Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 430am 20140818 : comp

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 430am 20140818

officers did use tear gas to clear crowds off the streets last night hours before imposed midnight curfew. authorities say several protesters hurled molotov cocktails at officers. reports of gunfire, looting and vandalism, capped an evening that initially started peacefully. >> we are all determined to restore peace, and thankful to the people of ferguson, a end i believe to continue to resolve of the good people of this community ultimately triform of over the few people bent on violence and destruction. >> meanwhile federal investigators will conduct a third autopsy on the body of michael brown. >> now, a despicable site caught on tape. police searching for group of young men who brutally assault add philadelphia park ranger. >> "eyewitness news" reporter cleve bryan, joins us now, liver from love park. cleve, investigators hope to use that video now to try to identify those suspects. >> reporter: well, you would hope a place like love park would be spared from violence, but not the case on friday. that young man attacking a park ranger after being told you can't skateboard here. you may finds this video hard to wash. it shows a philadelphia park ranger being attacked, he goes into the defensive posture after group of skateboarders surround him. one of them starts to take things to the next level after the rest of them were just taunting him. young man pawn chest, tackles, finally kicks the ranger repeatedly in the head. police say the ranger was not seriously hurt, fortunately there is video comes from maryanne a, who spoke to "eyewitness news" via scope last night, he said he was at love park with his cousins having a cheese steak when the confrontation started. said there were lots of people watching the attack, but no one intervened including him, a combination of being surprised by what was going on then want to go assist police with video evidence. >> that was really that you -- all that was going through my mind, i figured wow since the police would definitely be coming at this point, they there were already calls, the video would be helpful to them. everyone else who was there that witnessed this that was lord recording, they all left after it was over. we stayed. >> reporter: no word from police on any arrests, say this is ongoing investigation, live from love park, cleve bryan, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". >> all right, cleve, thank you. 4:33, we want to check in about katie for the forecast. >> good morning, actually looking at pretty nice day. weaken overall wasn't too bad. had couple of showers as promise that moved on in yesterday, but those quickly retreated. we ended one real nice afternoon in most spots. storm scan3 is as a result still clear out there. nice and quiet, high pressure still trying to keep control here. but let's zoom it out one more time. you see the edge of the clouds here. the sign of life basically, indicate that we do have some activity to track, there will be this frontal boundary that stalls out over virginia, and little pieces of energy will move along it in the next couple of days. so for one thing, what it will do, up our chances for time for few chances of showers or thunderstorm. we can bang on humidity. that will too will start to climb as we go forward in time as well. soap, today really of the next couple, is the day that you want to enjoy. if you like what the weekend had to offer up over all, you will like what today has in store. currently temperatures are standing into the mid 067's, up ear's, depending on location, even mid 50's, quakertown at 54, willow grove checks in at 60. 56 degrees in mt. holly. so, we are off to comfortable yet cool start for many, location, but still feels good outside. you will start off with some sunshine across the board here. it is pleasant, warm, come noon, if you want to maybe eat lunch alfresco. we look ahead to 3:00 p.m., still expecting couple every clouds to build n i think overall you have nice day on tap here. eighty-three, 84 degrees or so for our expected hi, as we hit the afternoon time frame. then we end up again with pretty decent night coming up here, as well, later tonight there may be shower. we'll talk about that little later in the show. for now welcome, miss victorial good to see you so bright and early. >> good morning, everyone, happy to be here bright and early. yes, i'm in for bob kelly this morning, good morning, everyone. as for now just beautiful ride. nothing too much going to put damper on your morning, we take a look at 95, not too far from cottman avenue. as you approach that point really, maneuvering through the construction zones. both south side, northbound, looking great. not only northeast philadelphia, bensalem, bucks county, making your way down into delaware county, 59 looks great. seventy-six looks great. vine st. expressway, quiet morning, looking at 309, crick rest playing on 309. so there is no one out there. and as we continue, let's take a look now at the wide. speed censors reflecting just great commute. fifty-five your average really all over, traveling the pa turnpike, 476, 202, 422, all lots of good news, however, we do have accident, montgomery county, sheffield drive at brighton road. be minds full of that. and also, if you are traveling the pa turnpike, just