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Thunderstorms and our neighbors to the south in southern delaware have been just getting hammered, really since last evening and then especially through nighttime hours and now even here this morning, as well, with well over that three to maybe even four, close to 5 inches of rain in a few areas in southern delaware. For the time being here in philadelphia and across much of the northern suburbs of philadelphia, were getting a break in the action. There hasnt been all that wet but there is still a Flash Flood Watch in effect mainly for, folks to the south, of the city. Southern new jersey, back down into delaware, this is our main concern until 2 00 this afternoon, again our Flash Flood Watch is still in effect we can look for that quickly rising water moving across roadways, areas of poor drainage where we will see highest water and then again it is still a problem for us, really throughout the rest of the morning and maybe even at times into the early afternoon , further south that you go. Storm scan three right now again across philadelphia and areas north is really not all that bad. But lets go down to the south and we are taking a peak, at what is going on down into southern delaware, by my click they are morning not giving me a whole lot of help here. What we are talking about is heaviest rainfall in Sussex County delaware also parts of the Cape May County in new jersey. Really seeing, the effects of all of this rain, and what were going to be seeing. Lets step off to show you, again, my clicker decide toss work now. You can see down toward georgetown, millsboro and ocean view area where we are seeing heaviest pockets of rain along u. S. Nine. As we head back down toward jersey shore from ocean city north toward Atlantic City back through avalon, stone harbor and cape may we are really getting still the brunt of all of this rain. We are getting on shore flow as well, gusty wind this afternoon, that could be gusting as high as 25 miles an hour. We will go with high temperatures, jan in the 70s, were below average there. Breaks in the cloud late in the day and nice sunday we will talk about all coming up. Better days ahead, thanks, matt. New this morning flames tore through a two story row home in camden, sending several people to the hospital Eyewitness News report era neat a oh is live at the scene with the very latest, anita . Reporter good morning, jan , well, it is unclear just how many people were hurt in the fire but fire chief says that he believes that the six people, including children, lived here and as you can see it is still an active scene behind me and you can see damage and debris here on the ground after this fire sparked this morning. Now this two alarm fire that began in this twin row home here in the 1200 block of morgan street here in camden and some damage did extend in the neighboring property that included smoke damage as well, and they were legality the fire smolder before they allowed the fire marshall inside for an investigation and that is when they will determine what caused this fire but fire chief says it is not considered this fire to be suspicious, and they explain what they found upon arrival. It was chaotic when companies arrived, there was a lot of people out here, then had to do things to get the operation underway. As far as the rescue, we will have to interview guys in the first in team and it is still very early in the fire. Reporter another live look here at the investigators here on the scene, paramedics did rush those who were hurt to Cooper University hospital, again, no word on their injuries or how many people were hurt but we do know up to six people including children, did live here inside this twin row home. We do also know that there were working smoke detectors in the home, but of course we will have much more about the cause once the fire marshall is able to get inside and further his investigation. Live from camden, im anita oh for cbs3 Eyewitness News. Thanks, anita. Heavy rain hammered parts of the philadelphia region overnight and possible flooding is prompting many to change their weekend plans. Eyewitness News Reporter Natasha Brown takes a look. Reporter is there already evidence of the anticipated flooding down the shore, crews set up barricade to close off flooded streets in ocean city and some shore goers are already packing up and heading home. We were going to head back tomorrow but we will head back tonight. Reporter storm drains are being cleared of debris in sea isle, high water rescue vehicles, this is at the ready , officials all along the shore warning residents and visitors to be careful. Road tend to get flooded, in certain areas. When they see flooded road avoid them, dont drive through them, flood waters. Reporter sandy role man Ovarian Cancer run has been cancelled in sea isle and back in philadelphia, other much anticipated events are being postponed as well. Eagles Training Camp has been going on all week long, but the first open practice to the public was scheduled for saturday and it is now been moved to sunday in light of inclement weather from the city to the shore flooding is expect to be a factor. Crews preparing for a saturated saturday. Lots of weekend