Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20160226 : comparem

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20160226

not again affecting us, just few extra clouds, you will notice that wind. currently at 37 degrees, at the airport, 32 in allentown, 32 in reading, 32 in lancaster. do me favor, just do the math in your head knock 10 degrees off the values. actually feels like outside, since it is still pretty blustery, we've got winds speeds as high as 25 miles per hour, any time today, and gust that is easily get into the 30's, and, again, it will make these already colder temperatures feel a lot chillier than that. so, with that said, daytime high expected to reach about 40 degrees today. that is shy of seasonable by a hand full. not terrible, but, again the winds is what's really going to make it feel like winter today. so with the whipped chills in the 20's, bundle up adequately, the week lend start to rebounds nicely, sunday specially looking beautiful, little dose of april on the way, which we'll discuss, then we eventually have to track some additional rain chances, into next week, so we will outline more of when that would occur, coming up, as the show goes on, meisha? >> that will be good to know. thanks so much, katie. good morning, everyone, happy friday if you are just waking up with us. we're so happy you're here, grabbing the first cup of coffee. ninety-five south between route one, business route one, right lane is still blocked. see the cones still in place, not causing too many slow downs right now, but an area that certainly will, gets cleared out of our way and i'll let you know whether it does, vine looking good, early risers moving in the eastbound direction, westbound looking real nice, real quiet in fact. just even couple of vehicles out there. overall vine looking good. new jersey 42 freeway northbound at creek road. looking good as well as you approach 29a what you are looking at. looking good. as you can see, 42 freeway always one of the roads that start to heat up quicker than i would say some other areas. make note of that, taking 42 north, already starting to heat up, just cracking into the 5:00 hour. construction delaware 495 southbound between the pike, right lane, block until 6:00 a.m. so ill of course let you know when that lift. do have water main break, north trooper road at clark hill drive. make note of that for those every in you and around that area, and we've got debris in the roadway. now al gahm inning owe roadblocked at front street. >> busy night for philadelphia firefighters, battling these huge flames, right here, at local restaurant. "eyewitness news" was thereto capture that intense situation for you. we want to check in with justin finch at the scene for just germantown with more of that destruction. justin, good morning. >> reporter: erika, good morning, the cause of this fire is still under investigation this morning. as you can see hine me here, hours later crews are still here stamping out hot spots here at the house of jin. now those lad remembers lands every so crews could use host toss soak the widespread fire at ground high. grounds level, scorched. grounds level scorched, glassen cased dining area, the fire was called in at about 1:00 this morning, some two hours after closing time. when crews arrived, they found the house of jin taking heavy fire. house of jin serves chinese and japanese food here along the 200 block every west chelten. the fire could be seen riding rooftops and dancing along ledges, inside we're told that flames gutted almost all of the house of jin from the kitchen out to the dining area, about 2:00 this morning, the fire was brought under control about an hour after the first report. now, crews again remain on scene, making sure this fire has no chance of restarting. and, looking back out live, perhaps you can see that, the hoses are still pouring down on the back of this, a we are toll here on scene that the area where the kitchen; but at this time, there is no official cause of this fire, again, that does remain under investigation this morning. the good news is no injuries to report here on scene, but i can tell you if you do travel in the germantown area, that west chelten here is closed between pole as ski and wayne avenues, live in germantown, justin finch, cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> thank you for the update. news this morning, police say man was shot by his own brother in northeast philadelphia. detective tell us the victim was shot in the chest around 11:00 last night on the 3100 block of woodhaven road. we're told he's now in the hospital, in unstable condition. that man's brother was taken into custody a few hours later. right now, investigators do not have a motive for that violence. a deadly rampage at kansas manufacturing plant is under investigation this morning. three people were killed before police could take down the gunman. as don champion reports, police now trying to figure out the motive. >> investigators describe a chaotic scene inside this plant near wichita, kansas, when a gunman opened fire. >> the shooter was actively firing on any targets that came across this site. >> police say an employee shot 15 people at ex he will industries shortly after 5:00 thursday in his hospital bed jesus remembered the moment he got hit. >> people were just running saying somebody was shooting, and actually i felt, i got hit in the leg, and i turned and started running. >> law enforcement source tells "eyewitness news" the shooter cedric ford killed in a gun fight with the first officer who got to the scene. josh tucker new him. >> everything was hung i dorey, i mean, didn't seem like this kind of guy. >> before getting to the plant investigators say the