Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 430 20171226 : compar

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 430 20171226

outside, at least a quiet stretch. >> quiet cold. >> exactly, unevenly we'll see the return of potential for some snow, but not for the next couple of days, we're definitely clear, just waking up headed back to work today looking pretty good all-in-all do. have very quiet view on storm scan, clouds currently working their way through in a cup he of spots, but it is very cold. that will really is our main headline here, as we take a look at a closer zoom if i can get my machine to work here. that's good. let's start off with a frozen storm scan to get the morning underway watch do you think, guys? well i promise you it is really really cold. >> those colds temperatures. >> i was just looking up the values, for the most part some of us are stuck in the 20's at this hour, yes, very cold outside. that continues again to be the main headline here today. but at least we expect to see some sunshine, guys, back over to you. >> all right, katie, thank you so many the it is the best christmas gift a birds fan could ask for. >> the eagles beat the raiders , let's go to the field and see highlights. nick foles connects with jay ajayi. and raiders sit back in the second with derrick car finding wide open cooper. game tied at seven. >> to the fourth, game tied at ten with just under a minute to go, the eagles ronald darby intercepts the ball. moments later bill elliott gives the birds a 48 yards field goal. last chance for the raiders, fumble l the ball. barnett picks up the ball, final score, eagles 19, raiders ten. merry christmas. and eagles fans of course grateful for the christmas win >> but for most of >> again, there are some reservations, pretty solid teams, so they'll need more than just home field advantage to evening out the win. but for now live from wip. >> peco still working to restore power to customers, that is after high winds toppled trees, and snapped power lines leaving thousands to celebrate christmas right in the danker. well there is was the scene across much of our region yesterday, power lines, cradling falling trees. the most significant wind damage was seen in bucks, montgomery, and chester counties. now, at the height, peco estimates that more than 7,000 people were without power this morning, that number down considerably to 500. well high winds are also believed to have caused a fire inside the devon train station , in chester county. crews responded there, around 12:30 yesterday afternoon, after the platform love caught fire. now, strong winds then blew pieces of the roof onto part of the track, leading to delays on the commuter line. the fire was put out about 30 minute later. two homes destroyed after christmas night fire in delaware. called to the 300 block of bay avenue after 7:00 last night, officials believe propane tank caused that fire. at least one person was hurt when she tried to run back into a home and fell. the fire remains under investigation. >> a gunman opens fire on home in darby borough delaware county on christmas morning, now police are investigating it as a possible revenge shooting r, more than dozen bullets fired into the home north ninth street yesterday morning. investigators say three resident were inside at the time. two of them elderly, police believe this shooting may be in retaliation for shoot that left a man dead in a borough on friday. >> there were multiple rounds shots. in the front and back of this building. my mentality is now me and my department know and we're coming after you. >> and we ain't going to stop until we get you. >> and the home that was shot at belonged to the family of this man, overton, a person of interest in connection with friday's deadly shooting. well president trump is claim that he brought back the expression merry christmas. that's after he and the first lady share their holiday greeting yesterday. but as mule a lanky shows us, the president took to twitter to make that claim along with others. >> melania and i are are delight today wish america and the entire world a very merry christmas. >> president trump and first lady melania tweet add christmas day greeting monday morning, in the season of joy, we spend time with our families, we renew the bonds of love and good will between our citizens hours later the president posted again i hope everyone is having a great christmas, he wrote, then tomorrow it is back to work in order to make america great again. the holiday messages came a day after mr. trump took credit on social media for bringing back the expression merry christmas. writing i am proud to have lid the charge against the assault of our cherished and beautiful phrase. >> merry christmas everybody. >> though in fact all recent presidents use the phrase. >> merry christmas to you. >> merry christmas. >> the president also spent christmas eve attacking fbi deputy director andrew mccain, who had major role when the hillary clinton e-mail investigation. mr. trump believes he was bias dollars in clinton's favor