Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20160427 : comparem

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20160427

thirty-nine in mount pocono and cold enough to prompt frost advisory. let me walk you forward, the day planner, here's how it works. further north you you go brighter it will be. but we will sort of split difference for philadelphia and say that you will see partly sunny skies, more cloud, then sun but generally dry, and as i mentioned further south you go don't be shock if you see a shower, out there. >> thank you so much, good morning everyone. happy wednesday to you. this is where we have a disable vehicle, 95 south near route 322, that left lane is block right now because of that being moved out of the way. volume levels ever so slightly picking up. early risers this morning. we can expect that any day really machine through wednesday, especially. construction 422 westbound off ramp to route 23 is closed, that will be closed, scheduled to be moved out of the way around 5:00 a.m. we will give them a couple extra minutes but that is still closed right there. new jersey your first look at new jersey at 42 freeway north bound at creek road looking quiet approaching 295, looking good. exactly what we want to see. this is what we do in the want to see we have an accident at north philadelphia at broad street and parish street anywhere around this area. would i suggest don't go anywhere near it. accident in delaware route 202 that has been since cleared. burlington bristol bridge was closed overnight and now opened but remember it will be closed again tonight, opened on friday but then closing overnight saturday through monday. jim, back over to you. new this morning a standoff is over in southwest philadelphia. >> three suspects are in custody for a home invasion. police say men held up eight people and inside a home in and pistol whipped a man and woman. two were taken to presbyterian hospital n word on their conditions. then suspects ran in the the nearby home on the 6300 block of elmwood avenue. officers were able to track the suspects there with a real time, crime camera. they set up a barricade and arrested the suspect a short time later. also new this morning this bucks county mother is in jail, accused of a horrific case of child abuse after her daughter died at the hospital. detectives say that 23 year-old kayla moore admitted kicking her two year old daughter in the head and body several times over the weekend. the little girl died at chop on monday. moore is being held, with the bail. donald trump, swept all five states up for grabs in yesterday's primary. >> in addition to pennsylvania and delaware the billion air businessman won in connecticut, maryland, and rhode island. >> hillary clinton won four out of the five, in addition to pennsylvania and delaware. she won connecticut and maryland. bernie sanders won in rhode island. >> "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabao is live in cbs-3 election central with reaction from the winners and losers, good morning, jan. >> reporter: jim and brook, good morning. like you said a donald trump key sweep and key victories for hillary clinton but despite these big wins for the front runners the other candidates don't seem to be backing down. they seem to be hitting the campaign trail yet again today. former secretary of state hillary clinton celebrating her primary wins in philadelphia tuesday night, inside the pennsylvania convention center. >> our campaign is about restoring peoples confidence, in our ability to solve problems to go. >> reporter: she rallied the crowd with the issues most important in her campaign, including health care, education, raising wages and protecting civil rights. now political analyst say sanders campaign may be in trouble with the vermont senator only winning rhode island but sanders maintains he is in the race to win. >> what we are seeing on national polls which have have us 15, 20 points ahead of donald trump, far more than secretary clinton. >> reporter: on the republican side a clean sweep for billion air businessman. >> i am so honor. this was to me our biggest night. >> reporter: rallying his supporters trump called himself the presumptive nominee after tuesday's primary win but he has yet to win necessary delegates and texas senator ted cruz is still hoping for a brokered or contested convention. >> the chosen cat date of washington, the chosen candidate of big money a and lobbyist, they are not going to decide the republican nominee, it will be we, the people. >> reporter: ohio governor john kasich did in the hold any public events last night after results rolled in but earlier this week he and cruz a announced they will coordinate anti trump efforts. kasich clearing path for cruz in indian, cruz returning the favor in oregon and new mexico. trump says he isn't worried. now front runners trump and clinton are going back and forth, looking at a possible general election match up. they are going to war over women. trump says that clinton is playing the woman card saying if she were a man she wouldn't even get 5 percent of the vote. clinton responded well, saying if women's rights is playing women's card then deal her in. brook and jim, back inside to you you. >> thanks, jan. in one of the biggest local races congressman chaka fattah has lost his bid for a 12th term in congress. >> fattah conceded the second congressional district to state representative dwight evans. he ran a reelection campaign while planning for a federal trial on racketeering and conspiracy charges which he denies. "eyewitness news" spoke exclusively with fattah as he left his headquarters. >> i'm thankful for those who supported me. how are you doing, man, good to see you. and we think it is time for the spotlight to turn to those who won election this is evening. >> all right. >> evans didn't bring up congressman fat take's legal trouble but instead after his victory he he talk about changing the tone in washington. >> we need to pull together. that is what i want to do. i wanting to there and really figure out how we work with people. i think that is important. i'm not interested in the political process but want to get results. >> evans faces republican james jones in the november elections. 