Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20151121 : comparem

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20151121

>> no rain or anything to deal with. >> november like for sure. >> get ready for typical mid november pattern, coal near next week, getting to this weekend, again, most part, looking pretty good. waking to up cloud cover, but change is in those temperatures compared to yesterday at this time, 12-22 degrees colder cold air mass continues to filter in. waking up at 43 at the airport, surrounding suburbs, freezing, allentown, reading, 38 in wilmington, some frost out there if the winds are cam. thirty-six quakertown, 37 doylestown, palmyra, new jersey up at 42 degrees. win really depends where you are. calm in a lot of the suburbs, but at the airport, 12-mile per hour breeze out of the north, seven out of wilmington, not harsh windchills but enough to make it feel chilly, need the heavier coat. clouds rolling on through right now, breaks in the clouds today, not total sunshine, but enough cool start to the morning, 45 at 9:00, lunchtime around 50, low 50's for the high this afternoon, 53 will do it for philadelphia, at the shore, maybe little more sunshine, getting up to 54 degrees, chilly day up in the poconos, mid 40's, with some more clouds, talk about the rest of the weekends, and even colder temperatures next week, details in a few minutes, back to you. >> crews battling two alarm fire in pennsgrove new jersey, crews responded after 10:00 last night to reports of heater or furnace fire wes pittman street. crews quickly placed the fire under control, before 1:00 a.m. the fire sparked back up, fully involved that home. fortunately, there are no injuries. but the house is completely destroyed. two families displaced crews still work to go put out that blaze. now, to the latest in the deadly hotel siege in mali, africa. we now know the american among the dead has ties to new jersey, yesterday's siege comes just one week after the deadly terror attacks in paris. "eyewitness news" reporter diana rocco has the details. >> malian police joined by the french and one off duty american special forces free more than 100 hostages from the radisson blue hotel in the capitol of mali. gunmen armed with grenades moved in just before 7:00 a.m. driving a toyota suv with diplomatic plates. started shooting in an attack that left at least 20 dead, including american anita. forty-one year old from the baltimore area who grew up in new jersey. she works for a non-profit group helping under served communities. >> we are devastated by the loss of our wonderful caughter. >> one witness say the men were shouting god is great. they spoke french and english, at one point at least 170 people including 14 americans were held hostage. >> it is very so sad, actually sad, because it is a peaceful country. >> owner of nile african restaurant has been keeping close eye on his home, former french colony has been battling islamic extremists for years. >> one of the best hotels in mali. and security was so tight. i can't believe they came to this point. a loft checkpoints before you get even inside the hotel. >> they all need to come together to fight this. >> the french defense minister believes north african operative is responsible for the attack. he is responsible for kidnapping dozens of westerners, in a attack in algeria that killed 39 including throw americans. us war planes tried to kill him in libya, but the pentagon could not confirm he was dead. >> the us defense department has confirmed, that employees in the city are all safe. there were five at the hotel at the time of the attack. in satellite center, diana rocco, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". and president obama has condemned the attacks in molly, as well, the president spoke during a business summit in malaysia, condemning attacks, and vowing to fight terrorism. >> like the hain isay tax we saw in paris, attacks we see all too often elsewhere, this is another awful reminder that the scurge of terrorism threatens so many of our nations. and once again, this bar bar at this only stiffens our resolve to meet this challenge. >> meanwhile, the healing has gun in paris, after the deadly attacks that killed 130 people. parisians remembered the victims with candles, flowers, at memorials to mark the one week anniversary last night. at 9:20, the moment that far first attack, music and dancing filled the street. authorities are still searching for a ninth suspected terrorist who got away after the attacks. bull jump has terror alert, warning of imminent threat. belgium has charged at least three suspects in connection with the paris attacks. well, the terror in paris will be on the minds every runners and even spectators at this weekends' philadelphia marathon. and yesterday, mayor nutter, event organizers, officially kick off the weekends at the pennsylvania convention center. about 30,000 people will descend upon the race course which stretches from pens land to go manayunk. extra security will be in place along the course, following those attacks. our alexandria hoff will have live report on the marathon, the entire weekend events coming un in the next half hour. new jersey governor chris christie delayed for hours in san francisco's airport after an incident aboard his plane. christie was on united airlines flight from san francisco to boston yesterday morning. while still on the grounds passenger say the pilot turned the plane around, went back to the game to remove the passenger from the flight for some suspicious behavior. picture posted on twitter shows the governor waiting in the airport. christie spoke about that incident after arriving in boston last night. >> well, the most important thing was, there was full flight, and everybody is safe, everybody landed here, got home, and, you know, during the current atmosphere, you know, you can never be too careful. >> the flight was delayed for about four hours, christie was forced to cancel a campaign event in new hampshire because of that delay. >> well, home own remembers on high alert after rash of home break-in's, a reported in haddonfield. police say the bold burglar targeted several homes early thursday morning, while residents were inside sleeping. now, in each case, he entered through unlocked doors, or windows. while police continue to search for the suspect, this he remind everyone to keep your homes and your cars locked. >> nearly two months ago that pope francis came here to philadelphia and the visit by the pontiff touched many. including one year old girl with an inoperable brain tumor. now parents are called what happened after the pope's visit nothing short after miracle. here's "eyewitness news" reporter david spunt. >> reporter: it is the little thing they call miracle on market. they inch size that quick kiss is partially responsible for her quick recovery. >> i think all of this is from god. the pope was a messenger from god. >> one year old gianna has rare inoperable brain tumor. her blood cells attack her brainstem weeks after her birth. surgery is not an option. the clan showed up for the papal parade in front of independence hall expecting maybe quick grabs. thanks to friends from the fbi -- >> oh, my god. oh, my, god bless. >> and see the man holding gianna? he is the pope's bodyguard. and his name is dom inch co-gianna, gianna is her older brother, they say, the similar names is just another sign of devine intervention. and they believe the proof is in the scan. here is a scan take never late august, before the pope's spontaneous kiss. here is the scan from the ends of october. >> you can hardly see the tumor. and in so many of the cuts, it is just a blur. >> the scans next to each other clearly show a difference. the left is before the kiss, the right after. >> she is getting better, and stronger, she's blowing kisses. she's starting to point, started pointing at things. >> gianna was name for saint gianna, a modern day saint from italy who died in 1962. saint gee ann's daughter was in philadelphia and met little gianna during the papal weekend. gee ann's parents insist her future is a bright one, and they can't wait to sit down one day to show-and-tell her what a difference one kiss can make. >> last year was about living in honor of her. now we're going to get to live with her. >> david spunt, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". just incredible, that sweet baby. 5:09 right now. real scare for shoppers inside a manhattan apple store. coming up next: what happens when a man starts swinging a samiri sword with customers dangerously close by. also, is a peanut butter pick me up. the latest trends in caffeinated food. one serving of peanut butter almost as potent as two cups of coffee. coming up why health experts are concerned about dangerous effect on children and pets. we'll be right back. when we go to the store, i find my box of honey bunch of oats and i'm checking to see if i packaged it. best cereal in the world right there. if the last 3 letters were p22, that's me. this is a p.o.s and not a p.p.o a p.p.o? it's a p.o.s i want a p.o.s or i have a p.o.s? you have a p.o.s. so you want me to have a p.p.o? you have a p.o.s, not a p.p.o that means you... i want a p.p.o? (child crying) you have a p.o.s, it's like an h.m.o it means you a referral from a p.c.p a p.c.p? a primary care physician. a p.o.s means i need a p.c.p? (child crying) a referral. (crying) (crying) momma. find a doctor in your network... before you book with zocdoc. some crazy moments inside apple store yesterday. a samiri sword, starts swinging it at customers. that sister station in new york. >> this cell phone video could be straight from a martial arts movie. but the backdrop is the iconic apple store on fifth avenue. police say a crazed 30 year old man with a samiri sword brought the packed store to a stand still around 4:00 friday. in the video, you can see, police and security follow the man up the spiral staircase. >> when he pulls out this sword, i mean, i am telling you, the blaze was this big. >> he was right on top of me on the stairs. i basically look up, and all i saw was him throwing a sword at people. >> lewis happen palo said customers returned to the emergency exits when the man counted out loud, like he had a bomb. >> he tried to punch himself with the sword, started to count upward from one to ten. >> apollo snapped these pictures, two off duty nypd officers tackled the man, removed his saber. he has been identified as sue tien, charged with menace g, criminal possession after weapon. par med ex took him to bellevue hospital for psych evaluation. witnesses say, it all happened within a matter of minutes, apple's popular flag ship store never closed. throughout the evening, uniform officers and security patrolled the plaza along fifth avenue. >> a sword? come, on. the incident did little to deter people from visiting the apple store once the indent was over the fifth avenue store was packed for the rest of the night. not going to keep folks away from their iphones that's for sure. wedding celebration gone bad for this man in california. chris bellman, crashed a wedding, and then got jumped by the groom and another man. guess they didn't want him there. he had to get seven stitches. this is a big deal. was best man at earlier wedding, decided to stick around for the next wed to go continue to celebrate. when he caught the gardner belt things turned have i lent. he was escorted out and beaten up. after the wedding coordinator figured out he wasn't supposed to be there. yikes. >> well, hey, take a look at this video, landslide destroyed road in southern california. the road in santa collar it a started to buckle by thursday, by friday afternoon complete mess. now locals say they've never seen anything like this. officials say loose earth actually slid under the