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Transcripts For KYW CBS This Morning 20170410 : comparemela.

Transcripts For KYW CBS This Morning 20170410

but we begin this morning with a look at today's "eye opener," your world in 90 seconds. >> regardless of whether russia was complicit here or whether they were simply incompetent, clearly they failed. >> the trump administration takes a hard line on russia and syria. >> he won't stop here. if he needs do more, he'll do more. >> russia could be part of the solution. right now i think everyone in the world sees russia as part of the problem. >> u.s. is sending carrier strike groups to peninsula. >> the man hunt is intensifying for the wisconsin man accused of stealing weapons and sending a manifesto to president trump. >> florida crews are fighting fast-moving brushfires. >> i hope they get it under control. >> isis has claimed responsibility for a pair of attacks of a pair of coptic christian churches in egypt. >> it reminds us all we've got a determined an absolutely ruthless enemy in islamic state. >> it sounded like an air raid. >> a passenger on a united air flight in chicago had to be forcibly removed from the plane. >> all that -- >> a man plunges into freezing water to save his beloved dog. >> what a come back. >> and all that matters. >> judge neil gorsuch will be sworn in as the 113th supreme court justice. he was confirmed last week. >> it made it awkward for merrick garland when he pretended to come home after a long day at the supreme court. >> -- on "cbs this morning." >> after so many years. >> once and for all for sergio. >> the 2017 masters champion, sergio garcia. >> announcer: this morning's "eye opener" presented by toyota. let's go places. welcome to "cbs this morning." gayle king is off, so alex wagner joins us. welcome. >> happy to be here. a abc poll shows most of americans think it was right for president trump to attack the air base but they don't want any larger action. >> this was in response to a poison gas attack on civilian. 36% disapproved but only 18% would approve of ground troops. another 26% want to see peace talks in syria without military action. >> russia and iran, the two main allies of syria's president told the u.s. they will respond with force to any further attacks on syria. the air base that was hit by dozens of u.s. cruise missiles is now back in service. major garrett is in the white house over the split of the trump administration. good morning. >> good morning. the air strikes gave trump a small boost. it's now up to 43%. but democrats and independents wonder if the president can handle the sieve war inside syria. what comes next is the question most on their minds and it's a big question inside this white house as well. >> this is a president that's not afraid to act. >> trump administration officials called the decision divisive. >> what we're trying to do is obviously defeat isis. >> united nations ambassador nikki haley and secretary of state rex tillerson agreed the fate of isis was more important than that of syrian dictate yerba shar al assad. on assad's future, the two top diplomats differed. >> that we can navigate a political outcome in which the syrian people, in fact, will determine bashir al assad's fate. >> while haley called for assad's ouster. this led lindsey graham to describe a new trump approach. >> regime change is now the policy at the trump administration. that's at least what i've heard. >> what's required is some kind of political solution to that very complex probe. >> national security adviser h.r. mcmaster said syria's civil war with its many factions and terrorist cells rests at the heart of the policy dilemma. dislodging assad, some administration officials fear, could be just as bad or worse than the status quo. >> it's very difficult to understand how a political solution could result from a continuation of the assad regime. now, we're not saying that we are the ones who are going to effect that change. >> an equally pressing issue, how to handle their top syrian ally, russia. >> i hope russia is carefully considering its relationship with assad because every time one of these attacks occur it draws russia closer in to some responsibility. >> tillerson is traveling to moscow and will soon meet with serg k. the mcfarland is out. charlie, mcfarland will soon be nominated as the next u.n. ambassador to singapore. >> thanks, garrett. dan senor is with us. good morning. >> good morning. >> there's one camp which is lead led by the secretary of state that believes isis should be the sole focus and nothing food could come from trying to replace assad. ite note clear that who would follow would be good. >> who is itsome. >> tillerson and many believe trump himself. there are others like nikki haley who believes we cannot ultimately bring any resolution to the region. if we put our focus on isis and defeating assad because assad's attacks against the sunnis are creating recruits, are provoking isis to act. >> where is mcmaster? >> mcmaster is trying to look at the two. it's hard to imagine a future quasi peaceful syria with assad in charge. that they all basically agree on. i think tillerson believes we cannot do this. we cannot be the ones to remove syria. if we -- remove assad. if others do, that's fine. mcmasters and others are forward leaning. >> what is clear that any way to deal with assad will have to involve russia, and the secretary of state is making the first big high-ranking visit to moscow tomorrow. the question is will he meet -- should he meet with president putin after yesterday calling them complicit or incompetent? >> look. from my view, tillerson should get a meeting with the president of russia. in fact, in previous administrations, they've gotten meetings with putin. but to your point, he's used very aggressive statements. what is most interesting to me here is we were all led to believe that the trump administration was going to roll over for this new relationship, this new grand bargain with russia, and what is clear now is in a manner of weeks, it looks nothing like that. >> we have two additional elements. i read this morning russia said he's meeting with the secretary of state but emphasized he's unlikely to meet with president putin. second we have the russias and iranians threatening to respond with force. >> look. they believe that the u.s. action in syria, which was limited. keep in mind, this was such a limited operation. it was basically an operation that was on the shelf during the obama administration, that secretary kerry had been pushing president obama to pursue. it was very limited. no syrian officials were killed. there was not an attack on the regime. >> to that end, the air base is back open. >> yes. >> what did that accomplish? >> i think one of two things. they'll think long and hard about using that airfield for exercising chemical attacks. i think this could be a turning point in that regard. >> youly it's a deterrent. >> yes. because they don't know how far he's willing to go. there are six or others and it's very easy for the u.s. to systematically take them out. donald trump if anything is unpredictable. >> dan senor, thank you. in the next hour robert ford will join us with his view on what's next in u.s. policy toward syria and russia. in a clear show of force, a u.s. navy strike group has been redirected to the korean peninsula. the aircraft carrier "uss carl vinson" and several other warships departed singapore over the weekend. the group was dispatched ahead of more ballistic attacks in north korea. president trump has hinted the u.s. is prepared to use force to stop the north's nuclear weapons program if necessary. the state department is condemning deadly terror attacks on churches in egypt. it calls them barbaric. two suicide bombings killed 40 people on one of the holiest days on the christian calendar. more than 100 others were injured. they were just a few hours apart. isis has claimed responsibility. mark phillips is following the latest developments from london. mark, good morning. >> good morning. well, christians make up about 10% of the egyptian population and have been frequent targets of jihadi bombers, but this double attack has seemed to have another motive. it seems designed to shake the strong man government which has promised security but has clearly been unable to provide it. the palm sunday service in the st. georges church in tanta north of cairo in the delta had attracted a large congregation of worshippers, among them, a bomber. the explosion blew the engine that streamed the service off the air and inan instant it killed 27 people, authorities said. the carnage wasn't over. a few hours later at st. mark's church in alexandria, a man in a blue sweater is denied entry and told to go through a metal detector. the people unlucky enough to be around it became the next target. both bombings appeared to be suicide attacks and responsibility was claimed by the islamic state. the three-month state of emergency declared may sult in more pressure on militants operating in egypt and an even more severe clamp-down on opposition there. after meeting the former army general in washington last week, president trump took to twitter to express his confidence that the president will handle the situation properly. it's difficult to see where that confidence comes from. he came to power vowing to provide security and these attacks will undermine those claims. egypt has been operating under various states of emergency for years, but that has simply forced the bombers to choose softer targets. for the beleaguered minority christians in egypt, this was the single deadliest day. norah? >> thank you so much. a serve. is under way. police released a video of joseph jakubowski mailing an anti-trump administration manifesto to president trump. the suspect allegedly stole a bunch of weapons. david, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. police believe joseph jakubowski broev into this gun store on the same day he mailed a manifesto to president trump. he made it clear, he doesn't like people in power from the president to people in law enforcement. in fact, when he mailed the manifesto, it was one of his friends who recorded this. when joseph jakubowski mailed his 160-page manifesto to president trump on tuesday, he brought witnesses to mark the occasion. >> there it is. you see it's getting shipped. revolution. it's time for change. >> three hours later police sajack bow ski broke into a gun shop and stole 16 rifles and handguns. they found his abandoned and burned car a short distance away. >> it's d-day. today is the day. remember this face. >> game time. >> about 150 local state and federal officers are involved in the manhunt. this weekend they searched homes in janesville, but came up empty. >> please call, even if your information you may not think it is important. we may find it is important. >> investigators suspect jakubowski has been highly agitated lately over political issues. >> basically he's angry over all government incident, whether it's the president, local or law enforcement. >> they say they don't know of any threats but schools were closed on friday and police stepped up patrol on churches on sunday. one canceled palm sundayer is vest. he has charges of battery, domestic abuse, bail jumping and resisting an officer. >> there was one specific case where he attempted to disarm a police officer and for that crime he was sent to prison. >> police are urging the public not to approach him if they see him and to call 911. >> i hope this gets resolved quickly and i say prayers for or community, for our nation, and for him. >> reporter: police believe jakubowski has a pullet-proof vest and a helmet with him. there were two reported sightings yesterday but nothing panned out. that friend who posted the video is apparently cooperating with law enforcement. and paul ryan, he is from this area and there has been an increased police presence at his local office here. >> thank you. now for a story norah and i loved, for the first time in his 18-year pro golf career, sergio garcia is a major champion. he won the major championship with a birdie on the first hole of a sudden death he battled his friend justin rose on the sport's biggest stage to earn the green jacket. manuel bojorquez is near the site in augusta, georgia, with garcia's long awaited win. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. nearly 20 years ago sergio garcia bursted on the scene along with another young golfer named tiger woods. it was supposed to be a long storied rivalry, but garcia never brought home a major title until yesterday when he survived an epic duel to win that elusive green jacket. >> and after so many years, once and for all for sergio -- >> reporter: the relief was written all over sergio garcia's face. after 17 major appearances without a victory, garcia finally won on golf's biggest stage. >> the 2017 masters champion, sergio garcia. >> reporter: but garcia nearly saw his chance to wear the green jacket slip away. >> i eigt appears he's going toy an unplayable. >> reporter: in deep trouble on the 13th garcia saved par. in previous tournaments, e has crumbled in such situations. this time he rallied. >> sergio garcia with an eagle 3 at 15. >> reporter: tied at the final hole, both garcia and rose each missed what could have been winning putts, but in sudden text, garcia didn't waive ver, finding something that had eluded him his entire 18-year pro career. even rose who fiercely battled garcia down the stretch was happy for him. >> if there's anyone to lose to, it's him. he's had his fair share of heartbreak. >> reporter: after that final putt, just about everyone at augusta shared his joy. >> i felt like it wasn't even augusta, you know. it felt like it was people around following me all the time. it was amazing. it was an unbelievable experience. >> reporter: and garcia won on what would have been the 60th birthday of his idol, fellow spaniard who also won a master -- actually won two masters. garcia told us that when he got in trouble during the tournament, he felt like someone was watching over him. >> it certainly helped him on the back nine. thank you. >> the story had everything. >> if you're going to finally win one, the masters is the one to do it. underdog. love it. congratulations. we may see more of sergio here on our show. just a little tease. the impeachment against alabama's governor, ahead, what was revealed and how he's >> announcer: this national weather report sponsored by toyota. let's go places. impatient drivers are turning the violence more frequently. >> aheading the new report on how road warage incidents involving guns are rising and where they're most common. >> you're watching "cbs this morning." a better moment of proof. victoza lowers my a1c and blood sugar better than the leading branded pill, which didn't get me to my goal. victoza® works with your body to lower blood sugar in three ways: in the stomach, the liver, and the pancreas. and while it isn't 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>> pack the sunglasses, we will need them today. katie, thank you so much. do have accident out there right now, downed pole, wires, mt. holly east south avenue closed between harrison and lincoln avenue. you will have to use alternate, route 38 going to be your best bet. also, another accident, plenty meeting ridge pike at allen wood road. heads up in the area. also the vine moving in the westbound direction looking very slow as you jump on to the schuylkill, rahel. >> meisha, thank you. next update at 75:00 #, up next, new report shows that road rage incidents involving guns are on the rise. i'm rahel solomon, make how about you? are you glad i bombed syria? >> yeah, i guess, mr. president trump. i actually want to talk about obamacare. my premiums have gone up and i have to wait 90 minutes to see a doctor. i know you tried your best, but you couldn't fix it sma. >> you mean paul ryan couldn't. i posted pictures and went honk honk. i won't give up. i'm talking with the freedom caucus and we're going to get rid of it. >> you're foung to get rid of my health care? >> all of it. gone. after we're done, you'll never have to describe to see a doctor. how does that sound? >> alec baldwin was back and "snl" was on fire. >> he's been a de facto member on "snl." >> indeed. president trump celebrates a big victory with the swearing in of the supreme court nominee. neil gorsuch will be sworn in by chief justice roberts. it will be followed by a ceremony at the white house. they changed the senate rules to require only a majority to approve the supreme court pick. here's look at other big stories makes news. a watchdog group planning today to sue the trump administration. they want the release of white house visitor logs. they bear the names of lobbyists and others who visit. >> "the new york times" reports on the arrest of a russian man believed to be the kingpin of computer spam. he was arrested this week in barcelona at the request of fbi. the justice department declined to give any information. the courier justice said a man was forcibly removed from a united flight. another man recorded the incident yesterday at the airport in o'hare in chicago. the man was one of four people chosen by computer to give up their seats to a united flight clue. the plane was delayed but later flew to louisville. in a statement united apologized for the overbooked flight. that is an irate passenger. delta is largely back on delta after severe weather grounded planes. the airports canceled more than 30 flights. some passengers were upset because they couldn't leave even though the skies had cleared. the carrier tells cbs news it expects only a handful of cancellations today. and the birmingham news reports the blame leadership is calling on robert ben resign today. in a report rs the state house judiciary said the governor's, quote, failure to cooperate with the committee's investigation is grounds for impeachment. omar villafranca is outside the capital in alabama. good morning. >> reporter: the state ethics committee said he may have violated campaign and ethics laws. now his wife has divorced him and his political future is in question. >> our state doesn't need this anymore. >> reporter: alabama governor robert bentley is battling in order to keep his job. at issue, whether he broke the law to cover up an alleged affair with a top staffer rebecca caldwell mason. he defended himself on friday. >> i do not plan to resign. i have done nothing illegal. >> reporter: a 30-page report includes text messages handedover to the house committee's special council by alabama's former first lady. in one statement he pledgeses he love for mason and mason responds bless our hearts and other parts. both mason and bentley have denied the affair. his constituents were quick to react. >> i think it's time for governor to go home. >> in 2014 diane bentley also secretly recorded a conversation between her husband and mason. >> baby, i love you, okay? i love you. >> mrs. bentley's then chief of staff helped her record it. in spring 2014 when the governor became aware, that staffer said bentley warned her to watch herself and she did not know what she was getting into. >> i talked to half a dozen staffers who are named in the documents who say it was just absolute fear and intimidation. >> reporter: john archibald says it appears the governor went to great lengths to keep the affair a secret. >> he's lost his family, his credibility, everything he had, and he's about to lose his job. >> reporter: the report also states that bentley misused state resources when he ordered law enforcement officials to break up with mason for him. the hearing is expected to last about a week. norah? >> wow. omar, thank you. using the law enforcement to to your breakup, that's a new one. >> that's an important part of the story. >> we will be watching. >> now the search is under way for a hacker who caused panic and confusion in dallas by triggering all of the city's emergency sirens at the same time. the system was hacked just before midnight friday. all 156 sirens in dallas blared intermittently for more than an hour and a half. the 911 center was flooded with more than 4,400 calls from concerned residents. the sirens are intended to warn people of incoming severe weather. city officials say the hacking originated in the dallas area and they're working with the federal communications committee to look for a suspect. nick, good morning. >> good morning, norah. >> how could something like this happen? >> well, we don't know exactly. they haven't said exactly how it was hacked. but there is an interesting tradeup which explains it. when you have an emergency situation, you want it to be pretty easy to operate which means you make it easy to set off. it's something relatively simple the hack. what i think probably happened is they're activated by radio transmissions most likely and probably somebody figured out the frequency it operated in and set them off for whatever reason. >> and what would be their motivation? >> one hypothesis is it's a kid doing a stunt. another is a disgruntled employee showing how weak the system is, or you're covering up for something else. >> how vulnerable are infrastructures overall to this type of hacking? >> i think quite vul anywherable. you don't think someone's going to do it. you run a bank. you set up a bunch or protection. you have a lot of tornado sirens, you don't think they're going to set it off. you don't build the defenses or train it and something like this happen sms how do you upgrade security? >> you have to change the encryption. we don't know that yet. it's not confirmed but the fact that the fcc is investigating kind of suggests that it is. some signal is sent to the tower to set it off. you have some kind of special time or password. maybe you set up another layer so it's a little harder crack into it than what it is. too many people can hack into too many things. >> this is something we ooh going to see a lot more of. what's so interesting here is they said it was somebody in dallas, not somebody remote. it wasn't somebody sitting in another country or new york saying let's set off dallas systems. it ee somebody in dallas. they have confirmed that. they do know that. so that suggests it's not a remote co remote-entry computer problem. >> so many kwing chaos. >> wasn't sowing chaos. >> no. ahead, the states with most incidents of road rage involving guns and aggressive driving. we invite you to sub excite to our cbs news podcast. find the originals on itunes and apples ipod apps. you're watching "cbs this morning." ♪ predictable. the comfort in knowing where things are headed. because as we live longer... and markets continue to rise and fall... predictable is one thing you need in retirement to help protect what you've earned and ensure it lasts. introducing brighthouse financial. a new company established by metlife to specialize in annuities & life insurance. talk to your advisor about a brighter financial future. ♪ ♪ give extra. get extra. you brush your teeth diligently... two times a day right? 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>> we don't have decades worth of data here, but the data we do have suggests that that might be happening. >> reporter: dennis baxley says guns are not to blame. >> is it accelerated by guns? >> no. a gun is an inanimate object. it accelerates nothing. it's only a weapon when somebody decides to use it as a weapon. >> incidents are increasing. states are passing laws keep traffic moving. here in florida drivers can only go ten miles an hour under the speed limit while in the fast lain. a new survey says 80% of admitted to an incident of aggressive driving. james burnette of aaa. >> the more they have to sit in traffic or stop n go, the more frustrated they get. >> reporter: norah, alaska, north dakota, and d.c. had just two gun-related road rage shooting incidents from 2014 to 2016. >> jericka, thank you. i know it gets really frustrating to sit in traffic, but this is scary. >> yeah. stay calm. >> stay calm indeed. a touchdown this morning after 173 days in orbit. ahead t crew change that set the stage for an american astronaut to make history in space. plus, we'll talk to the silicon valley insider who delivered a warning for parents on last night's "60 minutes," how he >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by toyota. let's go places. ♪ wow. good to know we have that on our prius! ♪ [beeping] ♪ and lane departure alert. see what i mean? 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>> all right, katie, thank you so much. we're still following couple every accidents still out there on the roadways, accident in berlin, new jersey, 73 northbound, that right lane is blocked. heads up for those of in you that neck of the woods, also accident mount hole which downed pole and wires here east south avenue closed between harrison avenue and lincoln avenue. you will have to use alternate route 38 is going to be your best bet. another accident in plymouth meeting still out there, ridge pike, at allen wood road. then some construction on the schuylkill, as well, jim, over to you. >> next update at 8:25, coming up on cbs this morning former us ambassador to syria discusses latest chemical did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back? say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet that's 10 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. say hello to internet speeds up to 150 mbps. and add phone and tv for only $34.90 more a month. call today. comcast business. built for business. it's monday, april 10th, ba morning." secretary of state rex tillerson heads to russia to talk about bringing peace to syria. the former ambassador to syria is here with what the united states should do next after last week's missile strike. but first here's today's "eye opener" at 8:00. the air strikes gave president trump a small boost in his approval rating, three points. it's now up to 43%. the secretary of state is making the first high-ranking visit to moscow after calling them complicit or incompetent. >> we were all led to believe the trump administration was going to roll over. in the past few weeks, it's nothing like that. >> he's promised security. >> police believe jakubowski has a bulletproof vest and a helmet. there were two sightings in this area but nothing panned out. >> garcia never brought home a title until yesterday when he title until yesterday when he fought a duel to win the green jacket. >> if you're going to win a major, the masters is the one to do it. under dog. he did it! what a perfect ending to a historic day! westbrook gives the thunder the victory at the buzzer! >> i'm speechless, and i know i should be saying something right now, folks, but i am speechless right now. 42 triple-doubles on the season and he ends the ball game like that? i'm charlie rose with norah o'donnell and alex wagner. gayle is off. secretary of state rex tillerson will travel to russia tomorrow. he and the trump administration are putting new pressure on the kremlin for supporting syrian dik take it yerba shar al assad. tillerson said yesterday russia was either outmaneuvered or simply incompetent for allowing syria to use chemical weapons. it's still unclear what the next steps are in syria after last week's attack. they targeted an air base that launched a chemical attack on civilian people. general h.r. mcmaster did not say whether u.s. would attack again if assad continues to kill civilians with nonchemical weapons. >> last week's gas attack killed more than 80 civilians, many of them children. they included the loved ones of a father. we have to warn you the aftermath was captured in disturbing video. >> reporter: this is the face of syria's civil war, a young man who's just lost 29 of his family members including his wife and twin babies. they were both really smart, he told us. i wanted my daughter to be a doctor and ahmed was going to be my sidekick. he buried them on wednesday, the day after a suspected chemical attack on his town kahn kuhn. >> you chose to carry your babies in your arms. why did you do that? >> that's how i carried them alive, he said. i loved them so much and i know they loved me too. abdelhamid told me he buried them next to each other and told them not to be scared. even in the cruelty and chaos of syria's six-year-long civil war, the attack on khan second anniversary with his wife. >> do you think that the american missile strikes will make any difference? >> i thought it was a good start, abdelhamid told us, but the regime air strikes haven't stopped. for "cbs this morning," holly williams near the turkey syria border. >> just staggering grief, staggering grief, what the father has gone through. >> and lost members of his family. >> 29. >> in that attack. robert ford