gunman randomly shot at motorists hitting two, anxious families member could be seen looking for their loved ones. >> i feel like i'm in nightmare right now. >> jennifer says someone got shot right next to her husband. >> i heard my husband's voice, but i won't be happy until i see him in person. >> moments happened that happened on live television. >> oh, my god, oh, my god. >> you can come in here. >> the atf and f.b.i. are helping with the investigation. don champion, for cbs-3, "eyewitness news". two philadelphia police officers are talking about their frightening run in with a suspect who threatened them. "eyewitness news" reporter david spunt has this story of the officers ' quick decision that's making the police commissioner stand up and take notice. >> philadelphia police officer, michael edwards, drove through mifflin park in south philadelphia thursday night. his typical beat. twenty-four hours earlier, he feared for his life in the same place after he says 20 year old sheree came to up his car, knock on the door, and asked for help. except he didn't want help. >> his first response was i should below your f head off. >> it happened just after 6:00 wednesday night. edwards says after the threat, haines blocked him in his squad car and wouldn't let him out. finally, officer edwards was able to make it out of the car, but he said the taunting continued. >> pulled his hand back out, and pointed it at me as if he was holding the gun, as he was -- as he was pulling the trigger after gun. and i continued to aim my firearm at him. >> edwards called for back up, and officer eric tyler was on the scene in minutes to help. they told haines to stand back. but they say he didn't listen. officer tyler pulled out his taster and hit haines. he was then in handicuffs seconds later. >> nothing routine about police work, and it is just a reaction, and i reacted, and we're both here today because of it. >> now, both officers are being recognized for their quick thinking, and choice to use a taster instead after gun. >> they were brave. they made us proud. everybody survived including the suspect t speaks volumes what we do as a profession each and every day. >> when commissioner richard ross heard of the noise, he thought of jesse heart necessary ambushed last month. heart necessary now recovering from multiple gunshot wounds and his shoot is her behind bars. hartnett will eventually be back on the street, that's what these two are happy to be doing, one day after acinal knock on a car door changed their lives. >> i'm still here. he's not dead. he's still alive in custody. and that's what i am ' thankful for. >> the suspect sharif haines didn't actually have a gun, but it doesn't matter, he is facing several charges this morning. i asked commissioner richard ross about the incident, he says, that even though haines did not have a gun, he says, if his officers decided to use deadly force, it would be justified in his eyes. reporting at police headquarters this morning, david spunt, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". >> 5:09 right now. republican candidate clash in their last debate before the critical votes on super tuesday. >> if he hadn't heard of $200 million -- >> no, no, no. >> donald trump caught in the crossfire of the biggest attacks. see the fiery exchange that is one of the most talked about moments of the night. >> we should have known about this before now. it is very scary. >> hundreds of patient are on edge after a health scare at a local hospital. the dangerous move that may have exposed them to hiv and help tight. >> ♪ >> only one more day of work before the weaken, katie will tell us when the best time is to get outside and enjoy the spring like temperatures, to warm you up on this cool winter like morning. her full forecast when we come back. since 1961, pearle vision has provided the neighborhood with expert eye care. that was dr. stanley pearle's vision and we still proudly carry on his legacy. today, doctors like lisa hamilton perform eye exams that can help detect diabetes. because we care for you... and your eyes. this is genuine eye care, in your neighborhood. this is pearle vision. >> 5gop good candidates back on the campaign trail. senators marco rubio and ted cruz took on donald trump. as omar villafranca reports, the other candidates all but ignored. >> the republican presidential frontrunner donald trump was the target of most of the punches in last night's debate. many coming from marco rubio. this fiery exchange on healthcare was the most tweeted moment of the night. >> the biggest thing we've got and the reason we have no competition is because we have lines around the state. >> is that the only part of the plan, lines? >> you have many different plans. you will have competition. you will have so many different plans. >> now he is repeating himself. >> no, i am not repeating. >> attacks between trump and ted cruz got personal. >> donald, relax. >> go ahead, i'm relaxed. you're a basket case. >> also took hits from people off stage. the billionaire candidate said he hasn't released his tax returns because he's being audited. but former presidential candidate mitt romney questioned the response via twitter. >> he just wants to remain relevant. he'll support marco rubio. >> as the top three contenders went head-to-head, two lower polling candidates, john kasich, ben carson, struggled to gain the spotlight. >> can somebody attack me please? >> the former neurosurgeon criticized the tone of the night. >> i think there was no attempt whatsoever to be equitable with the time or with the questions. >> while the ohio governor appeared more optimistic. >> i think i kind of traded and sent a message to people around the country about the fact that i'm qualified