Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20160519 : comparem

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20160519

seems like the magic number most every where else. cooler in the mountains but generally that is where we will stand regional wide. as day progresses any included out there will yield for some sunshine. it brightens up with every passing hour's sentencely to the point we are seeing a chance to warm up. seventy-three by 3:00 p.m. we will hit 74. that is a lot closer to seasonal. so we will take this, just average mayday here, meisha. >> we sure will. all right, katie, thank you. so it is thursday. we are almost to friday, taking a look at tacony palmyra bridge scheduled to open up at 5:20. still very dark but letting you know at 5:20 that will open, schuylkill eastbound at spring garden, in center city, looking great and nice in that area. forty-two freeway north bound our first look at new jersey looking great as we move northbound approaching 295 this is what you are looking at. early risers. you can see early headlights. forty-two freeway will hold steady for a while. blue route north bound past route one looking good here and construction that has cleared at commodore barry bridge eastbound that is all since been cleared, two lanes block now but that is completely cleared out of the way. just a reminder route 101 trolley shuttle busing between orange and providence road through june 17th because of construction. just make note of. that we have departure delays because of the wind at the airport. thirty-one to 45 minutes. if you are traveling by flight, check those schedules on line. those can change minute to minute ever so slightly. jim, back over to you. we're following international breaking news this morning, egyptair yet has gone missing. >> it difficulties a period from radar on its way from par toys cairo last night. "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabao is live from the cbs-3 sat center with the very latest, jan. >> reporter: jim and brooke good morning there were some reports that this plane has crashed. egyptair says those reports were premature but a huge search is underway after egyptair flight 804 flying from paris to cairo disappeared from radar over the mediterranean sea. here's what we know so far. flight left paris charles degall airport at 11:09 p.m. local time. it was lost from radar hours later at 2:45 a.m. flying at 37,000 feet, that is cruising altitude. air bus a320 had entered egyptair space and pay lot made in distress call. egyptian military aircraft and navy ships are taking part in the search efforts. the greece has joined the search as well. ten crew members and security personnel, and 56 passengers were on this flight. they are from a variety of nations including france, egypt, britain, belgium, iraq, kuwait, sued a rain use, sudan, chad, portugal, a algeria and canada. there was a child and two babies on game. family members have started to show up at cairo international airport awaiting word on their loved ones. translators and psychiatric support are on the ground to help as well. now at this point the focus is on the search effort, officials have not commented on a possible cause of what went wrong, egyptair says that the plane's pilot had more than 6,000 hours of flying and the co pilot had close to 3,000, flying hours. this is in the the first time egyptair has been in the news recently, you may remember back in march an egyptair plane was hijacked and diverted to cypress by a man who was mentally unstable. this this morning we're talking about a plane that has vanished from radar, the search is intensifying, jim and brooke, we will keep you up to date but for now back to you. new this morning a housing authority officer is hurt after a crash in northern liberties. police tell us that the car collided with a cruiser after 1:00 a.m. at second and girard avenue. the officer was taken to the hospital for injuries to his arm, the other driver in the crash was in the hurt. the cause of the accident is under investigation. well, in other news today donald trump is giving financial support to new jersey governor chris christie. trump will be in lawrenceville to head line a fund raise tore help christie erase more than $200,000 in campaign debt. the christie dropped out of the presidential race in february. he is currently leading trump's transition team. on the democratic side, front runner hillary clinton is just 90 delegates away from clinching her parties nomination but bernie sanders says he is staying in the race until the even. he rallied supporters in san jose, california last night, callus the next big prize and next round of primaries which takes place on june 7th. also includes new jersey, montana, and new mexico. ed rendell is saying he is or think morning. former pennsylvania governor was blasted for saying the word ugly women, and some other things. "eyewitness news" reporter natasha brown has more on exactly what the governor told the washington post. >> reporter: never once to mix words former pennsylvania governor ed rendell was quick to offer up an apology following comments he made during a recent washington post interview. >> what i said was incredibly stupid and insensitive. >> reporter: we caught up with the former governor the at 30th street station. out spoken democrat has fund himself in the fire storm of controversy after offering his thoughts on donald trump's prospect of success in the philadelphia suburbs. rendell told the