Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 12PM 20160325 : compa

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 12PM 20160325

look like the weather will cooperate even though i don't need rain gear at the moment on the sky deck there is wet weather to track. i was checking with our weather watchers they have been seeing rain moving through. looking at storm scan three you can see exactly where it is headed right now. at the moment we have it basically down the shore here through southeastern most burlington, ocean, atlantic, cape may counties, decent rain coming through as we speak and generally starting to break up. i will put things in motion with the satellite coverage on top of this, very gray skies but bulk of moisture is out to sea at the this point. anything that is here is pretty scatter. it is feeling will somewhat muggy outside, that said you walk outside and you note that is. 68 degrees at the airport. mid to upper 60's generally every where else. cold front has not completely crossed through. by the time it does cold air will catch up to us. any of these showers that are still lingering at this point are still starting to clear out. we will break for some clearing skies later on today, although, it is damp, muggy out here right now. quiet easter weekend coming up. i will have more specifics in the seven day forecast coming up later in the the show and also news about the rain, another round of it, that is heading our way, i will tell you you when you have to break out that umbrella coming up. erika. >> you can track forecast anytime at your fingertips down load that free cbs philly weather app available on itunes and google play. the state department confirms at least two americans were killed in to tuesday a's terror attacks, in brussels two. siblings from new york are also a monk the dead. alexandria, sascha a was dutch nationals who lived in new york, new york city. their family tells cbs news that they were the a the airport when the bomb went off. among the american survivors 19 year-old mormon missionary nathan wells. he told a reporter that he had the experience and it strengthen his faith in god. >> it was a horrible ordeal, that if there is anything that i have learned, it is that god, he can hear the prayers i was giving out on that sidewalk as i was laying down. the i know that he is a a peers in everyone. >> this is not first time that wells has faced terror, he was just a block away when a bomb went off at boston marathon in 2013. he was also in france but not the in paris during the nova tax there. but just a short time ago defense secretary ash carter detailed how the u.s. is targeting isis. he a said they have a plan, and they are executing it. >> we're systematically eliminating isil's can net. indeed, the u.s. military killed several key isil terrorist this week, including, we believe, the isil leader, senior leader, serving as a finance minister, and who also is responsible for some external affairs, and plots. he was a well known terrorist within isil's ranks. >> now, the search continues, in brussels for the terrorist connect to the deadly bombings. correspondent kenneth craig tells us what authorities are doing there to round up suspects. >> reporter: on going raids in belgium have netted at least six arrests link to tuesday's airport and subway bombings. police approached one man sitting with the young girl at this bus stop. >> just stop, he tried to do something, boom, boom, two shots. >> reporter: other raid like this one in brussels may also be connected to last years bombing attacks in par pennsylvania is, which have been link to this weeks attacks in belgium. the members of the law enforcement are looking for two people, one seen with the two suicide bombers at the airport, the other seen at the bomber with the subway station. the at least two americans air monk dead but their identities have not been released. separately cbs news has learned dutch siblingal sand that and sascha, were lived in new york were killed. mason wells is a nine year-old mormon missionary who was severely burn in the airport bombings. >> i was covered in a fair amount of blood, not the necessarily mine. >> reporter: u.s. secretary of state john kerry laid a wreath in brussels to express his condolences to the belgium people. >> we will continue to provide any assistance necessary in investigating these heinous act of of terrorism. >> reporter: at least ten fbi agents are in brussels to help with the investigation n brussels, kenneth the craig for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". and state with "eyewitness news" for continuing coverage of the terror attacks in brussels. when we're not on tv we will have very latest on cbs a 16 year-old girl is recovering this noon after getting hit by a stray bullet in the hunting park neighborhood of north philadelphia. the search is on right now for the shooter. "eyewitness news" reporter justin finch tells us what police hope to lead them to the break in the case. >> reporter: seventh and luzerne where 25th district police began their hunt for whoever shot a 16 year-old girl in front of her own hunting park home. the time, 11:30 p.m., early leads were slim. >> we do not have any description of the shooter or shooters, they believed that the shots came from a western direction from where she was and that the shots were fired in an eastern direction. >> reporter: "eyewitness news" spoke with the teen's oldest sister who felt too distraught to go on camera. on these steps she