events throughout the tristate area will be affected by the inclement weather so if you are planning something or have planned to attend something that is suspected to be an outside event we certainly suggest you check before you head out. At the art museum, Natasha Brown, for cbs3 Eyewitness News. In other news an investigation is underway after a train hit an eight yearold boy in Delaware County. This happened just before 6 00 r industrial highway in tinicum township, Authorities Say that the csx train was traveling from south philadelphia heading west when it ran over the boys leg. There is no word on that boys condition this morning. Meantime, another shake up at the white house, chief of staff Reince Priebus is out and home land security secretary john kellys in. Asseth lemon reports priebus says it was his decision. Reporter latest west wing shake up came in the tweet with the president announcing home land security secretary john kelly, as his new chief of staff. Speaking to reporters at joint base andrews mr. Trump praised both men. Reince priebus is a good monday, john kelly will die fantastic job. Reporter priebus told cnn that no one forced him out including the president. He obviously wanted to make a change. I order my resignation. He agreed. Reporter president appears to be moving ahead with a much anticipated overhaul of his senior staff. Last week press Secretary Sean Spicer stepped down, after Anthony Scaramucci was Name Communications director. Yesterday the new yorker published a story in which scaramucci haled against priebus calling him paranoid and predicting he would soon resign. Im not going to respond to it. I will not get in the mud. Reporter priebus said he will stay on to help general kelly transition into his new john, which he starts on monday. Seth lemon for cbs3 Eyewitness News. Meantime the u. S. , south korea and japan are working on a new resolution to punish north korea, north korea test fired its second intercontinental ballistics missle yesterday which landed off the coast of japan. Officials say that this missle flew longer, higher then the first which launched earlier this month, some experts think the missle could reach new york. President trump is repeating his plea to ileto bam a care implode, that is his reaction to the republican s latest failed attempt to repeal and replace the Affordable Care act. Early friday morning three republican senators, including arizonas john mccain voted with democrats to kill the socalled, skinny repeal bill. Democrats want to work with republicans to fix the health care law. Still ahead right here on cbs3 Eyewitness News this saturday morning an investigation expand into possible Carbon Monoxide leaks of ford explorers. Also ahead no cars allowed here why miles of city streets will be shut down to drivers. Plus George Clooneys problem with the paparazzi, why he is threatening to sue photographers from the french magazine. We are keeping an eye on this storm, still hammering the southern parts of our region this morning. Matts back to tell us when the sunshine will return, we will be right a Major Development result ing from on going cbs news investigation, national Highway Traffic Safety Administration says that the number of complaints and injuries, related to possible Carbon Monoxide leaks in ford explorers is much higher then previously thought, and now officialness one city are pulling suvs off the road, chris van cleve. Reporter report this 2016 henderson, Louisiana Police explorer was badly damaged in the crash after its driver passed out from Carbon Monoxide exposure in april. She was treated at the hospital, we had requested testing for Carbon Monoxide and her levels came out, near lethal. Reporter thursday that officer filed suit against ford, and many more owners of explorers model year 2011 through 2017 are reporting Carbon Monoxide appears to be seeping into their vehicles. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration now says that more than 2700 complaints have been lodged against the auto maker and 41 people have reported injuries. Like new port beach, California Police officer Brian Mcdowell who crashed in the tree in 2015, after passing out behind the wheel. I just went out, just like that. Just like that. Reporter or sergeant zachary lahoud in austin texas whose dash cam was rolling as he called for help. Just a headache. Reporter lahoud is one of the 20 Austin Police officers treated for Carbon Monoxide exposure. Officials say they are removing all of the cities 400 explorers from service. While we work with the manufacturer and federal safety agencies, a more permanent solution. Reporter but it is not just police vehicles, bulk of the complaints come from regular ford owners like sandy jones. She traded her 2014 explorer for a 2017 but says the problem didnt go away. Frustrating because at this point i dont know what im going to do. Reporter ntsa says they have no proof that the injuries reported were caused by Carbon Monoxide but investigators say levels may be elevated during certain driving scenarios, ford says safety is its top priority and as a teamworking with police and regulators to investigate issues and solve them. Chris van cleve, cbs news, washington. Well, test lays