Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20140714 : comparem

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20140714

department, the county, epa, hats hazardous response teams all called out to the neighborhood in skippack township, the call came in originally shortly before 6:00 last night, strong odor reported, went house to house, and they found several readings, most people again voluntarily left their homes, the odors traced to the basement of these homes, sump pumps where they were then taken for readings. at the moment, it is being called volatile organic compound. samples were taken, they're being tested as we speak. no reported illnesses, nobody taken or removed from their homes at this time. but obviously, testing and removal of that substance is the main priority, so we spoke to relative in this area, state rep just concerned about residents, and volunteers, who were here, as well, as resident who was here when this all went down. here's what he had to say. >> epa, number one goal, to find out what this volatile compound s they've not confirmed. township will be providing more information at 8:00. but i will suggest they will not know at that time what has been detect in the these homes. >> as soon as i walk in i could smell t then we called 911. they came out. advised us to go get the wife and kids check at the hospital. >> and it seems to be the biggest fear here is that it is still a mystery. nobody knows at this point what that odor is. apparently very strong, inside, again, no smell out here, but there are a number of families, about four of them, tell people, that have being assisted by the red cross, remaining in shelters. no where to go tonight. meanwhile everybody else heeding the warnings, staying with family and friends, who will well away from this neighborhood. reporting live montgomery county, steve patterson, "eyewitness news". >> thanks, steve, we'll get back to you. man and woman hurt in a overnight shooting in philadelphia's point breeze neighborhood. "eyewitness news" rover at 18th and tasker, police say, one victim shot in the shoulder, a person shot in the hand showed up at an area hospital for treatment. police do know who they are looking for. and right now there is no word on a motive. >> 1600 employees at trump plaza lan particular city could find out if they're out after job as early as today. lawyers for the casino briefed city and state officials over the weekend. if trump plaza does shutdown, will become the fourth casino to close or threaten to close an atlantic city since january. unless a buyer is fawn, the hotel and casino is slate today close in september. >> we want to get our traffic and weather together. >> we are sort of front loading this week's forecast here with a very slow moving sluggish, potent trough, has to dig through here, before we can clear out the skies and end up with more comfortable conditions. so, we've been building up the heat, building up the moisture, with recent couple of days, today and tomorrow, as a result, may end up featuring some very heavy and locally severe thunderstorms. so, let's take you out, there we start things off with quick check on storm scan3 locally. we had lil rounds of storms, actually several lil rounds of storms in the last few hours, there is another one, that with time has start today fizzle at least a little bit. just outside of lancaster county, like like it may survive as it cross noose chester. we'll keep an eye on. that will that's all we have to monitor on the radar as it stands for now. see there is more to come off to the west, additional pockets of showers, storms, have been firing up over the last few hours, so, we are going to be dodging showers and storms specially into the second half of the day that could bring in some locally strong to severe weather. so we've got that elevated severe storm risk from this afternoon, through midnight tonight. and then, through tomorrow, additional showers and storms are likely to fire up. it looks as though, again it, would be a p.m. issue, primarily on tuesday. so, both monday and tuesday bringing in severe weather threat, otherwise, we will likely see the threat happen through the p.m. hours. otherwise get at least some sunshine, heat up easily, and you will also have to dodge, again, some showers here and there, before that, you know, fresh round of heavy thunderstorms fires up. flashflood watches also take effect as of noon today. expecting these storms to feature some very heavy downpours, currently into the mid 70s, quite a few locations, so, we're starting off very warm, that means, we will heat up easily. shooting for 90 later this afternoon, but again, this isn't the best pool day. we'll just say it right now. there is again likely to be some very strong or severe thunderstorms firing up. we will keep on top of it for you, let you know if things evolve there, bob, back to you. >> what do i do with the kids then today? >> not sure. >> drop them off at camp ukee? >> school day. maybe have to come inside? party inside, kids, everybody in the back door at ukee's house. 