Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20161129 : comparem

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20161129

just take the umbrella. a lot of times i try to give the sense of okay if it is going to be a quick shower here and, there leave it behind. not today. this looks like by the time we hit the afternoon, more filled in, a lot heavier. bullet points, right through tomorrow, in fact, periods of rain, heavy at times, can't rule out couple every thunderstorms along the way, which could be gusty specially tomorrow. and the rain potential at at ths point, upward of almost 3 inches, guys. so very, very beneficial rain. but this will slow you down. 48 degrees, the temperature right now at philadelphia international airport. so, it is absolutely too warm at this point, and through the rest of the day, for anything but rain. no ice. no snow. just rain. but quite a bit of it. meisha, looks like, it is going to be here, really, any time today. >> katie, remind me of the one day i thought i will be a free spirit. i won't bring an umbrella just going to dance in the rain. it will be nice. don't do. that rye great philadelphia all day long, soaking mess. good morning, everyone, this is where we had some construction, good news is that has now since been cleared. route one northbound bucks county at oxford valley, you're good, looking good. we are seeing flashing light out there. not sure what that is he can actually, i hope that's not lightning. trying to put cameras here, to this accident, first avenue, north gulph road. you guys do, have lane restrictions here, heads up on that, probably going to slow you down little early. still very dark out. see all of the flashing lights. heads up on. that i hope this isn't a prediction of things to come. because we know it will be very busy out there on the roadways, all about rain, and with the fog. now, let's turn our attention to the delaware memorial bridge because we have emergency repairs being done to a pothole. because of that, only one left lane is open right now. and that's going to linger out there until around 6:00 a.m. so for another hour or so, yes, that can absolutely slow you down. then we have a traffic light malfunction, see if i can get there, yes, from the roosevelt boulevard at ninth street. lights on flash. another heads up and reminder on that, jim, rahel, back to you. >> thank you, meisha. very sad story over in philadelphia's mayfair section, a 14 year old boy shot, killed, just weeks before he turns 15. >> "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabeo is live mayfair where we understand you just spoke with philadelphia police. jan, good morning. >> reporter: rahel, jim, good morning. police trying to track down two suspect this morning, as you mentioned, a very sad story, this 14 year old shooting victim, weeks shy of his 15th birthday. now, homicide detectives are trying to track down those suspect, who gunned him down right here in the middle of the street in this usually quiet neighborhood, in mayfair. take a lock at the video. police responded to the 6200 block of rouse avenue around 9:00 last night. they found the 14 year old victim in the street shot three times in his chest and his stomach. police rushed him to aria-torresdale hospital for treatment where he was pronounced dead a short time later. detective are now interviewing witnesses and searching for surveillance video, they say the teenage victim did not live in this neighborhood but his last known address is actually only about a mile and a half away. now, at this point, police have no motive for the shooting, and they are searching for leads on two suspect. >> according to witnesses, they said the shooters were two males, they both exited a vehicle, went north on rouse, from devereaux after the shooting. >> reporter: police don't have a good description of those suspect or that vehicle. anyone with information is asked to call police. and at this time police are not identifying this young victim. we are reporting live in mayfair this morning, jan carabeo, cbs-3, "eyewitness news", rahel, jim, back to you. >> okay, jim, thank you. meanwhile police are investigating a deadly septa bus accident in center city. investigators tell us a woman in her early 60s was pushing a stroller when she was hit and killed by the route nine bus. they say the baby believed to be six to eight months old is going to be okay. this all happened yesterday during rush hour traffic at 23rd and chestnut. >> the investigation will reveal what happened there. i don't know if he stepped out across the light or if the bus driver was in the right. i don't know. >> the victim died at the scene. no one on the bus was hurt. and update now on breaking news, authorities say only five people survived a plane crash in columbia. they also confirm that the plane was caring members of a brazilian soccer team. take a look. these are pictures of the wreckage. you can she appears to be the plane snapped in half. ambulances arrived at nearby hospitals with the survivors, including at least one soccer player. charter plane had 81 people on board. the team was expected to play in a championship match just tomorrow. it is not clear what caused the crash, but early reports suggest the plane may have had electrical problems. >> well the eagles home winning streak is over. >> did not get it done against the pack nerves prime time last night at the linc. let's take a look, packers came out firing, scored on first possession. game. eagles came right back as quarterback carson wentz scrambled his way into the end zone to tie