be mindful that eastbound between ft. washington and bensalem we have some overnight construction, so just be minds full of those hard hats out there, erika? >> victoria, thank you. i think this tweet just sums it all up from the philliesment all we can say is wow. what a come back from taney baseball. you are making philly so proud. and really, what a game they had. i mean, those taney dragons pulled off stunning walk off victory in the little league world series. >> they're unbelievable have, this entire city behind them, no doubt about that. in the sixth inning, taney down a run, sigh on spearman hits line drive, goes to the wall in left. scott scores from first on that play. spearman with a triple to tie the game at six. then ty shanahan hits grounder short. , a run. taney beats texas seven to six. >> it was awesome. because even though we were down, near gave up. we always kept on trying. that's what philly is about. >> amazing, sigh on hit. set us up. it was team effort. no one person, no two people, team effort. >> love these kids. now, dozens cheered on the dragons at viewing party at city hall. you can see the big screens, they watched as the crowd errupted then when taney scored the winning run, ending a nail biter. >> it was a game that just is -- the kids was playing it. and for the taney dragons to come back that in that fashion, it was meant for this day. it was meant for philadelphia to win this game. and i'm just -- i'm elated. >> oh, love. that will the dragons will now take on las vegas wednesday night. they are also two and zero, and look to be one of the favorites. so it should and great game. happening today, the woman accused of running over a pedestrian twice earlier this month is expected in court for a preliminary hearing. police say 22 year old jones hit a woman at eighth anal gain any north philadelphia. now, according to investigators, jones then reversed her car, running over the victim a second time before leaving the scene. also, today, the trial begins for a bucks county teen facing serious charges. eighteen year old joshua benson is accused of sexually assaulting nine girls over the past three years. police started investigating last september, after two victims came forward. authorities say other victims soon followed. benson being charged as an adult even though some of the alleged assaults took place when he was a minor. >> stay with us, much more to cover on cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> when we come back, we have just released video from iraq overnight showing new air strikes. we're back in two minutes. >> welcome back, but looking to the skies if philadelphia yesterday, then you may have witnessed the removal of parts of a philadelphia icon. a helicopter and crews were task with taking down 12 letters off the top of the pnb bank building. the problem is here the work was little bit harder than expected. so crews were only able to take down three of those letters. contractors will meet later today to decide on timetable to finally take down the remaining nine. >> i heard that racket in center city yesterday. a helicopter? what on earth? couldn't figure that one out. >> look to the skies. the us did ramp up its air strike campaign in iraq over the week end. >> part of latest push to head kurdish fighters regain in the area. >> showing fighter jets, unmanned drones hitting us targets. launched 14 attacks sunday including the use of lands-based bombers for the first time. the attacks took out armed vehicles, seven humvee as and check point near the damn in northern iraq. >> i think it is important that we protect our consolate, if that damn is -- floods, our consolate and a lot of people will be taken out by isis. >> instead of when isis was establishing a strong hold with major infrastructure, threatening baghdad, mass killings, tens of thousands of refugees, the administration took action only when it was a ham unitarian issue. >> isis militants took over the damn two weeks a.m., giving them control of electricity distribution and the ability to flood communities down river. pope francis wraps up five day trip to asia with a mass in south korea he calls for peace and reconciliation during the service marking the ends of asian youth day. pope francis is the first head of the catholic churr torp visit asia in 15 years, also the first pope to visit south korea in a quarter century. he'll tour the philippines in january. what a beautiful weekend, katie. >> wasn't it nice? >> it was lovely. >> one little hiccup with a shower out there. >> yes, but then out of here. >> it brightened up, so comfortable, little breezy. >> little more today? >> little bit more today. i think the humid itly stay very comfortable, don't have to worry about showers, it will be a dry day. later today it might change. i'll tell you why, disturbance nearby, frontal boundery. just stalling out. there will be couple of pieces of energy that basically move along it. so no major storms in site for the week ahead. rather just kind of piece of energy after piece of energy that will come in maybe mess with our forecast little bit. and then scoot out. we ends one decent weather. so here we are, setting -- sitting pretty, shows the approach at least of the first of series of disturbances moving n so today overall a real nice day. but once this guy gets here, i do think parts of delaware, maybe southern new jersey maybe later tonight could