5:05, going outside, good morning to disable here, kind of merky through the cameras here, this is the schuylkill expressway, westbound in the tunnels under 30th street. you can see this guy kind of hovering, hanging on what would be the right lane here. so, police are on the scene, if you are leaving south philly headed into downtown, just be aware of. that will coming into downtown, live look at the ben franklin bridge, three lanes at the moment coming into philadelphia. he'll move that concrete barrier over, so we'll have four lanes for the morning rush hour. if you are watching us down near long beach island, garden state parkway, accident near the wear town interchange. a crash out here, in coatesville, this morning, route ten at chapel avenue. with all of the rain we had last night, roads are damp and wet. be aware of that, puddle or two. and new project, another one, on i-95 begins today. penndot will start the resurface the stretch of 95 between the girard point double decker, through the airport area, down to route 420. that project begins tonight, and will last for the next couple of months or so, ukee, back to you. thank you, jersey city preparing to burr a police officer killed in the line of cute how is just on the force for six months. officer melvin santiago responded to armed robbery at walgreens. officials say the alleged gunman laurence campbell wasn't thereto rob the drug store, but to ambush police. santiago was shot in the head before he could get out of his cruiser. prior to the shooting, campbell allegedly told an eyewitness to watch the news because he was going to be famous. >> took a piece of my heart. he was full of life. he was really full of life. you see him, he would make you life. you got to laugh when you see melvin. there is there was something about his smile. >> police shot and killed the suspect, investigators wanted campbell for prior homicide. no customers were injured. >> developing right now, the israeli-palestinian conflict is escalating. thousands in shelters after israel warns them to clear out of northern gaza. >> israel defensive week old with no signs of slowing down. >> israel continued to bomb hamas targets in the gaza strift this morning. hamas has been answering back with rockets of its own. israeli officials say it is iron dome missile defense system intercepted 12 on sunday. in a diplomatic, over the weekends, offered to mediate a trues. but, in a appearance on cbs "face the nation", netanyahu remained defiant. >> our goal to achieve sustainable quiet, security, for our people. we're doing that bee deviating hamas and other capability. i'm not going say right now how a.m. when when it will be achieved by military means, but that goal -- >> thousands of palestinians fled to united nations shelters, after israel warned it would bomb northern gaza. >> most of the people don't want to be there, miserable. >> israeli cabinet still considering launching full ground invasion. security forces raided a home belonging to relatives of one of two suspects, wanted in relation to the killing of three eggs rail i teenagers last month. >> in washington, susan macinnis, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". >> new this morning, salvage operations resume in italy, at the site of the costa concordia. lifting the boat so it can be towed and dismantled. it struck a reef, killing 32 people, officials hope to find the remains of waiter russell, the only victim who has not been found. at least 30 people are arrested in argentina's capitol city after violence erupts following the country's world cup lost. meanwhile, in brazil, police in riot gear blasted a crowd of mostly argentinian fans with pep r spray trying to disperse the group last night. show you more the thrilling finish of the game coming up later in sports hafter breaking lost for and jen tina. great win for germany. >> visitors to disney get an unexpected scene when they're stranded high above the park. also, this: >> probably the last place expect to see a hail storm? special effects, those on the beach had to scramble from cover from that streak storm. we'll tell you where ahead. >> also, preparing for presidential visit. we'll let you know what's bringing president obama to our area this week. katie? >> and, ukee, today is going to be a day that features some stormy weather. some of the bad things of what summer can bring for us here. so we will walk you through it, time out the storms for you, also tell you when you can expect just sunshine and comfort. it is in the forecast, i'll tell when you coming up. fos lightning shuts down, train lost power yesterday, and forced dozens to evacuate. no one was injured. some passengers reported seeing lightning at the time. the train stopped. walt disney world officials are still attempt to go determine the exact cause of that power outage. >> visitors beach in russia were caught by surprise when sudden storm swept in, dropping hail stones, the size of golf balls. in this youtube video, sunbathe err captured it as it dropped from stifling 105 degrees, to 71 degrees, more than 30 degrees drop there, in just a matter of second. unfortunately, appears no one was injured. despite the size of the hail, you can see, and also lack every shelter. where can you run to? >> when did that hail his hit our area, two months ago, kaley? that was something. >> yes, can't remember exactly what the date was, but we certainly have seen our fair share of severe werth. may see another good round of it here, if not just today, possibly tomorrow, as well, yes, might be front loading this week's forecast with two straight