newspaper reporter quote will he, donald trump have some appeal to working class democrats in levittown, bristol. sure, rendell goes on to say, trump's past comments about with men will come back to haunt him saying quote for everyone he will lose one and a half, two republican with men. thrum seven's comments like you cannot be a ten if you are flat tested will come back to haunt him. rendell says there are probably more ugly woman in america then tracktive women. people take that stuff personally. >> when i read it in the article i said did i say that? it is dumb, stupid, insensitive and if i offended anybody i apologize sincerely. >> reporter: rendell tried to clear up what he intended to say. >> we have all self image qualms or questions about ourself, and by attacking someone's looks he was attacking an awful lot of people, that is the point i was trying to make but i pick a lousy way to say it. >> reporter: bit of a foot in mouth disease. shawna davis is a political science professor, and she said while rendell's choice of word were inappropriate it no coins den that female voters are a at the information front of this election. >> women have been a key demographic in the last couple of elections. presidential elections. and women can sway the election. >> reporter: former governor rendell was extremely apology get bic house quote ugly women comment, meantime it is not the first time the former governor's comments have landed him in some controversial situations, back in 2010 he said the u.s. quote had become a nation of w u.s.s. ies, following postpone. of a football game due to a snowstorm. in the sat center, natasha brown, cbs-3 "eyewitness news". a psychiatrist says that former pro wrestler jimmy super fly snuka could be faking symptoms to make it look like he is unfit for trial. seven three-year oldies trying avoid a trial in the death of his girl friend, nancy argentino in allentown area hotl room she shared with snuka in 1983. psychiatrist was testifying for the prosecution when he said, quote, snuka switched gears, to appear befuddled. his defense contend snuka suffered head injuries during his wrestling career. you will to have wait a little will longer to take your boost on the poured walk in atlantic city. they put off voting on a plane to a how open containers of alcohol on the boardwalk last night. the council members pulled the proposal because some businesses are worried about the impact it will have on them. supporters say that the restrictions on alcohol will could bring more people to the struggling resort town. now for a look at newspaper headlines across our region. >> from the the front page of the delaware county daily times, residents in upper darby can breathe a sigh of relief as school board decided to bite bullet and hold line on property taxes. the board is recommending no tax increase this year, despite the a six and a half million-dollar budget short fall. on the front page of the mercury, a new building project is being proposed near limerick outlets. developers want to convert 51 acres in to a housing, office and hotel complex. 508 homes are planned but before it can happen the pottsgrove zoning board has to approve six zoning variances. on the front page of the burlington county times, members of the law enforcement gathered together to remember these killed in the line of duty yesterday. the county's annual fallen officer memorial ceremony was held at the county public safety center. >> that is a look at some of the newspaper headlines from around the delaware valley. coming up a special honor for a local legend. >> how basketball pioneers legacy will live on in south philadelphia, we will show you. plus a frightening ride as police officers witness that wild crash and then made a surprising discovery in the wreckage. we also have this ugly altercation, we will show what you canada's prime minister says after a confrontation with lawmakers nearly ended with a fight. and overnight rain is moving out this morning, katie will let you know when we will see one great day and one ugly day this week. your ceiling fan.allsaid he couldn't. and that one time ron said another chili dog was a good idea. yeah, it wasn't. so when ron said you'd never afford a john deere tractor, you knew better. now ron does too. the e series. legendary john deere quality. unexpected low price. e series compact tractors come with an industry-best, six-year, no-cost powertrain warranty. i am totally blind. i lost my sight in afghanistan. if you're totally blind, you may also be struggling with non-24. calling 844-844-2424. or visit welcome back everyone. the time is 5:13. a hero's cops actions are caught on tape in ohio. >> um-hmm. >> watch as he saves a baby following a high speed crash. here's the video from tuesday night. you can see the suspect's car was all over the road, and eventually lost control and crashed, goes around a curve and then burst into flames. new the trooper, quickly got a little boy out of his car seat, the driver faces charges including dui and child endangerment. well, thankfully there are in injuries in this fiery crash of a u.s. air force b52 on the island of qualm, all seven crew members made it out safely when the plane caught fire on take off at anderson air force base. it was about to begin a training mission. the crew was from north dakota a and officials say there was in danger to the area and fuel spills are under control. all right. lets get the latest on the forecast. katie, we saw a lit built of