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Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News 20171021 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News 20171021

news" they believe they have caught the suspect now linked to five armed robberies in fairmount. good evening, i'm ukee washington >> i'm nicole brewer in for jessica dean. let's get out to natasha brown following the new developments on this. natasha? >> reporter: certainly was a flurry of police activity, a short time ago, right about 9:00, a block away from where we're standing along beach wood street, there was another armed robbery that took place tonight, a woman was involved, she was the victim. shortly after that police did find this suspect along poplar street and police sources do tell us tonight they do believes he the man linked to four other armed robberies in this neighborhood. the terror behind the walls haunted house in eastern state penitentiary crowds of thousands every year. this year, residents in the fairmount neighborhood have real fears after a string of armed robberies. >> it was frightening. and very different from what happens in this neighborhood. >> residents are worried after four incidents took place just this week. two armed robberies on sunday night, the first at 8:00 p.m. in the 2200 block of brown street. another about an hour later nearby on the 2500 block of popular streets. >> it's concerning. i'm out at that hour, and on these streets. my husband has made me use mace. >> reporter: at a other arm robberies were reported midnight on tuesday, the gun wielding suspect targeting victims in the 800 block of 25th and 27th street. she lived in fairmount for years and she believes the influx of people during halloween leads to an uptick in crime >> my dad had his car stolen twice within two three years and it's always when the halloween stuff is on >> not for nothing, shooting, robberies. stuff like that we've been lucky around here it hasn't been worst, i guess than some neighborhoods. >> reporter: we were around when police were canvassing the neighborhood shortly after the arrest, we heard them telling other folks we got the guy, there was an audible sigh of relief. this is an ongoing investigation but police sources are confident they have nabbe the suspect. coatesville area comes together during a time of racial tension, 200 students walked out today to take a stand against hate after two recent incidents involving classmates. earlier this week, images surfaced online of students posing with pumpkins that have racist words and symbols carved in them. school officials say they cannot discipline the students because the pictures were taken off campus and authorities are not classifying it as a hate crime. >> i felt disgusted. just for the fact that i knew some of the people in the picture >> students definitely needed to have a voice and they needed to feel like they were heard. and the event they planned this morning i'm so very proud of them doing that. >> officials are also investigating reports that a dark skinned female doll was found hanging by the neck in a locker room. nine people facing charges in an illegal street lottery organization that authorities say generated millions of dollars in elicit profits, kelly high announced the arrest this afternoon, the ring leader was gary creagh senior now is behind bars. police say the ring operated out of 40 locations in philadelphia including ap unmarked building on south 17 and street. look up tonight and tomorrow for a glimpse of a dazzling light show, it is the peak of the orionids meteor shower. a fire ball in the sky. check this out. this is youtube video from wednesday in sea gurt. hundreds reported seeing the fire ball as astronomers started preparing for the event. alexandria hoff is at bell plains state forest in south jersey keeping a close eye on the sky. >> reporter: the cast of characters assembled >> i've been nuts all my life. >> reporter: almost as vast and elect tick >> where did you guys go? . >> reporter: as the subject matter they will soon gaze upon >> we're the darkest spots in almost like a 400 mile radius. >> reporter: from the deep woods of cape may county the focus will be on deep space >> after dark over here there will be a little fuzz. >> reporter: this is a star party held near woodbine, run by you south jersey astronomy club >> you see people come down from new york and connecticut. >> reporter: the lack of moon and humidity created near perfect conditions to cast the orionids meteor shower, a speck cal caused by debris left behind from haley's comet >> we don't get five consecutive nights in jersey. the focus is at the top of this. >> reporter: he's a student rowan. her grandfather hooked her up with a telescope. >> reporter: if we look had a little bit funny we had to cover traditional light with the filter. the red helps to distract the eye while gazing. this will be the only color until dawn. those