Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20151117 : comparem

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20151117

region, through the morning, again, temperatures slowly climbing up through the 50's, by lunchtime looking add mid 50's in the sunshine, little breeze to deal with. afternoon highs again couple every degrees above average at 58 degrees for philadelphia, mid 50's at the shore, and only four's though up in the poconos, but we are going to bring back warmer air, however, rain chances, we time it out coming up if a few minutes, let's hit the roads with meisha, a morning. >> morning, justin, we certainly can't complain about 50's, can we? oh, no, and to think it was 07 yesterday. good morning, everyone, this is a look at the schuylkill eastbound, at spring garden. looking great here. now that we're breaking into the 5:00 hour, a loft overnight construction is starting to get out of the way, which is great news. ninety-five southbound at girard, one of the areas that typically does heat up, even in the 5:00 hour. certainly starting to see a lot of headlights start to hit the roadway southbound 95. we will see it continue to mount, we move through the 5:00 hour. certainly through the 6:00. in new jersey, 42 freeway northbound creek road looking good all the way up to 295, some of the construction has cleared, some has not. where weaver some construction, 42 freeway northbound ramp to 295 northbound close the until 5:00 a.m. one lane blocked now, until 6:00 a.m. so i'll let you know when that clears. right now other than that things looking pretty good. erika, over you. >> secretary every state, john kerry, says it is time to step up effort to hit terrorism at the core, where they are planning attacks. he met this morning with france's president, meantime, france launch new round every air strikes against isis after friday's terror attacks in paris. once again, it targeted rocka, syrian town under isis control. what happened in paris is over shadowing what was supposed to be an economic summit in the philippines. the 21 leaders of a peck say the attack, quote, demand aoun knighted voice from the global community. parisians are paying tribute to the victims, some have placed flowers at the restaurant where terrorists killed diners. the us now pledging its support. >> secretary of the state john kerry pledged to stand by france, and honor the lives of dozens of victims killed in last week's terror attacks. >> we talked about the significant steps, and we believe we can take together in the number of different areas. >> kerry's visit comes as france intensified attacks against isis militants responsible for the carnage. overnight, the french military reportedly dropped more than dozen bombs on the group in syria, destroying command and training center in the city of rocka. france has urged the us to join international coalition along with russia, against isis, despite russia's loyalty to syrian president. >> i just believe that it would be exceptionally difficult to convince the russians to abandon as add, and i think would be even harder to convince the as add government and the moderate opposition to come together. >> authorities across europe have conducted more than 150 raids, as they search for suspects, connected to the terror attacks. among them, 26 year old, who allegedly drove attackers to the concert hall, the alleged masterminds behind the operation, believed to be in syria. jonathan, cbs news, paris. meanwhile, popular spots in philadelphia are also increasing security following the attacks in paris. septa commuters will notice more police. they are stepping up manpower during rush hour, and eagles games. while septa police say there are no credible threats, they do remind commuters if you see something, say something. >> if they feel uneasy about it, if it is something that they feel is a potential threat, we would prefer to investigate their complaint. call 911. text pound 1776. we'll investigate it. >> at the wells fargo center fans attending lag night sixers game noticed increased security, the center says please be patient. >> meanwhile, local travelers who were in europe at the time of the attacks in paris are now making their journey back home. "eyewitness news" reporter justin finch joins us at the philadelphia international airport where the story of a delaware couple who are just happy to be back home safe and sound, understandably, justin, good morning. report reporter kay, good morning, four days after those attacks in paris, hundreds now returning hom to philadelphia, and though they are now an ocean apart, we met some who tell us they still feel connected to paris. back from france, student stephen, returning to the states, and his studies, at the community college of philadelphia. >> they say we have to continue to leave. >> ivory coast native, in france to see friends, when friday's attacks put paris and the world on high alert. eight suspect, 129 dead, hundreds hurt, after three days of grieving, he says, his friends in france are grateful for support from the us and the world, as they re-start their lives. >> have to go to school, have to go to work, i mean ... >> we were told right when we flew out that paris was the safest airport, was the safest place to be. >> reporter: frank and gale of delaware just back from two week european get away. their stop in paris cut short with word of the attacks only hours before they were set to arrive. though their trip was derailed, and they're back home, their thoughts remain with par ills. the city of light devastated by the darkness of terror. >> i am coming from 9/11, we had a pretty good understanding what the citizens were going through. you got to, you know, your heart goes out for them. >> and you saw frank get choke up there, we do know that the first flights from paris to philadelphia began