Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 12PM 20160125 : compa

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 12PM 20160125

stand. >> i a long weekends turns into a rough start to the work week, for many digging out then cleaning up after the weekend's record snowstorm. we have live team three coverage for you, katie tracking warmer forecast, like the sound of that, cleve bryan down at the shore in margate, first, we want to get out to rahel sullivan in university city with the clean up effort there. good afternoon. >> good afternoon, erika, you know, today we're still seeing streets crippled by this weekend storm, even with all of the sunshine we've gotten, still seeing cars that appear to be snowed in. still seeing roads covered. now, we want to take you now to see we're at 43rd and low cut cuss, the university city section of philadelphia, where i have to be honest, is not great but one of the better streets, the only reason ' here one of the few areas where we can actually safely pull over and park. now, i got to tell you, earlier we had some video just fresh into our news room, from south philadelphia. where you can see, they're not doing much better, now, there, you can also see, there are narrow street made even more difficult to get through because of all of the snow. now today i did speak with philadelphia streets commissioner, donald carlton, and he admits to me this isn't quite the battle for them because of the duration of the snowstorm. telling me that they plow un salted street earlier in the storm, several hours later it is like they did nothing, neighbors meantime ziegel street south philly say more could have been done, and roads like this create all kind of dangerous scenarios. >> i think they should have been more prepared for the situation than we were having, knowing that we were getting couple of foot of snow. >> come down, get down here, we have elderly people in the street, god forbid anything happens. >> and we want to take you now to some live chopper video where we have our crew out there, and you can sort of see an aerial, wider broader picture what south philadelphia streets are looking like, again as i said earlier, at 43rd and locust, but some of the surrounding streets around here are absolutely treacherous, because they're still i would say several inch of snow on the ground, and so as you might imagine, it becomes very difficult to navigate these roads, in fact, just yesterday, on cedar avenue, also, in west philadelphia, i saw quite a few cars just completely stuck in the middle of the road. that's what motorists are dealing with out here in west philadelphia, we saw it in our vyed yo in south philadelphia, as well. now i have to say, commissioner carlton told me that their goal is to have these streets, the residential streets, at least, cleared within the next day or two he tells me all crews operating on deck, all crews, rather, all hands on deck. to give you some perspective how much material was used over this weekend, he tell me they have about 50,000 tons of salt in supply. he says this weekend alone they have used 10,000, so about 20% of their supply he said ordered more in the event of another snowstorm. that's the way it looks here in south philadelphia, i send it back to you. >> rahel, thank you so much. we have good news to report, good news to come out of this weekend snowstorm. you can now park for free at parking authority meters and kiosk, the philadelphia will not enforce violations because of the super storm. also extended 5-dollar discount garage rate will last until tomorrow morning, however, there is a calf yacht. they will ticket you for parking near fire hydrants and in other restricted areas. septa says making headway, most routes back on the road though many working with detours, they also say the broad street line and market frankford line is on or close to schedule. regional rails are setback in service, but could be snow piling continues, so play and head. allentown officials to break out heavy equipment to clear out the roadways, chopper three over side street that needed front ends loader look at that big thing, as you can see, some cars on the block were still blanketed when several inches every snow now, people who live at the shore are dealing with overwhelming snow, but also, enormous beach errosion, serious flooding, too they say huge clean up job. more on what residents and officials to do now to wake up and get ready to go. >> this scene here on ventnor avenue, margate, pretty typical what you see at the shore. >> this was a river of snow and ice about knee-deep. now the water gone down, just debris everywhere. people also looking at the damages and their cars. i took a peak inside the prius right there, there is frozen puddles along the floor, and then when i come over to this house, what a lot of people have going on, they have their mats drying in the sun trying to hopefully be able to pick up the pieces and get things back to normal. now, chopper three took some surveying of the damages, all on the coast what they are seeing are streets that have sand, debris deposited on them because it was all water and really just people's trash and anything that floated just basically winding up all over the place, now, water did go into some homes, some rescues, the other concern of course we've rocks, some of the beaches where they had dunes that were replenished within the past two years now look like they got knock after super storm sandy, large clipping happening on the beaches at the dunes, but, in some regard it shows the dunes protected the homes, which is why they do these beach replenishments, so, of course, a lot of surveying still