Transcripts For KYW CBS This Morning 20171123 : comparemela.

Transcripts For KYW CBS This Morning 20171123

escape from north korea. he suffered from malnutrition. but one warns his dash for freedom could be a setup. and meet a dedicated nanny. she looks after those for no charge. but we begin this morning with today's "eye opener," your world in 90 seconds. >> reporter: millions are expected to turn out. >> new york city rams up parade activity. >> that's the reality of 2017. >> texas republican congressman joe barton is apologizing for a nude photo of him that has been circulating on the internet. >> representative john conyers has no plans to resign after allegations of sexual misconduct. >> another woman coming forward -- >> i was harassed by the congressman. i was verbally abused repeat repeatedly. >> it comes after they failed to see. >> he pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting seven girls. >> you harmed them. selfishness. >> three people are still missing after a u.s. navy transport plane went down in the pacific. >> the massive search is under way. >> all that -- >> you can hear the gasps. >> -- and all that matters -- >> a majority of americans plan to completely avoid talking politics at thanksgiving this year. that is until your brother takes a knee while your uncle says grace. then it's on. >> -- on "cbs this morning." >> a time for family. but even in the best of years, political things can make things intense. if you're concerned about conflict over the dinner table, watch how much you have to drink. i recommend either no drinks or all of the drinks. >> announcer: this morning's "eye opener" presented by toyota. let's go places. welcome to "cbs this morning" and happy thanksgiving. happy, happy thanksgiving. >> happy thanksgiving. >> we'll soon be stuffing our faces with turkey. i'm alex wagner with vladier duthiers and bianna golodryga. norah o'donnell and gayle king are off for thanksgiving. officers with state-of-the-art equipment are in new york city. >> they're patrolling the parade route. >> mayor de blasio says there's no credible threat to the city or the parade. demarco morgan is there with more on the intense security. good morning, demarco. >> reporter: across the country people will take in the annual tradition. fans big and small line the streets of manhattan on wednesday to watch the inflation of the balloons before the parade. >> there's so many of them and they're gigantic. >> yeah, it's fun, but it's cold too. >> reporter: for the first time the event took place during the day and the bagged were checked. just one of many events with soft targets, exposed areas with large crowds. the state's police force said it's ready for any potential threat. >> we looks at what's going on around the world, and we make changes and dapt to what's going on around the world, not just this country. >> reporter: the npd is taking measures along the parade route after a gunman opened fire in las vegas from a hotel room. 58 died. over 300 were injured. >> we train, what to look for, what's suspicious, we get information, follow up leads. >> reporter: for a second year in a row, heavy trucks will be used to block the road. just last week a terrorist used a truck to kill eight people and injured more than a dozen. local, state, and federal agencies will fill the command center, watching a multitude of cameras set up in the city. >> they can move them, manipulate them, focus in on areas. i have all the faith in the world that our men and women will keep this event very safe. >> reporter: now, the city commissioned 2,000 more police officers on patrol than in previous years. officials say if you see something, say something. alex? >> demarco, thanks. a high-profile lawyer says a congressman verbally abused her repeatedly when she served fehr him. she's talking about congressman john conyers after he was accused by others of sexual misconduct. nancy, good morning. >> good morning. melanie sloane said while she wasn't sexually harassed when she worked for conyers, he would often bee rate her about her actions and her appearance. he went beyond a tough boss. melanie sloane worked for congressman john conyers from 1995 to 1998 as a house judiciary committee staffer. she said he was contactually verbally abusive. >> he would yell and scream at me. he would scream for not wearing stockings. >> reporter: sloane went on to form a watchdog room but not before she talked to her supervisor and leader about concerns which she said were dismissed. >> there was really nowhere else to go at that time and there still isn't. >> reporter: the house ethics committee opened an investigation into conyers this week after it was revealed he paid a staffing $27,000 to settle a complaint. that staffer said she was fired for refusing conyers' sexual advances. several others said conyers should at least step down as the top democrat on the judiciary committee. new york democrat gregory meeks. >> no one should accept that bad behavior. i think since there's more than one incident of women coming in, it would not be appropriate for the judiciary committee to sit there. >> conyers said he is taking the situation very seriously but has no plans to resign. he told the "washington post" he didn't do anything inappropriate to melanie sloane. two more women came forward and said al franken groped them during campaigning in 2007 and 2008. one said he groped her when posing for a photo. the other said he cupped her butt at a fund-raiser. franken said he doesn't remember those events. bianna? >> a lot of pressure on both men this morning. thank you. congressman joe barton is apologizing this morning for a nude photo of him that appeared on line. the selfie was circulated by an anonymous twitter account. barton said he had consensual relationships with other women while separated from his ex-wife and should have used better judgment. the 17-year republican was thereto threatened that she wouhe would to the police if she released the photos. this follows the deadly texas church shooting when 26 people were killed. after the massacre, the airport -- air force said it fails to reveal the information. the data base known as nix is critical to keeping guns out of the hands of them. they say relevant information may not be getting reported. this man's daughter was killed when a man went on a rampage after dinner. he had a history that should have kept him from passing a federal background check. >> it's ridiculous that someone can have all of that history, mental and legal, and still the state will give them a conciliatory and the feds will sell him as many guns as he wants. >> we'll have a closer look at the knicks data base here on "cbs this morning" tomorrow morning. president trump is spending thanksgiving day at his resort in mar-a-lago. he said happy thanksgiving. jobs coming back. highest stockmarket ever. the president plans to meet next week for a business agenda for the end of the year. errol barnett is in west palm beach traveling with the president. errol, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. after thanksgiving he'll have to deal with issues. yesterday president trump was more combative than thankful. with a laundry list of big ticket items waiting for him in washington, president trump spent the first day of his thanksgiving vacation tending to more political matters like his words of war with lavar ball. he said in a tweet it wasn't the u.s. government or lavar's people on the ground in china that got his son out. it was me. went on to say ball is a poor man ice version of don king without the hair and called him an ungrateful fool. >> that's a nice thing. i've been called over names. guess what he's done to me. nothing. >> he still refuses to thank mr. trump. >> me and trump