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Seconds. Do same sex cups have the same right to marriage . Were about to find out. The justices will decide whether ail 50 states will allow lesbian and gay couples the right to marriage. Theyre challenging michigans ban on samesex marriage. This is the proudest day in my great lesbian life. The threats oftory rar continues. Officers killed two terror suspects in belgium who were planning largescale attacks. I have no plans of running for president. Paterno once again the winningest coach in modern history. Modern day bonnie and clyde. Two teenagers wanted in a span of three states. Making a fail add i tempt to land on a barge in the atlantic. All that rory mcelroy. First home run as a pro. And all that matters the Dover Police Department posted this video showing an officer shaking it. On cbs this morning saturday. The oscars may have snubbed selma but they got a show at the white house. Martin luther king day or as its known to the academy awards, monday. Captioning funded by cbs p welcome to the weekend. Twe have ourr we have our act tore it sold out eight nights in new york city. Our top session. The court will consider gay rights cases that ask it to overturn bans in four states. It will also decide whether every state must allow samesex couples to marry. The justice will hear arguments in the spring. Jan crawford is in our Washington Bureau this morning. Good morning. Good morning. The court has been laying the groundwork for this case for more than a decade with other rulings favorbling to gay rights. But for advocates, this is the historic step. What they say could be the civil rights decision. The announcement that the court will decide once and for all the issue of samesex marriage reflects how dramatically the law has changed beginning in 2003 when the justices struck doubt laws in nearly a third of the country that made homosexual sex a crime. The justices now will look at states where same sex marriage remains illegal. They have no constitutional right to marry. This was in direct conflict to other Appeals Court rulings allowing samesex marriage. Just as Ruth Bader Ginsburg late last year signals the justices would uphold a lower marriage ban. But when all the courts of appeals are in agreement, theres no need for us to rush to step in. Many say the justices have already paved the way for this case when they ruled two years ago that the federal government must recognize legal samesex marriage. Descenting from that decision Justice Scalia said they made it easier for lower courts to take the next bold step and strike down laws that ban samesex marriage but its not inevitable that the Supreme Court will take that step and the stakes are high. If it rules there is no constitutional right to samesex marriage, that would throw into question marriages that were legalized in many of the states by those lower courts. Anthony . Jan crawford in our Washington Bureau this morning. Thank you, jan. Now to europe and the sweeping crackdown on suspected islamic terrorists. Police across the continent arrested more than two dozen suspects in antiterrorism raids as Security Forces try to prevent more attacks. Authorities in belgium say they stopped a plot to kill Police Officers. Intelligence sources tell cbs news a manhunt is under way for people in belgium who trained with fighters in syria. Charlie dagata is in belgium with the latest. Charlie, good morning. Reporter good morning to you. We traveled to antwerp where troops have been deployed to protect sensitive neighborhoods. We saw troops outside the embassy and brussels but there are lots of heavily armed police on the streets and the situation remains tense. Belgian deployed further Security Forces amid fears of backlash and concerns some suspects got away. Theyre thought to be heavenly armed and battle ready after training with isis militants in syria. Federal magistrate said they could not confirm all the dangerous suspects had been caught. Theres a manhunt under way . Theres still an investigation going on. I should not call it like that. We are proceeding as fast as possible. As a precaution jewish schools had been closed, security has been beefed up around government buildings. All the suspects arrested in a series of raids are belgian, home grown radicals. Many had returned home from fighting alongside islamic extremists in syria. Per capita belgium has europes highest number of citizens who joined the jihad in syria estimated in the hundreds. Some have brought that fight back home. A number of the antiterror raids took place in low income suburbs like this one near brussels. This man is the mayor of scar beck where half the population is muslim. Why are so many going to syria from here . Part of them felt that they do not have the same rights as everybody to get jobs to get a life to marry, to buy and apartment or house and be happy in the life. So a part of them are thinking theyre victims of the system and theyre taking revenge. Reporter dealing with that threat will be the top priority of Foreign Ministers who will be meeting in brussels on monday and trying to coordinate effortets on what to do with all the fighters returning from syria who may now number in the thousands. Anthony . Charlie dagata in antwerp belgium. Thank you, charlie. For more on this were join from our Washington Bureau sean henry former asus text Deputy Director of the fbi. Good morning. Good morning. These raids, sean that have been occurring in belgium and other parts of europe have not been planned overnight. What exactly is happening now . On the heels of the events we saw in paris, these officers Security Service have likely had jihadists under surveillance for quite a long period of time. Many who have returned from the middle east where theyve been trained, theyre looking to execute plots in western europe and they may have decided that they want to deter these cells prior to them going live in belgium and elsewhere around western europe. Sean, as you know, its been reported that the United States had critical information as it pertained to this belgium terror cell and we shared that information. Why did we have it . What exactly is going on behind the scenes . The United States and western european Security Services have close alliances. Theyre constantly sharing intelligence back and forth. The United States is regularly monitoring events in the middle east as they relate to threats here in the United States. And in the course of that intelligence collection its likely and typical that they collect intelligence related to terrorist events or individuals that are operating or living in western europe. Absolutely u. S. Intelligence want to share that as quickly as possible because this is a worldwide fight against violent extremism and we want to make sure our allies are clear and have all the information that could disrupt their nations. Sean some but obviously not all in that terror cell were caught. What are they doing at this point to track them down . Part of this, this is all about intelligence collection right now. Theyre looking at media that they may have collected in the course of searches that they conducted on the heels of the raids we just recently saw. Theyre looking at neighbors, coworkers people who are related to these people to try to ferret out the totality of this conspiracy, spircy of this group. Most importantly for authorities is to look for those and prioritize those that they believe are close to launching a similar type of attack and theyre going to take action to disrupt and dismantle those cells as effectively and as aggressively as they can. Frightening details especially on the heels of the terrorist attack in paris. Thank you. Thank you. President obama and british Prime Minister David Cameron finished two days of talks at the white house. They promised to defeat islamic extremists. I know david joins me when i say well continue to do everything in our power to help france seek the justice that is needed and that all our countries are working together seamlessly to prevent attacks and defeat these terrorist networks. Prime minister cameron also sat down for an interview with Bob Schieffer. Heres what he had to say about the surge in terrorist attacks across europe. We face a very severe threat. Thats what were calling it. Severe because we believe an attack is highly likely. But, frankly, weve been in this struggle extremists islamist terrorists now for well over a decade and a half. So we know what it takes to win. Its going to take a lot of perseverance. Well, have we entered a new phase here . Is that what this attack in paris has signaled . What i would say is this threat keeps morphing because its the same fundamental problem, extremist terror. But whereas the majority of it was coming from the afghanistan pakistan area, now you see much more of it coming out of iraq and syria and the threat posed by isil. Added to that youve got the socalled selfstarter or lone wolf terrorist, people who vn been radicalized because of what theyve seen on the internet. You may not be connected to some plot that is being hatched in iraq