Transcripts For KYW CBS This Morning 20170313 : comparemela.

Transcripts For KYW CBS This Morning 20170313

act together. >> two storms forming a northeaster and a blizzard tomorrow. >> a blizzard that may be the storm. >> the northeast bracing for a major snowstorm. >> anywhere from 3 to 4 to 5 inches per hour. >> a chance to see a foot of snow or more. >> hang onto your hats, everybody, 12 to 24. >> you have conservative member os the house, aarp, american medical association coming out against this. you're pleased with the reaction. the reaction is awful. >> if we did nothing, washed our hands, we'd see a further collapse of the markets. >> they do not walk the plank and vote for a bill that cannot pass the senate. in california, a police officer beating a suspect with outrages of excessive force. >> they walk in the front lines of the city of mosul. >> a hoverboard is blamed for a fire in pennsylvania that killed a toddler. >> the pain is so deep. >> amazing images of one of mexico's volcanos erupting with ash filling the sky. >> all that -- >> cape town has had a lot of wind. >> he bungee jumped in south africa. >> -- and all that matters. >> a continuing message from joe biden to beat cancer. >> i'm willing to postpone for one day longer the things we can do now. >> -- on "cbs this morning.." >> we welcome back our friend and colleague charlie rose. >> a little over a month after recovering from heart valve replacement surgery returns to "cbs this morning." it will be trif tock have him back. >> charlie, welcome back. we all missed you. >> announcer: this morning's "eye opener" presented by toyota. let's go places. captioning funded by cbs welcome to "cbs this morning," and, boy, am i happy to be here. >> did you get the last part? the president said, welcome back, charlie, we all missed you. >> are you sure it was me? >> i got a lot of tweets. this is the best, from gigi, who i don't know. he is back, ladies and gentlemen. my birthday wish is sunday. my wish has been for the return of charlie. wishes do come true. >> indeed. >> did you feel tingly? >> i feel happy. i mean this is a great place to start your morning, it really is. >> yeah. >> we went right upstairs to where you were being made up. just to see everybody. >> you got a hug from klaus. >> you have to worry about being squeezed to death. >> what's great is to hear your voice. >> thank you. the interesting thing tomy is the surgeons said everything we wanted to do came out better than expected so we're very excited about what it's going to be in terms of how you can perform. >> that's what usually happens with charlie rose. it's always better than expected. we're glad to have you back, buddy. >> thank you very much. we turn now to our big story. more than 50 million americans are bracing for a massive late winter storm. heavy snow is already creating treacherous driving conditions across the midwest and this is just a taste of what's to come. two systems are expected to combine over the mid-atlantic states. forecasters say the storm will slam the northeast late tonight and tomorrow. >> and get this. the nor'easter is forecasted to dump heavy snow all along the i-95 corridor. new york city could see between 1 and 2 feet of snow. hello. boston will get up to 18 edges. dean reynolds is in chicago where snow has been falling for hours. dean, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. well, more than 400 flights have been canceled at o'hare international airport in chicago so far today and that's likely to increase as this storm has a cascading effect on other airports over much of the country. mid-march seems more like the middle of winder. heavy snow and ice blanketed the midwest overnight making it nearly impossible to see the roads and sending some cars careening off of them. >> very slippery. whiteout conditions. visibility is pretty much nonexistent. >> reporter: several cars were stranded on snowy south dakota roads. plows tried to clear a packet for those who dared to make a trip. blinding snowfall in mankato, minnesota, led to multiple accidents along interstate 35. a combination of strong winds and frigid temperatures have been swirling across the nation for days. the freezing temperatures left this home off the shore of lake ontario in western new york encased in a sheet of ice. >> it is coming down. >> reporter: and the south hasn't been spared from this late winter snap. snow fell in the carolinas and tennessee, reminding everyone that spring is still seven days away. >> it's pretty to see the snow come down, but i'd rather be warm again. i'm ready for spring. >> reporter: it's been snowing here since about 10:00 lath night. the first measurable snow fall since mid-december. and, gayle, as you can imagine, we're all just jumping for joy about it. >> dean, thank you very much. thanks a lot. winter storm warnings are from albany to new york and blizzard warnings. forecasters say this could be the biggest snowstorm of the winter. lonnie quinn of our wbz-tv has more. you heard how bad it can get. >> chicago, you're talking 4 to 8 inches today. but this system in chicago, let me show you how it's going to interact with the system around the gulf of mexico. it's not really all ha big, but it's going be a combination of the two. they're going to push toward the carolinas. we expect they're going to be somewhere around the outer banks. this is one. then it tracks to the northeast. if it hugs the shoreline, all the shorelines will be getting rain. but if, however, it goes a little bit further to the east and this is where we believe it's going to go, then we're talking a big snow event from washington, d.c. all the way up to new england. timing looks like this. 6:00 a.m. snow in new york city. you go through your day. 1:00 p.m., heavy snow in boston as well. then you wind things down. tomorrow night to early wednesday morning with just some snow bands up in northern new england. how much snow. the crazy part about this is how wide the swath is for an area that could see a foot or more. i'm talking from washington, d.c. to portland, maine. locally, philadelphia, 8 to 16. new york city, 12 inches or more possibly. boston, 12 to 18. this is a lot of snow. for new york city, just for example, it's possible we could double it tomorrow. i to think new york could be in the 12- to 16-inch range. >> wow. lonnie, thank you so much. by the end of the day we may learn the estimated cost of the -- there we go. demarco morgan. hey, demarco. >> reporter: good morning. this is just one of the many salt storage facilities in the city that's getting ready for this monstrous storm. the state is ready to deploy up to 1,800 plows before the 443,000 tons of rock salt you see behind me to keep our roads and highways safe. governor cuomo said the state emergency system will be activated sometime later this evening and all state agencies are on heightened