asphalt, pushing one portion of it 15 higher than normal. right now, they don't know what caused that landslide. and, check this out. the first big snowstorm of the season, blaze ago path through the northern planes, and upper midwest this weekend. this is what it looked like in souix falls, south dakota. parts of the state got up to 18 inches of snow. oh, creating hazardous conditions of course across the roads, the midwest can expect more snow, today, let's leave it in the midwest. >> yep, let them have it. still going on out there. >> i can't believe that. i guess you can believe it. >> it is not unheard of, here we are, mid november. >> but let's keep it quiet here at home. >> ne and quiet, sunshine, clouds, it will be cool, typical mid-november stuff. check it out, storm scan3, where we do have the storm out in chicago right now, where they are getting the steady snow. over the delaware vale, just some left over clouds this morning, they'll give way to little more sunshine. >> this storm is actually kind of a cold front. that's going to come through later tonight. most of the moisture stays well to the north and west. check it out. snowfall forecast, over the next 24 hours. still another three, maybe even 6 inches of snow, parts of illinois, and southern michigan, from that system as it moves off to the north and east. for us, really the story the drop in the temperatures. weep should be mid 50's this time of year. look at that, thursday, upper 60s, we were mid 50's yesterday, then today, talking low 50's, then talking about some 40's for sunday, monday, so the coldest air of the fall season for the daytime highs settling in for the start of the next week. thirty-three millville, 34 capitol city of delaware, 39 in newark, right around 40 degrees for a lot of the suburbs surrounding philadelphia, voorhees, palmyra, and out in pottstown, 34 degrees, 39 lafayette hill. so cold start this morning, again, not full sunshine, but enough to warm us up slowly into the low 50's, we will get the front through tonight, this is the front that's bringing snow to the midwest, come through dry, may get sprinkle to the far north and west in the mountains, otherwise just clouds, then cools us down. upper 40's to near 50, that's it for highs sunday, breezy an as well, the sunshine will come out. monday sin, chilly day, the coldest day, talking highs only in the mid 40's, for the start of the work week. today, increasing sunshine, we head through the afternoon, clouds quickly build back in as that cold front moves on in, so maybe sprinkle or two up in the lehigh valley, and poconos, tonight, tomorrow, still left over clouds, at least through the first half of the day. here are the temperatures, today, struggling to get into the low 50's, maybe mid 50's, if you see enough sunshine. tonight not quite as cool, the clouds moving in. so that kind of holds up the temperatures a little bit. then sunday hi, look at that, widespread 40's, to maybe 50 degrees, if we're lucky. forecast high today, cool sunshine, clouds, 53 degrees, at least driment tonight mostly cloudy, mid 40's for the overnight low temperature, we go ahead, check out the eagles forecast, again, breezy day, typical november football weather for sure, mixture of sun and clouds for that kick off at 1:00. temperature at the game, 48 degrees, northwest breeze coming in at about ten to 20 miles per hour, so certainly need to bring the jacket, if you are headed out to the stadium to check out that game. here is the extended forecast, again, overall, it is cool for the next several days, but no real big storm systems to really impact usment talking low 50's for the high today. tonight, not quite as cold, low 40's, sunday, near 50 degrees, monday, that's the day, 46, that's it for the high temperature. then we go full sun into next week, tuesday, wednesday, lower 450's, good news for thanksgiving, right now, the sunshine is out. temperatures in the upper 50's, maybe have the backyard football game planned. it looks good. then pushing 60 by next friday. nicole, back to you. >> justin, thanks. heads to up comcast customers. you can expect to pay even more for your services next year. rates are going up about 4% on some extended tv and internet packages. rate increase takes effect january 1st, comcast says the rate hike is necessary to provide faster internet, and more wifi hot spots. >> well, warning now, about a new caffeinated peanut butter, some believe the pick me up snack can be too much to children and deadly on mals. each 2 tablespoons serving has about 150 milligrams of caffeine, which is like downing two shots of expresso. veterinarian we talked to says the caffeinated peanut butter sandwich could kill 18-pound dog. want the fda to determine if the peanut butter should carry warning label. cbs-3 health watch, pennsylvania leads the nation and new jersey, close behind in drug overdose deaths in young adult men, cords took new analysis. health reporter stephanie stahl has more on the epidemic of drug abuse right here in our area. >> michael battle still has the tracks marks on his arms after being addicted to heroin for 20 years. >> overwhelming. >> michael, high school football star, has been off drugs for almost 25 years. and is now a counselor. >> i thank god that i got the help when i am got it. because i would be dead now. >> pennsylvania now leads the country with the highest number of overdose deaths among men between the ages of 19 to 25. new jersey is fourth. >> we have the highest potency of heroin actually as anybody in the world. >> ken dickinson with a drug rehab program in philly says heroin addiction often starts with prescription pain medications like oxycontin, especially prevalent in suburban counties. drugs are now killing a growing number of people who are young, rich, and white. people often turn to heroin because the legal drugs can be difficult to get and they're expensive. >> so one objection i -- oxy tablet would be $40. they can buy had your heroin cheaper than pack of cigarettes. >> the epidemic killed more than twice as many americans as homicide over the last decade. more information and where to find help. click on health. i'm stephanie stahl, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". the nation's largest health insure is her warning it may leave the affordable care act. united healthcare says it will decide next year whether to keep offering coverage through the affordable care act. insurers are struggling to attract enough healthy customers offset coverage of sicker patients. some say united threat is an indication the program could use some tweaking. well, facebook wants to ease the pain of breaking up. it is offering a new feature in the u.s. designed for people who don't want to see their ex partners posts and pictures. you can also remove your name from pass posts linking you to your ex. save you some time, that's for sure. maybe money real can i buy you happiness. consumer spending researchers michael north on says it depends on how you spend your money. he found people generally get more happiness spending money on experiences, like vacations, rather than things like electronics and gadgetsment that's partially because anticipation of a trip or maybe a dinner date can make you just as happy, as the event itself. but, spending on big ticket items often causes stress and anxiety. so, something to think about. all right, still ahead, the wait is over for hunger games fans. we go behind the scenes of mock i jay part two that's coming up next. >> i'm kevin frazier, coming up jennifer laurence star in the epic final installment of the hunger games franchise with the action packed mocking jay when i was sidelined with blood clots in my lung,h. it was serious. fortunately, my doctor had a game plan. treatment with xarelto®. hey guys! hey, finally, somebody i can look up to... ...besides arnie. xarelto® is proven to treat and help reduce the risk of dvt and pe blood clots. xarelto® is also proven to reduce the risk of stroke in people with afib, not caused by a heart valve problem. for people with afib currently well managed on warfarin, there's limited information on how xarelto® and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. you know, i tried warfarin, but the blood testing and dietary restrictions... don't get me started on that. i didn't have to. we started on xarelto®. nice pass. safety first. like all blood thinners, don't stop taking xarelto® without talking to your doctor, as this may increase your risk of a blood clot or stroke. while taking, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. xarelto® may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. xarelto® can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. get help right away for unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. if you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto®, watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto®, tell your doctor about any kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. you know xarelto® is the #1 prescribed blood thinner in its class. that's a big win. it is for me. with xarelto® there is no regular blood monitoring and no known dietary restrictions. treatment with xarelto®... ...was the right move for us. ask your doctor about xarelto®. >> the last of the hunger games saga is now in theatres. kevin frazer from entertainment tonight talked to jennifer laurence about the hugely popular series and how it has changed her life. >> this week, jennifer laurence returns for the last time as cat miss aberdeen the girl on fire in the epic conclusion to the hunger games franchise in the hunger games mocking jay part two. >> has to pay for what he's done. >> ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the 76 hunger games. >> faces the capitol and their dangerous games one last time in the hunger games mockingjay part two, finale finds everything she holds there put to the test, but off screen the bond forge with co-stars liam hemsworth and john hutchinson is one that will last forever. >> we have got one shot. >> make it count. >> i get to work with liam a lot more on this film, she was really great. he normally misses out on all of the action and stuff, but they are the greatest guys in the entire wormed. i don't know how i got so lucky. if i had met them in any other circumstance i would have said the same thing, we're going to be best friends. >> are you still trying to protect me, real or not real. >> real. >> the movie is clearly made huge impact on pop culture. but also on jennifer's life. >> i think it is amazing, i love ac part of the fill that many can, you know, spark conversation. it has been such an incredible chapter in my life. filming these movies, the fact that anyone could be touched by them, or, you know, that the films resonate with anyone is amazing. >> he we all have one enemy. he corrupts everyone, and everything. he turns the best of us against each other. tonight turn your weapon to the capitol. >> for entertainment tonight, i'm kevin frazier, now, back to you in the studio. >> all right, and for all of the latest news from hollywood, watch entertainment tonight on every week night at 7:00 right here on cbs-3. and, coming up in the next half hour of "eyewitness news", it is a marathon weekend here in the city, and philadelphia is getting ready for thousands of runners a mid tighter security. we'll have more on what you can expect coming up. >> also, barefoot no more. random act every kindness on new york city subway goes viral. we'll have that you won't find the brand pharmacists recommend most for cold and flu relief at the shelf. advil cold & sinus is only behind the pharmacy counter. ask your pharmacist for fast, powerful advil cold & sinus. relief doesn't get any better than this. fortified.tored. replenished. emerge everyday with emergen-c packed with b