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Via skype sunday night, about how it all went down. He says the ranger told the skaters they couldnt stay at the park, and only took defensive posture after being repeatedly threat end. What led me to Start Recording was the fact that the, you know, the kid who did the attack was getting really loud. You know, swearing at the ranger, threatening to beat him up. Then thes frnds appear to be taunting the victim as he lay on the ground, then the skaters took off before police arrived. He says when officers arrived he showed them this video, and they were able to immediately cong at this point, they were already called, the video would be helpful to them. And everyone else who was there that witnessed this, that was also recording, they all left after it was over. We stayed. Police say the victim was not seriously injured, they say this is ongoing investigation, no word on any arrests. Live in love park, cleve bryan, cbs3, eyewitness news. Bensalem teen accused of Sexual Assault will appear in court for the start of his trial. Eighteen year old Joshua Benson is charged with sexually assaulting nine girls over the past three years. Police say they opened an investigation after victims came forward alleging they were assaulted after meeting benson through Online Dating websites. He could face up to 80 years behind bars if convicted. Also, happening today, jury selection begins in a trial of christina, grand jury indicted former day care worker for the january 2013 kidnapping of five Year Old Girl. She is accused of abducting the child from her west philly kent err garden class and physically and sexually assaulting her. Good samaritan found the girl in upper darby playground the very next day. Preliminary hearing meantime scheduled to begin today for the woman accused after hitandrun in north philadelphia earlier this month. Police say 22 year old jones hit a woman, walking in front of her karat eighth and allegheny. Witnesses say that she then reversed the car, running over the victim a second time, before finally leaving the scene. The woman was rushed to the hospital in critical condition. 5 03. Traffic and weather together. Good morning, kate. I hey, that the tasha, happy monday everybody. I know, tough to hear that when trying to just wake up, get the week started, but at least come bearing good weather news. Remember how excited i was on friday to give that you forecast . It is a pretty nice day today too. Sort of sandwiching what was actually ended up to be pretty nice weekends, sandwich that inbetween two really decent days, the low humidity continues today, you will keep that sunshine, i think probably see few more clouds, but genesly nice beginning to the week. Now the problem is, and there is always one, you know, see couple every disturbances moving in here. No major storms in site. You can already see the juice, as i like to call it, getting underway here across ken tuck at this, rain already present there. Some of that may clip delaware, and southern new jersey late tonight, but over the beginning of the week isnt bad. Certainly this is a good reflection that far. We go outside, live neighborhood network, whitt fields elementary school, not looking bad. You have clear sky, this light of day obviously yet to come up. We need another say hour and 15 minutes or so, until the sun is going to officially rise, it is getting later with every passing day. Meanwhile, the temperatures as we stand, 66 at the airport, definitely cooler, though, when you go to some of the shore points, as well as further inland, especially up toward the highest terrain. Thats typical with this kind of pattern. 83 degrees is the expected high later this afternoon, nice warm day unfolding for philly and the immediate vicinity, as it will for the shore. This will be great beach day. Light wind, which you dont typically have at the shore, and then up in the poconos, couple of clouds, ill give that you, overall just real nice, making an excuse to get out and enjoy t victoria, over to you. Thank you, katie. Great twi start the week. Also great way to start your morning, say, if you have to end vacation unfortunately there is monday, lets take a look at the 42 freeway, if maybe you are headed back to the shore, back onto philadelphia using the 42, the northbound side is where you see the headlights coming toward you, right around the area of creek road. Allinall really not that bad. Commuting from the Atlantic City expressway all the way down through to the walt, nice and wide open, i would say, traveling on the Atlantic City expressway, 47, also, all of the shore commute routes look great, traveling south on 42, barely anyone out there. Fiftynine looking great around the area of broad street exit here. Elphianternatil airport you should not have a problem. Averaging speed censors all over the map in the 50s, 55 on 95, traveling through the construction zones, 55 on the schuylkill, also 55 on 476. And right now. Scents like this one, officers firing tear gas on protesters, following another night of violence in ferguson. That has prompted missouris governor to send in the National Guard. Cbs news core upon dent Susan Macinnis joins in ferguson