says they were just chatting, and then. >> as sisters were talking, police say they heard a quick clap of gunfire and then the 16 year-old looked down and realized that she had been shot and ran quickly inside for help. >> that is when family members treated her, and 911 was called, upon police arrival, they found a 16 year-old female suffering from a single gunshot wound to her left thigh. >> reporter: medics got the teen to temple hospital where she's recovering, meantime east detectives will be back to comb for clues. >> fortunately we found several businesses, at least four separate businesses, in the immediate area, that do have exterior surveillance cameras. justin finch for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". a lansdale man is facing animal cruelty charges in connection the to the deaths of his dog. police say charles mccafferty, terrier was dumped in upper dublin township on march 9th. dog was found inside of a metal cage covered in plastic on private property. police arrested mccafferty following a joint investigation with the montgomery county spca. all right. switching gears right now march madness rolls on and fans of the villanova wildcats are getting ready for their first trip to the elite eight since 2009. last night on cbs-3, nova was on a roll begins tough miami hurricanes team. the chris jenkins three pointer gave nova a 15-point lead in the sweet 16 team. jenkins and ryan arcidiacono had nine, three pointers between them. both had 21 points in the game cats topped canes 92-69. villanova says it is a all about the team. >> we're just reading defense. we are in the trying to have one person go off. we read the defense today. we made plays for each other. >> we have been stepping up on the defensive end, getting turnovers, easy buck nets transition, making them work a little bit more on defense has played well for us. >> we're definitely playing our best basketball right now. we have in the played this well in any game this season, and that is your goal. >> there are more games tonight on cbs-3. at 7:00 iowa state takes on virginia, at 9:40 it is gonzaga against syracuse. then a great night of basketball tomorrow night too, elite eight match up kicks off at 6:00 with the oregon ducks verse oklahoma sooners. at 8:45 watch villanova take on the tournament's overall number one seed kansas jay hawks all right here on cbs-3. all right. still ahead this noon, rock and roll history in cuba. coming up next how cubans are reacting to the first major rock concert to come to havana since before the cuban revolution. the rolling stones are gearing up for tonight. also, mammograms may detect more than just breast cancer. they can be good for your heart too. more news when we come right back. wow, tanker carrying 10,000 gallons of propane exploded last night, in the small town of calla way minnesota a that is a after a freight train hit the truck yesterday afternoon. the entire town of 230 people was evacuated, residents hope to return to their homes this afternoon. two member of the train crew were injured. the rolling stones will rock out tonight in a country where their music was once silenced. british rock bandies playing in havana a, cuba open air concert will be free of charge and it is expect to draw close to a million people. fans of the legendary band say tonight's show is a dream come true. >> that kind of visit and now they are going to be here. so, the whole event, the whole injection happening. >> it is first major international band to play the island since the cuban revolution. how about that. comedy community is in mourning this noon as we await word of funeral arrangements for gary shandling. shandling collapsed yesterday in los angeles and died at the hospital of an apparent heart attack. the start of the larry sanders show and host of the grammy and emmy award show got his start writing for 70's sitcom sandford and son. >> we never work together, so i had him for dinner, we spent time together, he was incredibly funny, sharp, with a beautiful sense of humor. it is a real loss. i love him. rest in peace gary shandling. >> hey now. >> completely speechless. i'm stunned. a genius. >> gary shandling was 66 years old. and another loss, emmy winning actor and north philadelphia native david snow will be laid to rest monday. he died, from lung cancer on tuesday. he was best known for his role as mr. handfor, man who took over the store on sesame street. he was a writer on the show benson and a writer, anchor for cosby show. he was 80 years old. still ahead this noon a cbs reality show is looking for contestants in philadelphia. so do you have what it takes to be a house guest on big brother? we will talk to a local contestant who was a big hit, johnny mack is here, the crazy dentist, coming up next. well, erika we are looking ahead to the easter who will take weekend and then eventually another round of rain, i will tell you when it gets here and at what kind of impact it will have on the region in the full forecast when we check that on the other side. one more reason were mammograms are so important. we all know they can help detect breast cancer but know researchers at the mt. sinai st. lukes say mammograms can be useful to identify women at risk for heart disease. they say the presence of calcium build up in the breast, which can be seen during a digital mammogram can predict early bill up in the plaque heart arteries especially in young woman. just another great reason to get your mammograms. >> true. >> looking to our forecast. it