vitamins, antioxidants, electrolytes plus more vitamin c than 10 oranges. why not feel this good everyday? emerge and see. between spectators and runners, we are spec to go see around 80,000 people out here in the ben franklin parkway, for marathon weekends. i'm l ex andrea huff, everything you need to know coming up. >> also there is weekends, loving dogs in desperate need of adoption, local shelter running out of space. how organizers are hoping to find all of these animals good homes before it is too late. plus: >> i'm danielle nottingham in van ives, california, major rescue operation is underway. coming up: how thousands of animals are finding new homes. >> today is saturday, november 21st, good morning, glad you're with us, i'm nicole brewer. it is 5:30, just pass the. we send it out to justin drabick on the skydeck. you know, it is quiet but cold, right, justin? >> i like the quiet part for the weekends, that's good. a lot of people will be running around today. of course the marathon going where it is pretty good running weather, not hot, not terribly cold, not whole lot of winds to deal with. right now, yes, chilly, waking up to 30's, 40's, out here on the skydeck, still clouds going on, officially at the airport, 43 degrees, freezing in many locations, mount pocono, allentown, reading, low 30's, south jersey, as well. so areas that also are seeing the calm winds, see some frost around this morning, may do little scrapping on your carps, freezing quakertown, 37 willow grove, doylestown at this hour. there are the winds, calm in some suburbs, five to 10 miles per hour overall out of the north, start to shift direction out of the east later this afternoon. still left over clouds over us from the overnight house -- hours, will give way to more sunshine through the morning, generally mixture of sunshine and clouds today, chilly start, 9:00 temperatures mid 40's, by noontime, talk about 50 degrees, and we struggle to make it into the low to possibly mid 50's, so again the weekend overall looks pretty good, just on the cool side, temperatures running at or slightly below average, low 50's today, and only near 50 sunday. and then it gets even colder for next week, we will break down the details in a few more minutes, nicole, back to you. >> thanks, you mentioned the marathon this weekend, race weekend here in philadelphia. today, and tomorrow, run letters hit the pavement, with tens of thousands of people expected to attend. but the recent terror attacks in paris, and in mali, officials are really beefing up security. alexandria hoff live with us along the ben franklin parkway with more on increased security measures. alex? >> reporter: nicole, run fast, run far, run philly. that's the phrase that you need to know here in the city this weekend. justin mentioned, this is good running weather, at least i'm told, so little chilly for me. they have the metallic thermal wraps all ready for the runners at the finish line, main marathon will be tomorrow, but the rothman 8k will be starting up in two hours. >> go! >> run versa way of staying in most -- motion, even when events around the world seek to make them pause. but nearly 30,000 runners and 60,000 spectators over the weekends expected, there is no stopping these dedicated athletes. >> let's do, that let's think that wayment that's how runners think. >> mayor michael nutter consulted when homeland secure think week and said no credible threat has been linked to the city. still, tight ends security has been put into effect. areas around the event will act as secure zones, stretching from 18th to 25th streets on the parkway. anyone look to go get into the start, or finish zones, will have to pass through the security checkpoints. as was the case with world meeting of families, clear bags have been issued to all participants. spectators, please remember, if you choose to carry a bag of your own for personal items, those bags must be searched by security, prior to entering the start, finish zone. >> all right, so, there is also an app, it is the philly marathon app, for spectators, runners, any last minute updates they can receive right on their phone. here is a update for the marathon that's going to be tomorrow, one day, one hour, 25 minutes away for that rothman 8k will be pick kicking off in two hours, reporting live from the parkway, alexandria hoff, "eyewitness news". >> i'll be out there cheering for my sister, brother-in-law, people get into it. exciting weekend in philly, alex, thanks. meanwhile, protesters took to the streets in center city friday, civil rights, anti-war and political groups came together for what they called a rally against war racism islam phobia and police repression. philadelphia police were on hand. no word on any arrests, but some roads did have to be shutdown because that far disruption. we're toll everything is now back to normal. well, there is an urgent plea from a philadelphian mal shelter. they have run out every space and need good homes for dogs. "eyewitness news" at the animal care and control team shelter. all of the kennels there are full, about 22 dogsere euthanized thursday. that shelter is now offering free adoptions for all large breed dogs. >> kennels were totally full, so we need people to come in and adopt or foster help save lives, and encourage add open job if you adopt and liver in the sit of philadelphia you will have to pay 16-dollar pet registration fee. hundreds of dogs and cats rescued from animal shelters in california are taking flight in hopes of finding a new home this holiday season. cbs news correspondent danielle nottingham reports it is a massive operation with the cutest cargo. >> these dogs and cats facing euthenasia just days ago are now bound for new homes. in the pacific northwest and as far as canada and tennessee. >> the average flight today is 1,000 miles. it takes a distance to save those animals, that's where we're going. >> say good bye, babe. >> i non-profit wings every rescue transport pets from california's over crowded shelters to no kill rescues, but this holiday air lift of more than a thousand animals on two dozen planes, is a record for them. >> organizers expect everyone of these dogs and cats to be adopted. they have rescued more than 15,000 animals over the last six years, and all of them have found new homes. >> lucy is one of 40 pilots volunteering. >> i have three rescue dogs myself. and i just valued at option process, be able to help with the flying part, getting them homes, i think is very special. >> all of the animals spade, neutered, typically finds new families within two weeks, just in time for the holidays. danielle nottingham, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". what a great way to give back. well, grand donation for a good cause at the children's hospital of philadelphia. >> what you hear there is newly donated stein way concert grand piano. now in the lobby of the university city hospital. the the piano can cost upward of $30,000 was donated by the parent of former patient. know say they did it because they wanted families to be up lifted by the beautiful music there in the lobby of in their time of need. really great idea. some local young job seekers were treated to a career fair with some of their needs in minds. "eyewitness news" at the enterprize center in west philadelphia yesterday for the next level expo. the career fair for 18 to 25 years olds offered job opportunities and apprenticeship programs with more than a dozen companies. >> we have a mix every young people, some of them are current college students, some of them have college degrees, really they are just looking for access to different resources and relationships so that they can begin to formulate what their career is going to be. >> other resources offered to job seekers included workshops and financial aid for college, time management, learning how to dress for success. well, receiving a college acceptance letter is a big moment for any high school senior. and for one group, the day they got that letter was the day they beat the odds. steve patterson has their story. >> some came with hugs. other high five's and happy dances, but all something so special, so unique. these are the single most important moments of their young lives. >> i'm going to college punk up. >> friday we visited cristo ray high school, prep high school for over achieving youth, without traditional prep school means. students pay with hard work. >> students will work one day a week at a corporate work study placement, and the monday that i they earn through the sponsorship actually goes to pay their too us. >> college counselor, jared, says those four years of on-the-job training equate to college-ready kids, the school established four years ago is graduating it first class of seniors, 75% will go to college. >> senior laugh on wood, one of 40 student, selected for the high school instant decision day, recruit presser colleges across the region telling student on the spot if they're getting into college, and many with major scholarships. >> i just found i got accepted into holy family university. i have half off the tuition, which i got a $15,000 scholarship. >> our camera rolled, as lavon broke the news to her mom. >> what? i'm product of you! >> thank you, mom. >> i'm really proud of you. i told you you could do it. >> i'm very proud of your daughter. >> me too. >> most definitely did change my life. i have avenue lot of doubt about myself getting into college, i don't know why, but now that i am accepted, it is just like a heavy weight lifted off my shoulders. >> and just like that, young teens, some told their whole lives, what limits they're bound to, now learning there are none. >> just makes me so happy (. >> logan philadelphia, steve patterson, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". that is cool. see, mom said could you do it, you can do it. still to come on "eyewitness news", she gave her shoes to a barefoot woman on the subway. and now this random act every kindness is going viral. we'll hear from the good samaritan coming up next. >> also, chilly start to the day. meteorologist, justin drabick, back with your weekends forecast and the week ahead, going to be a little chill. we'll be right every coconut has a dream. to come out of its shell. to show all the world its true, inner beauty. and then, in an ironic twist, get covered up by chocolate and almonds. almond joy mounds. what every coconut wants. >> new tradition born in burlington county, cool, the first annual tree lighting in marlton, santa on hand to chat with the kids there, maybe ask them what they wanted for christmas, if they've been good, naughty or nice. one woman, even brought her pig. where is the pig? i'm looking for the pig. that's crazy. i didn't know people had pigs as pets, but go on. also, annual tradition in bucks county, the holiday lighting at peddlers village, of course, big event out that way. "eyewitness news" in lahaska, santa, a busy guy, right, especially this time of year. and mrs. clause, lighting up the town, they took some time to do that out in lahaska. but they were helped by a student who want won an essay contest, so they got to do the honors to light that place up, and our own meteorologist, kate bilo, also thereon hand to help that. that's a tradition here on "eyewitness news", every year, seeing that get all lit up. of course kate bilo being out there for all of the fun in lahaska. we send it to ever justin for more on the forecast. >> good morning, everyone else it, will feel more like the holidays this weekend, but still no signs every any true cold air will lock in for several days. so kind of up and down really over the next seven. so maybe planning to put up the christmas decorations this weekend, looks good. next weekends, no problems as well. live look at the ben franklin bridge, weaver some high