Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20151109 : comparem

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20151109

they are realizing it had been someone who was planning to harm them. >> this is very dangerous to have officers not paying attention to is what going on around them, they are surrounding and for someone to take a photo of these officers a and they are not aware, they don't wake up or anything, it is a a dangerous situation. >> reporter: now because these officers identities were not released by the department we weren't able to reach out to them for any possible comment they might have on the picture. meanwhile philadelphia police say while they are trying to pin opinion down exactly how long officers were sleeping and other circumstances they emphasized a as of right now there is no indication that their sleeping in anyway put any citizens in jeopardy, because they may have missed any calls. live from police headquarters, i'm walt hunter, cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> walt, thank you. some big changes are coming in the forecast, our weather team is now tracking rain and tomorrow, well, it will look different from today. no more sunny smiles and probably no more hot air balloons tomorrow either. lets check with meteorologist kate bilo live on the cbs-3 sky deck with a look at that first forecast, kate. >> reporter: jessica, would i say no, on the hot air balloon ride tomorrow. you will want umbrella tomorrow. we have rain moving back in the a area you can see cloud have already over taken us this he can. take a look the at storm scan three. you cane that big massive green off to the south. rain has invaded virginia, north carolina and all that moisture lifting northward as we go through tonight and into tomorrow. you can barely see it reaching into d.c., a a few light showers into eastern maryland and some of this rain could get here in the next several hours but it is really tomorrow that we will be focusing on coming up, and temperatures right now still on the mild sigh side. this time of the year it is not out of the question we could get frozen precipitation. luckily for us, nothing of the sort. temperatures in the upper 50's, feeling comfortable, with the cloud, it is not too cold overnight. fifty-eight the current temperature in philadelphia. 66 degrees in millville. so coming up when i join you sign we will track that rain maker. we will tell you when rain gets in, when the rain gets out and that is not it for wet weather. we have more coming up and cool down for weekend a lot going on. i will have details when i join you inside, back inside to you. >> thank you, kate. go fund me page set up by family of the woman found bound and burned in the massachusetts has raised enough money to bring her body back home to new jersey. tip led police to the body of ashley borgnor last tuesday night in bridge water. she was found after a neighbor called 911 to report a suspicious suv near railroad tracks. it took days to identify her. >> it is very hard, because when you grow up in a house like this you never even imagined, something like that happening. >> everyone is shook up. it is there troubling. like i said, as many people lived here for 40, 50 years or more, and it is just not used to something like this even being a possibility. >> reporter: authorities believe that borgnor was killed somewhere else and someone moved her body to where it was eventually recovered. and investigators are looking into whether a possible love triangle motivated killings of two people in fairmount park on friday. park employees found their bodies, in an suv. "eyewitness news" reporter, ra will hell solomon is back at the the scene with more on this, rahel. >> jessica, police are looking into this as a possible crime of passion they say that the two victims were involve in the relationship but had other relationships, as well. police are looking into whether some sort of scorned lover could be behind this double murder. the the couple, probably never saw it coming. sometime between midnight and 5:00 friday morning, police say someone snuck up on foot to this white toyota a suv, opened the back door and fired nine times. >> you've got nine shots fired, all of them shots to both of the victims, so ate appears to be very much a crime of passion. >> reporter: police say 25 year-old shekorarline was name and lisa smith was partially name. they were involved in some sort of sexual encounter when shot. authorities say that the couple had been on and off for years. >> they had outside relationships, so obviously that is where our investigation will start because somebody knew that they were in the park at that time and obviously had an issue with that. >> reporter: arline lift in the 29th and less than half a mile from the lemon hill crime scene. neighbors tell me he loved to fix car and was always working. >> it is a tragedy. but i just hope and pray to god that justice will be served. i think it will be in this case because he is a good guy. >> reporter: police tell me they have questioned one women, connected to the male victim but they still have other interviews to do. meantime they ask anyone with any a additional information to please give homicide a call and that number is (215)686-3334. reporting live from fairmount park, rahel solomon for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> rahel, thank you. no one was injured in an overnight fire thanks to the quick actions of fire fighters and neighbors. that blaze started on the 2900 block of memphis street just before 2:00 a.m. it took crews about a half an hour to get it under control. today's scene sent residents running to safety, and warning others, about the the danger. >> i come outside and all i see is a fire. i'm like i ran inside to get her. >> i had to come running, no shoes, no jacket. >> some of the blocks residents who spoke to "eyewitness news" believe this fire is suspicious. they say it is fourth time in six months that they have watched flames burn homes in this neighborhood. the official cause of the fire is still under investigation. your a's looking at a car fire at a gas station, this is caught on cell phone video. temple university police car caught fire near the pumps a at the bp station at broad and girard. fire fighters quickly got the flames under control, thankfully no one was injury. overturn tractor trailer causes delays in chester county. chopper three over that scene late this morning on route 100 south ramp on the the pennsylvania turnpike. that ramp will remain closed until 10:00 o'clock tonight and drivers are being told to expect delays. an arrest is made in the cold case murder that happened 30 years ago in delaware. sandra hardtic is charged with the murder of joseph brawn in july of 1985. brawn was 54 years old at the time. police found his body in her home. new information obtained in 1999 led police to a suspect but that person died in 1997. police say heartzag was that suspect's girlfriend's they found her to be a suspect as well. >> sandra hartzag has been charged with murder touring commission of the felony, robbery in the first degree, conspiracy in a second degree. and possession of a deadly weapon during commission of the felony. >> she was arrested in dalton, georgia last week. police in georgia have also charged her as a fugitive from justice. she's being held awaiting extradition to delaware. a pennsylvania senate panel examines whether kathleen kane can remain attorney general, without a law license. three, d.a.'s from berks, bucks and somerset counties testified during today's hearing that they need an ago i have law license for most of their duties. kane's license was suspended indefinite thely while she fights criminal charges. the state's top prosecutor argued she can only be removed from office through a impeachment process that would have have to start in the state house. some residents are upset today after they say a who will take set up at a local mall does not reflect the christmas feel. "eyewitness news" reporter greg argos is live at king of prussia with more on this, greg. >> reporter: right now that display is still up here in the king of prussia mall. we're told it is supposed to be a glazer theme, although it is getting a very icy reception for many of the shoppers here. as you walk through the king of prussia mall you will see shopping center's main holiday difficulties play. what is supposed to be a modern day common north pole. >> what do you think bit. >> what is it. >> it is their holiday decorations at king of prussia mall where santa takes the picture. >> it looks so plane, is there nothing to it. >> reporter: it has confuse sod shoppers. >> they could have made this a good display. >> reporter: column bye park is one of the people, the 17 year-old created a petition with right now hundreds of signatures hoping to get more traditional christmas tree and decorations back on display. >> currently i'm near around 420 right now, not too big but it is a start. >> people see this and maybe they feel christianity is under attack. this is a sign that it is happening. >> reporter: danal dridge says this push to bring back christmas is popular. thousands blasted star bucks on social media for their red cup without any of the christmas imagery. >> internet has made it so easy for anybody to push a button and get on their soap box. >> reporter: but he a says any feedback from customers is important and businesses, should listen. >> you are in business for your customers. you need to know what you can change. >> reporter: it seems in the case of the king of prussia mall here and decorations inside they are doing just. that we have just received a statement from the king of prussia a mall president, in fact, the company that owns it, that says in part after listening to customer feedback we decided to reinstall our existing christmas decor and hope customers join us in celebrating the christmas season. we're live from king of prussia, i'm greg argos for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> thanks very much. what do you think about this? is it a war on christmas? let us know on facebook and twitter page. send us a comment on cbs coming up on "eyewitness news" at 5:00, teens sexting and hiding the evident, what parents need to know about new apps that can conceal sexually explicit texts. she's a dental hygienist by day anal gator by night, why a woman rest also an alligator in the shopping center parking lot. we will tell you about a land mark study for blood pressure, what you think is a good reading may not good enough. what brand new data says about current recommendation. health report are stephanie stahl has what could be life saving information, when we come right back. ♪ it's the final countdown! ♪ ♪ the final countdown! if you're the band europe, you love a final countdown. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. on the r cbs-3 healthwatch with the third of americans suffering from high blood pressure a land mark new study is being called a game changer for many and a life safer. >> health reporter stephanie stahl joins us with the new findings, stephanie. >> reporter: we have been hearing more about this. this research found that lowering blood pressure in some people reduced heart-related death by four percent. that finding was so significant the research was ended early and today the heart association released details about that study. new magic number could be 120. you never guess mary was once near death with complications from high blood pressure. >> i am now, at 69, much healthier then i was in my 40's. >> reporter: thanks to medication and lifestyle changes she has reduced her blood pressure significantly. now land mark study from the national institutes of health shows clear benefits to reducing blood pressure below 120 for the the top number, among patients over the age of 50, who are at risk for heart disease. >> with this lower blood pressure, there was about a 35 k reductions, of cardiovascular disease and that is tremendous. >> reporter: currently guidelines recommend patients keep the top blood pressure number under 140, doctors say these findings may change that. >> we really need to be more aggressive about getting the blood pressure down, and then this study is showing how important it is. >> reporter: mary says with her blood pressure at 119 she has more energy now then ever. >> i go to the gym, i take yoga classes, i walk an hour a day, seven days a week. >> reporter: now limiting salt can reduce blood pressure, along with medications, that often include diuretics. doctors cautions there can be side effects when blood pressure is lowered too much or too quickly. lots of people have blood pressure issues. you need to talk to your doctor about this one. >> interesting. but 120 now. >> 120 or below. >> thinks all about the systolic and not diastolic. >> that top number. >> stephanie, thanks. a large donation has expanded work, broad street ministry is doing to feed philadelphia's homeless population. more than a dozen wal-mart employees volunteered to serve ministry's clients on south broad street but today they also came with a $70,000 check, the donation will help broad street ministry increase the the number of meals, offered every single week. >> that is great. kate joins us with our forecast and, you know, it felt colder weather coming in here. >> little chill in time for the weekend and now the good news is temperatures are rising as rain comes in but bad news is the rain is coming. >> right,. >> we need temperatures back in the 60's but not nicest looking day tomorrow. >> especially for your morning commute there could be slow downs on the roadways that rain will be steady early tomorrow morning. lets look at how things are shaping up, right now we will go out to a live look at storm scan three. you can see light showers trying to creep in, already, mainly over portions of delaware. that may not reach the ground just yet, air is trying to saturate as rain lifts from the south but cloud really took over the the area this afternoon. we started out with sun, nice start to the day and then everything got cloudy. storm scan three is showing that rain moving through baltimore, d.c., we can see rain with this system, heavier of the rain is out to sea and that is going to remain the case with this batch of rain, should miss us out to sea. we have to watch right here the yellow, green, and little bit of orange shading in there that is denoting where heavier rain is falling. over portions of virginia and thinks all lifting to the north and east and will get here overnight but heaviest should impact us tomorrow morning. temperatures not that bad with the clouds in place we will not see them drop off too much. they will stay in the 50's. 57 degrees in reading at governor mifflin school. hainesport township school 55. wayne, saint david golf club 56. and wilmington at said edmund in the mid 50's. here's how things will progress through tonight. we will time out the rain. the mostly staying off to the south through the next several hours. by 11:00 o'clock tonight we will be here on cbs-3, we could track light rain creeping toward philadelphia. this is kind of the light batch that comes through overnight, generally light to moderate. that moves out. tomorrow at 7:00 a.m. in time for start of the morning commute notice heavier rain gets in. darker shading and more poised to come through the south ape that will stay with us through the entire morning commute, rain, steady at times, this is 11:00 a.m., it does start to lift off to the north by 2:00 p.m. tomorrow evening's commute may not be quite as bad but we will see domino effect, perhaps as things build up through the day and lingering shower at 8:00 before this lifts out and we will get sun back into the day on wednesday. what to expect for your tuesday, period of the rain, heavier rain in the morning, total rainfall a half inch to an inch, north east wind at ten to 15 but it will be stronger as this moves up to 30 miles an hour down the shore, low travel and ponding as well. you can see most of the the area falling in the half inch to an inch mark, heavier amounts down the shore, slightly lighter in the north and west. we do need rain. this will not cause flooding. watch for slow downs on the roadway. overnight cloudy at 52 and developing. tuesday high of 62. thinks all rain. we are not talking snow or ice. rain will be heavy at times in the morning and it will be breezy but then good news for veterans day. 64 degrees. getting better, partly sunny and milder. sixty-four feeling nice on wednesday but does it last? eyewitness weather three day forecast sun returns on wednesday and then thursday another chance of showers and it does turn breezy, and what happens after that i'll tell but in the seven day forecast. we also have tropical storm kate by the the way, and a big chill, by the weekend, i'll tell but those two things and more in the next half an hour. >> so erika, and kate. >> yes. >> we had erika with a k. >> now we have katy didn't know we would get there bye kate will not be a big threat. >> a local program that has the children reunited with their incarcerating parents. >> yoga pants as office wear, new fashion trend gives new meaning to the business casual, leslie. if you didn't stay up to see the game last night i'm sure you heard bit today. it was the most exciting game of the season owe far, eagles thrilling overtime victory over dallas, and i'll tell you those fans that jumped off the band wagon, they are back on today, we will have more about we have been following some breaking news out of burlington county a work van plows right into a garage at the mount laurel police station. this happened, within the last half an hour, we know at least one person was injured. we will continue to follow this and bring you update a as we get more information. >> safe to say a lot of people are tired but happy today after eagles thrilling overtime victory over the cowboys. >> that free coffee was pretty nice. always is. >> leslie van arsdal joins us live from lincoln financial field with more on the game and fan reaction, leslie? >> hi there. >> i forgot to get the my free coffee, i will do that next. team had the day off today but some of the players they are back in action here at the link, read to go kid. they are always very active in the community, kicking off their holiday book drive out here today. they are happy, and i will say, i think the entire city is too it was offense that everyone wanted and expected to see this season. the the eagles beat the cowboys in overtime with the nine play, 80-yard march, and 41-yard catch by jordan matthews. the kind of play we have been waiting to see from him this season. today chip kelly says not only matthews but entire team had the best week of practice leading up to the game. >> i think the whole group practiced well but jord an, in particular, i think, one thing if you are in a slump it takes someone with a great work it particular get out of the slump and that is what jordan has. he work extremely had hard. >> reporter: for the fans the city needed this win. >> we have a life long rivalry that was well deserve. it should have happened a few weeks ago but we got retribution. >> like everybody else, we're thrilled. still not saving my seats than broad street yet but i'm still holding out hope. >> reporter: of course, game is what everyone wanted to talk about at our sister station sports radio 94 wip. >> tough heart for the game just as i expect, both teams with their backs up a against the wall. >> reporter: all right. so this is the game that gave everyone, hope. this is what they needed to see, a and people now say hey, you know, they might be able to win this division after all. back to you ukee and jessica. >> both florida teams coming up here now hopefully knock them off one game at a time. thanks, leslie, appreciate it. coming up next big changes at the university of missouri following days of racially charged turmoil which led to football players refusing to take a the field. we will tell you about new developments. also hidden smart phone apps how easy for teens to describe sexting? well, parents you will want to see this one. we will look at ghost apps making it easier to hide that growing trend. new at 6:00, patients, a montgomery county non-profit is going to great lengths to help get people who need treatment where they need to be, for free. be right back. a major shake up at the university of missouri, a school assistant president steps down amid student protest over his handling of racial tensions on campus. "eyewitness news" continues at 5:30. i'm ukee washington. i'm jessica dean. faculty members took part by canceling classes and holding a sit in. adrian a diaz has the the store friday missouri. >> reporter: students cheered at the university of missouri as the president resigned monday morning. >> we have nothing to lose. >> reporter: president tim wolf was under fire for not addressing racially charged incident on campus. black students complained of repeated racial slurs and a swastika was found in the dorm drawn in feces. students say there has been racial tension on the the predominantly white campus for years. >> i take full responsibility for this frustration and i take full responsibility for the in action that has occurred. >> reporter: students are not only celebrating the resignation of the university president, but also the end of a week long hunger strike. >> grad student jonathan butler refused to eat while wolf remain in charge. over the weekend butler's hunger strike jumped in to the the national head line which missouri football team went on strike vowing not to play until changes were made. former president wolf, urged miss sue students to use his residents to heel and not to hate. adrian diaz for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". school's football team will resume practice tomorrow. video from a police body camera appears to show father of the young boy with autism with his hand up before marshals shot and killed his son during a police pursuit in louisiana. chris hughes lawyer says he posed no threat to police as two city marshals opened fire into his car last week. his son, six year-old jeremy marcus, was laid to rest while his father remains hospitalized. both marshals are charged with second degree murder and attempted second degree murder charges. two americans are dead after being shot at a training facility in jordan. authorities say this jordan policeman opened fire on the americans. those killed were u.s. contractors, part of the state department police training program. jordan and american officials are looking into whether this attack was personal or political. >> we take this very seriously and we will be working closely with the jordani theans to determine exactly what happened. >> authorities say that jordanian and south african contractor also died in the shooting spree before the attacker was shot and kill. the the investigation continues today into the security procedures at the airport where that doomed russian jet liner took off last week. sources tell cbs news that it is looking more likely then not that isis is responsible for planting a bomb and the the group may have had an insider at sharm el-sheikh airport. workers at the airport the at the egyptian security officials have questioned them, also planes sitting on the tarmac overnight are being watched by guards. now in campaign 2016, hillary clinton files paperwork to be a candidate on the new hampshire primary ballot. clinton was last of the top three democratic presidential candidates to file. bernie sanders and martin o'malley registered last week. the the new hampshire primary takes place february 9th. on the republican side ben carson is fighting back against ago asians that he lied about his life story. most of the scrutiny is based on ago doses carson told in his 1996 ought biography where he detailed once trying to hit his mother with the hammer and claims that he was offer a scholarship to west point. the retired neurosurgeon has disputed is in dishonesty and says he is being unfairly targeted but he is no the getting any sympathy from your g.o.p. rivals. >> if you make your personal story, part of your qualifications, for president of the united states, then it is absolutely open to scrutiny. >> more questions about carson's background are sure to take center stage tomorrow, as the top republican presidential candidates participate in their fourth national debate. sea world is saying good bye to the killer whale show at the san diego park. the the company says that it will phase out the signature show starting next year in response to customer feedback and criticism from animal rights activist. theme park plans to replace the the show with the different kind of orca experience. it is unclear if the shows will continue at parks in orlando and san antonio. a program the at graterford prison is helping to rebuild bond between father and child that is broken by incarceration. >> kyw news radio community affairs reporter cheri greg was in southwest philadelphia today for a very special reunion years in the making. >> i haven't held my daughter as a freeman in a long time. >> reporter: for past eight and a half year kareem williams has lived behind bars. he was released monday morning and his first stop a surprise visit to his daughter, she shemira. >> the reunion like many others, can thank to fathers and children together, a program, inside, graterford prison. >> children should have more attention from their fathers when they came to visit. >> reporter: doctor johnson coordinates the three-year old program that requires men take father hood classes, give children rides to the prison for visits and create special activities inside like painting murals like this. >> i was in the middle, blue one and purple one. >> reporter: that facilitates talks that force fathers to accept trauma of their absence. >> every father has to stand up and apologize for their child for all of the wrong they did. >> reporter: nearly 50,000 men and women are in state prisons representing more than 80,000 children across pennsylvania. the fact program is hoping to rebuild bond broken by these walls, one father at a time. so far fact has help more than 125 children, reconnect with their fathers, on the inside. >> it is not all about my baby. >> reporter: so when they come home, they will stay there, with their children. in southwest philadelphia, cheri greg for kyw news radio for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". brand new life, on so many levels. still to come on "eyewitness news" video you have to see to believe. watch as a womenes were also a 1200-pound gator in the shopping center parking lot. a grueling fashion trend has women feeling more comfortable but would you wear yoga pants to the office? more on the new business casual that is next, kate? rain is moving in as we speak, i'll tell you when it gets here and how much to expect and when we clear it the out coming up when we come right back. tonight at 11:00 world's most popular search engine, what information does google say about you. three on your side jim donovan found it gathers everything from information, in your e-mails, to the the sound of your voice. we will show you how to find out what they have on you, and how to keep it private at 11:00. it is becoming an epidemic, young people sending sexually explicit texts or sexting, a drexel university study shows from 2014, more than 50 percent of the young people, admitted sexting is minors and now there are apps to hide those texts in secret files. you think you are checking your child's phone and you know what is going on in their world but many parents don't know about secret apps where students can hide nude photos sent by text. >> it is happening every where. >> reporter: mike harris has spent one decade investigating internet sex crimes against children. he a says when he gives school presentations, 80 percent of kids say they know someone who sent a nude photo and is there no shortage where they can hide them. this one, looks like a calculate or and works like a calculate or. >> then i put in my code, and it takes me to what it really is and it is a hidden app. >> reporter: how do you know fur kid has one. >> we should have parental controls in place and if your kid need a app or want a app you discuss it and if you agree to allow them to have this app then you unlock the the pass word and allow them to down load the app and then put the pass word back on. >> reporter: no one he says thinks their kid will send news pictures. >> i literally had parents cry, complete thely saying i need to see the theictures, i can believe my kid would do that. 90 percent of the kid we deal with are good kids, with good families, but they make mistakes, and these are life long mistakes. >> reporter: harrison's advice is wipe all apps from your kids phone or ipad and restore factory settings, then you should set a pass code so your kid can only down load apps that you approve. >> excellent advice. >> it is harder and harder a as technology gets better and better and parents want to stay diligent but it is tricky so much out there to learn. we w i started with pills. and now i take a long-acting insulin at night. i take mine in the morning. i was trying to eat right, stay active. but i wasn't reaching my a1c goal anymore. man: my doctor says diabetes changes over time. it gets harder to control blood sugar spikes after i eat and get to goal. my doctor added novolog® at mealtime for additional control. now i know. novolog® is a fast-acting, injectable insulin and it works together with my long-acting insulin. proven effective. the mealtime insulin doctors prescribe most. available in flexpen®. vo: novolog® is used to control high blood sugar in adults and children with diabetes. take novolog® as directed. eat a meal within 5 to 10 minutes after injection. check your blood sugar levels. do not take novolog® if your blood sugar is too low or you're allergic to any of its ingredients. tell your doctor about all medical conditions and medicines you take. ask your doctor about alcohol use, operating machinery, or driving. the most common side effect is low blood sugar. symptoms may include dizziness, sweating, confusion, and headache. severe low blood sugar can be life-threatening. other common side effects include low potassium in your blood and injection site reactions. get medical help right away if you experience trouble with breathing, serious allergic reactions like swelling of your face, tongue, or throat, sweating, extreme drowsiness, dizziness, or confusion. now i know about novolog®. taken by millions since 2001. vo: ask your health care provider about adding novolog®. it can help provide the additional control you may need. the booming trend means athletic apparel, that can be worn all day, and it is driven huge sales that nike and lulu lemon and other retailers a and boston globe reports they are wearing their yoga a pants but they dress up, to the the office. >> how about that. >> a photo showing both personal victory and act of kindness is shared all across the the country. >> this is marathon runner robert mccoy, being helped across the finish line by a savanna, georgia police officer. mccoy fell and bloodied his nose and knees but he was determined and that police sergeant john kane gave him an extra boost of motivation. >> while he was on the ground, he kept telling us that he had to finish the race, he had to finish the race, and, my hearties just bleeding for him. from that moment there was a real connection between the two that we were going to finish the goal. >> mccoy was okay just cuts and bruises there. he wants to give his marathon medal to sergeant kane. >> how about that. >> nicely done sergeant kane. nicely done. let's go to kate bilo with the forecast. we have a big blob of green rain over there. >> it is not slime or anything. >> right. >> but it is rain and it is heading our way. we have