days of severe weather. do have slight risk out for specially today, but also, parts of the region in that threat as well 2078. always start this also with quick check on your pollen report, imagine the levels will be pretty low here in the next few days, so much stormy weather to track, so, grasses, plantain, chenopods, main issues, again levels are really low. i would say the rest every just big issue when it comes to the storminess, at the moment, little bit after lull. do you have this lil rounds of showers and storms, that fired up outside of baltimore, and it looks like that will hold together at least into the western suburbs, chester, lancaster county, has good shod to fizz well time. good news. all part every bigger push picture, very significant trough is digging in, in other words, some much cooler, drier air, trying to take over, but it is running into this clash of really hot and steamy air. so that's how you get severe weather going. this is our time of year to get it unfortunately. we look ahead to 6:00 a.m. no huge deal. may still be few showers, if not rumble every thunder out there, but pretty spars in terms of coverage. then we get it going. sure enough, i mean, like right on cue. 3:00 p.m., in central pennsylvania, very heavy thunderstorms begin to ignite. they will survive as they head our way. some of them may be very heavy here, when you see the magenta showing up on the possibility of the future weather scenario, dealing with real strong storms. there will be that scattered variety even lingering into later on tonight. tomorrow, another day, that stays stormy across the board, by wednesday, we may be left with some rain in the morning, but skies are gradually starting to clear, will feel a lot better to you. bob, over to you. >> good morning, everybody, 5:15, on a monday morning. off to pretty good start, roads damp from all of the rain we had last night. outside, check the jam cams. live look from downtown philly, right in the middle your screen there, see the police car taking care of disabled, this is the schuylkill expressway, right near south street. so, if you are leaving south philadelphia, coming in toward the city, that right lane taken out there, but otherwise, light volume so far. going out to chester county, live look, hello malvern, 202 near route 29. here is the construction project here, where over the weekends, they did a traffic pattern shuffle. so as you head southbound, on 202, this morning, between chesterbrook boulevard, down to 29, everybody's pushed over onto that newly paved stretch of the roadway. so, that will be a little surprise for you. and then new project begins tonight, i-95, another project, here, between the blue route and 322, that, i think, to up about 12 projects now on i-95 from the delaware state line, all the way up to bucks county. erika, back to you. >> thank you, here is a look at today's headlines on cbs-3 including developing story we're following. mysterious odor prompted the evacuation of dozen of homes in skippack montgomery county. about 150 people were forced to leave their homes. many are now in the care of the red cross. crews are searching for the source of that odor. today employees at trump plaza in atlantic city are expected to receive warning notices that the casino is closing. if it closes atlantic sitly have lost a third of its casinos, and quarter of its casino work force in less than nine months. and operations underway along the italian coast to remove the shipwrecked costa concord y it wrecked there in 2012. thirty-two people were killed in that accident. your time now 5:17. it is a big day for bo berg doll. the major progress he's making as he returns to normal life. >> search continues and intensifies for hundreds every kidnapped girls in nigeria. this is the terrorist is cents who took them, releases new video. hear his mocking message for the people trying to find those missing girls. we'll have that story. much thought to the acidity in any foods. never thought about the coffee i was drinking having acids. it never dawned on me that it could hurt your teeth. my dentist has told me your enamel is wearing away, and that sounded really scary to me, and i was like well can you fix it, can you paint it back on, and he explained that it was not something that grows back, it's kind of a one-time shot and you have to care for it. he told me to use pronamel. it's gonna help protect the enamel in your teeth. it allows me to continue to drink my coffee and to eat healthier, and it was a real easy switch to make. happening today, sergeant bowe bergdahl expected to return to active duty. told the new york times bergdahl will start new job at army base in san antonio. that's the same spot where he had been going through therapy after spending five years held captive by the taliban in afghanistan. bergdahl was released six weeks ago, as part of a prisoner swamp swap. >> wilmington, delaware, getting ready for a presidential visits. not too many details about the thursday visit, but we do know president obama will talk about the economy, and check out repairs on the i495 bridge that's been closed for more than a month now, long time, complete coverage of the presidential visit right here on "eyewitness news". also on thursday, another one of governor chris christie's aids is expected to talk to lawmakers about