Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 11 20150223 : compare

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 11 20150223

♪ ♪ lieutenant, we're going now! roger that. ♪ ♪ chief, we're not stopping. we're rolling up on target hard. roger that, sir. we're about 30 seconds out. ♪ ♪ rorke: one mike out from the south entrance. (tires screeching, men shouting in spanish) (men shouting in spanish) (tires screeching) ♪ ♪ jefe! on the roof! (automatic gunfire) (tires screeching) (speaking spanish) we got to go. now. (automatic gunfire) ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ sir! leave two men here! (shouts in spanish) (device beeps) weimy! weimy! i need you to lock this down! frag out! on me. (gunfire fades in distance) ♪ ♪ you guys got the gate! call! you're going to the front door! go! (door creaks) ♪ ♪ call! ♪ ♪ (speaks foreign language) ♪ ♪ (heavy gunfire) ajay! ♪ ♪ (gunfire stops) ♪ ♪ bomb...! (rumbling whoosh) (labored breathing) ♪ ♪ damn it, sir. how you gonna explain that one to my family? get back there so i don't have to, huh? ♪ ♪ clear! (grenade clattering, echoing) grenade...! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ lt! (automatic gunfire) chief, i got him. ♪ ♪ keep going. i'll cover you. (shouts in spanish) ♪ ♪ (gun clicks empty) (shouting) (magazine clicking) (heart beating faintly) (magazine clatters to floor) ♪ ♪ (gunfire continues) chief. (heart beating faintly) dave (distorted): who are you? (faint, echoing): chief! assault two, this is assault one. be advised tunnel is secure and all threats are neutralized. lt and chief are down. (over radio): i say again, lt and chief are down. (heart continues beating faintly) (wind whistling softly) (heartbeat stops) hey buddy, you're squashing me! liquid wart remover? could take weeks to treat. embarrassing wart? dr. scholl's freeze away wipes 'em out fast with as few as one treatment. freeze away! dr. scholl's. the #1 selling freeze brand. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ dave (voice-over): your father was a good man. growing up without him is gonna be hard. it's gonna hurt. you'll feel alone, out to sea, with no shore in sight. you'll wonder, "why me? why him?" remember, you have warrior's blood in your veins. the code that made your father who he was is the same code that'll make you a man he would admire, respect. put your pain in a box. lock it down. like those people in the paintings your father liked, we are men made up of boxes, chambers of loss and triumph of hurt and hope and love. no one is stronger -or more dangerous than a man -ready! aim! who can harness his emotions... (simultaneous gunfire) ...his past. aim! (simultaneous gunfire) (rifles click) aim! (simultaneous gunfire) dave (voice-over): use it as fuel, as ammunition, as ink to write the most important letter of your life. oh behalf of the president of the united states and a grateful nation, i present you this flag in recognition of your husband's heroic achievements. you have my deepest condolences. one more flag to present. this one i think you know. on every deployment, rorke carried this with him. again, my deepest condolences. lieutenant engel! all: boo-yah, lieutenant engel! (bugle playing "taps") ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ dave (voice-over): before he died, your father asked me to give you this poem by tecumseh. i told him i'd fold it into a paper airplane. and in a way i guess that's what i'm doing, sailing it from him to you. "live your life that the fear of death "can never enter your heart. "trouble no one about his religion... dave and rorke: "respect others and their views, "and demand they respect yours. "love your life. "perfect your life... rorke: "beautify all things in your life. "seek to make your life long and of service to your people. "when your time comes to die "be not like those whose hearts are filled with fear of death, "so that when their time comes they weep and pray "for a little more time to live their lives "over again in a different way. "sing your death song. and die like a hero going home." ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh ♪ >> from the cbs broadcast center in philadelphia this is cbs3 "eyewitness news". right now on "eyewitness news" concerns about a refreeze refreeze. welcomed warmup today helped to melt a lot of the snow but temperatures are once again dropping and could make for slippery spots in the morning. good evening, i'm natasha brown. thank you so much for joining us. the brief warmup was just that, brief. bitter cold temperatures are right around the corner for us. let's get right over to meteorologist justin drabick tonight. he's tracking the drop in temperatures and also what we can expect for monday morning. justin. natasha, if you loved today's forecast you're not going to like the forecast for the next few days. actually temperatures right near average for this time of year but it felt nice because the sunshine was out. late february sun is strong. we haven't had temperatures this warm for at least a couple of weeks. here we are right now starting to slowly cool things down. 38 degrees current until philadelphia but look at wilmington 26. 30 in reading. 34 in allentown. fresh snow on the grounds that allows the temperatures to really drop off quickly but the true arctic air will arrive after midnight. 34 degrees current until quakertown and in doylestown. mid 20s this hour in willow grove. here the arctic front that passes through the overnight hours so this brings in a fresh supply of cold air high pressure builds in we're talking high temperatures 15 to 25 degrees below average both on monday and tuesday. there's the arctic front right now moving through northwestern pennsylvania a few snow showers along with it it will passover night just bringing a few clouds. should not see any snowflakes from that frontal boundary but the temperatures will drop eventually into the 20s so we have a lot of standing water from the melt today. so watch out for icy areas early tomorrow morning for the morning drive. also the winds will kick up so wind chill advisory will go into effect at 4:00 a.m. monday until 10am tuesday for the poconos. wind chills as low as minus 20 possible both mornings. coming up in the full forecast we'll talk about how cold the arctic air mass gets how long it stays and setting up for a dry stretch of weather. the seven day forecast in a few minutes. natasha. >> justin thanks so much. see you soon