alert as we speak. for those of you at home who may be wondering is this the first time for a blizzard in march, absolutely not. it's rare. it happened in 1993 and way back in 1988. this time last year the city got up to 32 inches of snow. this year we're sitting at 22 inches. new york, i remember two years ago, the subway commuter trains in and around the city had to be shut down. we're hoping's not the case this time around. we'll have to keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best. we'll send things back to you. by the end of the day we should be able to hear the cost of the health care plan and how many people it will cover. the analysis expected to show that fewer americans will have health coverage under the proposal. house speaker paul ryan told our john dickerson he does not know how many will be affected. nancy cordes is on capitol hill with the importance of the cbo numbers. good morning. >> good morning and welcome back. that's a lot of numbers. already this weekend administration officials were out in force arguing that no matter what the numbers show, they're wrong. >> we will see what the score is. in the past, the cbo score has been meaningless. >> gop leaders insisted on surchd their new health care plan will be cheaper and cover more people although they have said. >> they have not been good about providing good statisticing. >> reporter: they've already revealed it could looft 10 to 15 million americans to lose coverage. it cuts pack subsidies, cuts coverage. >> how many will be affected? >> i can't answer that question. >> house speaker paul ryan told "face the nation" it will unleash coverage. >> what we're trying to do is bringing down the cost or karks insurance, not through government mandates and monopolies but by having more choice in the competition. >> but he's facing opposition by congressmen like tom cotton of arkansas. >> i don't want to see the house majority put a risk on a bill that's not going to pass the senate. that's why i think we should take a pause. >> they're still encountering opposition back hoemt too. it cuts taxes for the wealthy that were inpofld to help with it. >> this has nothing to do with health care. what it has everything to do with is shifting to the very richest people of the country. >> the head was chosen by republican leaders which could complicate their efforts to pan his calculations and this cbo score could be critical, gayle, to determine whether skittish republicans get on board. >> thank you so much. we're all watching. there's a claim that his phones were tapped. there's no proof to back up the charges he made more than a week ago. margaret brennan is at the white house with pressure coming from other republicans. margaret, good morning. >> good morning. it was a working weekend at white house from dew point who avoided claim last week. it's an unsubstantiated claim that president obama wiretapped his phone. >> i have no reason to believe that the charge is true. >> but on sunday fellow congressman john mccain says it cannot be i ignored. >> the president has one of two choices, either retract or provide information that the american people deserve because if his pred set sore violated the law, we've got a serious issue. >> kellyanne conway said that's not the only method of surveillance. >> there was an article that you can survey someone through their fones. >> speaker paul ryan did not expect to get any. former trump campaign aide roger stone has previously denied having any russian >> he did claim to have conversation with doan. and alt the time ee he was. now, the house intelligence committee has asked the justice department to turn over any proof they might have of the wire tapping by the end of today. charlie. >> >> margaret, thank you so much. cbs news moderator of "face the nation," john dickerson is with us. >> good morning. >> the king has returned. >> the court is in session. >> yes. i have many questions. i've been following this. it seems to me that it might be a problem in selling this if they can't tell you who's going to be covered. >> well, that's a big numb befrmt and the white house and the president have said whoever is on obama will be covered. in fact, the president went furth further. he said, everybody will be covered. it will come up with a number that will be bad. it centers on the uncertainty. >> is it possible that the people who are part of the core supporters of donald trump will lose some of their coverage and rise up against it? >> there's been plenty of analysis to show that. it's the trump voter who has the most to be fearful about. also the plan that paul ryan has put forward is the thee. he's done a lot of work. he believes in it passionately and thinks it will cover more people but the other colleagues have to face face the political sector that's not going to look good. >> this was a big campaign promise. we saw a clip from a year ago where donald trump said it will be cheap, more people will be covered, it will be better. yet the republicans have had two years. it's not all on the same page. >> have you ever gone out to dinner with high school friends? you can all agree you're hungry but what about where you're going to eat >> how can you predict when you don't know how much it's going to cost. >> that's the point. that's why they're saying, hey, wait a minute, slow down. you want to get it right. if you pass a bill and it doesn't work out and you rushed through, critics have a reason. >> speaking of facts on evidence, one other thing you have seen any evidence of this charge that the president wiretapped -- >> paul ryan is part of the gang of eight. he gets the most sense active information, so i asked him did you see any proof of this wiretap that president trump said exists. he said no. that ice another person. that's such an incendiary charge for the president to have made. >> how will it work out? >> there are two committees looking at this and they'll be rendering a judgment yay or nay whether this happened. what did he have to make this claim? did he have something to put it on or did he do it on a women. >> the president's budget is out. we're going to see it. we're going to see a big change. >> shrink government, stop spending money on stupid stuff. >> the "washington post" proposed it's likely to it. that's since anyone has seen. the cutting of the worse force. >> not just the snow storm but john dickerson. thanks so much. for the first time a deadly fire is linked to a hoverboard that was linked while charging. over . >> announcer: this national weather report sponsored by new parodontax, the new toothpaste that prevents bleeding gums. brings new question about the shooting of michael bruin in ferguson, missouri. >> proof. proof that the confrontation did not kill him. >> you're watching "cbs this morning". >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by servpro, helping make water and fire damage like it never even happened. y28cny ywty it can seem like triggers pop up everywhere. luckily there's powerful, 24-hour, non-drowsy claritin. it provides relief of symptoms that can be triggered by over 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"usa today" reports that toddlers are hospital liedsed. 