the george washington bridge scandal. regina edgeia expected to testify before the committee investigating on the lane closures of the bridge. lawmakers expect her to talk about the relationship between the governor's office and the port authority which runs the bridge. right now it is 5:21. mother nature puts on an impressive show in the middle of a crowded city. you have to see this dazzling display coming up. also, can you allergic to your ipad? the mysterious ailment being blamed on the popular tablet. when we come back. specking more storms today, katy? >> looks like easily fresh round of strong or severe thunderstorms out there today, it is pretty steamy outside, but it is generally quiet, at the moment. that will likely change, though, with time. so got to give it heating of the day, and have our next frontal boundery move. as we look outside in the live neighborhood network beach patrol headquarters, looks damp on the sand right now, too much going on right now, say for one little pocket of heavier rain, that is starting to clip through southwest corner of chester county, fizz link with time. eyewitness weather three day forecast, not the best news to start off the woke here, stormy we flirt with or hit 90 for the next two days, both days, have the potential to bring us fresh rounds of severe storms. ears perk for thunder for sure, back to you. >> good morning, 5:24, monday, actually off to pretty good start. roads little damp from all of the rain we had last night, if you were woken up by thunder boomers on the overnight, even trash can lid, or downed tree branch, along the way, but going outside, the 30 bypass, good morning downingtown for the gang headed in toward king every prussia. no problems or delays right near our camera here at 322 schuylkill expressway, looking good, coming in toward downtown, and construction crews still with us, on the pennsylvania turnpike, westbound, near the willow grove interchange. mass transit looking good at the moment. here's ukee now with a look at sports. >> thrill competition over, germany becomes the first european team to win it all on south american soil. -- soil. germ innocent a argentina scoreless until the game's 113th minute, when mario scores to give germany one-nothing lead. time running out for argentina. and superstar leo nel missed free kick that could have tied the game. germany wins this one, one-nothing, for their fourth world cup. it was a wild scene of celebration for the fans of the german team, their fourth world cup before the first since germany became unified nation. there were parties in the streets of berlin, and rio day john error, german counselor was in attendance at the game, and embraced each player after the victory. how about that? congratulations. the phillies head to the all-star game, lose he is of two, 11 games un 500, last game before the break, werth's three run homerun in the first inning, was all the nationals needed. tied with the braves, nationals crews ten to three. the phils are at the bottom of the nl least, got to pick it up in the second half. and the san francisco giants slammed their way in the record books, grand-slam against arizona. not to be out done, the next inning, the pitcher, madison bumm guards nerve slaps grand-slam. first pitcher and catcher ever to hit grand slams in the very same game. how about that? >> good game. 5:26. coming up in the next half hour of "eyewitness news", following the mysterious odor in a local neighborhood. steve? >> yes, something's stinks in skippack township. we'll tell you what crews have found at this point, why this neighborhood is a ghosttown, that's next. also there is morning, scare for some septa rider when a van ends up on its side. what we're learning about the driver, accused of cause that crash. and, bob is back from vacation, he and katie join you, with your traffic and weather together on the 3's, going to be steamy start. back in two minutes. developing right now, scare in montgomery county neighborhood. more than 100 people are forced out of their homes by an odd odor. now, the experts still aren't sure what's causing this strange smell, but we're there live with search for the answer. >> also, clear outside right now, but that's going to change soon. hot, humid day is going to turn stormy, and katie is looking at the rain, some possible flashflooding, as well. let's start with traffic and weather together, start with k fell. >> that's right, ukee, actually is flashflood watch that will go into effect as of noon today. we will be talking about that, not just heavy rain we have to dodge, severe weather potential for a day for us, not just one but two days straight. so, lots to talk about here in the weather center, we'll break everything down coming up in the next few. >> roads damp and wet from the storms that rolled through last night, live look at the 42 freeway, lots of headlights, extra volume, monday morning, and a lot of folks come right back to the shore on a monday, right into the office. we'll check the rest of the roads, and mass transit coming up next. erika, good morning. >> thank you, bob. mysterious odor in montgomery county community, officials just don't know what it is. >> in case officials have evacuated in a hundred homes in skippack township, steve

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Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20140714 :