81 percent of the voters in the second congressional district are democrats. well, it is one of the race that he is could decide who controls the u.s. senate, pennsylvania democrats chose katie mcginty as their nominee and she defeated former congressman joe sestak, john fetterman and joseph vodvarka a. mcginty says if elect the real winner will be pennsylvania's families. >> you know, they have feeling the squeeze, hard working families, feeling ace squeeze, they are working harder and they are not getting a head. >> mcginty is challenging incumbent republican pat toomey, what hes unopposed in the primary. toomey plans to focus on the economy and fighting terrorism. >> america faces some big challenge is a head and we have an economy that is in the growing fast enough, threat of the terrorism is expanding, and the government in washington just isn't getting the job done. >> in the the race to replace pennsylvania attorney general kathleen kane, josh shapiro wins the democratic nomination. he defeated steven zappala and john morganelli getting 47 percent of the vote. shapiro will face republican john rafferty, he defeated joseph peters 64 percent to 36. stay with "eyewitness news" as we stay on top of campaign 2016, we're the road to the white house as it returns to philadelphia for the the, democratic national convention in july. new for a look at newspaper headlines across our region. >> press of atlantic city, new jersey forest fire service spotted a 95-acre blaze tuesday in winslow township camden county just near the boarder with atlantic county. service has been warning of high fire dangers throughout south jersey largely due to low humidity and not much rainfall. times of the trenton is reporting kansas police and princeton university are asking students to be on the look out for a peeping tom. this have been two incidents of a man peering into a residence hall windows earlier this month. in the delaware county daily times wawa began offering free wifi tuesday for customers at its 700 plus stores. the service is available through a collaboration between retailer and comcast. all you have to do is pick xfinity wifi network on your phone and tablet and you will be connect to the wifi for free. >> that is a a look the at some of the newspaper headlines from around the delaware valley. coming up a ride to school nearlyend in disaster for a young boy in new jersey. >> he put our son in danger that day. i mean he could have died good dangerous situation that the boy says the bus driver put him in and trouble that she's in right now. also sam bradford made it clear he wants out of philadelphia but he said don't just trade him anywhere the one place the quarterback does not wanting to. after a hot stormy day katie says it is cooling off but now she has her eye on more rain, she's timing out the wet weather, stay with us. thank you so much. did you say honey? hey, try some? mmm that is tasty. is it real? of course... are you? nope animated you know i'm always looking for real honey for honey nut cheerios well you've come to the right place. great, mind if i have another taste? not at all mmm you're all right bud? never better i don't know if he likes that. yeah part of the complete breakfast welcome back, it is 5:13. new this morning two philadelphia police officers are hurt in the hit and run crash that set off a bizarre chain of events. >> let get out to the scene in fair mount where justin finch is sorting it all out, justin. >> brook, jim, very involved story going on right here, active scene behind me but lets backup and tell you how this all began this morning a few hours ago on broad and brown street where two under cover officers were heading south toward central detectives. they are stuck at the scene in their unmark pickup truck by a dark sedan. the driver of that sedan leaves the vehicle, a third car pulls up this white car right here, this vehicle pulls up, the driver is inside, he apparently is stunned by this crash. he gets out. his carries still rolling. two men at least two men jump in this car and they make a run for it heading south on broad looping around fair mount to 15th street and they strike a moving vehicle. i want to bring it over here. that is the car over here this vehicle struck as it was moving here on 15th street. there were occupants inside, by some counts there were four people inside this car at the time of the crash. we are hearing in one here was harm this white car struck this vehicle here dark sedan here this car was park here on 15th, when this vehicle struck it. we do know those two officers were taken to hahnemann at least one may have suffered a concussion, that is where they are at this time. the two people, at least two people perhaps who were in this car, they were seen running away from the scene. we are told one person is a male, wearing a red hoodie, police are here processing this scene sorting this all out and several tow trucks here are on the scene after this crash. again a lot to figure out here. thirty lease are on the case right now. those two officers