where tensions remain high. Susan, good morning. Reporter erika, good morning, right now, the streets here in ferguson are quiet. Were at a Police Command center right now, but it was only earlier today the governor ordered the National Guard in to restore order. Thats after a day when peaceful protests out the day once again deteriorated into violence. Police officers in riot gear ordered people off the streets of ferguson overnight, as second night of a mandatoryas pn their direction. Molotov cocktails were thrown, there were shootings, looting, vandalism,and vio once. We had to act to protect lives and property. Reporter resident keith smith said he was in the middle of the chaos. My eyes were burning, i couldnt see, i couldnt really breathe. Reporter the confrontations came a mid the results of preliminary private autopsy on browns body. Former new york city chief medical examiner, michael boden, told the New York Times the 18 year old was shot at least six times including twice in the head. He said one bullet enters the top of browns skull, suggest his head was bent forward when he suffered a fatal injury. Many people here in ferguson remain angry at the officer responsible for using deadly force when they believe brown was surrendering. Ferguson Police Maintain brown attacked officer Darren Wilson in his car and tried to take his weapon. As a sign of growing federal involvement, the Justice Department says it will conduct its own autopsy on browns body as soon as possible. Because of the unrest, all schools in the Ferguson School district will be closed today. Now, police say they had no choice but to act to protect the citizens of ferguson and to protect property. Many are bonds herring this violence will end. And some do believe there is not going to be peace here in ferguson until or unless officer wilson is charged. Erika . Now, susan, we know of course investigations are ongoing, but now were getting word of civil Rights Violations on the part of police. Is that true . Reporter well, what we are hearing is that that has not been determined yet. President obama has not determined it, general attorney holder has not determine. That will department of justice told cbs news that that is what those these dual investigations are for. Federal level and here at state level. And we understand that representative lazy, congressman in washington, is the one who apparently, went on television over the weekends, and and said that the president and eric hold her already determined that the death of Michael Brown was a civil rights violation. Department of justice says if he did say, that he misspoke. That this is going to be a long process, right now, there are dozens of f. B. I. Agent here in ferguson, can advancing the neighborhood, still trying to put it altogether. Hoping for peace for Susan Macinnis in ferguson, thank you. A memorial honors victims every gun violence who have died in Delaware County over the last five years. Eyewitness news outside congregation in wallingford. Each of the 144 tshirts bears the name and age after different victim. The event was organized by the Philadelphia Group heeding gods call. Faithbased Grass Roots Movement to prevent gun violins. Well, Camden County police they hope you can help them find suspect in attempted child luring case. Police say man approached 11 Year Old Girl at about 6 30 yesterday evening in the 2600 block of baird boulevard. The girl ran, Police Describe the suspect as a black male, thin build, approximately 6 feet tall. If you have any information, please contact the Camden County Police Department right away. Happening today, already back to school for some children in bridesburg. Classes began at the first philadelphia prep charter school. This year, it has more than 1500 students enrolled, from Kinder Garden all the way through tenth grade. Well, a nail biter in the Little League world series, but philadelphias taney dragons come from behind to be the team from texas. To the sixth inning, now, here we go, leading by run, the dragons down to their final out and sigh on spear man hits line drive, goes to the wall on left. Scott scores from first. Spear man with triple to tie this game. And then, ty shanahan hits grounder to short. The three go, the throw goes over first base, and taney beats texas seven to six, in a nail biter. Philly really done t im glad i helped my team to make a come back even though i need the error to make a score. It is all good. Amazing, i have to redo my spn survey, greatest moment. Oh, gosh, love this team. The taney dragoons as they build their fan base, dozens cheered the team on at city hall. The town watched on big screens. Fans errupted when the dragons sealed the deal with the winning run. I think it was an awesome game. We pulled it out as we should. That game was unbelievable. It was game that just was awesome because the kids was playing in it. So true. Next game for the taney dragons is wednesday night, theyre going to face las vegas, both those teams are two and zero in the series, so should be great game. So much love for this team. I just love them. Because theyre so wonderful. Everything that they say and do, just want to hug them. So cute. New concerns meantime