the game. now, wentz gained more yards on the grounds in last night's game than any other in his rookie season so far. but, packers again, next time they had the ball scored. quarterback after ogee rogers 30 of 39 with two touchdowns in the game. greenbay broke four game losing streak with 27 to 13 win. our leslie van arsdale talk to the players about what is going wrong with the team right now. >> penalties filled the eagles yet again. this time, may have killed the team's chances of getting into the playoffs. >> i thought it was a clean hit. i saw the play, thought it was a clone hit. i'm not going to -- it is hard to really stop, you know, 300-pound when you get going. >> you know, it was just one of those things where we need we had to be patient. we new woe run around, make plays, but we have to just, you know, kind of hunker down, eventually make a stop, so we new the drivers would be long. but just couldn't find a way to get the one play. >> early aaron had the scrambles, we had the -- we just can't, those little mistakes, i mean, we can't make them. >> tried the best we could, but the whole game, tough on us as defense, very frustrating because, you know, our plan was to try to get them in a long situation, you know, they made t so frustrating throughout the whole game. >> next up the eagles hit the road, the ben as in cincinnati. reporting from the link, lesley van arsdall, eyewitness sports. >> and the front page of this morning's daily news, what is happening to this season falling hine. picture of eagles smallwood going head over heals. yes, that kind of night for the birds. >> the eagles have now lost six of their last eight games after starting the season at three and zero. so here is a legitimate question. are the eagles headed in the right direction? >> well, here's what head coach doug pederson thinks. >> you might look at wins and losses. i got look at the potential of the football team and the guys that we have. and, you know, are we there yet? no. are we headed in the right direction? yes. and, again it, may not show upright now in wins and losses. but i see that potential. >> okay, we want to know what you think, weighing in on cbs philly. instant pole happening right now. do you agree with coach peterson? are the eagles headed in the right direction? go to cbs twitter or way in and hear the result little later this morning. >> well, sources expect president elect donald trump to announce a cabinet pick today. they say he's chosen tom price, us representative from georgia, to head the department of health and human services. mr. trump has also met with secretary candidate including retired general david petraeus, former gop presidential mitt romney, former new york mayor rudy giuliani. now rene armor joins the trump transition team, took to facebook with the news saying i'm so excited everyone. i've been put on the trump transition team. thank you so much for your congratulations. >> former green party presidential candidate, bill stein, has -- jill stein, raised more than five to have recount in pennsylvanian two other states. it is unclear if they will have the authority. election officials say there is no evidence of voting irregularities or cyber attacks on voting machines. "eyewitness news" asked former governor, ed rendell, to way in on the recounts, he calls it a waste of time. >> if there is anything out there that might change this result, i would be working 24 hours a day to get it done. >> we've got to stop making wild charge. we've got to get back to the time when we did things based on substantial evidence. >> and president-elect trump came out on top overhill hill in pennsylvania, by about 71,000 votes. >> well, schools and government offices are closed today in cuba as the country continues to mourn fidel castro's death. the people have lined the streets of havana outside the plaza of the revolution, white house says neither president obama nor vice president biden will attend the memorial service for the long time communist leader. also not going, leaders from great britain, canada, and france. castro died friday, he was 90 years old. wild fires threaten two resort towns forcing people to evacuate. still ahead, video of the plane's engine closer to hotels and homes. watch this. >> a car and knife attack at ohio state university is being investigated as a possible act of terrorism. i'm hena daniels, the latest on the rampage coming up. >> imagine this? watching from half a world away while thieves ransack your home? we'll hear from the helpless homeowner coming up. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> it is giving tuesday. how are you planning to help out someone in need? >> we'll it will but a good cause coming up. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> carry out bloody knife attack at ohio state university. >> monday attack injured 11 people before the suspect shot and killed by university police officer. hena daniels with the latest on the investigation. student at ohio state university came together in prayer last night. many had memories, and monday's campus rampage fresh on their mind. >> we were in the classrooms, in a basement, kind of scary because we didn't know much. couldn't get service in the basement. >> people on campus barricaded themselves in classrooms. moment after police say abdul -- razak ali artan intentionally rammed his car into a group every people outside. >> everybody, i think i saw three, four student being hit. >> authority say the somali refugee got out of the vehicle with a butcher knife, began stabbing onlookers. >> all alert