end up with a shower, quick burst every rain. we have to keep an eye on. that will meantime this boundery isn't going to be messing with us all that much for the next say two days. then we come up to wednesday. that will be, i think, our next shot to actually ends up with a shower. so here is disturbance number one bringing in the shower, rain chance late tonight, philly on north, no where easier, it is pleasant for now. so as we look ahead then to the middle part of the week, that's when i think we'll see the next shot for couple of showers, maybe thunderstorm, probably in the second half of the day. at this point it looks like thursday ends up being the weather of the week. so, sun, and clouds in the meantime today, nice. your high of 83. tonight we drop it down to seasonable 68 degrees, how about that for change, seasonable, who knew we would do that in august any more? partly cloudy skies for most of us, like i said, if you're in delaware, in southern new jersey, don't be surprised if you make wake up to couple of damp roads. mid 80s tuesday, wednesday, thursday, clouds build, chance for showers or storm return to the forecast. natasha, back to you. >> thank you, the phillies play some inter-league baseball tonight when the seattle mariners come to town. phils trying to break a two game losing streak at this point. ben revere led off the game with one of his three hits on the day, believe it or not. revere now second in the national league in hitting with a 314 batting average. but the giants had a little more offense yesterday in the final game of the phils road trip. they broke a two-two tie in the fourth on single by andrew sauceak. giants go onto win this five to two. shady mccoy missed the birds work out yesterday. eagles say he'll be back in action today when the team hits the fields at the nova care complex. no word on why he didn't practice today or yesterday, that is, birds will be looking to improve their defense, which allowed more than 400 yards in total offense to tom brady and the patriots friday night in foxboro. eagles holes the steelers in the home pre-season game this thursday night. >> we will continue to try to see in these next two games what we can do, because the biggest thing we got to get out of pre-season, we got to make sure we got the right 53 guys here as we approach the season. >> sixers point guard michael dart err -- carter williams giving back, holes dollars basketball camp in king of prussia yesterday. more than 200 young players got some advice from mcw and the chance to shoot a round under the watchful eye after pro player. how nice. good times for those uncle young athletes out there. very nice thing to do. >> a loft fun. >> it is. stay with us, still ahead on "eyewitness news", we head to new york for preview on the week on wall street with jill wagner. >> first what's coming up tonight on cbs-3. police are searching for the skateboarders caught on camera assaulting a park range nerve center city love park. it appears to have started when the ranger tried to get the young people to stop skateboarding in that park where skateboard something prohibited. >> and breaking overnight, the governor of missouri now ordered the national guard to ferguson, where more violence errupted during demonstrations last night. crowds had been protesting since unarmed black teenager was shot and killed by a police officer on august 9th. >> and the taney dragons scored two runs in the bottom of the sixth last night, at williamsport for walk-off seven-six win over texas. the dragons advance in the little league world series, tournament. they play tough team from las vegas, that's coming up on wednesday night. great to see that ride continuing. >> isn't it, though, like our rocky story. so 4:49, time for check on business news. >> money watch's jill wagner joins us now from the new york stock exchange, jill, we're hearing one of the country's largest wireless carriers could soon be slashing prices, we like hearing that kind of news on a monday. >> yes, exactly. good morning, natasha, erika. sprint is look to go attract more customers, by cutting their prices. the nation's third largest wireless carrier, expected to announce new pricing plans this week, now, new ceo marcell owe says he wants to make every custom nerve america think twice about signing up to a competitor. according to the wall street journal, sprint has one pricing plan, they offered unlimited talk, text and data for $50 a month. so, pretty good deal there. natasha, erika? >> i'm liking the way that sounds, definitely. also, a big retailer apparently keeping its doors open later this days. >> yes, night owls can soon do their shopping at target. starting this month, retailer will be staying open until 11:00 or midnight, more than half of its stores, it is part of a plan to lure americans away from that on line shopping. the new hours take effect this month, they will run through the holidays, now, target stores typically close at about 10:00 weekdays, natasha, erika. >> well wonder how the employees feel about this? >> i'm happy about it. >> thank you, jill. coming up after the break, whether and traff >> good morning, lots of good news to deliver to you. coming offer beautiful weekends, beautiful ride. maybe headed back home little early from the shore. well notice the vine st. expressway is real a breeze. up and over the ben franklin bridge, walt whitman bridge, i mean, really