hoping its new model of helping to expand from the luxury car to main stream. Its first mass market electric car rolled off teslas production plant in freemont, california. Electric car maker delivered the new model three to the first 30 customers. The entry model gets up to 215 , 35,000 is half the cost of teslas previous models. I want to just say first we have lined up the mobile three and some cases has been days outside of our stores to be put on the list. I want you to know that really matters to us. However, analyst warn of potential pitfalls, tesla has quality problems when producing vehicles on the smaller scale and compact model three may be less appealing as other electric models go on sale. Well, get ready to clear streets of the cars and clutter with another philly free streets day on october 28th. This time, it covers several neighborhood from center city up through north philadelphia, creating a car free zone for miles. Thousands will get to explore the city by enjoying walk, biking, jogging along city streets without those cars or trucks in their path. It is a nice thought on a day like this where we wait hours before anyone can get outside and enjoy. I was going to say today is not the day to get up early and start my day early. Better day to curl up and sleep in. Yeah, you are allowed. It is okay on a saturday morning. It is a wet saturday morning to said least. We have been talking about it for last couple days with the Eyewitness Weather Team about this storm coming through and boy, has it especially areas south of the philadelphia area we will take a look at Neighborhood Network from rehoboth, lots of rain on the lens here this morning and it is going to remain on the wet side of things all the way through most of the morning especially again, the further south from the city that you go. Storm scan three shows all of the precipitation spiraling around our area of low pressure which is just around d. C. , Baltimore Areas. That is center of the low. We have back side precipitation in western pennsylvania and West Virginia and then of course heavier rain down through southern delaware and back toward the southern shore points in new jersey as well. Taking in the philadelphia area to start out not too much happening. We did have maybe a little moderate rainfall an hour or so ago that pushed through center city, rest of us relatively light precipitation extending from Central New Jersey backup just north of the city. As you go further north the dryer it gets. As we head south though that is not the case. We will increase precipitation down toward the shore, wildwood gets in on that moderate to heavy rainfall. Cape may also seeing at this point more moderate to heavier rainfall extend ago this heavier rain up toward south of avalon and toward sea isle and further north to Atlantic City and ocean city where we have light to maryland rate rainfall as well. Down into southern delaware that is where we have seen heavier rain from last night and now in the Early Morning hours on saturday. Right along the coastline rehoboth beach, backup toward bethenny beach, some showers there that could be heavy at this point and it looks like we will not be done with this for probably the next couple hours or so. Flash flood watch that went into effect yesterday at 2 00 in the afternoon is still in effect until 2 00 on saturday afternoon with counties shaded in that light green where we are seeing potential for flash flooding. So central, southern new jersey and back down toward delaware. Philadelphia is incorporated in this Flash Flood Watch and so is southern parts of the Montgomery County, delaware and chester counties. We will keep an eye on that precipitation in the philadelphia area even if the heaviest rain is going to be to the south. We will time this out again until 12 00 noon or so we are looking for period of the heavier rainfall, better chance is south of the city. Into the early afternoon that rain starts to slowly taper off and it does last longer back down toward the shore points and we will see after 3 00 oclock were probably dry here in fail and areas north where we are seeing maybe a few breaks in the cloud with the isolated shower still lingering back down to the south. Heres our summer noreaster off the coast line spiraling all that air, precipitation around it. High pressure will settle in as we head toward end of the weekend and next week. Heaviest rainfall is this morning but a great sunday in store with some sunshine for us, as well. Coastal impact today and tonight period of heavy rainfall additionally on top of what we have seen maybe another inch, inch and a half and maybe more further south we will go, wind gusts up to 25 miles an hour, minimal beach erosion is a possibility later today and tonight and dangerous rip currents hopefully nobody going in the water today. Not a good day for that. If you do there are dangerous rip currents out there future rain amounts not too much is changing for us here in philadelphia. It is areas back dunn toward Atlantic City, wildwood, rehoboth where we are looking for an inch, inch and a half or more. Heres that shore cast, 75 at the shore, water temperature up 76. Seven day forecast, 77 for the high in the city. Then it gets very