20% are from baby carrier, 19% from cribs or mattresses and another 17% from strollers. 81% of the injuries were to the head, face, or neck. the wall street jornl said two drivers scuffled. kyle busch came away bloodied after taking a swing at joey logano. he was going for third place when logano bumped him off the crash. he blamed logano for the crash. logano said the collision was unintentional. >> he walked right up and smacked him. the federal government is investigating what it says is the first u.s. death linked to a hoverboard fire. a 3-year-old girl was killed when officials say the death was caused by a hoverboard. anna werner is here with the danger that first became an issue last summer. good morning. >> good morning. last year the product safety commission issued a recall after battery defects were discovered. this fire is the latest consumers may be faced with using some products with a lithium ion battery even with a federal government recall. fire officials in pennsylvania believe it was a hoverboard that was responsible for this house fire in harrisburg that killed 3-year-old ashanti hughes and critically injured two others. >> i heard some sizzling and crackling in the hoverboard and shortly thereafter it exploded in flames. >> reporter: the family was charged a hoverboard on the first floor when the fire started friday night. >> lieutenant dennis duvoe was responding. he was a 21-year-old veteran of the fire department involved in a faye tar car accident while responding to the call. since 2015 they have reported over 100 incidents with overheated hoverboard battery pax including this exploding unit at a mall in texas. >> if you own a hoverboard, please stop using it immediately. >> reporter: last summer the consumer product safety commission recalled over a million hoverboards producesed by different manufacturers. the lithium ion batteries can overheat and cause fires. >> they're notorious for starting fires and starting fires across the country. >> they have been linked to other dangerous defects in electronics including 2016 global recall of the galaxy phone and defects in laptop computers and electronic cigarettes. it's not immediately clear what brand may have caused that deadly fire but investigators will undoubtedly be looking for the details. charlie, welcome back. so good to see you. >> another painful and deadly reminder stop charge hoverboards. >> they're saying these things are not safe. a new documentary questioned what happened before the deadly confrontation between michael brown and a ferguson police officer. the documentary is called "stranger fruit." it shows the teenager did not shoplift before being killed. he insists brown gave the store clerks marijuana in exchange for two boxes of sig rios. >> he didn't rob the store. he did like others in the community do. he got some stuff from the store, left some stuff at the store, went back the next day to get it. >> reporter: they claim that the documentary edited the surveillance footage. pollock denies doing that. michael brown's family is suing. the ferguson police didn't said its spokesmen were not available. the california man accused of juming a white house fence is due in court. he was arrested friday night not far from 3r7's private residence. the 26-year-old appeared in court on saturday. police say tran was arrested with two cans of mace inside a backpa backpack. he claimed to be a friend of the president. mr. trump was in the white house at the time but the secret service said he was never in danger. tran faces up to ten years in prison. >> most friends of the president are not jumping the fence at midnight saying i'm a friend, he knows e i'm coming. >> that's right. he usually gets to walk through the gate. >> that's not the first piece of evidence you use. >> i tell you, it is amazing how far they get. >> it's not funny in the end. >> i do think that too rn, too, pets are getting treatment with marijuana. and later companies are plunging into a new kunld of work retreat. >> how far would you go to bond with your co-workers? how about simulating a plane crash into the water. i'm dana jacobson. coming up on "cbs this morning," we'll show you the survival school that's boosting office morale. 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>> huge impact. you know, a 13-year-old dachshund, usually they're going have a lot more issues with mobility and you can tell his quality of life is so much more enjoyable. >> there are some people who will say, however, that you are drugging your dog. >> okay. i beg to digger. i feel like this is botanical. this is pet medicine. >> the brown labels are made specifically for the animals. >> reporter: alison edle got into the medical marijuana field about 20 years aelg and in the past decade she has shifted from humans to animals. >> we don't differentiate. honestly i'm seeing better results in the animals and that human. >> she said it does for animals the same thing medical pot does for humans, alleviates pain, calm calms anxiety and cures cancer. this veterinarian is president of the california medical association. he said as more states legalize marijuana, cases of pets getting sick from ingesting their owner's pot are spiking. >> we see those pets come in with intoxications and they can run the gamut from being very mild to very severe. unfortunately there have been fayal overdoses. >> although he admits rates are fair, they cause sensory overload, lack of coordination, and tremors. >> if you follow the instructions and use small amounts, it us the not get the animal high. >> reporter: the animal won't get sick. as for bret hartman he hopes lawmakers clear the way for city which could clear the way of safety of cannabis for pits. >> i'm look for common sense legislation which is going to be based on facts. >> reporter: if people want to give pot to their pets, they have to have a valid cannabis card. veterinarians are not allowed to prescribe oreck mend marijuana for animals which means the pet owner is now acting out. it's causing concern for vets out there. if you're interest manager how much these cost, they're running between $30 and $60 apiece. >> thank you. >> you have a dog. >> i am. right now he's doing just fine. >> i would say if you give them a little filet mignon with some rice, they feel really good too. >> i was on the phone with charlie yesterday. he heard lucky barking away, my little guard dog. millions of americans brace for what could become the biggest northeast storm so far. we'll go back to chicago with