ain't having no conversation. >> reporter: his son and two teammates were charged this past month for shoplifting. shortly after chinese authorities released them. upon their return to the states, ucla basketball suspended all three indefinitely. the treo held a press conference to apologize for their actions. >> i'd also like to thank president trump and the president. >> he came at the nfl yet again for considering keeping players inside the locker room during the "national anthem" which he believes to be almost as bad as kneeling. now, what's notable is who president trump has chosen to defend. republican senator roy moore who faces allegations of sexual misconduct. before heading on vacation, mr. trump said people should pay attention to moore's denials as well. >> err rom, thanks. the former doctor for the usa gymnastics team pled guilty to sexually abusing several girls. three-time olympic gold medalist, aly raisman who was not part of this case, tweeted yesterday, larry is a monster, not a doctor. jericka duncan spoke with some of the victims after the hearing. >> he was gregarious, charming, everything a pedophile is. >> rachel den hollander was known as jane doe. they were all 15 or younger at the time. >> i pray the rosary every day for forgiveness. i want them to heal. >> what did you make of his apology. >> i think it showed larry's psychological state and he'll take every opportunity to shift the attention back onto himself to try to make himself look less evil than he is. >> reporter: the juk admonished him for molesting young athletes he was supposed to be treating for injury. >> you violated the oath which was to do no harm and you harmed them, selfishly. >> reporter: more than 31 have now accused him of abuse including aly raisman, mckayla maroney, and gabby douglas who only came forward on tuesday. raisman spoke with "60 minutes." >> when i see the young girls who come up to me and ask for pictures or autographs, every time i look at them, see them smiling, i think -- i want to create change so they never ever have to go three through. >> reporter: nassar who also pleaded guilty to a federal important case in july now face as minimum of 25 years behind bars for each of the u counts of criminal sexual conduct. he'll be sentenced in january. for "cbs this morning," jericka duncan, lansing, michigan. >> there are over 125 cases under investigation by the michigan attorney general's office. an intense search continues this morning for three missing sailors. the c-2 greyhound transport aircraft went down on a mission. eightover people were rescued shortly after the crash. u.s., japanese and others have rescued eight. they've notified the families of the three missing members. there's a clue in the search for a missing argentine submarine in the south atlantic. ships will search in a previously searched area. a noise was heard there. the vessel disappeared last week with 44 crew member on board. several crews in the u.s. are helping with the search. today marks the start of the biggest shopping weekend of the year. that's right, folks. more than 164 million people plan to shop between thanksgiving day and cyber monday. the long weekend kicks off the shopping holiday season. shoppers will spend on average $1,000. mellody hobson is in san francisco. melody, this used to be the day where everyone went out shopping right after thanksgiving into tonight, into tomorrow morning. now we're seeing only 35% of americans are going to shop on black friday. they're calling it gray friday. what gives? >> what is happening is the day is not as big as it used to be, but it still is big. nearly 115 million will buy something tomorrow. it's a big number. but the numbers are down. a lot of it is driven by the fact that retailers want it to be a holiday marathon, not a one-day spritz and they'll be offering deals all through the season as they have been. we've gotten very used to specials and diskoungt. that's changed the prominence and attractiveness of black friday. >> mellody, how much has online shopping cannibalized brick and mortar stores. we've seen the demise of brick and mortar retail in local neighborhoods? how much does that play a role? >> it's certainly been a big effect. also, keep in mind 30% of the sales this holiday season will occur in a store. 85%. so the number is still really huge. the brick and mortar retailers are trying to extend their business online because online is where the growth is. online is growing 15% to 20% a year. we know amazon dominates. half of all online sales occur just with amazon. so brick and mortar is not dead, although we've absolutely seen a major change. the lines are blurring. at the same time, online is growing very fast. >> mellody, let me share a new cbs poll with our audience here. nearly 38% dread >> they're pulling out all the stops. research online buy in store. research in store buy online. return in store. curbside pickup. they even trying everything. fully stocked bars. >> all right. i'm enticed. >> they're really try to create and meet you where you want to be to have the experience be what you want it to be. they're trying. >> overall sales are expected to be up, right? the president has been touting the stockmarket, consumer confidence all year and with good reason. we're seeing an increase in confidence. does that mean by the end of the year we're going to see an crease in spending compared to last year? >> analysts say 3.6% to 4% this year. we'll see. all retailers won't do the same. some are on the ropes. some won't thrive. >> what are you going to be buying, mellody? >> i just started and i've got a long list. >> mellody hobson, thank you very much. happy thanksgiving. >> thanks. thousands of troops have already enjoyed thanksgivingdier. ahead, how the where they're stationed. we're learning new detail this morning about the north korean soldier who defected to south korea across the dmz. >> ahead. a knew theory about his escape under the hail of gunfire and what conditions are like under the regime of kim jong-un. >> you're watching "cbs this morning." ♪ ifwhat would it say?ash tag 80% glowing 50% freckles no matter your skin type, all skin deserves gentleness. that's why dove is sulfate 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(laughter) hi, i need your help. i've been trying to find ooh, cookies! a knee specialist... but nobody has an opening for months! you can't always control your feelings... oh, i found one in-network next tuesday. but unitedhealthcare can help you control your care. thanks, stephanie. unitedhealthcare you're so cold, come in! what's wrong? it's dry... your scalp? mine gets dry in the winter too. try head and shoulders' dry scalp care it nourishes the scalp and... ...keeps you up to 100% flake free head and shoulders' dry scalp care ♪ make walmart your first and only stop. black friday. thanksgiving 6pm. get the app for a sneak peek at the deals. ahead, a special louisiana grandmother in the spirit of giving. she offers support to parents in need by caring and cooking for children at no cost. >> hooray for her. good morning, i'm rahel solomon. the nation's oldest thanksgiving day parade steps off in center sit bye an hour from now. balloons being inflated and crowds are gathering for the big parade. parade starts at 20th and jfk boulevard and resuing stand is at art museum. parade is in the 98th year. let's send it over to kate for a check of the forecast a lot of people will be outside for. that what is it looking like. >> it is chilly, rahel, we started off on a chilly note by comparison to even this same time yesterday. what is goodies that the wind has really eased up nicely for us. lets look at that parade route forecast for you here. is there a chill in the air at best we're at 34 degrees just an her from now. come noon time everything wrapping up nicely only 41 then. so yes, we have sunshine for you but our temperature is still only 10 below is what average. tomorrow looking more seasonal and still nice, and sunny, rahel. >> katie, thank you. westbound vine street expressway to the ben franklin parkway is closed for thanksgiving day parade. kelly drive is detoured at mlk drive and will close at 9:00. septa and patco running modified scheduled. 