Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20160817 : comparem

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20160817

here. so we will see how we do. today could still peak right around 90 degrees in philadelphia, so that would extend that number obviously. storm scan three is quiet. this is a three hour loop. this sipped right out of here as they rumbled through. i certainly got woken up by them and first thing that goes through my head is please don't wake the babies up. thankfully they have white noise machines. looking at the temperature we are at 80 degrees in philadelphia and atlantic city. that whipped is noticeable. it is haphazard, out of the northwest at mount pocono. but regardless, it is a breeze you notice in the teens generally speaking. but as day progresses i'm not saying you will be itching to go tailgating, not super crisp fall kind of a i day. still hot but no where near as humid as what we have seen in recent days. lets look at what we can get, meisha. >> thanks, katie. looking outside right now at 202 we are keeping an eye on construction that is not yet cleared at gulf road, two left lanes still block around this area. if you are around here know that two left lanes are block. would i say more and more vehicles are just starting to pop up on the roadways but overall you height get a gaper delay this the 5:00 o'clock hour but it will clear by then. ben franklin bridge from new jersey, is what you are looking at there pushing in the westbound direction. looking good. looking very good. in this early wednesday morning. happy hump day. ninety-five south at cottman as you come around that s curve looking good, very, very quiet there we have fire activity there. south broad street in both direction that is is at wharton street lanes blocked there and also another area with more fire department activity, bethlehem pike at west mill road, all lanes block here as well because of that, we will use that alternate, quaker road is your best bet, jim, over to you. new this morning was a brutal night the for fire fighters in the the heat. >> one of them was hurt battling a fire in south philadelphia. "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabao is live at the scene with the very latest, jan. >> reporter: brooke and jim good morning, that is right, we have heard that within fire fighter was taken to jefferson hospital because smoke inhalation and overheating, the good news, this morning is he is now in stable condition. meantime here on the scene dozens of philadelphia fire fighters remain at broad and wharton, now that the fire is under control but crews have been working on hot spots all morning long we have seen fire fighters go in and out and that one ladder truck still has its ladder outstretched this morning. now take a look at these photos though here's what neighbors woke up to in south philadelphia just after 1:00 a.m. a woman lives across the street snapped these pictures for "eyewitness news". she said she grabbed her purse and ran outside and called 911 but fire fighters were very fast. the first trucks were rolling up to the burning row home as she was on the phone. crews encountered smoke, flames and it took 57 fire fighters on two dozen april rat to us get this under control. it took them about two hours as well. crew where is bus tie this morning making sure that everyone was out of the adjacent building safely and no one needed rescue. fire commissioner tells us this row home is occupied but this one was home at the time. eyewitnesses recalled kay uses when fire started. some reports seeing lightening and others heard sirens and horns, lets take a listen. >> i looked outside my balcony and i saw you flames coming out of the house. >> we had one fire fighter who was taken to the hospital and apparently in stable condition. our fire fighters are medic. they have been working in this heat for almost a week new. it take the a toll. hard to stay hydrated when you are out here doing this every night. >> you heard there the fire commissioner talking about the brutal heat conditions, that crews have been dealing with for days now. they have had lots of water and ice here on the scene to help with that. meantime fire fighters, that fire fighters taken to the hospital was taken to jefferson, again in stable condition. now, the fire fighter, fire marshall is here on the scene investigating the cause because it is much too early to tell if weather and lightening were factors here this morning, now, people are saying number of fire fighters were going door to door to make sure everyone was out safely. we don't have an exact number this morning so we will keep you up to date but we are live from south philadelphia, jan carabao for cbs-3 "eyewitness news" us. >> very activity location, thanks, jan. up land delaware county a woman got hurt trying to escape a fire. fire crews say flames broke out shortly before 9:00 on the 300 block of west 21st street last night. when they got there they say that they noticed a woman trying to get out from the up are floor window. she was taken to crozer-chester medical center for treatment and fire was under control a short time later. in other news kathleen kane's resignation as pennsylvania's attorney general will be effective by