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20140714

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department, the county, epa, hats hazardous response teams all called out to the neighborhood in skippack township, the call came in originally shortly before 6:00 last night, strong odor reported, went house to house, and they found several readings, most people again voluntarily left their homes, the odors traced to the basement of these homes, sump pumps where they were then taken for readings. at the moment, it is being called volatile organic compound. samples were taken, they're being tested as we speak. no reported illnesses, nobody taken or removed from their homes at this time. but obviously, testing and removal of that substance is the main priority, so we spoke to relative in this area, state rep just concerned about residents, and volunteers, who were here, as well, as resident who was here when this all went down. here's what he had to say. >> epa, number one goal, to find out what this volatile compound s they've not confirmed. township will be providing more information at 8:00. but i will suggest they will not know at that time what has been detect in the these homes. >> as soon as i walk in i could smell t then we called 911. they came out. advised us to go get the wife and kids check at the hospital. >> and it seems to be the biggest fear here is that it is still a mystery. nobody knows at this point what that odor is. apparently very strong, inside, again, no smell out here, but there are a number of families, about four of them, tell people, that have being assisted by the red cross, remaining in shelters. no where to go tonight. meanwhile everybody else heeding the warnings, staying with family and friends, who will well away from this neighborhood. reporting live montgomery county, steve patterson, "eyewitness news". >> thanks, steve, we'll get back to you. man and woman hurt in a overnight shooting in philadelphia's point breeze neighborhood. "eyewitness news" rover at 18th and tasker, police say, one victim shot in the shoulder, a person shot in the hand showed up at an area hospital for treatment. police do know who they are looking for. and right now there is no word on a motive. >> 1600 employees at trump plaza lan particular city could find out if they're out after job as early as today. lawyers for the casino briefed city and state officials over the weekend. if trump plaza does shutdown, will become the fourth casino to close or threaten to close an atlantic city since january. unless a buyer is fawn, the hotel and casino is slate today close in september. >> we want to get our traffic and weather together. >> we are sort of front loading this week's forecast here with a very slow moving sluggish, potent trough, has to dig through here, before we can clear out the skies and end up with more comfortable conditions. so, we've been building up the heat, building up the moisture, with recent couple of days, today and tomorrow, as a result, may end up featuring some very heavy and locally severe thunderstorms. so, let's take you out, there we start things off with quick check on storm scan3 locally. we had lil rounds of storms, actually several lil rounds of storms in the last few hours, there is another one, that with time has start today fizzle at least a little bit. just outside of lancaster county, like like it may survive as it cross noose chester. we'll keep an eye on. that will that's all we have to monitor on the radar as it stands for now. see there is more to come off to the west, additional pockets of showers, storms, have been firing up over the last few hours, so, we are going to be dodging showers and storms specially into the second half of the day that could bring in some locally strong to severe weather. so we've got that elevated severe storm risk from this afternoon, through midnight tonight. and then, through tomorrow, additional showers and storms are likely to fire up. it looks as though, again it, would be a p.m. issue, primarily on tuesday. so, both monday and tuesday bringing in severe weather threat, otherwise, we will likely see the threat happen through the p.m. hours. otherwise get at least some sunshine, heat up easily, and you will also have to dodge, again, some showers here and there, before that, you know, fresh round of heavy thunderstorms fires up. flashflood watches also take effect as of noon today. expecting these storms to feature some very heavy downpours, currently into the mid 70s, quite a few locations, so, we're starting off very warm, that means, we will heat up easily. shooting for 90 later this afternoon, but again, this isn't the best pool day. we'll just say it right now. there is again likely to be some very strong or severe thunderstorms firing up. we will keep on top of it for you, let you know if things evolve there, bob, back to you. >> what do i do with the kids then today? >> not sure. >> drop them off at camp ukee? >> school day. maybe have to come inside? party inside, kids, everybody in the back door at ukee's house. 