and syria. So the threat has changed and altered but its still based on the fundamental problem of a poisonous death cult narrative, which is the preversion of one of the worlds major religions. And thats the thing were still up against. You can see more of Bob Schieffer schieffers interview with Prime Minister David Cameron on face the nation on cbs. This comes as more details are revealed into his alleged plan to attack the u. S. Capitol building and shoot government officials. Jeff pegues said this is only the latest case of the u. S. Capitol being attacked. Reporter he was planning an attack in his hotel room three years ago. Investigators say he was planning to carry out a suicide bomb attack on the u. S. Capitol. Thats an fbi operative in the back seat as the north virginia man learns to use a cell phone to detonate a bomb. On the bottom there. Now hit send. Whoa. Reporter khalifi wanted a stronger bomb. The 29yearold is now serving 30 years in prison. Just this past fall in Tampa Florida this man was convicted in a similar operation. He threatened a second 9 11 attack was videotaped with an undercover agent learning how to use a suicide vest and an ak47. During his trial, prosecutors said he was intent on killing scores of people. While Defense Attorneys argue that the sting operations constitute entrapment. Investigators counter these are individuals who are taking steps on their own to hurt americans. For cbs this morning saturday, jeff pegues washington. Last night mitt romney made his first public remarks since announcing last week that he is considering a third run for the white house. Romney addressed Republican Party leaders at their winter meeting in san diego and our nancy cordes was there. Reporter a relaxed andover miami governor romney did not confirm he intends to run for president , but he came close. In the last few days the most frequently asked question fwit is what does anne think about all this, and she believes people get better with experience experience, and heaven knows i have experience running for president. Reporter joking aside, romney knows he would face a tougher gop primary now than he did last time when the field included just two sitting members of congress and one sitting governor. This time romney would be going up against as many as four sitting senators and four sitting governors, including Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker who told the same crowd its time for the nextgen raegs to lead. If were going to be up against particularly hillary clinton, weve gottet to offer a new fresh approach. Reporter even romney supporters say they have questions. What would he do differently this time. For them he laid out a platform. I do want to mention three principles that i think should form part of the foundation of what we take to the american people. First we have to make the world safer. Second, we have to make sure and provide opportunity for all americans regardless of the neighborhood they live in and finally, we have to lift people out of poverty. Reporter spoken like someone who has all but made up his mind. For cbs this morning saturday, im nancy cordes in san diego. For more on the race of 2016 we turn to cbs political director john dickerson. John, good morning. Good morning, anthony. If mr. Romney says he gets better with age, there are a lot of republicans who would say hes had his chance. Is there really an opening for him . Theres an opening for this within. He has a fundraising effort that still exists and having money is a crucial part of running for president. The fact that he has that network creates the opening for him. The question is there an opening among the voters . There are a lot of people who like mitt romney but as nancy mentioned in her piece, its a much more crowded field and its crowded in that specific little place where mitt is trying to make his pitch. Candidates who have a pragmatic, slightly ideological look at the campaign. You mention competition so often in politics its all about comparison. Talk about the republican field. How is it lining up right now . Theres sort of three baskets you can put the candidates in at the moment. Quite early, of course. Youve got the ideological candidates like ted cruze, mike huckabee, or rich santorum who base their pitch on the idea of i will be the kind of standard bear who will not compromise. Then youve got kind of on the other side youve got these pragmatic former governortype candidates who can post about having experience and their pitch is i can get things done. In the world of broken politics i can get things done. Somewhere in the middle youve got rand paul whos almost a category to himself. His argument is im a conservative quite conservative on domestic policy but ive been in more isolation than anyone else running an then you have some candidates who straddle those groups but those are the three groups we have so far. John, you mentioned fundraising in mitt romneys case. In a crowded field like this the race for money at this stage is really important, isnt it . It is important and thats why you see this is causing some tremors. Mitt romney, jeb bush and Chris Christie in new jersey. Money is important and theres also a lot of money out there. It may be possible for these candidates to all run at the same time, but theyre scrambling so hard now and the reason there e ooh so much activity is you get one person. Its not just the checks they can write. Its their entire network of friends they can bring along with them. But for the ideological candidates, it is different. They can run a lot longer without as much money because theyve got the passion of the grass root behind them and also now in this world of outside groups its possible for the candidate to run if you just got one sort of sugar daddy out there who can support a super pact that keeps you alive. Thats the first time youve said sugar daddy on morning tv. Thank you so much. The pope apologized to the faithful during a mass hit by winddriven rain this morning. During that mass a woman volunteering was kill by a fallen speaker. The pope left to continue on. Leaving they overshot the runway. Luckily there were no injuries. The federal Aviation Administration said theyll under go screening. They say the stepped up measures include, quote conducting additional randomized security countermeasures at security Access Points and increasing patrols of Law Enforcement and screening professionals. The faa stopped bypass procedure when a firearm was found in a carryon bag. It is time now to show you some of this mornings headlines. The New York Times says the pentagon will send up to 1,000 soldier and support personnel to the middle east to train some Syrian Rebels to fight the Islamic State. It is set to begin in spring. The Defense Department said the objective is to build up a Syrian Opposition ground force similar to what opposition units are doing in iraq. U. S. News and world report says theyre diving into Uncharted Waters on possible war crimes in the palestinian territories. The court will look at the large number of civilian catastrophes in last summers gaza war. The Washington Post says the hunt for a missing kentucky couple dubbed bonny clyde is now shifting to floor. 18yearold dalton hayes and his 13yearold girlfriend have been on the run for two weeks in brazen crime spree. Two weapons were found in the last car they have abandoned which has the police believing they are armed and dangerous. Theyve only been dating for three months which surprises me. That is surprising. Long time producer and songwriter kim fowley has lost his battle to cancer. He created and managed the 1970s allfemale rock group the runaways. He collaborates with the birds and others. He was 75 years old. And the Hollywood Reporter says sony stands to loose 35 million for its curtailed movie the interview. It suggests a simultaneous opening of the James Franco Seth rogan spoof is not gamechanger. Sony will get a smaller cut of the revenues since the release does not in involve the four coming up Duke University responds to fierce criticism over changing their decision to use the chapel tower for the muslim call to prayer. And later after the hottest year ever recorded around the globe, new reports warn of a looming disaster for sea life. Youre watching cbs this morning saturday. Who is going to play in the super bowl on february 1st . We find out tomorrow on championship sunday when green bay takes on seattle for the nfc crown and indianapolis battles new england for the afc. Well be right back. Youre watching cbs this morning saturday. Good morning im Nicole Brewer. Neighbors in south jersey, see a young mother a allegedly dousing her young baby in fluid and then setting it on fire. It is unthinkable. Investigators spent much of the overnight on simon intown road in pemberton. The young child was rush to st. Christophers hospital with burns over his entire body. We are working to find out more on that childs condition and get more details on that mother involved. Now lets check that forecast with carol. Well, good morning to you nicole. We are dealing with sunshine today, so expect to find a bright day but it wont be a warm day at all and it starts cold. We have got temperatures in the teens 17 degrees cape may courthouse at this point but the the sunnies coming up, trying to do its part. Storm scan three no problems whatsoever but rain will be coming here tomorrow. We have temperatures right now 19 in philadelphia, 14 a allentown, 20 in wilmington. Cold day with temperatures getting to 32 this afternoon tomorrows temperatures in the 40s and weak start with rain in the morning 42, by monday, and then maybe wednesday a rain or snow shower. Nicole. Carol, thank you. Next update 7 57. Im Nicole Brewer, we will see you then. Thank you cable. For the slower internet upload speeds. For making me wait longer to share my photo albums. Thank you cable, because if we never had you. We wouldnt know the incredible difference verizon fios makes. The numbers dont lie. In Customer Satisfaction studies, fios is rated 1 in Internet Speed and reliability, and hd picture quality. Get a fios triple play online at an amazing price guaranteed for two years and get a 400 bonus with a two year agreement. Hurry its your last chance this offer ends january 17th. Call the Verizon Center for customers with disabilities at 800. 