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In the afternoon. So, get ready. Hopefully you turned the ac on last night, it is a warm, and muggy morning for us this saturday. And it will be getting hot this afternoon. It will remain humid. But then we will watch for couple every thunderstorms to common later in the day. That will could maybe at least try to cool us down a little bit in the evening time frame. But it is going to get warm as we get into sunday. So again, not a comfortable Holiday Weekends, but warm Holiday Weekends, to say the least. Storm scan3, right now, not too much happening across the delaware, Lehigh Valley back into jersey it, cents a quiet start to the day for us. But you can see our cold front now out in western pennsylvania, shower, thunderstorm activity firing up in South Central new york back toward pittsburgh, as well, than front will track eastward as we go throughout the day today. It will bring in that warm and humid air, because well have some southwesterly flow, the front itself will trigger a shower and thunderstorm activity as we get later in the afternoon specially toward the evening. Temperatures right now in the 70s, warm start to the day with 78 degrees currently right now here in philly. Dew point in the 70s. So in very, very muggy air, sitting over top of the plannern the morning, showers starting to come in lunchtime or so, 84 r chance for thunderstorm will come later on in the afternoon, jan, also slight risk for Severe Weather, we will talk about that, talk about the fourth of july in just a bit. Matt, well check back in with you, thank you. New jersey governor, Chris Christie has ordered Government Shutdown while state lawmakers deadlocked over a new budget. Eyewitness News Reporter anita oh, is live in the cbs3 news center this morning, with the impact the shutdown is having on the garden state. Lawmakers set to gather again at 11 00 this morning, but if they cannot work out a deal, thousands of state workers could be furloughed, and not essential Services Like renewing your drivers license that will be put on hold f it is all due to gridlock between governor Chris Christie and the state legislature. General Assembly Speaker was refuse to go post governors Chris Christies controversial horizon bill would require the states Largest Health insurer, and priorities out of the budget, fears the provision which he believes has not been carefully considered would lead to drastic Insurance Premium hikes. It needs to be vetted. That has not been a line in the sand. Thats cement in the sands for me. And while essential government Services Like state police, state hospitals, and new Jersey Transit will continue to hospital, state beaches and parks will be closed and all event planned within them canceled. The state lottery, casinos, and racetracks, are not affected. Live in the news center this morning, anita oh, cbs3 Eyewitness News. Anita, thank you. Not just new jersey. So far there is no budget deal in delaware either. Lawmakers failed to approve a bill raising income taxes from 6. 6 to 6. 8 on people making more than 60,000 a year. The first state faces shortfall of 350 million. Meantime, pennsylvania law makers have passed a new budget. Even though theyre not exactly sure how theyll pay for it just yet. The 32 billion spending plan provides mormon foyer schools and pension obligations, would require belt tightening across Government Agencies and reduce spending for unspecified medicaid services, Governor Tom Wolf stacks the budget but has yet to say if hell sign it, that is if lawmakers cant cover the shortfall in the coming days. Your next septa ride will cost you more, starting today electronic card or token fares are going from a dollar 80 to 2. Cash fares, jump many to 250. And weekly transpass rises to 25, 50 cents. New this morning, flames have damaged a Camden County home. Firefighters got the call around 12 30 this morning. To this home on the 3200 block of horner avenue in pennsauken, now, no one was hurt, and the fire was under control in just about 20 minutes. So far, no word on how it started. Loved ones gather in memory after High School Honors graduate, murdered in a apparent road rage attack. Meanwhile police in a Chester County community released this sketch of the man who allegedly shot her. Eyewitness News Reporter alexandria hoff in west goshen to bring us up to date on this investigation. Beautiful young lady of 18 years of age in the prime of her life. Hours after police offered up this sketch of the armed suspect. Your comfort, your strength this evening. A crowd of friends and family paid tribute to 18 year old Bianca Roberson in the backyard of her west chester home. I just have to have some comfort knowing shes in a better place. Roberson was driving south on route 100 near the 202 intersection around 5 30 p. M. Wednesday when two lanes turned into one. Thats when police say that a man and in a red pickup truck struggling to merge took out a gun and shot roberson in the head. A horrific and apparent road rage killing. I dont know who did this. I dont know who stole my baby from me. I dont know why they would want to steel my baby from me. The suspect and the cause of this pain has been described to be in his 20s, 30s, medium build, blondes or light brown hair, the vehicle he is driving said to be red pickup truck with faded paint that continued onto 202, then to the paoli pike. And took off down paoli pike like a bat out of hell. There is hope that this guy is caught so he can be brought to justice for our daughter. Roberson was an honor student and recent graduate of the high school preparing for her freshman