dean reynolds. and the cities that could see up to 2 feet. combing up next, extreme race conditions. cyclists had to hold onto their >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by prudential. prudential. bring your challenges. we askede when they actually did start saving. this gap between when we should start saving and when we actually do is one of the reasons why too many of us aren't prepared for retirement. just start as early as you can. it's going to pay off in the future. if we all start saving a little more today, we'll all be better prepared tomorrow. prudential. bring your challenges. c'mohappy birthday! i survived a heart attack. i'm doing all i can to keep from having another one. and i'm taking brilinta. for people who've been hospitalized for a heart attack. i take brilinta with a baby aspirin. no more than one hundred milligrams as it affects how well it works. brilinta helps keep my platelets from sticking together and forming a clot. brilinta reduced the chance of another heart attack. or dying from one. it worked better than plavix. don't stop taking brilinta without talking to your doctor since stopping it too soon increases your risk of clots in your stent, heart attack, stroke, and even death. brilinta may cause bruising or bleeding more easily, or serious, sometimes fatal bleeding. don't take brilinta if you have bleeding, like stomach ulcers, a history of bleeding in the brain, or severe liver problems. tell your doctor about bleeding, new or unexpected shortness of breath, any planned surgery, and all medicines you take. talk to your doctor about brilinta. i'm doing all i can. that includes brilinta. if you can't afford your medication, astra zeneca may be able to help. sometimes, the only difference between a moment that fades from memory, and a moment that stays with you forever, is where it happens. that's why we're proud to help families like yours, live a lifetime of memories on beautiful, healthy, lawns. live like it's spring. make life better, with a beautiful, healthy, trugreen lawn. what's the story behind green mountain coffee and fair trade? 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not a good way to have a bike ride. >> you know those bikes are so lightweight. i'm glad nobody was hurt. >> i was going to say. they're okay. rapper, actor, and producer, that's a lot of stuff, ice cube. and hollywood squares. what he hopes to pass onto his son. charlie rose is back. gort about that. see you in a second. about a medication... ...this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain... ...and protect my joints from further damage. humira has been clinically studied for over 18 years. humira works by targeting and helping to... ...block a specific source... ...of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. it's proven to help relieve pain and... ...stop further joint damage in many adults. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas... ...where certain fungal infections are common and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. talk to your doctor and visit this is humira at work. for my constipation, i switch laxatives.ed stimulant laxatives make your body go by forcefully stimulating the nerves in your colon. miralax is different. it works with the water in your body to hydrate and soften. unblocking your system naturally. miralax. enamel is the strong, wof your tooth surface. the thing that's really important to dentists is to make sure that that enamel stays strong and resilient for a lifetime. the more that we can strengthen and re-harden that tooth surface, the whiter their patients' teeth are going to be. dentists are going to really want to recommend the new pronamel strong and bright. it helps to strengthen and re-harden the enamel. it also has stain lifting action. it's going to give their patients the protection that they need and the whiter teeth that they want. ♪ whattwo servings of veggies? v8 or a powdered drink? ready, go. ahhhhhhhh! shake! shake! shake! shake! shake! done! you gotta shake it! i ake it! glad i had a v8. the original way to fuel your day. live from the cbs broadcast center in philadelphia. this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news." >> morning, everyone, i'm jim donovan f you're planning to leave by philadelphia in the plane due to the upcoming snowstorm check your carriers. there were long lines this morning because of the approaching storm, some airlines are issuing travel waivers and allowing passengers to change their itinerary at no cost. we send it over to katie for a look at the storm. >> the storm itself not here yet, certainly, jim, but i want to give you the time line when it is actually going to make its arrival, the winds and the snow will be able to pick up, i would say after 10:00 tonight. when you will start to see the first flakes, the winds deceiving, but we have the winter storm warning taking effect as of 8:00. snow won't move in until late tonight. 2:00 a.m. to 12 noon. long window for the heaviest snow squawls coming to sleep in the city going of to 12 inches along i95, but at least a foot further to the north lingering snow showers and frigid winds on wednesday. meisha? >> be busy tomorrow morning. all right, thank you so much, katie. looking outside, we have an accident bristol durham road route 413, heads up, i want you to know about norristown high-speed line, track work going on for the platforms, 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. plus, disable vehicle on the schuylkill westbound at 20th street. jim, over to you. >> thank you shall meishament next update 8:25, coming up cbs this morning a look at the once beautiful city of mozul, now scene every isis, and i'm jim donovan, make it a great day. (vo)have to happen?idn't i didn't see it. (vo) what if we could go back? what if our car... could stop itself? in iihs front-end crash prevention testing, nobody beats the subaru impreza. not toyota. not honda. not ford. the all-new subaru impreza. more than a car, it's a subaru. that is such a good way to open this show today. it's month, march 13th, 2017. guess who's back? charlie rose day today. he's back. welcome back to "cbs this morning." i love that. more real news ahead, including co-workers who go to extremes to confront their fears and improve their morale. part of our "pushing the limit" series. but first our "eye opener" at 8:00. >> it's been snowing and as you can imagine we're just jumping for joy about it. >> they'll be activated and all state agencies are on heightened alert. >> it goes a little further to the east. this is where we believe it's going to go. >> already this weekend administration officials were out in force arguing no matter what the numbers show, they're wrong. >> the republicans have had two years to work on it. they're not on the same page. >> that's because have you ever gone out to dinner with