Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20151130 : comparem

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20151130

milder air. so, here's how it looks outside right now. not terrible. visibility good. you have got nice clearview of the city sky scape, far off in the distance here from palmyra cove nature park, in the live neighborhood network. temperature difference, you are about 10 degrees colder, give or take, even colder out in allentown than it was this same time yesterday. 15 degrees difference, so you want to grab the heaviest coat on the way out the door, tad breezy depending on location, 20's, 30's, translate to the thermometer read, as the day progresses expect to go evening out somewhat of cool day anyway. pretty seasonable day, all things considered, normal high 50 degrees here in philadelphia, will eventually also be a shower to track here and there, that shower will turn into more just steady rain with time. we will track it all coming up, justin. >> so let's enjoy today's travel conditions with the dry weather, tomorrow morning different store which that rain. let's take you into new jersey, 42 freeway, northbound, headlights, looking pretty good volume picking up just little bit. speeds are if good shape. ben franklin bridge, from camden, headed into the city also no problems, out bound, same deal, very quiet conditions, we take you to the boulevard, looking southbound here, wissahickon avenue. both directions north and southbound, southbound are the headlights, look good, headed toward the schuylkill expressway. now, the accident continues, just north of doylestown, this is plum stealth township, durham road remains closed near stump road due to downed polls and wires. also, construction zone on the shoulder, route 202 southbound, between 401 and route 30. mass transit report nothing delays, that's a look at your ride, nicole, back to you. >> justin, thank you. developing right now, report of gunfire, in the montgomery county neighborhood. "eyewitness news" reporter justin finch is live at the scene in hatfield with the very latest. justin? >> nicole, good morning, just moments ago, we did see coroner's van pull up here to the scene, confirmation that this is indeed a fatal shooting now under investigation here in hatfield township. now, at this time, details are slim. but we do know that calls after shooting came in close to 2:00 this morning, bringing police to the 100 block of diamond street, and they have remained here ever since. now, at the scene, there are reports now this morning that this is likely a multiple shooting. there are no reports of anyone, hospitalized or treated on the ground here, but we have spoken to a neighborhood who calls the blocks around here very quiet and word of possible fatal shooting, could signal, he says, a rough time for some. >> this little disturbing to have, you know, knowing people have issues in your neighborhood, and, you know, and they don't get help for it. they resort to violence. violence is never the answer. >> again, this morning, reports of a multiple shooting here on the 100 block of diamond street. no word at this time if police are looking for a suspect, though, now we have seen a coroner's van arrive indicating this is now a fatal shooting. now, later this morning, we are standing by for an update from the montgo county d.a.'s office. we'll bring you that of course as we get it. live here from the scene here in hatfield township, justin finch, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". >> justin, thanks for that update. meanwhile, five local fire fight remembers recovering this morning, after authorities say their firetrucks scratched into west philadelphia, while on the way to responding to a call. surveillance video shows the moment of impact at the corner of 55th and baltimore where the truck lost control yesterday morning and hit two parked cars. one eyewitness was working nearby at the time when he heard the loud crash. >> he was crazy. i felt like i tell you, man, real craze. >> i how loud was it? >> like a bomb. yes, it was just like a bomb. >> fortunately officials say no one else was injured. all five firefighters are expected to fully recover. it is still unclear at this time what cause that firetruck to lose control. well, authorities are investigating what caused a tractor-trailer lose control and smash into a car dealership in southwest philadelphia. this happened around 9:00 last night on the 6800 block of essington avenue. peco was on the scene after the truck knocked down live wires. crews restored powers to about 100 customers. there are no reports of injuries. virginia state police say driver error is to blame for a bus crash sunday night that injured dozen of passengers. the charter bus was caring college student headed back to three different campuses when it lost control on an exit ramp just south of richmond. one person was seriously injured, 35 other received minor injuries. the bus driver has been charged with wreckless driving. happening today, philadelphia mayor-elect jim kenney holds the first of four town hall meetings. kenny and his transition team will hear what philadelphians think of the future of the city. it is a central high school on olney avenue at 6:00 and the public is invited. well, who is up for some on line shopping? the cyber monday shopping frenzy has officially gun, an estimated 121 million shoppers are expected to shop for bargains on line today on one of the biggest shopping days of the entire year. but, some stores such as wal-mart, j.c. penney, best buy, all kicked off their cyber sales even earlier