is looking like easter could, it is not too bad. pretty awesome. >> absolutely, it could be raining but it went be. >> there you go. >> we are seeing worst of the wet weather from earlier today clearing out of here. eventually we will see a little bit more sunshine before the day is said and done. we will get a break and then next round of rain comes a long. mother nature hooking us up with good timing. if you have egg hunts planned you will be just fine. we will look at live neighborhood network. not the a good start here outside beach patrol headquarters. looking closely you can see rain drops currently falling here out at margate, looking like an angry ocean, as well, the waves really churning out, right at the shoreline here. so yeah, off to a dreary start but look, there is a back edge to this we do still have some cloud cover but there is a a break in the cloud, just behind that precipitation here off in the distance to the western pa, still finding a hint of the cloud cover but we will see this start to clear out with time. it has been a muggy beginning to the day. that too will change once this cold front officially clears out of here. then we will be left with sunshine and high pressure. now because there is still technically in the warm sector of this storm you are in the 70's, mid to upper 60's, warm front is still lifting north. look at the difference in boston it is still in the 30's. you have a contrast depending on location as to what you are finding with the temperatures but with that said once the cold front crosses through we will get our own taste here of the chill. so, showers, eventually, sunshine by tomorrow, as we look ahead to saturday. mostly sunny skies. we're expecting upper 50's. it is not terribly chilly. it will be a a smidge above average here under full sunshine looking lovely really. by the time we hit second half of the weekend, easter sunday we will start with sunshine, cloud will rebuild and we will see in the mid 60's by this point. it promises to be a decent weekend. then comes the next front and that is going to bring your next round of rain, wind on monday, that will be the day i would say brake out umbrellas you will want to have it handy. because of the system moving through with the wet weather washing away pollen. but by the time we hit easter weekend expect that level to spike backup again. tomorrow and sunday featuring medium to meme medium high levels of pollen. if you suffer seasonal allergies be ready. the skies clearing with time today as we really, clear out tonight, temperatures can drop more readily. forty-one the low. we will give you a planner with our fun, festive easter graphic. isn't this adorable. i just love it. talking cool, quiet conditions from nine to 1:00 p.m. the beautiful weather for any egg hunts scheduled on easter sunday. as i mentioned for tomorrow as well, not looking bad. we will keep you basically, just a smidge above average with almost every passing day here. only day that isn't a above average is tuesday, but even that, offers up, some sunshine. so pretty decent spring forecast, erika. >> thanks, katie. the cbs hit reality she big brother is looking for new contestants and you can try out to be next house mate. here's a taste of the craziness. >> we've got groupies. >> they are thirsty. they are dying of thirst. >> we're ready. >> we're going on tour. >> yes. >> memories, right. last summer games, the guys contestant johnny mack from scranton pennsylvania. you did switch it out but joining us in the studio to talk about a great casting call. gray to see you, johnny thanks for coming in. >> great, how are you doing. >> for those folks that don't know big brother you are in a house all together 24 hour surveillance some think that is fun. others nerve racking. how is that for you when were you a contest totent. >> big fan of the show. when i got in there i was like game on you are playing a game. you forget the cameras are watching you all the time. you know, you get lost and everybody goes crazy if they weren't crazy to begin with they lose it a little bit more good casting call coming up, what qualities do you think casting directors are looking for. >> just don't be afraid to hold anything back. when i was thinking was the things that maybe when you are in high school you want people to necessity about yourself or at work, you don't want people to know you are kind of crazy. you want to let that out there and let everyone see it because everyone will see it on the show. a lot of people especially fans they want to be i want to be the business strategy player some times it doesn't matter. the just get out there knowing you are putting yourself out there. everyone will see everything you are just not holding back. that is what everybody wants to watch. they want to see gladiator death match good what was your favorite part and least favorite part about the whole experience. >> my favorite part, probably the challenging, the cool weird stuff. they had us, in the cold wall coming down for a few hours. i loved that. that was cool. least favorite, i don't know. i mean the big guy ate all of the food. kind of rude. absolutely. >> yes, you will be at casting call tomorrow. >> yes. >> what were you looking for in contestant that whacky quality. >> it doesn't matter, i'm just there to hang out. just go in there and maybe practice with your friend, beforehand, just talking out some crazy. you are kind of weird. well, yeah that is what we want. >> weird is good. >> weird is awesome. >> we know you