should be okay. we are talking about at least three people at large as a result of these two crashes, one involving police, one involving a park car as well as a moving vehicle, brook and jim we will bring you much more as we get it, back over to you. >> lots of information there, thanks, justin. this next story will have you shaking your head. >> parents of the pennsylvania boy they are angry after a school bus driver asked their sons to move a live power line. patricia ryans drove the bus in the lines in penn township when she made the unusual request of her middle school passengers. >> i went out and then i touched the wire and i got burn. >> hopefully this woman understands she put my child's life in danger, you know, and it is unacceptable. >> tyler's injury was only superficial. ryan has been fired by the bus company and now faces endangering welfare of the child and reckless endangerment charges. wow. >> let's get a check of the forecast. i don't even want to comment on that one. katie. >> guys, we are looking ahead to a day that is a transition for our area we did have some strong thunderstorms that rumbled through yesterday. thankfully those have become a memory but we are still dealing with the same frontal boundary and i'll explain. let go outside and show you the live view from the live neighborhood network. off in the distance at palmyra cove nature park center city sky line. it is more visible but there are still cloud out there. forty-seven is current temperature at this observation site but a lot cooler out there by comparison. lets look at storm scan. here's the front that brought in the storms yesterday, it is trying to dive south but it is getting stuck. as a result of that since it is still nearby we have to allow for a shower for some, especially south of philadelphia, although further are north you travel, lehigh will valley, up in the poconos you will probably see more sun then anything. this latest storm system is barreling through central plains and multiple severe weather on it breaks across this area. this is a storm that will be heading our way. at this point for the most part it is bringing in some showers. lets look at the pattern. here's the first front and we will jump through to 9:00 a.m. is there a ever slight chance of the shower to roll rel through once or twice today but it is split. further are north it is completely cleared. that why is we call it half and half kind of a forecast. then we will see next system rolling in the one that is over the plains coming in with just april showers both thursday and very likely on friday as well since it is a slow mover. your school day forecast we have decided to be generous. even though we are likely to see a shower off to the south we have a solid b. it is cooler by comparison but we are back to the dose of reality. mid 60's where we will top off the at 3:00 p.m. in philadelphia we will expect to reach 64 degrees at some point today. then fresh round of the showers and damp weather coming through on thursday and friday limit warmth we are stuck in the lower 60's. some below average days here, meisha. >> it seems that way, some people will be happen bye that. i'm's not particularly happen bye that. good morning. happy wednesday. this is what we have a disable vehicle i-95 south near route 322, was block ago this far right lane, and it is pull off in the median the not causing too many slow downs clearly but i will say make note it is out there heading out there because it is so dark and very hard to see that vehicle. construction 422 westbound where we are still waiting for this to clear, off ram township route 23 is closed should be clearing around 5:00 . make net that crews are still working in that area. ben franklin bridge for those moving in the the west bun direction looking good. take a look at this, volume level still very light in this stretch and also boulevard southbound you can see early risers moving in the southbound direction toward the schuylkill. once you jump on the schuylkill moving in the westbound direction in city avenue this is what you are looking at. overall things are looking okay there accident hit and run in north philadelphia is all clear between parish street between 15th and broad. make net of this. that has since been cleared. we have construction out there, county line road between centennial road and second street pike, a lot of construction and activity out there as well. jim and brook back over to you. sam bradford wants out of philadelphia but one place eagles quarterback says he does not wanting to. >> phillies try to go for their second straight win, here's don bell, with your morning sport. >> reporter: jeremy hellickson takes the mound in game two against nationals. last time jeremy faced kid in d.c. they roughed him up for seven runs. last night phillies snap the nationals eight game home winning streak to d.c. vince velasquez got some early run support, in fact, it came in the first. andres blanco, a two run shot, off the nationals. bottom of the fifth, ryan zimmerman with the pay back, hit to right, scoring rendone and we are tied at three. now to the seventh, milk willal franco going deep center field, back, still going back, off the wall it goes. one run is in. all phillies need and they beat the nationals four-three, your final score. >> the flyers fell short of their ultimate goal, but on a personal level, wayne simmonds achieved many goals, 32 of them to be exact. that was a career high. new flyers lost their first round series against the capitals four-two but overall it was a good season for orange and black. this team though, he knows, he is on the rise. >> we have a great core, great