rain and some late evening, one or two drops where you are like is it raining. >> yes, it was. >> yes, basically we're done in the city. but you want to necessity whether that was a bird or rain drop? i know exactly what you are talking about. but thankfully brooke, this is all getting out of have have here right now. we are finding spotty showers across central and southern new jersey and kent county, in delaware. we see, what i'm talking about here. the it is so light. the brunt of is what still out there is out to sea at this point. you can see back edge of cloud cover here too. that is starting to roll in our area so with time, with every passing hour basically we not only dry out but we will clear out, and we will end up with more and more sunshine with time. looking over the lone star state and as well as western oklahoma, some rain currently falling. this is beginning of the next storm that will eventually impact our weekend, for now, all calm, and as high pressure buildness we will have temperatures that get the chance to spike back to where they should be for a change, mid 70's generally for both today and tomorrow but that is as jet stream lifts off to the north, warmth can get drawn in and high pressure is taking back control even if it is for a short period of time. lets look at the pollen report. allergies, this time of the year can be very, very brutal on us but it does appear to be just because we have nicer weather we will see levels climb a little bit here in the median, flirting with medium to high range and still tree pollen remains predominant pollen in the area by saturday we will see it knock back. i will not be shocked if we see this drop back more so for saturday when our next system gets here which we will discuss in the seven day. lets go outside to the school day forecast now easily a b plus. we will flirt with a minus further inland you go because any clouds will give way to sunshine. it end up a nice afternoon. mid 70's by 3:00 p.m. 73 degrees in the city. we are shooting for 74 at some point today. it is a transition day but majority of the day looks darn good. by friday, lovely, i mean 77 and sunshine can you beat that? i don't think so. looking ahead to saturday unfortunately the next storm does role in. it does look like it moves in late morning but once it starts it is here, heaviest rain expect to fall south of philadelphia, but again, it looks like somewhat of a soggy start to the weekend, meisha, over to you. >> yes, soak up the sun while we got it. good morning everyone. happy thursday to you. tacony palmyra bridge is scheduled to open up at 5:20. we are seeing traffic driving through. it is coming up in a couple minutes. make net for those who have to take the tacony palmyra bridge. boulevard, headlights moving southbound direction, before wissohickon avenue looking good a shot of what is going on out there. would i say looking quiet, we have early risers but overall things are looking good and quiet and not jammed and you will be in darn good company. ninety-five south at girard this is what you are looking at here moving in the north and southbound side. i'm watching them both. ninety-five north is usually not a problem. ninety-five south is where we are seeing. we are seeing taillights out there delaware county 95 north the 452 you take this all the way up to the the airport we are looking good here in delaware county. i do want to call your tension to this map right here. we have departure delays at the airport once you get there traveling by flight today up to 31 to 45 minute delays. just make sure to check those schedules on line, jim and brooke, back over to you. well, a special honor for a legend with the 76ers. an official state his,al marker honoring harvey pollack will be unveiled outside the wells far go center. pollack never played a game in the nba but as the team statistician he revolutionized how stats were used in sports. pollack died last year after spending 69 years working for the sixers. it is safe to say that the phillies are the biggest surprise of the baseball season so far. sports director don bell shows us how the phillies briefly played their way in to first place. >> well, fun while it lasted sure, only about seven hours but when you have been waiting for five years you'll take it. phillies month have had into first place for the first time since 2011, and here's how they made it happen. day ball for fightins, as they take on the marlins, tyler goodell in the eighth inning, the rookie, first career home run, for 418 feet. of course, gets back to the dug out no fanfare. teammates completely ignore him like nothing happens. jk just kidding. they celebrate with the kid and the phillies win four-two. they are in the the first place tie with the nationals in the nl east. speaking of the nationals, they were taking on mets, phillies were rooting for the amazings. anthony rendone, jason werth, bryce harper both score and nationals win seven-one. phillies back into second place half game behind the washington. they get the day off and host braves starting on friday. that is all for sports. i'm don bell. have a great the day. get ready for some new shows here on cbs-3. >> see which familiar faces are taking on new rolls. plus, a red carpet controversy, we have to tell but an actress instagram post that is upsetting a lot of people. >> ♪ >> you won't hear michael buble for a while he need vocal cord surgery. he canceled several upcoming performances. the good news his doctors expect a