are the whack i dentist you are still practicing in scranton. >> up in scranton, working, yeah, just taking it one day at a time for sure. >> johnny, great to see you. looking forward to you the next season. do you have what it takes to be big brother house? we will find out. head to the casting call tomorrow from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. at 1925 cocktail lounge on south 17th street, we will have more information on our web site the at cbs, just click button on the home page. we coming up later on "eyewitness news" at 5:00 popularity of ride sharing services is just exploding but so are concerns about women and their safety. how a new company says that they can ease those fears, insuring women can get where they are going, safely. that is today on "eyewitness news" at 5:00. one more reason to have breakfast all day long, today is international waffle day. so when like them fresh, frozen, fruit topping or just good syrup, today is good day to enjoy them, yum. the tradition, here's history for you, originated in sweden where people celebrate the beginning of the spring by eating a bunch of waffles. >> these are my kind of people. >> celebrating spring by eating. >> here in the u.s. we share our love of the waffle on august 24th, the national waffle day, and that is when first waffle iron was path ended in 1869. >> that is just the national waffle day. >> yes. >> today is big one international waffle day. >> that is the plan. >> that is "eyewitness news" at noon i'm erika von tiehl. for katie and all of us here, thanks for watching. >> "eyewitness news" continues at 5:00. we are always on line cbs >> the young and restless coming up next, take care ♪ we buy any car dot com ♪ ♪ we buy any car dot com ♪ ♪ any any any any ♪ did you know trading in your car at a dealer could cost you money? a recent study found consumers who trade in their car pay an average of $990 dollars more. so don't trade in... sell it.... to we buy any car. learn more and get your free online valuation now at we buy any car dot com ♪ find out how much your car is worth at ♪ ithere was 14 of us in a four bedroom apartment in the projects in boston. to be the first, actually, kid to buy a house in my family... ...i just realized that, i'm the 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(female announcer) shady brook farms®. no growth-promoting antibiotics, just honest, simple turkey. >> michael: what the prosecution has failed to mention... is the very real threat my client was facing -- the paragon virus attacking his business, his family legacy, from the inside out. was my client's response extreme? possibly. but i will make it crystal clear that victor newman's back was against the wall, that he was acting merely in self-defense. >> phyllis: that is a lie! my husband had nothing to do with the computer virus! you don't care about that, do you, victor? because you want to silence the competition, including letting my husband almost die! >> judge murray: order! i want order in this courtroom! >> jack: sit down. >> judge murray: i won't tolerate any more outbursts -- from anyone!

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Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 12PM 20160325 :

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 12PM 20160325

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look like the weather will cooperate even though i don't need rain gear at the moment on the sky deck there is wet weather to track. i was checking with our weather watchers they have been seeing rain moving through. looking at storm scan three you can see exactly where it is headed right now. at the moment we have it basically down the shore here through southeastern most burlington, ocean, atlantic, cape may counties, decent rain coming through as we speak and generally starting to break up. i will put things in motion with the satellite coverage on top of this, very gray skies but bulk of moisture is out to sea at the this point. anything that is here is pretty scatter. it is feeling will somewhat muggy outside, that said you walk outside and you note that is. 68 degrees at the airport. mid to upper 60's generally every where else. cold front has not completely crossed through. by the time it does cold air will catch up to us. any of these showers that are still lingering at this point are still starting to clear out. we will break for some clearing skies later on today, although, it is damp, muggy out here right now. quiet easter weekend coming up. i will have more specifics in the seven day forecast coming up later in the the show and also news about the rain, another round of it, that is heading our way, i will tell you you when you have to break out that umbrella coming up. erika. >> you can track forecast anytime at your fingertips down load that free cbs philly weather app available on itunes and google play. the state department confirms at least two americans were killed in to tuesday a's terror attacks, in brussels two. siblings from new york are also a monk the dead. alexandria, sascha a was dutch nationals who lived in new york, new york city. their family tells cbs news that they were the a the airport when the bomb went off. among the american survivors 19 year-old mormon missionary nathan wells. he told a reporter that he had the experience and it strengthen his faith in god. >> it was a horrible ordeal, that if there is anything that i have learned, it is that god, he can hear the prayers i was giving out on that sidewalk as i