Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News 20170218 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News 20170218

violent turn. good evening i'm ukee washington >> i'm jessica dean. natasha brown is at hahnemann with the latest on the injured officers' condition. >> reporter: well, we do understand that two of the officers were taken here to hahnemann university hospital where they're expected to be treated and released. all of this as a peaceful protest took a disturbing turn. cell phone video captured the skermish between police and protesters at broad and cecil b more before 7:00 p.m., a crowd ran to 1600 broad street in front of bank of america where bike teams were blocking the entrance. at least 12 officers were sprayed by the protesters with black spray paint and pepper spray. three of those officers were injured and the bank was vandalized. cameras captured protesters burning an american flag. it began at city hall earlier. police say it had been peaceful until it took a turn as the event was wrapping up. we also know tonight that four protesters were arrested and will be facing charges in this case. we're live at hahnemann hospital tonight natasha brown, cbs3 "eyewitness news." thank you. heroic police officers spring into action coming to the aid of an 8-year-old girl who had been stabbed in the face. "eyewitness news" reporter alexandria hoff is live at children's hospital where that little girl is being treated tonight. alex? >> this young girl was injured in her upper right forehead and while it is serious, she is expected to be ok. wrapped in a blanket, 21-year-old mashire, shielded herself from questions. >> did you mean to hurt the child >> she was taken into custody before 3:00 p.m. on the 500 block of mcdated boulevard in collingdale. police say that bashire who lives on the second floor floor stabbed an 8-year-old on the father-in-law in the forehead with a steak knife during a dispute over baby-sitting with fellow tenants. police found an infant belonging to the suspect in her residence. >> officers got there, chaotic scene. >> reporter: the father of the injured child ran from the home carrying the girl with blood being lost. there was no time to lose. officers took action themselves. they grabbed the baby, jumped in the police car and took off. to mercy hospital. >> reporter: the child was transferred to the children's hospital of philadelphia where we're told her wound is significant but expected to recover. as for bishire, police say it is unlikely the child was the intended target. they've received conflicting reports on how the child was injured. bashire is facing full charges including attempted homicide. alexandria hoff cbs3 "eyewitness news." alex, thank you. the power goes outright in the middle of a big high school basketball game in berks county. it looked more like a concert at the arena as people pulled out their cell phones. the lights went out for about an hour in the middle of the game between reading high and berks catholic. the two teams playing for the berks county conference championship. there was a power failure. chopperer 3 where a car crashed near 7th and girard. it's unclear right now why the driver lost control. there is new fall-out from a scathing grand jury report on child sexual abuse allegations at solebury school in bucks county. a former student is now suing the prestigious private school. attorneys for 29-year-old woman announced the lawsuit today. the alleged victim says she was sexually abused by a former athletic director while in high school between 2003 and 2005. sexual abuse between students and teachers began in the 1950's and continued through 2005 on school property. >> it was common knowledge at solebury school. no one at the school did anything to help this young woman. >> what happened here is a tragedy, a part of a larger american tragedy, where children are the victims of those who are supposed to protect them. >> the head of solebury school said in statement, we strive to move forward with openness and integrity for the victims of abuse for our entire community, and for this institution that we care for so deeply. jeffrey sandusky will not be in court next week for a hearing on child sex charges. he waved his preliminary hearing today and remains behind bars on $200,000 bail. jeffrey sandusky is accused of pressuring a teenager girl for naked photos and asking her teenager sister to perform a sex act. he is the son of former penn state assistant coach jerry sandusky, who's currently serving 30 to 60 years in prison. a penn state fraternity has been shut down weeks after a student from new jersey died there. the school says beta theta pi is banned from campus for at least five years. timothy piaza died after falling down the stairs during a party at the frat house. penn state also band alcohol related activities at all of the schools's fraternities and sororitieses for rest of the semester. police in delaware searching for an