974. 6006 tty v if youre a little squeamish, you may want to look ahead. In new zealand a man walked into a gas station with an iron rod. He said he was sitting in his car when three people walked up and one hit him with a metal bar. He was calm and asked them to call the police. He was taken to the hospital and had the rod removed. Hes in serious but stable condition. They just assumed it was a prank. They couldnt understand why. It looks like a prank. Its terrifying. Terrible. Duke university is trying to calm the uproar to follow its decision to use the schools chapel tower for the muslim call to prayer. That plan was quickly dropped and yesterday duke held a quieter ceremony at the chapel. Julianna goldman was there. Reporter it was a peaceful show of sol dard in front of Duke Universitys iconic tower. Michael schoenveld is dukes Vice President of public affairs. We have been made aware of and have been following serious and credible concernser ss about safety and concern. Reporter they were threatened with emails and expletiveladen calls if they went forward. Vitriol flowed from hard right conservatives including evangelist franklin grahame, the sop of billy graham who talked about it on facebook. Followers of islam are raping, butcher butchering, and beheading Christians Jews and anyone who doesnt agree. It received many likes. She said graham doesnt speak for her and one religion should not silence another. They often pray on friday mornings in the chapel basement, but thats kind of an invisible place and i wanted to visibly support them with my presence. Reporter university imam tempered it. No matter what community has come to america and this sour time to keep moving forward. Reporter duke called in extra security. Members of the puck Limb Community hope to sit down with administrators to revisit their decision. The school said its willing to look at the issue. Up next, medical news in our morning rounds including a new implant device that helps with obesity. Its designed to trick your brain into thinking youre full. Plus doctors jon lapook and Holly Phillips why a report says annual physicals are a waste of time and money. Youre watching cbs this morning saturday. [ male announcer ] its a warning. A wakeup call. But its not happening out there. Its happening in here. [ sirens wailing ] inside of you. Even if youre treating your Crohns Disease or ulcerative colitis, an occasional flare may be a sign of damaging inflammation. Learn more about the role damaging inflammation may be playing in your symptoms with the expert advice tool at crohnsandcolitis. Com. And then speak with your gastroenterologist. Lowes presents how to make your guests think theyre at the wrong house. Oh wow. Told you were in the wrong house. Go go mom. Mom valspar ultra interior paint and primer select sizes now starting at 24. 27. Hold it come with me. New dannon oikos triple zero is my go to protein snack. Cam, protein from yogurt . Yup, this greek nonfat yogurt packs 15 grams of protein punch. But what else . Unlike some other protein snacks, it has 0 added sugar 0 artificial sweeteners and 0 fat. Mmm. Will it up my game . No man new dannon oikos triple zero official yogurt of the nfl. Mmm dannon. Out of 42 vehicles. Based on 6 different criteria. Why did a panel of 11 automotive experts. Name the Volkswagen Golf motor trends 2015 car of the year . Well give you four good reasons the allnew Volkswagen Golf starting at 17,995. Theres an Award Winning golf for everyone. Nexium® 24hr. Its the purple pill the 1 prescribed acid blocking brand available without a prescription for frequent heartburn. Get complete protection. Nexium level protection™ its time now for morning rounds with cbs medical correspondent dr. Jon lapook and cbs contributor dr. Holly phillips. First of all, this years flu season is shaping up to be a bad one. Estimates show that the vaccine is 23 effective against the virus and even less so for adults. Holly, weve talked about this for weeks that it was not as good as typical but the results very very low. Its very unfortunate. Gets vaccinate lowers the chances that youll need to go to the doctor for symptoms of the flu by 20 . Thats an average. The factors depend on your age. For kids between the ages of 6 and 17 its 14 . Older people are more likely to end up with complications from the flu. Jon, how does this compare to other years . Its lousy. The effectiveness adds about 50 . Its a particularly nasty strain and its kind of a double whammy. Holly, is that still the recommendation . 23 protection is better than zero protection which is what you get if you dont get the vaccine. Now a different kind of story about an encounter between a teenager and a Police Officer. Jon . A teen who had been arrested helped save the life of a Police Officer who had just arrested him. Reporter officer fowlkes grabbed his chest and collapsed. His hart was about to stop. 17yearold Jamal Rutledge who was handcuffed kicked the security gate and shout for officers. One used cpr and the other used the aed to shock fowlkes heart. That was lifesaving. Thats because every minute of delay to restart the heart lowers the chances of sur vierchl been 7 to 10 . Dr. Cliff calloway is the vice chair of medicine at the university of pittsburgh medical center. If we can get that shock to the person in the first few seconds or minutes it has a high chance of working. Reporter cpr classes now show people how to use them. Instructor sherry of the Training Company emergency skills demonstrated just how easy they are to operate. Lets say its time. You open the defibrillator and turn it on. Remove clothes. And you follow it step by step. And whats the biggest fear that people have . Theyre going hurt someone more than theyre already hurt that. Is there a gauge of how many more lives can be saved . Its estimated 50,000 lives could be saved every year. Next an advance, the fda is giving the goahead for an implant designed to trick your brain into thinking youre full. Its the first device approved by the government in eight years. Holly, how does this work . Its a new and innovative approach that make it exciting. It involves putting a small pacemaker device into the abdomen that attaches to the abdominal vegas nerve. It sends signals to the brain to tell the brain whether or not the stomach is full or empty. The device interrupts those signals and the result is you eat less and lose weight. Is this for anybody whos overweight . No. If youre trying to lose 5 or 10 pounds, its not for you. Its for people severely or overly more bees particularly with a body mass of 35 or 45. Is it approved . Im sure a number of Weight Loss Centers will get access to it. Its going to take some time several years, if insurance decides to cover it. If becoming healthier is one of your new years resolutions, you might be one of 45 million americans to get a routine physical this year but a top doctor is challenging that wisdom. He writes in the New York Times, not having my annual physical is one small way i can help reduce Health Care Costs and save myself time worry, and a worthless exam. What do you think about that, jon . Hes been provocative as usual and its a great discussion to vchlt basically what hes saying is when you do big studies, you cant show that these routine examines decrease hospitalizations or increase how long youre going to live. A lot of people compare this to a car tuneup. Youre going in to make sure everythings okay. Are there risks with an annual exam . There are risks. You may pick up something, a benign problem or pick up complications that have a side effect for it. Are there any tests or just dont skip that one . We know many if not most medical conditions are best managed, treated and cured if you catch them early these are not things you should necessarily skip but i do think dr. Emanuel is being provocative thinking about the rote or routine. It takes time to build a relationship with the patient. Over the years maybe if theres nothing wrong you get to know them, their family whats normal for them. One day when they come in suddenly the hairs on the back of your neck are standing up you dont know quite why. That intuition. Ive learned to trust that and you cant get that unless you really get to know the patient. The more you see a patient the more you may understand when something is not quite right. Very much so. Its something that patients need. All of a sudden youll find yourself at 3 00 in the morning saying ive got to call my doctor and then you realize you dont have a doctor. Thats one of the things where it really matters in a relationship. All right. Finally a study in the journal of American Medical Association finds the rate of investment growth in u. S. Medical research dropped from 2004 to 2012 to 0. 