Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20170207 : comparem

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20170207

carbon, monroe counties, freezing rain until 10:00 there. otherwise just some rain, lots of clouds, and also very warm air. look at this, already in the low and mid 40's, it is definitely very mild beginning to the day. we ended up over achieving yesterday, too. but today, we're expecting upper 50's, no problems. some of you i wouldn't be shocked to see practically crack the 06 degrees mark. might be good excuse to order lunch in today. i do think the a.m. and the p.m. rush, though, yes, might be little damp, but the bulk of the precipitation coming midday. shouldn't be as terrible with the timing. but, by the time we hit tomorrow, once again going to be flirting with record high territory, do not get used to it. winter makes serious come back by wednesday night and thursday. we are talking temperatures, and yes, meisha, the possibility of snow, so stick with me on that one. >> yes, we will. no choice, katie. thank you. well the good news, all of us are showing up in our pink and purple today. we know that what we put out in the universe, maybe will come back to spring, right? looking at the ben franklin bridge right now, pushing in the westbound direction toward center city, looking right now, looking good. i would say this looks fairly typical for tuesday morning, we know it will start to heat up little bit. this is the main story of the morning in the world of travel. market frankford line, you know inspectors found cracks in several of the trains. can expect delays on bus routes. now no longer what we were kind of maybe saying yesterday. now they're saying nearly 100 cars are out of service. obviously expect over-crowding delays during the peak hours. no a and b stop service, yesterday, supplemental bus service. heads up. then overnight construction started yesterday, 95, betsy ross, double lane closures, starts 8:00 p.m. goes until 5:00 a.m. this will run us all week long through friday. another heads up on. that will talking about more construction in delaware coming up in a little bit. jim, rahel, back to you. >> thank you, meisha. new this morning, philadelphia firefighters rush to a burning rowhouse in harrowgate. >> take a look at this eyewitness video shows shames -- flames shooting, jan, you spoke to neighbors? >> reporter: spoke to them, and as you can see hine me, fire crews wrapped up their work on the scene. i just spoke to members of the fire marshall's offers. they tell me right now it is too early to determine a cause of this fire. but preliminarilly, they do not believe this fire is suspicious in nature. as you can see behind me, liver on scene this morning, whole lot of damage was done by this overnight fire. fortunately, there are no injuries to report. but two families are without a home today. take a look at this video. this is how big this two alarm err raged overnight. this is a viewer video taken from the 3500 block of jasper street. i was able to speak to both families impacted by this fire. there was a family of six inside the neighboring home. three adults, three children were all able to get out safely. meantime the man who owns the home where the fire started got out with his life. but i his two dogs did not. we are told he woke up in the middle of the night, fire in his kitchen, wasn't able to get his dogs out before he had to get out to safety. neighbors tell us he bought this home in harrowgate just last year. this morning he escaped with just clothes on his back. neighbors have already pitched in to help. >> he don't got shoes. he doesn't got clothes, you know, the neighbor gives something, because he left everything inside the house. the fire is very bad, very bad. never i see something like that in my life. i live over here for 15 years. never i see something. >> reporter: now, the red cross was on scene right now they tell us that both of the families have a place to stay overnight. but they are going to be assisting both of these families later on today. helping them get back on their feet. again, the fire marshals office already back out here later in the morning, when they get little more sunlight. at this point they do not believe this fire is suspicious in nature. they do confirm it does look like the fire started in the kitchen. reporting live in harrowgate this morning, jan carabeo, "eyewitness news," jim, rahel, back to you. >> good to hear that man has good neighbors. thank you so much, jan. >> couple of blocks from jan's location this home badly damaged after fire broke out 3400 block of joy street in kensington. firefighters were called out just about 11:00 and were able to douse the flames about 20 minutes. no one hurt. this morning officials are still trying to figure out what sparked that fire. the legal battle over the travel ban heads to appeals court in san francisco. three judge panel will hear arguments from the justice department to claims the ban is based on national security. state attorneys claim its discrimination. hena daniels has more. >> on the eve of a legal showdown over his immigration and travel ban, president trump took to twitter to make his case for the order. writing in part, the