unusual item taken from a home worth 65,000 dollars. this is what they're looking for. a six foot mounted elk head. disappeared last friday from a home on swallow hill road in wilmington. the daughter of the owners of the home held a party and that in addition to the thefts at the house was also damaged. if you have information on the whereabouts of the elk head contact new castle police. police are searching for the thieves who went to extreme measures to burglarize a popular sandwich shop. john's roast pork said burgla burglaries took thousands of dollars in cash and money ear mark ford charity. >> they also took $1500 that was ear mark ford the foundation where we raise money, that's where i got my bone marrow transplant >> frank who is the owner of pat's steaks heard what happened and dropped off a check for charity. the president traveled to charleston south carolina to meet with leaders at boeing. checking out the 78710 dream liner the largest in the 787 family. president trump pushed his jobs agenda at the bowieing plant, he told supporters his policies will improve the economy >> i'm going to do everything i can to unleash the power of the american spirit and to put our great people back to work. >> meantime the president continues to search for a new national security advisor. he says acting advisory keith kellogg is one of four candidates on his short list. the secret service is investigating aged someone threw an object at president trump's motor cade in west palm beach. authorities say that happened near his mar-a-largo resort as the motor cade travelled from the airport. a group were protesting when motor cade past. he filled head of the environmental protection agency. pruitt sued the epa 14 times in his former job. mostly over pollution regulations. president trump wants to give states more authority over environmental issues by reducing federal regulations. a homecoming celebration at philadelphia international airport. "eyewitness news" cameras were on hand for the home coming of 27-year-old army sergeant tim though laurento of coatesville. deployed to iraq in 2016. after a year away is home for a one-month break. >> it's been about family in our house and the kids understand that too. to have him back home, have all three kids home, you know, just celebrating everything. it's everything. >> welcome home soldier, welcome home. the family was joined in the welcome home celebration by member office warriors watch motorcycle group. straight ahead at 11:00. the announcement from the late show with stephen colbert. is proper grammar a thing of the past >> you have no faith in the educational system after using social media. nicole brewer looks at some of the most common mistakes and when bad grammar can really cost you. kate? temperatures on their way up. all across the area this weekend. the cold way off to the north. i'll tell you which day we can approach our record high. kate is not quite beach weather yet. why will people be flocking to one jersey shore this weekend >> these little guys making a big difference. the unlikely place miniature horses showed up today when "eyewitness news" continues. . you can catch the late show with stephen colbert and julie andrews right after "eyewitness news" at 11:00. stephen colbert is getting ready for a live version of the late show. cbs announced he'll be live february 28th following the speech to congress and you can watch it here on cbs3 after "eyewitness news" at 11:00. in this digital age, seems like we're more likely to text and to tweet than to really talk. >> are we forgetting proper grammar? nicole brewer joins us now with the biggest mistakes and if it really matters. >> how are you guys doing tonight >> it matters. >> using proper grammar i hope >> for years, we've been told that poor grammar could cost you an interview. even a job. but did you know it also may be one of the reasons you don't get a date? a newly released singles in america study reveals 39% consider it a deal breaker. we have our pet peeves >> when people use like, don't useful words and they indeed, what's one more letter >> they use words in the wrong context >> when the spoken word is replaced by text and written correspondence composed of e-mail, what was wonder does good grammar still matter >> it shows that you understand language >> appropriate grammar >> dr. is a senior lecturer in linguistics in new zealand, there's inappropriate usage that could subject us to judgment >> we instantly make inferences about somebody's education level and so on based on the language they use >> that's why she says it's important to understand that what's acceptable on the street or social media >> no faith in the educational system after you read social media. >> doesn't always fly in an office memo. >> correct someone it would just be a little mental notice >> what are common mistakes? she said many people mistake their, with there: literally utilizing the word literally 1,000 times