Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 430 20151208 : compar

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 430 20151208

katie once again, like erika pointed out with this weather it is so great. no excuse, right, no excuse. >> got to get. >> the absolutely, just looking phenominal once again, if you are a fan of the milder air at least early to mid december, unheard of, the kind of warmths we're actually looking ahead to more than anything. today little cooler for us in terms of where we expect to top off with temperatures, but still looking to be real nice day, all courtesy of high pressure once again in place. so we wanted to give you just one of the beautiful shots that we've got. >> this time of year, so many people have their light out on display, boathouse row, thankfully, has theirs on display all year long, one of my favorite spots, highlights in philadelphia, so beautiful this time of day. when you don't have the light of day, beautiful shot there for you, with the christmas lights all there. meanwhile, storm scan, pretty quiet. we actually have area of low pressure that developed off shore. it stays off shore, it is a near miss, so that's why you still got couple of clouds right now, but see how they're retreating from the eastern new jersey shore line there. meanwhile, we're generally finding just again few clouds everywhere else today. with high pressure still dominating the scene for us, it means, we ends up with some quiet weather. so 40 degrees your quiet temperature at the airport, probably drop few more degrees, 39 in palmyra, mt. holly, regional office for the national weather service is locate many going throughout the rest of the day today, granted cool start for you, you still want the jacket ready to go. how much, we will start warming things up little bit with time here. by the time we hit 3:00 p.m., granted not shorts and t-shirt weather but it is still at least a smidge above the seasonable norm, which is now in the upper 40's, for our area. 50 degrees though is our anticipated dollars hi, we hit it right around 3:00 p.m., and generally speaking, we keep that sunshine for yet another day. are there storms in the cards for us? i'll have that answer for you in your seven day forecast a little later in the show. >> thanks, katie. happy tuesday to you. looking at the ben franklin bridge, first shot outside this morning, looking good, looking nice and quiet, just as it should, as we're still in the 4:00 hour. ben franklin bridge, looking good. this is where we do have construction, 59 north, off ramp to the blue route is closed this should be lifted right around sometime around 5:00 a.m. i'll let you know certainly when it does, but know that the off ramp to the blue route from 95 is closed right now, also, the vine is closed right now as well, both the eastbound and westbound direction between the schuylkill and broad street, we're used to this overnight construction, know eastbound and westbound for those of you hitting the roadways still closed. new jersey, 295 north between route 168 and route 42, the right lane is block, and this should actually be lifting around 6:00 a.m. so some overnight construction project last until around 5:00 a.m. this particular one will be lifted around 6:00 a.m. also, more construction, route 130 closed south of route 620, until march 1st. so, until march 1st, which is quite some time from now, you want to use the alternate of 295. that will help you considerably. erika, over to you. >> meisha, thank you. new this morning, home own nerve northeast philadelphia opens fire on man breaking into his home killing that suspect. "eyewitness news" reporter justin finch joins us now at the scene in lawncrest where police just gave us a update i understand. justin, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, this case is still under investigation this morning. we are told that a man was leaving his home here where you see that yellow light there last night. they say as he was leaving, he was met by a mask man, that man forced him back inside the home and minutes late their mask man would be dead. police outside this lawncrest row home overnight, the scene of faith al shoot that may have began as a home invasion attempt. >> just after 11:30 p.m., second district police responded to 911 call, report of a shooting inside after private residence, in the 6100 block of reed street. >> suspect, 35 year old man, whom sources say was wearing a mask, police tell us they found him unconscious on the first level dining room floor with gunshot wounds to his neck and chest. >> medics worked on him, did cpr, attempt topped revive him. however, the victim never regained consciousness and he was pronounced dead at 12:04 a.m. >> sources say he was armed and came in through the front door and announced a robbery. inside, five people, three men and two women. >> the 27 year old male homeowner told his weapon, and fired at least four shots at the 35 year old who was committing the robbery. the 35 year old collapsed and dropped his handgun by his feet. >> officials say a further search of the home just might have turned up what the now dead suspect was after. >> in the basement it was a green weed-like substance, large plastic bag, appears to be marijuana, has a heavy odor of marijuana. there is also several hundred dollars right next to this alleged marijuana. >> and police also tell us they found packaging material by that weed-like substance, if it turns through the that is a narcotic, the homeowner in this case could face charge for that. there are people who live in that home that male homeowner and those two women, all three had their weapons out at the time. only the male homeowner fired at that suspect