Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 11 20150119 : compare

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 11 20150119

or plummet to her death. very reassuring! okay. if you get enough momentum it could work! or not! it's 50/50! it's natural to be scared. you should be scared! you're the one who gave me these gloves! you're slipping! do it now! sylvester: ah...! how did she pull that off? `cause she's happy frickin' quinn. clock's ticking, happy. what do you got? nothing. you better hurry. they're in the elevator. paige: walter, happy's in the room right now. you have to stall. mm... you're impatient. i like that. mm... paige: walter? tell her there's another woman that you care about. listen, there's, um, there's this other woman... and, um, what you and i are about to do could complicate an already complicated situation. marvin, let me assure you, what you and i are about to do will be the least complicated thing you'll ever experience. okay. uh, how much longer do i have? two minutes. tops. there are no cameras in the room. fill me in. what are you doing? i'm checking her stuff. there might be a secret hollow or something. just leave everything the way you found it. they're stepping off the elevator. i just found a key for a lock-ur-stuff facility. now, why would an international spy who's always traveling the world rent a storage facility? `cause maybe that's where she's keeping the chemicals. happy, get the hell out of there! and, uh, how do i do that? the gloves are useless. i'm not spiderwoman. they're coming down the hall! they're almost there! hide now! uh, where? and do not tell me under the bed, (door opening) because that's the worst... happy still hasn't gotten out, walter. you can't let her in. you need to do something! think fast! oh, no... something wrong? yes. oh, my god. that is a humdinger. happy: i'm out! where's the closest lock-ur-stuff? two blocks away. you and toby are with me. sylvester and paige, keep your eyes on walter and help him distract sima until we get those chemicals. i'm not sure he needs any help. i hate to disagree, but she's not that into it. no hands on the back of the head. no fingers through the hair. maybe walter's a bad kisser. okay, let's go. hold down the fort, kid. we'll be back in five. i'm going to go slip into something less constricting. we're gonna lose visual! no bedroom, walter. ha-happy wasn't able to put everything back. if sima sees your cover's blown. there's no point. whatever you put on, you'll be out of it in a matter of minutes. oh... paige: tell her you want her on the couch. i want you on the couch. sima: mmm! tell her you can't wait to have her. i can't wait to have you. but first... tell her you want to order champagne from room service. what? no. what do you mean “no”? uh, what? nothing. just, uh... you know... you... oh...! ...just need to sit there and watch. 97% certain sure i just heard an extended zipper pull. most likely a dress. thank you, sylvester. you're welcome. you will never forget this night. paige: say... “i've wanted to be with you since the moment i laid eyes on you.” i... i love hearing your voice in my ear. thank you. thank you. happy: careful. she might've booby-trapped this thing. yup. this is the stuff. we got a problem. look at that. it's a pressure alarm. not good? definitely not good. (alarm beeping) hmm? what's that? oh, nothing. it's just an alarm. i can never get it set right. that is a strange watch to be outfitted with modern electronics. paige: walter? walter? walter, say something! we come by almost every day to deliver your mail so if you have any packages you want to return you should just give them to us i mean, we're going to be there anyway why don't you just leave it for us to pick up? or you could always get in your car and take it back yourself yeah, us picking it up is probably your easiest option it's kind of a no brainer ok, well, good talk ♪ ♪you better pledge your allegiance♪ ♪you're not the only one♪ ♪listen up forefathers♪ ♪let them have some fun♪ ♪some fun♪ ♪some fun.♪ ♪ carpenters: "rainy days and mondays" ♪ ♪ ♪ ac/dc: "back in black" ♪ ♪ chevy colorado. when you find new roads, you win motor trend's truck of the year. what's with the suit? oh, i had to go to the bank. if you look legit they give you special treatment. seriously? seriously, yeah. the banker dude set up my checking account so if i make one deposit a month, no monthly maintenance fee. special treatment! citizens bank, right? yep. you know they do that one deposit checking thing for everyone, right? got mustard on your suit. actually, it's your suit. one deposit checking. only from citizens bank. one deposit of any amount each statement period waives the monthly maintenance fee. (groans) now that our relationship has evolved, maybe you should tell me your real name. i've already told you my name, fatima. that's not my real name, either. are we going somewhere? i'm going home. and if your associates can follow my directions so are you. i don't have any associates. no? while you were sleeping, we made a deal. they bring me the two canisters from my storage facilities and leonard gets the third from the cia lab. they give me all three chemicals, i let you go. everybody wins. and they're coming here? you'd better hope so. happy: got it. tail number: n888c41. are we sure this is a good idea? you got a better one? it's better than handing over latent chemical weapons to an anti-american agent? give me a minute. if we don't give her what she wants, walter dies. we got to do whatever we can to get him off that plane. toby: she's far too cautious. she'll keep him as collateral to get out of american airspace. it's time to get our man. welcome aboard. where's leonard? uh, we didn't need him. the cia gave us the third