level clouds over us, but still dry, on storm scan3, so that will be the trends through the weekends, just colds this morning. so here is our set up. our weather headlines, what we are talking about, cooler weekends, highs near average today, then drop below average, for the second half of the weekends, then gets cold for the start of next week, but still dry stretch in our seven day forecast which i will show you coming up in just a few minutes. so temperatures, they're going to be dropping next 24-48 hours. average hi, 54. we were near that on friday. and then today, close to average, we will drop below average certainly sunday, monday, the core of the colds he is air comes through during the day monday. here is the reason. pretty good storm system out across the midwest, snow breaking out, steady heavy snow around chicago right now. this storm will track to our north and west. that kind of misses us, will drag cold front through here, bringing colder air, also some clouds. but real now moisture with the storm. maybe get sprinkle late tonight up in the poconos. coldest morning, 37 in pemberton, 34 dover, delaware, 47 a little milder in south delaware right now. but around the city, mid and upper 30's for the suburbs, mullica hill checks in at 34 degrees. good morning, chalfont, you guys are at 38, out in malvern, chaddsford, freezing, allentown, so some frost around. high pressure over us right now. again, still some clouds around, they'll give way to little more sun. here comes the storm, later tonight, it is a cold front, again, all of the moisture still staying well to the north and west, just dragging some clouds across the region, should see more sunshine later sunday, and then monday, but still, locks us in this colds weather pattern. highs today, struggle to get to the low 50's, maybe we touch mid 50's in some of the warmest spots, seeing the sun. not as cool tonight. in the 40's most locations because of the cloud acting as blanket holding in the heat. tomorrow highs only upper 40's, to around 50 degrees. so here's the reason. jet stream, starting to move southward, there is the core of the cold air coming out every canada, core of the coldest air really set unless later sunday night into monday. short lived, though, jet stream, back on the move, check this out. as you head in through thanksgiving holiday weekend, looks like some milder air returns to our forecast. today cool sun, clouds, 53 for the high. tonight mostly cloudy, 44 to the low temperature, looking ahead to the thanksgiving day forecast, looks pretty good. mostly sunny skies, overall, mild turkey, 58 degrees for the afternoon high, that's above average. check out the extended forecast. cool start. we will be in the mid 40's, next week. but, each day gets little milder, as we approach up ear's thanksgiving and near 60s by friday. "black friday", nick oil, you'll be out shopping. >> oh, you know, i'll be out in full force, 06 degrees, are you kidding me? i love that little turkey, too. >> he has the moves. >> all right, justin, thanks. a chance meeting on new york city subway sparks a movement. one woman saw an opportunity to help a stranger, and made a pretty big impact. as aj ross reports, small act every kindness caused a ripple effect. >> everybody's getting off work, and everybody's in their phone. >> on crowded train in times square, during peak rush hour, kate brown took notice of perfect stranger. homeless woman, whose weary journey, one could only imagine. >> she just had, i mean, a tiny like little ragged shirt, like jacked, and i mean her feet, bear feet, not socks, not like shoes but completely bear feet. >> quietly discreetly she said she approached the woman and offered the shoes off her own feet which happened to be perfect match. >> she asked me like are you sure? and i go yes, of course, my gosh. so she started putting them on, started crying, and i know, it was amazing, and i mean just put them on and left. >> it was brief and touching exchange that left a lasting impression on kay, who planned to walk home in socks, before another man, who witnessed everything, offered her an extra pair to go over her own. >> wouldn't you want somebody to show some compassion toward you and not walk by you or scoff, like, what if you were the person? need? >> overwelmed, inspired by the rip he effect of her small gesture, kay shared the experience with friends and family on facebook, post since gone viral, prompting people around the worlds to pay it forward. >> right now, there is so many terrible things happening. i mean, absolutely terrible things happening. so i wasn't trying to do that to pat my own back. i just wanted to be like this is really cool. like this is an awesome moment for me, and i wanted to share it with other people. and i can't believe how something so small has turned into something so great. >> nothing small about that. great person. that was aj ross reporting. now, kay said she walked six blocks to get home, and again, she wants to give big shout out to the guy who gave her that extra pair of socks, because it really helped her out a lot. good to see. 5:49. still ahead, final football frenzy of the year. leslie van arsdale and pat gallen have the highlights from around the region coming up next in sports. this is a p.o.s and not a p.p.o a p.p.o? it's a p.o.s i want a p.o.s or i have a p.o.s? you have a p.o.s. so you want me to have a p.p.o? you have a p.o.s, not a p.p.o that means you... i want a p.p.o? (child crying) you have a p.o.s, it's like an h.m.o it means you a referral from a p.c.p a p.c.p? a primary care physician. a p.o.s means i need a p.c.p? (child crying) a referral. (crying) (crying) momma. find a doctor in your network... before you book with zocdoc. i get out of work and i go to the store, and somebody's, smellin' around, "mmm! i smell cookies." i say, "oh no, you just smell me. i just got out of work. that's honey bunches of oats, that's all." i say "don't eat me now." it's a housewife who's in control of the finances. actually, any wife, husband, or human person can use progressive's name your price tool to take control of their budget. and while the men do the hard work of making money, she can get all the car insurance options her little heart desires. or the women might do the hard work of making money. [ chuckling ] women don't have jobs. is this guy for real? modernizing car insurance with -- that's enough out of you! the name your price tool, only from progressive. where is your husband? brown trying to shake things up for struggling sixers. the move did not pay off. six hers no answer for the hornets center al jefferson. big al scoring 26 points, grabbed ten boards. the sixers falling to zero and 13 on the season, 113-88 the final they take on the miami heat tonight. eleventh ranked villanova taking on east tennessee state at the patch ill job. wildcats have not lost non-conference game. keep it alive. jeff scoring 12 points, grabbed 16 rebounds, in a 86 to 51 victory. >> temple in the semifinals of the puerto rico tip-off classic facing 22nd rang the butler. owls with early 12-point lead couldn't keep it up. dunham, scoring 16 points, leads butler to 74-69 victory. tell will be play in the third place game to tomorrow afternoon. to eagles news, sam bradford, ryan matthews have, been ruled out for tomorrow's game against the buccaneers, mark sanchez will be under center for the birds. last season, he went four and four, he threw 14 touchdowns, and 14 interceptions. >> ♪ >> friday football frenzy. take it away, leslie. >> oh, thank you. yep, the final friday football frenzy of the season, playoff games all over the region, as most other schools wait for thanksgiving, let's get right to the action, delaware county. great valley, wesley taking the hand off, right into your living room. keeps rolling. they win 39 to 14. over to jersey. buena visiting west depford, crouch, sitting down low, to get into the ends zone. west depford the winner 21 to ten. >> archbishop ryan facing archbishop wood. anthony russo rolling out, looking deep, finds james gill he is bee inside for the long touchdown. >> north penn downingtown east. rolling out. goes back the other way, north penn, wins this one, 27 to 14. finally, we have marple newtown, upper moore lands, christianna, all the moves, bobbing and weaving, gone for the touchdown. twenty-eight to 20. well, our game of the week voted on by you. we have williamstown visiting cherokee, pat gallen was there and has this report. >> cherokee and williamstown for a spot in the group five finals, we pick it up second half. tied at seven. get on the see-saw. williamstown takes the lead, 8-yard run by joseph early. extra point, no good. it is 13-seven braves. chiefs respond. beautiful screen fake, ryan, wide open, 69 yards, to pay their point after is good. cherokee up 14-13, they would add 1 yard score to go up 21 to 13. williamstown roaring back, at glenn, his second score of the night, 21-19. they need two, and they get it. tied at 21. so, to over time we go. first possession for cherokee. moore gets his head-on the ball. that will means rick adder fumble. williamstown takes over. williamstown would get their shot. and they do not miss. it is early for a second score of the game, williamstown comes from behind. they are a winner. it was the win over cheer key, williamstown moves on to the group five final. if the final here, 27-two; williamstown wins. from the final frenzy of the year, i'm pat gallen, eyewitness sports. that's all for sports. i'm leslie van arsdale. have a great day. and that's for "eyewitness news" at 5:00. coming up in the next hour of "eyewitness news" at 6:00 live as marathon weekends gets underway here in philadelphia. plus it is a standard beauty routine. hair, nails, make up, you know the drill. but are the products you use to look good actually harming you? health reporter stephanie stahl tells us what lawmakers are doing about it. >> and it is a place where everybody knows your name, and your order, taste with tori heads to popular spot for breakfast, when you're here, you're definitely family. and bundle up justin drabick back with a chilly forecast. we'll be back. stay with us. this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news". new this morning, heavy smoke and flames destroy a home in salem county overnight. coming up: how something that was used to keep warm, may have caused the two alarm fire. >> the terror attack in mali hits close to home. we're learning more about the american victim who grew up in new jersey. >> and, governor chris christie speaks out after incident on a plane, forces him to cancel a campaign event. we'll have the details on. that will today is saturday, november 21st, good morning to you, so glad you're with us, i'm nicole brewer. just about 6:00. we send it to ever justin for more on the forecast, i know it is cold outside, but that's about the extent of it. >> a lot of people are saying hey does it feel like the holidays. >> this week it will. even next week, highs only in the 40's. >> careful what you wish for, right? >> right t won't last, though. not locked into cold weather pattern any time soon. actually warms up for thanksgiving, we'll get to that coming up a little later in the show. this morning, big change compared to yesterday at this time. we take you outside, though. nice and quiet, live look from the roof camera, center city looking south. there are some mid to high level clouds outside. but they'll break up. so we will see the sunshine out this morning, sunrise coming up at 6:52 in less than an hour, and again, temperatures, big difference than yesterday. anywhere from 11 to 22 degrees colder. so jacket, coat wet they are morning for sure. seeing many locations out below freezing, in the outer suburbs, 29 in allentown, 30 in reading, 42 at the airport officially in philadelphia, so, most likely, waking up to