and/or yen dollars, severe bleeding out of some of them. >> university officer alan is credited with ending the chaos. >> our officer was on scene in less than the a minute. he ended this situation in less than a minute. >> artan had recently transferred to ohio state after obtaining associates degree from a college in the spring. law enforcement officials are look nothing a post he allegedly made on facebook shortly before the incident saying he was sick of the way muslims were being treated. both president urging people not to rush to judgement. >> we don't know anything would link this to anything, certainly don't have any that looks like that is the case. >> so far officials have served his car and apartment complex. and are investigating the incident as a possible terror attack. hena daniels, for cbs-3, "eyewitness news". >> in other news this morning, people living in and around tennessee are forced to evacuate their homes as wild fires close in. so far, the flames have scorched at least 30 buildings, in the popular tourist town, including 16 story hotel. this amateur video shot from inside that hotel shows the blaze outside. officials say the heavy smoke has made the air quality unhealthy for local residents. >> picture are just incredible. katie joining us right now. they could probably use the rain we are bea to get? >> actually, rain right over them right now. which is very, very good news for them. not terribly windy at the moment either. across the area, so let's just very quickly turn our focus to our neighbors down there in eastern tennessee. what we're looking at is the border on the radar between tennessee and leading out toward virginia, here, and north carolina. what you are find something nice surge every moisture, just getting drawn right over this area. so, desperately needing it in that spot as we mention. this storm, though, not just affecting eastern tennessee, i mean, this is an eastern two thirds of the united state, storm system, in its entire expansive necessary, huge. now, because we have the warm leading out in advance of it, looking strictly at rainfall folks. if you wanted to try to beat the rain, you can probably doing it in the eastern half of the area. notice, moving in pretty readily. moisture content starting to become a little bit more obvious here. looking right now mainly light rain, will also have to deal with pretty soaking rain along the way, too. here's what's up. you have one-two punch today as well as tomorrow. heavy rain over spread willing the area over the next hour and a half or so, with us any time, you have this area of low pressure riding up along. so, with that, rain is the story. any time, all day, even through the evening rush. lunchtime you may want to think about ordering in. evening commute, just pack your patiencement look ahead to nice little break, lull in the action, through the overnight, early action of tomorrow. fresh round every rain already on the horizon here, folks. so both days featuring some pockets of steady heavy rain. possibly even gusty under this earl storm into tomorrow. then thankfully out of here on thursday. tomorrow, specifically, we do have at least a slim chance to see locally gusty or heavy thunderstorm, especially true for southern new jersey, and the first state of delaware, also extending into maryland if that's where your travels take you. gusty wind, thunder, all very strong possibility out of what could be some very strong storms. how much rain are we talking? looking specifically at the model data for philadelphia. covering the span of several models, looking at at least a inch, probably closer to an inch and a half, give or take, and obviously about how much the heavy rain does actually move over philly. but, the general window hereof rainfall total looks to one maybe upward of 3 inches, so going to be a very significant rainfall for us. and chip away nicely at the deficit we currently face. all long gone as election come thursday, skies begin to clear, the temperatures table a hit, the breeze is a running theme thursday even into the weekends, back to dose of reality by saturday. meisha, over to you. >> yes, we got the 60s katie, and we have got the rain with it. yikes. so, yes, talking specifically about our commute, is it going to hinder your commute today? yes, both in the morning, the evening, right now, things are still looking dry, most of the cameras that we're looking at. so many, that's at least good. right now what we were looking at is a north gulph road. lane restrictions in place, that's now since been cleared. so what we can see here is everything looking good. but, it sound like the traffic lights are on flash. so just heads up on that, good news that accident there is clear. the vine was closed overnight for the construction, you can see, both moving in the westbound and eastbound side. now clear. you are now open, and looking good, although, already, you can see, how many vehicles are out on the roadways, both moving in the westbound and eastbound side. why do you think that is? clearly, it is everyone heeding the warning, that today will be very bus which all of the rain. not just the rain, in fact it, will stop there. also the fog. when we have fog, and visibility issues, with the rain and the fog, that can be a lethal combo. so just heads up on that. new jersey 42 freeway, 95, what we are looking at again my warning is that already in the 5:00 hour still dark outside. we are certainly starting to speed up. rahel, back to you. >> meisha, thank you. now a look at newspaper headlines from across our region. >> from the