Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News 20160609 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News 20160609

drink tax clears a major hurdle in city council sit but it comes with changes. >> good evening, i'm ukee washington. >> eye, everyone i'm jessica dean philadelphia is poised to make history by becoming the first major city to pass sugary drink tax. our natasha brown is live at city hall with the compromise made tonight and what comes next. natasha? >> reporter: the preliminary beverage tax actually this approval did not come without a lot of controversy and debate. this has been very divisive issue from the very beginning. that's why a lot of folks tonight are happy while others are left very angry. following weeks of contentious public hearings and feisty rallies, city council gave preliminary approval to beverage tack increase 1.5 cents an ounce on sugary drinks including diet sodas mayor jim kenney proposed 3 cents an ounce plan that did not include diet drinks but council reached a compromise. >> with the addition of diet at the request of members of the council, it is a broader base responsibility for funding these initiatives. >> reporter: $91 million in revenue from the tax would help to fund universal pre k and mark and recreation programs throughout the city. >> there's so much need in philadelphia and we know high quality pre k can really put our kids on a road to success in school which we desperately need here in philadelphia. >> reporter: but not everyone a applauding the historic measure. the kenney administration admi admitting it intends to divert some of the refer ren into the city's general fund. >> ours before the vote we find out this money isn't being ear remark largely for children and education program. it doesn't seem like an honest debate was had. >> you cannot tax one industry out of existence. when scales go down with lose jocks. we lose positions out of this. >> reporter: philadelphia would be the first major city to adopt attacks on sugary drink. >> say no! >> beverage industry led a heated protest wednesday afternoon just ahead of marathon session of testimonials in council chambers before council made its decision. >> simple reality we fix the pre k we don't fix the philadelphia school district problems it's not going to benefit us in the long run. i don't want to us get lost in the euphoria. >> reporter: well the sugary drink tax will be up for final vote on june 16th. we're live here at city hall tonight. natasha brown, cbs3 "eyewitness news". >> now that the sure garey drink tax cleared another hurdle toward adoption plenty of people have a lot to say about it. "eyewitness news" reporter trang do is live in bala kin wide with that part of our coverage tonight. trang. >> jessica is strong in areas like city line avenue. many people are concerned that people will just cross the street over to montgomery county to get their beverage fix. this owner in wynnefield rodriguez is watching philadelphia's sugary drink tax debate very carefully. >> coke and pepsi products they sell pretty good. and the price goes up, i believe it's not going to be the same no more. >> reporter: he's thankful the tax reduced from 3 cents to 1.5 cents tax for every ounce of beverages with added sugar or artificial sweeteners. >> the whole community the customers there's lot of possible that don't have no jobs. it will be hard for them to pay even more money. >> reporter: darrell hunt has two pre-school aged children and he supports the measure that would help raise money to pray for universal pre k among other things. >> times is hard. you definitely don't want to pay more for anything. fit means that kids everywhere going to have pre k then you still saving money because you don't have to pay for daycare. >> love my ginger rail. >> hat tee william feels the tax unburdens the poor. she won't stop drinking soda but will get it elsewhere. >> all these taxes they keep prizprizeing property taxes. they keep saying the money is go nowhere. i will leave philly to get something more cheaper fit costs me cheaper and save me money. >> reporter: bit of a consolation to business owners. the city council committee also advanced a bill that would provide text credits to business that is sell healthy beverage. we're live in bala cynwyd, trang do, cbs3 "eyewitness news". >> thanks to governor tom's wolf signatures customers have new way to buy their alcohol. the bill signed a bill that will allow licensed grocery stores to sell wine and beer. residents can have bottles of wine shipped to them license convenience stores can also sell sick packs of beer the union that represents employees of state liquor stores is strongly opposed to the new law. there are still a few thousand power outages tonight and the cleanup continues after some fast-moving storms left behind a lot of damage in parts of the area today. chopper three is cinnaminson burlington county where a large tree fell on a house. on the 1300 block of golf road. no injuries reported there. a scary moment tour for a driver in camden. this large tree came down on her car she was and side the car at the time. rescue crews 15 minutes to get her out. she was sane up but otherwise unharm. and some severe damage at camden county community college in blackwood after this happen happened. the storm blew the roof right off a building used to store records. classes were canceled for the day. they'll resume as normal tomorrow. and in south phil aultry mitt two parked cars and barely missed another one that fell on wharton vote near 13th. also brought down few wires. peco crews were out getting that part cleaned up before workers can remove the tree. >> the death toll climbs to four in the terror a attack in isra israel. new sir individual shows how the violence unfolded. two palestinian gunmen dressed in suits are seen shooting customers at point blank range inside a popular market in tel-aviv tonight. one of them throws