Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 11 20160620 : compare

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 11 20160620

live from the cbs3 broadcast center in philadelphia. this is cbs3 at 11:00. philadelphia sends a message of hope and love to the victims of orlando night club shooting. parishionerers gather for a special service at the cathedral basilica of saints peter and paul. i'm natasha brown. thanks for joining us. tonight's mass was many around the country marking one week since the deadly attack. it was the deadliest mass shooting in u.s. history. 49 people were killed, 53 others wounded. the fbi is preparing to release partial transcript the tomorrow of the 911 conversations between negotiators and gunman omar mateen, loretta lynch told cbs's "face the nation" she will be traveling on tuesday to meet with investigators. of in orlando thousands gather at a popular park for a community vigil to honor the victims. a rainbow appeared in the sky. trang do was at tonight's special mass here in philadelphia and she's live outside the catholic basilica of saints peter and paul in center city with more for us. trang? >> reporter: natasha this tragedy hit very close to home with local victim akyra murray. the director here says this mass has been in the work since the 49 candles alongside 49 roses in memory of those killed in the shooting. >> this is about people whose lives were senselessly taken. so that's the main concern here. that was the reason why we would immediately want to have celebrated for them. prayed for them. >> reporter: several hundred gathered for the special mass at the cathedral basilica of saints peter and paul. >> we were praying for them every night with my family and we are going to continue to and we have blessing to be here. ♪ . >> reporter: regular parishionerers say the service was a bit different than usual. >> it was little more spiritual and asking us to be forgiving. more caring, stop with the hate and love one another. we're all one, no matter what color race, gender, we're all one. >> very sorriful and we all care about them and our hearts go out to them. . >> reporter: father gill says several churches in the archdiocese held similar replaces to pray for the victims and their families. live in logan circle, trang do cbs3 eyewitness news. >> thank you so much. meanwhile, a pastor in sacramento california is facing protests over comments he made about the shootings. demonstrators gathered outside the church demanding pastor roger resign. in a sermon the day of the shooting, he praised the gunman saying orlando was safer than it had been before the attack. he spoke with recorders after the sermon. >> we had a an attendance here this morning and i want to thank the meated for the free publicity. >> they're calling for removal of the tax except status. there was a large police presence and no reports of violence. in wake of shooting, the senate is set to vote on a series of new begun control measures. we'll tell you what they are coming up later in our newscast. tonight we're hearing reaction from in writing in a bucks county community where 12 girls were rescued on thursday. one neighbor claims he voiced concerns to authorities about the feasterville home last year. "eyewitness news" reporter anita oh tells us why police say at that time they couldn't make any arrests. >> reporter: boarded up windows and overgrown yards, tall fencing. much of this home seems to declare privacy. what neighbors didn't know was why until now. >> they were off the grid. nobody knew about them. >> reporter: in the basement authorities found 12 young girls, it's youngest six months hiding in a chicken coupe. police have not found birth certificates or school records for any children. >> no idea there was 12 girls living in there because he only let three out at a time and even that was very limited. i waved one time they put their head down walked away. i thought something is off. >> reporter: more than a year ago neighbor kevin said he sat down with lower southampton police. and complained of daily trash burning and glimpsing a few young girls always in long plain dresses. >> enough is enough. >> reporter: he what he didn't know is that he fathered two children with the edlest girl now 18. she was only 14 when she first became pregnant. kaplan face as multitude of charges including sexual assault. >> mr. kaplan had her living there as some kind of repayment. >> reporter: daniel and sevilla admitted to giving here daughter to him. they thought it was legal after researching online. >> this could have been stopped a year ago. >> what kind of call did they call? they saw amish people? that's the calls we got. went get child abuse calls, unless i have substantial evidence to get a warrants and go in the house, if they you refuse police entry, they can't go in. >> reporter: they believe they're from an amish community. it's not clear if the ten others are also related meantime kaplan and girls parents remain in county jail on one million dollars bail each. reporting in feasterville anita oh cbs3 "eyewitness news." of course, stay with "eyewitness news" for continuing coverage of this story as new details emerge, we will have the latest for you both on television and online at take a look this "eyewitness news" video shows flames pouring from a home in philadelphia's strawberry mansion neighborhood. the fire broke out on napa street about 4:30 this afternoon. a 30-year-old man suffered undisclosed injuries. the fire was placed under control minutes later. >> it was gorgeous father's day here in philadelphia. meteorologist is on the cbs3 sky deck to tell us about whether the skies are going to stay clear. >> natasha yeah, we had a nice sunny weekend for you and dad but temperatures warmed up and it was kind of a hot one across the delaware valley, although those humidity levels stayed on the holible side. 91 degrees topped at 92 in allentown, warm at the shore, 86 the high temperature in wildwood and temperatures are still very mild at this hour, 79 degrees in philly, cooler down the shore with upper 60's. we're down into the middle 60's a mild night in the poconos but a good night goat out and check out that full strawberry moon and moon is up as of 8:20. call strawberry moon by the native americans because it was best time around now to pick the fruit and we do have clear sky conditions conducive to viewing that nice full moon, tomorrow is the