chemical. there's all three chemicals in the satchel. they're the real thing. there's a litmus test in there to prove it. (unzipping satchel) let's go, buddy. uncuff him. new plan-- once we've landed safely in neutral territory, he'll be released. we had a deal. yes. and the deal was leonard was supposed to come with you. how? leonard's on his way to a federal penitentiary. she has an emotional connection with him. she knows you could have gotten the chemicals without leonard, she only wants him here because she loves him. cabe: you uncuff my man... ...and i'll work out a deal for you for leonard. you are a liar. cabe! ah... oh, my god that was a muzzle flash! look! let's go. toby: cabe! cabe, are you all right?! cabe! cabe! damn glad she gave you this shirt. but right now, we gotta figure out how to stop that plane or walter's as good as dead. i got an idea. ♪ ♪ (hissing) what the hell are you doing? walter what did you do? [ narrator ] mama sherman and the legion of super fans. wow! [ narrator ] on a mission to get richard to his campbell's chunky soup. it's new chunky beer-n-cheese with beef and bacon soup. i love it. and mama loves you. ♪ ♪ just tell us your budget and the "name your price" tool helps you find a whole range of coverages. no one else gives you options like that. [voice echoing] no one at all! no one at all! no one. wake up! [gasp] oh! you okay, buddy? i just had a dream that progressive had this thing called... the "name your price" tool... it isn't a dream is it? nope. sorry! you know that thing freaks me out. he can hear you. he didn't mean that, kevin. kevin: yes, he did! keeping our competitors up at night. now, that's progressive. temptation... toast... ...with special k protein cereal. each hearty bowl is packed with protein and fiber. satisfy your hunger with special k. that's the way the cookie crumbles. special k chocolate peanut butter protein meal bars are packed with protein and fiber. satisfy your hunger with special k. the hoover floormate deluxe. washes. scrubs. dries. floormate deluxe. starting at one thirty nine. when you ache and haven't slept... you're not you. tylenol® pm relieves pain and helps you fall fast asleep and stay asleep. we give you a better night. you're a better you all day. tylenol®. bacon?! gotta get that bacon! yummy, crunchy, bacon bacon bacon there in that bag! who wants a beggin' strip? me! i'd get it myself, but i don't have thumbs! mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm it's beggin'! mmm, i love you. (announcer) beggin' strips...there's no time like beggin' time. (sighs, grunts) (engine cranking) come on, come on, come on. you gotta hurry. you think?! 100 miles an hour, 147 feet per second, which means they're gonna run out of runway. (engine starts) got it! oh... my god. hey! walter! hey! jump! we'll catch you! if the chemicals blow up they will combine and aerosol, and kill people for miles! get ready! walter, no! do not throw me deadly chemicals! one, two, three! oh! god...! (thudding down stairs) nice catch, sly! (groans aggressively) hey, man, if that fire hits the fuel tank the whole plane's gonna blow-- you got to jump, walter! i know! hold on! we got you, buddy, come on! come on. toby: walter! (jet engines revving up) (grunts, yells) (sima groaning) (electrical crackling stops) toby: walter! jump! okay! be careful! okay, okay! walter! get me up! (grunting, yelling) you're all right. (siren wailing) sylvester: cabe said sima will make it. maybe she and leonard will be in adjoining penitentiaries. so she loved him. it's not logical. it's actually totally logical. it's called the wiseman effect. if you pretend you're in love with someone sometimes you actually start to believe it. that's why she wouldn't really kiss you back. heart belongs to leonard. the good news is that you're probably not as bad a kisser as i theorized. she had the chance to get away, but she gave it up for love, for something that's not real. it was real to her. ♪ ♪ i'm gonna write you a script for antibiotics, too. why i'm doing that, ralph? `cause burns cover more surface area than cuts, so more easily infected. a-plus. (both laughing) jumping out of a burning plane. yeah. when did we become action heroes? i have no idea. you're set. thank you, pal. mm-hmm. (groans) how about a story? yes, please. yeah? robo-spies issue one. “the dawn of a new breed of secret agent: half-spy, half-robot.” “it was a dangerous time for spies. “and human spies could “no longer do the mission. “their skin and their mortality, the way they thought...” i know my advice earlier wasn't real helpful. uh, let's try this. the most important thing to sima, or whatever her name was was getting those chemicals and making the nerve gas and bringing it back to her country. and she was on the verge of achieving it. and then she threw it all away for love. love can make you stupid. (chuckles) the question is-- what's your most important thing? ralph. then this is my advice: whatever thoughts you're having about drew or anyone else... you ask yourself “could this hurt ralph?” and take care of your most important thing. huh, still here? uh, faa-- you blow up one plane, and the paperwork's mind-boggling. (chuckles) where are you off to? ucla research lab. it's almost midnight. yeah, i know, i'm late. don't work too much longer. so, uh, pretty nuts-- a trained spy gets caught because of love. that's silly, huh? the notion of romantic love is a fairy tale. the thought that people can be affected in some meaningful way by the affection of others is... is... kiss, touch... uh, the, uh... whatever, it's, um... it's junk science. it's not even that. yeah. like i said, silly. okay. as my mother used to say sweet dreams. oh, paige. can you, uh, record a new outgoing message on the machine? sure. why? nothing. just realized recently what a nice voice you have. okay. see you tomorrow. captioning sponsored by cbs and volkswagen captioned by media access group at wgbh to turn knorr rice sides into something new just sauté some chicken. stir in knorr rice sides with fresh tomato and basil and you've got knorr creamy bruschetta chicken. knorr rice sides. as a main dish. with rollover data, the data you don't use this month rolls over to the next month. and i don't have to do anything? 