everywhere is looking like. >> this take a look, if you are traveling on the schuylkill expressway right around the area of king of prussia, again, eastbound and westbound commuting well. not only the western suburbs but around downtown, as i mention before the walt whitman bridge, nice start to your commute. looking at the speed censors, speed censors are high up in the 50's, just green all over the map. traveling both sides of the pa turnpike, 476, 202, 422, even traveling on the schuylkill schl expressway as i mentioned, when do we get to say the schuylkill is clear, all the time. today we get to do. that will we do however have accident montgomery county, sheffield drive at brighton road. you will notice lane blockage as a result of that. also, again, heading from new jersey, in and out of new jersey, or in new jersey, 42, 55, 295, on the green. katie we in the green weather wise? >> i would say so. i guess it depends, when we say you're in the green on radar, never good thing t always means there is green. i know what you mean boy. that will green means go in the traffic worlds. we can spin this anyway we want to, flight. >> i like. >> we've got nice day though, the bottom line here fungoids the weekends it, will be pretty nice day, as well. live on "skycam 3", ac looking good. basically clear sky out there right now, hands full every clouds have been rolling through, generally nice and clear and comfortable outside. so this has to be a good beach day. beach day forecast in a matter of seconds. sit tight. storm scan three quiet asbell, clear as a bell, a-okay here through the entire day. disturbance nearby may bring in quick shower, quick little burst of rain perhaps, through delaware, or south jersey, overnight tonight but for now the humidity is low creeping up in dover, not to the point it will be oppressive today. you want nice beach day. here you go. served up on silver platter, 81 degrees, sunshine, sews my, high uv index of course you know what that means, here i go, i'll be mom again, eight for you for the index at least spf of 30. latter on the sun block anyway, rip countries social security low anyway. i have a feeling you will be tempted to jump in the waves on day like this. tomorrow little bit more humidity. that will become noticeable, in the city meanwhile today and through the rest of the forecast, low or mid 80s, smidge below average, overall, as early as wednesday, some showers or storms may begin to creep in here. but i would say thursday at this point looks like the best shot for anything widespread. that the tasha, back to you. >> thank you so much. now, let's get check on some of the stories our sister station "kyw news radio 1060". if the democratic national committee decides to hold its convention in philadelphia, who will be picking up the tab? mayor says it won't be local taxpayers. less than four months old, but officials say it is having aim pact on bookings, dilworth plaza is expected to reopen september 4th after major renovations. check in two, three, four times a day on "kyw news radio 1060". >> seems like that project has been underway dilworth plaza for years. >> i know, i'll be glad to see the completed project. >> 4:56. coming up the in the next hour of "eyewitness newews", live report from ferguson, missouri, the national guard was activated overnight. >> also, some new changes have been made at the philadelphia zoo to try and attract more crowds. we will show you what is happening, that's coming up. we're back at the top of the hour. breaking news in ferguson, missouri, more violent clashes between protesters and police prompt the governor now to activate the national guard. we're live with the overnight developments. also, stop what you're doing, watch this video. hard to look at. but police need your help, see the men violently attacking park ranger. live report coming up next. >> it is monday, august the 18th, good morning, i'm natasha brown. ukee is off. >> i'm erika von tiehl. the taney dragons are making philadelphia proud. they advance in the little league world series after a who are owe i can come back. this morning, we're hearing from the players. katie? >> so proud of these kids, got to say. but we are looking ahead to another real nice day here at home, we can expect high fresh are pressure to hook us up with another nice day. eventually this pattern has to ends sometime, right? it will starting to downhill. i'll tell you when coming up. victoria? >> good morning, everyone, eventually the rush is also going to come in if you are headed from new jersey, maybe headed from the shore points, down toward the walt whitman bridge, 42 northbound clear. but things will definately change. so stay with us. natasha, erika? >> thank you so much. philadelphia park ranger is recovering after a brutal attack in love park. >> now police are asking for your help to find the suspect. >> "eyewitness news" reporter cleve bryan joins us from love park. cleve, we understand this all started when ranger told group of skateboards ers they had to leave. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, that's right. there is no skateboarding allowed in love park tri to enforce the rules on friday, he was beaten and taunted by a group of skaters. caught on video, a philadelphia park ranger is the victim after brutal attack. >> he was just you can talking to them nicely. >> marie ann owe captured the video on his cell phone.

