Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 12PM 20170105 : compa

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 12PM 20170105

meteorologist katie tell fehlinger keeping her eye on things. >> we have made tweets to our forecast as well. new updates as we speak we want to send right out to the winter weather advisory i mentioned just a moment ago. it is now going to be going into effect 8:00 p.m. tonight for the southeastern half of our area it does include philadelphia county and goes out towards some of hose outlying suburbs of the chester county, eastern montgomery, lower bucks and all points south and east essentially. here's a shot. the snow is already here. not so fast. radar can be deceiving. very dry air here at the surface much of this is not actually hitting the ground just yet. we still have several hours before that is going to start to happen but it is very cold outside. by comparisons certainly to what we saw yesterday below freezing in a lot of instances and at philadelphia international airport currently 31. it sure beats what you've got out there though in chicago look at this 11 the current temperature. two below zero in minneapolis. frigid out that way. this cold air is certainly setting us up for this, the storm timeline as this next disturbance moves in. it's generally a light to moderate snow beginning as early as 8:00 give or take an hour so it will move from west to east light to moderate snow lasts us into early tomorrow morning. even though we're not expecting major accumulations out of this, for one thing this is the first sort of quote unquote significant snow that we are going to see so far this winter, but in addition to that, the timing is certainly less than ideal. so we know when that snow will arrive. but of course the cold is setting the stage for some of this to actually accumulate and meteorologist lauren casey is live on kelly drive where my goodness, lauren what a difference one day makes. >> reporter: absolutely, the sun is trying to peek out a little bit here but it's really not warming us up out here. we've been out on kelly drive for about an hour now. we've seen maybe six brave souls passing on by they're goes one. wow he was in caprice but yea people are dressed up from head to toe they've got the hats, the scarves, the gloves they're jogging along and they were donning much different attire this time yesterday as people took to kelly drive wearing shorts with the mild temperatures, temperatures running about 10 degrees above average yesterday. topping off in the middle 50s we got to 54 degrees in philadelphia yesterday. weep had some upper 50s down the shore. but forecast highs for today running about 10 degrees below average generally across much of the delaware valley. high temperatures will top only in the middle 30s and we have a little bit of a breeze and certainly have had high level cloud deck in place as that moisture is starting to roll on in that will set the stage for our snow that is impending overnight tonight and into early tomorrow morning. plus, this isn't even the coldest of the cold. as we head into the upcoming weekend, i think kelly drive is going to be even more bear as we're likely to spend more than 60 hours with temperatures below freezing and on all the fun katie will have the details on the arctic cold and that impending snow and your full forecast coming up just a few. guys. >> thanks so much, lauren. meanwhile the philadelphia streets department says it will be ready for whatever comes during this blast of wintry weather. >> we're hoping to have most of the roadways treated in the overnight hours primaries and secondaries should be fine. we still want motorists to take their time if they see the salt trucks out there give themselves plenty of distance. >> this is new video snow removal preparations at the city salt yard on parkside avenue in west philadelphia. the city says it has 50,000 tons of salt available to treat the roads. be sure to wake up extra early with "eyewitness news" tomorrow morning our team will be on the air starting at 4:00 a.m. tracking the latest weather and road conditions as you head out the door. firefighters in philadelphia had to deal with those frigid temperatures as they battle add blaze in nicetown late this morning. crews rushed to 21st and tioga to knock down flames at an apartment building. they were able to get a handle on it quickly right now no word on injuries or a cause. man fighting for his life this noon after being shot while sitting oh and a porch in philadelphia's fair hill neighborhood. police say several shots rang out just before 9:00 last night inside a park on the 200 block of east indiana street victim was sitting across the street at a family member's home when a bullet struck him in the head. the 45-year-old is hospitalized in critical condition. police say the man was just an innocent bystander hit by stray bullet. >> it's not uncommon for crime to occur in this particular ar area, but in this situation, where the 45-year-old male was on a front porch with a family member and for him to get struck in the head by gunfire is still very unusual, and it concerns us any time anyone gets shot. >> police are now checking surveillance cameras in the area to see if they captured the suspect. and arrests after 18-year-old man with special needs is tortured in chicago hateful act was broadcast on facebook live leading