arriving late are asked to cut the headlights. equipment stipeed to attract celestial points are played with. meteor shower is expected to peak before dawn, so this star party is going all night. the celestial venture many here capture and keep as souvenir >> it's beautiful. >> reporter: reporting in woodbine, new jersey, alexandria hoff, cbs3 "eyewitness news." >> it is. the sixers return to south philly, fans were really fired up for the home opener against boston >> lesley van arsdale joins us and not exactly the outcome we were hoping for. >> but it's early. it's game two. we got a lot. it's year five for the process, sixers taking on the rivals, boston celtic, sixers not won a home opener three years. jackson joel embiid and been simmons, struggles, five minutes going to third quarter, 11 points 14 rebounds in 28 minutes. sixers down by two, jay jay gets the pass dario goes to the lane, led the sixers with 19 point, the celtics scored 21 points and the sixers are 102-92 the final. >> we let one go be we were up seven i believe in the third period and you felt like, you know, with a few more baskets they might have gone away and i give the celtics credit but i really feel like we let one slip. >> no rest for the sixers back in action tomorrow against joel embiid will not be had playing, is he happy? we know he's going to tell us so we'll have that. >> yes, you know, he will. >> we'll have that in sports >> you guys know, you can't say the sixers without saying the process. trust the process. we asked fans what does the process mean to them? >> if you watch "eyewitness news" you've heard it plenty of times. >> it's all part of the process. >> the next phase of what? the process? >> here we go >> the process, a saying that's become synonymous with the sixers. but what does it mean to fan >> it means we're finally going to have a winning season, after ten grueling losing seasons >> we asked sixers nation to define it for themselves from optimism >> you got to believe. it's their year >> sixers championship, trust the process >> to loyalty >> i trust stay with my team >> believe in them and i believe they will have a really good year. >> reporter: no doubt these fans have been patient but now they're ready for their moment. >> bottom line, process. make it happen. >> on this show. i'm still trusting the process, takes about 15 to 20 games to find out what you really have. hopefully we'll have the winning record during that time and take off from there. if not samuel jackson, he can go in as gruels. get fired up. >> take a look. it's from facebook pictures evesham township police officers and k9 partners a resident purchased tactical life kits, they enabled them to provide emergency life saving treatment to their k9 partners 90 they're seriously injured during the course of their duties, the resident behind the jen resolve tea wanted to remain anonymous >> find out why it's not one but an entire movement. it's another beautiful fall friday evening, gorgeous stretch of weather will extend into the upcoming weekend but the next you chance of rain is around the corner, i'll let you know when you have to break out the umbrella coming up. the first lady place in history, what milania trump said about donating her inaugural ball game to the smithsonian. it's that time of the week, friday night, means friday football frenzy. lesley van arsdale with the highlights from around the region ahead when "eyewitness news" continues. i had this chest cold, but my medicine kept wearing off. (coughah! i missed you! then i discovered mucinex. one pill lasts 12 hours,and i'm good. why take 4-hour medicine? one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. generosity. the harvey weinstein sex scandal continues to grow with new allegations, in an essay in the "new york times" oscar winner lupita nyongo had two encounters with him. former actress heather ker come forward in los angeles, she said weinstein forced her to touch his genitals during a business meeting in 1989, weinstein denies the allegations. allegations against weinstein have taken the world by storm. those have told their stories of alleged abuse inspired more people to come forward we give three cheers to not just one person but the thousands who are all brave enough to say me too. here's anchor jessica dean. >> if you scroll through any of your social media feeds this week, chances are you saw it. #me too. thousands, thousands of women and some men shared their stories of sexual harassment and assault. inappropriate touching. unwanted attention. comments about their bodies and appearance. rape. it's uncomfortable to read. but imagine living through it. >> me too. and i was blamed for it. i was told not to talk about it. i was nine years old when the child sexual abuse started >> after melissa millan know started the trend tweeting if you've been sexually harassed write me too as a reply to this tweet. by tuesday, the hash tag had been used 825,000 