incorrectly. >> when you say i'm literally want, you know, and my brain was literally on fire, people get annoyed with that. they say your brain is not on fire >> so many rules, so little time, which is why some opt to keep it simple >> if you don't how to say it correctly change the phrasing >> that's a solid rule. the doctor says some examples have become more socially acceptable than actually saying it correctly. for instance, very few people will ask whom does this book belong to, which is proper english. instead, most of us say who does this book belong to? there are certain examples >> listen, there are, i get, on a i can tell? 80 over, if i text and get the wrong, like if you're going too fast because their, there, really bothers me. >> even not going that fast. >> can i say that? >> you can't say nothing like that >> nothing. stop it. >> nicole, thank you. >> underway at penn state, let's give you a live picture of the festivity it's. more than 700 are taking part in the 46 hour dance marathon benefiting pediatric cancer patients and their families at the penn state hershey medical center. the event raised more than $9.7 million last year. they're special visitors, pair of miniature horses brought out big smiles when they turned up in an unlikely place. the minis of medford headed to the nursing and rehab. this is the third time the miniature horses made their way from south jersey into the common room to bring joy to seniors. >> we have people that lived on farms, rode horses, whatever and i thought we have to bring the outside into them. and that's what we did. >> how does it make you feel when they bring them in >> sweetheart. you're a good girl. like this. >> the minute in his of medford are rescue animals live on a retirement farm >> i can look at that all night. it's shaping up to be a big weekend down the shore in sea aisle city. the polar bear plunge is tomorrow. many expected to attend. >> everybody dresses up and comes out and has a great time. it's an exciting event. >> on sunday isn't sea aisle, there will be a walk and run benefitting families of children with autism. kate joins us with a look at a -- just almost a perfect ten forecast here considering where we are in the calendar, and listen, it's still going to be cold for those people, but they may be get, >> it's going to be freezing >> quite cold >> you know, it can be warm for five days in a row and the ocean water temperature is not. we're looking at ocean water temperatures around 44. the air temperature when you get out it's not going to be quite as awful >> i did that in the mid 2000s, i'm still thawing out >> i've never done it before. it's going to be cold. let's not fool ourselves, right at the immediate coast will be in the 50's and again water temperatures around 40, not fun no matter how warm outside. but it's going to be a beautiful mild sunny day. it could be a whole lot worse, anything you plan to do this weekend outdoors in the city, the weather cooperates, maybe head down to one of our local trails, bike ride, run, get outside. a tourists in your city. it's so nice to have 60's. let's take a look outside right now. we'll take you to stormscan 3, which is showing a few clouds. over long island, new york city, that is actually a warm front that's starting to shift north across much of the northeast here tonight and as we widen out you can see the pattern, any disturbances are going to stay locked off to our north, there's a storm system across portions of canada about here, there's the warm front associated with it. all these disturbances staying north and thus all the cold air is locked up to the north of them. that's where the jet stream is. big ridge with high pressures to the south and a southwest flow will pick up through the weekend bringing the warm air into our region. today was chilly but seasonal and beautiful. look at all this blue sky. this is an eight to five on our palmyra cove nature park camera. 34 outside. lots of blue sky, beautiful sunset and a nice looking moon if you get to catch a glimpse. things looking great. tomorrow is going to look a lot like today but feel a whole lot warmer. right now, it's chilly. temps dropping to the low 30's. 25 in millville, 28 in allentown. you can see where that warmth is. it's still in the 50's in columbus, national, atlanta, and we get in on that for the weekend. the overnight drops to where we are now, 34, 33, spots in the suburbs in the upper 20's but tomorrow feeling like we jumped from winter right into spring. 61 for your saturday. and not a lot of cloud cover with it. tomorrow you wake up temps in the 30's, by the afternoon, we're in the low 60's upper 50's by evening. few clouds start to drift through overnight but they clear out quickly and notice temperatures don't drop much below the 50's tomorrow night into sunday morning. daytime highs in the mid 60's on sunday, well above the norman about 20 above average. tomorrow mostly sunny feeling like april, we're 1520 above average tomorrow, sunday is the warmest day of this stretch. 