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Seven days and still no sign of 21 yearold shane montgomery, the West Chester University senior still missing after a night out in manayunk on the day before thanksgiving. His last stop kildares irish pub. He was in a good mood. We were out. We hit a couple bars. We he was not inebriated or anything. Reporter his cousin tim whitman was among the last to see him. Shanes parents hoping someone with a lead will come along. People just dont vanish. There has to be somebody out there that saw something. Reporter shanes roommate ryan says he is doing anything he can to help fine his friend. Yesterday, i went back with the fbi, and we searched every nook and cranny of my apartment. Reporter over the past seven days there have been several search efforts, and, volunteers on foot, to police, combing the manayunk canal. The fbi is now on the case too, calling shanes disappearance mysterious. It really makes this a mysterious disappearance, you know, from our perspective is that we dont have any information at all that leads us to believe that there is any reason that shane would voluntarily disappear. Reporter now this case is criminal will until proven or wise and shanes disappearance has truly touched this area. The reward for information stands at 26,000 there will be a vigil this event at 6 00 held at shanes school held at West Chester University. We are live from manayunk, im justin finch for cbs3 Eyewitness News. Also this morning crews are waiting for daylight to resume the search for a man who fell in the cristina river. Three crew members fell in the water near port of wilmington last night when their barge collapsed, two of the men were rescued but 25 yearold emmanuel gateling is still missing this morning. New video just from as police searched for a would hand who robbed this mt. Airy wawa overnight. Police tell us that the woman in her 30s may have been high when she pulled out a gun and robbed the store at germantown avenue and alice lane. He got a hundred dollars from running away. Also new this morning slick roads could be to blame for this accident that shut down parts of the i95. The ups truck jackknifed on the girard point bridge shortly after midnight. The bridge was closed for about an hour while crews moved that truck but the highway is back opened again. It is 50 00 36789 lets check out traffic and weather together. Good morning. Good morning, everybody. It is chilly out here on the sky deck but i can tell you at least it is dry for now here in center city. You will not find it a completely dry outlook when you walk out the door in every location but thankfully we are starting to see a modest rebound on the thermometer, from this same time yesterday, we have actually seen temperatures generally climbing, and, looking at storm scan three, you still have a couple of showers here and there. As we put things in motion, satellite coverage on top of it, the the system is making it across and through as we go through the the day today but brunt of what we saw yesterday is well off to the north and east at this point. Milder air has inn trieded in the wake of that and we will be look at strictly rain showers today. Look at the surplus that we started to pick up here in the poconos. We ended up with decent icing yesterday. Ten solid additional degrees from the values of the same time. It has climbed one or two or three or a few more than that degrees across the rest of the region since yesterday but it is something, it is not negative territory and that is translating in the low to mid 40s from philadelphia down towards the shore points. Were at 34 in mount pocono. There will be still showers to dodge here and there and very likely low lying cloud cover. We will watch for Poor Visibility crossing over area bridges for example but otherwise were left with a few showers here and there as the day progresses. Would i say by the time the sunnies going back down this evening we are looking at a back edge of what we will see in terms of wet weather, we will have have a chance to clear out and drop on the thermometer once again later tonight. Variety the tore use, back inside to you. Thanks, katie. Good morning, everyone. Still the roads look great. We are hoping they will stay like this for as long as possible but it is 5 05. We are expecting things to still be quiet at this time. It will change later on. Lets look the a ben franklin bridge no major delays in either direction but when we get to rush hour would i expect that entire westbound side to be flooded from the toll plaza, all the way down through to philadelphia. Traveling east bound and westbound right now on the ben you will notice things are wide opened for you. As we look at this shot please keep in mind it is picking up reflection of slick spots on the roadway, definitely with weather like this just take it easy out there because accidents do happen. As we take a look at the vine street expressway no delays in either direction going to and from the schuylkill i95, it is a breeze and rest of the majors are the same way. Speed sensors high up in the 50s and no delays. However, traveling in new jersey on the turnpike southbound at exit number two that is 322, we are dealing with the tractor trailer accident, that tractor trailer went off in the embankment. We are dealing with an active accident scene. We have a fire