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New York , United States , Philippines , Center City , Texas , Missouri , Delaware County , Pennsylvania , Philadelphia , Delaware , Williamsport , Virginia , Washington , District Of Columbia , Montgomery County , Iraq , New Jersey , Baghdad , Quakertown , Dover , Willow Grove , South Korea , Americans , America , Jill Wagner , Joshua Benson , Natasha Erika , Bob Kelly , Natasha Brown , Carter Williams , Dilworth Plaza , Michael Brown , Las Vegas , Marie Ann , Cleve Bryan , Tom Brady ,

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Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 430am 20140818 :

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 430am 20140818

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officers did use tear gas to clear crowds off the streets last night hours before imposed midnight curfew. authorities say several protesters hurled molotov cocktails at officers. reports of gunfire, looting and vandalism, capped an evening that initially started peacefully. >> we are all determined to restore peace, and thankful to the people of ferguson, a end i believe to continue to resolve of the good people of this community ultimately triform of over the few people bent on violence and destruction. >> meanwhile federal investigators will conduct a third autopsy on the body of michael brown. >> now, a despicable site caught on tape. police searching for group of young men who brutally assault add philadelphia park ranger. >> "eyewitness news" reporter cleve bryan, joins us now, liver from love park. cleve, investigators hope to use that video now to try to identify those suspects. >> reporter: well, you would hope a place like love park would be spared from violence, but not the case on friday. that young man attacking a park ranger after being told you can't skateboard here. you may finds this video hard to wash. it shows a philadelphia park ranger being attacked, he goes into the defensive posture after group of skateboarders surround him. one of them starts to take things to the next level after the rest of them were just taunting him. young man pawn chest, tackles, finally kicks the ranger repeatedly in the head. police say the ranger was not seriously hurt, fortunately there is video comes from maryanne a, who spoke to "eyewitness news" via scope last night, he said he was at love park with his cousins having a cheese steak when the confrontation started. said there were lots of people watching the attack, but no one intervened including him, a combination of being surprised by what was going on then want to go assist police with video evidence. >> that was really that you -- all that was going through my mind, i figured wow since the police would definitely be coming at this point, they there were already calls, the video would be helpful to them. everyone else who was there that witnessed this that was lord recording, they all left after it was over. we stayed. >> reporter: no word from police on any arrests, say this is ongoing investigation, live from love park, cleve bryan, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". >> all right, cleve, thank you. 4:33, we want to check in about katie for the forecast. >> good morning, actually looking at pretty nice day. weaken overall wasn't too bad. had couple of showers as promise that moved on in yesterday, but those quickly retreated. we ended one real nice afternoon in most spots. storm scan3 is as a result still clear out there. nice and quiet, high pressure still trying to keep control here. but let's zoom it out one more time. you see the edge of the clouds here. the sign of life basically, indicate that we do have some activity to track, there will be this frontal boundary that stalls out over virginia, and little pieces of energy will move along it in the next couple of days. so for one thing, what it will do, up our chances for time for few chances of showers or thunderstorm. we can bang on humidity. that will too will start to climb as we go forward in time as well. soap, today really of the next couple, is the day that you want to enjoy. if you like what the weekend had to offer up over all, you will like what today has in store. currently temperatures are standing into the mid 067's, up ear's, depending on location, even mid 50's, quakertown at 54, willow grove checks in at 60. 56 degrees in mt. holly. so, we are off to comfortable yet cool start for many, location, but still feels good outside. you will start off with some sunshine across the board here. it is pleasant, warm, come noon, if you want to maybe eat lunch alfresco. we look ahead to 3:00 p.m., still expecting couple every clouds to build n i think overall you have nice day on tap here. eighty-three, 84 degrees or so for our expected hi, as we hit the afternoon time frame. then we end up again with pretty decent night coming up here, as well, later tonight there may be shower. we'll talk about that little later in the show. for now welcome, miss victorial good to see you so bright and early. >> good morning, everyone, happy to be here bright and early. yes, i'm in for bob kelly this morning, good morning, everyone. as for now just beautiful ride. nothing too much going to put damper on your morning, we take a look at 95, not too far from cottman avenue. as you approach that point really, maneuvering through the construction zones. both south side, northbound, looking great. not only northeast philadelphia, bensalem, bucks county, making your way down into delaware county, 59 looks great. seventy-six looks great. vine