done at the shore. they'll see of course to get as much money as they can from the state and federal government to assist with the beaches, and we will gave you an update later today. reporting live in margate, cleve bryan, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". >> great to hear the dunes held up, clever, thank you. camden looks a lot like parts of south philadelphia. check this out. chopper three over the city this morning. some of those streets still completely covered, cars, just submerged in the snow. that long dig out continues today in camden. at least the sun is out, little warmer than it has been, so should help with the clean up. checking in with katie fehlinger, what's interesting, certain communities saw more flooding than sandy, other less? >> exactly there is really at least for couple every communities ended up being really major event. in terms of the coastal flooding specifically, i want to gave you a couple of specific details in terms of how strong that high tide was, so that's where we'll turn our focus first, take you on outside. so let's go on out to the graphics, we will take a look at couple of choice locations, stone harbor got slammed saturday morning, tide came in at ten and a half plus feet the records from saint 9.3 so well exceed philadelphia, there cape may, similar, where over 9 feet on the past saturday morning exceeds from saints 7.8 feet. couple of communities got absolutely blasted with the storm system, that persistent on shore winds flow. take a look outside boardwalk plaza here in rehoboth. that entire boardwalk, look closely, covered in sands, folks, no boards visible, basically like the beach just came right up to the front of the building. meanwhile, it is just a heavy snow pack out in kutztown area middle school here in the live neighborhood network. at least as we mention storm scan is quiet. hands full of clouds currently visible out there, no huge deal, but i want you to walk for the next couple of days for the potential of re-freezing here guys. >> it means you will likely be below freezing tonight and anything that has chance to melt may in fact turn back over to ice. that's going to a theme for us the next couple of mornings, but at least for now, erika, we can bang on sunday shine and just breath of fresh air here in the wake that far storm. >> katie, thank up. we are we weren't weren't the only ones hammered, much of the washington dc area frozen, schools are closed and the mayor asked everyone to please just stay home. >> video from nypd helicopter shows the city blanket in the white. massive storm the apple's seconds most snowy on record. while the clean up continues after the storm, dozens of deaths, many shoveling related, have been reported. correspondent craig boswell with the latest on the conditions along the east coast. >> people spent the morning digging out cars, burried in snow, in washington, d.c. about 2 feet of snow is on the ground in the nation's capitol. more than enough to close federal offices and schools today. resident not used to shoveling this much snow. >> a lot of people are not really fit for a job. >> because it is dangerous. >> this is just as dangerous a job. >> many streets in the city remain unplowed, impassable, some drivers are deciding just to stop near the street, get out of the car, and walk where they need to go. we are still in a snow emergency in washington, d.c., operating under state of emergency, in the district, as well. >> and dc is not alone. at least five states reported getting at least 30 inches of snow. >> new york city has lifted its travel ban, and schools are open, but many people in the outer borough, like queens, are finding it slow going on foot and on the road. eighty-nine year old joe has a message for city off english come down my block once in a while. >> at the airport, flights resumed at dullos, limited at new york, philadelphia. >> people should be expecting larger than usual crowds. >> flights were canceled over the weekends, officials say it will take some time to get everyone baton track. >> coming up this noon, dangerous prisoners, escape from high security prison. wait until you hear how they did it. also the latest on the search next. and, here is a question. how well do you really know your co-workers? one boss is hoping to increase your knowledge by arranging blind dates. more news and we'll explain that when we come >> southern california, three inmates escaped from a saint an anna prison. the men used cutting tools bed sheets to break out of maximum security facility. danielle not inning hang the latest from outside the orange county central men's jail. >> investigators say this grainy surveillance video shows the three men on un guards dollars area of the roof of the orange county central men's jail shortly after friday security check, from there, they were able to repel down nearly five floors to their escape. >> it appears to be a very sophisticated operation where they were allowed to go through some security access points, some tools that allowed them to do that. >> jail officials say the inmates cut their way through steel screen inside their dormatory style cell, and made their way into plumbing tunnels. from there, the men bypass three security areas, and gained access to the jail's roof. and used a makeshift rope, braided with linens, to reach the ground. the three men were in county custody facing charges for serious crimes, jonathan, held on $1 million bail, for charges, including murder. thirty-seven year old jose, held without bail, charged with kidnapping, torture, and burglary. forty-three year old bob dunn faces charges every attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon, and