5:05, going outside, good morning to disable here, kind of merky through the cameras here, this is the schuylkill expressway, westbound in the tunnels under 30th street. you can see this guy kind of hovering, hanging on what would be the right lane here. so, police are on the scene, if you are leaving south philly headed into downtown, just be aware of. that will coming into downtown, live look at the ben franklin bridge, three lanes at the moment coming into philadelphia. he'll move that concrete barrier over, so we'll have four lanes for the morning rush hour. if you are watching us down near long beach island, garden state parkway, accident near the wear town interchange. a crash out here, in coatesville, this morning, route ten at chapel avenue. with all of the rain we had last night, roads are damp and wet. be aware of that, puddle or two. and new project, another one, on i-95 begins today. penndot will start the resurface the stretch of 95 between the girard point double decker, through the airport area, down to route 420. that project begins tonight, and will last for the next couple of months or so, ukee, back to you. thank you, jersey city preparing to burr a police officer killed in the line of cute how is just on the force for six months. officer melvin santiago responded to armed robbery at walgreens. officials say the alleged gunman laurence campbell wasn't thereto rob the drug store, but to ambush police. santiago was shot in the head before he could get out of his cruiser. prior to the shooting, campbell allegedly told an eyewitness to watch the news because he was going to be famous. >> took a piece of my heart. he was full of life. he was really full of life. you see him, he would make you life. you got to laugh when you see melvin. there is there was something about his smile. >> police shot and killed the suspect, investigators wanted campbell for prior homicide. no customers were injured. >> developing right now, the israeli-palestinian conflict is escalating. thousands in shelters after israel warns them to clear out of northern gaza. >> israel defensive week old with no signs of slowing down. >> israel continued to bomb hamas targets in the gaza strift this morning. hamas has been answering back with rockets of its own. israeli officials say it is iron dome missile defense system intercepted 12 on sunday. in a diplomatic, over the weekends, offered to mediate a trues. but, in a appearance on cbs "face the nation", netanyahu remained defiant. >> our goal to achieve sustainable quiet, security, for our people. we're doing that bee deviating hamas and other capability. i'm not going say right now how a.m. when when it will be achieved by military means, but that goal -- >> thousands of palestinians fled to united nations shelters, after israel warned it would bomb northern gaza. >> most of the people don't want to be there, miserable. >> israeli cabinet still considering launching full ground invasion. security forces raided a home belonging to relatives of one of two suspects, wanted in relation to the killing of three eggs rail i teenagers last month. >> in washington, susan macinnis, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". >> new this morning, salvage operations resume in italy, at the site of the costa concordia. lifting the boat so it can be towed and dismantled. it struck a reef, killing 32 people, officials hope to find the remains of waiter russell, the only victim who has not been found. at least 30 people are arrested in argentina's capitol city after violence erupts following the country's world cup lost. meanwhile, in brazil, police in riot gear blasted a crowd of mostly argentinian fans with pep r spray trying to disperse the group last night. show you more the thrilling finish of the game coming up later in sports hafter breaking lost for and jen tina. great win for germany. >> visitors to disney get an unexpected scene when they're stranded high above the park. also, this: >> probably the last place expect to see a hail storm? special effects, those on the beach had to scramble from cover from that streak storm. we'll tell you where ahead. >> also, preparing for presidential visit. we'll let you know what's bringing president obama to our area this week. katie? >> and, ukee, today is going to be a day that features some stormy weather. some of the bad things of what summer can bring for us here. so we will walk you through it, time out the storms for you, also tell you when you can expect just sunshine and comfort. it is in the forecast, i'll tell when you coming up. fos lightning shuts down, train lost power yesterday, and forced dozens to evacuate. no one was injured. some passengers reported seeing lightning at the time. the train stopped. walt disney world officials are still attempt to go determine the exact cause of that power outage. >> visitors beach in russia were caught by surprise when sudden storm swept in, dropping hail stones, the size of golf balls. in this youtube video, sunbathe err captured it as it dropped from stifling 105 degrees, to 71 degrees, more than 30 degrees drop there, in just a matter of second. unfortunately, appears no one was injured. despite the size of the hail, you can see, and also lack every shelter. where can you run to? >> when did that hail his hit our area, two months ago, kaley? that was something. >> yes, can't remember exactly what the date was, but we certainly have seen our fair share of severe werth. may see another good round of it here, if not just today, possibly tomorrow, as well, yes, might be front loading this week's