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Moments ago. That is not air force one there. He is behind that section of the terminal building there, the president is in town for day two of the annual Congressional Republican policy retreat. Just about 30 minutes ago, that the president lifted off from joint base andrews in maryland. Vice president mike pence arrived in philadelphia, earlier this morning. And demonstrators are making their voices heard in center city this noon. They have gathered in protest of republican plans to repeal the Affordable Care act. And as you can imagine, police are out in force to make sure everyone stay safe. Good afternoon, im jim donovan. Im jan carabeo, Eyewitness News reporter greg argos kicks off our team coverage. Live here, the loews hotel where security is tight for President Trumps First Official visit in the city. Greg . Reporter jen, jim, correct, very tight security here off Market Street. Ill step out of the way here and show you the live pictures here, in front of the loews hotel, as you just mentioned, President Trump just landing here in philadelphia. And hes expected to arrive here to the loews hotel in the next 30 minutes or so. This normally known as very busy intersection, of course Market Street right here, the loews hotel, septa headquarters, bustling with activity. Right now just federal officials, Police Officers from the city of philadelphia, and secret Service Agents corded off the area, keeping it secure, for the president. Now, the President Trump was expected to speak at a luncheon at noon at the loews hotel, of course is a little delayed, followed by 2 00 with Vice President pence, who will hold a meeting with a joint session of both senate republicans, and senate house members here at the loews hotel. Like you mentioned, this is three day gop retreat, the congress of tomorrow where lawmakers from the gop will discuss issues that are important to them, healthcare reform, immigration, and border security, as you see here, in front of the loews hotel, very secure scene right now. President trump is expected to arrive here in the next 30 minutes. Thats the latest here from the loews hotel in center city. Im greg argos, cbs3 Eyewitness News. Thank you, sir, very much, greg. As the president makes First Official visit to the city demonstrate verse gathered to voice their concerns to the new administration, Eyewitness News reporter joe holden live in center sit which that part of our coverage. Good afternoon, joe. Jim, good afternoon, and so far right now this demonstration here on Thomas Payne Plaza is very peaceful. There are several hundred people out here, in fact, what started around 11 00 this morning, it was still drizzling, the numbers have just grown from that point on. Again, estimated to be about several hundred, many of the signs out here reflecting peoples opinions. They do not want the Affordable Care act to be repealed. Now, we caught up with commissioner richard ross, just went last ten minute, we asked him questions about the city in general, and security, and facing concerns. Go ahead and have a listen tacoma the commissioner told us. It is early, but a lot of people on the plaza, as you can see, very peaceful. Very engaged group. So we got a long day ahead of us. So we will see what happens at the loews hotel. Well see what happens. Now, once again, commissioner ross also add that he is unaware of any planned mars at this point right now. So talking about traffic concerns, and congestion, we will remember that that traffic box basically secret Service Construction traffic box in the area of loews hotel at 12th and market. For now right now here in the pain plaza across from city hall, demonstration well underway, has been going for about an hour now. Here, we will keep you posted on all of the latest. Live in center city, joe holden, cbs3, Eyewitness News. Joe, thank you. Now those protests for the president s visit have result in the many road closures and detours in center city. Meisha johnson here to tell us what we need to know about getting around. Our President Trump has just landed. Because of that you have to know about some closures. Looking at penndot actually following right now 95 north, closed between the airport and the vine, then the vine westbound slows between 95 and the broad. This camera shot right here is 95 by the airport, like i said, penndot is actually following that motorcade right now. So we switch gears, show you delaware county, the five north at 452, guys, take a look at this, if you approach the airport, look at this traffic. If you can avoid this area moving up to the airport northbound on 95, anywhere on 95, i would do so right now. Plus, just some pointers you certainly want to take into consideration today. Closures, until 6 00 p. M. Today, so this will affect our evening commute, as well. Thirteenth street from chestnut to market, Market Street from 11th to juniper, 12th fret from chestnut to arch. Also take a look at this, some of the closures around the city, 1100, 1200 block of market, where we see restrictions this place, 1260 chestnut, 13th from chestnut to market. See where you are starting to slow down