8 . It happened as Worldwide Research especially by china was increasing. This is pretty disappointing news. To me this is tramgic when you think about the last four or five decades how medical illness has transformed people. Cancer can be treated early. Hiv, now in many cases it can be a chronic illness and theres hope on a horizon without a cure. That doesnt happen without research. If you need a reminder were coming off the Ebola Outbreak and weve had a cut in research. People are saying wheres the vaccine, the treatment, wheres the research dollars. If we had those, maybe we would have had a vaccine in hand when the epidemic broke out. Thank you very much. Up next last year was the hottest ever recorded. The oceans are all getting warmer, sea levels are rising sea life is suffering and scientists agree human activity is largely to blame. Well take a closer look. This is cbs this morning saturday. Losing your chex mix too easily . Deploy the boring potato chip decoy bag. With a variety of tastes and textures only chex mix has twenty bags of interesting. Pick your mix. Introducing the citi® double cash card. Its a cash back winwin. With 1 when you buy and 1 as you pay. With two ways to earn on puchases, it makes a lot of other cards seem onesided. You want i fix this mess . A mess . I dont think whats that . Snapshot from progressive. Plug it in and you can save on Car Insurance based on your good driving. You sell to me . No, its free. You want to try . I try this if you try. Not this. Okay. Da alright, so this tylenol arthritis lasts 8 hours but aleve can last 12 hours. And aleve is proven to work better on pain than tylenol arthritis. So why am i still thinking about this . How are ya . Good. Aleve. Proven better on pain. The taste of light and fit greek non fat yogurt gives you the power to help make temptation shrink away with irresistible flavors never have 80 calories tasted so satisfying light and fit greek. Taste the power of satisfaction. Scientists have been tracking temperatures for 135 years and they report 2014 was the hottest on record. Whats to blame . The experts are nearly unanimous. We are. As one climate scientist put it quote, any whiffs of doubt that human activities are at fault are now gone with the wind. Vicente arenas has the story. Reporter in miami beach, ocean water often floods downtown streets where sea levels are rising at an alarming rate. In south florida theyre expected to rise 5 to 7 inches in the next 30 years due to global warming. The city is installing massive flood pumps at a cost of300 million to try to keep the water out. Eric carpenter is the public works director. How concerned are you about the rising sea level . Were concerned from the perspective we need to do something now. We cant wait. Reporter scientists around the world share the urgency. Todays report says every ocean is warmer than ever before. The results are melting glaciers threatening wildlife and producing extreme weather including stronger typhoons in asia and the record drought in california. Scientists say the warming is caused by people as we bern fossil fuels to run our cars homes, and factories, Greenhouse Gases are trapped if the atmosphere and warm the earths service. Last year the earth warm 1. 24 degrees above the centurys average. The deep red represents record warm. So these were the highest records ever observed. California. California. Reporter dr. Karl is a collector of data in asheville, north carolina. Its very clear that the weather and climate that youve grown up with is not going to be the weather and climate youre going to experience or your children are going to experience. Reporter World Leaders are scheduled to meet in paris this november to discuss climate change. Their main goal will be to discuss ways on how to reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions. For cbs this morning saturday, vicente arenas miami. For more on all this were joined by Time Magazine Senior Scientist editor Jeffrey Kluger our favorite person to explain complex things to us on a saturday morning. Thank you very much. This is three separate studies. Lets start off with the temperature one. What did it say . Heres a scary way to look at it. If youre 29 years old or younger, which disqualifies me, i must acknowledge, you have never lived in a month in which Global Temperatures were not high theiren that i wither ore the course of the entire 20th century average. Global temperatures this year are about 58 1 4 degrees worldwide which is 2000 degrees high theiren the global average in 20th century. If 2000 degrees doesnt sound like much consider how much different you feel when you run a feesher. Jeffrey, one of the other studies, the Harvard Rutgers study says the ocean has not risen as much as we once thought, 5 feet instead of 6. But it also said at the end of the century it accelerated enormously and were going up a foot a century. What does s that telling us . Its telling us weve reached a tipping point. As oceans warm and ice caps melt what happens is sunlight stops being reflected back into space. Instead it begins to be absorbed by darker waters in the ocean. The more they melt the faster they melt and the more water is poured into the ocean causing sea levels to rise. Were on target for 3 feet of sea level increase by the end of the century and every inch of sea level reached is 2 quadrillions and it pours straight off the ice cap. It affects all thats underneath the water, all the creatures below. Were on the veshlg of whats being called a major extinction. The oceans are becoming warmer and more asusic as a result of carbon being sunk into them. Were seeing a collapse of fish stocks and migration for waters that have become too warm for them to colder waters. Were seeing collapse of coral reefs, whales which until recently have been protected by some global bans are now dying as a result of collisions with cargo ships, the ocean bottom is being damaged by bottom dredging and also Minerals Resource mining. Were basically taking the one area of the world that we didnt have so much access to and damaging it in the same way we are the land. Such an important conversation to be having right now. Its quite scary. Jeffrey kluger thank you so much. Coming up, a lot of bull, and i met him. Weve got a hot one. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. I stand by that. I will not be shamed. That was a 2,400 pound bull. I ran. I ran. Thats the professional bull riders vent at Madison Square garden. Stay with us. Youre watching cbs this morning saturday. With psoriatic arthritis, i had intense joint pain that got worse and worse. Then my rheumatologist prescribed enbrel. Im phil mickelson, pro golfer. Enbrel helps relieve pain and stop joint damage. Ive been on the course and on the road. Enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. Serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and Blood Disorders and allergic reactions have occurred. Before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether youve been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. You should not start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. 