location closing montgomery avenue, at price avenue your best alternate lancaster, in delays right now for mass transit, nicole. Vittoria, thank you. More Sexual Assault allegations surrounding hometown Comedian Bill Cosby this morning. Eyewitness News Reporter Todd Quinones has more about a civil lawsuit filed by a woman who claims cosby sexually assaulted her 40 years ago in los angeles. Reporter trouble for legendary comedian continues to mount, we have obtained this lawsuit, which is alleged that bill cosby molested a then 15 yearold girl at the playboy mansion back in 1974. The lawsuit was filed tuesday in los angeles on behalf of a california woman named judy huth, marks a first time a woman is claiming to be under age when she allegedly was sexually assaulted by cosby. Huth out states she and a 16 yearold friend were taken to the playboy mansion by cosby in 1974 and after several drinks she claims cosby forced her to perform a sex act. Cosbys representatives have previously denied accusations or said woman raising claims had been discredited. Just on monday, cosby resigned from temple as board of trustees after serving in that capacity for 32 years. The 77 yearold comedian and actor has never been criminally charged in connection to the more than dozen women who claimed to have been drugged and or sexually assaulted by him. Our email to cosby as attorney was not immediately returned last night but in the meantime jidith huth is claiming to have suffered Emotional Distress and that shes just discovered its impact on her within the past three years. That is significant because under california state law she is allowed to file this lawsuit. Reporting from the sat center, Todd Quinones for cbs3 Eyewitness News. Your time is coming up at 5 08. Happening today members of the Philadelphia City council will hold a hearing on how to tackle a a growing problem in the city bed bugs. Infestations can wreak havoc for homeowners especially in row homes where bugs can easily move from one home to another. Councilman mark says he has evidence bed bugs have adapted and they are more resistant to pesticides. Also a heroic Delaware County teen will be honored for pulling a Philadelphia Police officer out of this burning car. Seventeen yearold joe chambers and another man helped rescue officer mark kency last month after his car burst into flames. Delaware county council will recognize chambers for his heroism. Holiday spirit arrives tonight in philadelphia when citys Christmas Tree is lit at city hall. Tree is back at city halls courtyard after spending a few years at love park due you to construction. Fun starts at 6 00 tonight and will be their life on Eyewitness News. That would be fun. Nice to see. Yeah. Rain in california, but not like this. We will show you damage left behind by the record rainfall. Also three delaware churches catch fire in a matter of hours and investigators say the fires are definitely not a coincidence. Also the Sales Numbers are in for cyber monday and the stores are celebrating this morning. We will have the the record breaking on line sales coming up for you. Good. Be careful hitting roads, roads could be dangerous, between the fog and a few you slick spots out there, please be careful, slow your role, we will check traffic and weather together on the threes when we come back good morning family we will see you. By switching to progressive. That was me, mom. [ laugh ] i thought you said, that was me, mom. [ laughter ] arson, hits churches in delaware and those parishes are left trying to recover before the holidays. Fire marshals say crews responded to this fire scene at Healing Hands church at kent county at 2 00a m tuesday. The as that fire raged on fire struck again 4 miles away at manchip chapel. Crews quickly put those flames out just as a third fire hid Mennonite Church around 5 30. One pastor says he will turn to faith for guidance. We need a place now, and right now we dont have one, but we are depending on god, and we know god is a provider. Two of those fires caused extensive damage to the churches. Investigators say that the three fire scenes shared common denominators. And an overnight deadline ignored by the maker of faulty a air bags and now the company must answer to congress. An executive from takata heads to washington to testify before a congressional panel, this is as the federal government demand that the Company Issue a national recall. A defect caused them to explode and has been linked to at least five tetz. All right. Right now 5 13. We will have traffic and weather together in a moment. But first torrential downpours from a pacific storm hits drought stricken california. Authorities warned that unstable hill sides could trigger mud slides in Ventura County located northwest of los angeles. That threat forced residents to evacuate their homes so not a good scene there, katie. Here at home we have had a little bit of rain. Is it through at this point. It is not out of here just yet but nothing by comparison to what the folks in california are dealing w it is a blessing in disguise because they so desperately need the rain. They have had a another just drought now. When it comes to that quickly the mud slight issues and everything that goes with it can take effect there. But for us it is more of just a scattered variety of showers at this point. Thankfully temperatures have climb enough