solstace. the humidity will also be kicking. a chance for storms and a new tropical depression and i'll have it coming up in a few. >> we'll see you inside. an suv careens off the road and plunges into the delaware prompting an hour long search for the driver. cherri gregg from walt whitman bridge takes us to the scene in south philly. >> it's unbelievable. unreal. you don't see like this every day. >> reporter: he was waiting here at a stop light at the intersection of south columbus boulevard and oregon avenue. just before 3:00 a.m. sunday morning. >> right at the light at the intersection. a light, i mean, a car comes flying by. not sure of the model. >> reporter: moments later, a crash. >> i looked over and i seen the gate missing. i heard a splash. i told my friends in the car yo somebody went into the water. he says he ran to the water to help. >> all the debris, the fender hanging off. everything, there was nothing -- none in the water. >> reporter: he dialed 911. police, fire and marine units arrived and took divers minutes to locate the silver buick suv. an hour later they hauled it out. police knew the next step would be recovery. >> possibly the body was ejected in the crash. >> medics nearby searched for anyone who could have been inside. police divers sent hours searching for the driver of that suv but low visibility debris and more than's high tide made searching conditions extremely difficult. a man who declined to speak on camera was interviewed and said the vehicle is believed to be his brother's. divers gave up the search around 9:00 a.m. and police say it could be hours or days before a body rises to the surface. in south philadelphia, cherri gregg, kyw news radio cbs3 "eyewitness news." stay with us everyone, still ahead, donald trump sends a message to republican leaders after days of criticism. what he told face at nation host john dickerson today. plus. drivers get quite the shock when they have to share the highway with a cow. what police did when they encountered the animal. straight ahead in sports, could the phillies avoid a six-game losing streak? lesley van arsdale has the highlights and the . in response to the orlando night club shooting, the senate is expected to vote tomorrow on several new gun control measures, lawmakers have both sides have introduce bills. they explain why the amendments are likely to never become law. >> as the senate prepares to vote on several gun control measure, donald trump said he'd like to see people on the no fly and terrorist watch lift prevented from purchasing guns. but that puts him at odds with the national rifle association and he was less clear his position was set in stone. >> i understand what they're saying. a lot of people are on the list that really maybe shouldn't be on the list. their rights are being taken away. >> republicans and democrats are offering competing bills to address the so-called terror gap and expand background checks but coming in an election year they're expected to fail. the head of the nra down played a rift with trump and said they won't prevent a terrorist attack. >> laws didn't stop in san bernardino. >> chris manageru murphy who had a 15-hour fill buster acknowledged the uphill climb. >> we should be making our gun laws less full of swiss cheese holes so that future condition don't happen. >> on "face the nation" trump said the country should start to seriously consider muslim to prevent terrorism, he's under fire for republicans for expanding had us proposal to ban muslims from entering the country. juliana goldman cbs3 washington. donald trump called in to "face the nation" today to address reports of descent among the ranks of republicans, he faced criticism in recent days about the oral shootings, muslims and a judge of mexico heritage. today, he had a message for republican leaders. >> they shouldn't be talking so much. they should go out and do their job. let me do my job. i have tremendous support from both politicians and the people. >> reports are swirling around that members of the gop are conspireing to deny trump the nomination at the republican convention in july by changing the rules. trump has dismissed those reports calling them a quote hoax. you can catch "face the nation" with john dickerson sunday morning at 10:30 right here on cbs3. a tragic accident calls rising star in hollywood. an ton yelchin known for playing in the star trek films died in car accident. they say he was struck bay his he own car as it rolled backward down his driveway. in studio city california. he had gotten out. and police say didn't say why. britain's prince william spent his offhand sending a message about mental health in a video released for the heads together campaign, william talked to dad's and their children who had gone through a to difficult time in their lives. heads together aims to you change people's perception. he wrote in the editorials talking about the importance of children's mental needs. the camden county police department helped local kids give their dad's quite a sweet treat today for father's day. officers traveled around the neighborhood today handing out ice cream coneses from mr. softy and gave dad's free t-shirts promoting prostate cancer awareness. a celebration of american history in montgomery county. "eyewitness news" was there for the june teeth community celebration at st. paul's church in he will consistent's park. it dmem rates the end of slavery in the u.s. . >> the reason we're celebrating on this site is because the founder jay cook. jay cook was the founder of this church. he also raised 8 billion dollars in funds to support the union army. >> the church was also a stop on the under ground railroad. the network of safe houses where escaped slaves could make their way to freedom. certainly not something you see every day on the roads in new jersey. a cow. this twitter video from at mac rogers shows the cow making its way along 295 in greenwich township. police escorted the animal off the highway safely. the cow wasn't harmed or cars either. we hope he made it back. >> a nice day. he wanted to get out and take a little stroll, take in scenery. i'm thinking, a lovely father's day for him too. >> what great day. >> little bit warm. we had sunshine, dry condition, great for dad's day, we're going to ramp up the humidity, it's going to be tough. we're going to he want cannot dry conditions around for tomorrow and again we do have another air quality alert