threat from radical islamic terrorism is very real. must act fast na. legal brief filed in san francisco yesterday, the justice department argued the president's temporary ban is necessary to protect the national security. the department claims policy does not discrimination by religion, just by country of origin. adding that the country's involved were once deemed prompters of terror by previous administration. >> the law is on the president's side, constitution on the president's side. >> as people from the seven mostly muslim countries affected continue to pour into the states, washington governor jay, a democrat, defended the lawsuit that put the travel ban on hold. >> we care about national security. but we need to make decisions based on fact, not alternative facts. >> speaking to military service members in tampa, the president shifted his focus away from the sea at he will judge who halted the ban the, to the media, blasting the press for downplaying the terror threat. >> it has gotten to a point where it is not even being reported. and in many cases, the very, very dishonest press doesn't want to report it. they have their reasons. and you understand them. >> hours later, the white house released dozens of domes i can and international terror attacks, claims the press failed to cover. covered majority, cited by the trump administration. hena daniels, cbs-3, "eyewitness news." an extended family of syrian immigrants, pennsylvania now in the united state. governor tom wolf created six members of the assali family in allentown, more than week ago customs and border patrols agents turned them away as president trump's travel ban went into. >> the senate scheduled to vote today on whether to confirm secretary nominee betsy de vos, the wealthy gop donor, advocated for alternative to public education, specifically, two republicans programs siding with democrats who oppose the nomination meaning another gop senator defect, there will be 50-50 tie, vice president mike pence would have to, as he said he will. >> right now the senate is around the clock session. this is live look at democrats are speaking to block the nomination action, going on ought nile. one senator admits preventing de vos confirmation is a uphill battle likely ending with her confirmation. >> and former democratic presidential nominee, hillary clinton, says the future is female. in a video statement she told 2017 makers conference, focuses on women's issues to be bold and speak out. >> need strong women to step up and speak out. we need you to lead boldly. so please, set example for every woman and girl out there who is worried about what the future holds. and wonders whether our rights, opportunities, and values, will endure. >> and clinton also called the women attending the conference the glass ceiling breakers of the future. >> purse snatching has women on heightened alert this morning. police are looking for this man, they believe he has robbed four women since thursday in germantown, east oaklane, and mt. airy. they say he basically knocks the women down, grabs their purses, and then jump noons a car. the get-away car is described as a burgundy or maroon older model vehicle, possibly a buick. police say it appears the suspect is acting alone. >> well, trash picking in space. >> finds out about a mission to clean up thousands of pieces of so-called space dust next. >> plus this: a stolen taxi chaos, naked man goes on in rittenhouse square. >> dramatic rescue, man pulled from the frigid waters, why he was out there in the first place. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> well, this is the way many of us are moving this morning. coming up at 5:30, we will have a look at how septa is moving along after the service took dozens every train cars off the rales. we will be back. stay with us. >> ♪ >> ♪ i'm vern, the orange money retirement rabbit, from voya. i'm the money you save for retirement. who's he? he's green money, for spending today. makes it easy to tell you apart. that, and i am better looking. i heard that. when it's time to get organized for retirement, it's time to get voya. kind of like this look. i'm calling it the "name your price tool" phase. whatever. >> you are looking at a hillside in california where massive chunk of earth came down closing part of major highway. >> look at the video. that concrete barrier used to be in a straight line. apparently no match for the 50,000 tons every mud, rock and debris. they say the slide likely isn't done yet. with another 6 inches every rain predicted for that area, they believe large trees will be next to come tumbling down the hill. >> canada latest blast every winter weather blamed for more than 300 collisions in the last 24 hours. drivers describe their work commute as long and nerve wracking, even big rigs were finding the roads slick and slippery. they say dozen of school buses running behind schedule, travel at the airport has stalled, trying to beat the ice. >> a young boy falls through ice, and a good samaritan sacrifices his own life to save the child. >> john owe rock out walking his dog sunday when he heard a cry for help. he called across the frozen pond where the ten year old was in the frigid water. he was able to lift the boy