police to the four suspects. here's the latest from new york. >> bleep donald trump. >> four young adults facing possible charge force beating a mentally disabled man and sharing the racially charged attack life on facebook. >> it's sickening. chicago police say the victim was a classmate of one of the suspects. and may have gone with them voluntarily. they say he was with the suspects for 24 to 48 hours and had been reported missing. >> images in the video put on display the brazenness of the offendeoffenders who assaulted e victim and broadcast it for the entire world to see. >> reporter: during the attack the suspects all african-american shouted racial slurs and mentioned the name donald trump but police believe the suspect who is white was targeted because he has special needs not because of his race. >> i've been a cop for 28 years and i've seen things that you shouldn't see in lifetime but it's still amazes me how you still see things that you just shouldn't. >> reporter: police say after the assault the suspects let the victim go. officers found him wandering the streets and took him to hospit hospital. >> it took most of the night for him to calm down enough to be able to talk to us. >> reporter: in statement facebook says it does not allow people to celebrate or glorify crimes and has removed the original video. roxana, for cbs news. in other news funeral services are underway in altoona, pennsylvania this noon for state trooper kill in the line of duty. hundreds have gathered at the blair county convention center to offer a final farewell to trooper landon weaver. the 23-year-old law enforcement officer was shot last friday while responding to a domestic disturbance in huntington coun county. state police shot and killed the alleged gunman. former radnor commissioner william singer has waived his preliminary hearing today. after appearing in court on indecent assault charges this morning. he is accused of inn appropriately touching a 103-year-old woman in a nursing home in wayne. police say witnesses reported it happened three times on three separate occasions. he was not held and his next court date has not yet been announced. burlington township police need public's help tracking down the man in this composite sket sketch. he is wanted for the brutal beating of 18-year-old man during a road rage incident on december 14th. the suspect allegedly followed then confronted the victim who cut him off while driving. that man was hospitalized with several broken bones in his face. police say the suspect was driving a blue chrysler 300 with tinted windows and a chrome grill. if you recognize him, give police a call. top members of the u.s. intelligence community are on capitol hill today for a hearing focused on russias' report meddling in the presidential election. correspondent craig boswell explains why president-elect donald trump is skeptical of the claim and why he may eliminate an important intelligence position in his administration. >> reporter: us intelligence officials told lawmakers today russia's cyber hacking is a major threat to the government and military. >> russia has clearly assumed an even more aggressive cyber posture by increasing cyber espionage operations leaking data, stolen from these operations, and targeting critical infrastructure systems. >> reporter: president-elect donald trump has repeatedly cast doubt on the intelligence community's conclusion that russia tried to influence the presidential election and now cbs news has learned mr. trump is considering over hauling some u.s. intelligence agencies including scrapping the position of director of national intelligence. after today's hearing, clapper and other high-level intelligence officials will head to new york to brief president-elect trump on friday. >> they're not sure they're fighting among themselves. they're not sure. >> reporter: mr. trump has claimed various intelligence agencies have not been on the same page. >> given some of the intelligence failures of recent years, president-elect made it clear to the american people that he's skeptical about conclude you conclusions. >> reporter: congress created the director of national intelligence after 9/11 to address criticisms that the cia and fbi were not sharing information. craig boswell, cbs news. capitol hill. >> coming up on cbs3 "eyewitness news", a dramatic shift in the way children are treated for peanut allergies. when we come back the new recommendations and the stark contrast to previous advice. and a daring rescue two teens fall through the ice on frozen lake. where the dramatic scene played out and how rescuers had issues of their own when we come back. ♪ ntsb now sending a team to philadelphia to investigate yesterday's crash involving two septa trollies. 