served in 2011 to 2014. he left syria in 2012 one year into the bloody civil war because of security concerns. e's now a kissinger fellow at yale and a senior fellow at the institute in washington. welcome. >> thank you. it's nice to be here. >> you have studied this, you have been there. where are we in the context of syria today and in the context of the united states and russia sf. >> well, first i think the strikes that we did last week on that air base were very good. it's time to deter assad from using chemical weapons, so i think that's a good step. it's only a step. assad will try to use chemical weapons again, and so i think it will be hard to convince the russians to lean on assad to stop using chemical weapons. >> should we try to change the regime? >> i don't think we can change the regime, charlie. russia and iran are in in such a big way that it's no longer an american capacity to change the regime. what we would like to see is a negotiation between all different sides to come up with a new government. >> with having leverage on the groujd. >> no negotiation works if you don't have some leverage. >> you resigned as ambassador to syria urnlds the obama administration because you were frustrated. >> right. we were saying in the obama administration we wanted this negotiation we were talking about but we were doing nothing to get to a negotiation with leverage. >> you believed a used of force. >> some kind of military pressure. i didn't want u.s. direct involvement. i always wanted to help syrian fighters on the ground who themselves wanted to any gauche yatd. >> do you think -- go ahead -- >> it was interesting. we were talking right before we came on the air and the ambassador said, you believe assad will continue to test us, he will likely carry out another chemical attack. >> can i raise one point on that? people say unless you can threaten his survival, nothing else will change his behavior. >> i think unless you put really great pressure on him so that he's actually not winning but losing, he will have no incentive to negotiate. >> which he was at one point. >> in 2013 and again in 2015 he was on his back heels militarily. then russia steppeden in and iran stepped in. >> defeating isis and removing assad, are they mutually exclusive? >> the islamic states involve recruits from frustrated sunnis in syria who are angry at assad largely and therefore the idea that we can just bomb isis and then leave syria isn't going to work because we'll kill extremists, isis will recruit more, we'll kill more, they'll recruit more. it ends up what a "new york times" writer called a forever war. >> here's what's interesting too. the russians and the iranians have said they will meet force if there is another attack. >> mm-hmm. >> what does that mean? where are we going? is this a slippery slope into some kind of war with russia and iran? >> the iranians have the capability of getting back at us. for example, they could get back at us with our troops in iraq. so that's going to be a tricky diplomatic challenge, charlie, to bothe against assad using chemical weapons, but also deterring the iranians from hitting back at us in a place like iraq where our soldiers are very close to iranian soldiers and iranian militias. >> because we have nearly about a thousand u.s. troops on the ground in syria. >> and 5,000 in iraq. >> what would you do if negotiations fail as they have? >> well, i think the most important thing right now is to re-establish deternltds against chemical weapons. that's a distinct limited goal. not a big goal like fixing the civil war. just deterring the use of chemical weapons because that applies not just to syria, but that also applies to asia, applies to africa. >> could that include chlorine gas? >> yes. >> but they have used chlorine gas. >> i know that. and we could not get the obama administration to react to that. even after the 2013 deal with the russians, assad began using chlorine gas. that's why i said, they test. they test and they test. >> so very interesting because possible made the case, look, i didn't react after the last chemical attack because instead i got something better. i got russia to help remove a lot of these chemical weapons in sear yachlt but it's clear they still remain. >> deal was flawed that way in that we could not get the russians to enforce it. there was an agreement in 2013 that if assad even used chlorine gas, that the russians and the americans would take measures. the russians didn't keep their end of the bargain. >> this has been a very smart discussion, ambassador robert ford. thank you very much for being here. >> my pleasure. >> appreciate it. is silicon valley working to hijack the way we use technology. a former google employee with how they try to engineer our brains to keep us glued to just one journalist has been awarded a pulitzer prize a record four times. ahead the celebrated photographs of carol dpuz by and why she said it's important to document hope in some of the history's darkest moments. you're watching "cbs this morning." d puffed... like you do sometimes, grandpa? 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dealing with apps and social media? >> no. and i think this is really important because there's a nair active that, oh, i guess they're doing this like we used to gossip on the phone, but what it misses is your phone in the 1970s didn't have a thousand engineers on the other side of the telephone who are redesigning it to work with other telephones and then updating the way your telephone works every day to be more and more persuasive. ha was not true in the 1970s. >> how many insiders are there speaks out like you are? >> not that many. >> tristan harris is with us. good morning, tristan. you call this thing a slot machine. >> a slot machine in our pocket. >> what does that mean? >> it operates on a scheduled reward. sometimes you check your phone and you're playing a slot machine. you get a message from someone you love, sometimes it feels really good. sometimes you check your phone and nothing's there. the fact that sometimes you get something and sometimes you don't is what makes it just like a slot machine. >> why is that necessarily bad and what are companies doing wrong? >> it's not necessarily bad. you just have to feel is that what you want your phone to feel like. do you want your phone to feel like a slot machine. the main belief we have is that technology is neutral and it's up to us what we post on facebook, how we use snapchat or what we use our phone for. what that misses is there's this attention economy where every company needs to maximize how much attention it gets from you and there's a whole playbook. >> you provided some specific examples last night about how a company might do this attention economy. what's a good example? >> i think one that's more alarming is snap streaks when snapchat recently went public. it affects kids' obligations to each other. what you do is if you send a message to someone and they send one back and it goes on several days in a row, you set a streak, a fireball, number of days you've gone in a row. a lot of kits have 200, 300, 00 streaks. it stresses them out because they feel like if i don't get back to my friends, they're going to get upset at me. they've got to go through and send photos of walls and ceiling just to get through their day and you ask is this being done to help kids get through their lives. >> what do you do about it? >> right now we have to change the incentives. if you try to tell facebook or snapchat don't do that or this is not what they want, they can't because someone else will swoop in and get the attention. so we have to have a conversation about this attention economy which is like a city. it's like how do we reorganize the city. let's not move out or unplug but let's do something that works for us. >> the reason i ask is no one will speak on the record. >> yeah. >> people like you who have had experience there know what's going on. >> yeah. i think it's kind of the elephant in the room. it's not so much that this is a whistleblower type thing. it needs to ham. it's affecting our news and our demom kracy. >> because it's happened at the rise of fake news. >> if you have two news feeds, and one is showing you something outrageous and it has unbelievable stuff and you have to share it. if facebook showed you that news feed, it's going to be better at getting your attention instead of wrun they show you calm news about the same important topics, but the calm way. so they have to show you the one that's more outrageous. >> sensationalism news. >> sensationalism is more important than fake news. >> so great to have you here. >> thanks for having me. a rare hole-in-one drove the crowd wild at the masters. ahead, we'll show you the unbelievable eighth that lajded many the hands of a young fan. and harvard dean and ryan are in the green room to show you howancing five simple questions can improve your life. you're watching "cbs this morning." the goalie has studied every one of your shots. she knows you're going for her left corner. she even teases you, calling the shot. but her legs are the ones trembling, not yours. ♪ time to shine. orbit. so find a venus smooth that contours to curves, the smoother the skin, the more comfortable you are in it. flexes for comfort, and has a disposable made for you. skin smoothing venus razors. military for 18 years.rian, but, i smoked and i got heart disease. my tip is; it's hard to serve your country when you're to weak to put on your uniform. (announcer) you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. listen, sugar, we're lettin' you go. it's that splenda naturals gal, isn't it? coffee: look, she's sweet, she's got natural stevia, no bitter aftertaste, and zero calories. all the partners agree? even iced tea? especially iced tea. goodbye, sugar. hello, new splenda naturals. goodbye, sugar. doctors recommend taking allergy symptoms claritin every day of your allergy season for continuous relief. claritin provides powerful, non-drowsy, 24-hour relief. for fewer interruptions from the amazing things you do every day. live claritin clear. every day. ♪ i've got the magic in me [ applause ] he sent the crowd sbrinto a frenzy yesterday we he nailed the tournament's only hole-in-one on the 16th hole. afterward he signed the ball and gave it to a 10-year-old fan. >> it was such a moment. the kid was >> good morning, i'm rahel solomon, police in gloucester county hope you can help them track down an assault sids joe. shows west depth forwards man assaulted with a cell phone, police say the suspect throwing things at the windows of the westwood court apartments friday and assault add maintenance supervisor before getting away in a silver car. if you have any information police want to hear from you. also checking the forecast with katie fehlinger. looks for we're in for warm stretch? >> we real are are. the warmest days of the develop coming today and tomorrow. daytime high to get to the upper 70s today, already seeing quite a few folks walking up and down the board walk at boards walk plaza in rehoboth. avenue feeling it will get more and more packed as the day goes on, beautiful blue skies out, there temperatures grants are off to bit of cool start. certainly still want to have extra layer ready to go when you walk out the door, but these temperatures are already very swiftly, climbing, and will, again, climb to about 79, possibly, even crack 80 in the city, 82 the high tomorrow, still sunshine, but then cold front comes along, noxious back to 73, though technically still about the norm. and back to the mid or upper 60s to rounds out the week. meisha? >> all right, katie, thank you for. that will good morning, everyone, looking outside we do have disable vehicle the boulevard northbound just past the schuylkill, you can see it pulled off to the left. that's starting to slow you down moving in the northbound direction and you are still slow moving in the southbound direction as well, accident 295 southbound the ramp to route 73 partially blocked there, 295 southbound past columbus boulevard, another accident there. we have an accident that's still out there in mt. holly east south avenue closed right now between harrison avenue and lincoln avenue. you will have to use alternate, route 38 is going to be your best bet. rahel, over to you. >> meisha, thank you. and our next update is at 8: 55, ahead on cbs this morning, the five simple questions that you can use to improve your personal and professional life. i'm rahel solomon, good morning. ♪ ♪ award winning interface. award winning design. award winning engine. the volvo xc90. the most awarded luxury suv of the century. dear fellow citizen, i know what it's like to want to relax with your family. but enjoying today doesn't mean losing sight of tomorrow. so while i invest in "the now" my mortgage, vacations i still invest in the future, like my children's college tuition and retirement. i can help you piece together your financial journey for today and tomorrow. if you have a question about investing, ask me. sincerely, amanda etheridge, fellow planner and fellow citizen. so now i'm not being perky, telling you that drivers that switch to progressive save an average of $548! whoo! i mean, whoo. he got more of a price than he bargained for. a pigeon whacked him on the head mid ride. it happened in spain on europe's tallest and fastest coast every. the man looked confused an horrified naturally when he realized what happened. he threw bird off his arm. point to this as evidence a. >> where was this roller coaster? >> spain. >> i don't want go there. >> norah's like sign me up and buckle me in. welcome back to "cbs this morning." a lot ahead. how to ask the right questions. >> "the boston globe" reports that filming has begun for many series base oddtown life of mexican drug lord el chapo. guzman is in jail awaiting trial. he was arrested last year after escaping mexico's custody twice. the show called el chapo is being filmed under a cloak of secrecy in colombia. they're threatening to sues over theous of his name and story without his permission. controversy over warehouses is heating up. retailers are hoping up warehouses at record rates to meet the rise of online shopping. they are luring staff with perks like flexible hours and gift cards. new york's daily news covers a reunion of two former presidents. bill clinton tweeted about his visit yesterday in