to be president of the united states. >> close to 600 delegates are up for grabs in next week's super tuesday contest. omar villafranca, cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> now both democratic presidential canned dawned are keeping their attention on south carolina ahead of tomorrow's primary. hillary clinton pick up critical endorsement from senate minority leader harry reid. senator bernie sanders will begin his day with a stop in minute society, a then head to the palmetto state. >> clean up continues in lancaster county where ef2 tornado touched down on wednesday, they confirmed it, chopper three over saulsbury township right there. the damages you see, just widespread. it is an area about 400 yards wide, and 5 miles long. up to 50 homes and buildings were damaged, many of them belonging to the amish. one woman was with the amish when the twister rolled in. >> i told my neighbor, because i was the only english person there, that we needed to get out of there now. as soon as we went to stand up, the whole thing shook. >> now, there were building -- the rebuilding process is already underway. fortunately no one was injured by that tornado, just so grateful for. that will katie, pretty rare to see a tornado this time of year, right? >> it absolutely is, in fact, we've never seen a february tornado that far strength in our area. yep, so this definitely is sort of just a sign of the way our atmosphere has been working in recent months, so you have heard so much in recent headlines about the el nino playing a role. and at least across the plane states, there may end up being a more severe weather season, you know, more impact full weather season across the region just based on the way the atmosphere flow has been. i want to focus more detail of what happened with that tornado in lancaster county, as we go into the eastern portion that far county, it was an ef2, remember, that means you had wind speeds of 120 to 125 miles per hour, a long path lent frankly as we mentioned as well, four # .7 miles specifically, with 50 buildings damaged it is amazing there weren't any kind of injuries or fatalities out of. that will storm scan3 at the moment is also still showing some signs of life, not necessarily here locally, hands full of clouds overhead, but winds driven lake enhanced snowfall there. very, very light in nature. don't expect any of it will actually fall here, but, it shows you where the wind flow is coming from. and as it does come through from the northwest, man, it is feeling chilly here on the skydeck it, will do so all day. so i like to sort of think happy warm thoughts, you know, with spring so close by, we are at this point, 38 days until the average hi, is 60 degrees. but, i've got some good news coming up in the seven day here, mother nature does what she wants. she'll sends us nice little package of warms for the weaken here, so for now while blustery, definately coal, high only hits 40 degrees, but feels probably no better than the 20's today. seven day forecast has gorgeous weather up its sleeve. sunday specially, there you go, 06 and sunshine, can't beat. that will that's day to absolutely get outside while you can. although we stay above average looks like here, easily into the middle part of the week. how much, come next mid-week, new shot for wet weather at this point, since temperatures are in the mid 50's wednesday, looks like it is rain producing system, but more on that of course as we get closer. for now, meisha, chilly for now, then warming up. >> yes, it is chilly this morning, absolutely. thanks so much, good morning, everyone, happy friday. 60s are in the forecast, sunday we have our eyes set on it, but first, we got to get through today, and it is looking actually pretty nice so far. take a look at this, blue route, headlight moving in the northbound direction, this is approaching the schuylkill, and you can see, we do have some early risers, right around here moving in the northbound direction, but overall things are -- this is not concerning at all, especially on a friday. we know that friday's tend to be one of the lighter days, we do have construction bucks county, see the camera casino of waving around, letting you know it is windy out there. is in bucks county like i said, nine at south between route one, business route one, right lane blocked due to some flashing light, you have the cones in place, as well. so just make note that far for those of in you and around this area. not causing too many slow downs right now, but it certainly could, as we progress through the morning if that doesn't get cleared out of the way. right now still out there. nine at south at cottman, coming around the s curve follow it all the way looking good, do have construction vehicles, won't slow you down too much. coming around the s curve, traveling at posted speeds obviously mainly what i am looking at this morning. we do have water main break north trooper road at clark hill drive. make note that far for those of you in and around that area, erika, back to you. >> bill cosby has dropped his defemation lawsuit against super model beverly johnson. johnson accuses cosby of drugging her in the 1980s. she repeated the allegation when number of women came forward with claims that cosby sexually assaulted them. cosby responded with a lawsuit saying she started making the allegation again recently help revive her career. cosby's attorney says the lawsuit was dropped last week so he can focus on his criminal trial in montgomery county. but adds he plans to refile it before the statute of limitations expires. 