year at jacksonville university. Her parent now wrestle with the darkness left after losing the smile that lit up their lives. Biancas brother died of ms4 years ago. Now the suspect is armed, and considered extremely dangerous, anyone with any information should contact the west Goshen Township Police immediately. There is a 5,000 reward. Reporting in Chester County, alexandria hoff, cbs3, Eyewitness News. Authority are looking for a suspect they say assault add man while he was pumping gas. This all happened last week at the wawa along west dekalb pike in king of prussia. Upper merion police say the suspect asked for the victims cell before punching him in the face repeatedly. The blue van he arrived in drove off. Anyone with information is asked to contact police. Chaos at new york City Hospital after a doctor who had formally worked there returned with a gun. At least seven people were shot and the gunman is dead. Meg oliver from the bronx, new york, has the story. Police say a gunman entered new york city bronx leaf knob hospital friday afternoon, armed with a Assault Rifle and began shooting. Active shooting at this time. Be advised, confirmed shots fired. One doctor is dead and there are several doctors who are fighting for their lives right now. Police say the gunman identified as doctor henry bellow, former employee, hit the Assault Rifle in his lab coat before opening fire on the hospitals 16th and 17th floors, just before 3 00 p. M. Working on the 12th floor. All i heard was a doctor sagan help, help, and then thats when i saw police came, and everybody just went to the room. I just went to a room and i lock myself in the room. This man said his fiancee called him while the shooter was active. First thing i told her is get off the phone. Dont talk too loud. Stay low. And stay where youre at. Officers immediately put the hospital on lockdown, while they searched for the gunman floor by floor. The whole episode was over in less than an hour. During the incident, the hospitals fire alarm system activated, apparently due to the suspect ace attempt to set himself on fire. Police say bellow described as a Family Medicine physician, then shot himself to death. The 1,000 bed hospital has one of the busiest Emergency Rooms in the city. It is located about a mile north of yankees stadium. Meg oliver, cbs3, Eyewitness News. Check this out now. Video after fiery paul plane crash on busy Southern California freeway, two people aboard that plane suffered serious injuries. The twin engine cessna crashed on the 405 freeway in iron vine, south of la. The plane had just taken off from the nearby john wayne airport. Pilot did issue a may day call moments just before the crash saying he had lost an engine. The plane clipped the pickup truck there on the way down. That will driver, however, just suffered a bruised elbow. Wow. Still ahead right here on cbs3 Eyewitness News this saturday morning. The long fourth of july weekends is getting underway. And cbs3 celebrate all that philadelphia has to offer. Still ahead, the sites and sounds from summer fest, thats next. We also have this. British researchers turn to nature to create a new type of sunscreen. Im teri okita in london with the i doni refuse to lie down. Why suffer . Stand up to chronic migraine with botox® botox® is the only treatment for chronic migraine shown to actually prevent headaches and migraines before they even start. Botox® is for adults with chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days a month each lasting 4 hours or more. Its injected by a doctor once every 12 weeks. And is covered by most insurance. Effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. Alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a lifethreatening condition. Side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. Dont take botox® if theres a skin infection. Tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. For a limited time, you can qualify for two treatments at no cost. Stand up to chronic migraine. Talk to a headache specialist today. Thats the philadelphia orchestra performing at the great plaza at penns landing last night. Where Independence Day fest i have tis got underway in weekend. The free concert included some classics, like the 1812 overture. And after the concert, people were treated to a dazzling fireworks display. Now the big Fireworks Show is actually on the parkway tuesday night. And as part of cbs3s summer fest, we spent the day finding all of the hidden gems in philadelphia. Our jessica dean set out to learn the history behind all of the different names to apply to different neighborhoods in the city. Philadelphia is said to be a city of neighborhoods. Weve got a few. Theyre currently 200 named neighborhoods in our city. Do you know why it is called Queen Village . I do not know why it is called Queen Village, but there is a queen street. I do not know nothing about the queen or her village. Do you think it is named after an actual queen . Kind of. What about fishtown . People that live there originally fish. A bunch of fish there. Any reason why it is brewerytown . I would have to say there were breweries there back in the day. West philly, i dont know why it is called mantua. I can gooing tell. There are a lot of guesses as to why our neighborhoods are named what they are, why is Queen Village, Queen Village . But for the answers we went right to the expert. Here is where the art museum is. It is called fairmount. It was a hill. Lee arnold is the direct over of the library of the Historical Society of pennsylvania. And he knows a lot about the history behind our neighborhood name. Some of them are