being an ex-fell on in possession after firearm. this is the first escape from this jail, in more than two decades. >> escapes do occur from time to time. people in jail have a lot of time to sit around and think about ways to defeat our system. >> investigators don't know what tools the inmates used, how they got the tools, or whether they had any help. danielle nottingham, cbs news, santa ana california. >> still ahead on "eyewitness news", the teams for superbowl 50 all set. we'll lack back at championship sunday coming up. >> also, we look ahead at the storm from space. amazing shots here of this weekends' mega storm, as seen from high above the earth. such cool pictures, kate. >> i it has been absolutely un believe tonight look at some of the nasa images specially with the snow pack now in place. so we certainly have a lot to get rid of, at least the sun is back, but also leads to re-freezing concerns, your full forecast coming up. >> teams will be battling it out in california in less than two weeks, yesterday's game went down to the final second, excite willing game. tomorrow brady through a touchdown to rob to get the defending patriots within two of the denver broncos with just 172nd left. but brady's tried two-point conversion wasn't supt dollars. broncos win this 120-18. now the nfc game did not have as much drama, not even close. panther beat up the cardinals, had 17-point lead in the first quarter really just never looked back. mvp candidate cam newton of the panthers through for two touchdowns, and ran for two more. carolina beat arizona 49-to 15. the panthers second trip to the superbowl. so it will be cam newton, carolina panthers, against peyton manning and the superbowl broncos, big game sunday february 7th at levi stadium santa claire a, california. just in can't you can't get in your leer jet to get in and watch it live watch it with us here on cbs-3, we certainly will have quite the line up there. >> exciting. >> back here, all of the snow, waking up to that dreaded shoveling. >> absolutely. >> so excited. yes, a lot of shoveling out there today. >> quite a bit of it, yes, at least the weather is calm and collected for, that how much, our own fair share of i always call them aftermath issues, come with the kind of storms. so actually going to take you outside first and for most, take a look first at where we stack up in terms of the records. now, we officially call it blizzard 2016. here in philadelphia, it is worth a mention. we didn't actually ever achieve bliss adder conditions, there is very specific weather service criteria, that must be met. we needed 35-mile per hour wind speeds sustain for at least three hours, below quarter mile visibility, for at least three hours, we never earned dollars up having that, but we had mixture of those conditions, throughout the day. definately blowing and drifting snow as well, snow actually falling, this blizzard was record producer for many big cities along the i95 corridor, the top storm ever in baltimore, two biggest storm in new york sit and for us, as well as dc, it was the fourth largest storm on record. respectfully. meanwhile, current snow cover, this is interesting our region actually sits in the bumm being of the heaviest snow pack, even serious and buffalo can't hold a candle to us. storm scan3, no more falling from the sky. nice wide zoom, nationwide map, there is basically just one little piece of energy, through portions every minute society, a nebraska, actually going to head our way. by tomorrow, trigger couple of stray showers, but, there is also a front that's going to set up on its tail end. along that front later this week, area of low pressure set to develop. now don't get too worried at yet. at the moment most of our guidance keeping this sucker out to sea. however, there is a chance that it might try to throw some moisture back, specially through new jersey, and maybe bring us some snow toward the tail end of the week. nothing like the scenario we saw this past weekends, that's good news, but something that we will definitely monitor. right now i'm not sounding any alarms on it, just big heads up. tuesday afternoon, start to see the next disturbance crossing through, so weak, rain shower here and there, puddle little system. don't worry about. that will pretty quiet forecast all things considered. long gone come wednesday. meanwhile quick look at the area temperatures, generally mid 30's around most of the region, little colder miler depending where you are right now, but that said, we're basically about where we should be for the daytime high today. so not going to see too much more movement on the thermometer readings, tomorrow, the warmest day at least the next five, and again, going to see a rain straight up rain shower through the second half of the day, as we look forward, forward towards the tail end of the week though at least allowing for flurry perhaps snow shower, then the weekends actually looks like we start warming things up. that might be a trends that sticks with us, too, definitely was far more active saturday. >> yes, 40's never looked so good. we've seen a lot of images of the storm from space over the last few days, so cool there is last one shows snow cover from the first winter storm of the season. observers from the national oceanic and atmospheric administration tweeted out image this morning, cool shot, i look this perspective just get on out of here keep ongoing. >> see ya. >> katie, how does this sounds? getting fed up with a co-worker on blind date. one boss said he thought it is a really great idea. we have details when we come back. we'll explain. >> 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usually. consumer