because his wife received a large contribution. the president tweeted that mccain's wife got the money from a clinton puppet, and accused mccain of using allegedly his fbi official e-mail account to promote her campaign. mr. trump provided no evidence to support the claim. mola lenghi, cbs-3, " eyewitness news." >> high wind force the annual christmas day re-enactment of the washington cancel. yesterday hundreds showed to up watch but the blustery winds prevented the boats from launching the shore. it chemical rates george washington 1776 surprise attack across the delaware. many who took part in this 65 year old tradition were disappointed. >> we have done tremendous amount of work planning where the boats were going to get put in extra gang planning, some makeshift docks, painting the boats, prepping the boats, practicing, we've had rowers practicing for the last three days. >> well, other activities went on as scheduled including washington's rallying every his troops, speeches, processions, organizers say they'll try to cross the river again next year. hopefully, no wind, indeed. >> local church gives the gift of a warm meal on christmas day. >> volunteers with mount olive christian church handed out winter accessories, hats, gloves, to those who needed them, meals, and many who took part in the luncheon expressed their gratitude. >> i feel real better. i feel better now than what i did three days ago. >> i think it is wonderful that people take time out with their family to come out and food for the community. people should be appreciated for this, i know i am. >> worried about what we can get, but, you know, it is really about what we can give. >> the church's leaders say they were hoping to feed more than 300 people yesterday. job well done. >> some scary moments when passenger plane skids on the runway. >> hear from people on board that flight as the pilot lost control of the plane. >> and people in northwestern pennsylvania were treated to a very white christmas, we'll take to you erie where snowfall caused dangerous conditions for drivers on christmas day, we'll be right >> in california flags at halfway staff in honor of, 33 year old angelo was killed at his partner injured when a suspected drunk driver slammed into the back of their suv. the officers parked on the side of interstate as part every routine patrol. the driver after red car was speeding and had evidence of alcohol and marijuana in his system at the time of the crash. >> i'm not only disappointed, but also angered in that i had to notify a mother and three children that their father a had deceased at a local hospital after being impacted by an individual who chose to drive irresponsibly. >> the second officer was treated and released. the suspect is hospital in the serious condition. new this morning, police say woman and two children have been shot and killed in phoenix, arizona. this was cause at an apartment after a report a woman had been shot. shooting suspect barricaded inside inside an apartment. after several hours the suspect started firing at officer. he was arrested after night, and discovered a 11 year old, ten month old and a woman were dread. >> drug lord accused of running one of the most infamous drug rings of all time is trying to push back his trial. lawyers for joaquin el chapo guzman say they won't be ready with the defense by april. so they are asking a federal judge to postpone the trial until august or september. el chapo accused of running multi-billion dollar international drug operation. he's also known for breaking out of jail twice in mexico. well, before authorities arrested him and broad him to the u.s. el chapo has pleaded not guilty. >> frightening inning moments for passengers as a plane goes sliding off a runway at an airport in massachusetts. it happened at logan international in boston yesterday. officials say the plane from savannah landed but then hit a patch of ice. that's when passengers say the plane started to skid. it spun around, and finally came to a stop, but was facing in the opposite direction. those aboard describe the nerve wracking experience. >> we were straight. then all the sudden ten started fishtailing. and, yes it, started getting rough. >> all the sudden we started sliding, and then we started spinning. and spinning. and spinning. and ended up in a snow bank. >> firefighters helped the passengers off the plane. loaded them onto a bus, then drove them back to the terminal. nobody was hurt. well it, looks like it is going to keep snowing today in northwestern pennsylvania. >> that's after the region was treated to white christmas, the snow caused white out yesterday for drivers in erie it, advise people to stay inside but clearly plenty of cars were out. now, some drivers said that it was worth it to them to hit the road so they could be with their families. >> i'm on my way to pick up my mom to bring her to our house for chris ma. >> got to visit grand ma otherwise we're in big trouble >> you got to see grandma. national weather is service, ear coy get another eight to 10 inches of powder and the snow