already. As we push into the city, you can see, 15th street around city hall, get very slow eastbound schuylkill vine, all of this, do you have add extra time even though we are in midday right now. Jan, jim, back over to you. Reporter thank you so much, meisha. As weve been mentioning the president s plan has just arrived at Philadelphia International airport. This is a live look at air force one. The president s plane just touched down about four minutes ago. We are awaiting the President Trump to exit air force one, and then as meisha mentioned the motorcade will take him up i95 and into center city. Obviously hell be making his way to the loews hotel for again that gop congressional retreat. And jan, Top Republicans gathered yesterday, here from across the country to discuss the new administration. Will be talking about number of things, of course this comes one day after President Trump talked a lot about immigration, and building a wall, along the mexicous border. Now president saying that he might cancel his trip to washington next week because of that. So a lot of important topics, of course, the Affordable Care act, talking about as well, when he finally makes his way off the plane into motorcade and down things have been very busy at the loews hotel, Republican Leaders busy meeting all morning long, speaker of the house, paul ryan, Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell addressed the press this morning at 9 30. And the rest of the day is packed, as women. The president was expect to speak at noon, obviously running little late right now. Later about 2 00 Vice President mike penned is scheduled to speak. He arrived here in philadelphia just a little bit before 11 00 this morning, because i happened to get stuck in a traffic jam on i95. You needed a motorcade. Landed at the airport, at 3 30 this afternoon the Prime Minister of the united kingdom, Prime Minister will take the stage. Now, many gop lawmakers remain optimistic at the prospects of the work they can do with this new president , as mr. Trumps only been in offers for the past few days. They hope to see trump focus on unity and results, you know, what, jim, there are a lot of protesters gathering to voice their concerns about this trump presidency, crowds gathered late last night, and started showing up again early this morning. And as meisha mentioned, there are many road closures, in effect, all around the loews hotel right now. Where the retreat is happening, 13th street, from chestnut to market, is closed, Market Street from 11th to juniper, and 12th from chestnut to arch is also closed. And if you take septa in that area, expect some changes, as well, for the president ial visit. Again, the president s been very busy since he was inaugurated. Here we go. Air force one door is evening right now. Take a look here. This is the first time the president has gone on air force one since this is his first major trip outside of washington after his inauguration. And we have to remember that pennsylvania, especially the philadelphia area, the Delaware Valley area, was pivotal in his election to the presidency. He visited it seems like every few days. He or mike pence were here in the area as well as Hillary Clinton during the campaign. I believe it was first time pennsylvania turned residence for george hw . Its been a while. The president really hasnt taken off muff time since the inauguration, executive actions hes taken since taking office friday. He immediately his First Executive order on Inauguration Day involved minimizing the economic burden of the Affordable Care act. That order allowed the secretary of health and Human Services and the heads of other departments to delay instrumentation of any new provisions in the Affordable Care act. He also signed a ruling if will that all pending regulations were to be frozen until they were proved by people directly by his administration or trump appointees. He scrapped Transpacific Partnership, big news, just few days ago. United states, it will be withdrawing from the Transpacific Partnership which former president obama negotiated with 11 other pacific nations. Hes expected to actually talk to congress about that today. He wants to start bilateral trade negotiations with most of the countries in the Transpacific Partnership pact earlier, as you mentioned, trump moved to pull the us out of the 12 nation specific agreement, which he said would be damaging for american workers. Trump says he wants to negotiate with countries individually. Now tuesday the president issued a memorandum, that prohibits Government Agencies from hiring any new employees effective january 22, order does not apply to military pernell and the head of any executive departments, they exempt any positions, that was taken, also days ago, he has there was some controversial decisions regarding advancing the Dakota Access and keystone ex he will pipelines. There was expedited review and approval of remaining construction on there. Thats probably going to be, you know, in the news over the next few days, as well. So a lot of controversy. You can see, a loft lawmakers optimistic, to hear from the new president , pick his brain, set