somewhat expected. Fishtown. Named after people would fish in the area, so they caught chad, and eel, and and r john. Brewerytown . Also does make some sense, 1920s it was called brewerytown because of the breweries that existed there at the time. Turns out Queen Village was indeed named for an actual queen. It is named for kreen christina of sweden. Game swayeds lands in 1653 now whats Queen Village. However the name Queen Village wasnt popularized until the 19 70s. And then there are some names like mantua that dont necessarily come with a easy explanation. This is the most odd one i can think of. I thought maybe lenny len pay, or dealing with people who made dresses, Something Like that, it is named after mantua, italy. And thats it. Have no idea why. Matt, i have to admit, 200 plus neighborhoods, i get a little confused at times. Youre not kidding. We all do. There are so many. Sometimes you talk to people in the neighborhood, they cant even get it straight. Well, thats really and sometimes it can be different on one side of the street than the other. So it is very confusing for us. I feel like there is a new one popping up every day. Yes. If you are in any of the neighborhoods this morning, hot, hot and humid to say the least for the entire philadelphia area. For our saturday today, we will watch for couple of showers, thunderstorms out, there as well, later on in the afternoon. We will talk about the chance for maybe a strong to even possibly severe thunderstorm, as well, but the good news, things do quiet down tonight. And then it is sunny, and it is hot once again for our sunday. So overall, it is a very summer like, very july like weekends across the delaware vale. Temperatures for us right now, as it is a very warming very muggy start to the day, 78 in wilmington, as well as philly. Seventythree out in reading. Now we do see couple of 60s out toward allentown, into the poconos, still thats above average. Still 76 to start out this saturday morning. Here is the muggy air, the humid conditions, theyre sitting over top of the region, dew points any time were in the high 60s to 70s, thats into that oppressive range. There is a lot of moisture out there in the atmosphere. So again, right now, we have the warm air, we have the moisture, and as we look at storm scan3, not much happening right now across the delaware valley, but we zoom out, we can see the shower and thunderstorm activity firing up along a cold front out to the west right around pittsburgh, now up toward rochester, new york area. There we have it. We have the warm air, we have the humid air, then look for the firing, our triggering mechanism, the up lift, it will be our colds front. Thats a slight risk for Severe Weather for today, incorporated pretty much across the entire viewing area. See the poconos, Lehigh Valley. Now the slight risk cut off is just right over top of philadelphia county. Then as you move into jersey we get into the marginal risk area. Still watching for are shower, thunderstorm activity that fires up, really kind of into the afternoon and then toward the early evening hours. And it could be, again, strong to severe, strong gusty winds, potential is therefore little bit of hail to develop. And of course, heavy rainfall to go along with all of t as we go through the morning hours, you see by 9 00, 10 00, maybe couple every light showers developing. For the most part it will be a dry first half of the day. Maybe a little bit of sunshine breaks through the clouds. Overall mostly cloudy first half of the day. And really, then, overcast afternoon for us. You see by 5 00, shower and thunderstorm activity into the lancaster, berks county, back up toward the poconos there is will be moving toward philly by the time we get to about 7 00, 8 00 it will be right through the philadelphia area, by 9 00 oclock it starts to fade out as it moves into south new jersey. You can see couple of showers down toward dover, as well, then few isolated showers even though not seeing too much on the future weather could go down toward the shore points, around maybe 9 00, 10 00. By the time we get to midnight really starting to clear things out, and it should and very, very nice sunday for us. High temperature today 89, once again, late day thunderstorms developing. As we get a look at the eyewitness weather day forecast, 92 tomorrow, sunny, less humid on the back side of the front, even though temperatures dont really change all that much. We go to 90 on mondayment then the fourth of july itself sunny and hot, high of 87, maybe spotty shower on monday and tuesday as well. But it wont and wash out after day. Dont worry about cancelling any plans monday and tuesday, then we get better chance for showers and thunderstorms, jan, as we head toward thursday of next week. The fourth of july sure is feeling like it, isnt it, all right. Thank you, matt. A lot of people are headed down the shore this weekend. Chopper three over Atlantic City yesterday. On the board walk, there, they cut big pink ribbon, the longest in the citys history, to celebrate a mega concert coming up on july 12th, pink will perform on the beach. The stands will no doubt be pack. Meantime ocean city still new jerseys favorite beach. The fourth Straight Year the jersey shore resort has won the pole taken by the new jersey con sort yum. From may 1st to june 9th on line voters post their favorite beach. Brigantine was second, margate was third. If you plan to spends this Holiday Weekend in the sun, chances are youll bring your sunscreen, at least you should. But, what if there was a more natural way to pro tech your skin. As terry okita reports from london, british