group of guys, have one likes each other. we are pretty tight. this year we have built and got better through the year. i don't think we're too far off. >> meanwhile brayden schenn will pay the price, yesterday the nhl suspended flyers forward for hitting oshi the capitals player in the head and schenn will miss first three games of next season. the drama a continues, eagles poised to take a quarterback with thursday's draft, all of the talk business their current qb, here's the latest from the sam bradford rumor million, jeff darlington of nfl network says jets are not interested in bradford and bradford does not the want to play for chip kelly in san francisco. drafted tomorrow in chicago and i will there been live starting tonight at 5:00. that is your sports, i'm don bell, have a great day. baseball fans in philadelphia and oakland are mourning death of the philadelphia native and oakland a's pitcher sean murphy. murphy grew up in fishtown and went to north catholic high school and drafted by a's in 2010 and work his way up to triple a. he missed last season with tommy john surgery and was suspended in february after a second positive drug test. sean murphy was 27 years old. hershey is branching out beyond candy, the various different bars the company will start selling. new battle is brewing in the aftermath of prince death, who could ultimately make the decision about where the singer's millions will go. stay with us. trading-in or selling your car, truck or suv? takes the hassle out of selling in just 3 easy steps. one, get your free online valuation. two, drive to your local car buying center. and three, walk out with your check in as little as 30 minutes ! so don't wait...get your free online valuation now at ♪find out how much your car is worth at♪ welcome back. the future of prince's huge estate is actually up in the air after the singer died without a will. >> cbs news correspondent jamie youkiss takes a look at what happens next to prince millions of dollars. >> ♪ kiss >> in life, prince was in total control of his music but in death, it a peers control may be turned over to a judge. these court documents filed on behalf of his sister tyka nelson says she does not necessity of april existence of the will and request appointment of the special administrators to divide his estate. entertainment lawyer ken has work for prince in the past. how does he not have a will. >> within logical explanation was he never expect to die. >> reporter: he says he is surprised given prince army of lawyers. >> i was in the room once about ten years ago and somebody posed a question how many here work for prince and 15 competent known music lawyers raised their hand. >> reporter: in addition to nelson, court documents list six half siblings who under minnesota a law are equal he irs. >> ♪ >> prince total assets are unknown but his reported network including his paisley park property is 300 million-dollar. >> ♪ purple rain >> reporter: his music catalogue which included a unpublic reporting with miles davis could be worth hundreds of millions more. the investigation into what caused prince death is underway but a prehim nature i cause have of death could come within the week. in men so the, jamie youkiss, cbs news. prince former band the revolution announced they will reunite for tribute shows later this year. so far they have not announced any days or locations for the concert but we will keep you posted. well, coming up next object "eyewitness news" more big wins for hillary clinton and donald trump see the moment during trump's victory speech that is going viral this morning. i'm a little overwhelmed. we are not used to this many thank yous. >> that officer is called a hero see how his quick thinking saved a man's life, katie. brook, thankfully things are dry out here on the sky deck but it will not necessarily, stay try for everyone, we will tell you where the april showers are set to return and also more showers chances down the road, full details in the the forecast coming up. hillary clinton and donald trump cement their status as front runners in the race for the white house. dominating wins and new fight between the leading candidates. good morning i'm brook thomas. i'm jim donovan. we will break down results from yesterday's big races but here's what you need to know to start your day in the morning minute. >> three people are in police custody after a home invation and standoff in southwest philadelphia. police say that the men held up eight people inside a home and pistol whipped a man and woman. thank you, pennsylvania. >> hundreds of the supporters celebrated a double digit victory in the state of pennsylvania, helpingid

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Camden County , New Jersey , United States , Presbyterian Hospital , Pennsylvania , Oakland , California , Texas , Delaware County , Philadelphia , Vermont , Delaware , Minnesota , Rhode Island , Center Field , Ohio , New Mexico , Oregon , Washington , District Of Columbia , Princeton University , San Francisco , Connecticut , Atlantic County , Atlantic City , Maryland , Trenton , Kansas , Jersey , Palmyra , Chicago , Illinois , America , John Fetterman , John Rafferty , John Kasich , Dwight Evans , Steven Zappala , James Jones , Jeff Darlington , Wayne Simmonds , Justin Finch , Josh Shapiro , Joseph Peters , Kathleen Kane , Xfinity Wifi , Andres Blanco , C Vince Velasquez , Sam Bradford , Jim Donovan , Don Bell , Chaka Fattah , John Morganelli , Pat Toomey , Sean Murphy , Tommy John , Ted Cruz , Hillary Clinton , Ryan Zimmerman , Kayla Moore , Joe Sestak , Bernie Sanders ,

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