sunday. "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabeo will have more on cyber monday from a local amazon center, that's coming up at 5:30. president obama and other world leaders are in paris to discuss what to do about climate change. that's president obama right here arriving at the summit earlier this morning. the nearly two-week conference will address greenhouse gases which are blamed for rising temperatures. around 180 countries have already presented plans to cut or rain in their gas emissions. before attending the conference, president obama paid visit to the bataclan theater. he laid single rose to honor those killed during the terror attacks earlier in month. the president praised france's decision not to call off the conference. >> what a powerful rebuke to the terrorists it will be when the world stands as one and shows that we will not be deterred from building a better future for our children. >> on the eve of the summit, paris police clashed with protesters defying a ban on demonstrations, nearly 200 people were arrested. meantime, the eiffel tower is sporting a special color scheme for the summit. virtual tree is being projected on the eiffel tower. the light show coordinates with user's cameras to create a sort of heartbeat. it is called one heart one tree. organizers say they will plant a real tree for every person who logs into that app. >> the man accused of opening fire at a planned parenthood clinic in colorado makes his first appearance in court today. investigators have yet to reveal his motives, were as andrew spencer reports, suspect's neighbors don't seem to know very much about him. >> there is not much to look at or do out here here. >> in a rural community, neighbors had few interactions with him. >> when they first moved in, like i said, they kept to themselves. they didn't bother anybody. nobody bothered them. >> really nice guy. you know, was talking to us and everything, gave us some anti-obama flyers, little pamphlets, and i didn't even really read them. i just -- i think i used them to start the fire in our campfire that night. >> law enforcement official say dear expressed anti-abortion and anti-government views to investigators but says dear's motives aren't entire clear. police say dear surrender at the end every six-hour stand-off on friday, after shooting and killing three people and wounding nine others at a planned parenthood clinic in colorado springs. the mayor says unless there is some sort of threat beforehand, these types of shootings are tough to prevent. >> it is very difficult for law enforcement to deal with individuals like this, who don't commit serious crimes and get themselves in the radar that way. >> during his time in the carolina's, dear had spotty record with the law, but he would never convicted after crime. his wife accused him of domestic assault in 1997 but never pressed charges, in 1992, count of peeping tomorrow were dismissed in 2003, dear went to bench trial on charges of animal cruelty. he was found not guilty. but his history raises more questions in the aftermath of friday's attack. andrew spencer, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". it is 5:09 right now. pope francis wraps up his trip to africa today with a stop at a mosque. the details just ahead. then, home from the holidays. a busy night for travelers returning from the holiday. we'll hear from some of them coming up next. >> also ahead, rare find, zero almost as old as the country, where it was discovered. we'll tell but this bottle of beer that dates back to the 1800s. yikes. >> ♪ >> did you see creed this weekend? striking best rocky pose. i know bob here in the studio is. you're not alone, bob. we'll tell you about the latest rocky film and how it did in the box office when we come back. stay with us. >> ♪ and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night,blind. and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24. learn more by calling 844-824-2424. or visit if you have moderate to severe ...isn't it time to let the... ...real you shine... ...through? introducing otezla, apremilast. otezla is not an injection, or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. some people who took otezla saw 75% clearer skin after 4 months. and otezla's prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. otezla may increase... ...the risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression... ...or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. side effffects may ilude diarrhea, nausea, upper respiratory tract infection, and headache. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if you're pregnant or planning to be. ask your doctor about otezla today. otezla. show more of you. that's a fact. but this whole "blondes have more fun" thing... ♪ standing by for fun. ♪ pope france cyst will advice ate mosque today, calling for peace among chris continues and muslims in central after a the pope is celebrating mass right now in bonnji. thousands are packed in the town's stadium of the the pope is urging after can fact sons to lay down their weapons, arm themselves with peace and forgiveness. holy father returns to the vatican later today. and how about a birthday party on board the papal plane? yes, when pope francis and his staff learn that two journalists traveling with the holy father were celebrating birthdays, they got out the cake, started sinking. cameras were rolling as staffers and fellow journalists serenaded them in italian with happy birthday. that's very sweet. well, millions of people will go back to work today, yes, sorry, have to do it, after returning home on one of the