not seen tonight a while. it has been a long time since we had a good drenching rain and that day is coming tomorrow. we have had decent rain on the way as we head into the first half of the day tomorrow, that is when the rain will be heaviest. lets take you outside to our campbell's field camera. we are seeing the -- this is our roof cam looking out over the sky deck and you can see cloud have moved in as we go through tonight and rain will be moving in over next several hours as well. we are seeing rain lift up through d.c., baltimore area, this is heading in our direction and will get here during the overnight hours. lets check with our eyewitness weather watchers ande if they are seeing rainfall. don't think so. as we get into delaware, 55 degrees a at walt your's home in newark, delaware. still a nice day. the just glummy. i felt the same way. not a bad day but cloud rolled in quickly and down in delaware they came in faster. lets look at the this photo. cloudy overcast day. weather was comfortable but not very pretty. we will take it. it wasn't that cold. good news with rain coming in especially from the south, if we did have any cold air in place we could be talking this time of the year we have a chance for frozen precipitation but that is not the case with this system. kenneth martin in millville new jersey. time to get jackets out. it will be chilly. we are talking about this cold last week. this morning you could see your breath. i had frost on the ground. tomorrow morning may not be quite as bad thanks to the cloud cover but this weekend we will talk about a big chill returning to the forecast. quick look at the temperature 55 in philadelphia as we check with carolyn williams and she says today's weather was beautiful, sunny and cloud have now arrived and then cloud followed shortly by the rain. lets look at what is going on with storm scan three, pushing from the south and heaviest is out to sea. and, riding up the, and heaviest. and mess of that will miss us tout sea but good news heavy pockets of rain, embedded in that big blob of green and heading our way tonight and tomorrow first half of tomorrow, probably the worst of it. few light showers trying to creep into delaware, not a whole lot reaching ground just yet but light sprinkles here and there tonight. worst of it overnight and morning hours. temps right now 58 at the the airport. fifty-six in millville. fifty-six in allentown. temperatures will not drop off that quickly thanks to the cloud cover during overnight hours. that is good news. let's time it out between 2:00 n will begin south to north. few showers could get in before 2:00 a.m. but steady rain will start between two and six. heaviest between 6:00 a.m. and 11:00. plan your morning commute accordingly. it will slow you down. road spray, of course, 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. we will see heavier rain taper off. still lingering showers could impact, your evening commute. future wind speeds, and, out of the north east, 15 to 16 miles an hour, with gusts over 20 miles an hour down the shore. and now three or 4:00 o'clock, this is the center of the storm, you can see rotation of the wynfield here, storm moving through and see southerly wind down the shore here while being in the the north east flow here in the city of philadelphia a north and western suburbs. that storm moves off to the north and then by wednesday we are in a westerly flow and still breezy on wednesday but noticeably mild, wind 15 to 20 . and then your tuesday morning commute here's what to expect areas of rain, ponding and road spray. that will lead to reduced visibility, windshield wipers going as rain is falling, slow down, use caution, always use not fun to leave your house even earlier for what is typically a rough commute around the a area when i would say do so tomorrow leave yourself extra time. we have tropical storm kate i have been waiting for tropical storm kate on the list. we do have it. it should stay a tropical storm impacting bohamas. good news with this system as our front comes through system moving up the coast and another front on thursday that will send kate kate out to sea. the path of this storm, it will head back out to sea. the it will make a close path to bermuda will not be a threat for east coast of the you had. it will be out to sea thanks to the cold front coming through our area, on stormy thursday. lets look at our area. overnight cloud which rain developing. 52 degrees. it is not all that cold. not that cold tomorrow. period of rain heavier at times tapering a few showers in the afternoon. it is breezy for your tuesday. the here's your seven day forecast and you dawn see sun does return on veterans day wednesday. i will head out to the sky deck and show you what it looks like. 64 degrees with sun returning on your wednesday, thursday another front moves through, showers, turning breezy, on thursday of that front coming through and friday cooler but sunny and 57 degrees. a as we head through weekend temperatures really, really cool, saturday 52 degrees. that is low for tonight blustery as well, sunday and monday temperatures back in the 50's. so we are back here on the sky deck and as you can see it is a pretty dark night. we have included moving through. rain does not appear to be here yet. i was checking road, wait, hold on a second, guys. i see something in the sky in philadelphia in the speaksed to be here. it is super girl, not a bird plane but super girl. >> here we go. >> i love it. >> you can see super girl tonight on cbs-3 at 8:00 o'clock. >> that is pretty good. >> girl power in the house. >> all right, thanks, kate. >> speaking of super world check this out the a texas womanes were also a massive alligator spot in the shopping center. >> take a look at this video 12-foot, 800-pound gator proved to be a test for authorities. one woman a dental high againes who works as an al-ghaith the or trapper got on top to get him under control. they needed to eye forklift to get the gaither on the back of the truck. >> we tried a couple attempts to catch him but he was just so big. we didn't have enough manpower. at the last second, he swatted his tail and his tail got me with the legs and made me lose my balance which everybody saw. >> christine says alligator will be send to an alligator sanctuary where he will put into a breeding program. breaking news to tell but right the now chopper three is live over the new jersey turnpike in woolwich township gloucester county. there has been a accident in the southbound lanes i'm told just south of the exit number two. there are multiple vehicles involved, one of them caught fire. there is in word on any injuries, traffic in both directions if you know anyone out there has been affected by this crash, right now all southbound lanes are block, and that is leading to a huge backup and traffic backup, just a heads up for you. we will be right back. thioh my god. friday. does anybody want to be part of this? nooooo. well, chevy has a better way, with black friday deals all month long. that's a great idea. what if you could get up to twenty percent cash back when you bought it? bam. twenty percent back? that's awesome. it's black friday. find your tag and get cash back for 20% of the msrp on select 2015 vehicles in stock. or, get zero percent financing for seventy-two months on 2015 silverado light duty models. cool time to go shopping. this is a dream and trying to get revenge on the tonight's special guest on jane the virgin. >> oh, my god. oh, my god. >> what do i do? >> hi, is what your name. >> jane. >> jane, i think there is something about you, i can tell, would you like to dance. >> yes. >> okay. >> yes, jane dances with brittany, of course but who knew, she had a long standing feud with the pop star. it comes to a head on jane the virgin at 9:00 on have the cw philly followed by "eyewitness news" at ten on the cw philly. bond takes over the box office, with spector easily taking the top spot the on the opening weekend. >> the latest movie in the bond franchise made 73 million-dollar, and that is the second best, bond opening, ever. the peanuts movie took number two spot the with the good debut making about 45 million-dollar. the martian dropped to third followed by goose bumps and, bridge of spies. that will do it for "eyewitness news" at 5:00. now at 6:00 standing up for an important cause our sister station sports radio wip raises more than $30,000 and it is all heading to dallas. why they felt compelled to launch campaign and the amazing response they are getting, plus. >> it can be a life saving trip, i'm greg argos in blue bell parks with angel flight east pilots how they are giving their time to help those in need. and, clouds have rolled in out here on the sky deck but no rain, just yet so make sure you have umbrellas handy tonight andes specially tomorrow morning. we will tracking rain that will impact your tuesday. i'll have latest details coming up. not so clean getaway for an allege bank robber in philadelphia, how he tried to evade police and ironic spot he was taken into custody. i want to sees something positive come to the laid his in dallas and i want to see something positive come for people of philadelphia. >> standing up for what they believe in. our sister station sports radio wip goes above and beyond raising more than $30,000, that it is now, heading to a dallas women's shelter. it is proving that the football rivalry between the the two cities stays on the feel. good evening everyone i'm ukee washington. i'm jessica dean. that idea came to josh ines after graphic photos were released of greg hardy a's girl friend beaten and bruce add allegedly at the hand of the defensive end. "eyewitness news" reporter steve paterson shows us act of kindness is not going unnoticed. >> it is pictures that speak louder than word then these sickening series of photos, have broken the sound barrier. >> greg hardy is a bad guy who happens to be a good football player. >> give a guy a second chance you better express remorse. >> reporter: images, public on the sports web site dead spin, were taken from a may 2014 domestic violence attack, the victim, nicole holder, claims that she was beaten by her ex-boyfriend who does this for a living. >> bradford will get sacked. >> that is cowboys star defensive end greg hardy, playing sunday night against the eagles. last july, hardy was convicted, of assault, but the case fell apart on appeal because holder stopped cooperating. now, with his record cleared by the nfl, he is back in the league making millions. >> it really irked me that the cowboys haven't done anything

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Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20151109 :