was laying down. the i know that he is a a peers in everyone. >> this is not first time that wells has faced terror, he was just a block away when a bomb went off at boston marathon in 2013. he was also in france but not the in paris during the nova tax there. but just a short time ago defense secretary ash carter detailed how the u.s. is targeting isis. he a said they have a plan, and they are executing it. >> we're systematically eliminating isil's can net. indeed, the u.s. military killed several key isil terrorist this week, including, we believe, the isil leader, senior leader, serving as a finance minister, and who also is responsible for some external affairs, and plots. he was a well known terrorist within isil's ranks. >> now, the search continues, in brussels for the terrorist connect to the deadly bombings. correspondent kenneth craig tells us what authorities are doing there to round up suspects. >> reporter: on going raids in belgium have netted at least six arrests link to tuesday's airport and subway bombings. police approached one man sitting with the young girl at this bus stop. >> just stop, he tried to do something, boom, boom, two shots. >> reporter: other raid like this one in brussels may also be connected to last years bombing attacks in par pennsylvania is, which have been link to this weeks attacks in belgium. the members of the law enforcement are looking for two people, one seen with the two suicide bombers at the airport, the other seen at the bomber with the subway station. the at least two americans air monk dead but their identities have not been released. separately cbs news has learned dutch siblingal sand that and sascha, were lived in new york were killed. mason wells is a nine year-old mormon missionary who was severely burn in the airport bombings. >> i was covered in a fair amount of blood, not the necessarily mine. >> reporter: u.s. secretary of state john kerry laid a wreath in brussels to express his condolences to the belgium people. >> we will continue to provide any assistance necessary in investigating these heinous act of of terrorism. >> reporter: at least ten fbi agents are in brussels to help with the investigation n brussels, kenneth the craig for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". and state with "eyewitness news" for continuing coverage of the terror attacks in brussels. when we're not on tv we will have very latest on cbs a 16 year-old girl is recovering this noon after getting hit by a stray bullet in the hunting park neighborhood of north philadelphia. the search is on right now for the shooter. "eyewitness news" reporter justin finch tells us what police hope to lead them to the break in the case. >> reporter: seventh and luzerne where 25th district police began their hunt for whoever shot a 16 year-old girl in front of her own hunting park home. the time, 11:30 p.m., early leads were slim. >> we do not have any description of the shooter or shooters, they believed that the shots came from a western direction from where she was and that the shots were fired in an eastern direction. >> reporter: "eyewitness news" spoke with the teen's oldest sister who felt too distraught to go on camera. on these steps she says they were just chatting, and then. >> as sisters were talking, police say they heard a quick clap of gunfire and then the 16 year-old looked down and realized that she had been shot and ran quickly inside for help. >> that is when family members treated her, and 911 was called, upon police arrival, they found a 16 year-old female suffering from a single gunshot wound to her left thigh. >> reporter: medics got the teen to temple hospital where she's recovering, meantime east detectives will be back to comb for clues. >> fortunately we found several businesses, at least four separate businesses, in the immediate area, that do have exterior surveillance cameras. justin finch for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". a lansdale man is facing animal cruelty charges in connection the to the deaths of his dog. police say charles mccafferty, terrier was dumped in upper dublin township on march 9th. dog was found inside of a metal cage covered in plastic on private property. police arrested mccafferty following a joint investigation with the montgomery county spca. all right. switching gears right now march madness rolls on and fans of the villanova wildcats are getting ready for their first trip to the elite eight since 2009. last night on cbs-3, nova was on a roll begins tough miami hurricanes team. the chris jenkins three pointer gave nova a 15-point lead in the sweet 16 team. jenkins and ryan arcidiacono had nine, three pointers between them. both had 21 points in the game cats topped canes 92-69. villanova says it is a all about the team. >> we're just reading defense. we are in the trying to have one person go off. we read the defense today. we made plays for each other. >> we have been stepping up on the defensive end, getting turnovers, easy buck nets transition, making them work a little bit more on defense has played well for us. >> we're definitely playing our best basketball right now. we have in the played this well in any game this season, and that is your goal. >> there are more games tonight on cbs-3. at 7:00 iowa state takes on virginia, at 9:40 it is gonzaga against syracuse. then a great night of basketball tomorrow night too, elite eight match up kicks off at 6:00 with the oregon ducks verse oklahoma sooners. at 8:45 watch villanova take on the tournament's