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Patented Sonic Technology with up to 27 more brush movements. Get healthier gums in two weeks. Innovation and you Philips Sonicare save when you give Philips Sonicare this holiday season. Thanks for the ride around norfolk and i just wanted to say geico is proud to have served the military for over 75 years roger that. Captains waiting to give you a tour of the wisconsin now. Couldve parked a little bit closer. Its gonna be dark by the time i get there. Geico. Proudly serving the military for over 75 years. My tempurpedic made me fall in love with mornings again. I love how it conforms to my body. With tempurpedic the whole bed is comfortable. Its the best thing we ever did for ourselves. Its helping to keep us young. vo its your year. Treat youself to your best nights sleep with tempurpedic. Think the tree we carved our names in is still here . Probably dead. How much fun is this . What . What a beautiful sunset. If you like sunsets. Whether youre sweet or salty. Youll love Nature Valley sweet and salty bars. The Rocket Company spacex released a video. After launching capsules at the space station, the rocket was supposed to landed on a platform in atlantic off florida. The tricky maneuver failed when the rocket ran out of hydraulic fluid. Theyll try again later this month. Up next, its a test you must take to become a u. S. Citizen, but should american good morning, everyone im Nicole Brewer. A 16 yearold is under arrest this morning accused of stabbing another teenager to death, it all happened at fortysixth and market streets friday afternoon. Now police say an argument that began during lunch at West Philadelphia high school spilled into the after school hours. The the teen victim was rushed to Childrens Hospital but succumbed to his wound. New lets check that forecast with carol, cold one again. It is a cold one if you are a skier you are probably loving it, look at how it looks up at jack frost big boulder in the poconos we have lots of sunshine up there and a lot of snow on the slope, and we will move to Center City Philadelphia blue skies and if it were just 75 degrees that would be absolutely ideal but it looks beautiful out there. We have storm scan three showing no problems whatsoever, we do not anticipate the any today to day will be a dry day. Temperatures are in the teens and 20s as the High Temperature we have out there right now so 20 in philadelphia, 15 in the the trenton area. Highs today 32 degrees and tonight we will drop down into the upper 20s, tomorrow we will get rain around here and 44. Nicole. Carol, thanks. Our next update 8 27. Im Nicole Brewer see you then. Welcome to cbs this morning saturday. Im anthony mason. And im vinita nair. Coming up this half hour how often do we elect u. S. Senators . What was the declaration of independence for . Arizona High School Students have to answer such sufferic questions if they want to graduate and the idea is catching on. Heres another question. Who plays in this years super bowl. The answers come tomorrow and we have a prevau of the big game. The bulls are out in new york city. Not on wall street but 33rd street at Madison Square garden along with the daring cowboys of the professional bull riders tour. Well take you there. Our top story this half hour, the Supreme Court will decide the issue of samesex marriage. The justices will consider gay right cases asking it to overturn bans in four states. It will also decide whether samesex marriage will be legal in all 50 states. Arguments will be heard in the spring. The decision expected in june. Jan crawford is in our Washington Bureau with more. Jan . This is a case that gay rights advocates had worked toward. Theyre calling it the civil rights issue of our time reflecting how dramatically and quickly the law on gay rights has changed. Just 12 years ago the justices struck down laws in nearly a third of the country that made homosexual acts a crime. Now 30 states allow them to marry and the justices decide now whether it will be league nationwide. Many say the court has already paved the way in this case when it ruled two years ago that the federal government must recognize legal samesex marriages but of course that doesnt guarantee the Supreme Court will require states to allow samesex marriage and the stakes are high. If it rules theres no constitutional right to samesex marriage. That would throw into question marriages that were legalized and many of the states by the lower courts. Anthony and vinita. Jan crawford in washington. Thank you. Now to the antiterror raids in europe. More than two dozen arrests have been made by police and soldiers trying to prevent new attacks. In a gunfight last night a plot to kill Police Officers was stopped. A manhunt is now under way for three more people in belgium who trained with Islamic State fighters. Jewish schools have been closed as a precaution. Security is high around government buildings. What war was president dwight d. Heisen hour . . What are the first ten amendments to the constitution called . If you cant answer those questions you might not be able to graduate high school in arizona. More than a dozen other states are considering similar laws. David begnaud has the story. Im tired of the state making data with our kids. Enough already. Youd better be ready for a lek fur if you ask sue campbell what she thinks of her states newest law. It is redundant and not needed. Politicians have once again mike romanaged part of the American Public school. Reporter called the american civics act the new law aims to have students prove they know American History and government. This is the same test that people have to take and pass to become a u. S. Citizen and so why should our youth, the people who are already blessed with citizenship, not be able to pass this test . Reporter the test includes questions like who was the president during world war i. Shes right. She would likely pass the test. Shes a High School Senior whos also undocumented and hopes to one day become president. When i decide to take my citizenship test the information i learned from class will give me an advantage. Starting in the 8th grade, students can begin taking the new civics test. To graduate they must correctly answer 60 out of 100 questions which can stump even post graduates. Questions such as we elect u. S. Senators for how many years . Two years. Eight years. Between two and four years. I have no idea. The correct answer is six. I think it would be cool for them to know this considering i dont really know it. I slept a lot during class in high school, so that would be that would probably be why. I say shame on them for basically, you know, i guess you could say for turning off and tuning out. Reporter frank riggs runs the arizona based joe fost institution. His goal is to move it nationally to be moved to all 50 states. For sue campbell whos been in the classroom for 25 years the grand canyon creates a new divide between teachers and those who thingk they know better. You have to trust the Classroom Teachers to class. The class of 2017 will be the first students required to take the test in order to graduate. Anyone who fails may retake it until they pass. For cbs this morning saturday, david begnaud, cbs news, los angeles. The creators of selma are leading the march in alabama. It includes a march to a bridge in selma the original march culminated in the president s signing of the Voting Rights act of 1965. Football fans learn tomorrow which teams will go to the super bowl. Its championship sunday. A pair of doordie games with green bay versus seattle for the nfc crown and indianapolis taking on new england for the afc. Here to break it down for us is Huffington Post columnist jordan schultz. Jordan, good morning. Good morning, good morning. A couple of great games. The first one, Indianapolis Colts and new England Patriots tom brady is 30 against andrew luck, isnt he . He is and hes 37 years old too. You have to throw that in. Theres a changing of the guard here. Andrew luck is 25. His in next big thing in the nfl and he already has become that it guy. He has 40 tufrpds this year and he has the most passing yards in three years in nfl history, even more so than dan moreno. This is a big time for him to take over. Also hes going up against Bill Belichick whos the king of adapting. New england is a touchdown favorite. Who do you think is going to win this game . A lot of people say the torch will effectively be passed then if he beats brady as quarterback. I picked them last week because theyre dangerous. Im picking the colts to go on the road. Youre going with the colts . I changed my mind. I was convinced. I think new england is going to have a hard time containing him. In tom brady, you have a quarterback who has the most postseason wins in nfl f lfl history. I mean his legacy is secure but how important is it for him to win this game do you think . I think his legacy has already submitted so much that he really is some would say the greatest quarterback of all time. Hes in that conversation. Three super bowls, mvps. He to me is the standard for excellence in pro football and he plays the most important position in pro sports. I think theres a little pressure on him. They were the last team. It was a decade ago. I think he would probably say if he asked him this might be one of the most important seasons of his career because they havent done it in a long time four straight championships but no super bowl in a decade. Also the discrepancyies between the coaches with their experience. Lets move to the other game packers and seahawks. They lost two home games in three years. I was there last year when they hammered north carolina. You cant imagine how loud that stadium is. They take it seriously in seattle. Russell wilson their quarterback chlg we talk about andrew luck and tom brady. Aaron rodgers has the most wins in nfl history through three seasons. Hes only 25 years old. He has the super bowl. Its an opportunity for him to say, hey im in this conversation too. I saw erin rodgers. And he is limping. Yeah. He has a calf injury. Hes definitely not 100 . The interesting thing for him is hes going up against the seattle defense that led the league in scoring defense