that it is strictly rain showers. Dont worry about icing this time around but visibility may be hindered and if you are flicking the wipers you are getting sled down on the roadways. Off to the west High Pressure is moving in. It will take control briefly by tomorrow, so even though it will turn colder we are going to see a much brighter day by comparison. We are looking ahead to that but back to the here and now this is what you are dealing w we will go up in the lehigh valley, into central pennsylvania. That classic stretch of the farmland as you go along path turnpike. It is not ideal visibility, of course, vittoria will have more as we move forward here but generally just expect that some of the typical suspects. You know, the mountains, the riverbeds, traveling across area bridges they could be a little dicey with patchy area of fog with the moisture in place and milder air to go witt. Because of that nice, warm air, we are going to moderate up nicely in the mid 50s and then that cold front that brings in showers through the day will cross through and we will clear out later tonight allowing things to drop off on the thermometer but we will get that sunshine. By friday we are watching the the a approach of our next system. There could be a shower with that, not guarantied still just a chance but i dont want to rule it out just yet. Saturday is a good day for indoor activities, mess of the day will feature some rain, vittoria. You were talking about visibility and right now were not seeing low visibility in regards to weather just yet but what we are seeing is a lot of slick spots on the roadways. So practice extra caution as you head out this morning. As we continue lets jump outside to the 42 freeway. If you are traveling on the 42 in either direction south or northbound, north being your head lights the in this shot we are in the dealing with any major delays and all of our majors in new jersey are moving extremely well, for this time of the morning and it usually looks this good but still it is a bright spot, right . Nice way to start your morning. We do however have an incident on the new jersey turnpike we will talk about in a second but as we move elsewhere to 202 right around Construction Zone to 29, and if you travel 202 you know Construction Zones have been out there quite a while. Bit of the squeeze. But again no volume right now. Generally speaking high Speed Sensors all over the map. Fiftyfive on i9 a. Fiftyfive on the schuylkill. Same on 476. Pennsylvania turnpike northeast extension all moving well. However, if you are traveling in new jersey this is that turnpike accident. Southbound at exit number two at exit 322, tractor trailer went off an embankment, things at the airport are okay too, ukee. Lets check our headlines and bill cosbys lates cueser says the comedian assaulted her when she was a teenager. Cosby has never been criminally charged even though dozens of woman accused the 77 yearold of assaulting them. Judy huth says cosby assaulted her in 1974 when she was 15 years old. Search continues for 21 yearold West Chester University student shane montgomery. He disappeared early thanksgiving morning, and is there a 31,000 reward for information on his disappearance. Crews prepared to resume their search of the cristina river in new castle county. Two men were pulled from the river last night after they fell from a barge near the port of wilmington. One man remains missing. It is 5 17. It looks like president obama has settled on a new defense secretary and the the top choice is actual friday our area. Also secret to living longer could be into your refrigerator right now. We will tell you about the diet that can help you fight off diseases and extend your life, we will be right back. Cyber monday numbers are in and it looks like it made up for a slow thank giving weekend in a big way. On line will shoppers set a inning is will day spending record. Congratulations to you, you know how are. The deals drove shop tours spend a little more than 2 billion on cyber monday. That is the first time sales have ever topped the 2 billiondollar mark in a single day. Walmart also says cyber monday was its best day ever for on line sales. Ill take the credit for that, ukee. 5 19. Time to check your philadelphia job Market Report and heres cbs evening News Business analyst Jill Schlesinger. Great recession wiped out millions of jobs but in the recovery those who finish college are doing better than those that didnt. National Unemployment Rate stand at 5. 8 percent but here in pennsylvania those with the bachelors degree or higher are in much better shape with an Unemployment Rate of 3. 4 percent. Those who didnt finish high school have a 13. 