nice, very quickly. Sunday high of 82, sunshine. That sunshine continues through sunday, monday, and wednesday as well but we could see 90s back in the forecast by middle of the week. Thanks, matt. Sad news this morning british baby at center of the legal dispute between his parents and London Hospital has died. Charlie gard suffered with a rare genetic disease that caused brain damage and muscle weakness. Jane ferguson has details from london. Reporter charlie gard would have turned one yearold on august 4th, much of his short life was spent at great ormond street hospital in london suffering from a rare genetic disease that left him brian, death, unable to move or breathe on his own, doctors say charlie could not be cured and went to court to argue he be taken off life support. Charlies parents for the back , even seeking to bring in the u. S. For experimental treatment which won support from President Trump and the pope but a final mri scan showed that there was no hope. There is one simple reese on and that is time, whole lot of time wasted. Reporter gard family last fight was to bring their son home to die but they who that battle too. We will love him, cuddle him and spend a few days at home, and let him pass as a normal little baby. Reporter doctors argued home carries inadequate and charlie could suffer pain, great ormond street hospital released a statement saying in part while we always respect parents views we will never do anything that could cause our patients unnecessary and prolonged suffering. Every single one of us wishes there could have been a less tragic outcome. Judge ordered charlie be moved to a childrens hospice where he died. We love you. Reporter Jane Ferguson for cbs news, london. Well, George Clooney is putting paparazzi on notice his kids are off limits. Actor is threatening to sue after grain i photos of him and his wife and two monthold twins were published in the french magazine. In a statement clooney says photographers scaled his fence , climbed a tree and illegally took pictures of the pictures inside of their home. He said photographers and magazine will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Still ahead right here on cbs3 Eyewitness News this saturday morning we will take you behind the scenes of what is new in theaters this weekend. Im Kevin Frazier, Charlize Theron does hard core training to play the coolest getting an appointment with a specialist shouldnt be. At Cancer Treatment centers of america in philadelphia, you can see a cancer specialist in as little as 24 hours. Youll meet with a physician who will discuss treatment options, answer your questions and recommend next steps for your Personalized Care plan. Learn more about Cancer Treatment centers of america and schedule your appointment at cancercenter. Com appointment magic of harry potter returns to the mann center for performing arts, last night fans watched harry potter and chamber of secrets on the big screen while hearing the film s music performed live by the philadelphia orchestra. This is second film in the harry potter franchise and fans there really seemed to enjoy it. I know i would if it wasnt past my bode time. Speaking of movies, cher lease theron produced and stars in a new action film. Kevin frazier from entertainment tonight takes is behind the scenes of atomic blon. Reporter this week cher lease theron reveals her training routine to become an ultimate spy in atomic blonde. I chose this life, some day it will get me killed. Reporter in atomic blonde theron is secret agent lorraine sent to berlin to recover information that threatens her team. Theron trained for two and a half months for fight scenes and did so intensely she got an unusual injury. I actually cracked two teeth in the back, lower back, three weeks into training. Apparently i think panic kicked in and i clenched my jaw that hard. I was actually while training i would clean much on my jaw so hard would i crack two teeth. Action. Reporter but theron threw tough punches of her own when practicing with the stunt team i worked with an unbelievable team, im so grateful because i dont think any of this stuff would have been possible without them and i hit them way more then they hit me. Three, two, one, go. Like while i was training and i was still learning how to miss hits and Something Like that, definitely these boys, i had to apologize profusely every single day. Are you okay . My god i think i love you. For entertainment tonight im Kevin Frazier new back to you in the studio. And coming of age classic is returning to movie theaters if im here and you are here doesnt it make it our time. Certainly there is nothing wrong with a little feast on our time. That is fast times at ridge mont high is back on the big screen for 31st anniversary, the classic High School Comedy features stars like sean penn, Jennifer Jason lee, it will play more than 700 theaters tomorrow and on wednesday august 2nd, 3 theaters in our area playing it, they are, the River View Plaza 17 on columbus boulevard , movie 16 in somerdale, new jersey and Plymouth Meeting 12 on the germantown pike. There is still so much more ahead in our next half an hour right here on cbs3 Eyewitness News saturday morning. Reporter learning life lessons