65 degrees on sunday. that is three degrees from the record of 68. little back door cool front will knock us back to 63 for president's day. what a perfect three-day weekend. once we open the door to the warmth it's here for awhile. the coldest day in the seven-day forecast is tuesday, with a high of 50. keep in mind normals are in the mid 40's this time. we're so far skewed above average through next week. that brings with it a set of problems. a lot of photos from people flowers and plants starting to bud. they're getting tricked into thinking it's spring. problem with that is if we get another killing frost or freeze you could lose crops and pests are going to start breeding earlier. what's up next. talking about hoops, jo jo is not happy. the weird way to pop a question and a good conversation with focus on what's in front of you if you always looking over your shoulder? phillies short shop freddy galvis is full speed ahead trying to fight off jp crawford, here's lesley van arsdale from clearwater florida. for the phillies, it's about the young guys, you might be surprised who the oldest tenured philly is. the gang is all here, it's the first full squad work-out. it is a very young team. oldest 26-year-old freddy galvis >> it's pretty exciting. a lot of new guys. i'm excited to get to work with these guys >> it's different not having chooch, how with, all those guys, you know, when i got my feet wet in the big leagues they were here to learn from. it's kind of different switching roles, and i guess now you got freddy is, i don't know how long he's got what? four years now? at least? it's different to see, but it's a good different. i think, you know, the changes, it's at the right time. >> reporter: this is the best time of year for the players and staff. there's an air of optimism and everybody is in first place. lesley van arsdale eyewitness sports. thank you. bees and balls all star weekend underway in new orleans. rises stars game featuring a couple of sixers, there's jahlil okafor. dario had 17. an injured joel embiid is in and he's not happy to be watching the festivities from the sidelines >> i want to play and show what i can do. this is frustrating but i got to take my time. during the time i missed i learned about patience and trust the process and i'm trusting the process >> at least he can say it with a smile. the flyers are zero for canada. game two of their three-game road trip, a 6-3 beat-down. a basketball game in a albany new york, a woman named erin toby bins. sinks a half court shop shot to win a prize then her boyfriend, he's the guy disguised as a cup of coffee and there he is popping the question. and she had the answer. >> come here, big fellow. >> he's like thank guns. >> here's a latte for you. you know what i'm saying? extra foam >> that's a huge night >> she made the shot. by peggy lee playing ] [ goat bleat ] [ crow caws, music continues ] this is gonna be awesome! when it comes to buying a house... trulia knows the house is only half of it. and with 34 map overlays like playgrounds, demographics, schools, and more... you can find the right house and the right neighborhood for you. trulia. the house is only half of it. trading-in or selling your car, truck or suv? takes the hassle out of selling in just 3 easy steps. one, get your free online valuation. two, drive to your local car buying center. and three, walk out with your check in as little as 30 minutes ! so don't wait...get your free online valuation now at ♪find out how much your car is worth at♪ a malasian >> a semi finalist for best new restaurant in america. the byob is one of 27 candidates. several other local restaurants or semi finalists in other categories. the winners will be announced may 1st. kate? we've been talking about this weekend all week long and how beautiful it will be and keeps living up to the hype. the weekend looking fantastic. this is a nice weekend even for april. but in february, this is not something we see very much especially two weekend days, low to mid 60s in the city. 60's at the shore, both days will the late show with stephen colbert followed by the late late show with james cordon. morning back tomorrow. for kate, don, everyone i'm ukee washington >> i'm jessica dean, we're always on at >> have a great weekend. good night family and sleep well. >> announcer: the following is a sponsored presentation for the nv real estate academy's fortunes in flipping system. are you ready to learn how to make money and achieve your financial goals through real estate right in your own backyard? imagine being your own boss while building wealth and financial freedom for you and your family. if that sounds good to you, then listen up. over the course of this program, nick vertucci, self-made real-estate millionaire, is going to show you how to get all of that and more by 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Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News 20170218 :