there. we are told that all five people who were in that home are now being questioned by homicide detectives. we are live in lawncrest, justin finch, cbs-3, "eyewitness news", erika. >> justin, thank you. meanwhile, authorities say robbery was the motive for murder of community activist in fishtown. fifty-four year old kathy wilson was found badly beaten inside her home on the 1300 block of earl street yesterday morning. investigators say a couple she employed to do odd jobs around the house confessed to the crime. >> the female suspect used to clean her house four, five times a week, and the male suspect used to do little odds and ends inside of the house like handyman type of work. >> investigators tell us between 20 and $25,000 was taken from the victim. fifty year old james chief err and his girlfriend, 47 year old jane johnson, face long list of charges including murder. >> federal investigators are tracking the movement of two assault-style weapons used in the san bernardino massacre, old friend of one of the gunmen bought them. he's not been charged. the fbi says both syed farook and tashfeen malik were radicalized for some time. they are now trying to figure out how. the feds also say the couple had taken target practice including within just days of the shooting that killed 14 people. this morning we're hearing from more survivors. >> he came walking in and started firing and then started walking toward the middle of the room where all the staff were sitting just firing. it was incredibly surreal. and as it goes on, you know, desperation kicks in, and i kept hoping it was an exercise, right, it is an exercise, because i this can't actually be hang. >> i could see the muzzle facing down where individuals would be. >> last night the san bernardino community held a candlelight vigil for the victims and their families. yesterday was the first day most san bernardino county employees returned to work. employees in the environmental health division where farook and many of his victims work will be off until next week. now, following the murders in san bernardino, republican presidential candidate donald trump is calling on a ban on all muslims trying to enter the country. >> donald j trump is calling for a total and complete shut-down of muslims entering the united state, until our country's representatives can fick out -- can figure out what the hell is going on. >> trump's republican opponent are condemning his proposal. jeb bush called trump un hinged, and carly fiorina called trump's proposal dangerous. federal and local authorities are investigating after a severed pigs head is found in a islamic center in north philadelphia. the head afros dollars pig was found outside the academy on germantown avenue yesterday morning. the building is home toll a school, mosque, and interfaith community center. surveillance cameras captured a red pick up driving past the center two people inside. >> the intent that far person who did that was obviously a hate crime. i mean, it was an attempt top deface a religious institution. a pigs head doesn't do much physically, i mean, could the next thing be a pipe bomb? >> authorities are reviewing the surveillance video. mayor-elect jim kenney released a statement condemning the incident. 4:39 right now. crews will be out in juniata park later this morning to repair a water main break. fifteen properties are right now without any water. crews had to shut down a 12-inch main t broke around 10:00 last night on the 1100 block of cioga street. that break sent water spewing out flooding surrounding streets. no details exactly what caused that main to break. >> still ahead here on "eyewitness news", a whale after tail. hump back whales are catching some local fishermen off guard down the shore. we'll tell you why those whales are showing up. also, which state has the best drivers. pennsylvania, new jersey, or delaware? somewhat surprising answer when we come back in two minutes. >> tourist season may be long gone down the jersey shore, some visitors have become all the buzz. whale spottings have been happening up and down the south jersey coast. monday morning a fisherman off the coast of ocean city captured this hump back whale, incredible pictures here, video as it crashes right into a boat. another boater snapped this picture after whale breaching just off the coast with the shore skyline in the background. >> feeding, blowing water out his blow hole, and at one point he started just kind of breaching, coming toward us, then, you know, zig-zag around little bit. then next thing you know he comes up basically underneath this guy's boat. >> surprise? one boat captain says the whales are following the seasonal bathe fish, and that the whales are feeding to bulk up for a long winter. >> despite perceptions from neighboring state perhaps, new jersey drivers are among the best in the country. that's according to new study by car insurance comparison. com. the site uses federal data, compiled, per miles driven, drunk driving, speeding and carlis driving ticket. new jersey was the seventh best overall. pennsylvania, down at 35th and delaware, yes, in the tri-state area, dead last, at 40 second. so if you roll your eyes, jersey plate, yes, maybe consider your own license plate. how about that? people maybe -- >> i won't lie, i am a little surprised by all of those result. >> well, there you go. one surprise, this weather we're having in december. >> no kidding t just keeps oncoming, tooment actually looking toward the week toned real nice surge on the thermometer. if you like that. exactly, yes, did i get my first tweet, i really casino of wish it was getting a little colder. very, very few and far between, most people are totally digging