at one of the kind summer camp im david spunt with how phillys under privileged kid are quickly rising to the top. Also ahead, cbs3s summer fest at long wood gardens in Kennett Square this week after three years the fountain garden is back and better then ever. Speaking of water areas to our south of been seeing a whole lot of rain since late yesterday, math path peterson is back with the details on the Flash Flood Watch and when we will start to dry out, we will be back in a we are in the middle of a summer noreaster, still, lets get over to Matt Peterson with the eyewitness weather forecast. We have showers and thunderstorms and a lot of that is going to be down to the south in philadelphia and folks that live in delaware, southern delaware and down in the shore points, this morning down from at plant i can city, ocean city and cape may, that is where we are concerned for the rest of the morning. That doesnt mean we will not see shower activity or doesnt mean that the maybe see an isolated thunderstorm but again our main focus will be again from south of Atlantic City back down toward cape may and southern delaware. We do still have a Flash Flood Watch, that is in effect until 2 00 this afternoon, it does still incorporate us here in fail i, Montgomery County and, of course southern new jersey and back down into delaware as well. As i said even though we are not getting a ton of precipitation in philadelphia and areas no, sir doesnt mean we are out of the wood just yet. Here is our precipitation on storm scan three our low cell right now centered overton of the nations capitol, Baltimore Area as well. All this precipitation is circling around that low. Heaviest rainfall coming down to our south, and it is now with some good news, it looks like the heaviest rain has pushed off the coast for the time being down in southern delaware but rehoboth, bethenny beaches still getting in on moderate to heavy rainfall. Everything goes from cape may back toward avalon, sea isle, still seeing some of that more moderate to heavy rainfall there right along route nine and the shore. We are not out of the wood just yet. We have a Flash Flood Warning that is in effect for southern Cape May County this goes until eight credit 15 this morning. Southern parts of the new jersey are far from over, with this rain. Hour by hour forecast we will stay in the 70s throughout the daytoday not a lot of warming early on. We dont hit our high until 5 00. We have a high of 77. We will see some breaks in the cloud cover especially here in the city as we get toward mid to Late Afternoon and then again it does look like a quiet night tonight but we will break down how long this rain does stick around in our main segment coming up in a bit. New this morning a two alarm fire spread through a camden row home, several people are in the hospital this morning. Eyewitness News Reporter anita oh is live at the scene, what do you know, anita. Well, good morning, it is unclear at this point just how many people were hurt but we do know up to six people lived inside of this home. It is an active scene, lieutenant of debris, glass here on the ground, and im told that the fire marshall is inside investigating right now earlier this morning this two alarm fire did spark inside this twin row home on the 1200 block of morton street, some damage did extend in the neighboring property that includes smoke damage and other things, gar, fire marshall is investigating what may have sparked this fire but fire chief says that upon arrival it was a chaotic scene but he does not suspect any foul play. We have a suspicious fire in a occupied residence with that many people being at home we have a working smoke detector. We have continue on investigate what happened. Once fire marshall get in here and do an investigation we will give you mercon create information on how it started and things of that nature and give you an update along the lines with the injuries as well. Reporter another live look here at the scene here in the 1200 block of morton street in camden. Do i want to show you some of the damage remaining, you can smell the smoke lingering here in areas that have been some rain, and paramedics did rush those injured to Cooper University hospital, again, we do know that up to six people, including children lived inside of this row home but we dont know at this time how many people were hurt and whether there were fatalities. It is way too early were told to determine any sort of cause but we will update you as the investigation progresses. Live from camden, im anita oh for cbs3 Eyewitness News. Keep us up to date. Philadelphia police have charged a frankford man with murdering two of his neighbors , investigators say 69 yearold Kenneth Coyle shot and killed 45 yearold bob de paul and 42 yearold august dempsey, it happened july 16th on the 4700 block of jane street, coyle claimed couple scaled his fence during an argument so he fired in selfdefense. Damaged bridge is forcing new jersey trans to it suspend serve as you long rail line between philadelphia and cherry hill through the weekend. A boom truck crashed in the bridge yesterday afternoon on the 700 block of river road in pennsauken. One person was injured. Trains will continue to operate