5:19 right now. and bakery is shaking up traditional breakfast options. see the unusual combination as becoming the newest breakfast sensation. >> also: what is in your wine? it is more than just grapes. the surprising ingredients that you probably never new existed, and how to avoid drinking them. with heart failure, danger is always on the rise. symptoms worsen because your heart isn't pumping well. (water filling room) about 50 percent of people die (dog whimpering) within 5 years of getting diagnosed. but there's something you can do. talk to your doctor about heart failure treatment options. because the more you know, the more likely you are... (dog whimpering) to keep it pumping. >> here is something to think about before you have that glass of wine this weekend. what's real any it? health reporter stephanie stahl explains, chances are there is stuff in there that you never new existed. >> a nice relaxing glass of wine. figure ' drinking ferment dollars grape juice, right? >> when you drink a glass of wine, especially a relatively inexpensive wine, you are drinking a huger ray of compounds and chemicals that you have no idea are present in the wine. >> christopher studied content of modestly priced wines, in addition to sugar, water can be more than 200 additives in wine, including mega purple for coloring, gel continue for texture, and a chemical called developklorine that kills living organism. >> increasingly. >> wine additives just like any other processed food item. >> i don't think additives in wine are something to worry about right now. we have very good, very strict food regulations in the united states in in you want to avoid, look for organic or natural wine, which can be more expensive. many say, just like with food, the contents of wine should also be labeled. >> well, i want to know what i am eating. and i definitely want to know what i am drinking, tooment labels should be required on wine the same way they are with any food stuff. >> current regulations only require wine makers to disclose if sulfates, preservative, are present. a spokesperson for the wine industry trade group wine merced the current labeling standards for wine are adequate. i'm stephanie stahl, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". the world is so of beer and spa have collided to create america's first beer spa. hop and the spa opened its doors in sisters, oregon, hops are used for relaxation, coming in the forms every baths, body wraps, facial scrubs. the owner says the experience beer spa in europe, and the industry was hopping. >> i soaked in it, use it, my pains went away, i slept great. >> great for insomnia, relaxation. >> hops had been known to have med is nan properties since the beginning of civilization, owner says, listen to there is did to the start drinking beer until three months ago. >> all right, well, what would you rather have for breakfast, bagel or donut? well, why not have the best of both worlds? a new york bakery changing the way we think about breakfast by creating this, the everything donut. >> oh, my. >> it is a donut, topped with cream cheese glaze, little savory, then sprinkled with sesame seeds, poppy seeds, pumpkin seeds, satisfy salt, garlic. people have tried this thing says it tastes like an everything bagel but light and fluffy, too, they call it the perfect combination of sweet and salty. this sounds delicious. >> ya. >> you know, i feel like at first glance, maybe it is casino of an interesting, like, i don't know about it, but the more i think about it, the more i think i would love it. >> absolutely. >> you had me at cream cheese. >> oh, ya? >> cream frees frosting? oh, i could drink that stuff. >> and kind of looks like sprinkles on the top to me. >> who needs cake on their birthday? get some of those, garlic and sprinkles. >> bring them on in. >> coming up in the next half hour, catholic school refuses re turning a crime into a blessing. >> erika, a gruesome discovery. ten dead dogs found over the course everyone week on one germantown block. i'm jan carabeo, coming up, the message the pspca now has for who ever is responsible. >> jan, thanks. get ready for winning weekend. katie let us know the best day to spends some time outside. going to flirt with feeling like spring. also, meisha is keeping an eye on your friday morning commute. she let us know about any construction to avoid early this morning. we'll be right back. this is really horrendous. >> gruesome discovery, several dogs found dead in a neighborhood. previous trouble at the same spot, and what office ers want to see happen at that house. we're still cold and windy start, getting ready for nice weekend warm up. it will feel went near spring. if you are waking up, walking the dog, getting the paper thinking man this is cold. good news coming your way. you feel when you walk outside. >> certainly do. i felt that right away. good news, the roadways are nice and dry, great for the morning commuters. but 60s, i just can't stop thinking about that. >> on the way to nice spring like warmth for sure. got to get through today, though. today will be the cold day. so really coldest, expecting the temperatures to not only stay below average, in terms of technically what they read on the they are mom term, but it will feel so much colder any t t

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United States , New York , Clark Hill , Wichita , Kansas , Japan , Lancaster County , South Carolina , New Jersey , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Mifflin Park , Delaware , China , Montgomery County , Allentown , Germantown , Ohio , Oregon , Palmetto , America , Chinese , Japanese , Harry Reid , Richard Ross , Stephanie Stahl , Marco Rubio , Ben Carson , Sharif Haines , El Nino , John Kasich , Beverly Johnson , Cedric Ford , Eric Tyler , Ted Cruz , Michael Edwards , Bernie Sanders ,

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