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News 20170218

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violent turn. good evening i'm ukee washington >> i'm jessica dean. natasha brown is at hahnemann with the latest on the injured officers' condition. >> reporter: well, we do understand that two of the officers were taken here to hahnemann university hospital where they're expected to be treated and released. all of this as a peaceful protest took a disturbing turn. cell phone video captured the skermish between police and protesters at broad and cecil b more before 7:00 p.m., a crowd ran to 1600 broad street in front of bank of america where bike teams were blocking the entrance. at least 12 officers were sprayed by the protesters with black spray paint and pepper spray. three of those officers were injured and the bank was vandalized. cameras captured protesters burning an american flag. it began at city hall earlier. police say it had been peaceful until it took a turn as the event was wrapping up. we also know tonight that four protesters were arrested and will be facing charges in this case. we're live at hahnemann hospital tonight natasha brown, cbs3 "eyewitness news." thank you. heroic police officers spring into action coming to the aid of an 8-year-old girl who had been stabbed in the face. "eyewitness news" reporter alexandria hoff is live at children's hospital where that little girl is being treated tonight. alex? >> this young girl was injured in her upper right forehead and while it is serious, she is expected to be ok. wrapped in a blanket, 21-year-old mashire, shielded herself from questions. >> did you mean to hurt the child >> she was taken into custody before 3:00 p.m. on the 500 block of mcdated boulevard in collingdale. police say that bashire who lives on the second floor floor stabbed an 8-year-old on the father-in-law in the forehead with a steak knife during a dispute over baby-sitting with fellow tenants. police found an infant belonging to the suspect in her residence. >> officers got there, chaotic scene. >> reporter: the father of the injured child ran from the home carrying the girl with blood being lost. there was no time to lose. officers took action themselves. they grabbed the baby, jumped in the police car and took off. to mercy hospital. >> reporter: the child was transferred to the children's hospital of philadelphia where we're told her wound is significant but expected to recover. as for bishire, police say it is unlikely the child was the intended target. they've received conflicting reports on how the child was injured. bashire is facing full charges including attempted homicide. alexandria hoff cbs3 "eyewitness news." alex, thank you. the power goes outright in the middle of a big high school basketball game in berks county. it looked more like a concert at the arena as people pulled out their cell phones. the lights went out for about an hour in the middle of the game between reading high and berks catholic. the two teams playing for the berks county conference championship. there was a power failure. chopperer 3 where a car crashed near 7th and girard. it's unclear right now why the driver lost control. there is new fall-out from a scathing grand jury report on child sexual abuse allegations at solebury school in bucks county. a former student is now suing the prestigious private school. attorneys for 29-year-old woman announced the lawsuit today. the alleged victim says she was sexually abused by a former athletic director while in high school between 2003 and 2005. sexual abuse between students and teachers began in the 1950's and continued through 2005 on school property. >> it was common knowledge at solebury school. no one at the school did anything to help this young woman. >> what happened here is a tragedy, a part of a larger american tragedy, where children are the victims of those who are supposed to protect them. >> the head of solebury school said in statement, we strive to move forward with openness and integrity for the victims of abuse for our entire community, and for this institution that we care for so deeply. jeffrey sandusky will not be in court next week for a hearing on child sex charges. he waved his preliminary hearing today and remains behind bars on $200,000 bail. jeffrey sandusky is accused of pressuring a teenager girl for naked photos and asking her teenager sister to perform a sex act. he is the son of former penn state assistant coach jerry sandusky, who's currently serving 30 to 60 years in prison. a penn state fraternity has been shut down weeks after a student from new jersey died there. the school says beta theta pi is banned from campus for at least five years. timothy piaza died after falling down the stairs during a party at the frat house. penn state also band alcohol related activities at all of the schools's fraternities and sororitieses for rest of the semester. police