out this new agenda on the right side of your screen, you see live picture now of the loews hotel and on the left side of course air force one awaiting the president s arrival. Wonder whats taking them so long. Not like he has to get his baggage or anything . I always wonder whats going on on the plane at this point. But as weve been talking about, even this morning, during our morning show, center city a place that you want to avoid if you dont have to be here in town right now. Absolutely. Whole entire area around the loews hotel, hi, high security there, as well. It is affecting mass transit. Of course as joe spoke few minutes ago, i think we will oh, here we go. Here is President Trump exiting air force one. Quick wave, and descending the staircase. It is interesting that the president will be speaking, here this weekend, when this week, and today, where he also signed an order to strip funding from sanction too area cities. You know, philadelphia. One of them. One of the 300, and mayor jim kenney as well as mayors across the country are saying theyre going to protect undocumented immigrants, who are arrested for nonviolent crimes, wont report them to federal officials, interesting few things, one thing happens in washington, and it has Ripple Effect across the country. But the president entering the limousine there, and again, the motorcade will begin to the loews hotel. You can see the press core everyone waiting for him. Number of road closures, also parking restrictions, pedestrian restrictions around the area, as well, and theyll be rolling roadblocks as well as the president s motorcade gets ready to roll away from phl. Okay, well, it will take the president probably about 15, 20 minute to get over to the loews hotel. We will be continuing to follow his motorcade throughout the rest of this broadcast, and we will breakin when he arrives at the loews hotel, we want you to stay with Eyewitness News, and cbsphilly. Com for continuing coverage of the president s visit here to philadelphia, again, hes speaking at the gop congressional retreat. Meantime we have got some other news that we would like to go to at this point. Switching gears now. Indeed. Television icon, merry Mary Tyler Moore being remembered as television pioneer, redefined how women are portrayed. Seven time Emmy Award Winner died yesterday at the age of 80. Gale king looks back at her Ground Breaking career. From the very First Episode of the Mary Tyler Moore show, moores character, mary richards, embodied the qualities audiences grew to love. Including an independence seldom seen from women on tv at the time. A single career driven women, juggling life at work and at home. Read it. All right. Out loud. She played successful female lead in a male dominated industry. And women everywhere took notice. Liberated all the women, i think women applauded her all over the country and all over the world. Youre not allowed to ask that. She stood up for herself and her friends. She faced life with humor. In a very human vulnerability. Im not so different from her. I think there is a lot of us, a lot about us that is similar. What . Were ernest. We mean well. America first noticed moores comedic skills on the dick vandike show. Her portrayal of laura petri earned her the first two of seven emmy awards. What, what, what . How is your foot . The shows creator carl reiner was also an occasional i had seen actually 23 different ladies who played vandikes wife. The first line she red, i said, i swear, it was a ping in her voice that got to me. Moore tipped into emotional intensity with her dramatic turn in the 1980 film. What have i done to make you so angry . It is no what you have done. It is what you think ive done. You blame me for the whole thing. Academy award, and mourning the death after favorite son. There is a part of me that was, is, like that, that which part . Expectations, perfection perfectionism, loads to communicate any failings. The brooklyn born actress found success on broadway, and in 2013 reunited with her Mary Tyler Moore cast mate on the cable show hot in cleveland. For her, it was all about making people smile. Of all of the things youve done, youre proudest of what . I guess it would have to be the Mary Tyler Moore show. , i think so. Because so many people have said to me, on serious level, how appreciative they were of that series, and when it did for them at the time. How it allowed them to stay home on a saturday night, be okay, not having a date, because it was all right. Well, tune in tonight for one hour cbs news special honoring the life and legacy of Mary Tyler Moore. Gale king will host Mary Tyler Moore love is all around thats at nine right here on cbs3. Weve seen plenty of water main breaks in our area, and how nasty it can be. Still ahead right here on cbs3 Eyewitness News. See where this break has turned a neighborhood into a soggy street, after soggy street. Lauren . And were so close to the upcoming weekend. So we have your forecast for you. We could see couple of snow showers in the poconos to kick off the weekend. But sunshine looking toward the city and down the shore, temperatures will be seasonably cool right around