st. expressway, quiet morning, looking at 309, crick rest playing on 309. so there is no one out there. and as we continue, let's take a look now at the wide. speed censors reflecting just great commute. fifty-five your average really all over, traveling the pa turnpike, 476, 202, 422, all lots of good news, however, we do have accident, montgomery county, sheffield drive at brighton road. be minds full of that. and also, if you are traveling the pa turnpike, just be mindful that eastbound between ft. washington and bensalem we have some overnight construction, so just be minds full of those hard hats out there, erika? >> victoria, thank you. i think this tweet just sums it all up from the philliesment all we can say is wow. what a come back from taney baseball. you are making philly so proud. and really, what a game they had. i mean, those taney dragons pulled off stunning walk off victory in the little league world series. >> they're unbelievable have, this entire city behind them, no doubt about that. in the sixth inning, taney down a run, sigh on spearman hits line drive, goes to the wall in left. scott scores from first on that play. spearman with a triple to tie the game at six. then ty shanahan hits grounder short. , a run. taney beats texas seven to six. >> it was awesome. because even though we were down, near gave up. we always kept on trying. that's what philly is about. >> amazing, sigh on hit. set us up. it was team effort. no one person, no two people, team effort. >> love these kids. now, dozens cheered on the dragons at viewing party at city hall. you can see the big screens, they watched as the crowd errupted then when taney scored the winning run, ending a nail biter. >> it was a game that just is -- the kids was playing it. and for the taney dragons to come back that in that fashion, it was meant for this day. it was meant for philadelphia to win this game. and i'm just -- i'm elated. >> oh, love. that will the dragons will now take on las vegas wednesday night. they are also two and zero, and look to be one of the favorites. so it should and great game. happening today, the woman accused of running over a pedestrian twice earlier this month is expected in court for a preliminary hearing. police say 22 year old jones hit a woman at eighth anal gain any north philadelphia. now, according to investigators, jones then reversed her car, running over the victim a second time before leaving the scene. also, today, the trial begins for a bucks county teen facing serious charges. eighteen year old joshua benson is accused of sexually assaulting nine girls over the past three years. police started investigating last september, after two victims came forward. authorities say other victims soon followed. benson being charged as an adult even though some of the alleged assaults took place when he was a minor. >> stay with us, much more to cover on cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> when we come back, we have just released video from iraq overnight showing new air strikes. we're back in two minutes. >> welcome back, but looking to the skies if philadelphia yesterday, then you may have witnessed the removal of parts of a philadelphia icon. a helicopter and crews were task with taking down 12 letters off the top of the pnb bank building. the problem is here the work was little bit harder than expected. so crews were only able to take down three of those letters. contractors will meet later today to decide on timetable to finally take down the remaining nine. >> i heard that racket in center city yesterday. a helicopter? what on earth? couldn't figure that one out. >> look to the skies. the us did ramp up its air strike campaign in iraq over the week end. >> part of latest push to head kurdish fighters regain in the area. >> showing fighter jets, unmanned drones hitting us targets. launched 14 attacks sunday including the use of lands-based bombers for the first time. the attacks took out armed vehicles, seven humvee as and check point near the damn in northern iraq. >> i think it is important that we protect our consolate, if that damn is -- floods, our consolate and a lot of people will be taken out by isis. >> instead of when isis was establishing a strong hold with major infrastructure, threatening baghdad, mass killings, tens of thousands of refugees, the administration took action only when it was a ham unitarian issue. >> isis militants took over the damn two weeks a.m., giving them control of electricity distribution and the ability to flood communities down river. pope francis wraps up five day trip to asia with a mass in south korea he calls for peace and reconciliation during the service marking the ends of asian youth day. pope francis is the first head of the catholic churr torp visit asia in 15 years, also the first pope to visit south korea in a quarter century. he'll tour the philippines in january. what a beautiful weekend, katie. >> wasn't it nice? >> it was lovely. >> one little hiccup with a shower out there. >> yes, but then out of here. >> it brightened up, so comfortable, little breezy. >> little more today? >> little bit more today. i think the humid itly stay very comfortable, don't have to worry about showers, it will be a dry day. later today it might change. i'll tell you why, disturbance nearby, frontal boundery. just stalling out. there will be couple of pieces of energy that basically move along it. so no major storms in site for the week ahead. rather just kind of piece of energy after piece of energy that will come in maybe mess with our forecast little bit. and then scoot