reporter jim donovan is on your side with what some are calling unfair pricing. that's today at 5:00. would you go on a blind date with a co-worker? a toronto base accounting firm encourages this, not in the way you think. employees at fresh books go on lunch or coffee dates set up by the company. they're paired up with colleagues from different didn't, who normally wouldn't work together. so they can get a chance to get to one another on a professional level and be more productive. >> a lot of talking and a lot of communication going on, sometimes it is not with everybody, and that's what's kind of blind dates is about. trying to get people who would never really work with this kind of team to just meet. >> the blind dates have been very popular at the company. employees say at first it was awkward, like real blind dates, but despite the jitters of meeting someone for the first time they really enjoyed t as you saw the dogs around the offers, they encourage pets to come to work too. >> i love this idea, the whole offers side of the building i almost never get over to it. >> fantastic. >> that's "eyewitness news" at noon, i'm erika von tiehl. for katie, and all of us here, thanks for watching. >> always on line at >> the young and the restless is coming up next. >> and let's get to dogs to work, too! ♪ i've been a turkey farmer my whole life... and i raise turkey for shady brook farms®. we don't use growth-promoting antibiotics, that's just the way things should be done. that's important to me. my name is glenn, and i'm an independent turkey farmer. (female announcer) shady brook farms®. no growth-promoting antibiotics, just honest, simple turkey. [ door closes ] >> adam: [ sighs ] look at that. the airline found my luggage. i wasn't worried. that's great. now, if you could just call me a taxi, i can get the hell out of here. how's that sound? >> [ sighs ] you stink. >> adam: yeah. yeah, it's not good. but you're ugly, you know, so... i don't know why we got to talk to each other this way. i thought we were getting along so well. >> brought you your clothes. time to get you cleaned up. it's almost showtime. >> kevin: paul? >> paul: oh. what do you want, kevin? >> kevin: i want in. i think i could be a real asset in this adam-for-natalie exchange. >> paul: oh, wait. am i hallucinating, or we already have this conversation? >> kevin: well, i would like to have it again. >> paul: well, i wouldn't. >> kevin: i'm worried about something happening to natalie! >> paul: don't be worried. >> kevin: tha'

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New York , United States , Cape May , New Jersey , Arizona , Nebraska , Kutztown , Pennsylvania , Philadelphia , Turkey , California , University City , Allentown , Toronto , Ontario , Canada , Washington , District Of Columbia , Denver , Colorado , Donald Carlton , Danielle Nottingham , Peyton Manning , Jim Donovan , Santa Claire , Margate Cleve Bryan Cbs , Cleve Bryan , Bob Dunn , Craig Boswell ,

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Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 12PM 20160125 :

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 12PM 20160125

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stand. >> i a long weekends turns into a rough start to the work week, for many digging out then cleaning up after the weekend's record snowstorm. we have live team three coverage for you, katie tracking warmer forecast, like the sound of that, cleve bryan down at the shore in margate, first, we want to get out to rahel sullivan in university city with the clean up effort there. good afternoon. >> good afternoon, erika, you know, today we're still seeing streets crippled by this weekend storm, even with all of the sunshine we've gotten, still seeing cars that appear to be snowed in. still seeing roads covered. now, we want to take you now to see we're at 43rd and low cut cuss, the university city section of philadelphia, where i have to be honest, is not great but one of the better streets, the only reason ' here one of the few areas where we can actually safely pull over and park. now, i got to tell you, earlier we had some video just fresh into our news room, from south philadelphia. where you can see, they're not doing much better, now, there, you can also see, there are narrow street made even more difficult to get through because of all of the snow. now today i did speak with philadelphia streets commissioner, donald carlton, and he admits to me this isn't quite the battle for them because of the duration of the snowstorm. telling me that they plow un salted street earlier in the storm, several hours later it is like they did nothing, neighbors meantime ziegel street south philly say more could have been done, and roads like this create all kind of dangerous scenarios. >> i think they should have been more prepared for the situation than we were having, knowing that we were getting couple of foot of snow. >> come down, get down here, we have elderly people in the street, god forbid anything happens. >> and we want to take you now to some live chopper video where we have our crew out there, and you can sort of see an aerial, wider broader picture what south philadelphia streets are looking like, again as i said earlier, at 43rd and locust, but some of the surrounding streets around here are absolutely treacherous, because they're still i would say several inch of snow on the ground, and so as you might imagine, it becomes very difficult to navigate these roads, in fact, just yesterday, on cedar avenue, also, in west philadelphia, i saw quite a few cars just completely stuck in the middle of the road. that's what motorists