422 and route 29 near collins ville in delays here. and very quickly an accident up inner dublin township we will get more information on our next update at 7:55. next up on cbs morning neighborhood nanny having a positive impact with her louisiana community. i'm rahel solomon, good morning. stephen colbert's thanksgiving turkey tips. meat ther pomatter is saying it's at 188. >> 188? get out of there. it's going to blow. 188. there's no way you want a turkey that hot. >> that's what i'm saying. >> delta 39er. this is chicago o'hare. level off on approach. please stay in a holding pattern. we will advise. >> hello. >> hello. are you delta 359er? >> no. >> you've reached o'hare. >> this is really a question about stuffing, if i -- >> okay. do you call it stuffing or dressing? >> i call it stuffing. >> okay. wrong answer. bye-bye. >> these are serious questions. for serious questions on thanksgiving you turn to stephen colbert. i need a pair of drumstick boppers. you can call with questions via text, phone, or google. the most common question. how do i thaw a frozen turkey. start earlier. it is a key question though. >> don't you take it out the day before? >> if you're not buying it right before, you're behind and you should plan on having thanksgiving tomorrow. welcome back to "cbs this morning." >> here are three things you should know this morning. new york city expects more than 3.5 million people at the thanksgiving. dozens of trucks filled with sand will block access to the 2 1/2-mile route. thousands on duty will include officers with assault weapons and radiation detectors along with sharpshooters watching above. they tell cbs news there is no word of a specific credit dal threat to the homeland. for americans in the military, serving is no excuse to miss out on a holiday meal. troops in afghanistan were served lunch with a special supply of sparkling grape juice. and there was turkey, mashed potatoes, and stuffing. they say food for the meals was ordered four months ago. turkey for the troops, i'm all for it. >> no one deserves it more than the troops. americans will be feasting for less. the american farm bureau estimates you can feed ten guests for $49.12. that's cheaper than last year. the average price of a turkey fell to $22.38. >> eggs, milk, and butter is also cheaper. there's bad news if you like stuffing. it costs 14 krenltss more a package this year. north korea says the trump administration to lalk it a state sponsor of terrorism is a serious provocation. a government statement released by government state north korea calls it a, quote, violent infringement upon our country." they're not saying anything about the escape of a soldier who ran across the border. we have new details on the soldier and his condition and what it might say about life in north korea. ben, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. most defectors head north and cross the border with china, trying to cross the heavily guarded border a suicide mission, but now this solder may survive and will provide valuable information. we don't yet know the identity of the north korean soldier who drove his army jeep to the border and ran for his life. his soldiers fired at him and hit him five times. a south korean doctor operated on him and found dozens of parasitic worms in his tract and uncooked corn. he's 24 years old but at 5'5" and weighing 132 pounds, he is significantly smaller than the average 18-year-old in south korea. doctors say he has tuberculosis and hepatitis b. last year we visited north korea. many of the soldiers we saw looked more like children, likely the result of a brutal famine in the north in the 1990s. soushl korean officials will know want to question the defector on his escape and ask whether recent u.s. sanctions are taking a toll. >> there would be questions if he's a real defector or if this is actually not the case. . >> reporter: suki kim has worked with defectors. the soldier may just be a pawn. >> if north korean government stays this dramatic great escape that really reeks of a hollywood film which in some ways would not be that surprising. i think one thing i have learned by following north korea for over a decade is that almost everybody is a victim. you know, they're just serving the great leader. >> reporter: the south korean media says this soldier who yosed the border is suffering from depression and ptsd and they had to hang up a soekt korean flag in his hospital room just to assure him he did escape from north korea. >> ben tracy in bang shing. thank you, ben. baltimore police commissioner kevin davis told reporters yesterday that detective sean suiter was shot in the head last week. it happened one day before he was set to testify in a corruption investigation of indicted police officers. davis said there's no evidence so far linking the detective's killing to his pending court appearance. >> how can it be possible that detective suiter was shot and killed on the eve of his grand jury testimony and for that murder not to have anything to do with the grand jury testimony. people say is that possible, and the answer is, of course, it's possible. >> authorities say he was killed with his own gun and there were signs of a struggle. they now believe the death of a border patrol ajejt was not an accident. sources tell cbs news new evidence that suggests the death of row helio martinez was due to an assault and not an accidental fall. another agent was also hurt. the agents were found in a culvert saturday with broken bones an head injuries. the injured agent who has not been named was released from the hospital. one grandmother's kitchen is always open for children in her louisiana community. >> she's forever going to be that wonderful nanny that the neighborhood has, the neighborhood nanny. >> ahead, a woman's mission to care for children for free when their parents have to work. and we invite you to subscribe to our "cbs this morning" podcast. you'll get the news of day, extended interviews, and podcast originals. find them all on apple's itunes and ipodcasts. you're watching "cbs this morning." what you've earned and ensure it lasts. introducing shield annuities, a line of products that allow you to take advantage of growth opportunities. while maintaining a level of protection in down markets. so you can head into retirement with confidence. talk with your advisor about shield annuities from brighthouse financial established by metlife. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the all new 2018 camry. toyota. let's go places. whfight back fastts, with tums smoothies. it starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. ♪ tum -tum -tum -tum smoothies! only from tums i love you, basement woods for solitude. i just go downstairs. i love you, but sometimes you stink. febreze air effects doesn't just mask, it cleans away odors. because the things you love the most can stink. and try febreze small spaces to clean away odors for up to 30 days. breathe 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not take stelara® if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. we're fed up with your unpredictability. remission can start with stelara®. talk to your doctor today. janssen wants to help you explore cost support options for stelara®. many people use thanksgiving as an opportunity to volunteer and give back to their communities. but for one louisiana woman, every day is a reason to help out. she's known as the neighborhood nanny. she cares and cooks for children at no cost. michelle met johnson to learn what inspired her spirit to give back. ♪ >> reporter: alma johnson starting every day minding a huge pot over a fiery stove. it's like you're cooking for an army. >> ma'am, i've been doing it for so long, i love it. >> reporter: she's running an unofficial day care for a community so desperately in need. >> do you ever run out of food? >> no, ma'am. i don't run out. i can't let it run out. >> reporter: for as long as this grandmother can remember, she's been caring for dozens of her littestest neighbors in louisiana. >> my house is never empty. never. >> how do you do it? >> i just love it. i made a promise to the lourdes. y he gave me the strength to do it. >> reporter: that strength is helping mother natalie godfrey. >> i didn't have no money, no babysitter, nothing. >> reporter: she started bringing her sons here after leaving an abusive relationship. she couldn't afford child care. >> for a babysitter a week, it's $250, $200. they have to pay bills. >> these are working people. >> if they don't go to work, the kids won't have a roof over their head. >> she doesn't charge for services. parents pitch in when they can with toilet paper, diapers. >> she tells you photo school, go to work. i've got the children. don't worry about them. >> you don't have a lot here. >> no, ma'am. i have a lot of love and a lot of attention. >> but pastor warren millson knows she's more than that. >> this is a travesty that many children in our community and country are in need of food, supplies, and clothing. sister alma takes the little that she has and causes it to be much in the lives of children. >> and her charges are learning first hand, the value of getting back what you give. for "cbs this morning," michelle miller, louisiana. >> i love this story. cooking for people is the surest most easy way to show them that you love them and they are cared for. >> you think about the impact she's had on so many families too. she really is family for all of them. >> ain't that america. we need more of that. >> yes, we do. >> ahead, what senator rand paul's wife wrote about the neighbor who attacked her they appear out of nowhere. my secret visitors. appearing next to me in plain sight. hallucinations and delusions. these are the unknown parts of living with parkinson's disease. what stories they tell. but for my ears only. what plots they unfold. but only in my mind. over 50% of people with parkinson's will experience hallucinations or delusions during the course of 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your urine or pain while you urinate. farxiga can cause serious side effects including dehydration, genital yeast infections in women and men, serious urinary tract infections, low blood sugar, and kidney problems. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have signs of ketoacidosis which is serious and may lead to death. ask your doctor about the pill that starts with f and visit for savings. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. welce back to "cbs this morning" and happy thanksgiving. the "washington post" reports rand paul's wife says the senator was unexpectedly slammed by a troubled neighbor when he was attacked at his home earlier this month. we still don't know why. in an op-ed kelly said the only dispute existed solely in the attackers troubled mind. it was a deliberate blind-sided attack. paul has six broken ribs. the neighbor pleaded guilty to an assault charge. a spokesman for senate candidate roy moore says he has resigned. he's accused of sexually molestimolest ing girls as young as 14. several republicans have urged moore to quit the race. president trump said this week he would rather have moore in the seat than his democratic opponent. new york's daily news reports more than 400 professors are ripping the university of rochester for supporting a predator professor. they urged him not to seek employment. they say the school has not done enough to protect women from florian yeager. they say the professors don't have direct knowledge of the actual circumstances. yeager did not respond to a request for a response yesterday. the state's attorney general is investigating uber after a massive data breach. other states are also investigating the breach. uber said it paid hackeder $100,000 late lastite to destroy data on over 160 million customers and drivers. retailers are offering new shipping charges to avoid peek prices. for the first time ups is tacking a surcharge for packages shipped around black friday and before christmas. they're looking to delay shipments to cheaper delivery times. they're also considering deliberate delivery charges and passing additional costs on to customers. and "newsweek" looks at what happens to our brains when we eat thanksgiving dinner. they say it's a myth that people become drowsy. they say the same amount of tryptophan are in all meats. >> i have nothing to lean on anymore. >> they say the reason people get tired after thanksgiving turkey is because they overeat. >> the turkey industry should sue. they had such a bad rap for so many years. there are always two things to watch on thanksgiving. football and parades. ahead, look at the massive security effort along new york city's pa road route with kevin frazier and kelsey knight. time to open the laptop... ...and compare medicare health plans. why? because plans change, so can your health needs. so, be open-minded. look at everything-like prescription drug plans... and medicare advantage plans from 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(child giggles) symbicort. breathe better starting within 5 minutes. get symbicort free for up to one year. visit today to learn more. good morning, i'm joe holden. happy thanksgiving. one of philadelphia's most cherish thanksgiving traditions is going on right now in south philadelphia. cacia's bakery on ritner street spend thanksgiving morning preparing more than 100 of the neighbors turkies. they have been doing it for generations and even families hoff moved away come back, and they have their turkies, roast ed to perfection. lets send it over to katie fehlinger in the eyewitness weather center for the forecast. hi katie. >> chilly one, joe. we have quiet weather for our thanksgiving holiday. happy thanksgiving to you. but we look at the temperatures as a whole you do need to bundle up adequately for these values. we are in the 30's, lower 30's or even in the 20's. cold start to the day. what is good you don't to have factor in wind chill. we have however get up to 45 degrees pushing 10 degrees below average. we are still staying in the sunshine right through black friday, more tolerable up to 52 by then, joe. >> taking you outside to the roads route 202 closed in both directions between county line road and horsham road in north wales, for turkey trot, it is expected, road closures also, in that area also i-95 betsy ross bridge no issues here, and, i476 and blue route all is well there. our next update 8:25. next up on cbs this morning a 100 year-old railroad has got safety upgrade and back on the rail. we will see you for that. in the meantime i'm joe holden , good running a small business is demanding. and that's why small business owners need more. like internet that's up to the challenge. the gig-speed network from comcast business gives you more. with speeds up to 20 times faster than the average. that means powering more devices, more video conferencing, and more downloads in seconds, not minutes. get fast internet and add phone and tv for only $24.90 more per month. comcast is building america's largest