out of the water and on to the ice. local police officers returned to the aid, pulling him back to shore. >> poor boy. he was frightened. he was screaming i'm going to die, i'm going to die. and i saw his eyes. i'm no more hero than i think anyone would have done the same thing. >> both the boy and his rescuer are doing fine. >> good for mr. owe rock. >> indeed. inter stellar mission to pick up thousands of pieces of space junk. >> computer generated images of orbital debris. look at them, that mess out there. the plan to target the garbage using an electric at the time toar bring it into the atmosphere, to burn up. the researchers say the tether was never released. nasa believes there are more than 500,000 pieces of space junk in orbit. posing potential threat to the international space station. >> i didn't realize that was a thing, i didn't realize there was such a thing. >> put out some recycling bins out there, katie. what's going on? >> yes, it would be a very lucrative business to be an int ir gal ac call trash collector. >> and back up the traffic, let the guys do the thing. >> exactly. >> well, i do fear if today is your trash day, your trash may and little wet if guys are coming to pick it up here today. batch of wet weather rolling through, and it comes mainly in the form of rain. but as you take a look, specifically up toward northern counties, here, and places like bethlehem, i wouldn't be shock if some of this is icing over, now, granted you can see if you look closely, in the light of the street lamp, downtown, you can see it is raining. you may end up finding icing out that way. we will see that very, very obviously, being reflected on storm scan. certainly even if this is just rain could get little slick out here. this is a very hilly area, around moravian college, just be careful the bottom line. not just here but everywhere else. next to storm scan, i want to show you why. as you take a look, going to storm scan, look at the pink. starting to show up. just cold enough that it is leading to some icing. so this rain, it is coming down pretty steadily by the way, lehigh, northampton counties, may be freezing on contact in some of the colder communities, so please be careful, expect it might be little slick. otherwise, couple of showers rolled away through cumberland, atlantic, cape may count ills. for the most part the rest of us will evening out okay morning commute. it is later this morning, that a steadier batch of rain will work its way in. now, in the meantime, this is a storm that's going to your honor err in some very, very warm air. you look ahead to tomorrow. forecasting high of 62 degrees. for renmant of early april, okay? that tells you something. the record high is 63. guys, i won't be shock if we ends up exceeding this. right now this is what the guidance is telling us, but sometimes the guidance is wrong. and certainly possibility that we end up higher than that. looking ahead to future snow amounts, talking about snow coming into thursday morning, this is the latest model run of the expectation, i have to tell you, i'm casino every liking this, i think likely be accumulating snow. it doesn't right now look like it will be anything super significant. but we could end up with at least a inch of accumulation, stay tuned on that. beyond thursday, beyond the temperature crash of 62 to 39. mid 30's friday. in the sunshine. we do rebound again through the weekends. meisha? >> katie, so good to know, and important know about the freezing rain in the area. good morning, happy tuesday. all right, what are we looking at? ninety-five south at cottman coming around the s cu curve, no brake lights, still looking good. starting to build levels, we can expect that now into the 5:00 hour. ninety-five south at cottman, real busy yesterday. pushing toward the 6:00. i expect same. looking at the blue route, southbound direction, mid-county, looking good. looking a lot similar to 95, starting to heat up levels there. schuylkill, headlight moving in the eastbound direction, what we are looking hoo at here at girard, looks like may be frozen shot, idea what you may be working with, eastbound direction, a loft headlight out there. you are still traveling clearly, at posted speeds. now, we do have a vehicle fire in mt. laurel. 295 northbound, past route 38. two right lanes blocked right now, heads up on this. i would avoid the area until clear, if you can't, i would say, right now, why not give yourself extra time maybe in the next 30 minutes walking out the door, probably need to then. jim, rahel, back to you. >> meisha, thank you. and now for a look at newspaper headlines from across our region. >> from the press of atlantic city work has appeared north wildwood beaches after northeastern caused nearly $1 million in damage to the shore line. the storm pounding south jersey with three days of rain, winld, and tidal flooding, the biggest concern is reconstructing a bedroom in front of the bulkhead, at the third avenue beach. >> in the delaware county daily times, eight sticks every dynamite found inside lower merion home yesterday. chopper three overhead, officials say the owner of the house on the 200 block of laurel lane recently passed away. dynamite found in a freezer when the house was being cleaned out. authorities say the residents have been involved in construction or demolition work. >> must have been a surprise. from the news journal, is dupont putting enough into it employee pension plan? some say the contributions are not enough to close $8 million gap between planned asset and on o obligations, dupont has 134,000 pensioners. >> that's a look at some of the headlines from around the delaware valley. up next, pat is here with sports. >> good morning, giles. we break down the flyers and sixers last night, could someone please get a win? and several pieces of member or beimemorabilia have been stoe friend two legendary athletes, including a local star. tell you what's missing next in sports. 