full reconferry. i'm a big fan. >> yes. >> i am. does that surprise you. >> in. >> stay with us. it's me? alright emma, i know it's not your favorite but it's time for your medicine, okay? you ready? one, two, three. [ both ] ♪ emma, emma bo-bemma ♪ banana-fana-fo-femma ♪ fee-fi-fo-femma ♪ em-ma very good sweety, how do you feel? good. yeah? you did a really good job, okay? [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, thank you, from johnson & johnson. get ready for more hit shows right here on cbs-3. >> cbs unveiled its fall prime time line up and as "eyewitness news" anchor ukee washington shows you there are new series, old favorites and a classic reboot. >> new stars of the cbs line up are ready for prime time. network's expanded its comedy schedule with three new series. >> how did you know i wanted it. >> every time commercial came out you kick out your legs and screamed. >> kevin james has a rude, awakening as retired police officer in kevin can wait, part of the monday's two hour comedy block. >> we find out that life takes over and throws a curve ball at you and big change. it is a lot of fun in there but definitely in the the what we expect. >> matt le blank plays a contractor taking on more responsibility at home in man with a plan. >> i think it will be parent nothing a funny way, hopefully a show about parenting for parents. >> reporter: thursday, the great indoors is about a magazine reporter adapting to the digital era. >> jack will be supervising you guys. >> yes. >> reporter: tv's number one comedy big bang theory returns for its tenth season and ncis keeps its tuesday slot leading to the new legal drama, bull. >> client is the enemy. >> der moth stars in the medical drama pure genius about a technology titan trying to revolutionize medicine. >> there is a good chance this show will actually change peoples lives. >> yes, absolutely. >> we need a fingerprint. >> reporter: in a reboot of the old favor mcguyver adds action to the friday night line up. >> i loved that. that was ukee washington reporting. cbs a announced a new spin off of the good wife after the hit series ended earlier this movement show will be available on the cbs all access web site and app. i was thinking about this, this, this will be good, jim because we will find out what happened. it is good wife ended, it was a cliff hanger. we will find out what happen. got to tell you actress blake lively has a lot of people mad right now. it is all about the caption that she wrote for a picture on instagram. here's a shot people are talking about. lively posted a picture of her on the red carpet at cannes with the caption l.a. face with the oakland booty that is a lear frick baby got back, and racially insensitive. so far, lively hasn't responded to the critics though. robin wright is as good at negotiating as she is at acting. this superstar of house of card, demanded and got the same salary as her co-star kevin spacey. wright was making about $80,000 less than spacey, per episode. she threaten to go public with the the pay gap unless she got a raise. that is the kind of move claire underwood would make on the show and claire underwood would be somehow kevin spacey would be paying her as part of his salary. >> it is good. equal pay for equal work. she does a great job in the show but it is funny she was threatening to go public if she didn't get the raise. she still went public. got to tell you. coming up in the next half an her of "eyewitness news" we are continuing to follow breaking news disappearance of an egyptair jet. we're getting new information about a desperate search, justin. >> reporter: that is right, so far lines at the airport are not long at hall but what happens when many more are set to fly? i'm justin finch what airlines and lawmakers are doing now can stop long lines later. i tell you change your pass word? massive security breach that is much worse then first thought. katie? jim, we are still dealing with a little bit of damp roadways here across delaware valley as system retreats but we are not only brightening up but we are warming up. i'll have good news for you you coming up. and meisha is watching thursday morning commute, she will let you know about the early slow spots as you get ready to head out, stay with us. look, i know you're a cow and all. and you may not know what i'm talking about, but, uh. the yogurt made from your milk, is delicious. mmmm, yoplait. breaking news right now vanished from radar, an egyptair plane suddenly disappears, in the middle of the night. we will have the latest clues in the search. good morning i'm brooke thomas. i'm jim donovan. katie is tracking a nice warm up. it will finally feel like may again. here's what you need to know to start your day in the morning minute. >> egyptair jet disappears from radar overnight. >> a huge search is now underway, halfway around the world, and egyptian aviation officials say that egyptair flight 804 flying from paris to cairo disappeared over the mediterranean sea. what i say was incredible stupid and intensive. >> former pennsylvania governor ed rendell is interviewing. >> in the interview with the washington post about donald trump's statements about female. rendell says quote there are probably more ugly woman in america then attractive women, suggest ago this trump's comments with hurt him in the the general election. >> donald trump is throwing financial support to new jersey g

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Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20160519 :