the end of the day. >> man who is replacing her has local ties. "eyewitness news" reporter justin finch is live in the cbs-3 sat center with the story. >> reporter: brooke and jim in, a statement kathleen kane called her stint as attorney general as honor as first democrat, and woman, voted to her office, her political star seemed on the rise four years ago. it has fall's mid scandals and her monday conviction. now her second in command bruce castor is due to assume the attorney general's seat, today. speaking at a press conference tuesday castor says he plans to take the oath of office at some point today. kane made him a deputy as top legal officer in july after bringing him aboard in march as solicitor general. his addition came in the wake of the scandal that led to kane's felony conviction, a montgomery county jury found her guilty of perjury and related charges on monday. the prosecutors argued that she deliberately leak secret details of the grand jury probe to the press in an effort to get even with the prosecutor that she believe revealed information about her. kane was found guilty of lying about the leak and cover up, under oath. she officially resigned tuesday, castor says that beginning today he will work to restore public trust. >> if the public thinks that we're using our position with motivations and agenda as that are not limited to the facts and the evidence, that hurts not only the confidence that the public has in us, but in the local d.a. and local police department and other law enforcement a agencies. >> castor is now acting as attorney general, governor wolf can still appoint a successor to kathleen kane that would come with the backing of the state senate. kane is due back in court in october and could face prison time. jim and brooke back inside to you. well, acting attorney general bruce castor is a familiar face to many, he has lived in montgomery county all of his life and served as district attorney from 2,000 through 20 80. most noteably he decided no to the charge bill cosby with sexual assault in 2005. he spent eight years as a county commissioner before returning to private practice last january. now in march kane appointed castor as first solicitor general of pennsylvania, making him the ag's top deputy. there is late word this morning of a dramatic shake up in donald trump's presidential campaign. he hired ceo steven ban on to be his campaign ceo. he has promoting pollster kelly ann conway to campaign manager. he is keeping paul manafort in his current role. trump will receive his first classified intelligence briefing today in new york. last night, in west conn son he declared himself the law and order candidate and accused hillary clinton of being against police. hillary clinton returned to philadelphia for the first time after the democratic convention. her appearance at west philadelphia high school focused on voter registration. meanwhile clinton campaign wants fbi documents on the investigation into clinton's use of the a private e-mail server to be shared publicly and not just with members of the congress. well, still ahead chase utley returns to citizens bank park, we will hear from the former philly about the greeting he received from fans. overnight this huge wild fire in southern california, continues, to grow. we will have the latest on efforts to gain the upper hand just ahead. it comes out of no where a man struck by lightening outside his home and all caught on camera. we have an update than that man's condition when we come back. breitbart. ban on. ban nan. ban none. man done ace in the hung up on her age at all we will tell you where the material girl is spending her 58th birthday. we will be right back. ♪ hey, is this our turn? honey...our turn? yeah, we go left right here. (woman vo) great adventures are still out there. we'll find them in our subaru outback. (avo) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. get zero percent on select subaru models during the subaru a lot to love event, now through august thirty-first. iso let me tell you what i knowe about senator pat toomey.. my mom was the principal at sandy hook school in newtown. she died that day protecting the young children in her care. when it came time to vote on background checks, pat toomey crossed party lines to do the right thing. that's who he is, and i'm grateful. independence usa pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. fire fighters in southern california are battling a wall of flames, take a look at this destroying everything in its path, so-called blue cut fire was sharked yesterday, morning in san bernardino county. it spread in hours, so much so and so fast that california governor jerry brown declared a state of emergency. so far thousands of resident had been forced to evacuate. from fire to flooding this is an aerial flew of assession parish in louisiana where flood waters are expect to rise today. death toll now stand at 11 right now. thousands of residents had been evacuated. red cross volunteers from our area are traveling south to help. this is the largest disaster response in the united states, since hurricane sandy. a bolt of lightening forced middletown delaware family from their home. it happened late monday night, lightening scorched a home