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20151109

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they are realizing it had been someone who was planning to harm them. >> this is very dangerous to have officers not paying attention to is what going on around them, they are surrounding and for someone to take a photo of these officers a and they are not aware, they don't wake up or anything, it is a a dangerous situation. >> reporter: now because these officers identities were not released by the department we weren't able to reach out to them for any possible comment they might have on the picture. meanwhile philadelphia police say while they are trying to pin opinion down exactly how long officers were sleeping and other circumstances they emphasized a as of right now there is no indication that their sleeping in anyway put any citizens in jeopardy, because they may have missed any calls. live from police headquarters, i'm walt hunter, cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> walt, thank you. some big changes are coming in the forecast, our weather team is now tracking rain and tomorrow, well, it will look different from today. no more sunny smiles and probably no more hot air balloons tomorrow either. lets check with meteorologist kate bilo live on the cbs-3 sky deck with a look at that first forecast, kate. >> reporter: jessica, would i say no, on the hot air balloon ride tomorrow. you will want umbrella tomorrow. we have rain moving back in the a area you can see cloud have already over taken us this he can. take a look the at storm scan three. you cane that big massive green off to the south. rain has invaded virginia, north carolina and all that moisture lifting northward as we go through tonight and into tomorrow. you can barely see it reaching into d.c., a a few light showers into eastern maryland and some of this rain could get here in the next several hours but it is really tomorrow that we will be focusing on coming up, and temperatures right now still on the mild sigh side. this time of the year it is not out of the question we could get frozen precipitation. luckily for us, nothing of the sort. temperatures in the upper 50's, feeling comfortable, with the cloud, it is not too cold overnight. fifty-eight the current temperature in philadelphia. 66 degrees in millville. so coming up when i join you sign we will track that rain maker. we will tell you when rain gets in, when the rain gets out and that is not it for wet weather. we have more coming up and cool down for weekend a lot going on. i will have details when i join you inside, back inside to you. >> thank you, kate. go fund me page set up by family of the woman found bound and burned in the massachusetts has raised enough money to bring her body back home to new jersey. tip led police to the body of ashley borgnor last tuesday night in bridge water. she was found after a neighbor called 911 to report a suspicious suv near railroad tracks. it took days to identify her. >> it is very hard, because when you grow up in a house like this you never even imagined, something like that happening. >> everyone is shook up. it is there troubling. like i said, as many people lived here for 40, 50 years or more, and it is just not used to something like this even being a possibility. >> reporter: authorities believe that borgnor was killed somewhere else and someone moved her body to where it was eventually recovered. and investigators are looking into whether a possible love triangle motivated killings of two people in fairmount park on friday. park employees found their bodies, in an suv. "eyewitness news" reporter, ra will hell solomon is back at the the scene with more on this, rahel. >> jessica, police are looking into this as a possible crime of passion they say that the two victims were involve in the relationship but had other relationships, as well. police are looking into whether some sort of scorned lover could be behind this double murder. the the couple, probably never saw it coming. sometime between midnight and 5:00 friday morning, police say someone snuck up on foot to this white toyota a suv, opened the back door and fired nine times. >> you've got nine shots fired, all of them shots to both of the victims, so ate appears to be very much a crime of passion. >> reporter: police say 25 year-old shekorarline was name and lisa smith was partially name. they were involved in some sort of sexual encounter when shot. authorities say that the couple had been on and off for years. >> they had outside relationships, so obviously that is where our investigation will start because somebody knew that they were in the park at that time and obviously had an issue with that. >> reporter: arline lift in the 29th and less than half a mile from the lemon hill crime scene. neighbors tell me he loved to fix car and was always working. >> it is a tragedy. but i just hope and pray to god that justice will be served. i think it will be in this case because he is a good guy. >> reporter: police tell me they have questioned one women, connected to the male victim but they still have other interviews to do. meantime they ask anyone with any a additional information to please give homicide a call and that number is (215)686-3334. reporting live from fairmount park, rahel solomon for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> rahel, thank you. no one was injured in an overnight fire thanks to the quick actions of fire fighters and neighbors. that blaze started on the 2900 block of memphis street just before 2:00 a.m. it took crews about a half an hour to get it under control. today's scene sent residents running to safety, and warning others, about the the danger. >> i come outside and all i see is a fire. i'm like i ran inside to get her. >> i had to come running, no shoes, no jacket. >> some of the blocks residents who spoke to "eyewitness news" believe this fire is suspicious. they say it is fourth time in six months that they have watched flames burn homes in this neighborhood. the official cause of the fire is still under investigation. your a's looking at a car fire at a gas station, this is caught on cell phone video. temple university police car caught fire near the pumps a at the bp station at broad and girard. fire fighters quickly got the flames under control, thankfully no one was injury. overturn tractor trailer causes delays in chester county. chopper three over that scene late this morning on route 100 south ramp on the the pennsylvania turnpike. that ramp will remain closed until 10:00 o'clock tonight and drivers are being told to expect delays. an arrest is made in the cold case murder that happened 30 years ago in delaware. sandra hardtic is charged with the murder of joseph brawn in july of 1985. brawn was 54 years old at the time. police found his body in her home. new information obtained in 1999 led police to a suspect but that person died in 1997. police say heartzag was that suspect's girlfriend's they found her to be a suspect as well. >> sandra hartzag has been charged with murder touring commission of the felony, robbery in the first degree, conspiracy in a second degree. and possession of a deadly weapon during commission of the felony. >> she was arrested in dalton, georgia last week. police in georgia have also charged her as a fugitive from justice. she's being held awaiting extradition to delaware. a pennsylvania senate panel examines whether kathleen kane can remain attorney general, without a law license. three, d.a.'s from berks, bucks and somerset counties testified during today's hearing that they need an ago i have law license for most of their duties. kane's license was suspended indefinite thely while she fights criminal charges. the state's top prosecutor argued she can only be removed from office through a impeachment process that would have have to start in the state house. some residents are upset today after they say a who will take set up at a local mall does not reflect the christmas feel. "eyewitness news" reporter greg argos is live at king of prussia with more on this, greg. >> reporter: right now that display is still up here in the king of prussia mall. we're told it is supposed to be a glazer theme, although it is getting a very icy reception for many of the shoppers here. as you walk through the king of prussia mall you will see shopping center's main holiday difficulties play. what is supposed to be a modern day common north pole. >> what do you think bit. >> what is it. >> it is their holiday decorations at king of prussia mall where santa takes the picture. >> it looks so plane, is there nothing to it. >> reporter: it has confuse sod shoppers. >> they could have made this a good display. >> reporter: column bye park is one of the people, the 17 year-old created a petition with right now hundreds of signatures hoping to get more traditional christmas tree and decorations back on display. >> currently i'm near around 420 right now, not too big but it is a start. >> people see this and maybe they feel christianity is under attack. this is a sign that it is happening. >> reporter: danal dridge says this push to bring back christmas is popular. thousands blasted star bucks on social media for their red cup without any of the christmas imagery. >> internet has made it so easy for anybody to push a button and get on their soap box. >> reporter: but he a says any feedback from customers is important and businesses, should listen. >> you are in business for your customers. you need to know what you can change. >> reporter: it seems in the case of the king of prussia mall here and decorations inside they are doing just. that we have just received a statement from the king of prussia a mall president, in fact, the company that owns it, that says in part after listening to customer feedback we decided to reinstall our existing christmas decor and hope customers join us in celebrating the christmas season. we're live from king of prussia, i'm greg argos for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> thanks very much. what do you think about this? is it a war on christmas? let us know on facebook and twitter page. send us a comment on cbs coming up on "eyewitness news" at 5:00, teens sexting and hiding the evident, what parents need to know about new apps that can conceal sexually explicit texts. she's a dental hygienist by day anal gator by night, why a woman rest also an alligator in the shopping center parking lot. we will tell you about a land mark study for blood pressure, what you think is a good reading may not good enough. what brand new data says about current recommendation. health report are stephanie stahl has what could be life saving information, when we come right back. ♪ it's the final countdown! ♪ ♪ the final countdown! if you're the band europe, you love a final countdown. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. on the r cbs-3 healthwatch with the third of americans suffering from high blood pressure a land mark new study is being called a game changer for many and a life safer. >> health reporter stephanie stahl joins us with the new findings, stephanie. >> reporter: we have been hearing more about this. this research found that lowering blood pressure in some people reduced heart-related death by four percent. that finding was so significant the research was ended early and today the heart association released details about that study. new magic number could be 120. you never guess mary was once near death with complications from high blood pressure. >> i am now, at 69, much healthier then i was in my 40's. >> reporter: thanks to medication and lifestyle changes she has reduced her blood pressure significantly. now land mark study from the national institutes of health shows clear benefits to reducing blood pressure below 120 for the the top number, among patients over the age of 50, who are at risk for heart disease. >> with this lower blood pressure, there was about a 35 k reductions, of cardiovascular disease and that is tremendous. >> reporter: currently guidelines recommend patients keep the top blood pressure number under 140, doctors say these findings may change that. >> we really need to be more aggressive about getting the blood pressure down, and then this study is showing how important it is. >> reporter: mary says with her blood pressure at 119 she has more energy now then ever. >> i go to the gym, i take yoga classes, i walk an hour a day, seven days a week. >> reporter: now limiting salt can reduce blood pressure, along with medications, that often include diuretics. doctors cautions there can be side effects when blood pressure is lowered too much or too quickly. lots of people have blood pressure issues. you need to talk to your doctor about this one. >> interesting. but 120 now. >> 120 or below. >> thinks all about the systolic and not diastolic. >> that top number. >> stephanie, thanks. a large donation has expanded work, broad street ministry is doing to feed philadelphia's homeless population. more than a dozen wal-mart employees volunteered to serve ministry's clients on south broad street but today they also came with a $70,000 check, the donation will help broad street ministry increase the the number of meals, offered every single week. >> that is great. kate joins us with our forecast and, you know, it felt colder weather coming in here. >> little chill in time for the weekend and now the good news is temperatures are rising as rain comes in but bad news is the rain is coming. >> right,. >> we need temperatures back in the 60's but not nicest looking day tomorrow. >> especially for your morning commute there could be slow downs on the roadways that rain will be steady early tomorrow morning. lets look at how things are shaping up, right now we will go out to a live look at storm scan three. you can see light showers trying to creep in, already, mainly over portions of delaware. that may not reach the ground just yet, air is trying to saturate as rain lifts from the south but cloud really took over the the area this afternoon. we started out with sun, nice start to the day and then everything got cloudy. storm scan three is showing that rain moving through baltimore, d.c., we can see rain with this system, heavier of the rain is out to sea and that is going to remain the case with this batch of rain, should miss us out to sea. we have to watch right here the yellow, green, and little bit of orange shading in there that is denoting where heavier rain is falling. over portions of virginia and thinks all lifting to the north and east and will get here overnight but heaviest should impact us tomorrow morning. temperatures not that bad with the clouds in place we will not see them drop off too much. they will stay in the 50's. 57 degrees in reading at governor mifflin school. hainesport township school 55. wayne, saint david golf club 56. and wilmington at said edmund in the mid 50's. here's how things will progress through tonight. we will time out the rain. the mostly staying off to the south through the next several hours. by 11:00 o'clock tonight we will be here on cbs-3, we could track light rain creeping toward philadelphia. this is kind of the light batch that comes through overnight, generally light to moderate. that moves out. tomorrow at 7:00 a.m. in time for start of the morning commute notice heavier rain gets in. darker shading and more poised to come through the south ape that will stay with us through the entire morning commute, rain, steady at times, this is 11:00 a.m., it does start to lift off to the north by 2:00 p.m. tomorrow evening's commute may not be quite as bad but we will see domino effect, perhaps as things build up through the day and lingering shower at 8:00 before this lifts out and we will get sun back into the day on wednesday. what to expect for your tuesday, period of the rain, heavier rain in the morning, total rainfall a half inch to an inch, north east wind at ten to 15 but it will be stronger as this moves up to 30 miles an hour down the shore, low travel and ponding as well. you can see most of the the area falling in the half inch to an inch mark, heavier amounts down the shore, slightly lighter in the north and west. we do need rain. this will not cause flooding. watch for slow downs on the roadway. overnight cloudy at 52 and developing. tuesday high of 62. thinks all rain. we are not talking snow or ice. rain will be heavy at times in the morning and it will be breezy but then good news for veterans day. 64 degrees. getting better, partly sunny and milder. sixty-four feeling nice on wednesday but does it last? eyewitness weather three day forecast sun returns on wednesday and then thursday another chance of showers and it does turn breezy, and what happens after that i'll tell but in the seven day forecast. we also have tropical storm kate by the the way, and a big chill, by the weekend, i'll tell but those two things and more in the next half an hour. >> so erika, and kate. >> yes. >> we had erika with a k. >> now we have katy didn't know we would get there bye kate will not be a big threat. >> a local program that has the children reunited with their incarcerating parents. >> yoga pants as office wear, new fashion trend gives new meaning to the business casual, leslie. if you didn't stay up to see the game last night i'm sure you heard bit today. it was the most exciting game of the season owe far, eagles thrilling overtime victory over dallas, and i'll tell you those fans that jumped off the band wagon, they are back on today, we will have more about we have been following some breaking news out of burlington county a work van plows right into a garage at the mount laurel police station. this happened, within the last half an hour, we know at least one person was injured. we will continue to follow this and bring you update a as we get more information. >> safe to say a lot of people are tired but happy today after eagles thrilling overtime victory over the cowboys. >> that free coffee was pretty nice. always is. >> leslie van arsdal joins us live from lincoln financial field with more on the game and fan reaction, leslie? >> hi there. >> i forgot to get the my free coffee, i will do that next. team had the day off today but some of the players they are back in action here at the link, read to go kid. they are always very active in the community, kicking off their holiday book drive out here today. they are happy, and i will say, i think the entire city is too it was offense that everyone wanted and expected to see this season. the the eagles beat the cowboys in overtime with the nine play, 80-yard march, and 41-yard catch by jordan matthews. the kind of play we have been waiting to see from him this season. today chip kelly says not only matthews but entire team had the best week of practice leading up to the game. >> i think the whole group practiced well but jord an, in particular, i think, one thing if you are in a slump it takes someone with a great work it particular get out of the slump and that is what jordan has. he work extremely had hard. >> reporter: for the fans the city needed this win. >> we have a life long rivalry that was well deserve. it should have happened a few weeks ago but we got retribution. >> like everybody else, we're thrilled. still not saving my seats than broad street yet but i'm still holding out hope. >> reporter: of course, game is what everyone wanted to talk about at our sister station sports radio 94 wip. >> tough heart for the game just as i expect, both teams with their backs up a against the wall. >> reporter: all right. so this is the game that gave everyone, hope. this is what they needed to see, a and people now say hey, you know, they might be able to win this division after all. back to you ukee and jessica. >> both florida teams coming up here now hopefully knock them off one game at a time. thanks, leslie, appreciate it. coming up next big changes at the university of missouri following days of racially charged turmoil which led to football players refusing to take a the field. we will tell you about new developments. also hidden smart phone apps how easy for teens to describe sexting? well, parents you will want to see this one. we will look at ghost apps making it easier to hide that growing trend. new at 6:00, patients, a montgomery county non-profit is going to great lengths to help get people who need treatment where they need to be, for free. be right back. a major shake up at the university of missouri, a school assistant president steps down amid student protest over his handling of racial tensions on campus. "eyewitness news" continues at 5:30. i'm ukee washington. i'm jessica dean. faculty members took part by canceling classes and holding a sit in. adrian a diaz has the the store friday missouri. >> reporter: students cheered at the university of missouri as the president resigned monday morning. >> we have nothing to lose. >> reporter: president tim wolf was under fire for not addressing racially charged incident on campus. black students complained of repeated racial slurs and a swastika was found in the dorm drawn in feces. students say there has been racial tension on the the predominantly white campus for years. >> i take full responsibility for this frustration and i take full responsibility for the in action that has