for much of the delaware valley as we have had over the last couple days with this heat in place, the sunshine, code orange for sensitive groups. so that would include the elderly, the very young and also those with respiratory issues. just take it easy especially with your outdoor activities tomorrow. temperatures right now, we're warm at this late hour, getting a look at center city philadelphia, mostly clear skies, 79 and we still have a touch of a heat index right now feeling more like 80 and temperatures, i was you look across the delaware valley low 70's and the lehigh valley mid 70s in berks county close to 70 at the shore and a large portion of country is dealing with this presummer. summer starts tomorrow, heat, 87 right now in minneapolis and still at 81 degrees in chicago. temperatures in your live neighborhood network consistent generally up into the 70, 73 in camden, our cool spot burlington at 68 degrees. on the rise, due points tell us about that sticky factor up about ten to 15 degrees. and some of our reporting sites, due points climbing up into the 50's and 60's, so humidity levels were pretty tolerable today but that humidity is rising you'll be able to feel that in the atmosphere tomorrow on comfort index with the due points in the 60's and combining that with high temperatures in the 90's expected for tomorrow. stormscan 3 showing us a trend of entire weekend. that is nothing high pressure still in control just a few passing clouds but no weather systems to be seen up wind, we go to the gulf of mexico, this is tropical depression number four but not going to pose a threat to the united states, wind speeds at about 35 miles per hour. expect to make land fall some time tomorrow. eastern mexico. it's going to be an abundance of rainfall potentially up to 15 inches, that could induce flash flooding and mud slides. for us, just the moon lit sky becoming muggy at 68. tomorrow we're up to the 2, a lot of heat and south westerly winds at around ten miles an hour, future weather, tomorrow evening will be quiet. you do notice a you for a isolated thunder showers developing in the morning hours, very spotty in nature, but do look out for had that. we'll have a quiet period and then as we head into the second half of the day, especially if we see sunshine breaking out that will destabilize the to atmosphere, you notice a couple of storms starting to up in the afternoon and evening, not everyone going to see storms tuesday but the ones that develop later in the day and i think we can see at a few more than that mole was projected those could be on the stronger size. do keep an eye to the sky on tuesday but for tomorrow, it's all about the heat. 92 in philly, topping in the mid 90's in the lehigh valley and still hot and steamy into tuesday as well with that storm chance 90 the high temperature and feeling much more comfortable by wednesday, sunshine cooler less humid with a high of 82. have another storm chance as we head into thursday, kind of scattered in nature. and then as we head into next weekend, we have pretty pleasant conditions and oh our cool day will be friday at 78 degrees. >> very nice, thank you so much, lauren. >> the nba finals. >> what game. >> unbelievable. >> it was unbelievable. cleveland has waited so long for a championship. tonight the party is on. labron james and the cabs with the upset over the go ahead state warriors and they do something that no other team in . quite a celebration happening in cleveland, we can tell you that. >> you knew game seven tonight was going to be a big game between the cavs and the warriors, but this was an epic game. 53 seconds left in the game. tide at 89. check out irving. labron so close to the championship. they get the first championship from cleveland in 52 years. the cavs first team in nba history to come back from a three-run deficit to win it all. 93-89 the final. rough stretch for the phillies continues. they were unsuccessful. it was a huge day for diamond backs. phillies lose 5-1. we get you ready for the nba draft. the sixers had the first pick, much debate over who they should take. we'll scout the top two prospects and who will be the best if it for team coming up after "eyewitness news" at 11:00. prodders, shuckersers, and sniffers, [ inhales ] all giant produce is triple checked. farm, crate, and store. we're focusing on fresh... you don't have to guess. my giant. . s lovely blue finish fish fish named dory swims her way to box office gold. >> my mom, my dad, i have a family. >> we will never forget you, dory. >> i will never forget you. >> finding door surpassed expectations $136 million, makes it the highest grossing animated debut of all time. central intelligence starring kevin hart came in second place, the conjuring two, now you see me 2 and warcraft . first day of scenario. >> 92, humid as well, hit or miss storms, possible in the morning and afternoon tuesday. 90 degrees, feeling more comfy by wednesday, 82, lower humidity. >> very nice thank you so much. thank you for joining us. we appreciate it, always on cbs3 now handing you over to leslie and the cbs3 sports zone. have a good night everyone. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ this is the buick sports zone on cbs3. should the schuylkill rivers simmonsor ingram? this afternoon this afternoon the phillies were trying to avoid sixth straight loss. i'm lesley van arsdale, we have a special show for you tonight. going to start with the nab draft. once the sixers got first pick of the draft started almost immediately. should they pick simmons or ingrams. >> this is huge draft for the schuylkill river, they're drafting number one for the first time since knicks when they took alan iverson. we assembled a great panel of experts to talk about this number one pick. we're going to start with the left side of the room, keith pompey from the philadelphia inquirer. he is the beat reporter for the sixers. this martelli head coach of the saints joe of's hawks and basketball legend sonny hill in the house. advisory with the sixers of the last 20's year, my man in the back. little phil give it up. he's here to help us scout these players. we're going to show tape. we're going to take a look at it and figure out who we'd like to see the sixers take number one overall. we'll start start with ben simmons. . >> he got knocked a lot through defense this year. i didn't see that in --

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