about ebola this morning, and why Officials Say it could spread even faster than they thought. Thats coming up. Also ahead, tragedy on the tracks when two trains collide, and both of them contained toxic chemical cargo. Terrible lost for the man who inspired the whole als ice bucket challenge. Katie . And natasha, today will end up being pretty nice day for most of us. There is disturbance nearby it, may try to mess with some of you and your forecast. Ill explain, well have your following breaking news, julian, on the right there, man hiding in the ecuador embasy london for two years, he says he will leave the protection that far embassy tune. He denies it is for health reasons. He went into hiding since his wikileaks website published classified american documents. As ainge want in the sweden on sex charges, and hell likely be arrested if he sets foot outside the embassy. We will stay on top of this for you and let you know if anything develops. Right now just past 5 13, we want traffic and weather together. Happy monday everybody. Well get you out the door with pretty nice forecast, although eventually it will be a pattern that may begin to go a little downhill for some of you. Even as early as today. Let me explain. We start things offer just by taking you out to little bit of wider zoom, storm scan3, see there is a disturbance nearby, the clouds, at least leading edge of them, still close by, but not here yet. Most of you started offer with nice clear sky. But eventually this disturbance all part really of just a stationary front, with little pieces every Energy Moving along t it will clip us, i think, so some of you in delaware, maybe even southern new jersey, could pick up on quick shower late tonight. So heres how it shakes out. Today looking like nice day, most of you starting with sunshine, keeping it, so should be nice beach day. Cloud cover might skew a bit of the sunshine across delaware. Here is at least on future weather, the sign of some of the wet weather, very close by, not a wash out by any stretch. But you might wake up tomorrow morning with a kim of damp roads. No huge deal. Meanwhile, your pollen report still keeping the levels relatively high. By wednesday, we do start to see our next system, advancing, so i think it will help bring in the potential for rain for us as early as wednesday, little more widespread potential for it anyway. It does mean it would knock pollen levels back briefly. Thursday should provide another shot for more showers and storms, bit more widespread. But the key here is that we dont have any major storms in site this week. Just pattern that goes a little downhill. Victoria, over to you. Good morning, everyone, seems to be that the roads look just beautiful this morning. Hopefully it stays like that for as long as possible, so we have nice start to the week. We take a look at the schuylkill expressway, 76 in either direction, not too far away from center city there is shot here around girard, montgomery drive, both traveling either eastbound or westbound, real great commute heading toward the roosevelt boulevard. Heading toward your western suburbs, heading toward even the walt whitman bridge, eastbound side. Really the schuylkill looks great. Vine st. Expressway also looking great. So is the blue route, 476, right around the area of midcounty toll plaza, northbound and southbound commute down toward the schuylkill, 59 look grade. Speed censors high up to the 50s, 55 on 95, the schuylkill, blue route, really everywhere else, a lot green out there. Also, good news, a few of the trolleys in the area, have been on a little bit of different schedule. But, theyre back to normal. Thats the ten, 11, 13, 34, 36, all back to normal as of 5 00 a. M. This morning. So little piece of good news for you, natasha . Thank you very much, victorial now the National Transportation safety board investigating fatal collision involving two Union Pacific trains in northeast arkansas. And ntsb investigators says one train moving north on single track sunday morning, when a southbound train collided with it. Two crew members died. Two more are hurt. Toxic chemical cargo prompted neighbors to evacuate for few hours. Prosecutors in new york state plan to press more charges against a couple accused of kidnapping two young amish girls. Steven howell, jr. , and nicole vassi charged with kidnapping with the intent to physically or sexually abuse the girls ages seven and 12, children abducted wednesday from farm stands in front of the family home in saint lourdes county. Investigators are now searching the suspects home for evidence. We have some breaking news in todays headlines. Governor of missouri ordered the National Guard to restore order in the community of ferguson. Demonstrate verse staged sometimes violent protests, since the Deadly Police shooting of an unarmed teenager almost ten days ago. Police are searching for the group of young people who assault add city park ranger in love park. The rage err was trying to stop them from skateboarding. And south philly taney dragons won in walkoff style over texas yesterday in williamsport. The dragons run through the Little League tournament continues wednesday against a team from las vegas, oh, just