gig-speed network to give small businesses more. call 1-800-501-6000 today. happy thanksgiving. it is thursday, november 23rd, 2017. welcome back to "cbs this morning." ahead, new york city's thanksgiving parade steps off in one hour. we will look at the increased security effort to protect millions of spectators. plus, it wouldn't be thanksgiving without football. coach bill cowher from the nfl "today" is in studio 57 to preview today's action. but first here's this hour's "eye opener." new york city expects more than 3 million people for this year's thanksgiving day parade. >> 2,000 more police officers than in previous years. >> melanie sloan said conyers berated her and his actions went beyond being a tough boss. >> how are the folks getting back into it. i need to be enticed. stops. >> research online, buy in store, curbside pickup. they're trying everything. fully stocked bars. >> all right. i'm enticed. >> i hope you're all together with your loved ones, i really do. it wasn't easy this year, i'm sure, because according to one study, thanksgiving travel was expected to be the busiest in over ten years, so i'd like to give a special hello to anyone watching on their phone in the car still stuck on the freeway. >> announcer: this morning's "eye opener" at 8:00 is sponsored by blue buffalo. >> olaf. i'm impressed. you don't have a kid. >> i don't. but i have two. >> good. norah and gayle are off for the holiday. happy thanksgiving to them. 2,000 extra officers are helped to protect at the thanksgiving day parade. >> the ypd has officers lined the roof with snipers from above. officials say there is no credible threat to the parade but they're not taking any chances. demarco morgan is near the starting point of the parade. good morning, demarco. >> reporter: vlad, good morning to you. you can feel the excitement in the air but you can see the security presence lining the 2 1/2-mile route. nypd officers will be at every intersection with state-of-the-art equipment. they're ready for whatever is to come and any possible threats if there are any. that includes securing the route from possible security attacks like the one in lower manhattan on halloween that killed eight people. they're once again taking steps to keep vehicles away. >> this is something that we adapted to last year with this parade. there were attacks in europe using these sort of techniques, and we added a lot of vehicles. we've completely secured it. we have sanitation trucks, san vehicles blocking the entire route, securing it. >> the nypd has been working with hotels along the parade route to watch for suspicious behavior. this after a gunman opened fire in las vegas from his hotel room. if you want to come out, please do. >> they face a new allegation of verbal harassment. they say john conyers verb bali abused her. melanie sloan said she decided to speak out after hearing claims that conyers had sexually harassed other staffers. conye conyers' lawyer told the "washington post" representative conyers has never done anything inappropriate to melanie sloan. he'll address complaints about his behavior after thanksgiving. >> this morning we learned that a cbs news human resources department has now received complaints of sexual harassment involved former co-anchor charlie rose. the company said it did not receive any complaints until after rose was fired on tuesday anded will not comment on how many have been fired. the h.r. investigation is proceeding separately from our own news investigation. we reported yesterday that three female cbs employees claimed rose subjected them to unwanted sexual contact after 2011. we have also learned of an additional allegation that rose grabbed the rear of a female co-worker in the mid-1990s while working at "60 minutes 2." the cbs communications office referred us to a statement tuesday that said, this is new information. beyond that we have no comment at this time. rose has not responded to our multiple requests for comment. and, of course, cbs news will continue to follow this story. facebook says many users will soon be able to find out if they were impacted by russian propaganda during the 2016 election. they say people will be able to see if they liked or followed accounts from the russian group named internet research agency on facebook and instagram. the tool will be available by the end of this year. but it won't let individuals know which one they looked. they say there were 80,000 on facebook and 120,000 on instagram. 150 million users may have seen it on platforms from sharing it with friends. a historic 300-foot railroad is running again this thanksgiving 115 years after it burst open. lee cowan went for a ride. >> reporter: in the city of los angeles not exactly known for its public transportation system that it's in such a mood to celebrate this, one of the world's shortest railways. coming up on "cbs this morning," l.a.'s historic angel flight. >> i believe that is >> announcer: this morning's "eye opener" at 8:00 is sponsored by blue buffalo. you love your pets like family, so feed them like family with blue. well, vegetables will hopefully be part of the thanksgiving day spread, but john blackstone shows us why one veggie in particular is getting roasted. ooh. i like that. >> under all this green in california in salinas valley is an old crop gaining new status. cauliflower is suddenly hot and trendy, but it's also at the center of a food fight over a name. we'll have that coming up on "cbs this morning." when i received the diagnoses, i knew at that exact moment ... i'm beating this. my main focus was to find a team of doctors. it's not just picking a surgeon, it's picking the care team and feeling secure in where you are. visit for her compassion and care. he spent decades fighting to give families a second chance. but to help others, they first had to protect themselves. i have afib. even 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bleeding if you take certain medicines. xarelto® can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. get help right away for unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. if you've had spinal anesthesia, watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle-related signs or symptoms. do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures... ...and before starting xarelto®-about any conditions, such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. it's important to learn all you can... help protect yourself from a stroke. talk to your doctor about xarelto®. there's more to know™. a quirky but historic transportation icon in los angeles is running today on its first thanksgiving in five years. angel's flight is known as the world's shortest railway. for much of the past 116 years it carried passengers around 300 feet in downtown l.a. up an down a 33% incline. now, on many occasions during its long history, it almost disappeared for good. "cbs sunday morning's" lee cowan explores how this refused to n vanish from its namesake city. >> reporter: the sight of a herd of goats in downtown los angeles sure was a head scratcher, but their appetite had purpose 678 they were here to clean an incline too steep for a lawn mower, too steep for anything, in fact, save the little engine that could. in 1901 the angel's flight railway began what would begin 100 million trips over l.a.'s bunker hill. it was open every day, even thanksgiving. >> from top to bottom, 300 feet. the world's shortest franchise railway. >> reporter: yes, it was short, but the commute was practical. >> in the morning or afternoon, people would be commuting to and from work. >> reporter: gordon patton remembers his first ride as a child in 1946. for him the twin car is ever bit as iconic as the hollywood sign itself. >> does it sound the