front page, facing attempted murder charges following shooting in pottstown earlier this month. forty year old bobby brown has been arrested in connection with the november 1st shooting that occurred in a garage on king street. >> on the cover of the delaware county daily time, delaware county, supervisors announce yesterday the preservation of 250 acres, number of conservation groups have joined, even get some developers, the price of the land has not yet been disclosed. >> yes, move over, there is a santa claus, and you can meet him this saturday. the animal medical center in trapp once again holding their pet pictures with santa paw's, fundraise they are saturday, december 3rd, this annual event run from 2:00 to 4:30 in the afternoon, will benefit animal house project, a local pet food pantry. >> sounds like something right up my alley, jim. thank you. and that's a look at some of the newspaper headlines, from around the delaware valley. >> well, still ahead: homeowners on edge, as a neighbor watches her home getting ransacked. >> what's the sense of being in the bester? >> imagine watching thieves in your home from half a world away while on vacation? this all happened to one woman. her story >> woman makes frightening discovery thousands every miles from home. >> take a look if you surveillance tape. burglars ransack her home in las vegas, homeowner was out of the country and all happened in broad daylight. the brazen burglary has the homeowner feeling unsafe. >> people ask you what's the best neighborhood, what's the sense in this area in las vegas, and you have no insurance. >> and one of emily's neighbors said she has even seen cars and trash cans set on fire leading up to this most recent break-in. so these bizarre happenings on the street, neighbors say they're one safe street just isn't the same. >> more proof you should have good alarm system in your home. now, they're more affordable and easier to install n this week's angie list report, a look at do it yourself security system. >> that's the sound every added security from martha, who decided to install a security system in her home. >> the new area to us, and we got two kids, and so having a security system feels safer to us. >> to save money they opted for do it yourself system. >> diy security system much more affordable, for less than $200, that's going to include windows censor, motion censors, audible alarm. >> homeowners should consider all of the entry points for a burglar alarm. typically your first floor windows are accessible from the outside. you want protection on thosement and of course all of the doors that lead to the outside. >> if you just want your system to act as alarm to scar burglars, you don't need it to be monitored. but many do it yourself systems do allow for professional monitoring to be added, so police are called when the system is triggered. >> a diy system can provide your home extra security, and can be easy to install, but if you want constant surveillance, you need to consult with a professional. >> while home monitoring does mean the extra monthly bill, it can provide peace every minds, and discount on your homeowner's insurance. >> coming up in the next half hour every "eyewitness news", eagles fans not waking up early this morning, waking up happy this morning? >> reaction to just what went wrong. >> and a 80s star under arrest. more on the actor in big trouble, after a fight is caught on camera. katy? >> and jim, we are ever closer to the upcoming weekend. and we are going to be long done with the rain at that point. although what we are expecting here, we should have some headlines there. is at least a nice dry sunny weekend for you, and temperatures that will be on the chilly side. we will have your full forecast whether we come >> this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news" this morning. have the umbrellas and the windshield wipers ready to go. rain is arriving, and it will stay with us for awhile. good morning, i'm rahel solomon. >> i'm jim donovan. here's what you need to know to get your day started in the morning minute. >> the hunt is on for two suspect, wanted in the shooting death after 14 jerold boy, in philadelphia's mayfair section. >> this 14 year old victim was just a week shy every his 15th birthday. and now, homicide detective are trying to figure out who gunned him down. >> the plane with nearly 100 people on board including brazilian soccer team has crashed in columbia a authorities say at least five people survived. >> ohio state university set to reopen today after a shooting and stabbing spree. authorities say abdul razak ali artan posted on facebook he was sick of the way fellow muslims were being treated. difficulties having on defense. that's the loss of a team player. to the end zone. and a catch made in traffic. adams, second touchdown of the game. >> we got out played on our offensive line, defensive

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New York , United States , Georgia , North Carolina , Delaware County , Pennsylvania , Philadelphia , Ohio State University , Ohio , Brazil , Delaware , Virginia , Cincinnati , United Kingdom , Tennessee , New Jersey , Havana , Ciudad De La Habana , Cuba , Maryland , Somalia , France , Pottstown , Britain , Brazilian , Somali , Pennsylvanian , David Petraeus , Santa Claus , Mitt Romney , Jim Donovan , Jill Stein , Las Vegas , Leslie Van Arsdale , Hena Daniels , Rudy Giuliani , Abdul Razak Ali Artan , Doug Pederson , Carson Wentz , Fidel Castro , Bobby Brown ,

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Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20161129 :