between cherry hill and Atlantic City, new Jersey Transit is offering bus services between cherry hill and philadelphia. Morey piers in wildwood is giving all clear to one of the closed ride following the tragedy on the fireball ride at Ohio State Fair this week. The Amusement Park has reopened the it ride to the public, new jersey officials wanted to review the attraction because high speed ride spins like fireball. Another spinning attraction is closed until further notice , on wednesday fireball broke apart at Ohio State Fair , killing one person. In other news this morning , summer camp all across our region are in full swing, a program at one cam is giving children leg up in the world of science, technology, engineering and math. Eyewitness News Reporter david spunt has details. Reporter sometimes a summer for a seven yearold with no place to go may seem like a prison and kid inside or learning the meaning offhanded on experience. Seven yearold amir, spent a few hours friday making slime, and she loved it. Shes part of the summer camp run by a group called youth engineering in science, and it gives children a chance to learn about science, technology, engineering and math. Stem. Others are dozens of interns who volunteered their time with the kid. It makes students happy. It puts a smile on my face when they did something they never did before. Reporter 500 kid are involved in the month long program. Today was last day but organizers called it a tremendous success. It is exposure, it is experiences, and expectations. Reporter teacher kathy walsh runs the summer camp she calls it stem for all, walsh and her daughter began youth engineering and Science Program back in 2009. These kid are not ending up in stem fields they are in very small percentages of minority people in stem, and we need to change that situation. Reporter walsh and furhman came by on the last day of cam top spend time with the students, their new friends. Really nice to see their smiles on hear face and see them learning. Reporter behind these bars , learning is associated with amir campbells favorite word, fun fun. We do something fun and they come in here making sure we have fun. Reporter in philadelphia, david spunt for cbs3 Eyewitness News. Great way to spend summer. Speaking of summer, summer fest in Kennett Square is coming up next on cbs this Eyewitness News saturday morning. We will take you inside the kitchen of one of the most popular restaurants in the region, why people who want to dine at this cozy Kennett Square spot need to make their reservations months ahead of time. Also ahead, a foot fix for feet that hurts whether from wearing high heels how an implant made with the same material as a contact lens can take way the pain. A Flash Flood Watch is in effect this morning, Matt Peterson is tracking when these storms move out and when the sunshine will return we will be right ditching the coverup for good . Thats cool. Showing off my arms . Thats cool. Being comfortable without a shirt . Thats cool. Getting the body you want without surgery, needles, or downtime . Thats coolsculpting. Coolsculpting is the only fdacleared noninvasive treatment that targets and freezes away stubborn fat cells. Visit coolsculpting. Com today and register for a chance to win a free treatment. Cbs3 has found another community to shine a spotlight on this week for summer fest series we will head to Kennett Square, chester county. The town is famous for mushrooms and beautiful destination for decade is long wood gardens. See collection of trees there from being cut from being cut from their lumber, these historic trees are made on the property today, they are marked with legacy tags. And Something Else long wood gardens is proud of, multi milliondollar renovated main fountain. Last night jessica dean got a chance to see a spectacular nighttime show. Sit back and enjoy on broadway. Reporter even fridays rain could not dampen beauty of long wood fountain. Beautiful in, place like it , i have been coming here for of years. We saw it this afternoon, were excited about seeing it tonight with the colors. Reporter those lights, colors made this evening show a bit wet since they reopened in may following a major renovation. Controlled by computer, it takes 200 hours to program, and perfect a 30 minute show. The end result a musical, magical, spectacular. We love coming here, it is a very special thing to do, and great that we can share with our family. All that jazz that was our jessica dean reporting. I seen it during day but not at night, it is spectacular. Kennett square is proud to be home to long wood gardens and also proud to be considered the mushroom capitol of the world. Half of the all of the american mushrooms are grown right there. Earlier this week our Vittoria Woodill toured the phillips mushroom farm, it all started in 1885 and today the farm grows so many variety of mushrooms thaw will likely use at your home or eat at a favorite restaurant. Speaking of restaurants our alexandria hoff stopped by a Kennett Square restaurant that has a very long, waiting list. I was in the Automotive Industry and that was a pretty thankless job. When people come here to buy produce, they come with a smile on their face. Reporter Service