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20160519

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seems like the magic number most every where else. cooler in the mountains but generally that is where we will stand regional wide. as day progresses any included out there will yield for some sunshine. it brightens up with every passing hour's sentencely to the point we are seeing a chance to warm up. seventy-three by 3:00 p.m. we will hit 74. that is a lot closer to seasonal. so we will take this, just average mayday here, meisha. >> we sure will. all right, katie, thank you. so it is thursday. we are almost to friday, taking a look at tacony palmyra bridge scheduled to open up at 5:20. still very dark but letting you know at 5:20 that will open, schuylkill eastbound at spring garden, in center city, looking great and nice in that area. forty-two freeway north bound our first look at new jersey looking great as we move northbound approaching 295 this is what you are looking at. early risers. you can see early headlights. forty-two freeway will hold steady for a while. blue route north bound past route one looking good here and construction that has cleared at commodore barry bridge eastbound that is all since been cleared, two lanes block now but that is completely cleared out of the way. just a reminder route 101 trolley shuttle busing between orange and providence road through june 17th because of construction. just make note of. that we have departure delays because of the wind at the airport. thirty-one to 45 minutes. if you are traveling by flight, check those schedules on line. those can change minute to minute ever so slightly. jim, back over to you. we're following international breaking news this morning, egyptair yet has gone missing. >> it difficulties a period from radar on its way from par toys cairo last night. "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabao is live from the cbs-3 sat center with the very latest, jan. >> reporter: jim and brooke good morning there were some reports that this plane has crashed. egyptair says those reports were premature but a huge search is underway after egyptair flight 804 flying from paris to cairo disappeared from radar over the mediterranean sea. here's what we know so far. flight left paris charles degall airport at 11:09 p.m. local time. it was lost from radar hours later at 2:45 a.m. flying at 37,000 feet, that is cruising altitude. air bus a320 had entered egyptair space and pay lot made in distress call. egyptian military aircraft and navy ships are taking part in the search efforts. the greece has joined the search as well. ten crew members and security personnel, and 56 passengers were on this flight. they are from a variety of nations including france, egypt, britain, belgium, iraq, kuwait, sued a rain use, sudan, chad, portugal, a algeria and canada. there was a child and two babies on game. family members have started to show up at cairo international airport awaiting word on their loved ones. translators and psychiatric support are on the ground to help as well. now at this point the focus is on the search effort, officials have not commented on a possible cause of what went wrong, egyptair says that the plane's pilot had more than 6,000 hours of flying and the co pilot had close to 3,000, flying hours. this is in the the first time egyptair has been in the news recently, you may remember back in march an egyptair plane was hijacked and diverted to cypress by a man who was mentally unstable. this this morning we're talking about a plane that has vanished from radar, the search is intensifying, jim and brooke, we will keep you up to date but for now back to you. new this morning a housing authority officer is hurt after a crash in northern liberties. police tell us that the car collided with a cruiser after 1:00 a.m. at second and girard avenue. the officer was taken to the hospital for injuries to his arm, the other driver in the crash was in the hurt. the cause of the accident is under investigation. well, in other news today donald trump is giving financial support to new jersey governor chris christie. trump will be in lawrenceville to head line a fund raise tore help christie erase more than $200,000 in campaign debt. the christie dropped out of the presidential race in february. he is currently leading trump's transition team. on the democratic side, front runner hillary clinton is just 90 delegates away from clinching her parties nomination but bernie sanders says he is staying in the race until the even. he rallied supporters in san jose, california last night, callus the next big prize and next round of primaries which takes place on june 7th. also includes new jersey, montana, and new mexico. ed rendell is saying he is or think morning. former pennsylvania governor was blasted for saying the word ugly women, and some other things. "eyewitness news" reporter natasha brown has more on exactly what the governor told the washington post. >> reporter: never once to mix words former pennsylvania governor ed rendell was quick to offer up an apology following comments he made during a recent washington post interview. >> what i said was incredibly stupid and insensitive. >> reporter: we caught up with the former governor the at 30th street station. out spoken democrat has fund himself in the fire storm of controversy after offering his thoughts on donald trump's prospect of success in the philadelphia