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>> chris and jess, looking at temperatures that are falling fast with clearing skies. you can see the rain is long gone and clearing to the west making its way into the philadelphia area. we still have a flood warning in effect for our streams and creek until 2:00 a.m. for eastern bucks, you can see all of mercer county and the northeastern part of burlington county. otherwise the big story clearly is the cold temperatures right now in philadelphia 35. to the south and east we are above freezing. to the north and west at freezing and in allentown and reading below freezing in lancaster and the poconos sitting at 33 degrees. come tomorrow morning at 7:00 a.m. mainly at or below freezing with the exception of millville and wildwood but look at these numbers allentown 28. reading 28. and the same goes in our north and western suburbs with temperatures falling below freezing standing water will refreeze and we're talking about streets, bridges overpasses any untreated surfaces will be icy come the morning until we see those temperatures rise above freezing. coming up we'll talk more about this morning and have an explanation of those icy treacherous conditions that provideed deadly conditions on the roads. the mlk day forecast of course we'll look at our next chance of snow it's coming soon much that's the very latest from the weather center. chris, we'll send it to you. >> kathy, thank you very much. indeed those slick conditions did prove deadly on the schuylkill expressway today. one person was killed. dozens more were injured this morning when about 60 cars piled up. our natasha brown joins us live with more now. natasha? >> reporter: well, we can tell you we've seen a number of penndot trucks whizzing by us tonight here along the schuylkill expressway but as you can see behind me traffic is flowing smoothly at least at this hour. but it came to a deadly halt early this morning during a multi vehicle pileup. as night fell and the temperatures dropped salt trucks began hitting the highways throughout the region trying to get ahead of roads that may glaze over with ice overnight. proactive attempt to try to prevent something like this from happening again. >> a big load of cars, a lot of mayhem and chaos going on. and. >> reporter: chaotic scene along ex 76 shortly before 7am. the multi vehicle pileup left one person dead. at least 30 others injured on the schuylkill expressway near the gulph mills exit. a mangled mess as far as the eye could see. as car after car collided with each other along an ice covered roadway. >> i saw a lot of people just not paying attention. driving way too quick. >> 10 minutes later a bunch of cars piled everywhere. so i had to back away. >> clearing the path through the wreckage was no easy tasks with salt trucks finally opening the westbound lanes eight hours after the initial collisions. we spoke with penndot's gene blaum sunday night about the man hour it took to hundreds of miles of slick roads cleared. >> we had 146 trucks salt throughout the region this morning and into the early afternoon. >> by the time temperatures warmed enough to mel the ice hundreds of accidents had been reported throughout philadelphia montgomery, bucks and delaware counties. some proving deadly. on this night drivers happy to put a dangerous morning behind them welcoming the site of salt trucks leaving a safe path ahead of them. well as kathy did mention a short time ago, the big concern now as the temperatures drop overnight is refreezing. so you do have to watch out for black ice spots meantime penndot crews will be out throughout the night salting the roads. we're live here along the schuylkill expressway, natasha brown cbs3 "eyewitness news". >> all right natasha thank you you. two people are dead following a fatal accident on icy roads on the blue route in broomall, delaware county. the two victims thomas brennan from lansdale and jason anderson from dover were driving cars that slammed in a jackknifed tractor trailer. it took five hours to clear the road with many other drivers looking on helplessly. >> it's pretty horrick. i mean oy caught a glimpse of it it. i saw coming around downhill i just saw cars kind of out of lanes to the side. i started pumping my brakes and just hoping i would stop. >> the roads reopened just before 1:00 this afternoon. well when winter weather strikes you can track the forecast on the cbs philly weather app you can download it from i tunes or google play. get the very latest in the morning. meteorologist katie fehlinger will be along tracking your temperatures. starting bright and early at 4:30am. developing right now shots fired outside the delaware home of the vice-president. neither vice-president joe biden nor his wife were inside their home on barley mill road in gleanville when this happen. i've witness news reporter matt rivers tells us this investigation now involves the secret service, the

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United States , Norway , Millville , Pennsylvania , Dover , Delaware County , Philadelphia , Delaware , Allentown , Mercer County , Norwegians , Norwegian , American , Kathy Orr , Thomas Brennan , Natasha Brown , Jason Anderson , Joe Biden ,

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