Manager turned produce farmer, stories are nestled among fruits, vegetables and artisan goods at Kennett Square Farmers Market but story of this Community Effort does not end with a state street. Right new we have tons of corn, peaches, and we have eggs and chickens. It is just so much influence. Reporter peak inside lou lous table, you will know to look further in the back kitchen and if you are even luckily you would have booked your reservation far in advance. People book a reservation a year in advance to come dine here. Reporter word of mouth accommodations that is a cross between fine foodie paradise and mommas supper table. When you are in the kitchen , talk to the chef, you get all of the smells, you get to see ingredients. Ingredient each and every menu farm to table experience for guests eager to put forward and see ate scene that fills like home. Home with the full staff and all of your friend is too. Reporter alexandria hoff for cbs3 Eyewitness News. So matt, make your reservation today and let me know how it is a year from now , okay. That looks like it is a great place. Im a big fan of farm to table. Farms need water and you are getting to it day. A lot of follow action cross the area it is summertime you like to grow tomatoes, jersey tomatoes are a huge seller across the area and we have plenty of moisture. We might be getting too much, so check out rain amounts, from the last 24 hours. Laurel, delaware, five and three quarter inches of rain in the last 24 hours in southern delaware. All of the other places except ac airport are in southern delaware but ac airport 5. 31 inches of rain. For you in the last 24 hours, harrington, seaford, ellendale all seeing four and a half to four and threequarters of inch of rain for the last 24 hours. It has been a soaking last dade or so across lots of southern parts of the area, and now we are starting to see some of this precipitation come to an end especially around philadelphia and points to the north, where we did not see a ton of pretation to begin with but starting to dry out, already. That is good news. Lighter shower activity but it is still a mess down to the south and again around philadelphia for time being on storm scan three you can see light showers, maybe some embedded area where we are more moderate rainfall falling in the southern bucks county and trenton area, Mercer County in new jersey but you can see here Montgomery County back into chester, Delaware County not too much on storm scan three and that is good news for us, if you are in the philadelphia area if you head further south, sea isle, after license stone harbor through wildwood back down toward cape may still lots of shower activity for you this morning but again some good news Silver Lining is all this heavier rainfall, orange, yellows, and red they are slowly starting to push off the coast line and it doesnt mean we are out of the wood just yet there is a Flash Flood Warning for Cape May County until 8 15 this morning now as we head further south toward delaware beach, rehoboth, bethenny, and long neck delaware in there further south, again mess of the heaviest rainfall is currently sitting off the coast line but that doesnt mean we cant get another round or two of heavier rainfall here through rest of the morning. Flash flood watch in effect until 2 00 this afternoon for those in philadelphia but our main concern of course as we have been talking about all morning is areas south of the city back through central, southern new jersey and then back down into Sussex County delaware. Heres our Flash Flood Warning that goes until 8 15, cape may , wildwood, the southern shore points are incorporated in that Flash Flood Warning and just a reminder you never want to drive through those flooded roadways, only 6 inches of water can stall your vehicle, a foot of water will float mess cars like suv s and once you get up over that flood of water 2 feet of water as long as it it is moving it went take a lot and wont carry those cars away. Our summer noreaster sits off the coast line, it slide off to the north ande as we go through really today and then that allows High Pressure to settle in for our sunday and into monday and what that means is heaviest rain will be this morning, we will slowly dry out through the afternoon hours and a great sunday is in store for tomorrow lead nothing to a wonderful week. Heres our seven day forecast, 77 degrees for our high today, that rain slowly clearing out, a great sunday, plenty of sunshine, high of 82. We will warm things up as we get in the workweek 86 on monday and those 90s return by tuesday and wednesday. Matt, thank you. A new plan is helping people with foot pain avoid surgery a solution that can be especially popular for woman who wear high heels and end up with aching feet. Health reporter Stephanie Stahl has details in this weeks Einstein Health care Science Center report. Reporter they are popular, pretty but doctors say high heels can cause all sorts of problems, one being osteoarthritis in the foot and toes. Would i take off my shoes and cry on the way to the car because it hurt so bad. Reporter kimberly who wears mainly sneakers has painful osteoarthritis in her big toe. Until recently her only option was surgery that would