dangerous situation in center city today underground electrical fire triggered an explosion and officials think that the weather may have been factor in this. it happened here at 15th and locust streets. "eyewitness news" reporter matt rivers has more on exactly what happened. >> reporter: the explosion was powerful enough to blow off a manhole cover and shock those walking along locust street around 5:00 p.m. >> right after the explosions happened everyone started running, you know, you could see the fire. you could see smoke. people started clearing the area right away. >> reporter: fire had sparked an electrical wiring underneath the street. the resulting flames and smoke enough to prompt an evacuation of most of the buildings on the block. officials said their main concern was the spread of carbon monoxide. kyle's first thought -- >> getting out of there. pretty scary. pretty surreal moment. >> reporter: no one was injured and firefighters quickly got the fire under control. >> we saw a lot of black smoke coming out of the underground covers yeah, they were very quick to take objection rt report investigation into the cause continues. but initial reports say water from melting snow made its way into a sensitive area causing wiring to spark. >> due to the cold recent cold weather and melt today could be affecting electrical, water gas services it does have an effect. >> once the smoke cleared trouble did remain. firefighters going door to door on the blockrecorded readings of carbon monoxide mean something could be smoldering underground. only way to know for sure will require peco to tear up a portion of locust to begin repairs. and the repair work that will be required here on the 1500 block of locust will likely be extensive meaning this portion of the street will likely be closed to traffic for some time. we're in center city, matt rivers cbs3 "eyewitness news". in philadelphia today slush covered roads greeted drivers in the morning and ice and snow lined sidewalks. but by mid afternoon conditions improved enough for some to get in their daily run. but that had to be watched as well because there were lots of slick spots out there, and all across the river, it was much the same as "eyewitness news" reporter steve patterson shows us. the cleanup was in full swing in new jersey. >> reporter: if you're looking for one image to sum up sunday, see scott walker. a man shoveling snow in his basketball shorts. >> it's kind of warm out here compared to what it's been the last week when it's freezing cold. >> reporter: you don't 15 to go back that far. saturday south jersey was one of the areas worst hit. eyewitness video showing dangerous driving across the region. some towns in burlington county getting more than sick inches of. but what a difference a day makes. >> yeah, today the sun is out. i love it. i love the sun. >> reporter: sunday with temps in the low to mid 40s those same neighborhoods looked like a different time zone. jaelin thompson and company call eight good day for sledding. >> when i first work out it was hot even felt like i didn't gloves. >> reporter: residents in pemberton township also know it won't last. with the overnight forecast calling for a 20-degree drop, we found jose trying to clear off that front porch before all that slush refreezes. >> my wife got to go to work you know, the kids got to go to school. yeah, i'm concern. >> reporter: and we learned our guy scott who looked so comfortable shoveling in shorts was actually doing tough work to try to color out his community before the bitter cold comes back. >> when somebody wants to leave for work or school or something they can easily go out without the risk of getting stuck. >> reporter: when it was 40 degrees this afternoon sidewalk like this didn't cause much concern even though it's left untreated now that temperatures starting to plumet you can feel some of this already starting to refreeze. officials are advising caution for your morning commute. roaring from evesham township, i'm steve patterson cbs3 "eyewitness news". you can stay one step ahead of this ever changing forecast by downloading the cbs philly weather app. you can track live radar get weather alerts an lot more. it's all free and available now on google play and i tunes. and also, get the latest on weather when you wake up. join ukee, erika and katie on eyewitness this morning our team starts bright and early for you at 4:30. three firefighters hur while battering claims in chester town town. "eyewitness news" on two highland little lane in malvern the call came from 7:15. and took two hours to place under control. one firefighter hurt his ankle slipping on the ice but all of the injuries are said to be minor. the family was able to get out of the house and investigators believe the fire was accidental. developing now cbs news has learned a joint intelligence bulletin went out to law enforcement officials all across the country today alerting them about a potential terror threat to us malls. the bulletin came in response to a video released by the somalia based terror group al shabob on saturday. that urged individuals to carry out attacks at malls in the us in canada and also other western countries. cbs news correspondent meg oliver has more. >> reporter: local police across the country are in high alert after the al shabob terror group released a 76 minute long video late saturday. in the video a man who's face is covered with a towel says that west gate was just the beginning beginning. he is referring to the 2013 attack at the high end west gate mall in nairobi where 67 people were killed during a terrorist siege. on sunday homeland security jay johnson urged shoppers to be cautious. >> we now have a situation where groups like isol al shabob aqap are putts pub luckily calling for individual actors to carry out attacks in their home lands. and in my judge that represents a totally new environment. >> reporter: al shabob video single out minnesota's mall of america as well as six others. al shabob recruited flex minnesota in the past. it is home to the largest so molely population in north america. the mall of mercury lease add statement saying it has ramped up security. here in new york officials tell cbs news they give special attention to key shopping areas with swat teams and critical response vehicles. >> i feel save f i see policeman or state patrols. >> reporter: inn diligence officials say al shabob so far has not shown any ability to

