Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 12PM 20160225 : compa

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 12PM 20160225

>> good afternoon, i'm erika von tiehl. that line of storms was long and dane russ, asleep less night for many, especially lancaster county where the ntsb is now along with alex tree a hoff, to see if tornado touched down there watch are you hearing, alex? >> reporter: well, erika, you know, we are here in largely amish mennonite community where assistance has already been plentifull because the visuals here are dramatic. this damage widespread. perhaps even more so, from above. i think we can take live look from chopper three right now, at least 40 homes and farm buildings were damaged, even amish school house was destroyed. now, a tornado warning was issued by the national weather service for 7:21 yesterday evening, what officials now doing is surveying by grounds as specifically by air before they can say for certain that this was, in fact, a tornado that touched down. the way they'll do that by looking at the pattern of damage, if it is sweeping, and all really facing one direction, that means, that those were straight line winds, not necessarily a tornado. what they will be looking for is is this damage isolated? and is it sporadic sending out damage in all different directions, and that's something you know we saw when driving here, almost rounding the corner we were wait to go see some damage, didn't really see it until we turned onto this street where amish road actually here lancaster county. when we turn the corner we just really saw that this damage was isolated, it was a long night for many around here, the good news, really, being that they're in such a community where we've just seen helping hands out here all morning since the light of day whether they can see what happened in their community and all hands are on deck to help rebuild, i think what we are looking at right now if we can take live picture here this is a farmhouse, that housed chickens, several thousand of them, so they've been working to get that fixed this morning. the good news, though, is that in all of this, no serious injuries have been recorded. many crediting that to the warning that was given out by the national weather service around 7:21 last night. right now serving by air this damage to determine if it was necessarily a tornado that touched down here in eastern lancaster county. reporting live, alexandria hoff, back to you. >> so much damage, thank you. meanwhile, very close call in cumberland count when a tree slammed into a childcare facility. "eyewitness news" reporter cleve bryan joining us now in vineland, and cleve, just grateful to hear that no one was inside at the time, right? >> reporter: that's right, this happened a little after 6:00, last evening, and the day care facility here closes at 5:30, so it was a very close call. tree has been removed but you can see enormous crater in the roof. and this sits over top of where the babies are, the room below is filled with cribs, but fortunately no one inside. i spoke with the owner just little bit ago. she said this day care facility called all kids first has 80 student, parents were very understanding that they have to close today as they have all of these damages repaired. they hope to reopen tomorrow. now, when the tree came through the roof it, also hit the sprinkler system, and that caused water to go into the building, as well as the rain, it was just pouring water in there. the floors are damaged. the walls are damaged. but carol says what matters most is just fine. >> fortunately, we were closed so we were lucky. the damages it we can fix, but human lives, that is something else. so we were really blessed. >> so all kids first has two locations in total more than 300 kids go to the two day care and pre-school facilities. so chances are you if you live in vineland, your kids may have gone to one of these. they say, again, everybody is fine, tomorrow things should hopefully get back to normal, just move the kids and the cribs in this room to another part of the building. reporting live in vineland, cleve bryan, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". >> thank goodness they're okay, cleve, thank you. >> montgomery county pennsylvania also cleaning up from storm damage today. two people were inside this home on new second street and east church road in cheltenham last night when a tree came crashing down onto it. they were not hurt, as you can imagine, you can see right there, the damage to the home is significant. now, portions of the brandywine creek in chester county have overflowed its banks, causing serious flooding across the area. "eyewitness news" reporter walt hunter joins us now in poe cops g township with a soggy mess out there. walt, good afternoon. >> afternoon, erika. the brandywine very much out of its banks here at flood stage. take a look along behind me, this is route 100 looking down toward route 926. obviously, it is closed off. between route 926 and route one. the reason as we're going to pan over here is that the brandywine normally about 30 feet wide, take a look at this, this is a flood plane, fortunately, no homes, but the brandywine at least three, four times maybe five times as wide as it would normally be. this scene is often, while i won't say often, but this scene has been repeated numerous times in history, this is a notorious flooding area for the lower brandywine creek. right now, it appears to be receding just little bit. take a look at this scene, this is short distance away. this is the intersection of creek road and route one. the southbound lanes closed by flooding, this is right near the wyeth museum down here along brandywine creek. this stranded a man with a 16-dollar pizza delivery who was trying to find his way along and didn't know how he was going to get to his hungry customers. >> what did you find when you got here? >> water. i found water. >> where are you trying to go? >> west grove, west grove, i got a 60-dollar order of pizzas in the car here. >> again, the brandywine, lies here along route 100, the brandywine does appear to be receding just in the last hour or two since we have been there. that's of course good news, but once again, route 100 here, route one southbound, route 926, traffic in this area, definitely sealed off. if