his weapon on the ground and both men flee. police arrested both attackers one of them was wounded by officers. a campaign 2016 tonight bernie sanders says he's still in the race while hillary clinton in the spotlight talking about making history. meanwhile republican leaders stress party unity during a closed door meeting in washington. here's "eyewitness news" reporter david spunt. >> reporter: hillary clinton posted on twitter that her nomination was 227 years in the making referring to george washington's inauguration in 1989. democrats and republicans may not agree on her politic but there is a history lesson in store. >> one more barrier broken and there are so many barriers that need to be broken down. that stand in the way of young people boys and girls. >> i'm the mom of a girl. so for women and girls this is a huge moment. i real dollar think she has trouble connecting with women that don't necessarily agree with her on all of her policies. they represent the policies of the obama administration. >> tonight hillary clinton gave an interview to scott pelley. >> 52% of the american people who participated in our cbs news poll have unfavorable opinion of you. that is the highest negative impression of anyone ever nom nailed by the democratic party since we started asking that question in 1984. do you bare any responsibility for that? >> oh, i'm sure i do but i think when i was second of state and serving our country, i had an approval rating of 66% and i think it's fair to ask what's happened? and what's happened is tens of millions of dollars of negative advertising and coverage that has been sent my way. >> reporter: rival drum happen no public events today. but spoke to supporters last night. >> i will never ever let you down. report roar despite fact that clinton has reached the threshold for the nomination, senator bernie sanders told supporters last night he has no intention of dropping out. and will campaign for the final primary in washington, d.c. next tuesday. >> and then we take our fight for social, economic, racial and environmental justice to philadelphia. >> senator sanders was talking about the national convention here in philly next month. notice that he said he will take his fight to philadelphia several times instead of using the word cam paper. he request add meeting with president obama. that will happen tomorrow at the white house. reporting live tonight, david spunt cbs3 "eyewitness news". thank you david we are now 47 days from the start of the democratic national convention here in physical. for more on the preparation leading up to the convention, go to >> closing arguments are now set for monday in the federal racketeering trial of congress map chaka fattah. fattah accused of a ranging illegal $1 million campaign loan then paying back part of it with federal grant money and charitable donations. the his defense claims that political operatives close to fattah were behind the scene and the congressman had no idea. attorneys to are bill cosby are appealing the use of hear say evidence in his criminal sexual abuse case much his accuser andrea constand was not called to testify during cosby's preliminary hearing last month. instead prosecutors used her and cosby's police statements as evidence. ultimate sal judge upheld the charges and sent that case to trial. defense is arguing constand should have been called to the stand so they can have questioned her. pennsylvania peer your court has ruled hear say is in full dee man film thousand of fans lined up for hours in moping of receiving tickets to friday's memorial service for muhammed ali. 15,000 tickets were available to the public all of them were gone in about an hour. some ticket holder holders immey went online offering their tickets for sale. ali insisted tickets to his memorial service will be free. three time world heavy weight damage died last friday at the age of 74. >> a bill boom is happening throughout the philadelphia. >> from apartments and condos to retail space construction projects are exactly everywhere you look. and that means a lot of concrete is being poured. how much concrete is being used reason it's coming from. >> kate. >> after the storms that blue that you ace afternoon things is have cleared out and cooled down considerably. we've got great stretch to finish out the week. could we be tracking rain for the week glenn as the summer season kicks off the sure sighting of unexpected wildlife. the animals roaming around one down that has people on alert. ♪ >> this is cbs3 "eyewitness news" with ukee washington, jessica dean, kate bilo and don bell. ♪ frustration in fishtown. some residents woke up to find vandals damaged dozens of cars overnight. the trail of destruction was found along the 1800 block of memphis street. two dozen cars had windows smashed out. nothing was stolen from inside any of of them. investigators hope surveillance video can help them track down who did it. >> there has been a rash of knew coyotes siting down the jersey shore. a lower township spotted one last night and took this pictu picture. another home own are in says she saw coyotes a handful of times since spring and came face to face with one. >> i was just watching them more or less, you know, and then he was watching me and that was it, you know. i tried to walk towards him but he stood his ground. >> so i back off. >> i know that's right. now there have been any recent reports of aggressive coyotes the best way to avoid them secure your trash. community college of philadelphia is expanding and hopes of attracting more international students. the school is building two, 11 story reasonable towers at the corner of 15th and hamilton streets they are spring garden street. wayne base the radnor property group will oversee the construction and the project is set to get underway in the spring of 2017. that project is part of a building boom in the city of philadelphia. >> sure is. it will take a lot of