leaving behind extensive damage. fire fighters used an ax to tear siding from the walls as they burn, still experts say inside a house is one of the most safe places to be during a thunderstorm. caught on camera in east texas a map was struck by lightening while unloading groceries at his home, first lightening flash abe then he was income to the ground. his wife was also struck but she managed to drive her husband inside the house. about an hour after the lightening strike he was rush the two hospital and is recovering. katie, i know we dealt with similar weather here. >> right, we had our own fair share of a few lightening strikes that rumbled through with the thunderstorm. we will walk you through. it is amazing how many strikes that just one small little line of storms can produce. let's go back in time. we are looking at a screen grab snapshot at 1:00 a.m. this morning. number of strikes within that pocket of the course over last half an hour was ten 46789 then further east by 1:30 it was intensifying, 212 strikes just within this box. it does not include ones off to the north east on i-95. come 2:00 a.m. more 95 strikes posted within that box. then thankfully started to wayne. so as this rolled through burlington county it did get a little bit, we saw fizzling taking place with those thunderstorms. where we stan the storms are done. we are basically clearing out but problem thinks frontal boundary is still hung up. it is basically stalling out. we will not see that refreshing air has really take grip, it the is better to day then it was in terms of the humidity and heat but it is still warm. it is still a tad more steamy. we will explain. here's what happens with the pattern over next few days, that trent hung up, so later tonight through overnight and south of philadelphia there could be another round of showers and then are storms that rumbled in and then even tomorrow because we will remain on the unsettled side or unstable site, we could see another shower or storm, friday generally looks sunny. outside to palmyra cove nature park where we have a nice clear sky. few left over clouds currently still warm though, and 78 degrees start. that will easily hit 90 later today. it is still hot but thankfully worst of the humidity drops off and we will be flirting with 90 in the next couple of days and couple showers or thunderstorms along the way, meisha, over to you. katie, thanks very much. good morning everyone. happy wednesday to you. if you you are just waking up with us, well, red ways are looking good this morning. thinks the schuylkill taillights moving in the eastbound direction, westbound side i would say is also looking, equally as, um, starting, i would say just starting to ref up a little bit on the schuylkill both moving in the east and westbound direction basically anywhere we look this morning. here's what you are looking at right now, 95 headlights in the southbound direction at the airport. that is what you are looking at here. you can see them moving around airport and looking good. a lot of movement on this wednesday morning. we can expect that. both monday, tuesday, and wednesday, typically but i'll say this is a good indication what you are dealing with over the next 30 minutes. we know it will heat up in the 5:00 o'clock hour. make note around the airport heating up there. blue route taillights moving in the southbound direction and headlights moving near ridge pike as an overview here. some of these fire department activities we are seeing out here south broad street both directions at barton street lanes are blocked here. also some continued, bethlehem pike at west mill road all lanes are blocked here we will to use that alternate because of fire department activity. we are not the sure why they are out there all lanes are block. we will slow you down a little bit. brooke, over to you. thanks, meisha. now time for newspaper headlines from across our region. >> on the cover of the trenton newspaper, lawmakers will a vote on approving raises. if approved trenton's mayor and administration, municipal judges and director would receive a is a 15th .5 percent increase over years. city council members will receive is a percent. they have not received a pay increase since 2005. on the front page of the bucks county courier times, 27 schools throughout bucks county taken advantage of the federal grant to pay for emergency casualty care kits. and area leaders say the kits cost $675 a piece and will allow schools to berth respond to mass casualty incidents and emergencies. from the state of delaware county, bet you by goalie wow i was going to sing that but i won't. they will return to upper darby township on saturday august 27th to head line spirit summer festival. group will perform all of their favorite classics, led by original lead singer russell tomkins junior. >> that is the newspaper headlines from around the delaware valley. still ahead we will have a touching olympic moment. >> we will show what you happened after two runners collided on the track, also ahead, chase utley returns to philadelphia for the first time since being treated to the dodgers nearly a year ago david was proud to be an american soldier. and i know i'm prejudiced because he was my son, but i don't think he had a