this. >> fantastic. >> it feels so, so comfortable outside. it will continue for us. today actually technically going to be cooler day, but still talking few degrees above average. we will talk about that in a second. start it off by looking at storm scan. we a look last week the possibility this storm system impact us, but it is just a near miss. we won't worry about any wet better from this guy. still spinning away, pulling away, taking the clouds with it, and we'll end up more sun than anything. further inland go, wake to up beautiful sunrise, nice live zoom, storm scan, snot a heck of a lot going on. more activity pent up the northwest, train of storms has been rolling through that area. we will eventually get little trough digging through as we head into the middle part of the week. let's get to that in future weather. high pressure keeping control for now. then we look all the way ahead, notice the time stap p, to wednesday night. see how these clouds begin to build in here. so that's this surface trough beginning to cross over the delaware valley, and future weather is picking up it might trigger a shower down toward the shore points, southern delaware, got to be honest, i'm not sole on that. i show it to you just as a possible, more than anything it does look like we will see the clouds break for sunshine through the day thursday. that trough has very minimal impact on it. more than anything, though, we end up with a nice little warming trend with time. so today is one of the coolest days of the pack here mostly sunny, seasonably cool, as we get to up about 50 degrees, later tonight un partly cloudy sky we droop to 38. eyewitness seven day, only go on uphill climb from here. saturday hello 62 degrees. sunday even warmer at 64 degrees. not alone here, eastern two thirds of the united state really get in on the warmth. so again if you like it this is the forecast for you. we send it back to you. >> sixty-four in december. >> thank you >> hey, talking sport right now, the flyers take on the islanders at the well tonight. without defenseman luke schenn, he will miss two weeks with a lower body injury. veteran defenseman andrew mcdonald up from lehigh valley to take his place. well, sixers first round pick, squawl evening okafor, back from his two game suspension, he came off the bench last night against the spurs and finished with ten-point. but, this one was all spurs. marcus aldridge had 26 for san antonio, tim duncan sat out third straight trip to the well. spurs beat the sixers by 51-point. 119 to 68. that's the largest marge inch of victory in spurs history. sixers in brooklyn thursday night. before last night's game sixers announced added long time basketball executive jerry co-angelo to the front office, because the new, and he's also owned phoenix suns, and the arizona diamond backs. coal angelo says he hopes his experience will help gm. >> there is log jam at the top of the nfc east with the eagles, redskins and the giants, all five and seven, and sitting in a first place tie, three ways. now, you have the cowboys to thank for that. last night, in prime time, the boys beat the redskins 19 to 16 on field goal with just 92nd left on the clock. the 54 yarder put the cowboys in the win column. and leaves three teams at the top of the division, the cowboys just a game behind. >> all right, still ahead this morning, netflix takes on the networks as plans for more original shows. first though here's what's coming up tonight on cbs-3. >> welcome back. 4:49 right now. time for check on your business news. money watch's jill wagner joins us from the new york stock exchange, jill, something i think every person who works a morning shift is listening to, a billion dollars coffee deal is brewing. what's happening here? who are we talking about? >> all right, the single cup coffee maker keurig has agreed to be sold to a private ex quit i company for almost $14 billion. keurig has really faced increased competition and also slumping sales. for everyone who has keurig at home or possibly stock exchange, i'll tell you, not much will change, their headquarters remain in vermont, the company will likely still operate independently. >> with the prices don't go up, k cups are expensive, as is. also, netflix making big bet on original programming, we all know orange is the new black, house of cards, master and under, so popular. now really up the and tee, too? >> that's right. so, netflix is almost doubling the number of original shows it will produce next year from 16 to 31. that's according to broadcasting and cable. it also going to be across the board, so everything from feature film, kid shows, santa specials, and documentaries, really good way for them to gain new subscribers. >> absolutely, some of the series have cult life following. jill, that's so much. >> coming up after the break, get a check on your forecast and the road. we >> i'm alex trebek. if you're age 50 to 85, this is an important message. so please, write down the number on your screen. the lock i want to talk to you about isn't the one on your door. it's a rate lock for your life insurance that guarantees your rate can never go up at any time, for any reason. but be careful. many policies you see do not have one, but you can get a lifetime rate lock through the colonial penn program. call this number to learn more. this plan was designed with a rate lock for people on a fixed income who want affordable life insurance that's simple to get. coverage options for just $9.95 a month, less than 35 cents a day. act now and your rate will be locked in for life. it will never increase. your coverage can never be cancelled as long as you pay your premiums, and your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. you