Scientists Say they found it. Lathering on sunscreen is essential ritual of summer, to guard against the suns harmful rays. But it ingredients arent for everyone. A lot of it gives me rashes, so i have to be real careful i buy sunscreen made for sensitive screen. Researchers in whales say they found natural alternative to synthetic sunscreen, tiny type of algae lives in the satisfy has protect themselves from dangerous sun rays. They do this by produce ago sweet compounds that has very high absorption property. So they actually screen out the harsh conditions of the sun, the ultraviolet rays. Doctor caroll lou ellen and her team at the university grew the micro algae under ultraviolet light in a lab. This yes able to extract the elements that protect us from ultraviolet light. Eventually we hope to get high enough concentrations to make it economically viable to actually incorporate into commercial sunscreen. Scientists believe algaes natural compounds can be incorporated, not just into sunscreens, but other products, like shampoos, and moisturizers. Haley says, she doesnt minds the thought of covering herself with algae. Scientifically if it would work, i think, probably more healthy, more natural than having other strange chemicals. Scientists are still experimenting with micro algae, but its ability to grow just about anywhere could give it a bright future. Teri okita for cbs3, Eyewitness News. And, still ahead right here on cbs3 Eyewitness News. We take you behind the scenes of whats new in theatres this weekend. Im Kevin Frazier, coming up will ferrell and amy polar team up in the house and Steve Correll and kristin wig are back for some animated antics in despicable me back now on Eyewitness News, police in las vegas say Michael Jacksons father joe jackson has been taken to the hospital after a car crash in las vegas, they say he was ride nag car when it was hit by another car that was attempt to go make a lefthand turn. The crash happened just west of the Las Vegas Strip on friday. Joe jackson is 88 years old, he was taken to the hospital for observation. There is no word on his condition this morning. In other Celebrity News now it, looks like beyonce and jayzs twins names may have been very sealed. The website tmz said it is likely they named the newborns sir carter and roomy carter comes by trademark filing by the couple for the unique names earlier this week. That foiling requested trademarks for items like baby teething rings, strollers, cosmetics, and move at this items. Well, a Holiday Weekends usually means new movies out in theatres, and there are some good ones this weekend, here is entertainment tonight Kevin Frazier with a preview. This week, Steve Correll and kristin wig are back for another round of may help with minions in despicable me three. Unusual plan to pay for college in the house. In the house, will ferrell and amy polar are proud parent whose daughter headed off to college. But when they realize they cant pay the tuition, they concoct a scheme to turn their neighbors house into an underground casino to make the cash they need. And like their characters in the film, will and amy arent ready for their kids to head off to school just yet. I like being my kids, such interesting fun people. I cant imagine them going anywhere, living anywhere else, so it will be a really sad day when they move. And what we love about this couple is they really love being around their daughter, and she is the one thats kind of ready to detach. We love you so much. So proud of you. But you need to shut up. What did you just say. Hard being a parent. You really do continue the family traditions. You and me. And in despicable me three, Steve Correll pulls double duty as his drew and his twin brother here tried tries to lead him back to a life of crime, and kids wishes, but playing two characters was surprisingly easy for correll. Theyre similar enough but discontinuing enough that i was able to keep them separately. Could you tell that theyre brothers. But drew is a higher pitch voice, and hes a little sillier. And i think crew is kind after grump. So i was able to think, okay, im grumpy. So thats how im going to stay into the group. This does not mean were going back to being villains. For entertainment tonight, Kevin Frazier, now, back to you in the studio. Well, the midnight deadline comes and goes, and still no budget deal in new jersey. What the Government Shutdown means for residents of the garden state, thats in our next half hour. Plus, dangers lurking at popular spot to cool off in the summer. The potential health risk, and the warning to swimmers. And, on a hot summer night, one of the best ways to cool down. We are talking water ice this morning. Tori heads to couple of citys most famous place that is havent been serving up the frozen treats for decades. This is cbs3 Eyewitness News this morning. New jersey lawmakers failed to reach a budget deal. Forcing the government to shut down. Im anita oh, in the news center watch it could mean for your Holiday Weekends if you plan to travel to or through the garden state. There is good news for drivers heading out of town for the holiday. The prices cents you can expect to pay at the pump. And, that is popular place for people to cool off during the summer. But you may want to stay away from this swimming hole. The danger lurking in the water. Good morning, everyone, im jan carabeo. 