suburbs. rendell told the newspaper reporter quote will he, donald trump have some appeal to working class democrats in levittown, bristol. sure, rendell goes on to say, trump's past comments about with men will come back to haunt him saying quote for everyone he will lose one and a half, two republican with men. thrum seven's comments like you cannot be a ten if you are flat tested will come back to haunt him. rendell says there are probably more ugly woman in america then tracktive women. people take that stuff personally. >> when i read it in the article i said did i say that? it is dumb, stupid, insensitive and if i offended anybody i apologize sincerely. >> reporter: rendell tried to clear up what he intended to say. >> we have all self image qualms or questions about ourself, and by attacking someone's looks he was attacking an awful lot of people, that is the point i was trying to make but i pick a lousy way to say it. >> reporter: bit of a foot in mouth disease. shawna davis is a political science professor, and she said while rendell's choice of word were inappropriate it no coins den that female voters are a at the information front of this election. >> women have been a key demographic in the last couple of elections. presidential elections. and women can sway the election. >> reporter: former governor rendell was extremely apology get bic house quote ugly women comment, meantime it is not the first time the former governor's comments have landed him in some controversial situations, back in 2010 he said the u.s. quote had become a nation of w u.s.s. ies, following postpone. of a football game due to a snowstorm. in the sat center, natasha brown, cbs-3 "eyewitness news". a psychiatrist says that former pro wrestler jimmy super fly snuka could be faking symptoms to make it look like he is unfit for trial. seven three-year oldies trying avoid a trial in the death of his girl friend, nancy argentino in allentown area hotl room she shared with snuka in 1983. psychiatrist was testifying for the prosecution when he said, quote, snuka switched gears, to appear befuddled. his defense contend snuka suffered head injuries during his wrestling career. you will to have wait a little will longer to take your boost on the poured walk in atlantic city. they put off voting on a plane to a how open containers of alcohol on the boardwalk last night. the council members pulled the proposal because some businesses are worried about the impact it will have on them. supporters say that the restrictions on alcohol will could bring more people to the struggling resort town. now for a look at newspaper headlines across our region. >> from the the front page of the delaware county daily times, residents in upper darby can breathe a sigh of relief as school board decided to bite bullet and hold line on property taxes. the board is recommending no tax increase this year, despite the a six and a half million-dollar budget short fall. on the front page of the mercury, a new building project is being proposed near limerick outlets. developers want to convert 51 acres in to a housing, office and hotel complex. 508 homes are planned but before it can happen the pottsgrove zoning board has to approve six zoning variances. on the front page of the burlington county times, members of the law enforcement gathered together to remember these killed in the line of duty yesterday. the county's annual fallen officer memorial ceremony was held at the county public safety center. >> that is a look at some of the newspaper headlines from around the delaware valley. coming up a special honor for a local legend. >> how basketball pioneers legacy will live on in south philadelphia, we will show you. plus a frightening ride as police officers witness that wild crash and then made a surprising discovery in the wreckage. we also have this ugly altercation, we will show what you canada's prime minister says after a confrontation with lawmakers nearly ended with a fight. and overnight rain is moving out this morning, katie will let you know when we will see one great day and one ugly day this week. your ceiling fan.allsaid he couldn't. and that one time ron said another chili dog was a good idea. yeah, it wasn't. so when ron said you'd never afford a john deere tractor, you knew better. now ron does too. the e series. legendary john deere quality. unexpected low price. e series compact tractors come with an industry-best, six-year, no-cost powertrain warranty. i am totally blind. i lost my sight in afghanistan. if you're totally blind, you may also be struggling with non-24. calling 844-844-2424. or visit welcome back everyone. the time is 5:13. a hero's cops actions are caught on tape in ohio. >> um-hmm. >> watch as he saves a baby following a high speed crash. here's the video from tuesday night. you can see the suspect's car was all over the road, and eventually lost control and crashed, goes around a curve and then burst into flames. new the trooper, quickly got a little boy out of his car seat, the driver faces charges including dui and child endangerment. well, thankfully there are in injuries in this fiery crash of a u.s. air force b52 on the island of qualm, all seven crew members made it out safely when the plane caught fire on take off at anderson air force base. it was about to begin a training mission. the crew was from north dakota a and officials say there was in danger to the area and fuel spills are under control. all right. lets get the latest on the forecast. katie, we