supposed to continue into the day. >> risk your life but you better get to grand ma's house >> little dicey. >> little bit. >> see a white christmas around here. >> kind of who you ask, whether it was white or not. i personally feel like it counted because we had some flurries flying, actually the squawl rolled through over our house at one point, but technically would you need an inch of snow on the grounds for it to qualify if you're asking, you know, legitimate national weather service dictionary. yes, so with that said, it is very, very cold outside. i don't expect snow for the next couple of days, but this is what it feels like, getting it out the door here with the headlines that you're looking at, all about the cold. it is frigid outside. you know, dover not terrible. but it is cold. only 31 there. obviously heck of a lot colder depending on your location into the teens in most locations, and even colder all the way up in the mountains if you are waking up this morning with also some snow on the ground out there in the mountains, storm scan, hopefully it will advance on me, storm scan still quiet. we do have few clouds here and there, not enough to act as a blanket to trap any warmth, but there are some clouds out there, skewing part of that nice clear sky. although i do expect more sun than anything throughout the day today. let's zoom it way out. not too much going on. if you do have any kind of travel plans here today, maybe going to be either going back home, or, you know, where ever your destination may ends up being here, it looks pretty quiet. and i don't expect you would be running into any major problems travel wise here today, certainly not east of the mississippi river. so looking good-bye road, by air, by rail. meanwhile, the temperature change in the last 24 hours, from this same time yesterday, cold christmas day, especially when the wind kicked up, thankfully that's tapered little bit. but now you're talking about temperatures that have really dropped off. anywhere from nine to as many as, see, what's the highest one here, 14 degrees colder by comparison to the same time yesterday. yes, really chilly air in place. and tech neckly on the thermometer we're into the 20 's, in many locations, the coldest spot and always the odd man out mount pocono at 13 country but most of us are sitting in the 20's right now, that's cold enough. factor in the west wind flow as high as the teens, yes, of course it will make it feel colder like we showed you. future weather just isn't a lot going on right now. through the course of the day we'll see more sun than anything, couple every cloud granted tomorrow looks very similar again, whole lot of nothing. which is a good thing, if you have travel plans even in the next couple every days, just going to return couple elf gifts it looks good, although tail ends of the week, as early as friday, we may start to see some snow showers rolling through. we'll have a bit more on that later on. >> katie thank you so much. the famous great white shark mary lee is missing. it has been more than six month since mary lee the shark has been spotted swimming off the new jersey coast. since then the 16-foot shark's transmitter has been silent. researchers think the transmitter's batteries are dead. that's partly because mary lee surfaced so frequently over the lasts five years that they've been tracking her, chief brody out there looking for her. well, maybe the fuzzy socks you unwrapped yesterday morning really weren't to your liking. >> we'll tell you through things you can do to make your life easier as you return unwanted un-stop right there! i'm about to pop a cap of "mmm fresh" in that washer. with unstopables in-wash scent boosters by downy. ah, it's so fresh. and it's going to last from wash to... ...wear for up to 12 weeks. unstopables by downy. i love you, droolius caesar, but sometimes you stink. febreze car vent clip cleans away odors for up to 30 days. because the things you love can stink. >> welcome back, the malls will be jam packed today with people returning unwanted gift according to the national retail federation nearly two thirds of holiday shoppers returned at least one item last year, so here are some tips to make your return easier this year. the company's return policy. also, look to see if you're eligible for free shipping and try to avoid returning gifts today. close to 40% of people return gifts right after christmas. >> and if you received a gift card for christmasses this year, be aware of hackers, criminals targeting gift cards now that chip cards are becoming harder to hack. some cases they're copying numbers off gift cards while in the store, then returning them to the shelves. they then drain the cards of it cash. some companies have computer defense systems that can detect when hackers two trying to steel gift card balances. >> it is 45:00; time for check on business news. >> money watch's diane king hall joins us this morning from the new york stock exchange, good morning, so we know us stock packet were closed yesterday for christmas , with now just four days left in 