times, 45% of people in the u.s. are friends with someone who posted a message with the word me too. the story came from our friends, a family members, people we know and love. a sobering reminder of how pervasive sexual assault is in our society. it's become a battle cry. rallying together so many who thought they were alone. instead, they heard me too. they heard you're not alone. they heard this is not your fault. the courage of those saying me too is blazing a path toward a new reality one where this behavior is not tolerated. not accepted as part of life. it's a reminder that when victims voices unite, they become too loud to drown out. tonight we give three cheers to all the people who boldly said me too. >> the me too movement has philadelphia roots activists and former resident berk started it more than a decade ago. they have no relationship but have since connect on social media. october is national breast cancer awareness month and cbs cbsphilly and komen philadelphia are joining forces. the national museum of american jewish history is aglow in pink light. the a reminder to schedule a mammogram and stay vigilant in the fight against breast cancer. the ben franklin bridge also turned pink. this is the 16th year for the lights for the cure campaign. you can find more on cbsphilly./cure. the philly pops opening their new season tonight and the performance paid tribute to star wars. this year marks 40 years since the first star wars film was released. tonight's show featured music from all seven movies. it was a very special evening. first lady milania trump is donating her inaugural gown to the smithsonian institute's popular first lady's collection. she handed over the vinyl la silk off the shoulder gown during a ceremony in washington. she worked with a designer. she revealed he only had two weeks to design and create it because she was so busy with the transition. lauren casey joining us and what week. >> beautiful. >> it's gorgeous today. everyone out and about. it was in rittenhouse today, people just soaking up laying like this. >> you have to to. >> while it lasts. >> we'll be able to this all weekend long, keeping the weekend all around. it's a beautiful evening right now. temperatures are mild. above average, and we still have the clear sky conditions as we get a live look at center city philadelphia. winds are calm. we'll have good sleeping weather in store tonight. beautiful day today. 74 degrees with all of that sunshine and dry air in place, nearly ten degrees above our average high temperature of 65 and temperatures, we're at 49, 52 in allentown, still up near 60 in wildwood and hanging on to those 60 urban heat effect happening in philly and in dover as well at 61 with due points tell us how sticky it feels when due points are in the 30's and 40's, there is no sticky factor. nice, dry comfortable and fall, look, that will be the trends once again tomorrow feeling nice and com fee. due points start to make an increase on monday, due points climbing up to near 60. you'll start to feel the muggy factor returning monday especially into tuesday. but stormscan 3 showing us quiet conditions right now, no rainfall to be seen anywhere you look and not much cloud cover either and high pressure remaining in control through tonight and throughout the upcoming weekend we'll keep the clear skies around, mostly clear for the orionids tonight and for tomorrow, warmer up to 78 degrees. and another round of sunshine in store, another beautiful fall day in store, across the region, i'll be enjoying that sunshine down the shore, 74 degrees. gorgeous day to check out the fall colors in the poconos that are really turning over right now. 73 degrees the high temperatures there and fast forward to monday night. a big game the birds taking on washington for kickoff as you're heading to the linc, 73, mild temperatures, staying mainly dry, very stray shower towards the end of the game, otherwise mostly cloudy 68 and we'll wait for the bulk with the weather system that doesn't arrive until next tuesday, we'll finally start to see rain chances return with a potent storm system that could created with spread rainfall as we head through tuesday, at this point, modelling indicating the heaviest rain second half of the day and some of those thunderstorms could be a little on the stronger side producing gusty winds, stay tuned to that evolving forecast on tuesday, that will be the most active day of weather, nothing but sunshine until that few more clouds into monday and on the back side of that system that brings us that rainfall, we'll see a cool-down an return to more seasonal high temperatures by wednesday. 