44 people were hurt when the trollies delayed near 38 many and lancaster earl wednesday afternoon. none of the injuries are considered life-threatening. septa officials aren't sure why the trollies were so close to each other because they typically run on schedule about 10 minutes apart. out west now two teenagers recovering after a frightening mishap on lake in washington state. >> the two teenaged boys fell through thin ice on a semi frozen lake yesterday. one, 15-year-old made it to shore but rescuer teams had to use special equipment to reach the other boy. emergency crews had to act fast to pull the teen to safety. >> i've got a floating surfboard and swim fins and all the proper equipment and it was still a challenge but i was able to break through the ice close enough to get to him. the victim was exhausted by the time i got to him. he was having a hard time staying at the surface. >> fortunately bowl teenagers are doing fine right now. huge shift in advice for parents as new national guidelines say most children should start eating peanuts as infants. >> cbs news correspondent kenneth craig explains doctors say these new recommendations could possibly help cut back peanut allergies in the u.s. >> reporter: 16 month old caitlin, eats this mixture of peanut butter and water every day to try to prevent her from developing a peanut allergy. both her brothers are severely allergic. >> you must have been scared? >> of course. of course. you know, i was terrified, you know, the exact opposite of what they told us when our boys were little. >> reporter: new guidelines from the national institute of allergy and infectious diseases recommend introducing high risk babies like caitlin to foods containing peanuts. dr. hugh samson of mount sigh my hospital helped write the recommendations. >> we're saying not only it's okay, we're saying go do it in these high risk children we need to get peanut into their diet early to try to prevent peanut allergies. >> reporter: the guidelines say, high risk babies with severe eczema or egg allergy should be given peanut protein in the first four to six months. >> i wish something like this would cure peanut allergy but, you know, it's unlikely. i think we can significantly reduce the amount of peanut allergy. >> reporter: caitlin got her first taste of peanut at the doctor' office. her parents use a dropper at home and keep her in just a diaper to avoid contamination with her allergic brothers. >> it's amazing. and she doesn't reaction. she eats peanuts every day, and you know i think as long as we maintain it, she'll never have to worry about that. that won't be a problem in her life. that won't be an obstacle. >> reporter: kenneth craig cbs news new york. >> very interesting. parents will be interested in that. still ahead on "eyewitness news" it's a popular high-tech gadget that may be making things a little too easy at least for one family. >> amazon voice contro controlld helper alexa did her job technically but why it came as quite a shock for this mother. >> we're closer to the upcoming weekend boy will it be a cold one. take a look at the daytime highs. we will not get above the freezing mark anywhere through the course of the weekend. we're still watching what may end up being a coastal concern. it's still a question mark. but there is a possibility for a little bit of snow on saturday down the shore. we'll talk about that possibility and of course the snow that we're waiting on here later on tonight and give you a lot more detail on how all that will shake out and affect tomorrow morning's drive right after the break. game night is our daughter allie's favorite night. and knowing that her favorite general mills big g cereals are gluten-free, like honey nut cheerios, rice chex and lucky charms, she can enjoy it her way. you said you wanted to feel better about your cereal. general mills big g cereals hear you. that's why we say "yes" to whole grain as our first ingredient. and "no way" to high fructose corn syrup. so no matter what your favorite is, you can feel good about general mills big g cereals. spending the day with my niece.e that me me smile. i don't use super poligrip for hold, because my dentures fit well. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. even well fitting dentures let in food particles. just a few dabs of super poligrip free is clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. so it's not about keeping my dentures in, it's about keeping the food particles out. try super poligrip free. welcome back. amazon's voice activated echo dot promises to make life easier. >> but one family got a lot more than they bargained for when little girl's innocent conversation with amazon voice assistant alexa turns into some expensive charges. >> alexa order me a doll house and some cookies. >> and just like that, 4 pounds of sugar cookies and 170-dollar dollhouse arrived at the famili' doors. ma'am son app logs their kids conversations with the gadget. >> can you play doll house with me and get me a doll house? >> she immediately said alexa i love you. >> of course you do. >> yeah. i bet she does. after that mom and dad activated parental controls which requires a four digit code for purchases amazon says voice purchasing can be turned off through alexa app and the company also says any accidental orders can be returned for free. >> i tried order something brownies through my microphone and they still haven't arrived. >> this is not hooked up properly. >> alexa, might we see some sn snow? >> she's going to say the future is bright. i don't know. what would she say? >> yes. >> i believe so. >> the forecast is -- >> katie fehlinger says the forecast is. >> exactly. yes, because we do have this disturbance headed our way right now. it's not like we need snow. but we're due for it for sure. we've only had .30 of an inch of snow so far here in philadelphia for the season as whole. so little hint of a deficit by this point in the year as we take to our our statistical information to start things off. yeah, you know we should actually have