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20161129

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just take the umbrella. a lot of times i try to give the sense of okay if it is going to be a quick shower here and, there leave it behind. not today. this looks like by the time we hit the afternoon, more filled in, a lot heavier. bullet points, right through tomorrow, in fact, periods of rain, heavy at times, can't rule out couple every thunderstorms along the way, which could be gusty specially tomorrow. and the rain potential at at ths point, upward of almost 3 inches, guys. so very, very beneficial rain. but this will slow you down. 48 degrees, the temperature right now at philadelphia international airport. so, it is absolutely too warm at this point, and through the rest of the day, for anything but rain. no ice. no snow. just rain. but quite a bit of it. meisha, looks like, it is going to be here, really, any time today. >> katie, remind me of the one day i thought i will be a free spirit. i won't bring an umbrella just going to dance in the rain. it will be nice. don't do. that rye great philadelphia all day long, soaking mess. good morning, everyone, this is where we had some construction, good news is that has now since been cleared. route one northbound bucks county at oxford valley, you're good, looking good. we are seeing flashing light out there. not sure what that is he can actually, i hope that's not lightning. trying to put cameras here, to this accident, first avenue, north gulph road. you guys do, have lane restrictions here, heads up on that, probably going to slow you down little early. still very dark out. see all of the flashing lights. heads up on. that i hope this isn't a prediction of things to come. because we know it will be very busy out there on the roadways, all about rain, and with the fog. now, let's turn our attention to the delaware memorial bridge because we have emergency repairs being done to a pothole. because of that, only one left lane is open right now. and that's going to linger out there until around 6:00 a.m. so for another hour or so, yes, that can absolutely slow you down. then we have a traffic light malfunction, see if i can get there, yes, from the roosevelt boulevard at ninth street. lights on flash. another heads up and reminder on that, jim, rahel, back to you. >> thank you, meisha. very sad story over in philadelphia's mayfair section, a 14 year old boy shot, killed, just weeks before he turns 15. >> "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabeo is live mayfair where we understand you just spoke with philadelphia police. jan, good morning. >> reporter: rahel, jim, good morning. police trying to track down two suspect this morning, as you mentioned, a very sad story, this 14 year old shooting victim, weeks shy of his 15th birthday. now, homicide detectives are trying to track down those suspect, who gunned him down right here in the middle of the street in this usually quiet neighborhood, in mayfair. take a lock at the video. police responded to the 6200 block of rouse avenue around 9:00 last night. they found the 14 year old victim in the street shot three times in his chest and his stomach. police rushed him to aria-torresdale hospital for treatment where he was pronounced dead a short time later. detective are now interviewing witnesses and searching for surveillance video, they say the teenage victim did not live in this neighborhood but his last known address is actually only about a mile and a half away. now, at this point, police have no motive for the shooting, and they are searching for leads on two suspect. >> according to witnesses, they said the shooters were two males, they both exited a vehicle, went north on rouse, from devereaux after the shooting. >> reporter: police don't have a good description of those suspect or that vehicle. anyone with information is asked to call police. and at this time police are not identifying this young victim. we are reporting live in mayfair this morning, jan carabeo, cbs-3, "eyewitness news", rahel, jim, back to you. >> okay, jim, thank you. meanwhile police are investigating a deadly septa bus accident in center city. investigators tell us a woman in her early 60s was pushing a stroller when she was hit and killed by the route nine bus. they say the baby believed to be six to eight months old is going to be okay. this all happened yesterday during rush hour traffic at 23rd and chestnut. >> the investigation will reveal what happened there. i don't know if he stepped out across the light or if the bus driver was in the right. i don't know. >> the victim died at the scene. no one on the bus was hurt. and update now on breaking news, authorities say only five people survived a plane crash in columbia. they also confirm that the plane was caring members of a brazilian soccer team. take a look. these are pictures of the wreckage. you can she appears to be the plane snapped in half. ambulances arrived at nearby hospitals with the survivors, including at least one soccer player. charter plane had 81 people on board. the team was expected to play in a championship match just tomorrow. it is not clear what caused the crash, but early reports suggest the plane may have had electrical problems. >> well the eagles home winning streak is over. >> did not get it done against the pack nerves prime time last night at the linc. let's take a look, packers came out firing, scored on first possession. game. eagles came right back as quarterback carson wentz scrambled his way