cannot be turned down because of your health. call for your information kit and gift. both are free, with no obligation. don't wait, call this number now. ♪ 4:53 right now, and we check on the forecast. how is it looking today? >> looking pretty fantastic. we can expect to see temperatures drop little bit or only rebound to little bit of cooler level here today. talking ooh degrees at best for the daytime high. still nice day. near miss with the storm system that developed just off the coast there. you see it rotating away at this point. skies are clearing nicely, from southwest to north east, essentially here, and that will be the story for the rest of the day. interesting, we've actually got air quality alert in effect for all of the counties you have shaded there in the gray on the left-hand side of your screen. in other words, it is a little unhealthy today due to ground level ozone, particular solution, for folks that fall in the sensitive category. children, the elderly, if you have any kind of respiratory illness, little trier see this this time of year. there you have it. just take it easy out there and don't do too much strenuous activity. meanwhile, we've still got some beautiful weather to enjoy for the next couple of days, despite little trough crossing our region here wednesday night into thursday, don't anticipate wet weather out of it. rather, just skies to clear out, and more sunshine to break through, and man what a gorgeous weekend we've got coming up. once again, meisha, can't get rid of these nice weekends. >> any time 60s in december, katie? >> i'm tell you! >> good morning, everyone, happy tuesday to you, if you are just waking up with us, roadways are nice and dry, looks like beautiful day. like katie pointed out little more chill think morning, not that that's going to affect our community at all, just s here is a look at the construct son on the vine, see eastbound, westbound, still closed. so eastbound-westbound still closed on the vine between the schuylkill and broad, one update, construction, 95 north, off ramp to the blue route, now open. that will off ramp was closed just about 15, 20 minutes ago, it is now open, so 95 north looking good there, that off ramp to the blue route, also 95, taillights moving in the northbound direction, at the airport, looking good here for those every you commuting by air today. no major delays at the airport right now. looking good in the interstate, in both the airways, water main break east norriton, twp. line road closed pot shop road and whitehall road. use alternate we're suggesting west german town pike for those every you in and around the area. water main break happened around 10:00 p.m. last night, east cioga street closed, between bennington street and collar i can street. use the alternate right here hunting park avenue. that will help you out considerably again this morning, erika, back to you. >> meisha, thank you. looking at stories our sister station "kyw news radio" 1060 is following. philadelphia's groundbreaking franchise agreement with comcast last week forced the cable giant to sweeten its deal with seattle now. also, report says philadelphia's neighborhood schools are separate and un equal from this special admission schools. >> and, listen to there is there is now an app to get medical marijuana delivers to your door. check in two, three, four times a day on "kyw news radio" 1060 on your a.m. dial. coming up right here on "eyewitness news", we are live with the latest on homeowner who fought back and killed a robber, overnight. also: >> ♪ >> u2 rocks paris with a special guest, see who the band invited up on stage last night for a very special moment. >> and we're taking you behind the scenes every tonight's victoria secret fashion showment i'm talking with some of the angels about what it is like walking in those heavy wings. details on this when we come back. good morning. from the cbs broadcast center in philadelphia. this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news". good morning, new this morning, a homeowner fights back, shooting and killing a man who tried to break into his house. we're live at the scene with the suspicious items police found inside that home. >> they have no respect for human life. so we have to do something now. >> donald trump refuse to go back down after igniting a new campaign controversy. there is no a growing uproar against the gop frontrunner after he is suggesting all muslims should be banned from coming into the country. >> and, dozens of people won't be able to take that shower this morning after a big water main break flooded their neighborhood. we'll let you know when the water department hopes to repair that mess. >> good morning, today is tuesday, december 8th, i'm erika von tiehl. katie outside on the skydeck, meisha keeping an eye on the roads for us, certainly chilly if you are headed out right now. morning, ladies? good morning, certainly does feel a lot chillier today, katie, than it was even yesterday. roadways are nice and dry, just dealing with some construction, but little colder outside this morning. >> absolutely, yes. and the door was open when i came out to the cbs-3 skydeck. so this, microphone, very, very chilly right now. but we're also accompanied by some lovely festive holiday light out here on the skydeck, too, so, you know, that chill definitely makes it feel very festive. doesn't it? but we're actually going to be seeing the opposite be true as the days progress here, nice little warming trend is in the cards for us, as we head forward in this forecast. for now, though, yes, actually storm system nearby. it is producing nothing more than couple every clouds. you can see, very little glimmer of some green showing up right now, out, or just off of monmouth county, ocean county there. that's the retreat actually of a storm system that was just barely produce ago glancing