by this date at least 4-inches of snowfall for the season. so we're talking averages not like it's typical i was -- atypical we haven't seen much. palmyra cove nature part we'll be finding a lot of flakes flying and it will long gone this time tomorrow overlooking the betsy ross bridge i don't think you're talking major reduced visibility tomorrow morning certainly through the overnight hours that is a concern. here we go again taking a peek at that storm system it's a small disturbance more than anything. i don't even like calling eight storm system as it's streaking very quickly across the appalachianings out of kentucky into the virginias right now. it is starting to move in a little earlier than originally anticipated that's why we're calling for that 8:00 o'clock window of start time you do have another storm system way out west streaking in snow across colorado and kansas and that, too, is going to end up becoming east coast issue but very likely not for us. and when we look at the winter alerts posted around the country, you've got winter storm warnings and winter weather advisories posted in that a for mentioned spot here. meanwhile winter storm watches already posted for that same system out across portions of southeastern -- southeastern united states. these winter weather advisories are for what is currently moving in and again we currently have some now here in our area. they start at 8:00 p.m. tonight. now, you saw earlier in the broadcast it looks like there's already snow moving in. but look at these dew points guys the lower they are the drier the air and they're really low dew points. that's why you're not going to see any of the snow actually stick just yet. that's why we need to give it more time for the atmosphere too moisten up. here's our most up to date "eyewitness weather" snowfall map. we have tweaked it. coat to go 2-inches still stands for all of the areas shaded in white here including philadelphia county. but into central new jersey maybe even new castle or kent you can see up to 3-inches now if we get a little thump through the overnight of that snow. as we had mentioned expecting it to start right around 8:00 o'clock at night moving in from west to east over spreading the region through the overnight hours and it will be a light to month rat snow up until two, 3:00 in the morning as we mentioned we're going on bright and early -- dark and early at 4:00 in the morning on "eyewitness news" and this is going to be i think long gone even as we're looking at maybe even four, 5:00 o'clock it's sipping right on out of here. that is helpful but keep in mind, you'll going to have the aftermath to contend. still giving you red light for friday morning. flurries left over out there. but also watch for even icy spots left oh on friday evening. more of a big fat nuisance than anything. but it's something we'll have to deal with. now, the cold is the other big story. we don't hit the freezing mark for three days straight. saturday, sunday monday looking awful cold. >> you know what i say katie? >> you know what i always say? bring it on because the sooner it comes, the sooner it goes. >> very true. >> we'll be talking about spri spring. >> can't wait for that. >> take look at this adorable addition to chicago's brook field zoo. born just before christmas on december 20th this baby female a ran tongue listed as critically endangered. >> the zoo welcomed the new member of the family on tuesday. the zoo hasn't decided on name fo coming up delayed on "eyewitness news" at 5:00 today is at end of the samsung galaxy note seven phones and the aftermath of malfunctioning batteries. how samsung is killing all of the remaining phones and how some are rallying to keep their phones active. we'll sort it all out for to you today at 5:00. >> interesting. >> so quickly recapping what we'll find out there. snow should start right around 8:00 o'clock give or take. it's going to be with us early tomorrow morning ending on the air "eyewitness news" in the morning. one to 3-inches at west central new jersey especially. >> that's "eyewitness news" today at noon. i'm jim donovan. >> i'm rahel solomon. for katie and all of us here thanks for watching. >> "eyewitness news" continues at 5:00. we're always online at >> of course the young and the restless is next. looks like we're still a man short. not anymore. gus! the second most famous groundhog in pennsylvania. let's hit the ice. whoaaa! take the shot! (buzzer) that shot was one in a million. so's this. all the money millionaire edition, new from the pennsylvania lottery. with five top prizes of a million bucks. it's a real game changer. (giggles) keep on scratchin' >> neil: hey, hey. hilary, any news on devon? >> hilary: [ sighs ] nothing. i ran home for change of clothes, i came here for a decent cup of coffee. i've had my phone on me, but nothing. did you hear anything? >> neil: no, i haven't heard anything. >> hilary: what if i missed it? what if they tried to call, but... i didn't want to leave, but stitch, he said -- [ sighs ] oh, my god. i knew this whole thing, it was a mistake. i shouldn't have left. >> neil: okay. all right. you look completely exhausted. sorry. didn't mean to make it sound like, uh, you know... >> hilary: i know how i look, neil. and i feel even worse. i am just so worried about devon. what if he doesn't wake up? oh, my god.

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