keeps on getting better. Theyre unstoppable. Ice bucket challenge raises thousands of dollars for als reserve. Of the man starting the campaign. Reinventing the oldest zoo in nerve in america. See what trends it is setting for other everybodys excited about the back at staples. Avings from the customers, to the staples associates. With guaranteed low prices on sharpies. Youll flip out now go tell your friends. Staples, make more happen for less. Twentyseven year old Kerrey Griffin drowned, he dove off building and into the nantucket harbor below. Lifeguard pulled him from the water but it was too late. Friends say he loved doing good for others, and was celebrating the success of the challenge. We cant remember a single time cory being negative or saying bad to anybody. He always turned every situation into a positive, no matter how negative it was, and anybody that met him new within 302nd after conversation with him that you made a new friend. Griffin raised 100,000 for als research in recent weeks all in support after College Friends who was diagnosed with the disease in 2012. Well, now on the health watch this morning, off initials liberia say the ebola virus could spread even more after locals loot add quarantined Center Foreign ticketed patients over the weekend. Authorities say several items were stolen, including blood stained sheets and mattresses. Residents were reportedly angry patients were brought from other parts of the capitol to the holding center. Ebola has killed more than 1100 people in west africa as the death toll continues to rise. Right now, 5 22, and word is hunger games star Jennifer Laurence has new love interest. Rock star with ties to another hollywood actress. Well tell you who it is coming up. Plus, massive project to remove these letters from an Iconic Center City Building doesnt go quite as planned. Find out why most of those letters are still there on the building this morning. When we come back. Stay with us. Good morning, a disturbance trying to keep closer with time. Right now quiet, low humidity, nice sunrise. We always have beautiful sunrise with conditions like this out in Atlantic City. Sixtysix the current temperature, with calm winds at the airport, cooler by comparison, though, through the outlying resort towns, as you can see, mount pocono already flirting with the fours here once again, but your eyewitness weather three day forecast, pattern starts to go gradually downhill, disturbance nearby corks bring in few more clouds through delaware, south jersey, maybe even shower later tonight. Rest every russ dry today. Bob . I knew would happen. Come on. Sorry, torrey good morning, everyone, ill go by bob, hey, i have big shoes to fill. Right outside, see how you are doing this morning, take a look first at 95, southbound, toward the right side of your screen, those taillights making your way into the city. Both 95 northbound and southbound around center city Delaware County all moving well. Speed censors are high up to the 50s, no major delays to talk of. We do have overnight construction on the pa turnpike eastbound between ft. Washington and bensalem. Definitely be mindful of the hard hats out there. But a check on sports now with natasha. All right, thank you, the phillies host the Seattle Mariners tonight in the opener of three game interleague series yesterday in san francisco, ben revere three hit game pushed him into second place in the National League batting race for the giants. Got few more hits, when it counted. They broke a twotwo tie in the fourth. Added couple of more runs in the eighth. Beat the phils five to two. The phillies finish the west coast fling, one and five. And no word yet on why shady mccoy didnt practice with the eagles yesterday at nova care. But the birds brass say he will be back on the field today. No word on what the issue is. Were going to stay on top of. This birds allowed more than 400 yards in offense to the patriots in their preseason lost friday night. But coach kelly is more concerned right now with the teams penalties. You are never where you should be. You want to be clean, obviously, got to clean up the penalties, we talked about, that turned the ball over too many times offensive side of the ball. So well continue to try to see in the next two games. Because the biggest thing we got to get out of preseason, we have to make sure weaver the right 5052 guys approaching the season. Appears theyre still tweaking. Thats fine. You know . Take your time. Coming up in the next half half hour, monitor breaking news in ferguson, missouri, more violence and protest between protester ers and police. Cleve . Reporter live report from love park. No love for a sit park ranger when he tried to enforce the ban on skateboarding. Well have a witness account. And victoria and katie return with your traffic and weather together on 39s, knack just two minutes. National guards on its way to help restore order, police say theyve been dealing with more violence including several shootings, reports every looting and sad level in ferguson, missouri. Multiple molotov cocktails thrown at police. At that time Police Deployed tear gas and attempted to dier

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