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New York , United States , German Town , Pennsylvania , Brooklyn , East Norriton , Philadelphia , Ocean County , New Jersey , Juniata Park , Vermont , Delaware , Monmouth County , San Antonio , Texas , Ocean City , Arizona , Phoenix , Paris , Rhôalpes , France , Jersey , Jill Wagner , Andrew Mcdonald , Marcus Aldridge , Carly Fiorina , Jane Johnson , Jeb Bush , Justin Finch , Jim Kenney , Kathy Wilson ,

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Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 430 20151208 :

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 430 20151208

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katie once again, like erika pointed out with this weather it is so great. no excuse, right, no excuse. >> got to get. >> the absolutely, just looking phenominal once again, if you are a fan of the milder air at least early to mid december, unheard of, the kind of warmths we're actually looking ahead to more than anything. today little cooler for us in terms of where we expect to top off with temperatures, but still looking to be real nice day, all courtesy of high pressure once again in place. so we wanted to give you just one of the beautiful shots that we've got. >> this time of year, so many people have their light out on display, boathouse row, thankfully, has theirs on display all year long, one of my favorite spots, highlights in philadelphia, so beautiful this time of day. when you don't have the light of day, beautiful shot there for you, with the christmas lights all there. meanwhile, storm scan, pretty quiet. we actually have area of low pressure that developed off shore. it stays off shore, it is a near miss, so that's why you still got couple of clouds right now, but see how they're retreating from the eastern new jersey shore line there. meanwhile, we're generally finding just again few clouds everywhere else today. with high pressure still dominating the scene for us, it means, we ends up with some quiet weather. so 40 degrees your quiet temperature at the airport, probably drop few more degrees, 39 in palmyra, mt. holly, regional office for the national weather service is locate many going throughout the rest of the day today, granted cool start for you, you still want the jacket ready to go. how much, we will start warming things up little bit with time here. by the time we hit 3:00 p.m., granted not shorts and t-shirt weather but it is still at least a smidge above the seasonable norm, which is now in the upper 40's, for our area. 50 degrees though is our anticipated dollars hi, we hit it right around 3:00 p.m., and generally speaking, we keep that sunshine for yet another day. are there storms in the cards for us? i'll have that answer for you in your seven day forecast a little later in the show. >> thanks, katie. happy tuesday to you. looking at the ben franklin bridge, first shot outside this morning, looking good, looking nice and quiet, just as it should, as we're still in the 4:00 hour. ben franklin bridge, looking good. this is where we do have construction, 59 north, off ramp to the blue route is closed this should be lifted right around sometime around 5:00 a.m. i'll let you know certainly when it does, but know that the off ramp to the blue route from 95 is closed right now, also, the vine is closed right now as well, both the eastbound and westbound direction between the schuylkill and broad street, we're used to this overnight construction, know eastbound and westbound for those of you hitting the roadways still closed. new jersey, 295 north between route 168 and route 42, the right lane is block, and this should actually be lifting around 6:00 a.m. so some overnight construction project last until around 5:00 a.m. this particular one will be lifted around 6:00 a.m. also, more construction, route 130 closed south of route 620, until march 1st. so, until march 1st, which is quite some time from now, you want to use the alternate of 295. that will help you considerably. erika, over to you. >> meisha, thank you. new this morning, home own nerve northeast philadelphia opens fire on man breaking into his home killing that suspect. "eyewitness news" reporter justin finch joins us now at the scene in lawncrest where police just gave us a update i understand. justin, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, this case is still under investigation this morning. we are told that a man was leaving his home here where you see that yellow light there last night. they say as he was leaving, he was met by a mask man, that man forced him back inside the home and minutes late their mask man would be dead. police outside this lawncrest row home overnight, the scene of faith al shoot that may have began as a home invasion attempt. >> just after 11:30 p.m., second district police responded to 911 call, report of a shooting inside after private residence, in the 6100 block of reed street. >> suspect, 35 year old man, whom sources say was wearing a mask, police tell us they found him unconscious on the first level dining room floor with gunshot wounds to his neck and chest. >> medics worked on him, did cpr, attempt topped revive him. however, the victim never regained consciousness and he was pronounced dead at 12:04 a.m. >> sources say he was armed and came in through the front door and announced a robbery. inside, five people, three men and two women. >> the 27 year old male homeowner told his weapon, and fired at least four shots at the 35 year old who was committing the robbery. the 35 