5 31 now, already warm, muggy outside. Meteorologist, Matt Peterson live out there on the cbs3 skydeck with eyewitness weather, matt, how is it feeling . You. Nailed it on the head. It is warm, it is mug toy start out our saturday. Now, there is little bit after breeze up here on the skydeck, which could make it feel a little bit better. But honestly, it is definitely a very, very summerlike morning for us, especially, with the humidity that were feeling right now. We are seeing few clouds on our storm scan3, and even here, out on the skydeck, when you look hine me, there are a few clouds out there. Were going to see the cloud increase going throughout the morning hours. We will see maybe few peaks of sunshine later this afternoon, but, overall, it will be mostly cloudy day for us, what we are also watching is shower, thunderstorm activity firing up along the colds front, still out in western pennsylvania, but will be pushing through the region as we go through the afternoon, and then toward the evening hours, firing up showers, thunderstorms here, across the lehigh and delaware valley. Taking a look at the temperatures, on the beginning of our saturday, 78 degrees, right now, in wilmington, and in philly. Those are the two warm spot on the map. Looking at 73 in reading. Some 60s headed up toward the poconos, and 72 to start out the day down the shore in wildwood. So warm, here are the dew points, theyre up into the high 60s, to 70s, this is well into the oppressive range, and this is also whats going to feed into the thunderstorm chances later this afternoon. We go from 77 right around 7 00 in the morning, up to high of 89 degrees later on this afternoon, could feel little hotter again because of the high humidity, and of course still tracking the shower and thunderstorms later in the afternoon. We time it out. Talk about the fourth of july when come back inside in just a bit. Sounds good, thank you, matt. Unscheduled holiday for some new jersey state workers, but no holiday for new jersey lawmakers. Governor Chris Christie has called the state legislature back to session this morning to pass new budget so he can ends a Government Shutdown. Eyewitness News Reporter anita oh, live in the cbs3 news center this morning, with how the shutdown is now affecting the garden state. Anita . Jan, while last nights session has not officially recessed, the governor asking law makers to meet again at 11 00 this morning, but they cant work out a deal, thousand of state workers could be furloughed, nonessential Services Like renewing your drivers license at the dmv will be put on hold. This would also affect those heading through the garden state for the Holiday Weekends as Historic Sites and some rest stops will be closed. So much is at risk due to some of the worse politics that weve ever seen. That risk after Government Shutdown in new jersey turned to reality as the clock struck midnight due to gridlock between governor Chris Christie and the state legislature. While essential government Services Like state police, state hospitals, new Jersey Transit, will continue to operate, state beaches and parks will be closed, and all event planned within them canceled. The state lottery, casinos, racetracks are not affected. We saw that it was going to be an easy and simple budget, that was not going to result in this kind of agree of damage. Despite pleas from more than 100 people with labor unions, grass roots organizations at the state house, the battle mainly boiles down to just two lawmakers, the governor, and general Assembly Speaker, vincent creato. It needs to be vetted. Thats not been a line in the sound. Thats cement in the sand for me. Talking about the governors controversial horizon bill that would add a provision to the states 34. 7 billion budget, requiring horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield to Fund Public Health initiatives like addiction treatment. While speaker says he fears the provision would lead to drastic Insurance Premium hikes, governor christie has threatened to veto democratic priorities, out of the budget, unless that provision is included. And the last time new jerseys government partially shutdown, 2006, that lasted eight days. Liver in the news center this morning, im anita oh, cbs3, Eyewitness News. Okay, anita, thank you very much. Well, the start to the new fiscal year means across the board fare hikes if youre a septa rider. Electronic card or token fares go from 1. 80 to 2. Cash fares jump to 2. 50. Weekly transpass now costs 25. 50. Septa expect the fare increase to bring in an additional 25 million in operating revenue. Septa is getting more expensive. But you can save money filling up on gas. Triple a says the National Average for gallon of regular is now 2. 23. Thats the he is its been july 4th weekends since 2005. Our area pennsylvania drivers are paying the highest prices at 2. 43 a gallon. In new jersey, it costs about 2. 28 per gallon. And youll finds the cheapest prices around our region in delaware at 2. 14 per gallon. Well, there is now a sketch of the suspect in apparent road rage murder Chester County. Take a look at this. West goshen Police Say Man fitting this description shot a High School Graduate to death. There is also a 5,000 reward for information leading to this suspects capture. Bianca roberson was southbound on route 100 near route 202 on wednesday, and investigators say, she and the driver of a red pickup truck were trying to merge into a single lane at the same time. Police say the pickup truck driver shot her in the head. This homicide was completely senseless, brutal and tragic. He took a beautiful young lady of 18 years of age in the prime of her life getting ready to go off to college. Last night family and friends gathered to remember roberson. Few weeks ago, she graduated with honors from high school, and planned to attend Jackson University in the fall. Were in a very hot stretch of summer. There are new warnings about a philadelphia swimming spot that is supposed to be off limit. Venturing out for a swim at wissahickon family heart to take a dip with danger, Eyewitness News found people in this section known as definitelys pool. This remote area of the river is shallow, and has plenty of rocks. Officials say there are also health risks. 