into the end zone to tie the game. now, wentz gained more yards on the grounds in last night's game than any other in his rookie season so far. but, packers again, next time they had the ball scored. quarterback after ogee rogers 30 of 39 with two touchdowns in the game. greenbay broke four game losing streak with 27 to 13 win. our leslie van arsdale talk to the players about what is going wrong with the team right now. >> penalties filled the eagles yet again. this time, may have killed the team's chances of getting into the playoffs. >> i thought it was a clean hit. i saw the play, thought it was a clone hit. i'm not going to -- it is hard to really stop, you know, 300-pound when you get going. >> you know, it was just one of those things where we need we had to be patient. we new woe run around, make plays, but we have to just, you know, kind of hunker down, eventually make a stop, so we new the drivers would be long. but just couldn't find a way to get the one play. >> early aaron had the scrambles, we had the -- we just can't, those little mistakes, i mean, we can't make them. >> tried the best we could, but the whole game, tough on us as defense, very frustrating because, you know, our plan was to try to get them in a long situation, you know, they made t so frustrating throughout the whole game. >> next up the eagles hit the road, the ben as in cincinnati. reporting from the link, lesley van arsdall, eyewitness sports. >> and the front page of this morning's daily news, what is happening to this season falling hine. picture of eagles smallwood going head over heals. yes, that kind of night for the birds. >> the eagles have now lost six of their last eight games after starting the season at three and zero. so here is a legitimate question. are the eagles headed in the right direction? >> well, here's what head coach doug pederson thinks. >> you might look at wins and losses. i got look at the potential of the football team and the guys that we have. and, you know, are we there yet? no. are we headed in the right direction? yes. and, again it, may not show upright now in wins and losses. but i see that potential. >> okay, we want to know what you think, weighing in on cbs philly. instant pole happening right now. do you agree with coach peterson? are the eagles headed in the right direction? go to cbs twitter or way in and hear the result little later this morning. >> well, sources expect president elect donald trump to announce a cabinet pick today. they say he's chosen tom price, us representative from georgia, to head the department of health and human services. mr. trump has also met with secretary candidate including retired general david petraeus, former gop presidential mitt romney, former new york mayor rudy giuliani. now rene armor joins the trump transition team, took to facebook with the news saying i'm so excited everyone. i've been put on the trump transition team. thank you so much for your congratulations. >> former green party presidential candidate, bill stein, has -- jill stein, raised more than five to have recount in pennsylvanian two other states. it is unclear if they will have the authority. election officials say there is no evidence of voting irregularities or cyber attacks on voting machines. "eyewitness news" asked former governor, ed rendell, to way in on the recounts, he calls it a waste of time. >> if there is anything out there that might change this result, i would be working 24 hours a day to get it done. >> we've got to stop making wild charge. we've got to get back to the time when we did things based on substantial evidence. >> and president-elect trump came out on top overhill hill in pennsylvania, by about 71,000 votes. >> well, schools and government offices are closed today in cuba as the country continues to mourn fidel castro's death. the people have lined the streets of havana outside the plaza of the revolution, white house says neither president obama nor vice president biden will attend the memorial service for the long time communist leader. also not going, leaders from great britain, canada, and france. castro died friday, he was 90 years old. wild fires threaten two resort towns forcing people to evacuate. still ahead, video of the plane's engine closer to hotels and homes. watch this. >> a car and knife attack at ohio state university is being investigated as a possible act of terrorism. i'm hena daniels, the latest on the rampage coming up. >> imagine this? watching from half a world away while thieves ransack your home? we'll hear from the helpless homeowner coming up. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> it is giving tuesday. how are you planning to help out someone in need? >> we'll it will but a good cause coming up. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> carry out bloody knife attack at ohio state university. >> monday attack injured 11 people before the suspect shot and killed by university police officer. hena daniels with the latest on the investigation. student at ohio state university came together in prayer last night. many had memories, and monday's campus rampage fresh on their mind. >> we were in the classrooms, in a basement, kind of scary because we didn't know much. couldn't get service in the basement. >> people on campus barricaded themselves in classrooms. moment after police say abdul -- razak ali artan intentionally rammed his car into a group every people outside. >> everybody, i think i saw three, four student being hit. >> authority say the somali refugee got out of the vehicle with a butcher knife, began stabbing