year old collapsed and dropped his handgun by his feet. >> officials say a further search of the home just might have turned up what the now dead suspect was after. >> in the basement it was a green weed-like substance, large plastic bag, appears to be marijuana, has a heavy odor of marijuana. there is also several hundred dollars right next to this alleged marijuana. >> and police also tell us they found packaging material by that weed-like substance, if it turns through the that is a narcotic, the homeowner in this case could face charge for that. there are people who live in that home that male homeowner and those two women, all three had their weapons out at the time. only the male homeowner fired at that suspect there. we are told that all five people who were in that home are now being questioned by homicide detectives. we are live in lawncrest, justin finch, cbs-3, "eyewitness news", erika. >> justin, thank you. meanwhile, authorities say robbery was the motive for murder of community activist in fishtown. fifty-four year old kathy wilson was found badly beaten inside her home on the 1300 block of earl street yesterday morning. investigators say a couple she employed to do odd jobs around the house confessed to the crime. >> the female suspect used to clean her house four, five times a week, and the male suspect used to do little odds and ends inside of the house like handyman type of work. >> investigators tell us between 20 and $25,000 was taken from the victim. fifty year old james chief err and his girlfriend, 47 year old jane johnson, face long list of charges including murder. >> federal investigators are tracking the movement of two assault-style weapons used in the san bernardino massacre, old friend of one of the gunmen bought them. he's not been charged. the fbi says both syed farook and tashfeen malik were radicalized for some time. they are now trying to figure out how. the feds also say the couple had taken target practice including within just days of the shooting that killed 14 people. this morning we're hearing from more survivors. >> he came walking in and started firing and then started walking toward the middle of the room where all the staff were sitting just firing. it was incredibly surreal. and as it goes on, you know, desperation kicks in, and i kept hoping it was an exercise, right, it is an exercise, because i this can't actually be hang. >> i could see the muzzle facing down where individuals would be. >> last night the san bernardino community held a candlelight vigil for the victims and their families. yesterday was the first day most san bernardino county employees returned to work. employees in the environmental health division where farook and many of his victims work will be off until next week. now, following the murders in san bernardino, republican presidential candidate donald trump is calling on a ban on all muslims trying to enter the country. >> donald j trump is calling for a total and complete shut-down of muslims entering the united state, until our country's representatives can fick out -- can figure out what the hell is going on. >> trump's republican opponent are condemning his proposal. jeb bush called trump un hinged, and carly fiorina called trump's proposal dangerous. federal and local authorities are investigating after a severed pigs head is found in a islamic center in north philadelphia. the head afros dollars pig was found outside the academy on germantown avenue yesterday morning. the building is home toll a school, mosque, and interfaith community center. surveillance cameras captured a red pick up driving past the center two people inside. >> the intent that far person who did that was obviously a hate crime. i mean, it was an attempt top deface a religious institution. a pigs head doesn't do much physically, i mean, could the next thing be a pipe bomb? >> authorities are reviewing the surveillance video. mayor-elect jim kenney released a statement condemning the incident. 4:39 right now. crews will be out in juniata park later this morning to repair a water main break. fifteen properties are right now without any water. crews had to shut down a 12-inch main t broke around 10:00 last night on the 1100 block of cioga street. that break sent water spewing out flooding surrounding streets. no details exactly what caused that main to break. >> still ahead here on "eyewitness news", a whale after tail. hump back whales are catching some local fishermen off guard down the shore. we'll tell you why those whales are showing up. also, which state has the best drivers. pennsylvania, new jersey, or delaware? somewhat surprising answer when we come back in two minutes. >> tourist season may be long gone down the jersey shore, some visitors have become all the buzz. whale spottings have been happening up and down the south jersey coast. monday morning a fisherman off the coast of ocean city captured this hump back whale, incredible pictures here, video as it crashes right into a boat. another boater snapped this picture after whale breaching just off the coast with the shore skyline in the background. >> feeding, blowing water out his blow hole, and at one point he started just kind of breaching, coming toward us, then, you know, zig-zag around little bit. then next thing you know he comes up basically underneath this guy's boat. >> surprise? one boat captain says the whales are following the seasonal bathe fish, and that the whales are feeding to bulk up for a long winter. >> despite perceptions from neighboring state perhaps, new jersey drivers are among the best in the country. that's according to new study by car insurance comparison. com. the site uses federal data, compiled, per miles driven, drunk driving, speeding