saw a lit built of rain and some late evening, one or two drops where you are like is it raining. >> yes, it was. >> yes, basically we're done in the city. but you want to necessity whether that was a bird or rain drop? i know exactly what you are talking about. but thankfully brooke, this is all getting out of have have here right now. we are finding spotty showers across central and southern new jersey and kent county, in delaware. we see, what i'm talking about here. the it is so light. the brunt of is what still out there is out to sea at this point. you can see back edge of cloud cover here too. that is starting to roll in our area so with time, with every passing hour basically we not only dry out but we will clear out, and we will end up with more and more sunshine with time. looking over the lone star state and as well as western oklahoma, some rain currently falling. this is beginning of the next storm that will eventually impact our weekend, for now, all calm, and as high pressure buildness we will have temperatures that get the chance to spike back to where they should be for a change, mid 70's generally for both today and tomorrow but that is as jet stream lifts off to the north, warmth can get drawn in and high pressure is taking back control even if it is for a short period of time. lets look at the pollen report. allergies, this time of the year can be very, very brutal on us but it does appear to be just because we have nicer weather we will see levels climb a little bit here in the median, flirting with medium to high range and still tree pollen remains predominant pollen in the area by saturday we will see it knock back. i will not be shocked if we see this drop back more so for saturday when our next system gets here which we will discuss in the seven day. lets go outside to the school day forecast now easily a b plus. we will flirt with a minus further inland you go because any clouds will give way to sunshine. it end up a nice afternoon. mid 70's by 3:00 p.m. 73 degrees in the city. we are shooting for 74 at some point today. it is a transition day but majority of the day looks darn good. by friday, lovely, i mean 77 and sunshine can you beat that? i don't think so. looking ahead to saturday unfortunately the next storm does role in. it does look like it moves in late morning but once it starts it is here, heaviest rain expect to fall south of philadelphia, but again, it looks like somewhat of a soggy start to the weekend, meisha, over to you. >> yes, soak up the sun while we got it. good morning everyone. happy thursday to you. tacony palmyra bridge is scheduled to open up at 5:20. we are seeing traffic driving through. it is coming up in a couple minutes. make net for those who have to take the tacony palmyra bridge. boulevard, headlights moving southbound direction, before wissohickon avenue looking good a shot of what is going on out there. would i say looking quiet, we have early risers but overall things are looking good and quiet and not jammed and you will be in darn good company. ninety-five south at girard this is what you are looking at here moving in the north and southbound side. i'm watching them both. ninety-five north is usually not a problem. ninety-five south is where we are seeing. we are seeing taillights out there delaware county 95 north the 452 you take this all the way up to the the airport we are looking good here in delaware county. i do want to call your tension to this map right here. we have departure delays at the airport once you get there traveling by flight today up to 31 to 45 minute delays. just make sure to check those schedules on line, jim and brooke, back over to you. well, a special honor for a legend with the 76ers. an official state his,al marker honoring harvey pollack will be unveiled outside the wells far go center. pollack never played a game in the nba but as the team statistician he revolutionized how stats were used in sports. pollack died last year after spending 69 years working for the sixers. it is safe to say that the phillies are the biggest surprise of the baseball season so far. sports director don bell shows us how the phillies briefly played their way in to first place. >> well, fun while it lasted sure, only about seven hours but when you have been waiting for five years you'll take it. phillies month have had into first place for the first time since 2011, and here's how they made it happen. day ball for fightins, as they take on the marlins, tyler goodell in the eighth inning, the rookie, first career home run, for 418 feet. of course, gets back to the dug out no fanfare. teammates completely ignore him like nothing happens. jk just kidding. they celebrate with the kid and the phillies win four-two. they are in the the first place tie with the nationals in the nl east. speaking of the nationals, they were taking on mets, phillies were rooting for the amazings. anthony rendone, jason werth, bryce harper both score and nationals win seven-one. phillies back into second place half game behind the washington. they get the day off and host braves starting on friday. that is all for sports. i'm don bell. have a great the day. get ready for some new shows here on cbs-3. >> see which familiar faces are taking on new rolls. plus, a red carpet controversy, we have to tell but an actress instagram post that is upsetting a lot of people. >> ♪ >> you won't hear michael buble for a while he need vocal cord surgery. he canceled several upcoming performances. the good news