same. >> absolutely it sounds the same. >> reporter: it became a piece of pop culture, making frequent cameos. perry mason boarded angel's flight to the courthouse. it was an extra in the movie with jimmy stewart. and it's currently the scene of the crime in "bosh" as in harry bosch. michael conley says angel's flight's place in l.a. lower made it a perfect setting for his famous gumshoe to search for clues. >> it's a bridge that goes from old l.a. to new l.a. >> this little runway made an oscar for emma stone and ryan gosling. it was no accident. >> he said when he was an up-and-coming actor, he was living downtown, a block away from angel's flight. he always wanted to ride it, but it was always closed. >> yes. like any titan, its career had its ups and downs. in the late '60sing progress in the form of downtown skyscrapers had made angel's flight seem more like a relic. in 1969 it was dismantled and put in storage. >> there was such a human cry. >> it was loved that much. >> it was loved that much by the people of l.a., and the city council of behalf of the people made a promise it would almost come back. >> reporter: it took almost 30 years and aangel's flight came back. there was a problem. one of the cars broke loose killing a tourist. it was shut down. a derailment also caused it to shut down. that's where olivet and sinai sits. only the goats eating grass beneath. >> that would have been the end of it. >> should we give up and walk away. we said we can't do that. >> reporter: but angel's flight needed a few angels to foot the bill to return to service and downtown investors came to their aid. a host of safety upgrades have been done. they evicted the termites and finally angel's flight is on track again and so is its faithful passenger, gordon. >> it's here and so am i. >> reporter: the old-fashioned feeling of going nowhere fastle maybe that's something to be thankful for as well. lee cowan, "cbs this morning," los angeles. >> you're right. the little engine that could. we have a front row seat to the thanksgiving day parade on cbs with all the fantastic floats and performances. "entertainment tonight's" kevin frazier and keltie knight are the hosts. they give us a view from their vantage point. there they are. hi, guys. you're watching "cbs this morning." i let go of all those feelings. because i am cured with harvoni. harvoni is a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. it's been prescribed to more than a quarter million people. and is proven to cure up to 99% of patients who have had no prior treatment with 12 weeks. certain patients can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. before starting harvoni, your doctor will test to see if you've ever had hepatitis b, which may flare up and cause serious liver problems during and after harvoni treatment. tell your doctor if you've ever had hepatitis b, a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv or any other medical conditions and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. taking amiodarone with harvoni can cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. common side effects of harvoni include tiredness, headache and weakness. ready to let go of hep c? ask your hep c specialist about harvoni. ♪ make walmart your first and only stop. black friday. thanksgiving 6pm. get the app for a sneak peek at the deals. i'm and i'm an emt.erer when i get a migraine at work, it's debilitating. if i call out with a migraine, that's one less ambulance to serve a community. i just don't want to let these people down. excedrin migraine. relief that works as hard as you do. floats and balloons will soon march through the streets of new york for the thanksgiving day parade on cbs. crews inflated many of the balloons yesterday. the parade begins at the top of the hour. this year's event features 17 giant balloon characters along with 26 floats and 12 marching bands with more than 2,500 performers. how about that. kevin frazier and keltie knight from our partners at entertainment tonight cover it. they cover it from their seats. happy thanksgiving, guys. >> good morning and happy thanksgiving. we're so excited about parades. they expect 3.5 million people to show up, so it will be an interesting, exciting, and perfect way to celebrate the holidays. and i heard you mention the balloons. you know, the biggest balloon is the newest balloon this year, the olaf balloon. it is giant. it is five stories high, 60 feet long. it's the newest balloon in the parade. there's something special about it. why? >> it has special glitter paint. it's a mix of glitter and paint and it's going to glisten as it flies through manhattan. i know we'll be singing a little ♪ let it go >> vlad has been talking about olaf all, all morning. this is the only subject thing he can talk about. the weather turned out to be pretty nice for you as well. >> this is a perfect day. there's not a cloud in the sky. they're saying that the temperature will be in the 30s, maybe get up to the 40s. that's great for us. trust me, there's a heater underneath this desk. we're ready. we have our hand warmers. and for this canadian girl --? >> it's summer. but most importantly, there's barely any wind, which means those balloons will fly at their full height in manhattan which makes for such a spectacular day when they're way up in the sky. and on our broadcast, we're going to have some really amazing performers. country it girl kelsey ballerina is going to stop by. we have the broadcast from "come from away" and "wait tress." so they're going to stop by. >> we'll see josh lieu cash and marsha hunt from the victoria's secret fashion. she's flying in from shanghai. look. this is an american tradition. you can't beat it. there will three things you need on thanksgiving. you need food, football, and this parade. >> they're 60 foot high. what are they like? >> when they get close, come right by our head, every time it takes your head away. no matter who you're talking, to we all turn and go, whoa. it feels like they're going to touch you. >> sometimes we're talking to everyone at home and we can feel like pillsbury doughboy. it's crazy. >> good times. >> on the power ranger. >> the red power ranger. >> each arm is the size of a school bus. >> i love that you finish each other's sentences. >> we're excited. >> stay tuned right here for the thanksgiving day parade on cbs. coverage begins right here on cbs after "cbs this morning." astronauts are having their own celebration. ahead, a behind the scene good morning, i'm rahel solomon. volunteers are preparing mann 's largest ever thanksgiving meal delivery. more than 500 volunteers will make a record 3200 meals for deliver toy neighbors in need, the meals are made in manna's brand new facility. mayor jim kenney and dwight evans will be among volunteers this morning. let's send it over to katie for a check of our forecast. it is chilly out there. >> it is, we do not have to worry about substantial wind flow, however today so it will end up being a nice looking day, bright blue skies, sunshine but your eye just goes immediately to that temperature. it is cold out there. this is outside more remote suburbs so you can expect it would be colder then it would be in the city. twenty-nine is current temperature at junior/senior high school in berks county in bernville specifically but around the rest of the region you are flirting with that already right around freezing mark or slightly below up and down i-95. millville in atlantic city you are below freezing there. atlantic city bottoms out in the 20's, very chilly start. we only cannery bound so far from here, right? sunshine we will hit 45 degrees. come tomorrow far more seasonal, up to 52 and both days feature sunshine. very quiet weather for holiday itself. looking ahead