are dealing with out here in west philadelphia, we saw it in our vyed yo in south philadelphia, as well. now i have to say, commissioner carlton told me that their goal is to have these streets, the residential streets, at least, cleared within the next day or two he tells me all crews operating on deck, all crews, rather, all hands on deck. to give you some perspective how much material was used over this weekend, he tell me they have about 50,000 tons of salt in supply. he says this weekend alone they have used 10,000, so about 20% of their supply he said ordered more in the event of another snowstorm. that's the way it looks here in south philadelphia, i send it back to you. >> rahel, thank you so much. we have good news to report, good news to come out of this weekend snowstorm. you can now park for free at parking authority meters and kiosk, the philadelphia will not enforce violations because of the super storm. also extended 5-dollar discount garage rate will last until tomorrow morning, however, there is a calf yacht. they will ticket you for parking near fire hydrants and in other restricted areas. septa says making headway, most routes back on the road though many working with detours, they also say the broad street line and market frankford line is on or close to schedule. regional rails are setback in service, but could be snow piling continues, so play and head. allentown officials to break out heavy equipment to clear out the roadways, chopper three over side street that needed front ends loader look at that big thing, as you can see, some cars on the block were still blanketed when several inches every snow now, people who live at the shore are dealing with overwhelming snow, but also, enormous beach errosion, serious flooding, too they say huge clean up job. more on what residents and officials to do now to wake up and get ready to go. >> this scene here on ventnor avenue, margate, pretty typical what you see at the shore. >> this was a river of snow and ice about knee-deep. now the water gone down, just debris everywhere. people also looking at the damages and their cars. i took a peak inside the prius right there, there is frozen puddles along the floor, and then when i come over to this house, what a lot of people have going on, they have their mats drying in the sun trying to hopefully be able to pick up the pieces and get things back to normal. now, chopper three took some surveying of the damages, all on the coast what they are seeing are streets that have sand, debris deposited on them because it was all water and really just people's trash and anything that floated just basically winding up all over the place, now, water did go into some homes, some rescues, the other concern of course we've rocks, some of the beaches where they had dunes that were replenished within the past two years now look like they got knock after super storm sandy, large clipping happening on the beaches at the dunes, but, in some regard it shows the dunes protected the homes, which is why they do these beach replenishments, so, of course, a lot of surveying still done at the shore. they'll see of course to get as much money as they can from the state and federal government to assist with the beaches, and we will gave you an update later today. reporting live in margate, cleve bryan, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". >> great to hear the dunes held up, clever, thank you. camden looks a lot like parts of south philadelphia. check this out. chopper three over the city this morning. some of those streets still completely covered, cars, just submerged in the snow. that long dig out continues today in camden. at least the sun is out, little warmer than it has been, so should help with the clean up. checking in with katie fehlinger, what's interesting, certain communities saw more flooding than sandy, other less? >> exactly there is really at least for couple every communities ended up being really major event. in terms of the coastal flooding specifically, i want to gave you a couple of specific details in terms of how strong that high tide was, so that's where we'll turn our focus first, take you on outside. so let's go on out to the graphics, we will take a look at couple of choice locations, stone harbor got slammed saturday morning, tide came in at ten and a half plus feet the records from saint 9.3 so well exceed philadelphia, there cape may, similar, where over 9 feet on the past saturday morning exceeds from saints 7.8 feet. couple of communities got absolutely blasted with the storm system, that persistent on shore winds flow. take a look outside boardwalk plaza here in rehoboth. that entire boardwalk, look closely, covered in sands, folks, no boards visible, basically like the beach just came right up to the front of the building. meanwhile, it is just a heavy snow pack out in kutztown area middle school here in the live neighborhood network. at least as we mention storm scan is quiet. hands full of clouds currently visible out there, no huge deal, but i want you to walk for the next couple of days for the potential of re-freezing here guys. >> it means you will likely be below freezing tonight and anything that has chance to melt may in fact turn back over to ice. that's going to a theme for us the next couple of mornings, but at least for now, erika, we can bang on sunday shine and just breath of fresh air here in the wake that far storm. >> katie, thank up. we are we weren't weren't the only ones hammered, much of the washington dc area frozen, schools are closed and the mayor asked everyone to please just stay home. >> video from nypd helicopter shows the city blanket in the white. massive storm the