onlookers. >> all alert and/or yen dollars, severe bleeding out of some of them. >> university officer alan is credited with ending the chaos. >> our officer was on scene in less than the a minute. he ended this situation in less than a minute. >> artan had recently transferred to ohio state after obtaining associates degree from a college in the spring. law enforcement officials are look nothing a post he allegedly made on facebook shortly before the incident saying he was sick of the way muslims were being treated. both president urging people not to rush to judgement. >> we don't know anything would link this to anything, certainly don't have any that looks like that is the case. >> so far officials have served his car and apartment complex. and are investigating the incident as a possible terror attack. hena daniels, for cbs-3, "eyewitness news". >> in other news this morning, people living in and around tennessee are forced to evacuate their homes as wild fires close in. so far, the flames have scorched at least 30 buildings, in the popular tourist town, including 16 story hotel. this amateur video shot from inside that hotel shows the blaze outside. officials say the heavy smoke has made the air quality unhealthy for local residents. >> picture are just incredible. katie joining us right now. they could probably use the rain we are bea to get? >> actually, rain right over them right now. which is very, very good news for them. not terribly windy at the moment either. across the area, so let's just very quickly turn our focus to our neighbors down there in eastern tennessee. what we're looking at is the border on the radar between tennessee and leading out toward virginia, here, and north carolina. what you are find something nice surge every moisture, just getting drawn right over this area. so, desperately needing it in that spot as we mention. this storm, though, not just affecting eastern tennessee, i mean, this is an eastern two thirds of the united state, storm system, in its entire expansive necessary, huge. now, because we have the warm leading out in advance of it, looking strictly at rainfall folks. if you wanted to try to beat the rain, you can probably doing it in the eastern half of the area. notice, moving in pretty readily. moisture content starting to become a little bit more obvious here. looking right now mainly light rain, will also have to deal with pretty soaking rain along the way, too. here's what's up. you have one-two punch today as well as tomorrow. heavy rain over spread willing the area over the next hour and a half or so, with us any time, you have this area of low pressure riding up along. so, with that, rain is the story. any time, all day, even through the evening rush. lunchtime you may want to think about ordering in. evening commute, just pack your patiencement look ahead to nice little break, lull in the action, through the overnight, early action of tomorrow. fresh round every rain already on the horizon here, folks. so both days featuring some pockets of steady heavy rain. possibly even gusty under this earl storm into tomorrow. then thankfully out of here on thursday. tomorrow, specifically, we do have at least a slim chance to see locally gusty or heavy thunderstorm, especially true for southern new jersey, and the first state of delaware, also extending into maryland if that's where your travels take you. gusty wind, thunder, all very strong possibility out of what could be some very strong storms. how much rain are we talking? looking specifically at the model data for philadelphia. covering the span of several models, looking at at least a inch, probably closer to an inch and a half, give or take, and obviously about how much the heavy rain does actually move over philly. but, the general window hereof rainfall total looks to one maybe upward of 3 inches, so going to be a very significant rainfall for us. and chip away nicely at the deficit we currently face. all long gone as election come thursday, skies begin to clear, the temperatures table a hit, the breeze is a running theme thursday even into the weekends, back to dose of reality by saturday. meisha, over to you. >> yes, we got the 60s katie, and we have got the rain with it. yikes. so, yes, talking specifically about our commute, is it going to hinder your commute today? yes, both in the morning, the evening, right now, things are still looking dry, most of the cameras that we're looking at. so many, that's at least good. right now what we were looking at is a north gulph road. lane restrictions in place, that's now since been cleared. so what we can see here is everything looking good. but, it sound like the traffic lights are on flash. so just heads up on that, good news that accident there is clear. the vine was closed overnight for the construction, you can see, both moving in the westbound and eastbound side. now clear. you are now open, and looking good, although, already, you can see, how many vehicles are out on the roadways, both moving in the westbound and eastbound side. why do you think that is? clearly, it is everyone heeding the warning, that today will be very bus which all of the rain. not just the rain, in fact it, will stop there. also the fog. when we have fog, and visibility issues, with the rain and the fog, that can be a lethal combo. so just heads up on that. new jersey 42 freeway, 95, what we are looking at again my warning is that already in the 5:00 hour still dark outside. we are certainly starting to speed up. rahel, back to you. >> meisha, thank you. now a look at newspaper headlines from across our