and carlis driving ticket. new jersey was the seventh best overall. pennsylvania, down at 35th and delaware, yes, in the tri-state area, dead last, at 40 second. so if you roll your eyes, jersey plate, yes, maybe consider your own license plate. how about that? people maybe -- >> i won't lie, i am a little surprised by all of those result. >> well, there you go. one surprise, this weather we're having in december. >> no kidding t just keeps oncoming, tooment actually looking toward the week toned real nice surge on the thermometer. if you like that. exactly, yes, did i get my first tweet, i really casino of wish it was getting a little colder. very, very few and far between, most people are totally digging this. >> fantastic. >> it feels so, so comfortable outside. it will continue for us. today actually technically going to be cooler day, but still talking few degrees above average. we will talk about that in a second. start it off by looking at storm scan. we a look last week the possibility this storm system impact us, but it is just a near miss. we won't worry about any wet better from this guy. still spinning away, pulling away, taking the clouds with it, and we'll end up more sun than anything. further inland go, wake to up beautiful sunrise, nice live zoom, storm scan, snot a heck of a lot going on. more activity pent up the northwest, train of storms has been rolling through that area. we will eventually get little trough digging through as we head into the middle part of the week. let's get to that in future weather. high pressure keeping control for now. then we look all the way ahead, notice the time stap p, to wednesday night. see how these clouds begin to build in here. so that's this surface trough beginning to cross over the delaware valley, and future weather is picking up it might trigger a shower down toward the shore points, southern delaware, got to be honest, i'm not sole on that. i show it to you just as a possible, more than anything it does look like we will see the clouds break for sunshine through the day thursday. that trough has very minimal impact on it. more than anything, though, we end up with a nice little warming trend with time. so today is one of the coolest days of the pack here mostly sunny, seasonably cool, as we get to up about 50 degrees, later tonight un partly cloudy sky we droop to 38. eyewitness seven day, only go on uphill climb from here. saturday hello 62 degrees. sunday even warmer at 64 degrees. not alone here, eastern two thirds of the united state really get in on the warmth. so again if you like it this is the forecast for you. we send it back to you. >> sixty-four in december. >> thank you >> hey, talking sport right now, the flyers take on the islanders at the well tonight. without defenseman luke schenn, he will miss two weeks with a lower body injury. veteran defenseman andrew mcdonald up from lehigh valley to take his place. well, sixers first round pick, squawl evening okafor, back from his two game suspension, he came off the bench last night against the spurs and finished with ten-point. but, this one was all spurs. marcus aldridge had 26 for san antonio, tim duncan sat out third straight trip to the well. spurs beat the sixers by 51-point. 119 to 68. that's the largest marge inch of victory in spurs history. sixers in brooklyn thursday night. before last night's game sixers announced added long time basketball executive jerry co-angelo to the front office, because the new, and he's also owned phoenix suns, and the arizona diamond backs. coal angelo says he hopes his experience will help gm. >> there is log jam at the top of the nfc east with the eagles, redskins and the giants, all five and seven, and sitting in a first place tie, three ways. now, you have the cowboys to thank for that. last night, in prime time, the boys beat the redskins 19 to 16 on field goal with just 92nd left on the clock. the 54 yarder put the cowboys in the win column. and leaves three teams at the top of the division, the cowboys just a game behind. >> all right, still ahead this morning, netflix takes on the networks as plans for more original shows. first though here's what's coming up tonight on cbs-3. >> welcome back. 4:49 right now. time for check on your business news. money watch's jill wagner joins us from the new york stock exchange, jill, something i think every person who works a morning shift is listening to, a billion dollars coffee deal is brewing. what's happening here? who are we talking about? >> all right, the single cup coffee maker keurig has agreed to be sold to a private ex quit i company for almost $14 billion. keurig has really faced increased competition and also slumping sales. for everyone who has keurig at home or possibly stock exchange, i'll tell you, not much will change, their headquarters remain in vermont, the company will likely still operate independently. >> with the prices don't go up, k cups are expensive, as is. also, netflix making big bet on original programming, we all know orange is the new black, house of cards, master and under, so popular. now really up the and tee, too? >> that's right. so, netflix is almost doubling the number of original shows it will produce next year from 16 to 31. that's according to broadcasting and cable. it also going to be across the board, so everything from feature film, kid shows, santa specials, and documentaries, really good way for them to gain new subscribers. >> absolutely, some of the series have cult life following. jill, that's so much. >> coming up after the break, get a check on your forecast and the road. we >> i'm alex trebek. if you're age 50 to 85, this is an important message. so please, write down the number on your screen. the