8faz z12fz y28fay y12fy you're with us. >> pat is also here with us. i have a question. what is going on with the flyers? >> what's going on with everyone? i would like some victories here in this town. look at the piewtsz. all they do is win. >> we don't care. >> we don't get that here. we want that. yes, simple equation, the more goals you score, the better chance you have of winning. the flyers, the mats, isn't quite adding up right now. in net against the blues, thirds straight start. no score in the second. this is shot from the point and paul, redirect with his skate. he didn't pick it. one-nothing, st. louis. third period, a bad turn-over leads to blues break. snaps it through, first goal in nearly three years. two-nothing st. louis. back up coal i, 26 saves. flyers zero goal. back-to-back games. they lose. >> last night rumor mill starting churning regarding okafor and the sixers. multiple reports say the team was engaged in talks, with the new orleans pell canls, for possible first rounds pick and back up center alexis, however, nothing is imminent. okafor and the sixers in detroit riding three game losing streak. second period, he scores, there is no doubt about that. sixteen-point, four boards, sixers up by five. third quarter, the pistons are firing at philly native marcus morris, plus one, to trade up 16, just that quickly. later, morris, andre, big dunk, big night, 16 points, 17 rebounds, joel, where are you? we need you. sixers lose by 17. >> items donated by sure fire hall of famer kobe bryant has been stolen from a display case at lower merion high school. police say it happened over the weekend when thieves took bryant's high school jersey, some sneakers, and the 1996 state championship trophy. bryant was a stands out star at lower merion, and donated the items to the school. investigators are pursuing leads in the case. more missing memorabilia. officials in the lone star state have put the texas rangers on the case hoping to find tom brady's missing superbowl 51 jersey. brady says he left it in one every his bags in the lockerroom. and that it disappeared moments later. jersey could be worlt upward of $400,000. >> patriots back in new england. they arrived in boston yesterday with the lombardi trophy, and made their way to foxboro and gillette stadium where they were greeted with fans. piewtsz will have their victory parade today in boston. they've really suffered, just 36 titles, four major sports. >> spring training will be here in less than a week. and the phillies are welcome ago fan favorite to broadcast boot. three time all-star, phils wall of faker will join mccarthy, davis, greg murphy this season. the krukker has work with fox, se. sp n and comcast, ten year baseball career ended he said six seasons with the phillies. including 1993 world series teams. how about that? $400,000. >> here is my question. it will surface somewhere, right? >> well, tom brady said if you see anything on ebay, let me know, i would like to have that jersey back. >> not very intelligent. >> how do you think someone could get into the lockerroom that easily? look around. >> thanks, pat. >> well, coming up in the next half hour of "eyewitness news," authorities are searching for more victims every a man they say is a serial child sex abuse preditor. >> also ahead, new details about the discovery that led septa to take nearly 100 trains off the rales. trang do with the latest in a live report. >> dining with the stars, we will take to you this year's oscar luncheon. katie? >> and jim, as we are looking ahead already to the upcoming weekends, i am expecting the temperatures to moderate up. but there likely will be more cloud cover saturday, eventually sunday, pretty decent chance that we see some rain showers. but in the meantime, this is a wacky water pattern. do you have sit tight. pay close attention, that forecast is on the other >> parts of the area waking up in a fog this morning, katie is tracking the showers today, but also watching some snow headed our way. i thought we were done with. that will apparently not yet. good morning, i'm rahel solomon. >> katie and meisha will be along in just a minute, ibl ' jim donovan. here's what you need to know to start your day in the morning minute. >> a dramatic scene captured by a viewer, flames racing through row home overnight in philadelphia's harrowgate section. >> fortunately, there are no injuries to report this morning. however, two families are without a home

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