Related Keywords

New York , United States , Canada , Evesham , Saskatchewan , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Minnesota , Burlington County , New Jersey , Nairobi , Nairobi Area , Kenya , Malvern , Center City , Quakertown , West Gate Mall , Willow Grove , Allentown , Somalia , Spain , America , Spanish , Steve Patterson , Meg Oliver , Natasha Brown , Jay Johnson , Scott Walker ,

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Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 11 20150223 :

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 11 20150223

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♪ ♪ lieutenant, we're going now! roger that. ♪ ♪ chief, we're not stopping. we're rolling up on target hard. roger that, sir. we're about 30 seconds out. ♪ ♪ rorke: one mike out from the south entrance. (tires screeching, men shouting in spanish) (men shouting in spanish) (tires screeching) ♪ ♪ jefe! on the roof! (automatic gunfire) (tires screeching) (speaking spanish) we got to go. now. (automatic gunfire) ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ sir! leave two men here! (shouts in spanish) (device beeps) weimy! weimy! i need you to lock this down! frag out! on me. (gunfire fades in distance) ♪ ♪ you guys got the gate! call! you're going to the front door! go! (door creaks) ♪ ♪ call! ♪ ♪ (speaks foreign language) ♪ ♪ (heavy gunfire) ajay! ♪ ♪ (gunfire stops) ♪ ♪ bomb...! (rumbling whoosh) (labored breathing) ♪ ♪ damn it, sir. how you gonna explain that one to my family? get back there so i don't have to, huh? ♪ ♪ clear! (grenade clattering, echoing) grenade...! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ lt! (automatic gunfire) chief, i got him. ♪ ♪ keep going. i'll cover you. (shouts in spanish) ♪ ♪ (gun clicks empty) (shouting) (magazine clicking) (heart beating faintly) (magazine clatters to floor) ♪ ♪ (gunfire continues) chief. (heart beating faintly) dave (distorted): who are you? (faint, echoing): chief! assault two, this is assault one. be advised tunnel is secure and all threats are neutralized. lt and chief are down. (over radio): i say again, lt and chief are down. (heart continues beating faintly) (wind whistling softly) (heartbeat stops) hey buddy, you're squashing me! liquid wart remover? could take weeks to treat. embarrassing wart? dr. scholl's freeze away wipes 'em out fast with as few as one treatment. freeze away! dr. scholl's. the #1 selling freeze brand. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ dave (voice-over): your father was a good man. growing up without him is gonna be hard. it's gonna hurt. you'll feel alone, out to sea, with no shore in sight. you'll wonder, "why me? why him?" remember, you have warrior's blood in your veins. the code that made your father who he was is the same code that'll make you a man he would admire, respect. put your pain in a box. lock it down. like those people in the paintings your father liked, we are men made up of boxes, chambers of loss and triumph of hurt and hope and love. no one is stronger -or more dangerous than a man -ready! aim! who can harness his emotions... (simultaneous gunfire) ...his past. aim! (simultaneous gunfire) (rifles click) aim! (simultaneous gunfire) dave (voice-over): use it as fuel, as ammunition, as ink to write the most important letter of your life. oh behalf of the president of the united states and a grateful nation, i present you this flag in recognition of your husband's heroic achievements. you have my deepest condolences. one more flag to present. this one i think you know. on every deployment, rorke carried this with him. again, my deepest condolences. lieutenant engel! all: boo-yah, lieutenant engel! (bugle playing "taps") ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ dave (voice-over): before he died, your father asked me to give you this poem by tecumseh. i told him i'd fold it into a paper airplane. and in a way i guess that's what i'm doing, sailing it from him to you. "live your life that the fear of death "can never enter your heart. "trouble no one about his religion... dave and rorke: "respect others and their views, "and demand they respect yours. "love your life. "perfect your life... rorke: "beautify all things in your life. "seek to make your life long and of service to your people. "when your time comes to die "be not like those whose hearts are filled with fear of death, "so that when their time comes they weep and pray "for a little more time to live their lives "over again in a different way. "sing your death song. and die like a hero going home." ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh ♪ >> from the cbs broadcast center in philadelphia this is cbs3 "eyewitness news". right now on "eyewitness news" concerns about a refreeze refreeze. welcomed warmup today helped to melt a lot of the snow but temperatures are once again dropping and could make for slippery spots in the morning. good evening, i'm natasha brown. thank you so much for joining us. the brief warmup was just that, brief. bitter cold temperatures are right around the corner for us. let's get right over to meteorologist justin drabick tonight. he's tracking the drop in temperatures and also what we can expect for monday morning. justin. natasha, if you loved today's forecast you're not going to like the forecast for the next few days. actually temperatures right near average for this time of year but it felt nice because the sunshine was out. late february sun is strong. we haven't had temperatures this warm for at least a couple of weeks. here we are right now starting to slowly cool things down. 38 degrees current until philadelphia but look at wilmington 26. 30 in reading. 34 in allentown. fresh snow on the grounds that allows the temperatures to really drop off quickly but the true arctic air will arrive after midnight. 34 degrees current until quakertown and in doylestown. mid 20s this hour in willow grove. here the arctic front that passes through the overnight hours so this brings in a fresh supply of cold air high pressure builds in we're talking high temperatures 15 to 25 degrees below average both on monday and tuesday. there's the arctic front right now moving through northwestern pennsylvania a few snow showers along with it it will passover night just bringing a few clouds. should not see any snowflakes from that frontal boundary but the temperatures will drop eventually into the 20s so we have a lot of standing water from the melt today. so watch out for icy areas early tomorrow morning for the morning drive. also the winds will kick up so wind chill advisory will go into effect at 4:00 a.m. monday until 10am tuesday for the poconos. wind chills as low as minus 20 possible both mornings. coming up in the full forecast we'll talk about how cold the arctic air mass gets how long it stays and setting up for a dry stretch of weather. the seven day forecast in a few minutes. natasha. >> justin thanks so much. see you soon dangerous situation in center city today underground electrical fire triggered an explosion and officials think that the weather may have been factor in this. it happened here at 15th and locust streets. "eyewitness news" reporter matt rivers has more on exactly what happened. >> reporter: the explosion was powerful enough to blow off a manhole cover and shock those walking along locust street around 5:00 p.m. >> right after the explosions happened everyone started running, you know, you could see the fire. you could see smoke. people started clearing the area right away. >> reporter: fire had sparked an electrical wiring underneath the street. the resulting flames and smoke enough to prompt an evacuation of most of the buildings on the block. officials said their main concern was the spread of carbon monoxide. kyle's first thought -- >> getting out of there. pretty scary. pretty surreal moment. >> reporter: no one was injured and firefighters quickly got the fire under control. >> we saw a lot of black smoke coming out of the underground covers yeah, they were very quick to take objection rt report investigation into the cause continues. but initial reports say water from melting snow made its way into a sensitive area causing wiring to spark. >> due to the cold recent cold weather and melt today could be affecting electrical, water gas services it does have an effect. >> once the smoke cleared trouble did remain. firefighters going door to door on the blockrecorded readings of carbon monoxide mean something could be smoldering underground. only way to know for sure will require peco to tear up a portion of locust to begin repairs. and the repair work that will be required here on the 1500 block of locust will likely be extensive meaning this portion of the street will likely be closed to traffic for some time. we're in center city, matt rivers cbs3 "eyewitness news". in philadelphia today slush covered roads greeted drivers in the morning and ice and snow lined sidewalks. but by mid afternoon conditions improved enough for some to get in their daily run. but that had to be watched as well because there were lots of slick spots out there, and all across the river, it was much the same as "eyewitness news" reporter steve patterson shows us. the cleanup was in full swing