his doctors expect a full reconferry. i'm a big fan. >> yes. >> i am. does that surprise you. >> in. >> stay with us. it's me? alright emma, i know it's not your favorite but it's time for your medicine, okay? you ready? one, two, three. [ both ] ♪ emma, emma bo-bemma ♪ banana-fana-fo-femma ♪ fee-fi-fo-femma ♪ em-ma very good sweety, how do you feel? good. yeah? you did a really good job, okay? [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, thank you, from johnson & johnson. get ready for more hit shows right here on cbs-3. >> cbs unveiled its fall prime time line up and as "eyewitness news" anchor ukee washington shows you there are new series, old favorites and a classic reboot. >> new stars of the cbs line up are ready for prime time. network's expanded its comedy schedule with three new series. >> how did you know i wanted it. >> every time commercial came out you kick out your legs and screamed. >> kevin james has a rude, awakening as retired police officer in kevin can wait, part of the monday's two hour comedy block. >> we find out that life takes over and throws a curve ball at you and big change. it is a lot of fun in there but definitely in the the what we expect. >> matt le blank plays a contractor taking on more responsibility at home in man with a plan. >> i think it will be parent nothing a funny way, hopefully a show about parenting for parents. >> reporter: thursday, the great indoors is about a magazine reporter adapting to the digital era. >> jack will be supervising you guys. >> yes. >> reporter: tv's number one comedy big bang theory returns for its tenth season and ncis keeps its tuesday slot leading to the new legal drama, bull. >> client is the enemy. >> der moth stars in the medical drama pure genius about a technology titan trying to revolutionize medicine. >> there is a good chance this show will actually change peoples lives. >> yes, absolutely. >> we need a fingerprint. >> reporter: in a reboot of the old favor mcguyver adds action to the friday night line up. >> i loved that. that was ukee washington reporting. cbs a announced a new spin off of the good wife after the hit series ended earlier this movement show will be available on the cbs all access web site and app. i was thinking about this, this, this will be good, jim because we will find out what happened. it is good wife ended, it was a cliff hanger. we will find out what happen. got to tell you actress blake lively has a lot of people mad right now. it is all about the caption that she wrote for a picture on instagram. here's a shot people are talking about. lively posted a picture of her on the red carpet at cannes with the caption l.a. face with the oakland booty that is a lear frick baby got back, and racially insensitive. so far, lively hasn't responded to the critics though. robin wright is as good at negotiating as she is at acting. this superstar of house of card, demanded and got the same salary as her co-star kevin spacey. wright was making about $80,000 less than spacey, per episode. she threaten to go public with the the pay gap unless she got a raise. that is the kind of move claire underwood would make on the show and claire underwood would be somehow kevin spacey would be paying her as part of his salary. >> it is good. equal pay for equal work. she does a great job in the show but it is funny she was threatening to go public if she didn't get the raise. she still went public. got to tell you. coming up in the next half an her of "eyewitness news" we are continuing to follow breaking news disappearance of an egyptair jet. we're getting new information about a desperate search, justin. >> reporter: that is right, so far lines at the airport are not long at hall but what happens when many more are set to fly? i'm justin finch what airlines and lawmakers are doing now can stop long lines later. i tell you change your pass word? massive security breach that is much worse then first thought. katie? jim, we are still dealing with a little bit of damp roadways here across delaware valley as system retreats but we are not only brightening up but we are warming up. i'll have good news for you you coming up. and meisha is watching thursday morning commute, she will let you know about the early slow spots as you get ready to head out, stay with us. look, i know you're a cow and all. and you may not know what i'm talking about, but, uh. the yogurt made from your milk, is delicious. mmmm, yoplait. breaking news right now vanished from radar, an egyptair plane suddenly disappears, in the middle of the night. we will have the latest clues in the search. good morning i'm brooke thomas. i'm jim donovan. katie is tracking a nice warm up. it will finally feel like may again. here's what you need to know to start your day in the morning minute. >> egyptair jet disappears from radar overnight. >> a huge search is now underway, halfway around the world, and egyptian aviation officials say that egyptair flight 804 flying from paris to cairo disappeared over the mediterranean sea. what i say was incredible stupid and intensive. >> former pennsylvania governor ed rendell is interviewing. >> in the interview with the washington post about donald trump's statements about female. rendell says quote there are probably more ugly woman in america then attractive women, suggest ago this trump's comments with hurt him in the the general election. >> donald trump is throwing financial support to new jersey g

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