overall number one seed kansas jay hawks all right here on cbs-3. all right. still ahead this noon, rock and roll history in cuba. coming up next how cubans are reacting to the first major rock concert to come to havana since before the cuban revolution. the rolling stones are gearing up for tonight. also, mammograms may detect more than just breast cancer. they can be good for your heart too. more news when we come right back. wow, tanker carrying 10,000 gallons of propane exploded last night, in the small town of calla way minnesota a that is a after a freight train hit the truck yesterday afternoon. the entire town of 230 people was evacuated, residents hope to return to their homes this afternoon. two member of the train crew were injured. the rolling stones will rock out tonight in a country where their music was once silenced. british rock bandies playing in havana a, cuba open air concert will be free of charge and it is expect to draw close to a million people. fans of the legendary band say tonight's show is a dream come true. >> that kind of visit and now they are going to be here. so, the whole event, the whole injection happening. >> it is first major international band to play the island since the cuban revolution. how about that. comedy community is in mourning this noon as we await word of funeral arrangements for gary shandling. shandling collapsed yesterday in los angeles and died at the hospital of an apparent heart attack. the start of the larry sanders show and host of the grammy and emmy award show got his start writing for 70's sitcom sandford and son. >> we never work together, so i had him for dinner, we spent time together, he was incredibly funny, sharp, with a beautiful sense of humor. it is a real loss. i love him. rest in peace gary shandling. >> hey now. >> completely speechless. i'm stunned. a genius. >> gary shandling was 66 years old. and another loss, emmy winning actor and north philadelphia native david snow will be laid to rest monday. he died, from lung cancer on tuesday. he was best known for his role as mr. handfor, man who took over the store on sesame street. he was a writer on the show benson and a writer, anchor for cosby show. he was 80 years old. still ahead this noon a cbs reality show is looking for contestants in philadelphia. so do you have what it takes to be a house guest on big brother? we will talk to a local contestant who was a big hit, johnny mack is here, the crazy dentist, coming up next. well, erika we are looking ahead to the easter who will take weekend and then eventually another round of rain, i will tell you when it gets here and at what kind of impact it will have on the region in the full forecast when we check that on the other side. one more reason were mammograms are so important. we all know they can help detect breast cancer but know researchers at the mt. sinai st. lukes say mammograms can be useful to identify women at risk for heart disease. they say the presence of calcium build up in the breast, which can be seen during a digital mammogram can predict early bill up in the plaque heart arteries especially in young woman. just another great reason to get your mammograms. >> true. >> looking to our forecast. it is looking like easter could, it is not too bad. pretty awesome. >> absolutely, it could be raining but it went be. >> there you go. >> we are seeing worst of the wet weather from earlier today clearing out of here. eventually we will see a little bit more sunshine before the day is said and done. we will get a break and then next round of rain comes a long. mother nature hooking us up with good timing. if you have egg hunts planned you will be just fine. we will look at live neighborhood network. not the a good start here outside beach patrol headquarters. looking closely you can see rain drops currently falling here out at margate, looking like an angry ocean, as well, the waves really churning out, right at the shoreline here. so yeah, off to a dreary start but look, there is a back edge to this we do still have some cloud cover but there is a a break in the cloud, just behind that precipitation here off in the distance to the western pa, still finding a hint of the cloud cover but we will see this start to clear out with time. it has been a muggy beginning to the day. that too will change once this cold front officially clears out of here. then we will be left with sunshine and high pressure. now because there is still technically in the warm sector of this storm you are in the 70's, mid to upper 60's, warm front is still lifting north. look at the difference in boston it is still in the 30's. you have a contrast depending on location as to what you are finding with the temperatures but with that said once the cold front crosses through we will get our own taste here of the chill. so, showers, eventually, sunshine by tomorrow, as we look ahead to saturday. mostly sunny skies. we're expecting upper 50's. it is not terribly chilly. it will be a a smidge above average here under full sunshine looking lovely really. by the time we hit second half of the weekend, easter sunday we will start with sunshine, cloud will rebuild and we will see in the mid 60's by this point. it promises to be a decent weekend. then comes the next front and that is going to bring your next round of rain, wind on monday, that will be the day i would say brake out umbrellas you will want to have it handy. because of the system moving through with the wet weather washing away pollen. but by the time we hit easter