apple's seconds most snowy on record. while the clean up continues after the storm, dozens of deaths, many shoveling related, have been reported. correspondent craig boswell with the latest on the conditions along the east coast. >> people spent the morning digging out cars, burried in snow, in washington, d.c. about 2 feet of snow is on the ground in the nation's capitol. more than enough to close federal offices and schools today. resident not used to shoveling this much snow. >> a lot of people are not really fit for a job. >> because it is dangerous. >> this is just as dangerous a job. >> many streets in the city remain unplowed, impassable, some drivers are deciding just to stop near the street, get out of the car, and walk where they need to go. we are still in a snow emergency in washington, d.c., operating under state of emergency, in the district, as well. >> and dc is not alone. at least five states reported getting at least 30 inches of snow. >> new york city has lifted its travel ban, and schools are open, but many people in the outer borough, like queens, are finding it slow going on foot and on the road. eighty-nine year old joe has a message for city off english come down my block once in a while. >> at the airport, flights resumed at dullos, limited at new york, philadelphia. >> people should be expecting larger than usual crowds. >> flights were canceled over the weekends, officials say it will take some time to get everyone baton track. >> coming up this noon, dangerous prisoners, escape from high security prison. wait until you hear how they did it. also the latest on the search next. and, here is a question. how well do you really know your co-workers? one boss is hoping to increase your knowledge by arranging blind dates. more news and we'll explain that when we come >> southern california, three inmates escaped from a saint an anna prison. the men used cutting tools bed sheets to break out of maximum security facility. danielle not inning hang the latest from outside the orange county central men's jail. >> investigators say this grainy surveillance video shows the three men on un guards dollars area of the roof of the orange county central men's jail shortly after friday security check, from there, they were able to repel down nearly five floors to their escape. >> it appears to be a very sophisticated operation where they were allowed to go through some security access points, some tools that allowed them to do that. >> jail officials say the inmates cut their way through steel screen inside their dormatory style cell, and made their way into plumbing tunnels. from there, the men bypass three security areas, and gained access to the jail's roof. and used a makeshift rope, braided with linens, to reach the ground. the three men were in county custody facing charges for serious crimes, jonathan, held on $1 million bail, for charges, including murder. thirty-seven year old jose, held without bail, charged with kidnapping, torture, and burglary. forty-three year old bob dunn faces charges every attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon, and being an ex-fell on in possession after firearm. this is the first escape from this jail, in more than two decades. >> escapes do occur from time to time. people in jail have a lot of time to sit around and think about ways to defeat our system. >> investigators don't know what tools the inmates used, how they got the tools, or whether they had any help. danielle nottingham, cbs news, santa ana california. >> still ahead on "eyewitness news", the teams for superbowl 50 all set. we'll lack back at championship sunday coming up. >> also, we look ahead at the storm from space. amazing shots here of this weekends' mega storm, as seen from high above the earth. such cool pictures, kate. >> i it has been absolutely un believe tonight look at some of the nasa images specially with the snow pack now in place. so we certainly have a lot to get rid of, at least the sun is back, but also leads to re-freezing concerns, your full forecast coming up. >> teams will be battling it out in california in less than two weeks, yesterday's game went down to the final second, excite willing game. tomorrow brady through a touchdown to rob to get the defending patriots within two of the denver broncos with just 172nd left. but brady's tried two-point conversion wasn't supt dollars. broncos win this 120-18. now the nfc game did not have as much drama, not even close. panther beat up the cardinals, had 17-point lead in the first quarter really just never looked back. mvp candidate cam newton of the panthers through for two touchdowns, and ran for two more. carolina beat arizona 49-to 15. the panthers second trip to the superbowl. so it will be cam newton, carolina panthers, against peyton manning and the superbowl broncos, big game sunday february 7th at levi stadium santa claire a, california. just in can't you can't get in your leer jet to get in and watch it live watch it with us here on cbs-3, we certainly will have quite the line up there. >> exciting. >> back here, all of the snow, waking up to that dreaded shoveling. >> absolutely. >> so excited. yes, a lot of shoveling out there today. >> quite a bit of it, yes, at least the weather is calm and collected for, that how much, our own fair share of i always call them aftermath issues, come with the kind of storms. so actually going to take you outside first and for most, take a look first at where we stack up in terms of the records. now, we officially call it blizzard 2016. here in philadelphia, it is worth a mention. we didn't actually ever achieve bliss adder conditions, there is very specific weather service criteria, that