your high school friends? you can all agree you're going to dinner but somebody wants chinese, somebody wants italian, somebody wants sushi. >> the wildcats. their first ever ncaa tournament. >> to the wildcats, remember our slogan which is latin for bring the rock to the rim, go wildc s wildcats. >> did you feel tingly? >> i felt happy. >> you got a hug from klaus. >> i did. when you get hugged by him, you have to worry about being squeezed to death. >> that's right. >> cue 7. >> i'm charlie rose. >> who are you? >> i'm charlie rose. >> there you go. it never gets old, charlie. >> with gayle king and norah o'donnell. >> yay. more than 50 million americans are bracing for a powerful wonder storm headed for the northeast. the dangerous system with dangerous white yout conditions overnight in parts of the midwest. more than 1,600 flights have already been canceled for today and tomorrow. >> that's not a good sign. winter weather watches, warning, and advisories are up in two dozen states. this storm will leave several inches of snow but areas from maryland to maine will get the worst of it, it seems. dean reynolds is in chicago where the snow is falling fast. deerngs good morning. still jumping for joy? >> oh, yes. it's been a rather mild winter up to today in chicago. but just a week before spring, chicago is getting hit with a big storm that is causing havoc right in the middle of the rush hour. now, overnight the storm created brutal travel conditions throughout the midwest. in some places it was nearly impossible to see roads. leading to spinningouts and accidents. some places will get 3 to 6 inches of snow today. chicago may get 8, which would be the largest snowfall since before christmas. in fact, this was a record-setting winter. for 106 years chicago had had snow in some form in january and february but not this year. in fact, a month ago people were golfing and playing on the beach. well, we got the snow now, norah, and we're just really thrilled about it. >> somebody's a little gruchlpy this morning. thank you so much. chief weather castor of our station is here to show us when and where the storm will hit hardest. lonnie, good morning. >> good morning, norah and everybody. the situation you saw in chicago, maybe they'll pick up 6. this is going to intense five as it moves to the east. it's not just because of the chicago storm. eats because of the interaction with another system that's just getting its action around the gulf coast. it sort of moves and merges and somewhere around the carolinas or virginia it pushes toward the ocean. a lot of rain along the coastal areas. bigger snows inland. if, however, and we're leaning our bets this way, it pushes a little further offshore, it's all cold enough everywhere inland to see from d.c. north, a lot of snow. okay. how does it work out? 11:00, you have snow in washington, d.c. 6:00 you have been dealing with snow. it's h it's heavy. by late tomorrow night and early wednesday morning it winds doubt with snow around northern new england. how much snow are we talking about? the story is how big the swath is that could catch a foot of snow or more. we're talking anywhere from washington, d.c. up into, say, portland, maichblt some 12 unchs or more. some could be 8 to 16 around tefl ya, 12 to 16 around new york city. it's not possible you could see a 24-inch reading. so it's a big storm for us. it's going to be the biggest one of the season for the northeast. we're going to stay on top of this one, charlie. >> thanks. the budget office could release its health care plan as early as possible. they'll estimate the cost of the proposed legislation and how many people could lose coverage. house speaker paul ryan defended the plan on "face the nation." he was asked if more americans will go without insurance. >> how many people are going to lose coverage under this billsome. >> i can't answer the question. it's up to people. here's the premise of your question, are you going to stop mandating people to buy insurance? people are going to do what they want. it's not our job to make people do something they don't want to to. it is our zwrob have a system where people can get universal access to affordable coverage if they choose to do sore or not. that's what we're going to be accomplishing. >> one republican said it has no chance. >> right now everybody is being nice to everybody because they want us to vote for it, but we're not going to vote for it. >> >> reporter: senator tom cotton and others in house, quote do, not walk the plank and vote for a bill that cannot pass the senate. he said republicans may lose the majority in the next election. terror groups are trapped in west side mosul. the last road out of the city is cut off and it's only matter o time before isis is totally defeated there. iraqi forces with help from u.s. air strikes have taken 60% of the territory once held by isis. holly williams is in western mosul watching those cities take back the city block by block. >> reporter: there's no way for isis fighters to survive this. air strikes. bridge dear general confirms with his men that they've hit their target and then sends his troops forward. >> 150 meters, killed more than 15. >> that means your men can push forward another 200 yards or so. >> there's no way out for the militants. they're surrounded and desperate. they're still lobbying. this shattered building is all that's left of mosul's museum. the exhibit nowhere to be seen. isis smashed them. artifacts from this country's ancient civilization, un-islamic. there's a sign saying what used to be here. >> there's nothing now. >> reporter: just destruction. >> yeah. that's what they did. everywhere. >> reporter: they're beating isis back in mosul, but on every street there's more evidence of the cray yos re chaos by them. >> i always admire holy's report. real guns, bullets, mortars, roar treatment. >> those are antiquities that can never be recovered. >> that's big story that they're able to route isis out of mosul. we've been waiting for that to haep. >> on to raqqah. >> she's there on the front lines. >> how would you boost your morale. one group of volunteers agreed to be dumped under water in a mock plane crash. no, thank you. we is the word of the day. gillian anderson is pushing around the world for women to support each other. theory in the toyota green room with their so-called manifesto. you're watching "cbs this morning." no one's surprised tender pieces and crunchy bites ended up together. that's just what happens when cats call the shots. friskies tender and crunchy combo. tasty textures cats gotta have. friskies. for cats. by cats. i've lost over 40 pounds. weight watchers, i've eaten everything i love. tacos, pasta... i've never felt deprived. in the first 2 months members have lost 15% more weight than on our prior program. join for free plus get a free fitbit flex 2. hurry, offer ends march 13th! so i use excedrin.ments from my life. it starts to relieve migraine pain in just 30 minutes. and it works on my symptoms, too. now moments lost to migraines are moments gained with excedrin. [heartbeat] this morning our "pushing the limit" series found an unconventional post. 32% of the americans feel engaged their work. that feeling can be a sim thom of bad morale in the workplace, but there's one company that takes a deep down approach to help co-workers bond by pushing them out of their comfort zone. dana jacobson is in groton, connecticut, to see how it works. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. i'm at survival systems, a company which started teaching techniques. those lessons could also be applied to the corporate world teaching leadership, teamwork, and boosting office morale. there is one catch. you have to be willing to take the plunge. these smiles and laughs hide what for some are very real fears. >> i was so terrified i almost didn't want to do it. >> reporter: it is a survival water class designed to teach office and team leadership while boosting morale. >> how nervous are you right now? >> beyond nervous. >> do you need that fear in order to bond? >> a sense of danger can be the key to unity. >> it takes people out of their comfort zone, lets them deal with stress, puts them in a bonding situation. wei want them to get tighter with their group. >> reporter: the group we followed, ten daring men and women from the mohegan sun & casino hotel were learninging to push their limits. poolside there's music blasting and fog to enhance the period. they don gear and go under water for 30 seconds. it didn't go well. >> here's the bad news. no one has it on right. >> reporter: once that kicks off, i thinks kick off with a splash. they plunge into a pool 14 feet below. >> have to say jumping from the tower was the most frightening part for me. i almost didn't do it. i went for it. >> what helps? >> the fact that everybody else did it. >> the early sr early survival are gentle. how to stay warm and work as a group. >> nice job, everybody. >> and how to inflate and climb into a life raft. the tension picks up as the team leaves the safety of a raft and climbs into a helicopter basket simulating a thunderstorm. once everyone is evacuated the first half of the class ends. >> i think the more challenging part is about the start. we're ready. we're ready for anything. >> up in the front. >> reporter: he's right. the second half ups the ante. every challenge is an underwater escape. first in what's called the sweat chair. buckled in upside down and disoriented team members have to punch out a window and get to the surface. the show stop irif not the heart stopper is saved for last. an aircraft fuselage is dumped upside down. five try to escape as the water rushes all around them. just watching is nerve-racking. and when it's all over -- so? >> so i survived. i'm super excited. >> the idea that this is better team bonding than other things, do you agree? >> absolutely, absolutely. >> why? >> i feel like when you're in a moment of sheer panic you come together better than you would imagine. so everybody was kind of supportive and cheering you on and patting you on the back. we survived. >> you know, it can get pretty realistic in here. i can tell you it's very realistic with the cold rain on me. the good news, it's a controlled environment so they can stop it. utmost safety is of concern here. there's a bonus. you actually do learn these survival techniques and that may help you. you hope you never have to use the skills but you'll have them if you need them. all of this, by the way, gayle, $900 per person. i don't know. i think it's our next "cbs this morning" bond effort. i think we all come out here. >> we're all saying, what you talking about, willis. >> for morale, i'll just send you over there from morning. >> why are you sending me? send her. why are you sending me? >> both of you. >> i have a better idea for team bonding. we go to your favorite restaurant and you pick up the bill. that's team bonding. >> i have a question. who's picked up more bills than anyone else? >> klaus. you, charlie. i still have my ipad. >> i do too. >> i see how it works. i just never walkts to do it. >> i cannot think of anything worse. >> get it. the classic hollywood sca"h squares" is getting new talent. how his new show "hip-hop squares" shows people how to have fun. we'll be right back. >> announcer: this morning's "pushing the limits" sponsored by pfizer. xeljanz xr. a once daily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz xr can reduce pain, swelling and joint damage, even without methotrexate. xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. don't start xeljanz xr if you have an infection. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz xr, and monitor certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. needles. fine for some. but for you, one pill a day may provide symptom relief. ask your doctor about xeljanz xr. an "unjection™". it can seem like triggers pop up everywhere. luckily there's powerful, 24-hour, non-drowsy claritin. it provides relief of symptoms that can be triggered by over 200 different allergens. live claritin clear. it's league night!? 'saved money on motorcycle insurance with geico! goin' up the country. bowl without me. frank.' i'm going to get nachos. snack bar's closed. gah! ah, ah ah. ♪ ♪ i'm goin' up the country, baby don't you wanna go? ♪ ♪ i'm goin' up the country, baby don't you wanna go? ♪ geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. former >> goods morning, i'm rahel sullivan, this weekend, acme was crowded. we go over to katie fehlinger with all of the details, hey, katie? >> good morning, everyone, in fact, yes, it is true, there is a large storm system headed our way. i wouldn't call it a crippling storm, but it is a dies, one piece of the puzzle you're looking at, actually separate piece of energy that will ride up the coast, from the midwest, to create a pretty substantial nor'easter, and expected to go up to new england, and will ends up with the worse of this, no picnic here either, 12 inches, i95, 12 inches at least, as go into those far north suburbs, then with mixing going on in south jersey, delaware, you're going to really be lidge in the your totals, but this time around. now, lingering snow showers, frigid wind wednesday, but the nor'easter will be over. >> good news, that there is an ending point, at least. so today, however, talking about a lot of accidents out there, some of which most of which is clear. also talking disable truck, 295 northbound off ramp to sloan avenue heads up on this, basically anywhere around 295 fright now you are traveling west than supposed speeds, sun glare, take a look at the slow downs schuylkill westbound at city avenue, pushing in the westbound or eastbound sides, similar