average. Generally in the low 40s, but it will feel little chillier specially for the first day of the weekends as we will have breezy conditions, more on what to expect in your extended forecast, thats coming up j cmohappy birthday i survived a heart attack. Im doing all i can to keep from having another one. And im taking brilinta. For people whove been hospitalized for a heart attack. I take brilinta with a baby aspirin. No more than one hundred milligrams as it affects how well it works. Brilinta helps keep my platelets from sticking together and forming a clot. Brilinta reduced the chance of another heart attack. Or dying from one. It worked better than plavix. Dont stop taking brilinta without talking to your doctor since stopping it too soon increases your risk of clots in your stent, heart attack, stroke, and even death. Brilinta may cause bruising or bleeding more easily, or serious, sometimes fatal bleeding. Dont take brilinta if you have bleeding, like stomach ulcers, a history of bleeding in the brain, or severe liver problems. Tell your doctor about bleeding, new or unexpected shortness of breath, any planned surgery, and all medicines you take. Talk to your doctor about brilinta. Im doing all i can. That includes brilinta. If you cant afford your medication, astra zeneca may be able to help. Resident in one chicago neighborhood woke up to a big mess this morning, a water main break, flooded yard after yard, just when the sun came up, water so deep in some spots, it came up just to bumpers of parked cars, to make matters worse, crews had hard time stopping the water flow, after. Despite the giant headache, no one was hurt. Lauren casey is here, well look at the forecast, a loft umbrellas when i peaked out the window. Yes, had some rain this morning rain came to an end, sunshine starting to come out. Whipping winds kicking up at any moment. Live look right now, new camera sitting atop free library in philadelphia. I believe looking upon the franklin institute. Nights looking scene, with the sunshine breaking out, helping to booze our temperatures, approaching nearly 10 degrees, above average, already, in philadelphia. 48 degrees, more sunshine over the last hour, berks county, lehigh valley. Were up into the 50s, unseasonably warm on this. Storm scan3, showing us, we still do have little batch of sprinkles, light showers working themselves through camden, burlington counties right now, very light in intensity, seeing little rain coming down right now, tabernacle. North and west of the city, along the i95 corridor, sunshine breaking out, but still some patchy clouds lingering around it, have the rain this morning, did need the umbrella in some cases. Rainfall totals from the rain on the pretty puny side, generally less than a. 10 of an inch in someplace it is we saw measurable rainfall at all. Winds will pick up as we speak. We have wind advisory in effect for philadelphia county, and counties to the south and west until 6 00 this evening. We have cold front working through the Delaware Valley as we speak. A cents soon as that pushes on through, winds will whip up for the afternoon. Winds around 15 to 25 miles per hour. Still blustery tonight. And still breezy to maybe even calling it windy as we head into the day tomorrow. You can see those winds, have pick up on the back side of the cold front. North and west of the city. At around 18, 26 miles per hour, allentown and reading. Winds will start to pick up any minute in center city philadelphia. Also have some stronger gusts, gusting up to 43mile per hour lancaster county. It will be windy afternoon for us, sunshine, temperatures running well above average up into the middle 50s, as we head into tonight, down to 35 degrees, but feeling chillier, with blustery conditions, high temperatures tomorrow, generally top in the low to mid 40s across much of the area in your seven day forecast, weekend, not shaping up too bad. Seasonably chilly saturday with some sunshine, but then getting cold by the start of next week. Thank you so much, lauren, and we will be back in just a few minute, as we continue to follow news regarding President Trumps visit to center city, air force one just arrived few minutes ago, we will be right be the you who doesnt cover your moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Be the you who shows up in that dress. Who hugs a friend. Who is done with treatments that dont give you clearer skin. Be the you who controls your psoriasis with stelara® just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. Stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. Some serious infections require hospitalization. Before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. Before starting stelara® tell your doctor if you think you have an infection or have symptoms such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. Always tell your doctor if you have any signs of infection, have had cancer, if you develop any new skin growths or if anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. Alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. Some serious allergic reactions can occur. Do not take stelara® if you are allergic to stelara® or any