must be met. we needed 35-mile per hour wind speeds sustain for at least three hours, below quarter mile visibility, for at least three hours, we never earned dollars up having that, but we had mixture of those conditions, throughout the day. definately blowing and drifting snow as well, snow actually falling, this blizzard was record producer for many big cities along the i95 corridor, the top storm ever in baltimore, two biggest storm in new york sit and for us, as well as dc, it was the fourth largest storm on record. respectfully. meanwhile, current snow cover, this is interesting our region actually sits in the bumm being of the heaviest snow pack, even serious and buffalo can't hold a candle to us. storm scan3, no more falling from the sky. nice wide zoom, nationwide map, there is basically just one little piece of energy, through portions every minute society, a nebraska, actually going to head our way. by tomorrow, trigger couple of stray showers, but, there is also a front that's going to set up on its tail end. along that front later this week, area of low pressure set to develop. now don't get too worried at yet. at the moment most of our guidance keeping this sucker out to sea. however, there is a chance that it might try to throw some moisture back, specially through new jersey, and maybe bring us some snow toward the tail end of the week. nothing like the scenario we saw this past weekends, that's good news, but something that we will definitely monitor. right now i'm not sounding any alarms on it, just big heads up. tuesday afternoon, start to see the next disturbance crossing through, so weak, rain shower here and there, puddle little system. don't worry about. that will pretty quiet forecast all things considered. long gone come wednesday. meanwhile quick look at the area temperatures, generally mid 30's around most of the region, little colder miler depending where you are right now, but that said, we're basically about where we should be for the daytime high today. so not going to see too much more movement on the thermometer readings, tomorrow, the warmest day at least the next five, and again, going to see a rain straight up rain shower through the second half of the day, as we look forward, forward towards the tail end of the week though at least allowing for flurry perhaps snow shower, then the weekends actually looks like we start warming things up. that might be a trends that sticks with us, too, definitely was far more active saturday. >> yes, 40's never looked so good. we've seen a lot of images of the storm from space over the last few days, so cool there is last one shows snow cover from the first winter storm of the season. observers from the national oceanic and atmospheric administration tweeted out image this morning, cool shot, i look this perspective just get on out of here keep ongoing. >> see ya. >> katie, how does this sounds? getting fed up with a co-worker on blind date. one boss said he thought it is a really great idea. we have details when we come back. we'll explain. >> 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usually. consumer reporter jim donovan is on your side with what some are calling unfair pricing. that's today at 5:00. would you go on a blind date with a co-worker? a toronto base accounting firm encourages this, not in the way you think. employees at fresh books go on lunch or coffee dates set up by the company. they're paired up with colleagues from different didn't, who normally wouldn't work together. so they can get a chance to get to one another on a professional level and be more productive. >> a lot of talking and a lot of communication going on, sometimes it is not with everybody, and that's what's kind of blind dates is about. trying to get people who would never really work with this kind of team to just meet. >> the blind dates have been very popular at the company. employees say at first it was awkward, like real blind dates, but despite the jitters of meeting someone for the first time they really enjoyed t as you saw the dogs around the offers, they encourage pets to come to work too. >> i love this idea, the whole offers side of the building i almost never get over to it. >> fantastic. >> that's "eyewitness news" at noon, i'm erika von tiehl. for katie, and all of us here, thanks for watching. >> always on line at >> the young and the restless is coming up next. >> and let's get to dogs to work, too! ♪ i've been a turkey farmer my whole life... and i raise turkey for shady brook farms®. we don't use growth-promoting antibiotics, that's just the way things should be done. that's important to me. my name is glenn, and i'm an independent turkey farmer. (female announcer) shady brook farms®. no growth-promoting antibiotics, just honest, simple turkey. [ door closes ] >> adam: [ sighs ] look at that. the airline found my luggage. i wasn't worried. that's great. now, if you could just call me a taxi, i can get the hell out of here. how's that sound? >> [ sighs ] you stink. >> adam: yeah. yeah, it's not good. but you're ugly, you know, so... i don't know why we got to talk to each other this way. i thought we were getting along so well. >> brought you your clothes. time to get you cleaned up. it's almost showtime. >> kevin: paul? >> paul: oh. what do you want, kevin? >> kevin: i want in. i think i could be a real asset in this adam-for-natalie exchange. >> paul: oh, wait. am i hallucinating, or we already have this conversation? >> kevin: well, i would like to have it again. >> paul: well, i wouldn't. >> kevin: i'm worried about something happening to natalie! >> paul: don't be worried. >> kevin: tha'

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