Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 12PM 20170607 : compa

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 12PM 20170607

court. the jury hears more film today from andrea constand. before this week she had never publicly spoken about her 11 encounter with cosby in 2004. good afternoon i'm rahel solom solomon. >> i'm jim donovan. couldn't stand's allegations that led cosby to face criminal charges. our joe holden has been following the trial all week long. he joins us live now from the montgomery county courthouse in norristown with today's developments. joe? >> reporter: jim, rahel, good afternoon. andrea constand has been testifying all morning. bill cosby's defense team is trying to paint inconsistent cease in her testimony from meetings she had with the actor and comedian in 2003 and 2004. they are also trying to paint a picture of what woman who apparently knew that bill cosby was interested in her romantically. that is a point she denied under cross examination. well constand is the central witness for the prosecution. here she is coming into the courtroom. she testified late afternoon yesterday that on a night in january 2004 cosby offered her three pills to help her row lacks. telling constand they were natural or herbal. prosecutors have previously contended those pills were quaaludes. constand claims she blackout was frozen and eventually awoke to cosby assaulting her. lawyers for the comedian have vehemently denied couldn't stand was drugged and assaulted. attorney gloria allred who is representing some other women who accused of cosby of similar conduct say inconsistent cease in constand's testimony are minor. >> they can go through minor inconsistent cease all day long all night long. it's still not going to go to the issue of was she incapacitated by those pills and was she even able to consent or not consent? >> reporter: now cosby faces three counts of indecent assau assault. the high profile nature of the trial has assured one thing the court has been stern in its happen link of the many reporters covering the trial. cell phone use inside that courtroom is prohibited and the judge issued atf the jury are n. now the courts hav contempt proceedings against one ave toearhat the alleged appearunty's presidentl andrea constanthd stand under ce ss t direct examination for some cosby trial start 5:00. live in norrist cbs3 "eyewitness news". >> thank you joe. we look forward to your updates his nominee to be thertor chrisr he recently represented new jersey governor chris christie during the bridgeement just coms hours before the president's ans questions on capitol hill. correspondent molly, has more from washington. >> reporter: president trump took to twitter this morning saying i'll be nominating christopher amount wray a man of impeccable credentials to be the new director of the fbi. he's ftorn and worked for george w. bush most recently he represented new jersey governor chris christie during the bridge gate scandal. democratic senator mark warner questions the timing of the announcement. >> clearly this is an effort by act attention from our hearings today and our hearings tomorrow. >> reporter: two days of testimony about election meddling began this morning with president trump national security team appearing before the senate intelligence committee. director of national intelligence dan coats testifies today. >> wut twice that the president of the united states asked to you either down play the russian investigati to directly intervene with director comey. >> i do mott feel it's appropriate for me to address confidential information. >> reporter: tomorrow former fbi director james comey will face questions about reports that president trump asked him to drop his probe into fired national security adviser michael flynn's contacts with russia. cbs news has learned comey will stick to the facts and will not say whether he believes president trump obstructed justice. a source close to comey told cbs news the president's out reach during an investigation made comey uncomfortable and he asked attorney general jeff sessions not to leave him alone with mr. trump. spokesman for the trump administration says the president will be focusing on infr tomorrow during comey's much anticipated testimony. cbs news, capitol hill. cbs news will carry james comey's testimony as a special join charlie rose, nora o'donnell and gale king starti cbs3. isis is claiming responsibility for a pair of dead al tacks in iran today that killed at least 12 people dozs . irsuiaide bombers targeted the country's parliamenttionary lea. the siege lasted more than parl. authoritiesayrs were killed. ckdelphia's nicetown section has left a pregnant woman hospitalized. the woman says she was walking e 3800 block of archer street when she was shot by a stray bullet. as police were investigating that shooting they found a 21-year-old man and a home around the corner on 3500 block of germantow also shot. police believe he was the actual target. both victims are in stable condition. so far there are no arrest search continues for suspects in connection with ains mother. officers responded to reports of east sixth street yesterday six-year-old boy who had been at last check the child remains inti stable condition. no word yet on motive for this philadelphia police have identified and arrested aaulting a mentally cgermantown. disturbi boys punching the victim on chelten avenu rane in age from 12 to are also connected to a recent attack on princ. >> i mean there's no rhyme or reason. rs one could think that it's for kicks andggd juveniles. >> and the suspects face serioud assault. both victims are recovering. the votes are in the stage is set. >> two candidates who will face off to replace outgoing governor christie has been chosen on the democratic side philip murphy is the nominee the former golden sacks executive and obama administration ambassador poured more than $20 maign. republicans chose lieutenant governor kim guadagno. the former sheriff and prosecutor has served as christie's top deputy for the past two terms. tight primary race for mayor of atlantic city came down to male in ballots on the democratic side. frank gilliam will face don guardian. gilliam just beat out political rival marty small as well as abdullah and jimmy whitehead. gilliam is a city council member. guardian ran unopposed. city council president frank moran ran the democratic race for mayor of camden. dozens of supporters turn out to celebrate moran's victory grilln last night. the long-time councilman dominated the democratic field in a t current mayor dana redd whosed . no republican candidate on that ballot. for the full list of results from the new jersey primary head over to our website cbsphilly.comh and yes cbs3 "eyewitness news" all eyes w he. >> april the giraffe is back in the spotlight. the way she helped to make little boy's dream come more on a woman who welcomed her newborn daughter who was really tipping the scales. the story you don't want to miss this one when "eyewitness news" welcome back everyone. 