weekend expect that level to spike backup again. tomorrow and sunday featuring medium to meme medium high levels of pollen. if you suffer seasonal allergies be ready. the skies clearing with time today as we really, clear out tonight, temperatures can drop more readily. forty-one the low. we will give you a planner with our fun, festive easter graphic. isn't this adorable. i just love it. talking cool, quiet conditions from nine to 1:00 p.m. the beautiful weather for any egg hunts scheduled on easter sunday. as i mentioned for tomorrow as well, not looking bad. we will keep you basically, just a smidge above average with almost every passing day here. only day that isn't a above average is tuesday, but even that, offers up, some sunshine. so pretty decent spring forecast, erika. >> thanks, katie. the cbs hit reality she big brother is looking for new contestants and you can try out to be next house mate. here's a taste of the craziness. >> we've got groupies. >> they are thirsty. they are dying of thirst. >> we're ready. >> we're going on tour. >> yes. >> memories, right. last summer games, the guys contestant johnny mack from scranton pennsylvania. you did switch it out but joining us in the studio to talk about a great casting call. gray to see you, johnny thanks for coming in. >> great, how are you doing. >> for those folks that don't know big brother you are in a house all together 24 hour surveillance some think that is fun. others nerve racking. how is that for you when were you a contest totent. >> big fan of the show. when i got in there i was like game on you are playing a game. you forget the cameras are watching you all the time. you know, you get lost and everybody goes crazy if they weren't crazy to begin with they lose it a little bit more good casting call coming up, what qualities do you think casting directors are looking for. >> just don't be afraid to hold anything back. when i was thinking was the things that maybe when you are in high school you want people to necessity about yourself or at work, you don't want people to know you are kind of crazy. you want to let that out there and let everyone see it because everyone will see it on the show. a lot of people especially fans they want to be i want to be the business strategy player some times it doesn't matter. the just get out there knowing you are putting yourself out there. everyone will see everything you are just not holding back. that is what everybody wants to watch. they want to see gladiator death match good what was your favorite part and least favorite part about the whole experience. >> my favorite part, probably the challenging, the cool weird stuff. they had us, in the cold wall coming down for a few hours. i loved that. that was cool. least favorite, i don't know. i mean the big guy ate all of the food. kind of rude. absolutely. >> yes, you will be at casting call tomorrow. >> yes. >> what were you looking for in contestant that whacky quality. >> it doesn't matter, i'm just there to hang out. just go in there and maybe practice with your friend, beforehand, just talking out some crazy. you are kind of weird. well, yeah that is what we want. >> weird is good. >> weird is awesome. >> we know you are the whack i dentist you are still practicing in scranton. >> up in scranton, working, yeah, just taking it one day at a time for sure. >> johnny, great to see you. looking forward to you the next season. do you have what it takes to be big brother house? we will find out. head to the casting call tomorrow from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. at 1925 cocktail lounge on south 17th street, we will have more information on our web site the at cbs, just click button on the home page. we coming up later on "eyewitness news" at 5:00 popularity of ride sharing services is just exploding but so are concerns about women and their safety. how a new company says that they can ease those fears, insuring women can get where they are going, safely. that is today on "eyewitness news" at 5:00. one more reason to have breakfast all day long, today is international waffle day. so when like them fresh, frozen, fruit topping or just good syrup, today is good day to enjoy them, yum. the tradition, here's history for you, originated in sweden where people celebrate the beginning of the spring by eating a bunch of waffles. >> these are my kind of people. >> celebrating spring by eating. >> here in the u.s. we share our love of the waffle on august 24th, the national waffle day, and that is when first waffle iron was path ended in 1869. >> that is just the national waffle day. >> yes. >> today is big one international waffle day. >> that is the plan. >> that is "eyewitness news" at noon i'm erika von tiehl. for katie and all of us here, thanks for watching. >> "eyewitness news" continues at 5:00. we are always on line cbs >> the young and restless coming up next, take care ♪ we buy any car dot com ♪ ♪ we buy any car dot com ♪ ♪ any any any any ♪ did you know trading in your car at a dealer could cost you money? a recent study found consumers who trade in their car pay an average of $990 dollars more. so don't trade in... sell it.... to we buy any car. learn more and get your free online valuation now at we buy any car dot com ♪ find out how much your car is worth at ♪ ithere was 14 of us in a four bedroom apartment in the projects in boston. to be the first, actually, kid to buy a house in my family... ...i just realized that, i'm the 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