arriving this afternoon at about 2:00 or so, and of course, there are still flights leaving, however, at this time, we have not found any alert from the state department about traveling overseas specifically to paris. but if you are traveling, of course, be watchful and be safe. we are live from the airport, justin finch, cbs-3, "eyewitness news", erika? >> justin, thanks so much. >> meanwhile, a millersville university student studying abroad in paris says she's not coming home any time soon. caitlin borden and her friends were at france's national sports stadium friday night watching france and germany play. she did not realize what had happened until after the soccer game. >> people started running as you would like someone had pulled out a gun or something. i had a neighborhood attack a couple of minutes from where i live. >> borden said she plans to stay in paris and finish her stud us. >> stay with "eyewitness news" for continuing coverage of the terror in paris. as soon as there are any updates, we'll have them for you on tv and on line at new in morning, says russian passenger jet that crashed in egypt sinai peninsula last month was brought down by bomb estimated to contain more than 2-pound every explosives. and the country's offering a 50 million-dollar reward for information on that bombing. the crash metro jet 9268 claimed the lives of 224 people. >> part every columbus boulevard had to be shutdown overnight as workers cleaned up this roll over pick-up truck. it happened in the 2600 block near snyder avenue in south philly around 1:30 in the morning. the driver was taken to jefferson with non-life threatening injuries. police are investigating the cause, but say it appears the victim may have been driving under the influence. >> 5:08 right now. still ahead, a lot of kids have questions about the paris terror attacks. we have some advice for parents looking for ways to explain tragedies like this one. also, a police officer is saved by his gun. but not in the way you may expect. police say it is a miracle he survived this extremely close call. and, wifi wazoo waste, why tens of thousands of internet equipment sitting in a local wear howls. the reason city officials say they can't use it. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> do you need a cup of coffee this early in the morning? to folk us? hey, we'll let you know how a cup or two can help you live longer. the reason to go for that extra second cup. we'll be right back. >> ♪ of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine, i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for 12 months free at that's a fact. but this whole "blondes have more fun" thing... ♪ standing by for fun. ♪ >> please touch museum gets a big gift. it is being given a seven figure donationment back in september the museum declared bankruptcy and said it needs $10 million to get rid of it debt. despite being bankrupt, though, the museum has stayed open while it tries to raise more money. >> we have an update to the stand up as bucks county motel last week. we have learned the bensalem police office her a very close call. that officer was serving a warrant at a room at the nights inn when someone opened fire. a bullet fired at the officer, launched itself in a small flashlight attached to the barrel that far officer's gun. the officer was not hurt. and retreated to safety. >> they say god is everywhere. god was at the nights inn on november 7th at 2:30 p.m. for sure. because it was he that saved that officer's life. >> wow. a two-hour long stand-off ensued after which lloyd franklin was found dead. franklin was wanted for the murder after north carolina couple. his girlfriend, who was also a suspect, and another man, were also arrested. >> add another college to the list of schools taking honorary degrees away from bill cosby. board at drew rescinded his degree which he held for 13 years. cosby has been under fire lately after admit nag deposition that he god prescription drugs to give to women he wanted to have sex with. cosby has never been charged with any crimes. >> philadelphia's financial watchdog is calling it a wireless waste, tens every thousands of dollars in unused wireless internet hardware just sitting in a warehouse, nutter administration is being blamed. "eyewitness news" reporter david spunt has that store. >> i it may not look like much at first glance, but inside this warehouse in south philadelphia, there are unopened boxes, and more boxes of wireless internet equipment, that has been in the city ' possession since 2010. >> obviously the attitude is that this equipment is not worth anything. >> controller for the city of philadelphia, and says his inspectors made a trip to the warehouse just a few weeks ago, they took this video obtain by "eyewitness news" which allegedly shows the equipment unopened, and just sitting there. >> i think it just shows the general thought lessness which the city administration approaches technology. >> according to nutter administration official the city of brotherly love received $2 million from the federal government town stall wireless networks for police, fire and other city employees for business purposes only. that official says some of the equipment is currently in use around the city. and what's left in the warehouse is out of dathan can't just be thrown out, according to federal guidelines. >> you should have a respect for tax money. i mean, that's the other thing that happens. if you disrespect federal tax money, then eventually you will disrespect city tax monday. >> i he told "eyewitness news", he looks forward to the new mayor oral administration, one he says will do better job of making sure equipment doesn't go to waste. >> i think that jim kenney understands going into this, it is not his house, it belongs to the taxpayers. >> i reached out to mayor-elect jim kenney