to saturday next shot for couple of showers. >> eakins oval ben franklin parkway closed for thanksgiving day parade, kelly drive detour and mlk drive will close at 9:00 a.m. road will reopen up at 2:00. route 202 closed between county line road and horsham road for north wales turkey trot 8k and 5k expect other road closures in the area as well. our next update 8:55. ahead this morning linc between college football team and nearby hospital, i'm rahel solomon, good morning. you've worked hard. busted tail. and impressed the boss. maybe it's time to be your own? transform your career with strayer university's mba program today. let's get it. hi, i'm sergeant maurice young. i want to wish my family and friends back home in louisiana a happy thanksgiving. i love you all. see you soon. >> i want to give a shout zwrout my family especially my wife katie and my kids. >> my wonderful fiance. happy thanksgiving. i can't wait to marry you. >> i want to give a shout-out. love you. miss you so much. >> hi. i just wanted to wish all my friends and family back in birmingham, alabama, a happy thanksgiving. >> and we should all be thankful for our soldiers serving. and her hat, she wore it well. the "houston chronicle" reports on how astronauts on the international space station will get to enjoy a thanksgiving meal. nasa posted a video on twitter showing how they prepare turkey tell tra zeeny. interesting choice. the pouch is cut open. there are three astronauts. budweiser is working on ways to brew up micro gravity beer on mars. >> why not. >> exactly. >> on december 4 they will send them to the international station for a month. future experiments might include getting beer from the bot toll the mouth in zero gravity. >> got to perfect that skill. >> also understanding the performance of carbonation. you don't want it to blow up on you. >> there's an ad i can't wait for. a study says male dolphins attract females with gifts. are you listening? marine biologists show male dolphins presenting spongles to the females. they may also strike a pose to add an affect and they made trumpeting sounds to woo a mate. sometimes they work together. they put so much work into it. >> animals are so much better than humans. >> dolphins have wingmen. >> yeah. thanksgiving is a time to indulge in your special foods, especially carbing. cauliflower is popping up everywhere from organic markets to freezer aisles. but the rice industry is pushing back saming the name is misleading. john blackstone looks at the food fight of chopped up cauliflower. >> reporter: in the rich farmland in salinas, california, an underrated vegetable is having its moment under the sun. jordan greenburg is vice president of green giant. >> you could use it as a main dish, a side dish. >> reporter: it can be barbecued, baked, stir fried. now green giant is shredding cauliflower into tiny bits creating a popular substitute for rice with less than 15% of the carbs. >> it's definitely making vegetables much more popular. at the end of the day, consumers want to eat healthier. >> reporter: but cauliflower is a tale of between mice and men. they describe the veggies as rice and in this add seem to challenge the rice industry to get out of its way. >> reporter: do we need to call cauliflower rice? >> this farmer has no intention of moving over. >> riced cauliflower. why call it riced cauliflower. why not bits of >> reporter: we are waist-deep in rice here. >> we aren't. isn't it beautiful? >> reporter: convinced americans should know where their foods should come fro, he launches rice tv. >> we're about to launch right about now. >> reporter: he worried riced cauliflower is confusing consumers. do you think someone calling cauliflower rice, that's going to have an impact on your sales? >> i think it will. >> reporter: he's not alone. even these days, rice farmers have washington lobbyists and they're asking the food and drug administration to define rice, so not everyone can use the name. >> let's put it in the vegetable section and produce section and keep it out of the rice aisle. >> reporter: the rice people are a little upset about you using that name. >> we feel we're being very clear with what we're offering, which is rice vegetables. >> the rice population is spreading. they make their own cauliflower rice and consumer demand has made it a bestseller. >> instead of rice and chicken, they're doing cauliflower and chicken. >> you know what we have in common with this little guy? the desire to survive. >> even a farmer admits you can't live by rice alone. >> hey,'ll be open with you. there's cauliflower in our refrigerator. it's a head of cauliflower. >> you'll eat that. >> i'll eat that. it i'm not too excited about it but i'll do it. >> reporter: what he won't do is call it rice. for this farmer that simply goes against the grain. john blackstone, cbs news, california. cauliflower rice is a gift. >> i love it. it's the little things in life. >> thedo you say cauliflower ora flower? >> i say cauliflower. spongle, spongle. whatever. ahead, football fans are providing a wave of hope at a children's hospital. dana jacobson saw it first. >> reporter: what happens when a children's hospital is built right across the street from a college football stadium. we'll take you to iowa city and show you the unique bond that football on thanksgiving day dates back to the late 1800s. that's not long after president abraham lincoln declared thanksgiving a national holiday. the tradition continues today. cbs will feature the dallas cowb cowboys hosting the chargers. it's the first time they've made a turkey day appearance since 1969. this was the longest gap in sports history. cbssports analyst and former pittsburgh steelers coach bill cowher is here at the desk. good to see you. >> good morning, coach. >> happy thanksgiving. thanks for sharing it with us. >> thanksgiving is about family, food, and football. >> and a long day for you. >> it will be. we go in there. we have the 4:00 game. it's a pretty good matchup, one i think that is much more interesting today than it may have been two or three weeks ago. >> so let's talk about the cowboys and chargers. i mean this is a really important game. they're number two in their respective divisions. they're both looking to make ta playoffs. what do they have to do to get there? >> it's interesting. i think you look at the cowboys. they lost the last two weeks and lost to the philadelphia eagles who are 9-1. realistically, it's looking at the cowboy playoff spot. they've played without ezekiel elliott and tyron smith their left tackle has missed these last couple of games. they may get him back today. so those are three good players on their team, but also three of the best players at their respective positions. then you look at the san diego % chargers, they have won four of their last six and all of a sudden because the k.i.s.ansas chiefs are on a downside, they have won their division. one with a lesser record may be a better position to play better football with an opportunity because of the sliding cheefrs who won their division and the cowboys who may be in a little desperation today. >> and the quarterbacks have similar setbacks too. what do they need to win the game? >> to avoid a rush. you talk about the dallas cowboys. you look at them. they have demarcus lawrence. for philip rivers, you'd better be able to run it. on the other side, the l.a. chargers, they have charlie bosa who's third in the league in sacks and another. i think for both of these quarterbacks it's going to be a big part of having success on the field. >> coach, wu talked about the cowboys and ezekiel elliott. what about dak prescott? is he going through a slump? >> i don't know about that. some of the best players that surround him are not playing