in delaware searching for an unusual item taken from a home worth 65,000 dollars. this is what they're looking for. a six foot mounted elk head. disappeared last friday from a home on swallow hill road in wilmington. the daughter of the owners of the home held a party and that in addition to the thefts at the house was also damaged. if you have information on the whereabouts of the elk head contact new castle police. police are searching for the thieves who went to extreme measures to burglarize a popular sandwich shop. john's roast pork said burgla burglaries took thousands of dollars in cash and money ear mark ford charity. >> they also took $1500 that was ear mark ford the foundation where we raise money, that's where i got my bone marrow transplant >> frank who is the owner of pat's steaks heard what happened and dropped off a check for charity. the president traveled to charleston south carolina to meet with leaders at boeing. checking out the 78710 dream liner the largest in the 787 family. president trump pushed his jobs agenda at the bowieing plant, he told supporters his policies will improve the economy >> i'm going to do everything i can to unleash the power of the american spirit and to put our great people back to work. >> meantime the president continues to search for a new national security advisor. he says acting advisory keith kellogg is one of four candidates on his short list. the secret service is investigating aged someone threw an object at president trump's motor cade in west palm beach. authorities say that happened near his mar-a-largo resort as the motor cade travelled from the airport. a group were protesting when motor cade past. he filled head of the environmental protection agency. pruitt sued the epa 14 times in his former job. mostly over pollution regulations. president trump wants to give states more authority over environmental issues by reducing federal regulations. a homecoming celebration at philadelphia international airport. "eyewitness news" cameras were on hand for the home coming of 27-year-old army sergeant tim though laurento of coatesville. deployed to iraq in 2016. after a year away is home for a one-month break. >> it's been about family in our house and the kids understand that too. to have him back home, have all three kids home, you know, just celebrating everything. it's everything. >> welcome home soldier, welcome home. the family was joined in the welcome home celebration by member office warriors watch motorcycle group. straight ahead at 11:00. the announcement from the late show with stephen colbert. is proper grammar a thing of the past >> you have no faith in the educational system after using social media. nicole brewer looks at some of the most common mistakes and when bad grammar can really cost you. kate? temperatures on their way up. all across the area this weekend. the cold way off to the north. i'll tell you which day we can approach our record high. kate is not quite beach weather yet. why will people be flocking to one jersey shore this weekend >> these little guys making a big difference. the unlikely place miniature horses showed up today when "eyewitness news" continues. . you can catch the late show with stephen colbert and julie andrews right after "eyewitness news" at 11:00. stephen colbert is getting ready for a live version of the late show. cbs announced he'll be live february 28th following the speech to congress and you can watch it here on cbs3 after "eyewitness news" at 11:00. in this digital age, seems like we're more likely to text and to tweet than to really talk. >> are we forgetting proper grammar? nicole brewer joins us now with the biggest mistakes and if it really matters. >> how are you guys doing tonight >> it matters. >> using proper grammar i hope >> for years, we've been told that poor grammar could cost you an interview. even a job. but did you know it also may be one of the reasons you don't get a date? a newly released singles in america study reveals 39% consider it a deal breaker. we have our pet peeves >> when people use like, don't useful words and they indeed, what's one more letter >> they use words in the wrong context >> when the spoken word is replaced by text and written correspondence composed of e-mail, what was wonder does good grammar still matter >> it shows that you understand language >> appropriate grammar >> dr. is a senior lecturer in linguistics in new zealand, there's inappropriate usage that could subject us to judgment >> we instantly make inferences about somebody's education level and so on based on the language they use >> that's why she says it's important to understand that what's acceptable on the street or social media >> no faith in the educational system after you read social media. >> doesn't always fly in an office memo. >> correct someone it would just be a little mental notice >> what are common mistakes? she said many people mistake their, with there: literally utilizing the word