out. we ends one decent weather. so here we are, setting -- sitting pretty, shows the approach at least of the first of series of disturbances moving n so today overall a real nice day. but once this guy gets here, i do think parts of delaware, maybe southern new jersey maybe later tonight could end up with a shower, quick burst every rain. we have to keep an eye on. that will meantime this boundery isn't going to be messing with us all that much for the next say two days. then we come up to wednesday. that will be, i think, our next shot to actually ends up with a shower. so here is disturbance number one bringing in the shower, rain chance late tonight, philly on north, no where easier, it is pleasant for now. so as we look ahead then to the middle part of the week, that's when i think we'll see the next shot for couple of showers, maybe thunderstorm, probably in the second half of the day. at this point it looks like thursday ends up being the weather of the week. so, sun, and clouds in the meantime today, nice. your high of 83. tonight we drop it down to seasonable 68 degrees, how about that for change, seasonable, who knew we would do that in august any more? partly cloudy skies for most of us, like i said, if you're in delaware, in southern new jersey, don't be surprised if you make wake up to couple of damp roads. mid 80s tuesday, wednesday, thursday, clouds build, chance for showers or storm return to the forecast. natasha, back to you. >> thank you, the phillies play some inter-league baseball tonight when the seattle mariners come to town. phils trying to break a two game losing streak at this point. ben revere led off the game with one of his three hits on the day, believe it or not. revere now second in the national league in hitting with a 314 batting average. but the giants had a little more offense yesterday in the final game of the phils road trip. they broke a two-two tie in the fourth on single by andrew sauceak. giants go onto win this five to two. shady mccoy missed the birds work out yesterday. eagles say he'll be back in action today when the team hits the fields at the nova care complex. no word on why he didn't practice today or yesterday, that is, birds will be looking to improve their defense, which allowed more than 400 yards in total offense to tom brady and the patriots friday night in foxboro. eagles holes the steelers in the home pre-season game this thursday night. >> we will continue to try to see in these next two games what we can do, because the biggest thing we got to get out of pre-season, we got to make sure we got the right 53 guys here as we approach the season. >> sixers point guard michael dart err -- carter williams giving back, holes dollars basketball camp in king of prussia yesterday. more than 200 young players got some advice from mcw and the chance to shoot a round under the watchful eye after pro player. how nice. good times for those uncle young athletes out there. very nice thing to do. >> a loft fun. >> it is. stay with us, still ahead on "eyewitness news", we head to new york for preview on the week on wall street with jill wagner. >> first what's coming up tonight on cbs-3. police are searching for the skateboarders caught on camera assaulting a park range nerve center city love park. it appears to have started when the ranger tried to get the young people to stop skateboarding in that park where skateboard something prohibited. >> and breaking overnight, the governor of missouri now ordered the national guard to ferguson, where more violence errupted during demonstrations last night. crowds had been protesting since unarmed black teenager was shot and killed by a police officer on august 9th. >> and the taney dragons scored two runs in the bottom of the sixth last night, at williamsport for walk-off seven-six win over texas. the dragons advance in the little league world series, tournament. they play tough team from las vegas, that's coming up on wednesday night. great to see that ride continuing. >> isn't it, though, like our rocky story. so 4:49, time for check on business news. >> money watch's jill wagner joins us now from the new york stock exchange, jill, we're hearing one of the country's largest wireless carriers could soon be slashing prices, we like hearing that kind of news on a monday. >> yes, exactly. good morning, natasha, erika. sprint is look to go attract more customers, by cutting their prices. the nation's third largest wireless carrier, expected to announce new pricing plans this week, now, new ceo marcell owe says he wants to make every custom nerve america think twice about signing up to a competitor. according to the wall street journal, sprint has one pricing plan, they offered unlimited talk, text and data for $50 a month. so, pretty good deal there. natasha, erika? >> i'm liking the way that sounds, definitely. also, a big retailer apparently keeping its doors open later this days. >> yes, night owls can soon do their shopping at target. starting this month, retailer will be staying open until 11:00 or midnight, more than half of its stores, it is part of a plan to lure americans away from that on line shopping. the new hours take effect this month, they will run through the holidays, now, target stores typically close at about 10:00 weekdays, natasha, erika. >> well wonder how the employees feel about this? >> i'm happy about it. >> thank you, jill. coming up after the break, whether and traff >> good morning, lots of good news to deliver to you. coming offer beautiful weekends, beautiful ride. maybe headed back home little early from the shore. well