90 of the water in the creek is treated excellent, treated waste water. Philadelphia police will find those caught swimming if the park. Also, popular in the summer, so many people across our region have great memories of the belmont plateau, especially, around the four every july. We were out there recently and found people getting a jump on the holiday fun and relaxation, the plateau is a real favorite among many in phillys africanamerican community. We talked with the legendary Patty Jackson from wdasfm about what of her favorite aspect of the plateau. You could be on the plateau, then you look over and youre like wow, there is the city. It just makes you think one of the great places in philadelphia. And this Holiday Weekend, the Strawberry Mansion bridge is shows ago popup beer garden. It is all part of the parks on tap program. Philadelphias first and only mobile beer garden is traveling to a new park within the city each and every week, in addition to all every kind of beverages there, there will be live music, games, portion of sales will benefit philly park a lot to do this weekend. Still ahead on cbs3 Eyewitness News this saturday morning. The history of philadelphia, as we celebrate Independence Day. We go back in time, long before the declaration every independence, how philadelphia came to be, and how it transformed into the city it is today. And forget the flu shot. Doctors say you can get all of the benefit of the vaccine without the pinch of a needle. Health reporter Stephanie Stahl has details that are music to the ears of parent everywhere, when we come back. And a hot Holiday Weekends ahead. When you can expect some storms. Matt peterson back with your eyewitness wet for r cast, stay with [ intense music playing ] ] its here, but its going by fast. The opportunity of the year is back the mercedesbenz summer event. Get to your dealer today for incredible onceaseason offers, and start firing up those grilles. Lease the e300 for 569 a month at your local mercedesbenz dealer. Mercedesbenz. The best or nothing. History is all around us, in philadelphia, and as we mark our nations independence, our david spunt looks back at where it all began, plus, what the future holds for the city. 241 years ago, this week, delegates from the 13 colonies were inside this room, getting closer to declaring independence from king george the thirds. But long before that scorch summer of 76, the tribe settled along the Delaware River in the 1600s, the dutch, swayeds, moved in. The colors of the philadelphia flag are blue and gold. Thats the colors of the flag of sweden. Doctor lee arnold is the director of library and collections at the Historical Society of pennsylvania. And he says this city has dwight a quite a story to tell. In 1682 a proud quaker named william penn founded philadelphia. This is a william penn letter, handwritten in 1696. I dont think there is any other city in the United States that can even come near philadelphia for it history, or its importance with the nation. It is a city thats transformed, from a revolution area village 250 years ago, to a hub of business and production, in the 1950s, and 60s, thats seen in this city professional film from 1963. Much has been accomplished in philadelphia. But much more will be done. Fifty years later, and even more is being done. Meet 37 year old charlie mcgrath, developer in philadelphia, who left the city for other big cities. He decided to come back to philadelphia, when he saw the future of the city right in front of his face. Thanks to phillys growth, rent are increasing, now were able to over deliver on amenities. Overseeing 50 million renovation of the force in old city. Mcgrath insists philadelphia is now a destination, not just a stopover on the way to new york or washington. Young people want to be here because it is affordable, and because it is cool, its been cool for 300 years. David spunt, cbs3, Eyewitness News. You learn something new every day on this show, pretty cool. And there is nothing cooler than water ice in this city. Our own Vittoria Woodill went to couple every city famous places serving up the frozen treats for decades. When the heat is on in south philly, it is time for water ice. Or is it water ice . Are you calling it water ice or water ice . Water ice or water nice. Water ice. Water nice. Yes. Water ice. I say water ice. I dont hear a difference in the accent. Lets go with water ice. Whoa, philly guy. Even your okay, fine f youre doing it south philly style parking in the middle of oregon avenue, youre hitting eight a year old pops water ice. So good to be really good at doing something. Pops is just about the best. Maybe crossing over kristin street, maybe hitting johns for water ice. How long has johns water ice been around . Since 1945. There are generations, i lover the tradition of it. Whatever the water or water youre driving, i wanted to know do you go for spoon or eat zero to out of the cup. Spoon. Spoon. Out of the cup. What do you mean . This is how i was raised. You got to go that way. Happy fourth every july. Vittoria woodill. Give me a spoon, please. And speaking of cool, it is the newest offering on the deck of philadelphias tall ship restaurant, the moshulu pastry chef, sandy valentine, created the crazy