concrete to make it all happen. tonight "eyewitness news" reporter greg argos has the hard facts on where the concrete is comes from. >> reporter: if you've ever driven through the streets in philly, and inched by a construction area, you know there's a building boom throughout our city. at five i wasn't head walnut street which will next may open as luxury couldn't miniums crews are laying concrete. >> 450,000 cubic feet of it. >> there's a pump truck at the bottom on the ground that pumps the concrete up through tubes that comes you through this place many boom and kim comes down and out a place where you need it to be. >> reporter: on this project alone 500 wall street street, enough concrete will be poured to fill more than five olympic size swimming pools it has to come from somewhere. concrete at heart is sand stone and settlement. >> with 44 trucks and three manufacturing plants,ing. >> they all kind of triangulate around center city. because that's where the concrete jungle is at. >> castor materials provides the beat for never of the singles rebuilding. we get the san, we get the september, we get the stole. we bring it together. we mick it with some add mixtu mixture. >> vice-president bill hack stock says the concrete is made to specific measurements based on the type of building. >> we get plans from the builders and, you know, we design with them. >> load it into trucks and then the truck goes to the different jobs. >> where it's then poured molded and smoothed into whatever will soon change the philly skyline. >> obviously witness building boom -- >> in center city, greg argos cbs3 "eyewitness news". >> a generous donation will them some of fold's finest safer. 23 mers of the k9 unit will be outfitted it state of the art bullet proof and puncture proof body armor. k9 army was not included in the city's current budget. >> we invite you to join us tomorrow for our tenth alex scott "a stand for hope" telephone phone lines open tomorrow morning at sick am and will stay open until eight at night. "a stand for hope" raises money to help find a cure. >> it's special day and we're hoping for good weather, indicate, because we always have lots of families, lots of kids in here we want good travel weather for them. >> alex lemonade stand is yellow brian. we want blue sky and bright sunshine. >> that's what we've got tomorrow. >> very special day on the way tomorrow. tell you what it feels chilly outside. never thought i would say that as we head toward the end of the june after the weather we've been having the past few weeks. temperatures dropped drastically and the breeze making it almost like an october evening outside. let's take look what's going on right now. take you out to our time lapsed video. what a day it was. we woke up this morning around 8:00 a.m. at the leadership academy in philadelphia. blue sky, no problems and then a very strong front came through. mid afternoon. there you go. you can see camera gets obscured briefly by rain. another round of thunderstorm actually hit the city around 3:00 o'clock and then it cleared out and beautiful evening. we finish out the evening with sunshine and temperatures now in the 50s. storm scan thee shows that shortwave that blasted through this afternoon with thunder thunderstorm. similar to the type of front that comes through in the winter that bring you the know squalls. kind of an arctic front a gust front. little piece of energy rotating through an upper level store across much of the northeast and it impacted our area. a lot of people on the roads grabbing lunch today and the worst of it right around noon this is the picture right at 11:55 this morning. you can see these discreet cells lining up from the city on south of some of these with imbedded wind gusts over 70 miles an hour. report of a 72-mile per hour guck in upper deerfield. millville 66. brigantine 64. the wind damage the trees down and of course the power outages. in the wake of that system though it's much much cooler outside tonight. 61 in philadelphia a great night for sleeping if you want to leave the windows crack good night to do that give the air-conditioner a break. mother nature making cool air tonight. 56 in allentown. 49 up in mount pocono and 62 down in wildwood. current kids are out of the north and west a cool breeze about 13 miles an hour at the airport. roughly around 10-mile per hour elsewhere as we head into tomorrow, temperatures will stay on the cool side. we got to 83 degrees. today we hit 73 before the front came through. we dropped pretty quickly into the 50's and reboun rebounded ie 60s in the afternoon. dew points important as well. virtually no humidity out there. the current dew point is 38 that's not even on the chart here. it's better than awesome. i don't know what's better than awesome. >> exceptional humidity outside right now. bake wake up to temperatures in the 40s and 50's you need a jacket or sweatshirt when you leave the house and zen the kids on the bus. in the afternoon sunny, breezy back to the 70's and friday looks great much it's saturday that a warm front could spark a few thunderstorms and a few of those could get a bit gusty in the afternoon meantime great days to enjoy mostly sunny, breezy and pleasant tomorrow. friday possibly even better because the wind will be a little bit morey lacked. over the weekend back to the 80s. best chance for rain late saturday afternoon into saturday evening. it turns cooler again and breezy to start next week. pretty great stretch of temperatures upper 70ing low 80s that's where i like them. >> not too shabby at all. >> appreciate it. >> don is here now. we got a little bromance brewing when it come to the eagles. >> little love fest. >> love fest. tree of quarterback working in union any son harmonious relationship of bradford, deal and wentz. so cute. one of the phillies brightest young scars goes down with an injury. sports coming parts a and b and want more coverage, guess what? you