busiest travel days of the year. "eyewitness news" at philadelphia international airport yesterday where many people scramble to catch last minute flights to make it back home after the thanksgiving holiday. we caught up with couple of families who had bittersweet good business. >> because he is my only child, and he's going to colorado right now, and i'm going to miss him. >> we're planning our wedding right nowment it is just a little rough. things are always a little emotional when we leave each other. but, you know, it is happy tears. >> oh, i hate good-byes. concellations at philadelphia international airport were minimal, and security lines moved at steady pace despite last week's travel advisory from the state department warning of travel risks due to increased terror threats. all right, let's get a check on your forecast, hearing about little rain, katy? >> tracking pretty large storm system here, nicole, that's what's brinking in next round every wet werth. first up the warmfront, then followed up by cold front as the area of low pressure with the storm sort of bypasses us to the north. but for now, on sky cabbing three, all is calm and collected, quiet as can be. and no visibility problems out there either. so, often, you have warmfront lifting in they do tends to bring in visibility problems, but not actually here yet. still off to cold start here in philadelphia. 37 degrees, this is actually the airport tempeture, and our wind flow out of the northeast, little chilly out of the northeast at 13 miles per hour, storm scan3, still pretty quiet locally anyway. obviously, action off to the south here. and this is what is eventually lifting off to the north, so the combination of this warmfront, showing in to the form of some steady rain falling through western north carolina and across into the kentucky border here, tennessee border as well. then the actual area of low pressure still pent up across the center of the united state. so not the most organized storm system we've ever seen just yet, at least at face value, but boy can you tell there is a loft action going on here, heavy snow falling in southeastern minnesota. lots of ice, with this storm system, and i'm so thankful to report, we don't have to deal with those kind of issues. we do have rain in the forecast, however, and maybe you extended your holiday by an extra day or two, and hitting the road whether for work, weather, or school. whether it is just to get back home from the holiday, we have the cbs-3 weather lab as our sort of mascot for your travel. right now looks like the entire day for the most part, daylight hours for the most part will stay dry. clouds start to build, and maybe you see shower late in the afternoon, but generally any rain from this warmfront will wait until the sun is gone down. we may end one some steadier rain out of it no less as we head into the overnight specially into tomorrow. future weather really robust with this particular time period. so, by the time the kids are leaving school for example, you might be dodging steadier rain. then the cold front comes through, and that's on wednesday. so, that said, how does all of this breakdown? clouds on the increase through the day, perhaps a shower as early as later on today, but again primarily tonight that the showers over spread the delaware valley. and because it is a warmfront, not as cold, we drop to just 43 through the overnight, looking forward little roller coaster ride for you come wednesday we spike to 58 degrees before the cold front crosses, and once it does, we are back into the 40's, frankly, really where we should be. justin, over to you. >> that's average, no signs of any true arctic air coming in the forecast any time soon. out on the roads looking dry this morning, check it out, we take it just out of the mid-county tolls headed south on the blue route looking no problems northbound toward the turnpike also, no issues, 76 montgomery, again, eastbound are the tail lines, inbound traffic coming in with the out bound with the headlight. again, both directions, no delays soviet this morning, vine street expressway has been open and looking good with area speeds posted. right now, new jersey turnpike northbound, the outer roadway, just past the hightstown exit, exit eight. there is a truck fire, so the left and center lanes are block, so just keep that in mind if you are tracking the trip far north into northern new jersey, plum stealth township north of doylestown, durham road remains closed due to dump truck with downed polls and wires. head up later this morning, girard point bridge, southbound, right lane will be closed down due to bridge inspection 9:00 to 3:00 today through wednesday, 8:00 to 4:00 saturday. will back things up just little bit. also overnight construction tonight, 59 south, between woodhaven and academy, one lane is going to be block between 8:00 this evening and 5:00 a.m. tuesday morning. mass transit report nothing delays, that's a look at your ride, nicole, back to you. >> justin, thank you. suspect in custody charged with murder every a pennsylvania police officer. authorities say 31 year old ray shelter, jr., captured after six-hour manhunt about 60 miles eels of pittsburgh. officer lloyd reed was shot saturday night after responding to dom et cetera i can situation. he was a 20 year veteran of the police force. the criminal trial for one of the police officers charged in the death of freddie gray begins this morning, in baltimore. gray's death from a separate spine in police custody sparked out raid, led to violent protests, vandalism, even looting. jurors will not be sequestered for