literally 1,000 times incorrectly. >> when you say i'm literally want, you know, and my brain was literally on fire, people get annoyed with that. they say your brain is not on fire >> so many rules, so little time, which is why some opt to keep it simple >> if you don't how to say it correctly change the phrasing >> that's a solid rule. the doctor says some examples have become more socially acceptable than actually saying it correctly. for instance, very few people will ask whom does this book belong to, which is proper english. instead, most of us say who does this book belong to? there are certain examples >> listen, there are, i get, on a i can tell? 80 over, if i text and get the wrong, like if you're going too fast because their, there, really bothers me. >> even not going that fast. >> can i say that? >> you can't say nothing like that >> nothing. stop it. >> nicole, thank you. >> underway at penn state, let's give you a live picture of the festivity it's. more than 700 are taking part in the 46 hour dance marathon benefiting pediatric cancer patients and their families at the penn state hershey medical center. the event raised more than $9.7 million last year. they're special visitors, pair of miniature horses brought out big smiles when they turned up in an unlikely place. the minis of medford headed to the nursing and rehab. this is the third time the miniature horses made their way from south jersey into the common room to bring joy to seniors. >> we have people that lived on farms, rode horses, whatever and i thought we have to bring the outside into them. and that's what we did. >> how does it make you feel when they bring them in >> sweetheart. you're a good girl. like this. >> the minute in his of medford are rescue animals live on a retirement farm >> i can look at that all night. it's shaping up to be a big weekend down the shore in sea aisle city. the polar bear plunge is tomorrow. many expected to attend. >> everybody dresses up and comes out and has a great time. it's an exciting event. >> on sunday isn't sea aisle, there will be a walk and run benefitting families of children with autism. kate joins us with a look at a -- just almost a perfect ten forecast here considering where we are in the calendar, and listen, it's still going to be cold for those people, but they may be get, >> it's going to be freezing >> quite cold >> you know, it can be warm for five days in a row and the ocean water temperature is not. we're looking at ocean water temperatures around 44. the air temperature when you get out it's not going to be quite as awful >> i did that in the mid 2000s, i'm still thawing out >> i've never done it before. it's going to be cold. let's not fool ourselves, right at the immediate coast will be in the 50's and again water temperatures around 40, not fun no matter how warm outside. but it's going to be a beautiful mild sunny day. it could be a whole lot worse, anything you plan to do this weekend outdoors in the city, the weather cooperates, maybe head down to one of our local trails, bike ride, run, get outside. a tourists in your city. it's so nice to have 60's. let's take a look outside right now. we'll take you to stormscan 3, which is showing a few clouds. over long island, new york city, that is actually a warm front that's starting to shift north across much of the northeast here tonight and as we widen out you can see the pattern, any disturbances are going to stay locked off to our north, there's a storm system across portions of canada about here, there's the warm front associated with it. all these disturbances staying north and thus all the cold air is locked up to the north of them. that's where the jet stream is. big ridge with high pressures to the south and a southwest flow will pick up through the weekend bringing the warm air into our region. today was chilly but seasonal and beautiful. look at all this blue sky. this is an eight to five on our palmyra cove nature park camera. 34 outside. lots of blue sky, beautiful sunset and a nice looking moon if you get to catch a glimpse. things looking great. tomorrow is going to look a lot like today but feel a whole lot warmer. right now, it's chilly. temps dropping to the low 30's. 25 in millville, 28 in allentown. you can see where that warmth is. it's still in the 50's in columbus, national, atlanta, and we get in on that for the weekend. the overnight drops to where we are now, 34, 33, spots in the suburbs in the upper 20's but tomorrow feeling like we jumped from winter right into spring. 61 for your saturday. and not a lot of cloud cover with it. tomorrow you wake up temps in the 30's, by the afternoon, we're in the low 60's upper 50's by evening. few clouds start to drift through overnight but they clear out quickly and notice temperatures don't drop much below the 50's tomorrow night into sunday morning. daytime highs in the mid 60's on sunday, well above the norman about 20 above average. tomorrow mostly sunny feeling like april, we're 1520 above average tomorrow, sunday is the warmest day of this stretch. 