in new jersey. >> reporter: if you're looking for one image to sum up sunday, see scott walker. a man shoveling snow in his basketball shorts. >> it's kind of warm out here compared to what it's been the last week when it's freezing cold. >> reporter: you don't 15 to go back that far. saturday south jersey was one of the areas worst hit. eyewitness video showing dangerous driving across the region. some towns in burlington county getting more than sick inches of. but what a difference a day makes. >> yeah, today the sun is out. i love it. i love the sun. >> reporter: sunday with temps in the low to mid 40s those same neighborhoods looked like a different time zone. jaelin thompson and company call eight good day for sledding. >> when i first work out it was hot even felt like i didn't gloves. >> reporter: residents in pemberton township also know it won't last. with the overnight forecast calling for a 20-degree drop, we found jose trying to clear off that front porch before all that slush refreezes. >> my wife got to go to work you know, the kids got to go to school. yeah, i'm concern. >> reporter: and we learned our guy scott who looked so comfortable shoveling in shorts was actually doing tough work to try to color out his community before the bitter cold comes back. >> when somebody wants to leave for work or school or something they can easily go out without the risk of getting stuck. >> reporter: when it was 40 degrees this afternoon sidewalk like this didn't cause much concern even though it's left untreated now that temperatures starting to plumet you can feel some of this already starting to refreeze. officials are advising caution for your morning commute. roaring from evesham township, i'm steve patterson cbs3 "eyewitness news". you can stay one step ahead of this ever changing forecast by downloading the cbs philly weather app. you can track live radar get weather alerts an lot more. it's all free and available now on google play and i tunes. and also, get the latest on weather when you wake up. join ukee, erika and katie on eyewitness this morning our team starts bright and early for you at 4:30. three firefighters hur while battering claims in chester town town. "eyewitness news" on two highland little lane in malvern the call came from 7:15. and took two hours to place under control. one firefighter hurt his ankle slipping on the ice but all of the injuries are said to be minor. the family was able to get out of the house and investigators believe the fire was accidental. developing now cbs news has learned a joint intelligence bulletin went out to law enforcement officials all across the country today alerting them about a potential terror threat to us malls. the bulletin came in response to a video released by the somalia based terror group al shabob on saturday. that urged individuals to carry out attacks at malls in the us in canada and also other western countries. cbs news correspondent meg oliver has more. >> reporter: local police across the country are in high alert after the al shabob terror group released a 76 minute long video late saturday. in the video a man who's face is covered with a towel says that west gate was just the beginning beginning. he is referring to the 2013 attack at the high end west gate mall in nairobi where 67 people were killed during a terrorist siege. on sunday homeland security jay johnson urged shoppers to be cautious. >> we now have a situation where groups like isol al shabob aqap are putts pub luckily calling for individual actors to carry out attacks in their home lands. and in my judge that represents a totally new environment. >> reporter: al shabob video single out minnesota's mall of america as well as six others. al shabob recruited flex minnesota in the past. it is home to the largest so molely population in north america. the mall of mercury lease add statement saying it has ramped up security. here in new york officials tell cbs news they give special attention to key shopping areas with swat teams and critical response vehicles. >> i feel save f i see policeman or state patrols. >> reporter: inn diligence officials say al shabob so far has not shown any ability to

Related Keywords

New York , United States , Canada , Evesham , Saskatchewan , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Minnesota , Burlington County , New Jersey , Nairobi , Nairobi Area , Kenya , Malvern , Center City , Quakertown , West Gate Mall , Willow Grove , Allentown , Somalia , Spain , America , Spanish , Steve Patterson , Meg Oliver , Natasha Brown , Jay Johnson , Scott Walker ,

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