the duration of the trial. the remaining five officers charge in the connection with gray's death will stand trial at a future date. >> a chicago police officer is due in court today in connection with the shooting death after teenager. last week, officer jason vandike was formally charged with the murder of 17 year old mckwon mcdonald. showed the officer shooting mcdonald at least 16 times, shooting occurred more than year ago, has sparked outrage among community leaders who want to know why murder charges took so long. well, new enhanced surveillance video shows the police shoot that killed a 12 year old boy in cleveland one year ago. the release of the video comes as grand jury continues going over evidence as it ways whether to indict the officer involved in that case. don champion has the latest now from new york. the grand jurily go over this enhanced surveillance video, released by prosecutors, over the weekend. frame by frame, breaks down the final moments of 12 year old tamire rice's life, including the instant he was shot by rookie cleveland officer, timothy low man, two seconds after he got out of his patrol car. >> we see tamire's arm and shoulder sort of lifting upward, and it is unclear whether that is in reaction to one of the shots that missed him, or to the shot that struck him in the stomach. and in the very next frame, tamire is doubled over and clearly by that time has been shot. >> the shooting happened last november, as low man and his partner were responding to a 911 call about an armed man. the gun in question looked like a real firearm, but was a pellet gun, today, grand jurors who have been hearing testimony for five weeks, will hear from tamire's mother. >> it gives me strength to know that i have all of you guys up lift me. >> experts for the prosecution maintain the use of force was justified, because the officer's had no way of knowing the gun might have been fake. rice's family want their own experts to testify, and dispute those claims. the two officers involved are expected to testify in the coming weeks. don champion, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". it is 5:20 right now. and basketball legend retiring. still ahead, we'll hear from kobe bryant about his decision to call it quits. then, a record setting record. how adele had us from hello. you're watching "eyewitness news" this morning, thanks for waking up with us. we'll take a short break. we'll be right back. >> ♪ hello ♪ want to do something special this holiday season? 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"eyewitness news" at the movie tavern in exton, more than 150 locals involved in that film came out for the screening. the diamond theater part nerds with the film's organizers to celebrate the hard work that they put for the for the latest rocky installment. tonight is a celebration of all of the people who helped make this movie happen. a loft them are the background players in the film who, there, for, a lot of the shooting of the big finale fight scene. it is a long, hard day for these folks. and this is a great thank you for all of them for what they did. >> and, by the way, creed registered a strong debut at the box office. it couldn't knock out hunger games and the good dinosaur, though, but the boxing film debuted in third place, with more than $30 million, specter fourth followed by the peanut movie. would you drink a beer that's been sitting in the ocean for over 100 years? probably not. but last week, a scuba diver found bottle burried in the sea floor near halifax, nova scotia, and the brew, till inside. >> produced by the alexander peace brewery base in the halifax. marking on the glass bottled sometime between 1892. >> managed not to strike a rock and smash, that alone, it has been around for years, and still fully intact, not even a chip taken out of it. >> pretty incredible. beer entheusiasts say it is a virtual beer time capsule. one retailer has offered to do free analysis of the beer to determine what ingredients were used more than a century ago. >> coming up: south philly resident on alert, after several people are robbed by police impersonators. we'll have the details. also ahead, getting a look at the early sales figures for "black friday". plus we're live adam son's order fulfillment center in new jersey. that will be hopping, that's for sure. katy? >> i'm sure lots to do out that way. we can expect to see dry day initially, but there is a large storm system headed our way, and i'm going to tell you how it will breakdown couple of days worth of unsettled weather for our area, full details, straight ahead. and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night,blind. and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24. learn more by calling 844-824-2424. or visit good morning, today is monday, november 30th, i'm nicole brewer, on this cyber monday, we are live at one of the busiest places around, amazon's order full festival of familiesment center. plus this: >> finally, i just had to except the fact that i don't want to do this any more. >> kobe calls it quits, lower merion native announcing his retirement. we'll hear more from him, i remember when he was just getting into the nba, because he's from lower merion, local guy, so exciting but he's saying so long to the support of basketball. anyway, let's talk about this forecast, but also the roads too. >> back in the daily grinds today. good news, things nice and quiet this morning, that's good for the roadways, a loft people extending their holiday one more time, trying to hit

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Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20151130 :