65 degrees on sunday. that is three degrees from the record of 68. little back door cool front will knock us back to 63 for president's day. what a perfect three-day weekend. once we open the door to the warmth it's here for awhile. the coldest day in the seven-day forecast is tuesday, with a high of 50. keep in mind normals are in the mid 40's this time. we're so far skewed above average through next week. that brings with it a set of problems. a lot of photos from people flowers and plants starting to bud. they're getting tricked into thinking it's spring. problem with that is if we get another killing frost or freeze you could lose crops and pests are going to start breeding earlier. what's up next. talking about hoops, jo jo is not happy. the weird way to pop a question and a good conversation with focus on what's in front of you if you always looking over your shoulder? phillies short shop freddy galvis is full speed ahead trying to fight off jp crawford, here's lesley van arsdale from clearwater florida. for the phillies, it's about the young guys, you might be surprised who the oldest tenured philly is. the gang is all here, it's the first full squad work-out. it is a very young team. oldest 26-year-old freddy galvis >> it's pretty exciting. a lot of new guys. i'm excited to get to work with these guys >> it's different not having chooch, how with, all those guys, you know, when i got my feet wet in the big leagues they were here to learn from. it's kind of different switching roles, and i guess now you got freddy is, i don't know how long he's got what? four years now? at least? it's different to see, but it's a good different. i think, you know, the changes, it's at the right time. >> reporter: this is the best time of year for the players and staff. there's an air of optimism and everybody is in first place. lesley van arsdale eyewitness sports. thank you. bees and balls all star weekend underway in new orleans. rises stars game featuring a couple of sixers, there's jahlil okafor. dario had 17. an injured joel embiid is in and he's not happy to be watching the festivities from the sidelines >> i want to play and show what i can do. this is frustrating but i got to take my time. during the time i missed i learned about patience and trust the process and i'm trusting the process >> at least he can say it with a smile. the flyers are zero for canada. game two of their three-game road trip, a 6-3 beat-down. a basketball game in a albany new york, a woman named erin toby bins. sinks a half court shop shot to win a prize then her boyfriend, he's the guy disguised as a cup of coffee and there he is popping the question. and she had the answer. >> come here, big fellow. >> he's like thank guns. >> here's a latte for you. you know what i'm saying? extra foam >> that's a huge night >> she made the shot. by peggy lee playing ] [ goat bleat ] [ crow caws, music continues ] this is gonna be awesome! when it comes to buying a house... trulia knows the house is only half of it. and with 34 map overlays like playgrounds, demographics, schools, and more... you can find the right house and the right neighborhood for you. trulia. the house is only half of it. trading-in or selling your car, truck or suv? takes the hassle out of selling in just 3 easy steps. one, get your free online valuation. two, drive to your local car buying center. and three, walk out with your check in as little as 30 minutes ! so don't wait...get your free online valuation now at ♪find out how much your car is worth at♪ a malasian >> a semi finalist for best new restaurant in america. the byob is one of 27 candidates. several other local restaurants or semi finalists in other categories. the winners will be announced may 1st. kate? we've been talking about this weekend all week long and how beautiful it will be and keeps living up to the hype. the weekend looking fantastic. this is a nice weekend even for april. but in february, this is not something we see very much especially two weekend days, low to mid 60s in the city. 60's at the shore, both days will the late show with stephen colbert followed by the late late show with james cordon. morning back tomorrow. for kate, don, everyone i'm ukee washington >> i'm jessica dean, we're always on at >> have a great weekend. good night family and sleep well. >> announcer: the following is a sponsored presentation for the nv real estate academy's fortunes in flipping system. are you ready to learn how to make money and achieve your financial goals through real estate right in your own backyard? imagine being your own boss while building wealth and financial freedom for you and your family. if that sounds good to you, then listen up. over the course of this program, nick vertucci, self-made real-estate millionaire, is going to show you how to get all of that and more by 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