milk shake. It is the blue berry shake with blue berry pie on top. The glass is decorated with white frosting, and red and blue m and ms, and all topped with a sparkler, stomach rumbling right now, the deck at the mow show slew will is her of this throughout july. That will certainly get you in the spirit. Sign me up, for all of that, for all of the water ice, water ice. Excuse me . Wooder. Agree to disagree on that one, mat. The either way i think everybody can agree it is nice when we have warm weather for the fourth of july. When everybodys able to get outside and enjoy themselves. And outside right now, rehoboth, it is pretty good start to the day all be it warm start to the day. You see some clouds out there on the horizon, it is going to get cloudy later this afternoon, and as you get a look at the down the shore forecast here as i said mostly cloudy unfortunately later on in the day as we watch cold front start to approach from the west. On this day, temperatures will still be in the 80s to about 84, 85, range, so it will be warm day. Humidity will be high. So our temperatures again, while theyre in the 80s, or so, it is probably going to be feeling little warmer than that. Winds ten to 15 out of the south. South winds is actually going to help us get more of moderate rip countries being, so if you are out on the beach today, planning on doing any kind of swimming, make sure youre doing it by the lifeguard. You should always do it by the lifeguard. But moderate risk, could cause even little more after issue. Uv index, hi, water starting to warm up, at 65 degrees. So, again, it is not overly cold. But it is definitely not a warm ocean either. Storm scan3 right now, not too much happening. We do have the cloud cover out there. You saw it on the Neighborhood Network camera. Really what we are watching is our front thats out to the west. You see shower, thunderstorm activity, right now, all the way from rochester, new york, back down through erie and toward pittsburgh, as well. Than front as it tracks eastward, is going to move into that warm and that humid air thats sitting over top of the delaware vale. It will fire up showers and thunderstorms as we go throughout the afternoon hours today. Future weather shows us maybe few light showers here in some parts of the morning, really, though, the better chance for maybe shower will be into the afternoon, we start to see the current get in here, some thunderstorm activity from the poconos, berks, lancaster county, around 4 00, 5 00 in the afternoon, will move into the philadelphia area we get to 8 00 or so. See here, philly with the little cell right over it, right at 8 00. Trenton as well, down through the dover area, millville, so thats our line of cold front there. Our line of thunderstorm activity right again 7 00, 8 00 this evening, then once we get later on toward the overnight hours, specially once we get the midnight and beyond, we really start to to see that front off the coastline, fades out, we start to actually see the cloud cover decrease, as we go through the overnight hours tonight as well. Thats good news for us after the thunderstorm activity later on in the day. Temperatures, right now, we wake up to 70s out, there so warm, and muggy, 78 degrees in philly. Dew point into the high 60s, to low 70s, so as i say, warm and humid air, warm and steamy air sitting over top of the delaware valley. When you get up into the 70s, our comfort index even right now, we are into the oppressive range. I dont think we will get into the unsufferable range up to 75 for dew point, but i think zero seven is plenty hi, for many of us, our seven day forecast, 89 degrees today. We will go 92 for our sunday. Back side of the colds front, really the affect will be lower humidity, more than lower temperatures tomorrow. We will go 90 degrees monday, 87 for the fourth of july itself, a small shower chance for us on the fourth, dont cancel your outdoor plans, it will be very, very spotty, if we see anything at all on the fourth of july, better chance for thunderstorms in the second half of the next week. Good deal, thank you matt. Only 40 of adult until the us get flu shots every year. And now, researchers are test agnew way to deliver the flu vaccine. Health reporter Stephanie Stahl is in the einstein Healthcare Science center with details on the potential of this selfadministered vaccine. Doctors say many people dont get yearly flu shots because they dont like needles. Well, now, scientists are working on an alternative. This skin patch could change the way some people receive their annual flu vaccine. The bands aid like patch contains microscopic needles that deliver the vaccine, and dissolve. Small click, the vaccine applied. Researchers from emory university, testing the new patch. I leave it for few minutes there. Then i will just remove it. New study in the journal the lancit looked at 100 healthy adult. We designed it so that people could selfadminister just with the press after thumb. Researchers found the micro needle patch to be safe and effective. Also allows subject who are vaccinate today have excellent response. Some redness and i, more than 707 preferred the patch over the usual injections, which researchers say could increase vaccination rates. Our goal to make it so that people can receive their flu vaccination, and be able to do that at home by themselves without the complexity of having to know how to use a needle and syringe, or really have to go to a doctor or nurse to have that done. Scientists hope to have the flu vaccine patch available within five years. Researchers also say the vaccine patch can be stored and distributed