forecast with two straight days of severe weather. do have slight risk out for specially today, but also, parts of the region in that threat as well 2078. always start this also with quick check on your pollen report, imagine the levels will be pretty low here in the next few days, so much stormy weather to track, so, grasses, plantain, chenopods, main issues, again levels are really low. i would say the rest every just big issue when it comes to the storminess, at the moment, little bit after lull. do you have this lil rounds of showers and storms, that fired up outside of baltimore, and it looks like that will hold together at least into the western suburbs, chester, lancaster county, has good shod to fizz well time. good news. all part every bigger push picture, very significant trough is digging in, in other words, some much cooler, drier air, trying to take over, but it is running into this clash of really hot and steamy air. so that's how you get severe weather going. this is our time of year to get it unfortunately. we look ahead to 6:00 a.m. no huge deal. may still be few showers, if not rumble every thunder out there, but pretty spars in terms of coverage. then we get it going. sure enough, i mean, like right on cue. 3:00 p.m., in central pennsylvania, very heavy thunderstorms begin to ignite. they will survive as they head our way. some of them may be very heavy here, when you see the magenta showing up on the possibility of the future weather scenario, dealing with real strong storms. there will be that scattered variety even lingering into later on tonight. tomorrow, another day, that stays stormy across the board, by wednesday, we may be left with some rain in the morning, but skies are gradually starting to clear, will feel a lot better to you. bob, over to you. >> good morning, everybody, 5:15, on a monday morning. off to pretty good start, roads damp from all of the rain we had last night. outside, check the jam cams. live look from downtown philly, right in the middle your screen there, see the police car taking care of disabled, this is the schuylkill expressway, right near south street. so, if you are leaving south philadelphia, coming in toward the city, that right lane taken out there, but otherwise, light volume so far. going out to chester county, live look, hello malvern, 202 near route 29. here is the construction project here, where over the weekends, they did a traffic pattern shuffle. so as you head southbound, on 202, this morning, between chesterbrook boulevard, down to 29, everybody's pushed over onto that newly paved stretch of the roadway. so, that will be a little surprise for you. and then new project begins tonight, i-95, another project, here, between the blue route and 322, that, i think, to up about 12 projects now on i-95 from the delaware state line, all the way up to bucks county. erika, back to you. >> thank you, here is a look at today's headlines on cbs-3 including developing story we're following. mysterious odor prompted the evacuation of dozen of homes in skippack montgomery county. about 150 people were forced to leave their homes. many are now in the care of the red cross. crews are searching for the source of that odor. today employees at trump plaza in atlantic city are expected to receive warning notices that the casino is closing. if it closes atlantic sitly have lost a third of its casinos, and quarter of its casino work force in less than nine months. and operations underway along the italian coast to remove the shipwrecked costa concord y it wrecked there in 2012. thirty-two people were killed in that accident. your time now 5:17. it is a big day for bo berg doll. the major progress he's making as he returns to normal life. >> search continues and intensifies for hundreds every kidnapped girls in nigeria. this is the terrorist is cents who took them, releases new video. hear his mocking message for the people trying to find those missing girls. we'll have that story. much thought to the acidity in any foods. never thought about the coffee i was drinking having acids. it never dawned on me that it could hurt your teeth. my dentist has told me your enamel is wearing away, and that sounded really scary to me, and i was like well can you fix it, can you paint it back on, and he explained that it was not something that grows back, it's kind of a one-time shot and you have to care for it. he told me to use pronamel. it's gonna help protect the enamel in your teeth. it allows me to continue to drink my coffee and to eat healthier, and it was a real easy switch to make. happening today, sergeant bowe bergdahl expected to return to active duty. told the new york times bergdahl will start new job at army base in san antonio. that's the same spot where he had been going through therapy after spending five years held captive by the taliban in afghanistan. bergdahl was released six weeks ago, as part of a prisoner swamp swap. >> wilmington, delaware, getting ready for a presidential visits. not too many details about the thursday visit, but we do know president obama will talk about the economy, and check out repairs on the i495 bridge that's been closed for more than a month now, long time, complete coverage of the presidential visit right here on "eyewitness news". also on thursday, another one of governor chris christie's aids is expected to talk