of its ingredients. Most people using stelara® saw 75 clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. Be the you who talks to your dermatologist about stelara®. President trump about to arrive at the loews hotel in center sit. I await willing the motorcade to arrive for the gop congressional retreat. Top republicans from across the country here to discuss goals in congress and the new administration, you can see a lot of Law Enforcement out there waiting for his arrival. Okay, yes, thats the loews hotel looking across the street over at Reading Terminal area. We go to joe holden right now over near city hall. We know there have been a lot of protests, gathering in morning, to voice their concerns about the trump presidency, good afternoon, joe. Good afternoon, we are watching this march stepoff here. We are right at market and 15th streets. Philadelphia police characterize this as very peaceful. Theyve been gathering for the last hour and a half over at pain plaza. They just left now. And are making their way down, seems, they might be turning at Market Street. Their signs are many. Most have been to president , many of the signs here have seen about not rolling back the Affordable Care act. So several hundred, at least, perhaps approaching a thousand now, theyre still streaming off the steps of the payne plaza the commissioner spoke within the hour. Good shape. I think were having a little problem with joes signal there. Again, hes right across from city hall, and as he was mentioning, many of the protesters are concerned about President Trumps First Executive order on Inauguration Day, which involved minimizing the economic burden of the Affordable Care act. What happened was the order allowed the secretary of health and Human Services and heads of other departments and agencies to wave or delay the implementation of any Affordable Care act provisions that would impose a financial burden, or any state or regulatory burden, on individuals. So this was, i think, what many people feel is the beginning of the dismantling of obamacare, the Affordable Care act. You heard joe say about a thousand people there today, last night, there were huge crowds, thousands of people, you know, voicing their concerns to the republican lawmakers, and now President Trump as he makes his way into center sit. I we go now to greg argos, who is standing by live at the loews hotel waiting for the president s arrival. Good afternoon again greg. Good afternoon there jim and jan. Like joe mentioned, there are a lot of protesters coming here towards Market Street. Right now in front of the low hotel you can see this is a very secure area not one person other than Law Enforcement, state, federal, secret service here awaiting President Trumps arrival. He is expected to arrive here in his motorcade any minute. You can see normally this section of the city during lunch hour, which it is right now, extremely busy right across the street from the septa center of course, but as you can see here, just awaiting game. As the president s motorcade is expected to arrive here. House and send sat at noon, that of course pushed back little bit. Which might mean that Vice President pence, 2 00 p. M. , joint session, is also delayed. But the president expected to arrive here in center city, normally a bustling time right now, but you can see, a live look at the loews hotel, very quiet, but very, very secure right now, as the secret service, federal officials, have this entire area locked down. The president s motorcade expected to arrive here any moment, of course, we will show you live pictures as soon as that happens. But, right now, just waiting for President Donald Trump to arrive here at the loews hotel for the gop retreat. Send it back to you guys in the studio. Where are you . Are you like in the fed ex store across the street . Usually when the president comes to visit the press is right there. But youre actually way across the way. That is the president , like you mentioned, jim, expected to arrive here. At the loews hotel, it is pretty quiet. Just philadelphia police, and federal state and secret service, Law Enforcement officers here, securing the area, as the president s motorcade makes its way here to center sit. I empty streets, but secure streets. Reminiscent of when the pope was here when all of the streets kind of cleared out. Exactly, but i think very interesting the press is being kept so far away. Thank you, greg, we will be checking in with you in a little bit. Quick note, staying with our coverage when President Trump speaks at the president ial retreat, we will bring it back to you live. Why young and the restless and the bold and the beautiful will be simulcast on sister station the cw philly, so you can see them there in their entirety without interruption. Now again, President Donald Trump is about to arrive at the loews hotel in center city, you mention, greg mentioned, a couple of time, schedule of events, that president was supposed to speak at noon. Here is shot of the protesters around city hall, you see city hall in the background there, they seem to have been marching near the

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