region. >> from the front page, facing attempted murder charges following shooting in pottstown earlier this month. forty year old bobby brown has been arrested in connection with the november 1st shooting that occurred in a garage on king street. >> on the cover of the delaware county daily time, delaware county, supervisors announce yesterday the preservation of 250 acres, number of conservation groups have joined, even get some developers, the price of the land has not yet been disclosed. >> yes, move over, there is a santa claus, and you can meet him this saturday. the animal medical center in trapp once again holding their pet pictures with santa paw's, fundraise they are saturday, december 3rd, this annual event run from 2:00 to 4:30 in the afternoon, will benefit animal house project, a local pet food pantry. >> sounds like something right up my alley, jim. thank you. and that's a look at some of the newspaper headlines, from around the delaware valley. >> well, still ahead: homeowners on edge, as a neighbor watches her home getting ransacked. >> what's the sense of being in the bester? >> imagine watching thieves in your home from half a world away while on vacation? this all happened to one woman. her story >> woman makes frightening discovery thousands every miles from home. >> take a look if you surveillance tape. burglars ransack her home in las vegas, homeowner was out of the country and all happened in broad daylight. the brazen burglary has the homeowner feeling unsafe. >> people ask you what's the best neighborhood, what's the sense in this area in las vegas, and you have no insurance. >> and one of emily's neighbors said she has even seen cars and trash cans set on fire leading up to this most recent break-in. so these bizarre happenings on the street, neighbors say they're one safe street just isn't the same. >> more proof you should have good alarm system in your home. now, they're more affordable and easier to install n this week's angie list report, a look at do it yourself security system. >> that's the sound every added security from martha, who decided to install a security system in her home. >> the new area to us, and we got two kids, and so having a security system feels safer to us. >> to save money they opted for do it yourself system. >> diy security system much more affordable, for less than $200, that's going to include windows censor, motion censors, audible alarm. >> homeowners should consider all of the entry points for a burglar alarm. typically your first floor windows are accessible from the outside. you want protection on thosement and of course all of the doors that lead to the outside. >> if you just want your system to act as alarm to scar burglars, you don't need it to be monitored. but many do it yourself systems do allow for professional monitoring to be added, so police are called when the system is triggered. >> a diy system can provide your home extra security, and can be easy to install, but if you want constant surveillance, you need to consult with a professional. >> while home monitoring does mean the extra monthly bill, it can provide peace every minds, and discount on your homeowner's insurance. >> coming up in the next half hour every "eyewitness news", eagles fans not waking up early this morning, waking up happy this morning? >> reaction to just what went wrong. >> and a 80s star under arrest. more on the actor in big trouble, after a fight is caught on camera. katy? >> and jim, we are ever closer to the upcoming weekend. and we are going to be long done with the rain at that point. although what we are expecting here, we should have some headlines there. is at least a nice dry sunny weekend for you, and temperatures that will be on the chilly side. we will have your full forecast whether we come >> this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news" this morning. have the umbrellas and the windshield wipers ready to go. rain is arriving, and it will stay with us for awhile. good morning, i'm rahel solomon. >> i'm jim donovan. here's what you need to know to get your day started in the morning minute. >> the hunt is on for two suspect, wanted in the shooting death after 14 jerold boy, in philadelphia's mayfair section. >> this 14 year old victim was just a week shy every his 15th birthday. and now, homicide detective are trying to figure out who gunned him down. >> the plane with nearly 100 people on board including brazilian soccer team has crashed in columbia a authorities say at least five people survived. >> ohio state university set to reopen today after a shooting and stabbing spree. authorities say abdul razak ali artan posted on facebook he was sick of the way fellow muslims were being treated. difficulties having on defense. that's the loss of a team player. to the end zone. and a catch made in traffic. adams, second touchdown of the game. >> we got out played on our offensive line, defensive

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New York , United States , Georgia , North Carolina , Delaware County , Pennsylvania , Philadelphia , Ohio State University , Ohio , Brazil , Delaware , Virginia , Cincinnati , United Kingdom , Tennessee , New Jersey , Havana , Ciudad De La Habana , Cuba , Maryland , Somalia , France , Pottstown , Britain , Brazilian , Somali , Pennsylvanian , David Petraeus , Santa Claus , Mitt Romney , Jim Donovan , Jill Stein , Las Vegas , Leslie Van Arsdale , Hena Daniels , Rudy Giuliani , Abdul Razak Ali Artan , Doug Pederson , Carson Wentz , Fidel Castro , Bobby Brown ,

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