mean bone in his body. there is not a day that i don't think about david. when i saw donald trump attack another gold star mother, i felt such a sense of outrage. "she was standing there, she had nothing to say..." if donald trump cannot respect a gold star family, then why would anyone in america think he would respect them. votevets is responsible for the content of this advertising. time is 5:21. welcome back to "eyewitness news" this morning. phillies fans gave a special welcome to a familiar face. >> they d sports director don bell has more on chase utley's big return. >> chase cameron utley one of the all time greatness phillies history. last night number 26 returned to citizens bank parkas a visitor for the first time. from 2003 through 2015 he was a fan favorite. not much has changed. >> for los angeles dodgers, number 26, second base man chase utley. >> take a bow, philly, this video doesn't do it justice an amazing, long standing ovation, for chase utley, with more than a minute long, he spent his entire career with the phillies until he was traded a year ago. now, to the game, dodgers and phillies opening up a three game series, chase at the plate, are you kidding me. flare for dramatic a solo shot. and the dodgers, taking a three-one lead as chase gets a curtain call. to the seventh, and he is gone, a grand slam, seventh of his career, he was two for four, drove in five runs and dodgers, crushing the phillies 15-five and in chase's return. >> completely overwhelming. like you said, the standing ovation, my first at bat was, something that i'll never forget to be honest with you. it was truly special. it really shows how passionate, how great the philadelphia fan basis. >> day one of the series tonight jake thompson looking for his second win, as phillies look to get on the board. that is all for sports i'm don bell, have a great the day. get well wishes for cardinals coach and former temple football coach bruce airans, he is hospitalized in san diego where he took ill between a practice. the six three-year old suffered stomach pain and was under going tests, airans is a two time nfl coach of the year. to the olympicness rio, team u.s.a. woman's beach volleyball players goes for the bronze today. >> unusual occurrence for the american team, defending world champion, they defeated kerry walsh jennings and april ross, in straight sets yesterday. but walsh jennings it is first loss of her career after 26 straight victories. delaware's own elena delladon had one point and diana had 19 and u.s. women's basketball team cruised in the olympic semi finals. they beat japan yesterday 110-64. if the u.s. woman's forty-seventh straight win in international competition. the men, play argentina in the quarter final game later today. well, american gymnast simone biles and ali raysman finish one -two in the floor exercise, biles fourth gold medal of the rio games matching a record shared by four others, gold and silver medals gave the american women gymnast nine, the most ever by the team at a single olympic. >> that is still so amazing. to the women's 5,000 meters, and at the olympics. team u.s.a. abi, trip over new seal land nicki hamlen and check on her instead of continuing. later she check on her who suffered an apparent knee injury. since neither was their fault both women advanced to the finals. it is in the clear if she will be racing though, she gets an mri on that knee today. coming up next on "eyewitness news", he lease made an arrest in the series of terrifying home invasions but one suspect still at large we will have the latest still ahead. plus this. and get ready for thunder at the shore. >> also we will take you to the shores of hawaii where lava is flying into the sea. we will tell but the warning for onlookers, katie. katie? 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and as of now, i'd have to say no. [bill o'reilly sighs] the skies are a little bit calm they are morning. lots of thunder and lightening overnight but katie says we are in for a much more comfortable day to day, good morning i'm brooke thomas thanks for joining us. i'm jim donovan. katie and meisha will be along in a moment. >> but first here's what you need to know to start your day in the morning minute. >> normal night and still there is a fire blasting out of our window. >> fire fighter is hurt battling a two alarm fire in south philadelphia a. by the end of the daze pennsylvania will have a new attorney general, kathleen kane is resigning. >> once jury has spoken it becomes very difficult for any law enforcement officer to have have credibility. >> former montgomery county district tern bruce castor will replace her. dramatic shake up, in donald trump's presidential campaign. he hired breitbart news ceo steven bannon to be his campaign ceo. there is a new, fast moving wild fire burning near los angeles. >> get out so we can focus on working on this fire. >> reporter: new is explosive blue cut fires, it burn at least 80,000 acres so far. >> match point. >> right now to the brazilans. and. >> and what an upset kerry walsh jennings had never lost an olympics beach volleyball match until last night. >> walsh jennings and april ross will play

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Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20160817 :