you are headed down this way, good spot to avoid at least for the next few hours until these river waters the brandywine creek waters get back to their banks again. all of the updates coming up on cbs-3 later this afternoon. live along the brandywine, walt hunter, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". >> walt, thank you for the update. as walt just showed us right there the storm is gone but the aftermath, the flooding, still causing headaches. we want to check in with katie. what a warm morning we have. what are we seeing today? >> temperatures are starting to take a little bit after hit. as we see the colder air wrap in, that's where you will start to see the temperatures begin to drop off. but you said it, you still have some flooding issues, and the other sort of xfactor that comes with today, at least the rest the day today, is the winds that continues out there. so we will go through all of that. let's get you right outside. i want to start off with here is view on "skycam 3", notice in the distance, you see what looks sort of like a muddy, just muddy river. well, that's actually the creek, and out of its banks another example of some flooding that's gone on, up in bethlehem, just overlooking from hotel bethlehem over the moravian college campus there, typically in this shot a nice little path for folks to walk along. you just can't do it at this point until these flood waters go down. out to storm scan, show you what's up there. this is the retreating system thankfully looking far less impact full at this point. still hands full of showers trying to pop up here on storm scan3 at the local level, as we saw, walt's report here, still some flooding issues going on, this is the so delayed reaction when you have flooding to deal, with most notably places like the norristown gauge on the schuylkill, wilmington, brandywine, near flood stage going on there, wind gusts the other issue. you're still finding gusts peaking easily to the 30's, that's going to linger all day today, as we take a take an at the sustained winds, still predominantly west to southwest winds flow. that's going to be shifting more northwesterly with time to make that cold air funnel in, and turn the temperatures obviously on a downward spiral. for now, though, still in the upper 40's, still above average at the moment, we will probably hover around that level, through the rest of the day. but eventually, erika, that cold air is going to catch up to us, we will talk about that a bill later in the show. >> that same storm system spawned deadly tornados in virginia, at least four people were killed when those twitters -- twisters touched down n waverly south of richmond, two year old child and two men lost their lives. another person was killed, and tornado touched down there. virginia's governor declared state of emergency, in the wake of those storms. >> now, the national weather service are surveying l damage also in north carolina trying to determine whether tornados caused all of that damage. you can see homes, businesses, were demolished when powerful storms swept through the town of oxford, just northeast of durham. fortunately, no one was killed. over the illinois, not rain and wind but rather that snow causing problems. about 40 cars and trucks stuck on the highway south of chicago, that's after storm dumped more than 2 feet of snow. officials say it will take crews hours to dig those stranded vehicles out. a coast guard boat both overturned earl think morning, while crew members were helping stranded fishermen in the waters off of new york city. all five crew members were wearing protective gear and they were able to swim to shore. a helicopter with a rescue basket lifted those fishermen to safety. coast guard says they're boat was hit by 12 to 15-foot waves churned up from last night's storm. still ahead this noon, vice president joe biden and lady gaga teaming up at the oscars, the thoughtful message they though get across on one of america's biggest stages. and love this party. with a purpose. why people were up early and dancing in center city. we'll be right back. >> 2016, presidential candidate for another debate tonight, ahead of next tuesday's super primary. ted cruz, marco rubio, trying to figure out a way to take the momentum away from donald trump. weijia jiang tells us why trump is facing criticism from the last man, who snagged the gop nomination. >> mitt romney is calling on donald trump to release his tax returns. >> frankly, i think we have good reason to believe that there is a bombshell in donald trump's taxes, every time he's asked about his taxes, he dodges and delays and says what we're working on it. >> trump took to twit they are morning, calling romney one of the dumb he is and worse candidates in republican history. and he said he will ' release his returns when he is red. >> i my returns are extremely complex, and i'll make a determination at the right time. i'm in no rush to do it. >> nobody has been breaking it up except for mitt romney. >> romney not the only one pushing for the release, ted cruz chimed in at presidential candidate's forum hosted by the kelly file on fox news. >> i do think mitt has a good point, that the voters are entitled to know before they vote, because you better believe that the democrats, if there is anything in there, the democrats are going to go to town on this. >> ted cruz, and marco rubio, have the most to gain from a trump stumble. both claim to be the best alternative to trump who they say is not a true conservative. >> the front runner in this race, donald trump, actually allude dollars to the fact he thinks parts of obama care pretty good. >> new polls show cruz leading in his home state of texas while 15-point, while trump leads rubio had his home state of florida by 16. weijia jiang, for cbs-3, "eyewitness news". caring an e-cigarette nearly cost kentucky man his life. incredible video here. the device exploded, you see that, right there, in his pants. security cameras were rolling, happened while the victim just trying to pay for some smacks at convenience store, quick thinking cashier followed him outside with a fire extinguisher, man suffered seconds agree burns to his right leg. wow. >> still ahead this noon, the vice president, and lady gaga. together, at the oscar's, find out why the vp is hoping to use her performance