right now. since he doesn't have ezekiel elliott, maybe he needs to use his legs more. they also have not had their left tackle. again, i talk about sean lee on the other side of the ball. when you look at dak prescott, the bar has been high. i don't think he's been under the bar. he just doesn't have the cast of characters to have that kind of success. >> go ahead. >> football has taken a lot of pounding, pun intended, over the past few months. how important is today and tomorrow and this weekend for people to sit at home and people to enjoy these games? >> well, i think when you look at the game, i go back to the grassroots element of it. i think many times growing up on thanksgiving day, we found ourselves going to the backyard and playing the game of football because it's something that brought everybody together. a bunch of boys running around, tackling the ball. it's sport that really starts at the bottom age and when you get up and watch it today. that's what you've always dreamed up as a kid. i go back to "nfl today." this is our 50th year. the only time watching a pregame was on thanksgiving day because you rarely played that day. it made you appreciate the sport you had, more importantly from where you came from. >> right. tradition. bill cowher, thanks so much for stopping by. happy thanksgiving. t"the nfl today" begins at 4:00 p.m. eastern, 1:00 pacific right here on cbs. as we gear up for a day of feasting and, of course, football, we take you to the hawkeyes country. a children's hospital opened this year across the street from the university of iowa kinnick stadium. they created a new tradition. dana jacobson shows us how the wave provides some hope and inspiration for those high above the gridiron. >> reporter: it's a sea of black and gold. >> this is the firnt season that iowa children's hospital is open behind us. >> reporter: waving in unison, smiling at the faces above. as the game closes, football fans turn to acknowledge the patients at the children's university hospital. >> the first time i saw the wave, it's hard to explain. it's just really cool. >> reporter: each game, dozens of kids now have the best seats in the house. 12-year-old caden kelso is one of them. >> it makes you feel really important. that's just awesome, especially when you're in the hospital and you're sick. it makes you feel a lot better. >> reporter: mary ferentz, wife of coach kirk ferentz makings it a tradition. >> i think of it as a giant hug. >> reporter: that giant hug is the latest display between the teams, the fans, and the children at the hospital. >> i think the proximity at the hospital is just a constant reminder of what's really important. it's the battles being fought over there. >> it's provided a real opportunity for our players to spend time with people that are a little bit less fortunate. >> reporter: caden spent about a month in the hospital after doctors found and operated on a tumor on his lungs. during a stay, a hometown hero, hawkeye's nick easily paenick ea visit. >> we talked and gave me his gloves and said i'm an inspiration. >> what did that mean to you? >> it meant a lot coming from him. he's just a really good football player, and i really like football. >> did that make some of this time here a little easier? >> a lot easier. >> thinking about him and a lot of kids going through a lot of things. it puts some perspective on it. >> reporter: football players are often found walking the halls of the children's hospital. the it's a connection that's helped them win over a few fans like sam davidson who was already loyal to iowa state. sam spent several months undergoing high-dose chemo after brain surgery. >> he said he's a fan of both now. he likes watching you guys. >> reporter: senior sam wattly has been watching. >> i remember in the locker room he talked about how strong the kids are. he also reminds us there are some kids who have it worse than us and he reminds us we're not as strong as them. >> i talked to a couple of players who say you remind them those kids in the hospital are stronger than they are. >> my kids are going to kill me doing this on tv. >> cut, cut. >> the real hero and the great stories and heroes are over there. >> it's eye-opening. >> yeah. >> it's eye-opening. >> the impact is really on us. that's something i always try to remind our players. it's an organic thing. it's so simple, yet so powerful. in this time it's nice to have something that unifies people for a good cause. >> reporter: for "cbs this morning," dana jacobson, iowa city. >> those kids are real champs. >> you talk about a win/win story, and there you go. both sides do win. >> yeah. >> i love that he's saying they're so much stronger than the players. >> well, you're watching "cbs we'll be right back with more. toasting dad: i'm not one but here's to... to many more years of friendship. and feasts! crowd: [laughing, cheering] to presents! a mi familia que lo es todo. ♪ to being right here, right now, with you. sfx: dog bark. and you. toasting dad: i guess what i'm trying to say is, here's to family. we're proud to bring your family amazing value every day. t.j. maxx. marshalls. homegoods. family is the greatest gift. time flies when we're having good morning, i'm i'm joe holden. oldest thanksgiving day parade in the united states has stepped off in center city philadelphia the parade is underway right now and 20th and jfk where it all starts, that was a half an hour ago, reviewing stand is at the art museum. very first philadelphia thanksgiving day parade was in 1920, and that makes this parade number 98. well, now big question will weather hold out? meteorologist katie fehlinger in the weather center with undoubted good news. >> we are looking good. we have definitely started off on a chilly note that is the case across the region as a whole but it is particularly chilly in the outlining suburbs and at the shore we have temperatures in the 20's this morning. this is a pretty view outside boardwalk plaza in rehoboth. we have seen folks walking up and down enjoying their holiday at beach in some locations but your temperatures deficits from this same time yesterday is very noticeable. yes, you don't to have deal with the wind at this point but when you are 20 plus degrees colder then this same time yesterday that is noticeable. thirty-two is current temperature at the airport. we are in the 20's out through these outlining suburbs including mount pocono but much oven the suburbs outside city, so it is a cold beginning and just generally chilly for the entire day. in the sunshine we will hit 45 more tolerable tomorrow we're up to 52 still with sunshine, joe. >> as we have told you parade has stepped off meaning eakins oval and parkway are closed, kelly drive is also detoured and mlk drive closes in just a few minutes, and that will reopen up at 2:00 this afternoon. fun times there route 202 closed in both directions at county line road and horsham road in north wales for turkey trot, expect closures during the evening. that is the "eyewitness news" for now. join us for news at noon. i'm joe holden. happ ♪ 7 powerball tickets, my good 6 match 6 chances, ♪ ♪ ♪ 5 cash 5s! 4 cash4lifes, ♪ ♪ 3 pick 3s, 2 mega millions. ♪ happy holidays, rita! thanks, joe! what a great gift! pennsylvania lottery tickets make great gifts. like the new merry millions. happy holidays! ♪ and best wishes from the lottery. ♪ [ applause ] >> live from new york city, it's the 2017 thanksgiving day parade on cbs, this one of a kind bigger than life celebration starts now, featuring an exclusive performance by music superstar kelsea ballerini. let's go live to the cbs broadcast booth with our hosts from "entertainment tonight." >> look at that view of central

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