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>> no rain or anything to deal with. >> november like for sure. >> get ready for typical mid november pattern, coal near next week, getting to this weekend, again, most part, looking pretty good. waking to up cloud cover, but change is in those temperatures compared to yesterday at this time, 12-22 degrees colder cold air mass continues to filter in. waking up at 43 at the airport, surrounding suburbs, freezing, allentown, reading, 38 in wilmington, some frost out there if the winds are cam. thirty-six quakertown, 37 doylestown, palmyra, new jersey up at 42 degrees. win really depends where you are. calm in a lot of the suburbs, but at the airport, 12-mile per hour breeze out of the north, seven out of wilmington, not harsh windchills but enough to make it feel chilly, need the heavier coat. clouds rolling on through right now, breaks in the clouds today, not total sunshine, but enough cool start to the morning, 45 at 9:00, lunchtime around 50, low 50's for the high this afternoon, 53 will do it for philadelphia, at the shore, maybe little more sunshine, getting up to 54 degrees, chilly day up in the poconos, mid 40's, with some more clouds, talk about the rest of the weekends, and even colder temperatures next week, details in a few minutes, back to you. >> crews battling two alarm fire in pennsgrove new jersey, crews responded after 10:00 last night to reports of heater or furnace fire wes pittman street. crews quickly placed the fire under control, before 1:00 a.m. the fire sparked back up, fully involved that home. fortunately, there are no injuries. but the house is completely destroyed. two families displaced crews still work to go put out that blaze. now, to the latest in the deadly hotel siege in mali, africa. we now know the american among the dead has ties to new jersey, yesterday's siege comes just one week after the deadly terror attacks in paris. "eyewitness news" reporter diana rocco has the details. >> malian police joined by the french and one off duty american special forces free more than 100 hostages from the radisson blue hotel in the capitol of mali. gunmen armed with grenades moved in just before 7:00 a.m. driving a toyota suv with diplomatic plates. started shooting in an attack that left at least 20 dead, including american anita. forty-one year old from the baltimore area who grew up in new jersey. she works for a non-profit group helping under served communities. >> we are devastated by the loss of our wonderful caughter. >> one witness say the men were shouting god is great. they spoke french and english, at one point at least 170 people including 14 americans were held hostage. >> it is very so sad, actually sad, because it is a peaceful country. >> owner of nile african restaurant has been keeping close eye on his home, former french colony has been battling islamic extremists for years. >> one of the best hotels in mali. and security was so tight. i can't believe they came to this point. a loft checkpoints before you get even inside the hotel. >> they all need to come together to fight this. >> the french defense minister believes north african operative is responsible for the attack. he is responsible for kidnapping dozens of westerners, in a attack in algeria that killed 39 including throw americans. us war planes tried to kill him in libya, but the pentagon could not confirm he was dead. >> the us defense department has confirmed, that employees in the city are all safe. there were five at the hotel at the time of the attack. in satellite center, diana rocco, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". and president obama has condemned the attacks in molly, as well, the president spoke during a business summit in malaysia, condemning attacks, and vowing to fight terrorism. >> like the hain isay tax we saw in paris, attacks we see all too often elsewhere, this is another awful reminder that the scurge of terrorism threatens so many of our nations. and once again, this bar bar at this only stiffens our resolve to meet this challenge. >> meanwhile, the healing has gun in paris, after the deadly attacks that killed 130 people. parisians remembered the victims with candles, flowers, at memorials to mark the one week anniversary last night. at 9:20, the moment that far first attack, music and dancing filled the street. authorities are still searching for a ninth suspected terrorist who got away after the attacks. bull jump has terror alert, warning of imminent threat. belgium has charged at least three suspects in connection with the paris attacks. well, the terror in paris will be on the minds every runners and even spectators at this weekends' philadelphia marathon. and yesterday, mayor nutter, event organizers, officially kick off the weekends at the pennsylvania convention center. about 30,000 people will descend upon the race course which stretches from pens land to go manayunk. extra security will be in place along the course, following those attacks. our alexandria hoff will have live report on the marathon, the entire weekend events coming un in the next half hour. new jersey governor chris christie delayed for hours in san francisco's airport after an incident aboard his plane. christie was on united airlines flight from san francisco to boston yesterday morning. while still on the grounds passenger say the pilot turned the plane around, went back to the game to remove the passenger from the flight for some suspicious behavior. picture posted on twitter shows the governor waiting in the airport. christie spoke about that incident after arriving in boston last night. >> well, the most important thing was, there was full flight, and everybody is safe, everybody landed here, got home, and, you know, during the current atmosphere, you know, you can never be too careful. >> the flight was delayed for about four hours, christie was forced to cancel a campaign event in new hampshire because of that delay. >> well, home own remembers on high alert after rash of home break-in's, a reported in haddonfield. police say the bold burglar targeted several homes early thursday morning, while residents were inside sleeping. now, in each case, he entered through unlocked doors, or windows. while police continue to search for the suspect, this he remind everyone to keep your homes and your cars locked. >> nearly two months ago that pope francis came here to philadelphia and the visit by the pontiff touched many. including one year old girl with an inoperable brain tumor. now parents are called what happened after the pope's visit nothing short after miracle. here's "eyewitness news" reporter david spunt. >> reporter: it is the little thing they call miracle on market. they inch size that quick kiss is partially responsible for her quick recovery. >> i think all of this is from god. the pope was a messenger from god. >> one year old gianna has rare inoperable brain tumor. her blood cells attack her brainstem weeks after her birth. surgery is not an option. the clan showed up for the papal parade in front of independence hall expecting maybe quick grabs. thanks to friends from the fbi -- >> oh, my god. oh, my, god bless. >> and see the man holding gianna? he is the pope's bodyguard. and his name is dom inch co-gianna, gianna is her older brother, they say, the similar names is just another sign of devine intervention. and they believe the proof is in the scan. here is a scan take never late august, before the pope's spontaneous kiss. here is the scan from the ends of october. >> you can hardly see the tumor. and in so many of the cuts, it is just a blur. >> the scans next to each other clearly show a difference. the left is before the kiss, the right after. >> she is getting better, and stronger, she's blowing kisses. she's starting to point, started pointing at things. >> gianna was name for saint gianna, a modern day saint from italy who died in 1962. saint gee ann's daughter was in philadelphia and met little gianna during the papal weekend. gee ann's parents insist her future is a bright one, and they can't wait to sit down one day to show-and-tell her what a difference one kiss can make. >> last year was about living in honor of her. now we're going to get to live with her. >> david spunt, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". just incredible, that sweet baby. 5:09 right now. real scare for shoppers inside a manhattan apple store. coming up next: what happens when a man starts swinging a samiri sword with customers dangerously close by. also, is a peanut butter pick me up. the latest trends in caffeinated food. one serving of peanut butter almost as potent as two cups of coffee. coming up why health experts are concerned about dangerous effect on children and pets. we'll be right back. when we go to the store, i find my box of honey bunch of oats and i'm checking to see if i packaged it. best cereal in the world right there. if the last 3 letters were p22, that's me. this is a p.o.s and not a p.p.o a p.p.o? it's a p.o.s i want a p.o.s or i have a p.o.s? you have a p.o.s. so you want me to have a p.p.o? you have a p.o.s, not a p.p.o that means you... i want a p.p.o? (child crying) you have a p.o.s, it's like an h.m.o it means you a referral from a p.c.p a p.c.p? a primary care physician. a p.o.s means i need a p.c.p? (child crying) a referral. (crying) (crying) momma. find a doctor in your network... before you book with zocdoc. some crazy moments inside apple store yesterday. a samiri sword, starts swinging it at customers. that sister station in new york. >> this cell phone video could be straight from a martial arts movie. but the backdrop is the iconic apple store on fifth avenue. police say a crazed 30 year old man with a samiri sword brought the packed store to a stand still around 4:00 friday. in the video, you can see, police and security follow the man up the spiral staircase. >> when he pulls out this sword, i mean, i am telling you, the blaze was this big. >> he was right on top of me on the stairs. i basically look up, and all i saw was him throwing a sword at people. >> lewis happen palo said customers returned to the emergency exits when the man counted out loud, like he had a bomb. >> he tried to punch himself with the sword, started to count upward from one to ten. >> apollo snapped these pictures, two off duty nypd officers tackled the man, removed his saber. he has been identified as sue tien, charged with menace g, criminal possession after weapon. par med ex took him to bellevue hospital for psych evaluation. witnesses say, it all happened within a matter of minutes, apple's popular flag ship store never closed. throughout the evening, uniform officers and security patrolled the plaza along fifth avenue. >> a sword? come, on. the incident did little to deter people from visiting the apple store once the indent was over the fifth avenue store was packed for the rest of the night. not going to keep folks away from their iphones that's for sure. wedding celebration gone bad for this man in california. chris bellman, crashed a wedding, and then got jumped by the groom and another man. guess they didn't want him there. he had to get seven stitches. this is a big deal. was best man at earlier wedding, decided to stick around for the next wed to go continue to celebrate. when he caught the gardner belt things turned have i lent. he was escorted out and beaten up. after the wedding coordinator figured out he wasn't supposed to be there. yikes. >> well, hey, take a look at this video, landslide destroyed road in southern california. the road in santa collar it a started to buckle by thursday, by friday afternoon complete mess. now locals say they've never seen anything like this. officials say loose earth actually slid under the asphalt, pushing one portion of it 15 higher than normal. right now, they