have left her without motion in her toe and a long recovery. Then kimberlys doctors told her about a f. D. A. Approved procedure using a cart iv a implant, synthetic cartilage that is made with contact lens es material and inserted in joints. It attracts water so it has a slippery feel, so ate laos things to move freely. Reporter which means patients dont lose toe motion and can put weight on it immediately. A lot of happy patients, they are thrilled about the motion, they get a significant decrease in the moving pain directly after surgery. Reporter kimberly returned to her active lifestyle pain free just days after her surgery. It has been a decision i have never regretted all the. Reporter surgery usually takes about 30 minutes, canadian study shows that the implant has a 91 percent success rate, in reducing pain and improving motion. Im Stephanie Stahl for cbs3 Eyewitness News. [ light music playing ] youve wished upon it all year, and now its finally here. The mercedesbenz summer event is back, with incredible offers on the mercedesbenz youve always longed for. But hurry, these shooting stars fly by fast. Lease the c300 for 399 a month at your local mercedesbenz dealer. Mercedesbenz. The best or nothing. Open practice for eagles has been postponed until tomorrow because of rain. Big story yesterday was that linebacker michael kendricks, well, he went out of philly. We found out kendricks requested a trade at end of the last season. His playing time has decreased every year since his rookie season in 2012 as eagles changed regime and schemes his value has fallen. Heres how he summed up his talks with the front office. Just like that, they either do it or you dont and you are in a contract that you are signed, and that is it. So while kendricks remains on the roster adam zaruba is on the team, former canadian rugby star. Hes played football for First Time Since high school, 6foot five, 265pounds so size is not a problem but he has lot to learn. It is a challenge but i have been playing, you know, professional rugby for last four years, so i do have some interest in high level athletics and i know how to focus and do that. But, it is going to be a challenge but coaches are working with me and i ask aloft questions. All right. On the baseball mlb trade deadline is 4 00 p. M. Monday. Phillies have already made a deal. Howie kendricks is heading to the nationals for prospect and cash. Now another player, could be gone as well, were talking about Jeremy Hellickson who was scheduled to pitch last night with the braves and then , this happened. Hellickson warmed up, and then , he was pulled, before he could even throw a pitch. They blame the forecast, but something appears to be brewing. Phillies up one to nothing in the fifth. Aaron altherr against julio, he knew it was gone, upper deck, goes 412 feet, phillies up two to love. Next up cameron rupp and he is leaving the yard as well his third in the last two games, back to back jacks for fightins, three to nothing. It is now five to nothing in the fifth, and phillies keep going, tommy joseph three run shot his 16th of the season. They scored seven in the fifth and beat braves 10three. Jared eickoff on the bump for phillies tonight. That is all for sports im don bell have a great weekend. If you have plans outside this weekend you might want to wait for tomorrow, Matt Petersons back with the latest on the heavy rain south of the city and a Flash Flood Watch, plus, what we can expect clear skies we will be a soggy saturday in our area, this is what it looks like this morning in center city philadelphia, but area south of been getting hit. Matt is here to tell us how long this storm sticks around and when sunshine returns. A row home fire in camden send several people to the hospital we are live on the scene with the very latest information from fire officials. Reporter shake up and upheaval in the Trump Administration im seth lemon at the white house with the very latest. Today is saturday july 29th, good morning im jan carabao were talking about a saturday soaker at least first half of the day. Lets get over to meteorologist Matt Peterson with the forecast, good saturday morning, our advice is just to sleep in this morning. If you are up, get coffee brewing, relax, watch us. Watch us, watch the rain. Exactly. Find out when you are able to go outside, enjoy yourself, it will be not a bad saturday morning albeit if it is wet out there, especially for folks to the south of philadelphia. Right to storm scan three you can see what were calling our summer noreaster as it tracks toward coastline and then off the coast later today and through nighttime hours tonight. Storm scan three this morning showers are out there, some thunder as well but good news is, some of the heaviest rainfall here already starting to slowly, work its way, off the coast line. That doesnt mean we will not continue to see the potential for some locally heavy rain as we get through rest of the morning but you can see those red, orange and yellows just on the coast about an hour or so ago now slightly off the coast. But that doesnt mean again we are out of the wood just yet. Atlantic throughout you through long beach island, h

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