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20160817

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here. so we will see how we do. today could still peak right around 90 degrees in philadelphia, so that would extend that number obviously. storm scan three is quiet. this is a three hour loop. this sipped right out of here as they rumbled through. i certainly got woken up by them and first thing that goes through my head is please don't wake the babies up. thankfully they have white noise machines. looking at the temperature we are at 80 degrees in philadelphia and atlantic city. that whipped is noticeable. it is haphazard, out of the northwest at mount pocono. but regardless, it is a breeze you notice in the teens generally speaking. but as day progresses i'm not saying you will be itching to go tailgating, not super crisp fall kind of a i day. still hot but no where near as humid as what we have seen in recent days. lets look at what we can get, meisha. >> thanks, katie. looking outside right now at 202 we are keeping an eye on construction that is not yet cleared at gulf road, two left lanes still block around this area. if you are around here know that two left lanes are block. would i say more and more vehicles are just starting to pop up on the roadways but overall you height get a gaper delay this the 5:00 o'clock hour but it will clear by then. ben franklin bridge from new jersey, is what you are looking at there pushing in the westbound direction. looking good. looking very good. in this early wednesday morning. happy hump day. ninety-five south at cottman as you come around that s curve looking good, very, very quiet there we have fire activity there. south broad street in both direction that is is at wharton street lanes blocked there and also another area with more fire department activity, bethlehem pike at west mill road, all lanes block here as well because of that, we will use that alternate, quaker road is your best bet, jim, over to you. new this morning was a brutal night the for fire fighters in the the heat. >> one of them was hurt battling a fire in south philadelphia. "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabao is live at the scene with the very latest, jan. >> reporter: brooke and jim good morning, that is right, we have heard that within fire fighter was taken to jefferson hospital because smoke inhalation and overheating, the good news, this morning is he is now in stable condition. meantime here on the scene dozens of philadelphia fire fighters remain at broad and wharton, now that the fire is under control but crews have been working on hot spots all morning long we have seen fire fighters go in and out and that one ladder truck still has its ladder outstretched this morning. now take a look at these photos though here's what neighbors woke up to in south philadelphia just after 1:00 a.m. a woman lives across the street snapped these pictures for "eyewitness news". she said she grabbed her purse and ran outside and called 911 but fire fighters were very fast. the first trucks were rolling up to the burning row home as she was on the phone. crews encountered smoke, flames and it took 57 fire fighters on two dozen april rat to us get this under control. it took them about two hours as well. crew where is bus tie this morning making sure that everyone was out of the adjacent building safely and no one needed rescue. fire commissioner tells us this row home is occupied but this one was home at the time. eyewitnesses recalled kay uses when fire started. some reports seeing lightening and others heard sirens and horns, lets take a listen. >> i looked outside my balcony and i saw you flames coming out of the house. >> we had one fire fighter who was taken to the hospital and apparently in stable condition. our fire fighters are medic. they have been working in this heat for almost a week new. it take the a toll. hard to stay hydrated when you are out here doing this every night. >> you heard there the fire commissioner talking about the brutal heat conditions, that crews have been dealing with for days now. they have had lots of water and ice here on the scene to help with that. meantime fire fighters, that fire fighters taken to the hospital was taken to jefferson, again in stable condition. now, the fire fighter, fire marshall is here on the scene investigating the cause because it is much too early to tell if weather and lightening were factors here this morning, now, people are saying number of fire fighters were going door to door to make sure everyone was out safely. we don't have an exact number this morning so we will keep you up to date but we are live from south philadelphia, jan carabao for cbs-3 "eyewitness news" us. >> very activity location, thanks, jan. up land delaware county a woman got hurt trying to escape a fire. fire crews say flames broke out shortly before 9:00 on the 300 block of west 21st street last night. when they got there they say that they noticed a woman trying to get out from the up are floor window. she was taken to crozer-chester medical center for treatment and fire was under control a short time later. in other news kathleen kane's resignation as pennsylvania's attorney general