don't know what caused that landslide. and, check this out. the first big snowstorm of the season, blaze ago path through the northern planes, and upper midwest this weekend. this is what it looked like in souix falls, south dakota. parts of the state got up to 18 inches of snow. oh, creating hazardous conditions of course across the roads, the midwest can expect more snow, today, let's leave it in the midwest. >> yep, let them have it. still going on out there. >> i can't believe that. i guess you can believe it. >> it is not unheard of, here we are, mid november. >> but let's keep it quiet here at home. >> ne and quiet, sunshine, clouds, it will be cool, typical mid-november stuff. check it out, storm scan3, where we do have the storm out in chicago right now, where they are getting the steady snow. over the delaware vale, just some left over clouds this morning, they'll give way to little more sunshine. >> this storm is actually kind of a cold front. that's going to come through later tonight. most of the moisture stays well to the north and west. check it out. snowfall forecast, over the next 24 hours. still another three, maybe even 6 inches of snow, parts of illinois, and southern michigan, from that system as it moves off to the north and east. for us, really the story the drop in the temperatures. weep should be mid 50's this time of year. look at that, thursday, upper 60s, we were mid 50's yesterday, then today, talking low 50's, then talking about some 40's for sunday, monday, so the coldest air of the fall season for the daytime highs settling in for the start of the next week. thirty-three millville, 34 capitol city of delaware, 39 in newark, right around 40 degrees for a lot of the suburbs surrounding philadelphia, voorhees, palmyra, and out in pottstown, 34 degrees, 39 lafayette hill. so cold start this morning, again, not full sunshine, but enough to warm us up slowly into the low 50's, we will get the front through tonight, this is the front that's bringing snow to the midwest, come through dry, may get sprinkle to the far north and west in the mountains, otherwise just clouds, then cools us down. upper 40's to near 50, that's it for highs sunday, breezy an as well, the sunshine will come out. monday sin, chilly day, the coldest day, talking highs only in the mid 40's, for the start of the work week. today, increasing sunshine, we head through the afternoon, clouds quickly build back in as that cold front moves on in, so maybe sprinkle or two up in the lehigh valley, and poconos, tonight, tomorrow, still left over clouds, at least through the first half of the day. here are the temperatures, today, struggling to get into the low 50's, maybe mid 50's, if you see enough sunshine. tonight not quite as cool, the clouds moving in. so that kind of holds up the temperatures a little bit. then sunday hi, look at that, widespread 40's, to maybe 50 degrees, if we're lucky. forecast high today, cool sunshine, clouds, 53 degrees, at least driment tonight mostly cloudy, mid 40's for the overnight low temperature, we go ahead, check out the eagles forecast, again, breezy day, typical november football weather for sure, mixture of sun and clouds for that kick off at 1:00. temperature at the game, 48 degrees, northwest breeze coming in at about ten to 20 miles per hour, so certainly need to bring the jacket, if you are headed out to the stadium to check out that game. here is the extended forecast, again, overall, it is cool for the next several days, but no real big storm systems to really impact usment talking low 50's for the high today. tonight, not quite as cold, low 40's, sunday, near 50 degrees, monday, that's the day, 46, that's it for the high temperature. then we go full sun into next week, tuesday, wednesday, lower 450's, good news for thanksgiving, right now, the sunshine is out. temperatures in the upper 50's, maybe have the backyard football game planned. it looks good. then pushing 60 by next friday. nicole, back to you. >> justin, thanks. heads to up comcast customers. you can expect to pay even more for your services next year. rates are going up about 4% on some extended tv and internet packages. rate increase takes effect january 1st, comcast says the rate hike is necessary to provide faster internet, and more wifi hot spots. >> well, warning now, about a new caffeinated peanut butter, some believe the pick me up snack can be too much to children and deadly on mals. each 2 tablespoons serving has about 150 milligrams of caffeine, which is like downing two shots of expresso. veterinarian we talked to says the caffeinated peanut butter sandwich could kill 18-pound dog. want the fda to determine if the peanut butter should carry warning label. cbs-3 health watch, pennsylvania leads the nation and new jersey, close behind in drug overdose deaths in young adult men, cords took new analysis. health reporter stephanie stahl has more on the epidemic of drug abuse right here in our area. >> michael battle still has the tracks marks on his arms after being addicted to heroin for 20 years. >> overwhelming. >> michael, high school football star, has been off drugs for almost 25 years. and is now a counselor. >> i thank god that i got the help when i am got it. because i would be dead now. >> pennsylvania now leads the country with the highest number of overdose deaths among men between the ages of 19 to 25. new jersey is fourth. >> we have the highest potency of heroin actually as anybody in the world. >> ken dickinson with a drug rehab program in philly says heroin addiction often starts with prescription pain medications like oxycontin, especially prevalent in suburban counties. drugs are now killing a growing number of people who are young, rich, and white. people often turn to heroin because the legal drugs can be difficult to get and they're expensive. >> so one objection i -- oxy tablet would be $40. they can buy had your heroin cheaper than pack of cigarettes. >> the epidemic killed more than twice as many americans as homicide over the last decade. more information and where to find help. click on health. i'm stephanie stahl, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". the nation's largest health insure is her warning it may leave the affordable care act. united healthcare says it will decide next year whether to keep offering coverage through the affordable care act. insurers are struggling to attract enough healthy customers offset coverage of sicker patients. some say united threat is an indication the program could use some tweaking. well, facebook wants to ease the pain of breaking up. it is offering a new feature in the u.s. designed for people who don't want to see their ex partners posts and pictures. you can also remove your name from pass posts linking you to your ex. save you some time, that's for sure. maybe money real can i buy you happiness. consumer spending researchers michael north on says it depends on how you spend your money. he found people generally get more happiness spending money on experiences, like vacations, rather than things like electronics and gadgetsment that's partially because anticipation of a trip or maybe a dinner date can make you just as happy, as the event itself. but, spending on big ticket items often causes stress and anxiety. so, something to think about. all right, still ahead, the wait is over for hunger games fans. we go behind the scenes of mock i jay part two that's coming up next. >> i'm kevin frazier, coming up jennifer laurence star in the epic final installment of the hunger games franchise with the action packed mocking jay when i was sidelined with blood clots in my lung,h. it was serious. fortunately, my doctor had a game plan. treatment with xarelto®. hey guys! hey, finally, somebody i can look up to... ...besides arnie. xarelto® is proven to treat and help reduce the risk of dvt and pe blood clots. xarelto® is also proven to reduce the risk of stroke in people with afib, not caused by a heart valve problem. for people with afib currently well managed on warfarin, there's limited information on how xarelto® and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. you know, i tried warfarin, but the blood testing and dietary restrictions... don't get me started on that. i didn't have to. we started on xarelto®. nice pass. safety first. like all blood thinners, don't stop taking xarelto® without talking to your doctor, as this may increase your risk of a blood clot or stroke. while taking, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. xarelto® may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. xarelto® can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. get help right away for unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. if you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto®, watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto®, tell your doctor about any kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. you know xarelto® is the #1 prescribed blood thinner in its class. that's a big win. it is for me. with xarelto® there is no regular blood monitoring and no known dietary restrictions. treatment with xarelto®... ...was the right move for us. ask your doctor about xarelto®. >> the last of the hunger games saga is now in theatres. kevin frazer from entertainment tonight talked to jennifer laurence about the hugely popular series and how it has changed her life. >> this week, jennifer laurence returns for the last time as cat miss aberdeen the girl on fire in the epic conclusion to the hunger games franchise in the hunger games mocking jay part two. >> has to pay for what he's done. >> ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the 76 hunger games. >> faces the capitol and their dangerous games one last time in the hunger games mockingjay part two, finale finds everything she holds there put to the test, but off screen the bond forge with co-stars liam hemsworth and john hutchinson is one that will last forever. >> we have got one shot. >> make it count. >> i get to work with liam a lot more on this film, she was really great. he normally misses out on all of the action and stuff, but they are the greatest guys in the entire wormed. i don't know how i got so lucky. if i had met them in any other circumstance i would have said the same thing, we're going to be best friends. >> are you still trying to protect me, real or not real. >> real. >> the movie is clearly made huge impact on pop culture. but also on jennifer's life. >> i think it is amazing, i love ac part of the fill that many can, you know, spark conversation. it has been such an incredible chapter in my life. filming these movies, the fact that anyone could be touched by them, or, you know, that the films resonate with anyone is amazing. >> he we all have one enemy. he corrupts everyone, and everything. he turns the best of us against each other. tonight turn your weapon to the capitol. >> for entertainment tonight, i'm kevin frazier, now, back to you in the studio. >> all right, and for all of the latest news from hollywood, watch entertainment tonight on every week night at 7:00 right here on cbs-3. and, coming up in the next half hour of "eyewitness news", it is a marathon weekend here in the city, and philadelphia is getting ready for thousands of runners a mid tighter security. we'll have more on what you can expect coming up. >> also, barefoot no more. random act every kindness on new york city subway goes viral. we'll have that you won't find the brand pharmacists recommend most for cold and flu relief at the shelf. advil cold & sinus is only behind the pharmacy counter. ask your pharmacist for fast, powerful advil cold & sinus. relief doesn't get any better than this. fortified.tored. replenished. emerge everyday with emergen-c packed with b vitamins, antioxidants, electrolytes plus more vitamin c than 10 oranges. why