houston with george h.w. bush and his wife barbara. mr. clinton brought his predecessor a pair of socks for his expansive collection. >> that's very sweet. he said they talked about grandkids and family and all those things. the streets times of singapore said hundreds traveled to the capital to run the streets. more than half of them were tourists. they usually receive 5,000 in an entire year. and "new york times" says snack bars at american theaters are offering fast food. they want to offer sandwiches, curly fries, andvaille at more than 100 amc theaters. james rhein delivered a memorable address last year. the dean of harvard's graduate school of education introduced the world to the five essential questions in life. >> my claim is if you ask bait, what, i wonder, how can i help, and does it matter, did you get what you wanted out of life, even so, your answer will be i did. >> ryan's message still resonates today. it's been viewed more than 8 million times on the school's facebook page. ryan has written a book about the concepts called, wait, what, and life's other essential questions. jim ryan joins us today. welcome. >> thanks very much. >> i absolutely love this. we're in the buzz of asking questions too. wait, what? >> wait, what? >> however, you start the book with the promise if you start by asking these five questions you'll have a happier and more successful life. wait. what? >> i believe that. if you get in the habit of asking these questions in particular, wait, what? i wonder, couldn't we at lease, how can i help, and what truly matters, those lead you to some of the most important topics you can think about if life and i do think if you live a life fueled by those questions you actually will be both more successful and happier. >> drew faust sent me a linch to your video about a year ago and said you've about got to see this and the success has been amazing. what do you think it is? ? >> i've been surprised and pleasantly surprised how much it's resonated. i've also received countless e-mails from people all over the country in all walks of life. i hearn from teachers, students, business executives, i've heard from parents, lawyers, judges, and pastors? >> why. >> they found it useful. some teachers have turned it into posters hanging in their classicrooms. some business executives said they organized an entire retreat around that. another business ex-ec said it' become their motto. >> all three of those are about questioning the circumstances or surroundings. >> yes. >> do we as humans not do this enough in this day and agesome. >> i think not nearly enough. kids are great at asking why. too many of us as we get older become less curious and stop asking questions. some of those questions, wait, what, and couldn't we at least in particular are great questions for this moment in time. the first is a way to seek understanding. wait, what? you're slowing down to make sure you understand something andul'o seek common ground and in an age where we're so polarized trying to understand something be you decide whether to agree or disagree, searching for common ground, i think we don't do northeasterly enough. >> your book opens with you as a child. you asked a lot of questions. >> i did ask a lot of questions, yes. so many that my father who was very mechanically inclined, i was not, my father told me from a very early age that i had better become a lawyer because he couldn't imagine he doing anything else. >> you have four kids. >> four kids. my mom when she was alive enjoyed seeing the payback. wait, what, why. >> we're getting in the car. not wait. get in the car. >> you wrote, quote, the simple truth is the answer can only be as good as the question asked. it reminds me. albert einstein said asking the right question is 95% of getting to the right answer. >> that's exactly right. i bet all three of you appreciate that because you spend a lot of time asking the right questions. albert einstein said if he had an hour to solve a problem and his life depended on it, he would spend the first 55 minutes thinking of the right question to ask and it would only take five minutes to solve it. >> is this a study around learning and question asking? >> i think it's baked into any good education and i think we need to start earlier in the k-12 classicrok-1 k-12 classic >> to follow on alex's point, how does curriculum encourage this in children? >> i think kur rick limb that's inquiry-based that's not filling a kid's head with things they need to exercise, the best way is to ask questions themselves. >> do you feel in the field of ed case indicatiucation here, t amount of contention? >> i think there is but we're in a moment in time there's an awful lot of debate. >> take a look at the culture that we have. in terms of raising kids, in terms of distractions and technology, does that aid in the asking of questions or in a sense take that curiosity out of us? >> i think it requires paying attention and teaching kids about the right questions to ask. i mean in the slew of information, it's easy to get lost and it requires slowing down and thinking about what are the right questions to ask and where are the questions likely to lead me to good answers. >> how can i help is one of the questions. >> yes, it is. so this question, obviously is about helping and offering assistance is one of the most humane things there is. but asking how you can help, i think, is just as important as offering to help. and by that i mean too often we assume what someone else needs and don't stop and first ask them how can i help you. so i tell the story in book ofmy cousin tracy who would come home from work and explain to her boyfriend why she had a bad day and he would immediately try to solve her problems. she said i didn't need him to solve my problems. i needed h em to listen. if he instead said, how can i help, he would have given her the opportunity to tell him how he could help. >> giving married couples advice. real talk. how can i help, can i get you a drink. thank you so much. >> my pleasure, thanks again. >> "wait, what" is on sale now. carol guzy seeing her camera as way to change lives. ahead, how the four-time the winners of the 2007 pulitzer prizes will be announced today in new york. photographer carol guzy is the only person to have received it. always seen light during the darkest tragedies. some of her pulitzer prize winners have become iconic. jan crawford spoke to guzi. good morning. >> good morning. carol guzy's photographs are on display along with all ore-other pulitzer prize-winning photographs. she was looking per a stable to nurse but her friend gave her a camerand a she found her calling. when a colombian volcano erupted in 1995 and killed more than 20,000, carol guzy's images won her and her colleague a pulitzer prize for spot photography. nearly ten years later troops entered the impoverished haiti. she brought it back home earning her a second pulitzer. >> i think we accept them for the people that are in our stories thauchl're the courageous stories and they're the ones who have opened up their lives so we can take their pictures an tell their stories. >> reporter: to capture those powerful movements, she tries to connect with the people in the photography. >> you see something that others may not. >> i have an overdose of empathy. i think that's probably the key word to make compelling images. >> reporter: in 199et when tens of thousands of ethnic albanians traveled, she travelled to the border. the experience brought her to an emotional breaking point. >> i felt so guilty i could get on a plane and leave and the people were stuck in their reality long after the headlines were gone, but i think you learn to cope by realizing it's a mission. it's not just a job. >> reporter: after a leeb ave o absence she returned making friends 'loening the way. a photo story on child amputees in sierra leone and a number of adoptions including a girl who became her goddaughter. when haiti was struck by an earthquake in tow 10, it shook guzy to her core. >> loved the people and it was like home. the earthquake almost destroyed me. >> reporter: it earned her a fourth pulitzer. her pictures hang alongside other photographers at the museum, a testament of powerful images to change history like this perfect of a starving sudanese girl or a 1957 policeman talking with a young boy. >> this is only the tip of the iceberg when you think of all the images that have been made. >> reporter: guzy's photographers show hop even in the darkest of circumstances. it's what she sees when she arrives in hay tay. >> this poor little girl and 3,000 other people third quarter were gone in a whisper or worse, buried under layers of concrete, you know, and died days later, weeks later even. >> when you see that, how do you keep moving to take those photographs? >> i tend to always look for those moments of hope too. we need balance. we need to show not only the balance, not only the problems but the solution too. >> in that way these photos can effect change. to a journalist like guzy, that's the real reward. >> to me it's always been my life and a calling of sorts to make people aware. every now and then things to change. maybe slowly and incrementally, but pictures can make a difference, i think. >> now, i asked guzi where she displayings all of those pulitzers that she's won. are they in her office, on a mantle. she said they're in a box somewhere. she's not sure where. it just shows that for journalists like guzy, it's not the awards that matter but the people. >> jan, thanks. it brings to life the stories of people caught in the worst situations. >> and the question of what makes the best photographer. >> empathy is a big part of it. an extra passenger made an unexpected appearance on a plane. ahead, how a crew helped deliver a baby girl while in the air. u hope this does not happen to me. you can hear more on itunes and ap an unexpected passenger made her debut on board a turkish airlines fight. she was born 42,000 feet in air with the help of the flight crew. her mother was 28 weeks' pregnant when she was going into labor. the plane made an emergency landing in west africa to fw it the mother and child to the hospital. they're both in good health. applause goes to our cabin crew. >> i mean yeah it does. definitely. >> how many weeks are you? >> 26. i'm grounding myself after savings at giant. only at my giant. you're not taking these. hey, hey, hey! you're not taking those. whoa, whoa! you're not taking that. come with me. you're not taking that. you're not taking that. you're not taking that. mom, i'm taking the subaru. don't be late. even when we're not there to keep them safe, our subaru outback will be. (vo) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. fill your basket with easter only at my giant. good morning, i'm jim donovan, police are interviewing a person of interest, in connection with a hit-and-run in hunting park, that sent two people to the hospital. the accident injured a man and woman about 10:30 last night near sixth and erie, the man is in critical condition, a woman is in stable condition, with a broken leg. police say witnesses led them to a vehicle, in wissinoming, that had damage consistent with the hit-and-run. so far, no charges have been filed. >> now, we turn to katie for a look at today's wetter. >> good morning, jim. stellar start to the week, bright sunshine, if you like yesterday, you will love today. it is even warmer, we've got really good shot to crack 80 degrees today. still, keeping tight at 79 for the provoke script dollars high on the forecast, we do have a chance, storm scan empty, devoid of anything but couple every clouds here and there, already starting to see serious rebounds, look at mount pocono, at 60 already. crazy. fifty in philly and we continue this warming trend right through the afternoon. so take a look, 79 the expected high. not bad from april 10th standards, and it is even warmer tomorrow, come wednesday, watch for just shower or thundershower with cold front passage, but, even still, despite the cold front, it is still about 10 degrees above the average, meisha? >> all right, katie, looking outside, beautiful outside yes but we do have some problems out there, disable vehicle still pulled off to the left, boulevard past the schuylkill, although i will say congestion levels are looking much better than they were 20 minute ago, accident here 295, 295 south ram top route 73 partially blocked, southbound past florence-columbus, heads up on that, also construction on the schuylkill eastbound between the blue route and belmont avenue. that right lane will be blocked between nine a.m. and three p.m. and yes will absolutely slow us down between those times, plus, quick peak at the schuylkill at city avenue. heads lights moving in the eastbound direction, very slow moving around there clearly no longer traveling at posted speeds, jim. >> that doesn't look good, thanks, meisha. join us for "eyewitness news" today at noon, i'm jim donovan make it a great apparently, people think i'm too perky. so now i'm not being perky, telling you that drivers that switch to progressive save an average of $548! whoo! i mean, whoo. easter is coming.... and kmart's got the sweet deals you need. so hip hop in -- and get your groove on. ♪ by the time the drugs rannd wout, i was addicted.. it happened so fast. i ended up on the streets, where the drugs are cheaper and easier to get. i was a full blown heroin addict, selling my soul to get high. when i realized i needed help i didn't know where to go. but i got help and you can too. you're not alone. help is within reach. this is governor chris christie. call 844 reach nj or visit reachnj.gov. >> announcer: it's all sex and beauty on the doctors from the scary science behind good looks. >> this is for perfection. >> announcer: the idea that schools should -- >> show [ beep ] to school children? >> that opens the discussion. >> announcer: a one to one for your face? >> how did this go? >>how modeling creted a monster. created a monster. >> when did you hit rock bottom? >> if i didn't get help, i was gonna die. >> announcer: on the doctors. >> dr. travis: welcome, everyone, today we bring the you good, the bad and the ugly when it comes to sex and beauty. joininus today is ob/gyn dr. nita landry. welcome back! >> doc, are you ready for sex and beauty? >> who isn't ready for sex and