2 percent Unemployment Rate. Research found value of the College Degree has increased from one generation to the next. Between 1965 and 2013, median, annual earnings among College Educated fulltime workers rose to 45,500. Meanwhile, earnings for their high school educated peers, fell american 3,000 for 28,000 for the same period. It adds up overtime. Federal reserve bank that average college graduates, can expect to earn at least 800,000 more then the average High School Graduate over a life time. That seems like a pretty good pay off for higher education. Im Jill Schlesinger for c cbs3 Eyewitness News. It is 5 23. Time for a check of the forecast, hi, katie. Good morning everybody. Today will be a better day then what yesterday provided which was a whole mixed bag and a very wordy forecast of rain snow, sleet and travel headaches but today, we do still have have the lingering mixed bag of showers, and also some low lying cloud cover especially this morning. Notice these showers arent necessarily widespread, where you fine them, they could briefly douse you, so it is really your call on a day like this whether you want to take the umbrella with you or not. By 7 00 a. M. We will have a few pockets of showers to track and even heading into the early afternoon. This is a cold front crossing through but it will be a milder day so just rain showers out of this mixed bag or forecast here today. And then we will look ahead to tonight when temperatures have a a chance to drop off, because of the skies are starting to clear out nicely. Today were expecting mid 50s, later tonight we will drop down in the 30s, oh, goody. Good morning, everybody. Unfortunately in the traffic world we have an accident we need to get to. Pretty serious accident at that. 202 southbound at Baltimore Pike. Notice penndot zooming in on this incident in chadds ford. 202 southbound at Baltimore Pike the roadway has new been closed and with this camera shot is picking up is police on the scene, a reek will with the front of it really crush and emergency teams on the scene as well. So we do have, in this area, we do have those slick spots that are pretty, pretty visible as a result of the weather so give yourself some more time out there looking at our wide Speed Sensors high up on the rest of the majors so that is good news. In delays for mass transit and things at the airport are moving just fine. But lets take a check now with sports. Sixers could tie nba record for longest losing streak to start a season with the loss tonight. Sixers are on the road in minnesota taking on their old pal Thaddeus Young and number one draft pick andrew wiggins. T wolves are four and 12. Flyers go off to a good start on the road in san jose. Sean couturier scores in the third period to give the orange and black and one to nothing lead but fly guys are struggling offensively. They didnt score again. The sharks tied the game in the second and they would win it with just 11 seconds left in regulation, twoone the final. Flyers have lost nine out of ten but they are back at it again tonight in anaheim. Another measuring stick type game this sunday at lincoln financial field, defending super bowl champion Seattle Seahawks come to town for a 4 25 kick off. Birds offense is back at practice at novacare gearing up for a hard hitting sunday afternoon. Seahawks defense is the best in the league, and quarterback mark sanchez talks about facing the owe called legion of boom. They have got april, bennet, and guys all over the field, both corners are playing really well. Obviously their safeties are two of the best in the league, one of the best secondaries we will play. Those guys good are because d line goodies and d line is good because the secondary goodies and then the backers flying around make their own plays. So, i mean we will have our handful. I aint scared bring them on, indeed. On top of all that dont forget this game has big playoff implications, birds are tied with arizona and green bay for best record in the nfc and seahawks are only one game behind. Cant wait for sunday. Nicole, back to you. Thank you. Coming up in the next half an hour of Eyewitness News we will have more on the late woes man accusing bill cosby of Sexual Assault, justin . Reporter and the search resumes this morning for missing student shane montgomery, coming up exclclusively, reaction from his family and friends. Plus, a family demand justice after their dog survived getting shot near their home, and vittoria and katie return with your traffic and weather together on the threes, we will be right back in two minutes. As a toddler, i enjoy three activities. Breaking things. Spilling things. And just general destruction, in the abstract sense. So i, for one, am not a big fan of nest. You see, the dropcam is always watching. Even when my folks are in another room. I rue the day that this product was invented. But im not 100 sure what rue means. Nest dropcam. Welcome to a more thoughtful where is shane . Seven days, the university student, disappeared, the searchers are still, desperately trying to fine him. Good morning. Now we are hearing exclusively from one of the last people to see shane before he disappeared. Find out what he says about that faithful night, and the plans today to help find shane. Yeah. Also a foggy tart to the morning down the shore, tough to see the top of the casinos there, but we will look at weather and traffic with katie and vittoria. Katie. Good morning, nicole. That is exactly right, in the aftermath of what we saw yesterday which was a whole mixed bag of rain, sleet, light snow, now we are left with lingering showers, and another front that is crossing on through. That is what our week has been about front after front after front but today is a better day then yesterday. We will explain why, coming up, vittoria. Thanks, katie. Well, unfortunately weather is not causing a easy commute for anyone traveling this morning and with that we have an accident on 202 southbound at Baltimore Pike, an active accid

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