not feel this good everyday? emerge and see. between spectators and runners, we are spec to go see around 80,000 people out here in the ben franklin parkway, for marathon weekends. i'm l ex andrea huff, everything you need to know coming up. >> also there is weekends, loving dogs in desperate need of adoption, local shelter running out of space. how organizers are hoping to find all of these animals good homes before it is too late. plus: >> i'm danielle nottingham in van ives, california, major rescue operation is underway. coming up: how thousands of animals are finding new homes. >> today is saturday, november 21st, good morning, glad you're with us, i'm nicole brewer. it is 5:30, just pass the. we send it out to justin drabick on the skydeck. you know, it is quiet but cold, right, justin? >> i like the quiet part for the weekends, that's good. a lot of people will be running around today. of course the marathon going where it is pretty good running weather, not hot, not terribly cold, not whole lot of winds to deal with. right now, yes, chilly, waking up to 30's, 40's, out here on the skydeck, still clouds going on, officially at the airport, 43 degrees, freezing in many locations, mount pocono, allentown, reading, low 30's, south jersey, as well. so areas that also are seeing the calm winds, see some frost around this morning, may do little scrapping on your carps, freezing quakertown, 37 willow grove, doylestown at this hour. there are the winds, calm in some suburbs, five to 10 miles per hour overall out of the north, start to shift direction out of the east later this afternoon. still left over clouds over us from the overnight house -- hours, will give way to more sunshine through the morning, generally mixture of sunshine and clouds today, chilly start, 9:00 temperatures mid 40's, by noontime, talk about 50 degrees, and we struggle to make it into the low to possibly mid 50's, so again the weekend overall looks pretty good, just on the cool side, temperatures running at or slightly below average, low 50's today, and only near 50 sunday. and then it gets even colder for next week, we will break down the details in a few more minutes, nicole, back to you. >> thanks, you mentioned the marathon this weekend, race weekend here in philadelphia. today, and tomorrow, run letters hit the pavement, with tens of thousands of people expected to attend. but the recent terror attacks in paris, and in mali, officials are really beefing up security. alexandria hoff live with us along the ben franklin parkway with more on increased security measures. alex? >> reporter: nicole, run fast, run far, run philly. that's the phrase that you need to know here in the city this weekend. justin mentioned, this is good running weather, at least i'm told, so little chilly for me. they have the metallic thermal wraps all ready for the runners at the finish line, main marathon will be tomorrow, but the rothman 8k will be starting up in two hours. >> go! >> run versa way of staying in most -- motion, even when events around the world seek to make them pause. but nearly 30,000 runners and 60,000 spectators over the weekends expected, there is no stopping these dedicated athletes. >> let's do, that let's think that wayment that's how runners think. >> mayor michael nutter consulted when homeland secure think week and said no credible threat has been linked to the city. still, tight ends security has been put into effect. areas around the event will act as secure zones, stretching from 18th to 25th streets on the parkway. anyone look to go get into the start, or finish zones, will have to pass through the security checkpoints. as was the case with world meeting of families, clear bags have been issued to all participants. spectators, please remember, if you choose to carry a bag of your own for personal items, those bags must be searched by security, prior to entering the start, finish zone. >> all right, so, there is also an app, it is the philly marathon app, for spectators, runners, any last minute updates they can receive right on their phone. here is a update for the marathon that's going to be tomorrow, one day, one hour, 25 minutes away for that rothman 8k will be pick kicking off in two hours, reporting live from the parkway, alexandria hoff, "eyewitness news". >> i'll be out there cheering for my sister, brother-in-law, people get into it. exciting weekend in philly, alex, thanks. meanwhile, protesters took to the streets in center city friday, civil rights, anti-war and political groups came together for what they called a rally against war racism islam phobia and police repression. philadelphia police were on hand. no word on any arrests, but some roads did have to be shutdown because that far disruption. we're toll everything is now back to normal. well, there is an urgent plea from a philadelphian mal shelter. they have run out every space and need good homes for dogs. "eyewitness news" at the animal care and control team shelter. all of the kennels there are full, about 22 dogsere euthanized thursday. that shelter is now offering free adoptions for all large breed dogs. >> kennels were totally full, so we need people to come in and adopt or foster help save lives, and encourage add open job if you adopt and liver in the sit of philadelphia you will have to pay 16-dollar pet registration fee. hundreds of dogs and cats rescued from animal shelters in california are taking flight in hopes of finding a new home this holiday season. cbs news correspondent danielle nottingham reports it is a massive operation with the cutest cargo. >> these dogs and cats facing euthenasia just days ago are now bound for new homes. in the pacific northwest and as far as canada and tennessee. >> the average flight today is 1,000 miles. it takes a distance to save those animals, that's where we're going. >> say good bye, babe. >> i non-profit wings every rescue transport pets from california's over crowded shelters to no kill rescues, but this holiday air lift of more than a thousand animals on two dozen planes, is a record for them. >> organizers expect everyone of these dogs and cats to be adopted. they have rescued more than 15,000 animals over the last six years, and all of them have found new homes. >> lucy is one of 40 pilots volunteering. >> i have three rescue dogs myself. and i just valued at option process, be able to help with the flying part, getting them homes, i think is very special. >> all of the animals spade, neutered, typically finds new families within two weeks, just in time for the holidays. danielle nottingham, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". what a great way to give back. well, grand donation for a good cause at the children's hospital of philadelphia. >> what you hear there is newly donated stein way concert grand piano. now in the lobby of the university city hospital. the the piano can cost upward of $30,000 was donated by the parent of former patient. know say they did it because they wanted families to be up lifted by the beautiful music there in the lobby of in their time of need. really great idea. some local young job seekers were treated to a career fair with some of their needs in minds. "eyewitness news" at the enterprize center in west philadelphia yesterday for the next level expo. the career fair for 18 to 25 years olds offered job opportunities and apprenticeship programs with more than a dozen companies. >> we have a mix every young people, some of them are current college students, some of them have college degrees, really they are just looking for access to different resources and relationships so that they can begin to formulate what their career is going to be. >> other resources offered to job seekers included workshops and financial aid for college, time management, learning how to dress for success. well, receiving a college acceptance letter is a big moment for any high school senior. and for one group, the day they got that letter was the day they beat the odds. steve patterson has their story. >> some came with hugs. other high five's and happy dances, but all something so special, so unique. these are the single most important moments of their young lives. >> i'm going to college punk up. >> friday we visited cristo ray high school, prep high school for over achieving youth, without traditional prep school means. students pay with hard work. >> students will work one day a week at a corporate work study placement, and the monday that i they earn through the sponsorship actually goes to pay their too us. >> college counselor, jared, says those four years of on-the-job training equate to college-ready kids, the school established four years ago is graduating it first class of seniors, 75% will go to college. >> senior laugh on wood, one of 40 student, selected for the high school instant decision day, recruit presser colleges across the region telling student on the spot if they're getting into college, and many with major scholarships. >> i just found i got accepted into holy family university. i have half off the tuition, which i got a $15,000 scholarship. >> our camera rolled, as lavon broke the news to her mom. >> what? i'm product of you! >> thank you, mom. >> i'm really proud of you. i told you you could do it. >> i'm very proud of your daughter. >> me too. >> most definitely did change my life. i have avenue lot of doubt about myself getting into college, i don't know why, but now that i am accepted, it is just like a heavy weight lifted off my shoulders. >> and just like that, young teens, some told their whole lives, what limits they're bound to, now learning there are none. >> just makes me so happy (. >> logan philadelphia, steve patterson, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". that is cool. see, mom said could you do it, you can do it. still to come on "eyewitness news", she gave her shoes to a barefoot woman on the subway. and now this random act every kindness is going viral. we'll hear from the good samaritan coming up next. >> also, chilly start to the day. meteorologist, justin drabick, back with your weekends forecast and the week ahead, going to be a little chill. we'll be right every coconut has a dream. to come out of its shell. to show all the world its true, inner beauty. and then, in an ironic twist, get covered up by chocolate and almonds. almond joy mounds. what every coconut wants. >> new tradition born in burlington county, cool, the first annual tree lighting in marlton, santa on hand to chat with the kids there, maybe ask them what they wanted for christmas, if they've been good, naughty or nice. one woman, even brought her pig. where is the pig? i'm looking for the pig. that's crazy. i didn't know people had pigs as pets, but go on. also, annual tradition in bucks county, the holiday lighting at peddlers village, of course, big event out that way. "eyewitness news" in lahaska, santa, a busy guy, right, especially this time of year. and mrs. clause, lighting up the town, they took some time to do that out in lahaska. but they were helped by a student who want won an essay contest, so they got to do the honors to light that place up, and our own meteorologist, kate bilo, also thereon hand to help that. that's a tradition here on "eyewitness news", every year, seeing that get all lit up. of course kate bilo being out there for all of the fun in lahaska. we send it to ever justin for more on the forecast. >> good morning, everyone else it, will feel more like the holidays this weekend, but still no signs every any true cold air will lock in for several days. so kind of up and down really over the next seven. so maybe planning to put up the christmas decorations this weekend, looks good. next weekends, no problems as well. live look at the ben franklin bridge, weaver some high level clouds over us, but still dry, on storm scan3, so that will be