64 degrees with gradual clearing then cool but very nice by next thursday, 61 degrees. crisp conditions. not a bad looking forecast. what a weekend. >> nothing but sunshine. >> yes. >> great weekend's even as it gets crisper i think it's kind of nice. >> feeling, that time of year. >> lesley van arsdale football. >> you're talking about the sixers >> as i told you they dropped the home opener they won't have joel embiid tomorrow. is he happy about sitting out? we have highlights and all of the area, friday football frenzy coming up next. ♪ music guys, i'm good. say goodbye to distractions. now you can last longer with new k-y duration spray. kyle, we talked about this. there's no monsters. but you said they'd be watching us all the time. no, no. no, honey, we meant that progressive would be protecting us 24/7. we just bundled home and auto and saved money. that's nothing to be afraid of. -but -- -good night, kyle. [ switch clicks, door closes ] ♪ i told you i was just checking the wiring in here, kyle. he's never like this. i think something's going on at school. -[ sighs ] -he's not engaging. . after the game he admit he's not in shape yet. needs knee surgery in march hasn't been cleared to play in back-to-back games he's not happy with the decision. >> i'm not going to kid. >> is it your expectations young lady play in back-to-back >> when i'm watching him, it's, it's a -- it's a -- evolution with him and his fitness base. and it's -- >> it's time for the friday football frenzy. hi, leslie. >> hi there, ladies, we hit the century mark, hundred schools from three different states made an appearance. we'll start with today's action in the public league. roxboro's, three yards at a cloud of dust. literally runs into the touchdown. roxboro huge winner 50 to nothing. george washington visiting, olney, gw goes to the air, going deep. donald cole, only to win 40-12, prep charter visiting southern. charred trying to pop the bad snap. he hustles in, southern will win 50-6. unionville visiting sun valley. and a nice run here by unionville's joe blaga. they will win 42-14. lasalle at st. joe's. touchdown of game right here. they will win 28-14. pop john paul visiting pottsgrove. and cobey will take the puck and go all the way in there for the 58 yard touchdown. 63-27. pottsgrove is the winner. norristown visiting boilers town. that was a big game right here. that sets up the one yard plunge play right here. nice but boyertown will pull out the win 20-15. get over the bridge into jersey, williams town shawnee. for the touchdown, williams town the winner-27-22. egg harbor visiting st. august ine. st. august will win 21-seven. >> holy spirit josh on the qb run, holy spirit will win 60-33. back overthe bridge, into delaware, howard at ai dupont, howard win 36-20's don't go anywhere, we still have one more game to go. this is the game you voted to see springfield visiting garnet . it's moment, the gam that everyone voted to see, springfield and garnet valley. we'll head inside garnet valley locker room >> you guys deserve it. earned your right to be in this position right now, you'll go out there and play in a football game that you deserve to go out and have fun. no one works harder than you and no one works harder than you, enjoy every single last second of i >> that's right. have fun guys. last two years hard to find two schools who played better football than these two, springfield will get on the board first, touchdown pass and that will put them up seven to nothing. then springfield once again, this time touchdown runs, springfield now has a 14-0 lead but the jaguars not going down without a fight. andrew myers runs in for the touchdown springfield will come away with the win 14-7. they have a share now of the central league title. we'll hear from the coach. >> made mistakes, i thought we played with effort, tried to make it was like a slowdown game and trying to do things they couldn't do and i saw credit and our kids fought hard and didn't give up. >> it was a great game by two of the best teams in the area, thanks to everyone at garnet valley for the hospitality, good luck to both for the rest of season. hi, lauren. it's friday and a weekend is upon us and a gorgeous one is in store, sunshine and low humidity for both days, cool overnight in the 50's and high temperatures running about five to even 15 degrees above average in the . late show followed by the late late show. morning team back from 5:00 to 7:00. for lauren, lesley, everyone i'm ukee washington >> i'm nicole brewer we're always on at cbsphilly.com >> good night family, sleep well. for luminess silk, brought to you by luminess air. watch how this touchless makeup appears to erase flaws like magic. it'll transform the way you look in minutes. - you're gonna see it just disappear. you see that? gone. - [narrator] people are leaving ordinary foundation for this miracle breakthrough because it seemingly wipes away years in seconds. - i am 52 years old and let me tell ya, i look better than i have ever looked. - [narrator] women everywhere are switching to this new beauty breakthrough because it delivers stunning results that everyone will notice. - i will have people say, "what are you doing? 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