on this story, his spokeswoman told me he wouldn't make official statement until he spoke to mayor nutter about the allegations. but she did say if controller allegations are true, she said there is no explanation for what is happening with that equipment. reporting at city hall, david spunt, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". >> and, while we enjoyed some spring-like warmth yesterday, part of colorado, check it out, being hit by wintery blast. actually blizzard warning there this morning. this is the scene in castle rock. 45-mile per hour wind gusts are blowing heavy snow, bringing the temperatures cold temperatures with it. eight to 16 inches every snow are expected there in the afternoon drive. colorado they absolutely want that snow. here to the mountains, those folks like it, too, but man, yesterday, it will be tough to top that what seven open degrees yesterday? >> seventy yesterday. not going to get that today. now it is typical november day. temperatures in the up ear's, still it will be pleasant, sunshine around, then we warm it up next few days, too. >> love it. >> no snow yet in our forecast, no signs of any persistent cold air coming up any time soon. let's talk about what's happening. today little more seasonable, we bring back northeast winds, that's the trends today with temperatures back to the up ear's, but then, tomorrow, thursday, it will be milder again, as we approach the upper 60s, getting close to 70, thursday, however, there will be clouds, some showers, and i think it ruins our shot at reaching 70. that's the rain we will be dealing with, for the second half of this week. it is cool this morning, suburbs, south jersey, mid and low 40's this hour, still spots at around ooh degrees, depending on what your spinned speeds are. forty-five palmyra. forty-three chalfont, as ten, couple of cold spots to the north and west, clear skies, allentown, quakertown, checking in at 39 degrees, doylestown, richboro low and mid 40's. there you go, back door cold front came through from the north yesterday, brought few high level clouds over us this morning, but generally we should go mostly sunny through the afternoon, there is the next storm system. taking its time to get here. tomorrow it, starts to bring in more clouds. then talking about good rain chance on thursday. so, for today, kind of wedge intoed cool flow out of the northeast, keeping our highs close to average, tomorrow back to the 60s, with just some more clouds, maybe stray shower, here comes the strong cold front in here on thursday, bringing some steady rain in here, at times, thursday, could pick up half inch of rain from the system. once the front moves through, we bring back cooler, drier air mass for friday, into the weekends. so close to average friday. weekend actually will drop slightly below average. but again there is cold air just does not want to hang around. looks like it returns to near average by early of next week. rain chances today zero. we throw in 20% chance tomorrow, very spit it, will happen late in the day if it does at all. 909% chance thursday, that will be our weather days out of the next seven. then, throw in 10% chance early friday morning as that front moves through. today though sunshine, mixed with few clouds, personally to the south and east of the city, tonight clear night, and then for your wednesday, more clouds return, with temperatures back to the 60s, enjoy today, though, we're in the sunshine, high of 58 degrees. again, 60s on wednesday, and thursday. let's head over to meisha for a check on the morning ride. good morning. >> good morning, justin, that's great. we can enjoy some dry roadways today, possibly tomorrow and thursday. might come down on us little bit. good to know. well, this morning, right now, vine is looking pretty good all open. it was closed between the schuylkill and broad street. for those every you moving in the westbound direction, looking great. eastbound direction, this is waiting for to you clear, it has just cleared right now. moving in the eastbound direction, lure being good, finally as well the overnight construction project has now lifted. in jersey, 42 freeway, that ramp to 295 for those of you traveling northbound, in new jersey, toward that ramp to 295, it was scheduled to open, right around 5:00 a.m., we're in the 5:00 a.m. hour now. it is not lifting quote. ramp to 295 is not yet open. blue route, southbound at mid-county, heading toward the schuylkill. looking great. anywhere that we look on the blue route, looking real nice this morning. that's great news. and, also, some fun stuff of course the flyers are playing la kings, at 7:00 p.m. go flyers of course. update on the construction, 495 north, at terminal avenue, then onramp is closed until the ends of november. but the off ramp is now re-opened on 495. another great news for this morning. erika, back over to you. >> meisha, thanks so much. still ahead, local girl gets the star treatment from the sixers. see why the team honored her before last night's game. >> ♪ >> it is pie so good, it will make you sing and dance. that's how that man's viral review is lead to go a run on pies for the holidays. details coming up. and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night,blind. and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24. learn more by calling 844-824-2424. or visit happening right now, president obama is advice visiting the philippines. new video over the night from manila. the president is thereto attend economic forum, with dozens every other world leaders before continuing onto malaysia, later on this week. a special moment now for young girl at last night's sixers game. she is overcoming adversity, was named strong kid of the game. "eyewitness news" reporter rahel solomon shows that you special moment the girl and her mother received before her big