could apply for a medicare supplement insurance plan whenever you want. no enrollment window. no waiting to apply. that means now may be a great time to shop for an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. medicare doesn't cover everything. and like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, these help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. so don't wait. call now to request your free decision guide. it could help you find the aarp medicare supplement plan that works for you. these types of plans have no networks, so you get to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. rates are competitive, and they're the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. remember - these plans let you apply all year round. so call today. because now's the perfect time to learn more. go long. the only good news we don't see the cubs for the rest of the year. not my words that's what manager pete mackanin said after today's matinee in south philadelphia. the fightings hitting up with chicago. first inning we go after just two pitchesville lasques leaves the game with a strained right by september we'll hear from him in just a few moments. fast forward now to the sixth inning. phillies down one to nothing. chris bryant swinging with cruel intentions. 415 feet to left field. 21 shot. and the cubs go up three-zero. two batters later they will not rest anything you can do i can do better. ben with 416 feet. four to nothing the score. phillies go on to lose, eight-one they visit washington on friday. but right now vinceville lasques talks about that injury. >> i think i'll be fine. i don't think i'll miss that much time, but again i don't know what to expect. i can't give you legitimate answer because i don't know what's going on. i mean, that's what the doctors know and they're the specialists with it and i mean from what i know is that, upping, it's a strain and we'll proceed about it tomorrow and see how it goes. then we'll go from there. all right. on to the nfl. seam san diego maybe that should be the nickname for sam bradford starting quarterback has invited all eagles quarterbacks, wide receivers and tight ends to san diego to work out in bond before the start of training cam in that late july and, yes, carson wentz is going as well. see? everybody is cool. we're all good. meanwhile bradford went and chased daniel at work in day two of mini camp. eagles spent a ton of money on the quarterback position. so far the group appears to be getting along just fine. >> it's been really great. it's been a great friend relationship and working relationship. we've had lot of discussions in the quarterback room it's been really great. >> as far as our relationship it's been great. me and carson having chase here and pick his brain and ask him things that he's seen in actual game situations in this offense. given the fact that he was with kansas city i think i've learned a lot from him. >> the godfather of rap, my man snoop dog throwing out the first pitch for the san diego padres. >> yikes! >> well, just a little bit outside. >> he has a like weird release i feel like. listen it's snoop dog it's only appropriate the pitcher be high. so very high. >> don also tells jokes. >> he's here all week. popular children's game show host return for phillies beer new at 11:00 it's philly beer week and done kell dare is back. >> here's your host. art summers. >> double dare fame. "eyewitness news" at the frankford hall beer garden tonight joined by robin john you know them. the crowd participated in several double dare style games. got to get the pie in the face there. tonight was rounds one and two. double dare championship will be decided tomorrow. by the way it's the 30th anniversary of double dare. >> wow. >> it might have been a dream of pipe as a child to be on had show. >> we still have time to get through. >> can i get a pie in the face? we'll be right that's going to do it for us. for kate, don and everyone here i'm ukee washington. >> omega's dean. the late show with stephen colbert is next. >> have a good night, family, and sleep well. ♪ >> male announcer: the following is paid for and furnished by hair club for men and women. this station is not responsible for claims made in the following program. >> female announcer: when it comes to hair loss in women, the reasons why can be as varied as the women themselves. but there is one proven hair solution that has taken these women from this to this in as little as six weeks. it's not a wig and it's not a weave. it's their own hair, only better, thanks to the only nationwide company that specializes in female hair loss -- hair club for women. >> it's a life-changer. forever. >> eternally grateful to hair club. >> be bald for the rest of my life or go to hair club and get hair. it's like, "okay, probably i should go to hair club." >> and it has been the most freeing experience that i've ever had, really. >> for women, hair loss is an emotional experience and can be due to genetics, medications, hormones, and more. at hair club for women, we understand that and offer more than one solution to your hair loss. >> female announcer: at hair club for women, our caring consultants meet with you one-on-one to evaluate the level and type of your hair loss and offer a customized proven hair-loss solution that's just right for you. >> it's not cosmetic. it's not vanity. it is a necessity. >> it is. >> and we are very lucky and very blessed, i think. >> baseball hat is not an accessory. it is not an accessory. >> because they know how much they're helping people. they know how much they're changing lives. >> hear, hear to hair club. >> female announcer: hair club for women is recognized the world over as the gold standard in proven hair-loss solutions for 30 years. and you won't find our groundbreaking technologies anywhere else but hair club. call our toll-free number now or

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