will be effective by the end of the day. >> man who is replacing her has local ties. "eyewitness news" reporter justin finch is live in the cbs-3 sat center with the story. >> reporter: brooke and jim in, a statement kathleen kane called her stint as attorney general as honor as first democrat, and woman, voted to her office, her political star seemed on the rise four years ago. it has fall's mid scandals and her monday conviction. now her second in command bruce castor is due to assume the attorney general's seat, today. speaking at a press conference tuesday castor says he plans to take the oath of office at some point today. kane made him a deputy as top legal officer in july after bringing him aboard in march as solicitor general. his addition came in the wake of the scandal that led to kane's felony conviction, a montgomery county jury found her guilty of perjury and related charges on monday. the prosecutors argued that she deliberately leak secret details of the grand jury probe to the press in an effort to get even with the prosecutor that she believe revealed information about her. kane was found guilty of lying about the leak and cover up, under oath. she officially resigned tuesday, castor says that beginning today he will work to restore public trust. >> if the public thinks that we're using our position with motivations and agenda as that are not limited to the facts and the evidence, that hurts not only the confidence that the public has in us, but in the local d.a. and local police department and other law enforcement a agencies. >> castor is now acting as attorney general, governor wolf can still appoint a successor to kathleen kane that would come with the backing of the state senate. kane is due back in court in october and could face prison time. jim and brooke back inside to you. well, acting attorney general bruce castor is a familiar face to many, he has lived in montgomery county all of his life and served as district attorney from 2,000 through 20 80. most noteably he decided no to the charge bill cosby with sexual assault in 2005. he spent eight years as a county commissioner before returning to private practice last january. now in march kane appointed castor as first solicitor general of pennsylvania, making him the ag's top deputy. there is late word this morning of a dramatic shake up in donald trump's presidential campaign. he hired ceo steven ban on to be his campaign ceo. he has promoting pollster kelly ann conway to campaign manager. he is keeping paul manafort in his current role. trump will receive his first classified intelligence briefing today in new york. last night, in west conn son he declared himself the law and order candidate and accused hillary clinton of being against police. hillary clinton returned to philadelphia for the first time after the democratic convention. her appearance at west philadelphia high school focused on voter registration. meanwhile clinton campaign wants fbi documents on the investigation into clinton's use of the a private e-mail server to be shared publicly and not just with members of the congress. well, still ahead chase utley returns to citizens bank park, we will hear from the former philly about the greeting he received from fans. overnight this huge wild fire in southern california, continues, to grow. we will have the latest on efforts to gain the upper hand just ahead. it comes out of no where a man struck by lightening outside his home and all caught on camera. we have an update than that man's condition when we come back. breitbart. ban on. ban nan. ban none. man done ace in the hung up on her age at all we will tell you where the material girl is spending her 58th birthday. we will be right back. ♪ hey, is this our turn? honey...our turn? yeah, we go left right here. (woman vo) great adventures are still out there. we'll find them in our subaru outback. (avo) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. get zero percent on select subaru models during the subaru a lot to love event, now through august thirty-first. iso let me tell you what i knowe about senator pat toomey.. my mom was the principal at sandy hook school in newtown. she died that day protecting the young children in her care. when it came time to vote on background checks, pat toomey crossed party lines to do the right thing. that's who he is, and i'm grateful. independence usa pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. fire fighters in southern california are battling a wall of flames, take a look at this destroying everything in its path, so-called blue cut fire was sharked yesterday, morning in san bernardino county. it spread in hours, so much so and so fast that california governor jerry brown declared a state of emergency. so far thousands of resident had been forced to evacuate. from fire to flooding this is an aerial flew of assession parish in louisiana where flood waters are expect to rise today. death toll now stand at 11 right now. thousands of residents had been evacuated. red cross volunteers from our area are traveling south to help. this is the largest disaster response in the united states, since hurricane sandy. a bolt of lightening forced middletown delaware family from their home. it happened late monday night, lightening