moment. >> margaret stewart has probably been dealt more hardship in just her 11 short years than most. >> it is really hard to live -- >> she and her mom have been living in homeless shelters in philadelphia for the last two years. and there is their situation a reality for many, about 12,000 people including families live in shelters each year. >> we're grateful because if we didn't have our children, we would not -- we would be on the street. but part of us get taken from that, because we can't give our children what we really want to give them. >> but lately, their luck has changed. monday two local style i cents offered free hair and make up, ahead of monday night's recognition. because when you do good, you want to look and feel good. >> so every game we do a strong kid of the game award, where we recognize somebody who really defies the odds, somebody who rep cents perseverance, determination, and, you know, sometimes there are some challenging circumstances. and if you look at margaret's story, it is pretty inspirational. >> margaret's field hockey coach who nominated her forte ward said in spite of whatever was going on at home she always came to practice ready to give it her all and did it with a smile. >> i'm proud of you. de is he of it, you real dow. >> nowadays margaret and sharon are smiling a l just two weeks ago, they moved into their very own home. >> i like the privacy, where it is us, and we can get on with our lives now. >> are hole solomon, "eyewitness news". and take a look here at margaret and her mom after their make overs, both look just beautiful. >> ann margaret also received her very own sixers jersey during the pre-game ceremony there. she is. well deserved honor. congratulations. >> coming up in the next half hour every "eyewitness news", you probably don't need another reason to drink coffee in the morning, right? but now your daily jolt of caffeine could be a real lifesaver. jan? >> reporter: erika, over the past few days, these images have flooded tv and social media. but as a parent, how do you talk to your kids about the terror attack in paris? some advice up next. >> christmas change of tune at the cherry hill mall. i'm cleve bryan. coming up: why management decided to drop a requirement to pay $35 to see santa. >> now we hit high temperature of 07 yesterday. that's not happening today. but it is to still stays warm in the seven day forecast, those details coming up in a little bit. >> justin, thanks. lots, before you hit the road, meisha updating your traffic conditions for the tuesday morning rush. we'll be right back. whenclots in my lung,with blood it was serious. fortunately, my doctor had a game plan. treatment with xarelto®. hey guys! hey, finally, somebody i can look up to... ...besides arnie. xarelto® is proven to treat and help reduce the risk of dvt and pe blood clots. xarelto® is also proven to reduce the risk of stroke in people with afib, not caused by a heart valve problem. for people with afib currently well managed on warfarin, there's limited information on how xarelto® and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. you know, i tried warfarin, but the blood testing and dietary restrictions... don't get me started on that. i didn't have to. we started on xarelto®. nice pass. safety first. like all blood thinners, don't stop taking xarelto® without talking to your doctor, as this may increase your risk of a blood clot or stroke. while taking, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. xarelto® may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. xarelto® can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. get help right away for unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. if you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto®, watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto®, tell your doctor about any kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. you know xarelto® is the #1 prescribed blood thinner in its class. that's a big win. it is for me. with xarelto® there is no regular blood monitoring and no known dietary restrictions. treatment with xarelto®... ...was the right move for us. ask your doctor about xarelto®. the latest developments in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks be, and some advice for parents looking for the right words to explain the violence to their kids. first, we want to check in with justin and meisha, after 07 degrees yesterday, i mean, you just can't improve from that. >> no, you really can't. >> feeling like fall out there. and the roads looking pretty good. >> roads are looking good. nothing to talk about although overnight construction project moving out of our way. it is looking great. >> weather won't impact anything on the roads r may be battling some sun glare this afternoon, overall, pleasant day shaping up. temperatures cooler though. dealing with the highs, closer to average, talking but ear's, so hey that's not bad for the middle of november. we will take t yesterday, i mean, it was warm, that's typical late september, early october weather, high of 70 officially at philadelphia international airport airport. upper 60s in wilmington, atlantic city, trenton, and even up in the lehigh valley in allentown. so we won't see that today. but like i said overall pleasant afternoon with the sunshine around. it is cool this morning, allentown 39 degrees, with clear skies, 44 in red willing, near 50, wilmington and philadelphia, then gets cooler in the outer suburbs, certainly jacket sweater wet they are morning, and then, slow progress with the temperatures, we climb through the 50's over the next several hours. northeast winds, though, look at the arrow coming out of the northeast, that means cooler push of air. that's why we're knocking the temperatures back close to

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