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20151130

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milder air. so, here's how it looks outside right now. not terrible. visibility good. you have got nice clearview of the city sky scape, far off in the distance here from palmyra cove nature park, in the live neighborhood network. temperature difference, you are about 10 degrees colder, give or take, even colder out in allentown than it was this same time yesterday. 15 degrees difference, so you want to grab the heaviest coat on the way out the door, tad breezy depending on location, 20's, 30's, translate to the thermometer read, as the day progresses expect to go evening out somewhat of cool day anyway. pretty seasonable day, all things considered, normal high 50 degrees here in philadelphia, will eventually also be a shower to track here and there, that shower will turn into more just steady rain with time. we will track it all coming up, justin. >> so let's enjoy today's travel conditions with the dry weather, tomorrow morning different store which that rain. let's take you into new jersey, 42 freeway, northbound, headlights, looking pretty good volume picking up just little bit. speeds are if good shape. ben franklin bridge, from camden, headed into the city also no problems, out bound, same deal, very quiet conditions, we take you to the boulevard, looking southbound here, wissahickon avenue. both directions north and southbound, southbound are the headlights, look good, headed toward the schuylkill expressway. now, the accident continues, just north of doylestown, this is plum stealth township, durham road remains closed near stump road due to downed polls and wires. also, construction zone on the shoulder, route 202 southbound, between 401 and route 30. mass transit report nothing delays, that's a look at your ride, nicole, back to you. >> justin, thank you. developing right now, report of gunfire, in the montgomery county neighborhood. "eyewitness news" reporter justin finch is live at the scene in hatfield with the very latest. justin? >> nicole, good morning, just moments ago, we did see coroner's van pull up here to the scene, confirmation that this is indeed a fatal shooting now under investigation here in hatfield township. now, at this time, details are slim. but we do know that calls after shooting came in close to 2:00 this morning, bringing police to the 100 block of diamond street, and they have remained here ever since. now, at the scene, there are reports now this morning that this is likely a multiple shooting. there are no reports of anyone, hospitalized or treated on the ground here, but we have spoken to a neighborhood who calls the blocks around here very quiet and word of possible fatal shooting, could signal, he says, a rough time for some. >> this little disturbing to have, you know, knowing people have issues in your neighborhood, and, you know, and they don't get help for it. they resort to violence. violence is never the answer. >> again, this morning, reports of a multiple shooting here on the 100 block of diamond street. no word at this time if police are looking for a suspect, though, now we have seen a coroner's van arrive indicating this is now a fatal shooting. now, later this morning, we are standing by for an update from the montgo county d.a.'s office. we'll bring you that of course as we get it. live here from the scene here in hatfield township, justin finch, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". >> justin, thanks for that update. meanwhile, five local fire fight remembers recovering this morning, after authorities say their firetrucks scratched into west philadelphia, while on the way to responding to a call. surveillance video shows the moment of impact at the corner of 55th and baltimore where the truck lost control yesterday morning and hit two parked cars. one eyewitness was working nearby at the time when he heard the loud crash. >> he was crazy. i felt like i tell you, man, real craze. >> i how loud was it? >> like a bomb. yes, it was just like a bomb. >> fortunately officials say no one else was injured. all five firefighters are expected to fully recover. it is still unclear at this time what cause that firetruck to lose control. well, authorities are investigating what caused a tractor-trailer lose control and smash into a car dealership in southwest philadelphia. this happened around 9:00 last night on the 6800 block of essington avenue. peco was on the scene after the truck knocked down live wires. crews restored powers to about 100 customers. there are no reports of injuries. virginia state police say driver error is to blame for a bus crash sunday night that injured dozen of passengers. the charter bus was caring college student headed back to three different campuses when it lost control on an exit ramp just south of richmond. one person was seriously injured, 35 other received minor injuries. the bus driver has been charged with wreckless driving. happening today, philadelphia mayor-elect jim kenney holds the first of four town hall meetings. kenny and his transition team will hear what philadelphians think of the future of the city. it is a central high school on olney avenue at 6:00 and the public is invited. well, who is up for some on line shopping? the cyber monday shopping frenzy has officially gun, an estimated 121 million shoppers are expected to shop for bargains on line today on one of the biggest shopping days of the entire year. but, some stores such as wal-mart, j.c. penney, best buy, all kicked off their cyber sales even