to raise awareness after disturbing problem. katie? >> and erika, we are looking ahead to a blast of cold that's coming our way in the seven day. beyond that point, though, a little taste of april in its wake. we'll tell when you to time all of that temperature movement out here, it is all coming >> the vice president and his wife are going not oscars and teaming one lady gaga. gaga will perform her song until it happens to you. it is nominated for best original song. but this isn't just appearance for biden. he'll reportedly use the spotlight to raise awareness about sexual assault. the song is documentary the hunting grounds, which looks at sex assaults on college campuses. wow, so very thoughtful to use that platform to get a message out there. >> now that i hear that story i definitely hear lay i gaga's song a lot differently. >> turning to the forecast, today no treat. but compared to yesterday, so much better. >> we'll take it, like an ice cream cone, right? looking ahead here at least to aftermath issues that come with the storm. it is a storm that's retreating which is obviously real good news, we've been dealt our fair share of very strong thunderstorms out of that. as you all well know. so, that said, i want to get you beyond this point, where there is better news down the road here, just in time for the weekend no less. timing could be a lot less ideal there, right? let's go ahead, take you back in time here. take a peak at how we ended up faring through the storm. it was a mess, we ended up with new daily record rainfall shy of 2 inches fell at philadelphia international airport. that did beat the record setback in 1979. not just the rain obviously the wind and the storm damage, i feel like that might have been the biggest prominent thing that came out of this, in mt. laurel, we had trees down, power outages, some of these actually showed up in our live reports earlier in the broadcast, preschool, cleve was reporting from in wynnefield, ended up with large tree on to the house, list goes on, water rescues even performed. so, thankfully there is storm is done with us, essentially, there will still be the residual impacts that come with it, looking at the storm in its entirety, this front, you look at this on the satelite, you can tell there was huge clash in the atmosphere just by the way these clouds trailed down in such discontinuing formation. now that the clash is moving out to sea we're done with it, might still see residual sprinkle, too. talk about future wind gusts no where near the strength of what last night produced however, 20 to 30 to even 35 miles per hour not out of the question, enough to make send your trash cans flying down the road, not necessarily to cause any kind of additional major damage, so that's good news, but this is with us, into tomorrow morning, right through the day by this point the wind flow turning a lot more northwesterly, that means it will start to feel a lot colder, and the temperatures also definitely reflect the colder air coming in. so how about we give you some good news here? time to spring forward, 17 days, meteorological spring begins march 1st, but the astronomical spring does begin in 24 days, only 46 days away from the season home opener for the phils, and average high will be 650 before you know it, just 39 days away. take a look outside area middle school, no snow left on the gown, been too warm, definitely still has damp scene. 41 degrees, wind still whipping out there, 16 miles per hour, sustained, that said, tomorrow is the coldest day of the pack. we'll rebound quickly, sunday first favorite, 58 degrees sunshine, that's great excuse, to maybe make some outdoor plans. >> oh, i like it, i'll take it, katie, thank you. how about this? dancing near dawn. dozens in philadelphia decided to hilt the club and party before heading to work this morning. the inspiration for this unusual event. >> ♪ >> the base booming, rittenhouse square. >> ♪ >> but this is an after-hours, 7:00 a.m. >> we go jogging in the morning anyway, right? >> bus ago move thursday morning, even little one breaking it down to a little rihanna. >> ♪ >> across the dance floors, co-workers with their business drake impression. >> ♪ >> still working out now. it is tiring. i need a lot of coffee. >> this wake up dance party is a creation of ticket leak, the popular on line ticketing system, it also started right here in philadelphia. >> a chance for people to fight the winter blues, get up early, do something fun before work. >> tickets cost about $10 a head, all of the proceeds going to big brothers, big sisters independent region, cause close to michelle's heart. she is a big sister. >> i love to dance, snow is also fun. >> and what dance party titles i woke up like this is complete without a little beyonce. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> party up. >> holds different event every month, the next dance party isn't until spring. these folks, though, won't wait that long. >> get out. do something. get it together. let's go. >> ♪ >> rittenhouse square. >> what a great idea, check it out. still ahead this noon, amazing view of the milky way. we'll be right ♪ i had an injury to my neck. it wasn't as serious injury it was a herniated disc. anything that could go wrong went wrong. i've been in the hospital twenty three times since. the bills started to pile up. i had nothing to give. we had nothing in the refrigerator. i would be dead and not sitting here right now if it wasn't for pond lehocky. >> amazing photo here, how scientists captured the snapshot, very scientific, we'll skip that park. the sharpers image ever of the galaxy. all of those color coming out, absolutely gorgeous. now, me being a geeky would love to hear the scientific explanation, but i feel like we'll probably run out of time. >> probably. that's "eyewitness news" at noon, for katie, all of us here, thanks for watching. >> "eyewitness news" continues at 5:00. always 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that what you're saying? >> victor: i do not deal in hypotheticals. i only deal in realities. >> victoria: you make threats. you inflict terror. >> victor: listen, that luca -- that pompous ass -- needed to understand what's going on. the same thing happened to natalie. she needed to know what's at stake.

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