three years in a row. That hasnt happened in 43 years. Seattle despite being a dae finsiveminded team is going to score on defense. At the same time we know how hard it is to repeat as a super bowl champ. Theyre two games away. Who are row thinking is winning this game . Im sticking with seattle. Theyre the best and most balanced team and to me your super bowl winner is . Seattle again. My preseason pick the last two years. Were going to hold you to all of those picks. Thank you. Good, good. Jordan schultz. Thank you so much. Cbs Sports Coverage of the afc championship begins with the fl today at 6 00 jup next, how companies can be cashing in on your face. Research shows we reveal more with facial explosions than with words. How some are cashing in on this personal trove of data. Youre watching cbs this morning saturday. In a race, its about getting to the finish line. In life, its how you get there that matters most. Like when i found out i had a blood clot in my leg. My doctor said that it could travel to my lungs and become an even bigger problem. So he talked to me about xarelto®. Xarelto® is the first oral prescription blood thinner proven to treat and help prevent dvt and pe that doesnt require regular blood monitoring or changes to your diet. For a prior dvt i took warfarin, which required routine blood testing and dietary restrictions. Not this time. While i was taking xarelto®, i still had to stop racing, but i didnt have to deal with that blood monitoring routine. Dont stop taking xarelto®, rivaroxaban, unless your doctor tells you to. While taking xarelto®, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. Xarelto® may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. Xarelto® can cause serious bleeding, and in rare cases, may be fatal. Get help right away if you develop unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. If you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto®, watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. Do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. Tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. Before starting xarelto® tell your doctor about any conditions such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. Xarelto® is proven to reduce the risk of dvt and pe, with no regular blood monitoring and no known dietary restrictions. Treatment with xarelto® was the right move for me. Ask your doctor about xarelto® today. I love the holidays but after all the shopping cooking and heavy foods. Sometimes i feel bloated or gassy with rumbling uncomfortable. I feel less motivated and sluggish. Its time to start the year off right with the activia challenge enjoying activia twice a day for four weeks may help reduce the frequency of minor digestive issues like bloating, gas discomfort and rumbling. And if your tummy smiles you can start the year off right. Try the activia challenge. It works or its free. Dannon facial Recognition Technology is used in everything from Security Systems to smartphone cameras and now theres software that uses facial cues to detect a persons emotions, which sounds like an advertisers dream. Joining us now, an emotion tracking company and ken wheaton, managing director of at age. Welcome to both of you. Thank you. This blew me away. It has marketing promises but it also has wellness promises. What exactly is it and hue did you come up with it . Yes. As human beings emotions influence every aspect of our lives from how we connect and communicate to each other to decisions we make big and small. I just got fascinated about this idea about building an emotionally intelligent machine and in particular applying that to how people on autism spectrum connect and learn about social emotional cues. By doing so, we started getting a lot of interest from industry to ply this technology in a variety of cases. So this technology was originally designed for autism. Mmhmm. But now youve taken it further. One thick people say is i think my facial expressions are different than everybody elses but youre saying its universe alt. Yes. There are culture roles that detect how people express emotion. We have so far gathered 2. 5 million face videos from 27 countries so we get to see how different cultures express emotion. For example in china, people i come from egypt so i can resonate with that. People dont really want to communicate or express their negative emotion. So we baseline our technology depending on the different cultures that so ken, when you think about Advertising Industry as a whole, we mentioned market marketing possibilities. When we think of how people respond to a commercial an ad what is the world saying about this . I think the world gets excited about technology all the time but i think in this case its justified. Marketers have spent millions of dollars on advertising and placing on advertising and they want to know if it works and this gives you a little bit of look at whether it works or not. Is this going to replace focus groups or not, kevin, if it works as well as you think to . I think the world hopes it will replace business groups. Theres nothing more unreliable than a person talking about themselves. We can all pretend we dont like Something Like a reality show but this software might tell you what youre enjoying a lot. Well pretend to like pbs but we really want to go home and watch junk on tv. I think this capture as lot of what businesses are looking for when they spend a lot. Look at a Super Bowl Ad that cost 3 . 5 million to rupp. You know, i want to know if thats are working or not or at least making people smile. It might not the question will it sell my product but it will answer the question are people paying attention. Show us how this exactly works. I know we gave your software. They were using it on a recent eminem commercial. Lets start with your expressions and show how it would detect your expressions, vinita. You can see its found your face. You know its tracking the future points on your face your eyebrows. My emotions are never minimal. I knew i would be a good test candidate for this. If you smile it defelkts that, a brow fur row. This is me looking at this m m ad and your response to it. It starts out neutral. As it progresses were seeing your brow fur rows. Maybe its curiosity. I would think that some of these famous expressions are so minute. Does it get even the smallest twitches . It does. Weve worked so hard to make sure it can detect subtler expressions. We weve still got a long way to go. Thanks so much for sharing this. Up next the story of four remarkable kids who used spare parts to build a submersible robot that beat designs from a top university. Its all part of the news now. Youre watching cbs this morning saturday. All day and all of the night the kinks all day and all of the night the kinks yoplait. With a smooth and creamy taste your whole family loves. It is so good all the time. Man when i got shingles it was something awful. It was like being blindsided by some linebacker. You dont see it coming. Boom if youve had chicken pox that shingles virus is already inside of you. It aint pretty when it comes out. Now im not telling you this so that youll feel sorry for me. Im just here to tell you that one out of three people are gonna end up getting shingles. I was one of em. So please go talk to your doctor or pharmacist. In tow 4 four phoenix High School Students pulled off a major upset. They beat mit and others in a nasa sponsored underwater robot contest. The next year an art cull was written about it revealing that the young inventors were mexican born illegal immigrants. The article became a book called spare parts and now is in a movie that includes marissaa tomei tomei, george lopez, and janie lee jamie lee curtis. In order to do this we would have to build an underwater vehicle that swims under water. You know this isnt the desert right . Permission to speak freely, sir . Sure. Theres an rov up on mars. Im pretty sure it wasnt built on mars sir. Okay. The film ends on a happy note but so far the real story has not worked out well for these four young men. Author joshua davis is here to tell us more. They basically took garbage, build a robot called stinky and beat out mit. Yeah. They didnt have formal training but had an innate ingenuity that was born out of necessity. Unfortunately they havent been able to really realize the real american dream. Youre talking about four kids here from carl hadden Community High school. Their budget was 800 bucks. They were up against mitt who had a 10,000 budget. And they beat them. Beat them. And so these have got to be kids with real ability here. Thats true. What happenedsome. You mean after the fact. Yeah. So initially they couldnt get work because they were undocumented nor could they afford going to college. So eventually one of them ended up as a day laborer, one of them ended up as a janitor. One of them ended up as a line cook. One of them was essentially deported. What about the kids who ended up losing to these four kids. I mean the kids from mit went on to great jobs which is perfect. Thats what you want. You want people to who have extraordinary