earlier sunday. "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabeo will have more on cyber monday from a local amazon center, that's coming up at 5:30. president obama and other world leaders are in paris to discuss what to do about climate change. that's president obama right here arriving at the summit earlier this morning. the nearly two-week conference will address greenhouse gases which are blamed for rising temperatures. around 180 countries have already presented plans to cut or rain in their gas emissions. before attending the conference, president obama paid visit to the bataclan theater. he laid single rose to honor those killed during the terror attacks earlier in month. the president praised france's decision not to call off the conference. >> what a powerful rebuke to the terrorists it will be when the world stands as one and shows that we will not be deterred from building a better future for our children. >> on the eve of the summit, paris police clashed with protesters defying a ban on demonstrations, nearly 200 people were arrested. meantime, the eiffel tower is sporting a special color scheme for the summit. virtual tree is being projected on the eiffel tower. the light show coordinates with user's cameras to create a sort of heartbeat. it is called one heart one tree. organizers say they will plant a real tree for every person who logs into that app. >> the man accused of opening fire at a planned parenthood clinic in colorado makes his first appearance in court today. investigators have yet to reveal his motives, were as andrew spencer reports, suspect's neighbors don't seem to know very much about him. >> there is not much to look at or do out here here. >> in a rural community, neighbors had few interactions with him. >> when they first moved in, like i said, they kept to themselves. they didn't bother anybody. nobody bothered them. >> really nice guy. you know, was talking to us and everything, gave us some anti-obama flyers, little pamphlets, and i didn't even really read them. i just -- i think i used them to start the fire in our campfire that night. >> law enforcement official say dear expressed anti-abortion and anti-government views to investigators but says dear's motives aren't entire clear. police say dear surrender at the end every six-hour stand-off on friday, after shooting and killing three people and wounding nine others at a planned parenthood clinic in colorado springs. the mayor says unless there is some sort of threat beforehand, these types of shootings are tough to prevent. >> it is very difficult for law enforcement to deal with individuals like this, who don't commit serious crimes and get themselves in the radar that way. >> during his time in the carolina's, dear had spotty record with the law, but he would never convicted after crime. his wife accused him of domestic assault in 1997 but never pressed charges, in 1992, count of peeping tomorrow were dismissed in 2003, dear went to bench trial on charges of animal cruelty. he was found not guilty. but his history raises more questions in the aftermath of friday's attack. andrew spencer, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". it is 5:09 right now. pope francis wraps up his trip to africa today with a stop at a mosque. the details just ahead. then, home from the holidays. a busy night for travelers returning from the holiday. we'll hear from some of them coming up next. >> also ahead, rare find, zero almost as old as the country, where it was discovered. we'll tell but this bottle of beer that dates back to the 1800s. yikes. >> ♪ >> did you see creed this weekend? striking best rocky pose. i know bob here in the studio is. you're not alone, bob. we'll tell you about the latest rocky film and how it did in the box office when we come back. stay with us. >> ♪ and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night,blind. and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24. learn more by calling 844-824-2424. or visit if you have moderate to severe ...isn't it time to let the... ...real you shine... ...through? introducing otezla, apremilast. otezla is not an injection, or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. some people who took otezla saw 75% clearer skin after 4 months. and otezla's prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. otezla may increase... ...the risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression... ...or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. side effffects may ilude diarrhea, nausea, upper respiratory tract infection, and headache. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if you're pregnant or planning to be. ask your doctor about otezla today. otezla. show more of you. that's a fact. but this whole "blondes have more fun" thing... ♪ standing by for fun. ♪ pope france cyst will advice ate mosque today, calling for peace among chris continues and muslims in central after a the pope is celebrating mass right now in bonnji. thousands are packed in the town's stadium of the the pope is urging after can fact sons to lay down their weapons, arm themselves with peace and forgiveness. holy father returns to the vatican later today. and how about a birthday party on board the papal plane? yes, when pope francis and his staff learn that two journalists traveling with the holy father were celebrating birthdays, they got out the cake, started sinking. cameras were rolling as staffers and fellow journalists serenaded them in italian with happy birthday. that's very sweet. well, millions of people will go back to work today, yes, sorry, have to do it, after returning