2017, what's the winds-down look like? >> good morning, on friday, the dow fell 28-point, nasdaq slipped five. those numbers don't tell the whole story. do you in fact on track to turn in its annual best performance in four years, all of the major averages, in fact , enjoyed a banner year. meanwhile, talk about a holiday hang over. wallet hub is predicting americans will ends this year with more than $50 billion in new, new credit card debt. even mine last year was the worse year for debt since the great recession, while people paid down some debt at the beginning of this year, we borrowed it back on steroids, in other words, the expectation that we will owe more than $1 trillion in credit card debt by december p ? >> that's pretty sobers erring video gamers taking step in time, throw back games are back in vogue. diane, what's the store which this? >> reporter: right, don't call it a come back. says the latest craze is retro games and consoles like atari, super nintendo, saying a, but it sold for about $80, now, you can spend more than $200 for one, on ebay. >> like to convince my ten year old that that's style. >> no? >> all about the ipad, right? >> exactly. i actually could win some of these games. >> classic. >> you're like, your ten year old have no idea, ya, i got you. >> i got it. >> mario, so many come-backs. all right, thank you, diane, see you in the next hour. >> meghan markle had her first taste of royal christmasses with her soon to be family. >> yes, diane want to hear this story of course. markle spent christmas morning at her first public appearance with prince prince prince and queen live asbestos. -- elizabeth. this appearance broke with royal tradition because market is the first royal fiancee to spend christmasses with queen elizabeth before marrying into the family. >> very interesting. welshing we in for a frigid last week of 2017. >> katie were you even talking about a stretch of days in the 20's. >> yes, multiple days coming up here where we are not going to break out of the 20's, so we will not be hitting the freezing mark fosh god portion of the forecast, with the cold comes the possibility of some snow. i'll let you know which days stands the best >> welcome back everyone, eagles green lighting up liberty place this morning. but still, feeling the love from that win from yesterday. and what we are going to find today, quiet weather, cold weather. that's something that's a theme of this forecast, right now storm scan is quiet. it will stay that way through the day, but you know we're certainly not alone with the chill that's out there. and it could be a heck of a lot worse. these are your actual air temperatures, and look at the twin cities. and as we look right before your very eyes, these temperatures shift on you for the new hour, but it is seven below zero, not even seven below freezing, below zero in minneapolis. so, that's the code he is spot at least of this slew of observations, but sitting pretty at whopping 53, in l.a. right now, now as we take a look at the seven day, we talk about this this multiple days in the 20's thing, look at this, most of the days don't even hit freezing. it is cents really cold. it will set the stage for the possibility that we see some snow. friday, we've got shot at it, pretty decent shot. i think it would be light snow , with modest accumulation at worse. and then leading into the weekends, there is the chance right now for a new storm to come in. but, all the stars need to align if you will for new storm to develop out of that. so, we will keep close watch on this, but again couple of shots for us to see some more of the white stuff in the days ahead, joe? >> hello winter. thank you, so much, katie. coming up in the next hour of "eyewitness news," pat's here with a look at last night's win for the birds, they came down to the wire. >> also ahead, out, with the fire fight that does not stop christmas. update on the thomas fire and how much of it is contained. >> and, we will look back at some of the big health stories of the year. that and more, when we come back at the top of the hour. dearwe'veand cleanses. diets thing is, food isn't a resolution. it's fuel for our resolutions. fuel to power us, made for us. it's whole grains, fruit and iron. protein, almonds and quinoa. food that keeps us strong. january. you deserve better. you're not a bad month... you're our beginning. special k. >> live from the cbs broadcast center in philadelphia. this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news " this morning. the kick is away. scores! >> he did it again. >> merle and mike with the call on sports radio 94wip. it was a merry christmas for eagles fans who to wait until the final 222nd of the game to exhale. the highlights and reaction from the lockerroom. >> several hundred homes remain without power and in the cold all thanks to yesterday's whipping winds. we have an update on effort to restore power. >> and looking live, at center city from our cbs-3 studios this morning. we are in bethlehem there looking liv

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