scorched a home leaving behind extensive damage. fire fighters used an ax to tear siding from the walls as they burn, still experts say inside a house is one of the most safe places to be during a thunderstorm. caught on camera in east texas a map was struck by lightening while unloading groceries at his home, first lightening flash abe then he was income to the ground. his wife was also struck but she managed to drive her husband inside the house. about an hour after the lightening strike he was rush the two hospital and is recovering. katie, i know we dealt with similar weather here. >> right, we had our own fair share of a few lightening strikes that rumbled through with the thunderstorm. we will walk you through. it is amazing how many strikes that just one small little line of storms can produce. let's go back in time. we are looking at a screen grab snapshot at 1:00 a.m. this morning. number of strikes within that pocket of the course over last half an hour was ten 46789 then further east by 1:30 it was intensifying, 212 strikes just within this box. it does not include ones off to the north east on i-95. come 2:00 a.m. more 95 strikes posted within that box. then thankfully started to wayne. so as this rolled through burlington county it did get a little bit, we saw fizzling taking place with those thunderstorms. where we stan the storms are done. we are basically clearing out but problem thinks frontal boundary is still hung up. it is basically stalling out. we will not see that refreshing air has really take grip, it the is better to day then it was in terms of the humidity and heat but it is still warm. it is still a tad more steamy. we will explain. here's what happens with the pattern over next few days, that trent hung up, so later tonight through overnight and south of philadelphia there could be another round of showers and then are storms that rumbled in and then even tomorrow because we will remain on the unsettled side or unstable site, we could see another shower or storm, friday generally looks sunny. outside to palmyra cove nature park where we have a nice clear sky. few left over clouds currently still warm though, and 78 degrees start. that will easily hit 90 later today. it is still hot but thankfully worst of the humidity drops off and we will be flirting with 90 in the next couple of days and couple showers or thunderstorms along the way, meisha, over to you. katie, thanks very much. good morning everyone. happy wednesday to you. if you you are just waking up with us, well, red ways are looking good this morning. thinks the schuylkill taillights moving in the eastbound direction, westbound side i would say is also looking, equally as, um, starting, i would say just starting to ref up a little bit on the schuylkill both moving in the east and westbound direction basically anywhere we look this morning. here's what you are looking at right now, 95 headlights in the southbound direction at the airport. that is what you are looking at here. you can see them moving around airport and looking good. a lot of movement on this wednesday morning. we can expect that. both monday, tuesday, and wednesday, typically but i'll say this is a good indication what you are dealing with over the next 30 minutes. we know it will heat up in the 5:00 o'clock hour. make note around the airport heating up there. blue route taillights moving in the southbound direction and headlights moving near ridge pike as an overview here. some of these fire department activities we are seeing out here south broad street both directions at barton street lanes are blocked here. also some continued, bethlehem pike at west mill road all lanes are blocked here we will to use that alternate because of fire department activity. we are not the sure why they are out there all lanes are block. we will slow you down a little bit. brooke, over to you. thanks, meisha. now time for newspaper headlines from across our region. >> on the cover of the trenton newspaper, lawmakers will a vote on approving raises. if approved trenton's mayor and administration, municipal judges and director would receive a is a 15th .5 percent increase over years. city council members will receive is a percent. they have not received a pay increase since 2005. on the front page of the bucks county courier times, 27 schools throughout bucks county taken advantage of the federal grant to pay for emergency casualty care kits. and area leaders say the kits cost $675 a piece and will allow schools to berth respond to mass casualty incidents and emergencies. from the state of delaware county, bet you by goalie wow i was going to sing that but i won't. they will return to upper darby township on saturday august 27th to head line spirit summer festival. group will perform all of their favorite classics, led by original lead singer russell tomkins junior. >> that is the newspaper headlines from around the delaware valley. still ahead we will have a touching olympic moment. >> we will show what you happened after two runners collided on the track, also ahead, chase utley returns to philadelphia for the first time since being treated to the dodgers nearly a year ago david was proud to be an american soldier. and i know i'm prejudiced because he was my son, but i