to get get himself down. a week ago, two other photographers needed help from police after climbing to the top of the ben franklin bridge to take photos. those men are now facing several charges. now, in response to king's video, city spokesman mike dunn said we're extremely concerned by this video watch this person did was dangerous and i will legal. the scaffold something now down, but philadelphians should be aware of the extreme risk they pose to their personal safety if they engage in activity like. >> this and king agreed saying that he's not encouraging others to do this, in fact, he strongly advises that they don't. but for now live from broad street, i'm trang do, cbs-3 " eyewitness news," jim, rahel, back to you. >> better him than me, right? >> i was going to say, climbing up i can see. getting down would be the problem for me. >> last week the ben franklin, this week sit hall. >> someone out there has a winning lottery ticket. it isn't rahel it, isn't me. >> yes, if you bought your ticket in the powelton section of philadelphia you could be the winner. the ticket worth $120,000. the numbers: four, nine, 16, 24, 26. the ticket sold last week at the grab and go market at 426 lancaster avenue. >> coming up, mystery on the beach at popular shore town when a woman's body found burried in the sands. we will tell you what investigators know so far. >> also ahead, tropical storm emily impacting florida, and a look at the damage left behind >> as i watched him, coy see his prepare wasn't moving. >> we will tell you where this plane made a crash landing in the water, and we'll have an update on the condition of the two people on board. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> and pat gallen headed to the farmhouse, local farm, where you can pick your own fruit, vegtables, even flowers that's coming up at 5:30. meantime, we'll be right back. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ yo sl what's the story behind green mountain coffee and fair trade? let's take a flight to colombia. this is boris calvo. boris grows mind-blowing coffee. and because we pay him a fair price, he improves his farm and invest in his community to make even better coffee. all for a smoother tasting cup. green mountain coffee. >> a plane crash in washington state, small plane caring two men, plunge into the huge i had sounds in west seattle yesterday. you can see they're completely submerge in the shale so water not far from the show. incredibly both men made it out of the wreck unharmed, federal aviation administration is now investigating. >> a body has turned up on a beach in ocean city maryland. now investigators want to know how the woman died. >> police have identified her as 30 year old ashley o'connor the texas woman was vacationing at a maryland resort. someone found her body yesterday morning. it is not something that people have seen here before. >> well, 6:30 in the morning we new something was different and the number of police vehicles on the beach was very abnormal t hasn't happened in 50 years. i've been here on the board walk for 50 years. and this is very, very unusual >> the medical examiner should have a cause of death within a few days. >> meanwhile, tropical storm emily has been downgrade today a tropical depression after making landfall in florida. >> the storm landed on florida 's west coast monday morning. the system dumped several inches of rain packed winds excess of 40 piles per hour, now despite the downgrade at the height of the storm, 18,000 were without power, and 31 counties were under a state of emergency. >> time now 5:16. back here at home, katie, looks like the most part we should see sunny weather today >> even though there could definitely be couple of little flex of green that show up on the area radar, all-in-all real nice looking summer day, with, you know, certainly some heat to work with, but the humidity levels remaining somewhat low. i think at worse, we are talking maybe low to mid 60s, in terms of the dew point, in short, that means it won't feel all that steamy. but yes, the heat absolutely noticeable. and we will get back to the 90s here for today, and the next couple of days, as we take a live look outside in the neighborhood network, this is shot take friend palmyra cove nature park, overlooking the skyline, things come plealy clear to the point that you can even see the blinking lights on top of liberty place here off in the distance. all good there. let's go next, though, to what happens hang zero ever, high pressure on our side, keeping control throughout the entirety of the day, say for just enough heating of the day just enough instability to help trigger spotty shower or thunder storm, so i don't think most every will you have to worry too much about this. meanwhile, we take look at the big picture here. here is the anchors just talking about emily, what's left of it, it does appear as though this will likely maintain depression status. pretty much going to take a trail of these clouds, that do have frontal system that eventually works its way toward us, but it takes couple of days. so somewhat of a sluggish movement, sluggish flow in our atmosphere. but what is good is that nothing helps to draw the storm in. so let's look at that system's track, at this point, it has got, at this point, max winds speeds of 30 miles per hour, then east-northeast movement as a sluggish 12 miles per hour, but it is moving off shore from the sunshine state, so those really soggy worries are about to thankfully go away for florida. but notice, this will stay out to sea. not even the carolinas get clipped by this. perhaps our surf gets turned up from that storm, making its exit later in the week, but will be minor impact. and certainly not direct impact for the rest of the east coast, good news. next couple elf days, again, humidity levels creep up. i think we are talking you err 60s at best tomorrow, probably starting to creep into the 07 degrees dew point range by thursday, so we night needs to up that bar a little bit. we will see. but right now, mainly sunny, hot day, 91, with a pretty light winds. so you won't have that nice breeze to help really cool you off at all throughout the day. finds a pool near you, in short. with the spotty thunderstorm