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Transcripts For KYW CBS This Morning 20170410 : Comparemela.com

Transcripts For KYW CBS This Morning 20170410

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but we begin this morning with a look at today's "eye opener," your world in 90 seconds. >> regardless of whether russia was complicit here or whether they were simply incompetent, clearly they failed. >> the trump administration takes a hard line on russia and syria. >> he won't stop here. if he needs do more, he'll do more. >> russia could be part of the solution. right now i think everyone in the world sees russia as part of the problem. >> u.s. is sending carrier strike groups to peninsula. >> the man hunt is intensifying for the wisconsin man accused of stealing weapons and sending a manifesto to president trump. >> florida crews are fighting fast-moving brushfires. >> i hope they get it under control. >> isis has claimed responsibility for a pair of attacks of a pair of coptic christian churches in egypt. >> it reminds us all we've got a determined an absolutely ruthless enemy in islamic state. >> it sounded like an air raid. >> a passenger on a united air flight in chicago had to be forcibly removed from the plane. >> all that -- >> a man plunges into freezing water to save his beloved dog. >> what a come back. >> and all that matters. >> judge neil gorsuch will be sworn in as the 113th supreme court justice. he was confirmed last week. >> it made it awkward for merrick garland when he pretended to come home after a long day at the supreme court. >> -- on "cbs this morning." >> after so many years. >> once and for all for sergio. >> the 2017 masters champion, sergio garcia. >> announcer: this morning's "eye opener" presented by toyota. let's go places. welcome to "cbs this morning." gayle king is off, so alex wagner joins us. welcome. >> happy to be here. a abc poll shows most of americans think it was right for president trump to attack the air base but they don't want any larger action. >> this was in response to a poison gas attack on civilian. 36% disapproved but only 18% would approve of ground troops. another 26% want to see peace talks in syria without military action. >> russia and iran, the two main allies of syria's president told the u.s. they will respond with force to any further attacks on syria. the air base that was hit by dozens of u.s. cruise missiles is now back in service. major garrett is in the white house over the split of the trump administration. good morning. >> good morning. the air strikes gave trump a small boost. it's now up to 43%. but democrats and independents wonder if the president can handle the sieve war inside syria. what comes next is the question most on their minds and it's a big question inside this white house as well. >> this is a president that's not afraid to act. >> trump administration officials called the decision divisive. >> what we're trying to do is obviously defeat isis. >> united nations ambassador nikki haley and secretary of state rex tillerson agreed the fate of isis was more important than that of syrian dictate yerba shar al assad. on assad's future, the two top diplomats differed. >> that we can navigate a political outcome in which the syrian people, in fact, will determine bashir al assad's fate. >> while haley called for assad's ouster. this led lindsey graham to describe a new trump approach. >> regime change is now the policy at the trump administration. that's at least what i've heard. >> what's required is some kind of political solution to that very complex probe. >> national security adviser h.r. mcmaster said syria's civil war with its many factions and terrorist cells rests at the heart of the policy dilemma. dislodging assad, some administration officials fear, could be just as bad or worse than the status quo. >> it's very difficult to understand how a political solution could result from a continuation of the assad regime. now, we're not saying that we are the ones who are going to effect that change. >> an equally pressing issue, how to handle their top syrian ally, russia. >> i hope russia is carefully considering its relationship with assad because every time one of these attacks occur it draws russia closer in to some responsibility. >> tillerson is traveling to moscow and will soon meet with serg k. the mcfarland is out. charlie, mcfarland will soon be nominated as the next u.n. ambassador to singapore. >> thanks, garrett. dan senor is with us. good morning. >> good morning. >> there's one camp which is lead led by the secretary of state that believes isis should be the sole focus and nothing food could come from trying to replace assad. ite note clear that who would follow would be good. >> who is itsome. >> tillerson and many believe trump himself. there are others like nikki haley who believes we cannot ultimately bring any resolution to the region. if we put our focus on isis and defeating assad because assad's attacks against the sunnis are creating recruits, are provoking isis to act. >> where is mcmaster? >> mcmaster is trying to look at the two. it's hard to imagine a future quasi peaceful syria with assad in charge. that they all basically agree on. i think tillerson believes we cannot do this. we cannot be the ones to remove syria. if we -- remove assad. if others do, that's fine. mcmasters and others are forward leaning. >> what is clear that any way to deal with assad will have to involve russia, and the secretary of state is making the first big high-ranking visit to moscow tomorrow. the question is will he meet -- should he meet with president putin after yesterday calling them complicit or incompetent? >> look. from my view, tillerson should get a meeting with the president of russia. in fact, in previous administrations, they've gotten meetings with putin. but to your point, he's used very aggressive statements. what is most interesting to me here is we were all led to believe that the trump administration was going to roll over for this new relationship, this new grand bargain with russia, and what is clear now is in a manner of weeks, it looks nothing like that. >> we have two additional elements. i read this morning russia said he's meeting with the secretary of state but emphasized he's unlikely to meet with president putin. second we have the russias and iranians threatening to respond with force. >> look. they believe that the u.s. action in syria, which was limited. keep in mind, this was such a limited operation. it was basically an operation that was on the shelf during the obama administration, that secretary kerry had been pushing president obama to pursue. it was very limited. no syrian officials were killed. there was not an attack on the regime. >> to that end, the air base is back open. >> yes. >> what did that accomplish? >> i think one of two things. they'll think long and hard about using that airfield for exercising chemical attacks. i think this could be a turning point in that regard. >> youly it's a deterrent. >> yes. because they don't know how far he's willing to go. there are six or others and it's very easy for the u.s. to systematically take them out. donald trump if anything is unpredictable. >> dan senor, thank you. in the next hour robert ford will join us with his view on what's next in u.s. policy toward syria and russia. in a clear show of force, a u.s. navy strike group has been redirected to the korean peninsula. the aircraft carrier "uss carl vinson" and several other warships departed singapore over the weekend. the group was dispatched ahead of more ballistic attacks in north korea. president trump has hinted the u.s. is prepared to use force to stop the north's nuclear weapons program if necessary. the state department is condemning deadly terror attacks on churches in egypt. it calls them barbaric. two suicide bombings killed 40 people on one of the holiest days on the christian calendar. more than 100 others were injured. they were just a few hours apart. isis has claimed responsibility. mark phillips is following the latest developments from london. mark, good morning. >> good morning. well, christians make up about 10% of the egyptian population and have been frequent targets of jihadi bombers, but this double attack has seemed to have another motive. it seems designed to shake the strong man government which has promised security but has clearly been unable to provide it. the palm sunday service in the st. georges church in tanta north of cairo in the delta had attracted a large congregation of worshippers, among them, a bomber. the explosion blew the engine that streamed the service off the air and inan instant it killed 27 people, authorities said. the carnage wasn't over. a few hours later at st. mark's church in alexandria, a man in a blue sweater is denied entry and told to go through a metal detector. the people unlucky enough to be around it became the next target. both bombings appeared to be suicide attacks and responsibility was claimed by the islamic state. the three-month state of emergency declared may sult in more pressure on militants operating in egypt and an even more severe clamp-down on opposition there. after meeting the former army general in washington last week, president trump took to twitter to express his confidence that the president will handle the situation properly. it's difficult to see where that confidence comes from. he came to power vowing to provide security and these attacks will undermine those claims. egypt has been operating under various states of emergency for years, but that has simply forced the bombers to choose softer targets. for the beleaguered minority christians in egypt, this was the single deadliest day. norah? >> thank you so much. a serve. is under way. police released a video of joseph jakubowski mailing an anti-trump administration manifesto to president trump. the suspect allegedly stole a bunch of weapons. david, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. police believe joseph jakubowski broev into this gun store on the same day he mailed a manifesto to president trump. he made it clear, he doesn't like people in power from the president to people in law enforcement. in fact, when he mailed the manifesto, it was one of his friends who recorded this. when joseph jakubowski mailed his 160-page manifesto to president trump on tuesday, he brought witnesses to mark the occasion. >> there it is. you see it's getting shipped. revolution. it's time for change. >> three hours later police sajack bow ski broke into a gun shop and stole 16 rifles and handguns. they found his abandoned and burned car a short distance away. >> it's d-day. today is the day. remember this face. >> game time. >> about 150 local state and federal officers are involved in the manhunt. this weekend they searched homes in janesville, but came up empty. >> please call, even if your information you may not think it is important. we may find it is important. >> investigators suspect jakubowski has been highly agitated lately over political issues. >> basically he's angry over all government incident, whether it's the president, local or law enforcement. >> they say they don't know of any threats but schools were closed on friday and police stepped up patrol on churches on sunday. one canceled palm sundayer is vest. he has charges of battery, domestic abuse, bail jumping and resisting an officer. >> there was one specific case where he attempted to disarm a police officer and for that crime he was sent to prison. >> police are urging the public not to approach him if they see him and to call 911. >> i hope this gets resolved quickly and i say prayers for or community, for our nation, and for him. >> reporter: police believe jakubowski has a pullet-proof vest and a helmet with him. there were two reported sightings yesterday but nothing panned out. that friend who posted the video is apparently cooperating with law enforcement. and paul ryan, he is from this area and there has been an increased police presence at his local office here. >> thank you. now for a story norah and i loved, for the first time in his 18-year pro golf career, sergio garcia is a major champion. he won the major championship with a birdie on the first hole of a sudden death he battled his friend justin rose on the sport's biggest stage to earn the green jacket. manuel bojorquez is near the site in augusta, georgia, with garcia's long awaited win. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. nearly 20 years ago sergio garcia bursted on the scene along with another young golfer named tiger woods. it was supposed to be a long storied rivalry, but garcia never brought home a major title until yesterday when he survived an epic duel to win that elusive green jacket. >> and after so many years, once and for all for sergio -- >> reporter: the relief was written all over sergio garcia's face. after 17 major appearances without a victory, garcia finally won on golf's biggest stage. >> the 2017 masters champion, sergio garcia. >> reporter: but garcia nearly saw his chance to wear the green jacket slip away. >> i eigt appears he's going toy an unplayable. >> reporter: in deep trouble on the 13th garcia saved par. in previous tournaments, e has crumbled in such situations. this time he rallied. >> sergio garcia with an eagle 3 at 15. >> reporter: tied at the final hole, both garcia and rose each missed what could have been winning putts, but in sudden text, garcia didn't waive ver, finding something that had eluded him his entire 18-year pro career. even rose who fiercely battled garcia down the stretch was happy for him. >> if there's anyone to lose to, it's him. he's had his fair share of heartbreak. >> reporter: after that final putt, just about everyone at augusta shared his joy. >> i felt like it wasn't even augusta, you know. it felt like it was people around following me all the time. it was amazing. it was an unbelievable experience. >> reporter: and garcia won on what would have been the 60th birthday of his idol, fellow spaniard who also won a master -- actually won two masters. garcia told us that when he got in trouble during the tournament, he felt like someone was watching over him. >> it certainly helped him on the back nine. thank you. >> the story had everything. >> if you're going to finally win one, the masters is the one to do it. underdog. love it. congratulations. we may see more of sergio here on our show. just a little tease. the impeachment against alabama's governor, ahead, what was revealed and how he's >> announcer: this national weather report sponsored by toyota. let's go places. impatient drivers are turning the violence more frequently. >> aheading the new report on how road warage incidents involving guns are rising and where they're most common. >> you're watching "cbs this morning." a better moment of proof. victoza lowers my a1c and blood sugar better than the leading branded pill, which didn't get me to my goal. victoza® works with your body to lower blood sugar in three ways: in the stomach, the liver, and the pancreas. and while it isn't 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>> pack the sunglasses, we will need them today. katie, thank you so much. do have accident out there right now, downed pole, wires, mt. holly east south avenue closed between harrison and lincoln avenue. you will have to use alternate, route 38 going to be your best bet. also, another accident, plenty meeting ridge pike at allen wood road. heads up in the area. also the vine moving in the westbound direction looking very slow as you jump on to the schuylkill, rahel. >> meisha, thank you. next update at 75:00 #, up next, new report shows that road rage incidents involving guns are on the rise. i'm rahel solomon, make how about you? are you glad i bombed syria? >> yeah, i guess, mr. president trump. i actually want to talk about obamacare. my premiums have gone up and i have to wait 90 minutes to see a doctor. i know you tried your best, but you couldn't fix it sma. >> you mean paul ryan couldn't. i posted pictures and went honk honk. i won't give up. i'm talking with the freedom caucus and we're going to get rid of it. >> you're foung to get rid of my health care? >> all of it. gone. after we're done, you'll never have to describe to see a doctor. how does that sound? >> alec baldwin was back and "snl" was on fire. >> he's been a de facto member on "snl." >> indeed. president trump celebrates a big victory with the swearing in of the supreme court nominee. neil gorsuch will be sworn in by chief justice roberts. it will be followed by a ceremony at the white house. they changed the senate rules to require only a majority to approve the supreme court pick. here's look at other big stories makes news. a watchdog group planning today to sue the trump administration. they want the release of white house visitor logs. they bear the names of lobbyists and others who visit. >> "the new york times" reports on the arrest of a russian man believed to be the kingpin of computer spam. he was arrested this week in barcelona at the request of fbi. the justice department declined to give any information. the courier justice said a man was forcibly removed from a united flight. another man recorded the incident yesterday at the airport in o'hare in chicago. the man was one of four people chosen by computer to give up their seats to a united flight clue. the plane was delayed but later flew to louisville. in a statement united apologized for the overbooked flight. that is an irate passenger. delta is largely back on delta after severe weather grounded planes. the airports canceled more than 30 flights. some passengers were upset because they couldn't leave even though the skies had cleared. the carrier tells cbs news it expects only a handful of cancellations today. and the birmingham news reports the blame leadership is calling on robert ben resign today. in a report rs the state house judiciary said the governor's, quote, failure to cooperate with the committee's investigation is grounds for impeachment. omar villafranca is outside the capital in alabama. good morning. >> reporter: the state ethics committee said he may have violated campaign and ethics laws. now his wife has divorced him and his political future is in question. >> our state doesn't need this anymore. >> reporter: alabama governor robert bentley is battling in order to keep his job. at issue, whether he broke the law to cover up an alleged affair with a top staffer rebecca caldwell mason. he defended himself on friday. >> i do not plan to resign. i have done nothing illegal. >> reporter: a 30-page report includes text messages handedover to the house committee's special council by alabama's former first lady. in one statement he pledgeses he love for mason and mason responds bless our hearts and other parts. both mason and bentley have denied the affair. his constituents were quick to react. >> i think it's time for governor to go home. >> in 2014 diane bentley also secretly recorded a conversation between her husband and mason. >> baby, i love you, okay? i love you. >> mrs. bentley's then chief of staff helped her record it. in spring 2014 when the governor became aware, that staffer said bentley warned her to watch herself and she did not know what she was getting into. >> i talked to half a dozen staffers who are named in the documents who say it was just absolute fear and intimidation. >> reporter: john archibald says it appears the governor went to great lengths to keep the affair a secret. >> he's lost his family, his credibility, everything he had, and he's about to lose his job. >> reporter: the report also states that bentley misused state resources when he ordered law enforcement officials to break up with mason for him. the hearing is expected to last about a week. norah? >> wow. omar, thank you. using the law enforcement to to your breakup, that's a new one. >> that's an important part of the story. >> we will be watching. >> now the search is under way for a hacker who caused panic and confusion in dallas by triggering all of the city's emergency sirens at the same time. the system was hacked just before midnight friday. all 156 sirens in dallas blared intermittently for more than an hour and a half. the 911 center was flooded with more than 4,400 calls from concerned residents. the sirens are intended to warn people of incoming severe weather. city officials say the hacking originated in the dallas area and they're working with the federal communications committee to look for a suspect. nick, good morning. >> good morning, norah. >> how could something like this happen? >> well, we don't know exactly. they haven't said exactly how it was hacked. but there is an interesting tradeup which explains it. when you have an emergency situation, you want it to be pretty easy to operate which means you make it easy to set off. it's something relatively simple the hack. what i think probably happened is they're activated by radio transmissions most likely and probably somebody figured out the frequency it operated in and set them off for whatever reason. >> and what would be their motivation? >> one hypothesis is it's a kid doing a stunt. another is a disgruntled employee showing how weak the system is, or you're covering up for something else. >> how vulnerable are infrastructures overall to this type of hacking? >> i think quite vul anywherable. you don't think someone's going to do it. you run a bank. you set up a bunch or protection. you have a lot of tornado sirens, you don't think they're going to set it off. you don't build the defenses or train it and something like this happen sms how do you upgrade security? >> you have to change the encryption. we don't know that yet. it's not confirmed but the fact that the fcc is investigating kind of suggests that it is. some signal is sent to the tower to set it off. you have some kind of special time or password. maybe you set up another layer so it's a little harder crack into it than what it is. too many people can hack into too many things. >> this is something we ooh going to see a lot more of. what's so interesting here is they said it was somebody in dallas, not somebody remote. it wasn't somebody sitting in another country or new york saying let's set off dallas systems. it ee somebody in dallas. they have confirmed that. they do know that. so that suggests it's not a remote co remote-entry computer problem. >> so many kwing chaos. >> wasn't sowing chaos. >> no. ahead, the states with most incidents of road rage involving guns and aggressive driving. we invite you to sub excite to our cbs news podcast. find the originals on itunes and apples ipod apps. you're watching "cbs this morning." ♪ predictable. the comfort in knowing where things are headed. because as we live longer... and markets continue to rise and fall... predictable is one thing you need in retirement to help protect what you've earned and ensure it lasts. introducing brighthouse financial. a new company established by metlife to specialize in annuities & life insurance. talk to your advisor about a brighter financial future. ♪ ♪ give extra. get extra. you brush your teeth diligently... two times a day right? 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>> we don't have decades worth of data here, but the data we do have suggests that that might be happening. >> reporter: dennis baxley says guns are not to blame. >> is it accelerated by guns? >> no. a gun is an inanimate object. it accelerates nothing. it's only a weapon when somebody decides to use it as a weapon. >> incidents are increasing. states are passing laws keep traffic moving. here in florida drivers can only go ten miles an hour under the speed limit while in the fast lain. a new survey says 80% of admitted to an incident of aggressive driving. james burnette of aaa. >> the more they have to sit in traffic or stop n go, the more frustrated they get. >> reporter: norah, alaska, north dakota, and d.c. had just two gun-related road rage shooting incidents from 2014 to 2016. >> jericka, thank you. i know it gets really frustrating to sit in traffic, but this is scary. >> yeah. stay calm. >> stay calm indeed. a touchdown this morning after 173 days in orbit. ahead t crew change that set the stage for an american astronaut to make history in space. plus, we'll talk to the silicon valley insider who delivered a warning for parents on last night's "60 minutes," how he >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by toyota. let's go places. ♪ wow. good to know we have that on our prius! ♪ [beeping] ♪ and lane departure alert. see what i mean? 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>> all right, katie, thank you so much. we're still following couple every accidents still out there on the roadways, accident in berlin, new jersey, 73 northbound, that right lane is blocked. heads up for those of in you that neck of the woods, also accident mount hole which downed pole and wires here east south avenue closed between harrison avenue and lincoln avenue. you will have to use alternate route 38 is going to be your best bet. another accident in plymouth meeting still out there, ridge pike, at allen wood road. then some construction on the schuylkill, as well, jim, over to you. >> next update at 8:25, coming up on cbs this morning former us ambassador to syria discusses latest chemical did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back? say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet that's 10 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. say hello to internet speeds up to 150 mbps. and add phone and tv for only $34.90 more a month. call today. comcast business. built for business. it's monday, april 10th, ba morning." secretary of state rex tillerson heads to russia to talk about bringing peace to syria. the former ambassador to syria is here with what the united states should do next after last week's missile strike. but first here's today's "eye opener" at 8:00. the air strikes gave president trump a small boost in his approval rating, three points. it's now up to 43%. the secretary of state is making the first high-ranking visit to moscow after calling them complicit or incompetent. >> we were all led to believe the trump administration was going to roll over. in the past few weeks, it's nothing like that. >> he's promised security. >> police believe jakubowski has a bulletproof vest and a helmet. there were two sightings in this area but nothing panned out. >> garcia never brought home a title until yesterday when he title until yesterday when he fought a duel to win the green jacket. >> if you're going to win a major, the masters is the one to do it. under dog. he did it! what a perfect ending to a historic day! westbrook gives the thunder the victory at the buzzer! >> i'm speechless, and i know i should be saying something right now, folks, but i am speechless right now. 42 triple-doubles on the season and he ends the ball game like that? i'm charlie rose with norah o'donnell and alex wagner. gayle is off. secretary of state rex tillerson will travel to russia tomorrow. he and the trump administration are putting new pressure on the kremlin for supporting syrian dik take it yerba shar al assad. tillerson said yesterday russia was either outmaneuvered or simply incompetent for allowing syria to use chemical weapons. it's still unclear what the next steps are in syria after last week's attack. they targeted an air base that launched a chemical attack on civilian people. general h.r. mcmaster did not say whether u.s. would attack again if assad continues to kill civilians with nonchemical weapons. >> last week's gas attack killed more than 80 civilians, many of them children. they included the loved ones of a father. we have to warn you the aftermath was captured in disturbing video. >> reporter: this is the face of syria's civil war, a young man who's just lost 29 of his family members including his wife and twin babies. they were both really smart, he told us. i wanted my daughter to be a doctor and ahmed was going to be my sidekick. he buried them on wednesday, the day after a suspected chemical attack on his town kahn kuhn. >> you chose to carry your babies in your arms. why did you do that? >> that's how i carried them alive, he said. i loved them so much and i know they loved me too. abdelhamid told me he buried them next to each other and told them not to be scared. even in the cruelty and chaos of syria's six-year-long civil war, the attack on khan second anniversary with his wife. >> do you think that the american missile strikes will make any difference? >> i thought it was a good start, abdelhamid told us, but the regime air strikes haven't stopped. for "cbs this morning," holly williams near the turkey syria border. >> just staggering grief, staggering grief, what the father has gone through. >> and lost members of his family. >> 29. >> in that attack. robert