don't think he had a mean bone in his body. there is not a day that i don't think about david. when i saw donald trump attack another gold star mother, i felt such a sense of outrage. "she was standing there, she had nothing to say..." if donald trump cannot respect a gold star family, then why would anyone in america think he would respect them. votevets is responsible for the content of this advertising. time is 5:21. welcome back to "eyewitness news" this morning. phillies fans gave a special welcome to a familiar face. >> they d sports director don bell has more on chase utley's big return. >> chase cameron utley one of the all time greatness phillies history. last night number 26 returned to citizens bank parkas a visitor for the first time. from 2003 through 2015 he was a fan favorite. not much has changed. >> for los angeles dodgers, number 26, second base man chase utley. >> take a bow, philly, this video doesn't do it justice an amazing, long standing ovation, for chase utley, with more than a minute long, he spent his entire career with the phillies until he was traded a year ago. now, to the game, dodgers and phillies opening up a three game series, chase at the plate, are you kidding me. flare for dramatic a solo shot. and the dodgers, taking a three-one lead as chase gets a curtain call. to the seventh, and he is gone, a grand slam, seventh of his career, he was two for four, drove in five runs and dodgers, crushing the phillies 15-five and in chase's return. >> completely overwhelming. like you said, the standing ovation, my first at bat was, something that i'll never forget to be honest with you. it was truly special. it really shows how passionate, how great the philadelphia fan basis. >> day one of the series tonight jake thompson looking for his second win, as phillies look to get on the board. that is all for sports i'm don bell, have a great the day. get well wishes for cardinals coach and former temple football coach bruce airans, he is hospitalized in san diego where he took ill between a practice. the six three-year old suffered stomach pain and was under going tests, airans is a two time nfl coach of the year. to the olympicness rio, team u.s.a. woman's beach volleyball players goes for the bronze today. >> unusual occurrence for the american team, defending world champion, they defeated kerry walsh jennings and april ross, in straight sets yesterday. but walsh jennings it is first loss of her career after 26 straight victories. delaware's own elena delladon had one point and diana had 19 and u.s. women's basketball team cruised in the olympic semi finals. they beat japan yesterday 110-64. if the u.s. woman's forty-seventh straight win in international competition. the men, play argentina in the quarter final game later today. well, american gymnast simone biles and ali raysman finish one -two in the floor exercise, biles fourth gold medal of the rio games matching a record shared by four others, gold and silver medals gave the american women gymnast nine, the most ever by the team at a single olympic. >> that is still so amazing. to the women's 5,000 meters, and at the olympics. team u.s.a. abi, trip over new seal land nicki hamlen and check on her instead of continuing. later she check on her who suffered an apparent knee injury. since neither was their fault both women advanced to the finals. it is in the clear if she will be racing though, she gets an mri on that knee today. coming up next on "eyewitness news", he lease made an arrest in the series of terrifying home invasions but one suspect still at large we will have the latest still ahead. plus this. and get ready for thunder at the shore. >> also we will take you to the shores of hawaii where lava is flying into the sea. we will tell but the warning for onlookers, katie. katie? 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and as of now, i'd have to say no. [bill o'reilly sighs] the skies are a little bit calm they are morning. lots of thunder and lightening overnight but katie says we are in for a much more comfortable day to day, good morning i'm brooke thomas thanks for joining us. i'm jim donovan. katie and meisha will be along in a moment. >> but first here's what you need to know to start your day in the morning minute. >> normal night and still there is a fire blasting out of our window. >> fire fighter is hurt battling a two alarm fire in south philadelphia a. by the end of the daze pennsylvania will have a new attorney general, kathleen kane is resigning. >> once jury has spoken it becomes very difficult for any law enforcement officer to have have credibility. >> former montgomery county district tern bruce castor will replace her. dramatic shake up, in donald trump's presidential campaign. he hired breitbart news ceo steven bannon to be his campaign ceo. there is a new, fast moving wild fire burning near los angeles. >> get out so we can focus on working on this fire. >> reporter: new is explosive blue cut fires, it burn at least 80,000 acres so far. >> match point. >> right now to the brazilans. and. >> and what an upset kerry walsh jennings had never lost an olympics beach volleyball match until last night. >> walsh jennings and april ross will play

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