the trends through the weekends, just colds this morning. so here is our set up. our weather headlines, what we are talking about, cooler weekends, highs near average today, then drop below average, for the second half of the weekends, then gets cold for the start of next week, but still dry stretch in our seven day forecast which i will show you coming up in just a few minutes. so temperatures, they're going to be dropping next 24-48 hours. average hi, 54. we were near that on friday. and then today, close to average, we will drop below average certainly sunday, monday, the core of the colds he is air comes through during the day monday. here is the reason. pretty good storm system out across the midwest, snow breaking out, steady heavy snow around chicago right now. this storm will track to our north and west. that kind of misses us, will drag cold front through here, bringing colder air, also some clouds. but real now moisture with the storm. maybe get sprinkle late tonight up in the poconos. coldest morning, 37 in pemberton, 34 dover, delaware, 47 a little milder in south delaware right now. but around the city, mid and upper 30's for the suburbs, mullica hill checks in at 34 degrees. good morning, chalfont, you guys are at 38, out in malvern, chaddsford, freezing, allentown, so some frost around. high pressure over us right now. again, still some clouds around, they'll give way to little more sun. here comes the storm, later tonight, it is a cold front, again, all of the moisture still staying well to the north and west, just dragging some clouds across the region, should see more sunshine later sunday, and then monday, but still, locks us in this colds weather pattern. highs today, struggle to get to the low 50's, maybe we touch mid 50's in some of the warmest spots, seeing the sun. not as cool tonight. in the 40's most locations because of the cloud acting as blanket holding in the heat. tomorrow highs only upper 40's, to around 50 degrees. so here's the reason. jet stream, starting to move southward, there is the core of the cold air coming out every canada, core of the coldest air really set unless later sunday night into monday. short lived, though, jet stream, back on the move, check this out. as you head in through thanksgiving holiday weekend, looks like some milder air returns to our forecast. today cool sun, clouds, 53 for the high. tonight mostly cloudy, 44 to the low temperature, looking ahead to the thanksgiving day forecast, looks pretty good. mostly sunny skies, overall, mild turkey, 58 degrees for the afternoon high, that's above average. check out the extended forecast. cool start. we will be in the mid 40's, next week. but, each day gets little milder, as we approach up ear's thanksgiving and near 60s by friday. "black friday", nick oil, you'll be out shopping. >> oh, you know, i'll be out in full force, 06 degrees, are you kidding me? i love that little turkey, too. >> he has the moves. >> all right, justin, thanks. a chance meeting on new york city subway sparks a movement. one woman saw an opportunity to help a stranger, and made a pretty big impact. as aj ross reports, small act every kindness caused a ripple effect. >> everybody's getting off work, and everybody's in their phone. >> on crowded train in times square, during peak rush hour, kate brown took notice of perfect stranger. homeless woman, whose weary journey, one could only imagine. >> she just had, i mean, a tiny like little ragged shirt, like jacked, and i mean her feet, bear feet, not socks, not like shoes but completely bear feet. >> quietly discreetly she said she approached the woman and offered the shoes off her own feet which happened to be perfect match. >> she asked me like are you sure? and i go yes, of course, my gosh. so she started putting them on, started crying, and i know, it was amazing, and i mean just put them on and left. >> it was brief and touching exchange that left a lasting impression on kay, who planned to walk home in socks, before another man, who witnessed everything, offered her an extra pair to go over her own. >> wouldn't you want somebody to show some compassion toward you and not walk by you or scoff, like, what if you were the person? need? >> overwelmed, inspired by the rip he effect of her small gesture, kay shared the experience with friends and family on facebook, post since gone viral, prompting people around the worlds to pay it forward. >> right now, there is so many terrible things happening. i mean, absolutely terrible things happening. so i wasn't trying to do that to pat my own back. i just wanted to be like this is really cool. like this is an awesome moment for me, and i wanted to share it with other people. and i can't believe how something so small has turned into something so great. >> nothing small about that. great person. that was aj ross reporting. now, kay said she walked six blocks to get home, and again, she wants to give big shout out to the guy who gave her that extra pair of socks, because it really helped her out a lot. good to see. 5:49. still ahead, final football frenzy of the year. leslie van arsdale and pat gallen have the highlights from around the region coming up next in sports. this is a p.o.s and not a p.p.o a p.p.o? it's a p.o.s i want a p.o.s or i have a p.o.s? you have a p.o.s. so you want me to have a p.p.o? you have a p.o.s, not a p.p.o that means you... i want a p.p.o? (child crying) you have a p.o.s, it's like an h.m.o it means you a referral from a p.c.p a p.c.p? a primary care physician. a p.o.s means i need a p.c.p? (child crying) a referral. (crying) (crying) momma. find a doctor in your network... before you book with zocdoc. i get out of work and i go to the store, and somebody's, smellin' around, "mmm! i smell cookies." i say, "oh no, you just smell me. i just got out of work. that's honey bunches of oats, that's all." i say "don't eat me now." it's a housewife who's in control of the finances. actually, any wife, husband, or human person can use progressive's name your price tool to take control of their budget. and while the men do the hard work of making money, she can get all the car insurance options her little heart desires. or the women might do the hard work of making money. [ chuckling ] women don't have jobs. is this guy for real? modernizing car insurance with -- that's enough out of you! the name your price tool, only from progressive. where is your husband? brown trying to shake things up for struggling sixers. the move did not pay off. six hers no answer for the hornets center al jefferson. big al scoring 26 points, grabbed ten boards. the sixers falling to zero and 13 on the season, 113-88 the final they take on the miami heat tonight. eleventh ranked villanova taking on east tennessee state at the patch ill job. wildcats have not lost non-conference game. keep it alive. jeff scoring 12 points, grabbed 16 rebounds, in a 86 to 51 victory. >> temple in the semifinals of the puerto rico tip-off classic facing 22nd rang the butler. owls with early 12-point lead couldn't keep it up. dunham, scoring 16 points, leads butler to 74-69 victory. tell will be play in the third place game to tomorrow afternoon. to eagles news, sam bradford, ryan matthews have, been ruled out for tomorrow's game against the buccaneers, mark sanchez will be under center for the birds. last season, he went four and four, he threw 14 touchdowns, and 14 interceptions. >> ♪ >> friday football frenzy. take it away, leslie. >> oh, thank you. yep, the final friday football frenzy of the season, playoff games all over the region, as most other schools wait for thanksgiving, let's get right to the action, delaware county. great valley, wesley taking the hand off, right into your living room. keeps rolling. they win 39 to 14. over to jersey. buena visiting west depford, crouch, sitting down low, to get into the ends zone. west depford the winner 21 to ten. >> archbishop ryan facing archbishop wood. anthony russo rolling out, looking deep, finds james gill he is bee inside for the long touchdown. >> north penn downingtown east. rolling out. goes back the other way, north penn, wins this one, 27 to 14. finally, we have marple newtown, upper moore lands, christianna, all the moves, bobbing and weaving, gone for the touchdown. twenty-eight to 20. well, our game of the week voted on by you. we have williamstown visiting cherokee, pat gallen was there and has this report. >> cherokee and williamstown for a spot in the group five finals, we pick it up second half. tied at seven. get on the see-saw. williamstown takes the lead, 8-yard run by joseph early. extra point, no good. it is 13-seven braves. chiefs respond. beautiful screen fake, ryan, wide open, 69 yards, to pay their point after is good. cherokee up 14-13, they would add 1 yard score to go up 21 to 13. williamstown roaring back, at glenn, his second score of the night, 21-19. they need two, and they get it. tied at 21. so, to over time we go. first possession for cherokee. moore gets his head-on the ball. that will means rick adder fumble. williamstown takes over. williamstown would get their shot. and they do not miss. it is early for a second score of the game, williamstown comes from behind. they are a winner. it was the win over cheer key, williamstown moves on to the group five final. if the final here, 27-two; williamstown wins. from the final frenzy of the year, i'm pat gallen, eyewitness sports. that's all for sports. i'm leslie van arsdale. have a great day. and that's for "eyewitness news" at 5:00. coming up in the next hour of "eyewitness news" at 6:00 live as marathon weekends gets underway here in philadelphia. plus it is a standard beauty routine. hair, nails, make up, you know the drill. but are the products you use to look good actually harming you? health reporter stephanie stahl tells us what lawmakers are doing about it. >> and it is a place where everybody knows your name, and your order, taste with tori heads to popular spot for breakfast, when you're here, you're definitely family. and bundle up justin drabick back with a chilly forecast. we'll be back. stay with us. this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news". new this morning, heavy smoke and flames destroy a home in salem county overnight. coming up: how something that was used to keep warm, may have caused the two alarm fire. >> the terror attack in mali hits close to home. we're learning more about the american victim who grew up in new jersey. >> and, governor chris christie speaks out after incident on a plane, forces him to cancel a campaign event. we'll have the details on. that will today is saturday, november 21st, good morning to you, so glad you're with us, i'm nicole brewer. just about 6:00. we send it to ever justin for more on the forecast, i know it is cold outside, but that's about the extent of it. >> a lot of people are saying hey does it feel like the holidays. >> this week it will. even next week, highs only in the 40's. >> careful what you wish for, right? >> right t won't last, though. not locked into cold weather pattern any time soon. actually warms up for thanksgiving, we'll get to that coming up a little later in the show. this morning, big change compared to yesterday at this time. we take you outside, though. nice and quiet, live look from the roof camera, center city looking south. there are some mid to high level clouds outside. but they'll break up. so we will see the sunshine out this morning, sunrise coming up at 6:52 in less than an hour, and again, temperatures, big difference than yesterday. anywhere from 11 to 22 degrees colder. so jacket, coat wet they are morning for sure. seeing many locations out below freezing, in the outer suburbs, 29 in allentown, 30 in reading, 42 at the airport officially in philadelphia, so, most likely, waking up to

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