story on the boulevard, right now, but very slow moving there, rahel, over to you. >> meisha, thank you. our next update 8:55, and ahead on cbs this morning the authors of inspire and g dave this fios party is da bomb! fo shizzle! it's tv totally ahead of its time. yo, let me check that. oh snap. that x1 voice remote is crunk! and it lets me search with the sound of my voice. what should i watch? things have come a long way since you got fios. [nervously laughs] what's fios? fios has fallen behind. don't fall with it. xfinity x1 will change the way you experience tv. welcome back to "cbs this morning." we haven't been able to say this since february 8th that charlie rose is sitting here at the table. >> yeah. >> and happy to be here. >> how does it feel so far two hours in in. >> absolutely -- i can't wait to come back tomorrow. >> i hope you come back tomorrow. said to charlie, what shall i wear to go along with your tux. he said whatever would be fine. >> you said pajamas. >> pajamas would be good. >> did you really say pajamas? ? >> i did. >> that would be hilarious. right now time to show you some of this morning's headlines from around the globe. as daylight savings starts states report they're tired of changing the clock. several states in new england want to shift permanently to atlantic standard time. that puts them one hour ahead of new york. the states considering the change, massachusetts, new hampshire, rhode island, and maine. the move would require federal action or congress. the time change could be bad of your health. risk for having a heart attack jumps 25% on a monday after losing an hour from daylight saving time. >> i don't like that. >> i believe it. i believe it. the hill quotes joe biden saying the search for cancer care would have been a priority if he were president. h former vice president spoke at a south by southwest austin festival in texas. >> i said i have one regret in making a decision not to run. that s i would have loved to have been the president who preside oefd over the end of ca as we know it. >> biden urged the trump administration to continue searching for a cancer cure. britain's "guardian" says boaty mcboat face will make its maiden voyage. it will leave chile. the name boaty mcboatface won a contest. >> i like that name. >> i do too. >> the smaller yellow submersefulab submersible would be boaty. >> it reminds me of boosie mcfosagas. you got it, right, charlie? >> yes a movie who zbikked their favorite lawyer. >> what was that word? >> what word? >> to what? >> what? did you say yutes? >> yeah, two yutes. >> what is a yute? >> two youths. >> he's a hero to many courtroom insiders. they say that can draw lessons from joe pesci. "my cousin vinny" came out 25 years ago today. jillian plays an fbi agent. she's put out a new book with her friend. they describe "we," a manifesto for women. it looks at how the rates of depression and anxiety among women are skyrocketing. "we" is published by atrium books, a division of sigh money & schuster, of cbs. good morning. >> good morning. >> good to have you both of you here. you're right about the "me" culture. describe it. >> we're very much a "me" culture. it's about me. this book is a rallying cry for women to put a different set of values. values that are antithesis for that that are based on kindness and honesty and compassion and courage to stand up for ourselves and our fellow human beings, so we can build bridging instead of walls. >> what's necessary to do that? >> what is necessary? one of the things we talk about is self-care. when we start getting honest with ourselves and making time for ourselves, it's easier for us to go out in the world and be kinder and show compassion to other people. >> ant you don't have to stop pretending. so many of us put on a face. we might wake up at 3:00 in the morning and go what are we doing here and i can't deal with my life and we put our makeup on and go out and start pretending. if we talk about how we really are, we can start developing the world that meets our real needs, not those that are making. >> you have nine different principles and that's one of them. in honesty, you write this, jen fefrmt imagine what it would be like if we told the truth what it is to be female. ing if we stop hiding our needs to appear likeable and you both wrote very candidly about things you have hiddenyour past. why did you feel, jillian and share some of the things in your book and why you felt the need to tell that? >> honesty is a huge part of the book. it's a foundation. it seems very important that we were willing to get as honest about ourselves. >> these are principles that ought to apply to men too. >> no. in fact, the men who have read this book have absolutely loved it and said what about me to which we say, you're welcome. you're welcome. but at this moment in history, you know, women are still lagging far behind men and particularly at this moment our rights are under threat. so we've written it for you. >> you've challenged equal pay. >> i did. >> about your co-star david duchovny. >> yes. even in 2015 when it happened . we're showing it's not okay to speak up as women were often silenced. there's a lot of back larchlt when i did actually speak up, the amount of responses i got from women, i mean ultimately empowered women, and so when we can stand up and show what is unacceptable to ourselves and society, then it's a good example. >> you end up feeling nauseous, i mean just physically nauseous. it was how many years before you were able to say we should be making same pay? >> well, initially when i had this -- this fight with fox was a few years into the season and i finally won parody, but when we did the episodes in 2015, i was off for less than half that of my co-star which completely boggled my mind. i eventually got there, but it was really important e was afraid of angering the man and shaming the woman in charge of making that decision. >> how did it turn out? >> we got pardy. >> you write, too, about depression. you were a broadcast journalist. you got a call to go to downing and you were sitting with your baby and you were -- >> it was at this moment i was living in a when then day. when i get the job, when get the kids, when i get the relationship i'll be happy and i had it and i was sitting there with my two kids throwing their pureed baby food at me when i got the call to go to downing street and i looked at my kids and thought. i can't do that, i can't go. and then my life unfolded. massive depression, burnout, and from that great gift. >> you say the outside looks rt great but if you're not happy on the inside nothing works. >> it ee true. it's true. so often we compare with how we feel on the inside which looks good on the outside which makes them feel more miserable and lonely. >> gillian anderson and jen nadel. it goes on sale wherever you like to buy your