to lawmakers about the george washington bridge scandal. regina edgeia expected to testify before the committee investigating on the lane closures of the bridge. lawmakers expect her to talk about the relationship between the governor's office and the port authority which runs the bridge. right now it is 5:21. mother nature puts on an impressive show in the middle of a crowded city. you have to see this dazzling display coming up. also, can you allergic to your ipad? the mysterious ailment being blamed on the popular tablet. when we come back. specking more storms today, katy? >> looks like easily fresh round of strong or severe thunderstorms out there today, it is pretty steamy outside, but it is generally quiet, at the moment. that will likely change, though, with time. so got to give it heating of the day, and have our next frontal boundery move. as we look outside in the live neighborhood network beach patrol headquarters, looks damp on the sand right now, too much going on right now, say for one little pocket of heavier rain, that is starting to clip through southwest corner of chester county, fizz link with time. eyewitness weather three day forecast, not the best news to start off the woke here, stormy we flirt with or hit 90 for the next two days, both days, have the potential to bring us fresh rounds of severe storms. ears perk for thunder for sure, back to you. >> good morning, 5:24, monday, actually off to pretty good start. roads little damp from all of the rain we had last night, if you were woken up by thunder boomers on the overnight, even trash can lid, or downed tree branch, along the way, but going outside, the 30 bypass, good morning downingtown for the gang headed in toward king every prussia. no problems or delays right near our camera here at 322 schuylkill expressway, looking good, coming in toward downtown, and construction crews still with us, on the pennsylvania turnpike, westbound, near the willow grove interchange. mass transit looking good at the moment. here's ukee now with a look at sports. >> thrill competition over, germany becomes the first european team to win it all on south american soil. -- soil. germ innocent a argentina scoreless until the game's 113th minute, when mario scores to give germany one-nothing lead. time running out for argentina. and superstar leo nel missed free kick that could have tied the game. germany wins this one, one-nothing, for their fourth world cup. it was a wild scene of celebration for the fans of the german team, their fourth world cup before the first since germany became unified nation. there were parties in the streets of berlin, and rio day john error, german counselor was in attendance at the game, and embraced each player after the victory. how about that? congratulations. the phillies head to the all-star game, lose he is of two, 11 games un 500, last game before the break, werth's three run homerun in the first inning, was all the nationals needed. tied with the braves, nationals crews ten to three. the phils are at the bottom of the nl least, got to pick it up in the second half. and the san francisco giants slammed their way in the record books, grand-slam against arizona. not to be out done, the next inning, the pitcher, madison bumm guards nerve slaps grand-slam. first pitcher and catcher ever to hit grand slams in the very same game. how about that? >> good game. 5:26. coming up in the next half hour of "eyewitness news", following the mysterious odor in a local neighborhood. steve? >> yes, something's stinks in skippack township. we'll tell you what crews have found at this point, why this neighborhood is a ghosttown, that's next. also there is morning, scare for some septa rider when a van ends up on its side. what we're learning about the driver, accused of cause that crash. and, bob is back from vacation, he and katie join you, with your traffic and weather together on the 3's, going to be steamy start. back in two minutes. developing right now, scare in montgomery county neighborhood. more than 100 people are forced out of their homes by an odd odor. now, the experts still aren't sure what's causing this strange smell, but we're there live with search for the answer. >> also, clear outside right now, but that's going to change soon. hot, humid day is going to turn stormy, and katie is looking at the rain, some possible flashflooding, as well. let's start with traffic and weather together, start with k fell. >> that's right, ukee, actually is flashflood watch that will go into effect as of noon today. we will be talking about that, not just heavy rain we have to dodge, severe weather potential for a day for us, not just one but two days straight. so, lots to talk about here in the weather center, we'll break everything down coming up in the next few. >> roads damp and wet from the storms that rolled through last night, live look at the 42 freeway, lots of headlights, extra volume, monday morning, and a lot of folks come right back to the shore on a monday, right into the office. we'll check the rest of the roads, and mass transit coming up next. erika, good morning. >> thank you, bob. mysterious odor in montgomery county community, officials just don't know what it is. >> in case officials have evacuated in a hundred homes in skippack township, steve

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