ford served in 2011 to 2014. he left syria in 2012 one year into the bloody civil war because of security concerns. e's now a kissinger fellow at yale and a senior fellow at the institute in washington. welcome. >> thank you. it's nice to be here. >> you have studied this, you have been there. where are we in the context of syria today and in the context of the united states and russia sf. >> well, first i think the strikes that we did last week on that air base were very good. it's time to deter assad from using chemical weapons, so i think that's a good step. it's only a step. assad will try to use chemical weapons again, and so i think it will be hard to convince the russians to lean on assad to stop using chemical weapons. >> should we try to change the regime? >> i don't think we can change the regime, charlie. russia and iran are in in such a big way that it's no longer an american capacity to change the regime. what we would like to see is a negotiation between all different sides to come up with a new government. >> with having leverage on the groujd. >> no negotiation works if you don't have some leverage. >> you resigned as ambassador to syria urnlds the obama administration because you were frustrated. >> right. we were saying in the obama administration we wanted this negotiation we were talking about but we were doing nothing to get to a negotiation with leverage. >> you believed a used of force. >> some kind of military pressure. i didn't want u.s. direct involvement. i always wanted to help syrian fighters on the ground who themselves wanted to any gauche yatd. >> do you think -- go ahead -- >> it was interesting. we were talking right before we came on the air and the ambassador said, you believe assad will continue to test us, he will likely carry out another chemical attack. >> can i raise one point on that? people say unless you can threaten his survival, nothing else will change his behavior. >> i think unless you put really great pressure on him so that he's actually not winning but losing, he will have no incentive to negotiate. >> which he was at one point. >> in 2013 and again in 2015 he was on his back heels militarily. then russia steppeden in and iran stepped in. >> defeating isis and removing assad, are they mutually exclusive? >> the islamic states involve recruits from frustrated sunnis in syria who are angry at assad largely and therefore the idea that we can just bomb isis and then leave syria isn't going to work because we'll kill extremists, isis will recruit more, we'll kill more, they'll recruit more. it ends up what a "new york times" writer called a forever war. >> here's what's interesting too. the russians and the iranians have said they will meet force if there is another attack. >> mm-hmm. >> what does that mean? where are we going? is this a slippery slope into some kind of war with russia and iran? >> the iranians have the capability of getting back at us. for example, they could get back at us with our troops in iraq. so that's going to be a tricky diplomatic challenge, charlie, to bothe against assad using chemical weapons, but also deterring the iranians from hitting back at us in a place like iraq where our soldiers are very close to iranian soldiers and iranian militias. >> because we have nearly about a thousand u.s. troops on the ground in syria. >> and 5,000 in iraq. >> what would you do if negotiations fail as they have? >> well, i think the most important thing right now is to re-establish deternltds against chemical weapons. that's a distinct limited goal. not a big goal like fixing the civil war. just deterring the use of chemical weapons because that applies not just to syria, but that also applies to asia, applies to africa. >> could that include chlorine gas? >> yes. >> but they have used chlorine gas. >> i know that. and we could not get the obama administration to react to that. even after the 2013 deal with the russians, assad began using chlorine gas. that's why i said, they test. they test and they test. >> so very interesting because possible made the case, look, i didn't react after the last chemical attack because instead i got something better. i got russia to help remove a lot of these chemical weapons in sear yachlt but it's clear they still remain. >> deal was flawed that way in that we could not get the russians to enforce it. there was an agreement in 2013 that if assad even used chlorine gas, that the russians and the americans would take measures. the russians didn't keep their end of the bargain. >> this has been a very smart discussion, ambassador robert ford. thank you very much for being here. >> my pleasure. >> appreciate it. is silicon valley working to hijack the way we use technology. a former google employee with how they try to engineer our brains to keep us glued to just one journalist has been awarded a pulitzer prize a record four times. ahead the celebrated photographs of carol dpuz by and why she said it's important to document hope in some of the history's darkest moments. you're watching "cbs this morning." d puffed... like you do sometimes, grandpa? 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dealing with apps and social media? >> no. and i think this is really important because there's a nair active that, oh, i guess they're doing this like we used to gossip on the phone, but what it misses is your phone in the 1970s didn't have a thousand engineers on the other side of the telephone who are redesigning it to work with other telephones and then updating the way your telephone works every day to be more and more persuasive. ha was not true in the 1970s. >> how many insiders are there speaks out like you are? >> not that many. >> tristan harris is with us. good morning, tristan. you call this thing a slot machine. >> a slot machine in our pocket. >> what does that mean? >> it operates on a scheduled reward. sometimes you check your phone and you're playing a slot machine. you get a message from someone you love, sometimes it feels really good. sometimes you check your phone and nothing's there. the fact that sometimes you get something and sometimes you don't is what makes it just like a slot machine. >> why is that necessarily bad and what are companies doing wrong? >> it's not necessarily bad. you just have to feel is that what you want your phone to feel like. do you want your phone to feel like a slot machine. the main belief we have is that technology is neutral and it's up to us what we post on facebook, how we use snapchat or what we use our phone for. what that misses is there's this attention economy where every company needs to maximize how much attention it gets from you and there's a whole playbook. >> you provided some specific examples last night about how a company might do this attention economy. what's a good example? >> i think one that's more alarming is snap streaks when snapchat recently went public. it affects kids' obligations to each other. what you do is if you send a message to someone and they send one back and it goes on several days in a row, you set a streak, a fireball, number of days you've gone in a row. a lot of kits have 200, 300, 00 streaks. it stresses them out because they feel like if i don't get back to my friends, they're going to get upset at me. they've got to go through and send photos of walls and ceiling just to get through their day and you ask is this being done to help kids get through their lives. >> what do you do about it? >> right now we have to change the incentives. if you try to tell facebook or snapchat don't do that or this is not what they want, they can't because someone else will swoop in and get the attention. so we have to have a conversation about this attention economy which is like a city. it's like how do we reorganize the city. let's not move out or unplug but let's do something that works for us. >> the reason i ask is no one will speak on the record. >> yeah. >> people like you who have had experience there know what's going on. >> yeah. i think it's kind of the elephant in the room. it's not so much that this is a whistleblower type thing. it needs to ham. it's affecting our news and our demom kracy. >> because it's happened at the rise of fake news. >> if you have two news feeds, and one is showing you something outrageous and it has unbelievable stuff and you have to share it. if facebook showed you that news feed, it's going to be better at getting your attention instead of wrun they show you calm news about the same important topics, but the calm way. so they have to show you the one that's more outrageous. >> sensationalism news. >> sensationalism is more important than fake news. >> so great to have you here. >> thanks for having me. a rare hole-in-one drove the crowd wild at the masters. ahead, we'll show you the unbelievable eighth that lajded many the hands of a young fan. and harvard dean and ryan are in the green room to show you howancing five simple questions can improve your life. you're watching "cbs this morning." the goalie has studied every one of your shots. she knows you're going for her left corner. she even teases you, calling the shot. but her legs are the ones trembling, not yours. ♪ time to shine. orbit. so find a venus smooth that contours to curves, the smoother the skin, the more comfortable you are in it. flexes for comfort, and has a disposable made for you. skin smoothing venus razors. military for 18 years.rian, but, i smoked and i got heart disease. my tip is; it's hard to serve your country when you're to weak to put on your uniform. (announcer) you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. listen, sugar, we're lettin' you go. it's that splenda naturals gal, isn't it? coffee: look, she's sweet, she's got natural stevia, no bitter aftertaste, and zero calories. all the partners agree? even iced tea? especially iced tea. goodbye, sugar. hello, new splenda naturals. goodbye, sugar. doctors recommend taking allergy symptoms claritin every day of your allergy season for continuous relief. claritin provides powerful, non-drowsy, 24-hour relief. for fewer interruptions from the amazing things you do every day. live claritin clear. every day. ♪ i've got the magic in me [ applause ] he sent the crowd sbrinto a frenzy yesterday we he nailed the tournament's only hole-in-one on the 16th hole. afterward he signed the ball and gave it to a 10-year-old fan. >> it was such a moment. the kid was >> good morning, i'm rahel solomon, police in gloucester county hope you can help them track down an assault sids joe. shows west depth forwards man assaulted with a cell phone, police say the suspect throwing things at the windows of the westwood court apartments friday and assault add maintenance supervisor before getting away in a silver car. if you have any information police want to hear from you. also checking the forecast with katie fehlinger. looks for we're in for warm stretch? >> we real are are. the warmest days of the develop coming today and tomorrow. daytime high to get to the upper 70s today, already seeing quite a few folks walking up and down the board walk at boards walk plaza in rehoboth. avenue feeling it will get more and more packed as the day goes on, beautiful blue skies out, there temperatures grants are off to bit of cool start. certainly still want to have extra layer ready to go when you walk out the door, but these temperatures are already very swiftly, climbing, and will, again, climb to about 79, possibly, even crack 80 in the city, 82 the high tomorrow, still sunshine, but then cold front comes along, noxious back to 73, though technically still about the norm. and back to the mid or upper 60s to rounds out the week. meisha? >> all right, katie, thank you for. that will good morning, everyone, looking outside we do have disable vehicle the boulevard northbound just past the schuylkill, you can see it pulled off to the left. that's starting to slow you down moving in the northbound direction and you are still slow moving in the southbound direction as well, accident 295 southbound the ramp to route 73 partially blocked there, 295 southbound past columbus boulevard, another accident there. we have an accident that's still out there in mt. holly east south avenue closed right now between harrison avenue and lincoln avenue. you will have to use alternate, route 38 is going to be your best bet. rahel, over to you. >> meisha, thank you. and our next update is at 8: 55, ahead on cbs this morning, the five simple questions that you can use to improve your personal and professional life. i'm rahel solomon, good morning. ♪ ♪ award winning interface. award winning design. award winning engine. the volvo xc90. the most awarded luxury suv of the century. dear fellow citizen, i know what it's like to want to relax with your family. but enjoying today doesn't mean losing sight of tomorrow. so while i invest in "the now" my mortgage, vacations i still invest in the future, like my children's college tuition and retirement. i can help you piece together your financial journey for today and tomorrow. if you have a question about investing, ask me. sincerely, amanda etheridge, fellow planner and fellow citizen. so now i'm not being perky, telling you that drivers that switch to progressive save an average of $548! whoo! i mean, whoo. he got more of a price than he bargained for. a pigeon whacked him on the head mid ride. it happened in spain on europe's tallest and fastest coast every. the man looked confused an horrified naturally when he realized what happened. he threw bird off his arm. point to this as evidence a. >> where was this roller coaster? >> spain. >> i don't want go there. >> norah's like sign me up and buckle me in. welcome back to "cbs this morning." a lot ahead. how to ask the right questions. >> "the boston globe" reports that filming has begun for many series base oddtown life of mexican drug lord el chapo. guzman is in jail awaiting trial. he was arrested last year after escaping mexico's custody twice. the show called el chapo is being filmed under a cloak of secrecy in colombia. they're threatening to sues over theous of his name and story without his permission. controversy over warehouses is heating up. retailers are hoping up warehouses at record rates to meet the rise of online shopping. they are luring staff with perks like flexible hours and gift cards. new york's daily news covers a reunion of two former presidents. bill clinton tweeted about his visit yesterday