books. ice cube is a rapper, producer, and now he's entering the game show. he has a new twiftd on tic-tac-toe. that's just one of the many ♪ that's o'shea jackson better known as ice cube performing hip-hop. that's nearly 30 years ago. >> wow. >> wow is right. >> we're getting old. >> ice cube broke out as a solo artist back in 1990. since then he's sold more than ten albums worldwide with his socially cultural lyrics and commenta commentary. he went from songs to movies. he also works behind the scenes as a director and producer and now he doesn't have enough to do, so he said, i want a game show too. his latest is called "hip-hop squares." it ee's a reboot of hollywood squares. >> what do they have in common? >> i want to know the answer to that. >> awa is from compton and kevin costner is from the california area, so i'm going to say kevin costner straight out of compton. that's what i'm going to say. >> you disagrees with me. broke my heart. >> "straight outta compton." >> i was right about that. ice cube joins us at the table. hi, cube. great to have you. >> thanks for having me. >> you say it's "hollywood squares" with more flavah, f-l-a-v-a-h. what does that mean? >> have more flavor on it. guys from the hip-hop world, having a ball. a lot of them didn't know how to play tic-tac-toe, so it was extra fun to see them stumble around. its with great to see them coming out of what you're used to seeing and seeing their personalities shine. >> you're in the middle square. you're the boss too. i have to keep an eye on things. it can get out of hand with hip-hoppers. i want to keep an eye on things. it's just great. d.a. davis is our host and he keeps things moving. it premieres tonight. >> there's s eesome alcohol whi tends to loosen people up. >> they had a lot of fun. they didn't want to leave. hey, we didn't want to leave. >> there's another o'shea jackson, your son, jur. he's -- you know, just -- you put me on the spot. i feel like i'm talking to him right now. you know, keep your head about yourself, you know what i mean. don't let the business blow you up. i feel like with show business, you're as good as your last project, you know, so always be looking for that next project. >> you told me speaking of family in a 1998 interview, your father was your hero, he taught you business and say what you mean and be a man of your word. >> i use those things today. he also taught me it's better to listen than speak all the time. it's great having him there. he's still a hero to me, still a mentor, still in my corner, and i feel blessed just to have him in my life. >> and you carried those things onto your son. >> oh, yeah, without a doubt. i hit them with that all the opportunity all of my kids. i believe it's important to be present. not just there, but present. there's a difference, you know. be active and interested in what your kid's into and try to guide them through this crazy life. >> what is it about you that said, look, i'm part of a successful group, i can go solo? i'm part of a solo -- i'm part of the music work, i can go in movies. now i'm in movies and i can go into creating game shows. >> what is that gene if you? >> it's really recognizing the opportunities. one thing my mom and pops always taught me, too, is life is only going to present you with so many opportunities and you've got to have the courage to seize the moment and you can't hold yourself back by not stepping through those open doors when they present themselves. >> tell them, brother. >> that's really what it's all about. >> to follow up, here you are with nwa and now you're a mogul in business. do you marvel from that where you came from, the streets of compton to where you are now? you said your dad is your hero. >> it's a great story of, you know, what america can be, you know, for a lot of people, if you work hard. i look at all the guys that come out of my neighborhood. there's a few different ice cubes but the packet didn't go there way. i feel blessed and responsible to take advantage. if that's an example to my peers or to anybody, you know, that's great. >> the main thing is you've got to go out and try. >> you've got to try and believe in yourself. he said, hey, when are you going to try a movie? it was challenging, i was getting better an it. >> i love that you've been married to kimberly for ga stillian years. i love that part of your story. >> she's been my rock. she's the reason i'm here, you know. if i didn't have her, you know, i probably would have took a wrong turn somewhere, but she's been everything i needed to be in this moment right now. i love her to death. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. thank you, kimberly. o'shea jackson with a good irish fios is not cable. we're wired differently. maybe that's why we've been ranked highest in cutomer satisfaction by jd power 4 years in a row. and now you can love fios too. get 150 meg internet, tv and phone. all for $79.99 per month, for the first year with a two-year agreement. it's the only internet with equal upload and download speeds. cable only offers upload speeds that are a fraction of the download speeds. plus get hbo for a year and free multi-room dvr service for two years. get the best. go to pennsylvania is getting the law requires many to get their child abuse clearances. are you one of them? 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>> that can be so dangerous, all right, katie, thank you so much. good morning, looking at the ben franklin bridge, big push in the westbound direction toward center city, how busy, hoe somehow it still is out there on the ben bridge, vine however looks pretty good. westbound and eastbound side, doesn't matter, you're traveling at posted speeds on the vine, right, but here northbound high speed, inbound platforms 9:30 and 3:30 a.m., tweet that out for you, as well. jim, over to you. >> thanks very much, meisha. that's "eyewitness news" for now, join us for "eyewitness news" today at noon, i'm jim donovan. make it a great day. ♪ ♪ explore your treatment options with specialists who treat only cancer. every stage... every day.... at cancer treatment centers of america. learn more at chevy ireally...t awarded car company three years in a row. let's see how quickly you can read through all their awards. 2017 motor trend car of the year. kelly blue book 2016 best resale value... 2016 j.d. power highest quality breaking... ack. 10 best blah blah blah 2015... only about 90 more to go! that's a lot of awards! now through march 13, get 20% below msrp on all 2017 spark, impala and sonic models. that's over $8,000 on this chevy impala. find new roads at your local chevy dealer. >> announcer: twins, trapped by a seemingly incurable illness. >> their disorder has imprisoned them. >> announcer: will the doctors double dose of treatment be enough to save them? 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