still high possibility, just going to be that isolated hit or miss variety most of us stay dry. we drop down to 72. we will see few more scattered thunderstorms and thursday, essentially carbon copy forecast, look at this higher humidity granted, 9 degrees highs for both days, some sun, scattered showers, storms. friday looks pretty similar, too, that said, but front crosses on saturday, and the humidity starts to drop off as does the thermometer reading. meisha? >> all right, katie, yes, we can weekend looks pretty nice going back to the 80s, thank you so much for that, good morning to all of you. looking right now, talking about this basically all morning long. so an accident investigation in turnersville, new jersey. three vehicle accident happened around 2:00 a.m. people transported to the hospital. forty-two northbound closed. between college drive and route 534. what we're seeing right now is vehicles actually being divert from the 42 onto college drive you will want to use an alternate if you can. i would say 168 or route 55 is going to be your best bet around this. we are looking at the camera shot, birdseye view shot of say five, ten minute ago, and it was very, very busy, a lot of vehicles already out there. and we're still in the early part of the 5:00 hour. so avoid this area, wait if you can, if you cannot, just remember to use the alternates , again, route 168 or route 55 going to be your best bet. accident here boulevard northbound seventh street. pulled all the way out to the far right outer lanes, travel on by, might tap your brakes little bit. earlier seeing some people walk around outside their vehicles, as well corks peak at 95 south, come around the s curve, big thumbs p, looking good. rahel, jim, back to you. >> all right, meisha, thank you. and now for a look at newspaper headlines from across our region. >> from the delaware county times a 28 year old former teacher at school for traumatized youth was sentenced yesterday to three to 23 months after pleading guilty to institutional sexual assault. for using 16 year old student. will serve the minimum of her sentence on electronic home monitoring. scott was a teacher at the village in the rosemont section of radnor prior to her arrest in january. from the trentonian, a bus , yesterday officials say a plan to build a factory that would produce dunkin donut products and create 171 jobs in trenton, from the trentonian office building, the idea is dead. >> to boost tourism at mount pen, the bag oath a, seven story japanese style structure , offers sweeping views of reading, about 24,000 people visited the site last year. >> and that's a look at some of the newspaper headlines from around the delaware delaware valley. new report this morning, sounding alarm in the airline industry watch it says could happen in the coming years. that would cut back on flight and grounds airplanes. >> that doesn't sounds good. also ahead, learning just how much content hack remembers able to steel from hbo. game of thrones is one of the shows involved. we'll tell you about the other coming up. >> ♪ >> welcome back everyone. eagles training camp, resumes today. look for reports beginning on "eyewitness news" at 5:00. >> meanwhile, the phillies hit the road tonight. lesley van arsdall with your morning sport. >> the phils start eight game road trip against the angels tonight, aaron nola on the mound, feeling good about themselves, five game winning streak after sweeping out the braves. to the third inning, the phillies with a lead, herrera, send this pitch into the upper deck in right, three-run blast , since july 3rd, 4- nothing, phillies up franco crushes this pitch into the upper deck and left. phils with their first game sweep of the braves at home, seven-six the final. >> four game sweep. right before we go on nice long flight, too, so it put everybody in a good mood. you know, it says a lot about this team. you know, a lot of people contributed to these four wins you know, anywhere from up and down the line up to the bench, starters, you know, it was really, you know, fun to be a part of. >> yesterday was the major league baseball trade deadline , and after the game the phillies announce that they traded walking, and pittsburgh pirate for right-handed relief set motorcycle gary, had a 4.07era for the phillies in 42 innings of work. that's all for sports, i'm lesley van arsdall, have a great day. >> welcoming up in the next half hour every "eyewitness news," what a.m. sell doing today that could clue us in on the new iphone release, details in a live report from wall street. >> also ahead, governor chris christie now sharing his side of the story about the altercation he had with a fan sunday at a baseball game. >> and los angeles, will host the 2028 olympic games. we'll tell you how much the city of age levels get for the games, and where some of the funds something going. stay with us. >> good morning, i'm rahel solomon. >> i'm jim donovan. first, what you need to know to start your day in our morning minute. today is tuesday, august 1st. >> the first day of the newly shuffle west wing, new chief of staff is in, the man who was the new communications director is out. after less than two weeks on the job. >> disturbing discovery, philadelphia mother charged with leaving her seven month old son alone in a bucks county motel. >> a shocking allegation. former phillies star, pete rose, is accused of statutory rape. >> on ton of the clock tower in philadelphia. >> a dangerous stunt. man climbs to the top of city hall, without ever being in the dollars. >> daredevil photographer took advantage of renovation work. >> the much is toast. the front stab err has been back stabbed. >> with just today. finished the. >> hey, i'm anthony scaramucci there is a new mooch in town. >> get out. >> i will say, i was at the gym on the treadmill when i saw the breaking news, i almost fell off the treadmill. >> oh, you should have seen the cable news network, all of the ankle ross, quite shocking >> busy day yesterday. butts i day today in werth. thousand looking, katie? >> i don't think it will be terribly busy today. the next few days perhaps things go down a bit more of unsettled, still steamier path

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