10-year-old boy has his wish come true by meeting one of the biggest celebrities. >> by celebrity we mean april theawn from avon, ohio he has life-threatening seizure disorder. like so many others alex and his family faithfully watched a wk. during her very long pregnancy. the make a wish foundation connected him with the beloved >> i can believe that we're here actually we watched online for so long. we were waiting for that baby, oh my goodness, gracious. we didn't think he was ever going to come. >> alex's family always felt the connection with april. >> reminder our 11th annual alex scott "a stand for hope" telethon is tomorrow. raising money to fight childhood cancer we kick things off at 6am right her on cbs3. we hope you join us throughout the day. florida woman has given birth to a very big baby. >> how big? almost 13 and a half pounds. meet carly brook corbett she was born at 13 pounds 5-ounces back on may 15th in jacksonville. because carly has gestational diabetes doctors new she'd be big but they didn't expect she'd be this big. i was like this baby ever going end. everybody in the room kind of stopped during the delivery and was like oh my god, oh my god. >> i had nine and 10-pound babies and i figured maybe she'd be 10 pounds. i'd have another 10-pound baby. but she was -- some was surpri surprise. >> i love the doctor's reaction. is this bobby ever going to head. she had to stay in the neonatal tal intensive care level. she and her mom gone home since. christine says they're rng she'e having babies. >> who could blame her. >> bout full little baby. >> look at those cheeks. >> she want to squeeze those cheeks. >> nothing like a little practice. >> this rhino is ready to go. where this adorable animal was caught on camera. what exactly he's doing there. meisha. >> it takes something special to trade in the memories in order to better help those in need. in today's love it we're meeting a man whose love for this bride so deep he committed his life to serving others that's coming up katie. >> meisha looking i was towed weekend that promises to be great if you want to hit the pool. we're not only going to warm up. we're going heat up here in the days ahead with your highs this weekend easily in the mid if not upper 80s. maybe a stray shower thunderstorm saturday afternoon but that's the only blemish on this forecast. it's looking like great summertime weather straigh ♪ pro-tip for making ribs: don't go it alone.ed rs. th. sure. twenty minutes on the grill. and they're done. you think he cares if i smoke ribs for six hours? what? what? summer made easy at amazing prices. only at giant. luis waited his whole life being crowned champions. so our wellness coaches to keep him fit and healthy. and when his moment finally arrived, his knees were up to the job. aetna. you don't join us, we join you. what's the weather like? i've been trapped in here all day. [ laughter ] >> chilly this morning. that's for sure. >> really is. >> they lock us in and don't let us out. >> we told me people walk out with a sweatshirt or fleece or something you'll need it it is quite cool outside and cloudy and gray. but some of that sun that i promised it's starting to come through the clouds. desrately. every passing hour starting to look a little bit brighter but it is a slow transition ite whed of a setup out there. but at least for the most part we expect to stay dry the rest of the day. so i like to call theseonay day. some of could still see a spotty ow to be anything major. start things off in one view things have tried to brighten up you go to the look closely it's out there. a little glimmer of blue sky trying to peek throughout side on hotel bethlehem. up in northampton county you can see south mountain in the distance moravanian college quite beginning to the afternoon for you here and stays that way quiet for the rest of the day everywhere else as well say for that spotty shower we'll get to. switch gears and take look at storm scan so you how the pattern is reporting on the flooding across floored more of that really heavy rain and now even heavier thunderstorms rumbling through central florida. none of this really has impact on us. we really more than anything will have high pressure on our side so even though this will start to lift northeast it does just that. it lifts northeast so it's not going to have any direct impact on the delaware vle regardless we're still stuck with residual moisture certainly clouds out there and there could be just enough left over instability to help trigger a spotty shower at some point late tt reflected in future weather. i mean, you got to be at the wrong place at the wrong time to get hit by this it's that scattered and this is just a model but it's picking up that part of maybe nor parth of monty county could see the brief fest of showers roll through late on this afternoon. and toward evening. but then look what happens. we actually start to clear out. isn't that a nice change of pa pace? it's going to continue to stay not just clear generally but also really warmup in the days ahead. the biggest reason for that is the way the jet stream is going to be lifting into the next couple of days. as that jet stream lifts north, basicallbasically what happens n the thermometer because you're separating coolest from warmest air this is also where the storms tend to track