occurred. >> reporter: students are not only celebrating the resignation of the university president, but also the end of a week long hunger strike. >> grad student jonathan butler refused to eat while wolf remain in charge. over the weekend butler's hunger strike jumped in to the the national head line which missouri football team went on strike vowing not to play until changes were made. former president wolf, urged miss sue students to use his residents to heel and not to hate. adrian diaz for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". school's football team will resume practice tomorrow. video from a police body camera appears to show father of the young boy with autism with his hand up before marshals shot and killed his son during a police pursuit in louisiana. chris hughes lawyer says he posed no threat to police as two city marshals opened fire into his car last week. his son, six year-old jeremy marcus, was laid to rest while his father remains hospitalized. both marshals are charged with second degree murder and attempted second degree murder charges. two americans are dead after being shot at a training facility in jordan. authorities say this jordan policeman opened fire on the americans. those killed were u.s. contractors, part of the state department police training program. jordan and american officials are looking into whether this attack was personal or political. >> we take this very seriously and we will be working closely with the jordani theans to determine exactly what happened. >> authorities say that jordanian and south african contractor also died in the shooting spree before the attacker was shot and kill. the the investigation continues today into the security procedures at the airport where that doomed russian jet liner took off last week. sources tell cbs news that it is looking more likely then not that isis is responsible for planting a bomb and the the group may have had an insider at sharm el-sheikh airport. workers at the airport the at the egyptian security officials have questioned them, also planes sitting on the tarmac overnight are being watched by guards. now in campaign 2016, hillary clinton files paperwork to be a candidate on the new hampshire primary ballot. clinton was last of the top three democratic presidential candidates to file. bernie sanders and martin o'malley registered last week. the the new hampshire primary takes place february 9th. on the republican side ben carson is fighting back against ago asians that he lied about his life story. most of the scrutiny is based on ago doses carson told in his 1996 ought biography where he detailed once trying to hit his mother with the hammer and claims that he was offer a scholarship to west point. the retired neurosurgeon has disputed is in dishonesty and says he is being unfairly targeted but he is no the getting any sympathy from your g.o.p. rivals. >> if you make your personal story, part of your qualifications, for president of the united states, then it is absolutely open to scrutiny. >> more questions about carson's background are sure to take center stage tomorrow, as the top republican presidential candidates participate in their fourth national debate. sea world is saying good bye to the killer whale show at the san diego park. the the company says that it will phase out the signature show starting next year in response to customer feedback and criticism from animal rights activist. theme park plans to replace the the show with the different kind of orca experience. it is unclear if the shows will continue at parks in orlando and san antonio. a program the at graterford prison is helping to rebuild bond between father and child that is broken by incarceration. >> kyw news radio community affairs reporter cheri greg was in southwest philadelphia today for a very special reunion years in the making. >> i haven't held my daughter as a freeman in a long time. >> reporter: for past eight and a half year kareem williams has lived behind bars. he was released monday morning and his first stop a surprise visit to his daughter, she shemira. >> the reunion like many others, can thank to fathers and children together, a program, inside, graterford prison. >> children should have more attention from their fathers when they came to visit. >> reporter: doctor johnson coordinates the three-year old program that requires men take father hood classes, give children rides to the prison for visits and create special activities inside like painting murals like this. >> i was in the middle, blue one and purple one. >> reporter: that facilitates talks that force fathers to accept trauma of their absence. >> every father has to stand up and apologize for their child for all of the wrong they did. >> reporter: nearly 50,000 men and women are in state prisons representing more than 80,000 children across pennsylvania. the fact program is hoping to rebuild bond broken by these walls, one father at a time. so far fact has help more than 125 children, reconnect with their fathers, on the inside. >> it is not all about my baby. >> reporter: so when they come home, they will stay there, with their children. in southwest philadelphia, cheri greg for kyw news radio for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". brand new life, on so many levels. still to come on "eyewitness news" video you have to see to believe. watch as a womenes were also a 1200-pound gator in the shopping center parking lot. a grueling fashion trend has women feeling more comfortable but would you wear yoga pants to the office? more on the new business casual that is next, kate? rain is moving in as we speak, i'll tell you when it gets here and how much to expect and when we clear it the out coming up when we come right back. tonight at 11:00 world's most popular search engine, what information does google say about you. three on your side jim donovan found it gathers everything from information, in your e-mails, to the the sound of your voice. we will show you how to find out what they have on you, and how to keep it private at 11:00. it is becoming an epidemic, young people sending sexually explicit texts or sexting, a drexel university study shows from 2014, more than 50 percent of the young people, admitted sexting is minors and now there are apps to hide those texts in secret files. you think you are checking your child's phone and you know what is going on in their world but many parents don't know about secret apps where students can hide nude photos sent by text. >> it is happening every where. >> reporter: mike harris has spent one decade investigating internet sex crimes against children. he a says when he gives school presentations, 80 percent of kids say they know someone who sent a nude photo and is there no shortage where they can hide them. this one, looks like a calculate or and works like a calculate or. >> then i put in my code, and it takes me to what it really is and it is a hidden app. >> reporter: how do you know fur kid has one. >> we should have parental controls in place and if your kid need a app or want a app you discuss it and if you agree to allow them to have this app then you unlock the the pass word and allow them to down load the app and then put the pass word back on. >> reporter: no one he says thinks their kid will send news pictures. >> i literally had parents cry, complete thely saying i need to see the theictures, i can believe my kid would do that. 90 percent of the kid we deal with are good kids, with good families, but they make mistakes, and these are life long mistakes. >> reporter: harrison's advice is wipe all apps from your kids phone or ipad and restore factory settings, then you should set a pass code so your kid can only down load apps that you approve. >> excellent advice. >> it is harder and harder a as technology gets better and better and parents want to stay diligent but it is tricky so much out there to learn. we w i started with pills. and now i take a long-acting insulin at night. i take mine in the morning. i was trying to eat right, stay active. but i wasn't reaching my a1c goal anymore. man: my doctor says diabetes changes over time. it gets harder to control blood sugar spikes after i eat and get to goal. my doctor added novolog® at mealtime for additional control. now i know. novolog® is a fast-acting, injectable insulin and it works together with my long-acting insulin. proven effective. the mealtime insulin doctors prescribe most. available in flexpen®. vo: novolog® is used to control high blood sugar in adults and children with diabetes. take novolog® as directed. eat a meal within 5 to 10 minutes after injection. check your blood sugar levels. do not take novolog® if your blood sugar is too low or you're allergic to any of its ingredients. tell your doctor about all medical conditions and medicines you take. ask your doctor about alcohol use, operating machinery, or driving. the most common side effect is low blood sugar. symptoms may include dizziness, sweating, confusion, and headache. severe low blood sugar can be life-threatening. other common side effects include low potassium in your blood and injection site reactions. get medical help right away if you experience trouble with breathing, serious allergic reactions like swelling of your face, tongue, or throat, sweating, extreme drowsiness, dizziness, or confusion. now i know about novolog®. taken by millions since 2001. vo: ask your health care provider about adding novolog®. it can help provide the additional control you may need. the booming trend means athletic apparel, that can be worn all day, and it is driven huge sales that nike and lulu lemon and other retailers a and boston globe reports they are wearing their yoga a pants but they dress up, to the the office. >> how about that. >> a photo showing both personal victory and act of kindness is shared all across the the country. >> this is marathon runner robert mccoy, being helped across the finish line by a savanna, georgia police officer. mccoy fell and bloodied his nose and knees but he was determined and that police sergeant john kane gave him an extra boost of motivation. >> while he was on the ground, he kept telling us that he had to finish the race, he had to finish the race, and, my hearties just bleeding for him. from that moment there was a real connection between the two that we were going to finish the goal. >> mccoy was okay just cuts and bruises there. he wants to give his marathon medal to sergeant kane. >> how about that. >> nicely done sergeant kane. nicely done. let's go to kate bilo with the forecast. we have a big blob of green rain over there. >> it is not slime or anything. >> right. >> but it is rain and it is