notice the vine st. expressway is real a breeze. up and over the ben franklin bridge, walt whitman bridge, i mean, really everywhere is looking like. >> this take a look, if you are traveling on the schuylkill expressway right around the area of king of prussia, again, eastbound and westbound commuting well. not only the western suburbs but around downtown, as i mention before the walt whitman bridge, nice start to your commute. looking at the speed censors, speed censors are high up in the 50's, just green all over the map. traveling both sides of the pa turnpike, 476, 202, 422, even traveling on the schuylkill schl expressway as i mentioned, when do we get to say the schuylkill is clear, all the time. today we get to do. that will we do however have accident montgomery county, sheffield drive at brighton road. you will notice lane blockage as a result of that. also, again, heading from new jersey, in and out of new jersey, or in new jersey, 42, 55, 295, on the green. katie we in the green weather wise? >> i would say so. i guess it depends, when we say you're in the green on radar, never good thing t always means there is green. i know what you mean boy. that will green means go in the traffic worlds. we can spin this anyway we want to, flight. >> i like. >> we've got nice day though, the bottom line here fungoids the weekends it, will be pretty nice day, as well. live on "skycam 3", ac looking good. basically clear sky out there right now, hands full every clouds have been rolling through, generally nice and clear and comfortable outside. so this has to be a good beach day. beach day forecast in a matter of seconds. sit tight. storm scan three quiet asbell, clear as a bell, a-okay here through the entire day. disturbance nearby may bring in quick shower, quick little burst of rain perhaps, through delaware, or south jersey, overnight tonight but for now the humidity is low creeping up in dover, not to the point it will be oppressive today. you want nice beach day. here you go. served up on silver platter, 81 degrees, sunshine, sews my, high uv index of course you know what that means, here i go, i'll be mom again, eight for you for the index at least spf of 30. latter on the sun block anyway, rip countries social security low anyway. i have a feeling you will be tempted to jump in the waves on day like this. tomorrow little bit more humidity. that will become noticeable, in the city meanwhile today and through the rest of the forecast, low or mid 80s, smidge below average, overall, as early as wednesday, some showers or storms may begin to creep in here. but i would say thursday at this point looks like the best shot for anything widespread. that the tasha, back to you. >> thank you so much. now, let's get check on some of the stories our sister station "kyw news radio 1060". if the democratic national committee decides to hold its convention in philadelphia, who will be picking up the tab? mayor says it won't be local taxpayers. less than four months old, but officials say it is having aim pact on bookings, dilworth plaza is expected to reopen september 4th after major renovations. check in two, three, four times a day on "kyw news radio 1060". >> seems like that project has been underway dilworth plaza for years. >> i know, i'll be glad to see the completed project. >> 4:56. coming up the in the next hour of "eyewitness newews", live report from ferguson, missouri, the national guard was activated overnight. >> also, some new changes have been made at the philadelphia zoo to try and attract more crowds. we will show you what is happening, that's coming up. we're back at the top of the hour. breaking news in ferguson, missouri, more violent clashes between protesters and police prompt the governor now to activate the national guard. we're live with the overnight developments. also, stop what you're doing, watch this video. hard to look at. but police need your help, see the men violently attacking park ranger. live report coming up next. >> it is monday, august the 18th, good morning, i'm natasha brown. ukee is off. >> i'm erika von tiehl. the taney dragons are making philadelphia proud. they advance in the little league world series after a who are owe i can come back. this morning, we're hearing from the players. katie? >> so proud of these kids, got to say. but we are looking ahead to another real nice day here at home, we can expect high fresh are pressure to hook us up with another nice day. eventually this pattern has to ends sometime, right? it will starting to downhill. i'll tell you when coming up. victoria? >> good morning, everyone, eventually the rush is also going to come in if you are headed from new jersey, maybe headed from the shore points, down toward the walt whitman bridge, 42 northbound clear. but things will definately change. so stay with us. natasha, erika? >> thank you so much. philadelphia park ranger is recovering after a brutal attack in love park. >> now police are asking for your help to find the suspect. >> "eyewitness news" reporter cleve bryan joins us from love park. cleve, we understand this all started when ranger told group of skateboards ers they had to leave. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, that's right. there is no skateboarding allowed in love park tri to enforce the rules on friday, he was beaten and taunted by a group of skaters. caught on video, a philadelphia park ranger is the victim after brutal attack. >> he was just you can talking to them nicely. >> marie ann owe captured the video on his cell phone.

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