lock i want to talk to you about isn't the one on 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rebound to little bit of cooler level here today. talking ooh degrees at best for the daytime high. still nice day. near miss with the storm system that developed just off the coast there. you see it rotating away at this point. skies are clearing nicely, from southwest to north east, essentially here, and that will be the story for the rest of the day. interesting, we've actually got air quality alert in effect for all of the counties you have shaded there in the gray on the left-hand side of your screen. in other words, it is a little unhealthy today due to ground level ozone, particular solution, for folks that fall in the sensitive category. children, the elderly, if you have any kind of respiratory illness, little trier see this this time of year. there you have it. just take it easy out there and don't do too much strenuous activity. meanwhile, we've still got some beautiful weather to enjoy for the next couple of days, despite little trough crossing our region here wednesday night into thursday, don't anticipate wet weather out of it. rather, just skies to clear out, and more sunshine to break through, and man what a gorgeous weekend we've got coming up. once again, meisha, can't get rid of these nice weekends. >> any time 60s in december, katie? >> i'm tell you! >> good morning, everyone, happy tuesday to you, if you are just waking up with us, roadways are nice and dry, looks like beautiful day. like katie pointed out little more chill think morning, not that that's going to affect our community at all, just s here is a look at the construct son on the vine, see eastbound, westbound, still closed. so eastbound-westbound still closed on the vine between the schuylkill and broad, one update, construction, 95 north, off ramp to the blue route, now open. that will off ramp was closed just about 15, 20 minutes ago, it is now open, so 95 north looking good there, that off ramp to the blue route, also 95, taillights moving in the northbound direction, at the airport, looking good here for those every you commuting by air today. no major delays at the airport right now. looking good in the interstate, in both the airways, water main break east norriton, twp. line road closed pot shop road and whitehall road. use alternate we're suggesting west german town pike for those every you in and around the area. water main break happened around 10:00 p.m. last night, east cioga street closed, between bennington street and collar i can street. use the alternate right here hunting park avenue. that will help you out considerably again this morning, erika, back to you. >> meisha, thank you. looking at stories our sister station "kyw news radio" 1060 is following. philadelphia's groundbreaking franchise agreement with comcast last week forced the cable giant to sweeten its deal with seattle now. also, report says philadelphia's neighborhood schools are separate and un equal from this special admission schools. >> and, listen to there is there is now an app to get medical marijuana delivers to your door. check in two, three, four times a day on "kyw news radio" 1060 on your a.m. dial. coming up right here on "eyewitness news", we are live with the latest on homeowner who fought back and killed a robber, overnight. also: >> ♪ >> u2 rocks paris with a special guest, see who the band invited up on stage last night for a very special moment. >> and we're taking you behind the scenes every tonight's victoria secret fashion showment i'm talking with some of the angels about what it is like walking in those heavy wings. details on this when we come back. good morning. from the cbs broadcast center in philadelphia. this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news". good morning, new this morning, a homeowner fights back, shooting and killing a man who tried to break into his house. we're live at the scene with the suspicious items police found inside that home. >> they have no respect for human life. so we have to do something now. >> donald trump refuse to go back down after igniting a new campaign controversy. there is no a growing uproar against the gop frontrunner after he is suggesting all muslims should be banned from coming into the country. >> and, dozens of people won't be able to take that shower this morning after a big water main break flooded their neighborhood. we'll let you know when the water department hopes to repair that mess. >> good morning, today is tuesday, december 8th, i'm erika von tiehl. katie outside on the skydeck, meisha keeping an eye on the roads for us, certainly chilly if you are headed out right now. morning, ladies? good morning, certainly does feel a lot chillier today, katie, than it was even yesterday. roadways are nice and dry, just dealing with some construction, but little colder outside this morning. >> absolutely, yes. and the door was open when i came out to the cbs-3 skydeck. so this, microphone, very, very chilly right now. but we're also accompanied by some lovely festive holiday light out here on the skydeck, too, so, you know, that chill definitely makes it feel very festive. doesn't it? but we're actually going to be seeing the opposite be true as the days progress here, nice little warming trend is in the cards for us, as we head forward in this forecast. for now, though, yes, actually storm system nearby. it is producing nothing more than couple every clouds. you can see, very little glimmer of some green showing up right now, out, or just off of monmouth county, ocean county there. that's the retreat actually of a storm system that was just barely produce ago glancing

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