heading our way. we have not seen tonight a while. it has been a long time since we had a good drenching rain and that day is coming tomorrow. we have had decent rain on the way as we head into the first half of the day tomorrow, that is when the rain will be heaviest. lets take you outside to our campbell's field camera. we are seeing the -- this is our roof cam looking out over the sky deck and you can see cloud have moved in as we go through tonight and rain will be moving in over next several hours as well. we are seeing rain lift up through d.c., baltimore area, this is heading in our direction and will get here during the overnight hours. lets check with our eyewitness weather watchers ande if they are seeing rainfall. don't think so. as we get into delaware, 55 degrees a at walt your's home in newark, delaware. still a nice day. the just glummy. i felt the same way. not a bad day but cloud rolled in quickly and down in delaware they came in faster. lets look at the this photo. cloudy overcast day. weather was comfortable but not very pretty. we will take it. it wasn't that cold. good news with rain coming in especially from the south, if we did have any cold air in place we could be talking this time of the year we have a chance for frozen precipitation but that is not the case with this system. kenneth martin in millville new jersey. time to get jackets out. it will be chilly. we are talking about this cold last week. this morning you could see your breath. i had frost on the ground. tomorrow morning may not be quite as bad thanks to the cloud cover but this weekend we will talk about a big chill returning to the forecast. quick look at the temperature 55 in philadelphia as we check with carolyn williams and she says today's weather was beautiful, sunny and cloud have now arrived and then cloud followed shortly by the rain. lets look at what is going on with storm scan three, pushing from the south and heaviest is out to sea. and, riding up the, and heaviest. and mess of that will miss us tout sea but good news heavy pockets of rain, embedded in that big blob of green and heading our way tonight and tomorrow first half of tomorrow, probably the worst of it. few light showers trying to creep into delaware, not a whole lot reaching ground just yet but light sprinkles here and there tonight. worst of it overnight and morning hours. temps right now 58 at the the airport. fifty-six in millville. fifty-six in allentown. temperatures will not drop off that quickly thanks to the cloud cover during overnight hours. that is good news. let's time it out between 2:00 n will begin south to north. few showers could get in before 2:00 a.m. but steady rain will start between two and six. heaviest between 6:00 a.m. and 11:00. plan your morning commute accordingly. it will slow you down. road spray, of course, 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. we will see heavier rain taper off. still lingering showers could impact, your evening commute. future wind speeds, and, out of the north east, 15 to 16 miles an hour, with gusts over 20 miles an hour down the shore. and now three or 4:00 o'clock, this is the center of the storm, you can see rotation of the wynfield here, storm moving through and see southerly wind down the shore here while being in the the north east flow here in the city of philadelphia a north and western suburbs. that storm moves off to the north and then by wednesday we are in a westerly flow and still breezy on wednesday but noticeably mild, wind 15 to 20 . and then your tuesday morning commute here's what to expect areas of rain, ponding and road spray. that will lead to reduced visibility, windshield wipers going as rain is falling, slow down, use caution, always use not fun to leave your house even earlier for what is typically a rough commute around the a area when i would say do so tomorrow leave yourself extra time. we have tropical storm kate i have been waiting for tropical storm kate on the list. we do have it. it should stay a tropical storm impacting bohamas. good news with this system as our front comes through system moving up the coast and another front on thursday that will send kate kate out to sea. the path of this storm, it will head back out to sea. the it will make a close path to bermuda will not be a threat for east coast of the you had. it will be out to sea thanks to the cold front coming through our area, on stormy thursday. lets look at our area. overnight cloud which rain developing. 52 degrees. it is not all that cold. not that cold tomorrow. period of rain heavier at times tapering a few showers in the afternoon. it is breezy for your tuesday. the here's your seven day forecast and you dawn see sun does return on veterans day wednesday. i will head out to the sky deck and show you what it looks like. 64 degrees with sun returning on your wednesday, thursday another front moves through, showers, turning breezy, on thursday of that front coming through and friday cooler but sunny and 57 degrees. a as we head through weekend temperatures really, really cool, saturday 52 degrees. that is low for tonight blustery as well, sunday and monday temperatures back in the 50's. so we are back here on the sky deck and as you can see it is a pretty dark night. we have included moving through. rain does not appear to be here yet. i was checking road, wait, hold on a second, guys. i see something in the sky in philadelphia in the speaksed to be here. it is super girl, not a bird plane but super girl. >> here we go. >> i love it. >> you can see super girl tonight on cbs-3 at 8:00 o'clock. >> that is pretty good. >> girl power in the house. >> all right, thanks, kate. >> speaking of super world check this out the a texas womanes were also a massive alligator spot in the shopping center. >> take a look at this video 12-foot, 800-pound gator proved to be a test for authorities. one woman a dental high againes who works as an al-ghaith the or trapper got on top to get him under control. they needed to eye forklift to get the gaither on the back of the truck. >> we tried a couple attempts to catch him but he was just so big. we didn't have enough manpower. at the last second, he swatted his tail and his tail got me with the legs and made me lose my balance which everybody saw. >> christine says alligator will be send to an alligator sanctuary where he will put into a breeding program. breaking news to tell but right the now chopper three is live over the new jersey turnpike in woolwich township gloucester county. there has been a accident in the southbound lanes i'm told just south of the exit number two. there are multiple vehicles involved, one of them caught fire. there is in word on any injuries, traffic in both directions if you know anyone out there has been affected by this crash, right now all southbound lanes are block, and that is leading to a huge backup and traffic backup, just a heads up for you. we will be right back. thioh my god. friday. does anybody want to be part of this? nooooo. well, chevy has a better way, with black friday deals all month long. that's a great idea. what if you could get up to twenty percent cash back when you bought it? bam. twenty percent back? that's awesome. it's black friday. find your tag and get cash back for 20% of the msrp on select 2015 vehicles in stock. or, get zero percent financing for seventy-two months on 2015 silverado light duty models. cool time to go shopping. this is a dream and trying to get revenge on the tonight's special guest on jane the virgin. >> oh, my god. oh, my god. >> what do i do? >> hi, is what your name. >> jane. >> jane, i think there is something about you, i can tell, would you like to dance. >> yes. >> okay. >> yes, jane dances with brittany, of course but who knew, she had a long standing feud with the pop star. it comes to a head on jane the virgin at 9:00 on have the cw philly followed by "eyewitness news" at ten on the cw philly. bond takes over the box office, with spector easily taking the top spot the on the opening weekend. >> the latest movie in the bond franchise made 73 million-dollar, and that is the second best, bond opening, ever. the peanuts movie took number two spot the with the good debut making about 45 million-dollar. the martian dropped to third followed by goose bumps and, bridge of spies. that will do it for "eyewitness news" at 5:00. now at 6:00 standing up for an important cause our sister station sports radio wip raises more than $30,000 and it is all heading to dallas. why they felt compelled to launch campaign and the amazing response they are getting, plus. >> it can be a life saving trip, i'm greg argos in blue bell parks with angel flight east pilots how they are giving their time to help those in need. and, clouds have rolled in out here on the sky deck but no rain, just yet so make sure you have umbrellas handy tonight andes specially tomorrow morning. we will tracking rain that will impact your tuesday. i'll have latest details coming up. not so clean getaway for an allege bank robber in philadelphia, how he tried to evade police and ironic spot he was taken into custody. i want to sees something positive come to the laid his in dallas and i want to see something positive come for people of philadelphia. >> standing up for what they believe in. our sister station sports radio wip goes above and beyond raising more than $30,000, that it is now, heading to a dallas women's shelter. it is proving that the football rivalry between the the two cities stays on the feel. good evening everyone i'm ukee washington. i'm jessica dean. that idea came to josh ines after graphic photos were released of greg hardy a's girl friend beaten and bruce add allegedly at the hand of the defensive end. "eyewitness news" reporter steve paterson shows us act of kindness is not going unnoticed. >> it is pictures that speak louder than word then these sickening series of photos, have broken the sound barrier. >> greg hardy is a bad guy who happens to be a good football player. >> give a guy a second chance you better express remorse. >> reporter: images, public on the sports web site dead spin, were taken from a may 2014 domestic violence attack, the victim, nicole holder, claims that she was beaten by her ex-boyfriend who does this for a living. >> bradford will get sacked. >> that is cowboys star defensive end greg hardy, playing sunday night against the eagles. last july, hardy was convicted, of assault, but the case fell apart on appeal because holder stopped cooperating. now, with his record cleared by the nfl, he is back in the league making millions. >> it really irked me that the cowboys haven't done anything

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