tent to be able to use it particularly at a time with a country who needs great tech talent. The fact that it didnt work out for them is a tragedy for them personally but a tragedy for us as a country. How did these kids pull off the win, joshua . First of all, they had no intention of winning. Their goal was to simply not finish last and there were two divisions. There was a High School Division and a collegiate division and they entered the collegiate division figuring okay theyre probably going to lose so they might as well lose to the best in the country. But it turns out each of them had a particular skill that they brought to the table and it was a little bit like the ateam. One guy had repaired cars in his driveway growing up. Another guy was a brainiac who just was amazing, you know. He just knew math and physics. There was they built this robot that was going to be pretty heavy and so they recruited one guy who was really big and could lift it. It was pretty ugly actually t robot. It was very ugly. Only an engineer would love this thing. When you hear it as a plot for a movie, it seems so natural. But when to you did you think it could mace a crossover from an article to a movie . When hollywood started calling me. I wrote the article in 2005 and almost immediately a bunch of Hollywood Studios said we should adapt this. Did you reach out to the kids and tell them . Yeah. You and the four guys were actually on the set for a period of time, is that right . Thats true. How did it feel . For me it was pretty surreal and for the kids it was even weirder in large part because in the film as many hollywood films do, theres a resolution at the end of the film. And in one instance one of the characters resolutions didnt actually happen and it was hard for him to watch that. It was a reconciliation with a Family Member that has. Yet happened. As you mentioned, if deferred action had been around then it would have been a different outcome. Its a fascinateing story and looks to be a fascinating movie. Thank you, josh. Thank you. Real mean bulls right here in the heart of new york city. Well take you there. Youre watching cbs this morning. Saturday. Good morning im Nicole Brewer. Eye suspect is behind bars after a drug bust, goes bad and upper darby Police Officer opened fire on that man after he tried to ram her with his vehicle on 69th street on friday. Police caught up with the suspect eventually recovering bun also of heroin crack and semiautomatic weapons. The suspect is expect to face numerous charges, including attempted murder. Now lets get a check of the forecast with carol, good morning. Carol. Good morning, hi everybody. It is a bright, gorgeous looking day to day. I have the looking part because feeling part is a lot colder. But it looks great out there as we look at Center City Philadelphia, the shore looks beautiful and it is gorgeous out in kutztown too but look the at that temperature 13 degrees. Winds are light but still even 2 miles an hour wind will make it feel colder then that. Our temperatures are in the teens and maybe 20, that is about as warm as we can get temperatures at this point and that is number in philadelphia. On our way to 32 degrees with sunshine today and 44, but it comes with rain tomorrow. Nicole. Carol thanks. Our next update 8 57. Im Nicole Brewer. We will see you then. Welcome back to cbs this morning saturday. Im anthony mason. And im vinita nair. We begin this half hour with a bunch of tough cowboys, vinita, and a lot of bull. You dont exclusively think of new york as a rodeo type of town but right now theyre in new york city doing their dafrmgs thing at Madison Square garden. We went for a look and it was quite an experience. Theyre good old boys welcomed into arenas like rock stars. Each week 35 of the best cowboys in the world compete as part of the professional bull riders or pbr. This is often called the most dangerous eight seconds in sports. Its how long a rider needs to stay on top of an 1 800pound bucking bull. What goes through your head right before you start . Well as with any oprofessional athlete its kind of routine once you get into the bucking chute. Youre not listening to the fans. Youre not listening to the announcer. You might hear your buddies telling you good luck behind the chute but other than that, youre focused on the job at happened and thats riding on the big piece of hamburger thats rides underneath you. Reporter its the tours ninth goaround in new york. Whefrp we tell people we have a venue at Madison Square garden, it blows their mind. Reporter are they shocked you could do a rodeo here . Theyre shocked about the whole situation. Theyre shock thad people come watch here that we even get dirt in this arena and theyre even more shocked that were riding bulls in Madison Square garden. Reporter the arena is better known as the home to the nbas New York Knicks and the nhls new york rangers. Crews work through the night laying 750 tons of dirt to transform the garden into a rodeo. Its like coming to a concrete jungle. Reporter this is matt triplets second year competing in new york. The 23yearold montana native says he feels right at home. To compete in Madison Square garden where you know muhammad ali, all the biggest named sports people in the world have competed here, its just a dream come true. Reporter the riders are judged on a 50point scale. The tougher the bull the high ter riders skoi. Friday night triplet was docked whelp his bull didnt burkhardt enough out of the chute. He attempted a reattempt but the hard fall knocked the wind right out of him. Many times the injuries are a lot more serious. Just ask reese. Ive broken some ribs. Ive got plates on my ribs. Ive broken my jaw. I have plates on my jaw. I had surge royen my hand and i had shoulder Reconstructive Surgery last season. Reporter why do you do it . The reason i do it, i have a passion for it. My dad and grand dad both ride bulls. I grew up around the sport. I grew up knowing what i wanted to do and where i wanted to be. Thanks to the pbr they provided us an opportunity to make a living and make a very good living riding bucking bulls. Reporter 31yearold mike lee earned 31 million for winning the 2004 World Championship but four years ago he hit the jackpot when he met his wife dana a new yorker, after a night at the garden. The lees live on a ranch in texas, but this weekend the couple is commutes to the city by train from her parents house on long island. Have you ever said to him this is too dangers . Lets try Something Else . No. I got to do what i loved to do and he gets to do what he loves to do and if he wants to be 85 years old and riding im going to be the 80yearold in the front row screaming for him. Reporter theres no doubt riding bulls is not a life for everyone. Its something that you cant really explain to people because its an adrenaline rush and maybe were a little crazy, i dont know. I know some people think we are, but wed like to think were pretty normal human beings. You really understand the core strength it takes from these guys. Theyre really athletes. Reese is one of my favorites. Said what happens if you go longer than eight seconds. He said you dont get paid overtime. Get on and get off. I love that they met at the garden. Thats great story. If you want more on the story up next shane lions was a successful child actor but now he plays the role he was born for, executive chef at his own restaurant here in new york. Well get a taste on the dish. Youre watching cbs this morning saturday. Announcer this portion sponsored by nicoderm cq. Ended up nowhere. Now. I use this. The nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release Technology Helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. I want this time to be my last time. Thats why i choose nicoderm cq. humming oh yeah. humming theyre magically delicious. Ha very funny, kyle. I want. Regularity. I want good digestive health. I just dont want to have to think about regularity. Natural benefiber helps support digestive health. And maintain. That word. You know what it tastes like in water . Water except this water makes you feel great. Benefiber. Now in stick packs. Kids sometimes bring home more than homework. Like cold symptoms. Stuffy nose. A cough. Chest congestion fast acting mucinex multisymptom cold breaks up mucus and relieves your childs worst cold symptoms. Lets end this. [ woman ] too weak. Wears off. [ female announcer ] stop searching and start repairing. Eucerin professional repair moisturizes while actually repairing very dry skin. The end of trial and error has arrived. Its great on strawberries apples. Bananas. Rice cakes. Raspberries. Toast [ kelly ] jif hazelnut spread makes anything your new favorite thing. Spoons which is why this choosy mom chooses jif. Shane lyons was destined to become a chef like both of his parents but as a child he started acting. He was in all that, raven, and e. R. He graduated from the Culinary School at 18. In these days he stars in his own kitchen as an executive chef in new york. Welcome to the dish. Good morning. Thank you for coming. Thanks for having me. This is the first time