but storm system moving through it's really just the separation of the air masses so we start to really see those temperatures heating up with time. i would not call this the best beach day it's not stopping some folks from heading out regardless. you're not going to be out there tanning necessarily but at least it's dry at the moment. it's also on the cool side here in margate and everywhere else. only in the low 60s at the moment. we are not going to rebound much further than this. very slow progression from the mid 50s we bottomed out early this morning to where we'll end up at best about 66 degrees he here. so that's about 15 degrees or so shive of what's average certainly a far cry from the norm. 66 like we mentioned in the city but you might not break out of the 50's the further north and more to the remote suburbs you travel. we drop to 54 tonight just a couple of clouds. looking forward in that seven day. okay. one of these days it's clearly not like the rest it's today. from here on out. we're not only going to warm up we're again going to hot up lock at this. friday really the only seasonal day. then we just keep heating up from there. by monday and tuesday low 90s. all in all like we mentioned in that weekend watch the weekend looks great. let's go to pool party. who's got a pool we can go hang out at? crash a party. >> i've got a lawn hose. >> no. >> festival on south street perfect weather for that. >> looking great. sunblock required. >> thanks katie. hero in more ways than one >> meisha here with do's love it. inspired to help other people on our own time and o dime. because something happened in our lives to spur a deeper desire tsed to one true hero wee meeting a man who sold it all in loving memory in meaningful fellowship. take look. >> a knifevieae, tennessee, whod in the min. spends his days volunteering att desk, opens doors ando him, puss those in need around intaking to them about what's going on in offering frike he's older than .ht thos question is, why? and david met the love of his phyllis also a marine on double he knew she was until ten years ago when phyllis receiving an alzheimer'sisithout his soulmate, david sold his has felt the call to action ever since to anr even in loving memory o ad for. >> ♪ n their time of need,ur countrye calling keeps him moving and theirng and keeps remindede service together. >> what a>> oh, my gosh. >> i get emotional with these things. >> i know. is, through his loss what came of it is now he spends the rest of his life at oh, my gosh. you are just my little heart. >> doesn't matter how we get there to the point of humility and kindsness it just matters we find our way there. thank you for your continue cond service mr. barber. well if you've got any ideas please send them my way on twitter meisha cbs3 or facebook meisha p p johnson. stay right where you are. jim, getting a kleenex. >> call it the welcome back. new baby learns to play with toy. >> but this is no regular baby. he's a black rhino named mojo he doesn't even have a horn yet. he's just practicing charging into this plastic stool. the city -- courtesy of st. louis zoo this little guy has taken up residence with his ears and tail wagging, sure looks like he's enjoying himself. [ laughter ] >> let's get last check on final forecast katie. [ laughter ] >> i can watch that all day. you sure want to hear this. at least actually come bearing good news, too. we finally are looking at not jut sunny stretch but a very warm stretch we'll be in the mid or upper 80s all weekend and back to the 90s for a couple of days into next week. so we're about get sweaty guys anybody that that their pool opened up they haven't been a able to use it now you finaly did take a dip. so it's something salute toll look forward to. great beach weather, too, coming up. >> find me in your backyard you know why. >> that's "eyewitness news" at noon for today. i'm jim donovan. >> i'm rahel solomon. for meisha, katie and all of us here thanks for watching. >> "eyewitness news" continues at 5:00. >> and we're always online at >> of course the young and the restless is next. have a great day, everyone. ♪ if you have medicare parts a and b and want more coverage, guess what? you could apply for a medicare supplement insurance plan whenever you want. no enrollment window. no waiting to apply. that means now may be a great time to shop for an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. medicare doesn't cover everything. and like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, these help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. so don't wait. call now to request your free decision guide. it could help you find the aarp medicare supplement plan that works for you. these types of plans have no networks, so you get to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. rates are competitive, and they're the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. remember - these plans let you apply all year round. so call today. because now's the perfect time to learn more. go long. it's custom made so you know it's good quality. i'm just speechless because it's perfect. it's custom made so you know it's good quality. ♪ come to sesame place before little kids become, big kids. before dress up, turns to make-up. and tag becomes hashtag. before furry hugs, become first loves. come to the only place, that makes little hearts race. now, the earlier you buy, the more you save. only at sesame place >> chloe: kevin. kevin, wake up! kevin! kevin. okay, listen. this is real. this is not a dream. >> kevin: [ breathing heavily ] what -- what is going on?! >> chloe: listen, i will explain everything. you just need to trust me. listen to me carefully and do everything that i say. >> kevin: [ breathing heavily ] >> chloe: it's okay. it's okay. >> billy: okay, so if i'm not the one named in your suit, then who is? cane? cane is the one that you claim sexually harassed you? >> juliet: it's not a claim, billy. it's fact. and when i take cane and victoria's company to court, i intend to prove it. >> billy: juliet, this is nuts. >> juliet: i guess we'll see about that. and if you're smart, you'll be on m

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