in houston with george h.w. bush and his wife barbara. mr. clinton brought his predecessor a pair of socks for his expansive collection. >> that's very sweet. he said they talked about grandkids and family and all those things. the streets times of singapore said hundreds traveled to the capital to run the streets. more than half of them were tourists. they usually receive 5,000 in an entire year. and "new york times" says snack bars at american theaters are offering fast food. they want to offer sandwiches, curly fries, andvaille at more than 100 amc theaters. james rhein delivered a memorable address last year. the dean of harvard's graduate school of education introduced the world to the five essential questions in life. >> my claim is if you ask bait, what, i wonder, how can i help, and does it matter, did you get what you wanted out of life, even so, your answer will be i did. >> ryan's message still resonates today. it's been viewed more than 8 million times on the school's facebook page. ryan has written a book about the concepts called, wait, what, and life's other essential questions. jim ryan joins us today. welcome. >> thanks very much. >> i absolutely love this. we're in the buzz of asking questions too. wait, what? >> wait, what? >> however, you start the book with the promise if you start by asking these five questions you'll have a happier and more successful life. wait. what? >> i believe that. if you get in the habit of asking these questions in particular, wait, what? i wonder, couldn't we at lease, how can i help, and what truly matters, those lead you to some of the most important topics you can think about if life and i do think if you live a life fueled by those questions you actually will be both more successful and happier. >> drew faust sent me a linch to your video about a year ago and said you've about got to see this and the success has been amazing. what do you think it is? ? >> i've been surprised and pleasantly surprised how much it's resonated. i've also received countless e-mails from people all over the country in all walks of life. i hearn from teachers, students, business executives, i've heard from parents, lawyers, judges, and pastors? >> why. >> they found it useful. some teachers have turned it into posters hanging in their classicrooms. some business executives said they organized an entire retreat around that. another business ex-ec said it' become their motto. >> all three of those are about questioning the circumstances or surroundings. >> yes. >> do we as humans not do this enough in this day and agesome. >> i think not nearly enough. kids are great at asking why. too many of us as we get older become less curious and stop asking questions. some of those questions, wait, what, and couldn't we at least in particular are great questions for this moment in time. the first is a way to seek understanding. wait, what? you're slowing down to make sure you understand something andul'o seek common ground and in an age where we're so polarized trying to understand something be you decide whether to agree or disagree, searching for common ground, i think we don't do northeasterly enough. >> your book opens with you as a child. you asked a lot of questions. >> i did ask a lot of questions, yes. so many that my father who was very mechanically inclined, i was not, my father told me from a very early age that i had better become a lawyer because he couldn't imagine he doing anything else. >> you have four kids. >> four kids. my mom when she was alive enjoyed seeing the payback. wait, what, why. >> we're getting in the car. not wait. get in the car. >> you wrote, quote, the simple truth is the answer can only be as good as the question asked. it reminds me. albert einstein said asking the right question is 95% of getting to the right answer. >> that's exactly right. i bet all three of you appreciate that because you spend a lot of time asking the right questions. albert einstein said if he had an hour to solve a problem and his life depended on it, he would spend the first 55 minutes thinking of the right question to ask and it would only take five minutes to solve it. >> is this a study around learning and question asking? >> i think it's baked into any good education and i think we need to start earlier in the k-12 classicrok-1 k-12 classic >> to follow on alex's point, how does curriculum encourage this in children? >> i think kur rick limb that's inquiry-based that's not filling a kid's head with things they need to exercise, the best way is to ask questions themselves. >> do you feel in the field of ed case indicatiucation here, t amount of contention? >> i think there is but we're in a moment in time there's an awful lot of debate. >> take a look at the culture that we have. in terms of raising kids, in terms of distractions and technology, does that aid in the asking of questions or in a sense take that curiosity out of us? >> i think it requires paying attention and teaching kids about the right questions to ask. i mean in the slew of information, it's easy to get lost and it requires slowing down and thinking about what are the right questions to ask and where are the questions likely to lead me to good answers. >> how can i help is one of the questions. >> yes, it is. so this question, obviously is about helping and offering assistance is one of the most humane things there is. but asking how you can help, i think, is just as important as offering to help. and by that i mean too often we assume what someone else needs and don't stop and first ask them how can i help you. so i tell the story in book ofmy cousin tracy who would come home from work and explain to her boyfriend why she had a bad day and he would immediately try to solve her problems. she said i didn't need him to solve my problems. i needed h em to listen. if he instead said, how can i help, he would have given her the opportunity to tell him how he could help. >> giving married couples advice. real talk. how can i help, can i get you a drink. thank you so much. >> my pleasure, thanks again. >> "wait, what" is on sale now. carol guzy seeing her camera as way to change lives. ahead, how the four-time the winners of the 2007 pulitzer prizes will be announced today in new york. photographer carol guzy is the only person to have received it. always seen light during the darkest tragedies. some of her pulitzer prize winners have become iconic. jan crawford spoke to guzi. good morning. >> good morning. carol guzy's photographs are on display along with all ore-other pulitzer prize-winning photographs. she was looking per a stable to nurse but her friend gave her a camerand a she found her calling. when a colombian volcano erupted in 1995 and killed more than 20,000, carol guzy's images won her and her colleague a pulitzer prize for spot photography. nearly ten years later troops entered the impoverished haiti. she brought it back home earning her a second pulitzer. >> i think we accept them for the people that are in our stories thauchl're the courageous stories and they're the ones who have opened up their lives so we can take their pictures an tell their stories. >> reporter: to capture those powerful movements, she tries to connect with the people in the photography. >> you see something that others may not. >> i have an overdose of empathy. i think that's probably the key word to make compelling images. >> reporter: in 199et when tens of thousands of ethnic albanians traveled, she travelled to the border. the experience brought her to an emotional breaking point. >> i felt so guilty i could get on a plane and leave and the people were stuck in their reality long after the headlines were gone, but i think you learn to cope by realizing it's a mission. it's not just a job. >> reporter: after a leeb ave o absence she returned making friends 'loening the way. a photo story on child amputees in sierra leone and a number of adoptions including a girl who became her goddaughter. when haiti was struck by an earthquake in tow 10, it shook guzy to her core. >> loved the people and it was like home. the earthquake almost destroyed me. >> reporter: it earned her a fourth pulitzer. her pictures hang alongside other photographers at the museum, a testament of powerful images to change history like this perfect of a starving sudanese girl or a 1957 policeman talking with a young boy. >> this is only the tip of the iceberg when you think of all the images that have been made. >> reporter: guzy's photographers show hop even in the darkest of circumstances. it's what she sees when she arrives in hay tay. >> this poor little girl and 3,000 other people third quarter were gone in a whisper or worse, buried under layers of concrete, you know, and died days later, weeks later even. >> when you see that, how do you keep moving to take those photographs? >> i tend to always look for those moments of hope too. we need balance. we need to show not only the balance, not only the problems but the solution too. >> in that way these photos can effect change. to a journalist like guzy, that's the real reward. >> to me it's always been my life and a calling of sorts to make people aware. every now and then things to change. maybe slowly and incrementally, but pictures can make a difference, i think. >> now, i asked guzi where she displayings all of those pulitzers that she's won. are they in her office, on a mantle. she said they're in a box somewhere. she's not sure where. it just shows that for journalists like guzy, it's not the awards that matter but the people. >> jan, thanks. it brings to life the stories of people caught in the worst situations. >> and the question of what makes the best photographer. >> empathy is a big part of it. an extra passenger made an unexpected appearance on a plane. ahead, how a crew helped deliver a baby girl while in the air. u hope this does not happen to me. you can hear more on itunes and ap an unexpected passenger made her debut on board a turkish airlines fight. she was born 42,000 feet in air with the help of the flight crew. her mother was 28 weeks' pregnant when she was going into labor. the plane made an emergency landing in west africa to fw it the mother and child to the hospital. they're both in good health. applause goes to our cabin crew. >> i mean yeah it does. definitely. >> how many weeks are you? >> 26. i'm grounding myself after savings at giant. only at my giant. you're not taking these. hey, hey, hey! you're not taking those. whoa, whoa! you're not taking that. come with me. you're not taking that. you're not taking that. you're not taking that. mom, i'm taking the subaru. don't be late. even when we're not there to keep them safe, our subaru outback will be. (vo) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. fill your basket with easter only at my giant. good morning, i'm jim donovan, police are interviewing a person of interest, in connection with a hit-and-run in hunting park, that sent two people to the hospital. the accident injured a man and woman about 10:30 last night near sixth and erie, the man is in critical condition, a woman is in stable condition, with a broken leg. police say witnesses led them to a vehicle, in wissinoming, that had damage consistent with the hit-and-run. so far, no charges have been filed. >> now, we turn to katie for a look at today's wetter. >> good morning, jim. stellar start to the week, bright sunshine, if you like yesterday, you will love today. it is even warmer, we've got really good shot to crack 80 degrees today. still, keeping tight at 79 for the provoke script dollars high on the forecast, we do have a chance, storm scan empty, devoid of anything but couple every clouds here and there, already starting to see serious rebounds, look at mount pocono, at 60 already. crazy. fifty in philly and we continue this warming trend right through the afternoon. so take a look, 79 the expected high. not bad from april 10th standards, and it is even warmer tomorrow, come wednesday, watch for just shower or thundershower with cold front passage, but, even still, despite the cold front, it is still about 10 degrees above the average, meisha? >> all right, katie, looking outside, beautiful outside yes but we do have some problems out there, disable vehicle still pulled off to the left, boulevard past the schuylkill, although i will say congestion levels are looking much better than they were 20 minute ago, accident here 295, 295 south ram top route 73 partially blocked, southbound past florence-columbus, heads up on that, also construction on the schuylkill eastbound between the blue route and belmont avenue. that right lane will be blocked between nine a.m. and three p.m. and yes will absolutely slow us down between those times, plus, quick peak at the schuylkill at city avenue. heads lights moving in the eastbound direction, very slow moving around there clearly no longer traveling at posted speeds, jim. >> that doesn't look good, thanks, meisha. join us for "eyewitness news" today at noon, i'm jim donovan make it a great apparently, people think i'm too perky. so now i'm not being perky, telling you that drivers that switch to progressive save an average of $548! whoo! i mean, whoo. easter is coming.... and kmart's got the sweet deals you need. so hip hop in -- and get your groove on. ♪ by the time the drugs rannd wout, i was addicted.. it happened so fast. i ended up on the streets, where the drugs are cheaper and easier to get. i was a full blown heroin addict, selling my soul to get high. when i realized i needed help i didn't know where to go. but i got help and you can too. you're not alone. help is within reach. this is governor chris christie. call 844 reach nj or visit reachnj.gov. >> announcer: it's all sex and beauty on the doctors from the scary science behind good looks. >> this is for perfection. >> announcer: the idea that schools should -- >> show [ beep ] to school children? >> that opens the discussion. >> announcer: a one to one for your face? >> how did this go? >>how modeling creted a monster. created a monster. >> when did you hit rock bottom? >> if i didn't get help, i was gonna die. >> announcer: on the doctors. >> dr. travis: welcome, everyone, today we bring the you good, the bad and the ugly when it comes to sex and beauty. joininus today is ob/gyn dr. nita landry. welcome back! >> doc, are you ready for sex and beauty? >> who isn't ready for sex and

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