weve never had popcorn on the table. Youve never had popcorn on the table . Chicken wings . Weve got quite the shift here. Chicken wings double fried so theyre extra cricky. Liver pate and over there that little monster is called a ducken waffle. Country fried, pretty healthy. Battered and fried. Yeah. Lets talk about your background. As we mentioned you, both of your parents were professional chefs. Yeah, that i rks, they were. Tell us the first time you start cooking. My parents gave im man enough to admit this an easybake oven and they substituted it with a chefs knife when i was 5 years old. You got given a knife for christmas when you were 5 years old. Yeah. Its really bad parenting or the beginning of a career. My parents both being chefs they taught methow respect the knife how to respect the stove how to be around this dangerous equipment but approach it with a sense of professionalism early on. When did you get involved in acting . It seems like with professional chefs they said, go follow. My parents said do what you love. They said it to my siblings the same, really thats the best gift theyve ever given us. They saw i had a knack for being somewhat of a ham and my mom took me for an audition to james and the giant peach and i ended up being a cloud. Look at that picture of you. Oh, no. I started doing that it never Colorado Springs and i eventually landed a role in a film called chicken pox sundance. You stayed with this till you were 16. I did. I did all that for three seasons. It with us great. All that was like a saturday night live for teens and stafrpted a lot of careers for like amanda bynes and keenan thompson. And then when i was 16 after working so many years in acting, i needed to just kind of take a break for a second and jump back into Something Else. When did you decide to go to cia because your mom also attended the same Culinary School. Yeah, shedy. I went to cia when i was 16. I always wanted to go. There was a shooting of law and order svu. My mom said youre out in new york, im going to take you to the cia. We toured the campus and i fell in love. Its pretty incredible. Its like hogwarts but for cooks. Pretty good way to explain it. At 16 i started to enroll. Actually i started as a dishwasher. I went from shooting on a sound stage in l. A. And next i was knee deep in muck learning how to start in the kitchen from the bottom up. Thats when it really switched for you. What even you went to cia you were like thats it. This is where im going. And now youve got your own restaurant in new york. Yeah. I decided this, this this. Im a believer that life gives you unique opportunities. I graduated asfrom cis and work as a private chef. If someone told me three years ago you were going to have a restaurant in new york city and youre going to have a giant place, i would have been no way. Its unorthodox. Your food is delicious. As we hand this dish for you to sign, we would ask you if you could have this dish with anyone past or present, who would it be. It would be my grandmother, she just passed away. We called her noni. I think shed love this duck and waffle. I certainly do. For more on shane lyons and the dish, head to cbsthismorning. Com. Doctor dogs from pennsylvania. They have unique and memorable songs. Stay with us. Youre watching cbs this morning. Announcer this portion sponsored by toyota. Lets go places. [thinking] started my camry. Drove to her wedding. Did not forever hold my peace. [laughing] wow the bold new camry. One bold choice leads to another. Toyota. Lets go places. When the flu hits, its a really big deal. The aches. The chills. The fever. 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The taste of light and fit greek non fat yogurt gives you the power to help make temptation shrink away with irresistible flavors never have 80 calories tasted so satisfying light and fit greek. Taste the power of satisfaction. Lowes presents how to install a new washing machine with one finger. Maybe a little more that way. [sliding noises. ] nice get 10 off major appliances 399 or above, at lowes. Patented Sonic Technology with up to 27 more brush movements. Get healthier gums in two weeks. Innovation and you Philips Sonicare save when you give Philips Sonicare this holiday season. This morning in our saturday session the musical medicine dr. Dog. The Pennsylvania Group has created eight albums and is known financeer for their incredible shows. Their new album live in a flamingo hotel. Here they are with shadow people. The rain is falling its after dark the streets are swimming with the sharks its the right night for the wrong company and there aint nothing around here to look at move along move along the neon lights on baltimore every shahdowshadows getting famous in some backyard in some plastic chair hoping these cigarettes will save us here we go again uuuh here we go again uuuh you got rings in your ears and youve been kicked around and made up looking high looking low where do all the shadow people go where do all the shadow people go i gotta know whoa where the shadow people go i stole a bike from the second mile saw a band play in the basement i crossed the path of a friend of mine and i know what that look upon her face meant snoits somethings gone from her eye yeah somethings wronggone wrong you could be a woman or you could be a man you can wear the glove on the other hand whoo you could be twisted you could be insane pushing the envelope against the grain just playing along uuuh just playing along uuuh and i got something on my mind and i got voices on the other line saying hi saying hello where do all the shadow people go where do all the shadow people go i want to know where the shadow people go where do all the shadow people go where do all the shadow people go where do all the shadow people go where do all the shadow people go. Wrets do shadow people go dont go away. Well be right back with more music from dr. Dog. Youre watching cbs this morning. How . With heat. Unlike creams and rubs that mask the pain, thermacare has patented heat cells that penetrate deep to increase circulation and accelerate healing. Lets review heat, plus relief, plus healing, equals thermacare. The proof that it heals is you. Its gonna tempt your tummy, with the taste of nuts and honey. Its a honey of an o. Its honey nut cheerios. Tomorrow on cbs sunday morning steve harvey is one of the hottest stars on strilgs as well as a comedian and author. And on cbs this morning the life and legacy of Martin Luther king jr. He will share his memories monday on cbs this morning. Have a great weekend, everybody. Wait. Ive got get in the mood here. Had too get me a dr. Dog beanie. We leave you now with more music from dr. Dog. This is how long must i wait. I walk with you every i go but it dont seem like you know i sang your praise like an old songbird but i dont suppose you heard i climbed my voice to the top of my lungs but im standing on the tip of my tongue all i see only looks the same the picture is the frame oh soul of mine look out and see my time my time my time my time my good morning im Nicole Brewer. And, it is a blast from the past at camden aquarium in the form of the dino invasion. Take a look a new exhibit called dinosaurs of the deep features pre historic had marine reptiles that lived more than hundred million years ago. Thinks largest exhibit pie the way that Adventure Aquarium has ever shown. Dinosaurs, is now on display for a limited time. Check on that forecast with carol, good morning. Good morning to you. Weve got some cold temperatures out there, the dinosaurs wouldnt like them anymore than you would. Ben franklin bridge blue skies, looks really pretty though. The and as you head down to the the shore areas, rehoboth beach, 32, sunny degrees but it is coal. Storm scan three shows it is also quiet so expect to find a dry day to day. 21 degrees. In philadelphia right now. Eighteen in trenton. Twentyone in wilmington. We are on our way to 32 degrees. The that is it. Not that much in the way of wind so we wont be dealing with the wind chill. Tomorrow we will be dealing with some rain, we will see that rain coming in the morning, 44 degrees, monday should be dry and blustery, nicole. Carol thanks. That is it for Eyewitness News this morning. Follow us on our web site at cbs philly. Com. Im Nicole Brewer. Make it a great day. Announcer when you see this symbol you know youre watching a show thats educational and informational. The cbs dream team its epic. Narrator today on lucky dog, lights, camera, action brandon thats what i want to see right there. Narrator were striking a pose as one lhasa apso mix prepares for the audition of a lifetime. Brandon look at that, done narrator but booking the role of photographers assistant. Brandon good, good, thats a mark narrator . May be biting off more than wilson can chew. Brandon not every dog is meant to be a studio dog. Im Brandon Mcmillan and ive dedicated my life to saving the lonely, unwanted dogs that are living without hope. My mission is to make sure these amazing animals find a purpose a family, and a place to call home

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