home on one of the busiest travel days of the year. "eyewitness news" at philadelphia international airport yesterday where many people scramble to catch last minute flights to make it back home after the thanksgiving holiday. we caught up with couple of families who had bittersweet good business. >> because he is my only child, and he's going to colorado right now, and i'm going to miss him. >> we're planning our wedding right nowment it is just a little rough. things are always a little emotional when we leave each other. but, you know, it is happy tears. >> oh, i hate good-byes. concellations at philadelphia international airport were minimal, and security lines moved at steady pace despite last week's travel advisory from the state department warning of travel risks due to increased terror threats. all right, let's get a check on your forecast, hearing about little rain, katy? >> tracking pretty large storm system here, nicole, that's what's brinking in next round every wet werth. first up the warmfront, then followed up by cold front as the area of low pressure with the storm sort of bypasses us to the north. but for now, on sky cabbing three, all is calm and collected, quiet as can be. and no visibility problems out there either. so, often, you have warmfront lifting in they do tends to bring in visibility problems, but not actually here yet. still off to cold start here in philadelphia. 37 degrees, this is actually the airport tempeture, and our wind flow out of the northeast, little chilly out of the northeast at 13 miles per hour, storm scan3, still pretty quiet locally anyway. obviously, action off to the south here. and this is what is eventually lifting off to the north, so the combination of this warmfront, showing in to the form of some steady rain falling through western north carolina and across into the kentucky border here, tennessee border as well. then the actual area of low pressure still pent up across the center of the united state. so not the most organized storm system we've ever seen just yet, at least at face value, but boy can you tell there is a loft action going on here, heavy snow falling in southeastern minnesota. lots of ice, with this storm system, and i'm so thankful to report, we don't have to deal with those kind of issues. we do have rain in the forecast, however, and maybe you extended your holiday by an extra day or two, and hitting the road whether for work, weather, or school. whether it is just to get back home from the holiday, we have the cbs-3 weather lab as our sort of mascot for your travel. right now looks like the entire day for the most part, daylight hours for the most part will stay dry. clouds start to build, and maybe you see shower late in the afternoon, but generally any rain from this warmfront will wait until the sun is gone down. we may end one some steadier rain out of it no less as we head into the overnight specially into tomorrow. future weather really robust with this particular time period. so, by the time the kids are leaving school for example, you might be dodging steadier rain. then the cold front comes through, and that's on wednesday. so, that said, how does all of this breakdown? clouds on the increase through the day, perhaps a shower as early as later on today, but again primarily tonight that the showers over spread the delaware valley. and because it is a warmfront, not as cold, we drop to just 43 through the overnight, looking forward little roller coaster ride for you come wednesday we spike to 58 degrees before the cold front crosses, and once it does, we are back into the 40's, frankly, really where we should be. justin, over to you. >> that's average, no signs of any true arctic air coming in the forecast any time soon. out on the roads looking dry this morning, check it out, we take it just out of the mid-county tolls headed south on the blue route looking no problems northbound toward the turnpike also, no issues, 76 montgomery, again, eastbound are the tail lines, inbound traffic coming in with the out bound with the headlight. again, both directions, no delays soviet this morning, vine street expressway has been open and looking good with area speeds posted. right now, new jersey turnpike northbound, the outer roadway, just past the hightstown exit, exit eight. there is a truck fire, so the left and center lanes are block, so just keep that in mind if you are tracking the trip far north into northern new jersey, plum stealth township north of doylestown, durham road remains closed due to dump truck with downed polls and wires. head up later this morning, girard point bridge, southbound, right lane will be closed down due to bridge inspection 9:00 to 3:00 today through wednesday, 8:00 to 4:00 saturday. will back things up just little bit. also overnight construction tonight, 59 south, between woodhaven and academy, one lane is going to be block between 8:00 this evening and 5:00 a.m. tuesday morning. mass transit report nothing delays, that's a look at your ride, nicole, back to you. >> justin, thank you. suspect in custody charged with murder every a pennsylvania police officer. authorities say 31 year old ray shelter, jr., captured after six-hour manhunt about 60 miles eels of pittsburgh. officer lloyd reed was shot saturday night after responding to dom et cetera i can situation. he was a 20 year veteran of the police force. the criminal trial for one of the police officers charged in the death of freddie gray begins this morning, in baltimore. gray's death from a separate spine in police custody sparked out raid, led to violent protests, vandalism, even looting. jurors will not