without being refrigerated. Micro needle patches are also being developed for other vaccines, like measles. Im Stephanie Stahl, cbs3, Eyewitness News. The cbs3 Science Center sponsored by einstein healthcare network. More than medicine. I doni refuse to lie down. Why suffer . Stand up to chronic migraine with botox® botox® is the only treatment for chronic migraine shown to actually prevent headaches and migraines before they even start. Botox® is for adults with chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days a month each lasting 4 hours or more. Its injected by a doctor once every 12 weeks. And is covered by most insurance. Effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. Alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a lifethreatening condition. Side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. Dont take botox® if theres a skin infection. Tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. For a limited time, you can qualify for two treatments at no cost. Stand up to chronic migraine. Talk to a headache specialist today. Phils and mets matinee action this afternoon in queens. Jeremy hellickson on the bump for the fightings, last night Mick Williams made his Major League Debut for the squad. Baby steps for the phils theyre looking for their first three game winning streak in three books, they take on the mets, no score in the second, curtis, grandman, what they used to call him when he played for new york, thats going to score a run. Onenothing, at that point. Here is nick william. Thats his first career hit. Family in the stands, cheering him on. However, however, however, jacob was falling with seven innings, struck out 12, as the mets beat the fightings, two to one, your final score. Celebration gone wrong. Eagles middle linebacker jordan hicks slip and hurt his hand while on his honeymoon in greece, the injury will take three, four weeks to heal, Training Camp starts in less than a month. Birds have cut wide out last season, was a disappointment. Thirtysix sketches, 392 yards, just two touchdowns. Never really turn into that big threat in the red zone that people hope you would be. Fill the roster spot by quarterback dane evans to three year contract. Free agency started at 12 01 this morning, and the nhl. The orange and black reportedly signed goalie brian elliot to a two year deal worth five and a half million. Elliot just had a sub par year with the calgary flames. And 32 year old had his highest goal against average in six seasons. Free agency also started this morning, in the nba. Fans, the sixers would hope that they would make big tie dough on guys like andre iguodala, and jj reddick, however, reportedly only offer one year deals to guys in hopes every keeping the salary cap low, so they can pay their own guys in the future. Future is now for markelle fultz, sixers start Summer League play utah monday, like the rest of the rookies, fultz will need to adjust nba feet. Looking forward to play here, you get a lot of play quickly, just got to adjust, as well as you can. You understand, only big difference really, a lot of plays, a lot just got to play. Looking forward to seeing him play monday. Thats all for sport, im don bell, have a great day. Switching gears now, crayola needs help naming its newest color. The easton based company asked fans to come up with a name for this shade of blue. And theyve narrowed it down to five choices. Theyre dream come blue, buytifull, reach for the stars, star spangled blue. You can cast your vote by going to cbsphilly. Com. Still ahead on cbs3 the latest on new jerseys golf shutdown, which went into effect midnight when lawmakers couldnt reach an agreement on the states budget. Well also have this. A doctor goes on a shooting rampage at a hospital. Im negative oliver in the bronx, new york, and well have the latest coming up. Also ahead, the health scare that sent our very own kate bilo to the emergency room. Her symptoms and why a doctor says her message will save lives. And your saturday forecast. What you may see today, possibly some storms. Well explain straight ahead. If you want a taste of freedom, keep going. We hold these truths to be selfevident that all men and women are created equal. We must want our fellow human beings to have rights. Stonewall means fight back. Stonewall means fight back. Discover new york states rich legacy of equality. Plan your trip to our equal rights destinations at iloveny. Com looking to Reach Agreement on state budget, before the midnight deadline. Were live with how the Government Shutdown in the garden state could impact your Holiday Weekend. Starting today, youll pay more to ride septa. We show you the price hike, now in effect. Plus, more details in road rage incident that left a local teen dead. What the victim was trying to do moment before she was shot and killed. Today is saturday july 1st, good morning, im jan carabeo talking heat for the long further every july weekend so lets get right over to meteorologist, Matt Peterson with the eyewitness weather forecast, this saturday morning, matt. You know, when it gets this hot, we always worry about storms. So how are we looking . Always worried about thunderstorms, get to the afternoon, usually, and today no different. Chance for maybe thunderstorm to develop later this afternoon. We have warm. We have muggy air sitting over top of the delaware valley. Then we have cold front. Thats going to come through, will provide that lift. We will see shower, thunderstorm activity develop as we head later on in the afternoon hours, and maybe into the early evening, as

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