be sequestered for the duration of the trial. the remaining five officers charge in the connection with gray's death will stand trial at a future date. >> a chicago police officer is due in court today in connection with the shooting death after teenager. last week, officer jason vandike was formally charged with the murder of 17 year old mckwon mcdonald. showed the officer shooting mcdonald at least 16 times, shooting occurred more than year ago, has sparked outrage among community leaders who want to know why murder charges took so long. well, new enhanced surveillance video shows the police shoot that killed a 12 year old boy in cleveland one year ago. the release of the video comes as grand jury continues going over evidence as it ways whether to indict the officer involved in that case. don champion has the latest now from new york. the grand jurily go over this enhanced surveillance video, released by prosecutors, over the weekend. frame by frame, breaks down the final moments of 12 year old tamire rice's life, including the instant he was shot by rookie cleveland officer, timothy low man, two seconds after he got out of his patrol car. >> we see tamire's arm and shoulder sort of lifting upward, and it is unclear whether that is in reaction to one of the shots that missed him, or to the shot that struck him in the stomach. and in the very next frame, tamire is doubled over and clearly by that time has been shot. >> the shooting happened last november, as low man and his partner were responding to a 911 call about an armed man. the gun in question looked like a real firearm, but was a pellet gun, today, grand jurors who have been hearing testimony for five weeks, will hear from tamire's mother. >> it gives me strength to know that i have all of you guys up lift me. >> experts for the prosecution maintain the use of force was justified, because the officer's had no way of knowing the gun might have been fake. rice's family want their own experts to testify, and dispute those claims. the two officers involved are expected to testify in the coming weeks. don champion, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". it is 5:20 right now. and basketball legend retiring. still ahead, we'll hear from kobe bryant about his decision to call it quits. then, a record setting record. how adele had us from hello. you're watching "eyewitness news" this morning, thanks for waking up with us. we'll take a short break. we'll be right back. >> ♪ hello ♪ want to do something special this holiday season? 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"eyewitness news" at the movie tavern in exton, more than 150 locals involved in that film came out for the screening. the diamond theater part nerds with the film's organizers to celebrate the hard work that they put for the for the latest rocky installment. tonight is a celebration of all of the people who helped make this movie happen. a loft them are the background players in the film who, there, for, a lot of the shooting of the big finale fight scene. it is a long, hard day for these folks. and this is a great thank you for all of them for what they did. >> and, by the way, creed registered a strong debut at the box office. it couldn't knock out hunger games and the good dinosaur, though, but the boxing film debuted in third place, with more than $30 million, specter fourth followed by the peanut movie. would you drink a beer that's been sitting in the ocean for over 100 years? probably not. but last week, a scuba diver found bottle burried in the sea floor near halifax, nova scotia, and the brew, till inside. >> produced by the alexander peace brewery base in the halifax. marking on the glass bottled sometime between 1892. >> managed not to strike a rock and smash, that alone, it has been around for years, and still fully intact, not even a chip taken out of it. >> pretty incredible. beer entheusiasts say it is a virtual beer time capsule. one retailer has offered to do free analysis of the beer to determine what ingredients were used more than a century ago. >> coming up: south philly resident on alert, after several people are robbed by police impersonators. we'll have the details. also ahead, getting a look at the early sales figures for "black friday". plus we're live adam son's order fulfillment center in new jersey. that will be hopping, that's for sure. katy? >> i'm sure lots to do out that way. we can expect to see dry day initially, but there is a large storm system headed our way, and i'm going to tell you how it will breakdown couple of days worth of unsettled weather for our area, full details, straight ahead. and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night,blind. and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24. learn more by calling 844-824-2424. or visit good morning, today is monday, november 30th, i'm nicole brewer, on this cyber monday, we are live at one of the busiest places around, amazon's order full festival of familiesment center. plus this: >> finally, i just had to except the fact that i don't want to do this any more. >> kobe calls it quits, lower merion native announcing his retirement. we'll hear more from him, i remember when he was just getting into the nba, because he's from lower merion, local guy, so exciting but he's saying so long to the support of basketball. anyway, let's talk about this forecast, but also the roads too. >> back in the daily grinds today. good news, things nice and quiet this morning, that's good for the roadways, a loft people extending their holiday one more time, trying to hit

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